Eh-Hl: Effective Communication Model by Integrated Eh-Wsn and Hybrid Lifi/Wifi For Iot

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10.1109/JIOT.2018.2791999, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

EH-HL: Effective Communication Model by

Integrated EH-WSN and Hybrid LiFi/WiFi for IoT

Pradip Kumar Sharma1, Young-Sik Jeong2, Jong Hyuk Park1,*

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology (SeoulTech),
Seoul 01811, Korea
Department of Multimedia Engineering, Dongguk University, Seoul 04620, Korea e-
mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

and limited power capabilities that communicate over short

Abstract— Technological advances over the last decade in the range radio links. The three basic subsystems in sensor nodes
field of wireless communications have resulted in the are: (i) usually a sensing subsystem to accumulate data, (ii) a
improvement of small and low cost sensor nodes outfitted processing subsystem to process data locally, and (iii) a
with wireless communication abilities capable of establishing communication subsystem to communicate data in the
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). Due to the expansion of wireless network [2]. In addition, to be cost effective, a sensor
Internet of Things (IoT), there are many areas in IoT node must be low cost and low maintenance, especially in
application where WSN applications are found. These regards to energy consumption and ensuring that the
applications generally impose severe constraints on the utilization of power is efficient.
lifetime of the WSN, which is expected to last several years. It
Green communication techniques mainly focus on energy
is necessary to diminish the overall energy consumption of the
harvesting techniques that produce energy from renewable
sensor node and to find an additional source of energy for
resources and utilize stored energy whenever required. Nature
achieving this objective. On the other hand, due to the
provides us a variety of forms of energy resources that can be
imminent crisis of the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum, Light
harvested and used for WSN [3] [4]. Some of the resources such
Fidelity (LiFi) offers many key benefits and effective solutions
as wind, thermal, solar, and radio frequency, could provide the
for these issues that have been postured in the most recent
required amount of power. Energy harvesting is an assuring
decade. In this paper, we propose a novel EH-HL model for
solution to encounter the energy efficiency problem. These
future smart homes and industries based on the integration of
solutions should not result in the generation of CO2 emissions.
Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network (EH-WSNs) and
The large interconnected sensor nodes form as Adhoc network
hybrid LiFi/WiFi communication techniques. The proposed
which is densely deployed. The sensor nodes in a sensor network
model is capable of efficiently transmitting data at high speed
several orders of magnitude. They are densely deployed, their
for bidirectional multi-device and by harvesting energy, we
topology changes frequently, and the mobility of the sensor nodes
provide the power to the sensor nodes. To synchronize multi-
causes more overhead on sensor nodes. One of the main
device transmissions, transmit data and provide low-cost
characteristics of sensor nodes with low power consumption is
wireless communication, we used the color beams of the RGB
that they have limited power. How to control the power and
LEDs. The result of the evaluation shows that the hybrid
extend the life of the sensor node is become an important issue.
communication scheme is proposed in the EH-HL model. It
We also envisage that WSNs will be an integral part of our lives
also offers superior performance and achieves a data rate of
in areas such as smart homes and industries. As such, the
25 Mbps for multi-access/multi-users.
motivation comes from the question of why we need power
management in WSNs and how to achieve it. When the sensor
nodes are losing their energy in communications, they cannot
Index Terms— Internet of Things, Smart Home, Smart Industry,
accomplish their role unless some harvesting mechanism is
Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Network, LiFi, WiFi
applied to fill the energy gap [5-8].
Nowadays, due to the increasing demand for wireless data
I. INTRODUCTION which communicates between nodes in the network, the available
radio spectrum is insufficient. As a result, new designs must be
R ecently, the wide spread use of wireless sensors in a radio
communications network has attracted a lot of attention because of
developed and new technology must be introduced to overcome
the challenges in the radio spectrum. Recently, LiFi (Light
their ubiquitous nature and easy deployment in the IoT [1]. A sensor Fidelity) has become an increasingly popular technology used in
network is formed by interconnected sensing nodes, which
communicate with each other through wireless channels. The sensor wireless communications [9] [10]. It refers to a Visible Light
nodes are static and have low processing Communication (VLC) that delivers high speed, high bandwidth,
more data density, and bidirectional networks,

*Corresponding Author: Jong Hyuk Park (SeoulTech)

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2018.2791999, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

which is applicable in mobile communications in a manner RF-based energy harvesting: The RF harvesting technique
similar manner to WiFi. The information is transmitted in the is from an ambient source that enables the wireless charging
communication channel by modulating the intensity of the of sensor nodes. It receives electromagnetic waves and
light that is received by the photosensitive detector and is converts them into DC via a rectifying antenna. DC power can
demodulated into an electronic form that is not perceptible to be achieved through many approaches, such as depending on
the human eye [11] [12]. application, single-stage vs. multi-stage. Many important
In this paper, we present an effective EH-HL factors impact the amount of power harvested, such as antenna
communication model that is based on the integration of EH- gain, the efficiency of energy conversion, and the distance
WSN and hybrid LiFi/WiFi communication techniques for between the source and destination. Generally, the efficiency
smart home and industry. The main contributions of this is approximate 50% to 75% over 100 meters in RF to DC
research work are summarized as followed: conversion [15] [16].
• We introduce the effective EH-HL communication model Thermal–based energy harvesting: This is the process of
based on the integrated of EH-WSN and hybrid LiFi/WiFi creating electricity when there is a temperature difference in
communication techniques for smart home and industry. It surroundings that use the Seebeck effect. A load is attached
across heat and cold surface of the thermoelectric power
is capable of effectively transmitting data at high speed for
generator, which consisits of n-type and p-type semi-
multi-device bidirectional communication. For power conductors in a series.
supplies of sensor nodes, a solar panel is used to convert a Mechanical- based energy harvesting: This is the process of
modulated light signal into an electrical signal. harvesting energy from vibrations, pressure, and mechanical
• We propose the RGB LED color beams based hybrid stress-strain from the surface of sensors, rotational movement,
communication technique to synchronize multi-device and force. The mechanical to an electrical generator can be
transmissions, transmit data and provide low-cost wireless electromagnetic, piezoelectric and electrostatic.
communication. B. Modulation techniques for LiFi
• We evaluate the performance of our proposed technique with In this section, we discuss the different modulation
respect to various performance metrics. The result exhibits techniques used in LiFi. On a basic level, LiFi additionally
that the hybrid communication scheme proposed in the EH- depends on electromagnetic radiation for data transmission.
HL model offers superior performance and achieves a data Consequently, commonly applied modulation techniques as a
rate of 25 Mbps for multi-access/multi-users. part of RF communication can likewise be applied to LiFi with
the necessary alterations [9].
The rest of this paper is organized as follows; In Chapter 2,
Single-carrier modulation: Widely used SCM schemes for
we discuss the classification of EH techniques in WSNs and the
different modulation technique for LiFi. We propose a EH-HL LiFi include Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), On-Off Keying
model for smart home and industry in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 (OOK), and pulse amplitude modulation (PAM), which have
shows the performance evaluations of the proposed model. been studied in wireless infrared communication systems [16].
Lastly, the conclusion is presented in chapter 5. OOK is a simple and well-known modulation technique to
provide good adjustment between implementation complexity
II. PRELIMINARIES and system performance. As mentioned for IEEE 802.15.7 [17],
A. Classification of the EH technique in WSNs OOK dimming is achieved by: a) refining the on/off stages and
The local environment around us provides a variety of energy b) using symbol compensation and c) by applying a LED, it can
sources that can be harvested and transformed into required maintain the same data rate. The half diminishing level can
form of energy. To select any energy source, the primary accomplish the most extreme data by expecting an equivalent
concern is whether the transformed energy can provide the number of 1s and 0s on average. A Variable PPM (VPPM) [16]
power level to a sensor node or not. The power dissipates when
the voltage fluctuates and, therefore, is an important concern for can provide dimming support when changing the signal pulse
the generated power supply in regards to its being maintain the width for a specified illumination level.
voltage and current levels. When the energy source is increased, Multi-carrier modulation: In the LiFi network, when the
the device energy is scaled accordingly in order to achieve the desired data rate is increased the SCM scheme, for example,
desired power level. In this section, we discuss some common OOK, PPM and PAM face problems from unwanted effects due
energy harvesting techniques [13]. to nonlinear signal distortion and frequency selectivity at the
Solar-based energy harvesting: Solar energy is an LED front end and between symbol impedance, which is
economical and clean energy source that solves the imminent brought on by the recurrence selectivity in the dispersive optical
energy problem in WSN. It can generate enough power for wireless channel. In this case, to achieve high optical
sensor nodes. Because of the limitations that exist in solar- communication speed, endeavors are attracted to Multi-Carrier
based energy harvesting during the night, the developers must Modulation (MCM). Compared with SCM, MCM is more data
harvest the energy as much as possible when there’s daylight. transmission proficient yet less energy effective. Orthogonal
PhotoVotalic (PV) is the technology that generates the DC Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) [18] is the most
current when the photons of solar rays illuminate common realization of MCM in a LiFi network. OFDM is used
semiconductor materials, such as n-type and p-type [14]. when the parallel data stream is transmitted concurrently.

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2018.2791999, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

LiFi specific modulation: In the LiFi system, the transmitters minimizing the standby currents during the inactivity of the
are designed for the purposes of communication and sensor node. Fig. 2 shows the overall architecture of the EH-
illumination. It can be realized by coating with yellow Sensor.
phosphorus, color mixing with colored LEDs, and multi-
B. Modeling of EH-Sensors
colored LEDs in order to provide signal modulation and
detection in the LiFi network [19]. IEEE 802.15.7 has been While modeling an EH-Sensors’ behavior, the gathering of
mentioned as a Color Shift Keying (CSK) modulation which is energy and the arrival processes of events must be taken into
an intensity modulation (IM) for indoor light communication. account. A well-known model for the arrival of the event is
the Poisson process. As such, the process of the landing of the
In CSK modulation technique the signals are encoded into
event is regularly thought to be Markovian. Numerous
color intensity emitted by Red, Green and Blue (RGB) LEDs.
specialists also accept a Markovian model for investigative
In the CSK scheme, the mapped bits are instantaneous
investigations of the vitality procedure [21-23]. Although
chromaticities of the colored LEDs. specific sources are not Markovian, the Markovian hypothesis
C. Hybrid networks gives a first arrange guess regarding the time reliance of the
vitality procedure, while maintaining numerical tractability.
The increasing number of multimedia big data and mobile
To describe the amount of energy stored in the node, energy
devices with the extensive demand of applications and the
consumption and the harvesting process for an EH-Sensor, we
demand for more bandwidth in wireless communication has used a unified Markov model, which is described below.
been arising a possibilities of combining LiFi and WiFi
wireless communication technology to improve the efficiency
of the network. The hybrid LiFi/WiFi network can overcome
the three main obstacles of VLC for uplink transmission.
These three obstacles are as follows: interfering with the
downlink signal, there being an adjustment problem between
TX and RX, and high energy consumption causes problems in
device integration. This hybrid LiFi/WiFi is a viable solution
that has the potential outcome as well as promoting the
commercialization of LiFi [20].


A. Design overview
The proposed integrated EH-WSN and hybrid network based
a) Smart home’s EH-HL
EH-HL model for smart home and industry is demonstrated in
Fig. 1. In an indoor environment, there are basically two types of
devices that require data transmissions such as smart home
devices, smart industries sensors and users’ data devices. To
provide effective control and adequate data rates for the users’
data devices of the intelligent home devices, we transmitted the
data of these devices using different color by using a color code
scheme. We used an energy efficient EH-Sensor to collect the
required data from the indoor environment and communicated
with end devices or end users by using hybrid communication
techniques based on a color code scheme. We used the color blue
to communicate from the access controller to the EH-Sensor
devices and the color green to communicate from the EH-Sensor
to the access controller. b) Smart industry’s EH-HL
Architecture of the EH-Sensor: Energy is a very rare
Fig. 1. EH-HL design overview of smart home and industry
resource in the WSNs, which imposes strict energy efficiency
requirements on the power management system that is
Harvesting process: We assumed that inactive and active are
responsible for powering the sensor node. The EH-Sensor
the two-state harvest source. The sensor collects no energy in the
essentially has three utilities: First, to effectively transfer the inactive state. In the active state, the sensor collects energy at the
harvested energy to the sensor node or storage charge; second, speed . According to the Markov hypothesis, we showed the
to adjust the impedance of the vitality transducer to the outside circumstances for which the source stays in the inactive and
load; third, to manage and regulate the output of one or more active states with autonomous exponential appropriations with
sensors. The power administration system must have the parameters and , individually. The energy harvested is stored in
capacity to adjust to the action of the sensor node and provide an energy storage device, such as a supercapacitor or
large peak currents during reception or transmission while rechargeable battery with a capacity of . In the energy

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2018.2791999, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

consumption model, any inadequacy in the discharging and Solar harvester modeling: The solar harvester accurately
charging procedure can be assimilated. Another flaw of the evaluates the current and voltage supplied to the battery or
storage devices can be vitality spillage. For our purpose, we sensor node using the temperature and irradiance data. The
assumed that the vitality stockpiling device was flawless as far solar energy harvesting system comprised of a maximum
as spillage. power point block and a photovoltaic panel.
Photovoltaic panel modeling: A Photovoltaic (PV) is made
up of many connected PV cells using the one-diode model.
For photovoltaic panels, manufacturers generally provide
information such as current, maximum voltage, short-circuit
current, and open circuit voltage. The PV solar panel MC-
SP10-GCS provides 10W power under outdoor environment.
Open circuit voltage and short circuit current of PV panel are
21.5V and 650mA. The current voltage characteristic of PV
module is defined as [24]:

= − . [exp ( ( + . )) − 1] (1)

Where, is the cell temperature and and are the electron

charge and Boltzmann steady, is the quality factor of the
diode, is the saturation diode current, and is the number of
Fig. 2. EH-Sensor block diagram
cells in series. The three parameters , and are the light-
Process of the arrival of events: We summarized the process of generated current, reverse saturation current, and the series
energy consumption in events that include signal detection, resistance of the cells respectively.
processing and data transmission. We additionally expected the In addition, a Maximum Power Point (MPP) technique is
between entry times of the events to be free and exponentially required to continuously transmit energy to the node or battery by
scattered with parameter . All arrived events were served on leveraging available solar energy, as solar energy varies over
a first-come-first-serve scheme that enters a line with the time. The MPP technique is composed of a control algorithm and
ability to store events. On the off chance that events will be DC/DC converter. By calculating MPP using the control
lost when an event finds the full line on its arrival, the events algorithm, the DC/DC converter supplies the relevant energy to
in the sensor network compare to estimations, perceptions, and the node. The research of Lefeuvre et al. proposed an MPP
information gathered with reference to the use of intrigue. For modeling technique to provide relevant energy to the node [25].
example, in ordinary situations, such as ecological C. Modeling of hybrid LiFi/WiFi
observations, target following, and so on, the information
created because of an event, such as an observation, A hybrid LiFi/WiFi network consists of two-way
estimation, etc., are set and the calculations and operations communication transceivers for LiFi and WiFi links and a
that are necessary to accumulate and handle the information control unit, which integrates these two different networks.
for the sensor are fixed. Along these lines, we expect that each We assumed that all of the EH-Sensors in a smart home and
event produces a consistent measure of information to be industry are equipped with a photodiode receiver, LiFi and RF
communicated and that it devours a fixed measure of vitality. transceiver for LiFi and WiFi signals. Each EH-Sensor is
Processing event: An event is handled when sufficient vitality is assigned to an appropriate access point by the control unit, and
accessible, expending energy β. We assume that the capacity of the the communication resource allocation for the EH-Sensors
vitality stockpiling device, S is sufficient for L events, that is S = Lβ. connected to each access point is determined. The hybrid
In our expository method we expect that the vitality for taking care of
an event is quickly removed from the vitality stockpiling device, system provides significant advantages regarding limit,
when there is sufficient imperativeness. To prepare for one event strength, security and unwavering quality which are vital
takes a finite measure of time which is governed by the transmission
time. In any case, this transmission time, conventionally, is generally measurements in the arena of the rapidly growing Internet in
smaller than the time required for gathering sufficient essentialness regards to the number of devices associated and information
for one event. Hence, this supposition does not bring about a volumes transmitted. We will explain the EH-HL
perceptible deviation in the outcomes. The suspicion that an occasion
is served when sufficient essentialness is open it can be expected that communication technique in detail in next section.
the node will continually prepare to get to the channel. It is also not a Frame structure: In the EH-HL model, various EH-Sensors
terrible assumption for the networks of remote sensors, which are
often forced to vitality, but are not expected that would be the achieve multiple accesses. We used an extended version of IEEE
required data transfer capacity. 802.15.7 standards [26] by using orthogonal walsh codes and
added two new frames: device id and parity bit to communicate
between the EH-Sensor and access controller. Initially, the EH-
Sensor initiates the communication by sending a connection
request to the controller. Based on the request received from the
sensor, the controller initiates the association for that sensor. The
initialization acknowledgement is then returned to the sensor
through the response frame of the

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2018.2791999, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

controller utilizing the blue color. After receiving the response IV. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
frame from the controller, the EH-Sensor sends back an For the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid communication
acknowledgment frame with a similar frame structure. It is scheme in EH-HL model, we performed the simulation and
significant that all the frames can be easily differentiated by analysis in both indoor environment. We conducted the
using a different pattern of predefined sequences. experiments to measure the achievable data rate and average
Bit Error Rate (BER) of the proposed hybrid scheme. We used
the OptSim simulation software interfaced with Matlab to
design and evaluate the performance of the proposed model.
This allows us to create our own routines in Matlab for an
OptSim co-simulation. Note that the real-time implementation
of energy harvesting technique is currently out of the scope of
our research laboratory work.

Table 1. List of simulation parameters

Parameters Value
Area of indoor 10 10 4


Receiver 3.5 from the ceiling or 0. 5 above the floor


Transceiver {2.5 , 2.5 , 4 }, {2.5 , 7.5 , 4 }, {5 ,5 , 4 },

{7.5 , 2.5 , 4 }, {7.5 , 7.5 , 4 }

Emission 60

power of RGB

Fig.3. Multi-access workflow between smart devices/users and EH-Sensor 75°

Field of view
at a receiver
Multi-access workflow: Fig. 3 shows the block diagram for
communication from smart devices/users to the EH-Sensor. No. of RGB 500

When the smart devices/users want to communicate with the LEDs at each
EH-Sensor, it will send the data to the data frame creator transceiver
block. The data frame creator creates the data frame and 2

transfers the encoder block to the encoding data frames. Once Area of 1.0

the data frame is encoded, the encoder block sends the
encoded frame through the modulation block and the DC bias
blocks to the LED driver, which emits blue LED rays to
communicate with the EH-Sensor. Each EH-Sensor has an As shown Fig. 1, the EH-HL model used for the smart
optical color filer to filter out blue color LED rays and with home/industry environment in order to meet the need for
the help of photodetector sensor receives the data frame. sufficient lighting. For considering to assess the effectiveness
of the proposed modulation scheme, the list of parameters is as
Moreover, by demodulating and decoding the data frames, the
shown in Table 1. Transmission is carried out by three
sensor node stores the received data in the buffer and the EH-
transceivers where every transceiver consists of 500 RGB
Sensor accesses the data from the buffer. To get the distributed
LEDs. Every single RGB LED has 60mW emission power.
data chip, along with the length of the code of the specific
We considered the value of the parameters in Table 1 based on
device, the data bit streams of each device are distributed. To
previous published research [27] [28].
form a serial data stream, the data chips of the gadgets are
In order to measure the achievable data rate and robustness of
multiplexed. Prior to the modulation of the data chips for
the optical communication, we conducted the experiment via
transmission, a data frame is created by the controller using
LiFi, WiFi, and hybrid bidirectional communication with regard
the chips as indicated by the aforementioned frame structure.
to the number of users. The data rate achieved in relation to the
The EH-Sensor has performs similar steps when it wants to
number of users by LiFi, WiFi, and hybrid bidirectional
communicate back to the smart devices/users. While
communication is as shown in Fig. 4. The result describes that
communicating from the EH-Sensor to smart devices/users,
data rate through LiFi communication decreases as the number of
our proposed model used green color LED rays to modulate
user increases and reaches 12 Mbps when a number of users is
data at the receiver. In order to filter the actual modulated data
100. Considering that, in the case of the hybrid model, we
in green color; the green color optical filter is used.
achieved 25 Mbps data rate when the number of users is 100.

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2018.2791999, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

Fig. 4. Data rate achieved with regard to the number of users

Fig. 6. Distribution of users/devices served by different LiFi and WiFi access

Fig. 5. Achieved data rate of the three different communication medium in

indoor condition
Fig. 7. BER distribution in the indoor environment

Fig. 5 shows the achieved data rate of the three different We also measured the BER performance for evaluation the transmission link
schemes in indoor condition. In case of communication quality. The average BER distribution of proposed model using OOK modulation
scheme is as shown in Fig. 7. For comparing the results of performance, we also
through LiFi medium, the data rate degrades quickly as the conducted the BER distribution experiment using OFDM modulation scheme. The
distance increases. Whereas communication through WiFi result shows that in the proposed model using OOK scheme, low error transmission
medium is almost constant in the coverage area. On the other BER < 10−8 can be obtained and which is superior as compared to OFDM
hand, in case of hybrid model, we achieved high data rate and modulation scheme.
maintained the throughput of 25 Mbps as the distance With a high-speed bidirectional communication link, the
increases. In hybrid scheme, we used load balancing technique results of the simulation show that the hybrid scheme
proposed by Yunlu Wang et. al. [29] to leverage the benefits proposed in the EH-HL model offers superior performance for
of hybrid WiFi/LiFi networks. We needed this technique due multi-access/multi-user users. Table 2 presents the
to multi-access and multi-user communication. The comparative analysis with state-of-art methods.
distribution of users/devices served by LiFi and WiFi access
points in hybrid scheme is as shown Fig. 6. The result exhibits
that due to co-channel interference and attain the maximum
data rates, users are more likely to preferred WiFi access point
when the distance between LiFi access point and user increase
and data rate of LiFi medium decrease.
Table 2. Comparative analysis with state-of-art methods
Achieved Data No. of EH- Load
Approach Application Type Communication Scheme
Rate Users Sensor Balancer
Hybrid (LiFi
Tiwari et al. [30] Smart home Yes No ~24 Mbps 4 No -

Ayyash et al. [31] Mobile networks (5G) Yes Yes ~15/34 Mbps - No -

Smart home/Smart
Proposed EH-HL Yes Yes ~25 Mbps 100 Yes Yes

2327-4662 (c) 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI
10.1109/JIOT.2018.2791999, IEEE Internet of Things Journal

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