Changes To Earths Surface
Changes To Earths Surface
Changes To Earths Surface
*Mystery Science: Work of Water: If you Floated down a river, Where would you end
helps students develop the idea that water is a powerful force that reshapes the earth’s
surface. Students see that water isn’t just something we drink. It carries sand to create
beaches, carves out canyons and valleys and, as ice, scrapes entire areas flat.
The students will Look at map in Atlas (SS text pages A12, A13 and student world
atlas pages 64 &65) and will observe where they see rivers. Discuss rivers all ending
at ocean. Where do they start?
The students will construct a model of a mountain with a piece of paper and color the
“peaks” blue with a thick, washable marker.
As water is sprayed on model, the students will watch where the water goes.
Look at Atlas again. Does is look like rivers start where mountain ranges/mountains
or high areas are?
Students will answer questions from investigation in journal.
*Show students video – “How Was the Grand Canyon Formed?” (Youtube)
*W-E-D foldable for journal (description, picture, example for weathering, erosion,
deposition). Point out key words weathering – breaking apart, erosion – carrying away.
SEDIMENT is what is deposited!
Extension Activities (may do’s):
~Read small book “Earth’s Surface” alone or with partner: activity on p. 25 for extra credit
~Research (print picture and do write-up) for concept/question board in room.
~Brainpop- weathering, erosion
~USGS streamer website to find rivers, streams in Cartersville,
Euharlee and see if they can find where water originates from and what ocean it ends up in.