JFSM, Microboard Mpl'05
JFSM, Microboard Mpl'05
JFSM, Microboard Mpl'05
1. Carlo has leukemia; unfortunately he was exposed to HBsAg positive blood. The
best immediate management which can be given to him is to give:
A. recombinant Hep B vaccine
B. passive immunization
C. anti-viral drugs
D. vitamins
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p.119
MPL: 1
3. A child who is breast fed is not usually prone to diarrhea, this is probably
because of:
A. the presence of hydrolytic enzymes in the saliva which kills most bacteria
B. the acidity of the stomach
C. presence of proteolytic enzymes and active macrophages in the in the
small intestines
D. all of the above
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p.122
MPL: 1
5. Martin suffers from runny nose, itchy eyes and frequent sneezing especially
during the months of March to May and November to January. He probably has:
A. Type I hypersensitivity
B. Type II hypersensitivity
C. Type III hypersensitivity
D. Type IV hypersensitivity
Answer: A
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 140
MPL: 1
6. Vivian was rushed to the hospital for shortness of breath. She gave a history of
taking penicillin for her sore throat two days prior to admission. She gave no
history of allergy to penicillin. Laboratory test done on her blood showed the
presence of antibodies which hemolyses her own RBC. She is probably suffering
A. Type I hypersensitivity
B. Type II hypersensitivity
C. Type III hypersensitivity
D. Type IV hypersensitivity
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p.141
MPL: 1
7. Athena was born December 2004. She has an older brother Bitoy who got sick of
chicken pox when Athena was one month old. Ikay, another older sister of
Athena got sick of chicken pox while she did not. This is because of:
A. Maternal IgA
B. Athena’s IgA
C. Maternal IgG
D. Athena’s IgG
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 128
MPL: 0.5
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p 130
MPL: 0.25
9. Betty has colds almost every three months. But she is not bothered because she
noticed that even without treatment she gets better The self-limiting nature of her
colds which is often of viral etiology is partly attributed to:
A. Gamma interferon
B. Alpha interferon
C. Beta interferon
D. All choices are correct except A
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 125
MPL: 0.25
10. Mike was sick of pneumonia, for which he almost died. Before his discharge
from the hospital he asked the doctor to explain to him his illness and how he
was able to recover. The doctor talked of the germs having slimly materials
around them. That it was necessary for some substance to coat the germs so
that the scavenger’s cells in the body can eat them up. The doctor was referring
to opsonization. Which of the following substances is involved in opsonization?
A. C3a
B. C3b
C. C2a
D. C2b
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 137
MPL: 0.25
11. A 7-year-old girl was brought to the derma section of UPHR medical center for
swollen, weeping earlobes with some signs of crusting. One earlobe has an
almost embedded tiny earring. The doctor said the girl was probably allergic to
the nickel component of the fancy earrings. This condition is also termed as:
A. Contact hypersensitivity
B. Tuberculin hypersensitivity
C. Atopic hypersensitivity
D. Immune complex hypersensitivity
Answer: A
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 141
MPL: 0.25
12. Nonong was an OFW from Puerto Rico. He came home because he was
diagnosed to have syphilis. He consulted a local doctor for a second opinion.
The doctor scrapped off the base of the ulcer found in his buccal mucosa. He
explained to Jojo that he will add to the specimen a substance which he called
antibody to which will be attached a certain dye which will emit light under a
“ dark microscope “.. This immunologic diagnostic test is probably:
A. Immunoblotting
B. Immunofluorescence
D. Radioimmunoassay
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 142
MPL: 1
13. Jake had typhoid fever. When seen by the doctor he has already on the third weeks
and had started to feel better. If you can enter Jake’s body which of the following
item below would show that he had achieved an adaptive immune response
against typhoid bacilli?
a. physical barriers
b. chemical barriers
c. clonal expansion of effector cells
d. phagocytosis
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 143
MPL: 1
14. Doy was diagnosed to have an infectious disease of unknown etiology. Examination
of his blood showed that the complement levels are normal. In infections, one
defense against the agent is the activation of the complement. What then among the
item below is the best trigger for the of complement activation ?
a. IgG
b. Mannose-containing bacterial glycolipids
c. Microbial surfaces
d. IgM-antigen immune complexes
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 147
MPL: 0.25
15. A 13-year-old boy from Ilocos tested negative in the lepromin test. He presents with
multiple , erythematous, anesthetic lesions all over the body. The skin test shows
which type of hypersensitivity:
a. Type I Hypersensitivity
b. Type II hypersensitivity
c. Type III hypersensitivity
d. Type IV hypersenitivity
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 141
MPL: 1
16. Roy was found to have antibodies to AIDS by the ELISA method. To confirm the
diagnosis, antigens of the virus must be detected in his blood. Which of the following
methods will identify the HIV antigen mix in a complex mixture of proteins :
a. Western blotting
b. Southern blotting
c. Eastern blotting
d. Northern blotting
Answer: A
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 143
MPL: 1
18. Luisa is an absent-minded medical intern. She was asked by the resident to get
some influenza vaccines from the refrigerator in the call room and to bring them
to the OPD for immunization of the old nurses in the section. Luisa followed the
instructions. Unfortunately she did not find the resident so she placed the vaccine
on the table with a short note. After 2-4 hours, the resident came and found the
vaccines. Influenza is a killed viral vaccine, all of the following are its
disadvantages EXCEPT:
a. high stability at room temperature
b. shorter duration of immunity
c. poor CMI produced
d. no IgA produced
Answer: A
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 410
MPL: 1
19. Allan was bitten by his dog in the lower leg. The wound is not deep but it bled. In the
decision to give postexposure prophylaxis the following are considered except which
of the following :
a. manner of attack
b. nature of biting animal
c. severeity of the bite
d. none of the choices
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 580
MPL: 1
20. Laura was in her 2nd month of pregnancy when she tested positive for Rubella
antibodies. Inspite of this she decided to continue with the pregnancy. She delivered
the baby 4 weeks earlier than the expected date. A t a glance the baby seemed
normal. She asked her doctor what could be the possible effect if her baby got
congenital rubella. Which of the following could explain any abnormality that may
be later seen in Laura’s baby ?
a. infected cells in the baby have reduced growth rate
b. hypoplastic organs results in abnormalities in the embryonic cells which have
reduced growth rate
C. structural anomalies due to hypoplastic organs
D. all of the above
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 567
MPL: 0.25
21. A baby born with congenital rubella was found to be deaf. Defects in rubella are
grouped into broad categories, i.e temporary, developmental, permanent. Deafness
is under :
a. temporary
b. developmental
c. permanent
d. none of the choices
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 568
MPL: 0.33
22. Ana is getting married and thus was advised to get her Rubella vaccine shot.
Which of the following is/are true of the rubella vaccine ?
a. it is live attenuated vaccine
b. it is given to prevent congenital rubella infection
c. vaccinated children pose no threat to mothers who are susceptible and
d. all of the above
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 567
MPL: 1
23. Jay a 9-month old baby is rushed to the ER for fever and persistent cough. On
examination, rales are heard on his left chest and an infiltrate in the left lung is
seen on the chest x-ray film. The diagnosis given is pneumonia. Which of the
following viruses is the most likely cause?
A. Rhinovirus
B. Respiratory syncytial virus
C. Adenovirus
D. Coronavirus
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 402
MPL: 1
24 In this viral infection, humans are dead-end hosts, thus virus shedding does
not occur. A. measles
B. Rabies
C. influenza
D. chicken pox
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 198
MPL: 1
28. A 2 ½-year-old boy was noticed by his mother to have less appetite for solid
food, but when given ice cream and soft drinks he was quite happy. This was
unusual because he likes to eat and play with solid foods. The mother examined
him and found that he has some swollen nodules in his neck. Suspecting
something in the mouth, she examined the mouth and found vesicular lesions in
the buccal mucosa. This is probably caused by :
A. Candida albicans
B. Streptococcus pyogenes
C. Measles virus
D. Herpes simplex virus
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 435
MPL: 0.5
29. Yoyong, a 15-year-old boy acquired chicken pox. When vesicular lesions
became evident, he was “isolated” by his mother from the rest of the family by
confining him to his room. After a week , his pocks subsided with some lesions
already developing scabs. It was at this time that two other siblings started
showing the same signs and symptoms he had. Which of the following item
below best describes the disease/etiologic agent of involved in Yoyong’s case?
A. the virus infects only humans
B. the disease is highly contagious
C. both are correct
E. neither one is correct
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p.438
MPL: 0.25
30. Idang is due two deliver in two weeks time. Unfortunately she had premature
labor and deliverered a stillborn baby boy. The baby was autopsied and the one
finding was the presence of cells which look like “owls eye” i.e. cells with large
intranuclear inclusion bodies. The most probable diagnosis is:
A. Congenital measles
B. Congenital rubella
C. Congenital chicken pox
D. congenital cytomegalovirus infection
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 443
MPL: 0.25
31. JR a macho dancer from the red district did not report for work for almost three
days. RJ his friend became worried and went to his place. He found JR with
fever, headache, and feels weak and tired. They went to the clinic and was
found to have enlarged lymph nodes and spleen and slightly icteric conjunctiva.
Blood exam showed large, atypical lymphocytes. The most probable diagnosis
is: A. Cytomegalovirus infectious mononucleosis
B. Infectious mononucleosis
C. Herpes simplex infection
C. Mumps
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 447
MPL: 0.33
32. A 28-year-old woman has recurrent genital herpes. Which of the following about
genital herpes infection is true ?
A. cannot be transmitted in the absence of apparent lesions
B. reactivation of latent virus during pregnancy poses no threat to the
C. can be caused by either herpes simplex type 1 or type 2
D. recurrent episodes are more severe than the primary infection
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 435
MPL: 0.25
33. MR consulted a dermatologist for the small, pink, wart-like lesions on her face,
arms, back and buttocks. The diagnosis given was moluscum contagiosum
infection. Which of the following about this is NOT true?
A. virus has a wide range of host
B. transmission is by direct and indirect contact
C. it is considered a sexually transmitted disease
D. the virus has a DNA genome
Answer: A
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 463
MPL: 0.25
34.Motong is a leukemia patient. He was admitted for post transfusion hepatitis. Test
showed the etiologic agent to be flavivirus. This virus is:
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Hepatitis C
C. Hepatitis E
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p.468
MPL: 1
35. Ferdie was a diagnosed carrier of Hepatitis B. In one of his follow-ups in the
clinic, anti-HBe antibodies were detected in his serum. This means that:
A. he is now developing resistance
B. his HB virus titer is now low
C. it has no meaning
D. a mistake was committed because HBs Ag and anti-HBe do not exist
together in the blood
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 468
MPL: 0.25
36. Lola, a middle-aged woman complained of acute onset fever, and nausea. Her
eyes were “yellow” and she was surprised to see her urine to be dark colored.
She consulted a private clinic and the laboratory test done on her blood was
positive for HAV IgM antibody. What will you tell Lola if you are the physician?
A. That she acquired the disease through sexual contact
B. that probably it was transmitted to her when she had blood
C. to be very careful, because she can transmit the infection to
other members of her family by person-to-person spread
D. that she might develop liver carcinoma in the future
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 483
MPL: 1
37 A young executive from Makati was hospitalized for myopericarditis with mild
congestive heart failure that increases over several weeks. The attending
physician gave a diagnosis of Coxsackie B5 infection. Other than his conditions
what other syndrome/s is/ are associated with this virus?
A. herpangina
B. aseptic meningitis
C. acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis
D. all of the above
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 495
MPL: 0.25
38. After getting his first salary, Bitoy went to the seaside restaurant and feasted on
seafoods, particularly raw oyster with his favorite beer. After 24 hours, he
became ill with sudden onset of vomiting, diarrhea and headache. He consulted
a private clinic and the physician, after thorough examination, ruled out a
bacterial etiology. To him the most probable viral etiologic agent is:
A. Astrovirus
B. Norwalk virus
C. Rotavirus
D. Hepatitis A virus
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 512
MPL: 0.25
42. Melanie is a cook in a small restaurant responsible for the barbecue stand.
Later, because of arthritis she was reassigned to the counter as the one taking
the orders. She noticed that her left hand still showed the blackish discoloration
caused by handling charcoal. She had not noticed it before because after
cooking she does not wash her hand often because of fear of “ pasma”. This
time she used alcohol to clean the discoloration, but to her surprised it had no
effect on the “ dirt.” After trying to remove it to no avail for a week, she decided
to consult a doctor. The diagnosis given was tinea nigra. The etiologic agent of
this is :
A. Hortaea werneckii
B. Cladosporium spp.
C. Trichophyton spp.
D. Exophiala hortai
Answer: A
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 628
MPL: 0.25
43. A group of “ street oldies” were taken to the DSWD. They were given bath, fresh
clothes and something to eat. A medical team was also present who did some
quickie check up on them. One man became the center of attraction of the
doctors and interns because of the presence of soft, yellowish nodules on the
hair of his axilla and beard. The interns thought of them as the eggs and nits of
lice. The were however proven wrong after they had squeezed some of it. The
most likely diagnosis for this is :
A. Black piedra
B. Trichophyton hair infection
C. White piedra
D. Excess soap suds
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 628
MPL: 0.33
44. Vic plays basketball almost everyday after school for the last 6 weeks, until the
vesicular lesions in his both feet particularly in the toe webs became ulcerative
and painful. Also, he gets embarrassed in the shower room because his feet
smell. The obvious diagnosis is athlete’s foot. Three of the following
dermatophytes below are common etiologic agents of athlete’s foot EXCEPT :
A. T.mentagrophytes
B. T. rubrum
C. E. flocossum
D. M. canis
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. pp.631-632
MPL: 0.25
45. RC, a 40-year-old farmer consulted a dermatologist for the multiple sinuses in
his left arm that seem to follow a line. According to him, it started as small
wounds caused by rose’s thorns, when he was pruning the ground roses. The
discharge from the sinuses showed oval budding cells that are variable in shape,
but often fusiform. The discharge was cultured in SAB. Growth in SAB yielded
septate hyphae with small conidia clustered at the tip of conidiophores,
appearing like daisies with stem. The most likely identification of this organism
is: A. Trichophyton mentagrophytes
B. Phialophora species
C. Sporothrix schenckii
D. Cladosporium carrionii
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 632
MPL: 0.25
46. A farmer from Laguna consulted the district hospital for his “ big foot ” with draining
sinuses. He has been with it for almost three years now. He was forced to see
a doctor because he could no longer do his job in the farm. The doctor noted
that black granules are coming out of the sinuses . The most probable diagnosis
A. sporothrichosis
B. mycetoma
C. elephantiasis
D. chromomycosis
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p.636
MPL: 0.5
47.The black granules coming out of the sinuses in the “ big foot” of a farmer are hard
and showed intertwined septate hyphae. Which of the following is the most likely
etiologic agent?
A. Madurella grisea
B. Actinomyces
C. Nocardia spp.
D. Trichophyton rubrum
Answer: A
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 630
MPL: 0.5
48. Jojo a Filipino migrant in California came home for a two-month vacation. He
thought he can relax, but on his second week in the Philippines he had no choice
but to seek medical help for small draining sinus on his left chest at the level of
the axilla. Other symptoms were cough and fever . Examination of the
discharge using 10% KOH showed sac like structure with spore like structures
inside. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Histoplasmosis
B. Coccidioidomycosis
C. Blastomycosis
D. Tuberculosis
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 638
MPL: 0.33
Subject: Microbiology (Bacteriology)
Instruction: Choose the correct answer.
49. An elderly woman with pneumonia developed bloody diarrhea on the 7th hospital
day, accompanied by abdominal cramps and fever. The doctors got worried
because her fever caused by pneumonia had lysed as early as her 3 rd hospital
day. She was immediately placed in the ICU and all antibiotics were stopped.
She has been on ampicillin for 5 days prior to admission and on admission was
started with clindamycin and augmentin Her condition is probably caused by:
A. Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
B. Shigella dysenteriae
C. Clostridium difficile
D. Vibrio parahemolyticus
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 210
MPL: 0.33
50. Severino had an accident that resulted in the amputation of his right leg, two inches
above the knee. About five days post-op, signs of wound infection was evident.
Local wound care was given and the exudate was sent to the lab. The doctors
were willing to wait for the lab results before changing antibiotics. After two days
the culture came with no organism isolated from the specimen as reported. They
suspected anaerobic infection. Anaerobic infection is usually suspected when:
51. George was rushed to the hospital for fever and pain in the right lower abdomen.
Rectal exam was compatible with the diagnosis of appendicitis. He was again
rushed to the operating table because of unstable vital signs. On opening up, he
was found to have a ruptured appendicitis with abscess formation around it. The
exudates later yielded Bacteroides fragilis. Which of the following factors promote
abscess formation by B. fragilis?
A. capsule
B. lipopolysaccharide
C. pili
D. superoxide dismutase
Answer: A
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 309
MPL: 0.33
52. GC, a 20-year-old girl working in the call center, consulted a gynecologist
because of whitish-gray vaginal discharge with a bad odor of about a week
duration. Previous to it, she had several sexual relationships with her boyfriend
of two months. With her condition, she felt guilty and decided to lead a clean life
as soon as the she gets well. The doctor got some fluid from the vaginal canal,
placed some on the slide and some she tested for pH which was 5.5 against the
normal value of 4.5. Wet mount showed many epithelial cells which appear
granular. No PMN was noted. Which of the following is the most likely
A, Trichomonas vaginalis
B. Yeast vaginitis
C. Gonorrhea
D. Bacterial vaginosis
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 316
MPL: 1
53. A 67-year-old man was taken to the ER for difficulty of breathing. He has been
feeling weak since 4 days ago. He has a chronic cigarette cough since he was
in his 40s, but did not bother to see a doctor for his complaints until his son
noticed that he looked worst. On physical examination inspiratory and expiratory
wheezes and rales were noted over the right lower lung . His chest x-ray further
revealed patchy lower right lung infiltrates. The differential diagnosis for this
patient is:
A. Streptococcus pneumoniae
B. Legionella pneumophilia
C. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
D. all of the above
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 318
MPL: 0.25
54. Joe was diagnosed with lung cancer and in his bronchial washing acid-fast bacilli
were seen mixed with the cancer cells. Joe had been given the full short course
of the TB regimen before and so the doctor suspected a drug resistant strain. The
bronchial washing was cultured and it grew orange colored colonies when
exposed to light. The most probable etiologic agent is:
A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
B. Mycobacterium smegmatis
C. Mycobacterium kansasii
D. Mycobacterium avium complex
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 327
MPL: 0.5
55. You are giving lectures to TB patients about the characteristics of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. This is to convince them that they should cover their mouths when
coughing and to avoid spitting in the environment. Which of the following
characteristics should NOT be emphasized to them?
a. The organism is grown in complex media
b. The organism is resistant to drying and survive for long periods in dried
c. The organism is resistant to acid and alkali
d. The organism are found in the droplet nuclei discharge by the infected
Answer: A
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 321
MPL: 0.25
56. A visiting media team conducted the “ search for the child with primary complex ”
in an elementary school in Tanay. After a thorough physical examination, the
children in two grade one sections were skin tested using tuberculin at a dose of
5TU. Which of the following statements on PPD is correct ?
a. The tuberculin skin test becomes positive within 4-6 weeks after primary
b. Immunization with BCG will result in a positive PPD which may last for 3-7
c. Persons who had been PPD positives before but are healthy may fail to
give a positive PPD test when tested again.
d. All are correct
Answer: D
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 323
MPL: 0.25
57. About fifty percent of the grade one students from Barrio Tubibi was found to
have primary tuberculosis. Which of the following features of tuberculosis is
most correct?
A. characterized by acute exudative lesions which rapidly spreads to
the lymphatics and regional lymph nodes
B. all organism are killed when by the immune response that develop
during primary infection
C. It is often accompanied by severe pulmonary edema
D. Caseous materials streaked with blood often are seen in expectorated
Answer: A
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 322
MPL: 1
58. Paul, a 33-year-old lawyer from Ilocos was seen in the OPD with maculopapular
rash over his trunk but not in his mouth or on his palms. He is a bachelor and
travels around the Philippines a lot. The attending doctor’s impression was
secondary syphilis. He ordered RPR test to be done which turns out to be
reactive. Paul was advised to send his serum to a diagnostic test for TPHA or
FTA-ABS test, which later turned out to be positive. Which of the following
diseases can be ruled out ?
A. atypical measles
B. Secondary syphilis
C. Coxsackie virus infection
D. German measles
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. pp.332-333
MPL: 1
59. You Ming, a 14-year-old exchange student from China joined the annual boy’s
scout camping. They stayed in the province for two weeks. On their second
week, You Ming together with some boys went to the forest and came back with
many insect bites. You was so afraid because they even extracted a fat-bellied
tick in his right leg. At the end of the two weeks , he noticed the tick bite to be
reddish but flat. It grew bigger every day, with clearing of the central area. With
the expansion of the lesion was fever, chills, myalgias and headache. At this
point his guardian brought him to the hospital. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. leptospirosis
B. lyme disease
C. Scrub typhus
D. Rat bite fever
Answer: B
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 336
MPL: 0.5
60. An MMDA traffic enforcer was admitted to the hospital for sudden onset of high
fever (39C), headache and pain in his calf muscles. On admission his blood tests
showed, increased PMN, abnormal liver and renal function test . On physical
examination he also had subconjunctival hemorrhage. He also had a history of
wading in the floodwaters of Tondo, about 10 days prior to the illness. The
diagnosis of the attending medical intern was leptospirosis. Which of the following
would be most likely to confirm the diagnosis?
A. Test acute and convalescent sera using the RPR
B. Culture the blood on Thayer Martin agar
C. Test acute and convalescent serum for antileptospiral antibodies
D. Do darkfield examination of serum and urine for leptospires
Answer: C
Reference: Medical Microbiology by Jawetz, 23rd ed. p. 340
MPL: 0.5