Draft of Thesis
Draft of Thesis
Draft of Thesis
A. Background
People never stop learning language from the babbling of babies to the vicarious
preschool years, from the early encounters with print and the first attempts at writing
through to the secondary textbooks and then beyond to the new demands of the
adulthood, where they still continue to learn and refine the language needed in every
new situation in which we find ourselves.1 People use language to express their mind,
wishes, and ideas. Language is a means of communication people use to share ideas
with others. Language predicts attitude and wishes of the users. With language man
can express his ideas and wishes to other people such as when he needs their help so
that close operation among members of the group can be carried out.2 Language has
to be learned and used in a social community. Language is used not only in education
but also in daily life. Considering the fucntion of language, people study language
Derewianka. Exploring How Text Work. London: Primary English English Teaching
Association. (1990), p. 3
Aditya Rizkiyanto. Comparison between Using Authentic Song Lyrics and Pictures as
Media to Teach Students’ Writing Competence of Narative Text. A Journal of English language
Teaching, vol. 3 no. 1 (June 2014), p. 2
English is one of the widely used international languages. Both as a means of
oral and written communication, including the broadcasting and the writing of
In countries where English is neither the first nor the second language, it is
taught or learned as the first foreign language for practical necessary uses of
or as a lingua franca among those whose native is not English. A lingua franca can be
whose native languages are different from each other’s and where one or both
communication between two speakers who have different native languages and they
speaking. Through speaking, someone can communicate their idea, feeling, emotion,
desire etc. Speaking is the active use of language to express meaning so that other
people can make sense of them.4 People need English speaking not just in academic
environment but also in our regular daily life. As we know that we are now in
Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching 3th Ed. Harlow: Longman.
2001, p. 1
Cameron, L. Teaching Language to Young Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2001, p. 4
globalization era and the very international language is English. English has become
more important by that and we are to speak English well to be able to mingle well. As
Most of the students think that speaking English is difficult. It is proven by the
fact that the students still have limited skill to speak english, even to introduce
themselves after learning for at least six years.5 In addition, the researcher found that
there are some issues faced by the students which made them difficult to speak well,
like lack of vocabulary, lack of confidence, and lack of idea. Furthermore, the
Noparat in Anggraeni states that the result of teaching English in some of the
Junior and Senior High Schools at South-East Asia, especially speaking, is still
considered unsatisfactory.6 The students still have very poor ability to use English for
oral communication. Due to the fact, it needs some efforts to improve the students’
ability in speaking.
Speaking does ot only involve the knowledge of speaking but also psychological
factors. Muttaqin in Lidan in his research on activating students in speaking said that
Amran, M. The Effectiveness of Using Narrating Picture to Improve The Speaking Ability of
The Second Year Students at SMP Negeri 1 Sinjai Selatan. A Thesis S1 (Makassar: Tarbiyah and
Teaching Faculty, UIN, 2014) p. 1
Anggraeni, Purwita. Audio Lingual Teaching as an Alternative Method in Teaching
Speaking (An Action Research Given to the First Year Students of SMP Negeri 2 Pemalang in the
Academic Year 2006/2007. A Thesis (Semarang: Faculty of Language and Art, UNS, 2007). p. 3
1. Psychological factors
making mistakes.
2. Lack of practice
The students are difficult to find out the situation in which they can
practice their english more frequently. To decrease their fear and anxiety, the
The issues which have been explained above need to be overcome immedietly so it
will not cause students speaking skill stay the way it is.
To overcome the issues, the researcher conduct this research. She applies
et al., further point out that shadowing, together with repetition, mirroring, and
imitative conversation techniques is considered one of the oral teaching methods used
for imitating native speakers’ intonation patterns at the discourse level.8 The basic
as possible.9
improving students listening and pronunciation, and not so many of them conducted
Lidan, J.R. Factors Influencing Students Motivation of SMU St. Dominicus Makassar in
Speaking English. A Thesis S1 (Makassar: FPBS, STIE-YPUP, 2006) p. 10
Hsieh, Kun-Ting, Dong, Da-Hui, and Wang, Li-Yi. A Preliminary Study of Applying
Shadowing Technique to English Intonation Instruction. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics vol. 11 no. 2
(2013) p. 48 http://tjl.nccu.edu.tw/main/uploads/11.2__.2_1_.pdf
Hsieh, Kun-Ting, Dong, Da-Hui, and Wang, Li-Yi. A Preliminary Study of Applying
Shadowing Technique to English Intonation Instruction. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics vol. 11 no. 2
(2013) p. 49 http://tjl.nccu.edu.tw/main/uploads/11.2__.2_1_.pdf
the research of applying the technique on improving speaking skill. But the
skills concluded that this method is good because it is fun, and not difficult to use.
Therefore, the researcher totally believes that this shadowing technique is a good
Shadowing Technique towards Speaking Skill to The Second Year Students of SMA
Negeri 2 Enrekang ”.
B. Problem Statement
Based on the background previously stated, the researcher state the problem
statement as: Is the technique effective towards the improvement of the second year
C. Objective of Research
Based on the above problem statement, the objective of the research is to find out
whether the Shadowing Technique can help effectively the students in their speaking
skill improvement.
D. Research Significance
following :
1. Practical :
speaking skill
2. Theoritical :
a. To strengthen and test the theory and the previous research findings about
Shadowing technique.
c. To give reference not only for English teacher, but also for all teachers with
their spesifications.
E. Research Scope
This research focuses on implementing and finding out whether or not the
shadowing technique helps the students on their speaking skill and how does it
influence the students of SMA Negeri 2 Enrekang speaking skill. As a matter of case,
the researcher will pay attention in building up students speaking skill, which contain
Second Year Students of SMA Negeri 2 Enrekang”. In order to know the term used in
1. Shadowing Technique
Shadowing is an activity where the doer tries to follow what the speaker saying as
teacher starting by giving the students a material in this case a speech video which is
not a very long, then the student will watch and hear it for some times and finally try
2. Speaking Skill
The teacher will use the shadowing technique towards the students’ speaking
G. Literature Review
A lot of researches related to the shadowing term have been conducted. The
their English rhythms. The researchers are convinced that the ‘shadowing’ technique
is one of the most effective interventions for Japanese adult learners with efficient
pronunciation to learn.10
Omar and Umehara, Michiko. Using ‘A Shadowing’ Technique’ to Improve English
Pronunciation Deficient Adult Japanese Learners: An Action Research on Expatriate Japanese Adult
Learners. Malaysia. Journal of Asia TEFL. Vol. 7, No. 2 (2010) p. 226-228.
Another research, it was found that the shadowing technique is proven to be effective
Furthermore, there was a study seeking for any relationship between shadowing
and EFL learners’ oral performance in terms of fluency. The findings of this study
skills. The study also states that exposing learners to the target language accelerates
The first research above talks about how effective is the shadowing technique in
improving students speaking ability and that shadowing technique is a better way
than repitation. The second research showed us that students are more interested in
learning using shadowing technique than learning by listening to the teacher lecturing
only. The last research is focused in terms of fluency, found out that shadowing
technique improves the oral performance of English learners and it needs to be done
The researcher will conduct a research using shadowing technique as well but it
will be different with the previous researches before. First, the researcher will conduct
a research using shadowing technique towards students’ speaking skill that focus on
Hsieh, Kun-Ting, Dong, Da-Hui, and Wang, Li-Yi. A Preliminary Study of Applying
Shadowing Technique to English Intonation Instruction. Taiwan Journal of Linguistics vol. 11 no. 2
(2013) p. 59 http://tjl.nccu.edu.tw/main/uploads/11.2__.2_1_.pdf
Zakeri, Elham. The Effect of Shadowing on EFL Learners’ Oral Performance in Terms of
Fluency. International Journal of Enflish language Teaching Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 2014) p. 23-24.
Indonesian students and not japanese students. So, the object will be different from
the first research’s object. Second, the researcher will conduct a research that will
focus not just on students’ fluency but also in pronunciation and voicabulary, so it
will be different from the ssecond research findings. Last, the researcher will conduct
a research that will focus not only on students fluency as the last research findings
stated but also on students’ pronunciation and vocabulary. These will be the different
between the research that the researcher will conduct from the other researches.
a. Shadowing
In this case, Shadowing is defined as an activity where the students are given
developing a “good ear” for language, particularly in regards to accent and intonation,
is an active and highly cognitive activity in which learners track the heard speech and
Zakeri, Elham. The Effect of Shadowing on EFL Learners’ Oral Performance in Terms of
Fluency. International Journal of Enflish language Teaching Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 2014) p. 21.
Bovee, Nicholas & Stewart, Jeff. The Utility of Shadowing. PAC7 at JALT2008
Conference Proceedings (2009) p. 889. H http://jalt-
vocalize it as clearly as possible at the same time that they hear it.15 Shadowing is an
because it provides learners with silent pauses in which to reproduce the sounds they
have heard.16
is that it emphasizes less on repetition because the learners do not have to spend time
listening to the whole sentence. However, many learners might find the shadowing
technique more challenging attributing to its requirement for capacity and focus on
the multi-tasks of listening and speaking. There are some forms of shadowing:
1. Full shadowing: Students have to listen to the input and then try to repeat the
2. Slash shadowing: The speaker purposely delivers their speech with pauses
4. Part shadowing: The shadower picks up the last word or the stressed ones
Tamai, K.. The effectivenessof shadowing and listening process.CurrentEnglish Studies.
No. 36. p. 105-116.
Shiki, O., Mori., Y., Kadota, S., & Yoshida, S.(2010). Exploring differences between
shadowing and repeating practices.Annual Review ofEnglish Language Education Japan. No. 21. p.
Luo, Dean, Yutaka Yamauchi, and Nobuaki Minematsu. Speech analysis for automatic
evaluation of shadowing. Paper presented at the Interspeech 2010 Joint Satellite Workshop on "Second
Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning, Education and Technology", Tokyo: Japan. p. 6
6. Part shadowing + question: The shadower adds a question about his/her job.18
The use of the shadowing technique involves the knowledge of how and when to
use it. For this reason, it is very important to take into account that the types of
shadowing depends on the level in which students are. The previous list evidences
that the technique is flexible in terms of implementation and can be adaptable for
account the following steps: First of all the teacher starts by selecting an audio text
for the learners to work with, he/she needs to analyze the vocabulary in the transcript
to identify which items he/she would need to clarify for the students. Secondly, the
teacher encourages the students to listen to the audio text as many times as possible to
become familiar with the speaker’s pronunciation and give them instructions, so they
can also focus on particular aspects of the voice speech, such as the way he/she
pronounces certain individual sounds, the rhythm and the pace of his/her voice. For
the next step the teacher must demonstrate to the students how the technique works
and plays the role of a guide/example for them, it is important that they notice that the
technique is not a listen and repeat exercise. If the teacher notice any problem related
to articulation of sounds during the practice, the participants will be asked to focus on
those segments of the audio text and reinforce them until they have fixed these
problems. To do this, students should listen again to the audio as many times as
Jaramillo, Angie Melissa & Isaza, Angélica. The Implementation of Shadowing Technique
to Improve Oral Acuracy in Young Children. A Thesis (Pereira: Facultaded Bellas artes Y
Humanidades Licenciatura En Lengua Inglesa, Universidad Tecnológica Pereira, 2016) p. 15-16
necessary until they are satisfied with their pronunciation. Finally, when they feel that
their pronunciation matches the audio text naturally, get them to record themselves or
shadow the audio in front of the class. In conclusion, we can say that the
to use it, we have to be patient enough to wait until they feel ready to do it.
When students shadow the audio, they imitate the sounds, stress, pronunciation
and intonation of the audio, it helps to raise awareness on the way they speak;
order to implement this technique, we can select the appropriate material for children
such as songs, cartoons and movies. A chunk of audio from the previous materials is
selected along with the scripts for the students to shadow, always considering their
level of proficiency. The students have to know in advance what they are saying,
what is the meaning of the script because it has better results, like before stated
shadowing training is effective when done after learning the target concepts.19
b. Speaking
Speaking is one of the four basic skills in learning foreign language besides
listening, reading, and writing. It has been taught since the students entered a Junior
High School, however it is not easy for the students to communicate in English. They
have to think more often when speaking English. Acquaints the interaction skill
involves the ability to use language in order to satisfy particular demands. First, it is
Yo Hamada. The Effectiveness of Pre- and Post-Shadowing in Improving Listening
Comprehension Skills. The Language Teacher Online, vol. 38, no. 1. (January/February 2014) p. 8.
related to the internal conditions of speech. Second, it involves the dimension of
conversation with somebody, to address somebody in word etc. while speech means
speaking is also a medium through which much language is learnt, including English.
One is said to be a good speaker provided he manages to deliver what is in his mind
Furthermore, speaking is the term that the writer uses for verbal communication
between people. When two people are engaged in talking to each other, the researcher
extremely complex and ever changing phenomenon. There are certain generalizations
about the majority of communicative events and these have particular relevance for
the learning and teaching process. People do communication for some reasons:
(1) “They want to say something”. What is used here is general way to suggest that
the speakers make definite decisions to address other people. Speaking may, of
course, be forced upon them, but we can still say that they feel the need to speak,
Wahyudi, Endri. The Use of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) in Speaking
Class. A Thesis (Salatiga: Faculty of training and Education, IAIN, 2015). p. 27
Anggraeni, Purwita. Audio Lingual Teaching as an Alternative Method in Teaching
Speaking (An Action Research Given to the First Year Students of SMP Negeri 2 Pemalang in the
Academic Year 2006/2007. A Thesis (Semarang: Faculty of Language and Art, UNS, 2007) p. 22
(2) “They have some communicative purpose”. Speakers say things because they
want something to happen as a result of what they say. They may want to charm their
listeners; to give some information, to express pleasure; they may decide to be rude or
flatter. To agree or complain. In each of these cases they are interested in achieving
this communicative purpose what is important the message they wish to convey and
(3) “They select from their language store”. Speakers have an infinite capacity to
create new sentences. In order to achieve this communication purpose they will select
(from the “store” of language they posses) the language they think is appropriate for
this purpose.22
Of course there will be a desire to communicate on the part of the students and
they will also have a communicative purpose. Where the students are involved in a
shadowing, they will be motivated the need to reach the objective of accuracy. The
H. Theoretical Framework
At first, before speaking people will select which words to be spoken, have the
phonetics formulated then finally is articulated by the motor system in the vocal
apparatus. The second, people create speech links a desired concept to a particular
spoken word to be expressed. After that, creating the linguistic form required for that
Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching 3th Ed. Harlow: Longman.
2001, p. 46
words expression. Next, lungs, glottis, larynx, tongue, lips, jaw and other parts of the
vocal apparatus retriving the particular motor phonetics of a word and a motor
pausing, placement of pauses and the length of run), some degree of automacity is
necessary. It allows speakers to focus their attention on the aspects of the speaking
task. Speaking does not need too much grammar. It is better for people to learn and
study phrases than grammar. To be able to speak so well, needs not only reading and
listening but also practicing what people hear. People need to submerge theirselves in
practicing and learning correct material. There are some things that makes speaking
1. Clustering
2. Redundance
3. Reduced form
4. Performance variables
5. Colloquial language
6. Rate of delivery
8. Interaction23
Ramirez, Nalyn. The Nature of Speaking. Slideshare Presentation. 2012.
Shadowing technique will facilitate in doing self-monitoring and repair, getting
better fluency and automacity. Shadowing also will help to overcome difficulties in
speaking such as reduced form, colloquial language, stress, rhythm and intonation.
and nowadays is used specially in Japan for English classes in order to improve
which learners track speech they hear and vocalize it as clearly as possible while
simultaneously listening.24 It means that people have to repeat what they have
listened trying to imitate the exact sounds of the foreign language, in this case,
English, so they can raise awareness for listening skills and speaking skills.
Shadowing has broad scope of procedures to apply in EFL classrooms and all of
them have their moment in the classes’ timeline and specific characteristics
depending on the learning purpose. Various types of shadowing have been exposed
such as full shadowing, slash shadowing, part shadowing (also known as echoing)
students repeat the complete sentence that they are given, in selective form in which
they only shadow the important message and finally, the interactive form in which
Yo Hamada. The Effectiveness of Pre- and Post-Shadowing in Improving Listening
Comprehension Skills. The Language Teacher Online, vol. 38, no. 1. (January/February 2014) p. 3.
they add comments or other words while still repeating some parts of the input. It is
worth mentioning the principal exponents of this technique to broaden the concept.25
I. Hypothesis
Zakeri, Elham. The Effect of Shadowing on EFL Learners’ Oral Performance in Terms of
Fluency. International Journal of Enflish language Teaching Vol. 1, No. 1 (March 2014) p. 22.
Yo Hamada. The Effectiveness of Pre- and Post-Shadowing in Improving Listening
Comprehension Skills. The Language Teacher Online, vol. 38, no. 1. (January/February 2014) p. 4.
J. Research Method
1. Research Design
condition is controlled so that there will be no other variable influence the dependent
group. Charles in Latief stated that in educational settings, very often it is not possible
to select the sample randomly out of all the population student. When the researcher
can only assign randomly different treatments to two different classes, the researcher
uses quasi-experimental research design.28 In this research, there will be groups, one
is control group and the other one is experimental group. Special treatment will be
given to the experimental group and usual treatment will be given to control group.
O1 X O2
O1 O2
Sugiyono. Cara Mudah Menyusun: Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi. Bandung. 2013. p. 24
Latief, Mohammad Adnan. Research Methods on Language Learning An Introduction.
Malang. 2013. p. 95
O1 : pre-test score (before given treatment), it means pre-test will be held by the
a treatment.
2. Research Variable
individual, though any two or more individuals may have the same variable trait or
measure.29 Based on their roles in research, this research consists of two variables;
independent and dependent variable. Independent variable (X) is the variable which
variable.30 Shadowing technique is the independent variable, while the speaking skill
Latief, Mohammad Adnan. Research Methods on Language Learning An Introduction.
Malang. 2013. p. 11
Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Jakarta. 2013. p.
K. Research Setting
This research will be conducted at the second grade of SMA Negeri 2 Enrekang
1. Population
The term population is used to express the sense of the group that became the
origin from which a sample is selected. Population is a set (or collection) of all
defined as the set of all objects or individuals who will be studied based on a sample.
quantity and characteristic which has been decided by the researcher to be studied and
then to be concluded.32 Therefore, the population in this study are all students of
second grade SMA Negeri 2 Enrekang which consists of 6 classes with a number of
200 students.
2. Sample
The sample will be a member of the chosen or drawn from a population. The
sample. The amount of sample required varies with the purpose of uptake and the
Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian. Jakarta. 1998. p. 339
Sugiyono. Cara Mudah Menyusun: Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi. Bandung. 2013. p. 62
population. Therefore, the selected sample should be representative of the population,
because the sample is a tool or medium to examine the properties of the population.
Thus, the present facts sample descriptive statistics and inferential statistics reveal the
In this research, the researcher will use cluster sampling. Cluster sampling
technique involves the random selection of group that already exist. Instead of
selecting a sample of 50 students of 4th grade from the school population, people just
select the 4th grade classes.33 The sample of this research will be : 2 IPA 1
M. Research Instrument
person. Researcher will collect data on instrument. Instrument is a tool for measuring,
Test In this study is the most important instrument to collect the data. It is used
Latief, Mohammad Adnan. Research Methods on Language Learning An Introduction.
Malang. 2013. p. 185
Sugiyono. Cara Mudah Menyusun: Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi. Bandung. 2013. p.72
a. Pre-test
know the difference between the two classes that taught by using shadowing
b. Post-test
After the researcher using shadowing technique then the post-test will be
given. Finally, the result of the test was scored and calculated. The result of
The techniques of data collection used in this research will be giving pre-test and
post-test. The researcher will give pre-test to both of the groups to get students score
before giving treatment (experimental treatment and usual treatment). After giving
pre-test, the researcher will use shadowing technique towards students’ speaking skill
on experimental group and give usual treatment to control group. Next, after giving
treatment for 1 month to the students, the researcher will give post-test to get the final
score. Finally, after collecting all the data, the researcher will analyze the data and
conclude it.
O. Data Analysis Technique
After collecting the data, pre-test and post-test from the experimental group and
control group, then the researcher will measure the score differences from pre-test
and post-test of experimental group and control group by the statistical calculation. In
this study, the researcher will use t –a test formula to find out whether the mean
differences between them were significant or not, with the steps below:
a. The first step was the researcher put the scores of the pre-test and posttest of
b. Second, the researcher classify the students’ score. The classifications are:
1 86 - 100 Excellent
2 76 - 85 Very good
3 66 – 75 Good
4 56 – 65 Average
5 36 – 55 Poor
6 0 - 35 Very poor
c. Second, the researcher calculate the mean from overall each scores of post-
test of both groups. To calculate the mean in central tendency with the
following formula:
Me =
M = mean
N = total of students
(∑ 𝒙)𝟐
∑ 𝒙𝟐 −
SD =
√ 𝒏𝟏
SD : Standard Deviation
x2 : The sum of all square, each score is squared and all the squares add up
(x2) : The square of the sum, all the scores are added up and the sum is squares,
e. Fourth, the researcher will use homogeneity test in order to know whether
experimental and control group have same variants, with the following
Gay L.R. Education Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. 8th Edition.
Unated State. 2006. p. 321
𝑭 𝒉𝒊𝒕 = 𝟐
Where :
f. Fifth, the researcher will analyze the data through t- test to find out
whether the difference of the scores between them was significant or not.
𝒙𝟏− 𝒙𝟐
𝑺𝑺𝟏 +𝑺𝑺𝟐 𝟏 𝟏
√( )( + )
𝒏𝟏 +𝒏𝟐 −𝟐 𝒏𝟏 𝒏𝟐
t = Test of significance
1 = Constant number.36
Gay L.R. Education Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. 8th Edition.
Unated State. 2006. p. 346
Arikunto, Suharsimi. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka
Cipta. 2013
Bovee, Nicholas & Stewart, Jeff. The Utility of Shadowing. PAC7 at JALT2008
Conference Proceedings (2009) p. 889. H http://jalt-
Derewianka, Baverly. Exploring How Text Work. London: Primary English English
Teaching Association. 1990.
Gay L.R. Education Research: Competencies for Analysis and Application. 8th
Edition. Unaited State. 2006.
Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching 3th Ed. Harlow:
Longman. 2001
Hsieh, Kun-Ting, Dong, Da-Hui, and Wang, Li-Yi. A Preliminary Study of Applying
Shadowing Technique to English Intonation Instruction. Taiwan Journal of
Linguistics vol. 11 no. 2 (2013) p. 48
Lidan, J.R. Factors Influencing Students Motivation of SMU St. Dominicus Makassar
in Speaking English. A Thesis S1 (Makassar: FPBS, STIE-YPUP, 2006)
Luo, Dean, Yutaka Yamauchi, and Nobuaki Minematsu. Speech analysis for
automatic evaluation of shadowing. Paper presented at the Interspeech. Joint
Satellite Workshop on "Second Language Studies: Acquisition, Learning,
Education and Technology", Tokyo: Japan. 2010
Rizkiyanto, Aditya. Comparison between Using Authentic Song Lyrics and Pictures
as Media to Teach Students’ Writing Competence of Narative Text. A Journal
of English language Teaching, vol. 3 no. 1 (June 2014), p. 2
Shiki, O., Mori., Y., Kadota, S., & Yoshida, S. Exploring differences between
shadowing and repeating practices.Annual Review ofEnglish Language
Education. 2010. Japan. No. 21.
Sugiyono. Cara Mudah Menyusun: Skripsi, Tesis, dan Disertasi. Bandung: Alfabeta.