Kendor Volume 34 Jazz Booklet PDF

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EndorV 34
New Books From Kendor
Effective Etudes For Jazz 2
by Mike Carubia & Jeff Jarvis
This essential book for jazz ensemble auditions, recitals, festivals,
and lessons includes 20 etudes based on the changes to popular jazz
standards so players learn to improvise over the chord progressions
of songs that all jazz musicians should know. The downloadable MP3
tracks include two versions of each etude; one with a professional soloist
& rhythm section, and another with just the rhythm section.

Alto/Baritone Saxophone • $21.95, #20711

Tenor Saxophone • $21.95, #20712
Trumpet • $21.95, #20713
Trombone • $21.95, #20714
Piano • $24.00, #20715
Bass • $21.95, #20716
Guitar • $21.95, #20717

Effective Etudes For Jazz 1

Also available

by Mike Carubia & Jeff Jarvis

Featuring 18 etudes based on the chord changes of popular jazz
standards. Students learn to improvise over the chord progressions
by hearing how seasoned musicians interpret them on the recordings,
then by playing along with the recorded rhythm section. Great for jazz
band auditions, solo festivals and recitals.

Flute • $19.00, #20691

Alto Saxophone • $19.00, #20692
Tenor Saxophone • $19.00, #20693
Baritone Saxophone • $19.00, #20694
Trumpet • $19.00, #20695
Trombone • $19.00, #20696
Piano • $21.00, #20697
Guitar • $19.00, #20698
Bass • $19.00, #20699
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• free recordings • detailed descriptions
• SoloMate accompaniment tracks • brass ranges
• complete viewable scores • dealer directory

Jazz Series
Art Dedrick Doug Beach
Legacy Editions Rhythm Studies
Vintage charts from the first-ever easy Very easy charts for 4 horns with rhythm
jazz ensemble series. Playable by 3 section that are expandable to full-size big
saxes, 1-3 brass & rhythm and expand- band.
able to full-size big band.
Download Rhythm
Download Legacy Studies MP3 Album
MP3 Album

Doug Beach Jazz

Kendor Jazz Foundations Series
Gateway Series Very easy charts for 4 horns with rhythm
Easy charts for developing groups, many section that are expandable to full-size big
featuring Kendor Konvertible scoring for 9- band.
17 pieces. A guitar chord chart is included.
Download Jazz
Download Jazz Foundations MP3 Album
Gateway MP3 Album

Doug Beach
Kendor Jazz First Edition Series
Journey Series Easy charts for developing groups,
Medium charts for advancing groups. A playable by 12-17 players.
guitar chord chart is included.
Download First
Download Jazz Edition MP3 Album
Journey MP3 Album

Doug Beach
Kendor Jazz
Threshold Series
Summit Series Medium easy to medium charts for
Advanced charts for proficient big bands. advancing groups.

Download Jazz Download Threshold

Summit MP3 Album MP3 Album

Kendor Music, Inc.

Doug Beach
Jazz Ensemble Series
Medium to medium advanced charts for

21 Grove Street • PO Box 278

Delevan, New York 14042-0278 • U.S.A. proficient big bands.
phone 716-492-1254
fax 716-492-5124
Download Jazz 1
e-mail: [email protected] Ensemble MP3 Album
Kendor Art Dedrick Kendor Jazz
Legacy Editions Gateway Series


American Patrol by Gregory Yasinitsky
arranged by Art Dedrick Emulating the music of jazz greats Tito Puente and
Originally released in 1956, this vintage arrangement of Eddie Palmieri, this funky Latin original with a 3:2 clave
the iconic tune opens with a short written alto solo before groove features a trumpet section soli, a written or ad lib
launching into a swingin' series of sax and brass solis, trumpet solo, and a roaring ensemble chorus, making it
unisons and full-ensemble shouts. No improvisation is an exciting choice for developing groups. Features
required, scoring is for 9-17 players, and optional parts Kendor Konvertible scoring for 9-17 players. Optional
for tuba and vibes are included. parts for flute, clarinet, horn in F, tuba and vibes are
#730 ........................................................................ $45 included.
#60037 .................................................................... $45
View Score Play MP3 View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

ENCORE EDITION Hope Swings Eternal

Little Brown Jug by Lennie Niehaus
arranged by Art Dedrick This solid moderate swing original contains all the great
First released in 1954, this setting of the 19th-century features we've come to expect from this talented writer.
folk song popularized by Glenn Miller begins with an 8- A series of musical motives are layered to create an
bar marcato introduction before settling into the familiar interesting effect. Optional written or ad lib solos are
medium swing groove. No improvisation is required, provided for alto, tenor, bari, trumpet and/or trombone.
scoring is for 9-17 players, and optional parts for tuba Features Kendor Konvertible scoring for 9-17 players
and vibes are included. and includes optional parts for flute, clarinet, horn in F,
#790 ........................................................................ $45 tuba and vibes.
#60310 .................................................................... $45
View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate
View Score Play MP3


Londonderry Air by Jeff Jarvis
arranged by Art Dedrick Reminiscent of the Doobie Brothers and Steely Dan
songs of the 1980’s, this tuneful, fun-to-play adventure
This Kendor release from 1954 features a beautiful
features a variety of common rock figures. Written or ad
trumpet solo (to be played as written) in an expressive
lib solos for any sax are included. Features Kendor
setting with flowing legato figures dominating throughout.
Konvertible scoring for 9-17 players and includes
No improvisation is required, scoring is for 9-17 players,
optional parts for flute, clarinet, horn in F, tuba and vibes.
and optional parts for tuba and vibes are included.
#60705 .................................................................... $45
#800 ........................................................................ $45
View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

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Squares Be Gone
When The Saints Go Marchin’ In This bright swing original with a singable melody, written
or ad lib solos for tenor and piano, and a couple solo
arranged by Art Dedrick spots for the drummer is a great pick for festival perform-
The swingin' unison vocal featuring all wind players is ances. Features Kendor Konvertible scoring for 9-17
the definite highlight in this vintage arrangement of 1955! players and includes optional parts for flute, clarinet,
No improvisation is required, scoring is for 9-17 players, horn in F, tuba and vibes.
and optional parts for tuba and vibes are included. #60765 .................................................................... $45
#900 ........................................................................ $45
View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate
View Score Play MP3
Play SoloMate
Tomorrow’s Memories
by Gregory Yasinitsky The Cardinal Shuffle
Featuring alto sax in a lyrical, richly harmonized ballad by Bob Washut
style, solos may be improvised or played as written. With solo space for trumpet, this terrific swing shuffle
Other highlights include a double time section, a solid with solid orchestration will help any band sound its very
ensemble chorus and ample, confidence-building unison best! Ample horn articulations are provided throughout,
figures. Features Kendor Konvertible scoring for 9-17 and audiences will love the surprise ending when the
and includes optional parts for flute, clarinet, horn in F, roaring shout chorus shifts suddenly to a quiet
tuba and vibes. conclusion.
#60823 .................................................................... $45 #61086 .................................................................... $52

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Undercover Bossa Dos Amigos

by Jeff Jarvis by Howard J. Rowe, Jr.
This breezy bossa nova featuring elements of other The title of this vibrant Latin rock original refers to the
popular Latin styles employs a tuneful melody, a sophis- close association shared by Chuck Mangione and Gerry
ticated chord progression, and a solid orchestration. Niewood during their years of working together. Opening
Written or ad lib solos for trumpet and trombone are and closing with flugelhorn (or trumpet) and soprano (or
included, along with optional parts for flute, clarinet, horn alto) sax solis, the chart features optional solo space for
in F, tuba and vibes. all and a montuno-style section that spotlights the whole
#60860 .................................................................... $45 band.
#61152 .................................................................... $52
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View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

Kendor Jazz George’s Samba

Journey Series by Lars Halle
Feelings of joy and exuberance prevail in this buoyant
Brazilian samba that juxtaposes the sound of an intimate
ENCORE EDITION group with that of a big band by featuring alto and trum-
All In
pet against the jazz ensemble backdrop. The drum solo
at the end can be opened up to include a variety of Latin
by Lennie Niehaus percussion instruments if desired. An optional vibes part
Set in a moderate swing style, this chart gives everyone is included.
the chance to share in the melodic role. The solo chorus #61250 .................................................................... $52
for any sax and/or trombone (written or ad lib) may be
extended as desired, and a swingin' shout takes the View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate
chart out loud and strong!
#61021 .................................................................... $52 Play SoloMate

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Next Gen.
by Matt Harris
The key to the success of this straight-eighth chart will
be the ability of the rhythm section to keep strong time
throughout. The lengthy solo section with vamps on two
by Jeff Jarvis chords for an improvised conversation between trumpet
Alternating between 3/4 and 4/4 feels, this catchy funk and tenor may be extended for a single soloist if desired.
tune features clever piano comping, punchy bass lines, An optional vibes part is included.
and fun single-note guitar comping. Solos with accessi- #61527 .................................................................... $52
ble chord changes are provided for alto, tenor, bari,
trumpet and trombone. Guitar or piano can also take View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate
solos if desired.
#61040 .................................................................... $52 Play SoloMate

View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

Night Of The Mojito Freckle Face
by Andrew Neu by Sammy Nestico
Reminiscent of the music of Quincy Jones and Henry As recorded by the Count Basie Orchestra on their
Mancini in the 1960's, this catchy boogaloo is a fun- “Basie Big Band” album of 1975, this easy swing excur-
loving fusion of Brazilian, Afro-Cuban and American funk sion has all the ingredients you'd expect from a classic
influences. While tenor and trumpet are the designated Basie chart - -tasteful piano fills, lots of solid ensemble
soloists, chords are also cued for alto and trombone. work, and a written or ad lib trumpet solo.
#61529 .................................................................... $52 #2345 ...................................................................... $56
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View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

Rush Hour
Play SoloMate

by Lennie Niehaus Salsero Viejo

Originally recorded at the world famous Lighthouse by Jeff Jarvis
Cafe by the Lennie Niehaus Octet, this big band version Featuring a bright salsa groove, this zesty original
features interesting material, development, and motives provides suggested montuno (piano), tumbao (bass) and
in a moderate swing style. It also contains great conver- cascaras (drum) lines to ensure stylistic authenticity.
sational exchanges between the ensemble and drum- Solo highlights include alto sax at the beginning and
mer. Solo sheets are provided for C, Eb and Bb within the chart, and an open section for drums or con-
instruments. versational trades between the drummer and another
#61675 .................................................................... $52 player on congas or timbales.
#62685 .................................................................... $56
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View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

17 Mile Drive Play SoloMate

by Matt Harris
Inspired by the scenic grandeur of California's Monterey
Peninsula as seen from the road that hugs the Pacific Doug Beach
coastline there, this catchy rock shuffle grooves from
start to finish. A memorable melody, contemporary har- Rhythm Studies
monic techniques, and solo space for tenor complete
this satisfying excursion. ENCORE EDITION
Essential Rhythms
#61694 .................................................................... $52
View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate
For Jazz Ensemble
by Doug Beach & George Shutack
South Street Blues This exciting set of full-group exercises featuring swing,
by Jeff Jarvis rock and Latin rhythms presents a series of four-bar
Rich ensemble writing, a resonant melody, and written or phrases for each style. One phrase in each style section
ad lib solos for all earn this street-smart blues high is designed for improvisation practice, making this easy-
marks for accessibility and programming appeal. medium material ideal for daily warm-ups.
#61713 .................................................................... $52 #43505 .................................................................... $52

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Kendor Jazz
Summit Series
Play SoloMate

Play SoloMate

Deck The Halls
arranged by Ted Blumenthal
Opening with full brass presentations of the familiar
Welsh air, this funk-style adaptation provides tenor sax
with ample stretching room as soloist.
#3229 ...................................................................... $56
4 View Score Play MP3
Doug Beach Jazz Doug Beach First
Foundations Series Edition Series

Brother Benjamin Island Sunrise

by Doug Beach & George Shutack by George Shutack
This swing original features any melodic instrument in Combining a pensive melody and rich harmonies, this
the solo role (written or ad lib), and is an impressive beautiful ballad is the perfect showcase for trumpet or
pairing of an irresistible melody with gospel-flavored alto soloist. The solo part is entirely written out (no im-
harmonies will be a big hit with everyone. Scored for 5 provisation required), and the chart is scored for 12-17
horns with rhythm section and expandable to full big players. Optional parts for flute, clarinet, horn in F, tuba
band, optional flute, clarinet and horn in F parts are and vibes are included.
included. #42183 .................................................................... $45
#41812 .................................................................... $42
View Score Play MP3
View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

Latin Heat
The Five Note Blues by Doug Beach
by Doug Beach & George Shutack Supported by a driving Latin feel, this pleasing original
Serving as the perfect intro to the blues form with a with a flowing melody and open solo section (written
melody of just five notes, this swing original features an solos provided) is a great concert choice! Playable by
open solo section with written or ad lib solos for all. An 12-17 players, optional parts are included for flute,
abundance of full ensemble work rounds out this winning clarinet, horn in F, tuba and vibes.
package that's scored for 5 horns with rhythm section #42196 .................................................................... $45
and expandable to full big band. Optional flute, clarinet
and horn in F parts included. View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate
#41843 .................................................................... $42

Monk Lives
View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate
by Doug Beach & George Shutack
This tribute to Thelonious Monk captures the spirit and
Hip Monk Shuffle sounds of his iconic jazz music. Blues-based changes,
by Doug Beach & George Shutack sax and brass solis, and an open solo section (written
The Hip Monk is back to spread the good word about the solos provided) are highlights of this swing original.
essentials of being hip in the form of a catchy rock shuf- Scored for 12-17 players, optional parts for flute, clarinet,
fle with written or ad lib solos for all. Scored for 5 horns horn in F, tuba and vibes are included.
with rhythm section and expandable to full big band, #42234 .................................................................... $45
optional parts for flute, clarinet and horn in F are
included. View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate
#41855 .................................................................... $42

View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

check out our

Power To The Chili Pepper SoloMate recordings!
by Doug Beach & George Shutack
Take a driving Latin-rock groove and add a strong, This innovative resource
straightforward melody, and you have this change-of- lets soloists download and
pace chart for 4 horns with rhythm section that's expand-
practice their solos with a
able to full big band! Includes written or ad lib solos for
all & optional parts for flute, clarinet and horn in F. professional rhythm section.
#41917 .................................................................... $42
free at!
View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

Doug Beach SOS
by George Shutack
Threshold Series A dramatic rhythmic fanfare sets the mood for this burn-
ing samba. As the title suggests, the rhythmic pattern
Counting The Days Till Christmas throughout mirrors the Morse code distress signal of 3
by Doug Beach & George Shutack shorts, 3 longs and 3 shorts. A strong groove, solid
Ring in the holidays with this swingin' medley of “O ensemble work, and an open solo section (written or ad
Christmas Tree”, “O Little Town of Bethlehem” and “O lib) combine to create a really exciting piece of music for
Come All Ye Faithful.” Solid voicings, Basie-style figures, any program.
and written or ad lib solos for all add up to a big winner #42839 .................................................................... $52
in anyone's book!
#42482 .................................................................... $52 View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

Doug Beach Jazz

View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

Play SoloMate
Ensemble Series
Hard Bargain
by Mike Tomaro
Terrific as a program opener or closer, this hard-charging Échale Todas Las Ganas
swinger features half-time shuffle funk interludes, great
ensemble writing throughout, and two open solo sec-
(Give It All You Got)
tions-- one for brass, one for saxes (written or ad lib). A by Mark Lathan
strong ensemble shout and fortissimo finish bring it to a Commissioned as part of a project to recognize the late
dramatic close. Bill Carroll and his contributions to music education, this
#42574 .................................................................... $52 burning Latin original will be a favorite of musicians and
audiences alike. With a strong melodic line, abundant
View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate ensemble work and open solo space, this chart has it all!
#43163 .................................................................... $56
Play SoloMate

Our Man Bill View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

by Doug Beach
Written in memory of music educator Bill Carroll and
bristling with excitement from beginning to end, this
The Jazz Me Blues
blues-based swing journey is loaded with solid ensemble arranged by Brent Wallarab
work. With chords cued in all parts, the open solo Originally written in 1920 by Tom Delaney and recorded
section can be customized and extended to feature as over the years by Bix Beiderbecke, the Original
many players as desired. Dixieland Jazz Band and many others, this swing/Latin
#42758 .................................................................... $52 setting gives the tune a contemporary twist for a whole
new generation of jazz musicians. Tenor and trumpet
View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate carry the solo honors..
#43246 .................................................................... $56
Play SoloMate
702 Shuffle View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate
by Bret Zvacek Play SoloMate
If you need a burning opener or closer, this one's for
you! With a strong melody, an irresistible groove and
Me Then, Why?
solid ensemble work, this imaginative jazz shuffle by Mike Tomaro
includes a written or ad lib open solo section with plenty Emulating the wonderful music of Pat Metheny and Lyle
of room for stretching out. Mays from the 1980's and 90's (notice the wordplay in
#42817 .................................................................... $52 the title), this energetic swing/Latin journey with a driving
straight-8ths groove features solos for trumpet and
View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate guitar. Trumpets (5) double on flugelhorn and an
auxiliary percussion part is included.
#43269 .................................................................... $56

View Score Play MP3 Play SoloMate

Volum e 3 4 Wr ite r s
Doug Beach formed the publishing com- A trumpet and keyboard player, Mark
pany bearing his name in 1975. As Director Lathan is a native of the Chicago (IL) area.
of Jazz Studies for over 35 years, his Lathan holds a bachelor’s degree in Per-
Elmhurst College (IL) Jazz Band regularly formance from Northern Illinois University
appears with such greats as Clark Terry, and a Ph.D. from University of California,
Diane Schuur, Nicholas Payton, Pete Los Angeles (UCLA). He is presently assis-
Christlieb, Lee Konitz, Louie Bellson, and Bobby Shew. tant professor of Music and Humanities at Waubonsee
Community College in suburban Chicago.
Ted Blumenthal studied with Henry Smith
and Charles Gusikoff of the Philadelphia Sammy Nestico wrote for Count Basie for
(PA) Orchestra. After a stint in the U.S. 17 years, and directed the USAF Airmen of
Army Field Band, he went on the road play- Note and the Marine Band’s White House
ing lead with various bands including the Orchestra. He has also arranged and con-
Buddy Morrow Orchestra, the Glenn Miller ducted recording projects for Bing Crosby,
Orchestra, Woody Herman, Jimmy Dorsey, Billy May Sarah Vaughan, Frank Sinatra, Barbra
and others. Streisand, Natalie Cole, and others.

Art Dedrick began his career as trombon- Andrew Neu is a saxophonist/

ist and arranger with some of the greatest woodwind player, composer, arranger and
big bands of the 1940's, including those of recording artist. He regularly tours with
Red Norvo, Joe Marsala, Claude Thornhill, Bobby Caldwell. A graduate of Temple
and Vaughn Monroe. Drawing from his ex- University, he has also performed with the
tensive writing and playing experience, in Curtis Institute of Music Orchestra, the
1954 he started his own publishing company, Kendor Brian Pastor Band, and the Dave Stahl
Music, and issued the first-ever big band charts for Band.
school groups.
Lennie Niehaus, alto soloist and arranger
Prior to relocating to the San Francisco Bay for the Stan Kenton Orchestra, has
Area, Lars Halle served on the faculty at recorded albums of his own with Mel Lewis,
the University Of The Arts in Philadelphia Shelly Manne, Jimmy Giuffre, Hampton
(PA), where he also led the Lars Halle Jazz Hawes, and more. He also composed the
Orchestra for 11 years. Originally from film scores for Clint Eastwood's “Pale
Scandinavia, his music has been played by Rider,” “Unforgiven,” “True Crime,” “Absolute Power,”
Bobby Shew, Rob McConnell, Jon Faddis, Tim Warfield, and many more.
Kurt Elling, and Lasse Lindgren.
With degrees from Syracuse University and
Matt Harris is in great demand as a key- Ithaca College, Howard J. Rowe, Jr.
boardist, jazz writer and clinician. After taught instrumental music at all levels in
completing his undergraduate degree at the Rush-Henrietta school district for 32
the University of Miami (FL), and his mas- years.
ters degree at the Eastman School of
Music (NY), he toured with Maynard Fergu-
son and Buddy Rich. Today Matt serves as Director of Les Sabina is Professor of Music
Jazz Studies at California State University-Northridge. at St. Bonaventure University in
upstate New York. As a saxophonist, he
has performed with Dizzy Gillespie, Joe
Jeff Jarvis, Director of Jazz Studies at Cal- Williams, Della Reese, and others.
ifornia State University Long Beach, has
written for and/or performed with Lou
Rawls, Doc Severinsen, Joe Williams,
Louie Bellson and more. He has recorded
six albums as a solo artist (trumpet) and
serves as Kendor's jazz editor.

George Shutack has been writing for Recording Credits
Doug Beach Music since 1978. In addition
to being a staff writer, he makes many Recorded live at Mighty Fine Productions, Denver (CO)
decisions regarding the company’s musical Engineers: Colin Bricker, Jeff Jenkins, Mario Casilio, and
direction. When he’s not writing music, he Xandy Whitesel
maintains Kendor’s website, works for an Mastering Engineer: Dave St. Onge, DMS Productions,
aeronautics company, and pursues his interest in archi- Ransomville (NY)
tecture. Contractor: Ron Bland
Conductors: Jeff Jarvis, Doug Beach
Mike Tomaro, formerly with the Army Assistant Conductor: Don Gorder
Blues Jazz Ensemble, is Director of Jazz
Studies at Duquesne University in Pitts- Saxophones: Rich Chiaraluce, Bob Rebholz, Eric
burg (PA). He has recorded four CDs Erhardt, Pete Lewis, Mark Harris
under his own name and has appeared on Trumpets: Chris Walters, Mark Raphael, Don Gorder,
many others as arranger and/or performer. Doug Kile, Jeff Jarvis
Trombones: Scott Crump, Nat Wickham, Wade Sanders,
Composer/arranger, bandleader, trombon- Pete Vriesenga
ist Brent Wallarab is currently Associate Piano: Dave Hanson
Professor of Music at the Indiana University Guitar: Randy Chavez
Jacobs School of Music. Before his post Bass: Ron Bland
at Indiana University, he wrote for or per- Drums: Mike Marlier
formed with The Lincoln Center Jazz Or-
chestra, Benny Carter, The Count Basie Orchestra,
Natalie Cole, and Bobby Short.

Bob Washut is Professor of Music at the

University of Northern Iowa, where he has
served as Director of Jazz Studies (1980-
2002) and of the award-winning UNI Jazz
Band One. An accomplished
composer/arranger, he has
received numerous commissions from college and high
school jazz ensembles, professional jazz artists, and
symphony orchestras.

Gregory Yasinitsky is a Regents

check out our

Professor of Music and Director of the
School of Music at Washington State Uni-

SoloMate recordings!
versity. He has written for Clark Terry,
David Sanborn, Dave Liebman, and the
USAF Airmen of Note, and has appeared

This innovative resource

as saxophonist with Sarah Vaughan, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray
Charles, Randy Brecker and many more.
lets soloists download and
practice their solos with a
Bret Zvacek has performed with Kenny
Wheeler, the Woody Herman Orchestra

professional rhythm section.

and other top artists. He has written for
Dave Liebman, the Army and Air Force jazz
ensembles, and the UNT One O’Clock Lab
Band. Currently he is Director of Jazz Stud-
ies at the Crane School of Music in free at!
Potsdam (NY).


Over 60 great charts for Sammy Nestico

Premium Jazz Series
middle school through pro-
fessional groups featuring
Count Basie classics and SCORED FOR 5 SAXES, 8 BRASS, & RHYTHM
newer charts from Sammy’s ALL CHARTS $56
own recordings, including
Fun Time, his 2009 TITLE ITEM #
Grammy nominated record- AFTER THE RAIN ........................................................ SN70082
ing with the SWR Big Band. AFTER YOU’VE GONE ................................................ SN70086
AIN’T NOBODY GETTIN’ YOUNGER .......................... SN70090
BLUE SAMUEL.............................................................. SN70098
THE BLUES MACHINE ................................................ SN70094
CELEBRACION ............................................................ SN70102
CHARLIE THE WHALE ................................................ SN70106
A COOL BREEZE ........................................................ SN70109
D’ANN ............................................................................ SN70112
88 BASIE STREET ........................................................ SN70118
ENDLESS SUMMER .................................................... SN70120
FANCY PANTS .............................................................. SN70124
SN70040 SN70098

THE FOUR OF US ........................................................ SN70128

Night Flower
As recorded by the SWR Big Band on the
2009 Grammy nominated recording “Fun Time”

Style: Straight 8ths Blue Samuel

Style: Medium Jazz
by Sammy Nestico

FREE FLIGHT! .............................................................. SN70132

by Sammy Nestico

FUN TIME ...................................................................... SN70136

THE HEAT’S ON! .......................................................... SN70142
HIGH FIVE .................................................................... SN70144
HOW SWEET IT IS ........................................................ SN70148
Sammy Nestico Sammy Nestico
Young Jazz Series Premium Jazz Series

Sammy Nestico JA-DA ............................................................................ SN70152

Distributed by Kendor Music, Inc. Distributed by Kendor Music, Inc.

KIJI TAKES A RIDE! .................................................... SN70157

Young Jazz Series LI’L OL’ BLUE NOTE .................................................... SN70160
LISETTE ...................................................................... SN70162
MARGUARITE .............................................................. SN70166
A MINOR AFFAIR ........................................................ SN70170
A NEW DAY .................................................................. SN70174
NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT .................................... SN70178
TITLE ITEM # ORCHIDS AND BUTTERFLIES .................................... SN70182
BASHFUL ALBERT ......................................................SN70002 OUT OF THE NIGHT .................................................... SN70186
EASIN’ ALONG ............................................................ SN70006 A PAIR OF ACES .......................................................... SN70188
FOOTLOOSE ................................................................ SN70010 PLEASIN’ ...................................................................... SN70190
GOOD NEWS ................................................................ SN70015 RARE MOMENT ............................................................ SN70194
KATIE ............................................................................ SN70020 SAMANTHA .................................................................. SN70198
A LITTLE BLUES, PLEASE .......................................... SN70024 SATIN ‘N GLASS .......................................................... SN70200
LOOSE CHANGE .......................................................... SN70028 SMACK DAB IN THE MIDDLE .................................... SN70204
LOST STAR .................................................................. SN70032 SMALL TALK ................................................................ SN70205
NICOLE ........................................................................ SN70036 A SONG FOR SARAH .................................................. SN70208
NIGHT FLOWER ............................................................ SN70040 SORRY, WRONG NUMBER ........................................ SN70212
PEPPERMINT TREE .................................................... SN70045 THE SPIN DOCTOR ...................................................... SN70216
THE QUEEN OF SCHMOOZE ...................................... SN70050 STANDING IN THE RAIN .............................................. SN70220
REACHIN’ FOR A RAINBOW ...................................... SN70055 SWINGIN’ ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS ...................... SN70227
SOFTLY FROM MY WINDOW ...................................... SN70060 THIS IS THE MOMENT ................................................ SN70230
SUGAR VALLEY .......................................................... SN70065 TIME STREAM .............................................................. SN70233
SWEETS ........................................................................ SN70070 VERONIQUE ................................................................ SN70235
THIS IS THE MOMENT (Young Version) ...................... SN70076 YA GOTTA TRY...HARDER .......................................... SN70239


TITLE ITEM # LITTLE “J” - Jones ..............................................................................................52470

ABC Blues - Brookmeyer ....................................................................................52002 LITTLE PUMPKIN - Jones ..................................................................................52480
AFTER MR. TENG - Akiyoshi ..............................................................................52010 LITTLE RASCAL ON A ROCK - Jones................................................................52485
AHUNK AHUNK - Jones ......................................................................................52015 LOCH LOMOND - Traditional / Nestico................................................................52500
ALYSSA - Beach ..................................................................................................52018 LONDON BRIDGE - Traditional / Nestico ............................................................52510
AMBIANCE - McPartland / Dodgion ....................................................................52021 LONDONDERRY AIR - Traditional / Nestico ........................................................52512
THE AMERICAN EXPRESS - Brookmeyer..........................................................52022 LONELY STREET - Nestico ................................................................................52515
ANITRA’S DANCE - Grieg / Nestico ....................................................................52025 LONG YELLOW ROAD - Akiyoshi ......................................................................52520
ANOTHER LAZY DAY - Nestico ..........................................................................52030 LOS GATOS - Jarvis ............................................................................................52523
BACK BONE - Jones ..........................................................................................52050 LOVE THEME FROM SCHEHERAZADE - arr. Nestico ......................................52525
BACK OF THE BUS - LaBarbera ........................................................................52054 LOW-DOWN - Jones ............................................................................................52527
BALLAD FOR A ROUGH YEAR - Mantooth........................................................52060 MAIDS OF CADIZ - Evans ..................................................................................52529
BAYTRAIL SHUFFLE - Schneider ......................................................................52063 MAKE ME SMILE - Brookmeyer ..........................................................................52530
BEST COAST - LaBarbera ..................................................................................52067 MEAN WHAT YOU SAY - Jones ..........................................................................52535
BETWEEN RACES - Mangione / LaBarbera ......................................................52070 MEETIN’ PLACE - Jones ....................................................................................52540
THE BIDDLE-DE-BOP SAMBA - Jones ..............................................................52075 MIDNIGHT RUN - Holman....................................................................................52555
THE BIRD - Parker / LaBarbera ..........................................................................52085 MOBILE - Akiyoshi ..............................................................................................52565
BLUES FOR A WORKSHOP - Jones ..................................................................52095 MOOSE THE MOOCHE - Parker / LaBarbera ....................................................52580
BLUES FOR RED - Fedchock..............................................................................52100 MR. BASKET - Harris ..........................................................................................52588
BLUES FOR THE “WEE” ONE” - Jones ............................................................52105 MR. FONEBONE - Mintzer ..................................................................................52589
BONEHEAD - Niehaus ........................................................................................52112 MR. FUNK - Mintzer ............................................................................................52590
BORODIN-BONGOS-BRASS - Borodin / Nestico ..............................................52115 MY CENTENNIAL - Jones....................................................................................52600
BRASILIA - Houston / Nestico ............................................................................52125 NASTY DANCE - Brookmeyer ............................................................................52605
BRAZILIAN AFFAIR - Mintzer..............................................................................52126 NIGHTOWL SUITE, MOVEMENT 2 - Tomaro......................................................52613
CAPPUCCINO FREEWAY - Harris ......................................................................52140 NOBODY’S PERFECT - Nestico..........................................................................52620
CARNABY STREET - Nestico..............................................................................52145 NORTH SHORE MORNING - Harris ....................................................................52628
CENTRAL PARK NORTH - Jones ......................................................................52150 NOTORIOUS TOURIST FROM THE EAST - Akiyoshi ........................................52630
CHERRY JUICE - Jones ......................................................................................52160 ONCE AROUND - Jones ......................................................................................52652
CHI CHI - Parker / LaBarbera ..............................................................................52165 ONLY FOR NOW - Jones ....................................................................................52655
COMIN’ THROUGH THE RYE - Nestico ..............................................................52175 OUTRAGEOUS MOTHER - Wilson ....................................................................52685
CONSUMMATION - Jones ..................................................................................52177 PIPE DREAMS - LaBarbera ................................................................................52705
COUNTIN’ THEM LONG WHITE LINES - LaBarbera..........................................52180 PURE & SIMPLE - Jarvis ....................................................................................52715
CRUSADE - Holman ............................................................................................52185 QUIET LADY - Jones ..........................................................................................52725
DANCE OF THE SUGAR PLUM FAIRY - arr. Nestico ........................................52190 RACHAEL - Nestico ............................................................................................52735
DANSE ARABE - Tschaikowsky / Nestico ..........................................................52192 REJOICE - Jones ................................................................................................52745
DEDICATION - Jones ..........................................................................................52205 RELENTLESS - Mintzer ......................................................................................52748
DIMENSIONS IN BLUE - Nestico ........................................................................52212 RETURN JOURNEY - Jones................................................................................52755
DING DONG DING - Brookmeyer ........................................................................52215 REVERIE - Debussy / Nestico..............................................................................52758
THE DIVER - Harris..............................................................................................52220 RILEY’S THANG - Colby......................................................................................52760
DOC’S HOLIDAY - Nestico ..................................................................................52230 THE RING - Mintzer..............................................................................................52765
DON’T GIT SASSY - Jones..................................................................................52235 RITUAL - Jones....................................................................................................52770
EARLY MORNING - Nestico ................................................................................52245 SASSY STRUT - LaBarbera ................................................................................52780
ELVIN’S MAMBO - Mintzer ..................................................................................52260 SCOTT’S PLACE - Nestico..................................................................................52795
EVOL DEKLAW NI - Jones ..................................................................................52275 SECOND RACE - Jones ......................................................................................52800
THE FAREWELL - Jones ....................................................................................52285 SHOEHORN SHUFFLE - Mantooth ....................................................................52808
FILM AT ELEVEN - Holman ................................................................................52305 SLO-FUNK - Mintzer ............................................................................................52810
FINGERS - Jones ................................................................................................52310 SMOOTH TALK - Schneider ................................................................................52815
FIRST LOVE SONG - Brookmeyer ......................................................................52313 SOLILOQUY - Akiyoshi ........................................................................................52835
FLIRT - Holman ....................................................................................................52320 SON OF ROAD TIME - Akiyoshi ..........................................................................52845
FOOTPRINTS - arr. Harris....................................................................................52323 SONG FOR THE HARVEST - Akiyoshi................................................................52855
THE FOREVER FLOWER - Jones ......................................................................52325 SPECTRUM - Mintzer ..........................................................................................52865
A GOOD TIME WAS HAD BY ALL - Jones ........................................................52350 THE SPIRIT IS WILLING - Nestico ......................................................................52870
THE GREAT ONE - Jones....................................................................................52355 STEPHANIE’S SONG - Thorne............................................................................52875
GREETINGS AND SALUTATIONS - Jones ........................................................52360 THE SUMMARY - Jones ......................................................................................52890
HANG TIME - Jarvis ............................................................................................52375 SWITCHING GEARS - Halle ................................................................................52900
THE HEAT’S ON - Nestico ..................................................................................52380 TRANSIENCE - Akiyoshi ......................................................................................52935
HIGH OCTANE - Jarvis ........................................................................................52390 TRIBUTE - Mintzer ..............................................................................................52940
HOURGLASS - Slater ..........................................................................................52400 TRIBUTE TO A STATESMAN - Jones ................................................................52945
I AIN’T GONNA ASK NO MORE - Akiyoshi ........................................................52405 VOLGA BOAT SONG - Traditional / Nestico........................................................52970
IF I WERE A BELLSON - Mantooth ....................................................................52410 WALTZ YOU “SWANG” FOR ME - Jones ..........................................................52975
IN A PINCH - Schneider ......................................................................................52413 WATSON’S WALK - LaBarbera ..........................................................................52980
INCREDIBLE JOURNEY - Mintzer ......................................................................52415 WHEN THE SAIN’T GO MARCHING IN - Traditional / Lieb ................................53000
INSIDER - Slater ..................................................................................................52418 WOODY’S GOLD STAR - Fedchock....................................................................53030
INTERLOPER - Jones..........................................................................................52420 YELLOW IS MELLOW- Akiyoshi..........................................................................53050
INTERLUDE - Akiyoshi ........................................................................................52425 YOU ‘N ME - Nestico............................................................................................53065
LATIN DANCE - Mintzer ......................................................................................52455
LAZY DAY - Mintzer ............................................................................................52460

Kendor Vocalist with Big J a zz B ook s
Band Series
featuring male or female vocal soloist (solo part also pro-
vided for tenor saxophone)
Basie-Nestico Lead Books
Lead parts for 9 charts from the “Basie-
Straight Ahead” album. Good for develop-
ing phrasing, endurance and stylistic
All Of Me - arr. Niehaus • grade: MA • style: uptempo
playing skills.
swing • key: Ab • $45, #20
Lead Sax Book: $8.00, #20950
For Once In My Life - arr. Niehaus • grade: M • style:
Lead Trumpet Book: $7.00, #21060
swing • key: Ab • $45, #70

It Don’t Mean A Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing - arr.

Harris • grade: MA • style: salsa • key: Bb • $45, #96 Beyond Boundaries
by Alan Raph & Dave Steinmeyer
The Nearness Of You - arr. Hanson • grade: M • style: Trombonists Dave Steinmeyer, famous for
ballad • key: Eb • $45, #105 his high range playing, and Alan Raph,
famous for his low range playing, believe
that mastery of extended-range playing is
attainable when approached with an open mind and will-
Kendor Jazz Combo Series ingness to do the work involved. Book includes step-by-
step approaches to the development and extension of
famous standards for 3 horns and rhythm many trombone techniques, along with a CD interview.
section $24.95, #21064
Part 1 - trumpet or alto saxophone
Part 2 - alto or tenor saxophone

The Chord Voicing

Part 3 - trombone or tenor saxophone

by Matt Harris & Jeff Jarvis
All Of Me - arr. Lieb • grade: M • style: swing • $20, This handy reference helps aspiring
#5100 pianists when they’re faced with parts that
offer chord symbols and slashes only. Just
Desafinado - arr. Harris • grade: M • style: bossa nova • like looking up words in a dictionary, players can find two
$20, #5160 voicings for every chord. $20.00, #21115

For Once In My Life - arr. Lieb • grade: M • style: easy

swing • $20, #5180 The Creative Drum Set
Here’s That Rainy Day - arr. Dedrick • grade: M • style:
ballad • $20, #5190
by Roy Burns & Murray Houllif
Written by one of the world’s most accom-
Out Of Nowhere - arr. Jarvis • grade: MA • style: Latin plished snare drum and drum set artists,
(songo) • $20, #5278 Roy Burns shows you how to develop and
improve your playing by applying written snare drum
The Pink Panther - arr. Lieb • grade: ME • style: swing • solos to the drum set. This will improve your speed and
$20, #5290 technique, facility at the drum set, time-keeping, sense
of phrasing, as well as many other aspects of drumming.
Some Skunk Funk - arr. Holmes • grade: A • style: rock $17.95, #21151
• $20, #5340

Take The “A” Train - arr. Dedrick • grade: M • style:

bright swing • $20, #5350

Tuxedo Junction - arr. Dedrick • grade: ME • style:

swing • $20, #5390
Essential Scale Studies Relaxed Hand
For Improvisation Technique
by Tony Dagradi by Roy Burns
This book of 205 jazz exercises for all edited by Murray Houllif
instruments builds solid technical skills in Based on the drum set artistry
players at all experience levels. $18.00, of Roy Burns, this book is chocked full of exercises and
#20655 practice techniques to help drummers achieve a more
relaxed technique that can be applied to all drumming
styles. With this technique comes increased speed,
Exploring The Trumpets power, endurance and finesse. It is suitable for drum-
Upper Register mers in the early learning stages as well as experienced
performers who want to fine-tune their playing skills. A
by Jay Zorn CD featuring four amazing extended drum set solos per-
A systematic method for mastering the formed by Roy clearly demonstrates what diligent prac-
upper register, with text and exercises plus tice of these techniques can achieve. $22.95, #21188
a detailed fingering chart. Endorsed by Doc
Severinsen! $10.50, #21070
Sing It First
by Wycliffe Gordon
Inside The Score
edited by Alan Raph
by Rayburn Wright This book presents the
An acclaimed text that reveals the writing concepts that jazz trombonist Wycliffe
secrets of Thad Jones, Sammy Nestico Gordon has used to develop his own play-
and Bob Brookmeyer! A detailed ing. Singing the music before playing it is the key to his
examination of 8 of their best charts ana- success, and this book will show you how to do it!
lyzes voicings, melodic construction, form, orchestration, $17.95, #21192
textures, etc. Interviews with the composers are also in-
cluded in which they discuss their approaches to writing.
Solo Secrets
A CD recording of all 8 charts is a great study aid.
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by Roy Burns
edited by Murray Houllif
Jazz Improvisation: Based on the drum set artistry of Roy
The Goal-Note Method Burns, this fantastic book will improve the
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by Shelly Berg control, hand-to-hand coordination, overall speed and
This text with CD for a 2-4 rhythmic creativity in any playing style or idiom. Solo and
semester improvisation course focuses on fill-in playing skills are enhanced through use of the en-
structural and harmonic concepts rather tire drum set. A DVD featuring Roy Burns’ amazing final
than scale-derived melodies. Based on the premise that clinic in 1989 is included. $17.95, #21194
successful improvisation comes when consonant tones
are surrounded with a characteristic jazz formula.
$60.00, #20855

The Jazz Educator’s

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The most comprehensive, how-to hand-
book for jazz educators ever published!
Print Jazz Charts From
Featuring easy-to-understand text, loads of Your Computer
notated and recorded examples, photos, 2 CD’s and
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practical information. $48.00, #20825
Easy Jazz Conception Jazz Conception
by Jim Snidero by Jim Snidero
A great way to learn and 21 solo etudes based on standard/blues
practice basic jazz style! Each play-along chord progressions in a play-along set for
set features 15 solo etudes based on blues players at all proficiency levels who want to
and standard chord progressions demon- learn the jazz language – phrasing, inter-
strated by top jazz pros and a world-class rhythm sec- pretation, improvisation.
Eb Saxophone • $21.95, #AM14720
Alto Saxophone • $20.95, #AM14760 Tenor Saxophone • $21.95, #AM14721
Tenor Saxophone • $20.95, #AM14761 Trumpet • $21.95, #AM14722
Trumpet • $20.95, #AM14762 Trombone • $21.95, #AM14723
Trombone • $20.95, #AM14763 Flute • $21.95, #AM14724
Flute • $20.95, #AM14764 Clarinet • $21.95, #AM14725
Clarinet • $20.95, #AM14765 Guitar • $21.95, #AM14726
Guitar • $20.95, #AM14766 Piano • $24.00, #AM14727
Piano Comping • $21.95, #AM14767 Bass • $21.95, #AM14728
Bass Lines • $20.95, #AM14768 Drums • $24.00, #AM14729
Drums • $20.95, #AM14769 Bass Trombone • $21.95, #AM14735
Violin • $20.95, #AM14770 Bass Lines • $24.00, #AM14736
Viola • $20.95, #AM14771 Vocal • $21.95, #AM14737
Cello • $20.95, #AM14772 Piano Comping • $24.00, #AM14739
Baritone Saxophone • $20.95, #AM14773

Intermediate Jazz
by Jim Snidero
Features 15 tunes with familiar chord
changes in a great play-along format for
developing instrumentalists who want to
strengthen their jazz phrasing, interpretation and im-
provisation skills.

Alto Saxophone • $21.95, #AM14780

Tenor Saxophone • $21.95, #AM14781
Trumpet • $21.95, #AM14782
Trombone • $21.95, #AM14783
Flute • $21.95, #AM14784
Clarinet • $21.95, #AM14785
Guitar • $21.95, #AM14786
Piano • $25.00, #AM14787
Bass Lines • $21.95, #AM14788
Drums • $21.95, #AM14789


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