Asahi Songwon Colors Limited EIA PDF
Asahi Songwon Colors Limited EIA PDF
Asahi Songwon Colors Limited EIA PDF
Prepared by
Executive Summary
E.1 Background E-1
E.2 Project Description E-1
E.3 Size of Project E-2
E.4 Description of Environment E-3
E.5 Air Environment E-3
E.6 Water Environment E-4
E.7 Noise Environment E-5
E.8 Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures E-6
E.9 Environment Monitoring E-7
E.10 Environment Management Plan E-8
E.11 Qualitative Risk analysis E-8
E.12 Conclusion E-8
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the company 1-1
1.2 Purpose & Need of EIA 1-1
1.3 Statutory Requirements 1-3
1.4 Regulatory Framework 1-4
1.5 Terms of Reference accepted/issued by MoEF on 1-4
1.6 Industrial activities within 10 km radius 1-12
1.7 Statement of Principles 1-13
1.8 Study area 1-13
1.9 Site selection criteria 1-15
1.10 Objective of EIA 1-15
1.11 Scope of EIA 1-16
Location of Project
Site Selection
Since the unit has been already in existence since long and the unit
is good familiar with the surrounding environment, therefore, it
becomes easy for the unit to expand the project in the same
premises. However, besides this the selected project site has all basic
facilities like availability of water and natural gas, electricity, easy
availability of raw material, communication and transportation
facilities etc. as well as Treated effluent disposal facilities managed
by ECP Limited.
The nearest town Baroda is only 30 km away from the project site
which is very well connected with other parts of the country by road,
rail and air. No R & R will be required. No national park or wildlife
Habitats falls within 10 km radial distance from proposed project site.
As the easy availability of all necessary thing, the alternative for the
project site location is not thought of.
The unit has been already involved in the manufacturing of CPC blue
crude and now, intends to expand it production capacity as under,
Sr. Product Existing New Total
No. capacity Capacity Capacity
in MT/ Addition in MT/
month in MT/month month
Product Expansion in existing Plants
01 Phthalocyanine Blue Crude 850 150 1000
02 Pigment Beta Blue-A/B 100 400 500
New Products Additions
01 Pigment Alpha Blue: 15 / 15.1 -- 60 60
02 Pigment Violet – 23 -- 25 25
03 Pigment Green – 7 -- 200 200
Grand Total of Capacities : 950 835 1785
Bye Products
1 Blue Crude Plant
Ammonium Sulphate/Carbonate 0 1200 1200
2 Pigment Green Plant
HCl - 20% 0 150 150
Sodium Hypochlorite solution - 12% 0 200 200
3 Alpha Blue Plant:
Dilute Sulphuric Acid - 30% 0 1370 1370
Color: All the Six samples were found colorless and meeting
desirable norms.
pH: All the samples meet the desirable standards (pH ranges from
7.1 to 7.6).
The Leq values of noise levels during day-time varied between 53.5
to 61.5 dB(A) Highest Leq daytime value was recorded Project Site,
however it is less than the prescribed limit for the residential (75
dB(A)). The Leq values of noise levels during night time varied
between 39.5 to 57.4 dB (A). Highest Leq night time value was
recorded Nr. Project Site which is less than prescribed limit (70 dB
Air Environment
Since M/s. Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd. is the main source of air
pollution is from flue gas stacks and process gas stack. However, the
unit has already provided adequate air pollution control measure.
After proposed expansion there will one boiler and Six thermic fluid heaters
& Five Spin Flash Dryer will be added.
Unit has proposed to install Bag Filter to flue gas stack and two stage
water scrubber to the process gas stack, which will also be adequate
to meet stipulated norms. Adequate stack height will also be
provided for proper dispersion of gaseous emission.
The unit has provided all the precautionary measures to control the
fugitive emission.
The unit has already developed green belt on the area of 5475 sq mt.
which will be increased up to 29850 sq. mt. Thus, total area allotted
for the green belt development after proposed expansion will be @
35% of the total industrial area.
The unit proposes to carry out post monitoring for the verification of
compliance of the GPCB norms and arrange the schedule for the
same. The details of the post monitoring facilities are given
Risk analysis and study have been carried out for identification of
hazards, selection of credible scenarios, Risk Mitigation measures etc.
All the hazardous chemicals will be stored and handled as per MSDS
E-12 Conclusion:
M/s. Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd. is the existing unit located at Survey
No. 429 to 432, Village: Dudhwada, Taluka: Padra, Dist.: Vadodara,
State: Gujarat. The unit has been established in the year April, 2005.
Unit has been involved in manufacturing of CPC Blue Crude & Pigment
Beta Blue-A/B with 850 MT/month & 100 MT/month production
Now, Unit envisage to increase the production capacity of CPC Blue
from 850 MT/month to 1000 MT/month, Pigment Beta Blue-A/B from
100 MT/month to 500 MT/month with introduce of three new products
– Pigment Alpha Blue: 15/15.1 with 60 MT/month, Pigment Violet-23
with 25 MT/month and Pigment Green-7/36 with 200 MT/month
production capacities.
The promoter Mr. Munjal M. Jaykrishna, Managing Director of the
company, A young and dynamic MBA has very good business
experience in the same field since last 15 years. The company is also
supported by other senior personal including Mr. S. R. Dhoble, a
Chemical Engineer and Vice President have more than 25 year
experience in the chemical industries and overall controlled by the
Executive Directors. The quality of the product has been dramatically
improved and the product has been accepted in the domestic and
international market. Since the unit also believes in the sustainable
development with production and product quality, the unit is equally
concern with the environment preservation and pollution control.
The proposed expansion of M/s. Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd. is for CPC
crude and CPC Beta Blue with addition of three new products i.e.
Pigment Alpha Blue: 15/15.1, Pigment Violet-23, Pigment Green-7,
which are covered under the said EIA notification and require to carry
out Environmental Impact assessment for its proposed project and
also, require to prepare the report on the same for the perusal of MoEF
for judging the environmental compatibility of the project as discussed
during the presentation of Terms of Reference to Expert committee of
MoEF on dated 22nd October, 2010.
The MoEF, CPCB and SPCBs together form the regulatory and
administrative core of the sector. Legislation for environmental
protection in India for chemical industry is mainly EIA Notification-
2006, water (Prevention & control of pollution) act-1974, Air
(Prevention & control of pollution) act-1981, Water (Prevention and
Control of Pollution) Cess Act, 1977; Hazardous Wastes (Management
and Handling) Rules, amended time to time etc are major
Act/rules/notification applicable to industry.
Project Site
The existing unit of Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd. is located at Survey
No.: 429 to 432, Village: Dudhwada, Taluka: Padra, Dist.: Vadodara,
Gujarat. Since the unit has adequate land for the expansion and site
location is preferable, the proposed project will be carried out in the
same premises.
Longitude: 22011’35.47” N
Latitude: 72053’55.47” E
Environmental Components
The unit is an existing unit, located at Survey No. 429 to 432, Village:
Dudhwada, Taluka: Padra, Dist.: Vadodara, State: Gujarat. The unit
has been already in existence and the unit is good familiar with the
surrounding environment, therefore, it becomes easy for the unit to
expand the project in the same premises. However, the base of
selection of site was primarily based on the availability of the following
Availability of all basic facilities like fuel, water, power,
manpower, raw materials, etc.
The nearest town Baroda is only 30 km away from the project
site which is very well connected with other parts of the country
by road, rail and air.
Good communication and transportation facilities
A treated Effluent disposal facility is also very near to project site
i.e. Effluent Channel Projects.
No R & R will be required
No national park or wildlife Habitats falls within 10 km radial
distance from proposed project site.
Base on the same suggest and design risk assessment plant and
disaster management plant to prevent any hazard
Preparation of final Environmental Impact Statement & EMP
Figure 1.1
Location Map
Asahi Songwon
Figure 1.2
Figure 1.3
Chapter 2
Project Description
M/s. Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd. is the existing unit located at survey
no. 429 to 432, village: Dhudhwada, Taluka: Padra, Dist.: Vadodara,
State: Gujarat. Now, the unit proposes to expand its production
capacity of CPC Blue and Pigment Beta Blue-A/B in existing product
with capacity of 850 MT/month & 100 Mt/Month respectively. Now
Unit envisage to increase the production capacity of CPC Blue from
850 MT/Month to 1000 MT/month, Pigment Beta Blue from 100
MT/Month to 500 MT/Month with introduce of three new product –
Pigment Alpha Blue with 60 MT/month, Pigment Violet – 23 with 25
MT/Month and Pigment Green – 7/36 with 200 MT/Month.
The unit is existing unit, located at Survey No. 429 to 432, Village:
Dhudhwada, Taluka: Padra, Dist.: Vadodara, State: Gujarat.
The location of the project site is given hereunder in terms of
longitude and latitude.
Longitude : 22011’35.47” N
Latitude : 72053’55.47” E
Elevation from sea level is 25 meter.
Since the proposed expansion is in the existing premises
admeasuring total area of the premises of 85259 sq. mt. Out of
which @ 16306 sq. mt. area has been already utilized for existing
production. The detail break of the area is given hereunder,
Manufacturing Process:
(1) Charge required quantity of Phthalic Anhydride, Urea in a Glass
Vessel, which is already having a solvent at desire temperature.
(2) Heating the content to higher temperature and then, addition of
catalyst and Cuprous Chloride to it.
(3) Raise the temperature of the reaction mass at desire temperature
and maintain this temperature for 6/8 hours.
(4) After reaction is over, draw the sample and check for complete
conversion of Phthalic Anhydride to CPC Blue Crude.
(5) Discharge the batch into Horizontal Rotary Vacuum Dryer (HRVD)
and remove the solvent under vacuum. After complete removal of
solvent add water to the Horizontal Rotary Vacuum Dryer (HRVD)
and transfer the material to treatment tank.
(6) Give the requisite treatment to CPC Blue Crude and filter it
through PP Filter Press.
(7) Dry the material using Spin Flash Dryer (SFD) and collect the
dried powder in bags and send it to Godown.
Steam 1950
Water 3980 Alkali Treatment
Caustic lye 300
o The wet cake is dried in Spin Flash Dryer and the material is
collected in jumbo bags and dispatched to godown for sale.
Sulphuric Acid
Total Total
58022 Dispatch 58022
• After the reaction is over the material is dumped in water and filtered. The
Mother Liquor is collected in ETP plant and sold to textile mills.
• In the filter, wash the cake to neutral pH, then, it is removed from the filter
• After the solvent finishing is over the material is filtered again and washed
with water to bring the pH neutral.
• Wet cake is removed from the filter press and dried in Spin Flash Dryer to
recover the CPC Green powder.
AlCl3 + NaCl/NaBr
CPC Blue + Cl2 /Br2 CPC Green + HCl /HBr
+ Cl +
Cl Cl Al
+ Na Cl
N Cu N Cl
Cl Cl
Cl N N N Cl
Cl Cl
N Cu N + HCl
Cl Cl
Cl + Cl
Cl Cl
Water 5000
Xylene 6000
Caustic 350 Pigmentation/ Solvent 5700
Treatment Loss 300
Emulsifier 50
Steam 4320
Solvent finishing
CH 3
+ H 3C S OH
CH 3 CH 3 O
O N -
+ HO N
CH 3 O CH 3 H
+ N
N - 2+ N
N O Fe H
+ HO CH 3
H Cl
CH 3
N Cl O
+ O Cl
+H N
Cl H CH 3
CH 3 H Cl
Cl CH 3
Carbazole 1100
MCB 880
Caustic Soda 1400
Ethylation MCB recover 850
Diethyl Sulphate 880
Additive 50
Tray Dryer
Additives 25
MCB 1250 Solvent-MCB 1200
Packing 1000
Total 19158
Total 19158
2.7.3 Fuel
At present there are two steam boiler having steam generation
capacity of 2.5 TPH & 10 TPH FBC Boiler and Six Thermic fluid
heaters of 800u & 500ux2 TPH, 1500x2 TPH & 1000 TPH capacity
respectively, where coal / lignite is used as fuel.
After proposed expansion there will one boiler and Six thermic fluid
heaters & Five Spin Flash Dryer will be added. The details of stack
and process emission are tabulated in table no-2.8. Details of fuel
consumption are summarized in table no-2.7.
2.7.4 Power
M/s. Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd. fulfills power requirement through
Madhya Gujarat Vij Utpadan Company Limited (MGVUC). At present
the connected load is 750 KWH and after proposed expansion it will
be increased up to 96+750 KWH. Source of power remain same i.e.
Madhya Gujarat Vij Utpadan Company Limited (MGVUC).
C) Fugitive Emission
There are also chances of the fugitive emission due to handling of
process gas emission and hazardous chemicals as well as due to
liberation of the excess solvents from the reactors.
However, to prevent the same the unit takes all the precautionary
measures like adequate scrubbing system to absorb the process gas
and to carry out entire process in the closed reactors, etc. Work
place environment for existing activities are given in Table No.
D) Hazardous/Solid waste
The main source of hazardous waste generation is ETP sludge from
the Effluent Treatment facilities. The other sources are discarded
barrels/bags/liners/drums and spent/waste oil from the material
handling and storage and plant & machinery.
The details of the hazardous waste are given Table-2.11 & 2.12.
E) Noise
Noise can be defined as an unwanted sound. It interferes with speech
and hearing and is intense enough to damage hearing or is otherwise
annoying. The definition of noise as unwanted sound implies that it
has an adverse effect on human beings and their environment. Noise
can also disturb natural wildlife and ecological system. Sound is
mechanical energy from a vibrating surface, transmitted by cyclic
series of compression and rarefaction of molecules of the materials
through which it passes.
Sound can be transmitted through gases, liquids and solids. The
number of compressions and rarefactions of the air molecules in the
unit of time is described as its frequency. Frequency is expressed in
hertz (Hz), which is the same as the number of cycles per second.
Noise monitoring for existing plant activities ate given in Table No.
526 m3 /day
487 m3 /day
Beta Blue WW
630 m3/day
630 m3 /day 580 m3/day
RO Reject
140 m3 /day
Back Wash Reuse Water
50 m3/day 440 m3 /day
Disposal to MEE
140 m3 /day
Table No 2.2
Hazardous Chemicals storage facilities
Lignite Analysis
Ultimate analysis by % weight (Dry basis)
Component Lignite
Carbon 40.00
Hydrogen 2.20
Nitrogen 0.60
Sulphur 1.8 – 2.4
Oxygen 7.00
Ash 10 – 12
Moisture 30 - 33
G.C.V (Kcal/kg) 3300
Coal Analysis
Ultimate analysis by % weight (Dry basis)
Component Imported coal
Carbon 40.00
Hydrogen 2.20
Nitrogen 0.60
Sulphur 0.5
Oxygen 7.00
Ash 6-7
Moisture 35 - 36
G.C.V (Kcal/kg) 5600 (+/-100)
Table 2.4
Details of water consumption and wastewater generation
Table 2.5
Details of Effluent Treatment Plant
Sr. Name of the Equipment Nos. of units Size of the unit with
No. SWD in m
Table 2.6
Performance of Existing ETP
(Date of sampling: 14/02/11)
Table 2.7
Details of fuel consumption
Table 2.8
Details Stacks
Sr. Stack Fuel Type Stack APC Probable
No. attached to Height, measures emission
in m
Flue Gas Stacks
SPM=<150 mg/Nm3
1. -- 32 Separator
Steam boiler-1 SO2=<100 PPM
followed by Bag NOX=<50 PPM
FBC IBR Boiler Cyclone
SPM=<150 mg/Nm3
2. (10TPH) & -- 32 Separator
SO2=<100 PPM
IBR Boiler followed by Bag NOX=<50 PPM
(2.5 TPH) Filter
SPM=<150 mg/Nm3
3. Thermic Fluid -- 32 Separator
SO2=<100 PPM
heater 1, 2 & 3 followed by Bag NOX=<50 PPM
SPM=<150 mg/Nm3
4. Thermic Fluid -- 32 Separator
SO2=<100 PPM
Heater 4 & 5 followed by bag NOX=<50 PPM
SPM=<150 mg/Nm3
5. Thermic Fluid -- 32 Separator
SO2=<100 PPM
heater – 6 followed by Bag NOX=<50 PPM
Process Gas Stacks
Dryer – 2
4 Spin Flash -- 6 Bag Filter SPM=<150 mg/Nm3
Dryer – 3
Flue Gas Stacks
Cyclone SPM,
1 Lignite 32 Separator SO2,
Boiler – 3
followed by Bag
Filter NOX
Cyclone SPM,
2 Thermic Fluid Separator
-- 32 SO2,
Heater 7 – 8 followed by Bag
Filter NOX
Cyclone SPM,
3 Thermic Fluid Separator SO2,
-- 32
Heater 9 – 10 followed by Bag
Filter NOX
Cyclone SPM,
4 Thermic Fluid Separator SO2,
-- 32
Heater 11 – 12 followed by Bag
Filter NOX
Process Gas Stacks
Two Stage HCl :- <20
Chlorination &
1 -- 18 Water Scrubber mg/Nm3
Followed by Cl2 :- <10
alkali scrubber mg/Nm3
2 Spin Flash -- 11 Bag Filter SPM
Dryers 1
3 Spin Flash -- 11 Bag Filter SPM
Dryers 2
4 Spin Flash -- 11 Bag Filter SPM
Dryers 3
5 Spin Flash -- 11 Bag Filter SPM
Dryers 4
6 Spin Flash -- 11 Bag Filter SPM
Dryers 5
Table 2.9(a)
Table 2.9(b)
Table 2.10
Result of Work place monitoring
Sr. Pollutant Location Results Results Results
3 3
No. μg/m μg/m μg/m3
14/02/11 16/02/11 18/02/11
1 RPM Packing area 229 208 211
5 HC Nr. Rotary 32 29 34
Vacuum Dryer
6 HC Nr. Solvent 18 32 27
Storage tanks
Table 2.11
Details of Solid / Hazardous waste
Table 2.12
Table 2.13
Noise survey
Sr. Location Noise Level Noise Level Noise Level
No. In dBA In dBA In dBA
Date:14/02/11 Date:16/02/11 Date: 18/02/11
1. Inside Plant Building 77.5 76.7 75.9
2. Nr. Drier 69.7 77.5 68.2
3. Nr. Process Vessel 73.6 82.0 72.1
4. Nr. Elect. Panel Room. 69.3 77.2 68.0
5. Nr. Boiler Room 77.4 76.6 75.8
6. Nr. Rotary vacuum 78.0 72.4 73.8
7. Nr. Spin Flash Dryer 76.2 75.2 72.9
8. Nr. Scrubbering area 73.6 82.0 72.1
9. Inside Lab 68.2 75.9 66.7
10. Nr. Main Gate 61.1 60.6 59.4
11. ETP 68.7 76.5 67.3
12. RM Storage yard 62.7 59.4 66.4
Figure: -2.1(a)
Raw water
2188 kl/d
Process Scrubber Boiler Cooling Reject
982 145 191 Tower 225
Steam 525
Sock pit Ev. Loss 6 67
22 Steam Liq. Ammonia
(12-15%) Blow Down Blid off
145 20 157
Ev. Loss
ETP Collection Tank
1482 kl/d
Raw water
2105 kl/day
Blow Blow
Process Scrubber down off
1996 kl/day 225 kl/day 23 20
EV Loss
Ammonium Sulphate &
Ammonia carbonate/
HCl-3 / NoCl-4 / AlCl3
with RO
1926 kl/day
Solid-10 m3/day
Recover MEE
487 526m3/day E.V loss-29 m3/day
(G + V)
501 kl/day
501+100 + 23+20+530=1174
*(G + V) means effluent generates from Green-7 and Pigment Violet, which directly taken
in to ETP.
Water Balance Diagram (Recycling)
Water Balance Diagram (Recycling)
526 m3 /day
487 m3 /day
Beta Blue WW
630 m3/day
630 m3 /day 580 m3/day
RO Reject
140 m3 /day
Back Wash Reuse Water
50 m3/day 440 m3 /day
Disposal to MEE
140 m3 /day
1A 2 Ammonia
Acidic FCS
2 Tower 4
stream 3
1B 2
8A 10 A
11 12
Stream 5B FLC
6 10 B
8B 9B
5C 13
Figure 2.3
Site plan/plan layout
Description of the Environment
3.1 Introduction
The following criteria were taken into account while designing the
ambient air quality-monitoring network:
Topography/Terrain of the study area
Populated areas within the region
Prediction of maximum concentrations and distances of their likely
Occurrence under prevailing meteorological conditions
Representation of regional background
Representation of valid cross sectional distribution in downwind
Availability of infrastructure facilities like electricity, approach,
safety of equipments etc.
3.2.2 Reconnaissance
Relative Humidity
For the study area, the year can be broadly divided into following
Winter Season (November to February)
Summer Season (March to May)
Monsoon Season (June to September)
Transition Month (October)
Winter is mostly cool and pleasant season. Sky is clear with stray
high clouds, winds blowing mainly towards South – West direction.
December and January are the coolest months. April and May are the
hottest months.
The existing baseline levels with respect to PM10, SO2, and NOx are
presented in Tables 3.3 to 3.5 along with statistical analysis;
represent the cross sectional distribution of baseline air quality status
of the study region and graphical representations for PM10, SO2 and
NOX are given in Figure 3.2 to 3.4.
The average and 98th percentile value of 24-hourly PM10 values at all
the locations ranged between and 60-73 μg/m3 and 64-79 μg/m3
respectively, meeting the CPCB standards of 100 μg/m3. The 24-
hourly concentration values show that the values are well within the
prescribed limit.
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
The average and 98th percentile value of 24-hourly SO2 at all the
locations ranged between 15-20 μg/m3 and 17-22 μg/m3 respectively,
Color: All the six samples were found colorless and meeting
desirable norms.
pH: All the samples were meet the desirable standards (pH ranges
from 7.1 to 7.6).
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): TDS in samples ranges from 857
mg/l (Gametha) to 1164 mg/l (Kahanva). All the samples meet the
permissible limit of 2000 mg/l (If alternate sources of potable water
are not available).
Calcium: Calcium contents in the water ranges from 38 mg/l
(Gametha) to 54 mg/l (Project Site), all the samples meet the
desirable limit of 75 mg/l.
3.4.2 Methodology
To understand the noise environment in the study area, a survey was
conducted using Sound Level Meter at each of the locations (Figure
3.4.6 Conclusions
The hourly Leq noise levels recorded at various locations in the study
area show considerable fluctuations because of changes in traffic
movement, commercial and industrial activities in the study area.
Though the noise levels found within the prescribed limit both during
day time as well as night time, however the noise level (Leq daytime
as well as Leq night time) found at all locations within limit.
3.5.1 Introduction
Soils may be defined as a thin layer of earth’s crust that serves as a
natural medium for the growth of plants. It is the unconsolidated
mineral matter that has been subjected to and influenced by natural
as well as anthropogenic factors. Soil serves as a reservoir of
nutrients for plants and crops and also provides mechanical
anchorage and favorable tilth.
The study area has primarily Black type of soil. The soils of this type
basically originate from alluvium rocks. According to texture
classification, this belongs to Clay & Clay slit category. This type of
soil has moderate permeability and water retention capacity.
3.5.3 Findings
Physical Parameters
Particle Size: Particle sizes of the different constituents (clay, silt,
and sand) control the porosity and water holding characteristic of the
soil. Clay (size <0.002 mm) amount in the soil samples ranges from
21% to 29%; Silt (size 0.002 to 0.075 mm) in the soil samples is
30% to 35%; Sand (size 0.075 to 0.475 mm) in the soil samples is
21% to 28% and Gravel (size >4.75 mm) in the soil samples ranges
from 14% to 18%. Analysis shows it is clay loamy soil with moderate
water holding capacity.
Chemical Parameters
pH: pH was determined by taking 1:5 ratio of soil and distilled water.
pH of soils in the study area is found to be in the range of 7.4 to 7.9.
The soils of the study area are neutral in nature.
The main land use in urban area is for dwellings, infrastructure and
related activities. These are primarily based on 2001 Census are
presented in Table 3.13.
Educational Facilities
As per 2001 census, in the study area of 16 villages, the total
numbers of educational institutions in various categories are 79. Out
of which 44 are primary schools, 9 are high schools, 4 are Pre
University/ higher secondary school and 22 are Adult Literacy Class.
Medical Facilities
In the study area, consisting of 16 villages as per 2001 census, out
of which 13 have Registered Private practitioners, 19 community
health workers, 5 primary health sub center, 6 family planning
centers, 6 dispensaries and 4 maternity homes.
Power Supply
As per 2001 census record out of 16 villages in study area, all the
villages are getting power supply for all purposes.
3.7.1 Terrestrial Ecology (Flora)
Some plantation of Limdo, Baval, Banana etc are found in the study
area. Forest occurring in the area is not under the category of
reserved forest, but is under control of revenue department. The
structure and type of vegetation depends on climatic conditions and
physiography of an area. Climate of the study area is arid to semi
arid and suited for the growth of selected variety of vegetation. The
tree spices found in the study area as well as in the forest area are
presented in Table No. 3.17.
2 Dudhvada W 1.8
Industrial 75 70
Commercial 65 55
Residential 55 45
Silence 50 40
Name of No. of Total Population Literates Total main Cultivators Agricultural Marginal Non-Worker
the Occupie (Including Workers Laborer Workers
Village/ d institutional and
Town/ Residen houseless
Ward tial population)
House P M F M F M F M F M F M F M F
Karkhadi 983 4484 2436 2048 1726 1169 1385 68 255 03 671 47 04 03 1047 1977
Kareli 1144 5431 2832 2599 1972 1083 1648 577 658 84 683 282 68 270 1196 1752
Kahanva 1636 7810 4202 3608 2815 1395 2475 494 941 100 1196 383 121 950 1606 2164
Dudhwada 400 1804 941 863 747 556 538 135 158 2 193 35 41 154 362 574
Gametha 483 2399 1269 1130 964 578 629 19 322 10 360 697 155 695 487 416
Chokari 1561 7880 4217 3663 2836 1346 2079 549 673 48 921 742 444 1183 1694 1931
Tihor 960 4495 2428 2067 1614 693 1345 406 232 33 637 209 119 91 964 1570
Majatan 571 2741 1440 1301 1050 587 823 43 340 166 279 517 65 669 552 589
Chitral 342 1733 882 851 598 374 461 103 149 10 263 134 50 153 371 595
Vishrampura 510 2623 1358 1265 1008 631 588 190 197 25 457 447 205 491 565 584
Muval 818 3946 2070 1876 1464 1028 1148 279 322 49 369 442 60 520 862 1077
Piludara 902 4269 2255 2014 1740 1134 1319 527 499 40 309 81 5 12 931 1475
Masar 716 3429 1772 1657 1236 774 1019 407 256 200 497 343 66 373 687 877
Kural 567 2620 1393 1227 995 624 640 74 185 8 363 266 199 244 554 909
Gavasad 713 3448 1849 1599 1368 907 1118 467 215 12 293 247 0 111 731 1021
Pindapa 282 1473 782 691 603 313 447 66 195 89 148 128 16 156 319 469
Name of Educational Medical Drinking Communication Transportation Approach Nearest town Power
Village Facility Facility Water (Post Facility to and Distance Supply
Facility or Telegraph) (bus etc.) Village (Kms.)
Karkhadi P(2), H, PUC, MH,PHC,FPC T,W,TK,R PO, Phone BS PR Padra-24 EA
Ac ,RP
Kahanva P(15),H, PHS,D, T,W,TW PO, Phone BS,RS PR,KR Jambusar-26 EA
Ac(3) FPC,RP,
Dudhwada P CHW T,W,TK PO, Phone BS PR Padra-18 EA
Gametha P,H CHW T,W,TK,TW PO BS PR Jambusar-18 EA
Kareli P(7),H, Ac(6) CWC,PHS, T,W PO, Phone BS PR Jambusar-21 EA
Chokari P, Ac(9) D,RP,CHW T,W,TK,R PO, Phone BS PR Padra-18 EA
Tihor P(2) RP,CHW T,W,TK,TW, PO, Phone BS PR Padra-18 EA
Majatan P RP,CHW T,W,TK PO, Phone BS PR Padra-17 EA
Chitral P,H CHW T,W,TK,TW PO BS PR,KR Padra-19 EA
Vishrampura P,Ac CHW T,W,TK PO BS PR Padra-14 EA
Muval P,H D,RP,CHW T,W,TK,TW PO, Phone BS PR Padra-16 EA
Piludara P(6),H, PUC, PHS,FPC, T,W,HP PO, Phone BS PR Jambusar-18 EA
Ac RP(2), CHW
Masar P(2),H, PUC, MH,PHS,D, T,W,TK,TW PO, Phone BS PR,KR Jambusar-12 EA
Kural P,H,PUC MH,D,RP(2), T,W,TK,N PO, Phone BS,RS PR Padra-20 EA
Name of Educational Medical Drinking Communication Transportation Approach Nearest town Power
Village Facility Facility Water (Post Facility to and Distance Supply
Facility or Telegraph) (bus etc.) Village (Kms.)
Gavasad P MH,PHS,D, T,W,TK,TW PO, Phone BS PR Padra-18 EA
Pindapa P CHW T,W,TK PO BS PR,KR Padra-19 EA
P - Primary School
H - Matriculation/High School
PUC - Higher Secondary/Pre P University/Junior College/ Inter.
AC - Adult Literacy Class/ Centre
Medical Facility
PHC - Primary Health Centre
PHS - Primary Health Sub-Centre
RP - Registered Private Practitioner
D - Dispensary
MH - Maternity Home
FPC - Family Planning Centre
CHW - Common Health Worker
Drinking Water
T - Tap Water
W - Well Water
TW - Tube well Water
TK - Tank water
HP - Hand Pump
N - Nallah
BS - Bus
RS - Railway Station
Approach to Village
PR - Pucca Road
KR - Kachcha Road
Power Supply
EA - Electricity for all purpose
Land Use
R - River
TWE - Tube well
T - Total
Table 3.18 List of Amphibia, Reptilia and Birds in the study area
5 KM Radius
Project site
Figure 3.7
Sources of Impact
There are chances of impact on the air environment due to
installation of new machinery during construction phase and due to
gaseous emission from the flue and process gas stacks during
operational phase.
4.2.1 Prediction of impact
Construction Phase
Since the proposed expansion will be carried out in the existing
premises, no major construction activities will be carried out.
However, there will be chances of dust emission from site cleaning
and construction activity and minor excavation activities. This will be
limited only up to working area. Dust and other emissions are not
likely to spread in wider area, which would affect homes and other
properties. Dust will generate within working areas and measures will
need to taken to protect workers.
However, to mitigate the impact due to Suspended Particulate Matter
(SPM), regular sprinkling of the water will be done along with the
construction activities.
4.2.2 Operational Phase
The impacts on air quality from any project depend on various
factors like design capacity, configuration, process technology, raw
There are also chances of process gas emission- mainly HCl/Cl2 from
the manufacturing of pigment Green-7, where the unit will provide
multistage scrubbing system to reduce emissions of HCl/Cl2.
In Blue Crude plant, NH3 gas will be generated. The unit is already
having scrubbing system in place which is working efficiently and
effectively. The unit proposes to install scrubbing system as per
existing system.
The unit will provide adequate stacks heights of 32 m for the flue gas
stacks (Boiler & Thermic Fluid Heater) and 15-18 m for process gas
stacks, which is adequate for the proper dispersion of the gaseous
To minimize fugitive emission the unit has adopted the practice of
carrying out entire manufacturing process into closed vessel as well
as provided adequate scrubbing system for efficient absorption of
process gas. Unit also takes special care while solvent recovery.
predicted using this air quality model keeping in view the plain
terrain at the project site. The micrometeorological data monitored at
project site during study period have been used in this model.
The Gaussian model provides estimates of pollutant concentrations at
various receptor locations. It is an hour-by-hour steady state
Gaussian model which takes into account the following:
- Terrain adjustments
- Stack-tip downwash
- Gradual plume rise
- Buoyancy-induced dispersion, and
- Complex terrain treatment and consideration of partial
- Plume reflection off elevated terrain
- Building down wash
- Partial penetration of elevated inversions is accounted for
Hourly source emission rates, exit velocity and stack gas
A Gaussian air dispersion models were used to estimate the ambient
air quality levels at the different monitoring stations due to stack
emissions from Asahi Songwon. Only two stability conditions based
on the meteorology aspects were used to calculate the theoretical
maximum ground level concentration is comparing the actual data
and data generated from mathematical modeling, it highlights that
the stability condition E & A-B were predominant in the region. The
maximum ground level concentration of SPM, SO2 and NOx were
2000 m & HCl, Cl2, NH3 were 1000 m away from the source Using
the existing stack emission data and wind speed directions, a
mathematical model was prepared to establish the ground level
concentration in the region.
4.2.7 Predicted GLCs of proposed Chemicals Plant
It is predicted that the maximum contribution in GLCs, with units
operating at full capacity, is 3.205 μg/m3, 1.472 μg/m3 and 0.485
μg/m3 for SPM, SO2 and NOx respectively 2 km away from Project
Site (Source) in N direction. Whereas NH3, HCl, Cl2 were 2.397,
0.291, and 0.125 respectively 1 km away from centre of industry in
N direction.
With this marginal contribution due to the expansion of the project,
the levels of SPM, SO2 and NOX will be below residential area limit
prescribed by CPCB.
Sources of Impacts
The main sources of impact on water environment will be due to
withdrawal of additional fresh water from the ground during
construction and operation phase and treated waste water discharge.
Prediction of Impact
Construction Phase
Since the proposed expansion will be in the existing premises and no
major construction activities will be carried out, there will not be any
adverse impact on the quality of water because very small quantities
of water will be used. No disposal of construction waste outside the
plant and no leaching are anticipated.
Operational Phase
The unit has provided its own bore well to satisfy the water
requirement within premises. At present the total water requirement
is 2188 KL/day for domestic and industrial purpose which will be
reduced up to 2105 KL/day after proposed expansion. This is due to
recycling of treated wastewater.
The main source of industrial wastewater generation will remain
same after proposed expansion, except increase in waste water
generation from process & utilities and it will be control by recycling
of treated water in process.
Impact Assessment
Since fresh water will be required for the proposed expansion, there
will be insignificant impact on the ground water table. However it will
The main source of impact on land and soil environment will be due
to construction activities and hazardous waste disposal.
Construction Phase
Since the proposed project activities will be carried out in the existing
premises. All the existing infrastructure facilities will be utilized with
addition of some new machinery. Therefore, no major construction
activities will be carried out for the proposed project. Further, the
area of the plant is flat. Leveling would not be required. Thus,
topography will also be remained unchanged after proposed
Thus, the impact on the land/soil during the construction is for short
terms and insignificant.
Operation Phase
Entire quantity of the hazardous waste will be stored in the isolated
hazardous waste storage area within premises having leachate
collection system and roof cover.
Table 4.1:
Estimated emission from new stacks/vents
Sr. Stack Stack Velocity Stack Fuel SPM SO2 NOX
No. attached to Temp. m/s Height Used mg/Nm3 PPM PPM
In 0K in m
01 Boiler-2 450 10 32 Lignite 125 75 25
02 Thermic Fluid 440 10 32 Lignite 125 75 25
Heater /Coal
03 Process 325 6.5 15 - NH3 = 125 mg/Nm3
04 Chlorination & 350 5.5 - HCl = 25 mg/Nm3
Dumping 18 Cl2 = 10 mg/Nm3
05 Spin Flash 410 6.0 11 - PM =40 mg/Nm3
Dryers 1
06 Spin Flash 410 6.0 11 - PM =40 mg/Nm3
Dryers 2
Table 4.2:
GPCB Stack and Process Emission Standards Details for Industry
Table 4.3
Table 4.4
The 24-hourly average GLC Concentration Values for SO2
Table 4.5
The 24-hourly average GLC Concentration Values for NOx
Table 4.6
The 24-hourly average GLC Concentration Values for Cl2
Table 4.7
The 24-hourly average GLC Concentration Values for HCl
Table 4.8
Figure 4.1
-10000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Figure 4.2
Isopleths for Ground Level Concentrations for SO2
-10000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Figure 4.3
-10000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Figure 4.4
Isopleths for Ground Level Concentrations for Cl2
-10000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Figure 4.5
Isopleths for Ground Level Concentrations for HCl
-10000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Figure 4.6
Isopleths for Ground Level Concentrations for NH3
-10000 -8000 -6000 -4000 -2000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Environnent Management Plan
5.1 Introduction
EMP for the proposed expansion project of Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd.
covers following aspects:
• Description of mitigation measures which are proposed for
proposed operation phase only
• Description of monitoring program
• Institutional arrangements
• Implementation schedule and reporting procedures
All above aspects and objectives are kept in the view and considering
the same EMP is prepared for two major fields,
Since M/s. Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd. is the existing unit and
proposed expansion will be carried out in the same premises. No
major excavation work will be carried out. Minor activities for the
installation of new additional machineries/equipments will be carried
out. Thus, impact will be temporary and negligible.
Minor construction for installation work shall generate noise and dust
will generate within working areas. Therefore, measures will need to
taken to protect workers.
In order to mitigate the adverse environment impact due to the
construction phase, regular sprinkling of the water will be
recommended along with the construction activities.
The main Sources of the Air Pollution from the existing industrial
activities are flue gas emission and process gas emission. After
proposed expansion there will one boiler and two thermic fluid
heaters will be added. The flue gas emission is from the common
stack attached to steam boiler and Six nos. of thermic fluid heaters
due to combustion of fuel which are attached to three stack. Whereas
the process gas emission is from the one process gas stack attached
to process vessels (1 to 4), second process stack attached to Process
Vessel (5 to 6) and three process stack attached to spin flash dryers.
The major air pollutants, identified from this industry, will be PM, SO2
and NOx due to flue gas emission & NH3, Cl2 & HCl from process
vent. Generated Ammonium Carbonate and HCl as by products will
be sold to actual users as per the guideline of GPCB.
The unit proposes to install Beg Filter to the steam boiler whereas
three stage water scrubber to the process gas stack as air pollution
control system, which will be adequate to meet the stipulated
gaseous emission norms.
The unit will also provide adequate stack monitoring facilities for the
periodic monitoring of the stack to verify the compliance of the
stipulated norms.
5.5.2 Action plan to control ambient air quality:-
Following measures taken by us to control the air quality as per the
NAAQES standards notified by the Ministry on 16th September, 2009.
iv) Plants with higher height, medium and low height should be
planted to ensure thick belt for attenuation of fugitive emission.
This activity demands expert advice and guidance.
- Classification of waste
- Packaging, Storing and Transporting Wastes to Disposal site
- Data Management and Reporting
- Personnel Training
- Waste Minimization
Since the unit is the existing unit and there will not any major
change in industrial activities after proposed expansion. The unit has
also provided adequate hazardous waste management system, which
will be continued after proposed expansion. The ETP sludge will be
sent to TSDF site operated by M/s. Naroda Enviro Projects Ltd.
(NEPL), Ahmedabad for final disposal.
Whereas discarded bags/liners/drums/barrels will be decontaminated
and reused/sold to approve vendors and spent/waste oil will be
reused as lubricant/sold to MoEF approved registered recyclers.
The unit has also provided isolated area for the storage of hazardous
waste with roof cover and impervious floor.
The unit also maintains the records for the hazardous waste storage
and disposal.
Entire quantity of hazardous is handled as per Hazardous Waste
(Management, Handling & Transboundary Movement) Rules 2008.
Table 5.1
Design features for minimization of fugitive emissions
Figure 5.1
EHS Management
Technical Director
Vice President
EHS Manager
ETP Chemist
Quantitative Risk Assessment
6.1 Introduction
The risk assessment studies have been conducted for identification of
hazards, to calculate damage distances and to spell out risk
mitigation measures.
Asahi Songwon Colors Ltd. is the existing unit located at survey no.
429 to 432, village: Dhudhwada, Taluka: Padra, Dist.: Vadodara,
State: Gujarat. Now, the unit proposes to expand its production
capacity of CPC Blue and Pigment Beta Blue-A/B in existing product
with capacity of 850 MT/month & 100 Mt/Month respectively. Now
Unit envisage to increase the production capacity of CPC Blue from
850 Mt/Month to 1000 MT/month, Pigment Beta Blue from 100
Mt/Month to 500 Mt/Month with introduce of three new product –
Pigment Alpha Blue with 60 MT/month, Pigment Violet–23 with 25
Mt/Month and Pigment Green–7/36 with 200 Mt/Month.
6.1.1 Scope Of Study
The scope of work is to carry out risk analysis for the proposed
expansion of plant covering all the hazardous chemicals to be
handled and stored at the plant after expansion.
6.1.2 Study Objective
The objective of the risk analysis includes the following:
• Identification of hazards
• Selection of credible scenarios
• Consequences Analysis of selected accidents scenarios
• Risk Mitigation Measures
6.1.3 The Study Approach
The risk assessment study broadly comprised of the following steps:
• System Description
• Identification of Hazards
Isobutyl Alcohol:
Isobutyl Alcohol is flammable liquid. Harmful if swallowed, inhaled or
absorbed through skin. Affects central nervous system, causes
irritation to skin, eyes and respiratory tract.
Appearance: Clear, colorless solution.
Odor: Sweet-musty odor.
Solubility: 9.5g/100ml water @ 200C
Specific Gravity: 0.803
% Volatiles by volume @ 210C: 100
Boiling Point: 1080C
Melting Point: -1080C
Vapor Density (Air=1): 2.6
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 8.8 @ 20C (68F)
Sulphuric Acid:
Sulphuric acid is a colorless to yellowish highly corrosive liquid.
Poison, danger and corrosive. Mist causes severe burns to all body
tissue. May be fatal if swallowed or contacted with skin harm full if
swallowed. Avoid substance contact. Do not inhale vapors/aerosols.
Ensure supply of fresh air in enclosed rooms. Do not allow
unprotected person to handle material. Main Physical properties of
Sulphuric acid are summarized bellows
Physical state : Liquid
Specific gravity : 1.5
pH value at 49g/l H2O at 25 0C : 0.3
Color : Colorless
Odor : Odorless
Boiling point : ~310 0C
Freezing point : -42 0C
Melting point : ~ -15 0C
Bulk density : 1.5 g/ml
Vapor pressure at 20 C (mm) : ~0.0001hPa
Solubility in water at 20 0C : soluble
Thermal decomposition : ~338 C
Caustic Lye:
Caustic is a colorless liquid. Harmful if swallowed or inhaled Causes
burns to any area of contact. It is not considered to be fire hazard.
Do not handle without PPEs. Use safety goggles, Gumboots, PVC
hand gloves and rubber apron if required. Main Physical properties of
Sulphuric acid are summarized bellows
Molecular formula : NaOH
Appearance : Clear Soapy Liquid
Odor : Odorless
Boiling point : 1480C
Vapor pressure at 400C : 3.6 mm Hg
Bulk density : 1.5 g/ml
pH : Highly alkaline
Specific gravity : 2.12
Liq. Ammonia
Ammonia is a colorless gas and adsorb into water to convert
Ammonia solution. It has penetrating, suffocating odor. It is stable
and hydroscopic in nature. Toxic by inhalation or skin contact - may
be fatal if inhaled. Physical properties are summarized bellow.
Appearance : colorless
Odor : Penetrating & suffocating
Melting point : -77.70C
Boiling point : -33.30C
Vapor density : 0.89 g/l
Vapor pressure : 0.597
Specific gravity : 0.77
Flash point : 110C
Explosion limits : 16% - 25%
Water solubility : High
Stability Conditions :E
Model Output Information
Size of chlorine cloud and its location with Cl2 concentration of 10
PPM (IDLH) at cloud boundary.
Time t after Start of Cl2 Release (s) : 480
Maximum Width of Vapour Cloud (m) : 139
Maximum Length of Vapour Cloud (m) : 564
Minimum Distance to Threshold Concentration (m) : 233
Maximum Distance to Threshold Concentration (m) : 797
6.5.6 Catastrophic Rupture of IBA Tank
In the event of catastrophic rupture of IBA tank, fixed pool will be
formed in dyke and in the event of fire, thermal radiation will be
occurred. Outcome of model are summarized below:
Combustion Rate : 0.23 kg/s
Heat Radiation Distance from Fixed Pool Boundary
15 kW/m2 : 2.7 m
12.7 kW/m2 : 3.2 m
10 kW/m2 : 4.0m
3 kW/m2 : 7.4 m
1 kW/m2 (Safe Distance) : 11.0 m
All the control systems are being periodically checked for their
reliability and accuracy.
Ventilation has been provided in process area where chances of build
up of concentration of hazardous chemicals are high to prevent
fire/toxic hazard.
Electrical grounding of all equipment is ensured.
Units' management has identified all hazardous chemicals in use in
the plant and prepared Safety Data Sheets for most of them. Safety
Data Sheets are quite comprehensive and provide important
data/information on physical and chemical properties, fire and
explosive hazards, toxic limits, emergency and first aid measures etc.
6.6.1 Occupational Health and First aid Measures
Units are using a number of chemicals, which if handled in safe ways
with all precautions (as detailed in respective MSDS) will not cause
harm to employees. However in rare case of exposures, immediate
action is to be taken to save life and reduce the extent of damage.
Unit has first aid facilities and calling base ambulance facilities as and
when required. Industry has appointed part time doctor for
periodically health check.
/tag out ii. Confined space entry iii. Opening process equipment or
piping iv. Control over entrance into a facility by maintenance,
contractor, laboratory, or other support personnel.
• Personnel engaged in handling of hazardous chemicals should be
trained to respond in an unlikely event of emergencies.
• The plant should check and ensure that all instruments provided in
the plant are in good condition and documented.
• Close loop type fire hydrant system pressurised at 7 kg/cm2 with
jockey pumps should be provided in flammable chemical storage.
• Safety measures in the form of DO and Don’t Do should be
displayed at strategic locations especially in local language and
• Regular mock drills should be carried out once in every 3 months
and shortcomings should be recorded and rectified. Records
should be maintained for the response of Mock Drills and
corrective actions should listed and taken accordingly.
6.6.3 Safe Guards for Storage and Handling of Hazardous
Personal Protective Equipment
Personal protective equipment is devices that are fitted and issued to
each worker personally for his or her exclusive use. They are
intended for temporary use and emergency response action only. If a
worker must enter a contaminated area, he must wear adequate
protective equipment suitable for chlorine service. Employees should
be taught when and how to use respiratory apparatus provided, and
how to recognize defects in the equipment. Full dress escape drills
should be conducted at least once a year. If such safety equipment is
not available, entry into the contaminated area should not be
• Keep personal protective equipment where it can be accessed
quickly, outside the chlorine storage area and away from areas of
likely contamination.
Study Evaluation
Process Engg.
Details (P&I)
Identification of
Plot Plan Hazard Prone Report
Layout Areas
Met. Data
Population Data
Past Accident
Env. Opinion
Onsite Disaster Management Plan
• The plan will set into action immediately after a fire or other
hazard occurs in and around the plant
• Fuel storage facility is situated away from the manufacturing plant
and fulfilling all rules and regulations
• All the electrical fittings are of explosion proof fitting
• All necessary fire-fighting arrangements have been provided near
the storage area
General Rules
• Follow sense of discipline and do not panic.
• Do not rush and endanger your personal safety.
• Use personnel protective equipment according to the situation.
• Do not block any passages which may hinder the movement of
• Vehicles.
• In case you have to shut down your plant operations, do it in
an orderly
• Manner as per standard operating procedures.
• In situation when you have to leave your work and evacuate to
identify places out of operating areas, do it in an orderly
• Follow instruction of the Emergency Coordinators.
• Understand the disaster management plan well and take
interest in practice drills
Emergency Squad
There is a group of personnel (5-10 in number) who will be identified
to handle any emergency situation. These personnel including
officers shall be taken from various operating areas and will be
imparted extensive training in fire fighting, material safety data for
hazardous chemicals, rescue operations, decontamination
procedures, confined space entry procedures, first aid and other
related functions. The members will be so chosen that at any given
time, at least 2–3 members of Emergency Squad will be available
in the premises.
Communication System
Intercom telephone points shall be provided at all critical areas of
operations. An Emergency Telephone shall be available at the
Emergency Response Center. In addition, telephone connections shall
be provided at the residence of all critical personnel to ensure
immediate contact.
d. Key components will be photographed and logged with
time, place, direction, etc.
e. Statements will be taken from those who were involved
with the operation or who witnessed the event.
Damage Assessment
This phase of recovery establishes the quantum of replacement
machinery considered necessary for bringing back the plant to
normal operation, property and personnel losses, and culminates in a
list of necessary repair, replacement and reconstruction work.
Insurance companies will be informed of the damage and requested
to pay the compensation as per claim.
Cleanup and Restoration
This phase will only begin after the investigation is complete.
Reporting documentation will be prepared and forwarded to
appropriate authorities.
Repairs, restoration and cleanup will begin.
Insurance claims will be prepared and submitted.
Figure 7.1
On Site Disaster Management Plan
Disclosure of consultant
The profile of the consultant is given below:
About San Envirotech Private Limited
San Envirotech Pvt. Ltd. is a leading multi-disciplinary testing laboratory in
Gujarat. SEPL provides testing services in the areas of environmental
assessment and analytical testing.
SAN ENVIROTECH PVT. LTD. started work in 1990 to serve the environment
as a trustee of a next generation with a small infrastructure.
During last two decade, San has been taking care of client’s unique problems
and concerns in order to develop cost effective strategies to meet their
regulatory obligations. We focus on strategic planning and comprehensive
solutions to address both the short and long term needs of the clients.
Consequently we have developed long – term relationship with our clients to
provide them with the services necessary to meet their changing needs.
To protect and preserve the natural resources on earth for future generation,
it offers extensive consultancy services in the field of environment. With its
rich experience, multidisciplinary expertise and with the support of its state-
of the-art analytical equipment, the services offered by the division are vide
ranging and encompasses entire scope of environment management and
monitoring services. With its emphasis on quality services over the years, it
has evolved itself into a single reference point in India for comprehensive
environmental services.
Dear Sir,
This is with reference to your application for QCI- NABEl Accreditation as EIA Consultant Organization.
We are pleased to inform you that based on Document & Office Assessment, the Accreditation
Committee has recommended the accreditation of San Envirotech Pvt. Ltd. as per the scope given in
Annexure I (A & B).
Please confirm the correctness of spellings of the names of the experts mentioned in Annexure I B. The
detailed terms and conditions are mentioned in Annexure II. You are also advised to check the QCI
website for the Minutes of the Accreditation Committee Meeting held on February 17, 2011, for
observations related to your application or any decisions with respect to Schemel assessment process
and take necessary action for compliance,
The accreditation of your organization will be for three year period starting January 25, 2011. The
annual renewal of the accreditation will be confirmed after surveillance assessment every year.
Surveillance assessments will be conducted to ensure compliance with NABET Scheme and the details
mentioned in your Quality Manual.
May we request you for an early payment of the annual fees and your confirmation of acceptance of the
terms and conditions attached. This will enable us to issue you the requisite accreditation letter &
certificate which will be valid for one year duration,
We thank you for your esteemed support in making this scheme successful and for your participation in
this national cause.
Yours sincerely,
Page 1 of6
Institution of Engineers Building. 2nd Floor. Bahadur Shah lafar Marg, New Delhi - 110 002, India
Tel: +91-11-2337 9321, 2337 8057 Fax: +91-11-2337 9621 email: [email protected] Website: www,qcin,org
9CI - NABET Scheme for Accreditation of EIA Consultant Organizations Annexure I-A
4 21 A
basic organic chemicals, other synthetic organic chemicals and chemical
intermediates) !I
Building and large construction projects including shopping malls,
5 38 mUltiplexes, commercial complexes, housing estates, hospitals, B
Page 20f6