Failure To Thrive: American Family Physician October 2003
Failure To Thrive: American Family Physician October 2003
Failure To Thrive: American Family Physician October 2003
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Failure to thrive is a condition commonly seen by primary care physicians. Prompt diag-
nosis and intervention are important for preventing malnutrition and developmental O A patient informa-
sequelae. Medical and social factors often contribute to failure to thrive. Either extreme tion handout about
failure to thrive, writ-
of parental attention (neglect or hypervigilance) can lead to failure to thrive. About
ten by the authors of
25 percent of normal infants will shift to a lower growth percentile in the first two years this article, is provided
of life and then follow that percentile; this should not be diagnosed as failure to thrive. on page 886.
Infants with Down syndrome, intrauterine growth retardation, or premature birth follow
different growth patterns than normal infants. Many infants with failure to thrive are not
identified unless careful attention is paid to plotting growth parameters at routine check-
ups. A thorough history is the best guide to establishing the etiology of the failure to
thrive and directing further evaluation and management. All children with failure to
thrive need additional calories for catch-up growth (typically 150 percent of the caloric
requirement for their expected, not actual, weight). Few need laboratory evaluation.
Hospitalization is rarely required and is indicated only for severe failure to thrive and for
those whose safety is a concern. A multidisciplinary approach is recommended when fail-
ure to thrive persists despite intervention or when it is severe. (Am Fam Physician 2003;
68:879-84,886. Copyright© 2003 American Academy of Family Physicians.)
See page 785 for defi- he recognition of growth and NCHS growth chart or if it crosses two major
nitions of strength-of- developmental problems in percentile lines.3 Recent research has validated
evidence levels.
infants and children is one of the that the weight-for-age approach is the sim-
major challenges facing primary plest and most reasonable marker for FTT.4
care physicians. Failure to thrive Other growth parameters that can assist in
(FTT) is a common condition of varying eti- making the diagnosis of FTT are weight for
ologies that has been associated with adverse height and height for age. FTT is diagnosed if
effects on later growth and cognitive develop- a child falls below the 10th percentile for
ment.1,2 Primary care physicians need to be either of these measurements.
able to diagnose and manage FTT promptly to
reduce the risk of long-term sequelae. Etiology and Differential Diagnosis
Historically, FTT has been classified as
Definition organic or nonorganic. Usually, this distinction
FTT is best defined as inadequate physical is not useful because most children have mixed
growth diagnosed by observation of growth etiologies.5 For example, a child may have a
over time using a standard growth chart. The medical disorder that causes feeding problems
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and family stress. The stress can compound the
recently released improved growth charts that feeding problem and aggravate FTT. A more
can be found at While defini- useful classification system is based on patho-
tions of FTT have varied, most practitioners physiology—inadequate caloric intake, inade-
diagnose FTT when a child’s weight for age quate absorption, excess metabolic demand, or
falls below the fifth percentile of the standard defective utilization. This classification leads to
a logical organization of the many conditions
that cause or contribute to FTT (Table 1).
Failure to thrive is diagnosed when a child’s weight for age is Stress and other psychosocial factors fre-
quently contribute to FTT. For example, a
below the fifth percentile or crosses two major percentile lines.
depressed mother may not feed her infant
adequately. The infant may become with-
Selective Differential Diagnosis of Failure to Thrive
Evaluation of Failure to Thrive: History
History Implication
Dietary history
Important to be as specific as possible (one-day log of all foods Quantify total caloric intake.
given and eaten)
Amount of food and/or formula
Attempt to quantify total caloric intake (for infants)
Is the formula prepared correctly? Too diluted = too few calories; too concentrated
= unpalatable, infant may refuse to drink
Types of food
Beverage consumption–specifically milk, juice, sodas, and water Excess fruit juice as cause for FTT
Feeding history
When does the child eat? Where? With whom? Distracted infants, inappropriate supervision
How is the child fed–self, spoon, other? Positioning? Inappropriate feeding techniques for developmental stage
Feeding battles Food refusal
Snack intake–what, how often is the child grazing? Poor mealtime eating caused by snacking and early satiety
Past and current medical history
Birth history–complications, small for gestational age, prematurity Differentiate FTT from small for gestational age.
Recent acute illnesses–otitis media, gastroenteritis, recurrent Growth may improve shortly on own, but needs close follow-up.
viral infections
Chronic medical conditions–anemia, asthma, congenital heart disease Organic causes of FTT
Past hospitalizations, injuries, accidents Evaluate for neglect or child abuse.
Stool pattern–frequency, consistency, blood, mucus Rule out malabsorption (cystic fibrosis, celiac disease), infection,
and allergy.
Vomiting, reflux, or other gastrointestinal symptoms Evaluate for milk protein allergy, gastroesophageal reflux,
and infection.
Social history
Who lives in the home? Identify those caring for the child.
Who are the caregivers?
Who helps support the family? Assess adequate quantity of food.
What is the child’s temperament? High-strung, colicky children may have feeding difficulty.
Any important stressors–economic, intrafamilial, major life events? May lead to inadequate food supply, depressed parents, neglect
Does anyone at home have a problem with alcohol or drugs? Neglect
Other children with neglect, FTT, Children’s Protective Service reports? History of neglect
Family history
Medical conditions or FTT in siblings Predisposition to organic or genetic causes of FTT
Family members with short stature Check midparental height formula.*
Differentiate between falling to expected height and true FTT.
Mental illness Caretakers with mental illness who may be unable to care
for child
(3) assessment for signs of possible child age with the expected weight (50th percentile)
abuse; and (4) assessment of the severity and at that age, the degree of malnutrition can be
possible effects of malnutrition.12,13 The sever- assessed. If the weight is less than 60 percent of
ity of a child’s undernutrition can be deter- expected, the FTT is considered severe, 61 to
mined most easily by using the Gomez criteria. 75 percent denotes moderate FTT, and 76 to
By comparing the child’s current weight for 90 percent is mild.14
the majority of children with FTT have no
No routine laboratory tests are ordered in the initial work-up laboratory abnormalities. In a classic study of
of failure to thrive unless suggested by the history or physical hospitalized children with FTT, only 1.4 per-
cent (36 of 2,607 tests) were of diagnostic
assistance.15 [Evidence level B, historical,
uncontrolled study] A practical approach to
laboratory studies is to not order any at the
PARENT-CHILD INTERACTION time of diagnosis, unless suggested by the his-
FTT often involves psychosocial problems tory or physical examination. For example, a
compromising the relationship or fit between history of steatorrhea (greasy, malodorous
parent and child. Observing the interaction stools) should prompt the physician to send a
between a parent and child, especially during stool sample for fecal fat and perhaps order a
a feeding session in the office, may provide sweat test if there is suspicion of cystic fibrosis.
valuable information about the etiology of If the child’s growth has not improved, screen-
FTT.3,12 Parents can be asked to feed an infant ing tests to consider at the next visit include a
or bring in a snack for a toddler. The assess- complete blood count and a urinalysis. If FTT
ment should be done at a time when the child persists despite an adequate diet, malabsorp-
is hungry. It is important to pay attention to a tion can be further investigated by obtaining
caregiver’s ability to recognize the child’s cues, stool for fat and reducing substances, and pos-
the child’s responsiveness, and the parental sibly obtaining a celiac antibody profile.
warmth and appropriate behavior toward the
child.12 It is similarly important to observe the Management Tools
nature of the child’s cues (clear or not), the The first rule for treating FTT is to identify
child’s temperament, and responses toward the underlying cause and correct it. This
the parent. Developing a portrait of the rela- requires a stepwise approach that is guided by
tionship is key to guiding intervention. history and response to therapy. Most cases
can be managed by nutrition intervention or
LABORATORY EVALUATION feeding behavior modification. Children who
Laboratory evaluation should be guided by do not respond may require further evalua-
history and physical examination findings tion. Two principles that hold true irrespective
only. There are no routine laboratory tests that of the etiology are that all children with FTT
should be performed on every child, because need a high-calorie diet for catch-up growth,
and all children with FTT need close follow-
up. Usually, children should be followed at
least monthly until catch-up growth is demon-
The Authors strated and the positive trend is maintained.
SCOTT D. KRUGMAN, M.D., is chair of the pediatrics department at Franklin Square Hos-
pital Center, Baltimore, and faculty for the family practice residency program. In addition, THREE-DAY FOOD DIARY
he is clinical assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of Maryland School of Med-
icine, Baltimore. After graduating from Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, N.H., Dr. It may seem surprising that undernutrition
Krugman completed his pediatric residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. is a common factor in FTT, but with an energy
HOWARD DUBOWITZ, M.D., M.S., is professor of pediatrics and co-director of the need that is almost triple that of adults (in
Center for Families at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore. He calories per kg) it becomes easier to under-
received his medical degree from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. After stand how quickly infants can fall behind on
completing a pediatrics residency at Boston Medical Center, he completed a child mal-
treatment fellowship at Children’s Hospital Boston. growth.16 Having parents write down the
types of food and amounts a child eats over a
Address correspondence to Scott D. Krugman, M.D., Dept. of Pediatrics, Franklin
Square Hospital Center, 9000 Franklin Square Dr., Baltimore, MD 21237 (e-mail: scott. three-day period is one way of quantifying
[email protected]). Reprints are not available from the authors. caloric intake. In some instances, it can make
Failure to Thrive
Recommendations for Energy Intake
Failure to Thrive
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