Foreign Exchange Act 2017 12e
Foreign Exchange Act 2017 12e
Foreign Exchange Act 2017 12e
L.D.— O. 42/2003.
1. This Act may be cited as the Foreign Exchange Act, Short title and
No. 12 of 2017 and shall come into operation on such date date of
as the Minister may by Order published in the Gazette
appoint (hereinafter referred to as “the appointed date”).
2. (1) The Central Bank shall as the agent of the Central Bank to
Government, be responsible for implementing the provisions be responsible
of this Act in order to ensure proper promotion and regulation implementation
of foreign exchange in Sri Lanka, in accordance with such of the Act.
directions as may from time to time be issued in that behalf
under this section.
and the Central Bank shall, after giving such person and the
dealer a reasonable opportunity of being heard, affirm, vary
or revoke such decision.
Guidelines and 9. (1) The Central Bank may from time to time, subject
directions. to informing the Minister issue guidelines and directions to
authorized dealers and restricted dealers engaging in current
10. (1) The Central Bank may, at any time, cause an Investigations of
investigation to be made, of foreign exchange transactions foreign
or foreign assets of any authorized dealer or a restricted dealer transactions and
or any other person, class or classes of persons as the case foreign assets.
may be, by an officer of the Department of Foreign Exchange
authorized in writing by the Central Bank (hereinafter
referred to as an “authorized person”) in that behalf.
as the case may be, he may within thirty days after such
decision or determination is communicated to such dealer,
appeal against such revocation or determination to the Board
of Inquiry which shall determine such appeal in accordance
with the procedure set out in section 13.
Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 15
14. Where any person who is required to pay any sum Liability of
of money or penalty to the Central Bank under section 11 or bodies corporate
13 is a body corporate or unincorporated, every director, unincorporated.
member or partner of such body shall also be personally
liable jointly and severally to pay such amount or value and
Recovery of 15. (1) (a) Where any person fails to pay any sum of
sums due to money or penalty to the Central Bank under sections 11 or
13, the Governor of the Central Bank shall cause a certificate
to be issued under his hand, setting out the sum of money
required to be paid by such person.
Burden of proof 17. In any inquiry under section 13, the burden of
of permission. proving that any authorized dealer, restricted dealer or any
other person, class or classes of persons not being an
authorized dealer or restricted dealer had obtained the
permission of the Central Bank for doing the act or making
the omission which constitutes the violation of the provisions
of the Act or any regulation, Order, guideline or direction
issued or made thereunder shall be on such dealer, person or
class or classes of persons.
20. No person shall be liable in any suit or other legal Indemnity for
proceedings for any act done, or purporting to be done, in acts done in
good faith.
good faith in pursuance of the powers conferred by or under
this Act, or for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of
this Act.
21. (1) Except in the performance of his duties under Duty of officers
this Act, every officer or servant of the Department of Foreign and servants to
Exchange of the Central Bank shall preserve, and aid in secrecy.
preserving, secrecy with regard to all matters that may come
to his knowledge in the performance of his duties under this
Act, and any such officer or servant who communicates any
such matter to any person other than –
Preservation of 22. (1) Where the Monetary Board advises the Minister
financial that in the opinion of the Board, remittances of foreign
exchange into or out of Sri Lanka constitute a potential
threat to the financial stability of Sri Lanka, the Minister
may, with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers and
notwithstanding the provisions of sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 of
this Act, by Order published in the Gazette, take such steps
as may be necessary to restrict or regulate remittances of
foreign exchange into or out of Sri Lanka, for such period
not exceeding six months from the date of such Order.
Expenses in suit 23. (1) Any expenses incurred by the Central Bank in
or prosecution any suit or prosecution brought by or against it before any
to be paid out of
court, shall be paid out of the Consolidated Fund and any
the Consolidated
Fund. costs paid to or recovered by the Central Bank in any such
suit or prosecution shall be credited to the Consolidated
Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 23
25. Where the provisions of any other written law impose Obligations
an obligation in respect of the doing of any act and the under other
written laws.
permission or consent of the Central Bank is, by virtue of
that Act is required for the discharge of the obligation, it
shall be an implied condition of the obligation that it shall
not be discharged except in so far as the permission or consent
is given or is not required.
24 Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017
Amendment of 27. The Schedule to this Act may from time to time in
Schedules by the interest of the national economy be amended, altered or
Resolution of
varied by Resolution of Parliament.
Publication of 28. Where any regulation or Order made under this Act
Orders in daily is required to be published in the Gazette, it shall be published
once in three daily newspapers in the Sinhala, Tamil and
English languages.
30. (1) The Exchange Control Act (Chapter 423) is Repeal and
hereby repealed. Savings.
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