Geo Expro Feb 16 Article en 82116
Geo Expro Feb 16 Article en 82116
Geo Expro Feb 16 Article en 82116
solution into its Roxar reservoir
management software portfolio.
This acquisition is not simply a
modelled. In addition, well or flow advanced engineering tool for single production targets and constraints can
lines capacities can be analysed using and multiphase flow systems. It relies also be specified, the implementation of
multiple boundaries and can quantify on a very fast and robust algorithm with which are executed during run time and
the effect on production potential. demonstrated capabilities that have been dictated by user-specified conditions.
Transient analysis is used for the in extensive use on the Ormen Lange The constrained problem is also solved
time-dependent simulation of well and field development offshore Norway and through employing active components,
flow line behaviour. Typical applications for planning on the Shtokman field in the such as chokes, gas lift, pumps, com
where the transient module in the Roxar Russian part of the Barents Sea. pressors and heat exchangers. With no or
METTE software can be deployed By directly connecting to reservoir limited active components, solutions will
include cool-down times for different simulators, the software provides be dictated by well flow potentials.
pipe wall insulation configurations, the concept-dependent production profiles, The software’s calculation speed is
calculation of the necessary hydrate with reservoir out-takes reflecting high and scales linearly. Depending on
inhibitor amounts during cold start-ups, production targets and constraints in field complexity, LOF simulation times
and the evaluation of requested times the downstream production network. are typically measured in minutes. Using
tank type models (decline curves), multi- Two North Sea Fields North Sea oilfield with a heavy non-
case production profiles can be made Examples of integrated production Newtonian fluid that required artificial
very quickly, providing a useful tool for management can be found in two lifting. In this case, the software provided
quantifying system parameter changes. North Sea fields. functionality for the use of shear-
When coupled to a reservoir In the first case, the software is dependent viscosity data during both
simulator, the software feeds back guide being used as a flow assurance tool on steady state and transient simulations.
rates to the reservoir for the next time a medium size oilfield in the North Sea Decline curve data from the reservoir
step, reflecting current production with three different reservoirs requiring simulation model was used as input to a
system capacity. The production artificial lift in the form of gas lift. A production network model. The network
network can be interfaced to service large number of development alternatives model was then used to predict artificial
networks for lift gas and/or continuous were screened in the early phase to create lift times, together with system lifetime
hydrate inhibitor distribution, with all concept-dependent production profiles. mass and energy balances. These used
networks being solved in each time step. To provide consistent LOF data, two alternative lift methods in the form
Constraints in the service network(s) will the software was used to perform of electrical submersible pumps and
be reflected in the production network. coupled simulations, interfacing the gas lift. The strong gelling tendencies of
The different available options for three separate reservoir simulation the production fluid also required the
production optimisation make this a models with gas lift optimisation. implementation of experimental yield
powerful tool for investigating different The production network model was stress data to perform realistic transient
productions strategies to see the effect simultaneously interfaced with a gas lift start-up simulations of the wells and
of recovery. supply network to determine its variation flow lines. The development concept
The software currently supports in mass and energy balances. Using also included SWAG (Simultaneously
interfacing to many reservoir simulators decline curves that originated from Water Alternating Gas) for gas
but will become more closely aligned these simulations, the effects parameter reinjection into the reservoir, simulated
with Emerson’s Tempest MORE as a variations, such as flow line and by the use of the software.
result of the acquisition. tubing sizes, were investigated to find
optimum sizes based on reservoir model A New Era
Other Reservoir Engineering Links predictions over field life. Lifetime mass Operators today are looking for a
There are other ways in which the and energy balances for the production workflow that integrates production
new software links in with reservoir system were generated for different and reservoir engineering and is part
engineering tools. Virtual metering development concepts including the of a truly digitally enabled oilfield.
results, for example, can be used with use of multiphase pumping. Using the Combining data from predictive
reservoir model history-matching as transient module, cooldown and heat-up reservoir models, production modelling
well as for daily or historical production simulations were performed to address and field instrumentation will enable
allocation. The combined virtual insulation requirements. Blowdown operators to monitor production
metering and forecasting capabilities simulations were also performed to continuously and use information
add up to a powerful production address both time and liquid drain from the field when forecasting future
management tool, in particular when volume requirements. reservoir performance and making
combined with PID control functionality. The second application is in a marginal operational decisions.
With the close integration
of the software with Emerson’s Effect of gas lift on oil production potential for different mandrel setting depths. Oil potential increases with
reservoir engineering solutions setting depth and has a maximum at given rates of lift gas, increasing with setting depth.
– its simulation tool Tempest
and look at a large number of 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
scenarios. Gas Lift (MSm3/D)