SessionII Uzun PDF
SessionII Uzun PDF
SessionII Uzun PDF
Waste to Energy
Assoc. Prof. Basak Burcu UZUN
FOREBIOM Turkish Partner
Demand for energy and its resources, is increasing continuously due to the rapid outgrowth of
population and urbanization.
Present sources of energy are not sufficient to overcome the increasing needs.
The major energy demand is fulfilled from the conventional energy resources like coal, petroleum
and natural gas.
H.B. Goyal, Diptendu Seal and R.C. Saxena, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2008, 504-517,Vol 12
More than 85 % of energy demands are supplied by fossil fuels.
Effects of Fossil Fuel Consumption
Greenhouse Effect
Global Warming
Climate Change
Actual world carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels, as shown in BP’s 2012 Statistical Review
of World Energy. Fitted line is expected trend in emissions, based on actual trend in emissions
from 1987-1997, equal to about 1.0% per year.
Renewable Energy
A renewable energy system converts the nature energy (sun, wind, wave etc.) into a
form we can use, such as heat or electricity.
Using renewable sources of energy promotes sustainable living due to being pollution
free and economically feasible.
Approximately, 23 % of energy needs are supplied by biomass.
Solid biomass primary energy production for the EU since 2000 (in Mtoe)
What is biomass?
All organic material produced by plants or any conversion process involving life is called
Biomass, also known as biofuels or bioenergy, is obtained from organic matter either
directly from plants or indirectly from industrial, commercial, domestic or agricultural
Why Biomass?
Biomass Composition
Types of Biomass
Forest Residues
Tree branches, tops of trunks, stumps, branches, and
Agricultural Residues
Primarily stalks and leaves, not harvested or removed from
the fields, includes corn stover, wheat husk and rice straw
Industrial Waste
Citrus peels, sugarcane bagasse, milling residues,olive husks
Energy Crops
Switch grass, miscanthus, bamboo, sweet sorghum, tall
fescue, kochia, wheatgrass, and others
Conversion Methods
Biomass can be converted into heat and electricity in a number of ways. Depending
on its source, these processes include: combustion, pyrolysis, gasification,
liquefaction, anaerobic digestion or fermentation.
Mohan et. al, Energy & Fuels, Vol. 20, No. 3, 2006
Thermochemical Methods
35% biochar,
Fast pyrolysis product yields are typically 50–70% bio-oil, 10–30% bio-
char, and 15–20% syngas by mass.
Biomass must first be dried and ground to <2 mm particle size before
entering a fast pyrolyzer.
Pyrolysis Parameters
•Pyrolysis temperature
•Particle size
•Reactor geometry
•Heating rate
Bio-Oil is not stable as conventional fuels.
Proximate Analysis
Ultimate Analysis
Content Determination
Raw material
Thermal Analysis
To determine the thermal behaviour of the
material or kinetic study
Analyses Applied on Products
Contamination of bio-oil
Composition of Char
Char contains elemental carbon along with hydrogen and various
inorganic species.
• process heat
activated carbon
soil amendment
Negative carbon cycle