Chapter 15 - Reliability and Validity - Evaluating The Value of Tests and Measure
Chapter 15 - Reliability and Validity - Evaluating The Value of Tests and Measure
Chapter 15 - Reliability and Validity - Evaluating The Value of Tests and Measure
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about how consistently all of the items in a scale measure the concept in
about the consistency of a measure taken at two different points in time.
Which one of these characteristics would you expect not to give high test-
retest reliability?
Religious beliefs.
the higher the correlation between that measure and other variables.
the lower the maximum correlation of that test with any other variable.
the more likely the test is measuring what it is intended to measure. 1/4
3/4/2018 Chapter 15 - Reliability and validity: Evaluating the value of tests and measure
none of these.
Alternate forms reliability.
Test-retest reliability.
Split-half reliability.
Face validity.
Concurrent validity.
Content validity.
Predictive validity.
Discriminant validity.
Predictive validity.
Known-groups validity.
Convergent validity. 2/4
3/4/2018 Chapter 15 - Reliability and validity: Evaluating the value of tests and measure
Convergent validity.
A measure that is valid for one purpose may not be valid for another purpose.
Why should tests used in clinical settings have higher levels of reliability and
validity than those used in research studies?
Ideally the measures should have the same reliability and validity.
Because measures in research settings are less valuable and useful than those
in clinical settings.
Answer choices in this exercise appear in a different order each time the page is loaded. 3/4
3/4/2018 Chapter 15 - Reliability and validity: Evaluating the value of tests and measure 4/4