Project Free Campus: Realized by Me
Project Free Campus: Realized by Me
Project Free Campus: Realized by Me
Realized by me
Sustainable development provides an approach to making better decisions on the issues that
affect all of our lives, and as a students we have a part of to play,take the relay and make small
actions that add up a real change.
One of the big issues that confront our Campus and all around the world , is the Plastic Issue .
Our project "Plastic free campus" that aims to reduce the amount of
using plastic with a special focus on the reduction and ultimately the elimanition of plastic
bottles , plastic straws and ustensils and plastic food packaging.
By Jessica A. Knoblauch
From cell phones and computers to bicycle helmets and hospital IV bags, plastic has molded
society in many ways that make life both easier and safer. But the synthetic material also has
left harmful imprints on the environment and perhaps human health, according to a new
compilation of articles authored by scientists from around the world.
More than 60 scientists contributed to the new report, which aims to present the first
comprehensive review of the impact of plastics on the environment and human health, and
offer possible solutions.
"One of the most ubiquitous and long-lasting recent changes to the surface of our planet is the
accumulation and fragmentation of plastics," wrote David Barnes, a lead author and researcher
for the British Antarctic Survey. The report was published this month in a theme issue of
Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B, a scientific journal.
As the scrutiny of the environmental toll of plastic increases, so has its usage, the scientists
The amount of plastic manufactured in the first ten years of this century eclipses the total
produced in the entire last century
Since its mass production began in the 1940s, plastic's wide range of unique properties has
propelled it to an essential status in society. Next year, more than 300 million tons will be
produced worldwide. The amount of plastic manufactured in the first ten years of this century
will approach the total produced in the entire last century, according to the report.
"Plastics are very long-lived products that could potentially have service over decades, and yet
our main use of these lightweight, inexpensive materials are as single-use items that will go to
the garbage dump within a year, where they'll persist for centuries," Richard Thompson, lead
editor of the report, said in an interview.
Evidence is mounting that the chemical building blocks that make plastics so versatile are the
same components that might harm people and the environment. And its production and disposal
contribute to an array of environmental problems, too. For example:
Chemicals added to plastics are absorbed by human bodies. Some of these compounds have
been found to alter hormones or have other potential human health effects.
Plastic debris, laced with chemicals and often ingested by marine animals, can injure or
poison wildlife.
Floating plastic waste, which can survive for thousands of years in water, serves as mini
transportation devices for invasive species, disrupting habitats.
Plastic buried deep in landfills can leach harmful chemicals that spread into groundwater.
Around 4 percent of world oil production is used as a feedstock to make plastics, and a
similar amount is consumed as energy in the process.
People are exposed to chemicals from plastic multiple times per day through the air, dust, water,
food and use of consumer products.
For example, phthalates are used as plasticizers in the manufacture of vinyl flooring and wall
coverings, food packaging and medical devices. Eight out of every ten babies, and nearly all
adults, have measurable levels of phthalates in their bodies.
Summary :
Plastic is one one of the most common and convenient materials in society,The use of plastic
is increasingly controversial , however , because of its negative impacts on the environment
and human health. According to Stony Brook University’s sustainability website, each student
produces approximately 640 pounds of solid waste per year, so if the student are aware about
the problem and take initiative to solve it , there will be a big change and a great impact on the
Based on some studies and additionnal research , we present a project that offers effectives
solutions and strategies for plastic redcutions in the campus.
As we know, university restaurants are the biggest consumers of plastic because of their huge
use of plastic dishes, bottles, straws ,etc , thereby creating a substantial amount of trash causing
pollution,consequently we propose to reduce the use of plastic that is passed on to customers
by using biodegradable or recyclable materials , replacing plastic containers with glass and
encouraging customers to return the containers , minimizing unnecessary packaging for take-
away food , and limiting take-away services.
We can also replace plastic products with alternatives made from other materials, such as metal,
paper, glass, wooden, recycled brown butcher paper, etc.
If we offer a reduction for each consumer for returning a plastic product , we will change there
behavior , encourage and boost them to reduce the plastic usage.
Besides the restaurants , the students themselves are responsible of this serious problem. Their
consumption of plastic materials are tremendous and this is reflected in buying water bottles
every time instead of reusing it , leading to the increase of pollution level in campus. We also
noticed at the end of the school year , many students get rid of their material often made of
plastic and that work perfectly, in the trash under the pretext that they cannot bring them home.
Hence , we propose to discuss with the responsable of the campus to implement and setup a
water station all around the campus where the student can fill up their reusable water bottles
for free with the finest tap that the campus has to offer. We can also create a club that collect
the functional items donated by the students . and the club itself donates to people in need .
And like that we are not only helping improving the environment , but we are also giving back
to the community.
SWOT Analysis :
Strenghts Weakness
(environmental benefits, eco-
sustainability, no toxic
Difficulty managing discounts.
Reduction of consumption and
energy savings. Lack of financial resources for
the implementation of the
Involvement of a large part of necessary tools.
the population of Grenoble
(student city) Majority of foreign students
who can not
Cost relatively low in represent the association for a
comparison with its ROI. long time.
In France, Article 75 of August
2015 prohibits fragmentable
plastics which neither
biodegradation nor
compostability is proven.
Opportunities Threats