Time Management Strategies by Akinfolarin A.V (2017) PDF
Time Management Strategies by Akinfolarin A.V (2017) PDF
Time Management Strategies by Akinfolarin A.V (2017) PDF
Keywords: time, management strategies, scarce resource, and principals must make
principals’, administrative effectiveness, decisions about how to allocate their time
secondary schools among competing demands. Time-use
decisions are important for effective
Introduction leadership, as evidenced by the relationship
between principal time use and school
Timely discharge of administrative tasks and
outcomes (Grissom, Loeb, & Master, 2012).
responsibilities is of great concern to
Effective management of time requires good
administrators and managers in various
strategies and planning if goals must be
sectors of the economy including the
achieved. Managers should adopt time
education sector. Similarly, Hallinger and
management strategies by setting goals that
Murphy (2013) pointed out that finding time
are achievable, prioritizing tasks, delegating
to perform multifarious tasks is one of the
tasks to subordinates, avoiding unnecessary
greatest challenges of leadership for school
interruptions and time wasting activities,
improvement in the principals’ job. The
maintaining focus on tasks, and leading by
school system like every other enterprise has
example. However, school administrators
set goals and objectives which should be
spend more time on meetings and other
actualized at a specified period. At the
school activities yet, finds it difficult to
secondary level of education, the principal is
complete tasks at the appropriate time.
the chief executive officer of the school who
Setting target for meetings, ensuring timely
is responsible for effective management of
converge of scheme of work, delegation of
school resources for the actualization of
duties to teachers and students scheduling
stated goal and objectives. Time is a
extra-curricular activities among others are
valuable and irreversible abstract resource
characteristics of time management of
available for human progression. Whatever
school leaders. Mullins (2005) pointed out
achievements and biological growth of man
that whatever, the attributes or qualities of
may be, they are achieved with time. It is
successful managers are, or the qualities of
imperative to every individual, organization
subordinate staff are, one essential
and the society at large thus, must be
underlying criterion is the effective use of
effectively managed.
time. If school leader is incompetent in
Claessens, Van Eerde, Rute, and Roes effective use of time, all the administrative
(2007) defined time management as and managerial efforts for school
“behaviour that aims at achieving an improvement will be a waste. Principals’
effective use of time while performing appropriate management of time in
certain goal-directed activities’. Time is a secondary schools enhances teachers’
Research Question 1: What are principals’ meetings management strategies in managing time
for administrative effectiveness in secondary schools in Enugu State?
Table 1: Mean scores and standard deviation ratings of principals’ meetings management
strategies in managing time for administrative effectiveness in secondary schools.
2. Setting clear time limits for meetings and tasks 3.02 0.34 Agree
3. Setting time to begin and end meetings and stick to them 2.88 0.99 Agree
Items 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 in table 1 is above the mean score of 2.80 which is above the
mean score of 2.50 which indicate that accepted mean score of 2.50 indicates
respondents’ agreed with the statements agreement in principals’ meetings
while items 4 and 6 mean scores are below management strategies in managing time for
2.50 which indicate that respondents’ administrative effectiveness in secondary
disagreed with the statements. The grand schools in Enugu State.
Research Question 2: What are principals’ delegation strategies in managing time for
administrative effectiveness in secondary schools in Enugu State?
Table 2: Mean scores and standard deviation ratings of principals’ delegation strategies in
managing time for administrative effectiveness in secondary schools
8. Allowing assistants to make decisions regarding assigned tasks 2.14 0.33 Disagree
9. Delegating authority and responsibility to the right person 2.55 0.76 Agree
10. Providing necessary authority, resources and support to staff 2.52 0.82 Agree
11. Having complete faith in staff ability when delegating duties 2.12 1.16 Disagree
12. Giving time to staff to brief you about their assigned task 2.53 0.39 Agree
15. Placing a limit for task completion when delegated 2.03 0.77 Disagree
Items 9, 10, 12 and 14 in table 1 is above the mean score of 2.35 which is below the
mean score of 2.50 which indicate that accepted mean score of 2.50 indicates
respondents’ agreed with the statements disagreement in principals’ delegation
while items 8, 11, 13 and 15 mean scores are strategies in managing time for
below 2.50 which indicate that respondents’ administrative effectiveness in secondary
disagreed with the statements. The grand schools in Enugu State.
Recommendations References
[1] Akinfolarin, A. V. & Rufai, R. B.
The following recommendations were made
(2017). Extent of information and
premised on the findings:
communication technology (ICT) utilization
1. School leaders should adopt for students’ learning in tertiary institutions
meetings management strategies in in Ondo State, Nigeria. International
managing time in the areas of; Journal of Advance Research and
dealing effectively with interruptions Innovative Ideas in Education, 3(3), 2369-
during meeting and summarizing 2376.
major points at the end of meeting [2] Akomolafe, C.O.(2012). A
comparative study of principals’