Vaccination Assessment Task Final
Vaccination Assessment Task Final
Vaccination Assessment Task Final
Effectiveness of vaccination programs
SC5-3VA demonstrates confidence in making reasoned, evidence based decisions about the current
and future use and influence of science and technology, including ethical considerations
SC5-14LW analyses interactions between components and processes within biological systems
SC5-15LW explains how biological understanding has advanced through scientific discoveries,
technological developments and the needs of society
SC5-7WS processes, analyses and evaluates data from secondary sources to develop evidence
based arguments and conclusions
SC5-9WS presents science ideas and evidence for a particular purpose and to a specific audience
using appropriate scientific language, conventions and representations
LITERACY constructs considered arguments that explore and analyse a range of different
Cluster 16 perspectives on complex and challenging topics
Disease has been one of the biggest threats to human survival over the course of history. But today, even
diseases as serious as the black plague can be treated with antibiotics or prevented with basic sanitation.
Your task is to research how diseases are prevented and to report upon the effectiveness of vaccination
programmes using the ALARM and Discuss scaffolds to assist you.
The scaffolds are guides to assist you with structuring your responses to the two tasks.
The total response to Part 1 should not exceed 3 pages.
The total response to Part 2 should not exceed 2 pages.
You will need to reference your sources in a bibliography. The referencing must be written in
the HARVARD style (can use
SCIENCE ASSESSMENT RULES: (See your assessment schedule for more detail)
1. Students who are absent MUST :
- verify their absence with a doctor’s certificate AND
- submit the form and doctor’s certificate to the Head Teacher ON THEIR FIRST DAY BACK AT
2. Students who are absent and DO NOT follow the procedures above MUST complete the task or an alternate task,
BUT a ZERO mark will be recorded.
History, Statistics and Vaccination of Smallpox, Diphtheria OR Polio
Process, analyse and present information from secondary sources to assess the effectiveness of vaccination programs in preventing
the spread and occurrence of once common diseases. You must choose ONE disease to investigate: smallpox, diphtheria or polio.
Example of Before the vaccination Vaccination development After vaccination program The effectiveness of the
disease: program vaccination in eradication of the
9. Date first vaccine for the disease 13. Number/occurrence of
1. State the disease 4. Historical background was produced reported cases after the program
Whooping cough is not the only disease that has increased in incidence over the last few years. Other diseases such as measles have
shown an increase in the number of new cases in particular populations. This is often due to parents choosing not to vaccinate their
Research information from a number of sources and provide at least four reasons why some parents refuse to have their children
Discuss each of these reasons providing arguments for and/or against them.
Use the SCAFFOLD below to organise your written response. The final document should have an introductory paragraph, paragraphs for
the body and a paragraph for the conclusion (use MS Word).
Body: In each paragraph (you will need at least four paragraphs for the body) provide a reason why some parents might be choosing not to
vaccinate (negative consequences of vaccination, lack of medical benefits, religious reasons, superstitions, influence of family or friends,
Describe and
etc.) followed by arguments for and/or against that particular reason.
Summarise your overall points. Provide a conclusion/summary statement (is it worth it not to vaccinate?).
Marking Rubric for Part 1: Smallpox, Diphtheria or Polio Name:
Name and Only names the Names the disease and States the organism that Gives 1- 2 descriptors or Gives at least 3 descriptors
Define disease describes the disease causes it. features of the organism or features of the organism
No sources
referenced or one At least one source At least 2 sources At least 3 sources
SC5-9WS Bibliography
source referenced referenced correctly referenced correctly referenced correctly
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3
At least 1 point At least 2 points At least 3 points given. Issues well identified with at Issues clearly identified with
identified but not identified and used to Information is summarised least 4 points given. at least 4 points given.
written as a report. write a report, but lacks and written as a report. Arguments in favour and/or Arguments in favour and/or
clear structure The body of response has against provided against well
(introduction, body and some points in favour/and showing good general drawn out to their
SC5-3VA Report/ conclusion). or against identified but knowledge of topic; conclusions in a clear
SC5-7WS lacking in depth. summary constructed . manner.
LITERACY- Discussion Superior depth of knowledge
Cluster 16 evident throughout response
in the written report.
No sources
At least one source At least 2 sources At least 3 sources
SC5-9WS Bibliography referenced or
referenced correctly referenced correctly referenced correctly
reference incorrectly
0 1 2 3
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