MSC EPI Programme Spec 2017.18 FINAL

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Programme Specification (Master’s Level)

MSc in Epidemiology

This document provides a definitive record of the main features of the programme and the learning
outcomes that a typical student may reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if s/he takes
full advantage of the learning opportunities provided. This programme specification is primarily
intended as a reference point for academic and support staff involved in delivering the programme
and enabling student development and achievement, for its assessment by internal and external
examiners, and in subsequent monitoring and review.

Programme Information

Award(s) MSc

Programme Title Epidemiology

Programme code A3BF

Awarding Institution Imperial College London

Teaching Institution Imperial College London

Faculty Faculty of Medicine

Department School of Public Health

Associateship n/a

1 calendar year full-time (12 months)

Mode and Period of Study

Cohort Entry Points Annually in October

Relevant QAA Benchmark Statement(s) and/or

Masters Degrees in Medicine
other external reference points

Total Credits ECTS: 90 180

FHEQ Level Level 7 - Master’s

EHEA Level 2nd cycle

External Accreditor(s) None

Specification Details

Student cohorts covered by specification 2017-18

Person Responsible for the specification Jo Tite [email protected]

Date of introduction of programme October 2017

Date of programme specification/revision 25th April 2017

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Description of Programme Contents

The MSc in Epidemiology offers a thorough grounding in epidemiological research and the application
of statistical and mathematical methods to epidemiological investigation and practice. Students will
be given the opportunity to apply research techniques to a variety of challenging epidemiological and
biomedical problems.

The programme is an intensive full-time programme requiring active study for a full 12 months.

Term One

The core focus of term one is to lay the foundations in biostatistics, modelling and epidemiologic study
design and analysis. It will build core knowledge on methods in epidemiology and major disease, skills
in the application of these and avenues of epidemiological research.

The programme is comprised of four core modules in term one, as follows:

• Introduction to Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis;
• Principles and Methods of Epidemiology;
• Disease Masterclass;
• Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling.

Term Two

The core focus of term two is to develop more specialised methodological and analytic skills, with the
development of knowledge on advanced methods and skills, and the application thereof used in
conduct of epidemiological research.

Term two builds upon the knowledge gained in term one and allows students to choose six out of eight
available optional/elective modules. The selection of optional/elective modules has been carefully
designed to cover a range of topics important for epidemiologic analyses and allow a certain degree
of specialism, whilst ensuring that students gain skills across a broad range of topics related to
infectious and chronic disease epidemiology.

The optional/elective modules are subject to change each year but currently include:

• Bayesian Statistics (Pre-requisite for ‘Spatial Analysis’ module)

• Spatial Analysis
• Further Methods in Infectious Disease Modelling (Pre-requisite for ‘Outbreaks’ module)
• Outbreaks
• Advanced Regression
• Advanced Topics in Biostatistics
• Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology
• Genetics of Infectious Disease Pathogens

Term 3

From approximately May until September (4 months), the research project will be carried out.

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The titles of the research projects are offered by prospective supervisors each year and will be made
available before the start of term two for students to select from. Students may be able to initiate and
propose their own research projects, subject to internal academic approval, appropriate supervision
available and ethical approval requirements.

Example and indicative projects from previous years include:

• Predicting the public health impact of pyrethroid resistance for malaria control;
• Epigenetic aging of the female X chromosome;
• Umbrella review and meta-analysis of white cell counts as predictors of disease;
• Origins of data amongst mathematical models of tuberculosis;
• Infectious disease risk assessment under a changing climate: phenological environmental
suitability modelling for invertebrate disease vectors;
• Systematic review and meta-analysis of circulating vitamin D in critically ill adult and paediatric

On completion of the project, a written dissertation will be produced and submitted for examination
followed by a viva in September with an internal and external examiner.

Students are expected to attend ALL timetabled sessions and any additional practical classes, tutorials
and group-work meetings. The attendance requirement is full-time i.e. usual working hours from
Monday - Friday for the taught components and for the research project.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the programme, students should be able to:

1. Design, analyse, interpret, and criticise epidemiological and biomedical research;

2. Demonstrate an understanding of the essential principles of modern biostatistical methods
and how to apply them;
3. Identify key concepts in the ecology and evolutionary biology of infectious disease and
propose solutions to apply them to real world, cotemporary problems;
4. Employ basic mathematical and computational skills used in the analysis of infectious
disease pathogenesis, transmission and control;
5. Apply current research methods in key areas of their chosen specialism;
6. Identify problems and pose appropriate studies/solutions;
7. Demonstrate an understanding and apply principles of modelling to real world
and contemporary health problems;
8. Understand and provide an overview of the big issues in chronic and infectious disease
9. Carry out research using research methods to generate novel scientific results;
10. Communicate scientific results in a formal setting to an audience of peers and engage in
scientific dialogue;
11. Integrate information from a range of sources.

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The Imperial Graduate Attributes are a set of core competencies which we expect students to achieve
through completion of any Imperial College degree programme. The Graduate Attributes are available

Entry Requirements

2.1 Honours degree in mathematics or statistics,

Academic Requirement medicine (human and veterinary) or biological

Additional Requirements None.

Some applicants may be invited to a post-application interview (over the phone or by Skype) to
further assess the suitability of the application, and demonstrate an exceptional background and
level of experience pertinent to work experience or demonstrable drive towards epidemiology and
public health research or action.

Higher Requirements: IELTS 7 with a minimum

English Language Requirement
of 6.5 in each element or equivalent

The programme’s core competency standards documents can be found at:

Learning & Teaching Strategy

• Lectures
• Seminars and practicals
• Class tutorials
Scheduled Learning & Teaching Methods • Small group tutorials
• Group work sessions
• Computer-based practical workshops
• Group workshops and revision sessions

• Formative and summative assessment via

Blackboard e.g. in-class quizzes
E-learning & Blended Learning Methods
• Mentimeter
• Teaching materials published via Blackboard

Project and Placement Learning Methods • Final research project (dissertation)

Assessment Strategy

• Written examinations
• Essays
• Reports and paper reviews
• Computer based tests
Assessment Methods
• MCQs and online quizzes
• Mini research project
• Individual and group presentations
• Articles and case study reviews

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Academic Feedback Policy

The programme complies with the College policy and will provide students with feedback within a
timely and appropriate turnaround time. Students will be provided with a bespoke assessment
schedule confirming all submission deadlines, marking periods and feedback points to manage their
expectations and ensure feedback can inform the next assessment, where appropriate.
Feedback will take different forms according to the type of assessment:

• Exams and written reports : students will be given written feedback, and given the
opportunity to discuss their provisional marks;
• Oral presentations: comments and immediate feedback will be given during some
presentations and feedback provided once provisional marks are published;
• Final research project: students be will given written feedback for their final
project/presentation and also receive preliminary oral feedback following the oral

Further exchanges will also take place throughout the programme through:
• Questions during or after the lectures;
• Interaction with tutors during practicals and 1-2-1s;
• Support and academic advice provided by the Course Organisers.

Re-sit Policy

Students will be permitted to re-enter a failed examination or resubmit a piece of failed coursework
on a single occasion. Examination re-sits may only be available at the next available sitting (i.e. the
following academic year).

Mitigating Circumstances Policy

The College’s Policy on Mitigating Circumstances is available at:

Programme Structure

Term Term
Full-time Term Three
One Two

Core Modules 4 0 0

Elective Modules 0 6 0

Projects 0 0 1

Assessment Dates & Deadlines

End of Term 1 modules (January)

Written Examinations
End of Term 2 modules (April/May)

Coursework Assessments Continuous

End of Term 1 modules (February)

Project Deadlines
Term 3 research project (Early September)
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Practical Assessments
Research Project Oral (Mid/late September)

Assessment Structure

Programme Component ECTS % Weighting

Introduction to Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis 7.5 8.3%

Principles and Methods of Epidemiology 7.5 8.3%

Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling 7.5 8.3%

Disease Masterclass 7.5 8.3%

Choice of six elective/optional modules:

• Bayesian Statistics (Pre-req of ‘Spatial

• Spatial Analysis
• Further Methods in Infectious Disease
Modelling (Pre-reg of ‘Outbreaks’) 30 33.3%
(5 each) (5.5% each)
• Outbreaks
• Advanced Regression
• Advanced Topics in Biostatistics
• Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology
• Genetics of Infectious Disease Pathogens

Research Project 30 ECTS 33.3%

Total 90 100%

Marking Scheme

The MSc can be awarded as a Pass, Merit or Distinction.

In order to be awarded a Pass for the Masters award, a student must:

• Achieve a mark of at least 40% in each assessment
• Achieve an aggregate pass mark of at least 50% in each module
• Students may be condoned in a maximum of 15 ECTS for the Masters award (i.e. excluding
the Research Project) with an aggregate mark of at least 40% in each module providing the
overall aggregate mark for the programme is at least 50%
• Achieve a mark of at least 50% in the Research Project

In order to be awarded a Merit for the Masters award, a student must:

• Achieve a mark of at least 40% in each assessment
• Achieve an aggregate mark of at least 60% in each module
• Students may be condoned in a maximum of 15 ECTS for the Masters award (i.e. excluding
the Research Project) with an aggregate mark of at least 40% in each module providing the
overall aggregate mark for the programme is at least 60%

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• Achieve a mark of at least 60% in the Research Project

In order to be awarded a Distinction, a student must:

• Achieve a mark of at least 40% in each assessment
• Achieve an aggregate pass mark of at least 70% in each module
• Students may be condoned in a maximum of 15 ECTS for the Masters award (i.e. excluding
the Research Project) with an aggregate mark of at least 40% in each module providing the
overall aggregate mark for the programme is at least 70%
• Achieve a mark of at least 70% in the Research Project

Exit awards

Admission and entrance to the programme is for the full-time MSc programme only.

A student may be permitted to exceptionally exit with one of the following lower awards, subject to
exam board approval:

• A Postgraduate Certificate (upon passing and completing the four core modules during term
one) totalling 30 ECTS modules, subject to exam board approval. The modules required are:
o Introduction to Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis (7.5 ECTS)
o Principles and Methods of Epidemiology (7.5 ECTS)
o Disease Masterclass (7.5 ECTS)
o Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling (7.5 ECTS)

• A Postgraduate Diploma (upon passing and completing the first four core modules during
term one, and, six optional modules from term totalling 60 ECTS modules, subject to exam
board approval. The modules required are those detailed above, and:
o Any 6 x elective modules totalling 30 ECTS (5 ECTS each)

In order to be awarded a Pass for the PG Cert or PG Dip exit award, a student must:
• Achieve a mark of at least 40% in each assessment
• Achieve an aggregate pass mark of at least 50% in each module

In order to be awarded a Merit for the PG Cert or PG Dip exit award, a student must:
• Achieve a mark of at least 40% in each assessment
• Achieve an aggregate mark of at least 60% in each module

In order to be awarded a Distinction for the PG Cert or PG Dip exit award, a student must:
• Achieve a mark of at least 40% in each assessment
• Achieve an aggregate pass mark of at least 70% in each module

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Indicative Module List

Ind. Place- % %
Core/ L&T Total % FHEQ
Code Title Year Study ment Written Course- ECTS
Elective Hours Hours Practical Level
Hours Hours Exam work

Introduction to Statistical Thinking and Data Core

TBC 1 45 142.5 0 187.5 80 20 0 7 7.5

TBC Principles and Methods of Epidemiology Core 1 35 152.5 0 187.5 60 40 0 7 7.5

TBC Disease Masterclass Core 1 60 127.5 0 187.5 0 100 0 7 7.5

TBC Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling Core 1 42 145.5 0 187.5 100 0 0 7 7.5

TBC Bayesian Statistics Elective 1 25 100 0 125 0 100 0 7 5

TBC Spatial Analysis Elective 1 25 100 0 125 0 100 0 7 5

Further Methods in Infectious Disease Elective

TBC 1 25 100 0 125 0 100 0 7 5

TBC Outbreaks Elective 1 25 100 0 125 0 80 20 7 5

TBC Advanced Regression Elective 1 25 100 0 125 100 0 0 7 5

TBC Advanced Topics in Biostatistics Elective 1 30 95 0 125 0 100 0 7 5

TBC Molecular and Genetic Epidemiology Elective 1 25 100 0 125 60 0 40 7 5

TBC Genetics of Infectious Disease Pathogens Elective 1 30 95 0 125 0 100 0 7 5

TBC Research Project Core 1 25 725 0 750 0 90 10 7 30

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Supporting Information

The Programme Handbook is available


The College’s entry requirements for postgraduate programmes can be found at:

The College’s Quality & Enhancement Framework is available at:

The College’s Academic and Examination Regulations can be found


Imperial College is an independent corporation whose legal status derives from a Royal Charter
granted under Letters Patent in 1907. In 2007 a Supplemental Charter and Statutes was granted
by HM Queen Elizabeth II. This Supplemental Charter, which came into force on the date of the
College's Centenary, 8th July 2007, established the College as a University with the name and
style of "The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine".

Imperial College London is regulated by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)

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