(QQFP - : Q Los Alamos Scientific
(QQFP - : Q Los Alamos Scientific
(QQFP - : Q Los Alamos Scientific
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FormNo W3 F13
Patrick L. McGuire
Methane hydrates are thought to occur in large quantities in Siberia and
in the North American Arctic. The estimated gas hydrate reserves in these
onshore and offshore Arctic areas are vast, although they are highly specula-
tive at best. Of more importance though is the repeated occurrence of hydrates
in sediments overlying conventional oil and gas fields in the MacKenz~c Delta.
Arctic Islands, and Beauiort Sea of Canada, and in Alhska’s Kljparuk Field.l
Billions of dollars and t.h~us~nds of man-years have already been invested in
exploring and developing these areas for conventional oil and gas production.
~nd this is the realm in which hydrates have signific~nt resource potential,
Hydrate dep, sits in these dress should be view~d as a long-term resuurce thdt
could extenu the life and productivity of these conventional oil and ga’, field~
and their as~orlated overhe~d ind equipment. It is within this context tntlt
the hydrate productinfl nmrlf!lingeffort at ‘o~ Alamos Niition,llLiibordtm”y h,I’i
from a hot water flciod pattern and one to evaluate hydrate gas production from
a fracture-linked Injector/producer pair, have been de+eloped.
Once the models were developed, we planned to run parametric studies of
major reservoir variables to rank their importance. A major objective of the
parametric studies was to develop some preliminary screening criteria to
Identify promising hydrate reservoirs. Such a tool would be valuable in
estimating the potential hydrate gas reserves in fields where hydrates have
been encountered. Finally, a nmre realistic model could ~e used to analyze
the e:onanic feasibility of gas production from a given hydra:e :eservoir.
Figure 1 is a plan view of the frontal-sweep production system {n wt~ich
hot water is injected into a central injection well and the dissnciatea hydrate
gc I‘OWS to the surrounding production wells. This system is analagous to
steam flooding a heavy oil reservoir, and the frontal-sweep model uses th~
Marx-Langenheim heavy oil recovery equatior~s to calculate hydrate gas produc-
tion. The frontal-sweep model is a heat t“ansfer model, not a poro~s flow
mod~~, and is essenti~lly a time-dependent energy balance betweeti he~t injec-
tion, heat losses to the sediments above and below the hydrate zone, and th~~
latent and sensib’ e heat required to raise the hydrates from T
hyci’ “hP
hydrate dissuciat on temperature, to T, the hot fluid inject ior]tem~era.
tureo This model assumes that
1, The hytirite is completely swept out by a moving vertical froflt of
injection water;
2. All ~f th~ swept portion o? fh~ reservoir is at Tinjl the injt~ction
3. The entire r~s~rvuir and Surrollnding sed!mrnts are initially t! or
are very near Thy(ll the hydrate dissociation t,emper,]ture;
4, Injection rate, inj~rt.ion tmpuratur~:, and rcs~rvoir thickn~’~~ at’~’
5, Th~r~ ts no slgl lfic.ant
injection fluid; and
6, All of the ga!, thol Is
production we!!,
There are several additional assumptions that are implied by the use of
the frontal-sweep model, but are not part of the nmdel itself. These assump-
tions include
1. Sufficient in situ permeability exists within the hydrate zoii~ to
effectively flood the pattern;
/. The gas produced at the dissociation front does not reform into
hy”rates as it migrates toward the production wells; and
3. Technicel considerations such as wellbore heat losses, melting of
permafrost, and feedwater treatment do not pose serious problems.
Numrc)us technical problems do exist, especially with steam injection, but
these are beyond the scope of this paper.
The major variables in the frontal-sweep model include reservoir thick-
ness, porosity, and injection temperature. Other pertinent variables sucn dS
the thermal diffusivity of the sediments above and below the hydrate reservoir,
the fraction of hydrate filling the pores, the o~ctipancy ratio of methane to
water in the hydrate, and the dissociation energy of the hydrate are either
relatively constant from field to field or are virtually unknown, In eith?r
cdse, these variables have be~n held constant for modeling purposes. The
dissociation arc~ (the area from which all hydrates have been produced) i~
given by
‘z’ erf’z+v--”~’
1 (1)
z.#Ti : , (?)
M’ = (1 ~)prCr + sw~f,wcw + F (4)
hyd4Fhvd. (,z7
G (!lfc z , (5)
P M’Al
Inspection o: the figures also indicates that, to be of interest as a
potential resource, the reservoir should be 25 ft thick or more. Similarly,
unless the porosity is at least 15 per cent, the heat wasted in raising the
rock matrix temperature will render thermal stimulation ineffective in pro-
ducing useful quantities of gas. Fiyure 4 illustrates the relative importance
of porosity versus reservoir thickness in determining hydl’ate gas production.
It is important to recognize the limitations of the frontal-sweep model
before using these results in evaluating a given hydrate reservoir. The model
is based on a heat transfer solution and is in no way a porous flow model.
Infectivity limitations, viscous fingerin], out-of-pattern gas migration, and
reformation of free gas and watt?r into hydrates are among the problemz that
are not addressed by the frontal-sweep model. This nmdel is quite useful in
estimating hydrate gas production, however, Secause it represents the upper
bou~d of that production. Practical considerations such as those previously
mentioned will only serve to reduce the actual gas produced from a thermally
stimulated hydrate reservoir.
Figure 5 is a plan view of the fracture-flow p~od:ction system in which
hot water is pum~ed nto an injection well that has be~.1 linked by hydraulic
fracturing to a single producing well. This !s the anticipated production
t~chnique in hydrate reservoirs where the in s;tu perlli~~bilityis extremely
low because of hydrate blockage of the pore channels. This fracture-f,ow case
is much less effective Lhan the fronta’ -sweep case because a large percentage
of the injected energy is removed from the reservoir at the production well,
The heat-transfer efficiel,cy (HTE), wh ch is equal to the energy expended in
the reservoir divided by the total injected energy, decreases witt~ tim~ as the
flow path betweerl the WI=llS becomes wider, This results in bight’r produced
water temperatures and lower gdS production rates.
The fracture-flow h~at transfer problem is extremely complicated becaus~
it is dominated by two-phase porous mdia flow, boundary layer consideratiorls,
gravity segregatim uf qas, hot water, and cold water, and the complication of
pAase changes and cjas production distributed along the “fracture” (that is,
the hydrate-free flow path) face. All of !he above factors vary both verti-
cally and horizontally along th~ fracture face and are time dependent. This
system obviously has no closed-form solutions, nor are any existing finit~-
elewnt programs equipped to nmdel this behavior. A lower limit to the heat
transfer can be established, however, by assuming laminar slug flow of the
injection water th~ough the porous nmia between the fracture faces. This
case then becomes a variation of the widely known Graetz laminar-flow conduc-
tion problem, and it can be solved in closed form for a constant flow path
width. 4 The laminar slug flow solution has been incorporated into a one-
dimensional finite-element model to establish the worst-case fracture-flow
The fracture-flow mxlel uses the following simplifications.
1. The flow path, whose width is a continuously varying function of
both time and distance along the path, is represented by a series of
constant-width elements, each one smaller than the last. The width
of each element is changed after every time step.
2. The fluid flow i~ assumed to be laminar slu~ flow with a constant
mass flux of water throughout the flow path. This implies that the
in situ hydrate permeability is effectively zero, and that the mass
transfer changes because of hydrate dissociation and gas production
are small.
3. The effects of two-phase flow, gravity ~egregation of gas and tiatw,
and the diffusive mixing inherent in porous flow are all ignored.
This should yield a conservative worst-cas~ model for heat transfer
into the hydrate r~servoir.
4. Heat losses tu the sedimunts above and below the reservoir are
ignored, resulting in a two-dimensional problem.
5. Thermal storage effects of the porous media are incorporated ‘n the
hydrate dissociation calculations, r,ot in the basir temperature
distr~bution equctions.
The finite-element representation of th~ fracture-t~ow channel is shown
in Fig, 6 and a typical element i% shown in Fig, 7, Ten elements of equal
1e~~gth and initial width H were used in the model. The steady-state tempera-
ture d’stribution within a flow channel of constant width, W, is given hy
m ~(ljn Jh J(.-])n
T(x,y) . Thyd + ~ --– ‘A y
n=@ n
- ~n2KtM,\wcwQwU
I .
~05(An {)s (6)
where A s (?n+l)fi. The heat flux through the isothermal surfaces of the
finite ~lenwnt shoun in Fig. 7 can be approximated by
1] ,
where Ueff, the “effective width,” is the average flow path width over the
interval O ~ x ~ L2. As this heat flux is applied to the isothermal disso-
ciation surfaces over a time step nf length I, hydrate is dissociated and the
GP(Ll,L2) = 8hydq(L1,L2)T~/M’(Tinj_ThYd).
During the next time st~p, the new values of Weff for each element are uted
in Eqs. (7) and (9) to calculate hydrate gas production. The effective flow
pat4 width increases with everj ti~ step; therefore, gas production always
decreases with time.
The major variables in tnc fracture-flow mudel dre the sam as those for’
the frcmt~l-sweep model: reservoir thickness, porosity, am.1 injectior’ tenlper-
ature. The anly new variable is fracture length, which is the distance between
the jnjectur dnd the producer. Parametric studl~s wt’re run using this model
to eval~ate the ~nf!uence of each of these variables. Because the model does
not accourt for heat losses to sediments above and below the hydr~te zone, the
results are fairly insensitive tu injection temperature. Porosity appears
only in the numerdtor of Cq, (8) and indirectly in thu denominator as part of
M’, so the gas production is roughly proportional to porosity.
Figure 8 snows the gas produced after 1 yr of lnjectirlg 30,000 tlHPD of
150°F water (roughly 50 WBtu/h) into a fracture-linked well pair a< a function
of fractur~ length and reservoir thickness. ]t is interesting that the gas
production fs a function of the product of these two Vdridb]es. For exdnwle,
d 50-ft-thick by 330-lt-long frarture, a 25-ft-thick by 660-ft-long fracture,
and a 10-ft-thick by 1650-ft-long fracture all produced 140 MMscf. In all
cases studied, the total nas production in 1 yr was less than the estimated
fuel consumption required to heat 30,000 BWPD from 3Z°F to 150”F. Even in the
most favc; able case (a 2640-ft-long fracture in a 200-ft-thick reservoir), the
produced water temperature was over 130”F after a year of injection, yielding
an HTE of only 16 per cent. Figure 9, which !s a temperature profile of the
fracture-flow system, illustrates the “thermal short circuit” that causes such
low eff ciencies and production rates.
As in the case of the frontal-sweep model, it is important to realize tkle
limitat ons of the fracture-flow model before using these results to evaluate
a given hydrate reservoir, The mdel is based on a heat transfer solution and
is in no way a porous flw model. The assumption of laminar slug flow with no
fluid mixing is highly conservative, as is the assumption that the hydrate
permeability is zero, confining all of the injection fluid t? the hydl-ate free
flow path. The fracture-flow model represents the lower bound on hydrate gas
produ~tion, and a real system should he much more effective.
from 10 to 200 ft. The gap between the two models is quite large, but it can
be reduced by “correcting” the models for real-life conditions. For example,
by accounting for the effects of fluid mixing and two-phase flow, we can
increase the efficiency of the fracture-flow nmdel, while accounting for free
gas migration out of the pattern will decrease the efficiency of the frontal-
sweep model. These corrections will, of necessity, be somewhat arbitrary, but
should yield more accurate production estimates than the two existing models.
Two fairiy straightforward models have been developed to bracket the
expected gas production from a methane hydrate reservoir. The frontal-sweep
model represents the upper bound on the gas production, and the fracture-flow
model represents the lower bound.
The in situ hydrate permeability is a major factor in estimating hydrate
reservoir performance. A high-permeability reservoir may approach the high-
efficiency performance of the frontal-sweep model. A low-permeability rsser-
voir may have to be fracture-linked to establish infectivity, and will probably
have low-efficiency performance that is similar to that of the fracture-flow
model . Excess-gas reservoirs appear to be the most desirable; although excess-
water hydrate reservoirs below the permafrost zone could also have re~sunable
permeabilities. In any case, drill stem testing andior core analysis data
should be used to evaluate the reservo:r.
Parametric studies were made to determine the importance of a number of
variables, including porosity, bed thickness, injection temperature, ana frac-
ture length. These studies indicate that the hydrate-filled porosity should
be at least 15 per cent, reservoir thickness should be about 25 ft or more,
and well spacing should be fairly large (maybe 40 acres/well), if possible.
Injection temperatures shoulcl probably be between 150 and 250°F to achieve an
acceptable balance between high heat losses and unrealistically high injection
Numerous important quest’’ons about hydrate gas production remain unan-
swered. For example, how serious is the problem of dis~ociated hydrates
reforming as the gas and water migrate toward the producing well? Could brine
Injection, either of surface-heated sea water or direct injection of warm
brines from deeper zones, be effective in dissociating hydrates and preventing
them from reforming? Uhat are the important properties (that is, fractional
pore filling, excess gas content, occupancy ratio of methane in the hydrate
lattice) of hydrate deposits as they occur in nature? These questions warrant
additional investigation for several reasons. Not only is the potential
hydrate resource base vast, but a good deal of the resource overlies conven-
tional oil and gas fields where huge amounts of equipment and organizational
overhead are already in place. Finally, production modeling indicates that
methane hydrates could perhaps be produced at sufficient rates to extend the
life of there fields as conventional resource supplies dwindle.
The numbers in parentheses were used in the models.
A The area of the reservoir in which all hydrates have been dissoci-
ated, ft2.
Hydrate formation volume factor, scf of produced gas per ft3
hydrate (140 scf/ft3).
The specific heats of gas, water, and rock, respectively, Btu/lbm
(o, 1.0, 0.2).
The fraction of the pore space containing hydrates (1.0).
Gp The gas production rate.
h The height or bed thickness of a hydrate reservoir, ft.
Heat required to dissociate hydrate into gas and water at 32”F,
Btu/ft3 (14,000).
I Rate of heat injection into the reservoir, MBtu/h (50).
K Thermal conductivity of the reservoir and surrounding sediments,
Btu/h-ft-°F (1.5).
L1!L2 The minimum and maximum distances, respectively, to the injection
well from a given finite element, ft.
M The weighted heat capacity of the reservoir and its fluids, Btu/ft3.
M’ Same as M, but includes the heat of dissociation of the hydrate,
Hydrate dissociation temperature, ‘F (32).
T. Temperature of injection water, “F.
AT T. ‘F.
Inj - ‘hyd’
H The width of the fracture-flow channel, ft.
w The ~ffective w~dth, in terms of estimating the heat transfer, of
the fracture-flow channel at a given point., ft.
N The change in the fracture-flow path width because of dissociation,
x The distance along the path from the injection well to the produc-
tion well, ft.
zoo FTq
100 FT
so FT
25 FT
10 FT
5 FT
1 1 1 1 1
30 PCT
25 PCT
20 PCT
10 PCT
------- .- -.
01 A A 1 1 1
. 1500 FT
w FT
u FT
. - --- . . ---
0 5 20 ?5 30
A ●
A ●
UNl~09~ V~LOC17V, V
4 \
300 /’:
i 00
0 A . * A A
IW. *
OAT = 267
, ●1
Iw. a
&/ r