Employee Claim: A. Your Information (Employee)
Employee Claim: A. Your Information (Employee)
Employee Claim: A. Your Information (Employee)
3. Mailing address:
Number and Street/PO Box/Apartment No. City State Zip Code
7. Did you lose time from work at the other employment(s) as a result of your injury/illness? Yes No
C. YOUR JOB on the date of the injury or illness
1. What was your job title or description?
2. What types of activities did you normally perform at work?_________________________________________________________________
3. Was your job? (check one) Full Time Part Time Seasonal Volunteer Other:____________________
4. What was your gross pay (before taxes) per pay period? 5. How often were you paid?
6. Did you receive lodging or tips in addition to your pay? Yes No If yes, describe:
3. Where did the injury/illness happen? (e.g., 1 Main Street, Pottersville, at the front door)
4. Was this your usual work location? Yes No If no, why were you at this location?
5. What were you doing when you were injured or became ill? (e.g., unloading a truck, typing a report) _______________________________
6. How did the injury/illness happen? (e.g., I tripped over a pipe and fell on the floor)
7. Explain fully the nature of your injury/illness; list body parts affected (e.g., twisted left ankle and cut to forehead):______________________
10. Have you given your employer (or supervisor) notice of injury/illness? Yes No
If yes, notice was given to: ____________________________________ orally in writing Date notice given: _____/_____/_____
11. Did anyone see your injury happen? Yes No Unknown If yes, list names:________________________________________
1. Did you stop work because of your injury/illness? Yes, on what date? _____/_____/_____ No , skip to Section F.
2. Have you returned to work? Yes No If yes, on what date? _____/_____/_____ regular duty limited duty
3. If you have returned to work, who are you working for now? Same employer New employer Self employed
4. What is your gross pay (before taxes) per pay period? How often are you paid?
1. What was the date of your first treatment? ______/______/______ None received (skip to question F-5)
2. Were you treated on site? Yes No
3. Where did you receive your first off site medical treatment for your injury/illness? none received Emergency Room
Doctor's office Clinic/Hospital/Urgent Care Hospital Stay over 24 hours
Name and address where you were first treated:
Phone Number: (_____)_______________
4. Are you still being treated for this injury/illness? Yes No
Give the name and address of the doctor(s) treating you for this injury/illness:
Phone Number: (_____)_______________
5. Do you remember having another injury to the same body part or a similar illness? Yes No
If yes, were you treated by a doctor? Yes No If yes, provide the names and addresses of the doctor(s) who treated
Claimant's signature (ink only -- use blue ballpoint pen, if possible.) Date
If the claimant is unable to sign, the person signing on his/her behalf must fill out and sign below:
Your name Relationship to Claimant Signature (ink only -- use blue ballpoint pen, if possible.) Date
Los registros médicos divulgados se incorporarán a su expediente de compensación obrera y son confidenciales conforme a la
Ley de compensación obrera.
1. Name (Nombre) 2. Social Security Number (Número de seguro social)
3. Mailing Address (Dirección postal)
4. Date of Birth (Fecha de nacimiento) 5. Date of the current injury/illness (Fecha de la lesión/enfermedad actual)
6. Current injury/illness, including all body parts injured (Descripción de la lesión/enfermedad actual, incluyendo todas las partes del
cuerpo lesionadas)
7. Your legal representative's name and address (if any) (Nombre y dirección de su representante legal [si corresponde])
Check here if you allow your health provider(s) to release mental health care information. (Marque aquí si autoriza a su(s) proveedor(es) de
salud a divulgar información sobre tratamientos de salud mental.)
B. YOUR HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS (List all health care providers who treated you for a previous injury to the same body part or similar
illness. If more than 2 providers, attach their contact information to this form.
SU(S) PROVEEDOR(ES) DE SALUD (Enumere todos los proveedores de salud que le han tratado por lesiones previas a las mismas
areas del cuerpo ó por enfermedades semejantes.Si son más de 2 proveedores, adjunte su información de contacto a este formulario.)
1. Provider (Proveedor de salud) 2. Phone Number (No de teléfono)
3. Mailing Address (Dirección postal)
4. Other provider (if any) (Otro proveedor [si corresponde]) 5. Phone Number (No de teléfono)
6. Mailing Adress (Dirección postal)
C. READ AND SIGN BELOW I hereby request that the health care provider(s) listed above give my employer's workers' compensation
insurer copies of all health records related to any previous injury/illness, to all body parts, described above. LEA Y FIRME A
CONTINUACIÓN. Por la presente solicito que los proveedores de salud aquí enumerados le provean al asegurador de compensación
obrera de mi patrono copias de todos los records médicos relacionados a cualquier lesión/enfermedad aquí enumeradas.
If the claimant is unable to sign, the person signing on his/her behalf must fill out and sign below: (Si el reclamante no puede firmar, la
persona que firme el formulario en su nombre y representación debe llenar y firmar a continuación)
Claimant's signature (Firma del reclamante ) use solo tinta - preferiblemente azul Date (Fecha)
Your name (Su nombre) Relationship to Claimant (Relación con el reclamante) Signature(Firma) Date(Fecha)
C-3.3 (12-09) www.wcb.ny.gov
Instructions for Completing Employee Claim (Form C-3)
Please complete this form and send it to the Workers' Compensation Board centralized mailing address listed at the end of these
instructions. If you need additional help completing this form, contact the Workers' Compensation Board at 1-877-632-4996. You
may also fill this form out online at wcb.ny.gov. If you do not have or know your Workers' Compensation Board Case Number,
please leave this field blank. It is not required to process your claim. Remember to enter your name and the date of your
injury/illness on the top of page two.
The Workers' Compensation Board's (Board’s) authority to request that claimants provide personal information, including their
social security number, is derived from the Board’s investigatory authority under Workers' Compensation Law (WCL) § 20, and
its administrative authority under WCL § 142. This information is collected to assist the Board in investigating and administering
claims in the most expedient manner possible and to help it maintain accurate claim records. Providing your social security
number to the Board is voluntary. There is no penalty for failure to provide your social security number on this form; it will not
result in a denial of your claim or a reduction in benefits. The Board will protect the confidentiality of all personal information in
its possession, disclosing it only in furtherance of its official duties and in accordance with applicable state and federal law.
C‐3.0 (1‐11)
Section F - Medical Treatment for This Injury or Illness:
Item 1: If you did not receive medical treatment for this injury/illness, check None Received and skip to item 5. Otherwise, enter the
date you first received treatment for this injury/illness and complete the rest of this section.
Item 2: Check if you were first treated on the job for this injury or illness.
Item 3: Check the location where you first received off site medical treatment for your injury or illness. Include the name and
address of the facility as well as the phone number (including area code).
Item 4: If you are still receiving ongoing treatment for the same injury or illness, check Yes and indicate the name and address of
the doctor(s) providing treatment as well as the phone number (including area code); otherwise, check No.
Item 5: If you believe you already had an injury to the same body part or a similar illness, check Yes and indicate if you were treated
by a doctor for this injury or illness. If you were treated by a doctor, indicate the name(s) and address(es) of the doctor(s) whom
provided care and complete and file Form C-3.3 together with this form.
Item 6: If you had a previous injury or illness, check if your previous injury or illness was work-related. If Yes, check if the injury or
illness happened while working for your current employer.
Sign Form C-3 in the place provided for Employee's Signature on page 2, print your name, and enter the date you signed the form.
If a third-party is signing on behalf of the employee, that person should sign on the second signature line. If you have legal
representation, your representative must complete and sign the attorney/representative's certification section on the
bottom of page 2.
Your Rights:
1. Generally, you are entitled to be treated by a doctor of your choice, provided he/she is authorized by the Board. If your employer
is involved in a preferred provider organization (PPO) arrangement, you must obtain initial treatment from the preferred provider
organization which has been designated to provide health care services for workers' compensation injuries.
2. DO NOT pay your doctor or hospital. Their bills will be paid by the insurance carrier if your case is not disputed. If your case is
disputed, the doctor or hospital must wait for payment until the Board decides your case. In the event you fail to prosecute your case
or the Board decides against you, you will have to pay the doctor or hospital.
3. You are also entitled to be reimbursed for drugs, crutches, or any apparatus properly prescribed by your doctor and for carfares
or other necessary expenses going to and from your doctor's office or the hospital. (Get receipts for such expenses.)
4. You are entitled to compensation if your injury keeps you from work for more than seven days, compels you to work at lower
wages, or results in permanent disability to any part of your body.
5. Compensation is payable directly and without waiting for an award, except when the claim is disputed.
6. Injured workers or dependents of deceased workers may represent themselves in matters before the Board or may retain an
attorney or licensed representative to represent them. If an attorney or licensed representative is retained, his/her fee for legal
services will be reviewed by the Board and if approved will be paid by the employer or insurance company out of any compensation
benefits due. Injured workers or dependents of deceased workers should not directly pay anything to the attorney or licensed
representative representing them in a compensation case.
7. If you need help returning to work, or with family or financial problems because of your injury, contact the Workers' Compensation
Board office nearest you and ask for a rehabilitation counselor or social worker.
This form should be filed by sending directly to the address listed below:
New York State Workers' Compensation Board
Centralized Mailing
PO Box 5205
Binghamton, NY 13902-5205
C‐3.0 (1‐11)