Species Diversity Concepts Describing Communities
Species Diversity Concepts Describing Communities
Species Diversity Concepts Describing Communities
The simplest way to describe a community is to list the While simply finding and listing the species is useful, this
species in it. method has many limitations.
Species richness (S) is the number of species on that list, and If we wish to compare two or more communities, we need
is most often used as the first pass estimate of diversity for a comparable samples, otherwise we might just find a
community. difference because one was sampled more intensively than
the other.
How would one generate such a list? A simple and widely
used method is to define the boundaries of the community This begs the question, how much sampling should we do
and then walk through it seasonally, noting all the species in order to be confident that we have found most of the
you encounter. This is what we call a flora. species in each community?
Species-Area Curve Species-Area Curve
Fine-grained; high equitability Fine-grained; low equitability
(classical condition)
Comm-1 20 20 20 20 20
Comm-2 96 1 1 1 1
Species Richness Rarefaction
There are two ways to overcome this problem: One of the fundamental tenants of diversity is that the
number of species found in a given sample is strongly
1) incorporate both species richness and abundance dependent upon the size of that sample.
information in to one diversity index.
This makes good intuitive sense in that the more
2) rely on species richness but control for the effects of quadrats one samples in a plant community, the more
sample size by a procedure called rarefaction. likely you are to pick up more and more rare species.
We will examine both alternatives as they are widely used One method of avoiding incompatibility of
in ecology. measurements resulting from samples of different sizes
is called rarefaction.
Rarefaction Rarefaction
N - Ni N
E(S) = ∑ 1 - /
The term N is a "combination" that is calculated as:
i=1 n n
N N!
n = n! N n !
Where E(S) is the expected number of species in the
rarefied sample, n is the standardized sample, N is the where N! is a "factorial", e.g., 5! = 5×4×3×2×1 = 120
total number of in the sample to be rarefied, and Ni is
the number of individuals in the ith species in the This combination is important, because it allows us to
sample to be rarefied, summed over all species calculate all the possible numbers of unique species
counted. combinations...
Rarefaction Rarefaction
For example, if we have four species, A, B, C, D, Let's look at a fully worked real-world example (taken
then we have six species pairs: AB, AC, AD, BC, from Magurran 1988).
Imagine two moth traps that have been set out in a
Using the combinatorial equation: forest to monitor moth diversity. Trap-B was
inadvertently left out for only about half the time as
4 4! 24
2 = 2! 4 2 ! = 4 = 6
We know this will be a problem because Trap-A
Thus N is the number of unique combinations of N "sampled" the environment more (longer period of
time) and is likely to pick up more species. To compare
taken nnat a time; i.e., the number of different ways of
S between traps would be misleading and inappropriate.
picking species pairs from four different species.
No. of Individuals
Rarefaction Species Trap-A Trap-B
Moth light traps are
1 9 1
typically suspended
2 3 0
above the vegetation As expected, Trap-A
3 0 1
and contain a battery has more species. The 4 4 0
powered light. The best way to correct for 5 2 0
trap is set to operate the difference in 6 1 0
only during the sampling time is to ask, 7 1 1
evening hours. Moths 8 0 2
are drawn to the light How many species 9 1 0
contained 13 12 1 0
canister below.
S 9 6
N 23 13
Rarefaction Rarefaction
Ni Expected
Continue this same set of 9 1.00
First, take the number of individuals of each species
calculations for each species (to 3 0.93
from Trap-A and insert them into the formula.
determine the expected number) 4 0.98
and then sum the values (as per 2 0.82
For species in Trap-A: N = 23, n = 13, Ni = 9, N-Ni = 14
the Σ in the equation). 1 0.57
1 0.57
N 23!
1 0.57
n = 13! 23 - 13 ! Zero values need not be
( ) included as they have no 1 0.57
N-N i 14! influence on the estimate. 1 0.57
n = 13! 14 - 13 !
( ) E(S) 6.58
14! 23! Conclusion: If Trap-A contained 13 individuals, we would
1 - 13! × 1! / 13! × 10! = {1 − [14 /1144066]} = 1 − 0.00 = 1.00 expect it to contain 6.58 species--about the same as Trap-B.
Simpson's Index Simpson's Index
DS =∑
(n (n − 1))
i i species B 50
( N ( N − 1))
i =1
assessed in
quadrats: E 1
The Shannon-Weiner Index belongs to a subset of indices The Shannon Index assumes that all species are
that maintain that diversity can be measured much like the represented in a sample and that the sample was obtained
information contained in a code or message (hence the randomly:
name information index). S
H' = -∑ pi ln pi
The rationale is that if we know a letter in a message, we
can know the uncertainty of the next letter in a coded where pi is the proportion of individuals found in the ith
message (i.e., the next species to be found in a species and ln is the natural logarithm.
H' = 1.201
Shannon-Weiner Index Evenness
The maximum diversity (Hmax) of a sample is found when By definition, E is constrained between 0 and 1.0. As with
all species are equally abundant. Hmax = ln S, where S is the H', evenness assumes that all species are represented within
total number of species. the sample.
Species Abundance Models Species Abundance Models
One of the earliest observations made by plant ecologists A species abundance model is generated by graphing the
was that species are not equally common in a given abundance of each species against its rank order abundance
community. Some were very abundant, other were from 1 = highest to N = lowest.
One of four distributions usually arise:
A graphical way was sought to describe this pattern, and so
arose species abundance models. Log normal distribution
Geometric series
These models are strongly advocated among some ecologists Logarithmic series
because they emphasize abundance while utilizing species McArthur's broken stick model
richness information and therefore provide the most
complete mathematical description of the data.