In-Circuit and In-Application Programming of The 89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x Microcontrollers

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This application note describes the three methods that can be used to
program the Flash code memory of the 89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x families
of microcontrollers. It discusses in detail the operation of the
In-System Programming (ISP) capability which allows these
microcontrollers to be programmed while mounted in the end product.
These microcontrollers also have an In-Application Programming
(IAP) capability which allows them to be programmed under firmware
control of the embedded application. This capability is also described.

In-circuit and In-application programming
of the 89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers

Supersedes data of 2002 Jun 24 2003 Mar 11

Philips Semiconductors Application note

In-circuit and In-application programming of the

89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers

INTRODUCTION The Flash Program Memory can be programmed

This document gives a brief list of features for the using three different methods:
89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x family of microcontrollers with Flash memory,
and the ways that the Flash memory can be programmed.
• The traditional parallel programming method (not described in this
Application Note)

MCU FEATURES • A new In-System Programming method (ISP) through the serial
• 80C51 CPU port

• 8K, 16K, 32K, 64 kbyte Flash EPROM • In Application programming method (IAP) under control of a
running microcontroller application program
• Flash EPROM is sectored to allow the user to erase and
Programming functions support the following functions:
reprogram sectors
• erase and blank check Flash memory
• 1 kbyte Masked BOOTROM for In-System Programming of the
Flash EPROM • program and read / verify Flash memory
• User callable BOOTROM subroutines for Flash erase and • program and verify security bits, status byte and boot vector
• read signature bytes
• Can automatically run user program or BOOTROM program at • full-chip erase
• Three security bits Memory Spaces
• Fully static operation: 0 to 33 MHz @ 12 clocks/instruction; 0 to Code memory on Philips Flash microcontrollers is organized into
sectors of 4 kbyte, 8 kbyte, or 16 kbyte, as indicated below. Different
20 MHz @ 6 clocks/instruction amounts of memory are present depending on the specific device as
• 100% code and pin compatibility with 80C52 shown in Table 1 and Table 2 below.

• Packages: 44-pin PLCC, 44-pin QFP, 40-pin DIP

Table 1. Memory Block of Philips ISP Flash Microcontrollers

Memory Block P89C51RB2H/RB+/660 P89C51RC2H/RC+/662 P89C51RD2H/RD+/664/68
8 kbyte (0–1FFF) X X X
8 kbyte (2000–3FFF) X X X
16 kbyte (4000 – 7FFF) X X
16 kbyte (8000–BFFF) X
16 kbyte (C000–FFFF) X
Total Flash Memory 16 kbyte 32 kbyte 64 kbyte

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89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers

Table 2. Memory Block of Philips P89C51Rx2 ISP Flash Microcontrollers

Memory Block P89C51RA2 P89C51RB2 P89C51RC2 P89C51RA2
4 kbyte, (0–FFF) X X X X
4 kbyte, (1000– 1FFF) X X X X
4 kbyte, (2000–2FFF) X X X
4 kbyte, (3000–3FFF) X X X
4 kbyte, (4000– 4FFF) X X
4 kbyte, (5000– 5FFF) X X
4 kbyte, (6000– 6FFF) X X
4 kbyte, (7000– 7FFF) X X
4 kbyte, (8000– 8FFF) X
4 kbyte, (9000– 9FFF) X
4 kbyte, (A000– AFFF) X
4 kbyte, (B000– BFFF) X
4 kbyte, (C000– CFFF) X
4 kbyte, (D000– DFFF) X
4 kbyte, (E000– EFFF) X
4 kbyte, (F000– FFFF) X
Total Flash Memory 8 kbyte 16 kbyte 32 kbyte 64 kbyte

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General Overview of In-System Programming (ISP) example, an application may have a need to store calibration
In-System Programming (ISP) is a process whereby a blank device information or perhaps need to be able to download new code
mounted to a circuit board can be programmed with the end-user portions. This ability to erase and program code memory in the
code without the need to remove the device from the circuit board. end-user application is “In-Application Programming” (IAP).
Also, a previously programmed device can be erased and The Bootrom routines which perform functions on the Flash memory
reprogrammed without removal from the circuit board. during ISP mode such as programming, erasing, and reading, are
In order to perform ISP operations the microcontroller is powered up also available to end-user programs. Thus it is possible for an
in a special “ISP mode”. ISP mode allows the microcontroller to end-user application to perform operations on the Flash memory. A
communicate with an external host device through the serial port, common entry point (FFF0h) to these routines has been provided to
such as a PC or terminal. The microcontroller receives commands simplify interfacing to the end-users application. Functions are
and data from the host, erases and reprograms code memory, etc. performed by setting up specific registers as required by a specific
Once the ISP operations have been completed the device is operation and performing a call to the common entry point. Like any
reconfigured so that it will operate normally the next time it is either other subroutine call, after completion of the function, control will
reset or power removed and reapplied. return to the end-user’s code.

All of the Philips microcontrollers shown in Table 1 and Table 2 have The Bootrom is shadowed with the user code memory in the
a 1 kbyte factory-masked ROM located in the upper 1 kbyte of code address range from FC00h to FFFFh. This shadowing is controlled
memory space from FC00 to FFFF. This 1 kbyte ROM is in addition by the ENBOOT bit (AUXR1.5). When set, accesses to internal code
to the memory blocks shown in Table 1 and Table 2. This ROM is memory in this address range will be from the boot ROM. When
referred to as the “Bootrom”. This Bootrom contains a set of cleared, accesses will be from the user’s code memory. It will be
instructions which allows the microcontroller to perform a number of NECESSARY for the end-user’s code to set the ENBOOT bit prior to
Flash programming and erasing functions. The Bootrom also calling the common entry point for IAP operations, even for devices
provides communications through the serial port. The use of the with 16 kbyte, 32 kbyte, and 64 kbyte of internal code memory. (ISP
Bootrom is key to the concepts of both ISP and In-Application operation is selected by certain hardware conditions and control of
Programming (IAP). The contents of the bootrom are provided by the ENBOOT bit is automatic when ISP mode is activated).
Philips and masked into every device.
Using the Watchdog Timer (WDT)
When the device is reset or power applied, and the EA/ pin is high or The 89C51Rx2 and 89C66x devices support the use of the WDT in
at the VPP voltage, the microcontroller will start executing IAP. The user specifies that the WDT is to be fed by setting the most
instructions from either the user code memory space at address significant bit of the function parameter passed in R1 prior to calling
0000h (“normal mode”) or will execute instructions from the Bootrom PGM_MTP. The WDT function is only supported for Block Erase
(ISP mode). Selection of these modes will be described later. when using the Quick Block Erase. The Quick Block Erase is
specified by performing a Block Erase with Register R0 = 0.
General Overview of In-Application Programming Requesting a WDT feed during IAP should only be performed in
(IAP) applications that use the WDT since the process of feeding the WDT
Some applications may have a need to be able to erase and will start the WDT if the WDT was not running.
program code memory under the control fo the application. For

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Philips Semiconductors Application note

In-circuit and In-application programming of the

89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers

IN-SYSTEM PROGRAMMING (ISP) Note: When erasing the Status Byte or Boot Vector, both
The Philips In-System Programming (ISP) facility has made in-circuit bytes are erased at the same time. It is necessary to
programming in an embedded application possible with a minimum reprogram the Boot Vector after erasing and updating the
of additional expense in components and circuit board area. Status Byte. For proper operation of P89C51Rx2H and
P89C660x devices, erasing the status byte and boot vector
The ISP function uses five pins: TxD, RxD, VSS, VCC, and VPP (see needs to be implemented six times in a row unless
Figure 1). Only a small connector needs to be available to interface FlashMagic version 1.70 or above is used.
your application to an external circuit in order to use this feature.
The VPP supply should be decoupled and VPP not allowed to The bootloader may also be executed by meeting the following
exceed datasheet limits. conditions at the falling edge of reset:
• PSEN is held low with a pull-down resistor of 2 kΩ to limit current
that can exceed 30 mA
• EA\ is greater than VIH
VPP +12V/5V*
• P2.6 and P2.7 are high or floating1
’1’ P2.7*
• ALE is high or floating
’1’ P2.6* VCC +5V
This has the same effect as a non–zero status byte. This allows an
X1 TxD TxD application to be built that will normally execute the end users code
RxD RxD but can be manually forced into ISP operation.
PSEN ‘0’ at falling
edge of reset The ISP feature allows programming of the Flash EPROM through
the serial port.
VSS The ISP programming is accomplished by serial boot loader
subroutines found in the BOOTROM. These routines use Intel hex
records to receive commands and data from external sources such
*Depends on specific device – see text as a host PC. (Details of these hex records are described in a later
section of this application note.)
Figure 1. In-System Programming with a Minimum of Pins

In order to understand how ISP works it is necessary to first discuss

two special Flash registers; the BOOT VECTOR and the STATUS
BYTE. At the falling edge of reset the MCU examines the contents
of the Status Byte. If the Status Byte is set to zero, power-up
execution starts at location 0000H which is the normal start address
of the user’s application code. When the Status Byte is set to a
value other than zero, the contents of the Boot Vector is used as the
high byte of the execution address and the low byte is set to 00H.
The factory default setting is 0FCH, corresponds to the address
0FC00H for the factory masked-ROM ISP boot loader (Boot ROM).
A custom boot loader can be written with the Boot Vector set to the
custom boot loader.

1. P2.6 and P2.7 are not required to be in any particular state in the 2nd generation P89C51Rx2 devices. These devices are distinguished by the absence of an “H” in
the suffix.

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Philips Semiconductors Application note

In-circuit and In-application programming of the

89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers

0000 ENBOOT = 0


4000 00
Status Byte



Boot Vector High




Figure 2. ISP Flow Chart

The Boot ROM code is located at memory address FC00H and can Using the In-System Programming (ISP)
be invoked by having the Status byte non-zero and having the Boot The ISP feature allows for a wide range of baud rates to be used in
Vector = FCH. (If the Boot Vector is a value other than FCH, an your application, independent of the oscillator frequency. It is also
attempt to enter the ISP mode will start execution at the wrong adaptable to a wide range of oscillator frequencies. This is
address and may result in incorrect responses). After programming accomplished by measuring the bit-time of a single bit in a received
the Flash, the status byte should be programmed to zero in order to character. This information is then used to program the baud rate in
allow execution of the user’s application code beginning at address terms of timer counts based on the oscillator frequency. The ISP
0000H. feature requires that an initial character (an uppercase U) be sent to
We recommend using the following sequence for ISP programming. the 89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x to establish the baud rate. The ISP firmware
Refer to Table 3 for data record structure: provides auto-echo of received characters.

1. Enter the ISP mode by applying one of the methods previously Once baud rate initialization has been performed, the ISP firmware
described (non-zero Status Byte, PSEN, etc.). will only accept Intel Hex-type records. Intel Hex records consist of
ASCII characters used to represent hexadecimal values and are
2. Send an uppercase “U” from the host to the microcontroller to summarized below:
3. Send a record from the host to the microcontroller to specify the
oscillator frequency. In the Intel Hex record, the “NN” represents the number of data
bytes in the record. The 89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x will accept up to 16
4. Send a record from the host to the microcontroller to erase the (10H) data bytes. The “AAAA” string represents the address of the
desired block(s). first byte in the record. If there are zero bytes in the record this field
5. Send records from the host to the microcontroller to program is often set to 0000. The “RR” string indicates the record type. A
desired data into the device. record type of “00” is a data record. A record type of “01” indicates
the end-of-file mark. In this application additional record types will be
6. Send a record to erase both Status Byte and Boot Vector after added to indicate either commands or data for the ISP facility. The
ISP has been successfully done. There is no way to erase the maximum number of data bytes in a record is limited to 16 (decimal).
Status Byte without erasing the Boot Vector. ISP commands are summarized in Table 3.
7. Send a record to program the Boot Vector back to the original As a record is received by the 89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x the information in
value (0FCH) if the you want to keep the default serial loader as the record is stored internally and a checksum calculation is
the ISP communication channel. performed. The operation indicated by the record type is not
8. Write 00H to the Status Byte so that the program will begin at performed until the entire record has been received. Should an error
address 0000H after reset. occur in the checksum, the 89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x will send an “X” out

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In-circuit and In-application programming of the

89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers

the serial port indicating a checksum error. If the checksum The ISP facility was designed so that specific crystal frequencies
calculation is found to match the checksum in the record then the were not required in order to generate baud rates or time the
command will be executed. In most cases successful reception of programming pulses. The user thus needs to provide the
the record will be indicated by transmitting a “.” character out the 89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x with information required to generate the proper
serial port (displaying the contents of the internal program memory timing. Record type 02 is provided for this purpose.
is an exception).
Software utilities to implement ISP programming with a PC are
In the case of a Data Record (record type 00) an additional check is available online (see next section).
made. A “.” character will NOT be sent unless the record checksum
Note: Some ISP and IAP functions are only available for
matched the calculated checksum and all of the bytes in the record
the 2nd generation P89C51Rx2 devices. The shaded
were successfully programmed. For a data record an “X” indicates
areas in the following tables denote these functions.
that the checksum failed to match and an “R” character indicates
These Rx2 devices can be distinguished from older Rx2
that one of the bytes did not properly program. It is necessary to
devices by the absence of an “H” in the part number.
send a type 02 record (specify oscillator frequency) to the
89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x before programming data.

Table 3. Intel-Hex Records Used by In-System Programming

00 Program Data
nn = number of bytes (hex) in record
aaaa = memory address of first byte in record
dd....dd = data bytes
cc = checksum
01 End of File (EOF), no operation
xxxxxx = required field, but value is a “don’t care”
cc = checksum
02 Specify Oscillator Frequency
xxxx = required field, but value is a “don’t care”
dd = integer oscillator frequency rounded down to nearest MHz
cc = checksum
:0100000210ED (dd = 10h = 16, used for 16.0–16.9 MHz)

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03 Miscellaneous Write Functions
nn = number of bytes (hex) in record
xxxx = required field, but value is a “don’t care”
03 = Write Function
ff = subfunction code
ss = selection code
dd = data input (as needed)
cc = checksum
Subfunction Code = 01 (Erase Blocks)
ff = 01
ss = block code as shown below:
block 0, 0k to 8k, 00H
block 1, 8k to 16k, 20H
block 2, 16k to 32k, 40H
:020000030120DA erase block 1
Subfunction Code = 04 (Erase Boot Vector and Status Byte)1
ff = 04
ss = don’t care
:020000030400F7 erase boot vector and status byte
Subfunction Code = 05 (Program Security Bits)
ff = 05
ss = 00 program security bit 1 (inhibit writing to Flash)
01 program security bit 2 (inhibit Flash verify)
02 program security bit 3 (disable external memory)
:020000030501F5 program security bit 2
Subfunction Code = 06 (Program Status Byte or Boot Vector)
ff = 06
ss = 00 program status byte
01 program boot vector
2nd gen Rx2 02 program 6x/12x bit (dd:80) (bit 7=0 represents 12x, bit 7=1 represents 6x)
dd = data
:030000030601FCF7 program boot vector with 0FCH
2nd gen Rx2 Example:
:0300000306028072 program config[7]
Subfunction Code = 07 (Full Chip Erase)1
Erases all blocks, security bits, and sets status and boot vector to default values
ff = 07
ss = don’t care
dd = don’t care
:0100000307F5 full chip erase

1. Unless FlashMagic version 1.70 or above is used, erasing the status byte and boot vector needs to be implemented six times in a row for
proper operation of the P89C51Rx2H and P89C66x devices.

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2nd gen Rx2 Subfunction Code = 0C (Erase Block : each block is 4k sizes)
ff = 0C
ss = block code as shown below:
Block 0 , 0k~4k , 00H
Block 1 , 4k~8k , 10H
Block 2 , 8k~12k , 20H
Block 3 , 12k~16k , 30H
Block 4 , 16k~20k , 40H
Block 5 , 20k~24k , 50H
Block 6 , 24k~28k , 60H
Block 7 , 28k~32k , 70H
Block 8 , 32k~36k , 80H
Block 9 , 36k~40k , 90H
Block 10 , 40k~44k , A0H
Block 11 , 44k~48k, B0H
Block 12 , 48k~52k, C0H
Block 13 , 52k~56k, D0H
Block 14 , 56k~60k, E0H
Block 15 , 60k~64k, F0H
:0200000030C20CF (Erase 4k block 2)
04 Display Device Data or Blank Check – Record type 04 causes the contents of the entire Flash array to be sent out the seri-
al port in a formatted display. This display consists of an address and the contents of 16 bytes starting with that address.
No display of the device contents will occur if security bit 2 has been programmed. Data to the serial port is initiated by the
reception of any character and terminated by the reception of any character.
General Format of Function 04
05 = number of bytes (hex) in record
xxxx = required field, but value is a “don’t care”
04 = “Display Device Data or Blank Check” function code
ssss = starting address
eeee = ending address
ff = subfunction
00 = display data
01 = blank check
2nd gen Rx2 02 = display data in data block (the valid address: 0001~0FFFH)
cc = checksum
:0500000440004FFF0069 display 4000–4FFF
:0500000400000FFF02E7 display data in data block (the data in address 0000 is invalid)

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05 Miscellaneous Read Functions
General Format of Function 05
02 = number of bytes (hex) in record
xxxx = required field, but value is a “don’t care”
05 = “Miscellaneous Read” function code
ffss = subfunction and selection code
0000 = read signature byte – manufacturer id (15H)
0001 = read signature byte – device id # 1 (C2H)
0002 = read signature byte – device id # 2
2nd gen Rx2 0003 = read 12x/6x bit (bit 7)
2nd gen Rx2 0080 = read ROM code revision
0700 = read security bits
0701 = read status byte
0702 = read boot vector
cc = checksum
:020000050001F8 read signature byte – device id # 1
:020000050003F6 read config (The bit7=0 represent 12x, bit7=1 represent 6x)
:02000005008079 read ROM Code Revision (0A: Rev. A, 0B:Rev. B )
06 Direct Load of Baud Rate (not available with 89C51RB+/RC+/RD+ devices)
General Format of Function 06
02 = number of bytes (hex) in record
xxxx = required field, but value is a “don’t care”
06 = ”Direct Load of Baud Rate” function code
hh = high byte of Timer 2
ll = low byte of Timer 2
cc = checksum
07 Program data in data block
2nd gen Rx2 :nnaaaa07dd....ddcc
nn = number of bytes (hex) in record
aaaa = memory address of first byte in record(the valid address : 0001~0FFFH)
dd....dd = data bytes
cc = checksum

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In-circuit and In-application programming of the

89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers

WinISP and FlashMagic: two free Windows–based Blank Check

Click the BLANK CHECK button.
In–System Programming Utilities available online
Program Part
Click the PROGRAM PART button.
How to download WinISP:
Read Part
1. Direct your browser to the following page: Click the READ PART button.
Verify Part
2. Download “WinISP.exe” Click the VERIFY PART button.
3. Execute WinISP.exe to install the software Fill Buffer
Enter the starting and ending address in the RANGE boxes.
Click the FILL BUFFER button. Enter the data pattern in the
How to download FlashMagic: next dialog box.
1. Direct your browser to the following page: NOTE: The MCU must be running the BOOT ROM
program for WINISP or FlashMagic to be able to
2. Download FlashMagic communicate with the microcontroller.
3. Execute “flashmagic.exe” to install the software

Some hints on WinISP

Launch the ISP program into a window. Use the mouse to select the
part type, the Windows serial port being used, and the oscillator
frequency in your application.

CHIP – selects the chip type.

PORT – Selects which port on the host computer is connected

to the ISP board. (COM1 – COM4)

RANGE – Selects the beginning and ending address.

WINISP Commands
Load File
Click the LOAD FILE button and enter the desired file name
into the dialog box
Erase Blocks
Click the ERASE BLOCKS button and use the mouse to
select the desired blocks. Click the ERASE! button.

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89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers


1 2 Y1 U1 P1

21 43 P00
XTAL1 P0.0/AD0
42 P01
41 P02
27pF C2 P0.2/AD2
40 P03

1 2 P0.3/AD3 39 P04
20 XTAL2 P0.4/AD4
38 P05
P0.5/AD5 U2
VPP 35 37 P06
EA/VPP P0.6/AD6 TXD 11 14
+5V 36 P07


RST 10 GND 10 7
24 P20

0.1uF P2.0/A8 RXD 12

P10 2 25 P21 13

P1.0/T2 P2.1/A9 R1OUT R1IN +5V

S1 P11 3 26 P22 9 8 GND
P1.1/T2EX P2.2/A10 R2OUT R2IN
RST C7 P12 4 27 P23 C3
P1.2/ECI P2.3/A11

10uF 16V P13 5 28 P24 1 2 2 1
P1.3/CEX0 P2.4/A12 C4 C1+ V+
P14 6 29 P25

P1.4/CEX1 P2.5/A13 0.1uF 0.1uF

P15 7 30 P26 3 16

P1.5/CEX2 P2.6/A14 C1– VCC
P16 8 31 P27 C5
P1.6/CEX3 P2.7/A15 4 6 2 1 C6
P17 9 C2+ V–
P1.7/CEX4 0.1uF

18 P36 0.1uF
P3.6/WR C8

R1 P32 14 19 P37 5 15
INT0/P3.2 P3.7/RD 0.1uF C2– GND
D1 P33 15

1N914 INT1/P3.3
P34 16 33 ALE


P35 17 32 PSEN

P3.5/T1 PSEN
11 RXD
13 TXD


JP7 +5V TP

1 R4 D2

2 100K 1 2 VPP

U4 L1
1 8 10uHy C10 C9
GND PGND 47uF 16V 1uF

2 7


3 6 +5V




Figure 3. Typical ISP Implementation

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In Application Programming Method FFF0H. The oscillator frequency is an integer number rounded down
Several In Application Programming (IAP) calls are available for use by to the nearest megahertz. For example, set R0 to 11 for 11.0592 MHz.
an application program to permit selective erasing and programming of Results are returned in the registers. The IAP calls are shown in
Flash sectors. All calls are made through a common interface, Table 4.
PGM_MTP. The programming functions are selected by setting up Interrupts and the watchdog timer must be disabled while IAP
the microcontroller’s registers before making a call to PGM_MTP at subroutines are executing.

Table 4. IAP calls

PROGRAM BYTE Input Parameters:
R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 02h or R1 = 82h (WDT feed)
DPTR = address of byte to program
ACC = byte to program
Return Parameter
ACC = 00 if pass, !00 if fail
ERASE 4K CODE BLOCK Input Parameters:
(2nd generation Rx2) R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 0Ch or R1 = 8Ch (WDT feed)
DPH = address of 4k code block
DPH = 00H , 4k block 0, 0k~4k
DPH = 10H , 4k block 1, 4k~8k
DPH = 20H , 4k block 2, 8k~12k
DPH = 30H , 4k block 3, 12k~16k
DPH = 40H , 4k block 4, 16k~20k
DPH = 50H , 4k block 5, 20k~24k
DPH = 60H , 4k block 6, 24k~28k
DPH = 70H , 4k block 7, 28k~32k
DPH = 80H , 4k block 8, 32k~34k
DPH = 90H , 4k block 9, 34k~38k
DPH = A0H , 4k block 10, 38k~42k
DPH = B0H , 4k block 11, 42k~46k
DPH = C0H , 4k block 12, 46k~50k
DPH = D0H , 4k block 13, 50k~54k
DPH = E0H , 4k block 14, 54k~58k
DPH = F0H , 4k block 15, 58k~62k
DPL = 00h
Return Parameter
ACC = 00 if pass, !=00 if fail
ERASE 8K / 16K CODE Input Parameters:
BLOCK R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 01h or R1 = 81h (WDT feed)
DPH = address of code block
DPH = 00H , block 0 , 0k~8k
DPH = 20H , block 1 , 8k~16k
DPH = 40H , block 2 , 16~32k
DPH = 80H , block 3 , 32k~48k
DPH = C0H , block 4 , 48k~64k
DPH = 00h
Return Parameter
ACC = 00 if pass, !=0 if fail
ERASE STATUS BYTE & Input Parameters:
BOOT VECTOR1 R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 04h or R1 = 84h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00H
DPL = don’t care
Return Parameter
ACC = 00 if pass, !=0 if fail

1. Unless FlashMagic version 1.70 or above is used, erasing the status byte and boot vector needs to be implemented six times in a row for
proper operation of the P89C51Rx2H and P89C66x devices.

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R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 05h or R1 = 85h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 00h , security bit #1
DPL = 01h , security bit #2
DPL = 02h , security bit #3
Return Parameter
ACC = 00 if pass, !=0 if fail
R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 06h or R1 = 86h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 00H – program status byte
ACC = status byte
Return Parameter
ACC = 00 if pass, !=0 if fail
R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 06h or R1 = 86h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 01H – program boot vector
ACC = boot vector
Return Parameter
ACC = 00 if pass, !=0 if fail
PROGRAM 6-CLK/12-CLK Input Parameters:
CONFIGURATION BIT R0 = osc freq (integer)
(2nd generation Rx2) R1 = 06h or R1 = 86h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 02H – program config bit
ACC = 80H (MSB = 6-clk/12-clk bit)
Return Parameter
ACC = 00 if pass, !=0 if fail
PROGRAM DATA BLOCK Input Parameters:
(2nd generation Rx2) R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 0Dh or R1 = 8Dh (WDT feed)
DPTR = address of byte to program
(valid addresses = 0001h~0FFFh)
ACC = data
Return Parameter
ACC = 00 if pass, !=0 if fail
READ DEVICE DATA Input Parameters:
R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 03h or R1 = 83h (WDT feed)
DPTR = address of byte to read
Return Parameter
ACC = value of byte read
READ DATA BLOCK Input Parameters:
(2nd generation Rx2) R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 0Eh or R1 = 8Eh (WDT feed)
DPTR = address of byte to read
(valid addresses = 0001h~0FFFh)
Return Parameter
ACC = value of byte read
R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 00h or R1 = 80h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 00h – read manufacturer ID
Return Parameter
ACC = value of byte read

2003 Mar 11 14
Philips Semiconductors Application note

In-circuit and In-application programming of the

89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers


READ DEVICE ID #1 Input Parameters:
R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 00h or R1 = 80h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 01h – read device ID #1
Return Parameter
ACC = value of byte read
READ DEVICE ID #2 Input Parameters:
R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 00h or R1 = 80h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 02h – read device ID #2
Return Parameter
ACC = value of byte read
READ SECURITY BITS Input Parameters:
R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 07h or R1 = 87h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 00h – read lock byte
Return Parameter
ACC = value of byte read
READ STATUS BYTE Input Parameters:
R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 07h or R1 = 87h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 01h – read status byte
Return Parameter
ACC = value of byte read
READ BOOT VECTOR Input Parameters:
R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 07h or R1 = 87h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 02h – read boot vector
Return Parameter
ACC = value of byte read
READ CONFIG Input Parameters:
(2nd generation Rx2) R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 00h or R1 = 80h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 03h – read config byte
Return Parameter
ACC = value of byte read
READ REVISION Input Parameters:
(2nd generation Rx2) R0 = osc freq (integer)
R1 = 00h or R1 = 80h (WDT feed)
DPH = 00h
DPL = 80h – read revision of ROM code
Return Parameter
ACC = value of byte read

2003 Mar 11 15
Philips Semiconductors Application note

In-circuit and In-application programming of the

89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers

Rev Date Description
_10 20030311 (9397 750 10685)
• Updated status byte/boot vector erase info
_9 20020624 (9397 750 10137)
_8 20011011 (9397 750 08956)
_7 20000728 Previous release.

2003 Mar 11 16
Philips Semiconductors Application note

In-circuit and In-application programming of the

89C51Rx+/Rx2/66x microcontrollers

Short-form specification — The data in a short-form specification is extracted from a full data sheet with the same type number and title. For
detailed information see the relevant data sheet or data handbook.
Limiting values definition — Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 60134). Stress above one
or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or
at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended
periods may affect device reliability.
Application information — Applications that are described herein for any of these products are for illustrative purposes only. Philips
Semiconductors make no representation or warranty that such applications will be suitable for the specified use without further testing or

Life support — These products are not designed for use in life support appliances, devices or systems where malfunction of these products can
reasonably be expected to result in personal injury. Philips Semiconductors customers using or selling these products for use in such applications
do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Philips Semiconductors for any damages resulting from such application.
Right to make changes — Philips Semiconductors reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits, standard
cells, and/or software, described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. Philips Semiconductors assumes no
responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these
products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work right infringement, unless
otherwise specified.

Contact information  Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2003

For additional information please visit All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Fax: +31 40 27 24825
Date of release: 03-03
For sales offices addresses send e-mail to:
[email protected]. Document order number: 9397 750 10685

2003 Mar 11 17

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