Aidans Society Ratification Template
Aidans Society Ratification Template
Aidans Society Ratification Template
3.1.1. Any member of the JCR is entitled to start a society affiliated to the JCR, meaning that it will
be able to use the college name, and apply for funding from the JCR. (see 5.7).
3.1.2. A society may be set up by contacting the JCR President, explaining its proposed activities
and governance. The JCR President shall provide assistance and advice. A motion must then be
passed by a JCR Meeting approving the foundation of the society, its affiliation to the JCR, and its
aims and objectives.
3.1.3. All societies and society standing orders must abide by the Governing Documents of the
JCR. The JCR Chair shall be the final authority on matters of interpretation of society standing
3.1.4. All societies must have a President, who shall be accountable to the JCR Executive
Committee on matters concerning the society. Societies must elect all officers in a free and fair
Society Information
Name of Society:
Aim of society: