Ijesrt: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
Ijesrt: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
Ijesrt: International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology
Shahanawaz Alam*, Akshansh Uniyal , Abhinn Bajaj
Department of Mechanical Engineering , SRM University,NCR campus Modinagar , India.
In vehicle drive shaft is one of the most important component. It transmits torque from the engine to the differential
gear of a rear wheel drive vehicle. Generally the drive shaft is made up of steel alloy but the use of conventional
steel has disadvantages such as low specific stiffness and strength and high weight. Nowadays this steel drive shaft
is replaced by composite material drive shaft. This advanced composite such as graphite, Kevlar, carbon, glass with
suitable resin have advantage of higher specific strength, less weight, high damping capacity, longer life, high
critical speed and greater torque carrying capacity and can results in considerable amount of weight reduction as
compared to steel shaft. The main objective of this research work is to study the structural and vibrational behavior
of composite material drive shaft assembly as compared to conventional steel drive shaft. Heavy duty vehicle
transmission drive shaft has been used for the project. The conventional material steel SM45C and three composite
materials HS carbon epoxy, E-glass epoxy, HM carbon epoxy have been used for drive shaft study so as to
determine the suitable composite replacement in order to optimize the performance and design. The drive shaft was
modelled using the CREO 3.0 cad software and finite element analysis were done using ansys 14.0 FEA as an
analysis tool for numerical simulation to find the dynamic vibration response of composite material drive. The
simulation result determines the total deformation, Equivalent Von misses stress, Maximum shear stress, natural
frequencies and mode shapes under actual boundary conditions. The result concluded that HS carbon epoxy
composite material is suited more for composite drive shaft application as compared to other composite materials.
KEYWORDS: Drive Shaft, Composites, Carbon Epoxy, Kevlar Epoxy, E-Glass Epoxy, PRO-E, ANSYS.
A drive shaft is a mechanical component for transmitting torque and rotation. As torque carriers, drive shafts are
subject to torsion and shear stress. An automotive drive shaft transmits power from the engine to the differential gear
of a rear wheel drive vehicle is called a propeller shaft where the engine and axles are separated from each other. A
prop-shaft assembly consists of a propeller shaft, a slip joint and one or more universal joints. Generally the drive
shaft is made up of steel alloy SM45C, but the use of conventional steel has disadvantages such as low specific
stiffness and strength and high weight and is usually manufactured in two pieces to increase the fundamental
bending natural frequency because the bending natural frequency of a shaft is inversely proportional to the square of
beam length and proportional to the square root of specific modulus which increases the total weight of an
automotive vehicle and decreases fuel efficiency.
In this project an attempt has been made to replace two piece drive shaft with composite material single piece drive
shaft. This composite material drive shaft have two universal joints and jaw coupling while the two piece drive shaft
consists of three universal joint, a centre support bearing and a bracket. Substituting the composite structure for
conventional metallic structure has many advantage. The simple design of single piece drive shaft reduces the weight
and thus the design is optimized. The use of composite in not new in automobile industries they been using as early
as 1930. In 1930 henry ford use the soya oil to produce a phenolic resins and thence to produce a wood filled
composites material for car bodies
Dai Gil Lee, et.al [5] author develop a one-piece automotive hybrid aluminium/composite drive shaft by a carbon
fibre epoxy composite layer co-cured on the inner surface of an aluminium tube rather than wrapping on the outer
surface which resulted a hybrid aluminium/composite drive shaft with 75% mass reduction, 160% increase in torque
capability compared with a conventional two-piece steel drive shaft. Baryrakceken [6] Author studied the failure
analysis of pinion shaft mounted at the entrance. The pinion gear and shaft are manufactured in single part. The
fatigue and fracture condition was monitored. The mechanical property of material was obtained and then chemical
and microstructure properties were determined. Kim et al. [7] authors studied the problem of thermal residual
stresses setup during bonding process of composite layer and aluminium tube for hybrid shaft. Thermal residual
stresses are resultant of difference in coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) for two materials. Mutasher [8]
research work present’s study of advanced composite, aluminium/ composite for hybrid shaft having high torque
transmission, high natural bending frequency with less noise and vibration. The linear and nonlinear properties o f
materials were considered. The numerical result was verified with experimental results. Zhang et al. [9] authors
studied the self-excited vibration of a propeller shaft. Caused due to friction induced instability. The shaft is
supported on rubber bearing lubricated by water. The system was modelled in consideration with torsional vibration
of continuous shaft and tangential vibration of rubber bearing.
Specification Of Problem
The designed drive shaft must satisfy three loading conditions. 1. The primary load carried by the drive shaft is
torsion. The Shaft must be designed to have enough torsional strength to carry the torque without failure. 2. The
Torsional buckling. This condition must be considered for a thin-walled tube. The third design condition is that the
drive shaft has a Bending natural frequency which is sufficiently high. In this research work as Heavy duty vehicle
transmission drive shaft is used for the project. For the heavy duty vehicle generally the torque transmission
capability of the drive shaft should be larger than 8000 Nm (Tmax) and Fundamental natural bending frequency of
the drive shaft should be higher than 4000 rpm that is its rotational speed to avoid whirling vibration.
Since the fundamental bending natural frequency of a one-piece drive shafts made of steel or aluminium is normally
lower than 3800 rpm, the steel drive shaft is usually manufactured in two pieces to increase the fundamental bending
natural frequency because the bending natural frequency of a shaft is inversely proportional to the square of beam
length and proportional to the square root of specific modulus. So in order to reduce vibration problem increase the
length of the shaft but the length of the shaft is limited by the space restriction. So that there is only an option
remains that is to manufacturers the shaft in two pieces. Physical dimensions of the shaft to be designed are assumed
as were given in the table I. These were the values taken from the previously published papers [20] related to the
composite drive shaft.
Table 1: Dimension for the drive shaft
Outer diameter do 90 mm
Length L 1250 mm
Thickness T 3.32 mm
1. The shaft rotates at a constant speed about it Longitudinal axis.
2. The shaft has a uniform, circular cross section.
3. The shaft is perfectly balanced
4. All damping and nonlinear effects are excluded.
5. The stress-strain relationship for composite material is linear & elastic hence Hooke’s law is applicable for
the metallic Material.
6. Acoustical fluid interactions are neglected, i.e., the shaft is assumed to be acting in a vacuum.
Selection of Cross-Section
The drive shaft can be solid circular or hollow circular. Here hollow circular cross-section was chosen because:
1. The hollow circular shafts are stronger in per kg Weight than solid circular.
2. The stress distribution in case of solid shaft is zero at the centre and maximum at the outer surface While in
hollow shaft stress variation is smaller In solid shafts the material close to the centre are not fully utilized
Design equation
1. Mass Of The Drive Shaft (M)
Fnt= natural frequency base on Timoshenko beam theory, HZ Ks = Shear coefficient of lateral natural frequency
p = 1, first natural frequency
r = mean radius of shaft
Fs = Shape factor, 2 for hollow circular cross section
n = no of ply thickness, 1 for steel shafts
The main objective of this research work is to study the structural and vibrational characteristic of composite
material drive shaft as compared to conventional steel SM45C drive shaft assembly. The conventional material steel
SM45C and three composite materials HS carbon epoxy, E-glass epoxy, HM carbon epoxy have been used for drive
shaft study so as to determine the suitable composite replacement in order to optimize the performance and design
The conventional steel alloy used for the drive shaft have disadvantages such as low specific stiffness and strength
and high weight. It have the linear elastic properties and thus the hooks law is applicable. The steel alloy taken for
analysis of drive shaft is steel SM45C whose properties is shown in table 2 below. Substituting the composite
material for the drive shaft have advantage of higher specific strength, less weight, high damping capacity, longer
life, high critical speed and greater torque carrying capacity and can results in considerable amount of weight
reduction as compared to steel alloy drive shaft. Composite consist of two or more material phase that are combine
to produce a material that has superior properties to these of its individual constituent The constituents are combined
at a macroscopic level and or not soluble in each other. The composite material have the orthotropic elastic
behaviour rather than linear elastic properties. The mechanical properties of the three composites HS carbon epoxy,
HM carbon epoxy, E-glass epoxy are shown in the table 3 below. The specifications of the composite drive shaft of
an automotive transmission are same as that of the steel drive shaft for optimal design. The properties were taken
from the collected data from the books. [23-24]
Density ρ Kg / M3 7600
St2=Sc2 MPa 40 60 54
S12 MPa 72 87 30
To simulate the same working conditions real time boundary conditions, fixed support were applied on one side and
rotational velocity and moment were applied on the other sides of the drive shaft assembly. Rotational velocity of
1500rpm (157.08 rad/sec) was applied for structural and vibration analysis. The rotational motion of drive shaft
generates a torsional moment in whole body of drive shaft. This moment was applied on the opposite end of
rotational velocity having magnitude equal to 245NM in the direction apposite to direction of rotational velocity
[20]. The boundary condition were shown in the figure3 below.
Modal analysis is used to analysis the behaviour of the structure during the dynamic loading condition. It determine
the vibration characteristics such as natural frequencies and mode shapes of a structure as these parameters are most
important for the design of structure during the dynamic loading conditions in order to avoid the resonance situation
.When an system is free from external forces is disturbed from its equilibrium position it starts vibrating due to the
inherent forces. It will vibrate at its natural frequency and its amplitude will gradually reduce with time due to
energy decapitation due to the resistance force by motion. This type of system is known as free vibration system
.The natural frequency of the drive shaft depends on the diameter of the shaft, thickness of the hollow shaft, specific
stiffness and the length. The rotational speed of the body is limited by the lateral stability. The drive shaft designed
should rotates at the speed lower than the first natural bending frequency of in order to avoid whirling vibration. In
this work with the help of ansys analysis tool the natural bending frequency of drive shaft were determined up to 10
mode for all the material considered in order to determine the suitable material for heavy duty vehicle transmission.
The structural analysis result shows that the shear stress distribution is maximum for the conventional steel alloy
(2.08e9Pa) shown in figure 6 while it is minimum for the E-glass composite (7.633e8Pa) shown in figure 15 which
shows that the E-glass epoxy have maximum torsional rigidity. The total deformation in single piece drive shaft
under loading conditions is minimum (0.05996 m) for the steel alloy drive shaft while the maximum deformation
(0.2149m) was shown by E-glass epoxy shown in figure 13. Equivalent (von-misses) stress have maximum value
for conventional steel drive shaft (3.60e9Pa) shown in figure 5 while the minimum value is shown by E-glass epoxy
composite (1.399e9Pa) shown in figure 14. This shows that the conventional steel drive shaft produces the
maximum shear and von misses stress for the given transmission condition while the E-glass composite produces
minimum stress for the given condition but have maximum deformation. The Fem analysis result shows that the HS
carbon epoxy composite is the best suited composite material for the single piece drive shaft having minimum
deformation with the average stress distribution.
Figure (16, 17, 18 & 19) shows the vibration mode shapes and corresponding natural frequency for steel alloy and
the other composite material. The FEA analysis shows the first three mode have frequency nearly equal to zero and
the first valid frequency occurs at mode 4. Mode 7 shows the deformation at the transmission end side. Mode 8 has
deformation at centre portion due to axial bending vibration. Mode 10 shows torsional vibration the frequency
variation for steel SM45C, carbon epoxy composite and E-glass epoxy composite. For trucks and vans bending
frequency should be higher than (2400-4000) rpm. These technical requirements are fulfilled by the carbon epoxy
composite material the relation between critical speed and natural frequency is given as (Ncr = 60 fnt). The table 5
shows the variation of fundamental natural frequencies to their corresponding mode shapes.
Figure 20 shows the variation of natural frequencies for steel alloy and the epoxy composite materials. The graph
shows that for all the material have natural bending frequency with some value starts with the 4th mode and as the
mode increases the natural frequency increases correspondingly. With the analysis of the variation of the frequency
with their modes it was concluded that the HS carbon epoxy composite material shows the excellent material
properties for the design of single-piece composite drive shaft.
As the aim of the project is to replacing of conventional two piece drive shaft with the composite shaft. By using
three different kind of composite materials HS carbon epoxy, HM carbon epoxy, E-glass epoxy the project has been
carried and the Fem based numerical simulation of single piece drive shaft were carried out with the help of the
Ansys 14.0 analysis tool and the structural and vibration response of driving shaft shows that HS carbon epoxy
composite is suited for single-piece drive shaft. The research work concludes the following points-
1. The study successfully has investigated the use of composite materials for single-piece light weight drive
shaft. HS carbon epoxy composite material is best suited on design and vibration criteria.
3. Vibration analysis determines the natural frequencies for up to 10 mode (axial bending vibration, torsional
vibration) for steel SM45C and epoxy composites material for the single-piece drive shaft to avoid the
resonance situation.
4. Composite material HS carbon epoxy provides the suitable structural strength against shearing, torsional
vibration and axial bending vibration.
5. Use of composites for the single piece drive shaft results in the significant decrease in mass and hence
optimize the design.
This research work is carried out at advanced Modelling and Simulation lab funded by Department of Mechanical
Engineering of SRM University, Chennai. Authors are thankful to the project guide Shahnawaz Alam for the
constant guidance and help during the project.
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