Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures II
Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures II
Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures II
Zbigniew Zembaty
Mario De Stefano Editors
Seismic Behaviour
and Design of
Irregular and
Complex Civil
Structures II
Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake
Volume 40
Series Editor
Atilla Ansal, School of Engineering, Özyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey
Editorial Advisory Board
Julian Bommer, Imperial College London, U.K.
Jonathan D. Bray, University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A.
Kyriazis Pitilakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Susumu Yasuda, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
More information about this series at
Zbigniew Zembaty • Mario De Stefano
Lavan O., De Stefano M. (editors), Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex
Structures, Springer, Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering, Dordrecht, 2013
vi Preface
Forty participants from 15 countries took part in this successful event organized as
in the earlier workshops, by Working Group (WG) 8 of the European Association
for Earthquake Engineering: Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Struc-
tures, as well as by the Polish Group for Seismic and Paraseismic Engineering
affiliated to the Polish Academy of Sciences and by the Faculty of Civil Engineer-
ing, Opole University of Technology. Previous conferences which took place in
Capri, Italy (1996); Istanbul, Turkey (1999); Florence, Italy (2002); Thessaloniki,
Greece (2005); Catania, Italy (2008); and Haifa, Israel (2011) also resulted in
published proceedings. This conference cycle has already established itself as a
valuable venue for exchanging of ideas in the area of irregularity issues in earth-
quake engineering.
The book consists of 30 chapters and is divided into 3 parts:
• The first part, devoted to the complexity issues of ground motion modelled as
wave propagation effect, consists of seven papers referring to seismic engineer-
ing and modern seismology issues.
• The second part, consisting of 20 chapters, covers the key area of structural
irregularity effects on seismic response, both the horizontal ones, leading to
structural torsion and vertical setbacks often leading to the amplification of the
overall seismic response.
• The third part consists of three papers devoted to active and passive control of
the irregular structures.
viii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
xii Contributors
1.1 Introduction
The MPS procedure is implemented here in three phases: (1) computation of target
roof displacement and pushover analyses, (2) scaling phase, and (3) selection phase.
The step-by-step procedure is presented here in a general form (Reyes et al. 2014).
1 Procedure for Selecting and Scaling Records 5
1. For a given site, define the target spectra Âx and Ây, in this study taken as the
median of the 5-percent damped pseudo-acceleration response spectra of two
components of the ground motions.
2. Compute the natural frequencies ωn (periods Tn) and modes ϕn of the first few
modes of linear-elastic vibration of the building. For each ground motion
component direction (x or y), identify the first, second and third modes as the
three modes with the largest effective modal mass.
3. Develop the base shear-roof displacement, V bn urn , relationship or pushover
curve by nonlinear static analysis of the building subjected to the nth-“mode”
invariant force distribution:
2 3
s∗ 4 mϕ yn 5
n ¼
Io ϕθn
where m is a diagonal matrix of order N with mjj ¼ m j , the mass lumped at the
jth floor level; Io is a diagonal matrix of order N with I ojj ¼ I o j , the moment of
inertia of the jth floor diaphragm about a vertical axis through the center of mass
(C.M.); and subvectors ϕxn, ϕyn, and ϕθn of the nth mode ϕn represent x, y and θ
components of ground motion, respectively. This step should be implemented
only for the first three “modes” in the direction under consideration; this step
could be omitted for the higher-“modes” if they are treated as linear-elastic
(Chopra 2007).
4. Idealize the V bn urn pushover curve as a bilinear or trilinear curve, as
appropriate, and convert it into the force-deformation, ðFsn =Ln Þ Dn , relation-
ship for the nth-“mode” inelastic SDF system using well-known formulations
Fsn V bn urn
¼ * Dn ¼
Ln Mn Γ n ϕrn
where Fsn is a nonlinear hysteretic function of the nth modal coordinate and Mn
is the effective modal mass for the nth-“mode” (Chopra 2007).
2 3 2 3 2 3
m 0 0 1 0
Ln ϕ T Mι
Γn ¼ ¼ Tn M¼4 0 m 0 5 ιx ¼ 4 0 5 ιy ¼ 4 1 5
Mn ϕn Mϕn
0 0 Io 0 0
1 and 0 are vectors of dimension N with all elements equal to one and zero,
respectively; and ϕrn is the value of ϕn at the roof.
5. Establish the target roof displacement u^r. For a system with known Tn, damping
ratio ξn, and force-deformation curve (Step 3), determine the peak deformation
6 J.C. Reyes et al.
Dn for the nth-“mode” inelastic SDF system due to each of the unscaled ground
motions u€g(t) by solving:
6. Compute the scale factor SF for each record in the direction under consideration
by solving the following nonlinear equation: ur u^ r ¼ 0, where ur is the peak
roof displacement in the direction under consideration from the scaled records.
Because this equation is nonlinear, SF cannot be determined a priori, but
requires an iterative procedure as shown below:
(a) Select an initial value of the scale factor SF, and compute deformation Dn(t)
for the nth-“mode” inelastic SDF due to the scaled record by solving:
€ n ðtÞ þ 2ξn ωn D_ n ðtÞ þ Fsn =Ln ¼ SF €ug ðtÞ ! Dn ðtÞ
(b) Compute roof displacement of the nth-“mode” in the direction under
consideration: urn ðtÞ ¼ Γ n ϕrn Dn ðtÞ
(c) Compute roof displacement in the direction under consideration:
ur ¼ max urn ðtÞ
Error ¼ SFx Ax ðT i Þ A^ x ðT i Þ þ SF y A y ðT i Þ A^ y ðT i Þ
where Âx and Ây are vectors of spectral values Âi at different periods Ti (Ti¼ T4,
T5, T6); Ax and Ay are vectors of spectral values for the unscaled records over the
same periods.
For a single horizontal component of ground motion, the MPS procedure scales
each record by a factor such that the deformation of the first-“mode” inelastic SDF
system matches a target value of the inelastic deformation. When steps 1 thru 6 of
the procedure shown in Sect. 1.2 are implemented for one-component of ground
motion, the following simplifications may be made: (1) Only the fundamental mode
in the direction of analysis is used in steps 3 thru 6; (2) Target deformation D^ 1 may
be used instead of a target roof displacement u^r; (3) In order to compute the scale
factor SF in step 6, the nonlinear equation may be written as D1 D ^ 1 ¼ 0; (4) The
selection phase (step 7) may consider only the unscaled spectral values at the
second mode in the direction of analysis instead of the spectral values at T4, T5
and T6. These simplifications may reduce significantly the computational time.
A large group of representative buildings in California were selected to study the
one-component MPS and the ASCE7 procedure. This group consists of three existing
low- and mid-rise steel special moment resisting frame (SRMF) buildings with 4, 6
and 13 stories, and two existing tall steel SRMF buildings having 19 and 52 stories. A
description of these structures and complete details of their analytical models are
reported in Kalkan and Chopra (2011, 2012). For these studies a total of 21 near-fault
8 J.C. Reyes et al.
0 0
0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5
Story drift ratio Story drift ratio
Benchmark ASCE7 MPS
Fig. 1.1 Inter-story drift ratios in percentage for the 19- and 52-story buildings. In each case the
marker and the horizontal line represent the median value of the EDP σ, assuming a log-normal
strong ground motions were selected. These motions were recorded during seismic
events with moment magnitude MW 6.5 at fault distances RRUP 12 km. Selected
records are listed in Table 1 of Kalkan and Chopra (2011, 2012)
For those five buildings, the median values of EDPs attributable to sets of seven
ground motions scaled by the two methods—MPS and ASCE7—were computed by
nonlinear RHAs of the buildings and compared against the benchmark EDP values.
Representative results for two tall buildings are shown in Fig. 1.1. For the 19-story
building, the first three panels of this figure show the benchmark (abbreviated as
Bench) EDPs, and EDPs for the ASCE7 and MPS procedures, respectively. The
next three panels display similar results for the 52-story building. The markers and
horizontal lines represent the median EDP value one standard deviation σ
assuming a lognormal distribution. For comparison purposes, the median bench-
mark values are kept in all sub-plots as a dashed line. The ASCE7 scaling method
grossly overestimates the inter-story drift ratios (IDRs) at almost all floors; for
example, IDRs are overestimated by as much as 80 % for the 19-story building, and
almost 170 % for the 52-story building. In contrast, IDRs obtained from MPS differ
from the benchmark results by less than 10 % in most cases. Furthermore, the
dispersion in EDPs as a result of the seismic records scaled according to the ASCE7
procedure is much larger than those from the MPS procedure.
Similar results were observed for the other three buildings analysed (low- and
mid-rise buildings); these results are not shown due to space limitations. Additional
findings can be found in Kalkan and Chopra (2011, 2012).
The accuracy and efficiency of the MPS procedure for multi-story symmetric-plan
buildings subjected to two components of ground motions was examined using a
computer model of an existing 9-story steel moment frame building (Reyes and
Chopra 2011b). For asymmetric-plan buildings, two categories of hypothetical
1 Procedure for Selecting and Scaling Records 9
y y y
R05 R10 R15
x x x
y y y
x x x
y y y
x x x
R=2 Linear 2
Normalized EDP
T =0.2 sec T =0.5 sec T =1 sec T =2 sec
1 1 1 1
Benchmark _ MPS-Rand _ MPS-Best_ ASCE7 -Rand _ ASCE7 -Best_
Fig. 1.3 Normalized roof displacement (EDP) at point c2 along x-direction of the L-shaped plan
single-story buildings (see Fig. 1.2). For each set the marker and the vertical line represent the
median value of the EDP one standard deviation, assuming a log-normal distribution
x-direction y-direction
15 Bench ASCE MPS Bench ASCE MPS
12 L15
0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2
Story drifts Story drifts
Benchmark ASCE7 MPS
Fig. 1.4 Inter-story drift ratios in percentage along x- and y-direction at corner c1 of the L-shaped
plan 15-story building (see Fig. 1.2). In each case the marker and the horizontal line represent the
median value of the EDP σ, assuming a log-normal distribution
recorded at distances (RRUP) ranging from 0.1 to 15 km. The seismic scenario for
multi-story buildings consists of 30 far-field ground motion records populated from
seven shallow crustal earthquakes with moment magnitude MW ¼ 6.7 0.2 at dis-
tances ranging from 20 to 30 km. The selected seismic records are listed in Table 1
in Reyes and Quintero (2014) and Reyes et al. (2015).
The procedure developed in Sect. 1.2 is compared against the ASCE7 scaling
procedure. Representative results from single-story buildings and 15-story building
are shown in Figs. 1.3 and 1.4, respectively. These structures have L-shaped plan
with significant plan irregularity. Figure 1.3 includes three sets of seven records
randomly selected (called “MPS-Rand” and “ASCE7-Rand”) and one set of seven
records selected by implementing an improved selection procedure (called “MPS-
Best” and “ASCE7-Best”). Roof displacements (normalized by the corresponding
benchmark results) obtained from sets “MPS-Rand” (Fig. 1.3) are accurate, and
show a low “record-to-record” and “set-to-set” variability. Only displacements are
unsuccessfully estimated for short-period structures designed for high values of
yield strength reduction factors. A considerable improvement in accuracy and
1 Procedure for Selecting and Scaling Records 11
“record-to-record” variability is obtained when sets “MPS-Best” (Fig. 1.3) are used
for estimating the roof displacements; in this case, the errors are not greater than
20 %. Roof displacements obtained from sets “ASCE7-Rand” (Fig. 1.3) are in
general less accurate and show a large “record-to-record” and “set-to-set” variabil-
ity; overestimation of roof displacements is as high as 40 %.
Figure 1.4 shows story drifts at a selected corner of the building (c1 in Fig. 1.2)
from records scaled and selected according to MPS and ASCE7 procedures together
with benchmark values. This figure confirms that for the multi-story case (L15
building), the records scaled according to the MPS procedure lead to more accurate
estimates of median values of EDPs than ASCE7 scaling procedure. The maximum
discrepancies encountered by scaling records according to the ASCE7 procedure
are reduced when these records are scaled by the MPS procedure; for example, the
error in story drifts decreases from 28 % to 8 %. Due to limited space, we only show
here a representative set of results; additional findings can be found in Reyes and
Quintero (2014) and Reyes et al. (2015).
1.6 Conclusions
This paper presents summary of a general procedure for selecting and scaling
ground motion records for nonlinear response history analyses of asymmetric-
plan buildings with significant plan irregularity. Based on results from multiple
study cases, it is clearly shown that the modal-pushover-based (MPS) procedure
provides much superior computation of EDPs in terms of accuracy and efficiency as
compared to the ASCE7 scaling method. This superiority is evident in two respects.
First, the ground motions scaled according to the extended MPS procedure provide
median values of EDPs that are much closer to the benchmark values than is
achieved by the ASCE7. Second, the dispersion (or record to-record variability)
in the EDPs due to seven scaled records around the median is much smaller when
records are scaled by the MPS procedure compared to the ASCE7 procedure.
Chopra AK (2007) Dynamics of structures: theory and applications to earthquake engineering, 4th
edn. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, pp 403–445
Chopra AK, Chintanapakdee C (2004) Inelastic deformation ratios for design and evaluation of
structures: single-degree-of-freedom bilinear systems. ASCE J Struct Eng 130(9):1309–1319
Kalkan E, Chopra AK (2009) Modal pushover-based ground motion scaling procedure for
nonlinear response history analysis of structures. In: Proceedings of the Structural Engineers
Association of California Convention, San Diego, CA, 2009
Kalkan E, Chopra AK (2010) Practical guidelines to select and scale earthquake records for
nonlinear response history analysis of structures, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report
2010-1068. Available at Accessed 22 Jan 2015
12 J.C. Reyes et al.
Kenji Fujii
Abstract In this study the “reduced response spectrum” is introduced for the
prediction of the “average” response of all possible angle of incidence, and the
“average” peak seismic response of an asymmetric building under horizontal
bi-directional ground motion, acting at an arbitrary angle of incidence, is predicted
based on the procedure proposed in Fujii (Bull Earthq Eng 12:909–938, 2014). In
this study, the following two definitions of the “reduced response spectrum” are
examined; (A) the geometric mean spectrum of the horizontal major and minor
components, and (B) the square root of the average of squares spectrum from all
possible angle of incidence. In the numerical example, nonlinear time-history
analyses of a four-storey torsionally stiff asymmetric building are carried out
considering the various directions of seismic inputs, and these results are compared
with the predicted results. The results show that the predicted “average” peak
response displacement for the flexible-side frame satisfactorily agrees with the
average of the time-history analyses results, either definition of the “reduced
response spectrum”.
2.1 Introduction
K. Fujii (*)
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology,
2-17-1 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]
In this study, the “reduced response spectrum” is introduced for the prediction of
the “average” peak response. The definition of the “reduced response spectrum” is
illustrated in Fig. 2.1.
A set of orthogonal axes U-V in the X-Y plane is considered, with the U-axis
being the principal axis of the first modal response (Fujii 2010, 2011). The asym-
metric buildings are N-storey buildings, with 3N degrees of freedom (3N-DOFs)
oriented for the multi-storey model presented here. Another set of orthogonal axes
ξ-ζ in the X-Y plane is considered, with the ξ and ζ axes being the axes of the
horizontal major and minor components of the seismic input, respectively.
It is assumed that the pseudo acceleration spectra of the ξ and ζ components,
p Aξ(T ) and pSAζ (T ), respectively, are similar (Fig. 2.1b).
The ratio of pSAζ(T ) to pSAξ(T ), γ, is constant, as shown in Eq. 2.1.
The thick dotted circles in Fig. 2.1a show the simplified seismic inputs of each
direction for the prediction of the “average” peak response, while the thin dotted
circle in this figure shows the simplified seismic input for the prediction of the
“largest” peak response. Note that in the previous study (Fujii 2014), the spectrum
of the major component pSAξ(T ) is used to predict the “largest” peak response. In
this study, pSAξ(T ) is replaced by the reduced response spectrum p SAU ðT Þ as shown
in Fig. 2.1b.
In this study, the following two definitions of the “reduced response spectrum”
are examined; (A) the geometric mean spectrum of the horizontal major and minor
components, and (B) the square root of the average of squares spectrum from all
possible angle of incidence.
Fig. 2.1 Definition of the “reduced response spectrum” for the prediction of the “average” peak
response. (a) Intensity of seismic input to each direction. (b) Reduced response spectrum
16 K. Fujii
Substituting Eq. 2.1 into Eq. 2.2, the ratio of reduced response spectrum to major
component, γ 0 , is obtained as in Eq. 2.3.
0 pffiffiffi
γ ¼ p SAU ðT Þ=p SAξ ðT Þ ¼ γ: ð2:3Þ
n o2 n o2 n o2
p SAU ðT; Δψ Þ ¼ p SAξ ðT Þ cos 2 ðΔψ Þ þ p SAζ ðT Þ sin 2 ðΔψ Þ
2 n o2 ð2:5Þ
¼ cos 2 ðΔψ Þ þ γ 2 sin 2 ðΔψ Þ p SAξ ðT Þ :
In Eq. 2.4, pSAU(T, Δψ) is the pseudo acceleration spectrum of the U-component,
and Δψ is the angle between the U and ξ axes as shown in Fig. 2.1.
Substituting Eq. 2.5 into Eq. 2.4, the ratio γ0 is obtained as in Eq. 2.6.
0 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
γ ¼ ð1 þ γ 2 Þ=2: ð2:6Þ
Note that from the comparisons of Eqs. 2.3 and 2.6, the reduced spectrum defined as
(B) the square root of the average of squares spectrum from all possible angle of
incidence (Eq. 2.6) is larger than that defined as (A) the geometric mean spectrum
of the horizontal major and minor components (Eq. 2.3). Therefore, the prediction
of the “average” response by using Eq. 2.6 will result more conservative than that
by using Eq. 2.3.
2 Prediction of the average peak response 17
Fig. 2.2 Outline of the proposed procedure for the prediction of the “average” peak response
2 Prediction of the average peak response 19
Fig. 2.3 Four-storey building model considered for the numerical examples. (a) Plan. (b)
Elevation (frame Y1). (c) Elevation (frame X1)
Fig. 2.4 Shape of the first three natural modes of the building model in the elastic range
tan ψ ke ¼ m j ϕYjke = m j ϕXjke ; ð2:7Þ
j j
Rρke ¼ I j ϕΘjke 2 = m j ϕXjke 2 þ ϕYjke 2 ; ð2:8Þ
j j
φke ¼ f ϕX1ke ϕXNke ϕY1ke ϕYNke ϕΘ1ke ϕΘNke gT : ð2:9Þ
In Eqs. 2.7, and 2.8, mj and Ij are the mass and mass moment of inertia of the jth
floor, respectively. As shown in this figure, the principal directions of the first and
second modal responses of the building model are almost orthogonal; the angle
between the principal directions of the first two modes is 90.6 . This figure also
shows that the first mode is predominantly translational (Rρ1e < 1) and the second
mode is almost purely translational (Rρ2e << 1), while the third mode is predom-
inantly torsional (Rρ3e > 1). Because the first and second modes are predominantly
translational (Rρ1e , Rρ2e < 1) in the building models, this is classified as a torsionally
stiff (TS) system in this study, as is discussed in previous study (Fujii 2014).
20 K. Fujii
Fig. 2.5 Elastic acceleration response spectra for simulated ground motion. (a) “Major” compo-
nent. (b) “Minor” component
In this study, the seismic excitation was considered to be bi-directional in the X–Y
plane, and three sets of artificial ground motions were generated. Note that these
three sets of artificial ground motions were the same as those used in the previous
study (Fujii 2014).
The elastic response spectra of the artificial ground motions with 5 % critical
damping are shown in Fig. 2.5. In this study, the “minor” component was scaled by
the multiplying parameter γ ¼ 0.0 (unidirectional excitation), 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0, to
investigate the influence of the ratio of the spectra for the horizontal minor to major
components. According to Lopez et al. (2006), this ratio varies between 0.63 and
0.81, and the average of this ratio is 0.70. Therefore, the case γ ¼ 0.7 may be
considered as the most realistic case in real ground motion.
In this study, nonlinear time-history analyses were carried out for various values
of the parameter γ and various directions of incidence of the seismic input. ψ, the
angle of incidence of the “major” component with respect to the X-axis, varied at
15 intervals from (ψ 1 90) to (ψ 1 + 90) , where ψ 1 (¼59.7 ) was the angle of
incidence of the U-axis corresponding to the predicted “largest” peak equivalent
displacement of the first modal response D1U*max shown in the previous study (Fujii
Figure 2.6 compares the predicted “average” peak roof displacement with the
results of time-history analyses, and Fig. 2.7 also compares the predicted “average”
peak storey drift of the flexible-edge frames (frames Y4 and X6) with the time
2 Prediction of the average peak response 21
Fig. 2.6 Comparisons of the peak roof displacement at each frame. (a) γ ¼ 0.0 (unidirectional
excitation). (b) γ ¼ 0.5, (c) γ ¼ 0.7, (d) γ ¼ 1.0
Fig. 2.7 Comparisons of the peak drift at the flexible-edge frame. (a) γ ¼ 0.0. (b) γ ¼ 0.5, (c)
γ ¼ 0.7, (d) γ ¼ 1.0
22 K. Fujii
history analyses results. The predicted results by using the geometric mean
spectrum (predicted (A)), and the square root of the average of squares spectrum
(predicted (B)) are also shown. Note that in case of γ ¼ 0.0 (unidirectional excita-
tion), the predicted results from the geometric mean spectrum (predicted (A)) are
not shown in these figures, because the predicted results show zero responses.
As shown in these figures, the predicted peak responses by using both spectra
(predicted (A) and (B)) agree well with the average of time history analyses results
for γ ¼ 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0; the differences of predicted responses between (A) and
(B) are negligibly small when γ ¼ 0.7, and in case of γ ¼ 0.5, the plots of “predict
(B)” results show approximately 10 % larger (more conservative) responses than
“predict (A)” results. While in case of γ ¼ 0.0 (unidirectional excitation), the plots
of “predict (B)” results are close to the average of time history analyses results.
Therefore, in case of the spectral ratio γ is larger than 0.5, either the geometric mean
spectrum or the square root of the average of squares spectrum may be used as the
“reduced response spectrum”, for the prediction of the “average” peak response of
all possible angle of incidence.
2.4 Conclusions
In this study the reduced response spectrum is introduced for the prediction of the
“average” response of all possible angle of incidence, and then the “average” peak
seismic response of an asymmetric building under horizontal bi-directional ground
motion, acting at an arbitrary angle of incidence, is predicted based on the proce-
dure proposed in Fujii (2014). In this study, two definitions of the “reduced
response spectrum” are examined; one is the geometric mean spectrum of the
horizontal major and minor components, and the other is the square root of the
average of squares spectrum from all possible angle of incidence.
In the numerical example, nonlinear time-history analyses of a four-storey TS
asymmetric building were carried out considering various directions for the seismic
inputs. The results showed that the predicted “average” peak response displacement
for the flexible-side frame satisfactorily agreed with the average of the time-history
analyses results, either definition of the “reduced response spectrum”, when the
spectral ratio of the minor to the major components is larger than 0.5.
For the prediction of the “average” peak response under “real” horizontal
bi-directional ground motion whose spectral shape of both components are differ-
ent, the author think GMRot50, the median of geometric mean spectrum of all
possible angle of incidence, proposed by Boore et al. (2006), may be used as the
“reduced spectrum”. Further investigation is needed for the applicability of this
procedure under “real” horizontal bi-directional ground motion.
2 Prediction of the average peak response 23
Unfortunately, there were some errors in the previous study (Fujii 2014), which is
the key paper for this article. The correct versions of Eqs. 17 and 19 are shown
Beyer K, Boomer JJ (2006) Relationships between median values and between aleatory variabil-
ities for different definitions of the horizontal component of motion. Bull Seismol Soc Am
Beyer K, Boomer JJ (2007) Selection and scaling of real accelerograms for bi-directional loading:
a review of current practice and code provisions. J Earthq Eng 11:13–45
Boore DM, Watson-Lamprey J, Abrahamson NA (2006) Orientation-independent measures of
ground motion. Bull Seismol Soc Am 96(4A):1502–1511
Fujii K. (2010) Seismic assessment of asymmetric buildings considering the critical direction of
seismic input. Paper presented at the 14th European conference on earthquake engineering,
paper no. 0623, Ohrid, Macedonia, 30 Aug–3 Sep 2010
Fujii K (2011) Nonlinear static procedure for multi-story asymmetric frame buildings considering
bidirectional excitation. J Earthq Eng 15:245–273
Fujii K (2014) Prediction of the largest peak nonlinear seismic response of asymmetric buildings
under bi-directional excitation using pushover analyses. Bull Earthq Eng 12:909–938
opez A, Hernández JJ, Bonilla R, Fernández A (2006) Response spectra for multicomponent
structural analysis. Earthq Spectra 22:85–113
Chapter 3
Evaluation of Torsional Component
of Ground Motion by Different Methods
Using Dense Array Data
3.1 Introduction
A 3-D array system has been installed at Chiba, an experimental station of the
Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, in 1982 (Fig. 3.1). The topo-
graphical conditions of the site are generally simple, with the ground surface being
almost flat. In this array, seismometers and accelerometers are placed, with a
minimum separation distance of 5 m, both on the ground surface and in boreholes.
The array system is composed of 15 boreholes with 44 three-component acceler-
ometers, 9 are densely arranged. Stations C1–C4 and P1–P4 are respectively placed
on circles with radii of 5 and 15 m with respect to station C0, which is placed at the
center of these two rings (Katayama et al. 1990). Nine events recorded with high
signal-to-noise ratios (SNR), and wide ranges of magnitudes and PGAs were
selected (Ghayamghamian and Nouri 2007). Specifications of these events, are
given in Table 3.1.
In this paper, three methods have been applied to estimate the torsional motion
using translational components which include Time Derivation, Finite Difference
and Geodetic methods.
1 d € € i ðtÞ
ψ k ðtÞ ¼ X j ðt Þ X ð3:1Þ
c jd t
Where, ψ k (t) is the rotation about the k-axis, Xi and Xj are displacements along
the x and y axes and xi ،xj and xk are principle axes. Also cj is shear wave velocity in
direction xj .
The average torsional motions can be approximated from the difference of two
translational records in an array of stations.
1 u€2 ðtÞ €u1 ðtÞ €v2 ðtÞ €v1 ðtÞ
ψz ¼ ð3:2Þ
2 Δy Δx
where, ψ z (t) is torsional acceleration, u€j(t) and €v j ðtÞ are translational accelerations
along the x and y axes respectively related to a station pair (j ¼ 1,2).
This method has been used for computing torsional motion in various researches
(Huang 2003; Ghayamghamian and Nouri 2007; Hao 1996; Ghayamghamian and
Motosaka 2003). This estimation of torsional motion is the first order accuracy and
can be done especially when the stations are distributed regularly in the ideal cross
shaped array.
3 Evaluation of Torsional Component of Ground Motion by Different Methods. . . 29
Spudich et al. (1995) introduced a geodetic method that can estimate torsional
motion using multiple stations with higher precision. In the framework of classical
elasticity, and further assuming infinitesimal deformations, displacement of a point
r is related to that of a neighboring point r+δr:
The relation between rotational and translational motions is obtained through the
application of the curl operator (∇) to the displacement by:
0 1 0 1
ωx ∂x uz ∂z u y
1 1
@ ω y A ¼ ∇ uð r Þ ¼ @ ∂ z ux ∂ x uz A ð3:5Þ
2 2
ωz ∂ x u y ∂ y ux
where ωx, ωy, ωz are rotations about x, y and z axes. At least three stations must be
used to determine the horizontal-displacement gradient using this method. This
method was applied to studying the dynamic deformations induced by the Landers
earthquake (M ¼ 7.4, 1992) and recorded by the Parkfield seismic array (UPSAR)
in California. In addition, Suryanto et al. (2006) used the same method to compare
array-derived torsional ground motion with direct-ring laser measurements and
found the two to be in good agreement.
By using the three above mentioned methods, the torsional ground acceleration was
calculated and compared with each other. For this purpose, maximum torsional
motion and standard deviation values have been used. Torsional motion for one
station, pairs of stations with different separation distances and two rings of
accelerometers (C0, C1–C4) and (C0, P1–P4) are calculated by Time Derivation,
Finite Difference and Geodetic methods respectively. Figure 3.2 shows comparison
of standard derivation and the maximum values of torsional motion obtained from
that three methods for selected events. Comparison between the results of various
30 G.R. Nouri et al.
Fig. 3.2 Comparison of maximum torsional motion and standard deviation in the different
methods for selected events
events demonstrate that torsional component values strongly depend on the earth-
quake characteristics.
Maximum torsional component and standard derivation values belong to the
event 37 that possesses the maximum value of peak ground acceleration
(PGA ¼ 400 gal) and magnitude of earthquake (MJMA ¼ 6.5). As illustrated in
Fig. 3.2, standard derivation and maximum torsional motion values are extremely
sensitive to the separation distance of stations and decrease as the distance increases
in the Finite Difference method. This procedure is independent of the peak ground
acceleration and magnitude of earthquake.
3 Evaluation of Torsional Component of Ground Motion by Different Methods. . . 31
Values obtained from the Time Derivation method are larger than the ones from
Finite Difference method with separation distance larger than 20 m as shown in
Fig. 3.2. The ratio of values computed by these two methods are 6–8 at far
separation distances. However, for short separation distances they demonstrate
close values.
It is clear that the maximum values of torsional motion as estimated by the Time
Derivation method are larger than those computed by the Geodetic method. Also,
larger values of torsional motion for the Geodetic method can be observed com-
pared with those for Finite Difference method that the separation distances are far.
Array-derived torsional motions are subjected to an important limitation. The
instruments should be as close as possible for the calculated linear approximations
to be as close as possible to the true gradients. Bodin et al. (1997) showed that to obtain
array-gradient estimates accurate to within ~90 % of true gradients, the array dimen-
sions must be less than one quarter-wavelength of the dominant energy in the wave
train. Later, Langston (2007a, b) indicated that the accuracy order of finite difference
approximation depends also on the geometry of the array. He found that the station
spacing must be ~10 % of a horizontal wavelength to obtain 90 % accuracy, and these
finite difference estimates are in first- and second-order of accuracy for irregular and
regular arrays, respectively. Regarding estimated large-wave velocity (Yamazaki and
Turker 1992) and the very closely spaced instruments in the Chiba array, the torsional
motions can be accurately evaluated for the two closely spaced rings (C0, C1–C4) and
(C0, P1–P4) up to the high-frequency range (<11 Hz).
It has been tried to establish a relationship between the translational and torsional
components due to existing problems in recording torsional motion. In this section
variations of the maximum torsional motion with peak ground acceleration are
investigated in the three methods. The mean estimated values of both inner and
outer rings in the Geodetic method are used. As shown in Fig. 3.3, with increasing
peak ground acceleration, maximum of torsional motion also increases. However,
these changes are small in events with low peak ground acceleration and maximum
torsional motion will increase significantly with increasing translational accelera-
tion. It is seen that, there is a linear correlation between maximum values of the two
components with an acceptable accuracy by examining the relationship between the
maximum translational and torsional components.
Magnitude of earthquake is also one of its characteristics. Chiba dense array data
covers a wide range of magnitudes and changes of the maximum torsional motion
with events magnitude in the three methods are shown in Fig. 3.3. The results
demonstrate that maximum torsional motion values changes partially until magni-
tude 6.5, however, after this value we can see a sudden increase. As illustrated,
32 G.R. Nouri et al.
Fig. 3.3 Variations of the maximum torsional motion with peak ground acceleration and magni-
tude of earthquakes
3.6 Conclusions
data of Chiba dense array. Then, the maximum torsional motion and standard
deviation values of the three methods were compared. The results showed that
the peak torsional ground motion which was computed by Time Derivation method
is larger than those was computed by Geodetic method. Peak torsional ground
motion values that were estimated by Finite difference method show smaller values
than which were computed by Time derivation for long separation distances
(>20 m). However, the values estimated from the Finite Difference and Time
derivation methods are close to each other for short separation distances. The
results revealed that, there is a linear correlation between maximum values of
translational and torsional components for all three methods.
Spudich P et al (1995) Transient stresses at Parkfield, California, produced by the M7.4 Landers
earthquake of June 28, 1992: observations from the UPSAR dense seismograph array.
J Geophys Res 100:675–690
Suryanto W et al (2006) First comparison of array-derived rotational ground motions with direct
ring laser measurements. Bull Seismol Soc Am 96:2059–2071
Takeo M (1998) Ground rotational motions recorded in near-source region of earth-quakes.
Geophys Res Lett 25:789–792
Yamazaki F, Turker T (1992) Spatial variation study on earthquake ground motion observed by the
Chiba array. In: Madrid, Proceeding of the Tenth World Conference on Earthquake
Chapter 4
Estimation of Rotational Ground Motion
Effects on the Bell Tower of Parma Cathedral
4.1 Introduction
Formally one can define three rotational components of the surface, seismic ground
motion. These are two rotations ψ, θ about the two horizontal axes x, y and rotation
φ about vertical axis z (see Fig. 4.1).
Among them, particularly important can be rotation θ about the horizontal axis y,
perpendicular to the epicentral direction. For this direction there are numerous
Z. Zembaty (*)
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Opole University of Technology, ul. Proszkowska 76,
45-061 Opole, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Rossi
Rose School, EUCENTRE, via Ferrata 1, 27100 Pavia, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
A. Spagnoli
Department of Civil, Environmental, Land Management, Engineering and Architecture,
Parma University, via Universita, 12, 43121 Parma, Italy
e-mail: [email protected]
models suggesting the seismic rocking excitations from the body and surface waves
propagation, general spatial seismic effects and including (or excluding) the local
soil conditions (see e.g. Falamarz-Sheikhabadi and Ghafory-Ashtiany 2012; Kalkan
and Grazer 2007; Trifunac 1982; Castellani and Zembaty 1996).
The first attempt of modeling the rotational effects in form of typical response
spectrum format can be found in Eurocode 8, part 6 devoted to chimneys, masts and
towers, 2005 (see also: Zembaty 2009). In this code the rotational response spectra
about Cartesian axes x, y, & z on the ground surface are modeled as functions of
shear wave velocity at the ground surface and the traditional Eurocode 8, transla-
tional design response spectra (2004). The response spectrum of the rocking
component θ about the horizontal axis y (Fig. 4.1) is given by formula A.1 of
Eurocode 8 part 6 (2005):
1:7πSe ðT Þ
R yθ ðT Þ ¼ ð4:1Þ
νS T
where T is the natural period, vS equals average shear wave velocity in the top 30 m
of the local soil, while Se(T ) stands for the elastic translational response spectrum.
In Eurocode 8 (2004), Se(T) it is given by formula
> S 1þ
ð2, 5η 1Þ if 0 T TB
> TB
< S 2, 5 η
> if TB T TC
Se ðTÞ ¼ ag TC ð4:2Þ
> S 2, 5 η if TC T TD
> T
: S 2, 5 η if T > TD
in which TB, TC, TD and S represent local site conditions as well as two types of
ground motions (far and near field) while ag is the horizontal design acceleration.
In Fig. 4.2 the plots of response spectra type 1 and type 2 are shown as functions
of natural period T. The type 1 response spectrum is similar to the response
spectrum of the actual Italian seismic code NTC (2008). The type 2 response
spectrum was included in present analysis for comparison.
4 Rotational Excitations of Parma Tower 37
Fig. 4.2 Plots of response spectra type 1 and 2 for 5 % damping ratio
Practical applications of formula 1 with Eq. 4.2 require first to solve the eigen
problem of the structure and next the application of the mode superposition
technique in respective implementation of the response spectrum methodology.
Usually first two to three modes are enough to reach satisfactory accuracy for
symmetric slender towers (e.g. circular chimneys) under horizontal seismic exci-
tations. The inclusion of up to four to five modes makes it possible to ensure that the
required convergence of the mode superposition method was achieved. This calcu-
lation procedure can be carried out using one of many programs implementing
Finite Element Method in structural dynamics. So far however none of the com-
mercial FEM programs allows to include rotational, excitation seismic effects,
in particular in format of an acceleration response spectrum. For this reason, in
this paper, slender tower is first modelled using SAP 2000 program to solve its
eigen problem and compute its response to horizontal seismic excitations using
translational response spectrum. Next an equivalent, simplified model of the tower
is formulated as a Timoshenko beam and calculated for the combined rotational and
horizontal excitations. The Timoshenko beam model allows to include appropriate
combination of shear and bending characteristic for the old masonry towers which
is the case of seismic vibrations of the Parma Cathedral Bell Tower.
Xn ðt
qj ¼ w η
i¼1 ji i
€uðτÞhi ðt τÞdτ ð4:4Þ
1 ωi t
hi ðtÞ ¼ e sin ðωid tÞ ð4:5Þ
ωi ¼ 2π=T i is the angular natural frequency of mode i-th, Ti natural period, wji j-th
element of the i-th eigen vector, ωid damped natural frequency ωid ¼ ωi √ 1 ξ2j
and ηi modal participation factor:
i M1
ηi ¼ ð4:6Þ
i Mwi
in which Sa and SΘa denote horizontal and rotational, acceleration response spectra
respectively, while
4 Rotational Excitations of Parma Tower 39
i M1
ηhor ¼ ð4:10aÞ
i Mwi
i MH
ηirot ¼ Tr
wi Mwi
represent modal participation factors calculated differently for the horizontal and
the rotational excitations and H is a vector containing the heights Hj of the discrete
masses mj above the ground (Fig. 4.3).
Applying, for the slender tower, with well separated natural frequencies, the
familiar SRSS rule to combine the responses in the succeeding modes, and assum-
ing hypothetically that the same rule also holds when combining the responses from
horizontal and rotational excitations, one can asses max response at Hj height
Xn 2 X n 2
max q j ffi i¼1
max q hor
ji þ i¼1
max q rot
ji ð4:11Þ
40 Z. Zembaty et al.
The rocking effects on slender towers will be best observed in the base shear and
overturning moment. They can be calculated from the equivalent pseudo-static,
horizontal forces associated with each discrete mass mj:
P ji ¼ m j w ji ηi Sa ðωi ; ξi Þ ð4:12Þ
These pseudo-static forces are calculated in a different way for the horizontal and
rotational excitations. Thus symbol ηi in Eq. 4.12 is given either by Eq. 4.10a or
4.10b, while symbol Sa stands either for horizontal acceleration response spectrum
or for the rotational one SΘ
Summing down all the pseudo-static forces gives the base shear force associated
with the natural mode i. Using basic formulas of the mode superposition method,
after some algebra, respective base shear calculated for mode i equals:
X 2
mk wki
Fbase½i ¼ Xk S a ð ωi ; ξ i Þ ð4:13Þ
m w2
k k ki
Summing down moments of the pseudo-static forces with respect to the ground
surface, gives the overturning moment of the mode i:
Mbase½i ¼ H P
j j ji
The total base shear and total overturning moments due to horizontal and rotational
effects are calculated using the SRSS rule the same way as in Eq. 4.11.
The bell tower of Parma cathedral (Fig. 4.4) was built in the twelfth century.
It is 64.25 m high and has hollow square cross-section of 7.72 m side. The
thickness of the masonry wall decreases along the height, from 1.40 to 1.05 m
(Fig. 4.5). There are two series of openings: one small at mid-height and one large at
the top. The structure is composed of an outer and inner masonry wall of clay bricks
infilled with a sort of conglomerate made of brick and stone rubble. The foundation
is a masonry block about 6.00 m deep and 11.70 m wide. The soil underneath the
tower consists of alluvial deposits with prevailing slimy clays, clayey sandy slimes
and slimy sands. The respective site type has been determined as C according to
Eurocode 8, part 1, (2005), classification.
4 Rotational Excitations of Parma Tower 41
Fig. 4.4 Parma cathedral and its bell tower. The photograph on the left (Courtesy of photo Vaghi/
CSAC, Universita di Parma/Photography Section)
First a 3D, finite element model of the Parma Tower was prepared using SAP 2000.
The masonry walls were modeled using the so called “shell thick element” type to
represent both shear and bending, prevailing in the seismic response of these types
of structures. The foundation block was modeled using the “solid” elements type.
The number of finite elements equalled 488 of the shell type, and 243 of the solid
type. Then the eigen problem was calculated and the fundamental natural period T1
was calculated equal to 1.366 s. This natural period does not differ much from the
experimental results of Roberto Cerioni et al. (1996), using a 3D FEM model, that
is: T1 ¼ 1.374 s.
42 Z. Zembaty et al.
Since so far, the rotational excitations are not included in any of the commercial
seismic engineering FEM software, respective simplified model of the tower
structure should be build “manually”. To model slender towers one can use a
beam or frame element. Taking into account a combined shear and bending,
constituting seismic response of typical masonry towers it was decided to use a
plane Timoshenko beam model of the tower.
In order to calibrate the beam model of the tower a criterion of equal displace-
ments under horizontal seismic excitations was chosen. The tip displacements of
the tower were calculated using the 3D FEM model and using the Timoshenko
beam and respective tip displacements were compared. After multiple trials and
errors appropriate values of EJ and GA constant along the beam height were
chosen, so that the differences in the tip displacements of the 3D FEM model and
the simplified beam model is minimized. As a result the, values of E¼3·109 Pa and
G¼ 1.36·109 Pa were obtained. The Poisson ratio ν was assumed as equal to 0.1.
The foundation at the base of the structure was built in form of a simple cuboid.
It was introduced to the vibrating system as an additional moment of inertia Iθ,
equal to: 34,782,246 kg m2 and rotational soil compliance which was calculated
taking into account the foundation area and sub-soil properties. Applying classic
formulas for the elastic half space respective rotational stiffness kθ equals
1.94·1012 N·m/rad (Fig. 4.3).
As a result of tuning of the simplified beam model, as described above, the first
natural period was obtained as equal to T1 ¼ 1.366 s – the same as the one from 3D
FEM model of SAP 2000.
To model the horizontal excitations the response spectrum of Eq. 4.2 was used
for type 1 and 2 of the response spectra (Fig. 4.2), while respective rocking
excitations were modeled using Eq. 4.1. Peak ground acceleration ag ¼ 2.146 m/
s2 and the site category C were assumed with following parameters of the response
spectra: TB ¼ 0.2 s, TC ¼ 0.6 s, TD ¼ 2 s, S ¼ 1.15 for type 1 spectrum and TB ¼ 0.1 s,
TC ¼ 0.25 s, TD ¼ 1.2 s, S ¼ 1.5 for type 2 spectrum. Respective damping correction
factor was assumed as equal to 1 (ξ ¼ 5 %).
The numerical analyses were carried out in Matlab for the respective Timo-
shenko beam model. Two specific cases were compared. First, when only horizon-
tal excitations are assumed, and second, when the seismic excitations are assumed
as simultaneously acting horizontal and rocking effects. The base shear and
overturning moments are compared in Table 4.1. It can be seen from Table 4.1
that the effect of rocking excitations on the overall seismic response is substantial in
case of the rather flexible soil representing the Parma tower site. As a result of
including the rocking effects the tip displacements increased of about 24 %, while
the base shear and overturning moments of 30–40 % and about 25 % respectively.
In Figs. 4.6 and 4.7 detailed plots of the shear forces and bending moments along
the height of the tower are shown for type 1 and 2 response spectra.
Table 4.1 Seismic horizontal ‘h’ and rocking ‘r’ excitation effects on tip displacements, base shear and overturning moments for the Parma Cathedral Bell
Tower under type 1 and 2 EC-8 response spectra
Value of the response Increase
Type of response Type of excitations Type 1 Type 2 Type 1 Type 2
Tip displacements ‘h’ 0.2711 m 0.132412 m 23.72 % 24.53 %
‘h’ + ‘r’ 0.3354 m 0.164893 m
Base shear ‘h’ 6,674,260 N 5,773,605 N 31.31 % 40.16 %
‘h’ + ‘r’ 8,763,971 N 8,092,285 N
Overturning moments ‘h’ 1.95E+08 N 1.04E+08 Nm 24.37 % 27.84 %
‘h’ + ‘r’ 2.45E+08 N 1.33E+08 Nm
Z. Zembaty et al.
4 Rotational Excitations of Parma Tower 45
Fig. 4.6 Plot of the shear forces along the height of the tower
It is interesting to note from Figs. 4.6 and 4.7 that the shear and bending moment
responses for type 1 and type 2 response spectra are substantially different. The
main reason is the different contribution of the higher than the first mode for both
spectra. This can clearly be seen in Tables 4.2 and 4.3 showing contributions of the
first five modes in the “total” response at selected heights of the tower. The “total”
response was computed in this case by including in the computations 20 modes. The
higher modes (particularly second and the third) generate greater pseudo-static
46 Z. Zembaty et al.
Fig. 4.7 Plot of the bending moments along the height of the tower
forces in the upper part of the tower. This difference can be seen in the shapes of the
plots of shear and moments from Figs. 4.6 and 4.7 for type 1 and type 2 spectra.
When slender towers are under a combined horizontal and rocking excitations,
including also the rotational soil compliance, one can argue that the heavy weights
of the tower finite elements, acting on the eccentricities caused by the horizontal
displacements of the tower, may substantially increase respective bending
moments. For this reason this well known second order effect (P-Δ) has been
included here by adding an additional overturning moment at the base of the
4 Rotational Excitations of Parma Tower 47
Table 4.2 Contribution of the first five modes in the total response of the tower at selected
heights, for type 1 response spectrum (z ¼ height, S ¼ shear force, M ¼ bending moment)
Mode ‘1’ Modes Modes up Modes up Modes up
only ‘1’+’2’ to three to four to five
z [m] F % of total % of total % of total % of total % of total
39.93 S 77.12 99.09 99.09 99.09 99.82
M 58.59 96.54 96.54 99.91 99.93
30.17 S 96.18 97.00 97.00 99.75 99.78
M 79.05 99.79 99.79 99.91 99.99
25.56 S 96.40 97.63 97.63 99.72 99.88
M 87.21 99.93 99.93 99.95 99.99
0 S 72.26 97.45 97.45 99.42 99.82
M 96.97 99.90 99.90 99.99 100.00
Table 4.3 Contribution of the first five modes in the total response of the tower at selected
heights, for type 2 response spectrum (z ¼ height, S ¼ shear force, M ¼ bending moment)
Mode ‘1’ Modes Modes up Modes up Modes up
only ‘1’+’2’ to three to four to five
z [m] F % of total % of total % of total % of total % of total
39.93 S 43.21 96.06 96.06 96.06 99.35
M 26.90 90.77 90.77 99.75 99.83
30.17 S 72.75 76.40 76.40 98.20 98.40
M 46.22 99.05 99.05 99.58 99.97
25.56 S 74.99 80.63 80.63 97.78 99.17
M 58.54 99.59 99.59 99.68 99.95
0 S 37.37 91.19 91.19 97.92 99.41
M 84.58 99.03 99.03 99.89 99.98
structure equal to the sum of the product of the nodal horizontal displacements and
respective weights of the lumped masses. The result was checked for the excitations
of up to the peak ground accelerations ag ¼ 2.146 m/s2 ¼ 0.22 g, which approxi-
mately corresponds to the design for MM intensity of about VIII. It was found that
in the case of the Parma Cathedral Bell Tower the P-Δ effects did not exceed 1.2 %
(Rossi 2012).
4.4 Conclusion
effects. It was found that for the Parma Bell Tower situated on soil C and at the
design intensity level defined by accelerations ag¼2.146 m/s2 the rocking effects
are substantial, increasing the base shear for 33 % and the overturning moments for
about 25 %. It was also checked that for this level of excitations the second order
effects coming from the P-Δ effects are not substantial (about 1.2 %).
The rotational seismic effects are under early stage investigations (see e.g. Lee
et al. 2009; Igel et al. 2012) so the formulas of EC-8 part 6 should still be calibrated
by more experimental data. Until the rotational data coming from strong intensive
records are gathered using special modern rotational devices (Lee et al. 2009; Igel
et al. 2012), the approximate formulas of EC-8 part 6, (2005), need to be applied in
the engineering practice.
Acknowledgments The second author gratefully acknowledges the Erasmus scholarship which
was used to stay for 1 semester at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Opole University of
Technology, in Poland when the MSc thesis (Rossi 2012) was prepared.
Abstract This paper reviews our expertise with construction, investigation and
simulation of the fibre optic interferometric device named FOSREM (Fibre-Optic
System for Rotational Events and Phenomena Monitoring). The presented device
was designed for a direct monitoring of rotational components emitted during
seismic events as well as existing in irregular and complex structures. The con-
struction of the FOSREM utilizes the Sagnac fibre interferometer in a minimum
optical gyro configuration. This approach causes that FOSREM is complete
insensitivity to linear motions, and it enables to measure directly the rotational
components. In order to make FOSREM mobile and autonomous device we were
focused on decreasing size to the 36 36 16 cm dimension and implementing
special FORS – Telemetric Server which enables to control FOSREM remotely via
Internet. The laboratory investigation of our system indicated that it keeps the
theoretical sensitivity equal to 2·108 rad/s/Hz1/2 and accuracy no less than
6·109–5·105 rad/s in a frequency band from 0 Hz to the upper frequency between
2.56 and 328.12 Hz, respectively. FOSREM protects linear changes of sensitivity in
the above detection frequency bandpass and has the maximum values of rotation
rate possible to record without “overshoot” equal to 10 rad/s due to an innovative
electronic system.
5.1 Introduction
building’s rotation (Jaroszewicz et al. 2013a) while the second will be applied in
area of strong-motion seismology and to monitor engineering construction.
This paper describes and summarizes our broad experience in construction and
application of above mentioned systems.
4πRL 1
Δφ ¼ Ω¼ Ω ð5:1Þ
λc So
where: L – length of the fibre in the sensor loop, R – sensor loop diameter, λ –
wavelength of the source, c – velocity of the light in the vacuum, So – optical
constant of the interferometer.
The above dependence allows to measure rotations in a direct way and without
any external reference frame because the Sagnac phase shift does not depend on a
centre rotation location as well as a sensor plane shape (Post 1967). For above
reasons sensors based on the Sagnac effect seem to be appropriate to measure
rotational effects, perturbations and inter-story drifts in buildings.
We designed AFORS’s/FOSREM’s Optical Head according to the FOG minimal
configuration, as is shown in Fig. 5.1. It consists of the: superluminescent diode
(SLED) (Exalos, Schlieren, Switzerland; with ΔB ¼ 31.2 nm, λ0 ¼ 1305.7 nm and
P ¼ 9.43 mW), two X-type couplers (Phoenix Photonics, Birchington, UK; with
α ¼ 0.20 dB), depolarizer (AFORS: Phoenix Photonics; with DOP <5 % and
α ¼ 0.20 dB), isolator (FCA, Niepołomice, Poland; with α ¼ 0.34 dB and 39 dB
isolation), detector (Optoway Technology, Taiwan; with S ¼ 0.9 A/W), two fibre-
optic polarizers mounted in-line (Phoenix Photonics; with ε ¼ 43 dB and
α ¼ 0.45 dB each) and phase modulator. (Piezomechanik, Germany). The wide-
band, low coherence SLED protects the proper method for eliminating the polar-
ization influence on the sensor work and emits the high optical power, which it
affects the system sensitivity. The second coupler has been added after the polarizer
to ensure that both counter-propagating beams pass through the same path in the
sensor loop (Udd and Spillman 2011). The polarizers assure that the two light
waves return to the first coupler in the same polarization. This configuration
52 L.R. Jaroszewicz et al.
Fig. 5.1 The block diagram of the AFORS/FOSREM construction (upper part presents the optical
head and the lower presents electronic system)
guarantees that the only nonreciprocal effect in the system is the Sagnac effect. In
the next part of this paper we presented all reasonable causes of the selection
exactly above parameters of the optical elements.
The electronic system, presented in lower part of Fig. 5.1, is named Autonomous
Signal Processing Unit – ASPU (m-Soft Ltd., Warsaw, Poland). It allows to
calculate and record information about rotation motions which is obtained directly
from the measured Sagnac phase shift. Generally, the ASPU protects selection of
the first (A1ω) and the second (A2ω) amplitude of the harmonic output signal [u(t)],
which enables to assign rotation rate according to the relation of (Jaroszewicz
et al. 2011):
Ω ¼ So arctan½Se uðtÞ ¼ So arctan Se ð5:2Þ
frequency bandpass” in the next part of this paper. It should be underlined that this
feature of AFORS/FOSREM allows to detect rotational movements in extremely
low frequencies, even equal to 0 Hz, it is significant advantage of optical devices in
comparison to the mechanical devices, which have limited so-called bandwidth,
connected with their mechanical nonlinear frequency characteristic. According to A
Glossary for Rotational Seismology (Lee 2009), the bandwith is a range between
high-pass and low-pass cut-off frequencies and often meant as the portion of
frequency-response amplitude spectrum that is approximately flat.
It should be underlined that it is completely another approach in comparison to
the method used in the FOG where measurement of the angular changes is obtained
by applying the time integration of the angular rates. Moreover, the ASPU sends
records to a GSM/GSP modem connected with WEB special FORS – Telemetric
Server. This server enables to make AFORS and FOSREM remotely control via
internet including needful system corrections, software upgrade, data storage as
well as changes of the working parameters.
The sensitivity of the designed sensors is the most significant parameter due to
apply them to measure rotational effects. Theoretical considerations (Ostrzyżek
1989) reach to conclusion that the optimization of the Optical Head elements,
which a main goal is maximization of the sensor sensitivity, requires selection of
such parameters as: radius of the sensor loop, optical power and wavelength of the
light source, length of the fibre and total losses of the optical path. These parameters
have the most meaningful effect on the system sensitivity.
In our first devices, named AFORS-1,-2,-3, the optical fibre of 15 km – SMF-28e+
was wound on the 0.63 m diameter sensor loop which has been made of a special
composite material with permalloy particles for shielding the sensor from external
magnetic field. Based on all above described configuration and consideration finally
we obtained the accuracy for AFORSs as is shown in Fig. 5.2. As one can see
AFORS-1 and AFORS-2 have similar accuracy, only about half of the order worse
than theoretically calculated their sensitivity for given detection frequency bandpass.
Unfortunately, for AFORS-3 accuracy is more than three times worse and this system
may be used in limited application. Such deterioration is connected with problems of
applied electronic part in AFORS-3. Because all AFORSs use “open configuration”
for rotation rate calculation according to the formula (5.2), the parameters of the
sensor loop determine directly the maximum values of rotation rate possible to record
without “overshoot” which is equal to 0.02 rad/s.
The AFORS-1 (Fig. 5.3) has been installed in the Ksia˛ż seismological observa-
tory in Poland since July 2010 with its continuous monitoring via Internet basing on
the application FORS – Telemetric Server.
In Fig. 5.4 we presented example of the rotational event recorded after the Honshu
earthquake M ¼ 9.0 which took place on March 11th 2011, at 5 h 46 min 23 s.
The system of next two devices AFORS-2 and AFORS-3 have been initially
used to measure rotation response of engineering constructions. We used two
seismographs in order to have one as the reference system. The summarized results
of this investigation are presented in Fig. 5.5 as amplitude of building rotation
measured at different building floors caused by ground moves after tramp pass
through street in distance about 50 m from and parallel to long building wall.
AFORS-3 accuracy
AFORS-2 accuracy
AFORS-1 accuracy
AFORS-2 quantum
noise limitation
AFORS-3 quantum
noise limitation
AFORS frequency
1 2 5 10 20 50 100
Frequency band [Hz]
Fig. 5.2 The accuracy measured in Warsaw, Poland for the chosen detection frequency bandpass
(0.84–106.15 Hz) for AFORSs
Fig. 5.4 The plot of the seismic event recorded in Ksia˛ż, Poland on March 11th 2011, starting
from 8 h 46 min, after the Honshu earthquake M ¼ 9.0, times UTC (Jaroszewicz et al. 2013a)
Fig. 5.5 The data recorded on different floors as the response for ground moves (Jaroszewicz
et al. 2013b)
Nevertheless, our investigations which were carried out by AFORS’s pointed out
that we have to construct a new mobile system. The main reasons for such
assumption were the noticeable disadvantages of AFORS’s application in structural
engineering which are: extremely high cost (uses only for limited applications),
problem with verification of their proper operations, single axis rotation measure-
ments and errors under high temperatures (above 60 C) as well as transport
complications due to large dimensions of the devices.
56 L.R. Jaroszewicz et al.
The sensitivity of the designed sensors described the lowest value of the measured
angular velocity in a set detection frequency bandpass. It means the velocity in
which the quotient of the output power to the noises is equal to one. To precisely
estimate the main parameters of sensors we have made simulations which enabled
to design FOSREM. A few of our previous investigations (Jaroszewicz et al. 2013b)
carried out by AFORSs were disturbed by high temperature. Thus, in this paper we
included discussion about the influence of the temperature on the system operating
as well.
The dependence between sensitivity and optical power of the light source shows
that sensitivity increases with increasing the source optical power. The relation
presented in Fig. 5.6a shows that the most advantageous value of optical power is
near 10 mW which corresponds to apply in FOSREM SLED diode with a optical
power P ¼ 9.43 mW.
To enlarge the sensitivity one can apply the shorter wavelength of light source
(see Fig. 5.6b). Although higher attenuation is related with shorter wavelength.
Therefore operating in the second telecommunication window seems to be the
optimal solution.
In the FOSREM construction we were also focused on decreasing size of the
sensors. Dimensions of the first two FOSREM devices are equal to the
47 23 36 cm (similar to the size of a flight hand luggage – Fig. 5.7a), however
next devices will have size equals 36 36 16 cm which considerably enlarges
their mobility (Fig. 5.7b). It enables to carry out the planned measurements simply
and without transport complications. Additionally, we designed a mechanical
protection of the Optical Head, as is shown in Fig. 5.7b, printed on 3D Printer
(MakerBot Replicator 2X).
Such approach requires, at first, analysis of the fibre length and the sensor loop
radius selection. To define the optimal fibre length we performed simulation which
is shown in Fig. 5.8. The simulation was prepared for 1305.7 nm wavelength of the
light source and 16.3 dB system losses as well as the sensitivity of the photodiode
equals 0.9 A/W. The simulation shows that the selection fibre length of 5 km is the
Fig. 5.6 Influence of the light source parameters on sensor sensitivity: (a) The sensor sensitivity
vs. optical power of the source; (b) The sensor sensitivity vs. wavelength of the source
Fig. 5.7 Package of the designed sensor: (a) total size of the first two sensors; (b) 3D visualization
of the new sensor with all components, colour: beige – package, dark – depolarizer, grey – sensor
loop, green – electronic parts, yellow – modulator, blue – SLED diode, orange – sensor’s
mechanical protection and acoustic isolation
58 L.R. Jaroszewicz et al.
Fig. 5.8 Influence of fibre length and radius loop on the sensor sensitivity: (a) correlation between
fibre length, detection frequency bandpass and sensor sensitivity; (b) correlation between fibre
length, radius loop and sensor sensitivity
most optimal length for obtaining minimal rate of rotation rates in entire detection
frequency bandpass. The Sagnac effect increases with the length of the optical fibre.
Although the optical fibre introduces an attenuation which decreases the level of
signal. The sensitivity is at the same level in the entire detection frequency
bandpass for fibre length of 5 km. The fibre length of 5 km and 0.12 m radius of
sensor loop enable to achieve sensitivity about 2·108 rad/s/Hz1/2. FOSREM uses
quartz oscillator, which determines the basic detection time equals 1.5234 ms, thus
above sensitivity should protect the accuracy no less than 6·109–5·105 rad/s in a
frequency band from 0 Hz to the upper frequency between 2.56 and 328.12 Hz,
respectively. To perform the sensor loop in FOSREM we wound optical fibre to an
aluminum reel (the grey one in Fig. 5.7b) in a double-quadrupole mode (Dai
et al. 2002) for the thermal stabilization of the sensor’s work. One should noticed
that this method of winding can cause growth of the attenuation. For the reasons
above we decided that 5 km is the most optimal length.
5 FOSREM‐Fibre‐Optic System for. . . 59
The total losses of the optical path (α) have the main influence on system
sensitivity (see simulation in Fig. 5.9). Due to the above we made assumption that
total losses of the Optical Head should be below value of 17 dB (where 9 dB is
theoretical minimum losses) because it protects the system sensitivity at expected
level. The value of the system losses higher than 17 dB causes rapid increase of the
minimum measured rotation. In first two FOSREM constructions we obtained losses
equals about 16 dB which contain: losses on all fibre splices (about 2 dB), attenuation
in the sensor loop about 1.65 dB, losses on the couplers 9 dB resulting from the
minimum configuration, losses on the other optical elements such as the polarizer and
the depolarizer about 3.65 dB. Moreover, it should be underlined that the selected
radius of the sensor loop does not introduce additional macrobending losses.
Figure 5.10 shows correlation between temperature, detection frequency band
and the minimal measured rotation rate. As one can see Ω is stable in temperature
range between 260 and 333 K. Such results are contradicting our previous
4. × 10-7
W min [rad/s]
3. × 10-7
2. × 10-7
1. × 10-7
0 200
Detection frequency
280 bandpass [Hz]
Temperature [K]
Fig. 5.10 Correlation between temperature, detection frequency bandpass and sensor sensitivity
60 L.R. Jaroszewicz et al.
Fig. 5.12 Example of measured Earth rotation rate component in Warsaw at various detection
frequency bandpass: (a) 0.01 Hz; (b) 10.25 Hz; (c) 109.38 Hz; (d) 328.12 Hz
62 L.R. Jaroszewicz et al.
5.4 Conclusions
Acknowledgments This work has been done under financial support of the National Centre for
Research and Development, project PBS1/B3/7/2012 “Fibre-Optic Monitoring Rotational Events
and Phenomena – FOMREPh” as well as MUT statutory activity PBS-850.
5 FOSREM‐Fibre‐Optic System for. . . 63
Abstract This paper presents a new approach to measure and monitor structural
vibrations in civil and seismic engineering which uses new rotational sensors which
can measure flexural vibrations of a beam axis. First a rotation rate sensor
(measuring rotational velocity) is tested with respect to its ability to follow changes
of strains in a beam during its vibrations. Next a system of rotation rate sensors is
applied to effectively reconstruct stiffness variations of a simple, cantilever beam. It
is demonstrated that the rotation rate sensors can be used to effectively reconstruct
three unknown stiffness drops of a cantilever beam under harmonic vibrations. Both
experiments are carried out using small plexi beams in laboratory scale. At this
moment the rotational sensors are still rather expensive and with limited range and
accuracy. However with the time passing by, their quality will improve and prices
decrease making them very effective instruments in seismic engineering and health
monitoring of structural systems.
6.1 Introduction
measurements one can retrieve natural frequencies and modes of the structure and
use them in modal analyses leading to damage assessment and localizations.
However when one is trying to locate damages in structures by observing changes
in the natural modes it appears that the observed stiffness losses are much better
reflected in the variations of spatial derivatives of the modes than in the modes
themselves. On the other hand, numerical differentiation of the measured natural
modes introduces such substantial noise, that in spite of using special smoothing
techniques, effective damage localization is still very difficult (see e.g. papers by
Maek and DeRoeck 1999; Ndambi et al. 2002). For some time however, new
techniques of directly measuring angle variations appeared (see e.g. Meydan
1997) and nowadays matured to achieve angle resolution of 103 . Thus, in
addition to transversal accelerations, now it is possible to measure angle variations
along the bar axis during vibrations of the structures. This way, the changes in
curvature of the axes of the bars of the structures can be obtained almost directly.
Numerical simulations aiming at investigations of potential advantages of these
new angular measurements have already appeared in the literature, and the effec-
tiveness of including the rotations in conventional modal analysis was confirmed
(Abdo and Hori 2002; Kokot and Zembaty 2009b). The measurements of beam axis
rotations make it also possible to retrieve respective strains for the same beam in
This paper investigates the advantages of using the rotation rate sensors in
monitoring beam vibrations in bending. First, selected results of an experiment in
which strains of a beam in harmonic flexural, vibrations are assessed based on the
measurements of rotational velocity of the beam axis are presented. Next, results of
another experiment are presented, in which rotation rate sensors are used to
reconstruct stiffness changes of a beam under harmonic flexural vibrations.
where ‘dot’ stands for differentiation with respect to time, u€(t) is the acceleration of
the kinematic motion of the beam, κ, μ are constants reflecting the participation of
the damping proportional to stiffness and mass respectively.
Applying mode superposition method (e.g. Chopra 2011) leads to following
6 Application of Rotation Rate Sensors 67
1 ð1
wðx; tÞ ¼ ℘ j ψ j ðxÞ h j ðτÞ €uðt τÞdτ ð6:2Þ
j¼1 1
in which
ψ j ðxÞdx
℘j ¼ ð0L ð6:3Þ
ψ 2j ðxÞdx
is the modal participation factor, ψ j(x) stands for the “j-th” mode shape, while hj(t)
is the impulse response function of the “j-th” natural mode of vibration:
h j ðtÞ ¼ exp ξ j ω j t sin ω jd t ð6:4Þ
ω jd
where ωjd ¼ √(1-ξj2) is the damped natural frequency and ξ j ¼ μ= 2ω j þ κω j =
2 is the modal damping ratio. Equation 6.2 can be used to obtain its spatial
derivative i.e. the angle of the axis rotation:
X 1 ð1
∂wðx; tÞ 0
ϑðx; tÞ ¼ ¼ ℘ j ψ j ðxÞ h j ðτÞ €uðt τÞdτ ð6:5Þ
∂x j¼1 1
Using the Fourier transform one may re-write Eq. 6.2 in frequency domain as
68 Z. Zembaty et al.
W ðx; ωÞ ¼ ℘ j ψ j H j ðωÞUaccel ðωÞ ð6:7Þ
where Hj(ω) stands for frequency response function of the “j-th” mode of vibration
H j ð ωÞ ¼ €uðτÞ eiωτ dτ ¼ ð6:8Þ
1 ω2j ω2 þ 2iξ j ω j ω
In case of steady-state vibrations the minus signs in formulas (6.1, 6.5, and 6.7)
can be dropped. Applying the rules of time and spatial differentiation of formula
(6.2) into its frequency domain form (6.7), one can obtain velocity of the angle of
the beam axis ϑ_ denoted in frequency domain as θvel:
θvel ðx; ωÞ ¼ ℘ j ψ j ðxÞiω H j ðωÞ Uaccel ðωÞ ð6:10Þ
Assume now that the beam has a rectangular bh cross-section. For such the Euler-
Bernoulli beam the maximum strain (on the beam surface) equals
h∂ w
ε¼ ð6:11Þ
2 ∂x2
Thus applying Eq. 6.5 the maximum strain can be obtained in frequency domain as
hX 1
εðx; ωÞ ¼ ℘ ψ ðxÞH j ðωÞ U accel ðωÞ ð6:12Þ
2 j¼1 j j
Comparing Eq. 6.12 with 6.10 gives formula for the beam surface strain in terms of
rotational velocity written in frequency domain
X1 00
h ℘ j ψ j ðxÞH j ðωÞ
εðx; ωÞ ¼ θvel ðx; ωÞ X1
0 ð6:13Þ
2iω ℘ j ψ j ðxÞH j ðωÞ
For harmonic vibrations one may substitute amplitude of rotation rate am (θvel)
obtaining phase shifted maximum strain. Thus the final formula to be used in the
6 Application of Rotation Rate Sensors 69
comparisons of the amplitude of rotation rate and the amplitude of maximum strain
takes form
℘ ψ
ð ÞH ð ω Þ
h 1 j j x j
amðεÞ ¼ jεðx; ωÞj ¼ amðθvel Þ X1
0 ð6:14Þ
2iω ℘ j ψ j ðxÞH j ðωÞ
The small scale, laboratory models to study structural rotations should be chosen in
such a way, that the resulting rotations are large enough to represent typical
rotations of structures in full scale. After an analysis what was available, it was
decided to perform experiments on small span, cantilever beams made of plexiglass
excited by kinematic harmonic excitations (Fig. 6.2).
It should be noted that such small beams are much easier to excite in laboratory
conditions by using kinematic excitation, than exerting the actuator motion on
them. For this reason a heavy, long span, simply supported steel beam was prepared
to act as a support for the analysed plexiglass beam. The steel beam was excited in
vertical direction by the actuator controlled by HBM Instron system, while the
Fig. 6.2 Schematic view of the plexi beam under vertical, harmonic, kinematic excitations with
four gauges and rotational sensor mounted in its mid span
70 Z. Zembaty et al.
Fig. 6.3 Illustration of the experimental set-up to measure rotations and strains
Table 6.1 Comparison of measured and calculated amplitudes of rotation rates and strains
Amplitude of strains
Amplitude of Amplitude Calculated (Eq. 6.14
excitation of rotation and column 3 as Calculated
Frequency accelerations rate Measured input) using FEM
[Hz] [m/s2] [deg/s]
1 2 3 4 5 6
4.50 0.5454 2.70 1.45E-05 1.37E-05 1.36E-05
5.25 0.7727 6.88 3.14E-05 3.07E-05 3.05E-05
5.70 0.9655 12.85 5.91E-05 5.36E-05 5.58E-05
analysed, plexiglass beam was clamped at the mid-span of the steel beam (Fig. 6.3).
This solution made it possible to excite kinematic vibrations of the plexiglass beam.
To measure rotations the Systron Donner sensor HZ-100-100 (100 /s range) was
applied. The harmonic motion of the actuator was controlled by Instron system,
while data acquisition was done by multi-channel system “MCG Plus” of Hottinger.
6 Application of Rotation Rate Sensors 71
The material data of plexiglass are as follows: density ρ ¼ 1,318.7 kg/m3 and Young
modulus E ¼ 4.51 GPa. In Table 6.1 selected results of this experiment are shown.
The differences among the strains obtained from rotation rate and directly
measured reached about 5–9 % which can be explained by the differences between
simplified, continuous dynamic model of the cantilever beam and its actual exper-
imental realization as well as various forms of noises present in this experiment.
q þ Kd q ¼ P0 ei pt
M€ ð6:15Þ
where superscript ‘d’ indicates that the structure vibrates in a ‘damaged’ state with
its original, stiffness matrix K reduced to Kd due to the accumulated damages,
while the matrix of inertia M stays unchanged. It is also assumed that structural
response is small and out of the resonance frequencies zones, so that damping
effects may be neglected. Such situation occurs for example for the cracked
reinforced concrete structures (e.g. Zembaty et al. 2006). In Fig. 6.4, a fragment
of a beam structure under harmonic excitations is presented. The structure is
divided into finite elements k-1, k, k + 1 etc. The generalized coordinates qi, qi+1,
qi+2, are assumed along the measurement directions and include also rotational
degrees of freedom.
Equation 6.15 can be solved using familiar algebraic matrix equation with
respect to the unknown response amplitude vector u:
Kd p2 M u ¼ P0 ð6:16Þ
The global stiffness matrix can calculated using the Finite Element Method (FEM)
with contributions from all respective finite elements:
72 Z. Zembaty et al.
n X
Kd ¼ i ¼
Kde αi Kue
i ð6:17Þ
i¼1 i¼1
where n is the number of all discretized elements. At this stage one can introduce
the key parameters of this analysis which are non-dimensional stiffness reduction
factors αi which describe relative stiffness loss due to accumulated damages
(0 αi 1). Substituting Eq. 6.17 into Eq. 6.16 one obtains:
αi Kue
i pM
u ¼ P0 ð6:18Þ
Equation 6.18 can be applied to find the vector of the amplitudes of displacements
u in terms of the vector of driving force amplitudes P0, when the FEM model of the
structure is prepared.
Consider now the norm J measuring difference between vectors of the ampli-
tudes uc calculated using Finite Element Method and the vector of amplitudes um
measured in the actual structure:
u cj ðαÞ u mj
J ðαÞ ¼ ð6:19aÞ
u mj
where ndr denotes the number of translational and additional, rotational degrees of
freedom. A comparison of the effectiveness of minimization of functionals given by
Eq. 6.19a or 6.19b using Genetic Algorithms and Levenberg-Margquardt local
search (GA L-M) was subject of a detailed numerical analysis in the paper by
Kokot and Zembaty (2009b). When analyzing reconstructions of multiple stiffness
two measures of its effectiveness can be defined:
6 Application of Rotation Rate Sensors 73
The above symbols αi with superscripts a and d denote respectively the ‘assumed’
and ‘detected’ stiffness losses.
The tests were carried out using the same experimental set up as previously, but
with two types of plexiglass beams: the ‘intact’ beam and a beam with three drops
of stiffness (Fig. 6.5).
To measure translational vibrations three miniature accelerometers PCB 333B52
were installed underneath the beam. The angular motions were measured using
three rotation rate sensors HZ 100-100 installed on top of the beam. All sensors
were glued at points corresponding to the nodes of the finite element. The mass
losses from the reductions of the beam cross-sections were compensated by gluing
nuts to the beam (see Fig. 6.6).
Fig. 6.5 The geometry of the beam investigated in experiment ‘2’ – in intact and the in the
‘damaged’ state defined by three stiffness reductions
74 Z. Zembaty et al.
Fig. 6.6 Detail of the beam with angular sensor HZ 100-100 installed at the beam stiffness drop
and the additional, compensating masses (nuts)
Fig. 6.7 Dynamic model of the cantilever beam vibrating under vertical, kinematic, harmonic
The detailed scheme of the vibrating beam together with all the translational and
rotational degrees of freedom is shown in Fig. 6.7. Two models of the 750 mm long
plexiglass beam were measured and analysed: the first “intact” one, with constant
cross section b ¼ 80 mm and h ¼ 14 mm (see upper part of Fig. 6.5) and the second,
“damaged” one, with decreased cross sections (see lower part of Fig. 6.5), leading
to 15 % drops of stiffness.
The fundamental, natural frequency of the tested cantilever beam (with all the
sensors attached) equalled 6.90 Hz while for the “damaged” one 6.23 Hz. This was
important to know before the experiment started, as the “reconstruction” method
described in Chap. 2, by definition avoids vibrations close to resonances (Kokot and
Zembaty 2009a, b).
The tests were carried out by measuring harmonic vibrations of the plexiglass
beams for various excitation frequencies (from 3.5 to 7.5 Hz), outside the resonance
zones, at low excitation level (amplitude of displacements at the fixed end was
equal to 0.5 mm). The minimization in the stiffness reconstruction process was
carried out using the hybrid optimization procedure described in detail in the
paper by Kokot and Zembaty (2009a). First a specific number of 6,000 generations
in the genetic algorithm allowed to reach the vicinity of the global minimum. Next
the Levenberg-Marquardt local search method was involved to fine-tune the
6 Application of Rotation Rate Sensors 75
Table 6.2 Stiffness reduction factors for a beam with three stiffness reductions under harmonic
kinematic excitations at frequency 4.5 Hz
α1 α2 α3
Actual stiffness reduction 0.85 0.70 0.55
Detected stiffness reduction 0.86 0.67 0.54
Two solutions were studied in detail: with three measured translation accelera-
tions only and with three rotation rates only. Results for excitation frequency
pf ¼ 4.5 Hz and amplitude of the beam tip response equal to about 0.5 mm, are
shown in Table 6.2. The errors of reconstruction equalled: WAE ¼ 2.48 % and
ME ¼ 3.87 %.
6.6 Conclusions
This paper reports the results of early stage, laboratory experiments of the applica-
tion of modern rotation rate sensors to measure and monitor of structural vibrations
in civil and seismic engineering. Following positive recommendations from numer-
ical simulations (Abdo and Hori 2002; Kokot and Zembaty 2009b), both experi-
ments demonstrated the ability of modern rotation rate sensors to be effectively
applied in measuring structural vibrations and in difficult, stiffness “reconstruc-
tions” of practical structural health monitoring.
This is a good prognostic for future application of rotation rate sensors not only
to directly measure rotations of key structural elements, but also to follow strains
and monitor distributed damages of some civil engineering structures. More details
about the reported experiments can be found in the recent paper by Zembaty
et al. (2013).
Acknowledgments This research was supported in part by the Polish NSF Grant N506 289037
“Simulation and experimental investigations of rotation measurements in dynamic identification
of bar structures” and statutory fund of Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (NBS
15/14). The Authors wish to thank dr Bronisław Je˛draszak (Opole University of Technology) and
Dariusz Knapek (EC Test Systems, Cracow) for their assistance in carrying out the experiments.
Abdo MA-B, Hori M (2002) A numerical study of structural damage detection using changes in
the rotation of mode shapes. J Sound Vib 251:227–239
Chopra AK (2011) Dynamics of structures, theory and application to earthquake engineering.
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs
Kokot S, Zembaty Z (2009a) Damage reconstruction of 3d frames using genetic algorithms with
Levenberg-Marquardt local search. Soil Dyn Earthq Eng 29:311–323
76 Z. Zembaty et al.
Kokot S, Zembaty Z (2009b) Vibration based stiffness reconstruction of beams and frames by
observing their rotations under harmonic excitations – a numerical analysis. Eng Struct
Maeck J, De Roeck G (1999) Dynamic bending and torsional stiffness derivation from modal
curvatures and torsion rates. J Sound Vib 225:153–170
Meydan T (1997) Recent trends in linear and angular accelerometers. Sensors Actuators A Phys
Ndambi J-M, Vantomme J, Harri K (2002) Damage assessment in reinforced concrete beams using
eigen frequencies and mode shape derivatives. Eng Struct 24:501–515
Zembaty Z, Kowalski M, Pospisil S (2006) Dynamic identification of a reinforced concrete frame
in progressive states of damage. Eng Struct 28:668–681
Zembaty Z, Kokot S, Bobra P (2013) Application of rotation rate sensors in an experiment of
stiffness ‘reconstruction’. Smart Mater Struct. doi:10.1088/0964-1726/22/7/077001
Chapter 7
Asymmetric Continuum with Shear
and Rotation Strains Including Quantum
Synchronous Processes
Roman Teisseyre
Abstract We shortly explain why the rotations strains should be included together
with the shear strains in the theory of solid continuum; the related arguments are
based both on the experimental and theoretical levels. In the presented Asymmetric
Continuum Theory the wave propagation mechanism appears in a logical way with
the respective shear and rotation strains. In this logical approach we include, beside
the shear strains, also the rotation strains and their related wave propagation with
shear and rotation strain interactions.
Further, we try to explain how to describe a fracture process with a help of the
quantum theory and with some synchronous motions. The synchronous quantum
processes permit to explain the fracture mechanism and also may include a problem
of the lightning and aurora events.
This attempt might join the quantum processes with a fracture event appearing
inside the elastic continuum with shear and rotation strains and with the synchro-
nous quantum mechanism; this is a new approach joining the improved classic
theory with the quantum events, which lead together to the synchronous processes.
R. Teisseyre (*)
Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
to the displacement derivatives (Fig. 7.1). Further on, we present equations for
deviatoric shear and rotation strains.
For measurements:
uk Δxi , i ¼ k 1 ð7:1Þ
where Δxi is the length of a seismograph rigid platform and displacement, uk , is an
apparent displacement.
The rotation and shear strains – included in our theory, should be measured with
a special recording system.
In order to explain the wave propagation mechanism we can present the time
period sequence of shear and rotation strain maxima; here, we present this sequence
for a radial propagation (Fig. 7.1).
Fig. 7.1 Propagation pattern of the shear and rotation strains; the maxima of the shear and rotation
strains along the sequence of five respective time intervals
7 Asymmetric Continuum and Quantum Processes 79
In the classic definition for the elastic regime we have for strain components: Eik-
total, Eˆ(ik)- shear, and, E˘[ik]- rotation strains:
^ ∂uk
Eik ¼ E^ ðikÞ þ E ½ik ¼ ð7:2aÞ
At constant pressure and without external forces we have the relations:
2^ 2^
∂ E^ ðniÞ ∂ E^ ðniÞ
2 2
∂ E ½ni ∂ E ½ni
μ ρ ¼0 , μ ρ ¼0 ð7:2bÞ
∂xs ∂xs ∂t2 ∂xs ∂xs ∂t2
where we remind the summation convention at the repeated indexes:
We may remark that, in general, the rotation strain amplitudes might be quite low,
however, the derivatives of the shear and rotation strains should fulfill the Maxwell-
like relations (Teisseyre 2009, 2011, 2013; Teisseyre and Teisseyre-Jeleńska 2014).
For the energy, related to the shear and rotation strains, we may write at a
constant pressure:
E¼ Sik Eik ¼ 2μ EðikÞ EðikÞ þ E½ik E½ik
i, k i, k
2μ EðikÞ EðikÞ , i 6¼ k ð7:3Þ
i, k
2 3
0 1 0 0
6 1 0 0 0 7
γ4 γ2 γ3 ¼ 6
4 0
7 ð7:5bÞ
0 0 1 5
0 0 1 0
Thus, these complex deviatoric shear strains with a help of these Dirac tensors
(7.5a, 7.5b) can be presented as follows::
The related wave equations for these strains, Eλκ ¼ EðλκÞ þ iE½λκ , with the velocity,
κ V μ=ρ, can be presented as follows:
2 2
∂ Eλμ κ2 ∂ Eλμ
2 2 ¼ Y λμ $ WEλμ ¼ Y λμ ð7:7aÞ
∂xn ∂xn c ∂t
Of course, we may return to the equations in a vector form with Ei ¼ E^ ðiÞ þ i E ½i
(with the similarly defined external vector, Ys):
2 2
∂ κ2 ∂
E s 2 2 Es ¼ Y s , or WEs ¼ Y s ð7:7bÞ
∂xn ∂xn c ∂t
This relation for the complex vectors, can lead us to the Maxwell-like equations
for V ¼ κc, and current JS ¼ 0:
^ ^
∂ E ½q 1 ∂E^ ðsÞ ∂E^ ðqÞ 1 ∂ E ½s
εspq ¼ 0, εspq þ ¼0 , or :
∂x p V ∂t ∂x p V ∂t
^ rffiffiffi ð7:8Þ
^ χ ∂E^ χ ∂E c μ
rot E ¼ 0 , rot E^ þ ¼0 ; ¼V¼
c ∂t c ∂t χ ρ
These relations are quite similar to those for the electro-magnetic fields; the
difference relates only to propagation velocity, which for the electro-magnetic
fields relates to the light velocity.
The presented expression (7.8) leads directly to the Eqns. 7.7a, b.
7 Asymmetric Continuum and Quantum Processes 81
where, e, is the energy radiated per unit wave length, λ; ν means frequency, ν ¼ c=λ,
and h is the Planck constant; K – the Boltzmann constant and T – temperature, c –
light velocity.
This energy can be related to the resonance frequency; the classical question of
the black body radiation, that is, the radiation in thermodynamic equilibrium-
fundaments of quantum mechanics.
Of course the synchronous quantum related processes appear in all radiation
processes; the most basic phenomena in our world. However, here we will consider
only these synchronous quantum processes which appear due to the deformation
fields, that is related to the shear and rotation strains, and which lead to the Planck
black body radiation. The resonance frequency means here the minima of fracture
resistances at thermodynamic equilibrium, Fig. 7.2. At this conditions the basic unit
energy, hv, and related black body radiation (7.9) may approach us to some
synchronous processes. First we may imagine that, a distribution of the high
shear strains forming the local micro-fractures, could be approximated by the
parallel and local micro-displacements; thus, searching their continuum descrip-
tion, we might present these micro-displacements as situated along a group of the
parallel lines. Thus, in this way, we may equivalently describe the micro-
displacements, formed due to the shear strains, as a dense group of a continual
distribution of the parallel lines.
which means a concentrations ofXstrains along the almost parallel lines, S, forming a
group leading to a plane, a sum or the parallel lines forming a big group around
the central fracture pass plane.
The expression for such energy concentration may be presented as concentration
of the shear strains:
X X X^ ^
E¼ Sik Eik ¼ 2μ E^ ðikÞ E^ ðikÞ þ E ½ik E ½ik
i, k i, k
2μ E^ ðikÞ E^ ðikÞ ð7:11Þ
i, k
and from the another side, this basic energies along the mentioned above synchro-
nous lines concentrated along an expected fracture plane can be presented as
2 32
xð0s 1
6 7 8πνh νh
E¼4 GSk exp gs xs x0s dx0s 5 ½expfgðt t0 Þg 2 4 exp 1
S, k λ KT
where, in order to form the energy concentration lines and further the fracture along
some central plane element, we have introduced the summations along both these
lines, S, and also along the perpendicular direction, k; a possible number of
concentrated lines relate to a space element, that is both to the S and k directions;
thus, the expected fracture plane may be related to the S0 and k directions.
7 Asymmetric Continuum and Quantum Processes 83
In this way, we describe an increase of the fracture energy in the time and space
up to the final values related to these fracture coefficients; the resonance frequency,
at thermodynamic equilibrium, presents the minimum of fracture resistance.
We assume that these considered phenomena, related to the electron motions,
could remain synchronous in the adequate time and space domains. Moreover, a
total fracture processes might be formed with the time/space synchronous series
one after other.
The introduced synchronization means the synchronous fracture formation; a
real fracture motion starts, when a density of quantum synchronous motions reach
the critical level.
We should remember that the Planck quantum theory introduces the resonance
wave frequency related to the black body radiation effect; basing on this approach
we might try to consider a material strength minimum, as related to such resonance
frequency, under the static vibration parts of load. We may illustrate the possible
resonance frequencies, at thermodynamic equilibrium in Fig. 7.2; in the presented
figures we present the reverse values needed for fracture, that is the reverse values
of the fracture energies, at the synchronous fracture phenomena. Thus, the vertical
axis relates the decrease of the fracture resistance.
Thus, we present a minimum of energy required for the fracture at a thermody-
namic equilibrium. An individual fracture process at the quantum level may lead to
the synchronous and collective fracture events at the critical fracture level: G0s ,
g0S , g0.
Of course, the released energy leads also to the changes of the strains. We should
remind the strain equations (Eq. 7.3), shear and rotational, Eˆ(ni) , E˘[ni], and related
84 R. Teisseyre
We assume, that at the fracture processes, we should have for their synchronous
motions at the different positions in space and time, thus, there should appear a
similarity of these motions. Therefore, we may deal there with some similarities
related to the central line, along which we expect a fracture process.
Of course, these processes should be governed by the Shr€odinger equation in its
more adequate forms, which mean here the motions related to a center of synchro-
nous field density; this process may lead to the probable fracture. Thus, especially
important for prediction methods, could be the mentioned processes appearing in
time and space domain.
For fracture, before and after the given event, we may have an appearance of
chain of some fields governed by the Shr€odinger like equations; specially important
might be, here, the electric and magnetic signals.
As mentioned above, a real fracture starts when the quantum synchronous
density reaches the critical level. However, already before some fracture event,
there can appear also the collective electron motions under even not great synchro-
nous concentration. In this way there can appear some electric and magnetic pre-
cursors, governed by these quantum processes and joined to the Maxwell relations.
We can believe that some electric or magnetic signals may appear due to these
energy releases appearing at the beginning of these synchronous processes, thus,
even beneath the critical concentration.
We assume that the considered phenomena related to the electron motions could
remain synchronous in the adequate time and space domains. Of course, a total
fracture process may be formed with the time/space synchronous series appearing
one after other with much smaller velocities.
In this way we may obtain also the space/time fracture center at t ¼ t0 , xs ¼ x0s
(which even may move), and where this synchronization means a synchronous
fracture formation; a real fracture motion starts when a density of quantum syn-
chronous motions reach the critical density: GCs .
We may remark that, in general, the rotation strains might be quite low,
however, the derivatives of the shear and rotation strains should fulfill the
Maxwell-like relations (Teisseyre 2013; Teisseyre and Teisseyre-Jeleńska 2014).
In the classic definition for the elastic regime we should remained the strain
energy concentration and the line synchronous energy concentration (7.12a, 7.12b)
For a search related to the energy concentrations we should pay an attention to
the electric and magnetic fields; the related joined expressions may be write as
follows (Teisseyre and Teisseyre-Jeleńska 2014):
SðklÞ ¼ λδkl Ess þ 2μEðklÞ þ ϑδkl G þ ϑGðklÞ þ δkl GE E2k
k ð7:13Þ
S½kl ¼ 2μE½kl þ ϑεkls Gs þ ϑG½kl , ϑ ¼ ð1, iÞ
where for the dielectric materials, we should consider the electrostriction, GE,
related to the random electrical domains; ϑ ¼ ð1, iÞ
7 Asymmetric Continuum and Quantum Processes 85
The most possible relations between these fields could be combined together in
the following way:
α SðklÞ λδkl Ess 2μEðklÞ ¼ χ ðsklÞ Es þ f ðsklÞ Π s þ d iðklj Þ Π i j þ gδkl GE E2k
η S½kl 2μE½kl ¼ χ ½skl Ms þ f ½skl Π s þ d i½klj Π i j
However again, this expression could be written in the more general forms with a
number of independent equations, with α ! α ¼ α1 þ α2 þ α3 þ α4 (see
Eq. 7.14), and η ! η1 þ η2 þ η3 (see Eq. 7.14), as follows:
α1 SðklÞ λδkl Ess 2μEðklÞ ¼ χ ðsklÞ Es , η1 S½kl 2μE½kl ¼ χ ½skl Ms
α2 SðklÞ λδkl Ess 2μEðklÞ ¼ f ðsklÞ Π s , η2 S½kl 2μE½kl ¼ f ½skl Π s
α3 SðklÞ λδkl Ess 2μEðklÞ ¼ diðklj Þ Π i j , η3 S½kl 2μE½kl ¼ d i½klj Π i j
α4 SðklÞ λδkl Ess 2μEðklÞ ¼ gδkl GE d E2k
Teisseyre R (2009) Tutorial on new development in physics of rotation motions. Bull Seismol Soc
Am 99(2B):1132–1136
Teisseyre R (2011) Why rotation seismology: confrontation between classic and asymmetric
theories. Bull Seismol Soc Am 101(4):1683–1691
86 R. Teisseyre
Abstract In the chapter, the N2 method and the non-linear dynamic analysis
(NDA) are applied for the assessment of seismic performance of two variants of a
4-storey reinforced concrete (RC) frame building. The first variant is represented by
the bare frames, whereas in the second variant infill panels are included in the upper
three storeys, thus creating a soft first storey structure. In one direction, the results
clearly show the detrimental effect of infills which generate a storey mechanism
instead of a global mechanism which occurs in the case of the bare frame structure.
In the other direction, a story mechanism occurs also in the case of the bare frame
structure. The infills shift the mechanism from the third to the first storey. There is
good agreement of the results obtained by the N2 method and NDA. The results
indicate that both variants of the building are able to survive the design ground
8.1 Introduction
structure, representing an existing building built before modern seismic codes have
been adopted. In the first variant, the bare frame structure is analysed, whereas in
the second variant infill panels are included in the upper three storeys, thus creating
a soft first storey structure. In the chapter the main results are presented and
8.2 Methodology
For the meaning of symbols and for different reductions of capacity for elements
designed according to out-of-dated codes please consult EC8-3. Since best esti-
mates are used, no safety factor γ el is included in Eq. 8.1. According to the current
version of EC8-3, for the RC members without detailing for earthquake resistance,
the value in Eq. 8.1 is divided by a factor of 1.2. In members with smooth (plain)
longitudinal bars without lapping in the vicinity of the end region where yielding is
expected, the ultimate chord rotation θum is further multiplied by a factor of 0.8. For
columns, the resulting values of θum are between about 3 % and 4 %.
In the case of the NDA, a set of 30 accelerograms was selected with the mean
elastic acceleration spectrum similar to the EC8-1 spectrum, used in the N2 analysis
(Vukobratović and Fajfar 2015, Fig. 8.2). Seismic assessment is based on the same
quantities as in the case of the N2 analysis. Seismic demand is represented by
median values determined by NDA. For the determination of seismic capacities
based on NDA an incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) is needed. Since this is an
extremely time consuming procedure, in our study the same capacities as in the case
of N2 were used also in the case of NDA.
The example structure is a 4-storey RC building that was designed on the basis of
the design practice and codes which were used in Italy between the 1950s and the
1970s (Celarec et al. 2012). The structure is double-symmetric with storey height
3.0 m. In Fig. 8.1 the global geometry and the cross-sections of the building are
presented. Note that the cross-sections of the columns are decreasing along the
height of the building. The masses amount to 182.3 t in the first three storeys, and
193.3 t in the top storey. The total weight of the building is W ¼ 7261 kN. The
variants of the building without infills and with them (in the upper three storeys)
were analysed.
The mean value of concrete compressive strength amounted to fcm ¼ 33 MPa and
the yield strength of the steel reinforcement amounted to fym ¼ 370 MPa (smooth
reinforcement). In RC columns shear reinforcement Asw/s ¼ Φ6/30 cm was used,
which was at the time of building construction a usual requirement for shear
92 K. Sinkovič et al.
Fig. 8.1 The elevation views, the plan view of the second storey and typical reinforcement of
beams and columns of the example building
Fig. 8.2 The elastic acceleration spectrum for ag ¼ 0.29 g and soil type B, spectra for individual
accelerograms and mean spectrum
Cracked sections were modelled according to EC8-1 by using the elastic flexural
properties of elements equal to one-half of the corresponding stiffness of the
un-cracked elements. The ultimate rotation θum was determined according to
Eq. 8.1.
The infills were modelled by means of diagonal struts. The details of the
modelling do not influence the results.
For NDA, all analyses were performed on the same MDOF structural model as
the N2 analysis. Stiffness degrading hysteretic behaviour was used (material »Hys-
teretic« in OpenSees). The parameter β, which controls the unloading stiffness, was
equal to 0.5. Rayleigh damping (ξ ¼ 5 %), proportional to mass and instantaneous
stiffness was applied (considering the first two vibration periods).
In the mathematical model used in this study, it was assumed that the elements
do not fail in shear. In order to confirm this assumption, the results should be
checked in order to identify possible shear failures of elements, especially columns.
The discussion on shear capacity is out of the scope of this chapter. However, it
should be mentioned that, in the case of the investigated building, all elements
passed the check.
Seismic demand is defined by EC8-1 for the design ground acceleration
ag ¼ 0.29 g, for soil type B (resulting in peak ground acceleration PGA ¼ 0.35 g)
and for 5 % damping (Fig. 8.2).
The analyses were performed for two variants of the building, each for two
directions of ground motion. The N2 analysis for the Y direction of the bare
94 K. Sinkovič et al.
Fig. 8.3 The pushover curves with indicated demand and capacity
frame structure is shown more in details, whereas for the other analyses only the
results are shown in Figs. 8.3 and 8.5.
In the N2 method, the lateral loads for the pushover analysis were determined
based on the first mode shape. The pushover curve for the bare frame building in the
Y direction is shown in Fig. 8.3b), where the NC limit state of the building, defined
as the state when the first column attains its NC limit state, is marked. The results of
the pushover analysis indicate that the interior column C4 in the first storey is the
first column that fails in flexure (θum ¼ 0.031) at the roof displacement
DNC ¼ 29.2 cm. The corresponding storey drift ratio of the first storey is equal to
δNC.1 ¼ 9.5 cm/300 cm ¼ 0.032. The spectral acceleration corresponding to the
capacity amounts to Sa.NC ¼ 1.25 g, and PGA ¼ 0.86 g (see Fig. 8.4a). Several
columns in the first three storeys fail soon after the failure of the first column, so
the detailed results are sensitive to the details of the modelling.
Demand is based on the EC8-1 elastic spectrum presented in Fig. 8.2. The
fundamental effective period amounts to Teff ¼ 0.86 s, resulting in the elastic
spectral acceleration Se ¼ 0.50 g. The target displacement of the SDOF system Dt,
SDOF ¼ 9.3 cm is defined by the intersection point of the line representing the period
and the elastic demand spectrum (see Fig. 8.4a). The corresponding target roof
displacement of the MDOF structure is equal to Dt:MDOF ¼ Dt:SDOF Γ ¼ 9:3 cm
1:26 ¼ 11:8 cm (Γ ¼ 1.26), whereas the storey drift ratio of the first storey is equal
to δt:1 ¼ 3:5 cm=300 cm ¼ 0:012. The distribution of storey drifts over the height of
the structure is shown in Fig. 8.5. A global plastic mechanism over the first three
stories is formed. A comparison of capacity and demand in terms of PGA, roof
displacement and storey drift ratio suggest that the building is able to survive the
design earthquake (Table 8.1). The storey drift ratio is shown for the first storey,
where the critical column is located. Very similar values apply for the second and
the third storey.
8 Seismic Assessment of RC Frame Buildings 95
Fig. 8.4 (a) Comparison of capacity and demand for the equivalent SDOF system in AD format
and (b) the damage in plastic hinges at the NC limit state for bare frame building in Y direction
3 3
2 2
1 1
δX [%] δX [%]
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
4 (Y direction) 4 (Y direction) acc.
3 3 N2
2 2
1 1
δY [%] δY [%]
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
The results for other three analyses, presented in Figs. 8.3 and 8.5, demonstrate
that in all three cases storey mechanisms are formed. In the case of the bare frame
structure in X-direction, the critical storey is the third storey (due to the change in
the stiffness of columns). In the case of the infilled frames with the open first storey
the mechanism forms in the first storey, as expected.
96 K. Sinkovič et al.
Table 8.1 Comparison between capacity (C) and demand (D) in terms of roof displacements and
storey drift ratios (for third storey in the case of bare frame in X direction and for the first storey in
other cases)
Bare frame Frame with infills
Analysis X direction
N2 PGA [g] 0.49 0.35 1.40 0.83 0.35 2.39
Roof disp. [cm] 12.4 8.9 1.40 9.5 3.7 2.55
St. drift ratio [%] 3.8 2.6 1.47 3.1 1.1 2.68
NDA Roof disp. [cm] 12.4 7.9 1.56 9.5 3.2 2.96
St. drift ratio [%] 3.8 1.9 1.91 3.1 1.0 3.10
Analysis Y direction
N2 PGA [g] 0.86 0.35 2.48 0.52 0.35 1.48
Roof disp. [cm] 29.2 11.8 2.48 9.8 6.6 1.48
St. drift ratio [%] 3.2 1.2 2.73 3.1 2.1 1.51
NDA Roof disp. [cm] 29.2 11.0 2.64 9.8 6.2 1.57
St. drift ratio [%] 3.2 0.9 3.61 3.1 1.9 1.62
Mean and median values of displacements and storey drift ratios were deter-
mined by NDA. For the demand in terms of storey drift ratios, the results of
individual analyses, the mean and the median values, and the values of 16th and
84th percentiles are shown in Fig. 8.5.
The comparisons between capacity and demand are presented in Table 8.1. In
the case of NDA, the same values for capacity were considered as in the case of the
N2 method. Median values were used for demand.
In the Y direction, the results indicate a detrimental effect of infills, which generate
a storey mechanism instead of a global mechanism which occurs in the case of the
bare frame structure. In the X direction, a story mechanism occurs in both variants
of the structure. The third storey is critical for the bare frame (due to a change of
stiffness and strength), whereas in the case of the partially infilled structure the
mechanism occurs in the first storey. In the X direction, the influence of infills is
beneficial. In all cases the capacity is larger than the demand corresponding to the
design ground motion. However, it should be noted that average values for all
quantities were used in analyses. If uncertainties were taken into account (by safety
factors), the bare frame structure in X-direction and the partially infilled structure in
Y direction would not pass the check.
There is a good agreement of the results obtained by the N2 method and NDA.
Both methods are able to demonstrate the potential weaknesses of the structure.
8 Seismic Assessment of RC Frame Buildings 97
Acknowledgements The results presented in this chapter are based on work continuously
supported by the Slovenian research Agency. This support is gratefully acknowledged.
Celarec D, Ricci P, Dolšek M (2012) The sensitivity of seismic response parameters to the
uncertain modelling variables of masonry-infilled reinforced concrete frames. Eng Struct
CEN (2004a) EN 1998-1:2004 Eurocode 8: design of structures for earthquake resistance – part 1:
general rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings. European Committee for Standardisation,
Brussels, Belgium
CEN (2004b) EN 1992-1-1:2004 Eurocode 2: design of concrete structures – part 1-1: general
rules and rules for buildings. European Committee for Standardisation, Brussels, Belgium
CEN (2005) EN 1998-3:2005/AC:2010 Eurocode 8: design of structures for earthquake resistance
– part 3: assessment and retrofitting of buildings. European Committee for Standardisation,
Brussels, Belgium
Dolšek M (2010) PBEE toolbox user’s manual. The Institute of Structural Engineering, Earth-
quake Engineering and Construction IT (IKPIR). Available via:
Fajfar P (2000) A nonlinear analysis method for performance-based seismic design. Earthq
Spectra 16(3):573–592
OpenSees (2013) Open system for earthquake engineering simulation. Pacific Earthquake Engi-
neering Research Center (PEER). Available via:
Panagiotakos TB, Fardis MN (2001) Deformations of reinforced concrete members at yielding and
ultimate. ACI Struct J 98(2):135–148
Vukobratović V, Fajfar P (2015) A method for the direct determination of approximate floor
response spectra for SDOF inelastic structures. Bull Earthq Eng 13(5):1405–1424
Chapter 9
Torsional Index of an Asymmetric Building
Based on Mode Shape
Kenji Fujii
K. Fujii (*)
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Chiba Institute of Technology,
2-17-1 Tsudanuma, Narashino, Chiba 275-0016, Japan
e-mail: [email protected]
9.1 Introduction
8 9 2 38 9 8 9
< €x = ω0X 2 0 ω0X 2 EY < x = < 0 =
€y þ 4 0 ω0Y 2 ω0Y 2 EX 5 y ¼ 0 ; ð9:1Þ
: ; : ; : ;
€z ω0X 2 EY ω0Y 2 EX ω0θ 2 z 0
ω0X 2 ¼ K X =m, ω0Y 2 ¼ K Y =m, ω0θ 2 ¼ K θ =I, EX ¼ eX =r, EY ¼ eY =r; ð9:2Þ
where ω0X, ω0Y are the uncoupled natural circular frequencies of translational
oscillation in the X and Y directions, respectively, ω0θ is the uncoupled natural
circular frequency of rotational oscillation with respect to the centre of mass G (not
to the centre of stiffness C), and EX, EY are the eccentricity ratio, respectively. The
natural mode of a single-storey asymmetric building model φi, obtained from
eigenvalue analysis, is shown in Fig. 9.2.
φ i ¼ f ϕX ϕY ϕZ gT : ð9:3Þ
In Fig. 9.2, Oi (ρXi, ρYi) is the centre of rotation of the ith mode determined from
Eq. 9.4, and therefore the distance from Oi to G is expressed by Eq. 9.5.
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ρi ¼ ρXi 2 þ ρYi 2 ¼ r ϕXi 2 þ ϕYi 2 =jϕZi j: ð9:5Þ
Considering a set of orthogonal i-i0 axes in the X-Y plane, where the i-axis is the
principal axis of the ith modal response, the tangent of ψ i, the angle of incidence of
the i-axis with respect to the X-axis, is determined from Eq. 9.6.
The effective (equivalent) modal mass ratio of ith mode in the X- and Y-directions,
miX* and miY*, respectively, is determined from Eq. 9.7.
ϕXi 2 ϕYi 2
miX * ¼ , miY
¼ : ð9:7Þ
ϕXi 2 þ ϕYi 2 þ ϕZi 2 ϕXi 2 þ ϕYi 2 þ ϕZi 2
Based on the equations developed above, the torsional index based on the mode
shape is formulated. The effective modal mass ratio ith mode in its principal
direction, mi*, is determined from Eq. 9.8.
ϕXi 2 þ ϕYi 2
mi * ¼ miX * þ miY * ¼ : ð9:8Þ
ϕXi 2 þ ϕYi 2 þ ϕZi 2
Equation 9.8 can be rewritten in form of Eq. 9.9, considering Eq. 9.5.
1 1
mi * ¼ ¼ : ð9:9Þ
1 þ ϕZi 2
= ϕXi þ ϕYi
2 2
1 þ ðr=ρi Þ2
It is very important to note that mi* only depends on the ratio (r/ρi). Thus, the
torsional index of the ith mode, Rρi, is defined by Eq. 9.10.
r jϕZi j
Rρi ¼ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi: ð9:10Þ
ϕXi 2 þ ϕYi 2
It can be seen that mi* is unity when Rρi is zero (purely translational), while mi* is
close to zero when Rρi is significantly large. Therefore, the terms “predominantly
translational” and “predominantly torsional” can be defined using Rρi; the “pre-
dominantly translational” mode is the mode when Rρi < 1, while the “predomi-
nantly torsional” mode is the mode when Rρi > 1.
Note that this torsional index Rρi is easily extended for a multi-storey building, as
discussed in previous study (Fujii 2014). The definition of Rρi for a multi-storey
building is shown in Appendix.
9 Torsional Index Based on Mode Shape 103
The sum of the effective modal mass ratio in each X- and Y-direction for all three
modes is obtained as in Eq. 9.11.
3 X
miX ∗ ¼ 1, miY ∗ ¼ 1: ð9:11Þ
i¼1 i¼1
Therefore, the sum of mi* of all three modes is obtained from Eq. 9.12 as:
3 X
mi * ¼ ¼2 ð9:12Þ
i¼1 i¼1 1 þ Rρi 2
Assuming the third mode is predominantly the torsional mode (Rρ3 < 1), m3*
must be smaller than 1/2. In which case, the sum m1 * þ m2 * must be larger than
3/2, while m1*, m2* must have a value from 0 to 1. Therefore, the relationship shown
in Eq. 9.13 is obtained.
1 1 1 1
If Rρ3 > 1, 1, and 1: ð9:13Þ
2 1 þ Rρ1 2 2 1 þ Rρ2 2
Equation 9.14 implies that, in the case of the single-storey asymmetric building
model, only one mode can be the predominantly torsional mode; if the third mode is
the predominantly torsional mode, the other two modes must be predominantly
translational modes.
One of the critical assumptions of the procedure, presented in previous study (Fujii
2014), is that the principal directions of the first two modes are almost orthogonal.
In this section, the relationship between Rρi, Rρj (i 6¼ 1) and the angles between the
104 K. Fujii
Therefore, the cosine of Δψ ij, the angle between the principal direction of the
first and second modes, can be determined from Eq. 9.16.
αi α j ϕXi ϕX j þ ϕYi ϕY j
cos Δψ i j ¼ ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffiqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : ð9:16Þ
jαi j α j
ϕ 2þϕ 2 ϕ 2þϕ 2
Xi Yi Xj Yj
The orthogonal conditions of φi and φj can be written in the form of Eq. 9.17.
From Eqs. 9.16 and 9.17, an interesting relationship between Rρi, Rρj and Δψ ij is
obtained as shown in Eq. 9.18.
ϕ ϕZ j
cos Δψ i j ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiqffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ Rρi Rρ j :
ϕXi 2 þ ϕYi 2 ϕX j þ ϕY j
Another critical assumption of the presented procedure (Fujii 2014) is that the
building oscillates predominantly in a single mode in each set of orthogonal
directions. In this section, the validity of this assumption is discussed based on
the torsional index. Considering another set of orthogonal U-V axes in the X-Y
plane, where the U-axis is the principal axis of the first modal response, the
effective modal mass ratio of the first mode with respect to the U-axis, m1U*, and
the second modal response with respect to the V-axis, m2V*, can be expressed as
9 Torsional Index Based on Mode Shape 105
m1U * ¼ m1 * ¼ ; ð9:19Þ
1 þ Rρ1 2
ðϕX2 sin ψ 1 þ ϕY2 cos ψ 1 Þ2 1
m2V * ¼ ¼ sin 2 Δψ 12 : ð9:20Þ
ϕX2 2 þ ϕY2 2 þ ϕZ2 2 1 þ Rρ2 2
From Eq. 9.19, it is evident that if the first mode is predominantly the transla-
tional mode (Rρ1 < 1), the equivalent first modal mass ratio in the U-direction m1U*
is the largest of all three modes in that direction; in such a case, the building
oscillates predominantly in the first mode when the unidirectional excitation acts in
the U-direction. For the second modal response, Eq. 9.20 can be rewritten as
Eq. 9.21 taking into consideration Eq. 9.18.
1 1 n 2 o
m2V * ¼ 1 cos 2 Δψ 12 ¼ 1 Rρ1 Rρ2 : ð9:21Þ
1 þ Rρ2 2
1 þ Rρ2 2
This equation implies that if the first and second modes are predominantly
translational modes (Rρ1 < 1 and Rρ2 < 1), the building oscillates principally in
the second mode when the unidirectional excitation acts in the V-direction.
In this parametric study, EX, EY varied from 0.05 to 0.95 at intervals of 0.05,
while JX, JY varied from 0.10 to 1.95 at intervals of 0.05 (with the condition JY
JX). Note that the cases that do not satisfy the conditions shown as Eq. 9.23 are
eliminated because in such cases the torsional stiffness with respect to the centre of
stiffness, Kθ shown in Eq. 9.24, will be a negative value.
K θ ¼ K θ K X eY 2 K Y eX 2 : ð9:24Þ
In this parametric study, all analytical models are categorized into three cases; Case
1 (JY JX 1), Case 2 (JY 1 JX) and Case 3 (1 JY JX).
Figures 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5 show the plot of torsional indices of the three modes for
each case. As shown in Fig. 9.3, for all the models categorized in Case 1 the first and
second modes are predominantly translational modes (Rρ1 < 1 and Rρ2 < 1) and the
third mode is predominantly a torsional mode (Rρ3 < 1). It should be pointed out
that all the plots in Fig. 9.3a satisfy the following condition.
Fig. 9.3 Plots of the torsional indices for all modes in Case 1
Fig. 9.4 Plots of the torsional indices for all modes in Case 2
9 Torsional Index Based on Mode Shape 107
Fig. 9.5 Plots of the torsional indices for all modes in Case 3
1 1 3
þ : ð9:25Þ
1 þ Rρ1 2 1 þ Rρ2 2 2
However, in Cases 2 (shown in Fig. 9.4) and 3 (shown in Fig. 9.5), the first mode
is predominantly a torsional mode; in Case 2, either the first or second mode is
predominantly a torsional mode (Rρ1 or Rρ2 may larger than 1), while in Case 3, Rρ1
is always larger than 1, and Rρ2 and Rρ3 are smaller than 1. It should be pointed out
again that all the plots in Fig. 9.5c satisfy the following condition (Eq. 9.26), which
is similar to that shown in Fig. 9.3a.
1 1 3
þ : ð9:26Þ
1 þ Rρ2 2
1 þ Rρ3 2 2
Figure 9.6 shows the relationship between m1U* and m2V* for all three cases. As
expected from the results shown in Figs. 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5 and Eqs. 9.19 and 9.20,
m1U* and m2V* are larger than 0.5 for all models categorized in Case 1 (JY JX 1);
as shown in Fig. 9.6a, the sum of m1U* and m2V* is larger than 3/2 for most models
of Case 1. In contrast, m1U* and m2V* may be smaller than 1/2 in the other cases,
especially in Case 3, where m1U* is smaller than 1/2 for all models and m2V* may be
between 0 and 1. This implies that most models in Cases 2 and 3 may not oscillate
predominantly in the first mode when the unidirectional excitation acts in the
From these results it may be concluded that the two critical assumptions of the
simplified procedure (Fujii 2014) are valid only in Case 1 (JY JX 1).
Note that the classification of systems as either TS or TF systems is based on the
ratio of the uncoupled torsional mode to the lateral frequencies ΩθX, ΩθY of the
corresponding torsionally balanced system, defined by Eq. 9.27 (Hejal and Chopra
108 K. Fujii
Fig. 9.6 Plots of m1U* and m2V* in the three cases. (a) Case 1. (b) Case 2. (c) Case 3
0 0
ΩθX ¼ ω0θ =ω0X , ΩθY ¼ ω0θ =ω0Y : ð9:27Þ
In Eq. 9.27, ω0θ0 is the uncoupled natural circular frequency of rotational oscillation
with respect to the centre of stiffness. According to Hejal and Chopra (1987), the
system ΩθX, ΩθY > 1 is classified as a TS system in both the X- and Y-directions.
Because the torsional stiffness with respect to the centre of stiffness Kθ , defined
by Eq. 9.24, is smaller than Kθ, ΩθX is smaller than JX (and also ΩθY is smaller than
JY). If ΩθX is larger than unity, JX is then larger than unity (and if ΩθY is larger than
unity, JY is then larger than unity). This implies that all the systems classified as TS
systems for both the X- and Y-directions are included in Case 1 in this parametric
Therefore, the simplified procedure (Fujii 2014) may be applicable at least for
TS systems for both orthogonal directions. However the applicability of the proce-
dure is questionable for TF systems, because the two critical assumptions in the
procedure are invalid for most of them.
9.5 Conclusions
In this study, a torsional index is defined based on each mode shape, and the
relationship of the parameters for an asymmetric building model and the proposed
torsional index is investigated. Then the applicability of the simplified procedure
(Fujii 2014) is then discussed based on the torsional index. The numerical results
show that the simplified procedure (Fujii 2014) may be applicable at least for TS
systems for both orthogonal directions, while the applicability of the procedure is
questionable for TF systems.
The advantages of the proposed torsional index are as follows: (a) it is related to
the effective modal mass ratio which represents the contribution of each modal
response to the whole response, and (b) it is easily extended for an multi-storey
asymmetric building, and (c) there is the clear relationship between torsional
indices of two different modes and the angle between the principal directions of
9 Torsional Index Based on Mode Shape 109
two modes. Therefore, the index proposed herein is suitable to discuss the applica-
bility of the simplified procedure (Fujii 2014).
Consider a N-storey asymmetric building, the torsional index of the ith mode, Rρi,
can be defined by Eq. 9.28.
! !ffi
u N
u X X N X N
Rρi ¼ t I j ϕΘ ji 2 = m j ϕXji 2 þ m j ϕYji 2 ; ð9:28Þ
j¼1 j¼1 j¼1
In Eq. 9.28, mj and Ij are mass and mass moment of inertia of the jth floor,
respectively, and ϕXji, ϕYji, ϕΘji are the X, Y and rotational component of jth floor of
ith mode vector φi. Note that Eq. 9.10 is equivalent to Eq. 9.28: Eq. 9.10 is easily
obtained from Eq. 9.28 by considering the case N ¼ 1.
Fujii K (2014) Prediction of the largest peak nonlinear seismic response of asymmetric buildings
under bi-directional excitation using pushover analyses. Bull Earthq Eng 12:909–938
Hejal R, Chopra AK (1987) Earthquake response of torsionally-coupled buildings. Earthquake
Engineering Research Center, report no. UCB/EERC-87/20, College of Engineering, Univer-
sity of California at Berkeley
Chapter 10
An Approximate Method for Assessing
the Seismic Response of Irregular
in Elevation Asymmetric Buildings
George K. Georgoussis
10.1 Introduction
It has been shown in author’s earlier papers (Georgoussis 2009, 2010, 2012) that
basic dynamic data (frequencies, resultant base shears and torques) of uniform multi-
story mixed-bent-type eccentric structures may be found by analyzing equivalent
single story modal systems. This type of analysis represents an extension of a similar
procedure presented in past for the analysis of proportionate multi-story buildings
(Kan and Chopra 1977; Hejal and Chopra 1989; Athanatopoulou et al. 2006). The
stiffness of the elements of the equivalent single story modal system is based on the
element frequencies of the bent-subsystems that provide the lateral resistance of a
given structure. These frequencies are determined from the corresponding individual
bents when they are assumed to carry, as planar frames, the mass of the complete
structure. In the case of uniform structures composed by very dissimilar bents, a
higher accuracy of the aforementioned analysis can be attained with the use of the
effective element frequencies, which are based on the element frequencies, but, also,
take into account the ratio of the effective modal mass of the individual bent to the
corresponding mass of the uncoupled multistory system (Georgoussis et al. 2013a;
Georgoussis 2014). The efficiency of the aforementioned effective frequencies is now
examined in eccentric buildings with large setbacks.
The main property of the centre of the element stiffnesses of the equivalent
single story modal system, which defines the modal center of rigidity (m-CR), is
that when it lies on the mass axis, the response of elastic uniform building
structures, asymmetric in plan, is basically translational. Besides, this response is
preserved into the post-elastic phase, where the structure is stressed beyond the
elastic limits, provided that the strength assignment of its resisting bents is stiffness
proportional. In other words, this response is obtained when the building is detailed
as a planar structure under a code load (Georgoussis 2014; Georgoussis
et al. 2013b). This is attributed to the almost concurrent yielding of all resisting
elements, which preserves the translational response, attained at the end of the
elastic phase, to the post elastic one. This response is evident in eccentric single
story systems. Reviewing the literature, it can be seen that systems, with coincident
the centres of mass and rigidity and elasto-plastic elements having a strength
distribution proportional to the stiffness distribution (usually called torsionally
balanced (TB) models) present a purely translational inelastic response under
strong ground excitations. For this reason they are used as ‘reference’ models in
relevant studies (Correnza et al. 1994; Chandler et al. 1996; Wong and Tso 1994).
This behaviour is attained because yielding is initiated at the same instant for all
elements and the element force balance about CM is preserved into the inelastic
phase, leading to a translational response throughout the ground shaking
(De Stefano and Pintucchi 2008; Anagnostopoulos et al. 2013).
The first objective of this study is to demonstrate that the same type of analysis
can be accurately applied for the assessment of frequencies and base shears of
asymmetric multistory buildings with abrupt mass discontinuities, which are clas-
sified by EC8-2004 as irregular structures. As shown in the following sections, the
10 An Approximate Method for Seismic Response 113
prediction of base torques is not as accurate as in the case of uniform buildings, but,
the predicted optimum location of m-CR is quite reasonable. Note here, that
EC8-2004 and other modern country codes specify a full three-dimensional
dynamic analysis for irregular in elevation structures. There are no recommenda-
tions of how the practicing engineer can assess the fundamental frequency by a
simple formula or methodology and there are not provisions which allow the
structural detailing by a pseudo-static structural design against an equivalent lateral
load. Only in the case of buildings with a fairly even distribution of mass (regular
buildings) the codes provide simple expressions for calculating the fundamental
frequency and allow for a pseudo-static structural design.
The second objective is to demonstrate that when (i) the mass axis of setback
buildings passes through (or in a close distance from) m-CR, and (ii) the strength
assignment of the various bents is stiffness proportional (that is, it is based on a
planar static analysis under a set of lateral forces simulating an equivalent ‘seismic
loading’), the response of the mentioned structures into the inelastic phase is
basically translational. Such a response has already been shown in uniform struc-
tures (Georgoussis 2014; Georgoussis et al. 2013b), but at present it is demonstrated
in structures with a mass irregularity. Common 8-story setback buildings are
examined under two characteristic ground motions (Loma Prieta (1989) and Impe-
rial Valley (1940)), selected from the strong ground motion database of the Pacific
Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center ( and
scaled to a PGA¼0.5 g.
Fig. 10.1 (a) Multistory setback building with (b) an asymmetric structural configuration
M∗ € ∗ ∗
k Uk þ Kk Uk ¼ Mk ι€
ug ð10:1Þ
1 0
M∗ ∗
k ¼ M yk is the effective k-mode mass matrix,
0 r 2ek
Uk ¼ h uk θk iT is the corresponding modal displacement vector at CM
k y k∗
K∗ ¼ yw
is the effective k-mode stiffness matrix
k k∗
wy k∗
w k
ιT ¼ h 1 0 iT is the influence vector, and
k∗ ∗ ∗
yk ¼ Σk jk ¼ M yk Σω jk
wk ¼ Σx 2 ∗
j jk þ Σ y 2 ∗
i ik ¼ M ∗
yk Σ x ω
2 2
j jk þ y ω
2 2
i ik ð10:2Þ
ywk ¼ k∗
wyk ¼ Σx j k∗jk ¼ M∗
yk Σx j ω jk
The quantities ωjk and ωik are the element frequencies of the j and i-bents,
aligned along the y- and x-directions at distances xj and yi respectively. The
10 An Approximate Method for Seismic Response 115
It is evident that when the lateral stiffness of a given building is composed by the
same type of bents (e.g. flexural shear walls), the aforementioned effective element
frequencies are respectively equal to the element frequencies ωjk and ωik. The
radius of gyration of the equivalent single story system rek is taken equal to r ek r b ,
where r ek represents a Rayleigh’s quotient, given as (Georgoussis 2011):
r ek ¼ ω yk =ωr yk ðor r ek ¼ ðωxk =ωrxk ÞÞ ð10:4Þ
where ωyk (or ωxk) is the k-mode frequency of the uncoupled multistory structure in
the y-direction (or x-direction) and ωryk (or ωrxk) the corresponding frequency of the
same structure when the mass in the floors of the tower section is reduced to
mrt ¼ ðr t =r b Þ2 mt . It has been shown (Georgoussis 2011) that in common setback
buildings, the ratio r ek is very little dependent on the type of the lateral load resisting
system (frame, wall, dual system). Therefore, any of the expressions of Eq. 10.4
may be used for practical applications, but it is advisable to use the mean value of
these expressions, since this averaging procedure utilizes the response of the
structure in both directions.
Note here that the coupled Eq. 10.1, for the first mode (k ¼ 1) single-story
system, provides the response quantities of the first two modes of vibration.
Therefore, when the plan configuration produces an uncoupled stiffness matrix in
Eq. 10.1, the first two modes of vibration (translational and rotational) are
decoupled and the response for a low height building will be practically transla-
tional. In fact, this condition specifies that the first mode center of rigidity (m-CR)
of the corresponding single-story system coincides with CM. As, in general,
x-coordinate of m-CR can be determined from the condition: k∗ ∗
ywk ¼ kwyk ¼ 0,
xmCR ¼ Σ x j ω2j1 =Σ ω2j1 ð10:5Þ
minimum seismic torsion is expected in low or medium height structures (where the
first two modes of vibration virtually determine their response) when the location of
m-CR coincides with CM. Such structural configurations may be seen as torsionally
balanced systems. The second objective of the paper is to demonstrate that such
setback buildings retain this translational response into the post elastic phase when
they are detailed as planar structures under a code horizontal load.
116 G.K. Georgoussis
Tower structure 15x10m
CW 1.00
Wa Wb
x Linear Hyperbolic
x 0.4
CW 0.25
4m 6.5m
0.15 T(s)
Base structure 22x15m
0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5
Fig. 10.2 (a) Example setback building, (b) EC8-2004 design spectrum
To illustrate the application and accuracy of the proposed method, the example
setback building shown in Fig. 10.2a was analyzed. This is an 8-story mono-
symmetric building, which is divided in two substructures: the base structure
represents a uniform building system composed by floors of 22 15 m, while the
tower substructure is composed by floors of reduced dimensions 15 10 m. The
lateral load resisting system, extending up to the top of the building, is composed by
dissimilar bents: two structural walls (Wa and Wb) and a moment resisting frame
(FR) are aligned along the y-direction and a pair of coupled-wall bents (CW) is
oriented along the x-axis of symmetry. The structural walls Wa and Wb are of cross
sections 30x500cm, the moment resisting frame FR consists of two 75 75 cm
columns, 5 m apart, connected by beams of a cross section 40 70 cm, while the
CW bents are composed two 30 300 cm walls, 5 m apart, connected by lintel
beams of a cross section 25 90 cm at the floor levels. The latter bents are located
symmetrically to CM at the edges of the floors of the tower structure, that is at
distances equal to 5 m. The mass of the base floors is mb ¼ 264kNs2/m, the radius
of gyration about CM is rb ¼ 7.687 m and the corresponding quantities of the tower
structure are equal to mt ¼ 120 kNs2/m and rt ¼ 5.204 m respectively. The story
height is 3.5 m and the modulus of elasticity (E) is assumed equal to 20 106 kN/
m2, typical for concrete structures. The centers of mass of the floor slabs lie on a
same vertical line, which passes through the centroids of all the orthogonal floor
plans of the example structure.
Three models of the aforementioned example building are examined. In the first
model (T2–B6) the tower structures consists of two floors, in the second model
(T4–B4) of four floors and, finally, in the third model (T6–B2) the tower structure
consists of six floors. For each model different structural configurations are exam-
ined as follows: wall Wa and frame FR are assumed to be located at fixed positions,
the first on the left of CM in a distance equal to 4 m and the second on the right of
CM at a distance of 6.5 m, while the second wall Wb is taking all the possible
locations along the x-axis within the limits of the tower section.
10 An Approximate Method for Seismic Response 117
At first the periods/frequencies of the assumed models, for all possible locations
of Wb, are examined. The accuracy of the proposed approximate procedure to
predict periods of vibrations is investigated by comparison with the results derived
from the computer program SAP2000-V11. In the computer analyses, the out of
plane stiffness of the bents was neglected and in the wide column analogy used to
simulate the CW bents the clear span of the coupling beams was increased by the
depth of the beams (Coull and Puri 1968). To apply the proposed method, the first
pair of element frequencies of the various bent-subsystems is required, and also the
effective modal masses of the uncoupled system. For example, denoting with M the
total mass of the second model structure (M ¼ 4mb + 4mt ¼ 1536 kNs2/m for T4–
B4), these quantities for the bents of this model were found by means of the
SAP2000 program as follows:
Walls Wa, Wb: ωw1 ¼ 5.092/s, ωw2 ¼ 23.994/s, frame FR: ωf1 ¼ 3.033/s,
ωf2 ¼ 8.483/s, coupled walls CW: ωcw1 ¼ 5.372/s, ωcw2 ¼ 19.592/s, and the first
two effective modal masses of the uncoupled system are: M y1 ¼ M∗ y1 =M ¼ 0:588
and M y2 ¼ 0:265. The radius of gyration rek (k ¼ 1,2), computed as described in the
previous section, was found equal to re1 ¼ 0.742*rb ¼ 5.704 m and
re2 ¼ 0.871*rb ¼ 6.695 m for the first and second mode equivalent single story
systems respectively.
When the proposed method is based on the effective element frequencies, these
quantities are found: ωw1 ¼ 5:044=s, ωw2 ¼ 24:442=s for walls Wa, Wb and: ω f 1
¼ 3:412=s, ω f 2 ¼ 6:122=s for frame FR (for the coupled walls CW the effective
frequencies are equal to the element frequencies as above).
The inelastic response of the assumed model structures was also investigated
under two characteristic ground motions (Loma Prieta (1989) and Imperial Valley
(1940)), selected from the strong ground motion database of the Pacific Earthquake
Engineering Research (PEER) Center ( and scaled to a
PGA ¼ 0.5 g (unidirectional excitations along the y-axis). For all the possible
locations of Wb, inelastic analyses, by means of the computer program SAP2000-
V11, were performed to evaluate top rotations and base shears and torques. The
strength assignment of all bents of the assumed models is based on a planar static
analysis, along the x and y directions, under an external lateral loading with the
floor forces determined from Eq. 4.11 of EC8-2004 and summing to a base (design)
shear equal to 20 % of the total weight of the structure.
The first four periods of vibration of the model setback structures, computed by the
proposed method on the grounds of the element frequencies (red lines) and, also, on
the grounds of the effective element frequencies (green lines) for different locations
of the Wb (indicated by the normalized coordinate x ¼ x=r b ), are shown in
118 G.K. Georgoussis
Fig. 10.3, together with the accurate SAP2000 computer values (black lines). It is
evident that the first pair of frequencies is closer to the accurate computer results
when the proposed method is based on the effective element frequencies (the green
lines are closer to the black ones for the first and second periods of vibration), while
the predicted second pair of frequencies is more accurate when the proposed
method is based on the element frequencies (the red lines are closer to black ones
for the second pair -third and fourth- periods of vibration).
Interpreting these observations, it seems that best data are provided by the
proposed method when the first mode equivalent single-story system is formulated
on the basis of the effective element frequencies, while best results are obtained
from the second mode system when it is based on element frequencies. The results
of this analysis (base shears and torques), in relation to the EC-8 acceleration
spectrum (Fig. 10.2b), are shown in Fig. 10.4 by green lines, together with the
results obtained by analyzing the 3D structures with the SAP2000 software (black
lines). For comparison reasons the data obtained from the proposed method on the
basis of only the element frequencies (for both equivalent single story modal
systems) are also shown in Fig. 10.4 with red lines.
The response of the inelastic setback structures under the Loma Prieta (compo-
nent Corralitos 000, 1989) and Imperial Valley (component ElC180, 1940) excita-
tions, are shown in Fig. 10.5. Note here that the strength of all models is determined
by a planar static analysis under a set of floor forces determined from Eq. 4.11 of
EC8-2004. In order to compare elastic and inelastic behaviors, the elastic responses
of the assumed models under the same excitations are also presented in this figure.
Three response parameters, obtained by time history analyses assuming a 5 %
damping ratio, are shown: top rotations, normalized base shears and normalized
base torques. The red lines represent the peak elastic response (top rotations: θe, are
shown by dashed lines, normalized base shears: Ve ¼ Ve =Vd (Vd: the design base
shear equal to 20 % of the total weight) by solid lines and normalized base torques:
Te ¼ Te =rb Vd by dotted lines). The corresponding black lines represent the peak
inelastic behavior θin , Vin ¼ Vin =Vd , Tin ¼ Tin =rb Vd . Envisaging Fig. 10.5 it can
be seen that minimum values of base torques and top rotations are observed when
the location of wall Wb receives values close to those predicted from Eq. 10.5, by
equating xm-CR to zero. For the assumed models T2-B6, T4-B4 and T6-B2, the
predicted optimum locations of FR are found equal to x ¼ 0:133, 0.168 and 0.12
10.5 Conclusions
In this work, the torsional seismic behaviour of mass irregular asymmetric build-
ings was assessed using an approximate simplified procedure which has been used
in the past for the analysis of uniform multi-story building. Frequencies of mono-
symmetric, medium height setback buildings, composed by dissimilar bents, can be
10 An Approximate Method for Seismic Response 119
Model T2-B6
3rd..mode..periods 0.4
4th..mode..periods 0.2
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Model T4-B4
3rd..mode..periods 0.4
4th..mode..periods 0.2
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Model T6-B2
4th..mode..periods 0.2
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Model T2-B6, 0.8
Model T2-B6, Vea
base shears base torques
0.8 Tcom
0.6 0.4
0.4 0.2
x 0
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
1 Model T4-B4,
Model T4-B4,
base shears base torques
Vm 0.8 0.6
Vcom Tcom
0.6 0.4
0.4 0.2
x x
0.2 0
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
1 0.8
Model T6-B2, Model T6-B2,
base shears base torques
Vcom 0.6
0.6 0.4
Vea 0.4 0.2
x x
0.2 0
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
estimated with reasonable accuracy from the analysis of two equivalent, single-
story modal systems, the masses of which are determined from the first two
vibration modes of the uncoupled multi-story structure and the stiffnesses of the
resisting elements are determined from the corresponding individual bents when
they are assumed to carry, as planar frames, the mass of the complete structure. This
10 An Approximate Method for Seismic Response 121
Tin Tin
x x
0 0
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
3 Ve
2.5 Ve
θe Te
2 Vin θin 1.5 Vin
1.5 θe
1 Tin
Tin 0.5
x x
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
(a)Model T6-B2, Imperial
2.5 (b) Model T6-B2, Loma
3 Ve 2 Ve
Te 1.5
θe 2
Vin θin θe
1.5 1
θin 1 Te
Tin 0.5 Tin
x x
0 0
-1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1
Fig. 10.5 Top rotations (*10 , rads), base shears and torques of setback models
simple analysis provides also quite reasonable estimates of the resultant base shears
of the setback buildings and, to some extent, of the base torques. Quite reasonable is
also the prediction of the location of the first mode center of rigidity. The main
property of this point is that when it is within a close distance from the mass axis,
the response of elastic buildings is virtually translational. This behavior is preserved
in the inelastic phase, when the strength assignment of the lateral load resisting
bents is derived from a planar static analysis, as a consequence of the almost
concurrent yielding of these bents. This is demonstrated in common 8-story setback
buildings under two characteristic ground motions.
122 G.K. Georgoussis
Acknowledgements This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European
Social Fund – ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Education and
Lifelong Learning” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) – Research Funding
Program: ARCHIMEDES III. Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.
The author is grateful for this support.
A. Belejo (*)
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
R. Bento
ICIST, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais,
1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
e-mail: [email protected]
11.1 Introduction
The IMPA, introduced by Paraskeva and Kappos (2010) for bridges, is an improved
version of the MPA procedure, which has, as main characteristic, the ability to
overcome the invariability of the lateral force distribution.
The IMPA is based on the MPA proposed by Chopra and Goel (2002), known as
a complete version of a multi-mode pushover analysis. The MPA is a multi-run
method, wherein several pushover curves are obtained from different load patterns
proportional to each mode of vibration (as many as modes considered) and the final
response is obtained combining the results that correspond to each pushover curve
using an appropriate combination rule. This method has continuously been
improved and updated: MPA was first extended to asymmetric buildings again by
Chopra and Goel (2004), and recently adapted to consider both components of
ground motion acting simultaneously in buildings by Reyes and Chopra (2011).
The IMPA is herein applied to assess the seismic behavior of an asymmetric plan
building, along with three more NSPs: the MPA, the NSP proposed in ASCE/SEI
41-06 (ASCE 2007) and the most recent extension of N2 method developed by
Kreslin and Fajfar (2012).
These procedures are applied within different seismic intensities, considering
both components of ground motion acting simultaneously.
The objectives of this paper are: (i) to evaluate the accuracy of IMPA on the
prediction of seismic demands of an asymmetric plan building, especially when the
structure exhibits inelastic behavior; (ii) to evaluate the number of modes required
by the multimode procedures in order to obtain reliable results; (iii) to compare the
two multimode methods, IMPA and MPA and; (iv) to comparatively assess the
accuracy of all methods herein applied: IMPA, MPA, the NSP proposed in ASCE/
SEI 41-06 and the extended N2 method, which is evaluated by comparison with
nonlinear dynamic analyses (NDAs).
The MPA considers a non adaptive force based pushover analysis based on modal
proportional load patterns. The method takes into account the higher mode effects
since in each run a different load pattern proportional to each mode of vibration of
the structure is applied, and the results computed from each pushover curve are
combined to obtain the final results. The complete methodology as a whole is
described step by step in Reyes and Chopra (2011).
The key idea of the IMPA procedure is to use the deformed shape of the structure
responding inelastically to the considered earthquake level in lieu of the elastic
mode shape. So the IMPA, following the guidelines of the work performed for
bridges by Paraskeva and Kappos (2010), is divided in two phases: (i) in the first
phase, the seismic response is computed for each mode, as MPA does; (ii) in the
11 NSPs Applied to an Asymmetric Plan Building 125
second phase, the procedure is restarted using a lateral load pattern proportional to
the displacement shape vector correspondent to the peak deformation obtained in
the first phase, and the process is repeated. In Belejo and Bento (2015), the method
is described step by step.
The most recent version of N2 method corresponds to an extended version of the
original N2 method proposed by Fajfar and Fichinger (1988) which is also
described in Eurocode 8 (CEN 2004) that takes into account both the torsional
and the higher modes effects, by adjusting the pushover results, computed with the
original N2 method, by means of correction factors based on linear dynamic
response spectrum analysis.
The ASCE/SEI 41-06 NSP is based on the Displacement Coefficient method
(FEMA 1997) and provides a direct numerical process for calculating the displace-
ment demand. The method has been updated over time in American codes like
FEMA 356 (ASCE 2000) and FEMA440 (ATC 2005) ending up with its final
version in ASCE/SEI 41-06.
The building selected for this work is an asymmetric plan 9-storey frame steel
building that represents the older buildings designed according to the 1985 Uniform
Building Code (UBC85) and was defined and studied by Reyes (2009).
The building structure is characterized by moment resisting frames, detached in
Fig. 11.1 by the identified columns, gathered with the beams that connect them;
gravity frames whose function is to support the gravity loads and braced frames in
the alignments C1-C8, C3-C9, C9-C12 and C14-C17 that provide a “panel effect”
in those localizations. More information about the building is provided in Reyes
(2009) and Belejo and Bento (2015).
The analysis software adopted in this work was SeismoStruct v6.0 (Seismosoft
2006), a downloadable fibre element based finite element software.
The 3D model representing the building under analysis was built using space
frames assuming the centerline dimensions. The nonlinear behavior of the members
was modeled through the use of fibre element models with each fibre characterized
by the respective material relationship.
In terms od damping, the hysteretic damping was already implicitly included in
the nonlinear fibre model formulation of the inelastic frame elements. On the hand,
the viscous damping was modeled on the Rayleigh type with its two constants
selected to give 2 % damping ratio at the fundamental period of vibration T1 and a
126 A. Belejo and R. Bento
C14 C15 C16 C17
C8 C10 C11 C12
C4 C5
C1 C2 C3
9.14 9.14
Table 11.2 Periods (in seconds) and effective modal mass percentages of both buildings studied
1st set of modes 2nd set of modes
Mode Period (sec) [Ux] (%) [Uy] (%) Mode Period (sec) [Ux] (%) [Uy] (%)
1 1.87 8.2 26.4 4 0.69 1.4 2.6
2 1.69 59.3 21.1 5 0.60 6.7 4.0
3 1.57 13.1 32.8 6 0.55 2.3 4.4
different ways: “fault parallel” component of the record according to the X com-
ponent of the building and “fault normal” component of the record assigned to the Y
component of the building; and the opposite. Therefore the final seismic response is
determined by the median of the 28 results obtained.
The median response spectrum obtained when both components of ground
motion are considered is also shown in Fig. 11.2.
both axes, but predominantly in the X direction, and the third mode shows trans-
lational behavior in Y direction coupled with torsion; which means that the building
is torsional flexible in both directions. The second set of modes follows the modal
behavior of the first set of modes.
In Fig. 11.3 the pushover curves obtained for the MPA (consequent first phase of
IMPA for the first set of modes) are displayed for each mode considered together
with the peak displacements obtained. The building is tested considering 10 % and
2 % probability of occurrence in 50 years (P50 ¼ 10 % and P50 ¼ 2 % respectively).
Fig. 11.3 Pushover curves used in MPA procedure: (a1) 1st triplet of nodes in X direction; (a2) 1st
triplet of nodes in Y direction; (b1) 2nd triplet of nodes in X direction; (b2) 2nd triplet of nodes in Y
130 A. Belejo and R. Bento
Fig. 11.4 Pushover curves of the second phase of IMPA: (a) X direction (b) Y direction
The number of modes selected has an important role in the accuracy of these
methods. For that reason, MPA and IMPA were applied changing the number of
modes considered: (i) only one set of modes was considered (Table 11.2) and;
(ii) two sets of modes were adopted. Figure 11.5 shows how the accuracy of MPA
results, in terms of displacements and internal forces, can be influenced by the
number of modes considered.
11 NSPs Applied to an Asymmetric Plan Building 131
Fig. 11.5 (a) Lateral displacement profiles; (b) Interstorey drifts; (c) Shear forces; (d) Normalized
top displacements
According to the results showed in Fig. 11.5, one can observe that, when
considering only one set of modes, the interstorey drifts and mainly shear forces
are underestimated. On the other hand, considering two sets of modes, MPA leads
to conservative results.
In this section, the seismic demands obtained through all NSPs applied are herein
presented, wherein two sets of modes were considered for the multimode methods.
To study the behavior along the height of the building in both directions, lateral
displacement profiles and interstorey drifts were obtained. Such results are respec-
tively displayed in Figs. 11.6 and 11.7.
In Fig. 11.7 can be observed that all methods lead to adequate results in terms of
lateral displacement profiles, being all of them slightly conservative. The accuracy
shown in the results, regarding the multimode methods, is explained due to the fact
that the higher modes were considered. Moreover, it is worth to mention that
previous results obtained when adopting only the first set of modes for the MPA
and IMPA led to less accurate results.
Extended N2 and ASCE/SEI 41-06 NSPs are generally the most conservative
methods in terms of interstorey drifts.
The torsional behavior of the building was addressed through the analysis of a
trend of normalized top displacements which are displayed in Fig. 11.8, and from its
observation, can be stated that IMPA and MPA generally show accurate torsional
behavior when compared with NDA.
With respect to Shear Forces, an extension of MPA, proposed by Reyes and
Chopra (2011), based on imposing a set of displacements that are compatible with
132 A. Belejo and R. Bento
11.7 Conclusions
In this paper, the seismic performance of an asymmetric plan building with nine
stories is accessed by applying IMPA, which results obtained were evaluated and
compared with the one evaluated by means of NDA. Comparisons with other
current and well known NSPs as MPA, extended N2 and ASCE/SEI 41-06 NSP,
were also performed. The individual performance of each one was additionally
When compared with NDA while observing both methods, in a general view,
one can conclude that there is a slight improvement with IMPA in relation to MPA
when capturing torsional response of the building.
This set of results show a good match with NDA for all procedures.
Regarding to the multimode procedures, the fact of considering a greater number
of modes, improved the results obtained with only one set. And it is notable that the
higher modes consideration in the multi-mode procedures has an important role
capturing the response of the 9-Storey building, mainly in terms of shear forces.
Regarding to the methods proposed (or extensions) in the Seismic Codes: the
extended N2 captures with accuracy the torsional amplification in the buildings,
contrasting with ASCE/SEI 41-06 NSP which does not capture the torsional
amplification in the buildings, since it estimates linearly the response from one
side of the building to the other.
134 A. Belejo and R. Bento
Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Portu-
guese Foundation for Science and Technology through the research project PTDC/ECM/100299/
2008. In addition, the authors would like to thank Prof. Juan Carlos Reyes for all the support and
material provided whenever it was requested.
ASCE (2000) American Society of Civil Engineers. Prestandard and commentary for the seismic
rehabilitation of buildings, FEMA-356. Washington, DC
ASCE (2007) Seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings. ASCE/SEI 41-06, Reston
ATC (2005) Applied Technology Council. Improvement of nonlinear static seismic analysis
procedures, FEMA440 report. Redwood City
Belejo A, Bento R (2015) Improvements in modal pushover analysis for the seismic assessment of
asymmetric plan buildings. Version submitted to Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
CEN (2004) Comité Européen de Normalisation. Eurocode 8: design of structures for earthquake
resistance. Part 1: general rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings. EN 1998-1:2004.
Chopra A, Goel R (2002) A modal pushover analysis procedure for estimating seismic demands
for buildings. Earthq Eng Struct 31:561–582
Chopra A, Goel R (2004) A modal pushover analysis procedure to estimate seismic demands for
asymmetric-plan buildings. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 33:903–927
Fajfar P, Fischinger M (1988) N2—a method for non-linear seismic analysis of regular buildings.
In: Proceedings of the 9th World conference in earthquake engineering Tokyo-Kyoto Japan 5:
FEMA (1997) Federal Emergency Management Agency. NEHRP guidelines for the seismic
rehabilitation of buildings (FEMA 273). Washington, DC
Kottke A, Rathje E (2008) A semi-automated procedure for selecting and scaling recorded
earthquake motions for dynamic analysis. Earthq Spectra 24(4):911–932
Kreslin M, Fajfar P (2012) The extended N2 method considering higher mode effects in both plan
and elevation. Bull Earthq Eng 10:695–715
Paraskeva T, Kappos A (2010) Further development of a multimodal pushover analysis procedure
for seismic assessment of bridges. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 39(11):211–222
Reyes J (2009) Estimating seismic demands for performance-based engineering buildings. PhD
dissertation, University of California, Berkeley
Reyes J, Chopra A (2011) Three-dimensional modal pushover analysis of buildings subjected to
two components of ground motion, including its evaluation for tall buildings. Earthq Eng
Struct Dyn 40:789–806
SeismoSoft (2006) SeismoStruct—a computer program for static and dynamic nonlinear analysis
of framed structures. SeismoSoft Ltd, Pavia
Chapter 12
Seismic Assessment of an Existing Irregular
RC Building According to Eurocode
8 Methods
12.1 Introduction
(De Luca et al. 2011; De Luca and Verderame 2011). The current European Technical
Code, Eurocode 8 (EC8-3 2005), in fact, allows the designer to choose the type of
analysis, according to some guidelines. It is well known that the choice about material
behavior (linear or nonlinear) and type of performed analysis (static or dynamic)
strongly affects the analytical reproduction of the seismic behavior of structures and,
consequently, their performance prediction. In this framework, this work deals with
the effects of the type of performed analysis on the seismic performance evaluation of
existing buildings. The research is carried out with reference to a case-study, i.e. a real
RC building, lightly irregular in plan, currently used as a hospital. The evaluation of its
seismic performance is based on a wide knowledge process, that is the result of a joint
agreement with the Regional Government of Tuscany.
In the first part of the paper the response of the case-study under a seismic
excitation defined according to EC8 provisions has been found. Special attention
has been paid to its torsional response. For slightly irregular structures, indeed,
seismic codes allow to neglect torsional effects in the analysis, despite they can
possibly induce not negligible amplifications in the seismic response.
In the second part of the paper the seismic performance has been evaluated
according to EC8 provisions. Two different limit states, i.e. a serviceability (Dam-
age Limitation, DL) and a ultimate one (Life Safety, LS), have been considered in
the analysis. The results obtained for the seismic assessment of the case-study by
performing three different types of analytical procedure are shown and compared.
The building, having a RC skeleton, has been designed in 1976, i.e. just after the
introduction of the first seismic Italian Technical Code. Therefore, the building
presents some efficient design criterions, like column section reduction from
foundation level to the top storey, or solid connection of the beam-column joints,
although it is far away from complying the current seismic design criteria. The
3-storey building, shown in Fig. 12.1, has a regular (rectangular) plan, with one
symmetric axis only.
Table 12.1 Cross section dimensions (in cm) of columns and beams
Columns Beams
Name b h Name bh
1 2
1 st. 2 st. 3 st. st. st. 3 st, a 3 st, b
c1–c9 30 50 30 40 30 30 x1,2 x2,3 x7,8 x8,9 30 60 30 20
y3,6 y6,9 Z-shape
x4,5 x5,6 30 80 30 20
30 60
y1,4, y2,5, y4,7; y5,8 30 80 –
30 60
In Table 12.1 cross section dimensions of columns and beams are reported, while
the area of the reinforcements is around 1 % of the cross section area. Details about
number and type of rebars have been illustrated in De Stefano et al. (2014b). Some
beams, having a Z-shape, have been modeled by means of a rectangular section
with equivalent inertia. It should be noted that the third floor of the building consists
of two different structural layers, partially coinciding. In fact two different floors,
40 cm far away each other, constitute the last storey of the building. In some
alignments (X3, Y1 and Y3) two layers of beams separately support the two different
floors, whilst in the other alignments (X1, X2 and Y2) a single beam supports both
floors. Therefore the third floor and the related beams will be in the following
distinguished with a subscript a or b, depending on weather they refer to the lower
or upper layer respectively.
Mechanical properties of structural materials, i.e. concrete and steel, have been
determined through destructive and not-destructive tests, according to the Italian
Seismic Code provisions (NTC 2008). Three destructive tests on concrete have
been performed on the columns, which have been integrated by other SonReb
(sclerometric + ultrasonic methods) tests, extended even to the beams. The final
compressive strength has been found by combining both destructive and SonReb
results, by adopting an ad hoc expression (Cristofaro 2009; Cristofaro et al. 2012),
which has provided a final cylindrical strength, fc,mean equal to 10.2 MPa. The
global knowledge level achieved for the concrete structural elements has been
conservatively evaluated as Knowledge Level 2 (KL2, CF ¼ 1.20), according to
EC8, associated to a Confidence Factor (CF) equal to 1.20, leading to a design
(reduced) value of strength, fcd, equal to 8.5 MPa.
Two different types of rebars, respectively ribbed and not, have been adopted for
reinforcement. The reinforcement steel has been classified as FeB32K class, with a
yield stress over 320 MPa and a ultimate stress over 500 MPa. Three destructive
tests, one for each storey, have been done on rebars samples, according to the
standard procedure (UNI EN ISO 6892 2009), returning a mean value, fs,mean, equal
to 385.7 MPa. Since a Knowledge Level KL1 (CF equal to 1.35) has been assumed
for steel, a design strength, fsd, equal to 285.7 MPa has been used for analysis.
138 A. La Brusco et al.
All analyses have been performed by using the computer code SAP2000 (2009).
The two floors of the third level have been modeled according to the real geometry
as regards the stiffness and strength distribution, while the mass (both translational
and rotational) of the storey has been considered applied at the center of the storey
package. The effect of the joint stiffness has been considered by introducing a rigid
offset at each element end. A 50 % reduced value of the Young modulus
(Ec, red ¼ 11,072 MPa) of the concrete has been assumed, as suggested by NTC
(2008). The floor stiffness has been introduced by assigning the diaphragm con-
straint to all nodes belonging to the same floor. Each member is modeled by an
elastic finite element with terminal plastic hinges, whose properties have been
defined by assigning a bi-linear moment-rotation relationship, defined by the
yield and the ultimate points. Limit values of bending moment and rotation have
been made according to EC8 prescriptions.
The expected maximum seismic intensity of the area, measured in terms of Peak
Ground Acceleration (PGA), is provided by NTC, as well as the shape of the elastic
spectrum of the case-study. To perform the dynamic analysis, two different sets of
ground motions have been considered, whose average spectra closely approach the
NTC (2008) one for the two considered limit states. They have been provided by
Working Group Itaca (Itaca 2008), on the basis of a PGA equal to 0.25 g, a nominal
life of the structure of 50 years and a magnitude between 5.5 and 6.5.
The ultimate capacity associated to LS limit state of each member is evaluated in
terms of chord rotation or bending moment, depending on the type of performed
analysis, for ductile mechanisms, and in terms of ultimate shear for brittle ones.
Regarding the serviceability (DL) limit state, instead, a limit storey drift equal to
5 ‰ has been assumed.
The structural response of the case-study has been found by performing three
different analyses, i.e. the linear pseudo-dynamic, the nonlinear static and the
nonlinear dynamic ones. As regards the nonlinear static analysis, in recent years
different improvements have been introduced (Fajfar et al. 2005; D’Ambrisi
et al. 2009; Bhatt and Bento 2014) to account for structural irregularities. In the
current work, anyway, the standard N2 method, as provided by EC8, has been
The seismic behavior of the case-study has been described by checking both
global and local response parameters. The considered global parameters are the Top
Displacement (TD) and the torsional effects, measured as Normalized Top
12 Seismic Assessment of an Existing Irregular RC Building According to. . . 139
In order to quantify the in-plan irregularity, the eccentricity along the two main
directions has been found in terms of mass, stiffness and strength. At each storey,
the MC has been found by considering the mass of the floors and of the infill panels;
the strength center has been found as a function of the concrete strength in the
columns, while the center of stiffness has been determined by applying the simpli-
fied relationship proposed by Anagnastopoulos (Anagnastopoulos et al. 2013) and
applied in De Stefano et al. (2015). In Table 12.2 the eccentricities between MC and
the strength (estr) and stiffness (estiff) centers are listed for each storey. It can be
noted that, despite the building is structurally symmetric about the Y-direction, it
has an irregular infill panels distribution, and therefore it presents an eccentricity in
both directions.
Figure 12.2 shows the structural response obtained by performing the three types
of analysis in terms of Top Displacement and total Base Shear. The capacity curves
800 800
700 700
found by performing the nonlinear static (pushover) analysis have been compared
to the response found by performing the nonlinear dynamic analysis. For each
ground motion, the maximum Base Shear and Top Displacement values have been
extracted and reported as a point in Fig. 12.2. The nonlinear static and dynamic
analyses gave consistent results, since the points fit very closely the capacity curves.
The response found by performing the linear analyses refers to two different q-
values, respectively assumed equal to 3.0 (ductile mechanisms) and equal to 1.5
(brittle mechanisms). The two families of points lye on the same line (the blue
dashed line in Fig. 12.2), so evidencing the linearity of the response.
The elastic stiffness related to the elastic analysis coincides to the pushover one
(first mode proportional). The families of capacity curves found by assuming the
two different heighwise patterns slightly differ each other for elastic stiffness, shear
and displacement capacity.
The torsional effects due to the in-plan irregularity has been checked by plotting
the maximum Top Displacement at the MC and at each side of the case-study.
Figure 12.3 shows the NTD at each side of the building for each considered limit
state. As it was expectable, the torsional effects are larger in the serviceability limit
state than in the ultimate one. The comparison of the torsional effects found by the
three analysis types shows that the elastic analysis provides the larger effects in all
cases. The two inelastic analyses provide similar results along the X-direction
(larger eccentricity), while in the Y-direction the pushover analysis provides values
of NTD much larger than the ones obtained by the dynamic analysis.
In this section the seismic performance of the case-study has been checked
according to EC8 prescriptions. The DL limit state has been checked in terms of
maximum drift, by comparing the drift distribution provided by each analysis to the
5 ‰ limit imposed by EC8. Since the larger drifts occur at the flexible edge of the
structure (De Stefano et al. 2014b, c), for sake of brevity in Fig. 12.4 only the drift
values found at the flexible side have been shown. The dashed lines represent the
maximum drift obtained by each analysis. The results provided by the linear
analysis refer to a behavior factor equal to 3.0, since the maximum drift has to be
12 Seismic Assessment of an Existing Irregular RC Building According to. . . 141
1.30 1.30
DL, X-direcon DL, Y-direcon
1.20 1.20 Linear
1.10 1.10
Pushover, mass-
1.30 1.30
LS, X-direcon LS, Y-direcon
1.20 1.20
1.10 1.10
1.00 1.00
0.90 0.90
0.80 0.80
0.70 0.70
Y1 MC Y3 X1 MC X3
3 3
2 2
1 1
Fig. 12.4 Maximum drift at the flexible side of the structure at the DL limit state according to the
three performed analyses
related to the flexural (ductile) behavior of the case-study. Concerning the nonlinear
dynamic analysis, the maximum response is the mean value of the seven ground
motions, according to EC8 prescriptions. It should be noted that the drift values
provided by the dynamic analysis are very scattered, much more than the ones
provided by the alternative methods.
The 5 ‰ limit provided by EC8 for the DL limit state is respected in all cases.
The LS limit state has been studied by checking the ratio between the capacity (C)
of each member (beams and columns) and the corresponding demand (D). The
results found by performing each analysis are shown for the first storey only, where
the maximum response has been found. In Figs. 12.5, 12.6, and 12.7 the C/D values
exceeding the value of 5 have been shown with an arrow at the border of the figure.
142 A. La Brusco et al.
4 4
C/D 3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9
5 5
4 4
beams_dir X
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
x 2-3
x 4-5
x 5-6
x 7-8
x 2-3
x 4-5
x 5-6
x 7-8
x 8-9
x 8-9
x 1-2
x 1-2
5 5
columns_dir Y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9
5 5
4 4
beams_dir Y
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
y 2-5
y 3-6
y 4-7
y 5-8
y 2-5
y 3-6
y 4-7
y 5-8
y 6-9
y 1-4
y 6-9
y 1-4
Fig. 12.5 Seismic performance of the first storey of the structure along the X and Y directions
obtained by pseudo-dynamic linear analysis
Figure 12.5 shows the C/D values obtained by performing the pseudo-dynamic
linear analysis for ductile and brittle mechanisms at the first storey beams and
columns. It can be observed that some structural members exhibit C/D values lower
than 1 both in the analyses along X and Y directions, not in compliance with the EC8
limit conditions; in particular the columns are more vulnerable to ductile failure,
while beams to the brittle one.
Figure 12.6 shows the results obtained by non linear static analysis in terms of
C/D values for each structural member. Once again it can be noted that the columns
result more sensitive to flexural failure, whilst beams suffer more for shear failure,
even if, in this case, only few beams (in the Y-direction) present C/D values lower
than one.
12 Seismic Assessment of an Existing Irregular RC Building According to. . . 143
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9
5 5
4 4
beams_dir X
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
x 2-3
x 4-5
x 5-6
x 7-8
x 8-9
x 1-2
x 2-3
x 4-5
x 5-6
x 7-8
x 8-9
x 1-2
5 5
columns_dir Y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9
5 5
4 4
beams_dir Y
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
y 2-5
y 3-6
y 4-7
y 5-8
y 6-9
y 1-4
y 2-5
y 3-6
y 4-7
y 5-8
y 6-9
y 1-4
P1+E0 P1-E0 P1+E+ P1-E+ P1+E-
Fig. 12.6 Seismic performance of the first storey of the case study along the X and Y-directions
obtained by nonlinear static analysis
Figure 12.7 shows the C/D values obtained by non linear dynamics analysis. In
this case the results are very scattered, as a consequence of the influence of the
seismic input on the response. Finally, Fig. 12.8 shows a comparison among the
minimum values of seismic performance (ratio C/D) found by the performed
analyses for columns (c) and beams (b) for brittle (brit) and ductile (duc) mecha-
nisms respectively.
The linear analysis proves to be the most conservative, providing C/D values
below the unity in many cases. The nonlinear analyses provide very similar results
in some cases, as the brittle mechanism in columns, while they differ each other in
the performance evaluation of beams. As it can be noted by diagrams in Fig. 12.8,
the seismic performance found by performing the dynamic analysis satisfies the
144 A. La Brusco et al.
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9
5 5
4 4
beams_dir X
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
x 2-3
x 4-5
x 5-6
x 7-8
x 8-9
x 1-2
x 2-3
x 4-5
x 5-6
x 7-8
x 8-9
x 1-2
5 5
columns_dir Y
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7
5 5
4 4
beams_dir Y
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 0
y 2-5
y 3-6
y 4-7
y 5-8
y 6-9
y 1-4
y 2-5
y 3-6
y 4-7
y 5-8
y 6-9
y 1-4
Fig. 12.7 Seismic performance of the first storey of the case study along the X and Y-directions
obtained by nonlinear dynamic analysis
6 6 6
1st level, X-dir. 5 2nd level, X-dir. 3rd level, X-dir.
5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
c_brit c_duc b_brit b_duc c_brit c_duc b_brit b_duc c_brit c_duc b_brit b_duc
6 6 6
1st level, Y-dir 2nd level, Y-dir 3rd level, Y-dir.
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
c_brit c_duc b_brit b_duc c_brit c_duc b_brit b_duc c_brit c_duc b_brit b_duc
linear pushover time-history
Fig. 12.8 Comparison among the performance level found by the performed analyses
12 Seismic Assessment of an Existing Irregular RC Building According to. . . 145
EC8 requirements in all cases. When the nonlinear static analysis is performed, the
brittle mechanism in the beams does not satisfy the EC8 limit conditions, while all
the other requirements are respected.
In this work the seismic assessment of a real RC existing building has been carried
out, by performing three different types of analysis, according to the current
European Technical Code (EC8): the pseudo-dynamic elastic, the non-linear static
and the nonlinear dynamic ones. The seismic response of the case-study has been
investigated by checking both global and local response parameters. Concerning
the global response of the building, TD and NTD have been checked. The nonlinear
analyses provided similar results in terms of TD-Base Shear trends. Even the elastic
analysis has approached very well the elastic results found by the nonlinear
analysis, providing seismic responses (i.e. Base Shear and TD) which very much
differ each other as a function of the assumed behavior factor, respectively equal to
1.5 (brittle mechanisms) and 3.0 (ductile mechanisms); all results, anyway, lie on
the ideal axis representing the elastic response of the structure, coincident to the
elastic branch of the pushover curves for horizontal forces proportional to the first
mode of vibration.
The torsional response proved to be more sensitive to the type of performed
analysis. As it was expectable, the torsional effects resulted larger in the service-
ability limit state than in the ultimate one; the linear analysis provided larger top
storey rotation than the other two analyses, in all cases. Along the X-direction, the
one with a larger eccentricity, the two nonlinear analyses have exhibited similar
results, while in the Y-direction the pushover analysis is more conservative than the
dynamic one, since the 5 % eccentricity provided by EC8 largely covers the
effective eccentricity. Concerning the serviceability limit state, the three analyses
lead to similar results, providing a satisfactory response of the case-study. The
seismic performance referred to the ultimate limit state, instead, has turned out to be
more sensitive to the type of adopted analysis. The linear analysis resulted more
conservative than the other ones, providing C/D values below the unity in many
The two nonlinear analyses (pushover and dynamic) have provided very similar
results in some cases, e.g. for the brittle mechanism in columns, while they differ
each other in the performance evaluation of beams. Results obtained by the
dynamic analysis satisfy all the EC8 requirements. When the nonlinear static
analysis is adopted, instead, the brittle mechanism in the beams does not satisfy
the EC8 limit values, while all the other requirements are fulfilled.
As a conclusion, the three analyses have evidenced important differences both in
terms of global representation of the seismic response, including torsional effects,
and in terms of local seismic performance according to the EC8 procedure. Despite
146 A. La Brusco et al.
Acknowledgements The financial support provided by ReLUIS within the project “ReLUIS-
DPC 2014” (Progettazione e valutazione della sicurezza e della vulnerabilita di edifici ed opere) is
gratefully acknowledged.
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Chapter 13
The Concrete Strength Variability as Source
of Irregularity for RC Existing Buildings
13.1 Introduction
One of the most crucial technical issues of seismic engineering is the evaluation of
the seismic safety of existing buildings, which involves a suitable characterization
of actual material properties. Especially in RC buildings, the homogeneity of the
material within each structure cannot be assumed, since the strength variability
inside single buildings can result in CoV values over 30 % (Cristofaro 2009).
The sample structure is a 4 story 3D reinforced concrete frame with two 4.5 m long
bays in the y-direction and five bays 3.5 m long in the x-direction, as shown in
Fig. 13.1. The building, designed for vertical loads only, is symmetric along both
x and y directions. All the columns have a cross dimension of 30 30 cm while
longitudinal beams have a dimension of 30 50 cm in both directions. Details of
joints and reinforcements can be found in De Stefano et al. (2015a). A mean
concrete strength ( fc), equal to 19.36 MPa, has been assumed, while the reinforce-
ment is assumed to have the same mechanical properties as the Italian FeB38k steel
(yield stress over 375 MPa, ultimate stress over 430 MPa). The strength variability
has been introduced in the columns of the first storey only, by assuming a Normal
distribution and three different levels of Coefficient of Variation (CoV), equal to
15 %, 30 % and 45 % respectively. Each strength domain is made by seven values,
corresponding to different percentiles (5 %, 10 %, 20, 50 %, 80 %, 90 % and 95),
which have been given to the 18 columns of the first storey in order to obtain the
expected distribution; in each model the strength values are assorted according to
the specifications listed in Fig. 13.1.
The first vibrational period of the case-study (see Table 13.1), corresponding to a
translational vibration along the y-direction, is equal to 0.777 s. The analysis has
been performed by considering one direction only for the seismic excitation, i.e. the
y-direction. Therefore, the variability has been given along the x-direction.
Six groups of 30 schemes each have been considered, having the weakest
position in each of the column lines of frame 2 (see Fig. 13.1). For each position
of the weakest column, all the most significant strength combinations have been
considered. In the assumption of the 180 layouts special attention has been paid to
the “extreme” considered strength values, i.e. the values corresponding to the
percentiles k05, k10, k90 and k95, that have been exhaustively combined. A
more complete description of the models can be found in De Stefano et al. (2015a).
The analysis has been performed by using the computer code Seismostruct
(Seismosoft 2006) and describing the cross sections through a fiber model, which
has allowed to adopt different models for the concrete of the confined core (Mander
et al.), the unconfined concrete of the cover (three-linear) and the reinforcement
(bilinear). Contribution of floor slabs has been considered by introducing a rigid
The inelastic response of the case-study has been found by applying the standard
N2 method, as provided by EC8. Three different limit states, i.e. Damage Limita-
tion (DL), Severe Damage (SD) and Near Collapse (NC) have been considered.
Each limit state has been associated to a single seismic intensity, with PGAs equal
to 0.15 g, 0.20 g and 0.25 respectively. Such values of PGA have been assumed on
the basis of the highest seismicity occurring in Tuscany, i.e. the region where the
investigation on the concrete strength (Cristofaro 2009) has been made.
The seismic input has been assumed to be represented by the elastic spectrum
provided by EC8 for a soil-type B. Since in De Stefano et al. (2013a) has been found
152 S. Viti et al.
a b c d e f percentile No of columns
K05 1
y K10 2
1 K20 3
K50 6
x K80 3
K90 2
K95 1
Fig. 13.1 Case-study: plan configuration and fc assumption at the first storey columns
that the assumed horizontal pattern distribution does not significantly affect the
results, in this work only one force pattern, proportional to the first vibration mode,
has been considered.
Due to the introduced strength variability, each considered plan layout presents
both a strength and a stiffness irregularity, since the Young modulus Ec is defined as
a function of fc (EC2 2002). Both strength and stiffness eccentricities have been
found; the strength eccentricity, eV, has been expressed in terms of the ultimate
shear of the columns while the stiffness eccentricity, eK, has been expressed through
a simplified stiffness (K) expression (Anagnastopoulos et al. 2009), i.e. K ¼ (My H )/
(6 θy). In Table 13.2 the ranges obtained for the two eccentricities are listed as a
function of the assumed CoV.
Another quantity adopted to characterize the strength plan layout is the radius of
gyration (Anagnastopoulos et al. 2013), which gives a measure of the strength
centrifugation. Two radii of gyration have been found, i.e. based on the ultimate
shear (ρV), and the simplified shear type behavior (ρK). Figure 13.2 reports their
values, nondimensionalized with respect to the mass radius. Values of nondimen-
sionalized radii of gyration, being larger than the unity, show that the building
models can be classified as moderately torsionally stiff and strong.
13 Concrete Strength Variability 153
Table 13.2 Ranges of eccentricities (eK, eV) due to the introduced strength variability
CoV ¼ 15 % CoV ¼ 30 % CoV ¼ 45 %
Min Max Min Max Min Max
eK 1.7 % 1.7 % 3.6 % 3.6 % 6.1 % +6.1 %
eV 0.6 +0.6 % 1.4 % +1.4 % 2.8 % +2.8 %
radius of gyration
CoV strength 1.25 K_min
1.20 V_max
1.15 V_min
15% 30% 45%
13.4 Results
The seismic response at the first storey of the case study has been studied in terms of
maximum drift and shear force at each column. In Fig. 13.3 the results obtained
from analysis and from EC8 standard approach, including the 5 % eccentricity, are
shown for three different PGAs. Since the columns belonging to the frame 2 evi-
dence an higher seismic response, only the results referred to such columns have
been shown in this paper. A more exhaustive description of the results can be found
in De Stefano et al. (2015b).
The variability in the drift response increases both with the seismic intensity and
the strength variability as represented by CoV. Moreover, at the PGA increasing,
the torsional effects arising from the introduced eccentricity increase as well,
achieving their maximum amount at the side columns (column lines a and f ).
The structural demand provided by EC8, when the 5 % eccentricity is introduced,
covers the increase in the side drift due to torsional effects. It should be reminded,
anyway, that the 5 % eccentricity provided by EC8 is aimed to cover all the
accidental irregularities and not the one related to the strength variability only.
The shear response is not affected by torsional effects, despite it presents a large
scatter due to the introduced strength variability.
Figures 13.4 and 13.5 show, in terms of chord rotation and shear force respec-
tively, the capacity of the columns for the considered limit states. The limit values
have been found by considering, for the concrete strength, both the assumed
samples and the EC8 instructions. According to EC8, only one ultimate limit
state, namely the NC one, has been considered for shear verification. The seismic
performance is measured as the ratio between demand (D) and capacity (C). The
seismic intensity to assume for each limit state has been selected according to the
seismicity of Tuscany, since the concrete strength characterization refers to
154 S. Viti et al.
buildings of such area. When the ratio D/C is lower than unity the structure respects
the limit provisions, while for values over unity the structure results to be not
compatible with the safety requirements.
In Fig. 13.6 the obtained values of D/C are shown for the considered limit states.
Both the D/C values obtained by considering the strength variability and the EC8
procedure, by accounting for the 5 % eccentricity and not, are shown for each
column. It can be noted that the D/C ratio is sensitive both to PGA and CoV.
As regards the DL limit state, the seismic performance of the case-study has been
evaluated for a PGA equal to 0.15 g. The ratio D/C found by considering the
strength variability is below the unity only for CoV ¼ 15 %. For higher CoVs the
limit value is exceeded, approaching the value of 2 for CoV ¼ 45 %. It should be
noted that the EC8 approach provides D/C always below the unity if the 5 %
eccentricity is not considered, while it achieves 1.25 when the eccentricity is taken
into account.
The SD limit state has been associated to a PGA equal to 0.20 g. The perfor-
mance limits are exceeded both when the EC8 approach is applied and when the
13 Concrete Strength Variability 155
i.e. obtained by assuming KL ¼ 3 (CF ¼ 1.35) and the 5 % eccentricity, are conser-
vative, compared to the ones found by analysis, only for CoV below 30 %.
13.5 Conclusions
This work deals with the effects of the concrete strength variability on the seismic
response of existing RC buildings. The concrete strength has been described
through a 7-sample domain, having three different amounts of variability
(CoV ¼ 15 %, 30 %, 45 %), consistent with the experimental results found for
existing building in Tuscan (Italy). 180 in-plan layouts, comprehending all the most
significant strength combinations, have been considered to represent the strength
distribution at the columns of the first storey. The effects of such variability have
been evaluated in terms of induced eccentricity, seismic response and capacity and,
therefore, in terms of seismic performance.
13 Concrete Strength Variability 157
Due to the introduced strength variability, in fact, the building experiences both
strength and stiffness eccentricity, and, consequently, a torsional response, with an
increase in the demand. The increase in chord rotation is maximum at the building
flexible side, with an increase of 50 % when a high PGA (PGA ¼ 0.25 g) and CoV
(CoV ¼ 45 %), are considered. The shear force, instead, lightly increases at the
stiffer side of the structure; such increase is scarcely sensitive to the considered
PGA, while it is largely affected by the amount of the considered CoV; in fact, for
CoV ¼ 45 %, it achieves a maximum of 40 % for all considered PGAs.
The seismic demand found by considering the strength variability has been
compared to the one provided by the standard EC8 approach, which has resulted
to be conservative as regards the chord rotation, while it does not cover the increase
in shear force. The seismic capacity of the first storey columns has been found, both
considering the assumed strength variability and the conventional EC8 approach,
for three considered limit states in terms of chord rotation and for the only CP limit
state in terms of shear force. Finally, the ratio between demand (D) and capacity
(C) of the case-study has been investigated. As regards the chord rotation perfor-
mance, the comparison to the EC8 previsions shows different results depending on
the considered limit states. For the serviceability limit state (DL), in fact, the EC8
evaluation provides similar results to those from the analysis. For a strength
variability below 30 %, the maximum D/C values are close with the two
approaches; when the highest value of CoV (CoV ¼ 45 %) is considered, the
analysis provides D/C values higher than the EC8 approach, but the final evaluation
about the building safety does not change. When the ultimate limit states (SD, NC)
are considered, instead, the analysis provides D/C values even three times larger
than the EC8 previsions, with a consequent different evaluation of the performance.
As regards EC8 previsions, the 5 % role introduced by EC8 to take into account of
accidental eccentricity proved to be essential for response and performance evalu-
ation, while the adoption of different CF values does not significantly affect the
response and the performance of the case-study. When the seismic performance is
evaluated in terms of shear force, the strength variability reduces the seismic
performance of the structure, even if it does not affect the final evaluation of the
performance acceptance of the case-study.
As a conclusion, the performed analysis proved the strength variability to be a
significant source of in-plan irregularity for the case-study, affecting its seismic
performance, and leading to an evaluation of its seismic assessment different from
the one provided by the standard EC8 approach, even when all the most conserva-
tive assumptions have been considered (i.e. 5 % eccentricity and CF equal to 1.35).
Acknowledgements The financial support provided by ReLUIS within the project “ReLUIS-
DPC 2014” (Progettazione e valutazione della sicurezza e della vulnerabilita di edifici ed opere) is
gratefully acknowledged.
158 S. Viti et al.
Abstract It is well known that the axial load can largely vary during a seismic
event, playing an important role in the seismic performance of RC columns. In
existing buildings this problem can be even more significant than in new ones, since
the material can easily present poor mechanical properties. The paper is aimed at
investigating the role of the axial load variation on the seismic capacity of RC
columns, evaluated in terms of limit chord rotation and shear force, according to
Eurocode 8. The research is performed with reference to a case-study, which is a
doubly symmetric 4-storey RC framed building. The axial load variation affects
both the seismic response and the capacity of the columns of the case-study, and,
therefore, their seismic performance. Special attention has been paid to the role of
the effective concrete strength of columns on the sensitivity of the seismic perfor-
mance to the axial load variation.
14.1 Introduction
It’s common knowledge that the axial load, N, plays an important role in the
evaluation of the structural performance of RC columns (Abbasnia et al. 2011;
Saadeghvaziri 1997). The axial load, indeed, largely affects both the seismic
demand and capacity of RC buildings. Concerning the seismic demand, when the
structure is subjected to a horizontal loading, e.g. a seismic action, it necessary
experiences an axial load variation in its vertical elements. At the occurring of
severe ground motion, in particular, some columns can be subjected to significant
axial load reduction, experiencing in extreme cases traction, or conversely, they can
experience a large increase in compression. Even the capacity is affected by the
axial load. For axial load higher than the “balanced” value, in fact, the ultimate
bending moment progressively decreases. If the section is subjected to traction, its
flexural and shear capacity is largely reduced, as well as when the section is
subjected to high levels of compression. The seismic performance, being the ratio
between demand (D) and capacity (C), should therefore be carefully checked taking
into account the axial load variation, while the current European Technical Code
(Eurocode 8, EC8), prescribes to define the capacity of the structural sections
referring to the static axial load only. Furthermore, in existing buildings the
sensitivity of the seismic performance to axial load variation can be even more
significant than in new ones, since the material can easily present poor and
uncertain mechanical properties (Cristofaro 2009; Cristofaro et al. 2012). This
paper is aimed at investigating the role of the axial load variation on the seismic
performance of an RC case-study building. Two different limit states, respectively a
serviceability (Damage Limitation, LD) one and an ultimate (Severe Damage, SD)
one, have been considered, and the chord rotation has been assumed, in both cases,
as control parameter. The case-study is a doubly symmetric 4-storey RC building,
designed to vertical load only, representing a typical example of pre-seismic code
structure. The role of the axial load variation has been investigated in terms of
seismic performance with special attention to the role of the effective strength of the
columns concrete.
The sample structure (De Stefano et al. 2015) is a 4-storey 3D reinforced concrete
frame, symmetric along both x and y directions, with two 4.5 m long bays in the y-
direction and 5 bays 3.5 m long in the x-direction, as shown in Fig. 14.1. All the
columns have cross section dimensions of 30 30 cm, with 8 ϕ14 rebars as
longitudinal reinforcement and ϕ6 stirrups with a spacing of 20 cm. Longitudinal
beams have constant cross section dimensions of 30 50 cm in both directions.
The concrete has been assumed to have a mean strength equal to 19.36 MPa,
while for the reinforcement the Italian FeB38k steel (yield stress over 375 MPa,
a b c d e f
ultimate stress over 430 MPa) has been assumed. The building is designed for
vertical loads only (dead load equal to 5.9 KN/m2, live load equal to 2.0 KN/m2),
ignoring seismic loads.
A nonlinear dynamic (time-history) analysis has been performed by using the com-
puter code Seismostruct (Seismosoft 2006). A two-dimensional fiber model has been
adopted for the cross sections. Each member (both columns and beams) has been
described through an inelastic frame element, and a displacement-based approach has
been selected for the analytical solution. In order to overcome the nonlinearity related
to high amount of deformation, each member has been subdivided into four segments.
The Mander et al. model (Mander et al. 1988) has been assumed for the core concrete,
a three-linear model has been assumed for the unconfined concrete, and a bilinear
model has been assumed for the reinforcement steel. The stiffness of floor slabs has
been considered by introducing a rigid diaphragm.
The seismic input has been defined by assuming a set of seven ground motions
whose mean spectrum closely fits the elastic one provided by EC8 for a soil-type
B. The records were provided by Working Group Itaca (Itaca 2008), on the basis of
a PGA equal to 0.25 g, a nominal life of the structure of 50 years and a magnitude
between 5.5 and 6.5. Two different limit states have been considered: the Damage
Limitation (DL) and the Severe Damage (SD) limit states. According to EC8
provision, a limit value equal to the yield chord rotation has been assumed for the
DL limit state, while a limit value based on the ultimate rotation has been consid-
ered for the LS limit state. Both (DL and SD) limit values depend on the amount of
axial load in the member. The concrete characterization, exhaustively explained in
De Stefano et al. (2013a, b, 2014a) and applied in De Stefano et al. (2014b, 2015)
on the same case-study, is based on a large database of experimental values of
compressive strength (Cristofaro 2009); a single mean strength, equal to
19.36 MPa, and three different CoV, respectively equal to 15 %, 30 % and 45 %
have been considered in the analysis. For each CoV, the concrete distribution has
been represented by a sample of seven concrete strength values, corresponding to
the percentiles of 5 %, 10 %, 20 %, 50 %, 80 %, 90 % and 95 % respectively.
14.4 Results
The maximum and minimum axial load experienced by the case-study after the
assumed set of ground motions have been checked for each frame and column line.
Figure 14.2 shows the axial load variation, normalized to the value of the
162 V. Mariani et al.
corresponding static axial load, experienced by each column for the different
considered PGAs. Since in each frame, the internal columns (column lines b, c,
d and e) and the side ones (column lines a and f ) experience almost the same axial
load variation (De Stefano et al. 2014b), in Fig. 14.2 only two different trends have
been shown, referred to the side and internal columns. The axial load variation
affects more the side frames (frame 1 and 3) than the central one, since the frame
2 supports a larger amount of gravity loads. It should be noted that, despite the
building is symmetric along both main axes, the axial load variation is not the same
in the two side frames (frames 1 and 3); besides, in each frame, the increase and the
reduction in axial load are not exactly the same.
Figures 14.4 and 14.5 show, for all the considered PGAs, the ratio between demand
(D) and capacity (C), defined by considering the different strength values provided
14 Influence of Axial Load Variation 163
DL limit state
1.4E-02 1.4E-02 1.4E-02
CoV=15% CoV=30% CoV=45%
chord rotaon (rad)
SD limit state
3.0E-02 3.0E-02 3.0E-02
CoV=15% chord rotaon (rad) CoV=30% CoV=45%
chord rotaon (rad)
Fig. 14.3 Chord rotation for the DL and SD limit states on varying of axial load
by the domains of Fig. 14.3. For sake of brevity, results are shown for a side column
and a internal one, for each frame. İn the performance evaluation the capacity has
been found with reference to both the limit values of axial load (i.e. minimum and
maximum) experienced by each column due to the seismic excitation; therefore, for
each PGA value, the range in D/C is shown as a function of the axial load. İn
Figs. 14.4 and 14.5 the results obtained for the 50 % percentile can be assumed as
representative of the EC8 approach for the Knowledge Level 3 (CF ¼ 1.00).
As can be noted, the seismic performance of the structure is very much affected
by the assumed strength values, with a large increase in D/C when low percentiles
(K05, K10) have been considered together with high CoVs. As regards the DL limit
state, the case-study complies the EC8 requirements in most of the cases, for PGAs
below 0.15 g, i.e. for all the seismic intensities consistent to the limit state. As
regards the SD limit state, the assumed performance index shows to be very
sensitive to the concrete strength characterization. When a low strength variability
is considered (CoV ¼ 15 %), in fact, the scatter in D/C is almost the same with the
seven considered percentiles. On the contrary, for higher values of CoV, reliable
with concrete strength distribution typical of real existing buildings, the scatter in
D/C due to the axial load variation is very large, suggesting a significant correlation
between the sensitivity to axial load and the effective strength of the column.
Figures 14.6 and 14.7 show, for the DL and SD limit states, the normalized
variation ranges found by comparing each range of seismic performance to the one
found by assuming the corresponding static axial load. The trend of the curves
families confirms the observation made for the previous figures, i.e. the effects of
the axial load variation on the seismic performance are very sensitive to the
164 V. Mariani et al.
1.0 1.0 1.0
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
PGA (g) PGA (g) PGA (g)
3.0 3.0 3.0
CoV = 15% CoV = 30% CoV = 45%
int. column
1.0 1.0 1.0
1.0 1.0 1.0
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
PGA (g) PGA (g) PGA (g)
3.0 3.0 3.0
CoV = 15% CoV = 30% CoV = 45%
int. column
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
PGA (g) PGA (g) PGA (g)
3.0 3.0 3.0
CoV = 15% CoV = 30% CoV = 45%
int. column
assumed concrete strength, especially for strong ground motions (high values of
14.5 Conclusions
In this paper the effects of the axial load variation on the seismic performance of RC
structures have been investigated with reference to a case-study, i.e. a 4-storey RC
framed building.
14 Influence of Axial Load Variation 165
2.0 2.0 2.0
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
PGA (g) PGA (g) PGA (g)
4.0 4.0 4.0
CoV = 15% CoV = 30% CoV = 45%
int. column
2.0 2.0 2.0
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
PGA (g) PGA (g) PGA (g)
4.0 4.0 4.0
CoV = 15% CoV = 30% CoV = 45%
int. column
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
PGA (g) PGA (g) PGA (g)
4.0 4.0 4.0
CoV = 15% CoV = 30% CoV = 45%
int. column
The seismic performance, i.e. the ratio between demand (D) and capacity (C),
has been evaluated for the columns of the first storey by considering (i) the current
axial load in the columns which varies during the analysis and (ii) the static value
associated to the vertical loads, according to the current practice and to the technical
codes. Special attention has been paid to the role of the effective concrete strength
of columns, which has been described through a Gaussian distribution, with a mean
equal to 19.36 MPa and three different values of Coefficient of Variation. Each
strength domain has been represented by seven values, corresponding to the
percentiles of 5, 10, 20, 50, 80, 90 and 95 %. The assumed strength domains have
166 V. Mariani et al.
variaon range
variaon range
variaon range
60% 60% 60%
side column
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
frame 1
variaon range
variaon range
60% 60% 60%
int. column
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
percenle percenle percenle
80% 80% 80%
CoV = 15% CoV = 30% CoV = 45%
variaon range
variaon range
variaon range
60% 60% 60%
side column
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
frame 2
variaon range
variaon range
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
percenle percenle percenle
80% 80% 80%
CoV = 15% CoV = 30% CoV = 45%
variaon range
variaon range
variaon range
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
frame 3
variaon range
variaon range
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
percenle percenle percenle
PGA = 0.05g PGA = 0.10g PGA = 0.15g PGA = 0.20g PGA = 0.25g
variaon range
variaon range
variaon range
80% 80%
side column
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
frame 1
variaon range
variaon range
80% 80%
variaon range
int. column
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
percenle percenle percenle
100% 100% 100%
CoV = 15% CoV = 30% CoV = 45%
variaon range
variaon range
80% 80%
variaon range
side column
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
frame 2
variaon range
80% 80%
int. column
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
percenle percenle percenle
100% 100% 100%
CoV = 15% CoV = 30% CoV = 45%
variaon range
variaon range
80% 80%
variaon range
side column
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
frame 3
variaon range
80% 80%
variaon range
int. column
0% 0% 0%
K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95 K05 K10 K20 K50 K80 K90 K95
percenle percenle percenle
PGA = 0.05g PGA = 0.10g PGA = 0.15g PGA = 0.20g PGA = 0.25g
Abstract The objective of this paper is to investigate the influence of strength and
stiffness distribution in-plan to the nonlinear seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete
frame buildings. For this purpose, two 2-storey buildings, a two-way symmetric and a
one-way symmetric with eccentricity relative to the y axis, are designed applying the
Modal Response Spectrum Method of analysis according to Eurocode 8. Then, the
calculated reinforcement of selected elements of the two structures is modified
properly in order to generate seven building models with different strength distribu-
tions. Each model is subjected to seven strong ground motions acting in two
orthogonal directions. The inelastic dynamic analysis is performed for three levels
of seismic intensity corresponding to minor damages, moderate damages and severe
damages. The structural response is evaluated by means of local Damage Indices for
each element as well as of an Overall Structural Damage Index for the whole
building. Useful conclusions concerning the nonlinear response are derived.
15.1 Introduction
In the framework of the present study, two 2-storey prototype reinforced concrete
buildings are designed according to Eurocodes. In particular, a two-way symmetric
(SB) and a one-way symmetric building with structural eccentricity es ¼ 2.40 m
relative to the y axis (AsBCS-CR) are examined. Both buildings are frame systems
according to the Eurocode 8 classification (CEN 2004, Section Their floor
plans are shown in Figs. 15.1 and 15.2, along with the cross sections dimensions.
The buildings are regular in plan and in elevation, while all storey heights are 3 m.
The concrete is of class C20/25 (fck ¼ 20 MPa) and the reinforcement steel bars
B500C (fyk ¼ 500 MPa) according to the Greek standards.
In addition to the self weight, distributed dead and live slab loads equal to 1.0
and 2.0 kN/m2 respectively are considered. Besides, distributed dead load equal
1.0 kN/m2 is applied to the slabs of the ground floor, in order to take into account
the weight of masonry infill.
15 Inelastic Response of R/C Frame Buildings 173
K11 45/45 K12 45/45 K13 45/45 K14 45/45 K15 45/45
K16 45/45 K17 60/35 K18 45/45 K19 60/35 K20 45/45
2,40m X
K11 35/90 K12 35/80 1,20m K13 45/45 K14 45/45 K15 45/45
K16 50/50 K17 80/35 K18 45/45 K19 60/35 K20 45/45
The structural analysis and the detailing of the cross sections are conducted with
the aid of appropriate software widely used by engineering practitioners in Greece.
The buildings are analyzed applying the Modal Response Spectrum Analysis
method (CEN 2004, Section The behaviour factor q is taken equal to
3. Despite this low value of q, the buildings are designed to meet the Ductility Class
High requirements and the capacity design provisions. The seismic hazard level
174 A.M. Athanatopoulou et al.
Seven structural models – four variants of the two-way symmetric and three
variants of the one-way symmetric building – are generated. In particular, the
analyzed models are as follows (Figs. 15.1 and 15.2):
1. SB: the two-way symmetric prototype building as designed, without any mod-
ifications. The centers of mass (CM), stiffness (CS) and resistance
(CR) coincide.
2. SBColR: the two-way symmetric prototype building with a 35 % reduction of
the reinforcement of columns K7, K8, K9, K12, K13 and K14. CM, CS and CR
3. SBbmIn: the two-way symmetric prototype building with a 75 % increase of the
reinforcement of all beams. CM, CS and CR coincide.
4. SBStrEc: the two-way symmetric prototype building with a 20 % reduction of
the reinforcement of columns K5, K9, K10, K14, K15 and K20, as well as a 40 %
increase of the reinforcement of K1, K6, K7, K11, K12 and K16. CM and CS
coincide. An eccentricity er ¼ 1.50 m between CM and CR results.
5. AsBCS-CR: the one-way symmetric prototype building as designed, without any
modifications. CS and CR coincide. The eccentricity between CM and CR is
equal to the structural eccentricity, i.e. er ¼ es ¼ 2.40 m.
6. AsBCS#CR: the one-way symmetric prototype building with a 25 % reduction
of the reinforcement of columns K1, K2, K6, K7, K11, K12, K16 and K17. The
eccentricity between CM and CR is er ¼ 1.20 m, while es remains constant,
i.e. es ¼ 2.40 m.
7. AsBCSMCR: the one-way symmetric prototype building with a 35 % reduction
of the reinforcement of columns K1, K2, K6, K7, K11, K12, K16 and K17, as
15 Inelastic Response of R/C Frame Buildings 175
well as a 50 % increase of the reinforcement of K4, K5, K9, K10, K14, K15, K19
and K20. er is equal to 0.50 m, while es remains constant, i.e. es ¼ 2.40 m.
The whole investigation comprises a suite of seven pairs of horizontal ground
motion records obtained from the PEER and the European strong motion databases
(Table 15.2). The ground motions are recorded on Soil Type B according to
Eurocode 8 (CEN 2004) and their magnitudes (Ms) range between 5.91 and 7.51.
The accelerograms are scaled in order to achieve three predefined levels of
structural damage, as expressed through the Overall Structural Damage Index
(OSDI). In particular, three different scaling factors for each ground motion are
determined after successive tests, in order to achieve OSDI values equal to 0.3, 0.6
and 0.9 for the two-way symmetric prototype building (SB). It is considered that
these values correspond to minor, moderate and severe damages of the structural
elements respectively. The applied scaling factors, which are the same for both
components of each ground motion, are tabulated in Table 15.3.
The seven generated building models are analyzed for the three intensity levels
of the selected ground motions by means of Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis (NDA).
All analyses are performed using the program Ruaumoko (Carr 2005).
For each seismic excitation a representative Damage Index for each critical
section is calculated. In particular, the widely used Park and Ang damage index
(Park and Ang 1985) modified by Kunnath et al. (1992) is used. At a given cross
section the local Damage Index (DI) is given by the following equation:
ϕm ϕ y β
DI ¼ þ ET ð15:1Þ
ϕu ϕ y M y ϕ u
where φm is the maximum curvature observed during the load history, φu is the
ultimate curvature capacity, φy is the yield curvature, ET is the dissipated hysteretic
176 A.M. Athanatopoulou et al.
where DIi is the local Damage Index at cross section i determined by Eq. 15.1, ETi is
the energy dissipated at cross section i and n is the number of cross sections.
In Fig. 15.3 the local Damage Indices (DI) of representative structural elements
of the analyzed models are shown. In particular, the mean values for the seven
ground motions of DIs of four columns (K1, K5, K7, K9) and two beams (B5.3,
B9.3) of the ground floor are presented. The DIs are calculated for both ends of each
structural element: bottom (bot) – top (top) for columns and left (l) – right (r) for
beams. From Fig. 15.3 the following observations can be made:
1. SB: DI values, which translate to ductility demands, are quite uniformly distrib-
uted along the plan. This becomes clear comparing DI values for structural
elements lying at symmetrical positions (K1-K5, K7-K9, B5.3-B9.3). DI values
of beams are significantly higher than those of columns, especially those of the
top. Obviously, this is due to the application of the capacity design provisions. In
general, the seismic response of the structure meets the codes objectives.
2. SBColR: in comparison with SB, a significant increase of the DIs of columns K7
and K9 due to the reduction of their reinforcement is observed. This is reflected
to the OSDI too (see also Fig. 15.4). The uniformity of ductility demands
distribution along the plan remains.
3. SBbmIn: in comparison with SB, a significant reduction of the DIs of beams due
to the increase of their reinforcement is observed. This is reflected to the OSDI
15 Inelastic Response of R/C Frame Buildings 177
1.4 1.4
1.2 1.2
1 1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity
Level I Level II Level III Level I Level II Level III
a) SB b) SBColR
1 1.4
0.9 1.2
0.7 1
0.6 0.8
0.4 0.6
0.3 0.4
0.1 0.2
0 0
Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity
Level I Level II Level III Level I Level II Level III
c) SBbmIn d) SBStrEc
1.6 1.4
1.4 1.2
1.2 1
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0 0
Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity
Level I Level II Level III Level I Level II Level III
1.2 K1bot K1top K5bot K5top
K7bot K7top K9bot K9top
Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity B5.31 B5.3r B9.31 B9.3r
Level I Level II Level III
0.9 SB
0.8 SBColR
0.6 SBbmIn
0.5 SBStrEc
0.4 AsBCS-CR
0.2 AsBCS#CR
Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity Seismic Intensity
Level I Level II Level III
too (see also Fig. 15.4). On the contrary, the DIs of columns are considerably
increased, especially at the upper ends.
4. SBStrEc: in comparison with SB, a significant increase of the DIs of the
weakened columns (K5, K9) and an analogous reduction of the DIs of the
strengthened columns (K1, K7) occurred. With increasing intensity of earth-
quake excitation, the damages of the columns at the strong side increase in a
larger extent with regard to those lying at the opposite side. Concerning the
beams, the ductility demands of those lying at the strong side (B5.3) are
increased, while of those lying at the weak side (B9.3) are reduced, especially
for higher seismic intensity level.
5. AsBCS-CR: due to the capacity design, DI values of beams are significantly
higher than those of columns, especially those of the top. For low seismic
intensity, DI values of columns of the flexible-weak side are higher than those
of the stiff-strong one. However, with increasing intensity an inversion of this
trend is observed. This finding is consistent to previous studies which demon-
strated that in structures experiencing extensive inelastic deformations the
ductility demands are higher at the columns of the stiff side. Concerning the
beams, regardless the seismic intensity, the ductility demands are higher at the
flexible-weak side.
6. AsBCS#CR: in comparison with AsBCS-CR, a significant increase of the DIs of
the weakened columns (K1, K7) due to the reduction of their reinforcement is
observed. The transposition of the center of resistance (CR) towards the flexible-
weak side implies an increase of the ductility demands of columns lying at this
side too. Just like AsBCS-CR, the ductility demands of beams are significantly
higher at the flexible-weak side. However, a uniform reduction of DI values is
7. AsBCSMCR: in comparison with AsBCS-CR, a significant increase of the DIs
of the weakened columns (K1, K7) and an analogous reduction of the DIs of the
strengthened columns (K5, K9) occurred. With increasing intensity of earth-
quake excitation, the damages of the columns at the stiff (but no more strong)
15 Inelastic Response of R/C Frame Buildings 179
side increase in a larger extent with regard to those lying at the opposite side.
Concerning the beams, just like AsBCS-CR and AsBCS#CR, the ductility
demands are significantly higher at the flexible side.
In Fig. 15.4 the mean OSDIs for the seven ground motions are shown.
Concerning the models based on the two-way symmetric prototype building (SB,
SBColR, SBbmIn, SBStrEc), it is apparent that the increase of the beams reinforce-
ment (SBbmIn) leads to considerable modification of the seismic behaviour,
although CR remains constant. On the contrary, the transposition of CR towards
the stiff side (SBStrEc) does not affect significantly the overall structural response.
This means that CR, as determined in relevant studies, i.e. without taking into
account the strength of beams, is not representative of the inelastic seismic behav-
iour. Concerning the models AsBCS-CR, AsBCS#CR and AsBCSMCR, the trans-
position of CR towards the flexible side leads to an increase of the overall damage
index. This finding is not consistent to previous studies (Myslimaj and Tso 2002).
15.4 Conclusions
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Myslimaj B, Tso WK (2002) A strength distribution criterion for minimizing torsional response of
asymmetric wall-type systems. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 31(1):99–120
Park YJ, Ang AH-S (1985) Mechanistic seismic damage model for reinforced concrete. J Struct
Eng 111(4):722–739
Paulay T (1996) Seismic design for torsional response of ductile buildings. B N Z Natl Soc Earthq
Eng 29(3):178–198
Paulay T (1997) Seismic torsional effects on ductile structural wall systems. J Earthq Eng
Peruš I, Fajfar P (2005) On the inelastic torsional response of single-storey structures under
bi-axial excitation. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 34(8):931–941
Stathopoulos KG, Anagnostopoulos SA (2005) Inelastic torsion of multistorey buildings under
earthquake excitations. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 34(12):1449–1465
Chapter 16
Seismic Upgrading of Vertically Irregular
Existing r.c. Frames by BRBs
16.1 Introduction
The existing r.c. buildings designed to sustain gravity loads usually have main
structural elements disposed along a single direction and this makes them very
flexible and weak in the orthogonal direction. Furthermore, the heightwise distri-
butions of the lateral stiffness and shear strength of these frames are not suitable to
make the drift demand widespread along the height and consistent with the capacity
of the frame. In this chapter, the introduction of Buckling Restrained Braces
(BRBs) is proposed for the seismic rehabilitation of these framed structures in
order to increase to proper values both the lateral stiffness and the shear strength.
BRBs typically consist of a ductile steel core confined by a steel tube (Uang and
Nakashima 2004; Xie 2005). The brace is joined to the frame by means of the
connection segments, while the yielding core and the connection segments are
linked by the transition segments. The transition and connection segments have to
remain elastic during cyclic loading. This is obtained by adopting for these seg-
ments cross-sectional areas larger than that of the yielding core. Therefore, the
stiffness and the strength of BRBs can be varied almost independently, by choosing
appropriate cross-sectional areas and lengths of the segments of the BRB, and yield
stress of the steel.
BRBs, as well as other types of dampers (Daniel et al. 2013), are very promising
devices for seismic protection of buildings. Indeed, BRBs can modify the distribu-
tion of the shear strength along the height so as to promote a widespread yielding of
the structure and, therefore, a more favourable collapse mechanism during strong
ground motions. Moreover, they can modify the distribution of the lateral stiffness
along the height so that the displacements demanded by the ground motion can
better fit the displacement capacity of the structure. This research develops and
validates a design method for BRBs, which is applied for the seismic upgrading of
an existing r.c. frame. The proposed design method aims at obtaining a more regular
structural behaviour along the height and avoiding the soft storey mechanism.
Afterwards the seismic response of the upgraded frames is determined by nonlinear
dynamic analysis, to evaluate the increase of vertical regularity of the structure.
The method is ruled by two parameters. The first one is the behaviour factor q,
which determines the lateral strength to be provided by BRBs. The second param-
eter is the design storey drift Δd,i, which is given as a fraction of the nominal storey
drift capacity Δl,i. This assumption is to take into account that, in a few storeys,
drifts may be larger than those obtained by the design elastic analysis, due to some
damage concentrations. The method deals with two requirements. The first one is a
strength requirement aiming at providing the r.c. frame upgraded by BRBs with
sufficient lateral strength, which is distributed along the height of the frame
proportionally to the required storey shear. The second one is a displacement
requirement aiming at reducing the displacement demand below the design value.
A flowchart of the design procedure is shown in Fig. 16.1.
16 Seismic Upgrading of r.c. Frames by BRBs 183
Because of the insertion of BRBs, which promotes the simultaneous yielding of all
the storeys and a widespread demand along the height, the demanded drifts Δi can
be determined for the i-th storey by the elastic analysis of the structure. This
analysis is based on the elastic (unreduced) spectrum of the reference ground
motion, here assumed as that having a 10 % probability of exceedance in
50 years. Afterwards, Δi is modified according to European seismic code EC8
(CEN 2004), to take into account that the equal displacement rule does not apply for
structures whose fundamental period T1 is smaller than TC. After BRBs are inserted,
and their stiffness is determined in compliance with the displacement requirement,
the required lateral strength of the frame VEd,i is calculated at each storey through
the elastic analysis of the structure based on the elastic spectrum reduced by the
behaviour factor q.
184 F. Barbagallo et al.
the chord rotation at yielding is obtained as the difference between these two terms.
Moreover, EC8 stipulates that the Significant Damage limit state is achieved when,
somewhere in the structure, the plastic part of the chord rotation is equal to 75 % of
the θumpl
. Thus, the displacement capacity Δl corresponding to the Significant
Damage limit state is evaluated as:
Δl ¼ 0:75 θum
; þ θum θum
H ð16:1Þ
where H is the length of the column equal to the inter-storey height of the frame.
The drift Δl is evaluated for the ends of all the columns of the storey and the
minimum value obtained is assumed as displacement capacity of the storey Δl,i.
The available strength VRd,i at each storey of the frame upgraded by BRBs is
evaluated as the summation of two contributions. The first one is the storey shear
strength provided by BRBs VRd,b,i, calculated as the sum of the two horizontal
components of the axial forces of the braces inserted in the frame at the considered
storey. The second one is the shear strength of the bare r.c. frame VRd,f,i given by the
sum of the shear forces transmitted by the columns of that storey when they are
yielded in flexure at the two end cross-sections.
BRBs are designed firstly to fulfil the displacement requirement. To this end, the
drift demand and the drift capacity are compared each other at every storey. Where
the demand exceeds the capacity, the introduction of BRBs provides the structure
with the lacking stiffness.
With regards to the total stiffness of the structure Kreq, it is given by the
summation of the stiffness of the bare r.c. frame model KFR,b and the stiffness of
the truss model KTruss. The stiffness Kreq is evaluated as the ratio of the total shear
force to the design storey drift Δd, while KFR,b is calculated as the ratio of the sum of
the shear forces carried by the columns to the storey drift. Both the storey shear
force and drift are determined by the elastic analysis. Given the values of these
terms the stiffness of the truss model KTruss can be determined as the difference
between Kreq and KFR,b.
16 Seismic Upgrading of r.c. Frames by BRBs 185
Fig. 16.2 Drifts of the truss model caused by (a) BRB axial deformation and (b) column axial
Furthermore, it is considered that the total storey drift of the truss model Δ is
equal to the sum of the drift caused by the axial deformations of BRBs ΔBRBs
(Fig. 16.2a) and that caused by the axial deformation of columns ΔCOLax
(Fig. 16.2b). The total storey drift of the truss model Δ is calculated as the ratio
between the shear force sustained by BRBs VBRBs, determined by the elastic
analysis, and the stiffness KTruss. Focusing on the drift caused by the axial defor-
mation of columns (Fig. 16.2b), it is evident that shortening/elongation of columns
would cause also a variation in length of BRBs. But, to avoid this, columns rotate
rigidly and provide the drift ΔCOLax that is determined by simple geometrical
considerations. Finally, the drift ΔBRBs is calculated as Δ minus ΔCOLax and the
additional stiffness to be provided by BRBs to fulfil the displacement requirement is
determined as:
K BRBs ¼ ð16:2Þ
Given the value of KBRBs, the procedure determines the value of the equivalent
cross-section area of BRBs Aeq by the following relation:
Aeq ¼ ð16:3Þ
2 E cos 2 α
where LBRBs is the length of BRBs, E is Young’s modulus of steel and α is the angle
of inclination of the BRBs with respect to the beam longitudinal axis.
186 F. Barbagallo et al.
The design procedure has to be ran iteratively until convergence, because the
insertion of the BRBs increases the frame stiffness and modifies the vibration
periods and the seismic response of the frame.
After the stiffness of BRBs is calculated, their yield strength Ny is determined to
fulfil the strength requirement. To this end, the required strength of the BRBs at the
i-th storey, VreqBRBs,i, is obtained as the difference between the total required
strength VEd,i (obtained by the elastic analysis of the frame with the spectrum
reduced by q) and the shear strength of the bare r.c. frame VRd,f,i. The yield strength
of the BRBs is calculated by the following relation:
V req, BRBs, i
N y, i ¼ ð16:4Þ
2 cos α
For each BRB configuration satisfying the displacement requirement, the yield
strength Ny can be obtained adopting a proper yield stress fy, which can be obtained
as the ratio between Ny and the cross-sectional area Ac of the yielding core of the
BRB. However, fy is not lower than a minimum value that is determined at each
storey in order to have the BRB ductility demand not larger than 19 for the design
seismic action (Merritt et al. 2003; Bosco and Marino 2013).
The described design method has been applied for the seismic upgrading of a
r.c. frame extracted from a six-storey building designed to resist gravity loads
only and described in Barbagallo et al. (2014). The frame has three spans 4.0 m
long and the interstory height is equal to 3.2 m. The floor mass is equal to 102.37 t
and the gravity loads are considered in the seismic design situation. Table 16.1
shows the dimensions of cross-sections of beams and columns. Diagonal BRBs are
inserted in the lateral spans.
Beams and columns are simulated by De Saint Venant members and BRBs are
modelled as trusses. All the nodes belonging to the same floor are constrained to
have the same horizontal displacement. For modal response spectrum analysis, the
seismic input is given by the elastic spectrum proposed by EC8 for soil type C,
characterised by a peak ground acceleration ag equal to 0.35 g. The confidence
factor FC is assumed equal to one for both concrete and steel. The yield stress of
BRBs fy is determined by the proposed design procedure within a range of values
deemed acceptable. Mechanical parameters describing the materials are
summarised in Table 16.2. The design of the analysed frames is carried out
considering three values of Δd,i, equal to 0.6 Δl,i, 0.7 Δl,i, 0.8 Δl,i, and three values
of q, equal to 5, 6 and 7.
16 Seismic Upgrading of r.c. Frames by BRBs 187
Table 16.2 Mechanical parameters adopted for the design of the analysed frame
Concrete Reinforcing steel bars BRBs
Compressive strength 29 MPa
Yielding strength 400 MPa 100–275 MPa
Young’s modulus 30,280 MPa 210,000 MPa 210,000 MPa
Poisson’s ratio 0.5 0.3 0.3
Nonlinear dynamic analysis of the bare and the upgraded r.c. frames have been
carried out by means of the OpenSees program (Mazzoni et al. 2003), in order to
evaluate the influence of the parameters q and Δd on the seismic performance of the
frames, with particular regard to their vertical regularity.
A 2-D frame model with masses concentrated at the floor levels is set, with rigid
diaphragms at each level. Because the strength contribution given by the deck to
beams cannot be exactly quantified, an Elastic Beam model (EB model) and a
Plastic Beam model (PB model) have been used to define a bounded behaviour. In
PB model beams and columns are modelled as members constituted by elastic
elements with plastic hinges at their ends. A fibre cross-section, with both concrete
and steel components, is assigned to each plastic hinge whose length is equal to the
depth of the cross-section. The Mander constitutive law is assigned to the concrete
fibres, while an elasto-plastic with strain kinematic hardening constitutive law is
assigned to the steel fibres. The parameters used for materials are summarised in
Table 16.3. Instead, in EB model beams are modelled as infinitely resistant.
BRBs are modelled as truss elements with the cross-sectional area equal to the
equivalent area Aeq obtained in design. The material model proposed by Zona and
Dall’Asta (2012), which takes into account both kinematic and isotropic hardening
(Rossi 2014), is used to simulate the cyclic behaviour of BRBs. Further details
about the model are available in Barbagallo et al. (2014). In compliance with EC8,
the nominal dead loads plus quasi-permanent live loads are assigned as initial
gravity loads in the analysis. A Rayleigh viscous damping is used and set at 5 %
for the first and the third mode of vibration. The P-Δ effect is considered in the
For nonlinear time-history analysis, a set of ten artificial accelerograms com-
patible with the EC8 elastic spectrum for soil type C and characterised by 5 %
188 F. Barbagallo et al.
Table 16.3 Mechanical parameters adopted for the dynamic analysis of the frames
Concrete Reinforcing steel bars
Compressive strength 29 MPa Yielding strength 400 MPa
Young’s modulus 30,280 MPa Young’s modulus 210,000 MPa
Strain at maximum strength 2 103 Strain-hardening ratio 0.0066
Tensile strength ftm ¼ 2.28 MPa
Ultimate strain in tension 7.5 105
damping ratio and peak ground acceleration ag equal to 0.35 g is defined. Details
about the set of accelerograms may be found in Amara et al. (2014).
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 Δ (mm)
100 0 20 40 60 80 Δ
N Δ 0.70 Δ
? d,i = 0.80 ? l,i N Δ
? d,i = 0.80 Δ l,i
0.70 ?
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 Δ
(mm) 0 20 40 60 80 Δ
4 4
2 2
0 0
0.0 1.0 Δ/Δl 0.0 1.0 Δ/Δl
N Δd,i = 0.80 Δl,i N Δd,i = 0.80 Δl,i
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0.0 1.0 Δ/Δl 0.0 1.0 Δ/Δl
means of the normalised values over the storeys Δm and (Δ/Δl)m are determined. If
the considered Δi is the same at each storey, the response in terms of storey drift is
perfectly regular in elevation and the mean value Δm of the normalised Δi is equal
to 1. Instead, values of Δm smaller than 1 denote a lower level of vertical regularity
of the seismic response. The same considerations apply to (Δ/Δl)m and to regularity
in elevation of the response in terms of storey drift demand to capacity ratio.
Figures 16.5 and 16.6 show the obtained values of Δm and (Δ/Δl)m, which quantify
the regularity of the seismic performance along the height, limited to the values of
q leading to an acceptable seismic response. Each curve refers to frames designed
with a fixed value of Δd,i. The comparison between each curve and the value
190 F. Barbagallo et al.
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
5 6 7 q8 5 6 7 q8
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
5 6 7 q 5 6 7 q
Fig. 16.6 Mean value of maximum storey drift demand to capacity ratio
obtained for the bare r.c. frame allows the evaluation of the increase of vertical
regularity obtained by the upgrading by BRBs.
In all the considered cases, the values of Δm and (Δ/Δl)m obtained for the
upgraded frames are higher than those of the bare frame. If Δd,i ¼ 0.6 Δl,i, the
higher values of Δm and (Δ/Δl)m are obtained for q ¼ 7. If Δd,i ¼ 0.8 Δl,i, with the
exception of the EB model, which leads to slightly different values of Δm
(Fig. 16.5), the obtained values of Δm and (Δ/Δl)m are the same for the two
considered values of q. In conclusion, the proposed design procedure for the
seismic upgrading of r.c. frames always increases the vertical regularity of the
frames. The improvement of regularity due to the insertion of BRBs is higher when
the seismic response is expressed in terms of storey drifts. Among the considered
pairs of Δd,i and q, which avoid exceeding the Significant Damage limit state, the
pairs Δd,i ¼ 0.6 Δl,i, q ¼ 7 and Δd,i ¼ 0.8 Δl,i, q ¼ 5 are those corresponding to the
most regular behaviour in elevation.
16.5 Conclusions
Amara F, Bosco M, Marino EM, Rossi PP (2014) An accurate strength amplification factor for the
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design method for seismic upgrading of existing r.c. frames by BRBs. In: Proceedings of the
2nd European conference on earthquake engineering and seismology. Istanbul. 25–29 August
Bosco M, Marino EM (2013) Design method and behavior factor for steel frames with buckling
restrained braces. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 42(8):1243–1263
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General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings. European Committee for Standardiza-
tion, Bruxelles
CEN (2010) EN 1998-1, EuroCode 8: design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 3:
Assessment and retrofitting of buildings. European Committee for Standardization, Bruxelles
Daniel Y, Lavan O, Levy R (2013) A simple methodology for the seismic passive control of
irregular 3D frames using friction dampers. In: Lavan O, De Stefano M (eds) Seismic
behaviour and design of irregular and complex civil structures, vol 24. Springer, Dor-
drecht, Netherlands: 285–295
Mazzoni S, McKenna F, Scott MH, Fenves GL, Jeremic B (2003) OpenSEES manual. Pacific
Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley
192 F. Barbagallo et al.
Merritt S, Uang CM, Benzoni G (2003) Subassemblage testing of CoreBrace buckling restrained
braces. Structural Systems Research Project, Report no. TR-2003/01. University of California,
San Diego
Rossi PP (2014) Importance of isotropic hardening in the modeling of buckling restrained braces.
J Struct Eng-ASCE 141(4), doi:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001031
Uang CM, Nakashima M (2004) Steel buckling-restrained braced frames. In: Bozorgnia Y,
Bertero VV (eds) Earthquake engineering from engineering seismology to performance
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Xie Q (2005) State of the art of buckling restrained braces in Asia. J Constr Steel Res
Zona A, Dall’Asta A (2012) Elastoplastic model for steel buckling restrained braces. J Constr Steel
Res 68(1):118–125
Chapter 17
Application of Nonlinear Static Method
with Corrective Eccentricities to Steel
Multi-storey Braced Buildings
Abstract Nonlinear static methods may be not very effective in the assessment of
3D building structures because sometimes they do not provide an accurate estimate
of the deck rotations. In order to overcome this shortcoming, the authors of this
chapter proposed a nonlinear static approach for asymmetric structures that is
performed applying the lateral force with two different eccentricities (named
corrective eccentricities) with respect to the centre of mass of the deck. In this
chapter the effectiveness of the corrective eccentricity method is verified with
reference to four five-storey mass eccentric steel buildings in which the seismic
force is sustained by frames equipped with buckling restrained braces.
17.1 Introduction
The nonlinear static method of analysis has gained considerable popularity in recent
years because it is a fair compromise between the simplicity of the linear method of
analysis and the effectiveness of the nonlinear time-history analysis.
The nonlinear static method suggested in EuroCode 8 (CEN 2004; Fajfar 1999)
generally provides reasonable results for planar frames (Bosco et al. 2009; Giorgi
and Scotta 2013) while, in the case of in-plan irregular structures, it is effective only
for torsionally-rigid systems (Bento et al. 2010; De Stefano et al. 2013, 2014; Fajfar
et al. 2005; Fujii 2014; Kreslin and Fajfar 2012). Based on this consideration,
methods specifically improved for 3D structures have been proposed. For instance,
Kreslin and Fajfar (2012) developed an improved version of the N2 method called
extended N2 method. The authors of this chapter have recently proposed a new
approach based on a double application of the nonlinear static analysis (Bosco
et al. 2012). In particular, for each considered direction of the seismic action, the
nonlinear static analysis is applied with reference to two different points of the
deck. The points of application of the force have been properly defined in Bosco
et al. (2012) through mathematical relations based on the investigation of the
seismic response of a large set of asymmetric single-storey structural systems.
The resisting elements of these systems were endowed with lateral stiffness and
strength in their plane only and subjected to bidirectional ground motions. The
distances e1 and e2 between the points of application of the forces and the centre of
mass CM are named corrective eccentricities and the proposed nonlinear static
method is called corrective eccentricity method. The corrective eccentricities e1 and
e2 are calculated by simple relations as a function of the parameters that mostly
influence the lateral-torsional coupling of the seismic response of asymmetric
buildings. These parameters are: the rigidity eccentricity er (distance between the
centre of rigidity CR and CM), the strength eccentricity es (distance between the
centre of strength CS and CM), the ratio Ωθ of the torsional to lateral frequencies of
the corresponding torsionally balanced system (obtained by shifting CM into CR)
and the ratio Rμ of the elastic shear force to the actual strength of the corresponding
planar system. This latter system is obtained from the asymmetric system by
restraining the deck rotation.
The effectiveness of the corrective eccentricity method in the prediction of the
peak response of in-plan irregular buildings has been mainly tested with reference
to single-storey systems (Bosco et al. 2013a). In this chapter, its effectiveness is
investigated by multi-storey steel buildings. The seismic response in terms of floor
displacements and storey drifts of each building is evaluated by nonlinear dynamic
analysis, by the corrective eccentricity method and by the standard nonlinear static
method (i.e. without corrective eccentricity). The errors committed by the two
considered nonlinear static methods in the prediction of the maximum dynamic
response are determined and compared.
The considered five storey buildings have rectangular decks with maximum dimen-
sion L and minimum dimension B equal to 30.0 and 18.0 m, respectively (Fig. 17.1).
The interstorey height is equal to 3.30 m. The seismic force is sustained by frames
with buckling restrained braces (BRBs) arranged in the chevron configuration. The
location of the bays with buckling restrained braces is highlighted in Fig. 17.1 by
double line. In order to analyse both torsionally-flexible (TF) and torsionally-rigid
(TR) systems, two different plan layouts of the resisting elements are considered. In
the first layout (Fig. 17.1a), all the frames with BRBs arranged along the y-axis are
close to the centre of rigidity (frames Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6). Instead, in the second
17 Corrective Eccentricity and Braced Buildings 195
y y
a b Y1
Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8
X5 X5
X4 X4
B = 18.0 m
X3 X3
x O=G x
X2 X2
X1 X1
L = 30.0 m L = 30.0 m
Fig. 17.1 Plan layout of the buildings (a) torsionally-flexible and (b) torsionally-rigid structures
layout (Fig. 17.1b), two of the frames with BRBs are located on the two sides of the
building (frames Y1 and Y8). For all the considered systems, the braced frames are
symmetrically arranged. Consequently, the centres of rigidity and those of strength
are always coincident with the geometrical centre of the deck.
The storey mass is calculated according to EC8 by taking into account the dead
and live loads present in the building in the seismic design situation (5.0 kN/m2).
The mass radius of gyration is equal to 10.1 m (0.337 L ). Masses are lumped at deck
level and have the same distribution within every deck. The centres of mass of the
storeys are lined up on a vertical axis and belong to the x-axis because masses are
assumed symmetric with respect to this axis. Structural systems with different
values of the rigidity eccentricity er are obtained considering different positions
of CM. Two values of the rigidity eccentricity are considered. These values are
equal to 0.05 L and 0.15 L and are later named low (-L) and high (-H) rigidity
eccentricities. Centres of mass are assumed to be on the right of the origin O.
Therefore, the left side of the deck is the stiff side while the right one is the flexible
side. The strength eccentricity es is always equal to the rigidity eccentricity.
The frames with BRBs are designed applying the seismic force to two separate
planar models along the x- and y-directions. The design method adopted is that
proposed in Bosco and Marino (2013). Steel grade S235 with characteristic value of
the yield stress fy ¼ 235 MPa is used for all the members. The design seismic force
is evaluated by the elastic spectrum proposed in EC8 for soil type C, characterised
by a peak ground acceleration ag equal to 0.35 g, and reduced by the behaviour
factor q equal to 4. Beam and column cross-sections are selected among the
European wide flange shapes (HEA for beams and HEB for columns). More details
about the design method adopted for the frames with BRBs may be found in Bosco
and Marino (2013). The design axial force of the gravity columns is evaluated
according to the tributary area concept considering the load per square meter for
non-seismic design situation equal to 9.2 kN/m2.
The periods of vibration of the corresponding torsionally-balanced systems
(uncoupled periods) are grouped in triplets. Each triplet contains the periods of
the modes of vibration (translational and rotational) characterized by the same
196 M. Bosco et al.
number of changes in the sign of the modal components. The uncoupled periods of
the translational mode of vibration in the y-direction and that of the rotational mode
are reported in Table 17.1 along with the (coupled) periods of vibration of the
asymmetric buildings.
The numerical analyses are carried out by means of the OpenSees program
(Mazzoni et al. 2003). The buildings are represented by means of a 3D centreline
model with rigid diaphragms. Beams of the braced frames and columns are
modelled by means of elements (Beam With Hinges Elements) which are elastic
in the middle and inelastic at the ends within parts of finite length. All beam-to-
column connections are pinned. BRBs are modelled by means of a single truss
element. To take into account the variability of the cross-section of the BRB along
the longitudinal axis, these latter members are characterised by an equivalent cross-
section area Aeq equal to
Aeq ¼ L j Ac ð17:1Þ
Lw A j þ LLwt AAct þ LLwc
where Lw is the length of the brace, Lc ¼ 0.5 Lw is the length of the yielding core of
BRB, Lj/2 ¼ 0.65 m is the length of each part of the connection segment, Lt is the
length of the transition segment and Ac/At ¼ 0.5 and Ac/Aj ¼ 0.3 are the ratios of the
cross-sectional area of the yielding core to the cross-sectional areas of the transition
and connection segments, respectively.
The Giuffré-Menegotto-Pinto uniaxial material is assigned to the truss element.
The plastic resistance of the BRBs is equal to the axial force corresponding to the
yielding of the core. Therefore, the yielding stress is equal to fy,eq.
17 Corrective Eccentricity and Braced Buildings 197
f y, eq ¼ f ym ð17:2Þ
fym being the mean value of the yield stress of the BRB (235 MPa). The post-yield
stiffness ratio kh is fixed equal to 0.053.
The seismic analyses are performed in order to predict the seismic response of the
buildings in terms of the floor displacements and storey drifts along the y-direction,
which is the one affected by lateral-torsional coupling. Both nonlinear dynamic
analysis (NDA) and nonlinear static (NS) analysis are performed. The seismic
response obtained by the nonlinear dynamic analysis is assumed as benchmark to
be predicted by the nonlinear static method of analysis. This analysis is also used to
determine the seismic response of the corresponding planar systems. All the
seismic analyses are carried out starting from a structural configuration in which
the structural members have already been subjected to the gravity loads of the
seismic design situation. P-Δ effects are not considered in the analysis because the
interstorey drift sensitivity coefficient is lower than 0.1 for all the considered
buildings (CEN 2004).
Seven ground motions are considered for the nonlinear dynamic analyses. The
single ground motion consists of two accelerometric components acting along the
x- and y-directions. The components of each ground motion are different from each
other and compatible with the elastic response spectrum proposed in EC8 for soft
soil (type C) and equivalent viscous damping ratio equal to 0.03. The accelerograms
have been generated by means of the SIMQKE program (1976). The total length of
the accelerogram is equal to 20 s while that of the strong motion phase is equal to
7 s, i.e. slightly lower than the minimum value suggested in EC8. Details about the
choice of these accelerograms are described in Amara et al. (2014). Three levels of
seismic excitation are considered. Specifically, the peak ground acceleration is set
equal to 0.25 g, 0.35 g or 0.43 g.
The Rayleigh formulation is used to introduce damping. Mass and stiffness
coefficients are defined so that two modes of vibration of the structures are
characterised by an equivalent viscous damping ratio equal to 0.03. For planar
systems, the considered modes of vibration are the first and second modes of
vibration in the y-direction (i.e. Ty1 and Ty2 in Table 17.1). For the asymmetric
systems, the first mode of vibration is that with the maximum period between Tyθ1
198 M. Bosco et al.
and Tθy1 and the second mode is that with the maximum period between Tyθ2 and
For each building, the pushover analysis is performed by a set of horizontal forces
applied in the y-direction and distributed along the height according to an inverted
triangular load pattern. For each considered seismic excitation level, the pushover
analysis is stopped when the displacement of the centre of mass of the top floor of
the asymmetric system is equal to the average of the seven maximum top dynamic
displacements of the corresponding planar system (target displacement). The
present research study is intended to investigate solely the improvement caused
by the corrective eccentricities to the prediction of the torsional response. Owing to
this, the errors committed by the pushover analysis and regarding the translational
response of the structures have been eliminated (Bosco et al. 2009). In particular,
when predicting the floor displacements, the displacements provided by the push-
over analysis at each storey of the building are scaled so that the displacement at the
centre of mass equals the average of the maximum dynamic displacements of the
corresponding planar system. When predicting the storey drifts, a similar scaling
procedure is applied to the storey drifts.
The calculation of the corrective eccentricities e1 and e2 requires that the parame-
ters er, es, Ωθ and Rμ be determined. The rigidity eccentricity and the strength
eccentricity are equal to 4.5 m (i.e. 0.15 L ) for systems TF-H and TR-H, while
they are equal to 1.5 m (i.e. 0.05 L ) for systems TF-L and TR-L.
Among the methods available in literature (Bosco et al. 2013b; Calderoni
et al. 2002; Doudomis and Athanatopoulou 2008; Makarios and Anastassiadis
1998a, b; Makarios 2008; Georgoussis 2009), the one proposed by Makarios and
Anastassiadis (1998a, b) is used for the determination of the uncoupled torsional to
lateral frequency ratios. According to this method, the uncoupled ratio Ωθy is
calculated as the ratios of the rigidity radius of gyration rkx to the mass radius of
gyration. This ratio is equal to 0.822 and 1.258 for the torsionally-flexible and the
torsionally-rigid structures, respectively.
The parameter Rμ is determined as the ratio of the required elastic base shear Vb,
el to the actual lateral strength Vby,u of the corresponding planar system. The elastic
base shear is obtained by modal response spectrum analysis. The elastic response
spectrum is that given in EC8 for soil C with peak ground acceleration ag depending
on the considered seismic excitation level (0.25 g, 0.35 g or 0.43 g). The actual
lateral strength is calculated by pushover analysis, as the base shear corresponding
17 Corrective Eccentricity and Braced Buildings 199
to the target displacement of the top floor required by the assigned seismic level.
For all the considered structures, the ratios Rμ corresponding to the three considered
values of ag are equal to 2.69, 3.44 or 4.01.
The corrective eccentricities calculated on the basis of the relations proposed in
Bosco et al. (2012) are reported in Table 17.2.
In this section, a comparison is carried out between the seismic response obtained
by means of the considered nonlinear static methods, i.e. the corrective eccentricity
method and the standard nonlinear static method, and that obtained by nonlinear
dynamic analysis. Note that the nonlinear static method without corrective eccen-
tricity will be named as “EC8 method” for brevity even if it does not exactly
coincide with the method reported in the code. Indeed, as remarked in Sect. 17.4.2,
the results presented in this section correspond to the average top displacement
obtained by means of the nonlinear dynamic analyses.
The in-plan distributions of the roof displacements obtained by the considered
methods are compared in Fig. 17.2 with reference to systems with high eccentricity
and peak ground acceleration equal to 0.35 g.
To provide a measure of the capability of the nonlinear static methods to predict
the results of nonlinear dynamic analysis, the percentage error committed in the
estimate of the dynamic displacement is calculated as
usti uidyn
Err i ð%Þ ¼ , i ¼ 1 or 2 ð17:3Þ
10 10
5 5
0 0
- L /2 CR CM L /2 - L /2 CR CM L /2
Fig. 17.2 Comparison of the top displacements obtained by the considered methods
buildings. Instead, the displacements and drifts of the stiff side are well predicted
only for the structure TR-L.
The application of the corrective eccentricity method maintains the effectiveness
of the EC8 method in the prediction of the displacement of the flexible side and
provides a better estimate on the stiff side. In fact, in the worst case the maximum
unconservative errors committed by the EC8 and corrective eccentricity methods
are about 90 and 12 % in terms of floor displacements (Fig. 17.3a), and about
100 and 35 % in terms of storey drifts (Fig. 17.3b). Even if it is not shown in the
figure, when the corrective eccentricity method is applied, the above mentioned
maximum unconservative error in the estimate of storey drifts is committed at a
single storey while the errors at the other storeys are significantly lower.
17.7 Conclusions
The chapter presents the validation of the corrective eccentricity method on a set of
four multi-storey braced structures. The set of buildings includes torsionally-
flexible and torsionally-rigid structures characterised by low or high rigidity and
strength eccentricities. Further, three different seismic excitation levels are consid-
ered to analyse the effectiveness of the corrective eccentricity method in case of
structures with moderate or high inelastic response. The effectiveness of the
corrective eccentricity method is demonstrated by comparing its accuracy in
predicting the nonlinear dynamic response of the analysed asymmetric buildings
to that obtained by the standard application of the nonlinear static method,
i.e. without corrective eccentricities. This comparison shows that the standard
nonlinear static method provides a suitable prediction of the floor displacement
and storey drifts only of the flexible side of the building. The corrective eccentricity
method significantly enhances the prediction of floor displacement and storey drift
on the stiff side of the building and the error committed in the prediction is always
202 M. Bosco et al.
100% 100%
75% Stiff Side Flexible Side 75% Stiff Side Flexible Side
50% 50%
25% 25%
0% 0%
-25% -25%
-50% -50%
-75% 0.35 g -75%
-100% -100%
100% 100%
75% Stiff Side Flexible Side 75% Stiff Side Flexible Side
50% 50%
25% 25%
0% 0%
-25% -25%
-50% -50%
-75% 0.43 g -75%
-100% -100%
a b
Fig. 17.3 Percentage errors in the evaluation of (a) floor displacements and (b) storey drifts
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Fajfar P (1999) Capacity spectrum method based on inelastic demand spectra. Earthq Eng Struct
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Fujii K (2014) Prediction of the largest peak nonlinear seismic response of asymmetric buildings
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Giorgi P, Scotta R (2013) Validation and improvement of N1 method for pushover analysis. Soil
Dyn Earthq Eng 55:140–147
Kreslin M, Fajfar P (2012) The extended N2 method considering higher mode effects in both plan
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Makarios T (2008) Practical calculation of the torsional stiffness radius of multi-storey tall
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Georgoussis GK (2009) An alternative approach for assessing eccentricities in asymmetric
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Chapter 18
Influence of the Interaction Yield
Domain on Lateral-Torsional Coupling
of Asymmetric Single-Storey Systems
Melina Bosco, Aurelio Ghersi, Edoardo M. Marino, and Pier Paolo Rossi
Abstract Single-storey models are widely adopted because they are able to
describe the main aspects of the torsional coupling of asymmetric buildings and,
at the same time, they are simple enough to enable extensive parametric analysis.
Generally, single-story systems are constituted by a rigid deck, where the mass is
lumped, supported by vertical resisting elements with lateral stiffness and strength
in their plane only (uni-axial resisting elements). Thus, these models neglect the
interaction phenomena that can be observed in actual framed structures, where the
vertical resisting elements provide lateral stiffness and strength in all the horizontal
directions. In this chapter, the influence of the interaction phenomena on the
torsional coupling of the seismic response of asymmetric buildings predicted by
nonlinear methods of analysis is investigated. Single storey systems with bi- and
uni-axial resisting elements are used to simulate structures whose seismic response
is affected or not by interaction phenomena. Finally, both nonlinear dynamic and
nonlinear static methods of analysis are investigated.
18.1 Introduction
(Bosco et al. 2012). In fact, single-storey systems represent the extreme schemati-
zation of a real building and, although they do not cover some peculiarities related
to the heightwise distribution of structural properties (Anagnostopoulos et al. 2010;
De Stefano et al. 2013, 2014; Ghersi et al. 2007), they are able to describe the main
aspects of the torsional seismic behaviour of actual asymmetric buildings which are
regular in elevation (Bosco et al. 2013; De Stefano and Pintucchi 2010; Goel and
Chopra 1990; Hejal and Chopra 1987; Palermo et al. 2013; Peruš and Fajfar 2005).
Generally, single-storey systems are constituted by a rigid deck, where the mass
is lumped, supported by vertical resisting elements with lateral stiffness and
strength in their plane only (uni-axial resisting elements). Based on the response
of these models, four structural parameters seem to influence mostly the seismic
response of asymmetric systems (Goel and Chopra 1990; Hejal and Chopra 1987;
Palermo et al. 2013). These parameters are the rigidity eccentricity er (distance
between the centre of rigidity CR and the centre of mass CM), the ratio Ωθ of the
torsional to lateral frequencies of the corresponding torsionally balanced system
(obtained by shifting CM into CR), the strength eccentricity es (distance between the
centre of strength CS and CM) and the ratio Rμ of the elastic strength demand to the
actual strength of the system.
The single storey models with uni-axial resisting elements may be considered
representative of multi-storey buildings in which the seismic forces are sustained by
braced frames or shear walls. Instead, these models are less effective in simulating
the response of r.c. and steel framed structures (Bosco et al. 2015). The vertical
resisting elements of these structures, i.e. the columns, provide lateral stiffness and
strength in all the horizontal directions and are characterised by a bi-axial yield
domain such that the presence of bi-axial bending reduces their strength capacity
(interaction phenomena). These aspects are neglected by uni-axial resisting
In this chapter, the influence of interaction phenomena on torsional coupling of
the seismic response of asymmetric buildings is investigated. Specifically, two
different sets of single-storey models are considered. In the first set, the resisting
elements provide lateral stiffness and strength along only one horizontal direction
(either x- or y-direction of an orthogonal coordinate reference system). In the
second set, the resisting elements provide lateral stiffness and strength in all the
horizontal directions and possess a bi-axial yield domain (bi-axial resisting ele-
ments) to take into account the interaction phenomena. The seismic response of the
considered models is expressed in terms of in plan distribution of displacements and
is evaluated by both nonlinear dynamic and nonlinear static analyses.
All the analysed systems have a deck that is rectangular in plan and has dimensions,
denoted as B and L, equal to 12.5 m and 29.5 m, respectively. The mass m of the
deck is equal to 1416 t, while the mass radius of gyration rm about the centre of
18 Influence of the Interaction Yield Domain 207
mass CM is equal to 0.312 L. The resisting elements are located symmetrically with
respect to the geometrical centre of the deck G.
The considered systems have values of Ωθ which range from 0.6 to 1.4 with step
0.05 so as to analyse both torsionally flexible (Ωθ < 1) and torsionally stiff systems
(Ωθ > 1). For each value of Ωθ, several values of er from 0.1 L to 0 with step
0.025 L are considered to include both systems with small and large rigidity
eccentricity. The total lateral strength S of the systems is determined assuming
values of Rμ from 1.0 to 6.0 with step 1.0. As a consequence, the considered systems
may experience either moderate or large plastic deformations during the earth-
quake. Finally, for each value of Rμ, the total lateral strength is distributed among
the resisting elements considering values of es from 0.1 L to 0.1 L with step
0.025 L.
The influence of interaction phenomena is evaluated by comparing the seismic
response of systems characterised by the same values of er, es, Ωθ and Rμ and
belonging to the sets of systems described in the two following Sections.
The resisting elements of the first set of systems (Fig. 18.1a) are arranged along the
axes of the assumed reference system (4 along the x-axis and 8 along the y-axis).
Each vertical resisting element has lateral stiffness and strength in its plane only
(Fig. 18.1b) and is characterised by a bi-linear force-displacement relationship. The
contribution γx of the resisting elements arranged along the x-axis to the total
torsional stiffness of the system about the centre of rigidity CR is equal to 20 %.
This value is proper for buildings with a rectangular plan.
Structural systems with prefixed values of er are generated by modifying the
position of CM. The lateral stiffness kxi of the i-th resisting element along the x-
direction and that kyj of the j-th element along the y-direction are modified
a y (1) b y
Side 2 (flexible)
Side 1 (stiff)
B CR=G CS CM x x
Fig. 18.1 (a) Plan layout of the systems of the first set; (b) uni-axial resistance of the resisting
208 M. Bosco et al.
a (2) (2)
y b y
kxi,j,kyi,j Fy
Side 2 (flexible)
Side 1 (stiff)
CR=G CS x x
Fig. 18.2 (a) Plan layout of the systems of the second set; (b) bi-axial yield domain of the
resisting elements
according to the procedure described in Ghersi and Rossi (2000) to obtain prefixed
values of Ωθ. Symmetry is maintained with respect to the x-axis.
The global lateral strength Sx ¼ Sy of the systems is assigned so as to have
prefixed values of the ratio Rμ of the elastic strength demand to the actual strength
of the corresponding planar system (i.e. of the system obtained by restraining the
deck rotation of the basic scheme).
Then, in order to have assigned values of the strength eccentricity es, the lateral
strength is distributed among the resisting elements according to the procedure
described in Bosco et al. (2012). Furthermore, in order to consider the influence of
the strength distribution on the inelastic seismic response of the systems, ten
random distributions of strength sxi, syi are generated for each value of es.
The resisting elements of the systems of the second set (Fig. 18.2a) provide lateral
stiffness and strength in all the horizontal directions. The resisting elements are
located at the points of the deck, which are the intersection of the axes of the
resisting elements of the first set of systems.
In order to have systems which are characterised by the same values of the global
parameters (er, es, Ωθ and Rμ) of the corresponding systems of the first set, the
ð2Þ ð2Þ
components along the x- and y-direction of the lateral stiffness (kxi;j , kyi;j ) and
ð2Þ ð2Þ
strength (sxi;j , syi;j ) of the resisting element which is located at the intersection of
the i-th and j-th element are obtained by the relations:
ð1Þ ð1Þ
ð2Þ kxi ð2Þ ky j
kxi, j ¼ ð1Þ
k yi, j ¼ ð1Þ
ny nx
18 Influence of the Interaction Yield Domain 209
ð1Þ ð1Þ
ð2Þ sxi, j ð2Þ sy j
sxi, j ¼ ð1Þ
s yi, j ¼ ð1Þ
ny nx
ð1Þ ð1Þ
where n y ¼ 8 and nx ¼ 4 are the number of resisting elements arranged along the
y- or x-direction in the systems of the first set.
An elastic-perfectly plastic constitutive relation following the normality rule is
adopted, and interaction phenomena arising in the nonlinear range of behaviour are
accounted for by means of an ellipse yield domain (Fig. 18.2b).
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
=1.0, R µ=3, e r = e s= −0.10L
0.0 0.0
-L /2 CR=CS CM L /2 -L /2 CR=CS CM L /2
Fig. 18.3 Comparison between systems with uni- or bi-axial resisting elements (a) dynamic
displacements; (b) static displacements
Rμ ¼ 3, and Ωθ ¼ 1.0. The solid line represents the displacements of the system with
uni-axial resisting elements while the dashed line represents those of the
corresponding system with bi-axial resisting elements. The figure shows that the
increase in the dynamic displacements due to torsional effects on the flexible side is
equal for the two systems. Instead, at the stiff side, the torsional effects cause an
increase in the displacements obtained for systems with bi-axial resisting elements
(udyn,y/upl,y ¼ 1.09) and a reduction in the displacements for the system with
uni-axial resisting elements (udyn,y/upl,y ¼ 0.88).
A similar comparison is reported in Fig. 18.3b in terms of displacements
obtained by the pushover analysis (ust,y). Once again, the displacements are
normalised to the maximum displacements of the corresponding planar system.
The figure shows that, for the considered system, the torsional effects are more
significant in the systems with bi-axial resisting elements. In fact, at the stiff side
the ratio ust,y/upl,y is equal to 0.29 for the system with uni-axial resisting element
and equal to 0.14 for the system with bi-axial resisting elements. Similarly, the ratio
above is equal to either 1.48 or 1.58 at the flexible side.
Note that the results referring to Ωθ ¼ 1.0 have been plotted because this value of
Ωθ is proper of buildings with a framed structure, i.e. of buildings for which the
bi-axial interaction phenomena may be significant.
To summarise the results obtained for the large number of structures analysed,
the ratios udyn,y/upl,y and ust,y/upl,y are first calculated at the stiff (udyn1/upl, ust1/upl)
and flexible (udyn2/upl, ust2/upl) side for an assigned system (identified by fixed
values of Ωθ, Rμ es, er and by an assigned distribution of strength among the
resisting elements). As the values of these ratios corresponding to the 10 strength
distributions are always very close to one another, the average of the 10 values is
considered as representative of the results corresponding to the different strength
Then, the ratios udyn/upl and ust/upl are plotted in Figs. 18.4 and 18.5 as a function
of er and es for assigned values of Ωθ and Rμ. The grey surface refers to the ratios
obtained for systems with uni-axial resisting elements; the white surface refers to
18 Influence of the Interaction Yield Domain 211
1 1 1
0 0 0
-0.10 -0.10 -0.10
0.10 0.10 0.10
-0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00
er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
1 1 1
0 0 0
-0.10 -0.10 -0.10
0.10 0.10 0.10
-0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00
er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
1 1 1
0 0 0
-0.10 -0.10 -0.10
0.10 0.10 0.10
-0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00
er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
1 1 1
0 0 0
-0.10 -0.10 -0.10
0.10 0.10 0.10
-0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00
er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
Fig. 18.4 Effects of the torsional coupling on the dynamic displacements at the stiff or flexible
side of the systems
systems with bi-axial resisting element. Figure 18.4 shows that, if nonlinear
dynamic analyses are carried out, the variations in the torsional response between
systems belonging to the two considered sets are moderate, independently of the
considered values of Ωθ and Rμ. Instead, the interaction phenomena affect the
prediction of the torsional response obtained by nonlinear static analysis signifi-
cantly (Fig. 18.5). Further, the differences between the surfaces representing the
two considered sets of systems increase as the ratio Rμ increases.
212 M. Bosco et al.
1 1 1
0 0 0
-0.10 -0.10 -0.10
0.10 0.10 0.10
-0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00
er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
1 1 1
0 0 0
-0.10 -0.10 -0.10
0.10 0.10 0.10
-0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00
er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
1 1 1
0 0 0
-0.10 -0.10 -0.10
0.10 0.10 0.10
-0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00
er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
1 1 1
0 0 0
-0.10 -0.10 -0.10
0.10 0.10 0.10
-0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00 -0.05 0.00
er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
es er 0.00 -0.10
Fig. 18.5 Effects of the torsional coupling on the static displacements at the stiff or flexible side of
the systems
18.5 Conclusions
Melina Bosco, Aurelio Ghersi, Edoardo M. Marino, and Pier Paolo Rossi
Abstract Traditional nonlinear static methods, e.g. the original version of the N2
method implemented in Eurocode 8, are not always effective in the assessment of
asymmetric structures. To overcome this shortcoming, two methods have been
recently suggested by Kreslin and Fajfar and by Bosco et al. In this chapter, the two
improved nonlinear static methods and the original N2 method are applied to
predict the maximum seismic response of three groups of single-storey systems.
Further, the systems of each group are schematised by means of two different
single-storey models. In the first model, a rigid deck is sustained by resisting
elements, which provide lateral stiffness and strength along only one horizontal
direction. In the second model, the resisting elements provide lateral stiffness and
strength in all the horizontal directions and possess a bi-axial yield domain.
19.1 Introduction
The nonlinear static method included in Eurocode 8, i.e. the N2 method pro-
posed by Fajfar and his research team (Fajfar and Gašperšič 1996; Fajfar 1999),
considers that the structure vibrates predominantly in a single mode. For this
reason, it is suitable for predicting the response of regular planar frames, particu-
larly if these structures are low-rise. The response of asymmetric structures, instead,
always sees important contributions from more than one mode of vibration and is
characterised by the simultaneous translation and rotation of the decks.
To make the nonlinear static methods reliable for the estimation of the displace-
ment demand of plan-asymmetric structures, several researchers have proposed
improvements to the standard procedure (Bento et al. 2010; Bosco et al. 2012;
Chopra and Goel 2004; Fujii 2014; Kreslin and Fajfar 2012; Peruš and Fajfar 2005).
These new procedures are called improved nonlinear static methods hereinafter.
In this chapter, the effectiveness of two improved nonlinear static methods and
that of the original N2 method is investigated. The first improved method is the
“extended N2 method” (Kreslin and Fajfar 2012). This method is based on the
assumption that the results of the elastic analysis of an asymmetric structure,
properly normalised, represent the upper bound of the torsional amplification of
the inelastic response. The second improved method is the “corrective eccentricity
method” (Bosco et al. 2012). According to this method, two nonlinear static
analyses have to be performed for each direction of the seismic action. The lateral
forces are applied to two points of the deck that are different from the centre of mass
(CM). The distances between the points where the lateral force is applied and CM are
named corrective eccentricities.
The two improved nonlinear static methods and the original N2 method are
applied here to predict the maximum dynamic response of three groups of single-
storey systems. Further, the systems of each group are schematised by means of two
different single-storey models. In the first model, a rigid deck is sustained by
resisting elements, which provide lateral stiffness and strength along only one
horizontal direction (either x- or y-direction of an orthogonal coordinate reference
system). In the second model, the resisting elements provide lateral stiffness and
strength in all the horizontal directions. In particular, an elastic-perfectly plastic
constitutive relation following the normality rule has been adopted, and interaction
phenomena arising in the nonlinear range of behaviour are accounted for by means
of an ellipse yield domain.
According to the extended N2 method (Kreslin and Fajfar 2012) the inelastic
seismic response of asymmetric structures can be conservatively predicted by
adjusting the results of the original N2 method by means of correction factors
19 Improved Nonlinear Static Methods 217
a y b y
Side 2 (flexible)
Side 1 (stiff)
es es
er er
Fig. 19.1 Layout of systems with (a) uni-axial resisting elements; (b) bi-axial resisting elements
For all the systems, the contribution γx of the resisting elements arranged along
the x-axis to the total torsional stiffness about CR is equal to 20 %. The systems
belonging to each group are characterised by different values of the parameter er, es,
Ωθ and Rμ. Specifically, er is in the range from 0.1 L to 0 (step 0.025 L ), es is in the
range from 0.1 L to 0.10 L (step 0.025 L ), Ωθ is in the range from 0.6 to 1.4 (step
0.05) and Rμ is in the range 1.0–6.0 (step 1.0). A further value Rμ ¼ 0.5 is considered
to obtain also systems which exhibit an elastic behaviour.
In this section, the effectiveness of the nonlinear static methods in estimating the
maximum dynamic displacements of single-storey asymmetric systems is investi-
gated. To this end, the single-storey systems described in the previous section are
subjected to ten pairs of artificially generated ground motions and their seismic
response is determined by nonlinear dynamic analysis. The Newmark method is
used to evaluate the dynamic response of the analysed systems. The Rayleigh
formulation is considered for damping. In particular, the viscous damping ratio is
set equal to 5 % for the first and the third modes of vibration of the system. The
average of the displacements along the y-direction obtained for the ten
bi-directional ground motions is assumed as the benchmark for the nonlinear static
methods. A computer program developed by the authors is used for the numerical
analyses. This program can perform both the pushover and nonlinear dynamic
analysis of 3D single-storey systems supported by uni- or bi-axial vertical resisting
The errors committed by the nonlinear static methods (original N2 method,
extended N2 method and corrective eccentricity method) in the estimate of the
distribution of the maximum dynamic displacements are determined and analysed.
As the object of this chapter is to test and compare the effectiveness of the analysed
nonlinear static methods in predicting the in-plan distribution of the displacement
demand, the errors in the estimate of the target displacement of the centre of mass
(Bosco et al. 2009) are eliminated. To achieve this goal, the target displacement of
the centre of mass of the asymmetric system is set equal to the average of the ten
maximum (nonlinear) dynamic displacements of the corresponding planar system.
The effectiveness of the nonlinear static methods is quantified by means of the
percentage difference between the displacement evaluated by the nonlinear static
method and the corresponding value obtained by the dynamic analysis. Positive
percentage differences indicate a conservative estimate provided by the nonlinear
static method while negative values correspond to an unconservative estimate.
Three types of errors are calculated with regard to the whole system: (i) the
maximum unconservative error (indicated as max UCo error in figures), (ii) the
maximum conservative error (max Co error in figures), and (iii) the average
absolute error, i.e. the average of the absolute values of the errors committed for
all the resisting elements (AAv error in figures).
220 M. Bosco et al.
To summarise the results obtained for the large number of structures analysed, each
of the errors defined in the previous section is processed according to a procedure
described in (Bosco et al. 2013) and reported in a compact form in Figs. 19.2 and
19.3. Grey, dark and white surfaces represent the errors committed by the original
U -01 +100
+100 0
AAv Err.(%)
0 0 -100
01 01 01
1.4 23 1.4 23 1.4
23 1.2 1.2 1.2
45 0.8
1.0 45 0.8 1.0 45 0.8
6 0.6
Rμ 6 0.6
Ωθ Rμ Ωθ Rμ 6 0.6
+100 +100 0
max UCo Err.(%)
max Co Err.(%)
AAv Err.(%)
0 0 -100
01 01 01
23 1.4 23 1.4 23 1.4
1.2 1.2 1.2
45 1.0 45 1.0 45 1.0
0.8 6 0.6 0.8 6 0.6 0.8
6 0.6
Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ
+100 +100 0
max UCo Err.(%)
max Co Err.(%)
AAv Err.(%)
0 0 -100
01 01 01
23 1.4 23 1.4 23 1.4
1.2 1.2 1.2
45 1.0 45 1.0 45 1.0
0.8 0.8 6 0.6 0.8
6 0.6 6 0.6
Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ
+100 +100 0
max UCo Err.(%)
max Co Err.(%)
AAv Err.(%)
0 0 -100
01 01 01
23 1.4 23 1.4 23 1.4
1.2 1.2 1.2
45 1.0 45 1.0 45 1.0
0.8 0.8 0.8
6 0.6 6 0.6 6 0.6
Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ
Fig. 19.2 Comparison between the errors committed by the original N2 method and the corrective
eccentricity method (systems U-01, U-03, B-01, B-03)
19 Improved Nonlinear Static Methods 221
AAv Err.(%)
+50 +50 -50
0 0 -100
01 01 01
23 1.4 23 1.4 23 1.4
1.2 1.2 1.2
45 1.0 4 1.0 4 1.0
0.8 56 0.8 56 0.8
6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ
AAv Err.(%)
0 0 -100
01 01 01
23 1.4 23 1.4 23 1.4
1.2 1.2 1.2
45 1.0 4 1.0 4 1.0
0.8 56 0.8 56 0.8
6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ
max UCo Err.(%)
+100 +100
max Co Err.(%)
AAv Err.(%)
0 0 -100
01 01 01
1.4 1.4 23 1.4
23 1.2 23 1.2 1.2
45 1.0 4 1.0 4 1.0
0.8 56 0.8 56 0.8
Rμ 6 0.6
Ωθ Rμ 0.6
Rμ Ωθ
+100 +100 0
max UCo Err.(%)
max Co Err.(%)
AAv Err.(%)
0 0 -100
01 01 01
23 1.4 23 1.4 23 1.4
1.2 1.2 1.2
45 1.0 4 1.0 4 1.0
0.8 56 0.8 56 0.8
6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ Rμ Ωθ
Fig. 19.3 Comparison between the errors committed by the improved nonlinear static methods
(systems U-01, U-03, B-01, B-03)
19.6 Conclusions
Bento R, Bhatt C, Pinho R (2010) Verification of nonlinear static procedures for a 3D irregular
SPEAR building. Earthq Struct 1(2):177–195
Bosco M, Ghersi A, Marino EM (2009) On the evaluation of seismic response of structures by
nonlinear static methods. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 38(13):1465–1482
Bosco M, Ghersi A, Marino EM (2012) Corrective eccentricities for assessment by the nonlinear
static method of 3D structures subjected to bidirectional ground motions. Earthq Eng Struct
Dyn 41(13):1751–1773
Bosco M, Ghersi A, Marino EM, Rossi PP (2013) Comparison of nonlinear static methods for the
assessment of asymmetric buildings. Bull Earthq Eng 11(6):2287–2308
Bosco M, Ghersi A, Marino EM, Rossi PP (2015) Influence of the interaction yield domain on
lateral-torsional coupling of asymmetric single-storey systems. In: Zbigniew Zembaty and
Mario De Stefano (Eds) Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil
Structures II, vol 40, Chapter 18. Springer
Chopra AK, Goel RK (2004) A modal pushover analysis procedure to estimate seismic demands
for unsymmetric-plan buildings. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 33(8):903–927
Fajfar P (1999) Capacity spectrum method based on inelastic demand spectra. Earthq Eng Struct
Dyn 28(9):979–993
Fajfar P, Gašperšič P (1996) The N2 method for the seismic damage analysis of rc buildings.
Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 25(1):31–46
Fujii K (2014) Prediction of the largest peak nonlinear seismic response of asymmetric buildings
under bi-directional excitation using pushover analyses. Bull Earthq Eng 12(2):909–938
Goel RK, Chopra AK (1990) Inelastic seismic response of one-story, asymmetric plan systems.
Report No. UCB/EERC-90/14. University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley
Hejal R, Chopra AK (1987) Earthquake response of torsionally-coupled buildings. Earthquake
Engineering Research Center, Report n UCB/EERC-87/20. College of Engineering, Univer-
sity of California at Berkeley
Kreslin M, Fajfar P (2012) The extended N2 method considering higher mode effects in both plan
and elevation. Bull Earthq Eng 10:695–715
Palermo M, Silvestri S, Gasparini G, Trombetti T (2013) Physically-based prediction of the
maximum corner displacement magnification of one-storey eccentric systems. Bull Earthq
Eng 11(5): 1467–1491
Peruš I, Fajfar P (2005) On the inelastic torsional response of single-storey structures under
bi-axial excitation. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 34(8):931–941
Chapter 20
Influence of the Rotational Mass Inertia
on the Torsional Seismic Response
Dietlinde K€
ober and Dan Zamfirescu
Abstract Structures with uneven distributions of mass and stiffness (in the elastic
range of behavior) and of mass and strength (in the inelastic range of behavior) are
subjected to general torsion. These structures are called plan irregular ones. From a
static elastic point of view general torsion may be described as a rotational
movement around the center of stiffness, due to a given eccentricity (a distance
between the center of stiffness, CR and the center of mass, CM). In order to describe
more accurate the seismic behavior of plan irregular structures, at least a dynamic
elastic point of view is needed. Under dynamic seismic input rotational mass inertia
tries to overcome the rotation generated by the given eccentricity. Therefor a
rotational inertial moment appears, as counterpart for the rotation around the
CR. When moving to the nonlinear range of behavior, the rotational movement
around CM takes place as counterpart of the rotational movement around the center
of strength, CF. The authors aim to investigate how the rotational moment, due to
mass inertia, changes for different structural layouts and seismic inputs. Because
the rotational inertial moment is a measure for the elastic as well as for the inelastic
structural behavior, it turns out to be a consistent way of describing the seismic
response of plan irregular structures.
20.1 Introduction
Several past studies concerning plan irregular structures (K€ober and Zamfirescu
2009, 2010; De La Llera and Chopra 1995; Garcia et al. 2004; Goel and Chopra
1990) showed a great sensitivity of their seismic response to the nature and intensity
of the seismic input. According to former work in this field, the displacement
demand turned out to be very different when changing the accelerogram applied
for dynamic calculation. Therefore consistent trends of behaviour for plan irregular
structures are difficult to define in terms of structural displacement and rotation. A
response measure having limited variation with respect to the seismic input and to
the structural layout is needed. Former research in the field of plan irregular
structures mentioned the rotary inertia of mass as an important parameter of the
dynamic response (Paulay 2001). This study focuses on the effect of the inertial
rotational moment, a measure suitable for the elastic range of behaviour as well as
for the inelastic one, that may be described as follows (see Fig. 20.1):
Mstatic ¼ F·e – static torsional moment equal to the seismic equivalent load
(F) multiplied by the given eccentricity (e); gives a rotational movement around
the centre of stiffness, CR;
Mtotal ¼ Σ(Fyi·di + Fyj·dj) – torsional capacity defined as product of the yield forces
of the structural elements and the distance between the structural elements and
the centre of mass CM; “i” and “j” are the main directions of the layout;
Mdynamic – counterpart of the static torsional moment, due to rotational mass inertia.
A given eccentricity, e, produces the torsional moment Mstatic, which initiates a
torsional movement around CM, Mdynamic. The two torsional components are
withstand by the structural torsional capacity. Mdynamic may be reflected only by
dynamic calculation. In static calculation mass inertia is not mobilized.
The authors analyzed two different types of single-story plan irregular structures
(twist restricted as well as twist unrestricted) subjected to a natural accelerogram
and three spectrum compatible records, considering the design spectra of the
Romanian Seismic Design Code and of the Eurocode 8. Several corner periods of
the seismic input and structural eigen periods were considered. Dynamic nonlinear
20 Mass Inertia and Seismic Torsion 227
calculation was applied for earthquake intensity values with a PGA of 0,2 g and of
0,4 g). The aim of the study is to investigate if the inertial torsional moment may be
a predictable measure for the seismic response of plan irregular structures.
The study focuses especially on torsional restrained structures (having also
structural elements perpendicular to the direction of the seismic input because
they are practice suitable) and on structures with concentrated stiffness and strength
(walls as lateral resisting elements).
Results from 720 cases (considering the variation of structural stiffness, corner
period of the ground motion and seismic intensity level) were compared.
a X b X
4 5
1 3
1 3
2 2
Y 4
Fy Fy
A/2 A/2 A/2 A/2
Fig. 20.2 Layout of symmetric structures: (a) torsional flexible (TL); (b) torsional stiff (TI)
228 D. K€
ober and D. Zamfirescu
Se/ag b 3
b0= 2.5
3 2.5 x=0,05
b (T)
1.5 1.75/T
1.2 1 5.25/T 2
0.5 TC=0.7s
TB = 0.15s TD = 2.0s TB=0.14 TD=3
TC = 0.5s T
Perioada T, s 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
Fig. 20.3 Seismic design spectra: (a) EC8 – Tc ¼ 0.5 s; (b) Romanian Seismic Design Code –
Tc ¼ 0.7 s
The total weight (G) of the floor is 4840 kN (considering a uniform load
p ¼ 10 kN/m2). The structural walls were modeled as elastic-perfectly plastic
springs acting on x and y direction (Zamfirescu 2000).
The stiffness of the structural elements was chosen for both main directions so
that the initial translational period of the structure equals 0.7 s or 1.6 s. The stiffness
and the strength of walls P2 and P4 (for TL) and of walls P2 and P5 (for TI) remain
Structural static as well as dynamic rotations were computed.
The seismic input for this study is unidirectional (along x direction) and is given by
original records as well as by spectrum compatible accelerograms, acting along the
x axis. Therefor design spectra from Eurocode 8 and the Romanian Seismic Design
Code were used. Design spectra for corner periods equal to 0.5 s and 0.7 s were
The results were obtained for two intensity levels of seismic input, scaling each
accelerogram to a PGA of 0.2 g (Ultimate Limit State, SLU) and 0.4 g (Surviv-
ability Limit State, SVLS). For each seismic intensity level the authors considered
an original record and three spectrum compatible accelerograms (see Fig. 20.3).
The target of this case study was to identify a response measure suitable for plan
irregular structures, that has a controlled variation with respect to the seismic input
and to the structural layout. The authors interest focused on the torsional moment
20 Mass Inertia and Seismic Torsion 229
Fig. 20.4 Total torsional moment versus static torsional moment: (a) TI structure; (b) TL
around CM, Mdynamic (due to rotational mass inertia), as counterpart of the static
torsional moment, Mstatic (given by the static eccentricity). This choice may be
explained by the fact that the torsional moment Mdynamic is a structural response
measure suitable for the elastic as well as for the inelastic range of behaviour and
due to the fact that it may be calculated from static analysis.
Due to the fact that the torsional rotation around CM is reflected only by
dynamic calculation the authors have chosen the name of Mdynamic.
Figure 20.4 shows the variation of Mtotal with respect to Mstatic for the 11 44 m
structural layout and for the range of eccentricities considered (from 20 % up to
20 % of the plan dimension perpendicular to the direction of the seismic input in
steps of 1 %). As expected, Mdynamic is opposite to Mstatic (greater values for Mstatic
than for Mtotal) and has greater values (twice in this case) for the TL structure
compared to the TI structure.
In order to connect the computed Mdynamic to the real behaviour of the analysed
plan irregular structures, dynamic nonlinear calculation was applied and the vari-
ation of Mdynamic with respect to the maximum rotation was investigated (see
Fig. 20.5).
In Fig. 20.5 the variation of Mdynamic with respect to the maximum rotation is
shown for an original seismic input and three spectrum compatible accelerograms.
The straight red line indicates the variation of Mdynamic with the maximum rotation,
having as slope the residual torsional stiffness (computed for the TI structure taking
into account the lateral stiffness of the structural walls perpendicular to the direc-
tion of the seismic input). This estimation is sustained by the fact that the walls
parallel to the direction of the seismic input yield because of translation and do not
contribute to the structural torsional stiffness.
Graphics in Fig. 20.5 are representative for all analyzed cases and show the
following main trends:
(a) Mdynamic has a linear variation with respect to the maximum rotation;
(b) the residual torsional stiffness gives the slope of this variation (until yielding
of all structural elements is achieved);
230 D. K€
ober and D. Zamfirescu
Fig. 20.5 Dynamic torsional moment versus maximum rotation; TI structure; T ¼ 0.7 s;
Tc ¼ 0.5 s: (a) 11 44 ULS; (b) 11 44 SLSV; (c) 22 22 ULS; (d) 22 22 SLSV
Fig. 20.6 Dynamic torsional moment versus maximum rotation for the 11 44 TL structure;
T ¼ 0.7 s; Tc ¼ 0.5 s
(c) remarks (a) and (b) are valid for both analyzed structural layouts, both limit
states and all seismic inputs considered.
Figure 20.6 shows an example of variation of Mdynamic with the maximum
rotation for a TL structure. Remarks made for the TI structures remain valid.
As expected, “yielding” of structural elements is reached earlier compared to the
TI structure because walls parallel to the direction of the seismic input have to
20 Mass Inertia and Seismic Torsion 231
withstand translation and torsion. Once these walls yield, the structure has very low
residual torsional stiffness (curves in Fig. 20.6 become asymptotic).
For the red line in Fig. 20.6 a residual stiffness of 5 % has been considered.
The linear variation of Mdynamic with the maximum rotation is a first
encourageable result of our study. Also the slope of this variation may be estimated
by the residual torsional stiffness. Nevertheless, in order to use those results for
current practice, the eccentricity range for which this estimation may be suitable
should be determined. After “yielding” of walls in both main directions (for TI
structures) this estimation is no more valid and explicit dynamic nonlinear analysis
should be applied.
Tables 20.1 and 20.2 show eccentricity values up to which the residual torsional
stiffness offers a good estimation of the variation of Mdynamic with the maximum
rotation. The eccentricity values are given as percentage from the plan dimension
perpendicular to the direction of the seismic input.
Values in Tables 20.1 and 20.2 show that for T Tc a suitable eccentricity value
may be 10 % irrespective of the limit state, the seismic input or the structural layout.
For T Tc the eccentricity value may be 10 % for SVLS and may rise to 15 %
for ULS.
This eccentricity limit may represent a suitable alternative to nowadays code
provisions regarding the threshold between regular and irregular structures.
232 D. K€
ober and D. Zamfirescu
This study showed that the inertial rotational moment may be a measure of plan
irregularity suitable for practical design. It may be computed by static analysis and
turned out to have a controlled variation with respect to the seismic input, the
structural layout and the seismic intensity.
The residual torsional stiffness gives a good estimation of the variation of the
inertial rotational moment with respect to the maximum structural rotation.
Further investigations need to be conducted considering also a bidirectional
seismic input.
De La Llera JK, Chopra AK (1995) Understanding the inelastic seismic behavior of asymmetric
plan – buildings. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 24(4):549–572
EN 1998-1: 2004. Design of structures for earthquake resistance. General rules, seismic actions
and rules for buildings, pp 45–69
Garcia O, Islas A, Ayala AG (2004) Effect of the in-plan distribution of strength on the non-linear
seismic response of torsionally coupled buildings. In: Proceedings of the 13th WCEE, Lisbon,
24–28 September 2012, p 1891
Goel RK, Chopra AK (1990) Inelastic seismic response of one – story, asymmetric – plan systems.
College of Engineering, University of California at Berkeley. UBC/EERC – 90/14
K€ober D, Zamfirescu D (2009) Simplified methods used for evaluation of the displacement gain
due to general torsion. Sci J Math Model Civ Eng 5(2):32–51
K€ober D, Zamfirescu D (2010) Effects of general torsion on structural displacements. In:
Proceedings 14 ECEE. Technical University Bucharest. ISBN 978-608-65185-1-6
Paulay T (2001) Some design principles relevant to torsional phenomena in ductile buildings.
J Earthq Eng 5(3):273–308
P100 -1/ 2006. Cod de proiectare seismică. Prevederi de proiectare pentru clădiri, 32–61
Zamfirescu D (2000) TORSDIN – dynamic nonlinear analysis computer program. Reinforced
Concrete Department. Technical University Bucharest
Chapter 21
Seismic Response Trends of SDOF Plan
Irregular Structures. Simplified Approach
Dietlinde K€
ober and Dan Zamfirescu
Abstract Plan irregular structures experience a torsional seismic response even if the
seismic input is unidirectional, due to an uneven distribution of mass and stiffness
(in the elastic range of behavior) and of mass and strength (in the inelastic range of
behavior). The seismic behavior of plan irregular structures is difficult to preview due
to coupling between the translational and the rotational movement and to the change of
the importance of stiffness and strength when moving from the elastic to the inelastic
range of behavior. Past studies have also shown a high sensitivity of the seismic
response of plan irregular structures to the characteristics of the ground motion.
Therefor establishing trends of behavior for plan irregular structures is a goal very
difficult to achieve but still it is a basic requirement for defining simplified approaches
useful in current praxis. Dynamic nonlinear analysis and the simplified SESA method
(Kober D, Zamfirescu D, Effects of general torsion on structural displacements. In:
Proceedings 14 ECEE. ISBN 978-608-65185-1-6, 2010) were used for investigation.
Structural displacements, rotations and rotational moments were checked and com-
pared. The aim of the study is to establish behavior trends for plan irregular structures,
looking especially at the variation of the rotation around CM, due to mass inertia.
21.1 Introduction
The authors proposed a simplified method for the estimation of the effects of
general torsion on single story plan irregular structures under seismic action. The
method (called SESA) is based on superposition of modal effects but it is extended
to nonlinear behavior of the structure by using overdamped displacement response
spectra. The method can be analytically applied for the estimation of the displace-
ment amplification due to torsion (compared to translational only behavior) using
the same steps of a regular spectral analysis.
Past studies (K€ober and Zamfirescu 2009, 2010; De La Llera and Chopra 1995;
Garcia et al. 2004) showed a high sensitivity of results from simplified design
methods, with respect to the seismic intensity. Particularly, the observed variation
of the accuracy of results from the SESA method compared to dynamic nonlinear
analysis results is not monotone with the seismic intensity and differs for different
structural assemblies. In order to apply SESA in practical design, the uncertainty of
the accuracy of results should be investigated. Therefor the authors considered a
study concerning the influence of the amount of nonlinearity on the response of plan
irregular structures to be of interest.
Therefore the authors analyzed a large range of single-story plan irregular
structures (twist restricted as well as twist unrestricted) subjected to a natural
input and three spectrum compatible records, considering the design spectra of
the Romanian Seismic Design Code and of the Eurocode 8 (P100 -1/2006; EN
1998-1, 2004). Three corner periods of the ground motion (0,5 s; 0,7 s; 1,6 s) were
taken into account together with the variation of the structural stiffness (eigen
periods of 0,3 s; 0,7 s; 1,6 s) and with the variation of the earthquake intensity
(from elastic behavior until a PGA of 0,4 g). Eccentricity values (distances between
the center of mass and the stiffness center, which coincides with the resistance
center) of up to 20 % from the plan dimension perpendicular to the direction of
the seismic input were considered.
Results from 324 cases (considering the variation of structural stiffness, corner
period of the ground motion and seismic intensity level) were compared in order to
answer the following questions:
1. How does the accuracy of results (from SESA compared to DNA) change with
the seismic intensity, the structural type (TL or TI) and the corner period of the
seismic input?
2. Is the accuracy of results equal for structural displacements, rotations and the
inertial torsional moment?
SESA is based on the estimation of the structural response under seismic action of
an irregular single story system, by modal response spectrum analysis. In order to
take into account the inelastic behavior, the capacity spectrum method is used, by
equating the nonlinear system to an elastic one, equivalent in translation. The
21 Plan Irregularity ‐ Trends of Behaviour 235
In this chapter two single story structures (layout 11 44 m), a twist unrestrained
structure (TL) and a twist restrained structure (TI), were analysed (see Fig. 21.1).
Both are idealized structures with a rigid diaphragm floor and columns and walls as
vertical structural elements. The vertical structural elements are disposed symmet-
ric about the x and y axis. The structural mass is lumped at the center of mass (CM).
The structures of Fig. 21.1 are symmetric structures, being characterized through
a coincidence between the center of stiffness (CR), the center of mass (CM) and the
a X b X
4 5
1 3
1 3
2 2
Y 4
Fy Fy
A/2 A/2 A/2 A/2
Fig. 21.1 Layout of symmetric structures: (a) twist unrestrained (TL); (b) twist restrained (TI)
236 D. K€
ober and D. Zamfirescu
The seismic input for this study is unidirectional (along x direction) and is given by
original records as well as by spectrum compatible accelerograms, acting along the
x axis. Therefor design spectra from Eurocode 8 and the Romanian Seismic Design
Code were used. Design spectra for corner periods equal to 0.5 s, 0.7 s and 1.6 s
were considered.
The results were obtained for elastic behavior (Serviceability Limit State, SLS)
and four intensity levels of seismic input for the inelastic behavior. Therefor each
accelerogram was scaled for four levels of strength: 0.1 g, 0.2 g (Ultimate Limit
State, SLU), 0.3 g and 0.4 g (Survivability Limit State, SLSV). For each seismic
intensity level the authors considered an original record and three spectrum com-
patible accelerograms.
The target of this comparative study was to identify how well the SESA method
based on modal analysis and overdamped response spectra can estimate the seismic
response obtained by dynamic nonlinear calculation (using the Torsdin program),
for different seismic intensity levels. The results of the SESA method were com-
pared to the ones obtained by three-dimensional dynamic analysis (Zamfirescu
2000) in terms of displacement values at characteristic points of the structure
(total displacement of the center of mass (uCMx ), structural rotation (θ), displace-
ments of walls P1 and P3 (ux1, ux3)) and of inertial torsional moments (Fig. 21.2).
The inertial torsional moment was computed as difference between the static
moment and the torsional capacity (torsional moment for yielding of structural
21 Plan Irregularity ‐ Trends of Behaviour 237
For SLS, the SESA method mostly overestimates dynamic nonlinear analysis
results. As expected, results are better for uCMx and θ as for ux1 and ux3.
Figures 21.3 and 21.4 show results for the nonlinear range of behavior, sepa-
rately for torsional unrestrained (TL) and for torsional restrained (TI) structures.
The horizontal axes shows whether the SESA method overestimates (graphics right
side, positive percentage) or underestimates (graphics left side, negative percent-
age) dynamic nonlinear analysis results. The vertical axes represents the percentage
of results (from the total number of results) that fit into a range of accuracy.
For TL it was considered that the torsional stiffness of all walls is affected in the
same way as their translational stiffness. For TI, the preliminary results showed that
the walls situated perpendicular to the direction of seismic input yield also, and the
consideration of their full lateral stiffness to the rotational stiffness of the structure
leads to unconservative results. Consequently, for the comparative study the per-
pendicular walls participate with half of their lateral stiffness to the rotational
stiffness of the structure to take into account the yielding effect.
For TL structures accuracy seems to drop with the rising of seismic intensity,
although it is not a monotone variation. Structural displacements are estimated far
better by the SESA method than structural rotations. Due to the fact that for
238 D. K€
ober and D. Zamfirescu
Fig. 21.3 Results for TL nonlinear behavior: (a) displacements of the mass center; (b) structural
rotations; (c) displacements of walls P1 and P3
21 Plan Irregularity ‐ Trends of Behaviour 239
Fig. 21.4 Results for TI nonlinear behavior: (a) displacements of the mass center; (b) structural
rotations; (c) displacements of walls P1 and P3
240 D. K€
ober and D. Zamfirescu
practical design usually displacements are needed, the rotations loss of accuracy is
not inconvenient.
According to the Eurocode 8, the TL structures analyzed in this chapter expe-
rience torsional sensitivity for eccentricity values greater than 12 % of the plan
dimension perpendicular to the direction of seismic input. By restraining the
statistic evaluation of results to eccentricities up to 12 %, structural displacements
are overestimated by less than 10 % by the SESA method in an amount of 85 % for
0.1 g seismic intensity and 65 % for 0.2 g, 0.3 g and 0.4 g seismic intensity.
Accuracy of results is better for TI structures due to the positive influence of the
structural walls perpendicular to the direction of seismic input. The amount of
overestimated results is greater than for TL structures. For 0.1 g seismic intensity
and eccentricity values up to 20 %, up to 70 % of the structural displacements are
overestimated by less than 10 % by the SESA method. This percentage changes into
50 % for 0.2 g, 0.3 g and 0.4 g seismic intensity.
For this comparative study constant accuracy is obtained for seismic intensities
greater than 0.1 g. This may be explained by the constancy of the structural
response for the entire eccentricity range considered when getting more and more
into the nonlinear range of behavior.
Following former research (Paulay 2001) the authors investigated the effect of the
inertial rotational moment, a measure suitable for the elastic range of behaviour as
well as for the inelastic one (Fig. 21.5).
The relation between Mdynamic and the maximum rotation showed complete
yielding of all walls. For TL structures a residual stiffness of walls (after yielding)
between 5 and 25 % turned out to be realistic.
By using Mdynamic as behaviour measure, results show a much better accuracy
than for displacements at different points of the structure. All results are estimated
by less than 5 % for TI structures and 75 % of results are estimated by less than
10 % for the TL structure.
De La Llera JK, Chopra AK (1995) Understanding the inelastic seismic behavior of asymmetric
plan – buildings. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 24(4):549–572
EN 1998-1 (2004) Design of structures for earthquake resistance. General rules, seismic actions
and rules for buildings, 45–69
P100 -1/2006. Cod de proiectare seismică. Prevederi de proiectare pentru clădiri, 32–61
Garcia O, Islas A, Ayala AG (2004) Effect of the in-plan distribution of strength on the non-linear
seismic response of torsionally coupled buildings. In: Proceedings of the 13th WCEE, Lisbon,
24–28 September 2012, p 1891
Goel RK, Chopra AK (1990) Inelastic seismic response of one – story, asymmetric – plan systems.
College of Engineering, University of California at Berkeley. UBC/EERC – 90/14
242 D. K€
ober and D. Zamfirescu
K€ober D, Zamfirescu D (2009) Simplified methods used for evaluation of the displacement gain
due to general torsion. Sci J Math Model Civ Eng 5(2):32–51
K€ober D, Zamfirescu D (2010) Effects of general torsion on structural displacements. In: Proceedings
14 ECEE. Technical University Bucharest. ISBN 978-608-65185-1-6
Paulay T (2001) Some design principles relevant to torsional phenomena in ductile buildings.
J Earthq Eng 5(3):273–308
Zamfirescu D (2000) TORSDIN – dynamic nonlinear analysis computer program. Reinforced
Concrete Department. Technical University Bucharest
Chapter 22
Maximum Corner Displacement
Amplifications for Inelastic One-Storey
In-Plan Asymmetric Systems Under
Seismic Excitation
22.1 Introduction
Since the late 1970s it is well known that in-plan asymmetric systems, when
subjected to dynamic excitation, develop a coupled lateral-torsional response that
may considerably increase their local peak response, such as the corner displace-
ments (Kan and Chopra 1987; Hejal and Chopra 1987; Rutenberg 1992).
In order to effectively apply the performance-based design approach to seismic
design there is a growing need for code-oriented methodologies aimed at predicting
deformation parameters. Thus, the estimation of the displacement demand at
different locations, especially for eccentric structures, appears a fundamental
issue. Furthermore, the ability to predict the torsional response of eccentric systems
can be also useful to improve the capability of one of the most actually used seismic
design approaches (i.e. push-over analysis, Perus and Fajfar (2005)).
Since the early 1990s, Nagarajaiah et al. (1993) observed that, for the specific
class of torsionally-stiff asymmetric structures, the maximum center mass displace-
ment can be well approximated by the maximum displacement of the equivalent
not-eccentric system.
In previous research works, some of the authors identified a structural parameter,
called “Alpha”, related to the attitude of one-storey asymmetric linear systems to
develop a rotational response in free vibration, and proposed a simplified proce-
dure, called “Alpha” method, for the estimation of the maximum torsional response
(Trombetti and Conte 2005; Trombetti et al. 2008). In its original formulation,
based on the assumption of equal maximum center mass displacement response
between the eccentric system and its not-eccentric counterpart, the “Alpha” method
has been also used for the prediction of maximum corner side displacements. The
assumption has been proven valid for torsionally-stiff systems only. More recently,
the “Alpha” method has been extended to all classes of one-storey asymmetric
systems, thus including both torsionally-stiff and torsionally-flexible systems,
thanks to the introduction of some correction coefficients (Palermo et al. 2013).
In detail, a coefficient accounting for the so-called “period shifting effect”, leading
to an increase in the center mass displacement between the eccentric system and its
not-eccentric counterpart, has been introduced (Palermo et al. 2013).
In this paper a further generalization of the “Alpha” method is proposed by
considering non-linear asymmetric systems. First, linear-elastic analyses are
performed varying the damping ratio ξ from 0.02 to 0.30. Then, non-linear seismic
analyses are performed by assuming an elastic-perfectly plastic response of the
structural elements for various force reduction factors R. The main objective is to
evaluate how the excursion of the structural elements in the inelastic field affects
the displacement demand of one-storey in-plan asymmetric structures.
22 Max Displacements for Asymmetric Systems 245
u y, f ðtÞ ¼ u y, CM ðtÞ uθ ðtÞ
2 ð22:1Þ
u y, s ðtÞ ¼ u y, CM ðtÞ þ uθ ðtÞ
mainly interested in the peak response, which, generally speaking, can be expressed
as an appropriate combination of the longitudinal and rotational maximum
responses. In a recent research work, the following expression for the estimation
of the maximum corner side displacements, uy, corner, max, has been introduced,
leading to the so called “Alpha” method:
u y, flex ¼ u y, max þ Bu uθ, max ð22:4Þ
22 Max Displacements for Asymmetric Systems 247
leading to the following closed form expressions derived in the case of undamped
free vibration:
Bu ¼ 1 ρ for A1 A3
αu Lx m ð22:5Þ
Bu ¼ 1 ρ for A1 < A3
αu Lx m
An ensemble of 50 ground motions selected from the PEER database has been used
to perform the seismic analyses. The ground motions are selected with shear wave
velocity Vs,30 in the range of 360–800 m/s (i.e. soil type B according to EC8 2002).
The following response parameters are evaluated and analyzed (subscript eq stands
for earthquake):
αd, eq ¼ ρ ð22:6Þ
u y, CM max
u y, u y, CM, max
Bd, eq ¼ max ð22:7Þ
uθ, max ðLx =2Þ
u y, s , max
MCM, s ¼ ð22:8Þ
u y, CM , max
u y, f , max
MCM, f ¼ ð22:9Þ
u y, CM, max
MCM,s and MCM,f are the magnification factors (with respect to the center mass
displacement) at the stiff side and flexible side, respectively. Figures 22.2 and 22.3
show 3-D surfaces of selected response quantities. The following observations
• Peak values of αd,eq are larger than 1.0 for small values of TL and Ωθ and for
e around 0.2. The results indicate that the closed-form given in free vibration
(αu) is not always an upper bound. However, once the longitudinal period TL
increases, the peaks decrease and even vanish for TL larger than 1.5 s.
• For fixed values of TL, values of αd,eq decrease as the damping ratio ξ increases.
• Torsionally-stiff systems are more sensitive to damping ratios than torsionally-
flexible systems.
248 M. Palermo et al.
Fig. 22.2 “Alpha” rotational parameter as function of e and Ωθ. (a) TL ¼ 0.5 s; (b) TL ¼ 3.0 s
• Values of MCM,s are between 0.4 and 1.8. The MCM,s surfaces are quite smooth
for torsionally-stiff systems (values are less than 1.0), while they rapidly vary for
torsionally-flexible systems (values are also larger than 1.0).
• For fixed values of TL and ξ, the magnification factor at the stiff side MCM,s
decreases once the eccentricity increases, except within an area characterized by
small values of e and Ωθ (high torsionally-flexible systems), where it exhibits
peaks larger than 1.0 (maximum values are around 1.8). As the damping ratio
increases, this area reduces.
22 Max Displacements for Asymmetric Systems 249
Fig. 22.3 Magnification factors of the stiff and flexible side as function of e and Ωθ. (a) TL ¼ 0.5 s;
(b) TL ¼ 3.0 s
• Values of MCM,f are between 0.9 and 2.2. MCM,f surfaces appear quite smooth
within the entire domain.
• For fixed values of ξ and TL, MCM,f increases with the eccentricity e, while the
peak decreases as TL increases.
For the sake of conciseness, the plots of the correlation coefficients Bd,eq are not
here displayed and discussed.
250 M. Palermo et al.
The simple 3-dof system idealization adopted in the linear analyses cannot be used
to study the non-linear response of planar asymmetric systems since, within the
inelastic field, also the location of each resisting element and the number of
resisting elements may affect the response. For this reason, the specific, but still
simple, non-linear asymmetric model as proposed by Goel and Chopra (1991) is
used to perform the non-linear analyses. It is clear that, in order to extend the results
to realistic structures, a wide parametric analysis carried out on several idealised
models is needed. The system consists of a roof diaphragm, assumed to be rigid in
its own plane, supported by three frames, namely A, B and C (see Fig. 22.4).
Frame A is oriented along the y-direction, at a distance E from the center of
mass (CM). Frames B and C are oriented along the x-direction, located at the same
distance D/2 from the CM. Frames B and C are assumed to have the same lateral
stiffness (k/2) so that the system is not eccentric along the y-direction. Frame A is
assumed to have a lateral stiffness equal to k. Along the x-direction the
eccentricity is equal to E. The rigid motion of the roof can be described by the
three degrees of freedom defined at the CM of the slab: displacements ux (in the
x-direction) and uy (in the y-direction), and torsional rotation uθ (about the vertical
axis). The equations of motion of this specific system in the initial elastic range
are given by:
Fig. 22.4 Idealized non linear eccentric system used to perform non-linear analyses
22 Max Displacements for Asymmetric Systems 251
2 32 3 2 3
m 0 0 ú€x ðtÞ ux ðtÞ
40 m 0 54 ú€y ðtÞ 5 þ ½C4 u y ðtÞ 5
0 0 m ρú€θ ðtÞ ρuθ ðtÞ
2 3
2 32 3 px ðtÞ
1 0 0
pffiffiffiffiffi u ðtÞ 6 7
54 u y ðtÞ 5 ¼ 6 p y ðtÞ 7
þ mω2L 4 0 pffiffiffiffiffi
1 12e 4 5 ð22:10Þ
pθ ðtÞ
0 12e 12e2 þ d =4
ρuθ ðtÞ
where: m is the mass of the system; [C] is the damping matrix (classical damping is
assumed); d ¼ D/ρ. Values of parameter Ωθ distinguish in-plan asymmetric systems
into: (i) torsionally-stiff systems: Ωθ 1.0; (ii) torsionally-flexible systems: Ωθ <
Each frame is characterized by an elastic-perfectly plastic response. The yield
strength Fy is obtained by imposing a force reduction factor R between 2 and
5. Non-linear time-history analyses have been developed using the same ground
motion ensemble used in the linear analyses. The response parameters computed
from the non-linear analysis are indicated with subscript NL and represented in
Figs. 22.5 and 22.6 through 3-D surfaces. The following observations arise:
• The αd,NL,eq surfaces are qualitatively similar to those observed in the linear case.
The largest values of αd,NL,eq are observed for small values of TL and Ωθ and for
e around 0.2. Again, peaks larger than 1.0 are observed (i.e. αu is not always an
upper bound estimation).
• As the longitudinal period TL increases, the peaks decrease and they even vanish
for TL ¼ 1.5 s.
• For a fixed longitudinal period TL, the maximum rotational response tends to
decrease as R increases. The dependence of αd,NL,eq on R is larger for the class of
torsionally-stiff structures.
• The surfaces of both MCM,NL,s and MCM,NL,f are qualitatively similar to those
observed in the linear case. Peak values are slightly reduced.
• MCM,NL,s appears quite smooth for torsionally-stiff systems (values are less than
1.0), while it rapidly varies for torsionally-flexible systems (values are also
larger than 1.0).
• For fixed values of TL, the peaks of MCM,NL,s gradually decrease as R increases.
On the contrary, for torsionally-stiff systems, MCM,NL,s tends to slightly increase
(the surface becomes almost flat for R ¼ 5 with values between 0.8 and 1.0).
• The magnification factor MCM,NL,f increases as the eccentricity increases. The
peaks are observed for high torsionally-flexible systems and eccentricities e
around 0.2.
• For fixed values of R, the peaks of MCM,NL,f decrease as TL increases and the
surface tends to flatten out.
For the sake of conciseness, the graphs of Bd,NL,eq are not here displayed and
252 M. Palermo et al.
Fig. 22.5 “Alpha” rotational parameter as function of e and Ωθ. (a) TL ¼ 0.5 s; (b) TL ¼ 3.0 s
22.5 Conclusions
This paper provides a further insight into the non-linear coupled lateral-torsional
dynamic response of one-storey asymmetric systems through the development of a
systematic parametric analysis aimed at exploiting the influence of the fundamental
system parameters (e, Ωθ, TL, ξ, R) on the seismic displacement demand. In detail,
3-D surfaces of response parameters such as the normalized maximum rotational
22 Max Displacements for Asymmetric Systems 253
Fig. 22.6 Magnification factors of the stiff and flexible side as function of e and Ωθ. (a) TL ¼ 0.5 s;
(b) TL ¼ 3.0 s
response and the magnification factors of the maximum stiff and flexible side
displacement have been obtained for both the linear and the non-linear case.
These 3-D response surfaces could be used in the preliminary structural design
phase in order to estimate the seismic displacement demand as a function of the
normalized eccentricity and the torsional-to-lateral frequency ratio.
Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank former graduate students Elisa Sammarco
and Susanna Casacci for their valuable contributions in the development of the numerical analyses.
254 M. Palermo et al.
23.1 Introduction
Due to lack of space and high cost of land in the urban areas, buildings are often
constructed with very small in-between separation gap. That situation may result in
structural interactions during seismic excitations, known as the earthquake-induced
structural pounding. Collisions between adjacent, insufficiently separated buildings
have been repeatedly observed during moderate and strong ground motions (Kasai
and Maison 1997). For example, significant pounding damage on the parts of school
buildings was observed after the Athens earthquake of September 7, 1999
(Vasiliadis and Elenas 2002). Also, the San Fernando earthquake in 1971 caused
collisions between the main building of the Olive View Hospital and one of its
independently standing stairway towers resulting in its permanent tilting (Bertero
and Collins 1973). During the Kocaeli (Izmit) earthquake (17.08.1999), inadequate
separation gap between buildings resulted in serious damage at the places of
The main reason of structural pounding between buildings is related to the
difference in mass or stiffness of colliding structures (Anagnostopoulos 1988;
Mahmoud et al. 2012; Mahmoud and Jankowski 2009). The difference in the
natural vibration periods of neighbouring structures results in their out-of-phase
vibrations. The phenomenon of earthquake-induced pounding between buildings
has recently been intensively studied using various structural models and different
models of collisions (see, for example, Anagnostopoulos and Karamaneas 2008;
Anagnostopoulos and Spiliopoulos 1992; Jankowski 2005, 2007; Karayannis and
Favvata 2005; Komodromos et al. 2007; Mahmoud et al. 2013; Mahmoud and
Jankowski 2011; Maison and Kasai 1992). However, the analyses for asymmetric
structures, which induce eccentric collisions, are very limited (see Leibovich
et al. 1996). Also, the scientific interest was mainly focused on pounding-involved
response of reinforced concrete buildings rather then on steel structures (Sołtysik
and Jankowski 2013). Meanwhile, because of the lower stiffness and damping
properties, steel structures usually experience vibrations with larger amplitudes
which make then more vulnerable to structural pounding.
Therefore, the aim of this paper is to show the results of the numerical analysis
dealing with structural pounding between two L-shaped asymmetric steel buildings
under seismic excitation. In the first part of the work, the dynamic properties of both
structures have been identified. Afterwards, the detailed dynamic analysis on
earthquake-induced collisions between asymmetric steel structures has been
The research described in this paper has been focused on the pounding-involved
response of two asymmetric steel buildings with different number of storeys. The
3-storey building (modelled by 10560 shell elements), as well as the 4-storey
building (modelled by 14064 shell elements) with different dynamic properties
have been considered in the analysis. The Finite Element (FE) model of both
structures is presented in Fig. 23.1. All structural members have been modelled
by four-node quadrilateral elements. Steel columns have been rigidly fixed to the
ground and the soil-structure interaction has not been taken into account. Pounding
between structures has been modelled using six three-dimensional gap-friction
elements (two for each storey). These elements, placed between the corner nodes
23 Pounding of Asymmetric Steel Buildings 257
of the buildings at all storeys, assure frictional and gapping connection. When
contact is detected, the nodes become fixed in the longitudinal direction and friction
forces are imposed in the transverse and vertical directions. The initial separation
gap between structures equal to 2 cm has been considered. The friction coefficient
of 0.5 has been applied in the analysis. The numerical model has been implemented
using the commercial software MSC Marc 2008.
The modal analysis has been first conducted in order to identify the dynamic
properties of each asymmetric steel building. The results of the analysis showing
the first three natural vibration modes of both structures are presented in Fig. 23.2.
The corresponding natural frequencies for the modes of free vibrations are also
summarized in Table 23.1.
Fig. 23.2 Modes of free vibrations for 3-storey and 4-storey asymmetric steel buildings. (a) 1st
modes of free vibrations (transverse direction). (b) 2nd modes of free vibrations (longitudinal
direction). (c) 3rd modes of free vibrations (torsional vibrations)
Displacement [m]
3-storey building with no pounding
3-storey building with pounding 0.029 0.021
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time [s]
Fig. 23.3 Displacement time histories in the longitudinal direction for pounding-involved and
independent vibration responses of 3-storey building
Displacement [m]
Fig. 23.4 Displacement time histories in the longitudinal direction for pounding-involved and
independent vibration responses of 4-storey building
Figures 23.5 and 23.6 indicate that torsional vibrations of both buildings are
important components of the overall structural responses, apart from the effect of
pounding. They are induced during the earthquake as the result of structural
eccentricity caused by asymmetric plan of the structures. The results indicate,
however, that structural pounding may significantly influence the torsional behav-
iour of both structures and, what is more, it may play both positive and negative
role. In the case of the 3-storey building, the increase in the peak value of the
rotation angle at the top floor is equal to 13.9 % (see Fig. 23.5). On the other hand,
Fig. 23.6 shows that the torsional response of the 4-storey building significantly
decreases due to pounding. The change in the peak value of the rotation angle at the
top floor of this structure during the earthquake is as large as 45.7 %.
260 B. Sołtysik and R. Jankowski
Angle of rotation [cm/m]
Fig. 23.5 Pounding-involved and independent vibration time histories of the rotation angle at the
top floor of the 3-storey building
Angle of rotation [cm/m]
Fig. 23.6 Pounding-involved and independent vibration time histories of the rotation angle at the
top floor of the 4-storey building
The detailed numerical analysis, focused on pounding between two L-shaped asym-
metric steel buildings under seismic excitations, has been considered in this paper.
The results of the study clearly indicate that earthquake-induced pounding may
substantially influence the response of both asymmetric structures, especially in the
longitudinal and torsional directions. In the case of the analysis conducted, it resulted
in the considerable increase in the displacements of both structures. It also led to the
increase in the torsional response of 3-storey building and significant decrease in the
response 4-storey structure. The results of the study indicate that torsional vibrations
(due to eccentric pounding) play an important role in the overall pounding-involved
response of asymmetric steel buildings under earthquake excitations.
23 Pounding of Asymmetric Steel Buildings 261
Anagnostopoulos SA (1988) Pounding of buildings in series during earthquakes. Earthq Eng Struct
Dyn 16:443–456
Anagnostopoulos SA, Karamaneas CE (2008) Use of collision shear walls to minimize seismic
separation and to protect adjacent buildings from collapse due to earthquake-induced
pounding. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 37:1371–1388
Anagnostopoulos SA, Spiliopoulos KV (1992) An investigation of earthquake induced pounding
between adjacent buildings. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 21:289–302
Bertero VV, Collins RG (1973) Investigation of the failures of the Olive View stairtowers during
the San Fernando earthquake and their implications on seismic design. EERC Report
No. 73-26, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley
Jankowski R (2005) Impact force spectrum for damage assessment of earthquake-induced struc-
tural pounding. Key Eng Mater 293–294:711–718
Jankowski R (2007) Assessment of damage due to earthquake-induced pounding between the main
building and the stairway tower. Key Eng Mater 347:339–344
Karayannis CG, Favvata MJ (2005) Earthquake-induced interaction between adjacent reinforced
concrete structures with non-equal heights. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 34:1–20
Kasai K, Maison B (1997) Building pounding damage during the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
Eng Struct 19:195–207
Komodromos P, Polycarpou PC, Papaloizou L, Phocas MC (2007) Response of seismically
isolated buildings considering poundings. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 36:1605–1622
Leibovich E, Rutenberg A, Yankelevsky DZ (1996) On eccentric seismic pounding of symmetric
buildings. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 25:219–233
Mahmoud S, Jankowski R (2009) Elastic and inelastic multi-storey buildings under earthquake
excitation with the effect of pounding. J Appl Sci 9:3250–3262
Mahmoud S, Jankowski R (2011) Modified linear viscoelastic model of earthquake-induced
structural pounding. Iran J Sci Technol 35 C1:51–62
Mahmoud S, Austrell PE, Jankowski R (2012) Simulation of the response of base-isolated
buildings under earthquake excitations considering soil flexibility. Earthq Eng Vibration
Mahmoud S, Abd-Elhamed A, Jankowski R (2013) Earthquake-induced pounding between equal
height multi-storey buildings considering soil-structure interaction. Bull Earthq Eng
Maison B, Kasai K (1992) Dynamics of pounding when two buildings collide. Earthq Eng Struct
Dyn 21:771–786
Sołtysik B, Jankowski R (2013) Non-linear strain rate analysis of earthquake-induced pounding
between steel buildings. Int J Earth Sci Eng 6:429–433
Vasiliadis L, Elenas A (2002) Performance of school buildings during the Athens earthquake of
September 7 1999. In: 12th European conference on earthquake engineering, paper ref.
264, Elsevier Science Ltd.
Chapter 24
Dynamic Analysis of Irregular Multistorey
Shear Wall Buildings Using
Continuous-Discrete Approach
24.1 Introduction
In multistorey buildings lateral loads that arise from effects of wind and earth-
quakes are often carried by a system of shear walls acting as vertical cantilevers.
Rutenberg (2013) reviews the literature on the seismic shear demand on reinforced
cantilever walls. Such walls are usually perforated by vertical bands of openings,
which are required for doors and windows, and they form a system of coupled shear
walls. There are basically two approaches for analysis of coupled shear walls:
discrete and continuous. In the continuous approach, which has been widely used
for shear walls being uniform along the height, the discrete set of connecting beams
is replaced by a continuous medium of equivalent properties.
The seismic design of multistorey buildings involves the dynamic analysis of
structure. For the dynamic analysis it is convenient to use a hybrid approach, based
on the analysis of an equivalent continuous medium and a discrete lumped mass
system (Wdowicki and Wdowicka 1991; Li and Choo 1996). In this approach the
continuous connection method is employed to find the structural flexibility matrix
but the structure mass matrix is found with the lumped mass assumption.
When multistorey buildings with non-coincident centres of mass and stiffness are
subjected to a ground motion due to earthquake they respond in coupled lateral and
torsional vibrations. Torsional coupling may induce significant amplification of inertia
force resulting from earthquakes and it is felt to be strongly influenced by building
asymmetry (Glück et al. 1979; De Stefano and Pintucchi 2008; Yiu et al. 2014).
The paper presents an analysis of coupled flexural-torsional vibrations of
multistorey shear wall buildings using continuous-discrete approach. The mass
matrix including flexural and torsional inertia is generated. To find the flexibility
matrix each lumped mass is loaded subsequently with a unit horizontal generalized
force and the corresponding horizontal displacement vector for the whole structure
is found by the continuous connection method. As a result of solving the
eigenproblem, which corresponds to free vibrations of the system, the natural
frequencies and mode shapes of vibration have been received.
To verify the presented method, the free vibration analysis of non-planar, non-
symmetric coupled shear walls, previously analysed in the literature by the discrete
method, has been presented. The results obtained by this method have been
compared with those available in the literature.
The paper presents also the results of the seismic analysis based on discrete-
continuous approach and the response spectrum technique. The subject of the
analysis is the multistorey building, designed originally in Poznań, which is stiff-
ened by the asymmetric system of coupled shear walls. The seismic analysis was
carried out using DAMB program, as a part of an Integrated System (Wdowicki
et al. 1995), using design spectrum for elastic analysis according to Eurocode
8 (EC8-1 2004).
24 Dynamic Analysis of Multistorey Buildings 265
D M €x þ D C x_ þ x ¼ D f ð24:1Þ
M ¼ diagðMk Þ, ðk ¼ 1, . . . , nk Þ ð24:2Þ
The seismic response of the structure is estimated using the response spectrum
technique (Chmielewski and Zembaty 1998). The involved stages of the analysis
are as follows:
1. Determination of natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes;
2. Evaluation of modal participation factors of modal loading of the structure using
an appropriate design spectrum;
3. Estimation of response taking into account the contribution of all given modes
for various parameters of interest, using three methods: SRSS – the square root
of the sum of the squares, CQC – the complete quadratic combination or DSC –
the double sum combination (Maison et al. 1983).
On the basis of the elaborated algorithm the software in Object Pascal of Delphi
5 environment has been implemented and included in the DAMB (Dynamic
Analysis of Multistorey Buildings) program for the dynamic analysis of shear
wall tall buildings.
To verify the presented method, several examples have been solved. As the first
example the non-planar, non-symmetric coupled shear wall system, presented by
Aksogan et al. (2014), has been considered (Fig. 24.1). The total height of the shear
wall is 48 m and the storey height is 3 m. The mass density and the elasticity and
shear modules are as follows: ρ ¼ 2400 kg/m3, E ¼ 2.85 GPa and G ¼ 1.056 GPa.
The height of the connecting beams is 0.4 m. The thickness of the connecting beams
and walls is 0.4 m in the right part and 0.2 m in the left part of the structure. The
mass of the typical storey, including a connecting beam, equals to 104.3 103 kg
and the total mass of the building is 1669 103 kg. The mass of floor slabs has not
been considered in this example for comparison purposes.
It may be noted that in the present analysis the shear deformation of the walls has
been neglected due to the assumption in Vlasov’s theory. The same assumption has
been made in the analysis presented by Aksogan et al. (2014) and for comparison
purposes the shear deformation was neglected in SAP2000 application as well.
In Table 24.1 the first ten natural frequencies corresponding to each mode found
by the program DAMB are compared with the values given by Aksogan et al.
(2014), obtained by SAP2000 structural analysis program, using MacLeod’s frame
method, for the case without a stiffening beam.
The torsional modes are omitted in the results given by Aksogan et al. (2014),
but for the other frequencies a satisfactory match of results has been observed.
Figure 24.2 presents the first six mode shapes of the analysed non-planar shear
wall structure found by the presented method, using DAMB program.
24 Dynamic Analysis of Multistorey Buildings 267
2 2 2 2 3
10 3 13
2 12
8 1 1 11
4 14
6 5 15
4 2 2 3
Fig. 24.1 Plan view of the non-planar shear wall structure [m]
Table 24.1 Comparison of the first ten natural frequencies found by the present method (program
DAMB) and by SAP2000 program (Aksogan et al. 2014)
Natural frequencies [Hz]
Present method
Mode Predominant mode (program DAMB) SAP2000 % difference
1 First mode X 0.4748 0.50047 5.13
2 First mode Y 0.6656 0.66117 0.67
3 First torsional mode 1.0022 –
4 Second mode X 2.4180 2.46396 1.87
5 Second mode Y 4.1799 4.11839 1.49
6 Second torsional mode 6.2020 –
7 Third mode X 6.4394 6.47507 0.55
8 Third mode Y 11.729 11.45595 2.38
9 Fourth mode X 12.456 12.37532 0.65
10 Third torsional mode 17.265 –
268 J. Wdowicki et al.
46,5 46,5 46,5
43,4 43,4 43,4
40,3 40,3 40,3
37,2 37,2 37,2
34,1 34,1 34,1
31,0 31,0 31,0
27,9 27,9 27,9
24,8 24,8 24,8
21,7 21,7 21,7
18,6 18,6 18,6
15,5 15,5 15,5
12,4 12,4 12,4
9,3 9,3 9,3
6,2 6,2 6,2
3,1 3,1 3,1
0,0 0,0 0,0
0 1 0 1 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
46,5 46,5 46,5
43,4 43,4 43,4
40,3 40,3 40,3
37,2 37,2 37,2
34,1 34,1 34,1
31,0 31,0 31,0
27,9 27,9 27,9
24,8 24,8 24,8
21,7 21,7 21,7
18,6 18,6 18,6
15,5 15,5 15,5
12,4 12,4 12,4
9,3 9,3 9,3
6,2 6,2 6,2
3,1 3,1 3,1
0,0 0,0 0,0
0 1 0 1 0 1
Fig. 24.2 The first six mode shapes of the non-planar shear wall structure, obtained by the DAMB
In the second example, the seismic analysis of the multistorey building, designed
originally in Poznań, stiffened by the asymmetric system of coupled shear walls,
has been presented. After the static analysis, the possibility of seismic location of
the designed structure was considered. The investigated building is a multi-storey
reinforced concrete structure. The elevation of the building and shear walls in the
typical floor plan are shown in Figs. 24.3 and 24.4.
24 Dynamic Analysis of Multistorey Buildings 269
Fig. 24.3 The view of the analysed multistorey shear wall building
The building has 15 storeys above the ground level and 2 basement storeys. The
total height of the building is 53.5 m. In the analysed building, lateral loads that
arise as a result of winds and earthquakes are carried by the three-dimensional
system of coupled shear walls. The dimensions of the central core are 3.15 m 12 m.
The thickness of walls equals to 0.3 m. The height of connecting beams is 0.7 m.
The structural properties of shear walls and lintels are uniform along the building
height. The slabs are 0.25 m thick.
A diaphragm action of all floor slabs is taken into consideration as the effect of
the assumption of their in-plane infinite rigidity and negligible transverse one. The
Young’s modulus E ¼ 36 GPa and the shear modulus G ¼ 15.4 GPa are assumed for
concrete. All the elements are assumed to be fully fixed in foundations. The static
analysis was carried out on the basis of a variant of the continuous connection
method (Wdowicki and Wdowicka 1993).
270 J. Wdowicki et al.
Fig. 24.4 The plan of the shear walls in typical floor (from the pre-processor of DAMB program)
agR ¼ 0.25 g. The values of the periods (TB, TC, TD) and the soil factor S, which
describe the shape of the elastic response spectrum, amount to TB ¼ 0.2 s, TC ¼ 0.6 s,
TD ¼ 2.0 s and S ¼ 1.15. For the analysed building the importance category II,
according to Eurocode 8, the corresponding importance factor γ 1 ¼ 1.0 and the
reduction factor v ¼ 0.5 were assumed. The value of viscous damping ratio ξ ¼ 5 %
has been assumed in the analysis (Fajfar and Kreslin 2012).
Assuming that the specific provisions for all the structural elements are satisfied
to provide the appropriate amount of ductility, the ductility class DCM (medium
ductility) has been established. The value of behaviour factor q ¼ 2.0 has been
applied. In the analysis the design response spectrum according to Eurocode 8 has
been applied (EC8-1 2004).
Modal response spectrum analysis was performed for the ground excitation in
two horizontal directions, X (E-W) and Y (N-S), independently. The CQC rule for
the combination of different modes was used.
The results of the analysis based on damage limitation state have been presented.
It has been assumed that the analysed building has non-structural elements of brittle
materials attached to the structure. The requirement of damage limitation is accom-
plished by Eurocode 8 when interstorey drifts dr do not exceed the limited values,
obtained using the following equation:
dr 0:005 0:005
¼ ¼ 0:01 ð24:3Þ
h ν 0:5
where: dr – difference between the lateral displacements occurring at the top and
bottom of the storey, determined by the linear analysis based on the design response
spectrum, h – the storey height.
The results of the displacement analysis, based on the response spectrum tech-
nique, for (E-W) seismic wave direction, are shown in Figs. 24.5 and 24.6.
The ratio of the actual top displacement and the total height of the building
above the basement amounts to: 2.0 0.123/53.5 m ¼ 0.46 % and 2.0 0.0844/
53.5 m ¼ 0.32 %, for X and Y directions, respectively.
The obtained maximum value of interstorey drift dr/h was equal to 2.0 0.0176/
3.45 m ¼ 0.0102.
The horizontal displacements of the shear wall structure due to the seismic wave
parallel to X axis reveal the considerable influence of torsion. The torsional rigidity
of the structure should be increased by the additional walls.
Using the software DAMB, it is easy to obtain the graphs of normal stresses for
the entire cross-section of shear wall structure, for a selected three-dimensional
shear wall as well as for a single wall (Fig. 24.7).
It seems advisable to consider the application of the presented method in the
seismic analysis of the actual existing asymmetric, torsionally flexible shear wall
272 J. Wdowicki et al.
Fig. 24.5 Horizontal displacements of shear wall structure due to (E-W) seismic wave direction
(parallel to X)
Y Multiplier = 20
2.00 METR
non displaced
Fig. 24.6 View of the displacements of the shear wall structure due to (E-W) seismic wave
direction; displacements are 20 enlarged relative to the structure dimensions (from the post-
processor of DAMB program)
24 Dynamic Analysis of Multistorey Buildings 273
Fig. 24.7 Normal stresses at the base of the shear wall structure due to (N-S) seismic wave
direction (from the post-processor of DAMB program)
24.5 Conclusions
In this study the seismic analysis of the shear wall tall building has been carried out
using a continuous-discrete approach and the response spectrum technique. The
coupled flexural-torsional vibrations have been taken into account. The results
obtained by the abovementioned method have been compared with those obtained
using the SAP2000 structural analysis program, given in the literature, and a
satisfactory match has been observed. The proposed method is efficient and can
be useful, particularly at the preliminary design stage when quick checks with
different structural arrangements and dimensions are needed.
Aksogan O, Turkozer CD, Emsen R, Resatoglu R (2014) Dynamic analysis of non-planar coupled
shear walls with stiffeners using a continuous connection method. Thin-Walled Struct
CEN. Eurocode 8 (EC8-1) Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Part 1: General rules,
seismic actions and rules for buildings. EN 1998-1:2004, Comité Européen de Normalisation,
Brussels, Belgium
Chmielewski T, Zembaty M (1998) Podstawy dynamiki budowli. Arkady, Warszawa
Clough RW, Penzien J (1993) Dynamics of structures. McGraw-Hill, New York
De Stefano M, Pintucchi B (2008) A review of research on seismic behaviour of irregular building
structures since 2002. Bull Earthq Eng 6:285–308
274 J. Wdowicki et al.
Fajfar P, Kreslin M (2012) Introduction to the RC building example. Modeling and analysis of the
design example. In: Eurocode 8: seismic design of buildings. Worked examples. JRC Scientific
and Technical Reports, Eur 25204 EN- 2012, Chapter 2, pp 27–50, Ispra, Italy. Available from:
Fajfar P, Marusic D, Perus I (2005) Torsional effects in the pushover-based seismic analysis of
buildings. J Earthquake Eng 9(6):831–838
Glück J, Reinhorn A, Rutenberg A (1979) Dynamic torsional coupling in tall building structures.
Proc Inst Civ Eng Part 2 67:411–424
Li G-Q, Choo BS (1996) A continuous-discrete approach to the free vibration analysis of stiffened
pierced walls on flexible foundations. Int J Solids Struct 33(2):249–263
Maison B, Neuss C, Kasai K (1983) The comparative performance of seismic response spectrum
combination rules in building analysis. Earth Eng Struct Dyn 11(5):623–647
Rutenberg A (2013) Seismic shear forces on RC walls: review and bibliography. Bull Earthq Eng
Wdowicki J, Wdowicka E (1991) Integrated system for analysis of three-dimensional shear wall
structures. Comput Methods Civ Eng 1(3–4):53–60
Wdowicki J, Wdowicka E (1993) System of programs for analysis of three-dimensional shear wall
structures. Struct Des Tall Build 2(4):295–305
Wdowicki J, Wdowicka E (2012) Analysis of shear wall structures of variable cross section. Struct
Design Tall Spec Build 21:1–15
Wdowicki J, Wdowicka E, Błaszczyński T (1995) Integrated system for analysis of shear wall tall
buildings. In: Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress “Habitat and High- Rise: Tradition and
Innovation”, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Amsterdam, pp 1309–1324
Yiu C-F, Chan C-M, Huang M, Li G (2014) Evaluation of lateral-torsional coupling in earthquake
response of asymmetric multistory buildings. Struct Design Tall Spec Build 23:1007–1026
Chapter 25
Analysis of the Dynamic Response
of Masonry Buildings with Irregularities
of Localization of Bearing Elements
Due to Mining Shocks
Abstract The study concerns the analysis of the impact of structural irregularities
in the masonry buildings on their dynamic characteristics and dynamic response to
kinematic loads. Several models of buildings deemed to be representative of this
class of structures in the areas covered by the influence of mining tremors were
analyzed. In areas Legnica-Głogow Copper District (LGCD) and the Upper Silesian
Coal Basin (USCB) are the most numerous masonry buildings with a height of 1–5
storeys. The first part of the study refers to the adoption of 3-D dynamic models of
buildings of different structural wall system. These were buildings with irregular,
symmetrical and bisymmetrical system load-bearing walls. The second part con-
cerns the dynamic characteristics of the building models and assessing the impact of
irregularities in the load-bearing walls on the natural frequencies. Subsequently,
using the response spectrum method and assuming different standard response
spectra, dynamic responses of building models were determined. The level of
dynamic principal and shear, depending on the adopted standard curve, describing
the response spectrum and irregularities in the structural walls, were also evaluated.
The results of numerical analyzes showed a significant influence of the structural
irregularities on the natural frequencies of the analyzed models of buildings. It also
showed the impact of the adopted standard response spectrum curve in the LGCD
on the level of calculated stresses.
25.1 Introduction
In Poland, Legnica-Głogow Copper District (LGCD) and the Upper Silesian Coal
Basin (USCB) most intensive mining tremors are characterized by a power of up to
1E10 J and intensity of surface vibrations that reach even 0.3 g (g – acceleration due
to gravity). Underground mining operations are conducted primarily in urban,
heavily populated areas, so the influence of surface mining related vibrations on
development and risk assessment is particularly important. Masonry buildings
constitute the largest part of the residential development in the above areas.
These are generally single-family or multi-family buildings (in lesser extent)
which have from one to five floors. Repairs and reconstructions impose the neces-
sity of structural changes in buildings. These changes often cause the appearance of
symmetry or even bisymmetry of the load-bearing walls. However, the bearing wall
systems of these buildings often represent abnormal structural systems as a result of
extension works such as building external staircases. In this study the method of
dynamic response spectrum Tatara (2012) was used. This method uses: (a) the
adopted models of buildings treated as a representative for the considered class of
objects, (b) standard response spectra characterizing the surface vibrations induced
by mining tremors. These spectra were also compared with the standard response
spectrum of EN 1998-1:2004 (2004).This comparison indicated the differences
between the vibration-type surface mining and seismic (deriving from earthquakes)
Tatara (2002, 2012). The numerical analysis includes simultaneous operations of
two mutually perpendicular loads (parallel to the transverse and longitudinal axes
of buildings’ models) as described by standard response spectra. The vertical
component has been omitted. Assessment of the impact of positioning the wall
bearing elements in buildings on the responses was made by comparing the results
of dynamic analysis of the models. The bases of this assessment were the additional
maximum principal stress and maximum shear stress.
All of the analyzed structures are masonry buildings of various height and design.
Buildings can be considered as representative of this class of structures, residential
single-family housing. It was built using the traditional method of unreinforced
masonry. Floors and staircases and flights of stairs are made as a monolithic
reinforced concrete. The first three are three-storey buildings; floor plans of their
repetitive floors are shown in Fig. 25.1a–c.
Building from Fig. 25.1a is characterized by the symmetry of the load-bearing
walls with respect to one axis, and the building from Fig. 25.2a is bisymmetrical.
25 Analysis of the Dynamic Response of Masonry Buildings with Irregularities. . . 277
Fig. 25.1 Floor plans of three storey buildings: no. 1 (a), no. 2 (b), no. 3 (c)
Fig. 25.2 Floor plans of five storey buildings: no. 4 (a), no. 5 (b)
There is no symmetry in building presented in Fig. 25.1c. Building from Fig. 25.1c
differs in relation to the building in Fig. 25.1a due to addition of external staircase to
one of the outer wall (gable wall). A characteristic feature is the lack of dilatation
between the outer staircase and gable wall.
Buildings No. 4 and No. 5 – see Fig. 25.2 – have the same distribution of the
bearing walls as buildings No. 3 and No. 1 respectively presented in Fig. 25.1a, c.
Building No. 4 has two staircases, including one outside, not militated from the
main part of the building – see Fig. 25.2a.
A five-storey building No. 6 has first three floors as building No. 4. The other two
floors are of a different arrangement of bearing walls – see Fig. 25.3. Access to
floors 1–3 is via an internal staircase – comp. Fig. 25.3a. Floors 4 and 5 can be
accessed only using an external staircase located at the gable wall and not militated
from the main part of the building – see Fig. 25.3b.
278 T. Tatara and F. Pachla
The models take into account the different properties of building materials forming
the bearing system, loads due to the weight of plasters and finishing elements, light
warming of the roof and long-term part of the live load (40 %), according to polish
standard PN-85/B-02170:1985 (1985). Assumption of only long-term part of the
live load results from the fact that, during use of the building, occasionally this load
reaches the maximum value, which in combination with the occurrence of mining
shock is highly unlikely. In addition, the static load acting in accordance with the
direction of gravitational acceleration plays reductive factor on the tensile stresses
280 T. Tatara and F. Pachla
Fig. 25.5 Assumed geometric models of three storey buildings from Fig. 25.1a–c
caused by mining tremors, which leads to a safer estimate of the structure response
to dynamic loads. When determining the value of the Young’s modulus of the
cement – limestone wall results of secant modulus of elasticity of the wall given in
Kubica et al. (1999) and the standard PN-B-03002:1999 (1999) were used. The
value of Poisson’s ratio was adopted on the basis of the studies contained in Drobiec
et al. (2000). Parameters for other materials were adopted on the basis of building
standards PN-B-03002:1999 (1999), PN-B-03264:2002 (2002). In the analyzed
models following values were used: reinforced concrete floors of the characteristics
of materials – Young’s modulus E ¼ 29 GPa, Poisson’s ratio ν ¼ 0.2, mass density
ρm ¼ 2500 kg/m3, the walls of masonry cement mortar for masonry material
characteristics – Young’s modulus and E ¼ 2GPa, Poisson’s ratio ν ¼ 0.25, mass
density ρm ¼ 1800 kg/m3.
The models of the analyzed buildings take into account all the elements relevant
to the stiffness and mass of the buildings which include e.g. window and door
openings, stairways, lintels. In the considered models masonry elements are viewed
as homogeneous, treating such assumption as sufficiently accurate in terms of
precise engineering calculations Tatara (2002). Finishing elements are not modeled
using FEA for practical reasons. Models of elastic support building resulting from
the foundation on the flexible ground were assumed. An influence of ground was
taken into account by means of elastic mounting. Elastic support of the models was
achieved by springs localized at the level of the bottom of the foundation. The
stiffness of boundary elements was defined according to PN-80/B-03040:1980
(1980), as for substrate III category of medium stiffness, and the papers Sawinow
(1964), Lipiński (1985). The dynamic coefficients of the substrate for the ground in
a natural state of the residual amount up to 50 MPa/m. Adopted three storey
building models from Fig. 25.1a–c are shown in Fig. 25.5a–c, and five storey
building from Figs. 25.2 to 25.3 are presented in Fig. 25.6. These models will be
the subject of further computational analyzes.
Table 25.1 summarizes, for example, the first three natural frequencies calcu-
lated for each of the analyzed masonry building models. Calculated mode shapes
are complex. Therefore, determination of the sequence of natural frequency was
guided by the dominant relative displacements in that direction.
25 Analysis of the Dynamic Response of Masonry Buildings with Irregularities. . . 281
Fig. 25.6 Assumed geometric models of five storey buildings from Fig. 25.2 and 25.3
Table 25.1 First three calculated natural frequencies of analyzed models of masonry buildings
f1 [Hz] f2 [Hz] f3 [Hz]
Model no 1 7.08 7.57 11.22
Model no 2 7.34 7.73 10.92
Model no 3 6.93 8.04 10.51
Model no 4 3.70 4.42 6.14
Model no 5 3.81 4.07 6.54
Model no 6 3.73 4.46 6.18
In all models, first two calculated natural frequencies f1 and f2 correspond to the
transverse vibration and the frequency f3 to torsion vibration. In the case of building
models with added staircase to the gable wall, regardless of their height, the value
of the natural frequency f2 is almost 20 % higher than the frequency f1. This
demonstrates the significant effect of irregularities in the position of the bearing
walls on the stiffness of these buildings and consequently the value of the funda-
mental frequency of the vibrations in the transverse direction. In the case of other
buildings impact of irregularities does not exceed 7 %.
For further calculations, dynamic response spectrum method was used (RSA);
described in detail in Tatara (2002). This method uses a structural model and
corresponding computer software, which must implement the standard, relative
acceleration response spectrum. The standard spectra contain information about the
frequencies content of the recorded, mining related, surface vibrations. They may
be used in the calculation of the design of dynamic structures exposed to
kinematic load.
282 T. Tatara and F. Pachla
Figure 25.7 shows the standard spectra for the USCB and LGCD areas obtained by
analysis of multiple horizontal components of the surface vibration accelerations. A
comparison of the standard curves generated on the basis of investigation shows large
variations. Application of dynamic curves proposed in Zembaty (2011, 2012),
Zembaty et al. (2015), adapted from EN 1998-1:2004 (2004), to the analysis, can
lead to erroneous solutions due to the very wide range of oscillation periods, where a
constant maximum value of β is assumed. These curves are based on the EN 1998-
1:2004 (2004), which refers only to the natural phenomena of earthquakes.
The studies carried out for many years at the Institute of Structural Mechanics in
Cracow University of Technology related to construction of the standard response
spectra for mining areas showed differences in the shape of the spectral curves
corresponding to different regions of LGCD and USCB Ciesielski et al. (1996),
Czerwionka and Tatara (2007), Kowalski et al. (1997), Kuźniar et al. (2010, 2006),
Lipiński (1985), Tatara (2002, 2012). The results presented in these works indicated
a significant effect of the ground properties on the shape of these curves. In Tatara
(2002), there was a comparison made of standard curves for USCB and LGCD with
the curve corresponding to response spectrum of the first type from EN 1998-
1:2004 (2004). This comparison shows that in the case of a horizontal section of the
curve from EN 1998-1:2004 (2004) is described by much wider range of periods,
including much greater periods than in the case of mining tremors. Figure 25.8
shows the comparison of standard response spectra for USCB and LGCD area
resulting from previous research and analysis Ciesielski et al. (1996), Kowalski
et al. (1997), Tatara (2002) with type 2 spectral curves for different types of soil
according to EN 1998-1:2004 (2004). The comparison indicates that standard
curves correspond to different types of soil described in EN 1998-1:2004 (2004)
are significantly different compared to the standard curves obtained for areas USCB
and LGCD. It would be unreasonable to use these curves in the design of structures
to dynamic loads of mining origin. It is difficult to assume that in the LGCD
characteristics of the soil correspond to the rocky substrate (soil A) – for this type
of substrate spectral curve of EN 1998-1:2004 (2004) is closest to the response
25 Analysis of the Dynamic Response of Masonry Buildings with Irregularities. . . 283
Fig. 25.8 Comparison of USCB and LGCD response spectra with response spectra of type 2 from
EN 1998-1:2004 (2004) for different types of soils
curves from the LGCD and USCB – see Fig. 25.8. Similar comparative analysis of
the standard curves obtained according to EN 1998-1:2004 (2004) with standard
spectral curves from different mining areas of USCB (area KWK “Rydułtowy” and
KWK “Anna”) indicates a significant difference and demonstrates a significant
effect of local soil conditions on the shape of the standard response spectra
Tatara (2012).
These differences occur both for spectral curves drawn on the basis of horizontal
and vertical components of the ground surface vibrations. These differences relate
to the width of the horizontal portion of the spectrum (“plateau”) and the value
describing this part of curve. The horizontal part of the curve from EN 1998-1:2004
(2004) is described by much wider range of periods, including periods greater than
these occurring in the case of mining tremors.
Dynamic calculations were performed assuming: (a) models of buildings shown
in Chap. 4, (b) the ground acceleration ap ¼ 1 m/s2, (c) the kinematic force in the
form of a standard response spectrum applied in two mutually perpendicular
horizontal directions. Calculations were done according to the procedure described
in detail in Tatara (2012).
Tables 25.2 and 25.3 show for example calculated dynamic maximum principal
stress in particular load-bearing walls in each of the analyzed models of buildings
shown in Fig. 25.5b, c. Tables 25.4 and 25.5 present maximum dynamic shear
stress. Calculated stresses showed in Tables 25.2, 25.3, 25.4, and 25.5 refer to cases
without considering the impact of dead and live load.
From the analysis of exemplary calculations for LGCD area, listed in Tables 25.2
and 25.3, a significant influence of the type of the curve describing the standard
response spectrum used for the dynamic calculations can be noted. Considering
building in Fig. 25.1b (full symmetry), and taking into account the spectral curve
given in Kowalski et al. (1997), Tatara (2002, 2012), an increase in the value of
these stresses in the individual structural walls compared to the case of the use of
the curves representing soil type A, B and C Zembaty (2011, 2012), Zembaty
284 T. Tatara and F. Pachla
Table 25.2 Maximum dynamic principal stress in bearing walls for model from Fig. 25.5b
assuming ap ¼ 1 m/s2
Maximum dynamic principal stress in bearing walls
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
GZW Kowalski et al. (1997) 0.26 0.42 0.57 0.37 0.33 0.42 0.14
LGCD Kowalski et al. (1997) 0.33 0.54 0.72 0.47 0.42 0.53 0.18
LGCD ground type A Zembaty 0.21 0.34 0.46 0.30 0.27 0.34 0.11
et al. (2015)
LGCD ground type B Zembaty 0.26 0.43 0.57 0.37 0.33 0.42 0.14
et al. (2015)
LGCD ground type C Zembaty 0.26 0.43 0.58 0.38 0.34 0.42 0.14
et al. (2015)
Table 25.3 Maximum dynamic principal stress in bearing walls for model from Fig. 25.5c
assuming ap ¼ 1 m/s2
Maximum dynamic principal stress in bearing walls [MPa]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
GZW Kowalski et al. (1997) 0.37 0.40 0.37 0.35 0.28 0.34 0.17 0.44
LGCD Kowalski et al. (1997) 0.44 0.48 0.46 0.42 0.33 0.41 0.22 0.53
LGCD ground type A Zembaty 0.30 0.32 0.30 0.29 0.22 0.27 0.14 0.36
et al. (2015)
LGCD ground type B Zembaty 0.37 0.40 0.38 0.36 0.28 0.34 0.17 0.45
et al. (2015)
LGCD ground type C Zembaty 0.36 0.39 0.37 0.35 0.27 0.33 0.18 0.44
et al. (2015)
Table 25.4 Maximum dynamic shear stress in bearing walls for model from Fig. 25.5b assuming
that ap ¼ 1 m/s2
Maximum dynamic shear stress in bearing walls [MPa]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
GZW Kowalski et al. (1997) 0.106 0.130 0.176 0.069 0.096 0.106 0.085
LGCD Kowalski et al. (1997) 0.135 0.165 0.135 0.088 0.121 0.134 0.107
LGCD ground type A Zembaty 0.086 0.105 0.145 0.056 0.077 0.086 0.068
et al. (2015)
LGCD ground type B Zembaty 0.108 0.131 0.178 0.070 0.097 0.107 0.086
et al. (2015)
LGCD ground type C Zembaty 0.26 0.43 0.58 0.38 0.34 0.42 0.14
et al. (2015)
et al. (2015), reaches respectively, approximately 58, 27 and 22 %. In the case of the
irregular arrangement of the building bearing walls – see Fig. 25.1c obtained results
were larger of the average dynamic stress of about 50, 20 and 19 %. Practically in
all bearing walls of considered models – comp. Fig. 25.1b, c, calculated maximum
values of dynamic shear stress using spectral curves according to Kowalski
25 Analysis of the Dynamic Response of Masonry Buildings with Irregularities. . . 285
Table 25.5 Maximum dynamic shear stress in bearing walls for model from Fig. 25.5c assuming
that ap ¼ 1 m/s2
Maximum dynamic shear stress in bearing walls [MPa]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
GZW Kowalski 0.115 0.118 0.132 0.086 0.107 0.077 0.081 0.083
et al. (1997)
LGCD Kowalski 0.139 0.143 0.160 0.106 0.131 0.094 0.103 0.100
et al. (1997)
LGCD ground type A 0.094 0.096 0.108 0.070 0.087 0.063 0.066 0.067
Zembaty et al. (2015)
LGCD ground type B 0.118 0.121 0.135 0.088 0.109 0.079 0.082 0.084
Zembaty et al. (2015)
LGCD ground type C 0.115 0.117 0.132 0.086 0.107 0.077 0.084 0.082
Zembaty et al. (2015)
et al. (1997), Tatara (2002, 2012) are larger than calculated from the curves of the
studies Zembaty (2011, 2012), Zembaty et al. (2015) – see Tables 25.4 and 25.5.
In the area of LGCD and USCB in most of the structural walls in the
bisymmetrical building higher calculated values of maximum principal stress
than in a building with an irregular distribution of load-bearing walls were
achieved. It is not possible to establish a clear trend indicating the impact of
irregular bearing walls on the maximum value of shear stress – see Tables 25.4
and 25.5.
25.6 Conclusions
Acknowledgments The study carried out as part of work funded by the Ministry of Science and
Higher Education (No L-4/124/2014/DS).
286 T. Tatara and F. Pachla
EN 1998-1:2004 Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistant Part 1: Genaral rules,
seismic actions and rules for buildings
PN-80/B-03040:1980 Foundations and supporting structures for the machines (Fundamenty i
konstrukcje wsporcze pod maszyny)
PN-85/B-02170:1985 Evaluation of the harmfulness of building vibrations due to ground motion
(Ocena szkodliwości drgań przekazywanych przez podłoże na budynki)
PN-B-03002:1999 Unreinforced masonry structures. Design and calculation (Konstrukcje murowe
niezbrojone – projektowanie i obliczanie)
PN-B-03264:2002 Concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed structures. Design and calcula-
tion (Konstrukcje betonowe, żelbetowe i spre˛żone. Obliczenia statyczne i projektowanie)
Chapter 26
Numerical and Experimental Prediction
Methods for Assessment of Induced
Vibrations in Irregular Buildings
Jan Benčat
Abstract The prediction models for the ground–borne vibrations and irregular
buildings (IB) structure dynamic response due to traffic means have been intro-
duced. For the free–field dynamic response at the distance (e.g. from railway track)
and dynamic response of IB in the calculation procedures are described in this
paper. The numerical model of the soils is modelled as a viscoelastic half-space.
This model is used both for evaluation of the track–soil interaction forces as well as
for prediction of the ground–borne vibrations. The numerical results in time domain
are presented as the time histories damped amplitudes of the half-space vibration at
the distance. In presented frequency domain free–field response is calculated via
response spectra and frequency response function (FRF) of the viscoelastic soil
medium. In the next step this functions are applied for building structure dynamic
response calculation due to railway traffic (case study) via relevant computational
building structure model.
26.1 Introduction
The growing traffic volume, the higher population density and the diminishing
distance between the track and the structure can be considered to be responsible for
increasing vibration nuisance due to railway traffic. Therefore, the development and
validation of a numerical prediction model for traffic induced vibrations in build-
ings is treated in many works. Empirical models show a close relationship to a set of
experimental data but the application of the model is limited to similar conditions.
Also these models do not always provide insight in the influence of specific
parameters. Numerical models allow the influence of various parameters to be
J. Benčat (*)
University Research Centre, University of Žilina, Univerzitna 1,
SK 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia
e-mail: [email protected]
investigated but a validation of the model with experimental data required to verify
the underlying theoretical assumptions. Even though that validation is focuses on
traffic induced vibrations, the numerical prediction model can be generally appli-
cable to other types of vibration sources e.g. roadways Bencat J (1992, 2006),
Bencat J et al (2009). The dynamic train–track interaction is a coupled problem,
contrary to vehicle–road interaction problems, that requires the simultaneous solu-
tion of the equations of motion of the train and the track. The train–track interaction
forces due to the track unevenness are computed using a flexibility formulation. A
two–dimensional linear vehicle model with a limited number of DOF is coupled to
a linear elastic longitudinal invariant track model, which allows a solution of the
equations of motion in the frequency–wavenumber domain Bencat J (1992), The
transfer functions Bendat J and Piersol A (1993) between the track and the soil and
the computed interaction forces are used to compute the response at any arbitrary
point in the free field. Finally, the building structure dynamic response at the
distance calculation is performed using half – space output data (PSD, time history)
as the input data into the IB structure foundations, see Bencat J et al. (2009),
Fujikake T (1986), Ford R (1987), Grassie S and Cox S (1984), and Grundman H
et al. (1999).
RAIL PAD k2 b2 k2 b2
m9 m9
k1 b1 k1 b1 k1 b1 k1 b1 Q -e e Q
m 10 m7 m4 m1 y
INTERACTION k1, b1 k1 b1 k1 b1 E, J(y), µ (y)
FORCES µ 2, 2, J 2
k 2, b 2, c 2 BALLAST
a a a a
L L l/2 l/2
This calculations followed by a second step in which the spectral density of the
level of ground–borne vibrations is determined by FRF between track and
unbounded soil. Proposed prediction theoretical model for vertical track vibration
numerical program consists of three parts:
• model of vehicle
• model of train–track interaction
• model of track (sleepers/ballast and subsoil).
The frequency characteristics method (input–output) was used for calculation
modelled feedback linear dynamic system train–track–soil system parameters,
(program Interaction). Final products of the numerical calculations are: vehicle,
rail, sleeper, railpads and ballast frequency response functions (also sleeper deflec-
tion and bending moment in time domain) using spectral density functions (SDF) of
the rail roughness used by railway operators or experimentally measured in situ for
case study.
An important example of non–linear behavior is the wheel–rail contact but also
the rail pads and the suspension of the train can deflect in a non–linear manner.
Nevertheless the results presented in this study are limited to linear analyses. Also
in this model is accepted symmetrical dynamic response of the sleepers to longitu-
dinal axis of the track (rail roughness coherence function for left and right rail is
equals to 1).
The track model commonly found in the literature represents the rail as infinite
Timoshenko, Euler or Rayleigh beam, see also Grassie S and Cox S (1984) and
Grundman H et al. (1999), on a continuous uniform support, Fig. 26.2a. The beam is
c b l
a f(t)
E 1 I1 rail E2 I2 (y)
− −
Q1 = − Q1 = − A2 (y)
y2 2 2 ρ
k1, b1 railpads
sleepers 1 23 45 N I y
k2, b2, c ballast k2 (y)
c2 (y)
c d L L
= ( )
= ( )
E 1, I1 x
E1, I1, μ1,ρ1 x
0 0
k1, b1 k 1, b 1
v1 sleepers v1 sleeper
a a a a a a a a layer a a a a a a a
e m5
f x v
k2 b2 k2 b2
I8 I3 ζ
m9 m2 WQ
Mw F0 z z =ξ + v + η
k1 b1 k1 b1 k1 b1 k1 b1 ξ z Q
+ W Q
ξ(x) m10 m7 m4 m1 v Q Q
kH z4 p=4 z3 3 z2 2 z1 1 Wv
η Q Q
v1 2,4 m 6,6 m 2,4 m
taken as uniform flexural rigidity EI, rail mass per unit mr and distributed sleeper
mass ms. The railpad stiffness and viscous damping constant per unit length are
taken to be k1 and b1 and the corresponding parameters for ballast are k2 and b2
respectively. An harmonic point force p(t) ¼ Pcosωt is assumed to run at constant
velocity v along the rail. The FRF of the track excited to a harmonic force for
proposed prediction model are discussed in this section. The track model consists of
two parts: (i) model of sleeper with ballast and subballast, Fig. 26.2b and (ii) track
model (rail supported discretely by sleepers modelled as rigid bodies with spring–
damper systems representing the rail pads), Fig. 26.2c, d.
Finally, the solution for FRF of the linear dynamic system model e.g. in which
on input are rail roughness ξ and on output are wheel forces Q enable calculations of
the interaction matrix FRF according to scheme as shown Fig. 26.2g. The dynamic
displacement of the wheel z is defined by z ¼ ξ þ v þ η, where ξ represents rail
roughness, v – rail vertical deflection and η – wheel and rail contact deformation in
contact location.
The track irregularities are great source of the track and vehicles dynamic
excitations. Such excitation arises from discrete irregularities such as wheel flats
and rail joints as well as periodic irregularities such as corrugation of the railhead. It
is assumed that excitation of the track arises from a wheel passing over a sinusoidal
irregularity on the rail head (Fig. 26.2f). The stochastic theory analysis enables to
define irregularities by PSD function by Sξ ðΩÞ ¼ AΩa , where A, a are empirical
(experimental) constants. The distance x is used as the independent variable to
define ξ(x).
W ξv2 ¼ W ξQ :W QQ1 :W Q
v2 :
An advantage of the continuous track model (Fig. 26.2c, d) is that enables for
arbitrary track variables to calculate Turek J (1992): FRF, input spectra and
standard deviations of the track dynamic response parameters – dynamic forces
Q, Q1, Q2, dynamic deflections v1, v2, wheel center dynamic displacement z and
294 J. Benčat
1 10 100 1000 [Hz]
0 50 100 150 200 250 [Hz]
dynamic bending moment in rail and sleeper. As an example on Fig. 26.3 is plot of
numerical calculations results for vertical track receptance of rail deflection v1 due
to wheel contact forces Q.
The analytic–experimental approach proposes the test and the theory data combi-
nation to calculate the prediction level of ground vibration (suitable in practical
cases). In this process as an input signal can be used accelerations spectra
(or spectral densities) derived from experimental data bank of authorized railway
category with corresponding rail profile or accelerations spectrum Sw€ w€ ð f Þ measured
at nearest ground point to the track for individual case study. The frequency
response function (or transfer function) of the ground can be derived via experi-
mental impulse seismic method (ISM) Bencat J (1992, 2006) or cross–hole test data,
SASW method, from which elastic and attenuation parameters of the ground can be
obtained, too. The measuring output response acceleration spectrum (RAS) at the
distance Sẅẅ( f ) due to input accelerations spectrum Sw€ w€ ð f Þ the FRF– H( f ) can be
derived, see also Bencat J et al. (2009). In accordance with Bendat J and Piersol A
(1993) then RAS is given by the formula: Sw€́ w€́ ð f Þ ¼ Hð f ÞS €€́ ð f Þ:
ẃ w
To calculate prediction vibration level and dynamic response of the projected new
building in the projected new railway line area it was needs to know the building
site soils dynamic parameters, soil FRF and project building parameters. Therefore
the in situ ISM tests in the IBM Data Centre building site were performed. The
building site is situated in the same area in which the new Trans European Network
(TEN–T) line is projected, too. After the both structures erection the distance
between by them will be approximately 20 m. Hence the prediction of building
vibration level and response spectra due to operating trains were required.
The building site is situated on level ground (sandy loam 3.5 m and gravel sand
12.0 m). This permits the ground to be modelled as a damped, viscoelastic half
space. The viscoelastic model of soil simulation using the complex modulus
conception E* ¼ E(1 + δE) and G* ¼ G(1 + δG) respectively, offers a very good
approach to the actual soil behavior (E, G and δEδG are real and imaginary
components of complex modulus). The Raleigh’s and shear waves propagation vr
and vs in half space in this form for the case study were analyzed in Bencat J (1992).
The experimental tests procedure for the purpose of the evaluation of elastic and
attenuation soil parameters is described in Bencat J et al. (2009). The IBM building
site layout, accelerometers and impact loading positions (Ii) during the experimen-
tal tests are shown in Fig. 26.5. The ISM results are as follows:
• vr ¼ 145.10 ms–1; δG ¼ 0.117; E0 ¼ 109.20 MPa; G0 ¼ 41.10 MPa,
• the ISM test No. 5 spectral analysis results example are plotted on Fig. 26.6.
296 J. Benčat
1.10m 13.90m 3.30m 1.70m 1.50m1.50m
B2 B1
I2 I3 I4
Betónové oplotenie
Fig. 26.5 Accelerometers and impacts (I1 – 4) position and projected building site layout
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 [Hz] 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 [Hz]
BK1z – PSD – G11 (f) BK1z, BK2z – CP SD G 12 (f)
50.71 Hz 56.47 Hz
2E-06 5.E-06
60.42 Hz
4.E-06 46.91 Hz
8E-07 25.44 Hz
3E-07 1.E-06 27.47 Hz
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 [Hz] 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 [Hz]
Fig. 26.6 The ISM5 test spectral analysis results at B1 and B2 points
[m/s^2] [(m/s^2)^2/Hz]
8.5E -06 43.11 Hz 54.94 Hz
0.2 39.13 Hz
17.02 Hz 60.00 Hz
8 E -06
7.5E -06
0 32.06 Hz
-0.1 7 E -06
66.30 Hz
5 10 15 20 25 [t] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 [Hz]
BK1y – ẅ(t) BK1y – PSD – Gyy(f)
[m/s^2] [(m/s^2)^2/Hz]
44.04 Hz
55.05 Hz
59.02 Hz
0 3.E-06 38.07 Hz
63.75 Hz
5 10 15 20 25 [t] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 [Hz]
BK1x – ẅ(t) BK1x – PSD – Gxx(f)
[m/s^2] [(m/s^2)^2/Hz]
39.14 Hz
27.98 Hz
18.05 Hz
0.1 3.E-06
45.11 Hz
0 2.E-06
55.05 Hz
5 10 15 20 25 [t] 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 [Hz]
Fig. 26.8 The acceleration time histories and PSD at point BK1
To calculate the prediction vibration level and the structure dynamic response of
projected new IB structure situated at nearest area of the projected new railway line
it was needs to know the building site soils dynamic parameters, site geological
medium FRF and also the representative input accelerations spectra due to trains
26 Prediction Methods for Vibrations Assessment 299
K2 z
K1≡P1 x
comparable to expected real train spectra due to trains in future traffic. For
calculation expected structure dynamic response it was used: (i) PSD – Gii( f ) of
ground acceleration at the track nearest region (Fig. 26.7) with similar geological
medium data as the site geological medium input spectra (see Fig. 26.8), (ii) The
halfspace transfer function Hik( f ) of the building site geological medium obtained
by ISM tests (see Fig. 26.6) and (iii) project of building structure.
The response PSD – Gkk ( f ) of the halfspace point at the projected structure
foundations location was calculated and plotted on Fig. 26.11. In the next step these
spectra were used as the input spectra for expected building structure dynamic
response calculation due to train. The dynamic response of the building structure
numerical calculation was carried out by the Visual Fea program package. The
calculated values of natural frequencies and natural modes were used in the next
step of the IB structure dynamic response calculations. The structure FEM model
render and two natural modes examples are shown in Figs. 26.9 and 26.10.
In the next step the building structure dynamic response calculations were
performed in frequency domain. The spectral analysis was divided into two parts:
low frequency band (0–10 Hz) and higher frequency band (10–130 Hz). The low
frequency spectral analysis gives the basic building natural frequencies vibration
range which enables to predict possible resonance effects of structure vibration due
to traffic. Because of the vibration sensitive technologies installing in the IBM DC
building the power spectral densities are determined in the structure relevant points
(over columns and in the middle of beam spans) for the structure dynamic response
considering in the range of frequency band 10–130 Hz. The higher frequency
spectral analysis band is mainly required for vibration level assessment on moni-
tored frequency according to the IBM Corporate Standard C–S1–9711–002, 1990–
03 requirements. The accelerations PSD, displacements extreme and rms values
were numerically calculated at the selected render points (K1. . .K6, P1. . .P6) in the
three vibration directions x, y, z. The results of the IBM DC building structure
300 J. Benčat
-6 -6
9.10 40,59 [Hz] 8,1.10
52,00 [Hz] 57,68 [Hz]
-6 8,89.10 9,29.10
-6 48,52 [Hz] 8,38.10
[(m/s ) /Hz]
[(m/s2)2/Hz] -6 [(m/s2)2/Hz]
5.10 4,5.10
2 2
2 2
-6 -6 35,33 [Hz]
4.10 57,31 [Hz] 3,6.10 1,84.10
26,10 [Hz] 2,45.10-6
-6 [(m/s2)2/Hz] 61,40 [Hz]
-6 2,46.10 [(m/s2)2/Hz] -6 -6
3.10 2,7.10 3,63.10
[(m/s2)2/Hz] 22,10 [Hz] [(m/s2)2/Hz]
-6 -6 1,26.10
2.10 1,8.10 [(m/s2)2/Hz]
-6 -6
1.10 0,9.10
0 0
[Hz] 20 40 60 80 100 120 [Hz] 20 40 60 80 100 120
x – direction y – direction
14.10 51,94 [Hz]
-5 [(m/s2)2/Hz]
32,04 [Hz]
-5 35,40 [Hz]
3,78.10 -5
-5 [(m/s2)2/Hz] 2,68.10
10.10 [(m/s2)2/Hz]
[(m/s ) /Hz]
8.10 26,37 [Hz]
2 2
5,46.10 67,08 [Hz]
48,52 [Hz] 2,42.10
-5 -5
6.10 2,22.10 [(m/s2)2/Hz]
[Hz] 20 40 60 80 100 120
z – direction
Fig. 26.11 The input acceleration PSD – G11( f ) to foundation at point K1/10 – 130 Hz
26 Prediction Methods for Vibrations Assessment 301
x y
72,27 [Hz] 67,08 [Hz]
-7 -7 51,94 [Hz] 53,65 [Hz] 9,67.10
3,5.10 3,99.10 -7 4,56.10
[(m/s2)2/Hz] 3,11.10 [(m/s2)2/Hz]
-7 [(m/s2)2/Hz]
8,0.10 [(m/s2)2/Hz]
-7 42,48 [Hz]
3,0.10 40,52 [Hz]
9,38.10 [(m/s2)2/Hz]
-7 [(m/s2)2/Hz] 48,52 [Hz]
2,5.10 -7
[(m/s ) /Hz]
74,28 [Hz]
[(m/s ) /Hz]
2 2
2 2
0 0
[Hz] 20 40 60 80 100 120 [Hz] 20 40 60 80 100 120
49,61 [Hz]
1,8.10 2,07.10
51,94 [Hz]
1,5.10 1,87.10
[(m/s ) /Hz]
2 2
42,48 [Hz]
-7 -8
6,0.10 3,00.10
[Hz] 20 40 60 80 100 120
Fig. 26.12 The response acceleration PSD – G66( f ) of roof at point K6/10 – 130 Hz
dynamic response calculations are presented in detail Bencat J et al. (2009). The
adequate input load acceleration PSD – G11( f ) into the foundation structure (render
point K1) for x, y and z vibration directions are plotted in the Fig. 26.11 and the
response acceleration PSD – G66( f ) of the building roof structure (render point K6)
is plotted in the Fig. 26.12.
26.5 Conclusions
Based on the results of this paper the following conclusions can be drawn:
(i) The numerical prediction model can account for many parameters of the train–
track–soil interaction problem. Final products of the numerical calculations
are vehicle, rail, sleeper, rail pads and ballast frequency response functions
using spectral density functions of the rail roughness. To predict the level of
ground vibration in the vicinity of railways it needs to calculate the response
spectrum at distance point on the ground surface Sww( f ) via the (FRF) –
Hik( f ) of the ground by a method involving integral transform.
(ii) The numeric–experimental approach process proposes the test and the theory
data combination to calculate the prediction level of ground vibration. This
approach is suitable for practical tasks and case studies (e.g. law studies,
302 J. Benčat
(iii) The frequency response function – Hik( f ) of the ground for the case study was
derived via experimental impulse seismic method (ISM) test data, from which
elastic and attenuation parameters of the ground were obtained, too.
(iv) The calculation results of the predicted IBM Data Centre building dynamic
response using the relevant input experimental data are introduced, too. The
relevant calculated data values following from spectral and amplitude analysis
of the predicted IB dynamic response (spectral picks limit, vibration levels,
etc.) were compared with relevant standards prescription values and criteria
(IBM Corporate Standard C–S1, STN EN 1998 – 1/NA/Z1 (2010) Slovak
Standard STN 73 0032 (2013), etc.). From this comparisons it follows that all
relevant standards prescription values and criteria in future will be fulfilled.
Benčat J (1992) Microtremor due to traffic. In: Research report A – 4 – 92/b, UTC Žilina, 1992
(in Slovak)
Benčat J (2006) Microtremor from railway traffic. In: Proceedings of the 8th international
conference on Computational Structures Technology, Gran Canaria
Benčat J et al (2009) Studies of the TEN–T railway traffic effects on IBM Data Centrum – ST
Building in Bratislava. In: Report PC 16/SvF/2009, University of Žilina (in Slovak)
Bendat J, Piersol A (1993) Engineering applications of correlation and spectral analysis. Wiley,
New York
Ford R (1987) The production of ground vibrations by railway trains. J Sound Vib 116(3):585–589
Fujikake T (1986) A prediction method for the propagation of ground vibration from railway
trains. J Sound Vib 111(2):357–360
Grassie S, Cox S (1984) The dynamic response of railway track with flexible sleepers to high
frequency vertical excitation. Proc Inst Mech Eng 198(2):117–124
Grundmann H et al (1999) The response of a layered half–space to traffic loads moving along its
surface. Arch Appl Mech 69:55–67
Knothe K, Wu Y (1998) Receptance behaviour of railway track and subgrade. Arch Appl Mech
Kotrasová K (2009) Influence of category of sub-soil on liquid storage circular tanks during
earthquake. In: Proceedings of 12th international scientific conference on structural mechanics.
Brno University of Technology. In: Selected Scientific Papers, Journal of Civil Engineering,
TU Košice (Slovakia), 3(1). ISSN 1336-9024.
Slovak Standard (2013) Calculation of building structures and foundations loaded by dynamic
effect of machines (in Slovak). STN 73 0032. Slovak Institute of Standards, SUTN, Bratislava,
Slovak National Annex to Eurocode 8 (2010) Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Part
1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings (in Slovak). STN EN 1998 – 1/NA/Z1.
Slovak Institute of Standards, SUTN, Bratislava
Turek J (1992) The interaction model of the vehicle–track system. In: Research report 245/92 VUŽ
Van den Broeck, P, De Roeck G (1999) The vertical receptance of track including soil–structure
interaction. In: Proceedings of the 4th European conference on structural dynamic: “Eurodyn
99”, Prague, pp 849–853
Chapter 27
Stability Analysis of Żelazny Most Tailings
Dam Loaded by Mining-Induced
Abstract The paper presents the stability analysis of Żelazny Most tailings dam
subjected to mining-induced paraseismic events. The tailings dam as well as
foundation have complex geotechnical structure. The foundation of the dam is
built of series of tertiary and quaternary formations affected in the past by three
glaciations whereas the complexity of tailings structure results from the method of
its deposition within the pond. Simplified dynamic displacement analysis of the
dam is performed based on Newmark’s approach using GeoStudio2007 software.
The paper highlights the necessity of proper domain and time discretization,
especially in the case of complex geological structure. Dynamic response of the
tailings dam was obtained for the equivalent linear one-phase soil model. Stability
calculations were performed for Coulomb-Mohr model and Stress History And
Normalized Soil Engineering Properties (SHANSEP). The applied input signals
were selected by Arias intensity criterion from huge set of signals recorded on the
ground surface caused by mining tremors. The peak ground acceleration value was
scaled to the values predicted by hazard analysis. The results of the calculations
carried out for three selected acceleration signals have revealed no permanent
27.1 Introduction
Żelazny Most tailings dam is the only place to store huge amount of post-flotation
mineral material coming from copper production in KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Thus
it is a key component of the production process. The depository is built by upstream
method. The tailings-water mixture is discharged inside the depository surrounded by
embankments. It needs to be continuously raised to accommodate subsequent batches
of tailings. At present the maximum height of the depository is 66 m (East Dam).
Other dams are lower due to natural morphology of the terrain on which they are
founded. The development of the depository is based on observational method which
needs well developed monitoring system to observe the response of the dams and
foundation against increasing loadings. The monitoring system consist of thousands
of various measuring points in which different measuring devices are installed (e.g.:
benchmarks, vibrating-wire piezometers, deep inclinometers, seismic stations),
Jamiolkowski et al. (2010). Due to extreme geotechnical complexity of both tailings
and foundation, numerous laboratory and filed tests have been done.
The region of the Żelazny Most depository is characterized by very low natural
seismicity Guterch (2009), however due to mining activity it is exposed to mining-
induced tremors with close epicentral distances Lasocki (2011), Lasocki
et al. (2012a) and Zembaty (2004), Fig. 27.1. Accelerometers that record three
components of earthquake vibrations, are located in six cross-sections on the slope
and at the toe of the dam, Fig. 27.1. Seismic hazard analysis has been carried out by
Fig. 27.1 Regions of epicentres near the Żelazny Most depository, based on Lasocki (2011) and
Lasocki et al. (2012a)
27 Tailings Dam Affected by Paraseismic Events 305
Lasocki et al. based on collected records the seismic energy of which was greater than
1∙107 J. For the mining activity plan in the period 2012–2042, the forecast of peak
horizontal ground acceleration value (PHA) for one of the West Dam cross-sections
was estimated to be 0.17 g, Lasocki et al. (2012b). This values with 5 % of
exceedance over a period of 30 years has been assumed as design acceleration.
High risk due to social, economic and environmental consequences of failure requires
reliable dynamic stability analysis of the dams loaded by paraseismic events.
According to Eurocode 8 - EC8 (2003), pseudo-static stability analysis may be
adopted for PGA lower than 0.08 g. Otherwise pseudo-dynamic or full dynamic
analyses should be applied. One of the most popular pseudo-dynamic approaches is
Newmark’s concept which assess the dam stability in terms of permanent displace-
ments produced during shaking, Newmark (1965). The original concept considers
rigid mass sliding along surface when rigid perfectly plastic strength criterion is
reached. The yield acceleration value that causes relative motion corresponds to
factor of safety equal to one. The relative downward displacement occurs as long as
relative velocity is non zero. Nowadays the modified Newmark’s approach based
on stress state derived from finite element method is being used.
In the paper the application of modified Newmark’s approach to assess the
stability of Żelazny Most tailings dam subjected to paraseismic loadings is
presented. Simplified dynamic displacement analysis has been performed using
GeoStudio2007 software reported in GEO-SLOPE (2010a, b). Dynamic response of
the tailings dam is calculated based on the equivalent linear one-phase soil model.
The attention was focused on the determination of differentiated material stiffness
in order to reflect the soil structure complexity and also taking into account its stress
and strain dependency. The paper highlights the necessity of proper domain and
time discretization, as well as the numerical efficiency, which is not trivial issue in
the case of complex geological structure.
Fig. 27.3 (a) Normalized shear modulus against shear strain for tailings compared to laboratory
tests. (b) Maximum shear modulus dependence on effective vertical stress
The 2D plane strain dynamic response of the dam was carried out based on finite
element software Quake/W and Wilson-θ time integration method (GeoStudio2007
package). The size of the model was tested to minimize the boundary impact and
wave reflections. Suggested geometry of the model dimensions is 5:1 (horizontal to
vertical), Świdziński and Korzec (2013). The discrete model consist of 9571 trian-
gular elements with 3 Gauss points. The mesh scheme is consistent with dynamic
material properties and one period of shear wave described by at least five nodes. The
conditions ensure that the distance between nodes is lower than the distance that the
wave can travel in one single time step. Proposed approach gives almost constant
value of Courant number in whole model. Due to memory and time restrictions only
selected dynamic results are saved. Saving frequency must fulfil the Nyquist’s
criterion. After many tests the dynamic calculation times step was established as
0.013 s and saving time step as 0.052 s, Świdziński and Korzec (2013).
308 W. Świdziński et al.
Fig. 27.4 Response spectra of selected signals compared to elastic spectrum proposed in EC8
The first stage in the stability analysis using FEM is to establish the initial static
equilibrium stress state within the dam mass before earthquake. In this stage the
initial shear modulus dependent on vertical effective stress is set for each element.
For the sake of simplicity the stage construction and overconsolidation was
neglected. Subsequently, the simplified one-phase dynamic calculations are done
using equivalent linear procedure. Due to these assumptions, only elastic dynamic
strains are expected and the pore pressure is not analysed. The model was loaded by
three uniform horizontal acceleration time-histories that results from deconvolution
procedure, Kramer (1996) and Dulińska (2012). Deconvolution allows to gain
recorded free surface motions at the toe with designed PHA. The linear chirp signal
which covers interested frequency range with the same amplitude was used to
calculate the transmittance function. Accordance to EC8 recommendations, three
accelerograms with waveforms representing near, medium, far field conditions
have been applied. Peak acceleration ratio of these groups of signals has been
assumed to be 1.0:0.5:0.3. An Arias intensity criterion has been used to select one
signal from each group. Response spectra of selected accelerograms are quite
compatible with type 2 of elastic response spectrum Se given in EC8 for the ground
type C, Fig. 27.4. To improve calculation efficiency, the important part of signal
(denoted by ta) was extracted using period criterion that covers an increase of Arias
intensity from 1 to 95 %. Non-standard lower limit has been applied for the
numerical stability purpose. The baseline correction and band-pass filtration were
applied for the selected signals to ensure zero dynamic displacement at the end of
vibration, reducing noise and high frequencies with very low amplitude, Boore and
Bommer (2005).
There are two main steps of Newmark safety analyses using Slope/W. At first, an
average acceleration history is determined based on shear forces mobilized along
slip surface (from both static and dynamic FEM analysis), divided by the mass of
sliding block. Next, the factor of safety is determined as the ratio of the available
static resistance shear force to mobilized shear force along a slip surface. Knowing
time-history of both the average acceleration and the factor of safety, yield accel-
eration ay is determined. For the instability time periods (when the average
27 Tailings Dam Affected by Paraseismic Events 309
acceleration is greater than ay) the positive relative average accelerations of the
block arise. By double integration of the latter time-history, the relative velocity
and then relative displacement time-history are determined. Around one hundred
various slip surfaces were examined covering all admissible failure mechanisms;
from shallow to deep surface, passing through the soft clays, and the boundary
between saturated and unsaturated tailings.
Fig. 27.5 The impact of tailings stiffness on the permanent displacements (G4 – constant stiffness
of tailings; finl_G4var, fin4_G4var – various stiffness of tailings depending on its distance from
the dam crest)
310 W. Świdziński et al.
27.5 Conclusions
In the paper the assessment of the Żelazny Most tailings dam stability subjected to
mining-induced paraseismic loading has been presented. Due to the fact that
predicted peak ground accelerations for the mining plan up to 2042 are larger
than given by EC8 allowable limit for application of pseudo-static approach, the
assessment was carried out by simplified dynamic Newmark’s analysis.
The Newmark approach coupled with FEM was chosen for stability analysis.
The adopted methodology assumes one-phase equivalent linear shearing behaviour
and it is correct for predicted PHA level and low cyclic mobility of saturated
tailings. In the numerical analysis made by GeoStudio software the attention was
focused on how to reflect the material complexity of dam and foundation. Such
complexity required a determination of many material properties, which was based
on the interpretation of large series of laboratory test results. The correctness and
the efficiency of discrete model was proved by series of numerical tests. The proper
simulation of the design motion was achieved by deconvolution procedure using
linear chirp signal. The work should be continued to model compliant base case and
check its influence to dynamic response.
For predicted design peak ground acceleration derived for the mining plan
period from 2012 to 2042 no permanent displacements should occur.
Acknowledgments The authors express their thankfulness to the Management of KGHM for
publishing permission. The authors are also grateful for useful advices given by prof. S. Lasocki
and Geoteko specialists (especially by dr inż. P. Sorbjan).
Boore DM, Bommer JJ (2005) Processing of strong-motion accelerograms: needs, options and
consequences. Soil Dyn Earthq Eng 25:93–115
Dulińska J (2012) Ziemne budowle hydrotechniczne na terenach sejsmicznych i parasejsmicznych
w Polsce. Wybrane aspekty modelowania i obliczeń. Wydawnictwo PK, Krak ow
Eurocode 8 (2003) Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Part 5: Foundations, retaining
structures and geotechnical aspects. Final Draft. CEN
GEO-SLOPE International Ltd. (2010a) Dynamic modeling with QUAKE/W 2007. An Engineer-
ing Methodology
GEO-SLOPE International Ltd. (2010b) Stability modeling with SLOPE/W 2007 version. An
Engineering Methodology
Guterch B (2009) Sejsmiczność Polski w świetle danych historycznych. Przegla˛d Geologiczny
Ishibashi I, Zhang X (1993) Unified dynamic shear moduli and damping ratios of sand and clay.
Soils Found 33(1):182–191
Ishihara K (2003) Soil behaviour in earthquake geotechnics. Clarendon Press, Oxford
Jamiolkowski M, Carrier WD, Chandler RJ, Hoeh K, Swierczynski W, Wolski W (2010) The
geotechnical problems of the second world largest copper tailings pond at Zelazny Most,
Poland. Geotech Eng J SEAGS AGSSEA 41(1):1–15
Kramer SL (1996) Geotechnical earthquake engineering. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River
27 Tailings Dam Affected by Paraseismic Events 311
Abstract This chapter presents a formal optimization methodology for the seismic
design of multiple tuned-mass-dampers (MTMDs) for the multi-modal control of
3D irregular buildings. The total weight of all TMDs is minimized while both inter-
story drifts and total accelerations are constrained to allowable values so as to lead
to a performance-based-design. The results reveal that, with the right design,
MTMDs can mitigate both structural and nonstructural earthquake damage.
Hence, they can potentially present a multi-hazard strategy to mitigate both winds
and earthquakes.
28.1 Introduction
The main criterion in seismic design under strong ground motions (life safety) has
long been limiting the amount of casualties following a severe earthquake. How-
ever, the financial consequences of recent ground motion (e.g. Northridge 1994;
Kobe 1995; Christchurch 2011) led to the notion that financial criteria should also
be considered. This understanding inspired the development of the performance-
based design (PBD) philosophy, where limiting damage under less severe ground
motions is also considered (see e.g. Fajfar and Krawinkler 1997, or Priestley 2000,
for elaboration on the PBD concept). This also motivated retrofitting of existing
structures to limit damage following ground motions of various levels.
Y. Daniel
AJS Consulting Engineers, Haifa, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
O. Lavan (*)
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa, Israel
e-mail: [email protected]
One of the advanced means for retrofitting such structures relies on tuned-mass
dampers (TMD) (e.g. Den-Hartog 1940; Soong and Dargush 1997). Such devices
can efficiently reduce the response of a linear system to a harmonic loading over a
specific narrow band of frequencies. Therefore, the application to wind design is
straight-forward (e.g. McNamara 1977; Luft 1979; Wiesner 1979). Under seismic
events however, elastic behaviour is often experienced by tall buildings as well as
buildings equipped with energy dissipation systems (Kasai et al. 2012). Here,
limiting absolute acceleration, in addition to the traditional limitations on inter-
story drifts, is of much importance (Kasai et al. 2012). As several modes often
contribute to these responses, multiple TMDs (MTMDs), tuned to various frequen-
cies have an advantage over a single TMD controlling only one mode of vibration
(Clark 1988; Lavan and Daniel 2013; Daniel and Lavan 2014, 2015). This makes
such devices attractive for multi-hazard mitigation of winds and earthquake
This chapter presents the main derivations and findings of Daniel and Lavan
(2014). An optimization problem formulation suitable for the optimal design of
such MTMDs in 3D irregular structures is first presented. The total mass of
MTMDs is minimized, while local responses of interest of the peripheral frames
are constrained to allowable values, each one individually. Hence, excessive local
damage, which usually characterizes irregular structures, may be prevented, and
elastic response could be ensured. Similarly, absolute accelerations at the perime-
ters of each floor are also constrained to allowable values, allowing the reduction of
nonstructural damage levels. In turn, the derivation of a methodology that allows a
formal optimal design for this PBD problem is presented. This methodology
requires a relatively small computational effort, without predefining the amount
of added devices, their locations, modes to be dampened, or sizes. An example of a
design for retrofitting of an eight story asymmetric structure using the proposed
methodology is presented, and its characteristics are thoroughly discussed.
Inter-story drifts are well known to describe damage to structural elements, and
therefore by limiting their value, the damage to these important elements can be
effectively reduced (e.g. Williams and Sexsmith 1995; FEMA 356 2000; Charmpis
et al. 2012). Inter-story drifts are a damage measure to some types of nonstructural
components as well (e.g. partition walls). It is also important to note that by
constraining the level of drifts, the structure can be brought to behave linearly,
thus eliminating the problems associated with structural yielding and detuning of
TMDs. When considering damage to other types of nonstructural elements
(e.g. piping systems, air-conditioning systems, sensitive equipment), absolute
accelerations are an important measure. Thus, these two parameters were chosen
herein to describe the various aspects of seismic structural performance
The measure of cost of TMDs is taken here as the amount of added mass. As
more mass is added to the structure, the retrofit becomes more expensive and thus
less cost-effective. Thus, this is taken as the objective function to be minimized.
In the problem to follow, TMDs are potentially allocated at each peripheral location
(i.e. at the four edges) of each floor. At each location, multiple TMDs could be
assigned, each tuned to a different frequency, aimed to control a different mode of
the structure. The optimization problem is formulated so as to minimize the total
amount of added mass in all TMDs while constraining root mean-square responses
of the structure. These responses are measured at all peripheral locations of all
floors, as they are the largest expected within story limits. These locations, that are
also the potential locations for the TMDs, are shown in Fig. 28.1, for the story n, as:
(xpyl)n, (xpyr)n, (xpxt)n and (xpxb)n, and are the peripheral coordinates in the “y”, “y”,
“x” and “x” directions, at the left, right, top and bottom edges of floor n,
(dθ)n (dx)n
318 Y. Daniel and O. Lavan
respectively. The responses at these locations can be found by using the transfor-
mation matrix, T, from the DOFs of the original structure ((dx)n, (dy)n and (dθ)n in
Fig. 28.1) to peripheral coordinates.
The optimization problem is thus formulated as:
all all
X frequencies
locations X
min J ¼ ðmTMD Þl, f
l f ð28:1Þ
RMS r p l
1:0 8l ¼ 1, 2, . . . , N locations
all, l
where (mTMD)l,f is the mass of the TMD located at peripheral location l tuned to
frequency f, RMS((rp)l) is the root mean-square of the response of interest at each
location, l, (the lth term of RMS(rp) (such reference to a component of a vector or a
matrix, (·)l, will be used throughout this chapter), rRMS
all;l is the allowable root mean-
square response at the location l, and Nlocations is the number of locations to be
constrained (¼4Nfloors where Nfloors is the number of floors). Generally, the design
variables in problems such as the one presented in Eq. (28.1) can be the masses of
the TMDs, their stiffnesses and damping coefficients. Optimal frequencies (stiff-
nesses) and damping ratios (damping coefficients) for SDOF systems as a function
of their mass were proposed by Den Hartog (1940). These could be applied to each
mode separately as was proposed by Lavan and Daniel (2013). These are also
adopted herein, thus, the masses of TMDs remain the only design variables.
28.4 Example
6.0 ag
1 2 3 4
retrofitted using MTMDs to limit total accelerations. Here, only the “y” direction
component of the excitation is considered. A uniform distributed mass of 0.75 ton/
m2 was taken. The column dimensions are 0.5 m by 0.5 m for frames 1 and 2 and
0.7 m by 0.7 m for frames 3 and 4. The beams are 0.4 m wide and 0.6 m tall. Five
percent Rayleigh damping for the first and second modes was used. The design
variables are the locations and properties of the individual tuned mass dampers. The
dampers are to potentially be located on the peripheral frames, where they are most
effective, and as the excitation is in the “y” direction only, dampers will be assigned
only to the peripheral frames 1 (lower 4 floors), 3 (upper 4 floors) and 4, to dampen
frequencies of modes which involve “y” and “θ”. The response is analysed under a
Clough-Penzien filtered Kanai-Tajimi power-spectral density with parameters
suited to match the SE 10/50 ground motion ensemble.
This example is solved for two constraints simultaneously: a constraint on RMS
absolute accelerations and RMS inter-story drifts. Herein, it is desired to reduce the
maximal responses by 45 % (i.e. the allowable RMS acceleration is 55 % of the max
RMS acceleration of all locations at the bare structure’s response, and the allowable
RMS inter-story drift is 55 % of the max RMS inter-story drift of all locations at the
bare structure’s response).
320 Y. Daniel and O. Lavan
Table 28.1 Natural frequencies of the structure in the coupled y,θ direction
Mode # Angular frequency (rad/s) Mode # Angular frequency (rad/s)
2 7.36 9 43.48
3 10.37 11 57.41
5 17.88 12 67.27
6 22.61 13 71.95
8 35.96 15 94.66
The first few natural frequencies and modes, associated with the “y” translation
(and “θ” rotation) of the building, are shown in Table 28.1.
A 45 % reduction of both the absolute acceleration and the peripheral peak total
inter-story drift in the bare structure is desired. 160 TMDs were added, as a first
guess. These are comprised of 10 dampers each tuned to a different natural
frequency (related to the “y” and “θ” modes) at each of the 16 peripheral locations
of frames 1, upper 4 floors of frame 3, and frame 4. The initial frequencies and
damping ratios were computed based on the initial masses of TMDs as per Den
Hartog (1940). Using the Active Set algorithm for optimization, the mass con-
verged to the final stiffness using 117 function/gradient evaluations. The final
solution attained is given in Table 28.2.
Finally, an analysis of the retrofitted structure yields the peripheral RMS inter-
story drifts and accelerations shown in Fig. 28.3. Also shown in Fig. 28.3 is the total
amount of mass at each floor. As can be seen, in this case both constraints
(i.e. accelerations and drifts) are active at the same time.
The convergence of the constraint as well as the performance index can be seen
in Fig. 28.4.
28.5 Conclusions
a b
8 8 8 8 8 8
7 7 7 7 7 7 dRMS
6 6 6 6 6 6
floor number
floor number
floor number
floor number
floor number
floor number
5 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4 all 4
3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
0 50 100 150 0 10 20 0 0.05 0 50 100 150 0 10 20 0 0.05
sum of RMS acceleration RMS drift sum of RMS acceleration RMS drift
masses (ton) masses (ton)
Fig. 28.3 Peripheral RMS accelerations and inter-story drifts of structure with final TMDs
(continuous or dashed) and sum of added masses (dots) (a) frame 1 (floors 1–4) and 3 (floors 5–
8) and (b) frame 4 (Daniel and Lavan 2014)
total added mass
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
function evaluation
b 4
Constraint value
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
function evaluation
Fig. 28.4 Convergence of (a) performance index and (b) objective function, constraining absolute
accelerations and inter-story drifts (Daniel and Lavan 2014)
Abstract The choices of building shapes and structural systems have significant
effect on their seismic performance. Structures that have non-coincident centers of
mass and stiffness are referred to as plan-irregular structures. Such structures could
be highly vulnerable to earthquake damage due to torsional response. Regular
buildings result in a fairly uniform distribution of seismic forces throughout its
components, whereas irregular buildings result in highly indeterminate distribution
of forces making the analysis prediction more complicated. This paper deals with
analytical investigation of feasibility of implementing water tank as passive TMD
on plan irregular building using SAP2000. The water tank was installed at the
terrace level of L-shaped building. The response of building to earthquake data,
namely, El-Centro 1940 and Bhuj 2001 were studied. The responses of the building
with tank provided at three different locations of building were studied under five
conditions, namely, tank empty, 0.25 h, 0.50 h, 0.75 h and full tank, where, h is the
height of water level. It is concluded that water tank at top roof level in partially
filled condition mitigate response of irregular buildings.
29.1 Introduction
To protect civil structures from significant damage, the response reduction during
severe earthquakes has become an important topic in structural engineering. A
building is said to be irregular when it lacks symmetry and discontinuity in
geometry, mass or load resisting elements. There are two types of irregularities
namely, Horizontal irregularities refers to asymmetrical plan shapes (L, T, U and F)
It was thought, modeling of water tank as two mass model will lead to more realistic
dynamic response of the structure of which water tank is integral part. Two mass
model for elevated tank was proposed by Housner (1963) which is more appropriate
and is being commonly used in most of the international codes including IS 1893
(Part-II) (Liquid Retaining Tanks 2000). The pressure generated within the fluid
due to the dynamic motion of the tank can be separated into impulsive and
convective parts. For representing these two masses and in order to include the
effect of their hydrodynamic pressure in analysis two-mass model is adopted for
tanks. In spring mass model convective mass (mc) is attached to the tank wall by the
spring having stiffness (Kc), where as impulsive mass (mi) is rigidly attached to
tank wall. For elevated tanks two-mass model is considered, which consist of two
degrees of freedom system. The two- mass model is shown in Fig. 29.1.
The models of building considered for the analysis are G + 4 (M5), G + 7 (M8) and
G + 12 (M13) storeys RCC structures. The buildings are irregular in plan as shown
in Fig. 29.2. The building has bay width of 3 m in X and Y direction with 3 m storey
height. Slab is modeled as rigid diaphragm. Tuned mass damper in the form of
water tank is installed at three different locations at the top of the building.
mi + ms mi + ms
Ks Ks mc
+ Kc
Fig. 29.3 Locations of water tank (a) Water Tank at Location I (b) Water Tank at Location II (c)
Water Tank at Location III
Fig. 29.4 Acceleration value for El-Centro earthquake and Bhuj earthquake. (a) El-Centro
Earthquake (b) Bhuj Earthquake
In the present work the water tank was placed at three different locations. The
tank had a plan dimension of 3 3 m and 2 m height for all the models and was
placed over 1 m high columns. The beam-column supports for the tank were
rectangular concrete sections and the walls and roof were modeled as concrete.
Models of the tank with buildings are shown in Fig. 29.3.
Acceleration values for El-Centro and Bhuj earthquakes are shown in Fig. 29.4.
328 S.N. Khante and R.S. Meshram
The location of water tank was changed and for each case of tank location, all three
models were investigated for El-Centro and Bhuj earthquake data. The extreme
recorded values of roof displacement are plotted and shown in Figs. 29.5, 29.6, and
29.7. From Fig. 29.5(a) (i) displacement of building M5 with empty tank at location
I is lowest and displacement of building with 3/4th filled tank is adverse. The
maximum displacement reduction of building with empty tank as compared to
building without tank is 7.8 % for location II it is 9.4 % for El-Centro.
Generally it is observed that for buildings without water tank (Figs. 29.6(a)–(i),
(a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (b)-(ii) and 29.7(a)-(i), (a)-(ii), (b)-(i), (b)-(ii)), with empty water
tank (Figs. 29.6(a)-(iii) and 29.7(a)–(iii), (b)–(iii)) and with full water tank
(Fig. 29.5(a)-(ii), (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (b)-(iii)) maximum displacement is more. On
the contrary partially filled tank was found to be effective in mitigating response.
29.5 Conclusions
After the numerical investigation of water tank as TMD, for three different building
models (difference in terms of height of building) irregular in plan, subjected to
seismic excitation, following conclusions can be made:
• Water tank at top can be designed to serve as TMD provided the parameters i.e.,
plan location of water tank; water level and mass ratio are tuned properly.
• TMD (tank + water) located near the centre of mass and centre of rigidity of an
irregular building shows maximum response reduction as compared to TMD
(tank + water) located away from it. As the distance between water tank and
centre of mass building increases the response of the building also increases.
• In higher building, maximum percentage reduction in response of plan irregular
building is noted.
29 Building with Water Tank‐TMD: Seismic Response 329
a b
Maximum Displacement (mm) for Maximum Displacement (mm) for
water tank location I water tank location I
80 80
w/o water w/o water
70 tank 70 tank
Empty 60 Empty
Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)
50 0.25h 50
40 40
0.50h 0.50H
30 30
20 0.75h 20 0.75H
10 10
0 Full
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Storey No. of Storey
(i) (i)
50 50 0.25H
30 0.50H
30 0.50h
20 0.75H
0.75h 10
0 Full
0 Full 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Storey No. of Storey
(ii) (ii)
50 50
0.25h 0.25h
40 40
30 0.50h 30 0.50h
20 20
0.75h 0.75h
10 10
0 Full 0 Full
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of Storey No. of Storey
(iii) (iii)
Fig. 29.5 Displacement of five storey building for El-Centro and Bhuj earthquake. (a) El-Centro
Earthquake (b) Bhuj Earthquake
330 S.N. Khante and R.S. Meshram
a b
Maximum Displacement (mm) with Maximum Displacement (mm) with
water tank at location I water tank at location I
w/o water 120 w/o water
100 tank
Empty 100
Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)
60 0.25h
40 0.50h
20 0.75h
0 Full
0 Full
0 5 10
0 5 10
No. of Storey No. of Storey
(i) (i)
Displacement (mm)
0.25h 0.25h
0.50h 40
0.75h 20 0.75h
0 Full
0 Full
0 5 10
0 5 10
No. of Storey No. of Storey
(ii) (ii)
100 80
Displacement (mm)
0.25h 0.25h
80 60
60 0.50h 0.50h
0.75h 20
Full 0 Full
0 5 10 0 5 10
No. of Storey No. of Storey
(iii) (iii)
Fig. 29.6 Displacement of eight storey building for El-Centro and Bhuj earthquake. (a) El-Centro
Earthquake (b) Bhuj Earthquake
29 Building with Water Tank‐TMD: Seismic Response 331
a b
Maximum Displacement (mm) with Maximum Displacement (mm) with
water tank at location I water tank at location I
180 w/o water
160 w/o water
160 tank
140 tank
140 Empty Empty
Displacement (mm)
Displacement (mm)
0.25h 0.25h
80 0.50h
0.50h 60
40 0.75h
0.75h 20
20 Full
0 Full 0 5 10 15
0 3 6 9 12 15
No. of Storey
No. of Storey
(i) (i)
Displacement (mm)
0.25h 100
100 0.25h
80 80
60 60 0.50h
40 0.75h 40
20 0.75h
0 Full
0 Full
0 5 10 15
0 5 10 15
No. of Storey No. of Storey
(ii) (ii)
140 120
Displacement (mm)
Empty 100
100 0.25h
80 80
60 0.25h 60 0.50h
40 0.75h
20 0.50h
0 20
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 0
0 5 10 15
No. of Stories
No. of Storey
(iii) (iii)
Fig. 29.7 Displacement of thirteen storey building for El-Centro and Bhuj earthquake. (a)
El-Centro Earthquake (b) Bhuj Earthquake
332 S.N. Khante and R.S. Meshram
Gulve TS, Murnal P (2013) Feasibility of implementing water tank as passive tuned mass damper.
Int J Innov Technol Explor Eng (IJITEE) 3(3):12–19, ISSN: 2278-3075
Hemlatha G, Jaya KP (2008) Water tank as passive TMD for seismically excited structures. Asian
J Civ Eng (Build Hous) 9(4):349–366
Housner GW (1963) The dynamic behavior of water tanks. Bull Seismol Soc Am 53(2):381–387
IS: 1893 (Part-II, Liquid Retaining Tanks) (2000) Criteria for earthquake resistant design of
structures. Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi
Jaiswal OR (2004) Simple tuned mass damper to control seismic response of elevated tanks. In:
Proceedings of the 13th world conference on earthquake engineering, Vancouver
Lin CC, Hu C-M, Wang JF, Hu R-Y (1994) Vibration control effectiveness of passive tuned mass
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Mehboob SS, Khan QZ, Tahir F, Ahmad MJ (2013) Investigation of water tank as TLD for
vibration control of frame structures under seismic excitation. Life Sci J 10(7s):1182–1189,
ISSN: 1097-8135
Chapter 30
Behaviour of Asymmetric Structure
with Base Isolation Made of Polymeric
protecting structures during seismic excitations (Buckle 2000). They are not only
employed for mitigating earthquake forces, but are also equally useful in control-
ling undesirable structural vibrations produced due to wind loads and other minor
dynamic excitations (Mayes and Naeim 2001).
Base isolation is considered to be one of the most popular passive structural
control techniques of protecting structures against strong ground motions (Naeim
and Kelly 1999). Base isolators, like Lead-Rubber Bearings (LRBs), High-
Damping Rubber Bearings (HDRBs), and Friction Pendulum Systems (FPSs) are
frequently used in practice in many earthquake-prone countries all around the
Base isolation systems work by decoupling the building from the horizontal
components of the earthquake ground motion by interposing a layer with low
horizontal stiffness between the structure and its foundation (Kelly 1993; Skinner
1993). The philosophy behind the concept of base isolation is to lengthen the period
of vibration of the protected structure, so as to reduce the base shear induced by the
earthquake, while providing additional damping to the system (Jankowski 2003;
Mahmoud et al. 2012; Robinson 1982). This is why most seismic design codes
suggest the use of base isolation systems that have the dual function of period
elongation (period shift effect) and energy dissipation (increasing damping effect).
As indicated by Fig. 30.2, the analyzed 4-storey building has been decoupled from
the shaking ground with the Polymeric Bearings, which can be considered a
proposal of a new seismic isolation system. It consists of rectangular-shaped blocks
(600 600 400 mm) made of a specially prepared flexible polymeric material
whose chemical composition includes certain additives so as to improve its
damping potential. The basic mechanical properties of this material have been
already determined in experimental studies and the results have been presented in
previous publications (Falborski 2012; Falborski et al. 2012a, b, c). Hysteresis
loops observed during the cycling testing have confirmed its relatively high
damping and energy-dissipation properties, which are extremely desirable for
materials used for seismic isolation devices. Moreover, shaking table experimental
study, using the prototype of the Polymeric Bearings supporting a 1.20 m high
single-storey and a 2.30 m high two-storey steel structure models, has also been
performed and the results have proven the effectiveness of this base isolation
system in suppressing structural vibrations during dynamic excitations (Falborski
and Jankowski 2012, 2013).
Rubber-like materials behave as hyperelastic, incompressible and, from a mac-
roscopic point of view, homogenous and isotropic solids. To analyze rubber
bearings, different analytical methods are available. In the present study, Polymeric
Bearings have been modelled using 8-node hexahedral solid elements available in
336 T. Falborski and R. Jankowski
MSC Marc® 2008. The 5-parameter Mooney-Rivlin material has been adopted to
simulate the behaviour of seismic isolation bearings. This hyperelastic model pro-
vides the best fit with the previously obtained experimental results. Besides,
Mooney-Rivlin material model is counted among the most widely adopted consti-
tutive relationships in the stress analysis of polymers (Finney 2001). The following
material constants have been calculated based on the uniaxial tension and com-
pression test data: C10 ¼ 0.889 MPa, C01 ¼ 0.246 MPa, C20 ¼ 0.155 MPa,
C11 ¼ 0.094 MPa, C30 ¼ 0.011 MPa and bulk modulus G ¼ 2.5 GPa.
The first sequence in the numerical investigation has been focused on determination
of the dynamic properties of the 4-storey building, both fixed-base and base-
isolated. The results of the modal analysis are briefly summarized in Table 30.1.
The first dynamic mode of the base-isolated structure involves deformation only in
Polymeric Bearings, while the superstructure remains basically rigid, as indicated
by Fig. 30.3. The fundamental period corresponding to the first mode of the base-
isolated building has been shifted away and it has been calculated to be T ¼ 1.306 s
(f ¼ 0.766 Hz).
30 Asymmetric Base‐Isolated Structure with PB 337
In the second stage of the numerical investigation, the dynamic transient analysis
has been performed to investigate the response of the 4-storey building, both fixed-
base and base-isolated, during a seismic excitation. Both structures, with and
without base isolation system, have been subjected to the El Centro earthquake of
1940 (NS component, PGA ¼ 3.070 m/s2, EW component, PGA ¼ 2.107 m/s2) and
the Northridge earthquake of 1994 (Santa Monica station, NS component,
PGA ¼ 3.628 m/s2, EW component, PGA ¼ 8.664 m/s2). The NS and EW compo-
nents of the ground motions have been applied along the Y and X direction,
respectively. The first 20 s of the accelerograms, with a time step of 0.01 s, have
been employed in this study.
The peak values of the seismic response of the analyzed building are briefly
summarized in Table 30.2. Additionally, the time-acceleration histories recorded
along the Y direction at the top of the structure, both fixed-base and base-isolated,
are presented in Figs. 30.4, 30.5, 30.6, and 30.7.
338 T. Falborski and R. Jankowski
fixed-base building
Acceleration at top (m/s2)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)
Fig. 30.4 Time-acceleration history plot for the fixed-base building during the 1940 El Centro
earthquake (Y direction)
base-isolated building
Acceleration at top (m/s2)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)
Fig. 30.5 Time-acceleration history plot for the base-isolated building during the 1940 El Centro
earthquake (Y direction)
fixed-base building
Acceleration at top (m/s2)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)
Fig. 30.6 Time-acceleration history plot for the fixed-base building during the 1994 Northridge
earthquake (Y direction)
340 T. Falborski and R. Jankowski
base-isolated building
Acceleration at top (m/s2)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (s)
Fig. 30.7 Time-acceleration history plot for the base-isolated building during the 1994
Northridge earthquake (Y direction)
2007) are required to fully verify the efficiency of the Polymeric Bearings as a new
base isolation system for asymmetric buildings.
Buckle IG (2000) Passive control of structures for seismic loads. In: Proceedings of the 12th world
conference on earthquake engineering, Auckland, 30 January–4 February 2000
Falborski T (2012) Experimental determination of basic mechanical properties of elastomeric
polymer. In: Fijało C, Fijało P (ed) Advances in chemical and mechanical engineering, Gdańsk
University of Technology Publishers, Gdańsk, Poland, pp 147–150
Falborski T, Jankowski R (2012) Shaking table experimental study on the base isolation system
made of polymer bearings, In: Proceedings of the 15th world conference on earthquake
engineering, Lisbon, 24–28 September 2012
Falborski T, Jankowski R (2013) Polymeric Bearings – a new base isolation system to reduce
structural damage during earthquakes. Key Eng Mater 569–570:143–150
Falborski T, Jankowski R, Kwiecień A (2012a) Experimental study on polymer mass used to repair
damaged structures. Key Eng Mater 488–489:347–350
Falborski T, Kwiecień A, Strankowski M, Piszczyk Ł, Jankowski R (2012b) The influence
of temperature on properties of the polymer flexible joint used for strengthening historical
masonries. In: Jasieńko J (ed) Structural analysis of historical constructions. DWE,
Switzerland, pp 816–822
Falborski T, Strankowski M, Piszczyk Ł, Jankowski R, Kwiecień A (2012c) Experimental
examination of an elastomeric polymer. Technol Art 3:98–101
30 Asymmetric Base‐Isolated Structure with PB 341
Finney RH (2001) The finite element method. In: Gent AN (ed) Engineering with rubber: how to
design rubber components. Hanser, Berlin, pp 257–305
Jankowski R (2003) Nonlinear rate dependent model of high damping rubber bearing. Bull Earthq
Eng 1:397–403
Jankowski R (2007) Assessment of damage due to earthquake-induced pounding between the main
building and the stairway tower. Key Eng Mater 347:339–344
Kelly JM (1993) Earthquake-resistant design with rubber. Springer, New York
Mahmoud S, Jankowski R (2009) Elastic and inelastic multi-storey buildings under earthquake
excitation with the effect of pounding. J Appl Sci 9:3250–3262
Mahmoud S, Austrell P-E, Jankowski R (2012) Simulation of the response of base-isolated
buildings under earthquake excitations considering soil flexibility. Earthq Eng Eng Vib
Mayes RL, Naeim F (2001) Design of structures with seismic isolation. In: Naeim F (ed) The
seismic design handbook, 2nd edn. Kluwer, Boston, pp 723–755
Naeim F, Kelly JM (1999) Design of seismic isolated structures: from theory to practice. Wiley,
New York
Robinson WH (1982) Lead-rubber hysteretic bearings suitable for protecting structures during
earthquakes. Earthq Eng Struct Dyn 10:593–604
Skinner RI (1993) An introduction to seismic isolation. Wiley, New York
Zienkiewicz OC, Taylor RL (2002) The finite element method. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford
Bare structure, 319, 320 Damping, 5, 20, 37, 38, 43, 66, 71, 89, 93, 118,
Base isolated structure, 336–338 125, 171, 187, 197, 209, 219, 235, 244,
Bidirectional ground motion, 194 247, 248, 251, 256, 265, 271, 293, 294,
Body waves, 36 306, 318, 320, 334, 335
Braced frame, 9, 125, 195, 196, 206, 218, 222 Deformation, 4–7, 29, 50, 81, 125, 130, 150,
Brittle failure, 142 161, 185, 244, 266, 293, 309, 336
Deformed shape, 124, 134
Dense array, 26, 27, 31, 33
C Design variables, 318, 319
Capacity spectrum method, 234, 235 Displacement response, 234, 244, 246
Center of mass, 5, 114, 227, 234–236, 245, Ductility, 173, 176, 178, 179, 186, 271
250, 326 Ductility demand, 176, 178, 179, 186
Center of resistance, 172, 178, 235 Dynamic analysis, 89, 113, 138, 140, 141,
Centre of rigidity, 194, 206, 207, 217, 143, 145, 172, 188, 197–198, 209, 219,
326, 328 236, 256, 257, 264, 266, 270, 276, 285,
Center of strength, 227 337, 338
E Inelastic
Earthquake behaviour, 172
excitation, 178, 258, 260, 324 deformation, 6, 7, 172, 178, 213
induced torsion, 260 range, 217, 229
intensity, 227, 234 response, 112, 117, 130, 151, 201, 213, 215,
resistant design, 13, 100 216, 261
Elastic torsional response, 213
analysis, 140, 145, 172–174, 182–186, 216, Infilled frame, 95
217, 264 Infill panel, 90, 139
base shear, 198 In-plan distribution, 168, 199, 206, 217, 219
displacement, 235 Inter story drift, 50, 51, 60, 317, 319–321
parameter, 334 Intrinsic variability, 135
response, 20, 113, 118, 145, 197, 198, 270, Irregular structure, 112, 136, 193, 225, 226, 228,
308, 316 229, 231, 234, 235, 241, 316, 320, 324
response spectrum, 94, 138, 151, 183, 186,
187, 195, 197, 198, 209, 270, 308
stiffness, 140 L
Equivalent single degree of freedom (SDOF), Lateral torsional coupling, 194, 197, 205–213
94, 95, 100, 130 Lateral torsional response, 244, 252
Eurocode 2, 92 Life safety, 315
Eurocode 8, 36, 40, 47, 89, 90, 125, 136, 150, Limit state, 90, 94, 95, 136, 138, 140, 141, 145,
160, 172, 175, 209, 216, 226, 228, 234, 150, 151, 153–155, 157, 160–168, 184,
236, 240, 264, 270, 271, 305 188, 190, 191, 215, 230, 231
L shaped building, 10, 256, 260, 326
FEMA, 125, 317 M
Fibre-Optic System for Rotational Events and Masonry building, 276, 280–285
Phenomena Monitoring (FOSREM), Maximum dynamic displacement, 198, 209, 219
49–62 Maximum rotational response, 246, 251, 252
Finite difference method, 28, 30, 31, 33 Mining shock, 275–285
Flexural and shear capacity, 160 Modal damping, 67
FORS Telemetric Server, 53 Modal properties, 128
Friction dampers, 306 Modal pushover analysis (MPA), 124,
129–132, 233
Mode superposition, 37, 38, 40, 66
G Modulus of elasticity, 116, 280
Gravity load, 125, 162, 181, 186, 187, 191, 197 Multi-hazard mitigation, 316
Ground motion, 4–8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22, Multi modal control
26, 29, 33, 35, 36, 93, 96, 99, 113, 117, Multiple tuned mass dampers (MTMDs),
121, 124, 127, 128, 130, 138–141, 159, 315–321
161, 164, 172, 175, 176, 179, 182, 183, Multi story buildings, 4, 8–10, 112, 118
197, 209, 215, 219, 227, 234, 235, 247,
251, 255, 257, 264, 315, 316, 319, 326,
334, 337 N
Ground rotational acceleration, 28 Nonlinear
analysis, 3–11, 89
dynamic analysis, 90, 139–141, 144, 182,
H 187, 191, 194, 197, 199, 209, 213,
High rise building, 4 219, 222
response history analysis, 4, 7, 8
static analysis, 5, 138, 143, 145, 194,
I 211–213, 222
Incremental dynamic analysis, 91 static method, 193, 194, 197, 199, 201, 213,
Induced vibration, 289, 297 215, 216, 219, 221, 222
Index 345