Express Water - June 2018
Express Water - June 2018
Express Water - June 2018
Neil Viegas
Mayur Sharma*
National Design Editor
Bivash Barua
Assistant Art Director
Prasad Tate
Senior Designer
Gauri Deorukhkar
Dhaval Das
Senior Executive - Online
Pushkar Worlikar
Executive - Online
Is desalination finally the answer to water scarcity in
Salil Sule arid regions of our planet? As the countries are ALL THAT DOES NOT
increasingly depending on seawater desalination to 42 SEWAGE IS AN ASSET, NOT
Santosh Lokare provide drinking water for the fast-growing coastal
Photo Editor population, how big a role will desalination play?
Sandeep Patil
Express Water aims to explore if the right application of URBAN WATER
current and future desalination technologies at the
Kailash Shirodkar 100RC AND NIUA
right place can make this dream come true or not.
Mohan Varadakar 23-33 RESILIENCE IN INDIA
General Manager
Express Water
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WABAG Secures Repeat Order Worth INR 296 Crores from Delhi
Jal Board,and Also Announces FY18 Results
Company’s consolidated revenue is INR 3,457 crores, Profit After Tax (PAT) of INR 132 crores
is up by 28%, and its board recommends a final dividend of 200%.
Mayur Sharma including operation and main- India Cluster, said “We at Managing Director, VA Tech
India tenance for 11 years. The proj- WABAG are excited at the WABAG Ltd, said, “I’m very
ect will be financed by Japan continuous flow of orders. pleased that as a group, we
VA TECH WABAG Limited International Cooperation This repeat order reflects the continue to deliver profitable
has secured an order for INR Agency (JICA). client’s confidence in us and growth consistently. The
296 Crores from Delhi Jal The up-gradation includes our capabilities. This is a testi- order flow momentum which
Board towards rehabilitation WABAG designing and con- mony to the fact that WABAG has picked up recently and
and up-gradation of the 182 structing a Biogas power gen- continues to enjoy the status our favorable positions in
MLD Wastewater Treatment eration unit from sewage, of “Most Preferred Supplier” upcoming jobs in India and
Plant at Rithala under the reducing dependence on the in water and wastewater overseas gives me the confi-
Yamuna Action Plan. The power grid. This is another Rajiv Mittal treatment space.” dence that we will continue to
scope includes design, supply, fine example of promoting the Commenting on this develop- Commenting on company’s grow with a healthy order
construction, commissioning waste-to-energy concept. ment, Pankaj Sachdeva, CEO - annual results, Rajiv Mittal, book and margin expansion.”
Mayur Sharma up at INR 431.1 million against Company to strengthen its tion in Gujarat, which was
India INR 14.4 million in FY 17, working capital management inaugurated by the Hon’ble
reduction in administrative & and larger cash flows will Prime Minister of India. Our
SPML INFRA LIMITED has other expenses from INR make it possible for SPML expertise and proven track
declared the financial results 1,226.4 million in 2016-17 to Infra to complete projects record of developing robust
for the quarter and the finan- INR 762.8 million in 2017-18, within time and budgeted water infrastructure and pro-
cial year ended March 31, 2018. and successfully implemented cost. viding drinking water facili-
The company’s board has S4A scheme. Subhash Sethi, Chairman, ties to over 40 million Indian
approved the Standalone INR 5,469.2 Million debt SPML Infra commented, “Our population have made SPML
Audited Financial Results for has been restructured under journey to provide sustainable Infra among the world’s top 50
the quarter and the financial Subhash Sethi S4A Scheme by a consortium infrastructure with profitable water companies. SPML Infra
year ended 31st March 2018 Financial highlights of the of banks for repayment from growth continues to be our is currently executing about
and declared that the company financial year 2017-18 are: 2023 onward for the next five focus with the consolidation of 40 water supply and power
has recorded gross revenue of standalone EBITDA for FY 18 years. finances and optimization of transmission and distribution
INR 14,117.11 million. The Profit at INR 2,581.9 million against The moratorium on the resources. We completed a projects and we are confident
After Tax (PAT) for the year INR 2,143.18 million in FY 17, interest for the first five years prestigious project for drink- of delivering these projects on
rises to INR 431.16 million. standalone FY 18 Net Profit will make it possible for the ing water supply and irriga- time.”
Fluence Awarded Aspiral™ Wastewater Project H2O Innovation (Piedmont) Positions Itself
in Changping District,Beijing,China Strategicallyon the International
Desalination Market with ISO 9001: 2015
This is the first MABR plant in Beijing area and with its Certification
new local partner Glory Land (Beijing) Science &
Technology Co., Ltd.
EW Staff gically to better meet the
Canada price, quality and delivery
requirements of its interna-
EW Staff works. Once completed, the ing of the rebranding of our H2O INNOVATION INC tional customers. “This certifi-
China plant will be used by the Aspiral family of wastewater recently obtained its ISO cation is part of a positioning
Changping District govern- treatment solutions, it gives 9001:2015 certification, ensur- approach on the international
FLUENCE CORPORATION ment to treat domestic waste- me great pleasure to ing quality management, from desalination market that will
LIMITED has secured a con- water from an innovative announce today that we con- design to manufacturing, of all certainly allow us to adequate-
tract from the Changping underground treatment tinue to make progress on our its products and components ly meet the needs of our large
District government for the installation. growth strategy in China with for water treatment systems. customer base. It is also a pre-
purchase of an Aspiral™ S1 Fluence’s Aspiral™ S1 unit this sale of an Aspiral™ S1 in a This is a major milestone in its requisite for most of the large
smart-packaged MABR-based is designed to treat waste- new province and with a new strategic positioning with the EPCs (Engineering,
solution (formerly known as water to effluent standards partner. We’ve standardized major players of the desalina- Procurement, Construction)
CMABR) for use in a munici- which exceed Class 1A quality features and options of our tion industry. involved in the manufacturing
pal wastewater treatment in order to comply with packaged units that make By 2025, the international of large desalination plants”,
plant. The plant will be locat- Beijing local standards. The these innovative solutions desalination market is expect- stated Ties Venema -
ed in Changping District, unit will treat 20 m3/d (5,000 easy to customize, install, use, ed to reach $27 B, represent- Commercial Director of
Municipality of Beijing, Hebei GPD) and is scheduled to be maintain, and even expand. ing a 103% increase compared Piedmont.
province, China. commissioned as soon as We’re confident that, within to 2016, mainly driven by rapid H2O Innovation has also
This is the first contract October 2018. this family of products, we industrialization, population been awarded five new water
won through Fluence’s new Commenting on this most have a solution to satisfy any growth and depletion of fresh- and wastewater projects in
local partners Glory Land recent award in China, customers’ need for any water bodies. The Middle East North America. These new
(Beijing) Science & Fluence Managing Director & municipal domestic waste- & Africa are the largest mar- contracts, worth $4.1 M, will
Technology Co., Ltd., which CEO Henry Charrabé said: water treatment challenge in kets. This is why Piedmont bring the Corporation’s proj-
will also provide the civil “Following yesterday’s unveil- China.” wants to position itself strate- ect sales backlog to $56.6 M.
EVOQUANamed Companyof the Year byFrost & Sullivan HYFLUX Announces its Exit from the
The distinction follows being named ‘Company of the
Desalination Project in Saudi Arabia
Year’ by GWI last month.
EW Staff of the Kingdom of Saudi
Singapore Arabia, Hyflux was informed by
EW Staff Executive Officer. “We are tomer service.” Additionally, SWCC of its intention to con-
USA proud to be recognized by Frost & Sullivan cited how HYFLUX LTD HAS vert the project into a Build-
Frost & Sullivan for not just Evoqua finds avenues for announced its decision to exit Own-Transfer structure which
EVOQUA WATER our industry leadership but using IoT technology to deliv- from a desalination project in requires Hyflux to inject capital
TECHNOLOGIES has been for the positive impact we er quicker, more efficient the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. to fund the development of
selected as the Water make for our customers each products and services for its Subsequent to its wholly-owned project. In view of the recent
Technology Solutions day as we transform water vast customer base. subsidiary, Hydrochem Saudi developments, Hyflux has
Company of the Year by Frost and enrich life.” Last month, Evoqua also Limited, receiving the Letter of decided not to commit capital
& Sullivan, the leading global In naming Evoqua was named Water Company of Award from the state-owned to this project at this time, and
research and best practices Company of the Year, Frost & the Year by Global Water Saline Water Conversion both SWCC and Hyflux have
firm. Sullivan highlighted Evoqua’s Intelligence (GWI), the lead- Corporation (SWCC) to design, reached mutual agreement to
“At Evoqua, everything we range of technologies and how ing market resource for the build, supply, test and commis- terminate the project. As part
do begins and ends with the company leverages a vast water industry, as part of the sion three seawater reverse of mutual agreement, Hyflux
exceeding the expectations of amount of “experience and Global Water Awards held in osmosis desalination plants in received payment amounting to
our customers,” said Ron industrial know-how to deliver conjunction with GWI’s Global Duba, Wajh and Haql (the USD 3.5 million from SWCC for
Keating, Evoqua Chief top-notch, customizable cus- Water Summit. Project) in the western region work done thus far.
Veolia’s HPD® Black Liquor ACCIONAWins Contract for Operation and Maintenance
Evaporator System Chosen of 16 Wastewater Treatment Plants in Madrid
by Chung Hwa Pulp
The contract awarded by Canal de Isabel II represents
revenues of 24 million euros.
trains (#3 and #4), only train
#3 was modified, adding the
seventh and eight effects, a
parallel second effect and a EW Staff need for traditional secondary settling.
backup condenser. The output Spain Likewise, the WWTP at La Reguera will be
EW Staff of both trains is concentrated equipped with a biogas enrichment process
Taiwan at a new concentrator, inte- ACCIONA AGUA HAS been awarded the con- that works through the anaerobic digestion of
grated on train #3. tract for the operation and maintenance of the sludge, which is later used as biofuel for self-
CHUNG HWA PULP has The project will involve an wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) of consumption or injection into the natural gas
selected Veolia Water additional 80 t/h H2O evapo- Grupo Cuenca Guadarrama, a division of Canal network.
Technologies’ HPD® evapora- ration and a solids increase de Isabel II. It will run for 4 years and came into The cogeneration and biogas enrichment
tor technology to upgrade its from approximately 66% up to effect on 19th April this year. processes will produce around 5,000
Hualien Mill in Taiwan. This 75%. ACCIONA’s proposition represents rev- megawatt-hours a year (MWh) of electricity,
upgrade requires raising the “The optimized OPEX enues (excluding VAT) of 24 million euros. It sufficient to supply a population of around
capacity and Heavy Black offered by Veolia’s solution to will provide a service to a population equivalent 4,000.
Liquor concentration of the Chung Hwa Pulp was ulti- of 2 million people, with a maximum overall Several of the WWTPs in Cuenca
black liquor evaporator trains, mately the difference maker in treatment capacity of 1.75 m3/s and a treated Guadarrama also have tertiary treatment, in
in order to meet the future this project, consolidating flow per year of more than 30.5 million cubic which water goes through different stages
production of fiber line. Veolia’s positioning as an meters. using sand and mesh filters, UV light equip-
The main design require- important partner in the Pulp These plants have biological treatment ment and disinfection with sodium hypochlo-
ments from the client were the & Paper industry” comment- processes for the elimination of nutrients, terti- rite. Through this treatment, 100% self-con-
optimization of the steam con- ed Klaus Andersen, CEO ary treatments and future cogeneration by sumption of industrial water is obtained for the
sumption while making sure Veolia Water Technologies microturbines in the Boadilla WWTP, one of facilities and to cover the sending of regenerat-
not to overload the existing Americas. the facilities. There is also a new WWTP at ed water to Boadilla and Móstoles for watering
equipment and with minimal Chung Hwa Pulp produces, Arroyo Valenoso, which has ultrafiltration tech- parks and gardens.
interaction with the existing sells, and trades in pulp and nology with membrane bioreactors, whose With this new contract, ACCIONA Agua
plants. paper products primarily in application allows the separation of sludge also consolidates its O&M leadership position
Of the two evaporation Taiwan, and mainland China. through the filtering process, removing the in the Region of Madrid.
Alfa Laval
Alfa Laval is now
expanding its range of Wilo’s vision for opments in motor and medium-sized pumping sta-
the UltraPure a smart sewage hydraulics technology and tions, both in wet well and dry
Pharmaceutical pump station is a offer integrated control intelli- well installation. Using the inte-
Pumps with an even solution that gence. Other features of the grated web-server, the Rexa
larger selection. offers outstand- Nexos Intelligence are the SOLID-Q is controlled and
Whether a pharma- ing operational intelligent energy-efficiency monitored via the network
ceutical or biotech reliability, energy optimization function and the interface or directly via the
process requires a efficiency and highly sophisticated clogging externally connected touch
centrifugal or PD (positive displacement) pump, the connectivity. detection function. panel. The system interface is
complete range of Alfa Laval UltraPure pumps cov- These mod- The Wilo-Rexa SOLID-Q conveniently accessible via a
ers virtually any pharma or biotech need. The ules are the sewage pump was designed for web browser and supports all
expanded UltraPure range includes the newly latest devel- conveying untreated sewage in operating systems.
released Alfa Laval LKH Prime UltraPure, a greater
selection of well-known Alfa Laval LKH UltraPure,
the new Alfa Laval SX UltraPure and the streamlined American Public Works Association to identify and a better sand velocity distribution than conven-
high-performance Alfa Laval Solid-C UltraPure. “reclaimed” water line components and was adopted tional sand filters. With a non-metal tank and use of
Designed for the demands of pharmaceutical and in 1980 by the AWWA California-Nevada Section for materials that are resistant to chemicals and corro-
biotech industries, the UltraPure range of pumps reclaimed water pipelines. sion it also offers lower operational and maintenance
offer features that can help to optimize production. costs.
Opto 22
Fluence Corporation Opto 22 has released PAC Project Software Suite Schaeffler
R10. This release supports their new groov EPIC®
system, adds eight new control commands, and pro-
vides the ability to
designate individ-
ual I/O and vari-
able tags as
Public Access for
read-only or read-
write use in IIoT
data communica- Schaeffler is introducing advanced new condition
Fluence has unveiled its Aspiral™ family of decen- tions via monitoring technologies to Australasia, which are
tralized, smart packaged wastewater treatment solu- setting new benchmarks for predictive maintenance
tions, based on its innovative Membrane Aerated MQTT/Sparkplug. PAC Project Professional adds an of rotating equipment such as pumps, fans, and elec-
Biofilm Reactor (MABR) technology. Fluence MABR OPC server, database connectivity, PC-based control tric motors. The new globally proven technologies,
is a spirally wound, self-respiring membrane that configuration and support for legacy Opto 22 I/O including the latest evolutions of Schaeffler’s
provides aeration for the wastewater process and units. The Pro version sells for just under USD 1000. SmartQB and SmartCheck condition monitoring
functions as the biological reactor. The Aspiral™ L3, The suite’s control programming software, PAC systems were featured at this year’s Hannover Messe
which treats up to 300 m3/day (80,000 GPD) of raw Control, is full-featured and easy to use, with more exhibition along with a whole host of digitalization
municipal wastewater, is equipped with all internal than 450 commands in plain English, plus graphical and cloud-based technologies that harness the
air and wastewater piping and arrives ready for fast PID tuning and debugging. The most important new advantages of industry 4.0.
installation and start-up. The Aspiral™ S1 and M2 feature with this new release is support for groov
models treat up to 50 m3/day (14,000 GPD) and 115 EPIC.
m3/day (30,000 GPD) of raw municipal wastewater, SUEZ
respectively, and include internal clarifiers, integral To help oil and gas producers scavenge sour gas
pre-treatment screen and arrive fully equipped and Paques effectively, SUEZ has formulated a new version of its
ready for fast installation and start-up. Paques has launched a new version of the Astrasand ProSolv HS line to effectively scavenge H2S without
sand filter: the ASTRASAND®COMPAQT. This fil- phase separation upsets that affect water quality or
ter, which is 30% lower than the original version with salt in the condensate. ProSolv HS is a non-nitrogen-
Mueller Water Products the same filtration process, is based based chemistry that does not impact downstream
Mueller® Resilient Wedge on the reliable continuous sand fil- refining processes. It is safer to deploy compared to
Gate Valves now have an tration technology that has been nitrogen-containing scavengers, which adversely
option for a purple pentagon- proven in the last 35 years. The impact refining processes with the formation of salts
shaped wrench nut, intended reduction of height leads to a 20% and costly corrosion. The new ProSolv HS is formu-
for reclaimed water service saving on energy, it makes the filter lated specifically to address sour gas production con-
installations. This wrench nut easier implementable on existing ditions. The product can scavenge H2S levels to cus-
introduces two distinguishing sites and it is even possible to place tomer target KPIs without impacting process PH.
features: a unique shape it inside. ASTRASAND®COM- This means no costly scale buildup occurs. It can be
requiring a special key for PAQT can be utilized for many a game changer for the customers that now can effec-
improved security and a pur- types of wastewater, with unit capacity varying from tively utilize produced water without further treat-
ple finish to quickly identify only a few to several thousand m3/hour. The highly ment and are able to sell gas condensates with the
reclaimed water. Purple is recognized by the efficient and reliable system offers a short lead time correct salt level and sales specifications.
focusing on different environ- ple. Only about 10% of domes- important region for Vietnam.
mental issues, including water tic wastewater and about 25% The Mekong River delta pro-
and environment. Right now of industrial wastewater is duces more than 50% of our
[at ANU] we’re doing some treated before being dis- rice, and Vietnam is a big rice
research on water issues in charged into the rivers. exporter - the second or third
Vietnam and solutions to Polluted wastewaters have biggest in the world.
those issues. caused big costs in the rivers In short, water scarcity
Vietnam is facing many and lakes surrounding the big and water pollution, exacer-
water challenges. First: water cities and industrial zones. bated by climate change, are
quantity, water scarcity. And they have damaged the posing great risks to
Although Vietnam receives health and livelihoods of mil- Vietnam’s economic develop-
around 2000 mm of rainfall on lions of people who depend on ment and the livelihoods of
average per year, water avail- the water. millions of people in Vietnam.
ability is highly seasonal and Both water scarcity and
unevenly distributed across pollution are being exacerbat- What has the Vietnam Gov-
the country. Water scarcity ed by climate change. As we ernment done to help re-
has become very severe in know, Vietnam is one of the solve these water issues?
many parts of the country. five countries most affected Dr. Thang: Yes, the
For example, in the by climate change. Further, Government of Vietnam has
Mekong Delta and central these issues are being made been aware of the issues and is
highlands in 2016, there was a worse by the development of trying to address them. The
severe drought. It caused loss- hydropower upstream. Law on Water Resources was
es of US$700 million and One study estimates that a promulgated in 2012. The Law
affected more than two mil- sea-level rise of 1 m by the end on Environmental Protection
lion people just in that year. of this century could displace was issued in 2014, addressing
Another reason for water about 11% of Vietnam’s popu- water resources management,
scarcity is Vietnam’s growing lation, mainly in the Red River governance, water environ-
population - over 90 million delta in the north and in the mental regulations, and
people now - with associated Mekong River delta in the enforcement. Those laws pro-
rapid industrialization and south, and among people liv- vide a legal basis to address
urbanization. The groundwa- ing along the coast. Vietnam’s the water scarcity and pollu-
ters are being exploited, and coastline is more than 3000 tion. The government also
we are facing issues with com- km long, and lots of people in issued a National Action Plan
peting water users in agricul- that coastal area will be affect- on Climate Change, and that
ture, industry, households and ed by a rise in sea-levels strategy also addresses and
the environment. They are all through climate change. details water issues. Many
competing for the same water On top of that climate measures have been taken to
sources. change impact, recently address the water issues.
The question is: How much Vietnam has suffered from
water should be allocated for severe typhoons and storm Do you think Vietnam
Please tell us a bit about Visiting Fellow at the what purposes? That is a very surges as well as other could learn anything from
yourself, and the current Crawford School of Public hard decision to make. extreme weather events such Australia?
important water chal- Policy at the Australian There are also water quali- as drought and flash floods. Dr. Thang: Yes, Australia
lenges in Vietnam. National University in ty issues, and they also are The cost last year is estimated is well known internationally
Dr. Thang: It’s my great Canberra Australia. I have being caused by urbanization at around US$1.7 billion. for the ways it has been deal-
pleasure to share some of my worked for more than 20 and industrialization. These are enormous costs ing with water issues - and
understanding and knowledge years for the Ministry of Vietnam is facing serious and impacts, and they are hav- particularly water scarcity. I
about water issues in Natural Resources and water pollution now. ing serious effects in the think Vietnam can learn a lot
Vietnam. I’m currently a Environment in Vietnam, Let me give you an exam- Mekong River delta - a very from Australia’s experience,
especially in relation to three relation to water issues? community first will depend have, by some people from allocation that I mentioned
key issues. Dr. Thang: It is interest- on the purpose of your work. outside. That is because of our earlier. If you are interested in
First, river basin manage- ing: gender is mentioned in But either way, it is very quite rapid development and public participation, you may
ment. In Vietnam, the need for many matters, including important to get to know now our overseas trade. These like to help get civil society
management of river basins water issues, in Vietnam. them, to get them to be your people know what needs to be
has been discussed for quite a Women have a very important friends, to build relationships. done: it is just a matter of how
while. The government issued role in daily household deci- And then you move on to to apply that theory in prac-
a decree on river basin man- sion-making, especially on the second part, which is get- tice. Vietnam is a developing
agement about 10 years ago, water. We have run some proj- ting to know the issues that country, so a lot of issues need
but so far no organization for ects assisting women – wives are being worked on at the to be addressed at the same
interprovincial river basin and mothers – to raise aware- time. For example, the time. Which one should be Only about 10% of
management has been estab- ness of water use within their Government might be looking addressed first? If you come
lished. It is very difficult to local communities, and cam- to frame policy and effect pol- into Vietnam from outside
manage water running paigns to make people more icy in terms of water gover- and try to help, please accept wastewater and
through many provinces, so I aware of how to protect water nance. If you know what they that. It is not that the people
think Vietnam can learn from resources: not to contaminate are working on and are famil- in the water sector don’t
about 25% of
the example and lessons the water resource; not to iar with that issue yourself, understand, nor that they industrial
learned in Australia in the waste water; and so on. The then you can work with them don’t have the knowledge. wastewater is
Murray-Darling Basin, and role of women in this is highly and assist them - maybe pro- However, they could use
the computer model for river regarded and very important, pose a solution or help in external assistance and advice treated before
basin management. I think it’s both at the household level other ways to find an answer. in applying their knowledge, being discharged
fair to say we could learn from and in whole communities. The local community may and they might welcome some
both the successes and the I’m hopeful and positive have a different issue. It might objective views on how to into the rivers.
failures of the model. that if we pay more attention be lack of funding to build address the issues. If you have Polluted
A second lesson we can to the gender issue, and social their own water treatment that kind of understanding, I
learn from Australia is about inclusion, and involve women plant, or changing people’s think you could help them to wastewaters have
the legal reformation of water more in water governance, behavior in terms of saving work more efficiently. Twenty caused big costs in
and the environment’s share, then we can have better water, or not polluting the or 30 years ago they may not
meaning that the environment results. rivers, and so on. Once you have known what to do, but the rivers and lakes
has a legal right to receive Right now, Vietnam is try- know what they really need, now it’s more a matter of surrounding the big
water. In Vietnam, that has ing to promote the participa- then that would be very help- needing to know where to
not been explicitly mentioned, tion of women in governance ful for them and for you. start, and how to prioritize the cities and industrial
nor properly provided for. We in many areas. We are aiming So, the first thing is build- issues...and how to apply theo- zones.
still have a lot of water pollu- to raise the percentage of ing connections, and then get- ry in practice.
tion, and many environmental women officials in various ting to know the issues they There are no specific areas
issues because of lack of departments, in the national are facing, and then working that young water profession- involved in water governance,
water, lack of environmental assembly, and in local people’s with them. als should focus on more than or to try to convince different
flows. councils. People care about Vietnam has quite a few others because Vietnam has stakeholders - government,
The third point where I this and are trying to bring in external water consultants many, many issues. I think industry, agricultural industry
think Vietnam can learn from the local participation of from other countries, not just you, as a young professional, and local community - to work
Australian experience is in women. Australia. They come to work should focus on what interests together. There are many
value-based water allocation. with the local people because you. If you are an engineer you options.
As I mentioned earlier, right Do you have any tips for the demand to address water may be most enthusiastic The Australian Water
now we are facing issues of water practitioners inter- issues is increasing. about technological and engi- Partnership (AWP) is an
water allocation for different ested in going to work in I think right now that the neering solutions. If you are Australian Government devel-
competing uses, such as Vietnam, or advice on spe- local start-ups in Vietnam learning or want to apply eco- opment initiative enhancing the
industry and the natural envi- cific areas young water have good knowledge - better nomics, you could help with sustainable management of
ronment. We need informa- professionals should focus than they were thought to the issue of value-based water water across the Indo-Pacific.
tion about the values of water on?
resources and the values of Dr. Thang: For someone
different uses so that we can who hasn’t been to Vietnam, Dr. Thang Nam Do is a visiting fellow at focal point of ASEAN Working Group on
allocate water to maximize there will be many things they the Crawford School of Public Policy, Environmentally Sustainable Cities, and
social benefit and social wel- need to know and would like Australian National University, following national focal point of Water Environment
fare. Which use has the high- to know when they go there to over 20 years working with Vietnam Ministry Partnership for Asia (WEPA). He has led
est value? Which one needs work. But the most important of Natural Resources and Environment. He research projects on water environmental
more water? We need scientif- part is to get to know people has served as the Ministry’s Deputy Director management for river basins, reviewing envi-
ic evidence and also data to because without knowing the General of International Cooperation, Global ronmental economic instruments for revision
help in the policy-making people without having a net- Environment Facility (GEF) Operational of the Law on Environmental Protection
process for water allocation. work, it’s very difficult to work Focal Point, member of GEF public involve- 2014, assessing environmental co-benefits of
We lack fundamental data: in Vietnam. ment policy review panel, Asia and the climate change mitigation policy, pollution
both biophysical data and eco- By ‘people’ I mean every- Pacific’s representative at the GEF7 replen- damage, and national park valuation. In addi-
nomic data on water use. one: government officials, ishment discussions, national focal point of tion, he has acted as a resource person for
local state people, local com- Clean Technology Fund, Chair of Association various regional and national environmental
How are ‘gender equality’ munity - everyone. Whether of Southeast Nations Association (ASEAN) policy issues, including water environmental
and ‘social inclusion’ seen you decide to approach the Working Group on Climate Change, national management and sustainable cities.
in Vietnam, especially in government first or the local
resources by strengthening water facility in Woonsocket modular drinking water pro- tract provides for the con-
the network performance, (Rhode Island). This $43m duction units. struction of a wastewater
thanks to AQUADVANCED® project is part of the munici- With a total production treatment plant and a sewer
solutions. pality’s comprehensive plan to capacity of 92,000 m3/day, network.
In the Recycling and improve its water quality. these units will supply 18 Commenting on the first-
Recovery Europe division, the SUEZ will operate this new cities across 17 regions. quarter 2018 results, Chief
Group will manage the public water treatment plant for 20 In Asia, the City of Executive Officer Jean-Louis
service concession contract in years. Coimbatore in India also Chaussade said: “Growth has
Ardèche (France) for a new On the same continent, the awarded SUEZ the manage- accelerated at SUEZ in both
waste-to-energy and material Group won its first contract in ment and the operation of the revenue and profitability.
recovery facility. El Salvador to renovate the drinking water distribution First-quarter financial results
This new 20-year contract, system for the entire city to are therefore fully in line with
worth a total of €80m, will ensure a 24/7 supply of water our annual targets, which we
include the design, construc- Q1 2018 Results: to its 1.6 million inhabitants. now reiterate. Our efforts to
Jean-Louis Chaussade, CEO, SUEZ tion, and management of this • Revenue: €4,058m, up This 26-year, nearly €400m integrate and extract syner-
future recovery facility, which +13.8% at constant project is SUEZ’s largest gies within WT&S are already
IN THE FIRST QUARTER, is expected to be commis- exchange rates drinking water services man- yielding results and confirm
SUEZ accelerated its growth sioned in the spring of 2020. • EBIT: €289m, up +10.2% agement contract in this coun- the expected value creation
by renewing and winning a The Group also strength- at constant exchange try. path. The operational trends
number of contracts across all ened its presence in England, rates The Group was awarded for this division are also well
its activities and regions. in the county of Devon when it • Net debt: €8,817m; net the contract for the extension on track. The significant 30%
In the Water Europe divi- won the contract to build a debt / EBITDA ratio at of the drinking water produc- growth in the backlog during
sion, the Durance Ventoux transfer center and treat 3.3x tion plant in Medan, the third the quarter bolsters the busi-
Water Authority chose SUEZ 46,000 tons of household largest city in Indonesia. The ness’s growth potential.
to manage its drinking water waste from two districts, as extension of this build-oper- Lastly, SUEZ is fully commit-
service and deploy 57,000 well as six recycling centers. Las Pavas drinking water ate-transfer contract for 25 ted to implementing the
"On'Connect" smart meters in This 10-year contract worth treatment plant in San Pablo years, worth €191m, provides action plan presented at the
28 cities. about €68m may be extended Tacachico and secure the for the funding, construction, start of the year, which is also
The urban community for five years. water supply for the popula- operation, and transfer of two based on accelerating the
Paris-Saclay also entrusted Abroad, SUEZ also won in tion. additional water production Group’s transformation,
the water management for 12 the United States, alongside In Africa, SUEZ and the units for the Medan plant. strengthening profitable
years, with a 15-year water its partners AECOM Ivory Coast's Ministry of In Vietnam, the Group just growth in France, growing the
supply agreement. Alongside Technical Services and C.H. Economic Infrastructure won the sanitation contract business internationally and
local teams, SUEZ will pre- Nickerson, the design and the signed a €19m contract to sup- for Vi Thanh, in the south of everywhere, and expanding
serve the territory's water construction of the drinking ply and install 40 compact the country. This €9.5m con- the savings measures.”
Bank forecasts that water breakthrough technologies neering, instrumentation and
availability in cities could and quality control to solve controls, and electrical engi-
decline by as much as two various water and environ- neering allows UEM to deliv-
thirds by 2050. mental problems. Today UEM er, not just the institutional
Technology can play a pivotal role in solving
Some 80 percent of waste- is completely owned by the knowledge UEM has gained in water pollution problem and replenishing the
water is discharged untreated Toshiba Group with Toshiba designing over 350 projects, water supply. UEM, a Toshiba group
into the environment and acquiring 100% stake in UEM but also suggest the best
water-related disasters on 20th March 2018. With its CAPEX and OPEX ratio solu-
company, provides a complete one-stop
account for 90 percent of the existing offices in the USA, tion, based on client’s require- solution from engineering and design to
1,000 most devastating natu- Trinidad and Tobago, Oman, ments. construction, installation, operation and
ral disasters since 1990. Headquarters in India and a
According to a recent report recently established office in Projects in the Municipal
maintenance of water and wastewater
on wastewater collection and the Philippines and a strength Sector treatment facilities.
treatment in urban India, only of approximately 800 employ- • 14 MLD Sewage Treatment
about 30% of wastewater was ees, UEM is steadily increas- Plant Allahabad for UPJN, Koichi Matsui
being treated to some level. ing its global footprint. where using the proven Chairperson and Managing Director of UEM India.
Anglian Water is the
largest water and wastewater
company in England and
Wales by geographic area.
Aquam will provide hydrant
and standpipe services to over
1,000 companies operating
the utility’s potable water net-
work assets in the north and
east of England.
Aquam, which has its UK
headquarters in Manchester,
currently provides standpipe
and management services to
12 water companies in
England and Wales.
High-Quality Branded Standpipes can be Provided to Companies and Aquam Corp is a global Tim Bowen, Managing Director of Aquam, Says the Company’s Focussed
Organizations Authorized to Operate within Anglian Water’s Network provider of technology solutions Approach to Standpipe Management Benefits Utilities.
for water and energy distribu-
ANGLIAN WATER HAS effects that can cause leaks tion infrastructure. We ensure Ltd became the ultimate parent works. This is around a quarter
awarded the management of and bursts. the health, longevity, safety, and company of the group. It sup- of all those in England and
its third-party standpipes to Malcolm Holmes, reliability of vital resources for plies water and water recycling Wales. It borrows water from
Aquam, a global provider of Restoration Innovation & water & gas utility, municipal, services to more than six million the environment, stores it and
risk mitigation technologies Development Manager at commercial, residential and domestic customers in the east of treats it to world-class stan-
for water and energy trans- Anglian Water comments: industrial markets. Our award- England and Hartlepool. It is dards to supply safe drinking
mission and distribution “We are looking forward to winning proprietary technolo- the largest water and water water to 4.3 million customers in
assets. The agreement began working with Aquam, to train gies address water scarcity recycling company in England towns and villages from
on 1 April 2018 and will initial- existing and new operators, issues by the diagnosis, cleaning, and Wales by geographic area. Grimsby in the north east of our
ly operate for a three-year reduce the risk of illegal and remediation of aging infra- It operates 1,257 water and region to Milton Keynes at its
period. standpipe use and to continue structure. Aquam also provides water recycling treatment south-western tip.
The award includes the to provide an uninterrupted end-to-end service solutions and
provision of high-quality water supply to our cus- technologies for the mainte-
branded standpipes and tomers.” nance, life extension and full
bespoke calm network keys to Tim Bowen, Aquam’s rehabilitation of network distri-
companies and organizations Managing Director said, “I’m bution infrastructure, which I am delighted that we have the opportunity
authorized to operate within delighted that we have the include: Nu Flow Technologies, to partner with Anglian Water in this critical
Anglian Water’s network. opportunity to partner with a leader in small-diameter area.Aquam brings a focussed approach to
Aquam will also ensure all Anglian Water in this critical infrastructure rehabilitation
network operators in the area. Aquam brings a technologies; Specialized Pipe standpipe management which greatly
region are aware of regulatory focussed approach to stand- Technologies (SPT), a pipe benefits the many utilities using the service.
requirements and undertake pipe management which assessment & rehabilitation We can help tackle illegal use of the network
the company’s e-learning greatly benefits the many util- services provider; Aquam Pipe
course on the safe operation of ities using the service.” Diagnostics, a global pipeline and water theft, improve hydrant operation
water hydrants. “We can help tackle illegal assessment specialist. Aquam technique and reduce the number of pipe
Aquam’s Calm Network use of the network and water services are available in North bursts and water discoloration events.This
Training is accredited by the theft, improve hydrant opera- America, South America,
Institute of Water and is tion technique and reduce the Europe, Africa, Australasia and means much less disruption to customers
designed to educate operators number of pipe bursts and the Middle East. and communities and a lower risk of
on the safe hydrant use, valves water discoloration events. Anglian Water Group is regulatory penalties for our utility clients.
and pumps are operated. This means much less disrup- owned by a consortium of
Research shows that incor- tion to customers and commu- investors. When AWG was Tim Bowen
rect operation of the network nities and a lower risk of regu- acquired by the AWG investors Managing Director, Aquam
is a major cause of the surge latory penalties for our utility in 2006, Anglian Water Group
upgrade their plants. for a quick and accurate design and performance of an
design of the complete desali- IX plant. It helps to simulate
Improve the Ecobalance of nation system. Further, it the influence on performance
Water Treatment allows for dimensioning of IX and quality at different
The intuitive design soft- and RO systems under a vari- parameters like salinity and
ware LewaPlus is a compre- ety of system configurations, ionic composition of the water,
hensive tool for planning and including some unique temperature, organic load,
designing an industrial water process configurations only throughput, and type of resin.
treatment system and allows available with Lewatit® and
the dimensioning of ion Lewabrane® product technol- Reverse Osmosis Processes
exchange- and reverse osmo- ogy. This innovative design & Functionalities
sis systems for a for a wide software is supported in 11 The Reverse Osmosis mod-
variety of unique system con- languages. ule calculates the design and
THE SPECIALTY CHEMI- designs that not only treat the figurations, including several performance of an RO plant
CALS corporation LANXESS purified stream of water, but one-of-a-kind process configu- Ion Exchange Processes & for brackish and seawater
has made further enhance- also the so-called retentate. rations that can only be Functionalities applications. It helps to simu-
ments to its LewaPlus soft- As a result, environmentally- achieved with Lewatit and Various processes that late the influence on perform-
ware for designing water friendly overall concepts can Lewabrane product technolo- cover most of the usual water ance and quality at different
treatment systems. With this be calculated in order to sig- gy. treatment applications are parameters like temperature,
2.0 release, users now have nificantly reduce the volume Numerous modules are included to calculate the salinity and salt passage.
the unique ability to combine of wastewater produced in available for the calculation of
per drag and drop different practice,” Lipnizki adds. every step of the water treat-
technologies in one design. The modules can be added ment process. As a result, Key Features
“Because modules can be to a project via drag and drop users can precisely plan • Not cloud-based which makes the software also available
added to a project via drag - even retrospectively in a important factors such as offline and guarantees data security
and drop, LewaPlus 2.0 is now later stage of the process. This operating costs, power con- • Compatible with Linux and Mac OS X
even more intuitive to use is helpful if the system design- sumption, and water quality. • Portable software version with complete functionality
than existing programs on the er decides to add pretreat- One module can even be used available that doesn’t require any Windows administrative
market,” emphasizes Dr. Jens ment of feed during the design to model a CCRO system rights for installation
Lipnizki, Head of Technical process, for example. (closed circuit reverse osmo- • A single water analysis data entry screen, with RO scaling
Marketing Membranes at Compared to previous ver- sis). This helps to enhance the calculations, suitable for both IX and RO applications
LANXESS. sions, the software can now ecobalance of water treat- • Clear interface, reliable and quick results of the calculation
show all of the selected mod- ment through the use of either • Design flexibility: Parameters can be widely modified and
A Focus on User-Friendli- ules in a combined PDF ZLD (zero liquid discharge) or values outside the recommended borders are highlighted
ness report. A list of links to the MLD (minimal liquid dis- • Comprehensive output of IX and RO system design param-
Now users can seamlessly respective modules, which charge) treatment processes. eters and effluent (permeate) quality in an easy to manip-
simulate complex plant can be individually renamed, ulate printed output
designs including a combina- helps the user to navigate LEWAPLUS® Design • Product scout tool to allow a proper selection of the right
tion of several treatment steps through the PDF quickly and Software for RO And IX resin or membrane type
in a single design process. The easily. The LewaPlus® design • Direct access to technical documentation: Complete set of
water analysis calculated by In addition, the new ver- software is unique in the technical data sheets and material safety datasheets (only
the individual modules is auto- sion also offers a product find- water treatment industry. It is IX) for all Lewatit® and Lewabrane® products as well as
matically taken over as feed to er. It enables LewaPlus users a free, comprehensive soft- technical service bulletins e.g. on membrane fouling, mem-
the subsequent module. to identify which Lewatit and ware design tool for Ion brane cleaning or system troubleshooting
During the design process, the Lewabrane quality products Exchange Resin (IX) and • Regular updates to ensure keeping the software up-to-date
user can change the design of they can use instead of con- Reverse Osmosis (RO) mem- and further improving its functionality with new features
the system via drag and drop. ventional ion exchange resin brane systems. The RO per- • Data exchange to technical LANXESS experts for opti-
“With LewaPlus 2.0, calcu- types and reverse osmosis meate can be seamlessly mization and final check of your calculation.
lations can be made for membrane elements to transferred to the IX module
Is desalination finally the answer to water
scarcity in arid regions of our planet? As the
countries are increasingly depending on
seawater desalination to provide drinking
water for the fast-growing coastal
population, how big a role will desalination
play? Express Water aims to explore if the
right application of current and future
desalination technologies at the right place
can make this dream come true or not.
SINCE INCEPTION SEAWA- in Figure 1, there has been a One may ponder, “If the oped Adaptive Desalination Variable Demand
TER desalination has now tremendous improvement in components in SWRO are Technology (ADT) an advanced An important factor of
grown into a reliable infrastruc- SWRO energy efficiency, how- approaching best efficiencies SWRO process technology that desalination economics is water
ture that provides fresh water ever, arguably the energy con- where are the losses?” Well, reduces the energy consump- demand. The desalination
for drinking, municipal and sumption has hit an asymptote approximately 40% of the losses tion in desalination by changing industry currently faces the
industrial purposes to millions for the last decade with the are process-losses. In other the process design to reduce challenge of variable demand
around the world. components approaching peaks words, even if the components SWRO energy consumption by for water at several timescales.
The breakthrough in the use of their efficiency. Energy con- were ideal (100% efficiency) the up to 30%- tackling the stub- Variability is often caused by
of polymer films for separating sumption still is the achilleas energy consumption would be born process design which has- climate conditions (droughts
salt from water in the early heel of desalination, contribut- approximately 1.56 kWh/m3. n’t advanced since the 1960s. and rainy seasons), industrial
1960sled to the commercializa- ing to 40-60% of ownership The remaining 0.40 kWh/m3 is Utilizing more efficient process process requirements, and pub-
tion of membrane-based desali- costs for a desalination plant. the loss in the process design designs, ADT can approach lic water consumption (variable
nation - seawater reverse osmo- Theoretical minimum for itself, i.e. how the components practical specific energies of 1.5 needs from a large group of end
sis (SWRO). SWRO’s ability to SWRO is set by the thermody- are arranged and operated. The kWh/m3, by reducing the irre- users). When designing a
desalinate at lower energy con- namic minimum work required process design of SWRO hasn’t versible process losses. Pani desalination plant for variable
sumption made the technology to separate 50% of fresh water changed since the 1960s, when Energy is currently bringing demand, the plant must be
quickly dominate the industry. from 1 m3 of ocean water, at Sidney Loeb implemented the the technology to the market oversized to accommodate a
With further improvements around 1.05 kWh/m3. Simple first desalination plant in and retrofitting existing desali- high peak water production,
in the formulation, manufactur- calculations can show the effi- Coalinga, California. nation plants. even if the average water
ing procedures, high-efficiency ciency of desalination to be at Pani Energy (where 'Pani' Pani is bringing ADT to demand is relatively low. This
turbo-machinery, and isobaric around 50% at best, without stands as the Hindi language market in India and is set to leads to desalination plants
pressure exchanger, the specific including the energy consump- word for 'Water') is a Canadian truly outperform current being underutilized and capaci-
desalination boundaries. ADT ty being idled. As shown from a
uses novel plant operational study done at the Pacific
methodologies and intelligent Institute in California for a 50
algorithms for process design MLD, reduction in production
and control, allowing Pani directly increases the levelized
Energy to upgrade existing RO costs of fresh water, shown in
plants to ADT. The company is Figure 2.
excited to expand its operations For example, only 60-70% of
internationally this year, help- the cumulative desalination
ing desalination plants world- capacity is utilized in Algeria
wide reduce their energy con- due to seasonal variability.
sumption and operational costs Additionally, many plants
with simple upgrades and quick around the world are built for
project paybacks. water security to meet water
needs during extreme droughts.
Current and Growing Chal- Australia responded to its
lenges with Desalination millennium drought by con-
It is well known that desali- structing six mega-scale desali-
nation is as much a game of nation plants. After subsequent
energy as it is a game of water. rainfall, two of these plants
A holistic challenge with desali- (Sydney and Gold Coast) were
Figure 1 nation is the variability in mothballed, and two (Victoria
demand and electricity prices, and Adelaide) are on standby
energy consumption of SWRO tion required for pre-treatment, technology company spun out i.e. keeping the best-case opera- producing close to their mini-
has reduced from 16 kWh/m3 in post-treatment and other addi- of the research from the tional cost economics true with mum production capacity
1970 to around 2 kWh/m3 in tional energy associated with University of Victoria in variable utilization and electric- because their expensive opera-
2015 (50% recovery). As shown chemical consumption. Canada. Pani Energy has devel- ity prices. tion limits their usefulness as a
base-load water resource. cle, “...desalination plant opera- winter. Simulated energy sav- adapting but tackling the ener- effort. Even with strong water
tors will need to confront this ings (green) are achieved in the gy consumption problem head- reuse efforts, desalination
Variable Electricity Pricing (variability in electricity pric- spring and summer when pro- on. requirements will continue to
Currently, some plants must ing). It will no longer be possible duction is low by utilizing ADT. grow, and the technology will
deal with variable electricity to ignore the power demand Figure 4 shows a broader Conclusion become an integral part of our
prices as the utility company risk and ask for a pass-through look at the market with a top- India’s current seawater water infrastructure. Global
down analysis of some other desalination capacity is around Water Intelligence predicts that
plants in the USA, Algeria, and 1.4 million m3/day, which con- by 2050 almost 4.8 billion peo-
Spain. The blue area represents sumes around 2.3 TWh of elec- ple will suffer water stress and
utilization and grey represents tricity annually. For comparison most of them will depend on
the potential cost savings with Jamaica’s electricity consump- desalination for their water
an ADT retrofit. Bottom line is tion in 2014 was around 2.8 supply.
that ADT can result in signifi- TWh. India, with a major fossil Policy makers and owners of
cant savings on operational fuel infrastructure, emits desalination plants should
costs and reduce the levelized around 0.85 kg of CO2 per kWh proactively focus on sustainable
cost of water for many plants of electricity generated. Based desal practices that not just
globally. on this high-level analysis, quench our current thirst but
Depending on the water net- India’s seawater desalination solidifies a low-carbon water
work, in some cases an internal industry accounts for 2.38 mil- future.
I founded Pani Energy to do
our part in making cleaner and
efficient desalination technolo-
Figure 2 gies more economical, and I am
certain that the Indian govern-
tries to balance electricity sup- on the energy costs. Plants will ment will reciprocate with
ply and demand. As variable have to be built to take it into favorable regulations to encour-
electricity supply from renew- account - and take advantage of age adoption of cleaner and sus-
able energy becomes more it.” Turning variability in pro- tainable technologies from the
prevalent, this is expected to duction and underutilization end-user. We are excited to
become a more common issue into an opportunity to reduce commercialize our technologies
facing desalination plants. costs. in India and abroad this year:
Electricity costs dominate the Pani Energy has developed helping desalination owners
costs of water and account for and now licenses its novel and operators reduce their
50-60% of the operational costs. Adaptive Desalination energy consumption, opera-
Hence, change in the costs of Technology (ADT) that is tional costs, and carbon emis-
electricity to the desalination designed to solve the growing Figure 3 sions.
plant drastically affects its issue of variable production.
operational costs. For instance, Adaptive Desalination and external water storage sys- lion metric tons of CO2 emis- About the Author
the price of electricity in Israel Technology (ADT) is an intelli- tem can help in tackling the sions annually.
varies seasonally and hourly, gent patent-pending SWRO variable demand and electricity If India follows the global
anywhere from 0.08 USD/kWh plant process that adapts to price issue; however, it leads to predicted growth in desalina-
to 0.28 USD/kWh. To reduce take advantage of the variable idling or underutilizing existing tion at 10-20% without lowering
operational costs at high elec- demand of fresh water and vari- equipment. An intelligent the fossil fuel dependency, the
tricity price, the 480 MLD able price of electricity. It SWRO process that alters the desalination industry will have
desalination plant in Hadera reduces the energy consump- process design in real-time to to focus on low energy con-
reduces its production to 37.5% tion of the RO process using new optimum design and opera- sumption (high-efficiency) tech-
of peak capacity. As mentioned novel plant operational method- tional points with minimum nologies, to help India meet its
earlier (and in Figure 2), reduc- ologies and proprietary algo- change in CAPEX to the cur- carbon emission goals. In fact,
ing the production of a desalina- rithms for process design and rent state of the art RO system reducing desalination’s carbon
tion plant significantly increas- control. is a logical step towards not just and energy footprint is a global
es the price of water, the ADT allows the seawater
increase in electricity price at reverse osmosis process to
that reduced capacity increases intelligently adapt in real-time
the water cost even further. to a more efficient process
Variability in electricity design, which can more effi- Devesh Bharadwaj is the
price for desalination plants is ciently meet the new water CEO of Pani Energy, a University
not just a problem of today, it is demand at the new electricity of Victoria spin-off company, and
a growing problem of the price. has undertaken the core R&D
future. With growing penetra- Figure 3 shows the yearly behind Pani’s technologies for sev-
tion of intermittent renewable water production of Llobregat- eral years. Since founding the
energy technologies like solar Barcelona desalination plant in company in 2017, Devesh has led
and wind, the price of electrici- Spain. In this example, the pro- Pani’s development of Osmotic
ty will vary even more. duction of the desalination Energy Storage (OES) and the
Christopher Gassons (publisher plant (blue) is low in the spring commercialization of Adaptive
at GWI) mentioned in his arti- and summer, and high in the Figure 4 Desalination Technology (ADT).
the International Desalination also recognize that we must we hope that your readers will
Association, I want to thank continue evolving to ensure that join us there.
Express Water for the opportu- we bring the greatest value to Adding to this, the IDA edu-
nity to talk about our organiza- our members - not only for cational programs offer abun-
tion and the critical role that today but for the future. That is dant opportunities for continu-
desalination and advanced why, together, we are creating a ing education and training, and
water treatment play in new IDA, a reinvigorated, for- our Young Leaders Program is
addressing the world’s growing ward-looking association that designed to encourage the next
water scarcity. leverages its collective generation of water leaders and
I am incredibly honored to strengths to serve an industry help their career development
serve as President of IDA for that plays a vital role in secur- with our scholarship, fellow-
the 2017-2019 term. I am also ing the world’s water future. ship, mentorship and internship
very grateful for the confidence To answer your question, I programs.
and trust that have been placed believe that the big change will But that is not enough. We
in me along with IDA’s 1st Vice come in the form of greater are also ramping up our com-
President Rachid Ghamraoui, engagement, relevance, and munication with members,
2nd Vice President Li Youqing, community as they pertain to developing closer ties with our
Secretary General Shannon IDA. These words will shape valued affiliates, operating with
McCarthy and our roster of offi- our future and the value we greater transparency, and forg-
cers that includes highly bring to our members and the ing new connections with
respected members of the industry at large. organizations and institutions
world’s desalination and water The process that guides that are involved in vital
reuse community. IDA’s evolution is rooted in pro- aspects of our industry includ-
My presidency comes at a viding our members with rele- ing finance, advocacy, and poli-
time of change, not only for IDA vant, business-building and cy. This process, which we
but for the world at large. career-building opportunities began in during our 2017 World
Societal and economic shifts, a and programs. Our events, from Congress in São Paulo, Brazil, is
technology landscape that our World Congresses to our vital to growing IDA’s reach,
moves with lightning speed, a international conferences on reputation and prominence
revolution in the way we com- water reuse and recycling, and around the world. We have
municate - all of these factors our specialty technical confer- already made important
have converged so that the envi- ences are known as industry- progress towards achieving
ronment in which IDA operates leading venues where our mem- these goals, and we continue
today is very different from the bers can exchange knowledge, this important work every day.
environment just a few years gain new insights and establish IDA is our members’ associ-
ago. valuable new connections. To ation, and we are working dili-
As a result, while IDA has, that end, IDA is presenting its gently to improve our engage-
over the past four decades, second International ment with them. We welcome
established itself as the leading Conference on Water Reuse and their input on what we can do to
What excites you the most would like to see during your organization for the world’s Recycling: Making Every Drop make IDA more meaningful to
about leading the IDA? What tenure? desalination and advanced Count on June 24-27, 2018 in their business, interests and
is that one big change you Mr. Sanz: First, on behalf of water treatment industry, we beautiful Valencia, Spain and professional growth.
Ultimately, we are focused on and projects around the projects saw a double-digit and maintain are the solutions Authority (DEWA), a globally
expanding the IDA community world today? Can you give increase in capacity for the full that these regions are waiting recognized sustainable, innova-
not only in numbers but also in us some facts and figures? year of 2016, driven by awards for, so I am confident in this tive and world-class utility, it
the breadth and scope of our Mr. Sanz: According to the for industrial users in the latter alignment of targets for the will take place on October 20-24
membership. 2017-2018 IDA Desalination part of the year. For the first desalination growth in the and will be our second World
Yearbook, the cumulative global half of 2017, new utility capacity Southern hemisphere and Asia. Congress to be held in this
You have 35-years of profes- contracted capacity, including was down while industrial extraordinary city where inno-
sional experience in desali- plants that have been contract- capacity increased, due to the Delays on some of the de- vation is a mindset, not just a
nation, drinking water, and ed or are under construction, volume and size of utility salination projects have not word.
wastewater segments. What reached 99.8 million cubic awards in the Gulf during the been good for the desalina- We expect the 2019 IDA
is the future of seawater de- meters per day (m3/d) in 2017, first half of 2016 and the pres- tion industry's reputation. World Congress to attract 2,000
salination according to you? up from 95.6 million cubic ence of several extra-large ref- Can the IDA help push delegates from the public and
Tell us about any ‘one’ cut- meters per day in 2016. The erences for refining and petro- through such projects more private sector – world leaders in
ting-edge technology which cumulative global installed chemical customers in the first quickly in some way? all sectors of the desalination
you believe will set the trend (online) capacity is now 92.5 half of 2017. A closer look at the Mr. Sanz: IDA does not get and water reuse - representing
for the future of desalina- million m3/d, compared with industrial sector reveals many involved in any specific project; as many as 60 countries. It will
tion? 88.6 million m3/d in 2016. The interesting developments in the that’s the role of private or pub- coincide with the 21st Water,
Mr. Sanz: Seawater desali- total number of desalination upstream oil and gas industry
nation has a great future, and it plants worldwide across all cat- including several projects that
is an essential solution to egories stands at 19,372 (2017) may point to the future shape of
ensure a sustainable water sup- versus 18,983 (2016). the market in the offshore oil
ply to hundreds of million peo- Last year, seawater desalina- industry.
ple around the world. But it is tion experienced its largest Regarding technology type,
not the only one. Seawater increase since 2014, driven membrane technologies contin-
Desalination is practiced in 150
desalination must be comple- largely by growth in the utility ue to dominate the desalination countries and IDA estimates that
mented with recycling treated market in the Gulf, which is like- market. For example, in 2017
wastewater and all other meas- ly to retain the largest share of membrane technology account-
well over 300 million people rely on
ures to preserve natural contracted seawater capacity ed for 2.2 million m3/d of annual desalinated water for some or all
resources. for the foreseeable future. contracted capacity while ther-
I think there is not only one However, significant awards for mal processes accounted for their daily needs. Treating and
technology that will be “the seawater desalination plants just 0.1 million m3/d during the recycling desalinated water for
solution” for the future. In my were also made in China, same period.
opinion, it will be the mix of sev- Singapore, and Morocco during reuse further extend its value.
eral technologies and solutions: the past year. In your remarks after being
One of the most exciting devel- We should not forget that declared as IDA President, lic companies. Delays can hap- Energy, Technology and
opments is the coupling of desalination is not just for sea- you had said that IDA needs pen for many reasons, and they Environment Exhibition
renewable energy and desalina- water. Desalination of brackish to adapt to new challenges aren’t only related to desalina- (WETEX), which will be held
tion plants to minimize the water is also growing, with an and help regions like Asia, tion. Any public work is subject under the directives of HH
energy costs. Reducing energy increase of 29% in contracted Africa, and Latin America to to this kind of event. In addition, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid
consumption has long been a capacity for the first half of apply the best and more in the majority of cases delays Al Maktoum, Vice President
key goal in desalination, and 2017. The typical brackish water sustainable and economical are a combination of problems and Prime Minister of the UAE
while significant advancements desalination plant is for smaller solutions, with new and and circumstances, not only and Ruler of Dubai, and under
have taken place in the past utilities and industrial users. more efficient technologies, one reason. the patronage of HH Sheikh
couple of decades, the promise China accounted for a large por- and especially training the What IDA can do in this Hamdan bin Rashid Al
of renewable energy cannot be tion of the growth in these new generations to take the regard is to help public authori- Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of
overstated. It adds a new plants, especially during the relay in this mission. How do ties, consultants, regulators and Dubai, Minister of Finance and
dimension to sustainability. We second half of 2016. you look at it now? What is private and industrial compa- President of DEWA.
have also a lot of hope in the In terms of geographic the progress on this front? nies to promote the good prac- While planning is still under-
next generation of membranes trends, large-scale projects Mr. Sanz: Asia, Africa, and tices, training people, pushing way, I can tell you that our 2019
under development today. around the Red Sea and Gulf Latin America are the territo- for regulations, giving technical Congress will include many new
Graphene, nano-membranes or account for much of the current ries where desalination will and economic benchmarks, and features in addition to a robust
bio-membranes are words rep- recovery in the desalination have more development in the showing success case studies to Technical Program and
resenting a lot of research market. However, the nature of next decades for some impor- avoid and prevent the circum- Exhibition.
efforts and investments that these projects (most are large- tant reasons: population stances causing these delays.
could give new solutions for the scale) means that this region growth, concentration in large What is the scope of seawa-
market in the next years. And experiences highly variable cities, and limited water What are your personal ex- ter desalination in India, in
the other trend is to produce swings in contracted capacity. resources. pectations from the IDA your opinion?
more treated water from the A steadier source of contracts These areas need sustain- 2019 World Congress on De- Mr. Sanz: India is an impor-
brine; using PRO, RED, nano- can be found in the Asia-Pacific able solutions - which means salination, Dubai? tant desalination market, with
membranes in combination region, where industrial proj- mainly economical solutions. Mr. Sanz: I am confident which IDA has a longstanding
with other sources of water (as ects dominate the reference list. The actual trends are looking that the 2019 IDA World and close relationship through
treated wastewater). At the half-way point in 2017, for less energy and chemical Congress: Crossroads to our Association Affiliate the
these two regions were almost consumption, using renewable Sustainability will be an Indian Desalination Association
What is the state of seawa- equal in contracted capacity. energies, new membranes and extraordinary event. Hosted by (InDA).
ter desalination programs Both utility and industrial plants that are easy to operate the Dubai Electricity & Water It is also a growing market
competitive; innovative solu- tion, manage allocation for Council of the UAE, as well as the forefront of this develop-
tions such as RED (Reverse human and industrial use, col- the individual leadership of the ment and are earmarked to be
Electro Dialysis) and ceramic lection and advanced treatment Emirates and beyond. Taking a the upcoming, real disruptive
membranes are two consider- for dedicated reuse. Together, closer look, we are not far away ‘game changer’ for the water
able highlights in this range, based on successful coopera- from realization today. production industry.
reaching piloting stage already tion track record in single proj- Together, we must develop
today. ects, both public and private Future Opportunities multiple and sustainable servic-
sector are ready to replicate This is the call to the private es to create value for our future
Integrated Water Manage- such successfully integrated sector, to pro-actively partici- generations, whilst incorporat-
ment models and embed them to pate and implement advanced ing the evolving expectations of
Today, less than 10% of their local needs. emerging technologies con- end-users and building on the
water used is being treated to a The first step is for industri- tributing to a sustainable strong partnership with all
level that it can be reused for al water consumers to be allo- upstream and downstream stakeholders.
industrial, agricultural and gov- cated advanced treated TSE realization of efficiencies, Today, not tomorrow, it is
ernmental application, recover- and single source, allowing a Reduction of power consump- our responsibility to act. The
TODAY, WE NEED the water ing 3% of production into a cir- transition period equivalent to tion and conversion of water time is now!
supply capacity of more than cular economy. PPP project timeline to develop production process by-products About the Author
five times that of Earth, if every For many years, Public and sustainably avail the into valuable products such as Rolf Richard Keil is a commer-
human of our planet would con- Private Partnerships (PPP) and required water quality and biogas, industrial salts and cially astute, visionary and cre-
sume the same amount as is BOT models have been adopted quantity for competitive and many more offer such opportu- ative Senior Manager with an
being used by residents and by governments across the controlled industrial develop- nities today. extensive background of more
industries in the Middle East. region, to cope with the ment. SWRO produces a lot of than 20 years in the industrial
Desalination of seawater immense capital expenditure The second step is aquifer solid and liquid, partially toxic, manufacturing, mining, water,
remains to be the most accessi- and operating skills required to storage of seasonal surplus of waste, which is widely dis- power and utility sectors.
ble and sustainable upstream supply reliable water services advanced treated TSE, i.e. charged back into the open sea. Throughout his international
source for potable water pro- to a growing population and lower irrigation requirements This same seawater in the career, Rolf was covering diverse
duction, to feed an integrated economy, diversifying into non- during the winter season, Gulf region, already being chal- continents and regions including
total water management sys- carbon industrialization. reducing expensive SWRO lenging to treat efficiently, is Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East
tem. The Middle East has been In recent days, the arrival of water to be allocated for such suffering from increasing pollu- and North America, where he is
spearheading a technology renewable and nuclear energy strategic use. tion that is promoting the devel- recognized as a strong and knowl-
transition, driving the potable sources has allowed to decouple These two initiators are to opment of a raw water bio- edgeable leader, who is able to
water production industry into water and power production. come in parallel with the pro- chemistry further adversely train and manage multicultural
the application of new and com- Decoupling is considered the gressive and carefully planned affecting membrane perform- teams to deliver organizational
petitive technologies, such as state of the art for water and decentralization of advanced ance and leading to increases in objectives. Rolf has joined BESIX
reverse osmosis. But we must power production; this seems to treated TSE station to the both, use of chemicals and Concessions & Assets as the
not rest here! be true also for the status quo of vicinity of sewage production replacements. Project Development Manager,
Seawater Reverse Osmosis aspirations for an integrated and industrial reuse customers Water producers are active- focusing on desalination and
(SWRO) is the adopted state of total water management sys- to minimize non-revenue trans- ly looking beyond their tradi- innovative water treatment busi-
the art technology today at an tem, may it be for a city, a state, mission losses. tional set of technologies and nesses, in November 2016, after
average recovery rate of 45%, a country or a cooperative Integration of the total find suitable solutions in neigh- holding senior international man-
supplying to municipalities. region. water management in this way boring industries, such as F&B agement positions with Publicis
Desalination technologies are Now, we have the responsi- needs to come from the top and and O&G related water process MCD, WA Granite, Hawle
bound to be continuously bility to take that action, to con- is in line with the visions systems. Armaturen, CST Industries and
improved to become even more nect the silos of water produc- devised by the Executive Ceramic membranes are on Toray.
earth’s poles, or deep ground- desalination plants is 97 mil- reported that each square
water which is difficult to lion m3 per day in 2015 and it kilometer of land in North
reach. However, saline water is in an upward trend. About Africa, Middle East, and Gulf
represents the most sustain- 40% of this capacity has been regions receive solar energy
able, abundant and easy to established in the Gulf region equivalent to 1.5 million bar-
reach the source of water on where Saudi Arabia is the rels of crude oil per year.
the earth represented in highest producer of the desali- Integration of desalination
oceans, seas and some big nated water. The required technology with renewable
ground aquifers of a high energy to satisfy this huge energy systems does not only
degree of water salinity. amount of water is currently provide a clean and sustain-
Desalination technologies; satisfied by burning the fossil able source of energy but also
the process of converting fuel which greatly contributes presents a source of power
saline water to drinkable to the national budget which is technically feasible
water, have already been used exhaust, global warming, and and reliable to drive the differ-
by various countries to over- deadly pollutions. ent types of desalination sys-
come the deficit in freshwater The integration between tems. The thermal energy
demand. These technologies renewable energy systems required to operate phase
can be classified into two and desalination technology is change systems including
groups: phase change tech- one of the most promising MSF, MED, SD, VC, and HD
niques in which thermal ener- approaches to produce fresh can be satisfied directly from
gy is the driving power, and water in many locations. thermal solar radiation or
membrane technology which Interestingly, most of the geothermal energy without
needs the electric or mechani- thirsty countries have a huge complex energy conversion
cal form of driving energy. potential of renewable technology. On the other
Unfortunately, water desalina- resources especially, solar and hand, electricity can be gener-
tion is an intensive energy wind energy. The German ated by solar PV and wind tur-
consumption technology. Aerospace Research Centre bines systems to operate
THE SHORTAGE OF clean 2025 and will be distributed in Generally speaking, to obtain 1
potable water has become one 48 countries. To illustrate the million m3 per day of desali-
of the most stressful issues in scale of the crisis, only four nated water, 10 million tonnes
the world. And the situation is countries out of nineteen in of oil needs to be burned per
getting worse due to the limit- the Middle East and North year. Based on the fact that
ed resources of freshwater Africa region (MENA) could most of the desalination sys-
and as a result of the contin- be considered above the water tems are currently operated
ued growth of both the world’s poverty line, 1000 by fossil fuels, it can be figured
population and economy. m3/capita/year. out how costly and environ-
Nowadays, around 1.2 billion Although water covers mentally damaging this type
people are already suffering two-thirds of the earth sur- of technology is.
from the shortage of potable face, freshwater represents Even though desalination
water; most of them being only about 3% of all water on technologies have been rapid-
concentrated in arid and iso- the planet. Only 0.25% of this ly developed in the last two
lated areas where electricity freshwater can be directly decades, its distribution and
and oil supply are also limited. used from lakes and rivers, utilization are still limited in
This number of people is while the rest exists as frozen wealthy and oil-rich countries. Figure 1: Combinations of Renewable Energy Resources with
expected to be doubled by water, such as ice at the The total installed capacity of Desalination Technologies (Source: Shatat et al, 2013)
(RO). The CAPEX, OPEX and savings, both in energy look at life-cycle cost includ- ings for customers. Internally,
overall footprint of RO is typi- consumption and in the fi- ing availability which will have we also talk about TOTAL
cally cheaper than thermal nal cost of desalinated wa- a huge impact on the life of the savings which are the life
processes. RO has taken ter. In addition to the in- plant. cycle costs to customers.
majority market share due to corporation of renewable A range of energy recovery Considerations for customers
CAPEX and OPEX benefits. energies, what all tech- devices has been implemented must include “all” costs:
Regarding toxic effluents - nologies would contribute over the last several decades upfront investment, product
current trends to minimize to further reduce these from the early Pelton wheel to efficiency, maintenance, and
waste are two-fold: 1) Increase costs? the state-of-the-art Energy repairs. The PX device
membrane recovery and 2) Mr. Clemente: The energy Recovery PX Pressure demonstrates this better than
Zero-liquid discharge. By reduction is priority #1 as the Exchanger. At 98% efficiency, any other technology; while
increasing recovery, you mini- price of power, and thus the the PX Pressure Exchanger upfront cost may be higher
mize waste and by leveraging power consumed is directly reduces the power consump- than its competitors, its life
ZLD-type technologies one related to the cost to desali- tion of desalination plants by cycle costs are far superior.
Rodney Clemente, Vice President - can eliminate this issue alto- nate water. Advancements in as much as 60%.
Water, Energy Recovery Inc. gether. These two solutions Energy Recovery Devices, Many companies, and Tell us about any ‘one’ cut-
are obviously site-specific and novel process improvements, indeed ERI, have historically ting-edge technology
How can desalination best require further analysis. more sophisticated plant focused on nameplate efficien- which you believe will set
mitigate and address the With regards to mem- designs, material science cies of their products to the trend for the future of
high energy, cost, and toxic branes - the step 1 would be to breakthroughs and low ener- reduce energy cost savings for desalination?
effluent from membrane extend the life of the mem- gy pre-treatment technolo- their customers. The reaching Mr. Clemente: The PX
problems? And what is the branes. This can be achieved gies will all play a role in of PX performance ceilings Pressure Exchanger has been
best way to reduce the en- by properly designing your future advancements in ener- has necessitated a shift in the gold standard in energy
vironmental impact of pol- pre-treatment and by observ- gy reductions. You must also strategy to evaluate the effi- recovery devices for the last
luted membranes after ing good industry operations/ look past the initial CAPEX ciency of the overall system 20 years and we don’t antici-
use? maintenance practices to pro- and as an industry we need to that delivers maximum sav- pate technologies to beat that
Mr. Clemente: First is high duce the best quality of water
energy - the advancements in required by the membrane
Energy Recovery Devices manufacturers. By extending
have been one of the most dis- the useful life of the mem-
ruptive achievements in the branes you can thus reduce
past several decades with waste.
respect to minimizing the We should study what can
overall power consumed from be done in pre-treatment of
the RO process. Further inno- feed-water to reduce “pollu-
vation can yield further reduc- tion” in the membranes
tions but the current trends in process. And we should work
energy optimization have with membrane suppliers to
come from novel process and develop or correctly select
material science improve- membranes for the right
ments. application in order to reduce
Then comes the high cost - pollution.
the desalination can be broken
down into 2 primary seg- In the desalination market,
ments: 1) Thermal desalina- the latest studies and ad-
tion, and 2) Reverse Osmosis vances are aimed at cost Carlsbad, USA 190,000 m3/Day (50 MGD)
Recovery Devices for the had 3% growth year over year. technology, ERI would retrofit
SWRO desalination space. We The higher OEM and AM the plant, reduce the power
have an unmatched and shipments should offset tradi- consumed within the facility
unprecedented reference list tionally slow Q1 shipments in and actual savings would be
of large-scale desalination ref- MPD. We continue to generate shared.
erences. With that said, we significant manufacturing
are starting to put in place a efficiencies as well, generating What is the future of sea-
strategy for growth. We will record-breaking margins in water desalination in India,
be looking to grow our core Water for the quarter. in your opinion? Is seawa-
business and will also look to ter desalination a suitable
expand into new markets. We What are some of the ma- technology for Indian con-
have 100% market share in jor orders won by your ditions considering the
2017 of projects > 50,000 company in last two years? huge costs involved?
m3/d. And we have projected Mr. Clemente: We do not Mr. Clemente: Energy
100% market share for 2018 disclose the specifics of orders Recovery’s products help
Barcelona, Spain 200,000 m3/Day (53 MGD), Photo Courtesy: ATLL projects > 50,000m3/d. or clients, but we can tell you reduce the overall cost of
During 2017 - USD 54.3 mn in that we have supplied our desalination making it a feasi-
level of performance. As men- in the field of seawater de- top-line revenue was the high- technology to approximately ble option for India. We cur-
tioned above, we anticipate salination? Could you tell est revenue year for our water 80-85% of all SWRO facilities rently hold 100% market
that the next level of innova- us something about your business. We have over 18,000 > 50,000 m3/d over the past share in the large-scale
tion that will come to the own experience in this devices deployed around the decade. SWRO India market. India
industry will be around sys- field? globe. We are operating on all has been an early adopter of
tem-level design and efficien- Mr. Clemente: I have been 7 continents. We help in USD Could you tell us about our technologies and desalina-
cies; packaging products that in the SWRO desalination 1.8 billion in energy savings some of the most interest- tion is definitely part of their
result in peak performance for business for 20 years. What I annually. ing projects seawater de- water diversification strategy.
the customer. have learned from my experi- salination that you have Our solutions have been
Finding new and creative ences in the field is to keep What were the achieve- participated in? deployed across several large-
ways to design and operate innovating. No two plants are ments of your company in Mr. Clemente: We have scale desalination projects
around the state-of-the-art PX the same, thus you must vary 2017-18? How has the com- been involved in many very that produced well over
Pressure Exchanger your approach to solve prob- pany grown? interesting projects. A few 575,000 m3/d.
Technology is currently being lems. You must not only inno- Mr. Clemente: 2017 was a that come to mind are the With the market really
explored and initial results vate your products and servic- record year for the company. large-scale plants located in testing new commercial mod-
are looking promising. es but you must also innovate We generated USD 63.2 mil- Saudi Arabia. Saudi has his- els like PPPs, especially with
in terms of internal tools and lion in revenue for the fiscal torically been a tough market the recent activity in India, we
Please shed some light on processes. year, which represents the for ERI to penetrate as the feel that we have more tools in
the product and services strongest top-line perform- cost of power is relatively low our arsenal to support the
portfolio of your company What is the state of your ance in company history. making the value proposition Indian market. Our ESA offer-
related to seawater desali- company’s current and up- The Q1 2018 was another for energy recovery devices, ing for example, where cus-
nation. How does your coming seawater desalina- strong quarter for the compa- in general, a bit less attractive. tomers can get our pumping
product & technology tion programs and proj- ny. We as a company generat- We have made significant solution (including PX) for no
compare to other desalina- ects? Can you give us ed record product and total progress over the past decade upfront costs, can mitigate the
tion products & technolo- some facts and figures? gross margin of 70 and 76 per- or so and now enjoy majority initial sticker shock associat-
gies in the market? Mr. Clemente: Currently cent, respectively, on USD 13.8 market share in the newly ed with desalination projects.
Mr. Clemente: Our prod- we continue to be recognized million in revenue. With water constructed/ awarded plants
ucts are ERDS - PX Pressure as the global leader in Energy revenue of USD 11 million, we in the Kingdom. Finally, what are your
Exchanger, AT Turbocharger; growth and expansion
for packaged solutions: How are your seawater de- plans for the next 5 years?
PowerPlay, commercial prod- salination projects fi- Mr. Clemente: We see
uct: ESA, and in pumps: nanced, and structured? strong demand for our prod-
VPXP, Aquabold. Mr. Clemente: As an ucts throughout 2018 and
ERI’s ability to supply a equipment supplier, we cur- beyond, and our margins
very high efficiency packaged rently execute all of our con- remain
solution for the OEM market tracts under the typical capi- robust; we see no signs of
in the form of PX (industry tal sale approach. We work things slowing. We will contin-
leading lowest life-cycle cost with our customers to ensure ue to invest heavily in R&D
ERD), VPXP and AquaBold we execute and perform at the across our BU’s, including
(low maintenance, process highest levels. We have devel- Water, to ensure future
fluid lubricated bearing) may oped a new procurement vehi- growth. We will continue to
be unmatched. To reiterate, cle in the form of an Energy evaluate options to increase
not only are the efficiencies Services Agreement (ESA). our offerings to customers if it
industry leading but the life With our innovative ESA generates sufficient value for
cycle costs, again, leave the offering, we would get paid them. And we will be looking
competition in the dust. with actual “savings”. For to grow our core business and
example, if an existing facility will also look to expand into
How long have you worked Bahrain 3,000 m3/Day Barge Installation is utilizing out-dated legacy new markets.
then, as John Banks, City of tor the grease levels on the screw pumps. trical controls.
Calhoun Wastewater Plant bottom bearing. All very sim- John Banks continued: John Banks concluded:
Manager explains, this was ple - and with Lakeside’s stain- “Our program of rotating the “We’ve taken care of our
more to do with budgetary less steel tubing, we don’t have use of the screw pumps, com- screw pump installations, but
and long-term planning to worry about corrosion. bined with basic oil checks Lakeside is always there to
requirements. These routine checks have and free-flowing grease has help with start-up, and service
“The pumps were only just seen our screw pumps work given us a winning hand of if required. They’re a compa-
beginning to wear out, but very reliably for 25-years-plus, flexibility and very long last- ny that very much stands by
they were certainly not on which shows what a good ing equipment. This preventa- its equipment, and like us,
their last legs,” he said, “far investment they are”. tive maintenance program thinks about the long term.
from it. The original 60” Normally, two of the also means that we don’t have We’ve also had good support
Lakeside Screw Pumps far Lakeside screw pumps at the the pressure of having to get a from Lakeside’s representa-
exceeded their life expectan- influent of Calhoun’s WWT screw pump back into service tive Templeton & Associates,
cy”. Plant lift the raw sewage up quickly if and when we are based in Suwanee, Georgia.
The average flow at out of the collection system looking for additional pump- “We see good grease com-
Calhoun (one hour north of into the plant. Pre-screening ing capacity”. ing out during our checks,
Atlanta), is around 5MGD (14- is not required because large The older portion of the which means we have good
16 MGD during rain events), objects pass between the Calhoun system covers over grease in there for these very
serving the city of Calhoun, 136 miles of interceptor and robust screw pumps. This
Lakeside’s Open Screw Design Georgia (home to some of the trunk lines through the City. It plays a big part in the continu-
Utilizes a Torque Tube and Spiral world’s top floor covering was upgraded in 2004 to meet ing smooth-operation of our
Flights manufacturers). The treat- new standards. plant”.
ment plant is a tough, corro- Then, as now, the purchase Lakeside Equipment
IN 1988, CALHOUN’S sive environment for the orig- of screw pumps was put out to Corporation is an engineering
WWTP (permitted for 16 inal Open Screw Pumps (all bid, with an eye on securing and manufacturing company
MGD) first invested in two of Lakeside), that via three dif- the best in long-term perform- concentrating on helping to
Lakeside Equipment ferent configurations, run ance and value. Lakeside improve the quality of our water
Corporation’s 60”, 75 Hp open rotationally 24/7 to equal out- offers both greased and sealed resources.
screw pumps (capacity = wear. Consisting of a spiral lower bearings on their open
7,000 GPM), and two 72”, 50 screw, upper and lower bear- screw pumps. The dual upper
Hp screw pumps (capacity = ings and a drive arrangement, bearing of each style pump
10,500 GPM). Original con- the open screw design uses a Calhoun’s Treatment Plant includes both radial and
crete construction involved an torque tube with spiral flights Benefits from Long-Lasting Open thrust components, serving
empty space provided for a set in an open, inclined con- Screw Pumps both forces that act upon it,
third pump for each capacity, crete trough. The screw which helps prolong the life-
which was filled in 2012 by a pump’s basic design has been screw flights and through the time of the screw pump. The
new 60”, 75 HP Lakeside used for millennia to promote screw pump. pump also benefits from a V-
screw pump with a lift of 20.46 both simplicity and reliability. Additional screw pumps belt drive that connects the
ft at a 38? incline. John Banks (who has are ready in the event of the motor to the speed reducer.
A year later in 2013, one of worked at the facility for 12 sewer system becoming This acts as a shock absorber
the original 60” Lakeside years) added: “The beauty of supercharged due to a large to protect from possible shock
pumps was finally replaced the Lakeside screw pumps is rain event. After lifting, the loads, as well as provide for
(followed a year later by that there is actually very lit- wastewater is taken through easy speed changes in the
another of the same diameter tle maintenance. Once per screening and grit removal field. The constant speed
to replace the last, original week, we check oil levels and processes before being lifted drives eliminate the need for A V-Belt Drive Protects Against
60” screw pump) - but even our operators will also moni- again by the second set of complex, variable speed elec- Possible Shock Loads.
Regulatory Impact
According to USEPA, the
number of the nation’s large
water systems with AL
exceedances has been
reduced by more than 90 per-
cent since the LCR’s imple-
mentation. However, several
significant concerns remain
regarding whether existing
regulations are adequately
protecting public water sys-
tem customers from lead
• The lead AL isn’t health-
based; rather, it accounts
for treatment abilities and
costs based on the 1991 eval-
uation, along with sampling
• Exceeding the AL isn’t a
violation under the LCR.
• Sampling relies on assur-
ances that any water in the
house isn’t used during
stagnation and it’s taken
from a site properly verified
as to tier ranking as well as
from the intended and
approved tap.
• The LCR doesn’t address
the release of elevated par-
ticulate lead episodes asso-
ciated with various physical
and chemical disturbances
or episodes of fluctuating
Figure 1: Lead Sources in Utility- and Customer-Owned Service Lines and Internal Plumbing. This Figure Shows Typical Jurisdiction, but the Utility water quality outside the
May Own All or None of the Service Line. (Source: Adapted from Customer Service Drives Quest for a Lead-Safe City, Opflow, September 2016, specific monitoring period. • If initial planning for corro-
sion control and ongoing
water corrosivity through cor- USEPA’s assessment of lead size. Lead and copper sam- include adjusting pH or alka- operation isn’t adequate,
rosion control treatment levels at the tap with a first pling is conducted every six linity to reduce water corro- the AL is at best a mecha-
(CCT). draw sample that should be months unless a system quali- sivity prior to distribution, or nism to detect a problem
The LCR established a achievable with optimized fies for reduced monitoring. adding a phosphate- or sili- after it occurs. Moreover,
maximum contaminant level corrosion control; higher con- In addition, water quality catebased corrosion inhibitor. for systems on reduced
goal (MCLG) of zero for lead centrations are used to signal parameters (WQPs) are col- Water systems are required to monitoring, the reduction in
based on adverse effects on CCT needs to be revisited. lected to assess water corro- revisit their OCCT if the lead sampling frequency and
the nervous, cardiovascular, The copper AL is health- sivity and serve as process or copper ALs are exceeded in locations could delay detec-
and reproductive systems as based. control measurements. WQPs more than 10 percent of cus- tion of an issue. In the case
well as normal growth and Table 1 summarizes some may include pH, temperature, tomer taps sampled. If a of Flint, Mich., the compli-
development. MCLGs estab- of the key LCR components. alkalinity, calcium, conductivi- water system continues to fail ance monitoring program
lish the concentration at (and The rule applies to all commu- ty, orthophosphate (if a phos- to meet the lead AL after trailed other indicators that
below) which no known health nity water systems (CWSs) phate-based corrosion installing and optimizing CCT, corrosion control wasn’t
effects are observed. The and all nontransient, non- inhibitor is used), and silica (if it must begin replacing lead working, and there was rea-
MCLG of zero reflects the fact community water systems a silicate-based inhibitor is service lines within its juris- son to be concerned about
no safe lead level exists, par- (NTNCWSs). The LCR used). Compliance with the diction. Short-term revisions lead release. Reducing lead
ticularly for children. requires water systems to col- treatment technique is based to the LCR promulgated in exposure through LSL
Compliance requirements lect first-draw samples at taps on achieving the required 2007 require water systems to replacement is challenging.
under the LCR are based on a in homes and buildings select- WQPs rather than achieving provide advanced notification Research has shown full
treatment technique (TT) reg- ed on a tiered system that pri- 90th percentile lead and cop- to their primacy agency of LSL replacement is needed
ulation, which establishes oritizes sampling locations per levels below the AL. intended changes in source to reliably reduce exposure
actions that must be taken if based on a site’s likelihood to The LCR requires all sys- water or treatment that could to lead. Because water sys-
lead or copper concentrations release elevated lead or cop- tems serving more than increase lead corrosion and to tems typically don’t own the
exceed their respective 0.015 per levels (e.g., properties 50,000 people to install opti- gain the agency’s approval portion of the LSL past the
mg/L or 1.3 mg/L action levels with LSLs). The number of mal corrosion control treat- before implementing those property boundary (Figure
(ALs). The lead AL is based on samples is based on system ment (OCCT), which could changes. 1), coordination with home-
Lead and Copper • CWSs and NTNCWSs must collect first-draw samples at taps in homes and buildings at high risk of lead/copper contamination as identi-
Monitoring fied in 40 CFR 141.86(a).
• Number of samples is based on system size.
• Systems must conduct monitoring every 6 months unless they qualify for reduced monitoring.
Water Quality • All systems serving > 50,000 are required to monitor at taps every 6 months (unless a system is on reduced monitoring).
Parameter (WQP) • Systems serving = 50,000 are required to monitor if an AL is exceeded.
Monitoring • WQPs are monitored at entry points to the distribution system every 6 months until CCT is implemented and thereafter every 2 weeks.
Action Level • The LCR mandates a 0.015 mg/L AL for lead and a 1.3 mg/L AL for copper.
• Exceedance is based on > 10% of samples showing lead or copper concentrations above their respective ALs.
Treatment Technique • All large water systems (i.e., serving > 50,000 people) are required to implement CCT.
Requirements • Water systems serving < 50,000 are required to implement CCT if lead concentrations exceed the action level.
• CCT is re-evaluated and optimized in response to AL exceedance.
• Lead service line must be replaced if AL is exceeded after implementing optimized CCT.
Public Notification • Within 30 days of receiving sample results, all systems must provide individual lead tap results to people who receive water from sites that
were sampled, regardless of whether the results exceed the lead AL.
• Education materials must be provided after a lead AL exceedance.
• Lead and copper results must be included in Consumer Confidence Reports (CCRs).
• All CCRs must include information on lead in drinking water.
Table 1: Key LCR Components. The LCR Centers on Preventing Public Exposure to Legacy Lead in a Distribution System Primarily by Reducing Water Corrosivity through CCT. (Source:
Lead and Copper Rule: A Quick Reference Guide, USEPA, 2006, https//
owners, including home- first 16 liters of water drawn will be associated with cussions regarding potential regarding potential LCR revi-
owner willingness and abili- from taps in single and mul- homes that have newer copper revisions as well as a sions. The LCRWG’s recom-
ty to pay for their portion of tifamily homes, collected in plumbing instead of the 2004 national review of the mendations included sugges-
LSL replacement, affects one-liter increments, often older structures tar- LCR in the wake of elevated tions regarding LSL replace-
whether a full replacement showed higher levels of lead geted for compliance moni- lead levels in Washington, D.C. ment, improved CCT, develop-
can be achieved. in samples correlated with toring under the LCR. In 2014, the National Drinking ment of a healthbased level for
• The current LCR sampling longer travel times from the Water Advisory Council lead, sampling protocols, and
protocol often doesn’t cap- LSLs to the tap than are USEPA Revisions to the (NDWAC), which is a federal differentiating requirements
ture the highest lead con- captured via first flush sam- Long-Term LCR advisory committee created to control copper. USEPA is
centrations present when ples. USEPA is planning to through an SDWA provision, considering recommenda-
there’s an LSL. For exam- • Lead and copper samples revise the Lead and Copper formed a Lead and Copper tions from the NDWAC
ple, a study that profiled are collected from the same Rule, reflecting a years-long Rule Working Group LCRWG as well as other
lead concentrations in the sites. Higher copper levels effort, dating back to 1996 dis- (LCRWG) to advise USEPA stakeholders, an internal
USEPA workgroup, and best
available science as it pre-
pares a proposed rule, which
is scheduled for publication in
2018 (Figure 2).
In a 2016 white paper on
LCR revisions, USEPA high-
lighted that LCR revisions will
include “technology-driven
and health-based elements
that focus on proactive, pre-
ventative actions to avoid high
lead levels and health risks.”
Based on information in the
white paper, the LCR’s TT-
based aspects will be retained
where lead-exposure preven-
tion hinges on CCT, monitor-
ing for realized lead levels,
and public education to mini-
mize lead exposure. It’s also
likely that LSL replacement
will play a more prominent
Figure 2: Regulations Impacting Lead and Copper Sources and Concentrations in Drinking Water (Regulations and Actions to Reduce Lead Exposure role in the rule framework. As
in Drinking Water Have a Long History, Helping Water Utilities Significantly Reduce Lead Exposure in Drinking Water). Table 2 illustrates, USEPA is
considering options to level in children from 15 can take actions to prepare for Texas; Philip Brandhuber is zine presents new and estab-
enhance those key elements micrograms per deciliter in potential rule revisions and to with HDR Engineering, Denver; lished technologies and ideas
as well as potentially bolster- 1976–1980 to 1 microgram per proactively reduce lead expo- and Darren Lytle is with the that readers can apply to water
ing them with additional com- deciliter based on recent data. sure, including identifying US Environmental Protection treatment and distribution as
ponents such as a health- However, recent events in LSLs, reviewing and optimiz- Agency, Office of Research and well as wastewater operations.
based benchmark. Flint and elsewhere show that ing CCT, strengthening public Development, Cincinnati. Opflow is a benefit for members
legacy lead in plumbing mate- education programs, and Source: This article original- of AWWAIndia and a valued
Moving Forward rial remains a significant con- developing strategies to fully ly appeared in the January 2018 resource for water professionals
According to USEPA, reg- cern in communities across remove LSLs in the communi- issue of Opflow, the water indus- around the world. To join
ulations and actions to reduce the United States. USEPA is ties they serve. try’s most popular resource on AWWAIndia, visit
lead exposure in drinking considering LCR revisions to operations issues published by To view the
water, as well as from other further reduce public expo- About the Authors the American Water Works original article, see
consumer products, has low- sure to lead in drinking water. Caroline Russell is with Association (AWWA). The
ered the median blood lead In the interim, water systems Carollo Engineers, Austin, award-winning monthly maga- 8.44.0001.
Improved Optimized CCT • Requiring large systems to re-evaluate their systems using any new CCT requirements proposed by the rule.
• Requiring all systems to implement CCT.
• Requiring systems with CCT programs that exceed the lead AL to automatically be required to review and re-optimize CCT, if
justified by the review.
Health-Based Benchmark • Could be based on impacts to life-stage development for children under 6 years of age.
• Benchmark could trigger action at the household level.
Role of Point of Use Filters • Based on success in using POU filters to control tap lead levels in Flint, Mich.
• Filters could be installed in response to:
- Disturbances to LSLs.
- Exceedances to a health-based benchmark.
Strengthened Sampling • Continuing the current practice of “first draw” sampling or alternatively requiring sequential or random daytime household
Requirements sampling.
• Requiring mandatory sampling programs for schools.
• Examining the feasibility of real-time distribution system monitoring of parameters measuring the effectiveness of CCT.
Increased Transparency and • Requiring utilities to post all LCR sampling results.
Information Sharing • Shortening time frames for utilities to provide sampling results to consumers.
• Quickening public notification by utilities and primacy agencies of high lead levels.
• Publicly identifying locations of LSLs.
• Publicly providing information about the design and results of lead sampling programs.
Public Education Requirements • Providing customers with information on how to reduce lead exposure.
• Providing new customers with information on lead risks.
• Performing expanded outreach to vulnerable populations.
• For systems with LSLs:
- Targeted outreach including invitations to customers to have water tested and participate in LSL replacement regardless of
lead levels.
- Notification to customers of emergency or planned maintenance that could disrupt LSLs.
- Providing standard procedures to other utilities to follow when they may disturb LSLs while maintaining their services.
Revised Copper Requirements • Changing LCR monitoring site selection criteria to include sites of greatest risk for copper leaching.
• Establishing criteria for classifying systems with water that is aggressive to copper and systems with water that is not.
• Requiring copper CCT in systems classified as having aggressive water, with periodic testing of systems that are not.
Relationship With Broader Lead • USEPA states that it will “continue to work with federal, state and local partners to reduce lead risks in all contaminated media.”
Table 2: USEPA Elements for Potential LCR Revision. USEPA is Considering Options to Enhance Key LCR Elements As Well As Bolstering Them with Potential Additional Components.
efits are maximized within the operations. This concept, now consumption. Wealth from Nigeria. These three countries
given set of constraints. defined as 'triple bottom line' waste is the underlying theme will account for 37 percent of
Implying that, for a given is utilized by many businesses in a circular economy. Supply the global urban growth.
activity or a project economic, to assess the outcome of a chain diagnostics is an effi- With increasing urban pop-
social and environmental costs development project on three cient method for transitioning ulation, pressure on water,
and benefits are balanced for dimensions of economic, social from linear to a circular econo- food, energy and other natural
optimization of overall benefit. and environmental equity. my. resources will expand geomet-
To illustrate: for a given Reforms in business The circular economy has rically, challenging the quality
multipurpose irrigation proj- accounting standards for been advocated as one of the provision of services and sus-
ect, the new command area adopting triple bottom line most critical pillars of sustain- tainability of resource con-
created, additional drinking principle will bring in more able development. Water as a sumption. If not managed effi-
water availability and power transparency to the people resource plays a vital role in ciently, this would further
generation are economic bene- impacted by actions of a busi- the supply chain of most eco- exacerbate the adverse impact
fits. Whereas, displacement of ness venture or a development nomic, social and ecological on the environment and the
villagers and loss of livelihood program and empower them actions. Hence, managing ecosystem.
has its own social implications. for making informed decisions. water prudently across the Soaring population will
Furthermore, submergence of It will further assist the ecosystem is crucial for increase per capita consump-
large tracts of culturable land, prospective investors in chan- achieving the goal of a circular tion, putting immense pres-
Sustainable Development extinction of local biodiversity nelizing their capital wisely to economy, and in-turn the goal sure on water resources in
and Triple Bottom Line due to impounding of water, the programs having better of sustainable development urban and peri-urban areas,
The principle of sustain- reduction in ecosystem servic- chances of achieving the goal and sustainable earth. consequently straining the
ability of growth and develop- es rendered by the tamed river of sustainable development. To add further, considering environment if the water use
ment intersects three basic and other adverse environ- the integral role which water cycle is not managed efficient-
systems- the economic, social mental impacts carry huge Circular Economy & Water plays in the development ly.
and the ecological system. All ecological costs, which are Improving the triple bot- process, the United Nations Globally, irrigation is a
three systems are interdepen- mostly ignored in project eval- tom line of a business venture has identified the water-food- major water guzzler, average
dent and interconnected. uation exercises. requires life cycle analysis of energy and climate nexus to be 70 percent of water is used for
To exemplify it further: To determine sustainability the output product in conjunc- a key principle behind sustain- agricultural purposes. As per
industrial development, when aspect of such projects, social tion with the social and envi- able development. But unfor- the UNDP 2006 report, with
evaluated in isolation may and ecological implications are ronmental impacts of the busi- tunately, water is fraught with the growing urbanization and
reflect positive economic sce- to be exhaustively analyzed ness operations. Under the life challenges, which might put further increase in peri-urban
nario, like, increase in GDP and translated into monetary cycle analysis, the market the whole nexus under threat, irrigation, and with the
and per capita income. But, terms using the tools such as costs as well as the hidden with the urban water compo- demand for domestic and
when looked holistically the Environmental Impact costs of the product, from the nent being the weakest link in industrial water consumption
picture might be contrasting, Assessment and Social Impact stage of production to con- the chain. expected to double by 2050 in
wherein, the social and the Assessment studies. All three sumption to disposal, are iden- the increasingly urbanizing
ecological systems get dimensions of costs and bene- tified and analyzed. The Impending Urban Wa- economies, the water quantity,
adversely impacted because of fits are thus calculated and In a Circular Economy: To ter Crisis quality, and sanitation will
the widening inequality in the balanced among each other to minimize the adverse impact According to a UN report present itself as the most criti-
ownership of wealth and envi- determine the sustainability of of a business activity on the (2014), 2.5 billion more people cal urban challenges in the
ronmental degradation respec- the project for taking the final society and the environment, will be added to the world pop- coming decades. This would
tively. Such a growth model decision by the policy-makers. and the usage of natural ulation between 2014 to 2050, further make the task of
would not be sustainable as it In financial terms, the oper- resources; wastage is reduced making the proportional share achieving the SDG 6, providing
is not leading to the desired ations of a firm which are con- by reusing resources in a cyclic of the urban population 66 per- clean water and sanitation;
goal of social equity and, envi- ventionally measured in mone- manner and releasing the least cent of the total population by and SDG 11, making cities
ronmental and ecological pro- tary terms only, need to also possible effluents into the air, 2050. The world population inclusive, resilient and sustain-
tection for the intergenera- internalize the social and envi- water, and land. Wastage in the will reach 9.3 billion by 2050, able, more daunting for the
tional holistic well-being. ronmental externalities, and production process is mini- 6.3 billion of which will be liv- policy-makers.
Sustainable development is incorporate them in its balance mized by using alternative ing in urban areas. Highest Increased consumption of
a scenario where economic, sheet to represent the true and methods resulting in less urban population growth will water in urban areas will also
social and environmental ben- fair picture of the business amount of water and energy occur in China, India, and increase wastewater genera-
tion, further impacting the Sixth, the overstretched urban and peri-urban limits. mentals of capturing stormwa- nity at the forefront, with
quality of surface and ground- and aging infrastructure is Third, urban planning and ter, keeping the drainage basin extensive participation of
water resources, and conse- unable to meet the demand of development, which broadly uninterrupted to mitigate the media for awareness and com-
quently threatening the various competing sectors. includes: urban landscaping, urban flood situation and munication. The role of scien-
already dismal state of sanita- Seventh, capital investment urban floodplain zoning, keep- reducing the pollution load to tists and academics is also
tion services in most of the for the creation of new, and ing urban construction in tan- the water reservoirs. The vul- given due importance for
local bodies. retrofitting of old water infra- dem with the natural flow of nerability is reduced by scien- research and advocacy of
structure is not commensurate the water cycle, rainwater har- tific surface water and ground- water management.
Characterization of Urban with the financial requirement vesting both rooftop as well by water co-management as a Capacity building of institu-
Water Challenges of the water utilities. increased infiltration by pro- part of an overall strategy. tions, water engineers and
Water sustains life. It is an Eighth, climate change tecting the permeable areas in IUWM incorporates the managers is essential for effi-
inextricable component for the impact is increasing the vul- the city sprawl. interdependencies and inter- cient application of diagnostic
production of food for human nerability and unpredictability IUWM is rooted deep in the connectedness of several insti- methods and tools for success-
survival. It is a vital con- of the existing urban water concept of Integrated Water tutions working in the water ful implementation of IUWM.
stituent for the rendering of resources. Resources Management and sector policy space. It seeks to
ecosystem services, and a driv- Ninth, absence of proper works on the principle of not create harmony between Conclusion
er for most developmental and regulatory and institutional simply using, but managing, water resources management The goal of a sustainable
majority of outdoor recre- framework is the primary water as a resource. It works and urban planning resulting earth is embedded in sustain-
ational activities. Any type of cause of the fragmented on the principle of using alter- into synergistic outcomes of able water management.
water-related crisis situation- approach towards inefficient native water resources such as increased water supply, better Integrated Urban Water
scarcity, abundance, quality, urban water management. fit-for-purpose treated waste- sanitation, a cleaner environ- Management although not a
water-induced disaster events, water, greywater, stormwater, ment, improved ecosystem panacea, but, is inevitable for
urban flooding, has the poten- The Solution: Integrated harvested rainwater and services, reduced urban flood the new paradigm of sustain-
tial to put human life and Urban Water Management desalinated water, besides situations, efficient stormwa- able cities.
growth under acute crisis. (IUWM) fresh surface water and ter management, better recre- To achieve the goal of
Pre-empting the crisis situ- As explained above, urban groundwater resources. ational facilities, and improved water-wise cities, effective
ation necessitates characteri- water management is a The Three ‘R’ livability and feel good factor. advocacy for water steward-
zation of the impending prob- process full of complexities. Environmental Slogan: It is imperative for the ship, spreading the sense of
lem. The urban component The traditional approach of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, is water utilities to have a mind- water conservation and usage
being the most primary ele- management is the linear one- one of the themes of urban set shift from single-option of technology for efficient use
ment of holistic water manage- focussing more on the creation water management also. solution of heavy infrastruc- of water, at the citizen and the
ment calls for priority atten- of new supply support systems Technological interventions ture investments for water institutional level, is impera-
tion of the policy-makers and and distribution networks, and communication cam- scarcity problems, towards tive.
other actors in the sector. usage of water, its onward paigns are core to water con- exploring mixed solutions There is all likelihood of
The urban water crisis has treatment and the last point servation and efficiency meas- involving decentralised sys- world’s many cities slipping
multiple facets. First, the discharge into the ecosystem. ures, both, indoor at the tems, on-site sanitation solu- into Day Zero situation similar
sprawling urban areas and the The traditional linear domestic and institutional tions, nature-based systems, to Cape Town in future. There
burgeoning population are put- approach is not sustainable as level and outdoor at the utility treatment up to fit-for-purpose are multiple stakeholders in
ting acute pressure on limited opposed to the approach of cir- level. Nutrient and energy standards, direct use of treat- water management, individu-
freshwater resources. If not cular management. recovery from wastewater has ed water for non-potable and als, groups, institutions, gov-
managed effectively, provision The business as usual a huge potential of turning ecosystem services, and indi- ernments and the biophysical
of water and sanitation servic- approach is fragmented, environmental and health rect use for potable purposes. ecosystem itself. The Day Zero
es would become more difficult where less or no attention is risks into opportunities for the With clearly laid standards situation and its dreadful con-
than ever to render. paid towards interconnected- water utilities. many countries are using sequences are a clarion call
Second, excessive ground- ness and interdependence of IUWM connects the quality treated wastewater for agri- mandating early individual
water abstraction is adversely urban planning and develop- of the water with its potential cultural purpose, converting and collective action across
impacting the natural water ment process, with the urban usage. It seeks to plan in an the environmental threat to an the globe to mitigate the ensu-
cycle. water management plan. integrated manner various opportunity for employment ing water crisis situation.
Third, shortage of sanita- Integrated Urban Water sources of water and using generation and food security. Integrated Urban Water
tion and sewerage systems are Management (IUWM) seeks to recycled water again and again IUWM envisages and Management is certainly the
resulting in the discharge of integrate three distinct com- for different purposes like agri- endeavors for economic effi- way forward for our cities, to
untreated or inadequately ponents of planning and imple- culture, urban landscaping, ciency, social equity, and envi- continue their journey as
treated wastewater in natural mentation mechanisms, which domestic washing, flushing, ronmental sustainability. It growth engines of human civi-
water bodies causing health are, first, urban water services makeup water for cooling tow- seeks to create a coordinated lization in future.
and environmental risks. including water supply, waste- ers, washing of streets, and environment of the existing About the Author
Fourth, improper solid water treatment, sewerage thus utilizing water in a closed formal and informal institu- Ajitabh Sharma, IAS, is
waste management and services, stormwater manage- loop making it an essential tions like urban water utilities, currently working as Secretary
unplanned urban land develop- ment, sanitation services, solid component of a circular econo- urban land planning depart- to Government in Animal
ment are increasing the occur- waste disposal, demand-side my. ment, water resources depart- Husbandry, Dairying, Fisheries
rence of urban flood events. management, reducing non- The urban watershed and ment, sanitation agencies, cli- and Gopalan Department with
Fifth, poor stormwater revenue water and conserva- catchment development for mate change mitigation and the State Government of
management and drainage sys- tion and efficiency measures. the protection of natural water adaptation strategy formulat- Rajasthan, India. He has done B.
tems are impacting the live- Second, aquifer and water- resources and reservoirs is ing bodies, pollution control Tech. from IIT Delhi and has
ability and also causing eco- shed management, which integrated with an urban and environmental protection seven years’ experience in the
nomic losses to the citizens includes the hydraulic and development plan. Urban land agencies, non-governmental water and natural resources
and the local bodies. hydrologic aspects of the zoning is based on the funda- organisations, and the commu- management.
“THE WORLD IS NOT describing the system as on water from the Sierra status quo go down with a social injustice in those places
DOING ENOUGH.” “pouring good water after Nevadas and distributed by great sucking sound heard and among those peoples
So states a report from a bad.” engineered solutions. Water from Houston to Anchorage, already deprived of what we
2012 survey of participants at China, India, Australia, the rationing, inadequate supply from New York to Moscow, take for granted.
the World Economic Forum in US - all are grappling with at key points in the growth of from Beijing to the Poles. Is it possible to construct a
Davos, Switzerland. “Though these conditions, certainly not fruit and crops, and weak and There is, of course, no alterna- new system on the true value
the problems of floods, theoretical anymore, but declining harvests can bring tive plan. Or is there? of water? What decisions
drought, and inadequate immediate, devastating, and even such a community to its The most valuable com- must be made? Do we need
water supply that were pro- disruptive. The rising price knees. The response cannot modity on earth is no longer new technologies and more
jected more than two decades for grain and rice resulting be conventional, cannot be oil. All the calculations money, or can we actually
ago have come true, little is from severe drought has been more of the same. The time change, even as the energy change by using the technolo-
being done to address them suggested as the major con- for that has passed. companies and their investors gies already in hand and re-
effectively. Leaders are espe- tributors to social unrest, per- “We didn’t realize until double down on what surely allocating existing assets?
cially ill-prepared for wide- haps toppling a government in recently how much our econo- they hope will be a return to Can we finance such a
spread social instability…” Egypt and crippling a regional my and society relied on the good old days. Suddenly change with funds divested
Circle of Blue quotes Bob economy in Australia and hydrologic stability.” Perhaps the communities suffering from the extraction industry
Sanford, chair of the Canadian escalating prices in food- we do now, and if finally so, from the myriad conse- and re-invested in alternatives
Partnership Initiative, as fol- dependent markets through- what are we going to do about quences of fracking or explod- and renewable resources? Can
lows: “We didn’t realize until out the southern hemisphere. it? ing pipelines find leverage to we move the oil subsidies
recently how much our econo- These are not problems easily If global leaders have real- fight back against what has away from a dying industry to
my and society relied on dismissed or ignored. ized how much our economies been so cleverly packaged as bring the new alternatives to
hydrologic stability.” We are fighting wars for and society rely on hydrologic beyond them and essential to scale? Can we take back the
Well, that is not entirely water, as much as for oil or stability, what do you suppose the national interest. definition of our future from
true. China, for example, has religion. they intend to do about it? What then is the most valu- those who see it only as a
been building massive water The old solutions do not Despite the drought and able commodity on earth replication of our past? Can
transfer systems to move serve these extreme events. It water scarcity, despite the around which a new, more we make, and execute a new
water from areas in the south may be that the old engineer- ongoing pollution of existing viable, more realistic system plan?
to the more arid north where ing ideas and designs like the water supply by fertilizer, of value can be built? It is Of course, we can. It is, in
drought, industrial irrigation, Tennessee Valley Authority in chemicals, toxic spills, and all water, the one natural product fact, already in progress, per-
and flagrant pollution have the US or the diversion of the rest, what action do you that every person, rich or haps not so publicly known,
brought scarcity as well as northern rivers in India can- suppose might be taken to poor, from anywhere around perhaps not so clearly under-
economic and political crises. not meet the challenge of address this evident, recur- the globe, must rely on for life. stood. There are amazing
A recent analysis by exponential demand, degrad- ring, critical need? In the The collapse of oil, then, could examples of progress based
researchers at the Leeds ed supply, and global warm- United States Congress, the be seen as a unique opportuni- on a sharpening vision of the
Water Research Institute at ing. That proof may be now recent response has been to ty to shift our value system to future.
the University of East Anglia visible to us all, even those deny climate change as a an alternative based on water, Examples of a world, built
in the UK, published in the leaders gathered in the Swiss cause of such instability priced by its utilitarian neces- around the movements and
Proceedings of the National mountains to contemplate the around the world (and close to sities. cycles of water and the ocean,
Academy of Sciences, sug- world condition and its most home) and to work with fervor Of course, we need the sits at its center.
gests that this extraordinary critical needs. and dedication to dilute the energy to grow, not just for
expenditure of public funds There is a direct link protections of the Clean growth’s sake but to meet the Peter Neill is founder and
and labor may not be suffi- between water abundance Water Act, to weaken if not known requirements of a director of the World Ocean
cient to meet increased eco- and human well-being, eradicate the Environmental world population that is Observatory and is author of
nomic and population growth. between the adequate supply Protection Agency, and other- increasing dramatically by the The Once and Future Ocean:
Dabo Guan, Professor of and the sustainability of any wise to relieve any restric- millions year to year. If we Notes Toward a New Hydraulic
Climate Change Economics at community, rich or poor. tions or prohibitions for any cannot provide the basic liv- Society. He is also the host of
the University’s School of Northern California is a activity that will simply make ing for these inhabitants in the World Ocean Radio, a weekly
International Development, is region of great fecundity and the matter worse. It repre- form of health, shelter, food, podcast addressing ocean issues,
quoted by Bloomberg News wealth in the U.S., dependent sents the most perverse inter- employment and quality of upon which this blog is inspired.
section of short-term profit life, then we should be pre- The Australian Water
for a politically motivated pared to accept our responsi- Partnership (AWP) is an
What then is the most valuable commodity on earth interest and a long-term loss bility for the unfortunate con- Australian Government devel-
around which a new, more viable, more realistic sys- for everyone else. sequences. It does not take opment initiative enhancing the
tem of value can be built? It is water, the one natural So it goes, at least until the much imagination to envision sustainable management of
product that every person, rich or poor, from any- price of oil collapses and all the outcomes; we see them in water across the Indo-Pacific.
where around the globe, must rely on for life. the numbers, justifications, the disruptive conditions of
and reasons for sustaining the poverty, political volatility, and @WaterPartnersAU
water use are: ductivity without raising con- approximately 70% in 2050.
• Leaky Irrigation Systems, cern for water use or in other Crop production in developing
• Wasteful and conventional words, getting highest yield countries is expected to dou-
application methods, with less amount of water. ble and there will be a signifi-
• Cultivation of thirsty crops Irrigation holds most of the cant increase in production of
without assessing the envi- responsibility for increasing several key commodities. The
ronmental conditions. crop/food productivity and pressure on renewable water
The underlying problems food security, if managed sources for irrigation would
related to agricultural water effectively. be critical and would increase
are worsened by misdirected in several countries in near
subsidies, low awareness about Efficient Water Manage- East/North Africa and South
the water crisis and weak legis- ment and Government Asia.
lation. An efficient irrigation Support However, there are
system will overcome these The challenges in water restraints that have a greater
challenges, and adopting the management are attributed to impact on the irrigation sys-
same is extremely critical. growing population and pres- tems market as well. One of
According to Frost & sure to use water resources the main restraints that affect
Sullivan, the Global Irrigation efficiently signify that, the farmers in developing coun-
Systems Market was estimat- organization/institutions tries is the Lack of Expertise.
ed at $8.2 billion in the year charge of water management, Farmers lack adequate knowl-
2016 with CAGR of 7.6% with have to constantly reform edge or means to know exist-
irrigation systems (micro-irri- their policies so that the coun- ing on-farm practices to
gation, mechanical irrigation, try is able to cope with new achieve better water efficien-
irrigation pumps, and pipes) demands and challenges. cy levels. They are also
contributing to 72% of the Efficient water management unaware of the incentives and
overall global revenue. North achieved through efficient unaware of the actual irriga-
America and APAC con- irrigation by reducing water tion practices for better crop
tribute about 33.6% and losses, increase in water pro- yield. Under existing circum-
24.6%. ductivity and increase crop stances, agricultural water
Key drivers for the growth yield with optimum water. management will maintain the
A G R I C U L T U R E eration are needed between of global irrigation systems Water-stressed nations have unidentified water efficiency
ACCOUNTS FOR 70% ‘blue- nations. market include: been drawing policies to assist levels. Farmers will have the
water’ withdrawal from Increasing efficiency in farmers in adopting efficient lesser motivation and weaker
sources like river and ground- irrigation is a high priority. Water Scarcity irrigation systems by provid- incentives to make substantial
water. The intensity of with- Improved water management According to FAO, ing incentives and subsidies. effort to improve water use
drawal has grown 3 times in in agriculture will increase Agriculture accounts for For example, in India, subsidy efficiency. This can, however,
the last 50 years. By 2050, water availability, provoke world’s 70% freshwater with- for drip irrigation system has be less of a threat in the future
global water demand for development, reduce soil ero- drawal and more than 90% of been 75-100% as several if a knowledge-exchange sys-
Agricultural is expected to sion, lead to diversified agri- its consumptive use and it is regions have been under tem is in place. One of the key
increase by 19% due to culture and feed a population 90% in regions like Middle- severe drought. The steps to overcome this lacuna
increased crop production. of 9 billion by 2050. As of East and North Africa. Global Government of United States is by continuous knowledge
Close to 40% of the world’s today, according to UN and climate change, increasing offers subsidies to offset the exchange between all the
food supply is from areas irri- FAO, 60% of the water population, excess crop pro- technology's higher cost. Drip stakeholders. Many irrigation
gated through artificial means pumped to irrigate is wasted duction has been constantly irrigation has brought about a companies are focused on
especially in regions like through runoff or evapotran- deteriorating freshwater significant boost to crop yield educating farmers on the
South East Asia. Water need spiration. Water-use efficien- reserves. Situation demands in the state of California which usage and efficiency of the
for people and environment is cy can be achieved only need for adopting efficient has been under the drought systems before installing the
competing with agriculture, through employing irrigation water management for agri- for some time now. same. This not only improves
especially in regions where systems that have proved to culture. Water scarcity has led the know-how but also bene-
irrigation is an absolute need produce more crops. to innovations for increasing Increase in Agriculture fits the farmers with more
threatening to dry up ecosys- Many major food produc- the efficiency and sustainabil- Production crops and eliminates technical
tems. In coming years, climate ing countries like China, India, ity of water use. However, in Yield is higher from irriga- challenges.
change will be an unpre- United States, Pakistan, several parts of the world, tion than the highest yields Deepthi Sugumar is a
dictable threat to the avail- Australia and Spain are close water mismanagement has obtained from rain-fed agri- Research Analyst at Frost and
ability of water. In order to to reaching their renewable led to depletion of freshwater culture. According to projec- Sullivan.
overcome water scarcity, water resource limits. resources. Water scarcity has tions by FAO, overall food pro-
political will, trust and coop- Reasons for the unsustainable shifted the focus on land pro- duction would increase by @FrostSullivanEE
The global water event is celebrating the theme of managing water risk in the circular
economy and BlueTech Research chief executive Paul O’Callaghan says the chosen
technologies demonstrate major new efficiencies in the way resources are conserved,
captured and repurposed in the treatment plant and the wider infrastructure.
ships and identify potential Forward osmosis technolo- wastewater, destroys chemi-
new partners. I am delighted gies use low-fouling, long-life cal and biological contami-
that we can bring 13 outstand- cellulose membranes to nants, facilitates clean
ing technologies to the event treat the most challenging water recovery and elimi-
and look forward to introduc- wastewaters. nates the need for backwash
ing them to delegates from • Genifuel: Hydrothermal and pre-treatment.
global utilities, industrial end- processing system (HPS) • TECTA-PDS: Markets the
users, and the investment produces biocrude oil and world’s first automated
community.” renewable natural gas microbiological water quali-
The Innovation Showcase (methane) from wastewater, ty monitoring system, which
featured companies are: converting more than 85% considerably lowers the cost
• Aqua Membranes: Uses its of the feedstock carbon to of monitoring.
unique patented 3D-printed renewable fuels. • World Water Works: Has
spacer technology to boost • HYREC: Offers a hybrid FO- developed a wastewater
permeate water flow, OARO (forward osmosis - treatment system that
Genifuel’s Hydrothermal Processing System is One of the Technologies increasing the membrane osmotically assisted reverse increases process through-
Taking Part in BlueTech Forum surface in spiral-wound ele- osmosis) system to treat put and performance
ments and significantly high strength waste streams through the gravimetric
A global event taking place nologies in water and the com- reducing membrane fouling. • IONMR: Has created the selection of dense sludge
in Canada will feature 13 panies chosen to present in • Aquam: Provides technolo- most durable and versatile aggregates with improved
ground-breaking technologies the innovation showcase sign- gies for packaged waste- high-performance anion- settling rates and the pro-
developed for the water sector. post the wider trends,” he said. water treatment plants that exchange membrane ever motion of enhanced biologi-
Digital, biotech, and mem- “I’m delighted that delegates can eliminate sludge, recov- synthesized. cal phosphorus removal.
brane technologies are among will have the opportunity to er energy as direct electrici- • Island Water Technologies: BlueTech Forum takes
the top 13 selected to take part find out first-hand about some ty and enable onsite water Has complete demonstra- place in Vancouver, Canada on
in BlueTech Forum in of the most advanced tech- reuse at significantly lower tion of the world’s first real- 6-7 June 2018.
Vancouver on 6-7 June 2018. nologies in the world. cost than incumbent tech- time bio-electrode sensor BlueTech Research
The global water event is “The companies we have nologies. for the direct monitoring of BlueTech® Research provides
celebrating the theme of man- selected have technologies for • Cerahelix: Has developed a microbial activity in waste- investors, water companies,
aging water risk in the circu- applications as diverse as durable ceramic filter that water treatment systems. researchers and regulators with
lar economy and BlueTech energy recovery, water quality uses DNA to create micro- • Microbe Detectives: Applies the latest information at their
Research chief executive Paul sampling, sludge monitoring pores that can deliver high advanced DNA sequencing fingertips. The company pro-
O’Callaghan says the chosen and ultrafiltration. Uniquely, levels of water quality and to identify and quantify vides clarity and critical analy-
technologies demonstrate the technologies will be pre- lower energy consumption nearly 100% of the microbes sis on emerging water technolo-
major new efficiencies in the sented at separate roundta- in industrial reuse applica- in a sample of water, pro- gy market areas. BlueTech
way resources are conserved, bles where delegates will have tions. vides comprehensive micro- Research maps and analyzes the
captured and repurposed in the opportunity to question • Emagin: Provides water bial evaluations for water water technology innovation
the treatment plant and the the developers face-to-face.” utilities with an operational quality and disease manage- landscape. The company is
wider infrastructure. O’Callaghan added, “The intelligence platform to ment. focused on what is changing and
“BlueTech Research has an intimate setting and collabora- enable smarter manage- • Purifics: Has a proprietary how new approaches, new tech-
unparalleled record in the con- tive atmosphere of BlueTech ment of their critical ceramic ultrafiltration nologies, and new needs are
tinuous tracking of technologi- Forum makes it very easy to processes in real-time. (CUF) membrane technolo- reshaping the water technology
cal trends and emerging tech- form new business relation- • Fluid Technology Solutions: gy which filters water and market.
Filtering of microplastics, more effective recycling of plastics and the digital transformation
of the entire industry: for five days, the world’s leading trade fair for environmental
technologies IFAT revolved around the issues of the management of water, sewage, waste and
raw materials management. The industry’s products are in rising demand all over the world.
“IFAT PRESENTS THE Environmental Minister Local Authorities and In- 2018 IFAT has addressed countries came to Munich
technologies of the future for Svenja Schulze said what dustry at the Same Level both local authorities and the between May 14 and 18, 2018
the clean environment; many people around the At the same time, repre- industry.” (2016: 136,885 visitors). Above
hence, it is driving the public globe are concerned about. sentatives of the manufactur- Digitally linked pumps, all, this means a rise of IFAT’s
discourse more actively than “We need to use resources ing industry visiting IFAT waste containers with sen- internationality. The highest
ever before. This was reflect- and recycle plastics and other showed a rising interest in sors, autonomous road growth came from (in this
ed in the visits of internation- materials more effectively resource-conserving and effi- sweepers - digital innovation order): Japan, Russia,
al politicians, the numerous and avoid plastic wastes cient methods. “Demand is a feature of many innova- Australia, China and
delegations from all over the being disposed of into the from industry has increased tions at IFAT. The new hall Slovenia. In total, 3,305
world and technology experts environment. It is to avoid significantly”, says Falk Olaf allocation based on the sub- exhibitors from 58 countries
who came to share ideas, unnecessary plastics”. Here, Petersdorf, Managing jects of water/sewage and presented their products and
experiences, and know-how”, technologies have a key role. Director of Xylem Water waste/secondary raw materi- innovations for the booming
says Stefan Rummel, “The IFAT presents smart Solutions Deutschland als was very much appreciat- environmental industry.
Managing Director of Messe and innovative environmental GmbH. IFAT boss Stefan ed. Hence, also the issue of Dr. Johannes F. Kirchhoff,
München. “The fair displays technologies that are already Rummel is convinced: “The drinking water is now firmly Chairman of the IFAT
the significance of the indus- established in Munich. Udo Advisory Board and
try and the issue: the number Jirmann, Managing Director Managing Director of
of exhibitors rose by 7 per- of Georg Fischer GmbH puts KIRCHHOFF Group drew a
cent to 3,305, the number of it like this: “Now, IFAT has positive conclusion: “The
visitors by 4 percent to more also become the world’s lead- 2018 IFAT is another impres-
than 141,000.” ing trade fair for drinking sive example of an excellent
water; the record figures platform for municipal and
Consumers Drive the In- achieved reflect its impor- private disposal companies as
dustry tance for the environmental well as the water, sewage,
It is above all the con- industry.” waste and raw material
sumers’ rising awareness and industry.”
their demand for sustainabili- 2018 IFAT: Figures The next IFAT takes place
ty that make the industry More than 141,000 expert in Munich from May 4 to 8,
boom. German Federal visitors from more than 160 2020.