I-23 Holiday Testing v1

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This section provides general information on the Holiday (Continuity) Testing of Protective Coatings.

Holiday (Continuity) Testing is a test method applied on-site to Protective Coatings in order to detect unacceptable discontinuities
in the film. A discontinuity can be described as a flaw, void, pinhole, holiday, crack, thin spot, foreign inclusion or some kind of
contamination that results in a significant lowering of the dielectric strength of the protective coating film. Discontinuities may
lead to premature coating breakdown and corrosion, therefore detection of discontinuities is important in ensuring the integrity of
the coating is maintained.

The applied voltage used when conducting holiday testing can have significant impact on the coating, therefore due consideration
should be made when determining how the testing should be conducted.

The level of the voltage applied can vary as a result of any of the following considerations:
 Method of test (low voltage wet sponge tester versus high voltage spark tester)
 Standard followed whilst conducting the test
 Applied thickness of the coating (DFT- dry film thickness)
 Solids content of the coating

While conducting Holiday testing, it is well known that the protective coating may be damaged; that is, discontinuities may arise
from the application of the voltage to the coating during the testing. Application of higher voltages therefore increases the risk of
damaging the coating.

Please find outlined various standards related to Holiday Testing in order to ascertain the ideal testing conditions. This will ensure
the coatings integrity whilst minimising the risk of damaging the coating which would potentially reduce its protective nature.


Australian Standard AS3894.1-2002
The following equation is utilised in the Australian Standard for determining the voltage to be applied to a particular coating:

V = test voltage applied in volts
250√ T = specified DFT of cured coating, in µm
F = rating of a coating’s generic type and the volume solids
content (as referred to in Table D1 of AS3894.1-2002)

ASTM International D-5162-08

The ASTM International standard for Holiday Testing utilises two test methods based on two types of equipment:
 Test Method A – Low Voltage Wet Sponge – for coatings with a DFT < 500 µm
 Test Method B – High Voltage Spark Testers – for coatings with a DFT > 500 µm

For the high voltage spark testing, ASTM International utilises the following equation to determine the voltage to be applied:

√ V = test voltage applied in volts
TC = coating thickness in mm
M = a constant dependant on the thickness range and the units
of thickness (as detailed in D-5162-08)
NACE International SP0188-2006
Similar to the ASTM International standard, the NACE standard for Holiday testing recommends the utilisation of two test methods
depending on the DFT of the coating, these methods are:
 Low-Voltage Wet Sponge Testing – for coatings with a DFT < 500 µm
 High-Voltage Spark Testing – for coatings with a DFT > 500 µm

For the high voltage spark testing, there is a table within the NACE standard which recommends the voltage to be applied as
determined from the total dry film thickness of the coating. To summarise this table, the NACE standard applies on average
~4.66 Volts per 1 µm of a coatings (DFT). This is a similar recommendation to that of the European industry’s general rule of
thumb which is 4 Volts per 1 µm.

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To illustrate the varying voltages recommended across the standards, examples of voltages required for the testing of an 80%
volume solids coating applied at various film builds is detailed in the table below:

Wattyl Industrial
DFT AS3894.1-2002 ASTM D-5162-08 NACE SP0188-2006
400 µm 5000 Volts 2083 Volts 2000-2500 Volts 1600 Volts
500 µm 5590 Volts 2329 Volts 2500-3000 Volts 2000 Volts
800 µm 7071 Volts 2946 Volts 3000 Volts 3200 Volts
1000 µm 7906 Volts 7843 Volts 3000-4000 Volts 4500 Volts
1000 µm* 3953 Volts 7843 Volts 3000-4000 Volts 4500 Volts

* Volume solids content of 79% rather than 80%


In general, Wattyl Industrial therefore recommends the following guide when determining the voltage to be applied when
conducting Holiday Testing of our coatings:

For coatings < 500 µm – Low Voltage Wet Sponge testing

For coatings > 500 µm – High Voltage Holiday Testing
Where the voltage is calculated at 4 Volts per 1 µm of the coatings DFT.

Valspar is committed to quality in the design, Valspar’s laboratory facilities are accredited for
production and delivery of its products and technical competence with the National
services. Valspar’s Australian manufacturing Association of Tests Authorities, Australia (NATA)
facilities quality management systems are and comply with the requirements of ISO/IEC
certified to ISO9001. 17025. Accreditation No.104 (Footscray), 166
(Blacktown), 1154 (Glendenning) and 931

For the most up to date information contact Valspar Customer Service Hotline or visit the Wattyl Website.
Australia New Zealand
CUSTOMER SERVICE HOTLINE 132 101 0800 735 551
WEBSITE www.wattylpc.com www.wattylpc.com

Trademarks are the property of Valspar Paint (Australia) Pty Ltd.

1. This information, provided by Valspar Paint (Australia) Pty Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Valspar”), is important to ensure that the listed product(s) perform according
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does not warrant that the information provided is current when the product is used or is wholly comprehensive. 3. For all product and non-product related information,
Valspar recommends that you conduct such additional investigations as may be necessary to satisfy yourself of the accuracy, currency and comprehensiveness of the
information on which you rely in using and handling the product. If you require further information please contact your nearest Valspar office before using the product(s).
4. To the full extent permitted by law, Valspar’s liability for breach of a condition or warranty implied into the contract for sale between Valspar and you by law is limited
at Valspar’s election to: (a) the replacement of the product; or (b) payment of the cost of replacing the product. If coating rectification is required Valspar Technical
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