Review of Related Literature: Sunendar (2013)
Review of Related Literature: Sunendar (2013)
Review of Related Literature: Sunendar (2013)
In this chapter, relevant theories and some empirical findings related to the
Followings are some concepts and theories related to the current study.
Curriculum; 1984, 2004, and 2006. Based on Ministry of Education and Culture
school, class, and subject matter. Core competence is the quality that should
school, and in certain subject matter for junior high school until senior high
that basic competencies and learning process are developed entirely to get
6) Syllabus is developed as the plan for one theme (elementary school) or one
class and subject matter (junior high school, senior high school/vocational
school). In syllabus there are the basic competencies for theme or subject
should be given to the students, how teachers give the material, and how the
standards are renewed as the previous Curriculum still has many weaknesses
Ministry of Education and Culture (2012), the graduates should have noble
character, relevant knowledge, and skill, the learning content is relevant with
and has employed a relevant scientific approach, lastly the Curriculum 2013
This purpose is also in line with the aim of Curriculum 2013 presented
established for improving and balancing the hard skills and soft skills
of nations who can actively contribute to build the country and keep up the
The new policy of Curriculum 2013 brings four big changes which are
school. Based on Elemen Perubahan Kurikulum (2013), there are four big
and hard skills which is included attitude competence aspect, skill, and
assessment based on portfolio, questions, give score for the process and
who are ready to face the world in the future. The thing emphasized in this
presenting what they found after learning (Komara, 2013). Komara (2013)
says that by using scientific approach, it is expected that the students will
have better affective, psychomotor, and cognitive competency. They will also
be more creative, innovative, and productive, and thus they will be successful
as discovery learning theory. According to Carin & Sund (1975), there are
four main points related to Bruner learning theory. First, individual only learn
and develop their thinking if they are using it. Second, by doing cognitive
processes in discovery process, students will get the sense and intellectual
satisfaction as the intrinsic appreciation. Third, the only way to learn about
(2014) signified that science is a disposition to deal with the facts rather than
with what someone has said. It is a search for order, for uniformities, for
critical thinking.
Permendikbud (2013) also signified that Scientific Approach is an
learning process, the students have to construct their knowledge that should
and the interaction between teacher and students are free from prejudice or
materials are based on concept, theory, and empirical fact that can be
designed to make the students are active in constructing concept and principal
which the information can be found from various sources, whenever and
use their sense and record their observation. Based on Komara (2013),
must be passed, because they have relation. Those steps are; 1) observing,
details and use their sense of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell
whenever it is appropriate.
Questioning is asking questions about the information related to the
question). Based on theory from Suyitno (2013) and Komara (2013), the
question can be found on the text used. The question uses who, what,
when, where, and how as the key word. Conceptual question is related and
concern with the concept rather than with the fact (Burke, 2010).
situation and to describe the action he/she would take in solving the
the question, critical thinking, and develop the habit of long-life learning
asking question can motivate students to listen and more focus during
the sources except text book, and interviewing the interviewee. This is the
next step after questioning. In this step, students must be more active
rather than the teacher. Students must read more sources, observe the
In this step, students will process the information from the result of
the knowledge and find the solution of the problem. Associating is done to
find the relation from information. In this step, students must analyze the
information in this step to find the solution. This step will develop honesty,
carefulness, discipline, hard work, and the ability to think inductively and
result of activity. This step can be done in the form of spoken activity,
(2013) states there are some models of learning which supported the learning
activities, those models are discovery learning, project based learning, and
problem based learning. Each of the learning models will be described in detail as
1. Discovery Learning
Discovery learning has a similar principle to inquiry and problem
learning. The teacher only needs to supervise and guide students’ learning
students process the data and information that have been gained through
the operational steps of Project Based Learning are deciding the basic
based on the students’ interest, ability, and the infrastructure. The teacher
discussion. Afterwards, the students make schedule of low long the project
project still in the semester program that had been designed by the teacher.
The teacher also needs to monitor the students for the sake of
project result. The way the students communicate the result, depends on
the project that they have accomplished. The students can show their
project in the exhibition and tell the process in accomplishing the task, the
benefit of the task, etc. The students can also conduct class discussion to
communicate the project that they have made. Here the students are
encouraged to be responsible over the activities that they have done. After
communicating the result, the teacher and students did reflection. The
students were given chances to share their experience and obstacles during
students’ performance.
3. Problem Based Learning
brainstorming and all group members are freely to express idea and
students look for resources that can illuminate issue being investigated. In
information and solve the problem. In assessing the result, there are three
and attitude. Scientific Approach in Instructional Process
communicating the idea especially in writing scientific article and the last is to
they have been mastered which has relation with new material that they
on five steps that have been explained. The application of the five steps in
1) Observing
media). The goal of this activity is relating the learning with real
2) Questioning
question. Here the teacher need to assist the students to ask question
4) Associating
information and solve a problem that they get from exploring. This
hard work.
5) Communicating
C. Post-activity has two functions, the first one for validity about the concept,
and the second one for enrichment from the material that has been
activity and result gained by students and find the benefit directly or
indirectly during the learning process. Besides, the teacher has to give
feedback toward the learning process and result, give follow up activity in
in Curriculum 2013. The result of the study showed that there are three domains
a descriptive qualitative study. The result of the study showed three points, i.e: 1)
of the Curriculum 2013 is the Curriculum not yet perfect and need revision, and
Prembulan, Kulon Progo. The result indicated that the teacher had been
implementing the scientific approach well by doing the teaching steps such as
But, the learning process especially in the assessment had not been successfully
done yet because the teacher rarely used the instrument and assessment rubrics.
This present research has similarities with those empirical studies. The
encounter. Apart from those similarities, this study was different from those