Sahaja Yoga Health Centre Washi

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Sahaja Yoga Health Centre Advice – Belapur, Vashi

Dear Yogis,

Jai Shri Mataji!

We now have the advice from the Vashi Sahaja Yoga Health Centre in India in answer to questions asked of them
from Australian Yogis. April 2013


The advice below is to be seen in light of Sahaja Yoga Sahaja Yoga point of view, please make:
practices and should not be considered as official medical 1. Regular foot soak.
advice. It is not intended to replace advice or treatment 2. Use ice pack on liver, Right Swadhisthana.
from orthodox health professionals. 3. Shoe beat ego, super ego, thoughts.
4. Meditate for some time, keeping eyes open on Shri
You should not discontinue your usual medical treatments Mataji's Lotus Feet.
or ignore the importance of consulting mainstream 5. Clear Vishuddhi—use ghee-camphor in nose & do Allah-
medical experts about any health condition that you may Ho-Akbar.
have. 6. Reading Devi-Kavach is helpful in all conditions.
No responsibility is accepted or implied in relation to the
suggested practices. Right side clearance
1. Foot soak in cold water.
During Pregnancy
2. Use ice pack on Right Swadhisthana, Right Nabhi, liver,
1. You can attend public programme but it is not advisable & Right and Back Agnya.
to either give realization or work on others. 3. Meditate with right hand to Shri Mataji & left hand to
2. You need to listen to Shri Mataji's lectures / puja talks, sky.
read good books, do light work, rest in the afternoon, 4. Recite Shri Hanuman Chalisa or Prayer to Shri
keeping your feet up. Saraswati.
3. One should not eat heating things like papaya.
4. Make regular foot soak & meditate. Left side clearance
5. Left side treatments are to be made only if needed. 1. Matka (lemon & chillies)
6. Candle treatment can be done but camphor is to be 2. 3 candle clearance (thick candles to be used).
avoided. 3. Read Shri Mahakali 108 names or Shri Bhairava 21
7. In havan one is not to sit right in front of the fire. names.
8. Matka if needed can be done. 4. Meditate with left hand to Shri Mataji and right hand
on Mother Earth.
Caring for Babies
5. Shoe beat or string burn.
1. For babies’ care – mother & child are one entity. 6. Foot soak with lukewarm water.
Mother can clear herself, make foot soak with baby in lap
that will clear both. 3 candle clearance
2. Massage baby with any mineral oil – warm olive oil is 1. Keep 2 lighted candles in front of Shri Mataji's
good. You can recite Shri Ganesha Atharva Sheersha while photograph.
making massage. 2. With the third lighted candle, clear left side chakras
3. In case of gas or cramp – give warm fomentation with taking the respective mantra, or recite Shri Ganesha
ajwan in muslin cloth. Atharva Sheersha.
4. For evil eye removal (Najar Utarne).
Take 7 Red chillies + 7 black peppercorns (kali mirch), 3 candle clearance & Matka clearance is given for left side
kali Rai (black mustard seeds), clearance.
salt & coarsely ground atta (kneaded flour), You can ask in your local meditation centre, they will help
(bina channa hua) all in a paper, you with these techniques.
& in aarti movement 7 times,
remove the Najar in evening time & then burn it.
5. You can enquire in your centre regarding other details.
Matka clearance procedure have its arbitrary movement. As you move the Kundalini,
1. Raise kundalini and take a bandhan. the badha moves. Badha means the hindrance. All right?
2. Take a matka (earthen pot); fill half of it with water. But a bhoot is arbitrary. It moves. It will be one moment
7 lemons & 7 green chillies are to be put in it. here, it will be one moment there. It will move this side, it
3. Add a little vibrated water & kum kum to it. will move that side. It will go to the right heart, then it will
4. To vibrate the matka keep left hand towards Shri come to the left heart. If it is arbitrary behaviour, that
Mataji’s photograph & right hand on matka, then read means it is not controlled by your movement of your
Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi's 108 names. fingers. Through the Kundalini awakening then you must
5. Pray to Shri Mataji to give all Her Blessings. You can also know it is a bhoot. All right? Understand what I’m saying,
leave the matka on Shri Mataji's altar for some time. Later that one thing is arbitrary, works on its own, and the
close it with lid. another is in your control. You’re taking it out yourself.
6. Keep the vibrated matka under bed; open the lid of the
matka at night and close it in the morning. This is to be Like you can say that if there’s some lump in the body, it
done for 7 nights. may start moving with the, say, blood stream or
7. On day eight you can close the matka lid with atta something, some force acting upon it. But by itself, it does
(kneaded flour) & dispose of it in sea or running water. not. But if there’s a worm, living worm, it will move by
8. Matka clearance is not to be done on New Moon night itself.”
i.e. Amavasya.
What to do for Left Vishuddhi when Right Agnya
How to clear the catches of the Collective impressing on it
1. Collective shoe beat. 1. Clear Right Agnya – use ice-pack on Right Agnya & read
2. The best ways for the Collective to clear during their prayer to Lord Buddha - can keep feet in foot-soak water.
weekly programme:
a) Balance especially right side & then work on whichever Can you please advise how we can clear ourselves to
chakra you are catching collectively. feel clear, accurate vibrations
b) Play Shri Mataji’s puja talk for that particular chakra. 1. All can work on the Vishuddhi Chakra. Do collectively
Bhoots as opposed to badhas “Allah-Ho-Akbar”, use ghee-camphor in nose.
2. For Right Vishuddhi, hand-soak helps.
Bhoot - is stationed on one chakra. 3. For Left Vishuddhi, 3 candle clearance, read Shri
Badha - moves from one chakra to another. Krishna’s 108 names.
Further clarification around bhoots and badha as Young Children
provided by Shri Mataji:
1. Ask young children to meditate on Right Nabhi - Keep
What is the difference between a "badha" and a "bhoot” right hand to Shri Mataji & left hand on Right
and how to deal with them. Swadhisthana & Right Nabhi.
(An extract from "What is a Sahaja Yogi" -Seminar in Old 2. Also can look at Shri Mataji’s bindi, helps to clear
Arlesford 1980.) Agnya, become thoughtless & stabilise attention.
3. To do foot soaking regularly and balancing of both
" Now one more question I will ask. Very simple, not so sides.
difficult. That, what is the difference between a badha and 4. Put ice on Right Nabhi and Right Swadhisthana.
a bhoot? How will you make out? 5. Meditate for some time with open eyes & then close
A hindrance and a bhoot. eyes.
Yogi: Bhoots will move around. For Infants / Other Ages
Shri Mataji: And badha? 1. Till the child is 2 years, you can take child on lap for foot
soak, before that you should clear yourself & balance.
Yogi: Stays still. Just describing, it’s a block. 2. Raise kundalini from Mooladhara to Sahasrara from
centre channel and a give bandhan to the child.
Shri Mataji: He’s correct. What you said is correct but it is
not absolutely precise. It is like this, I tell you. Is correct. Mental Illness
I mean what he says is the correct answer but is not so
1. Do Matka Treatment.
2. Clear left channel.
Badha will also move. I’ll tell you how. Badha is always on
3. Clear Agnya - look through candle flame at Shri
the centres or on your organs. If it is, say, in your, for
Mataji’s bindi --say “Om Ham-ksham” - Recite Lord’s
example, in the liver, this badha may come in the centre
and then it will start moving from your here to here as the
4. Shoe beating can be done.
Kundalini will be moving. All right? But badha doesn’t
Clearance of Back Agnya Specific Diseases Clearance
1. If Back Agnya from left side - clear with Ganesha
Atharva Sheersha, or you can say Shri Maha Ganesha Bija
Mantra on Back Agnya.
2. Do matka clearance. 1. Clear Centre Heart.
3. Early morning sun rays for Back Agnya before 7am. 2. Read Shri Durga 84 names or Devi Kavach.
4. If Back Agnya from right side - use ice pack on Back
Agnya. Coronary Artery Disease
1. Left side clearance.
Clearance of Front Agnya 2. Left Vishuddhi needs to be cleared---for angina.
1. Keep feet in foot-soak water---
2. Clear Agnya - look through candle flame at Shri Multiple Sclerosis
Mataji’s bindi --say “Om Ham-ksham”. 1. Clearance of left side & Mooladhara Chakra.
3. Recite Lord’s Prayer. 2. Meditate on Mooladhara with Shri Ganesha names –
4. Shoe beating can be done. Left hand towards Shri Mataji, right hand on Mother
For Left Agnya 3. It is a badha, shoe beat the badha.
If Left Agnya is strong, then:
1. Clear your Left Agnya with 21 names of Shri Mahavira. Overweight and Health Problem
2. Clear void with Adi Guru Dattatreya names. 1. Diet control.
3. Do Matka Treatment. 2. Do exercise.
4. Take candle on Front Agnya.
Old Age Problem
Vishuddhi Clearance 1. Take Calcium & Vitamin-D supplement.
For Right Vishuddhi, (right side) 2. Read Devi Kavach.
1. Do right hand soak. 3. To nourish weakened left channel.
2. Please keep left hand towards Shri Mataji’s photograph 4. Meditate with right hand towards Shri Mataji & left
and right hand in hand soak tub ( small tub) and you can hand towards the sky, & then left hand towards Shri
read Shri Krishna’s 108 names or 16 names of Shri Krishna. Mataji and right hand towards the sky.

To clear Left Vishuddhi Juvenile Arthritis

1. Keep a candle in front of you & show the Left Vishuddhi 1. Clear left side.
finger towards the flame. 2. For all congenital problems -- pray to Shri Mataji in the
2. Keep right hand on Mother Earth. form of Lord Ganesha.
3. Take Shri Vishnumaya names.
4. Use Affirmations of Left Vishuddhi. Blocked Sinuses
For Vishuddhi clearance 1. Onion treatment—keep unpeeled onion on gas flame—
1. Say “Allah-Ho-Akbar”. the skin gets burned & rest of the onion warmed, remove
2. Do ghee massage. each peel & keep them on sinuses.
2. Clear sinuses with warm saline. Then use ghee
3. Clear Left Vishuddhi.

Heart Palpitation
1. Clear Right Heart — foot-soak, ice-pack on Right
Swadhisthana, Right Nabhi, Liver, Right Heart.
2. Read Shri Rama Kavach.

If due to Ancestors or Possession :

Prayer to Shri Mataji, keeping left hand on right heart,
“Shri Mataji, please take all my ancestors into Your Divine
Attention and grant them their salvation through Sahaja
Also to say to Ancestors : 1. Please make regular foot soak if possible 2 times per
“Respected ancestors, I am in the full protection of Shri day.
Mataji Nirmala Devi and I am secure. You should also 2. Use ice pack on Right Swadhisthana, Nabhi, Liver, Right
surrender yourself to Shri Mataji and get your salvation & Back Agnya.
through Sahaja Yoga.” 3. Look through candle flame at Shri Mataji's bindi while
making foot soak & recite “Om Ham Ksham” or Lord’s
Shoe beating
1. Raise your kundalini & take a bandhan. 4. On Right Swadhisthana, take mantra of Shri Hazrat Ali
2. Keep both hands to Mother Earth, take the mantra of Fatima — 6 times.
Shri Adi-Bhoomi Devi & seek permission to shoe-beat. 5. Meditate with right hand towards Shri Mataji & left
3. With the index finger draw a circle. Write your name & hand to sky, try to stabilize attention & become
then the problem - for example ego, super-ego. thoughtless.
4. Without lifting your finger draw continuous seven 6. Shoe beat ego, super ego, all badhas causing physical
circles (bandhan) around what is written. disease & coming in the way of spiritual ascent.
5. With the heel of the left shoe or slipper (preferably
leather shoe or slipper) shoe-beat the badha 108 times;
then wipe off all that is written.
6. Seek pardon from Mother Earth for shoe beating on

String Burning
1. Raise your kundalini and take bandhan.
2. Take a cotton string.
3. Make seven knots at different levels of string and take
the mantras of left side, while tying the knots:
a) 1st knot - Shri Ganesha Mantra
b) 2nd knot - Shri Nirmal Vidya Mantra
c) 3rd knot- Shri Gruha Laxmi Mantra
d) 4th knot- Shri Shiva Parvati Mantra
e) 5th knot- Shri Vishnumaya Mantra
f) 6th knot -Shri Mahavira Mantra
g) 7th knot- Shri Mahakali / Shri Bhairava Mantra.
4. Dip the knotted string in mustard oil.
5. Hold the string with tongs, take the mantra of “Shuddha
Iccha” (pure desire) and pray to Shri Mataji to burn away
all the negativity through fire element.
6. Burn the string looking at it (in the toilet)
7. Flush it away.

For Cancer
Clear left side and Ekadasha Rudras - can be cleared by
taking 11 names of Shri Ekadasha Rudra on Void.
For left side:
1. Matka (lemon & chillies clearance).
2. 3 candle (thick candles to be used) clearance to be
3. Clear Void in foot soak - take 10 Guru names.
4. Meditate with left hand to Shri Mataji & right hand on
Mother Earth.
5. Read 108 names of Shri Mahakali.
Also as there is much heat use ice-pack on Right
Reading the Devi-Kavach or saying “Ma Jagadamba” 12
times on Centre Heart will also help.

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