Seaweed Mariculture: Scope and Potential in India: Sajid I. Khan and S. B. Satam
Seaweed Mariculture: Scope and Potential in India: Sajid I. Khan and S. B. Satam
Seaweed Mariculture: Scope and Potential in India: Sajid I. Khan and S. B. Satam
In India
Sajid I. Khan and S. B. Satam
College of Fisheries, Dr. B. S. Konkan Agricultural University, Ratnagiri
Seaweeds are macrophytic algae, a of emulsions, suspensions and foams, Norway, Indonesia, USA and India.
primitive type of plants lacking true and control of crystal growth2. These top ten countries contribute
roots, stems and leaves. Most Chemicals from brown seaweeds about 95 % of the world’s commercial
seaweeds belong to one of three such as alginic acid, mannitol, seaweed volume. About 90 % seaweed
divisions - the Chlorophyta (green laminarin, fucoidin and iodine have production comes from culture based
algae), the Phaeophyta (brown algae) been extracted successfully on a practices. The most cultivated seaweed
and the Rhodophyta (red algae). There commercial basis. As the alginates can is the kelp Laminaria japonica, which
are about 900 species of green absorb many times their own weight of alone accounts for over 60 % of the
seaweed, 4000 red species and 1500 water, have a wide range of viscocity, total cultured seaweed production
brown species found in nature1. The can readily form gels and are non-toxic, while Porphyra, Kappaphycus,
greatest variety of red seaweeds is they have countless uses in the Undaria, Eucheuma and Gracilaria
found in subtropical and tropical manufacture of pharmaceuticals, make up most of the rest to a total of 99
waters, while brown seaweeds are more cosmetic creams, paper and cardboard, %. The most valuable crop is the red
common in cooler, temperate waters. and processed foods. alga Nori (Porphyra species, mainly
Being rich in minerals, vitamins, Porphyra yezzoensis), used as food in
Economic importance trace elements and bioactive Japan, China and Pacific.
substances, seaweeds are called According to FAO4, between 1981
Some 221 species of seaweed are medical food of the 21st century. and 2000, world production of aquatic
utilized commercially. Of these, about Digenea (Rhodophyta) produces an plants increased from 3.2 million tons
145 species are used for food and 110 effective vermifuge (kainic acid). to nearly 10.1 million tons (wet weight),
species for phycocolloid production Laminaria and Sargassum species upholding US $ 6 billion world trade in
(eg. agar). Seaweed has been a staple have been used in China for the 2000, compared to US $ 250 million
food in Japan and China for a very long treatment of cancer. Anti-viral trade in 1990. The contribution of
time. The green seaweeds compounds from Undaria have been cultured seaweeds is 15 % of total
Enteromorpha, Ulva, Caulerpa and found to inhibit the Herpes simplex global aquaculture volume (45,715,559
Codium are utilized exclusively as virus, which are now sold in capsule tons) or nearly 5 % of total volume of
source of food. These are often eaten form. Research is now being carried out world fisheries production (141,798,778
as fresh salads or cooked as vegetables into using Undaria extract to treat tons) for 2000. The seaweeds that are
along with rice. Porphyra (Nori), breast cancer and HIV. Another red alga most exploited for culture are the
Laminaria (Kombu) and Undaria Ptilota sp. produces a protein (a lectin) brown algae with 4,906,280 tons (71 %
(Wakame) are used for making fish and that preferentially agglutinates human of total production) followed by the red
meat dishes as well as soups and B-type erythrocytes in vitro. Some algae (1,927,917 tons) and a small
accompaniments. calcareous species of Corallina have amount of green algae (33,700 tons).
Agar-agar, agarose and carrageenan been used in bone-replacement East and South-East Asian countries
are commercially valuable substances therapy3. Asparagopsis taxiformes and contribute almost 99 % cultured
extracted from red seaweeds and find Sarconema sp. are used to control and production, with half of the production
extensive use in many industries. The cure goiter while heparin, a seaweed (3 million tons) supplied by China.
greatest use of agar is in association extract, is used in cardiovascular Most output is used domestically for
with food preparation and in the surgery. food, but there is a growing
pharmaceutical industry as a laxative or international trade. The Porphyra
as an outer cover of capsules. With the Global seaweed production cultivation in Japan is the biggest
advent of modern molecular biology and trade seaweed industry, with a turnover of
and genetic engineering, agar gums more than US $1.8 billion per annum.
producing an ‘agarose’ factor are used Currently there are 42 countries in the Total EU imports of seaweed in 2001
extensively in electrophoresis in most world with reports of commercial amounted to 61,000 metric tons with the
laboratories around the world. seaweed activity. China holds first rank Philippines, Chile and Indonesia as the
Carrageenans are generally employed in seaweed production, with Laminaria biggest suppliers. Significant
for their physical functions in gelation sp. accounting for most of its quantities of Eucheuma are exported by
(include for example, foods such as ice production, followed by North Korea, the Philippines, Tanzania and Indonesia
cream), viscous behavior, stabilization South Korea, Japan, Philippines, Chile, to USA, Denmark and Japan. The
26 aquaculture Asia
Table 1: Different edible seaweeds with their local names India has been embarked upon by
Pepsi Foods Ltd. (PFL) along a 10 km
Species Type Country Local name/product stretch of the Palk Bay side towards
Laminaria Brown Japan Kombu Mandapam (Ramanathapuram Dist.) in
Tamil Nadu, with technical support
China Hai Dai
from Marine Algal Research Center,
Porphyra Red Japan Nori / Amanori / CSMCRI, Mandapam. They have
Hoshinori started cultivating Eucheuma cottoni
China Zicai and Hypnea musciformis in an area of
Korea Kim 100 hectares through a contract
farming system in which seaweeds are
UK (Wales) Purple laver / Laver
grown in individual plots of 0.25 ha (40
bread m x 60 m). Each harvest cycle from
Undaria stipes Brown Japan Wakame planting to harvesting takes 45 days
Undaria pinnatifida with an annual yield of 100 tons (wet
China Quindai cai weight) per hectare, which translates
into 10 tons of dry seaweed or 2.5-3
tons of carrageenan. The company has
Rhodymenia palmata Red Scotland Dulse
plans to expand culture operations to
Palmaria palmata Ireland Dillisk over 5,000 to 10,000 ha in the near
Iceland Sol future. Furthermore, many agar and
Chondrus crispus Red Europe Irish Moss / Carraghean algin extracting industries have been
Asparogopsis Red Hawaii Limu kohu established in different places in
maritime states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Kerala, Karnataka and Gujarat
Misc. sp. - Hawaii Limu the seaweed industry is certainly on
its way towards establishing itself well
Philippines accounts for nearly 80 % of The surveys carried out by Central in India.
the world’s total Eucheuma cottonii Salt and Marine and Chemical Research
production of 1,30,000 tons, roughly 35 Institute (CSMCRI), Central Marine Seaweed mariculture
% of which is traded in dried form. It Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI)
supply 14 % of the world’s total raw and other research organizations have Large-scale seaweed mariculture is
seaweed production and holds first revealed vast seaweed resources along carried out only in Asia, where there is
rank as producers of semi-refined the coastal belts of South India. On the a high demand for seaweed products
carrageenan, contributing close to 60 % West Coast, especially in the state of and burgeoning populations to create
of the world market. Gujarat, abundant seaweed resources market growth. Cultivation of seaweeds
are present on the intertidal and in Asia is a relatively low-technology
Seaweed resources of India subtidal regions7. These resources business in that the whole, attached
have great potential for the plants are placed in the sea and there is
Seaweeds grow abundantly along the development of seaweed-based a high labor content in the operation.
Tamil Nadu and Gujarat coasts and industries in India. Except for the large kelp harvesters of
around Lakshadweep and Andaman Southern California and Baja California
and Nicobar islands. There are also rich Seaweed industry in India or in Philippines and Taiwan Province
seaweed beds around Mumbai, of China, most seaweed are grown or
Ratnagiri, Goa, Karwar, Varkala, The seaweed industry in India is mainly harvested from wild stocks using
Vizhinjam and Pulicat in Tamil Nadu and a cottage industry and is based only on manual techniques.
Chilka in Orissa5. Out of approximately the natural stock of agar-yielding red The demand from the phycocolloid
700 species of marine algae found in seaweeds, such as Gelidiella acerosa industry of India is great but the
both inter-tidal and deep water regions and Gracilaria edulis, and algin present production from natural
of the Indian coast, nearly 60 species yielding brown seaweeds species such habitats is very low and insufficient to
are commercially important. Agar as Sargassum and Tubineria6. The cater to the needs of the local industry.
yielding red seaweeds such as production of total seaweeds in India This gap between the demand and
Gelidiella acerosa and Gracilaria sp. are in 2000 was approximately 600,000 tons supply can be bridged through
collected throughout the year while (wet weight). India produces 110-132 mariculture practices for seaweeds by
algin yielding brown algae such as tons of dry agar annually utilizing cultivating the useful species on
Sargassum and Turbinaria are about 880-1100 tons of dry commercial scale. Continuous supply,
collected seasonally from August to agarophytes. Annual algin production improved yield and quality as well as
January on Southern coast. A standing is 360 to 540 tons from 3,600 to 5,400 conservation of natural seaweeds beds
crop of 16,000 tons of Sargassum and tons dry alginophytes. are some of the important advantages
Turbinaria has been reported from Perhaps, the first large scale of seaweed mariculture.
Indian waters6. commercial cultivation of seaweeds in
28 aquaculture Asia
organizations need to be established
nearby cultivation areas to utilize the Shrimp harvesting
resources efficiently with greater
Since it requires low inputs, and technology on the south
provides good returns and can employ
many people seaweed culture is a good
industry for coastal communities. The west coast of Bangladesh
efforts in seaweed cultivation and its
utilization through product and process
development could help in meeting the S. M. Nazmul Alam, Michael J. Phillips and C. K. Lin
food and nutritional security of Indian
population as well as augmenting value Shrimp farming is an ancient traditional The bottom of the ponds is generally
of total fisheries export. Seaweed has a practice along the southwest coast of irregular.
very important role to play towards Bangladesh. This kind of farming is a The farming period starts from
betterment of coastal fishing natural rearing process in its simplest February to the end of November with
communities and as a valuable foreign form. The main species grown are the multiple stocking and harvesting
exchange earner. The need of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon methods. The different categories of
present hour is to train, encourage and along with other finfish as by-catch. shrimp farmers described above use
promote coastal fishermen population The ownership patterns of extensive almost the same type of management
at suitable sites, through combined shrimp farming systems are complex activities for pond preparation and
efforts of respective State and vary from area to area in grow out. However, the application rate
Governments, research institutes, Bangladesh. The major categories of of fertilizer, stocking density of post
seaweed industry, Marine Products shrimp farm ownership are: larvae, and water exchange rates vary
Export Development Authority and • Individual owner: The land in the from farmer to farmer.
local NGOs, to adopt commercially farm is owned and operated by one The average water depth in the
viable large-scale culture technologies, person. The landowner invests cash pond is 0.6 meters. Generally the depth
and to provide them with good according to his capability and is reduced around 10-15 cm at two-
marketing facilities through proper enjoys total returns from the farms. week intervals. 10-30% of the pond
channels. • Farmers group: The land in the farm volume is exchanged during tidal
is owned by a number of persons regimes and farm outflows are
References who all pay an active role in discharged directly to the common
operating the farm. They contribute flushing cum drainage canal.
1. Dawes C. J. (1981) Marine Botany. John Wiley &
Sons, New York.
land and money and do the farming The farms are usually rectangular or
2. Chapman V. J. (1970) Seaweed and their uses. Second jointly. They also share the returns irregular with a large surface area. The
edition, Methuen & Co. Ltd., London. on shrimp from the farm actual farm size is highly variable.
3. Stein J. R. and Borden C. A. (1984) Causative and
beneficial algae in human disease conditions: a proportionate to their contribution Shrimp farms under individual
review. Phycologia, 23:485-501. of land, cash and physical labor. ownership are generally smaller in size
4. FAO (2002) Status of world fisheries and
aquaculture. Food and Agricultural Organization of
However during paddy cultivation (average 2.3 ha) than that of the farm
United Nations, Rome, Italy. each farmer in the group cultivate owned by the farmers group (average
5. Kaliaperumal N. (1992) Seaweed culture. In:
Handbook of Aquafarming.
paddy singularly. 4.6 ha). The largest farms are occupied
6. Kaladharan P. and Kaliaperumal N. (1999) The • Outsider lease: The land in the farm under outside lessee (19.6 ha) ranging
seaweed industry in India. Naga, the ICLARM is leased out by owners to a person from 10.8 ha. - 36.4 ha. Yields of
Quarterly, 22(1): 11-14.
7. Dhargalkar V. K. and Deshmukhe G. V. (1996) or persons living outside the Polder Penaeus monodon are variable ranging
Subtidal marine algae of the Dwaraka coast (Gujarat). area. The outsiders provide capital, from 109 kg/ha to 146 kg/ha.
Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 25(4): 297-301.
8. Reeta J. and Sally V. (2002) Cultivation of marine red
and usually set up shrimp farms Harvesting is generally carried out
alga Gracilaria edulis (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) taking most of the land from small after 90-120 days of extensive shrimp
from spores. Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 31(1):
and medium landowners. They farming. Harvest is usually done early
9. Shanmugam M., Mody K. H., Ramavat B. K., Sai usually ally themselves with in the morning and a number of
Krishna Murthy A. and Siddhanta A. K. (2002) neighboring medium landowners by different methods are used. The
Screening of Coadiacean algae (Chlorophyta) of the
Indian Coasts for blood anticoagulant activity. taking their land and give them a harvesting techniques also vary among
Indian Journal of Marine Sciences 31(1): 33-38. share in the farm operations and farm owners. The harvesting usually
10. Williams M. J. (1997) Aquaculture and sustainable
food industry in the developing world. In:
income. This is done to gain takes place during full and new moon
Sustainable Aquaculture. J. E. Bardach (Editor), influence over the land and control of a lunar cycle. A cycle consists of 5-7
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York.
over the local people. days. The used water from the farm is
Shrimp farms are located in the inter- partially drained out through the canal
tidal range. Farm design is highly and fresh tidal water introduced into
dependent on the characteristics of the the farm. The shrimp become excited
site selected and there is no consistent and start moving towards the entry
design. However, most farms follow an point of the tidal water as shrimp by
open system with no treatment ponds. habit like to swim against the current.