The Discrete Element Method For The Simulation of Ball Mills
The Discrete Element Method For The Simulation of Ball Mills
The Discrete Element Method For The Simulation of Ball Mills
ball mills
B. K. Mishra and Raj K. Rajamani
The discrete element method (DEM) is a proven numerical technique for modelling the multibody
collision behavior ofparticulate systems. This method is used here to study the motion of ball charge in
tumbling mills. To get meaningful results, it is essential that the parameters involved in the model be
carefully determined. These parameters embody essentially the material properties of the system:
stiffness, damping, andfriction. In this study, all the parameters are carefully determined experimentally
for different operating mill conditions. A computer code based on DEM has been developed to model the
motion of the bails in tumbling mills. The code incorporates a scheme to calculate the applied torque, and
hence power input to the mill. A 55cm ball mill is simulated,for two different liner cross-sections-
rectangular and triangular. Results ofthe simulations pertaining to applied torque are compared with the
experiments. It is found that, with a particular modelfor the coefficient offriction, the predicted torque
agrees well with the experiments.
Keywords: ball mill, ball charge motion, simulation, discrete element method
598 Appl. Math. Modelling, 1992, Vol. 16, November 0 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann
Discrete element method in modelling ball mills: B. K. Mishra and R. K. Rajamani
Substitution of equations (4) and (5) into equation (3) numerical results; these were very helpful to com-
results in a simple equation that may be solved for the pare with the experimental data.
velocity during the time step t to t + 6t. This velocity is l The original code (DISC) connected the rigid ele-
then integrated to find displacements: ments or walls in such a way that they formed only a
x(t + 6t) = x(t) + _%(t+ &) x 6t topologically convex region. This fact was seminal to
(6) the contact searching scheme in the code. However,
In a similar manner, equation (2) is solved to get the ball-mill lifter-bar geometry implies a topologically
rotation of the disc. Thus by repeating these calcula- concave space, and hence the code was modified to
tions for each disc, the new position of all the discs is accommodate this feature.
determined, and the time evolution of charge motion in l A serious numerical problem occurred, especially
the X, y-coordinate space is given by repeating the en- after simulations over thousands of time steps. At all
tire set of calculations at successive time steps. times the positions of the mill walls are kept in the
The stability of the numerical algorithm is important memory. Since the mill walls rotate about the center,
in assuring dependably accurate results. Since the inte- the wall coordinates change incrementally at each
gration scheme outlined is the central difference time step. However, in evaluating the wall position
method, the numerical stability depends on the time coordinates, some precision is lost because of the
step chosen. In the spring-dashpot model, a linear elas- very small numbers used in the calculations. It was
tic behavior of the spring (F = K 6x) is assumed, and in noticed that in a typical simulation using a time step
the dashpot the force is proportional to the relative ve- of 10d4 second, the polygonal geometry of the mill got
locity of the colliding bodies (F = C 6~). Since the ac- visibly distorted after just two revolutions. There-
celeration is related to the force acting on the disc, the fore at the end of each revolution the wall positions
value of the time step that assures numerical stability is were corrected to assume their original position at
related to the parameters involved. This time step is the start.
given in terms of the mass and the stiffness of the small- l The code identifies midair collisions and assigns a
est disc as different coefficient of restitution than those used in
ball-to-wall collisions.
6t < 2flK (7) l An important addition to the computer code was the
Failure to ensure this condition results in unrealistic implementation of the energy and torque calcula-
motion of the ball charge. tions. As a result, the distribution of energy among all
collisions and the distribution of fall heights of the
balls can be computed.
Applied torque
l Many utility codes were added to create data files
The torque applied to the mill can be calculated from and result files. For example, one utility uses the
the shear forces acting on the mill shell. Assuming that input data to generate the mill shell.
the applied torque is the retarding torque, the net
torque applied to the mill is determined from The results of the simulation were verified with
actual experiments. Recorded video motion pictures of
T = i ri x Fshear.; (8) a 25-cm-diameter mill compared very favorably with
i=l simulation results.’ Also, the torque, measured in the
where, for any disc i in contact with the wall, ri is the same mill at a different speed, compared well with the
position vector and Fshear,i is the shear force acting at predictions. In the following, we present the impor-
the contact. In this manner the torque value is cal- tance of accurately determining the parameters of the
culated at each time step, and an average value is simulation model.
reported at the end of the simulation.
Simulation parameters
Computer code Specialized but rather simple experiments can be
The algorithm was coded into a computer program carried out to determine simulation parameters. Since
called 2DMILL. This code is based on Corkum’s DISC the model deals with individual disc-to-disc contacts, it
code3.4 and Cundall’s BALL code.’ While the basic is necessary to choose realistic values of contact prop-
structure of the parent code was kept the same, a erties; this applies to disc-to-wall contacts also. These
number of features unique to the ball mill were intro- parameters are material stiffness, coefficient of restitu-
duced. While the details of the 2DMILL code can be tion, and coefficient of friction. Material stiffness is
found in Mishra’s thesis,6 the major points are summa- required to correctly establish the forces generated in
rized below: the springs. The coefficient of restitution is a measure of
the damping property of the material, and hence it
l The code generates x- and y-coordinates of each disc figures into the damping parameters, which in turn
as a function of time. Hence an animation program establish the forces developed in the dashpot. Finally,
was written to examine the results. The snapshots of the coefficient of friction is used to check whether
the animation were the only way of analyzing the sliding occurs at any contact.
Ball mass Fall height Maximum displacement Stiffness
(kg) (m) force (Nl (mm) (MN/m)
0.0926 0.3 8109 0.075 140
0.2523 0.3 11066 0.119 135
0.6468 0.3 24872 0.138 126
Table 2. Result of the ultrafast load cell experiments to determine the material stiffness; layers of quartz particles used between
the colliding bodies; ball mass = 0.252 kg
Fall height No. of Particle size Maximum displacement Stiffness
fm) layers (mm) force (N) (mm) (N/m)
0.15 1 3.35-4.0 638 1.41 466,829
0.25 1 3.35-4.0 834 1.93 395,052
0.50 1 3.35-4.0 1212 2.69 429,448
0.25 3 1.14-1.70 370 2.89 111,445
0.50 3 1.14-1.70 601 4.51 190,189
0.75 3 1.14-1.70 1065 5.08 341,346
that are thrown out of the surface and follow a parabolic equation (1.5), then slip is presumed to occur. In this
path depict “cataracting motion.” Cataracting balls hit situation, during the computation the dashpot in the
the mill shell, causing ball-to-wall collision. It is difficult shear direction is omitted, and the F,,,,, value is used
to determine the coefficient of restitution for the instead. Rose and Sullivan’ have determined the
cascading balls because there is no impact. Finally, coefficient of friction for different conditions that are
there is another type of impact that occurs in the mill, applicable to ball mills.
that is, balls colliding in midair, resulting in ball-to-ball
collision. Remarks about the parameters
Simple experiments were done to determine the
The ball charge motion is a mix of low-energy and
coefficient of restitution for ball-to-wall collisions. In
high-energy collisions. Therefore the parameters deter-
these experiments, balls of different sizes held at a fixed
mined from specialized experiments point out the order
height were dropped onto a thick metal plate. Usually,
of magnitude of the constants involved; however, they
the drop height was about 30 cm. The impacts were
need to be adjusted to obtain meaningful results. For
captured on a video camera, and the video frames were
instance, Mishra and Rajamani’ tracked the position of
analyzed to calculate the rebound heights. It is easy to
two arbitrary discs in a 25cm-diameter laboratory mill
show that the coefficient of restitution is given by
by means of video image analysis. The shoulder and toe
e = vh,lh,
. . (11) nosition of the charge was determined at various mill
speeds. In the simulations the stiffness value was fixed,
where h, and h2 are the rebound and fall heights, respec-
but other parameters were adjusted to obtain good
tively. For different ball sizes and drop heights, the
agreement with experimental results. In this manner,
value ofthe coefficient fell in the range of0.4-0.6. Next,
the correct values of the coefficients of restitution and
to determine the coefficient of restitution for ball-ball
friction are established.
collisions, a pendulum experiment was devised. Two
The material stiffness value used in the model must
spherical balls were hung by threads. One of the pendu-
represent the physical situations that are encountered in
lums was stationary, while the other was released from
a ball mill. A single stiffness value cannot represent all
different distances. Again the heights of the balls before
forms of impact. In the ultrafast load cell experiments, it
and after impact were measured from video frames. In
is noted that the contact stiffness depends on the num-
this case the coefficient of restitution is
ber of layers of particles between colliding balls, the
e=2m-1 - (12) mass of the ball, and the fall height or the velocity of
impact. However, within a range, a stiffness value can
where h, is the rebound height of the ball that was
be chosen such that (1) the time step is minimized, (2)
originally at rest and h, is the fall height of the impacting
the contact overlap is reduced, and (3) the over-
ball. In these experiments it was observed that there
all motion of the charge is preserved. For the simula-
was very little variation in the measured coefticient.
tions reported here, the best value of stiffness is
The average coefficient of restitution is found to be 0.97,
400,000 N/m.
which pertains to midair collisions only.
one such slice, the results for the entire mill are cal-
culated, the number of slices that make up the real mill
being known. In doing so, the component of velocity in
the axial direction is neglected. In other words, the
torque component due to charge movement in the axial
direction will not be accounted for in the two-dimen-
sional model. This component could be significant, es-
pecially in the feed end and discharge end of the mill.
The procedure for determining the number of slices
that is equivalent to the actual mill is as follows: Since
the code represents the spherical balls by discs, the area Mill Diomter =55cm
of the mill occupied by the discs is known. The disc is 70 _ Mill Length = 30cm
assigned the same weight as the spherical ball it repre- Mill Filling=38.5%
sents. Then the number of discs in the slice is adjusted I I I I I
so that the percentage of the area occupied by the discs, 0.6 0.7 0.9 0.9 1.0
including the void area, is equal to the percentage Fraction of Critical Speed I-l
charge filling used in the real mill. It should be noted that
the charge filling refers to the percent of the volume Figure 2. Comparison between experimentally determined
torque and the simulation
including the void volume occupied by the balls. Now,
with the number of discs in a given slice, the mass of the
slice is computed. Finally, the total number of slices is
the actual ball weight divided by the weight of discs in a earlier, while simulating the swivel lifter profile, a linear
single slice. Therefore the power draft or torque of the variation of the coefficient of friction with speed was
actual mill is the corresponding value for the slice assumed. Because of the excessive amount of sliding at
multiplied by the number of slices. high speed, this change in the contact model was incor-
The simulations were done in the fractional critical porated.
speed range of 0.6- 1.Oat a constant ball tilling of 38.5%.
From the ball filling, the ball weights, and the bulk
density data of the charge, the number of slices equiva-
lent to the mill was calculated to be nine. Other perti- The processes that take place inside a ball mill are not
nent data relating to the simulations are shown in known because of a lack of sensors that can function in
Table 3. the harsh environment. Instrumented balls are used to
It is known that the friction of most materials de- gather information with regard to motion and collision
creases with an increase in the speed of sliding.” of balls’3; however, the instrumentation itself is quite
Excessive speed of sliding was observed in simulating expensive and still under development. The mathemati-
the mill with swivel lifters. This situation required a cal model employed here involves the material proper-
change in the coefficient of friction for every mill speed ties of the colliding bodies as parameters. It is found
considered for simulation. Since DEM allows for that, unless these parameters are correctly used, the
changes in material parameters during simulations, a ball mill problem cannot be simulated correctly. With
linear variation of coefficient of friction with mill speed the correct choice of the parameters, accurate trends in
was used in simulating the motion of discs in the mill the variation of power with mill speed and filling are
fitted with triangular lifters. observed. A scheme is devised to utilize the two-dimen-
Figure 2 compares the results of simulation with sional simulation results to predict the power of a real
those of the experiment. Here, the variation of torque mill. The torque required to drive the mill at different
with the rotational speed of the mill is shown for two speeds is predicted, and the predicted power draft is
different lifter bar profiles. The overall agreement is compared with actual mill data. It is shown that the
found to be satisfactory. However, as was mentioned 2DMILL code can predict the power draft of actual
An analytical description of the multibody collision
Table 3. Data used for the simulation problem is difficult, but the discrete element method
Normal stiffness
enables the numerical simulation of ball charge motion.
400,000 N im
Shear stiffness 300,000 N / m
Currently, the simulation requires hours of super-
Coefficient of friction 0.1 computer time, depending on the number of balls to be
Coefficient of restitution: simulated; a 0.55-m-diameter mill consisting of 42 walls
Ball-ball impact 0.8 and filled with 148 balls, when run at 40% of its critical
Ball-wall impact 0.4
Critical time step 0.1 x 10-3 s
speed, requires 7.84 hours of CPU time on an IBM 3090
Mill diameter 0.545 m supercomputer.
Disc radius 0.012, 0.018, 0.025 m Realistic simulation of ball motion in three dimen-
Disc weight 0.06, 0.195, 0.525 kg sions is immensely difficult when the number of balls
Critical speed 57.8 rpm
Mill filling
exceeds a thousand. The difficulty is primarily due to
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