Fermented Wheat Bran
Fermented Wheat Bran
Fermented Wheat Bran
ISSN 1680-5194
© Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2008
Abstract: Three local sudanese wheat cultivars, Debeira, El-Nielain and Sasaraib were obtained from
Agricultural Research Corporation (harvest season 2002/03). Wheat bran was obtained from a local flour
mill in Khartoum North. It was carefully sieved and classified as coarse, medium and fine bran size then
fermented. Proximate composition, mineral content and anti-nutritional factors (tannin, phytic acid) were
determined for all types of wheat bran. Results indicated that fermentation of wheat bran increased the
percentage of crude fiber from 15.67 to 18.67%, 15.67 to 18.00%, 15.00 to 17.67%, protein content from
20.35 to 21.65%, 18.36 to 20.79%, 21.07 to 22.40% for coarse, medium and fine wheat brans, respectively.
Carbohydrates percentage increased from 45.09 to 47.4% in fermented coarse wheat bran. Both anti-
nutritional factors (tannins and phytic acid) were found to decrease significantly (P<0.05) in coarse, medium
and fine wheat bran. The tannin content decreased from 0.03 to 0.01, 0.07 to 0.05 and from 0.07 to 0.06 mg
catechin/100 gm, respectively. Phytic acid decreased from 626.1 to 572.8, 740.4 to 367.1 and from 795.2 to
301.6 mg/100 gm, respectively. There is no change on the values of Ca and Fe contents of coarse wheat
bran after fermentation. Also there was an increase in Ca content of fine and medium wheat bran. Fe content
of medium wheat bran decreased from 0.03 to 0.02% but Fe content of fine wheat bran increased from 0.023
to 0.033%. There is a slight decrease in P content of coarse wheat bran after fermentation. The phosphorous
content as percentage decreased in fermented medium and fine wheat bran from 0.004 and 0.003% to 0.002
and .002%, respectively. Bread specific volume values of the three cultivars with 10, 15 and 20% fermented
wheat bran decreased with increase in the amount of wheat bran. Bread with 10% fermented coarse wheat
bran gave the best results for all characteristics tested in organolyptic evaluation.
Eiman et al.: Effect of Fermentation and Particle Size of Wheat
and a bitter flavour. They added that pre-fermentation of Chemical analysis of the wheat bran: The moisture
wheat bran with yeast or yeast and lactic acid bacteria content was determined according to the method of
improved the loaf volume, crumb structure and shelf-life AACC (1983) using Buhler Rapid moisture tester (type
of bread supplemented with bran. The positive effect of MLI-1000). The ash content was measured according to
fermentation of bran on bread quality was evident in the the AOAC method (1990) using muffle furnace (model
changes of protein network structure of the breads. Pre- Tipoforno ZA No. 18203 Gef Ran 1001). AOAC (1984)
fermentation of the bran with yeast and lactic acid methods were used for determining protein, fat and
bacteria had the greatest effect on the structure of starch. crude fiber content. The total carbohydrates were
Furthermore, Katina et al. (2001) revealed that the bread calculated by difference according to Pearson (1976).
also had added flavour and good homogeneous crumb Determination of minerals (Ca and Fe) was carried
structure and elasticity of the crumb was excellent. according to Pearson (1970) by the Atomic Absorption
Mustafa et al. (2002) reported that fermentation darkens Spectrum (A.A.S) model G.B.C 932, while phosphorus
the bran color, which is observed in the bread produced. was determined by the Spectrophotometer (Model
Further fermentation is noticed to increase the flavour CECILCE 1021 1000) series according to Pearson
and acidity. The objective of this study was to evaluate (1970). Tannins were determined by Price et al. (1978)
the effect of fermentation as a mean of reducing anti- techniques using Vanillin-HCl in methanol and 1%
nutritional factors on the different fractions of wheat bran vanillin/methanol, while phytic acid by the method of
and on bread quality. Wheeler and Ferrell (1971).
Eiman et al.: Effect of Fermentation and Particle Size of Wheat
Eiman et al.: Effect of Fermentation and Particle Size of Wheat
Table 3: Bread specific volume Table 4: Sensory evaluation of the bread made with different ratios of
Loaf fermented wheat bran
Loaf Loaf specific Crumb Crumb Pref-
Type of bread weight volume volume Type of bread Colour Odour Taste texture grain erence
Sasarib flour+0% fermented bran 107.4def 441.7a 4.11a Sasaraib bread 9.3a 7.5c 7.5c 9.1a 9.3a 8.7b
Sasarib flour+10% F.C.B 106.6efgh 381.7bc 3.58c El-Nielain bread 9.3a 8.8a 9.0a 8.5c 7.5c 8.8b
Sasarib flour+15% F.C.B 100.7m 346.7de 3.44d Debeira bread 9.3a 8.9a 9.0a 8.9b 8.3b 9.1a
Sasarib flour+20% F.C.B 101.6lm 313.3gh 3.08fg SWF+10%F.C.B 8.2c 6.8d 7.0e 6.6e 6.7e 8.0c
Sasarib flour+10% F.M.B 105.0i 391.7b 3.73b EWF+10%F.C.B 8.8b 7.3c 7.8b 6.5f 7.3d 7.8d
Sasarib flour+15% F.M.B 105.3hi 333.3ef 3.17ef DWF+10%F.C.B 9.3a 8.0b 7.4c 7.3d 6.8e 8.3c
Sasarib flour+20% F.M.B 103.0k 305.0ghijk 2.96ghi SWF+10%F.M.B 7.1d 6.7d 6.5f 6.5f 6.3f 7.0e
Sasarib flour+10% F.F.B 109.1abc 391.7b 3.59c EWF+10%F.M.B 6.0f 6.5e 5.3j 4.7k 5.2i 6.5f
Sasarib flour+15% F.F.B 107.6def 340.0de 3.16ef DWF+10%F.M.B 6.9d 6.7d 6.4f 5.9g 5.8h 6.9e
Sasarib flour+20%F.F.B 109.6a 310.0ghi 2.83ij SWF+10%F.F.B 7.0d 5.4h 5.5i 5.7h 5.7h 5.3i
El-Nielain flour+0% fermented bran 106.8defg 353.3d 3.31de EWF+10%F.F.B 6.5e 5.7g 6.2g 6.7e 5.7h 6.3g
El-Nielain flour+10% F.C.B 101.0m 301.7hijk 2.99gh DWF+10%F.F.B 5.9f 6.1f 6.1g 6.4f 6.5f 6.6f
El-Nielain flour+15% F.C.B 102.7kl 288.3k 2.81ij SWF+15%F.C.B 5.1g 5.9f 5.2j 4.7k 5.1i 5.9h
El-Nielain flour+20% F.C.B 109.3ab 253.3l 2.32l EWF+15%F.C.B 7.1d 6.4e 7.3d 5.7h 6.1g 7.5d
El-Nielain flour+10% F.M.B 103.6jk 291.7jk 2.82ij DWF+15%F.C.B 6.9d 6.0f 6.0h 5.6h 5.7h 6.3g
El-Nielain flour+15% F.M.B 105.7ghi 265.0l 2.51k SWF+15%F.M.B 4.0j 4.9j 4.6l 4.4l 4.4k 4.4k
El-Nielain flour+20% F.M.B 104.5ij 220.0m 2.11m EWF+15%F.M.B 3.7k 4.7k 4.1n 5.5i 4.6k 4.3k
El-Nielain flour+10% F.F.B 107.3def 310.0ghi 2.89hij DWF+15%F.M.B 3.5l 4.3l 4.7l 4.8k 4.7j 4.2k
El-Nielain flour+15% F.F.B 105.5ghi 308.3ghij 2.92hi SWF+15%F.F.B 4.2i 4.8j 5.1j 5.2j 4.5k 3.9l
El-Nielain flour+20%F.F.B 107.2def 268.3l 2.50k EWF+15%F.F.B 4.4h 5.3h 4.4m 5.3j 4.6k 3.8l
Debeira flour+0% fermented bran 107.9cde 438.3a 4.06a DWF+15%F.F.B 4.4h 4.7k 4.9k 5.5i 5.1i 4.7j
Debeira flour+10% F.C.B 105.1i 375.0c 3.57c SWF+20%F.C.B 4.7h 5.3i 5.9h 4.2m 4.9j 5.1i
Debeira flour+15% F.C.B 103.4jk 341.7de 3.30de EWF+20%F.C.B 4.3i 4.5l 4.7l 4.7k 4.7j 4.3k
Debeira flour+20% F.C.B 106.4fgh 293.3ijk 2.75j DWF+20%F.C.B 4.3i 4.6k 4.5m 4.5l 4.2l 4.2k
Debeira flour+10% F.M.B 104.8i 353.3d 3.37d SWF+20%F.M.B 2.1o 3.3n 3.3n 3.2p 3.6m 3.0m
Debeira flour+15% F.M.B 108.1bcd 341.7de 3.16ef EWF+20%F.M.B 2.4n 2.5q 3.1o 3.2p 5.0i 2.5o
Debeira flour+20% F.M.B 107.7def 265.0l 2.46kl DWF+20%F.M.B 2.0o 2.9p 3.0o 2.6q 3.1n 2.6n
Debeira flour+10% F.F.B 109.6a 350.0de 3.19ef SWF+20%F.F.B 2.6m 3.3n 2.7p 3.5o 3.5m 2.8n
Debeira flour+15% F.F.B 107.7def 321.7fg 2.99gh EWF+20%F.F.B 1.4p 3.1o 2.5q 3.7n 4.1l 2.5o
Debeira flour+20%F.F.B 107.2def 301.7hijk 2.82ij DWF+20%F.F.B 2.7m 3.6m 4.4m 5.4i 4.7j 3.6l
*Any mean values in the same column having different superscript Where: 10-9 as excellent, >9-7 as very good, >7-5 as good, >5-3 as fair,
letters differ significantly (P<0.05). F.C.B = fermented coarse wheat >3-1 as poor. *Any mean values in the same column having different
bran. F.M.B = fermented medium wheat bran. F.F.B = fermented fine superscript letters differ significantly (P<0.05). EWF = El-Nielain wheat
wheat bran. flour; SWF = Sasaraib wheat flour; DWF = Debeira wheat flour. F.C.B =
fermented coarse wheat bran; F.M.B = fermented medium wheat bran;
F.F.B = fermented fine wheat bran.
reported by El Mubarak et al. (1988) and Babiker et
al.(1993). Tannins content of the fine wheat bran was
These results are in agreement with the results reported
significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of both coarse and
by Rendleman (1982) and Pomeranz and Gain (1983).
medium wheat bran. This difference is may be due to
Internet Report (2004) showed that wheat bran contains
the fact that the fine bran is mostly seed coat.
about 1013 mg/100 g phosphorous. Fermentation of
Phytic acid content of wheat bran is shown in Table 2.
wheat bran helps the alpha-amylase activity by releasing
Phytic acid content of non-fermented fine wheat bran
the Ca ion chelated with the phytic acid. The Ca ion is
was significantly (P<0.05) higher than in non-fermented
said to be important for the activity of alpha-amylase.
coarse and medium wheat brans. Phytic acid content of
Table 3 shows the bread specific volume of wheat bread
wheat bran is within the range reported by Mustafa et al. from Debeira, El-Nielain and Sasarib flours
(2002); Elhag (1993) and Sid Ahmed (2003). But the supplemented with various levels of fermented wheat
phytic acid content of fermented wheat bran is higher bran.
than the values reported by Mustafa et al. (2002). This Loaf specific volume decreased with the increase in the
indicates that fermentation hydrolyzes the phytate by the level of replacement from 4.11, 3.31 and 4.06 in the
enzyme phytase produced by the yeast, releasing the control wheat bread to 2.83, 2.11 and 2.46 in bread
mineral elements. The hydrolyses of the phytate also supplemented with 20% fermented fine bran, 20%
improves the protein digestibility. Fig. 1 shows some fermented medium bran and 20% fermented coarse
minerals content in the wheat bran. Non-fermented bran, respectively (Table 3). This drastic reduction of the
wheat brans showed similar values of Ca and P bread specific volume is mainly due to the dilution of the
contents. Non-fermented medium wheat bran has a gluten content. This deleterious effect of the bran could
higher value of Fe content compared with coarse and be reduced by using more shortening and SSL (sodium
fine wheat bran. From the results shown in Fig. 1, it stearoyl-2-lactylate) (Mustafa et al., 2002).
could be observed that fermentation reduced The sensory evaluation results (Table 4) of the bread
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