At So 4
At So 4
At So 4
Parenteral and oral preparations:
AtroPen, Minims (CAN), Sal-Tropine Surgery: 0.5 mg (0.4–0.6 mg) IM (or SC, IV)
Ophthalmic solution: prior to induction of anesthesia; during surgery,
Atropine Sulfate S.O.P., Atropisol, Isopto Atropine give IV; reduce dose to < 0.4 mg with
Ophthalmic cyclopropane anesthesia
Available forms
Tablets—0.4 mg; injection—0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.8, 1
mg/mL; ophthalmic ointment Epinephrine
—1%; ophthalmic solution—0.5%, 1%, 2%; auto-injector
—0.5, 1, 2 mg Aerosols:
Primatene Mist Available forms
epinephrine borate
Ophthalmic solution: Solution for inhalation—1:100, 1:1,000, 1.125%, 1%;
aerosol—0.35 mg, 0.5%, 0.22 mg;
epinephrine hydrochloride
injection—1, 5 mg/mL; solution for injection—1:1,000,
Injection, OTC nasal solution:
Adrenalin Chloride 1:2,000, 1:10,000, 1:100,000;
Ophthalmic solution: suspension for injection—1:200; ophthalmic solution—
Epifrin, Glaucon 0.1%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%
Insect sting emergencies:
EpiPen Auto-Injector (delivers 0.3 mg IM adult dose),
EpiPen Jr. Auto- Dosages
Injector (delivers 0.15 mg IM for children) ADULTS
OTC solutions for nebulization:
AsthmaNefrin, microNefrin, Nephron, S2 Intraspinal 0.2–0.4 mL of a 1:1,000
solution added to anesthetic spinal
Drug classes fluid mixture.
Naturally occurring neurotransmitter, the Use extreme caution when calculating and
effects of which are mediated by alpha or beta preparing doses; epinephrine is a very
receptors in target organs. Effects on alpha potent drug; small errors in dosage can cause
receptors include vasoconstriction, contraction serious adverse effects.
of dilator muscles of iris. Effects on beta Protect drug solutions from light, extreme
receptors include positive chronotropic and
heat, and freezing; do not use pink or brown
inotropic effects on the heart (beta1
solutions. Drug solutions should be clear and
receptors); bronchodilation, vasodilation, and
colorless (does not apply to suspension for
relaxation (beta2 receptors); decreased
production of aqueous humor.
Parenterally administered epinephrine initially may produce constriction In general, atropine lowers the parasympathetic activity of all muscles
of renal blood vessels and decease urine blood flow. and glands regulated by the parasympathetic nervous system. This occurs
because atropine is a competitive antagonist of the muscarinic
Special Risk Patients acetylcholine receptors (acetylcholine being the main neurotransmitter
used by the parasympathetic nervous system). Therefore, it may cause
swallowing difficulties and reduced secretions.
Use with caution in elderly patients; in patients with CV disease, diabetes,
hypertension or hyperthyroidism, and psychoneurotic individuals; in
patients with long-standing bronchial asthma and emphysema who have
developed degenerative heart disease; in patients with ventricular
fibrillation; in patients with prefibrillatory rhythm; and in pregnancy.
Sulfite Sensitivity
CV effects
Cerebrovascular hemorrhage
Pulmonary edema