Model Question Bank - EDC

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Question Bank
Semester III

Department of Electrical Engineering

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)


Course Code Course/Subject Name Credits

Electronic Devices and Circuits
EEC302 4
• To teach the basic concept of various electronic devices, circuits and their application
• To develop ability among students for problem formulation, system design and solving skills
• Students will be able to build, develop, model, and analyze the electronic circuits along with
learning the device ratings and characteristics
• Students will be able to design electrical and electronic circuits

Module Detailed Contents Hrs.

01 Diode:
Basic Construction ,Operation and characteristics of diode,Application of
diodes as clippers and clampers,Construction Principle of operation and
application of special diode – 1) Zener, 2) LED, 3) Schottky, 4) Photo diode.
Full Wave Rectifier and Filter Analysis: specification of the devices and
components required for C, LC, CLC & RC filter.
02 Bipolar Junction Transistor:
Construction and characteristics of various configurations of BJT.Biasing
Circuits: Types, dc circuit analysis, load line, thermal runaway, stability
factor analysis, thermal stabilization and compensation. Modeling: Small
signal analysis of CE configurations with different biasing network using 12
h-parameter model. Introduction to re-model and hybrid-pi model.
Amplification. Derivation of expression for voltage gain, current gain, input
impedance and output impedance of CC, CB, CE amplifiers, Study of
frequency response of BJT amplifier
03 Field Effect Transistor: JFET and MOSFET:
Types, construction and their characteristics, Biasing circuits for FET
amplifiers, FET small signal analysis, and derivation of expressions for 8
voltage gain and output impedance of CS amplifiers.
MOSFET- Types, construction and their characteristics.
04 Feedback Amplifier
Introduction to positive and negative feedback, negative feedback -current,
voltage, Series and Shunt type. It’s effect on input impedance, output
impedance, voltage gain, current gain and bandwidth
Cascade amplifiers: Types of coupling, effect of coupling on performance
of BJT and JFET amplifiers, cascade connection, Darlington-pair.

COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 2

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)

05 DC and AC analysis of Differential amplifier

Single and dual inputs and balanced and unbalanced outputs using BJT. FET 5
differential amplifier.
06 Oscillators
Positive feedback oscillators, frequency of oscillation and condition for
sustained oscillations of a) RC phase shift, b)Wien bridge, c)Hartley/ 8
Colpitts with derivations, crystal Oscillator, UJT relaxation oscillator
Internal Assessment
Internal Assessment consists of two tests out of which; one should be compulsory class test (on
minimum 02 Modules) and the other is either a class test or assignment on live problems or course
End Semester Examination:
1. Question paper will comprise of 6 questions, each of 20 marks.
2. Total 4 questions need to be solved.
3. Question No.1 will be compulsory and based on entire syllabus wherein sub questions of 2
to 5 marks will be asked.
4. Remaining question will be selected from all the modules.

COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 3

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)


Contents Hrs

Basic Construction ,Operation and characteristics of diode, Application of diodes

as clippers and clampers ,Construction Principle of operation and application of
special diode – 1) Zener, 2) LED, 3) Schottky, 4) Photo diode. Full Wave Rectifier 08
and Filter Analysis: specification of the devices and components required for C, LC,
CLC & RC filter

Unit Contents Marks

1 Diode 10M

Questions Marks

1. What is Schottky diode(Dec-2014) 5M

2. Explain V-I characteristics and applications of Zener diode(Dec-16) 5M

3. Explain full wave rectifier with neat diagram and waveform. Also explain RC 10M
4. Write short note on : Full wave bridge rectifier(Dec-2014) 5M
5. Write short note on : LED(Dec-2014) 5M
6. Explain the construction and working of LED with one application(May-2015) 5M
7. Write short note on : Zener diode as Voltage regulator(May-2015) 5M

6. Write short note on :Thermal stabilization and compensation(May-2015) 10M

7. Explain CLC filter for full wave rectifier with neat diagram and
8. Draw the block diagram of a DC power supply system and explain the terms 5M
a)rectification efficiency b)ripple factor c)PIV
9. Zener diode as a voltage regulator(Dec-2013, May-2015,Dec-15) 5M

COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 4

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)

10. Explain the operation of C type filter in full wave rectifier with all necessary 10M
diagrams and waveforms(Dec-2013)
11. Explain the construction and working of Schottkey diode(May-2013,Dec-16) 5M
12 Explain the construction and working of photodiode with one 5M
13. Explain the operation of LC filter in full wave rectifier with neat diagram and 10M
14 Write short note on : Photo emissive Device(May-2013) 5M
15 Write short note on : LED(May-2013) 5M
16 Write short note on: Photodiode(May-2013) 5M
17 Write short note on: Full Wave Rectifier(May-2013,deC-14) 10M

COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 5

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)


Contents Hrs

Construction and characteristics of various configurations of BJT Biasing Circuits:

Types, dc circuit analysis, load line, thermal runaway, stability factor analysis,
thermal stabilization and compensation. Modeling: Small signal analysis of CE
configurations with different biasing network using h-parameter model. Introduction 14
to re-model and hybrid-pi model. Amplification. Derivation of expression for voltage
gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance of CC, CB, CE amplifiers,
Study of frequency response of BJT amplifier.

Contents Marks

2 Bipolar Junction Transistor 20M

Questions Marks

1. Draw and explain voltage divider biasing circuit(Dec-16,May-15) 5M

2. Derive the expression for voltage gain ,current gain, input impedance ,output 10M

impedance for common emitter amplifier


3. Draw the circuit diagram of dual input balanced output(DIBO) differential 5M

amplifier and derive the relevant ac parameters(Dec-16,May-16, May-15,

4. Derive the expression for voltage gain ,current gain ,input impedance and out 10M

impedance of CB amplifier(May-2013)

COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 6

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)

5. Compare common emitter , common base and common collector BJT 10M


6. Draw the hybrid equivalent model of voltage divider bias CE Amplifier with 12M
RE bypassed and un bypassed and derive the expression for voltage gain and
input impedance
7. Write short notes on Frequency response of BJT amplifier(Dec-16,Dec-15) 5M

8. What is thermal run away? (Dec-2014, Dec2013) 5M

9. 5M
What is Thermal Stabilization and compensation(Dec-2014,

Dec2013,Dec-16,Dec15,May-16, May-15)
10 5M
Compare CC and CE amplifier(Dec-16)
Derive the expression for voltage gain ,current gain ,input impedance and out
impedance of CB amplifier(May-15)
12. 5M
Explain the need of biasing in BJT(May-14)
13. 10M
Write short notes on h-parameter model(May-14)
14. 5M
Explain criterion for the selection of emitter bypass capacitor in a CE Amplifier


COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 7

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)


Contents Hrs

Types, construction and their characteristics, Biasing circuits for FET amplifiers, FET
small signal analysis, and derivation of expressions for voltage gain and output 08
impedance of CS amplifiers. MOSFET- Types, construction and their characteristics

Contents Marks

3. JFET and MOSFET 10M

Questions Marks

1. What is MOSFET? Explain the construction and characteristics of N-channel 10M

MOSFET with the help of suitable diagram. (Dec-2013)

2. Explain the working of CSFET amplifier(Dec-2013) 10M

3. Explain construction and characteristic of enhancement MOSFET(May-2015) 10M

4. with the help of hybrid Pi model of common emitter amplifier derive the 10M

expressions for voltage gain and input impedance of BJT CE


5. What are α ,β ,y in case of BJT? What is the importance of these 5M


6. Explain the working principle of JFET with the help of input and output and 10M

transfer characteristics(May-2013)

7. Explain common drain field effect transistor(May-2013) 5M

COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 8

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)

8. Explain the construction and working of depletion MOSFET. How a MOSFET 10M

is different from JFET? (May-2013)

9. Draw and explain N- channel FET with the help of suitable diagram and 10M


10. Draw and explain N- channel Enhancement MOSFET with the help of suitable 10M

10 diagram and equation(Dec-2014)

Explain why JFET is a voltage controller device(May-2013) 5M

12. Draw and explain construction of field effect transistor(Dec-2014)

COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 9

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)


Contents Hrs

Introduction to positive and negative feedback, negative feedback -current, voltage,

Series and Shunt type. It’s effect on input impedance, output impedance, voltage gain, 08
current gain and bandwidth Cascade amplifiers: Types of coupling, effect of coupling
on performance of BJT and JFET amplifiers, cascade connection, Darlington-pair

Unit Contents Marks

4. Feedback Amplifiers 15M

Questions Marks

1. Explain how the amplification factor, input impedance ,output impedance and 10M

bandwidth are modified with negative feedback(Dec-2013)

2. What is Darlington pair? What are its features ?How to bias the pair ?Derive 10M

expression for its ac parameters(Dec-2013)

3. What is effect of negative feedback on input impedance ,output impedance, 10M

current gain ,voltage gain and bandwidth(May-2013)

4. What are different types of feedback amplifiers? Explain current series 10M
negative amplifier(May-2015)

5. What is current feedback and voltage feedback amplifier? Explain it with the 5M

help of circuit diagram of BJT amplifier(May-2013)

9. What is feedback amplifier? Name different types and explain any one of them 10M

10. Write Short Note on: Darlington pair(Dec-2014) 10M

COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 10

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)


Contents Hrs

Single and dual inputs and balanced and unbalanced outputs using BJT. FET 05
differential amplifier.

Unit Contents Marks

5. DC Analysis of Differential Amplifier 8M

Questions Marks

1. FET as differential amplifier(Dec-2013) 5M

2. Explain the AC analysis of Dual input Unbalance output differential 10M


4. Draw circuit for Wein bridge oscillator .Derive an expression for its frequency 10M
of oscillation(May-2015)

5. Draw the circuit diagram dual input balanced output differential amplifier and 10M

obtain voltage gain with the help of its AC equivalent circuit(May-2013)

6. What is CMRR in case of differential amplifier? (May-2013) 5M

7. Draw and explain double ended and balanced output differential amplifier 10M

with the help of suitable equations(Dec-2014)

8. Explain the effects of coupling on performance of BJT(May-2015) 10M

COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 11

Question Bank for Electronic Devices and Circuits (EEC- Sem III)

Contents Hrs

Positive feedback oscillators, frequency of oscillation and condition for sustained

oscillations of a) RC phase shift, b)Wien bridge, c)Hartley/ Colpitts with derivations, 08
crystal Oscillator, UJT relaxation oscillator

Unit Contents Marks

6. Oscillators 10M

Questions Marks

1. Barkhausen criterion for sustained oscillation(Dec-2013) 5M

2. Explain UJT as a relaxation oscillator in detail. Find frequency of 10M


3. Derive the equation for frequency of oscillator of Colpitts oscillator. Also 10M

derive the condition for sustained oscillation(Dec-2013)

4. Explain the differences between LC and RC oscillators. Give examples of 10M

each of oscillators with frequencies(Dec-2013)

5. Draw circuit diagram for Hartly and Colpitt Oscillator .Compare them and 10M
also write formula for their frequency of oscillation(May-2015)

6 Write Short note on: UJT as relaxation oscillator(May-2015,Dec2014) 5M

7 Write short note on : Opto Oscillator (May-2013) 5M

8 Explain RC phase shift oscillator with the help of suitable diagram and 10M

COMPILED BY: Department of Electrical Engineering, PHCET, Rasayani Page 12

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