Embryology MCQs
Embryology MCQs
Embryology MCQs
9. Prior to fertilizing
- an egq.
- - a sperm must undergo
- capacitarion acrosornai
10. Stem villi consists of spiral aiierios and rmaundirtg endometrial cstls.
11. Lhring the beginning of the '2nd week of development, there is only one
germ layer present.
12. The smooth-walled portion of ttie right atrium is derived from sinus venosus
14. During the early stages of development, the age of the embryo may be
estimated by the number of sornites.
- in h e fi.etai circuiation are due to:
Closure of the furaniun w a l e
Closure of the ductus arteriosus
47. The canus cordis joins the bulhis cordis tn the aortic arches.
4 . Fhanin~eal
- - pouches are associaied with h e superior constr-ictor inuscie in
the region of Passavants ridge.
49. Interatial septa1 defect is associated with condilction abnm-malit ies of the
. .
50. In spematilgenesis, cl!v!sitm of a!! spem-a!wy?es yields a spem-a!id.
52. The tip of the tongue in the newbo1-n is reasonably well developed.
l'he lizmentunt
- wteriosurn i~ a remnant ~3fthe prox.,irnaipart of t!x Grh
aixtic wch.
- of genetic
- mater:a! :':a C ~ O S S O V ~ :O C ~ U t?eWeen
~ S ~:ater-r:a!anc!
patema! C ~ ~ O I T I O S O&er
~ ~ Sfrtr?i!izstien.
- may ir~voivesphttirlg
Twinning - of tile inner cell mass.
After 3-4 divisions of the inner cell mass, the cell has an appearance of a
Normal chromosomal allocation for the spam is 42 autosomes and one sex
The cytotrophobiast is that part of the blastocyst which forms the embryo.
The primordial germ cells migrate from the primitive yolk sac in the third
week; they differentiate into gonads
- by the end of the fifth week.
The most cirm-on form of twinning,- occurs in the sp!itting of the inner ce!!
mass to produce identical twins.
The corpus luteurn lasts for 2 weeks in pramant women and regresses soon
(S6)T (S7)T fSS)T (89)F (90)T (91)F (Y2)F (93)
Chest X-ray Is done in an anterior posterior direction n~~rmall\i.
- - is the method of studying the gall bladder.
125. 'l'he epithelium ot the iarynx above the voacl cords is supplied by the
recurrent larynaryngeal
i 28. The buwinatilr nwscie is supplied bv abrsnch iif the facial nerve.