PROBES-75 Guidelines For Developing Greenbelts PDF

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Programme Objectave Series :

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (



(Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India)
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar
Delhi -110 032
� (lrr«l fflin'R em lfi'I'0'1:
� Central Pollution Control Board
� fin'qm (A Govl ol lnd1a OrganisatiOn)
3lUI"ei M1n1stry of Envtronment & Forests
Phone 2204948


Green vegetal cover is not only pleasing to the eyes but also beneficial in many ways
such as conservation of bio-diversity. retention of soil moisrure. recharge of groundwater
and moderation of micro-climate. Yet another important role of vegetal cover. which is
not well recogm sed . relates to comamment of pollution Bes1des actmg as a carbon smk.
certain spec1es of plants can even absorb the pollutantS while others can thrive in polluted

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Ra.ISlng of green belts with right t}-pc!S of species can serve as a useful buffer to
contam the menace of pollution from dil'terent sources. With this in view. a study was
commissioned by the Central Polluuon Control Board (CPCB) tor enlisti ng the plant
spec1es SUited to various bio-climauc conditions The Study was also intended to evolve a
theoretical model for design and development of green belt for opumum artenuauon of a1r
polluoon Apart from morphologtcal features affecting the plant response to pollutants. the
other important considerations in optimisation of green belL development tnclude distance
from the source of pollution and dispersion of pollutants under different atmospheric
Stabiliry conditions. An exercise was also made to Identify the spe cies which are sunable tor
revegetauon of mine spoil s , degraded habitats and stabilisation of tly ash dumps.

The report provides a mathematical model co optimise the. spccilicauons of a green

belt. The report a l so contains a list of 200 species recommended tor raising of green belt
under specitk bio-climatic regimes

I am thankful to Prof. S. B Chapekar. Umversiry of Pune. Shn R K. Kapur.

Nuclear Power Corporation.M um bai. Shn V K. Gupta. Atomic Energy· Regulatory Board.
Mumbru and the team of m) colleagues mcludmg Dr. B. Sengupta . Shn Lain Kapu�. Dr
SaJeev Paltwal and Shri M. K Gupta tor thetr collective effortS tn bringing out the

Based on the inputs provided by CPCB and information contained in this report. a
scheme for raising green belt fo r poiJuuon abatement and envtronmemal improvement has
been launched 10 Tamil �adu.

We hope. the gmdelines and mfom1auon comruned in thts report wt ll be useful to all
concerned "wtth environmental cleaning through greening�

(Dilip Biswas)

'Pauvesh Bhawan, C B 0 cum Olllce Complex East Aqun Nagar Delhol tO OJ:>
Grams "CLEENVIRON Fax (01112204Q48 Telex 031·66440 PCON IN P maol· cpcll�dlpha not 1n

Page No.
Executive Summary 1

1 lntroductron 2
2 Plant -Pollutant Interactions 4
3 Theoretrcal Model for Development of Green Belt 19
4 Agro-chmatrc Zones of lnd1a 34
5 Chorce of Plants for Green Belts 39
6 Stabrlizatron of Fly- ash usrng plants 44

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A Brochmatrc Zones of lndra 50

B Descnptron of Plants Recommended for Green Belts 66
c Zonewrse Lrst of Recommended Plant Spec1es B1blrography 167
0 References 196

Chapter 1 : Introduction

Green belts are recommended for conta1nment of air pollut1on 1n the human environment,
especially 1n Industrial and urban env1rons. Improvement of aesthetics is a bonus derived
through the presence of greenery in these areas

Chapter 2: Plant-Pollutant Interactions

Advantages notwithstanding, green plants are not a panacea for the environmental ills. As
liv1ng orgamsms, plants have their limits to tolerate toxicity of air pollutants and to function as
pollution ameliorants. Nature and levels of sensit1vit1es of plant species towards

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anthropogenic ai.r pollutants, are discussed.

Chapter 3 : Theoretical Models for Development of Green Belts

Green belt as a back-up to technological pollutron abatement measures could substantially

reduce pollution hazard. Mathematical model to optimize d1mensions of green belts IS
presented and explamed here.

Chapter 4 : Agro-climatic Zones of India

A vast country encompasses a variety of agro-cllmates suitable for different types of plant
species. Zones and subzones of India are described, along with their soil types (as
Appendix A) to assist in selecting plant spec1es for cultivation. suitable to agro-climates.

Chapter 5 : Choice of Plants for Green Belts

Plant spec1es suitable for removal of part1culate matter and gaseous pollutants differ tn their
morphological characteristrcs Srzes and shapes of crowns penod1c phenomena hke leaf­
shedding, also contribute to plant efftc1ency for pollution abatement. D1scuss1on on these
points IS followed by descnpt1on of a large number of plant spec1es (1n AppendiX B)
stressing characters useful for sorption of pollutants. Combining information in chapters 4
and 5, zonew1se lists of plants recommended for green belts are presented (in Appendix C)

Chapter 6 : Stabilization of Fly-ash with Plants

Coal is likely to be used on an 1ncreas1ng scale for power generation, and Will lead to
aggravation of pollution problem due to fly-ash Stabiltsat1on of ash w1th plants provides
avtable solution. Strateg1es for achieving the same are discussed in this chapter.


Most of the human activities generate poilution of one or other types and o1 different
magnitudes, to whtch all the organ sms are exposed. More often than not exposures to
some pollution types are considered unavoidable. Resistance of organisms help them
overcome the hazards caused by such exposures At the same time, organisms. espectally
animals tend to avoid, or move away, from pollution. By avoidance or by tolerance
orgamsms struggle and suNtve tn polluted envtronments.

Such suNival however, is hardly desirable and has limitattons, in terms of health and vitality
of organtsms. Hence, tt is imperative that pollution is controlled at the source itself.
Numerous mechanical devices are available for controlling pollution at the process level
itself. Some trace amount however. 1s still likely to get released. Th1s tS especially true of air

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pollutants from thermal power plants, S\Nell1ng and refining processes. autoexhausts, mining
and quarry1ng, etc It IS often sta•ed �,at zero pollut1on process (S only hypothettcal. With
more than 99�o eff1c1ency of pollutton abatement machtnery, some amount of pollution st.
gets released 1n the atmosphere S�..;cn pollution too IS of wide occurrence.

Green belts are thought to be effective in such scenanos. where green plants form a surface
capable of sorbtng arr pollutants and formtng s1nks for pollutants Leaves wrth their vast area
1n a tree crown, sorbs pollutants on their surface, thus effectNely reduce the1r concentrations
1n the ambient a1r. Often, the sorbed pollutants are Incorporated in metabolic stream and
thus ttle a1r IS punfted. Plants grown 1n such a way as to funct1on as pollutant sinks are
collectively referred to as green belts •

An important aspect of a green belt. some times overlooked, IS that the plants constituting
green belts are ltvtng organ1sms. wtth limits to their tolerance towards air pollutants As a
result cross1ng the threshold limits in terms of pollutton load, would lead to injury to plants
causing death of tissues and reducing the1r absorption potential. Sink eff1ciency of unhealthy
and dead t1ssues and leaves ts known to be extremely low, thus defeating the very purpose
of a green belt. In short, a green belt ts effecttve as pollution sink only within the tolerance
limits of constituent plants.

Spectes of plants are stud1ed for the1r relatNe sens1t1v1ties towards different atr polluta11ts.
Thus, we recogntse spec1es sens�tNe to SOz. species sensitive to 03, or sens1tive to HF,
etc. In terms of tolerances however, 1t is diff1cu!t to 1dent1fy species that are seiectNely
tolerant to pollutant spec1es. Statements like HF-sensttive gladiolus is tolerant to SOz is
obviously not accurate Moreover, an industnal or urban scene invariably cons1sts of
several pollutants rather than a s1ngle pollutant. Pollut1on sinks hence, a1m at cultrvating
plants that are tolerant to atr pollutants in general, rather than tolerant to S02, to HF. or to
0;,, etc Scattering of a few known sens1tive plants. (including selectively sensitive spec1es)
w1th1n a green belt however. do carry out an important function of indicating the presence of
pollutants whtch the tolerants would not tndicate.

Two types of approaches are recogn1sed while designing green belts - i) Source oriented

approach and ii) receptor- oriented approach. Both these approaches have their own
advantages and limitations. It is generally felt that the first approach is advantageous
where a single industry is situated and the pollutants emitted by the same are sought to be
contained. The latter approach is desirable in urban- industrial complexes with multiple
sources of pollution in an industrial - urban mix. A very large proportion of polluted areas in
this country, where human settlements are intricately mixed with industries, form examples
deserv1ng the second approach for green belt desigmng

Whereas, rt 1s easy to state that tolerant plant spec1es should form green belts, it 1s very
difficult to state confidently about several other aspects about the belts. e.g ij which
bio-geographic regions of the country are suitable for what plant spec1es ii) what extent soil
quality contributes to the sources (or otherwise) of growth of plants 1n the belts. 1ii) what
should be the d1stance. Width and he1ght of the belt w1th reference to pollution source, iv)
what 1s the ideal density of plant crowns, and v) what are the limits of pollution dosages
upto wh1ch green belts would function optimally. Attempts are made in the following
chapters, to seek answers to these questions, on the basis of our present knowledge in this

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field. It is felt that experience gained from functioning of green belts being planned in the
country, would give reliable answers.

Apart from functioning as pollutant s1nks, green belts would provide other benefits l1ke
aesthetic Improvement and prov1ding poss1ble habitats for birds and animals. thus re­
creating hospitable nature 1n an otherw1se drab urban- Industrial scene. One of the worst
examples of the latter type of scene IS prov1ded by depos1ts of coal-ash from thermal power
plants. The problem 1s on the nse in the country, where coal is a fuel long-lasting surety of
availability. Covering of ash using plants - another type of green belt is recommended to
overcome the hazards posed by ash. The last chapter in this report IS devoted to the
problem of ash stabilization and making ash-dumps environmentally acceptable.



A large amount of information has been generated about the nature of plant-pollution
interactions: very little authentic informatron tn Indian context has been generated about the
role of plants in absorption of air pollutants. Most of the information available is from
tiForest Vegetation as a Sink for Gaseous Contaminants" (Sm1th, 1981}. As per the
drscussion therein. even sensitive plants like alfalfa have been used for estimation of srnk
efficrency of plants.

Another point to ponder is about the areas where green belts should be set up. Obviously
s1nce a green belt is expected to neutralize pollutants, their location should aim at screening
off the source of pollutants from society. Areas around industrial establishments, residential
areas and roadsides. should be the ones targetted for green belts.

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Plants are living organisms and hence are prone to suffer toxicity of air pollutants like any
other organism. Still, they are expected to scavenge pollutants from the amb1ent air
through the limrted capacrty they possess for sorption, and neutrahze the absorbed
pollutants. Major primary pollutants of industrial origin are considered here

The philosophy IS that when primary pollutants are taken care of, formation of secondary
pollutants will not reach menacing proportions. Primary pollutants of concern are - SOz
HF NO. CO, COz, NH3, HzS. Cl SPM and organics. Industrial and man- made sources
of these pollutants are given 1n Table-2.1. Common secondary pollutants are also included
in the same Table.

Since the project aims at mit1gation of air pollutants with plants, discussion here is confined
to air pollutant interactions w1th plants Other forms of life are 110t considered. Mode of
absorption of a pollutant by plants and fate of the pollutant inside plant body are given. Rate
at wh1ch a pollutant is absorbed, total amount that can be absorbed and form of the
pollutant in which it ends insrde the plant, determine the success of the scaveng1ng
process. It is known that when pollutant is absorbed at a rate higher than the rate of 1ts

assimilation, accumulation takes place, resultrng in plant injury and ineffectiveness of the
green belt.

S02 : Though several ox1des of sulphur may be the result of industrial processes. SOz IS
cons1dered to be the most important one. Background level of SOz in the atmosphere IS
0.001 ug L.1 or less (Kellogg et. al.. 1972). About 109 million metric tons (mmt) of SOz are
estimated to be added to the earth's atmosphere every year (Helbwachs, 1983).

Quantities of SOzliberated by different types of 1ndustrres. are given in Table-2.2. Emission

of SOz by different types of fuels is given in Table-2.3. In India, SOz emission was 6.76
mmt in 1 979 and IS expected to reach 13. 19 mmt by the turn of this �entury (Kumar and ..

IJpadhyay, 1981).

S02 enters plants mainly through the stomatal apertures. Cutrcle and wax on leaf
epidermis and suberin on stem being imperv1ous, more than 95% of the pollutant enters a
plant through the routes of gaseous exchange Hence stomata. theJr structure, posit1on
and functions are important 1n the entry of gas in a leaf Once inside the leaf, rt passes into
the Intercellular spaces of mesophyll and gets absorbed on the wet cell-walls to finally
drffuse gradually 1nto the cell sap (Knabe, 1976). Whereas absorption of SOz by mesophyll
tissue of a leaf IS proportional to the stomatal conductance (W1nner and Mooney, 1980),
diffusion of S02 into cell sap is a function of its water solubility, wh1ch ts fairly high

Chemical reactions leading to leaf injury or absorption of S from S02 into the metabolic
stream have been described variously A widely accepted view is that S02 inside leaf gets
oxidised to S03. which in turn combines with water to form sulphuric ac1d.

i) 2 SOz + 02 -----> 2 S03

ii) S03 + H20 ------> HzSO"

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Dle acid thus formed, upsets the cnt1cal balance between inorganic and organ1c sulphur in
plants affecting several metabolic processes. leading to reduction 1n productivty. Slow
absorption of S02 on the other hand, especially whe'l the rate of SOz absorption equates
tf)e rate of S utilizatiOn as a nutrient, leads to improvement 1n productiVIty These
pOSSibilities Of diametricatly OppOSite effects on plant productiVIty due to S02 absorption,
are presented n Fig.2.1.

The adverse effect of SOz on chlorophyll pigments leading to reduced productivity may be
considered under two cellular pH conditions At pH 3 5 the free H ions generated in
2.2 to
the cell from the splitting of H2S03 into sol and H". dtsplace the Mg ' from chlorophyll
molecule to degrade the latter into phaeophytin molecule, a non-photo- synthetic brown
pigment (Rao and Le Blanc. 1 966) At pH above 3.5, SOz affects the thylacotd membrane
of chloroplast by causing oxidation of carotenoids through generation of 02· from HSo3·
(Pieser and Yang. 1978) The unprotected chlorophyll molecule then IS oxtd1sed and lost
Free Oz. also tncreases level of H,02 1n the presence of SOD (superoxide dismutase),
leading to ox1dat1on of chlorophyll molecules. S02 IS also considered to reduce
chlorophyllide synthesis, through 1ts effects on ascorbic acid (Keller and Schwager. 1977).

Initial v1sual symptom of foliar 1njury caused by S02 is the formation of marginal and
interveinal chlorotic, bronzed or necrotic areas. start1ng with dark green or dull colouration,
w1th water-soaked appearance. NecrotiC areas e>eend and are v1s·ble on both epidermal
surfaces Older leaves having just attained full expansion are the most susceptible ones.

NOx : Three types of ox1des of nitrogen are collectively referred as NOx. These are N20
1N1trous oxide). NO (N1tnc oxide) and N02 (N1trogen dioxide). H1gh temperature reactions
in the presence of a1r lead to oxidation of atmosphere nttrogen. g1ving rise to oxides of
nitrogen Whereas background level of N02 1s only 1 .9 �tg m·3 that of NzO may be as high
as 450 �tg m-3 (Urone. 1976).

On absorption in leaves across stomatal apertures, NOx react on cell walls to form HNOz
and HN03, the former being more toxic pH drop and reaction of acids with unsaturated
compounds causing 1somerizat1on and free radical formation. lead to toxicity. Nitrosamines
are formed, cellular pH is lowered and acetate metabolism inhibited, lead1ng to growth
suppress1on (Mudd, 1 973 Taylor et al 1975: Zeevart 1976).

InJury symptoms are visible as d1scoloured spots of gray-green or light brown colour
Bleached or necrotic spots 1n interveinal areas of leaves IS a later development, appeanng
as stripes 1n advanced stages.

NO.. are not considered to be of major concern as phyto- tox1cants since several stud1es
suggest that levels suffic1ent to InJure vegetat1on would be far above known or monitored
amb1ent levels. Importance of NO,. 1n the atmosphere however, lies 1n the fact that they are
the raw matenal for format1on of Important secondary pollutants like OJ Smog and PAN.

HF : Ruonne is a universally distributed element. hence 1s to be found 1n all places-soil,

water and air (Treshow, 1970). About 0-05 mgm- is present in air and 1n traces in
surface waters and in soil Some parts of RC!jasthan are reported to have unusually high
concentrations of the element 1n soils. Combustion of fossil fuels. smelt1ng of ores I ke

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bauxite and reduction of phosphatiC rock in the manufacture of feti 1zers, are some of the
industrial processes. responsible for release of HF 1n the atmosphere. Few to several
hundred pounds of fluonne 1s released into the atmosphere every year according to several
est1mates (Treshow, 1970).

Fluonde enters leaf through stomata. and from the intercellular spaces of mesophyll,
diffuses into vascular t1ssues. It moves along transpiration stream towards leaf t1ps and
marg1ns where accumulation takes place Due to absence of v1sible InJury. such
accumu1at1on goes unnoticed for long n some sensitive plants. injured t1ssues in t1ps and
marg ns have shown values of 50-200 ppm HF concentrations. In tolerant spec1es vis1ble
inJury was not noticeable even at 500 ppm concentration level.

Chlorosis of leaf tip is the f1rst visible 1njury. Wrth increasing accumulat1on. the InJury may
extend along margins and 1nwards along veins. Injured brown or dead areas of leaves
become necrotiC. lead1ng to premature leaf fall (Weinste1n, 1 977)

CO and CO� : Incomplete combustion of fuels 1nclud1ng fossil fuels. leads to formation of
CO. Automobtles are the commonest source of CO 011 refineries metallurgical
operatrons etc are other sources of significance. Annual global tnput of this tox1c gas IS
est1mated to be 6 billion tons (Se11er. 1974).

CO is not a phytotoxic gas Green plants function as natural sinks for CO (or its read=ly
converted form, COz). Sou and oceans are also vast s1nks for the gas S nee CO gets
gradufly oxid;zed to COz. whtch is absorbed and utt' zed by plants on 1arge scale, and since
increase 1n COz concentration from 1ts normal 300 ppm to htgher levels are still non-toxic to
plants CO or COz are not treated as senous phyto-toxtcants

NH3 : Oecornpos t1on of organ1c matter of different orig1ns including excreta fertilizer
breakdown, coal combust1on and releases from tndustnes lead to pollution by ammonia.
Though localized, amb1ent concentrations of 20 pphm have been recorded (Cholak. 1 952).

Blackening and bleaching of leaves, spotting, brown lesions between ve1ns and colour
change of fruits, are symptoms of injury by ammonia.

Generally, emission of NH3 is of an accidental nature. during transfer and transporation or

due to poor maintainance of containers. Best control of NH3 is achieved through proper
care and maintenance at 'in house' level.

Ch : This pollutant IS also a result of industrial acctdents, escape from manufacturing

processes and leakages from cylinders and sewage treatment systems. Chlorosis
reddemng stipple and necrosts of leaves are reported to be injury symptoms on plants

Exposure of sensitive plants like radish and alfalfa to 10 pphm of Cl2 for 2 hours, showed
foliar Injury, while plants like tobacco Zinnia corn and sunflower were injured when
exposed to the same concentration for 4 hours (Brennan, et. al., 1 965). Chlorosis, stipple,
necrosis and reddening were the types of injuries observed on foliage of plants exposed.

Hydrocarbons (HC) : Organic compounds containing carbon and hydrogen are emitted

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from automobiles, 011 refin1ng processes and chem1cal factones. On reaching ground, the
HC are degraded by soil micro-organisms. In traces, HC like ethylene gas acts as a growth
hormone by stimulating formation of lateral buds. At pollution levels however, it causes
distortion of foliage. excessrve curvature in growth, chlorosis, senescence and flower
abSCISSion (Smith 1981)

H2S : Pattern of 1njury caused by th1s pollutant IS different from that by others. Necrosis and
death of young tissues 1s reported rather than that of old t1ssues. Tips of leaves are also
inJured. Injury at chronic levels of the pollutant is unknown. toxic levels are found to be
much above the known ambient concentratrons of the gas. The most sensitive plant
species have been reported to be injured at 86 ppm (12 x 104 ug m 1 after 5 hours
exposure (US EPA, 19 76).

SPM :Suspended particulate matter 1s released during metal refining, by foundries, cement
factories and as fly ash from thermal power plants. m1ne tatlings. etc and autoexhausts.
Heav1er part1cles. above 1 u d1ameter s1ze tend to settle while finer and lighter part1cles
remain airborne for days together and travel for hundreds of kilometers over w1nd currents.
Chem1cal dusts are more lnJunous and under humid condrt1ons. the1r phytotoXICity
increases further (Chaphekar. 1972).

Finer part1cles clog stomatal apertures and prevent gaseous exchange by leaves. Phys1cal
weight on foliage and a film of dust causing rise in leaf surface temperature are other
hazardous situations for plants. Dust part1cles deposited on st1gmatic surfaces of flowers
reduce effective pollination and hence fru1t yields.

Dust is captured by leaves of plants, leaf epidermal outgrowths like ha1rs and scales, hairy
ax1ls of stems and leaf bases. etc. (Das, 1981)

Mixtures of pollutants : In India as 1n several other places many industnes are located
in the same region and the air is a m1x of several po1lutant gases A large number of
studies Indicate synerg1st1c nature of pollutant m1xture effects on plants It 1s practically
impossible to assess the pollutant removaJ efficiency of plants under the numerous possible
-comb1nat1ons of mixing proportions of different pollutants detected. Bear1ng 1n m1nd
however the synergistic nature of the reactions •t is again emphasized that the
concentrations of amb1ent pollutants have to be well below the threshold limits of tolerance
(e.g. as crted 1n Table 2 5). for plants to tunct1on effectively for removal of pollutants.

The sensit1ve plants indicate injury symptoms due to a1r pollution. that are specific to the
type of pollutant. Ranges of dosage of the pollutants to wh1ch sens1t1ve plants respond, are
given in Table-2.5.

A large amount of research has been carried out in India, during the last two decades.
Compilation of this work has been presented in a comprehensive Table 2.6.

Within their limits of tolerance, plants absorb pollutants and to that extent remove the same
from ambient air The plant uptake of air pollutants as investigated by Hrll (1971) and
Bennett and Hill (1973, 1975), appeared to follow the follow1ng order

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HF > S02 > Cl > N02 > 03 > PAN > NO > CO

The rate of pollutant removal is found to 1ncrease linearly as the concentration of the
pollutant increased over the ranges of concentration that are encountered in ambient air
and which are low enough not to cause stomatal closure Pollutants are absorbed most
efficiently by plant foliage near the canopy surface where diffus1on process is h1gh due to
favourable light conditions An example of the magnitude of absorption of pollutants by
seedlings of plants 1s given 1n Table-2.7.

Sm1th {1981) has g1ven est1mated abbsorption of gaseous pollutants by dry soil and
vegetative surfaces to emphasize relative differences in their efficiencies to remove
pollutants (Table 2.8) He also assessed pollutants removal efficiency of a 'Model Forest
Hectare' developed by US EPA in which composition of plant species is as follows:

Species No of trees Tree surface P-

Total ve etative
Planted area (m2) area (m )

Maple 69 36.8 2 54 X 10
Oak 69 36.1 250x 103
Poplar 69 52 5 3.63 X 103
Linden 69 23.0 1.56x 103
Birch 69 27 2 1.88 X 103
Pines 700 42 2.90 X 103

Th1s hectare. cons1sting of 5-year old plants, 1s est1mated to remove gaseous pollutants
annually in quantities as :

03- 9.6 x 104, S02- 748, CO - 2.2, NOx- 0.38 and PAN - 0.17 (all values 1n tonnes).

Fig. 2.1 Summary diagramatic representation of the effects of sulphur dioxide on plants

Sulph f dioxide

High level Low level Acid rain

Interaction Subtle S-deficient lnh1b1tion No Reduction

wdhother of plant effect in PH

ppllutants. diseases of soil

Yteld No Yteld Yteld Yteld
reduction effect increases increases reduction


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Table 2.1 Industrial sources of major air pollutants

S.No. Pollutant Sources

01 Sulphur dioxide (S02) Coal, fuel oil and petroleum combustion.

02 Nitrogen dioxide (N02) High temp. combustion of coal, oil, gas and gasoline
in power plants and internal combustion engrnes.
03 Hydrogen fluoride (HF) Phosphate rock processing, aluminium industry, iron
smelting, brick and ceramic works, and fibreglass
04 Chlorine (CI) Leaks in chlorine storage tanks, hydrochl oric acid
05 Ammonia(NH3) Leakages in fe rtilizer manufacturing factories,
transfers and transport of the chemical.
06 Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) Decay and decomposition of organic wastes, dumps,
sewage, etc.
07 Carbon oxides (CO and C02) Products of combustion of fuels- incomplete
combu�tion/Organrc respiration.
08 Ethylene (�H4) Incomplete combustron of coal, gas, and oil for
heating, and automobile and truck exhaust
09 Particulates (SPM) Combustron (esp. rncomplete) processes. Fly ash,
Thermal power plants Cement factories.
Automobiles. etc.
10. Ozone(03) Dissocratron of N02 (N02 ---> NO+O) (02---0 --> 03)
11 • Peroxyacetyl Ozonated olefin nitrate (PAN) '

1 2. Smog Combrnation of fine partrculates and NOx in air

13 * Acid precrpitates Combination of N02 and I or S02 with water vapour
in the atmosphere
(Source PatnlerD.E. 1974, excepttor"No. 10-13).

Table 2.2 Quantities of SOz liberated during different types of industrial activities

Source SOz emission factor (in kg)

Combustion of coal 4 5 36 per 1000 kg coal (Variable}

Combust1on of fue� 011 9.9 per 10,000 L 011 (Variable}
Mumc1pal 1nc1neration 0 5 44 - 0 907 per 1 000 kg refuse.
Sulpunc ac1d manufacture 9 . 07 - 3. 75 per 1000 kg 80% ac1d
Cu smelt1ng (Pnmary) 635.04 per 1000 kg cone. ore.
Pb smelting (Pnmary) 29 9.376 per 1000 kg cone. ore.
Pb smelt1ng (Sec. cupola) 29 03 per 1 000 kg metal changed
Zn smett1ng (Pnmary) 494 424 per 1 000 kg cone ore.
Kraft m111 recovery furnace 1.088- 1 078 per 1000 kg a1r dry pulp.
Sulphite m1ll recovery furnace 18 144 per 1000 kg a1r dry pulp.
(assuming 90% recovery}

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(Source Kumar and Prakash 1978.)

Table 2.3 Amount of SOz emitted by burning different types of fuels

Fuel SOz emiss1on 1n kg per tonne of fuel

F1rewood 20
Coal 6 to 15.0
011 6 to 7 6
LPG 0.0002 to 0 008
Natural Gas 02
Petrol 5. 4
D1esel 5 to 6

(Source : Kumar and Prakash, 1978.)

Table 2.4 Solubilities of pollutant gases in water

Pollutant Solubility at 20 °C (cm gas ml 1 HzO)

co 0.02
NO 0.05
COz 0.88
03 026
NOz Decomposes
Clz 230
SOz 39 40
HF 446

(Source: Hill and Chamberlain. 1974.)

Table 2.5 Injury symptoms and pollution dose thresholds of tolerance by
sensitive species of plants

S No. Pollutants Threshold dose Plant injury symptoms

1. Sulphur dioxide 0.70 ppm (1820 ��g m·) for 1 hr.; lnterve1nal necrotic
0. 1 8 ppm (468 ug m 1 for 8 hr., blotches
0 008-0.017 ppm (21!44 �,g m ) Red brown dieback o r
for growrng season (Ltnzon 1978) banding in p1nes.

2. Nitrogen oxrdes 20 ppm (38 x 1 OJ !t9 m 1 for 1 hr; lntervernal necrotic

1 .6 - 2.6 ppm (3000-5000 !'g rn 1 for blotches similar to
4 8 hr; 1 pprn ( 1 900 1,g m ) for those by so2
1 00 hr.;
(National Academy of Sciences. 1 977) Red brown distal
necrosis rn prnes.

3. Fluonde < 100 !A9 g 1) fluoride Trp and margin

(Wernsteln1977) necrOSIS,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

4. Ammonia 55 ppm (38 x 1 OJ 1,g rn 3) fori hr.; lntervernal necrotic
blotches s1rnilar to
those by S02.
Distal necrosis in prnes.

5. Chlonne 0.5 - 1 . 5 ppm (1400 - 4530 ug rn 3) Chlorosis, upper surface

for 0.5 - 3 hr. fleck srmilar to OJ.
Distal necrosis in pines.

6. Ethylene Varrable. undetermrned Chlorosrs. necros1s,

abscission. Dwarfi ng,
premature defoliation.

7. Hydrogen sulphide 1 oo ppm (14 x 1 o'' 1,g rn 3) for 5 hr.; lntervelnal necrotic
(U.S. Environ. Protection Agency blotches
1 976) Distal necrosis in p1nes.

8 Trace metals Variable, undetermrned lnterve nal chlorosis,

t1p and rnargrn
necrosis, Distal necrosis.

9. Ozone 0 20 - 0.30 ppm (392 - 588 11g rn :�) Upper surface flecks
for 2-4 h r , Some con1fers 0 08 ppm Distal necrosis and
(157 u9 rn 1) for 1 2- 1 3 hr stunted needles rn
(National Academy of Scrences 1977b) pines.

10 Peroxy acetyl 0 20 - 0 80 ppm (989 3958 u g m 3) Lower surface bronzing.

nitrate for 8 hr (Davis 1975) Chlorosis. early

11 Acid ratn pH< 3 0 Necrotic spots,

Distal necros1s pines.

(Source· Smith W.H. 1981)

Table 2.6 Compilation of research in India indicating sensitive and tolerant species,
with reference to industrial pollutants

Name of Plant Senstttve Tolerant Reference

Mangifera 1ndica Coal dust

Citrus lemon Coal dust Rao, 1971

Phasaeolus aureus Petro cake Prasad and
(Green gram) Rao ( 1 981)
Zea mays Cement dust Sree Rangaswamy
et al, (1973)
s�� gtum cuminii Cement dust Jafri et al, { 1 979)
Es!diumgu�ava Cement dust Yunus and Ahmed

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Triticum aesttvum Cement dust Stngh and Rao
( 1 980 a)
CalotrogisQrocera Cement dust Yusuf and
Cassia fistula Cement dust Vyas (1 982)
Dalbergia sissoo Cement dust
Withaniasomnifera Cement dust
Gl�cme max Cement dust Stngh and Rao
( 1 978 a)
Hordeum vulgare 5% fly ash Bhatia (1978)
Portulaca sp
Tnticum aestivum nbove 20% Pawar and
Fly ash Dubey { 1 982)
Tnttchum aesttvam 6g/m /day Dubey et al,
fly ash (1 982)
4g/m2/day fly ash
2 Pawar et a, l (bean)
Dolichos lablab 4g/m /day
fly - ash (1 983)
Abelmoschus esculantus Cement and fly - ash Pawaret al,
Var Pusa savani Coal dust ( 1 982)
Commelina benghalens1s Atr borne Chaphekar
dust et a:, ( 1 980)
Brassica oleraceae Urban Garg and
ChenoQodium album atr Varshney
Ctcer arietinum ( 1 980)
Dollchos lablab
Sonchus asper
Withania somntfera.
Tabernaemontana Polluted Srivastava
coronana environment et al. (1 980)

CalotroQis Qrocera Polluted Yunus and

conditions Ahmed(1981)

Table 2.6 (Contd.....)

Name of Plant Sensitive Tolerant Reference

Calotropisgigantea Polluted Bhirava

areas Murthy
and Kumar (1983)
Baro paddy. Var. Ratna Urban Das and
dust Pattanayak (1978)
Mangifera indica Dust Shetye and
Thespesia populnea Chaphekar (1980)
Ervthrina indica Poor dust
Polyalth1a longifolia
Ficus benghalensis Dust Das 1981 and

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Ficus infectoria Collector Das et al,
Ficus religiosa (1981)
Mangifera indica
Tectona grandis
Polyalthia longifolia
Shorea robusta
Terminalia arjuna
Cassia fistula Poor dust Das (1981) and
Poinciana regia Collector. Das et al.
Sesbania sp. (1981)

Pithecolobium dulce Better dust Rao (1971)

Argyrea speciosa collector.
Leucaena leucocephala
Melilotus alba Pollutecl Ghouse and
area Khan (1983)
Banana Crop. S02 and dust Bedi et a.
From brick Kiln (1982)
Lycopersicum esculentum S02 and dust Bell and Bedi
from brick Kiln {1981)
Mangifera indica 802 Rao 1972
Shetye 1979
Giridhar (an
published data) Pawar
and Dubey (1983)
Helianthus annus To pollute Chaphekar
Crotalariajuncea areas et al,
Commelina benghalensis {1980 a)
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
Cicer arietinum Fly ash Dubey et al,
802 (1982)


Table 2.6 ·contd.....)

Name of Plant Sensit1ve Tolerant Reference

Medicago sativa so Singh and Rao

(Aifa-alfa) (1979, 1980)
Sorghum vulgara var S02 Boralkar
CSH -1 and Chaphekar (1978)
Glycine max so2 Pandey and Rao
Prasad and Rao
Phaseolus aureus so2 Singh and Rao
Arachis h�ogea so, Mishra (1980)
Dolichos lablab s� Banerjee and

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Chaphekar (1978)
Phaseolus aureus so2 Boralkar and
Var. Va1shakhee Chaphekar (1980
Tngonella foenum- s� Boralkar and
graecum Cl1aphekar 1983)
Pisum sativum S02 Varshney and
Varshney 1978)
Crossandra undulaefoha so2 Chaphekar and
Mirabilisjalapa Karbhari (1974)
Amaranthus spinosu� so Boralkar and
Spinacea olercea Chaphekar (1980)
Raphanus sat1vus so2 Banerjee and
Commeling benghalensi� Cl1aphekar
E!YJhrina indica (1978)
Barley, Cotton, Wheat, so
Aster Cosmos. Verbena, Pandey and
Zmma Sweat Pea, Va1dya (1979)
Ipomoea purpurea,
4 o'clock plant, Bean Beet,
Carrot Ch1lh. Pumpkin,
Radish Bhend1, Sunflower etc
Most trees so2 Pandey and
Va•cfya (1979)
Mangifera indica s� Chaphe:<ar
Term•nalia catappa (1972)
Malachra capitata Dahha
Croton, Plumer•a so2 Chaphekar
Opuntia. Nerium (1972)
Dahlia Petunia, so2 Vaishnavi
Alfalfa. cotton (1975)

(Contd.... )

Table 2.6 (Contd..... )

Name of Plant Sensitive Tolerant Reference

Oalbergia sissoo S� Yunus and

Terminalia arjuna Ahmed (1979)
Cassia fistula
Cedrela toona
Svzygium cuminii Oat, Pea,
Brinjel, Potato Cucurbit
Azadirachta indica so2 Yunus and
Reus religiosa Ahmed (1979)
P1thecolob1um dulce
Calotropis procera
Trees, Bushes, crops of

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

those areas
Phaseolus aureus Agrawal
Cicer arietinum and Rao
Oryza sativa (1 983)
Panicum miliaceum
Solanum melongena so2.oJ.S02+0J
Viera faba S02,0J.S02+03
Abelmoschus esculentus. S02,03,SO"'+OJ
Var Pusa savani
Abelmoschus esculentus S02, 0!, Bolalkar
802+03, and Shinde (1983)
Phaseolus aureus so2. HF, Sharma
Triticum aestivum S02+HF (1 981)
Tntlcum aest1vum Prasad and Rao
{ 1 979)
Triticum aestivum Prasad { 1 980)
Oalbergia SISSOO Rao et al,
Madhuca indica (1983)
Pisum sativum var. NaF
Pisum sativum var.
Hordeum vulgare
Zea mays
Lycoope rsicum esculentum NaF Arya (1 971}
Terminalia tomentosa HF Pandey (1979)
Buchanania lanzan
Zea mays HF Rao and Pal
(1978 b}
Gladiolus sp. HF Pandey and Rao
( 1 980 a}

(Contd.... )

Table 2.6 (Contd..... )

Name of Plant Sensitive Tolerant Reference

Spinacia oleracea Gasoline Prasad (1980)

Abelmoschus esculantus Ammonia Chaphekar and
CVamopsis tetragonoloba Boralkar
Crotalaria juncea (1979)
Trigonella foenum-graecum
Nerium indicum Varshney,
CVnodon dactylon HF Meenakshy et al
Cicer arietinum Varshney and
Nasturtium indicum Varshney
Petunia alba (1981)

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Tradescantia axillaris
Madhuca indica 802, Agrawal M
fly-ash (1989)

Cassia siamea
Delonix regia
Shorea robusta
Acacia arabica 802,

Acacia catechu
Zizyphus sp.

Mangifera indica Dust Agrawal &

Khanam (1989)

Ficus benghalensis L Dust Ahmad Yunus

Ficus infectoria Roxb et al (1991)
Holoptelia integrifolia Planch
Ipomoea fistulosa Mart ex choisy
Lagerstroemia sp.
Nyctanthes arbortristis L
Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC) K.Heyne

Tectona grandis L Dust Ahmad Yunus

Terminalia arjuna W & A et aJ (1991)
Thevetia nerifolia Jass
Acacia arabica Willd
Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd
Hibiscus rosa sinensis Willd
Morus alba

Table 2.6 (Contd .
. .. .}

Name of Plant SensitiVe Tolerant Reference

Nerium indicum Mtll Cement dust

Thevetia nerifolia juss
Oalbergia sissoo Roxb

Azadirachta indica A.Juss Cement dust Pandey, Misra

Brassica campestris L et al (1 994)
Citrus aurantium L
Oelonix regta Raffin
Syzygium cummii (l) skeel
Mangifera indica L
Pisum sativum L
Tabernaemontana coronaria Willd

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Tnticum aestlvum L
Zizyphus mauntiana Lamk
Hehanthus annus L fly ash

Opuntia monocantha SO! RazaSH

Opuntta dillema Shylaja G
Kalanchoe marmorata (1992)
Bryophyl! um
Bryophyllum tabiflorum
Euphorbia cattamlndoios

Caesalpinia pulcherima so2 Murthy MS

. .R.
Euginia jambolana et al (1 990)
Polyalthia longifolia so2 RazaS.H.
Pongamia pinnata et at (1991)
Caesalpinia pulcherima Oust
Pithecolobium dulce
Cassta fistula
Pongamia globra Oust
Polyalthia longtfolia

Pithecolob!um � SO! RazaS.H.

Caesalpinia pulglerrima et al (1 989)
Polyalthia longifolia s�
Pongamia pinnata

l 7
Table 2.7 Absorption of S02 by seedlings fumigated at 1.0 ppm for 1 hour in a
controlled chamber (27 ± 1°C, 51 ± 7 R.H., 1 300 fc)

Spec1es so2 uptake

Red maple 0.088 0.260

White birch 0.086 0.268
Sweetgum 0 0 74 0.267
Firethorn 0.072 0.213
Privet 0.068 0 . 1 34
Rhododendron 0 056 0.079
White ash 0046 0.1 1 8
Azalea 0044 0.072

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

(Scurce Roberts 1974 )

Table 2.8 Guesstimated gaseous pollutant flux rates for dry soil and vegetative

Soil surface Vegetative surface

1.9 X 104 2.6 x 10 3

2.0 X1C f 2.3 X 10 3
1.0 X 10 6.2 X 1 0 4
1 . 2 X 10 3
7.7 X 106 4.1 x 10

(Source : US EPA 1976.)





The a1r pollutton emrtted by Industries settles on the ground and vegetation of surrounding
area The plants Interact wrth both gaseous and particulate pollutants and to great extent
absorb them and thus, remove them from the atmosphere. This pollution removal property
of the plants has been known for a long time. For several years tree planting has been
promoted by USSR scientists and city planners for the purpose of reducing ground level air
pollution Many sc1ent1sts have also suggested the use of green belt. wh1ch 1s rows of trees
for reducing the pollution originating from industnal operations. (Kalyushnyi et al . 1952.
Flemm1ng 1 967· Hanson and Throne 1970; Warren 1 973, Ganguly 1976)

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

The capability of plants to act as a s1nk for a1r contaminants has been addressed by a
number of rev1ews. (USEPA, 1 976; Sm1th and Oochinger 1 976, Bennett and Hill 1975; Hill
1971: Environmental Health Science Centre 1975, Keller 1 978) All these studies indicate
that the surface of vegetation provides a major fittrat1on and react1on surface to the
atmosphere for remov1ng pollutants from the atmosphere.

Mechanism of Deposition

Interaction of pollution w1th vegetation has always been expressed by a common parameter
known as the deposition velocity of the pollutants. The concept of deposition velocity has
also been widely used in agnculture to calculate the dose of fertilizer and pesticides for crop
growth and its protection. The deposition velocity is defined as follows ·

Amount of pollutant deposited per untt

area of surface per second
DepositiOn Veloc1ty
(Vd) Concentration of pollution per unit
volume above surface

It has dimension of Ms_ (see McMahan & Dentson 1 979 for values of Vd for commonly
released pollutants).

Particulates are deposited on plant surface by three processes - sedimentation by the

grav1ty actton. impaction under the Influence of eddy currents and deposition under the
1nfluence of prec1prtation

Sedtmentatton usually results tn the deposrt1on of the particles on the upper surfaces of the
plant and IS most Important for large parttcles Sedtmentation velocrty varies with particle
density shape etc. Impaction occurs when atr flows past an obstacle and the air stream
d,v1des The efficiency of collection v1a 1mpact1on increases with decreasing d1ameter of the

collection obstacle and Increasing diameter of the particle. It has been suggested that
tmpaction is the principal means of deposition tf particle size is of the order of tens of
m1crometers (um) or greater obstacle stze is of the order of centimeters or less, approach
velocity IS of the order of meters per second or more and the collecting surface rs wet,
st1cky. haJry, or otherw1se retentive For parttcles of d1mens1on 1 -5 1,m, impact1on is not
effic1ent and interception by fine hairs on vegetation is possibly the most efficient retentive
mechanism. The efficiency of washout of particles by rain IS high for particles approximately
of 20-30 1,m size. The capturing efficiency of rain drops falls off very sharply for particles of
5 um or less.

The hypothesis that trees are important particulate sinks 1s supported by evidence obtained
from stud1es dealing with diverse particulates Including radioactive. trace element, pollen
spore, salt. prec1p1tat1on dust and other unspec1f1ed particles. So far as gaseous pollutants
are concerned, substantial evidence is available to support the fact that plants in general
and trees in particular funct1on as sinks for gaseous pollutants. The gaseous pollutants are
transferred from the atmosphere to vegetation by the combined forces of diffus1on and
flowtng air movement Once 1n contact w1th the plants. gases may be bound or d1ssolved

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

on exterior surfaces or taken up by the plants v1a stomata If the surface of the plant is wet
and if the gas ts water soluble. the former process can be very tmportant. When the plant
is dry or 1n the case of gases w1th relatively low water solubilities, the latter mechanism 1s
assumed to be most important. For example, hydrogen fluoride, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen
dioxide and ozone which are soluble and react1ve, are readily absorbed, while nitric oxide
and carbon monoxide which are very insoluble are absorbed relatively slowly or not at all
by vegetation. It should be noted that when vegetat1ve surfaces are damp. the pollutant
removal rate may 1ncrease up to ten fold Under damp condttton the entire plant surface -
leaves twtgs branches stems - is ava.lable for uptake of gaseous pollutant.

The interaction of these vanous s1zed particles and gaseous pollutants with exceedingly
diverse vegetative surfaces under conditions of extremely variable microclimate and
pollutant source characteristiCS suggests an enormously complex relationship. These
studies have expressed uptake of pollutton by plants in terms of deposition velocity. Thts
concept though su1table for esttmation of loss of pollutant over a vegetation surface, is hard
to apply for a case when pollut1on travels horizontally through a canopy (e.g. through green
belt). The mathematical models so far available 1n literature for green belt are applicable
only for ground level air pollution source. The only theoretical model available for estimation
of depletion of pollutants by green belt is developed by Kapoor and Gupta (1 984). This
model expresses pollution attenuation factor At of green belt in terms of different
dimensions and characteristics of green belt under various meteorological conditions. The
model IS described tn next sect1on.

About the Model

Mathematical model for the estimation of pollution attenuation by a green belt exits only for
a ground level pollution source. Such ground level releases can occur by break in storage
vessels and under various conditions such as follows :

(i) Fug1tJVe emissions

(ii) Elevated releases reaching ground level due to
- stack downwash due to low dtscharge velocity
- effect of obstacles upstream
- short stack near a long flat building
- downwash tn the wake of a clift
- fumtgation condittons due to breaking up of ground based temperature inversion.

The green belt model introduces the concept of a potlutton attenuation coefficient for
estimating the removal of pollutant whtle passrng through the green belt. The formulatton of
potlutton attenuatron coefficient makes use of parameters such as leaf area density of the
tree plantation, deposition velocity of the pollutant on leaf surface and wind speed tn the
green belt The model giVes the dependence of the pollution attenuatron factor Ar of a green
belt on various physical parameters of the green belt such as its height, width, distance
from the pollution source and on atmospheric stability conditions and hence the model can
be used to optimise the design of the green belt 1n obtaining the desired degree of
attenuation of the pollution around an rndustry.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

The application of model has been made for two different situations VIZ. a source oriented
approach and a receptor oriented approach In the former case, the model is applied for
estimation of pollution attenuation factor of a green belt planted around a source i.e. an
tndustrial establishment. In the latter case. the model has been applied in studying the
pollution attenuatton by planting green belt around a receptor, which needs to be protected
from the effects of the pollution

The detatls of the model, rts application aspects includi n g tts llmrtat1ons are given in following

Development of the Model

Vartous field expenments earned out by Raynor et al , (1974} at Brookhaven National

Laboratory USA aiming to estimate the deposition of particulates by forest using pollens
and spores have indicated that the mass flux of the pollutant decreases almost
exponenttally with travel dtstance within the forest Chamberlatn (1 970) and Chadwtck and
Chamberlain (1 970) also proposed exponentral removal law for removal of pollutants.
Hence considering the exponential law, if the mass flux of a pollutant which enters the
green belt is Qc. the mass flux Ox at a travel distance X within the green belt is given by

ax = a c e · x --- ---
- ----- -----
---- --- {1)

Where, = pollution attenuatron coefficrent, m 1

Because of the non-availab1hty of experimentally measured values for the following

relationship for in terms of easily measurable parameters was proposed in the model.
= KPt Vd/Uc ----- -- -- (2)
------ ---- -----

Where Vd = dry deposition velocity of pollutant for vegetative canopy, ms·
Uc = average wind speed through the green belt. ms· 1

2 3
Pt = average foliage surface area density of a single tree, of green belt m m-
K = Pc I Pt
2 3
Pc = ayerage foliage surface area density of the green belt, m m-

The constant K depends on the spacing of the trees 1n the green belt and is introduced to
consider the overall foliage surface area density. For an ideal green belt, the value of K will
be unrty when such a green belt has the same foliage surface area density as that of a
single tree.

The above formulation of as given in equation (2) has been tested by Kapoor and Gupta
(1984) using experimental data and is discussed here. For th1s testing, it is necessary to
demonstrate that the value of as obtained by using equation (2) compares reasonably
well with the value estimated using equation (1) for the same set of f1eld measurements.
The study conducted by Raynor et al., (1 974) regarding the measurements of variation of
mass flux of pollens (hav1ng s1ze 20 um) with distance provides such a comparison. The
average value of obtained from the experiments conducted by Raynor et al using equation
(1} is 0.0187 + 0.0047 m· and for the same set of experiments, the value of calculated by

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

using equation (2) ranges between 0.0088 to 0.0181 m·1 which compare reasonably well.

Effectiveness of a green belt

A schematic diagram of the green belt around a pollution source I.e. an industry is g1ven in
Fig. 3. 1 .

The pollution attenuation factor Af g1ves the effectiveness of a green belt in attenuating
pollution. The attenuat1on factor Af has been defined as the rat1o of mass flux of pollutant
reaching a given d1stance in the absence of green belt to the mass flux of pollutant reaching
the same distance 1n the presence of the green belt. Mathematically,
Af = ----------------

Where, QwB = Mass flux of pollutant reaching at distance in the absence of a
green belt
QB = Mass flux of pollutant reaching at the same distance in the
presence of the green belt

The value of pollut1on attenuation factor. Af is calculated in the following five stages.


Massflux reaching at the inner edge of the green belt

The depletion of pollutant, because of the dry deposition over the travel distance upto the
inner edge (X1) of the green belt and above it (�) is obtained using the source depletion
model (Chamberlain, 1 970). The mass flux OA reaching the location A (as per figure 3. 1 )
can be evaluated by

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Fig. 3.1 Diagram of a Green Belt Around a Ground Level Pollution Source Illustrating
the Parameters of Pollution Attenuation Model

OA OoFD (4)

Where Qo IS the mass flux at the source. and, the FD is the deposition correct1on factor
which IS g·ven by

FD = exp exp dx -------- (5)

Where, H release he1ght

6z - Standard deviat1on of concentration distnbution in vertical direct1on
Vd = dry deposition veloc1ty
U = mean w1nd speed
X - travel distance

Value of FD can be obta1ned e1ther from equation (5 ) or from table no. 3 1 (reproduced from
Hukkoo et al 1 988), wh1ch g1ves the value of FDo for the rat1o of Vd/U = 0 01 at vanous
distances under different atmospheric stability condittons). The value of FD for any rat1o of

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Vd/U IS g1ven by

FD = (FDo) 1 00 vdu ---------------

- ----

The value of QA can thus be obta.ned ..t11th the help of equat1ons (4) and (6).


Fraction of mass flux OA entering the green belt

The matenal QA is divided 1nto two parts namely Qc which passes through the green belt
and OAA wh1ch passes over it (see figure-3. 1) The proport1on 1n wh1ch QA is divided into
these two parts depends upon the he1ght of trees d1stance X1 and atmospheric conditions

The calculation of Qc involves the effective height he of the inc1dent air steam. If the he1ght
of the green belt is h, then he is g1ven by

U(z)dz = hUe -------------------------- (7)

Where U(z) is the wind speed at height Z prof1le outside the green belt and Uc is average
wind speed through green belt The methodology for calculation of h.., 1s g1ven by Kapoor
and Gupta (1 984) and values of he for different he1ghts of trees under different atmosphenc
stability conditions reproduced from that work 1s g1ven here 1n Table 3 2. The quantity Qc is
then evaluated as follows

Oc = OA xu dy dz ----------------------· (8)

X (X. o, o) the centre line ground level concentration at down w1nd travel distance X

Where, concentration C 1s g1ven by

-------··--- (9)

Where, y and z are dtsperston coeff1c1ents and are 1n fact the standard deviations of
concentration ciistnbut1on 1n crosswind and verttcal directions respectively at down wind
distance X. This is a standard atmosphenc dispersion equation. More information on this
and other atmospheric disperston models can be obtained from Sutton, 1 953; IAEA
publications 1 980; 1 986. Equatton (8) after substitution and carrying out the integration
over y and z, can be wntten as,

Oc = OA -------------- {1 0)

--- ---
The value of the mass flux which passes over the green belt. QAA can thus be obtatned
us1ng the following relation

QA - QC -------------------------------------
{1 2)

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Table 3.2 Values of he

Tree Values of he (m) for he1ght

Atmospheric stability condttJon
(m) A B c 0 E F

10 3.62 3.68 3.04 3.29 3 49 4.52

15 5.04 5.12 4.17 4 42 4.76 6.12
20 6.40 6.49 5.52 5.49 5 95 7.56
25 7 71 7.80 6.29 6.50 7.07 8 91
30 8.99 9.08 7.29 7.48 8.14 1 0. 1 6


Mass flux Osc coming out of green belt

The material Qc 1s depleted tn the green belt according to the relation gNen in equat1on (1}.
Value of for the pollutant and applicable to the green belt can be obta�ned using equatton

Osc =
Qc exp ( - �) -----------------------
{1 3)

Where � is the width of the green belt. The amount of material OAA wh1ch passes over
the green belt w11l also get depleted to mass flux OsA by loss of material at the top surface
of the green belt. The value of OBA IS evaluated for travel distance � from (4) and {6) by
replac1ng Qo by QAA

Stage-4 :

Totalmass fluxOB reachingat the outer edge of the green belt

T he total mass flux QB reaching at the outer edge of the green belt (location B) is thus
g1ven by
QB = QBC + QBA ------------------ {14)

Stage-S :

Calculation of attenuation factor, At

In the absence of a green belt, the mass flux QWB reaching the distance x, T N is
evaluated us1ng equat1ons (4) and (6). The attenuation factor Af of the green bett at
locat1on B 1s then obta1ned us1ng equat1on (3).

Comb1n1ng all the five above stages and after do1ng the necessary mathematical

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

s1mp hficat1ons, the pollut1on attenuat1on factor Af 1s f1nally g1ven by,

FD (X· TX:?) Af = ------------------------------------------------------------------ -- (15)


FD (Xt+�) = depos1t1on correction factor for travel over distance (X1 +X:?)
FD (Xt) = depos t1on correct.on factor for travel over distance Xt
FD(X:? = deposition correct1on factor for travel over distance N

Other parameters have the r usual s1gnJftcance as descnbed earlier.

Optimization of Green Belt

In prev1ous section, a model for the development of g een belt around pollution sources for
reduc1ng pollutton levels has been desc 1bed which can be used for the optimization of the
physical dimens1ons of the green belt This optim1zat1on, methodology 1s further described

It may be re1terated that the model incorporates follow1ng parameters for the computation of
pollution attenuation factor, Af : (i) physical charactenst1cs of the green belt e g distance
from the source. width, hetght and leaf surface area dens1ty; (u) aerodynam1c properties
eg w1nd speed through greer'\ belt and effect1ve he1ght of the incident aJr stream. (1ii)
deposition velocity of the pollutant. and (iv) atmospheric stability conditions The est1mated
value of attenuation factor. Af for different com binations of green belt parameters i e.
Xt X:? h. ,U under d1fferent atmospheroc stability cond1t1ons can be used to opt1m1se the
des1gn of the green belt. Tfle parameters x�.X2 and are cntical for opt1m1satton The
cho1ce of rema1mng paraweters (h and U) 1s restncted and dec1ded mostly by the local
·• conditions For examp'e rt 1s preferable to have taller trees w1th h1gh foliage densrty, but
� trees of he1ght greater than 20 meters are not common at most sites.

In optimising the phys1cal dimensions of green belt for a ground level source as described
above, factors like; the vanat1on in the density of tree plantat1on and interfacial mass
exchange through upper boundary of green belt were not considered. Since, these factors
also play important role 1n effectiveness of green belt, these are d1scussed 1n next sect1on.

Effect of Density of Tree plantation

The effect of density of tree plantation on attenuation factor has been dealt 1n details by
Gupta and Kapoor (1 992) It has been found out that the value of attenuation factor
increases w1th increase in the density of tree plantation ('K' of equation (2)] upto an
opt1mum value of K but decreases therea-fter for Xz = 4 Km However thts concept IS true
only when interfactal mass exchange of pollutants through upper boundary of the green belt
is not considered

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

The Interfacial mass exchange of pollutant in vertical across upper boundary of green belt
would mod1fy source mass flux mov1ng through and above rt and would thus Influence the
value of Af ConsrderatJon of 1nterfacial pollutant exchange results rn net movement of
rnatenal from hrgher pollutron region to lower pollutron regron Value of Af reduces when
pollutron moves out of canopy regron to the region above. Whereas when pollution enters
from above to within canopy region, Af Increases. Reduction 1n Af is seen for all values of
density of tree plantation (K) for Xz <2 Km and for K <0. 7 for Xz> 2Km. A small increase in
Af rs seen for K = 0. 7 for Xz> 2km. These studies help to optimise K for a green belt of
given h and Xz to obtain maxrmum Af Optimum value of K grv ng maxrmum Af for different
Xz for wrth ana without 1ntertacral mass exchange IS g1ven in Table 3.3 (Gupta and
Kapoor. 1 992).

Table-3.3_Value of maximum Af and optimum K with and without interfacial mass

exchange for different widths of green belt for neutral stability condition
(category '0').

Xz (m) Without interfacial W1th interfacial

pollutant exchange pollutant exchange
Max1mum Opt1mum Maximum Optimum
Af K Af K

500 2. 1 7 X 10 0.9 1 .87 X 101 0.9 -

1 000 6 64 X 10 07 3. 1 0 X 1 01 0.8
2000 2.1 3 X 102 0.6 3 84 X 101 0.7
3000 5 87 X 102 0.5 4.67 X 101 07
4000 1 46 X 1 0 0.4 5 67 X 101 0.7
5000 3.76 X 1 0:? 04 . 6.88 X 101 0.7

Effect of other parameters

As an 1llustrat1ve example for optimisation. values of Af are calculated for a few selected
values of parameters and the results are discussed here The calculations are performed
for removal of particulate matenal by a green belt for 0.02m· and tree he1ght varying from

1 0-30m Amongst the other parameters. value of Vdx, and Vd><2 are assumed to be equal
and ass1gned a value of 0 0156 ms· (wh1ch is the grav1tat1onal settling rate for 20 um
part1cle s1ze) S1m1larly Ux, and U><2 are assumed to be the same as U(1 0). The values of
U(1 0) & UC used 1n these calcu at1ons under different atmosphenc stability condt1ons are
g1ven be,ow
Stab1llty condition A B c 0 E F
Uto 2 2 4 55 3 2
uc 0.5 05 0 75 1.0 0.6 0.5

Variation of Af with X1 and X2

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

For a fixed he1ght of tree. the value of Af is expected to increase with 1ncrease in � and
with decrease 1n x, Though 1t 1s preferable to plant the green belt as close as possible to
the pollution source (i.e, low value of X·) pract1cal considerations may not perm1t very low
values of X1. S1m1larly for f1xed value of Xt and X. the value of Af is greater for ta er trees
The variat1on of Af w1th X1 and X? and h under d1fferent atmospheric stabrhty condrt ons 1s
diSCUSSed belOW

Unstable condition, A

The variation of Af With x, for a f1xed value of � = 500 m and w1th X? for a f1xed value of X1
-: 50 m for stab1hty cond1tlon A are g1ven rn figures 3 2 and 3 3 respectively It can be seen
from f1gure 3 2 that the value of Af 1s close to un1ty even for taller trees 1f x, - 300m or
more. Reduc1ng the value of X1 1s of advantage only rn the case of tall trees and a value of
Af = 6 1s obtained for 30m tall tree 1f X· 1s kept at 50 m.

Figure 3.2 shows that the value of Af remains constant beyond a certa1n value of �
depending on the he1ght of trees Th1s suggests that increasing the value of X? more than
300m does not serve any useful purpose for stab1hty cond1tion A for h = 1 0 to 30 m.

Stable condition, F

F1gures 3 4 and 3.5 which are s-m1lar to f1gure 3.1 and 3.2 present the variation of Af 1n
stab1hty cond1tion F The value of Af. as h1gh as 1 0 , is atta1nable 1n this stability condition
(see fig - 3. 4) for trees of he1ght 1 5m or more for � = 500m and x, 50m. Th1s f1gure also

shows that 1f the tree he1ght 1s more than 25m the value of Af 1s of the same order even if
x, 1s 1ncreased to 1 OOm F1gure 3. 5 shows that the value of Af 1ncreases With X? upto a
certain d1stance and thereafter the 1ncrease 1n Af 1s not sign1hcant. Th1s feature of more or
less constant value of Af beyond a certaJn d1stance helps 1n est1mat ng the opt1mum width
of the green belt. For the cond1t1ons cons1dered 1n th's example, th.s d1stance is 500, 700
and 1 700m for tree he ghts 1 0. 1 5 and 30 m repectively.




1- I.
UJ 2

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

2 0 1.00 6 0 8 0 1000
Fig. 3.2 Attenuation Factor as a Function of Distance Between the Source and Inner
Edge of Green Belt and the Tree Height, for X,=SOOm , ).. = 0.02m·1 and for
Atmospheric Stabilitv Condition A
10 -.----


h = 30
� 6
1- h :25
u. I.
z h = 20

z h = 15

< h = 10

1 ��-�-.-�-�-r-r-���
0 200 1.00 600 800 1000
x 2 (m)
Fig. 3.3 Attenuation Factor as a Function of Width of GrC'en Belt and the Tree Height,
for X,=SOm, ).. = 0.02m"1 and for Atmospheric Stability Condition A

' '



u 103

� 2
< 10


ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

0 1000
x1 lm)

Fig. 3.4 For Atmospheric Stability Condition F



h = 20.25 . 30

UJ h : 10

200 400 600 800 1000

x2 lml
Fig. 3.5 For Atmospheric Stability Condition F

Variation in other Atmospheric stability conditions

The above discuss1on pertains to only two extreme atmospheric stability conditions The
values of Af for intermediate stability conditions lie mostly in between the two extreme
values (Table-34) . It can be seen from th1s Table that, for 1 5m high trees, advantage
gained by increasing the width of green belt from 500 to 1 ooom is not significant in all the
stability cond1t1ons except for F where Af of more than 1 04 is obta1ned for x, = 50m.
However, 1f the tree he1ght 1s Increased to 30m an attenuation factor of greater than 1 04 is
possible 1n stability category E also for a green belt Width of 1 aoam, whereas, in stab1hty
category D. the attenuation factor obtained is 600. This suggests that a green belt
consisting of tall trees around an ndustry could provide Significant attenuation factors for
about 50% of the time 1n a year for the case considered here.

� (m) h value of Af for sabihty class

(m) A B c D E F

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

500 15 2.5 3.6 4.5 1 .7x1 o' 1 .2x1 ct1 . 1 x1 04
30 1 .4x1 a, 1 6.0x1 02 1 4x1 04
62 2 6x10 1 1 X1 a
1 000 15 25 36 45 1 7x10' 1 2x1 ct 5.9x1 a5
1 5 8.2x1a7
3a 6.2 1 5x1 a' 2 6x10 6.0x1 02 1 1 Xl a

Appl i cation of G reen belt Model

The green belt model developed here IS applied to 1:\vo different cases for study1ng the
usefulness of green belt 1n reducing the 1mpact of pollution Out of the two applications, one
is a source oriented approach and the other is receptor oriented approach. In the source
onented approach. green belt of su1table dimens1on 1s planted around a source emitting
pollut1on and studtes are made to know the usefu ness of green belt ·n reducing the effects
of pollution for ground level releases. In the second case i.e . . 1n the receptor onented
approach green belt of suitable dimension ts planted around an ObJeCt wh1ch 1s getttng
deteriorated or likely to get detenorated as a result of pollution in and around it and studies
made to protect 1t aga1nst pollution. These two examples are dealt within a ltttle more detail
1n the follow1ng paragraphs

Source oriented appro ach

A nuclear power reactor surrounded by a su tably designed green belt prov1des an example
of the source onented approach.

Gupta and Kapoor (1 985) analysed the consequences of a hypothetical reactor accident. in
which a large cold, ground level release of rad1oact1ve nuclides takes place in the
presence of a suitably des1gned green beit around a nuclear power plant. The release of
radionuclides from a 1OOOMWe light water reactor was considered These radionuchdes
fall ,nto two ma1n categones part1culates and noble gases The deposition velocity on

vegetation for particulates was taken as 0.01 ms·1 and zero for noble gases (being inert in
nature) . The calculations considered the build1ng wake effect (effect of stagnation of
pollutants and subsequent dilution owing to alignment of surrounding structures which give
rise to eddy currents) and radio - active decay as well as deposition of radionuclides in the
green belt.

The radiological consequences were calculated in terms of early and continued mortalities.
The radiatJon dose to four important body organs (viz. thyroid, lung, gastrointestinal tract.
and bone marrow) of persons staying up to 1 00 kms from the reactor were calculated under
different atmospheric stability categones. For calculation of early and continued mortality by
the effect of radiation dose the dose - mortality cntena of WASH 1400 (1 975) were

The reactor accident consequences were calculated without a green belt and compared
with the corresponding consequences when the reactor is surrounded by a 1 5m high
green belt of 1 500m width. The inner boundary of the green belt was taken as 50 m away
from the reactor. Besides the decrease in mortality probability, the impact of green belt on

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

reduction of other important consequences of lesser importance like relocation of population
and banmng of food produced in contaminated regions were also analysed The analysis
shows that, the benefits of developing a suitably designed green belt around nuclear power
plants are as follows -

(0 The early and cont1nued mortalities are practically eliminated beyond a distance of
(ii) The relocation of populat1on to protect it from long term external exposure from
ground contamination may not be reqUired
(iii) The supply of food from uncontaminated areas may be needed for populations living
between 2 to 20 km only in the affected sector.

Since the siting requirements in many countries require exclusion distance ranging from 0.5
to 3 km from the reactor, it should be possible to develop a green belt around nuclear
power plants that will substantially reduce the consequences of the accidents. The green
belt would thus serve as another barner between the nuclear power plant and the public
and would strengthen the defense-in -depth philosophy adopted in the design of nuclear
power plants. The assured availability of a su1tably des1gned green belt throughout the year
could also help in reducing the magnitude of emergency preparedness in the public domain

Receptor oriented Approach

Mathematically both source and receptor oriented approach are the same, the only
difference between the two is the manner in which the green belt is planted. I n the source
oriented approach, the green belt 1s planted around the pollution source, whereas in the
receptor oriented approach the receptor IS protected aga1nst pollution by planting a green
belt around t
i . The case of protecting the T8J Mahal aga1nst a1r pollution by a green belt is
presented here as an example of receptor oriented approach.

The value of the pollution attenuation factor. Af IS computed for different atmospheric

stability conditions, different heights, widths of the green belt and also for varying distances
of green belt from the receptor. The results of the studies suggest that the green belt is
more effective in attenuating pollution in stable atmospheric stability conditions and for
smaller distance between source and green belt (X,). Increasing the height of trees is of
advantage in attenuating the pollution only for a smaller value of x,. Also, it is obseNed that
increasing the width of green belt beyond 200m does not significantly increase the value of
Af, for the range of x, considered in the study. In general, the study indicates that, the value
of Af in the case of Taj Mahal is much smaller than that obtained by a source oriented
approach. Significant values of Af occur only for nearby ground level pollution sources and
that also in stable atmospheric conditions.


Symbol Name Unit

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

At Pollution Attenuation Factor Ratio
Fo Deposition Correction Factor Ratio
h Physical height of green belt m
he Effective height of green belt m
H Pollution release height m
K Density of tree plantation in green belt Ratio
Q Mass flux of pollution kg. s·
u Mean wind speed mS"
Utz) Wind speed at height Z mS"
Uc Average wind speed through green belt ms·
Vd Pollutants deposition velocity ms·
X Travel distance m
Pollution Attenuation coefficient m·
Pc Average foliage surface area density of the green belt m2m .J
Pt Average foliage surface area density of a single tree m2m·
Standard deviation of concentration in cross-wind direction m
Standard deviation of concentration in vertical direction m
X (x,y,z) Concentration of pollutant at travel distance x, Crosswind
distance y and height z kg m



A country of subcontinental d1mens1ons and varied features of land and nvers. 1s

endowed with a large number of biogeographic zones. Though there were several
attempts to class1fy Indian vegetation types. the most commonly used class1f1cat1on is that
by Champ1on (1 938) w1th modifications. Since the accent of the present effort is on
cultivation of plants. rather than on the naturally grow1ng vegetat1on types. a suitable
scheme recogn1z1ng b1o-chmates along w1th soil types 1s necessary. Carter (1 954) divided
India into SIX climatic reg1ons, from arid to perhumid, based on Thornthwaite's system of
climate class1ficat1on. Krishnan (1 988) identified 40 soil climatiC zones based on major soil
types and mo1sture index. Planning Commission, Government of l ndta. New Delhi (Aiagh,
1 990), have recommended a scheme for agro-climattc classification of the country.

According to this scheme, there are 1 5 agro-climattc regions (Fig.4 1 ) . Each of these

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

regions is further divided into 68 ub-zones. based on detailed characteristic features, such
as natural resources, typologies {land productivity level, relat1ve pressure on land and
environmental factors) etc

Subtypes presented 1n the Plann1ng Commission document further describe ranges of

rainfall (Fig 4.2). general cilmat1c conditions and so1l types (F1g 4 3) prevailing 1n these
reg1ons. The emphaSIS here 1s on the development of resources and the1r optimum
utilization 1n a sustainable manner w1th1n the framework of resource constraints and
potentials of each reg1on.

Under National Agncultural Research Project (NARP), a 120 sub-zone map has been
prepared, based pnmarily on rainfall, existing cropping pattern and administrative units.
More recently, us1ng parameters such as physiography, so1ls. bioclimates and length of
grow1ng period, an agro-ecological map of the country (Fig. 4.4.) has been prepared. This
scheme recognizes 6 reg1ons, wh1ch are further d1v1ded into 20 sub-regions.

A sophistication to agro-cltmat1c classification for khanf crops has been deviced by

Chowdhery et al, {1 993), employing principal component analysis to agro-climatic variables
for delineating India into homogenous zones.

During the present work, the scheme suggested by the Planning Commission has been
adopted Appendix A g1ves the 1 5 agro-climatic zones and their 68 sub-zones, for which
details such as annual ra1nfall. climate, soil types and revenue districts covered by them,
are given.

It IS expected that user of th1s report refers to Appendix A, for ident1fy1ng and locating one's
area of concern, before proceed1ng further to the list of plants to be chosen for plantation


/ ...... .,.../'

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

0 0
• ,0

1 5°0e



5. UPPE� GANGETIC ?LAL"lS l3 Gu..ARAT PL AL'-45 - H·lL S

Fig. 4.1 Agro Climatic Zones

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (


200 -���

L E G E N D <c.


[E3 0 - 20 liTIIlJ I�D - 200

� 20 - !C � =; 200 - 300

L-� LO - 60 11m 300 - LOO

E.:-:] 50 - iOO - ABOVE 1.00

Fig. 4.2 Annual Rainfall

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (
r "
.. ' ,:.
A�DI.'·W:'l E.f At (1




IIIillillJ Gt,��E T A A J\ ClJTI ORE51

r •\'..J tl L �0 LS

;:.(�� OE·E"P SLACK OR REGuR � :...:�

r; · 1 l\t:l t..' lt.l O t.
�"Zj M�0 'J 8 ACr :;o ._s SHAUON 9Lt..C!-.

E"�� '-1 • � AtJ

At:� � �� I=OOT H LL SWAt.1PY

Fig. 4.3 Soils

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (
/ \.. -
( 2
\ 7 17
r· -..J I

(�y I I'·
t. J
\ i

Fig. 4.4 Agro·Economical Regions



Dtscusston tn earher chapters indicate the nature of plant-air pollutant 1n•eract ons and
sensitiVIty tndtcated by plants. It also bnngs out the hmttations under which plants are to
funct1on as scavengers of aJr pollutants. Other limitations for growing plants are the climattc
condttions and sotl characters. Of these. the latter get modtfied when plants are culfvated
and grown under care, e g A standard horticultural practtce 1nvolves planting of saplings tn
ptts of substantial dtmensions. i.e. 1 m x 1 m x 1 m for btg trees and almost half of these
dtmenstons for smaller trees and shrubs The ptts are then ftlled with earth, sand silt and
manure tn pre-determined proportions Sapl·ngs planted in such prts are watered liberally.
The grow1ng plants are then cared for the f1rst three years, or for at least two years under
favourable condittons of climate and drainage Nutnents 1n p ts are supplemented and the

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Juveniles provtded protect1on. Hence 1t 1s safe to assume that trees and bushes grown as
green belt components 1n areas under human control. wtll have overcome the limitations
tmposed by sotl characters to a great extent Ltmttations tmposed by climatic cond,ttons on
!he other hand, cannot be o.ercome and hence \·.:til have iO be taken tn!o account while
selecttng spectes for plantation 1n different bto-chmattc conditions.

Whtle maktng chotce of plant spectes for cu ttvatton tn green belts, wetghtage has to be
gNen to the natural factor of bto-cltmate It IS also presumed that the selected plants w·-- be
grown as per normal horticultural (or forestry) practtce given above and authonttes
responstble for plantation. wtll also make adequa:e provtstons for wa�enn.; and protect.on
of the saplings.

For effecttve removal of pollutants. it ts necessary that ( 1 ) plants grow under condttions of
adequate nvtnttonal supply (for health and v1gour of growth) , (2) ab�enr�? of water stress
(to matntain openness of stomatal apertures and form of epidermal structures). and (3) are
well-exposed to atmospheric condtttons of light and breeze (i e. away from engtneenng
structures free flow of atr to matntain free tnteractton with gases.

Characters of plants tncludtng shapes of crowns (Fig.5-1) considered necessary for effecttng
absorptton of pollutant ��ses wd remo·.a of dust parttcles are as k.Jmvs

For absorption of gases

i) Tolerance tmvards po'lu�ants in quest,on. at concentrations, that are not too high to
be Instantaneously lethal).

2) Longer aurat1on of foliage.

3) Freely exposed foliage through

a. Adequ�te he1ght of cro11.n.
b. Openness of foliage 1n canopy
c 81g leaves (long and broad lamtnar surfnces).

d. Large number of stomatal apertures,
e. Stomata well-exposed On level w1th the general epidermal surface).

For removal of suspended particulate matter

1 Herght and spread of crown

2. Leaves supported on f1rm pet1oles,
3. Abundance of surfaces on bark and foliage, through
a. Roughness of bark,
b. Epidermal outgrowths on petroles.
c. Abundance of axrllary hairs,
d. Harrs or scales on lamrnar surfaces.
e. Stomata protected (by wax,arches;rrngs, harrs, etc )

Note : All tolerant plants are not necessanly good for green belts. e.g Xerophytes with
sunken stomata can wrthstand pollution by avoidance but are poor absorbers of pollutants

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

due to low gaseous exchanga capac1ty

t 1s unrea:Sttc to expect, barr1ng exceptions. that atmosphere rn an industr:al area will

constttute onry one species of a1r poiiU1am More commonly, one comes across several
pollutants. especially S0.2. N02 and oxidants, and SPM and also HF rn the same regron. t
will hence be advisable to choose for cu't,vation of a green belt anywhere, plant species
capable of sorpt1on of chem1cals as we1 as dust pollutants. Combined effic1ency of a
variety of species should contnbute to reach the goals of green belts.

Models for Attenuation Coefficients grven in chapter Three provide gu1delines for
posrtion1ng of plants with reference to particulate emiss1on source at ground level. Width of
the belt as presented by the model, may prove diffrcult for many 1ndustnes to attain, for one
or more reasons Hence. 1t becomes necessary to dec1de to have green belts in places
avatlable around the 1ndustry (source- onented plantatron) as well as around habitats
(receptor- onented plantation) Lists of plants g1ven rn Appendrx-C should be seen from
th1s angle for selection of spec1es combtnattons, 1n conformity with biochmatrc attributes of
respect1ve reg1ons.

Plantation along Roadsides

Automobiles may be constdered as ground level, mob1le sources of pollutton of both types -
gaseous as well as part1culate Components of green belts on roadsides hence should
be both absorbers of gases as wen as of dust panicles. includrng even lead part1Cu1ates
Sorption of the latter type has been est1mated by Joshi {1990) who found high leve s of
lead sorption on ornamentals cultivated 1n traff1c 1slands. Choice of plants for roadside
(and traff1c island) plantations may be for conta1nment of pollut1on and for formatton of a
screen between traff1c and roads de res1dences. This choice of plants should include
shrubs of height 1 to 1 5 m and tree of 3 to 5 m height The 1nterm1x1ng of trees and
shrubs should be such that the foliage area dens1ty 1n vertical is almost un1form. A green
belt of such a des1gn and hav1ng a w1dth of 30 to 50 m will g1ve a pollution attenuation factor
of 2 to 1 00 for unsurtable to plants atmosphenc conditions Thus med1um- srzed and small

trees alternating with shrubs, aimed at sorption of particulates and gases, will be suitable
here Since safety of traffic is a maJor consideration, shrubs 1n traffic islands and along
road-dividers will have to be short enough to be below the eye-level of motorists. An ideal
des1gn for roadside green belt is presented in Fig.5.2. Still, it is necessary to emphasize
that each traffic island has its own character and needs to be studied separately for
design1ng 1ts green belt

A comprehensive list of plants recommended for green belts in the country is presented in
Appendix-B. The list consists of latin and common names of plants natural order to which
they belong and a number of relevant characteristic features. viz. tolerance or otherwise
towards air pollutJon habit. growth rate. flowering phenology, crown shape and approximate
surface area, etc.

The list is not complete in itself. Several more spec1es could be added to it. Criteria for
inclusion of species 1n this list include availability, knowledge about their horticultural

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

aspects, particularly propagation methods and growth rates and (sometimes) observed or
reported information about their tolerance to air pollution. Numerous species, indigenous to
certain regions, may also be included wherever possible In extreme areas (e.g where
stresses due to water salinity. salt-sprays, etc. are acute) only tolerant species should be
chosen Appendix C prov1des lists of plants recommended for cult1vat1on in the six
agro-climatic zones and their subzones

The shapes given here are for convenience only Many crown shapes range between
those identrfied following, viz Oblong-Round, Round-Spreading, Conical-Oblong, etc.
Some shapes also change with age or emiron mental stresses.



ENVIS Centre, CPCB (



lht.' shapes g1ven here ore 'or cor""entence only Many crown shapes range between those
v;z. Oolong-Rouro. Ro:nd - Sj)reading Contea -Oblong. etc. Some snapes also
iden!i!ieo fo!lo·.,ing
change w"h age or e:n··on "'lenla s;resses


ENVIS Centre, CPCB (


;.. 10.0 M. •j 2.o.i2.ot-1l' 10.0 M ·li.oM-+- 10.0 M. ·!i.oMfi.ot-t"' 10.0 M �


_S HO�





Of all the sources of non-muscular energy. coal 1s the most abundant one (Tandon. 1 989).
Total stocks of coal .n India are 1 . 70 460.54 m on tons of whrch 49.376 28 million tons are
proven ones. Compared to oil and natura gas reserves (16,000 mt potential}. coal stocKs
are more long-last1ng and hence more reliable for exploitation. Hydropower 1s clean but
creates other envrronmental problems Ihrough construction of large impoundments
Moreover. most of the hydropower potent1a 1n ndra has already been harnessed, leav1ng
very little scope for further expansion to meet 1ncreas1ng demands of t1mes. Nuclear power
potential is vast. Presently meet1ng only a fract1on of countries energy needs Energy from

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

\Js1on may provide an answer. when rt becomes available on commercial scale. at the
requ�red magnitude. By all accounts then we have to resort to coal for energy production
till other power sources can be harnessed sat.sfactorily.

Environmental hazards of utilization of coal

Of all the fossil fuels. coal 1s the dirt1est one All the way - from coal mine to ash dumps. this
fuel poses environmental hazards 1n one or another form Ac1dic drainage from coal rrunes
and p1t-head dumps are reported repeatedly by several workers (Bradshaw and Chadwick,
1 980) Fug1tive dust escap1ng along coal transporat1on channels, from p1t-heads to power
plants and at the t1me of load1ng - unloading operations has also been observed (Rao.
1 97 1 ) Once at power plants, every stage of coal utilization creates a different
environmental hazard

Coal arriving 1n power plant prem1ses 1s t1pped from railway wagons or from conveyors. The
t1pp1ng and storage areas are the ones where fung1t1ve coal-dust escapes 1n the
immded1ate neighbourhood, especially when these operations take place in the open.
under dryweather cond1t1ons

Crush1ng of coal and conveyance of nne coal to furances 1s the next stage of fungitive dust
em1ss1on. Combust1on of coal for energy production then takes place, where generation of
ash and pollutant gases takes place. A substantial amount of energy also escapes at the
same t1me. Under the present technoiog•ca scenar o a large proport1on of all the three are
captured and sought to be nullif1ed. detoxr" ed or ameliorated, from environmental point of
vtew. Considering the magn1tude of energy production however. even small proportion of
the pollutant output proves to be a maJor environmental hazard. e.g. A 500 MW TPP usrng
lnd1an coal (0.5% S. 40% mineral matter) generates 3537 tons of ash. 76 tons of S02,
every day of 1ts full capac1ty working Pollut1on abatement measures of good capac1t1es
(99 8% in respect of dust capture) st1ll permt around 884 g S02 and 66 g dust to emit from
the high stack. every second Ash captured before em1ss1on from stacks is deposrted in
pns valleys or even on flat grounds. It finds ·ts way 1n a1r by wtnd eros on and in water
bodres by surface run off. Where deposited, the :and by 1tself is unft for any primary
production process.
Covering of ash dumps

The large proportion of ash (40-47�o 1n Indian coals) 1s conveyed to deposition areas 1n
pipelines in the form of slurry Rece1v1ng grounds are valleys. flat-lands or pits dug for the
purpose. On decantation. or after infiltration of water 1nto the ground, the ash stands
exposed to elements - winds and rains. Ash gets blown on winds to get deposited
downwind on croplands or on other types of vegetation, smother plants and affects yields
(Rao. 1 97 1 ; Bradshaw and Chadwick, 1 980) Ash earned by run - off water forms
sed1ments in nearby waterways causing turbidity problems for aquatic organisms. reduces
water quality for drinking or even for irngatton Cases of accumulation of toxic heavy
metals in sediments of nvers are also reported (Evans and Ge1sey. 1 979) Stabilization of
ash deposits. hence. is always an urgent necessity.

Examples of successful stabilization of ash dumps and covering the same with plants can
be c1ted (Bradshaw and Chadwick, 1 980}. Use of stabilized grounds formed by ash
deposits for agncuttural production has also been done.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

The picture in India however. is far from encourag1ng so far Though attempts appear to
have been made for covenng ash by plants, failure of the same was seen in the form of 2-3
year old plants getting chlorotic, bronzed or copper coloured and eventually dyeing. In one
reasonably successful operation. where a variety of trees grew successfully for 5-6 years
without soil amendments (as reported by the staff), two drawbacks were observed - i) the
tall trees (about 4-5 m 1n he1ght) had started lodg1ng and ii) ash bet\veen tree bases had
blown away I t is hence necessary to emphasize that a holst1c approach to the problem of
ash stabilrzat1on 1s desirable Location of ash dump VIS a VIS' other land- uses 1n the
V1c1n1ty, landscaping of the dump, stabilization, detox1ficat1on and ut1hzation of the ground
created for productive and other purposes should be planned meticulously and
simultaneously. The planning process obv1ouslyshould Involve many disciplines. The
follow1ng suggestions are a part of the plann1ng operat1on with a stress on plantation The
suggestions are based on i) expenence of countnes where product1ve lands have been
formed after ash deposition and ii) working with much more toxic and hazardous tailings
wrth comparable physical propert1es, from zinc - lead. mines {Chaphekar 1 989).

Suggested procedure for Plantation

Fly ash is deficrent in plant nutrients like n1trogen and sometimes phosphorus and other
minerals and contains toxic metals hke copper. cadmrum. cobalt chromrum manganese.
molybdenum mckel lead, z1nc and boron (Tables 6 1 and 6.2). Amendment of ash with
nutnents and agents to arrest toxicants are essent1al for covering it with plants Some
suitable and rnexpens1ve SOil additi\<es are given 1n Table 6.3 along w1th the1r properties.
Nutnent contents of some commonly used orgamc manures are given in Table 6. 4.

Mixing of farmyard manure (FYM) in 1 :4 proportion should serve well as was found with
zinc mrne tailings {Chaphekar, et al . 1 986). For growing grasses this mrx need be 1n the
top soli (upto 1 5 em) only, while for tree saplings. pits of suitable dimensions (60x60x60 or
90x90x90 em) are reqUired wtth stm1lar m1xtures Watering reg1mes depend upon local
climatiC conditions, though 1n 1nmal stages regular watering - da1ly for grass and 2-3 times a
week for trees 1s a must
Nothing compares favourably with the capacity of carpet form1ng grasses 1n holding soil rn
its place, e.g. Cynodon dactylon has conservation value index (CVI) of 94°·
o (Ambasht,
1 970). Cultivation of grasses with spreading habrt stabilzes the ash surface effectively.
Grasses with hrgh turnover rate of shoots contribute subtantially to the organic enrichment
of the otherwise nutrient-poor silty ash. Weathered ash is reported to be substantially less
tox1c than the freshly deposited ash (Bradshaw & Chedwick, 1 980). Cultivation of
herbaceous legumes enriches the substratum with nitrogen. The stabilized ash then forms
suitable ground for other planned ut11ties like woodland, fuel or fru1t-yield1ng trees. etc.
Tables 6.5 (Jha & S1ngh, 1 994) and 6.6 give lists of plants considered suitable for growing
on ash dumps for their stabilization. The plants listed are grasses, legumes and MPTs
(multi-purpose trees) forming a comprehensive agroforestry system. Possibilities for
development of different amenities are numerous, including parks for recreational or
educational purposes. Testrng of edible parts of plants for toxic heavy metal cotents would
help decision-mak1ng for deriving agricultural yield from stabilized ash dumps. Experience
derived after practicing stabilization efforts along suggested lines would prove valuable as
gu1delines for further efforts.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (


There are several variables II"' the env1ronment and the types 1n nputs lead1ng to pollut1on
stress. MaJor vanation 1s 1n the set of biogeographical conditions - especrally climate and
topography as a result of wh1cn correspondrng modrf1cat1ons 1n planting strateg1es become
necessary. A large variety of local (climat1cally adapted) plant species need to be tried in
different regions of the country. In case of failure of any of the specres to respond as
expected. a thorough investiigation (even post- mortern) into the causes of failures. is called
for. Such invest1gatrons provide gurdeltnes for correct1ve measures and modifications in

Another important aspect of ameliorative action is evaluation of action taken. Minor

drawbacks in execution of plans tend to get amplified with passage of time. Continuous
monrtonng of plant growth. immediate replacement of casualties, supplementation of
nutrients, rescheduling of watering regrmes, etc. are rmportant.

Table 6.1 Chemical Composition of Fly-ash

Element Concentration Element Concentration

{Values rn �o) (Values in ppm)

S1 51.94 Co 21
Na 0 49 Ni 86
K 0.60 Cu 68
Mg 0.29 Mo 50
Ca 1 .38 Zn 72
Fe 6.13 Cd 5
AI 23.94 As 36
p 0.22

(Source: D.N. Rao, M.Agrawal, J.Singh, 1 990)

Table 6.2 Concentration of Elements in Typical Indian Coal And Fly-Ash Samples

Elements Concentration in ppm

Coal Ry Ash

Na 300 1 300
K 2075 1 8275
La 47 6 238
Ce 30 2 145
Hg 1 1 .0 48
Pb 1 8 8.1
Th 5.3 25
Cr 62 8 404
Hf 7.1 32 6

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Sc 22.9 106
Zn 540 2027
Fe 20890 1 06670
Ta 1 5 51
Co 33.4 128
Eu 1 .0 5.6
Sm 0.065 2.29
Au 0 14 0.69

(Source : M.H.Fulekar & J MDave. 1990)

Table 6.3 Soil additives and their properties

Matenal pH Durability C·N Apphcat1on to so1l tons ha'

(a) (b) (c)

Hay 5.5 1 season 25:1 2 3 4

Manure 6.6 6-12 months 25:1 15 30 40
Sawd ust 3.5-7.0 3-5 years 200•1 1 5 10
Leaves 6.5 1 season 40:1 3 4 5
Refuse 7.5 1 season 45"1 20
Compost 8.5 55:1

(a) While seed1ng. (b) for eros1on control, (c) around already established plants.

(Source Bradshaw and Chadwick 1 980)


Table 6.4 Nutrient contents of some types of organic manures

Manure type Nu1nent contents % Organic matter %


Farm yard manure 0 62 0.13 0.49 24

Prg slurry 0 21 0.10 0. 1 8 5
Poultry manure 2 30 0.90 0.65 65
Sewage sludge 1 82 0.43 0.46 39
Mushroom compost 2 80 0.20 0.80 65
Oomestrc refuse 0 50 0.20 0.30 65
Straw 0.48 1 . 62 0.85 95

(Source Juwarkar. P.t nl., 1 989).


Table 6.5 Suggested Multi-Purpose Trees {MPTs) Suitable for Revegetation of

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Mine Spoils and Degraded Habitats

Acacra catechu
Acacta ntlotica
Acatca tortihs
Alb1Z1a lebbecl<
AlbiZia procera
Azadtrachta rndtca
Casuanna equtsetitolla
Oa!bergia sissoo
Oendrocalamus strictus
D1chrostachys ctnerea
Gmehna arborea
Holarrhena antidysenterica
Holoptelia rntegrrfolia
Leucaena leucocephala
Madhuca 1ndrca
Melra azaderach
Phyllanthus emblica
Pongamia ptnnata
Prosoprs ctnerana
Sesbania aegyptraca
Shorea robusta
Syzygium cumtnr
Tamarindus 1nd1ca
Tectona grandts
.,...erminalia arjuna
Terminaha bellerica
Zrzyphus mauntrana

Adapted from (A K Jha & J.S S1ngh. 1994)

Table 6.6 Ust of Grasses, Legumes And Multi-purpose Trees {MPTs) Suggested For
Cultivation for Stabilization of Fly-Ash


Bothriochloa intermedia
Bothriochloa pertus
Brachiaria mutica
Cenchrus setigerus
Chloris gayana
Chryosopogon fulvus
Cynodon dactylon
Echtnochloa colona
Eragrostis cynosuroides
Heteropogon contortus
Paspalidium geminatum
Sacharum bengalense
Sehtma nervosum

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Sporobolus aJrotdes
Sporobolus coromendelines

Herbaceouss Legumes

Cajanus cajan
Crotalana juncea
Crotalaria burhia
Oesmodtum triflorum
Medicago sativa
Phaseolus mungo
Stylosanthes hamata


Acacia albida
Acacia aunculiformis
Acacta catechu
Acacia holosericea
Acacia nilottca
Acacia senegal
Albizia amara
Albizra lebbeck
Azadirachta rndtca \
Oalberg1a SISSOO
Eucalyptus hybrid \
Erythrina vanegata ..
Gliricidia sepium
Grewia tenax
Hardwickia binata
Leucaena latisiliqua
Pithecellobium dulce
Ztzyphus nummulana

(Source · A.K Jha & J.S Singh, 1 994)


Bioclimatic Zones of India Inclusive of Soil Types and Revenne Districts

I. Western Himalayan Rogian

S. Sub Zone Rainfal Climate Soils Districts

No. (mm)

1. High altitude 165 Humid to Hill soil Chtlas. Gilgit,

temperate cold arid mountain Gilgit Wazarat,
meadow. Jammu, Kashmir.
skeletal North {Baramula)
Tarai. Kashmir SoU1h
Badgarn) Kathua,
Ladakl1 (Kargil,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Ladakh.) Mirpar,
(kupwara.) Poonch
Riasi (Rajauri) Tribal
(Udhampur Doda)
(J and K)

2. Hill temperate 2000 Humid Brown Bilaspur, chamba

Hill Hamirpur,
Kangra, kinnaur, Kullu,
Lal1u1 and spiti Mandl,
shtmla sirmour,
solan, Una (H.P)

3 Valley 400 sub sub Chamoil. Dehra Dun

temperate Humid Mountain, Garhwal Tehri
Mountain, Garhwal Ptthoragarh,
MeadUif:, Alrnora, Nainital.
Skeletal Uttarkashi

4. Sllb-!1opical 1 030 Semi-arid Alluvial

to humid (Recent)
Brown Hills

II. Eastern Himalayan Region

s. Sub Zone Rainfal Climate Soils Distncts

No. (mm)

1. Himalayan 2641 Perhumid Brown Darjeeling ryv B.} '-

Hills to humid Hills East sikkim, North
Stkkim South sikkim.
West sikkim.

2 NE. Hills 3528 Per humid Red sandy Karbi Anglong, North
to humid Laterite Cachar Hills (Assam)
Oibang valley, East
Kameng. East Siang,
Lohit. Lower Subansiri

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Tirap, Upper Subansiri,
West Kameng
(Tawang) . West Siang
(Ar P) East Garo Hills.
East Khasi Hills, Jamtta
Hills. West Garo Hills,
West Khast Hills
(Meghalaya( Kohima,
Mok's kohung. Mon
Phek, Tuensong,
Wokha, Zunhebota

3. Southern 2052 Per hurntd Acidic soil Bishnupur (Central

Hill to hurntd Mantpur)
Churachandpur (South
Manipur) lmphal
(Central Manipur)
SenapatJ (North
Manipur) Tamengtong
(West Manipur) Chandel
(Tengnoupal) Thoubal
(Central Manipur) Ukhrul
(East Manipur) North
Tripura, South Tripura,
West Tripura, Aizwal.
Chhimtupui Lunmglei


s Sub Zone Raintal Climate SoliS Districts
No. (mm)

4. Lower 1 840 Per humid AlllNial Barpeta Dhubri.

to humid Red loamy Darrang. Goalpara.
Kaprup (NalbarO,
Kokrajhar (Nagoan).
Sonitpur Nowgong

5. Upper 2809 Humid to Alluvial Red Dibrugarh. Karbi

per Humid Loamy Anglong. Jorhat,
Karimgani, Lakhimpur,
Sibsagar (Golaghat),
Cachar (Silchar

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

(Assam), Jalpaigutl
Koch B1har (W.B.}

Ill. Lower Gangetic Plains (West Bengal)

S. Sub Zone Ra1nfal Climate So1ls Dtstricts

No. (mm)

1. Barind Plains 1 587 Moist sub Red and Mallah West Dinajpur
humid and yellow
sry sub humid allwvial

2. Central Alluvial 1 449 MOISt sub Red and Barddhaman Haora,

Plains humid to dry yellow Deltaic Hugli Medinipur (E&W)
sub humid Alluvium, Mursh1dabad, Nadia
Red Loamy

3. Alluvial Coastal 1 607 Dry sub Red and Calcutta, Twenty Four

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Saline Pla1ns humid to yellow deltaic Paragans
mo1st sub Alluvial (North and South)

4. Rarh Plains 1 302 Moist sub Red and Bankura Birbham.

hum1d to Dry yellow red
sub humid loamy

IV. Middle Gangetic Plains

S. Sub Zone Rainfal Climate Sotls Dtstncts

No. (rnm)

1. North West Alluvial 121 1 Moist sub Alluvial Azamgarh. Bahraich,

humid to dry calcarious Ballia Basti Faizabad
sub humid Gazipur, Gonda,
Gorakhpur Jaunpur.
Mtrzapur Deoria,
Varanas1 (U.P .)

2. North East Alluvtal 1470 Dry Sub Alluvial tataJ Aurangabad, Beg usarai
humid to Moist Bhagalpur, Bhojpur,
sub humid Darbhanga, Gaya,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

GopalganJ, Katihar
Khagaria, Madhepura,
Mudl1ubani. Munger
Muzzaffarpur. Nalanda,
Nawada, Poschim
Champaran Patna,
Purba Champaran
Purnia Rohtas,
Saharsa. amsatipur,
Saran Sitamarhi,
Stwan Vaishali (Bihar)

v. Upper Gangetic Plainns (Uttar Pradesh}

s Sub Zone Rainfal Chmate Soils Districts

No (mm}

1. Central Plains 979 Dry sub humid Alluvial Allahabad Bara bank!
to sem1 arid Fatehpur HardOJ, Khefi
Lucknow, P11ibhit, Rae
Bareli, Sitapur,
Sultanpur, Unnao,

2. North Western 907 Dry sub hum1d Alluv1al Barellly, Bijmor

Plains to semi arid tarai Bulandshahar,
Gaziabad, Meerut,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Muzaffarnagar Rampur,

3. South Western 721 Semi and Alluvial Agra A.1garh Badam

Pla1ns Etah, Etawah,
Farukhabad, Kanpur
(Rural}. Kanpur (Urban}
Man1pur Mathura

VI. Trans Gangetic Plains

S. Sub Zone Ramfal Climate Soils Districts

No. (mm)

1. Foot hills of 890 Semi-arid to Alluvial Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur

Shivalik and Himalayas dry sub-humid (Recent) Rupanagar (Punjab)
Calcarious Ambala, Chandigarh

2. Plains 561 Semi and to Alluvial Amnlsar, Jalandhar

dry sub humid (Recent} Kapurthala. Ludhiana,
Calcareous Patiala (Punjab),
Faribdabad, Gurgaon,
Jind, Karnal,
Kurukshetra, Rohtak,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Sonepat (Haryana}

3. Scarce Rainfall 360 Arid and Calcareous Bathinda, Faridkot,

arid zone Extreme arid Sierozemic Ferozpur, Sangrur
Alluvial (Punjab), Bl"1iwani,
(Recent) Hisar, Mahendragarh
Desert Sirsa (Haryana)

VII. Eastern Plateau and Hills

S. Sub Zone RainfaJ Climate Soils Districts

No. (mm)

1. Eastern Plain 1271 Dry sub humid Medium to Bolanagar, DhenkanaJ

deep black SambaJpur (Orissa}
red and yellow BaJaghat, Bilaspur,
Ourg. Raipur. Raj
Nandgaon (M.P.)
Bhandara, Chandarapur
Garchiroli (Maharashtra

2. Estern Highland 1 436 Motst sub Red sandy, Koonjhar, Mayurbhanj

humid to dry Red and Sundargarh {Orissa)

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

sub humid Yellow Rajgarh, Surguja,
Shahdol (M.P.}

3. North Central 1 296 Moist sub Red sandy Deogarh, Dhanbad,

Plateau humtd to dry Red and Gtridih, Godda,
dub-humtd Yellow Hazaribag, Sahibganj,
Santhal Pargana
{Dumka) (Bihar)

4. Eastern Plateau 1369 Moist sub Red and Puruliya (W.B.)

humid to dry Yellow, Red Lahardaga, Palamau
sub humtcf loamy Ranchi, Singhabhum

5. Tribal 1 338 Moist sub Red sandy Kalahandi, Koraput

humtd to dry Red and Phulbani (Orissa)
sub humtd Yellow, Red Bastar (M.P.)

VIII. Central Plateau and Hills

s. Sub Zone Rainfal Climate Soils Districts

No. (mm)

1. Bundelkhand 780 Dry sub humid Mixed red Banda, Jalaun. Jhansi,
to dry and and black Lalitpur, Ham1rpur(U.R.)

2. Bundelkhand (M.P.) 700 Dry sub humid Mixed red Chhatarpur. Dalia,
to semi and and black Tikamgarh (M.P.)

3. North HillS 1 570 Moist sub Red and Mandla (M.P.)

humid to dry Yellow
sub humid

4. Kymore Plateau 1 1 00 Dry sub humid Red & Yellow Jabalpur, Panna. Rewa.
and Satpura Hills Med1um black Satna, Seon1, S1dhi

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (


5. Vindhya Plateau 1 1 30 Dry sub humid Medium black Bhopal, Damoh, Raisen,
Sagar, Sehore, Vidisha
(M P )

6. Satpura 1 220 Dry sub humid Shallow black Chh1ndwara, Betul

Mixed Red (M.P )
and black

7. Central Narmada 1 300 Dry sub humid Deep black Hoshangabad,

vally skeletal Narsimhapur (M.P.}

8. Gird 670 Semi arrd Medium Bhind, Guna, Gwalior,

(half dner) black. Morena (M.P )

9. South eastern 760 Semi and Medium Bundi, Kota (Rajasthan)

Plains (half drier and black
water half)

10. Southern Pla1ns 760 Semi and Medium Banswara, Dungarpur

(Water hal0 red and grey, (Rajasthan)

11. Transtttonal Plams 490 Semi arid Desert soil Pali Sirohi (Rajasthan)
to arid Grey brown

1 2. Southern Plains 500 Semi arid Red and Bhilwara, Chandigarh,

Aravalli Hills (Water Half) Yellow Grey Udaipur (Rajasthan) l

s. Sub Zone Ramfal Climate Soils D1stncts
No (mm)

13. Semi-arid 500 Semi arid Alluvial Ajmet, Jaipur, Tonk

Eastern Plains (drier half) (Rajasthan)

14. FloodProne 500 Semi arid Alluvial AIwar Bharatpur. Sawai

Eastern Plains (Oner half) (Recent) Madhopur, Dhaulpur

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

IX. Western Plateau and Hills

s Sub Zone Ra1nfal Climate Soils Districts

No (rnrn)

1. H1ll zone 988 Semi-arid Medium to Kalhapur, Nasik, Pune,

deep black Satara (Maharashtra)
Shallow red Jhabua (M.P.)
Red loamy

2. Scarcity zone 602 Sem1-and Med1um Ahmednagar, Ohule,

black, Sangli, Sholapur
deep black (Maharashtra)

3 Plateau zone North 874 Semi arid Medium Akola, Amaravatt,

{Eet1er hal0 black, deep Aurangabad, Beed,
black, Mrxed Buldnna, Jalgaon,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

red & black Jalana, Latur,
Shallow red Osmanabad, Parbhani
(Maharashtra) Oewas
Ohar, East Nimar,
Indore, Mandsaur,
Ra19arh, Ratlam,
Sha,apur. UJJain, West
Nimar (M.P.) Jhalawar

4. Plateau zone South 1 040 Semi-arrd to Med1um Nagpur, Nanded,

dry sub humid black, Warsha, Yavatma
Shallow, black (Maharashtra)

X. Suthern Plateau and Hills Region

S. Sub Zone Rainfal Climate SoliS Districts

No. (mm)

1. Sub zone-1 769 Semi-arid & Medium Belgaum, Ballary, Bidar,

arid 01ack, Laterite Bijapur, Dharwad,
deep black, Gulbarga, Raichur
Red loamy (Karnataka)

2. Sub zone-2 677 Semi-arid Red loamy Anantpur, Chittor,

medium Cuddapah, Kurnool
black, Red (A.P.) Banglore,
sandy, coastal Chitradurga, Kolar,
allUVIUm, Tumkur

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

laterite (Karnataka)

3. Sub zone-3 725 Semi-arid Red sandy, Hyderabad,

& arid Med1um to Mahbubnagar,
deeo black Nalgonda, Rangareddi
(A.P )

4. Sub zone-4 1001 Semi-arid Deep black, Adilabad, Karimnagar,

(Wet1er hatD Medium Khammam, Medak,
black N1zamabad, Warangal
(A P.)

5 Sub zone-S 865 Semi-and Reel loamy, Mandya, Mysore

Reel sandy (Karnataka)
Dharmapuri (Tamilnadu)
Hasan (Karnataka)

6. Sub zone-6 841 Semi-arid to Mixed red & Coimbatore, Madurai

dry sub humid black red (Anna) Tiruchirapalli,
loamy, Deltaic Periyar, Pudukkotai
alluv1wn (Tamil Nadu)

XI. East Coast Plains and Hil ls Region

S. Sub Zone Rainfal Climate So1ls Districts

No. (mm)

1. North Orissa Coast 1 287 MOISt SUb Deltaic Baleshwar, Cuttack

humid alluvial. Puri (Orissa)
Red Loamy

2. North coastal Andhra 1 1 28 Dry sub humid Red loamy Srikakulam,

Laterite, Vishakhapatnam.
Medium Vizianagaram (A.P.)

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

black red
sandy, coastal

3. South coastal Andhra 996 Sern1-and Deltaic. East Godavari, Guntur,

Alluvium Krishna. Prakasam.
Deep black West Godavari (A.P.)
Red sandy Yanam (Pondicherry)
Red and black

4. North coastal 1 036 Sem1-and Red loamy Nellore (A.P.)

Temll Nadu Red sandy. Chengalpartu. Madras,
coastal North Arcot, South
alluvium Areal (Tamil Nadu)

5. Tenjavur 1113 Semi-arid to Deltaic ThanJavur (Tamil)

dry sub humid alluvium Karatkal (Pondicherry)
Red loamy

6. South coastal 780 Semi-arid Mixed Red & Karrnarajar.

(drier half) black coastal Ramanathapuram
Alluvium Tirunefvefi
P. Muthurama Ungam
(Tamil Nadu)
XII. West Coast Plains and Ghat Region

s. Sub Zone Rainfal Climate Soils Districts

No. (mm)

1. Coastal Hilly 3640 Per humid Laterite, Uttarkannada

& humid Red, loamy (Karanataka) Greater
Coastal Bombay, Ratnagiri
Raigad (Kolaba)
Sindhudurg Thane
(Maharashtra) Goa

2. Coastal Midland 3127 Dry sub humid Red loamy, Alleppy, Cannanore,
& per humid Coastal Ernakulam Kasargood,
alluvium Kozhikode, Malappuram
laterite Quilion, Trichur,
Trivandrum (Kerala)

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Kanniyakumari (Tamil
Nadu) Dakshin Kannada

3. Midland 2727 Per humid Laterite Konayam, Palghat,

Coastal Pathanamittina (Kerala)

4. Hilly 2226 Per humid Red loamy, lddukki, Wayanad

Mixed Red (Kerala), Chikmaglur
& black Kodagur (coorg)
Shlmoga (karnataka)
Nilgiri (Tamil Nadu)

XJfl.=l 11QijarafPfairnfaRdHill Regions IX

S Sub Zone • n Ra,nfal ::. C mate r. · ') Soils "· Districts · � ": �� ?
No. (mrn)

1. South GUjarat•"., 1 793 . J Semi-ard to' i Deej) black The Dangs.'VaJsad

;! ., ., "· (/: dry sub hEJmid coastal (Gujarat) Daman Dadra
II. • ptr � \• ,..tq 8 . I ) alluvium & Nagar Haveh
" I r t - ;J

2. 974 Semi arid to Deep black Bharuch, Surat (GuJarat)

dry sub humid COc1StaJ
� ., . • • <..i J \S ' . • t � M f.'ZF ·:
3. ')()r Middle Gujarat1 1 s Semi arid 1 ::. · Medium Kheda, Ranch - Mahals
Tlo,'. 'l ( t•l I 1\ ").. black Vadodara (Gujarat)
. . )
., •._.'

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

4. ic- North Gu1arat'"' 735 Arid to Grey brown Ahmedabad,
" ;1 ' 1 t I l � semi arid deltaic Banaskantha,
&b:,.., I' (' >,f " 1 •
alluvium Mahesana.
. 'r . r
Sabarkantha (Gujarat)

5. North West Ariel 340 ... Arid to Grey brown Kachchh (Gujarat)
' i('.. ..... '"lt .,·r '! <1
semi arid I 1' G deltaic1 :: t �!'., ' ,
(h':. ··•)11 t , •• ,,, r•· a.t', 1 alluvium

6. North Saurashtra 537 Dry sub humid Coastal Arnreli, Bhavnagar,

I•.C l:o�t.',fi 1)
, -lt,.._t I \''•'. I b ,;::, • r�JL!ri 1Jc alluY'IufTf, Jamnagar, Rajl<ot,
1 :crrr·,;,n) ,,.:r.. • \; , .� IJ-X ·.i Medium black Surendranagar (Gujarat)
' 1 I 'l '

r 1$buth saurasl\tra 844 Dry sub Coastal Junagadh
I I •
\' • I
humid aJIUVIUill
Medium black
XIV. Western Dry Regions

S. Sub Zone Rainfal Climate Soils Districts

No. (mm)

1. Western Dry 395 Arid to Desert soil, Barmer, Bikaner. Churu,

extremely Grey Brown Jaisalmer, Jalor,
arid Jhunjhunu, Jodhpur,
Nagaur, Sikar

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

XV. The Island Regions

Andaman, N1cobar & Lakshadweep

(1) (2)

1 . Andaman 1 Laksjadweep

2. Nicobnr
A P P E N D I X-8

This Appendix consists of names of plants recommended for

Green Belts. Abbrevations and order of presentation used i n this Appendix
are as follows
No. Serial number in the list,starting with first letter of the
genenc name.
latin name of the plant.
Fam. Family.
C.N. Common and vernacular name 1n different l a n g u ages
of India, Viz.
Beng - Bengali, Guj. - Gujrati,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Mar. - Marathi, Hin. - Hindi . . etc.
. .

S/T Sensitive/Tolerant, (to a i r pollution)

HA Habit.
HT Height.
GR Growth rate.
R Regeneration.
E/D Evergreen/Deciduous.
OF Duration of foliage.
Flo.S. - Flowering season.
CSA Crown s u rface area (estimated) .
cs Crown shape.
LA Leaf area.
Sl Stomatal index

No. A l Abutilon indicum Linn.
Fom. - Molvoceoe
C.N. - Country mallow; Beng. Jhompi; Guj. Khopot;
Hin. - Konghi; Kon - Srimudrigido; Mol. Jhonkoped;
Mar - Chokrobhendo; Oriyo - Nokochono;
Tom - Thuttli; Tel - Botlobendo, Tuttilibendo;
Assam - Jhopo; Goo - Petori.
HA Shrub
HT 5m
GR Quick growing
R Through Seeds.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

E/D Deciduous.
Flos - Most of the year.
cs Oblong.

No. A2 Acacia ouriculiformis A. cunn.

Fom - Mimoseoe
C.N. - Australian Wattle, Beng - Akoshmone.
S/T. T
HA Tree.
HT 1 6 m.
GR Quick growing.
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - June - Jon.
CSA - 8548.22 m'
cs Oblong
LA .1 4 0 . 50 cm2
Sl 1 0. 9

No. A3 Acacia catechu, Willd
Fam - Mimoseae
C.N. - The cutch tree. Sonkhairi, Sans - Khadira,
H i n - Khair; Beng - Kuth; Tam - Karangalli,
Tel - Khadiramu.
HA Shrub
HT 3m
GR Quick growtng
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen.
Flo.S. - May - August

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

l 0 8 . 4 2 m2
cs Oblong.
LA l 09.98 em"
Sl 8.24

No. A4 Acacia dealbata Link.

Fam - Mi moseae
C . N. - Silver wattle.
HA Tree
HT 1 5m
GR QL 1ck growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen.
Flo.S. · April · June

N o . A5 Acacia farr,esiono Willd

Fam - Mirnoseae
C N Th,.. cassia flo•.ver.
H•r d - Condh - bab u l , Br>ng - Guya babula,
\r r1 o�da'- .·.� .. Or;' t'obal,
Tam - Kasturivel; Tel - Kasturitumma.
HA Tree.
HT Sm.
GR Quick growmg.
R By seeds.
EID Evergreen
Flo.S. - Aug - Mar.

No. A6 Acacia ferruginea DC

Fam - Mimoseae
C.N. - Safed khair.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Sans - Somasara; Tam - Velvelam; Tel - Ansandra.
HA Tree.
HT 3-4m.
GR Quick. growing.
R By seeds
EID Evergreen
Flo S. - Jan - Feb.

No A7 Acac1a leucophloea Wdld.

Fam - Mimoseae
C N Distiller's acocta; Beng - Sofed bobul
Eng - White bobool; Guj. Horibovol;
Hindi - Scfed bobul; Kon - B i l i jol;
Mal - Pottochoroyomorom; M.P - Viloyoti bobul;
Mar - Hewor; Raj - Ar unj; Sons - Arimedoh;
Tom - Velvoyolom; Tel - Tellotum m o .
HA Shrub.
HT 3 m
GR Quick growrng
R By seeds.
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - Jan.-Feb.
828 1 . 4 m2
cs Oblong
LA 1 3 2 . 5 2 cm2
Sl 1 2 .01

No. A8 Acacia mearnsii de Wild.

Fam - Mimoseae.
C.N. - Black wattle, Tam - Chavukku

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Quick growing .
R By seeds, Root suckers.
E/D Evergreen
cs Spreading.

No. A9 Acacia mellifera (Vahl) Beth.

Fam - Mi moseae
HA Tree
HT 8 - 1 Om
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - Twice m an year

No. A l 0 Acacia nilotico (Linn) Willd.

Fam - Mimoseae
C.N. - Ind ian Gum - Arabic tree, Beng, H i n d i , Punjab and
M . P - Babul; Eng - Bobul; G u j - Baval;

Bihar - Bobule; Kon - Korijouli, Mol - Korivelon,
Mar - Vedibobul; Oriyo - Boubro;
Sons - Borburoh, Vovori; Tom - Koruvelomorom;
Tel - Nollotummo.
HA Tree
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ Aug - Jan.
CSA - 8293.74 m1
cs Spreading.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

LA 1 35 . 7 0 cm1
Sl 1 1 . 23

No. A 1 1 Acacia pennata Wtlld

Fom - Mimoseoe
C.N. - H i n - Biswol, Kumaon - Agio; Beng - Kuchui;
Sons - Ari; Tam - lndu; Tel - Korusikoyo.
HA Shrub
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ June - Aug.
cs Roynd

No. A 1 2 Acacia po�yocqntho Wt�ld.

fom - Mimoseae
HA Tree

HT 1 0m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds
E/0 Semi - deciduous.
Flo.S. - May - June, Oct - Nov.
cs Flat crown

No. A 1 3 Acacia senegal Willd.

Fam - Mimoseoe
C.N. - Sans - Svetakhadira; Rajasthan - Kumta
HA Tree

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

GR Quick growrng
R By seeds.
E/0 Deciduous
Flo.S . ­ Aug - Mid Sept, Nov. - Mar.
cs Feathery spreading crown

No. A 1 4 Acacia sin uata (Lour) Merrill

Fam - Mimoseae
C . N. - Beng - Banritha; Guj and Mar - Shikakai;
Hin - Kochi; Kan - Sige; Mal - C hikaka;
Tam - Shikakai; Tel Sikaayai.
HA Tree
HT 1 Om
GR Quick growrng.
R By seeds.

No. A1 5 Acacia tortrlrs Hayne

Fam - Mimoseae
C.N. - The Umbrella thorn tree.

HA Tree
GR Quick growing.
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen

No. A 1 6 � compbellii Hook F. and Thoms.

Fom - Aceroceoe.
C . N. - Himalayan maple. Beng - Koboshi Lepcha - Doom,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Quick growing.
R By seeds.
E/0 Deciduous.
cs Spreading

No. A 1 7 � negundo linn

Fam - Aceroceae
C.N. - Ash - leaved maple, Boxeldes.
HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/D Deciduous.
cs Spreading

No. A 1 8 Achros sapota linn

Fom - Sapotoceoe.
C.N. - Sapota; Tam - Shima1 - ell uppai Mar - Chikoo

HA Tree.
HT 1 0m
GR Slow growing during early stages.
R Grafti ng.
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Round the year tn coastal d i stricts.
Sept. - Dec. tn other areas.
CSA - 309.02 1 m2
cs Spreadi n g .
LA 1 08.02 cm2
Sl 25.78

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

No. A 1 9 Actinodoph ne ongustifolio Nees.
Fom - louroceoe.
C.N. - Mar - Piso; Mol - Molovirinyo, Tom - Tali
HA Tree
HT 1 3m
GR Slow
R By seeds
E/D Evergree n .
Flo.S. - May - June, Nov.
cs Rou n d

N o . A20 Adenonthero pavonma Linn.

Fom Mimoseae
C.N. Coral - or red wood. Beng - Rokto Kombol;
G u j - Bodigumehi;
Kan and Mal - Monjodi; Mar.- Thorligunj;
Oriyo - Girid; Sans - Kunchandono;
Tom - Anoikundumoni, Tel - Bondiguruvendo.

HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Qu ick gro win g
R By seeds
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. ­ Mar - Aug.
cs Spreading

No . A2 1 Adina co rdi fol io Ro xb.

Fom - Rubiaceoe.
- Ha ldu ; Be ng - Ke li,
C.N. - So ns - Dh oro ko do mb o; Hin di
, Kodambo;
Ko do m; Tom an d Mo l - Mo nje
Tel - Posupo - Ko do mb o

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds.
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - June - Sepl.
CSA . 1 48, 490 . 1 m2
cs Oblong I Rou n d .
LA. 2 6 8 . 5 4 cm2
Sl 29.63

No . A2 2 Aegle mo rme los (lin n) Cor rea .

Fom - Rutoceoe.
C . N. - Beat tree, Holy fruit tree;
Beng, Hindi, Mar a n d Assam - Boel; Guj - Bili;
Kon - Bdvo; Mol - Koovo lom, Kukomlo.
- Vilv om ,
Ori yo - Belo , Son - Silv a, vilv o'"'; Tom
Kuv ilom ; Tel - Mo ore du, Urd u - Bel.
HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds, root cuttings.
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - May - July
CSA - 2 6 5 4 7 . 1 9 m1
cs Oblong
LA 5 7 . 7 2 cm2
Sl 2 4 . 08

No. A23 Aesculus indica Hook

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Fam - Sapi ndaceae
C.N. - Himalayan chestnut, Indian Horse - chestnut;
Hindi - Bankhar; Jaunsar Pu; Kashmir - Hanedun;
Kumaun - Pangar; Punjab - Bankhar.
HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Quick g rowi ng
R By seeds, root suckers.
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - Apr - June.
cs Spreading

No. A24 Ailanthus altissimo (Mill) Swingle

Fam -
C.N. - Ail onto
HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.

C/D - Deciduous
Flo.S. - Sept - Nov.
cs Spreading

No. A25 Ailanthus excelsa Roxb.

Fam - Simarubaceae.
C.N. - Tree of Heaven. Mar. Maharuk Guj, Hindi,
Mar Maharakha, Kan - Hemaraheeramara,
Mal - Mattipongilyam, Onya - Mahala,
Sans - Madole arala; Tam - Perumarautta,
Tel - Peddamaanu.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds. shoot, root cuttings.
E/D Deciduous.
Flo.S. ­ Feb - March
CSA - 1 52, 48 1 . 2 m1
cs Round
LA 1 67 . 4 7 cm1
Sl 1 3.01

No. A26 Alangium chinense (lour) Harms

Fam - Alangiaceae.
C.N. - Beng - Bonipodo; Assam - Bhelu; Garo - Phagrany;
HP and Punjab -Budanar; Kashmir - Prot;
Khasi - Dieng - Mylliatlap; Kumaun - Garh .
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Deciduous.

No. A'27 Albizio omoro Boiv
Fom - Mimoseoe
C.N. - Mar - Tugli Loloi; Sons - Krishna sirisho;
Tom - Turinjil; Tel - Sigoro.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, Root suckers
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. ­ April - June
cs Spreading

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

N o . A'28 Albizio chinensis (Osbeck) Merrill
Fom - Mimoseoe
C.N. - Beng - Chokuo, Assam - Soukoroi, H i n d i - Siron;
Goro - Beolphiu; Kon - Kolboge; Khosi - Dieng -
phyneot; Mol - Pottovogo; Mar - Loeli;
Tom - Pilivogei; Telkondochigero
HA Tree
HT 1 0 - l 'l m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - April · June.
cs Spreading flat topped

N o . A'29 Albizio lebbeck Benth

Fom - Mimoseoe.
C.N. - The Siris tree. Beng - Sirish; Guj - Pilosorosio;
Hindi - Siris, Kon · Bogemoro; Mol - Vag.
Nenmenivoko, Voko; Mar. Sirisho; Sons - Srisoh,

Bhondi; Tom - Vokoi, Vogei Tel - Dirisono, Sirisho;
Trade - Kokko
HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - April - May
CAS - 62,509.32 m1
cs Round I spreading.
LA 2 7 2 . 5 1 cm1
Sl 1 9.72

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

N o . A30 Albizio moluccano Mig.
Fom - Mimoseae.
C.N. - White popinoe, Lead tree, Guj - Losobovol;
Hindi - Subobul, Vilaitiborol;
Mal - Takoronnimarom; Oriyo - Rajokosundori;
To m - Nattuccovundol; Tel - Koniti.
HA Tree
HT 1 5m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo S. ­ July - Oct.
cs Oblong

No. A 3 1 Albiz1o odoratissimo Benth.

Fom - Mimoseae.
C N. Black sins; Beng - Kokur siris; H t n - Kola strts;
Mar - Chikundo; Sons - Svetosh1risho;

Tom - Koruvogei; Tel - Chindugo.
HA Tree
HT 1 8m
GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds
EIO Evergreen
Flo S - April - .:J une.
cs Oblong

N o . A32 Alb1zio procero Benth

Fam - Mimoseae

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C.N. - White si ris, Beng - Koroi; Assam - Kora i Cachar -
Jigring - bon - phayng; Kan - Bellate;
Mol - Korunth - agora; Mar - Kinha1;
Tom - Kondovoge1; Tel - Tel lochindugo
HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Quick g row1ng
R By seeds
EIO Deciduous
Flo.S. - June - Sept.
CSA - 2 84 7 1 . 2 6 m'
cs Round I Oblong
LA 286 74 cm1
Sl 20 . 2 1

No. A33 Al�urites fordii Hemsl

Fom - Euphorbiaceae.
C.N. - Tungoil tree
HA Tree

HT 8m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - April - June.
cs Round

No. A34 Alnus nepalensis D. Don

Fom - Betuloceae.
C.N. - Indian o r Nepalese Alder. Htn - U1ts; Aru.P. - Ud1s;
Chombo - Pick; Kumoun - Ud1sh Lepcho - Koyal;
Punjab - Koe.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 20 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Deciduoous
Flo.S. - Sept - Nov.

No. A35 Alnus nitido Endl

Fam - Betulaceoe
C.N. - The west - Himalayan Alder; Kashmir - Seril;
Punjab - Sharol; U.P. Kunis.
HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Quick growmg after 1 st year.
R By seeds -

E/D Deciducous
Flo.S. - August - October

No. A36 Alstonio scholoris (Linn.) R. B r.

Fam - Apocynoceae.
C . N. - Eng - Devil tree, shoitan wood, Htndi - Chotttyon

saittan kajat; Mal - Elilampala, Yaksippala, Palo,
Daiva ppala; Mar - Satvin; Sans - Saptapomah,
Saptachadah; Tam - Elilappalai, Polai
HA Tree
HT 1 5m
Gr Quick growmg
R By seeds
EID Evergreen
Flo.S. - Dec - Mar.
CSA - 2 4 1 ,680.5 m2
cs Round
LA 52 . 3 1 cm1

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Sl 1 5.23

No. A37 Anona squamosa L m n .

Fam - Anonaceae.
C.N. - Custard apple Sugar apple, Sweet sop . ;
Assam - Atakatal;
Beng, Gu1, Mar and H i n d i - Seetaphal, Sharifa;
Kan - Seetha phala; Mal - Sitappalam, Aftaccakka;
Oriya - Seethaapholo; Punjab - Sharifa;
Sans - Seetaaphalam; Tam - Atta, Sitappalam
Tel - Seetaaphalam.
HA Small tree
HT 1 0m
GR Fast growU1g
R By seeds, Grafting, Budding
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ March - July extended upto sept.
CSA - 2 1 78. 2 1 m ·
cs Rou nd.

LA 5 3 . 86 cm1
Sl 26. 1 9

No. A38 Anona reticuloto Linn.

Fom - Anonoceoe.
C.N. - Bullock's Heart; Beng and Hindi - Luvuni, nona;
Goo and Kokon - Anona;
Guj and Mar - Roomophol;
Kon - Roomopholo; Mol - Roomoppozhom;
Oriyo - Roomopholo; Sons - Lovoni, Roomopholom;
Tom - Monilvotto, roomsito; Tel - Roomopholomu.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Fast growing
R By seeds
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. - June.
CSA - 2 0 1 7.44 m,
cs Round
LA 50. 9 1 cm1 '
Sl 1 7. 2 4

No. A39 Anogeissus lotifolio Wall.

Fom - Combretoceoe.
C.N. - Axlewood, Button tree; Gut - Dhovdo;
Hindi - Dhouro; Kon - Betiolu;
Mol - Moruko- njirom; Mar - Dobrio;
Onyo - Dohu; Tom. Vekoynoga; Tel - Chirumaonu,
tellamaddi, Bihar - Bhonji; U.P., N.W. Himol - Bokli
HA Tree
GR Slow growing

R By seeds, Root suckers
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ May - July
CSA - 6 7 5 4 2 . 8 2 m2
cs Round I oblong
LA 1 40.23 cm2
Sl 1 8. 7 2

N o . A4C Anthocephalus chmensis (Lamk.)

Fom - Rubiaceae.
C.N. - Mar, H i n , Sons - Kadamba; Beng - Kadam;
Tam - Vellai - cadamo; Tel - Kodombomo.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Quid grow1ng
p By seeds.
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - Nov - Feb.
5 2 , 2 3 3 . 5 m2
cs Spreadmg
LA 1 06 . 7 2 cm2
Sl 1 9.63

· No . A4 1 Aphono mixis polystachya (Wall) Porker.

Fam - Melioceae.
C . N. - Rohituko tree; Hin - Horin - horo;
Mol - Cemmaram; S011s - -Rohitokoh;
Tom - Malampuluvon, Semmaram;
Seng - T1ktaroj, Pittora1, Tel - Chowo m o n u .
HA Tree
Hl 1 3m

GR Slow growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - July.
CSA - 1 0826.95 m7
cs Ob ong Round
LA 1 56 6 . 4 em�
Sl 1 8. 1 4

No. A4 2 Artocarpus heterophyllus Lamk.

Fom - Urticoceae.
C.N. - Jack fruit tree, Hin - Kathal, Cakki; Mar - Phonnas;

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Mal - Polavu; Sana - Panosah; Tam - Pila, Palavu.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Nov. - Jan.
CSA - 1 96, 4 1 9 . 1 m2
cs Oblong
LA 1 06.86 cm2
Sl 1 9 .05

No. A43 Artocorpus locucha Buch

Fom - Urt•caceoe.
C.N. - Monk�y Jock Hindi &ng - pa�a;
Mar - Wotomba; Sans - Lakucho; Tom - llagusam;
Tel - Kammoregu.
HA Tree
HT 1 8m

GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. ­ Mar - April
CSA - 2 1 1 3 .20 m1
cs Spreading I Round
LA 1 04 . 3 2 cm1
Sl 1 8. 9 5

No. A44 Azadirachta indica A. Juss.

Fom - Meliaceae.
C.N. - Indian Lilac, Neem tree, Margosa tree;
Beng and Hin - Nim; Guj - Limbado;

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Kan - Bevinamara; Mol - Veppu, Aruveppa;
Mar - Limbo; Oriya - Nimba; Tam - Veppom;
Tel - Veepachettu.
HA Tree
HT 20 m
GR Quick growth after 1 st season
R By seeds
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ Jan - March, Aug. - Sept.
CSA - 300,445.3 m2

CS Spreading.
LA 8 3 . 8 9 cm2
Sl 29.2

No. B 1 Balanites roxburghii Planch

Fam - Balanitaceae.
C N. - Desert - Date; Beng. Hingol, Guj - lngoriyo;
Hin and Mar - Hingon; Kan - mgolore,
Mol - Nonjunto;

Oriyo - lngudiholo, Sons - Angovruksho;
Tom - Nonjundon; Tel - Goro; Raj - Hingorni
HA Tree
HT 9m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
EID Evergreen
Flo.S. - April - June.
cs Spreading

No. B2 Bombuso orundinocio (Retz) Roxb

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Fom - Pooceoe
C.N. - Thorny Bamboo; Beng - Bans; Guj - Wons;
Hin - Kontobans; Kon - Andebidiru; Mol - l l l i;
Mar - Bombu; Oriyo - Bendo; Sons - Bohupollovo
vonso; Tom - Mullumungil; Tel - Mullobongu;
Assam - Bonho; H . P. Kollabons; Jammu - Lambert;
Kashmir - Billowor; Punjab - Magar bong.
HA Shrub.
HT 20m
GR Qu1ck growmg
R By cuttings.
EID Deciduous
cs Oblong.

No. -83 iambilla vY!gAris Schf"CJG. .

Fom - Pooceae
C.N. - The Golden bamboo; Beng - bans; Mar - Kolako;
Oriyo - Sundragoi; Tom & Mat - Pon ungile.
HA Shrub/toll perennial grasses.

HT 1 5m
GR Quick growmg
R Cutting.
E/D Deciduous.

N o . 84 Borringtonio ocutongulo (L) Goertn.

Fom - Borringtonioceae.
C N. - Indian Oak. Assam - Konopo; Beng, Hin - Hijol;
Guj-Somudrophol; Kon - Holekouvo·
Mol - Attompu, Attupel u, Mar - Dattephol;
Oriyo - Hinjolo; Tom - Adompo, somutt•roppolom;
Tel - Kanopochettu; Sons - Somudropholoh.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 9-1 2 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - March - May, Sept - Oct.
cs Spreading

N o . 85 Borringtonio racemose Roxb

Fom - Borringtonioceoe.
C.N. - Beng - Somudrophol; Hin - l j j ut;
Kon - Konoginetere; Mol - Kata m p u ; Mar - Niver;
Tom - Arottam; Tel - Konopo
HA Tree.
HT 6-Sm
GR Fast growing.
R By seeds.
E D Evergreen
F'o.S. - Throughoul 1he year.
No. B6 Bouhinio ocuminoto Linn.
Forn - Coesolpi noceae.
C.N. - Konchon
HA Shrub.
HT 3m
GR Qurck growmg
R By seeds.
EID Deciduous
Flo S. - June
CSA - 1 09 . 8 m?
cs Oblong I Round.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

LA 6 9 . 4 6 em·
Sl 22.31

No. B7 Bouhinia purpureo Linn.

Fom - Coesolpinoceoe
C N. - Butterfly tree, Mountain ebony. Beng - Dev
konchon; Hin - Khoirwol; Kan - Boswonopado;
Mal - Chuvonno - Mondorom,
Mar- Rakta Koonchan; Tom - Mondori;
Tel - Koonchonomu.
HA Tree
HT 7 m
GR Quick growrng
R Through seeds
EID Deciduous
Flo.S. ­ Sept - Nov.
CSA - 6 2 5 . 2 m7
cs Oblong
LA 1 07 . 3 cm7
'I 2 3 58
N o . B8 Bauhinio racemose Lomk.
Fam - Caesolpinaceae
C.N. - Beng - Banra1; Guj - Asundro; Hin - Astha,
Kor - Bonne; Mal - Kotapuli; Mar - Apto;
Or yo - Omborodo; Sons - Swetokonchanamu;
Tam - AraivaHaHhi; Tel - Ari; Punjab - Kosundra.
HA Small tree
HT 5m

GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds
E/D Deciduous

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Flo.S. - Mar - J u ne
� 3 6.9 m 1
cs Oblong
LA 73.4 em�

Sl 25.68.

No B9 Bauhinia semla Wanderlin

Fam - Caesal pi naceae
C.N. - Hin - Semla; Mar - Koilar; Tel - Nrrpa. H . P - Karalla,
Pun1ab - Kural.
HA Tree
HT 1 On
GR Outck growmg
R By seeds
E/0 Deciduous . .

Flo S - Sept - Nov.

cs Round.

No. B 1 0 Bou h i n iQ "a nga to L i n n .

Fan, - CaesalpJnac<.ae

C.N. - Budhist bauhinia, Mountain Ebony,
Beng - Raktakanchan; Guj - kovindara;
Hin - Kachnar; Kan - Arrsinatige;
Mal - Mandaram, Kon n u ," Malayakatti;
Mar - Kanchan, Sans - Kovidarah;
Ta m - Shemmandarai; Tel - Devakanchanamu.
HA Tree
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
EID Deciduous

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

F l o . S. ­ Nov.
CSA - 1 76 9 . 52 m2
cs Oblong
LA 5 3 . 2 cm2
Sl 27.41

No. B 1 1 Betula alnoides Buch-Ham.

Fam - Betulaceae
C.N. - Indian birch. Nagab1 rch Beng - Holosunli;
Guj - Bhojpatra; Hm - Bhujpatra;
Sans - Bhurja patram; Tel - Bhojapatramu;
Urdu - Bhurjopatra; Assam - Dieng - ling;
Garhwal - Sauer; Kumaun - Banutis;
Nagaland Teri-ching's; Punjab - Shagru.
HA Tree
HT 1 5m
GR Quick growmg after 1 st yr.
R By seeds, cutting.
EID Deciduous (Winter)

Flo.S. - Nov. - Jan.
cs Oblong

No. B l 2 Bi��hQfi a JOVOniCO Blume.

Fom - Bischofioceoe.
C.N. - Bishopwood; Beng - koinjol; H i n - Poniolo;
Ken - Gobronerole; Mol - Niro; Mar - Boke;
Oriyo - Dirgiri; Tom - Thondi; Tel - N o l up u m u sti;
Andomon - Ye - bodouka; Assam - Urian;
Megh - Deing. Soh - Tug.
HA Tree
HT 1 5m

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, cuttings.
E/D Semt - deciduous.
Flo.S. - April - Sept
cs Oblong.

No. B 1 3 Bougotrwtllea spectabd s vv'illd.

Fam - Nyctoginoceae
C . N. - Bougainvillea
HA Shrub
HT 8m
GR Qu1ck growmg
R By cuttmg
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Throughout the year.
CSA - 9 3 9 . 2 5 m1
cs Oblong I Round.
LA 33 . 1 5 cm1
)I 32.53

No. B 1 4 Bridelio squa mosa Lomk.
Fom - Euphorbiaceae
C.N. - Hin - Khajo; Beng - Geio, Kantokoi;
Mal - Mukkoyini; Mar · Asanai;
Sans - Mahavira; Tom · Mullovengai;
Tel - Bontha-yepi.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, Root suckers.
E/D Deciduous

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Flo.S.­ May - Oct
CSA - 58, 4 32 . 1 m7
cs Spreading
LA 1 6 8.09 cm2
Sl 25.1

No. B 1 5 Broussone1to papyrifera L. Nerit

Fam - Moraceae
C.N. .
Paper mulberrys, Hin - Jangli toot;
Kan - Kaagaduppunaeralae.
HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Outck growing
R By seeds, cuttings, air-layering.
E/0 Deciduous
Flo S. - Aug - Nov.
cs Oblong

No. B 1 6 Buchananio lonzan Spreng.

Fam Anacardioceoe.

C.N. - Almondette tree. Beng - chironji;
Guj and Mar - Charoli; Hin - Achor;
Kan - Murka li; Mai-Mungapera;
Oriya - Charu; Sans - Priyalom; Tom - Merola;
Tel - Mortichettu or Saara .
HA Tree
HT 1 3m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, root suckers.
E/0 Evergreen
F l o . S. ­ Jan - Mar.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

cs Round.

No. B 1 7 Buteo monospe rmo Lamk.

Fam - Fabaceae
C.N. - Flame of the forest; Beng. Mol, Mar - Palos;
Guj - Khakharo; H i n - Kashmir. D h a k ;
Kan - Muttuga; Oriya - Porosu; Punjab -chichra;
Sans - Palaasa; Ta m - Torose; Tel - Mooduga,
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds
E/0 Deciduous.
Flo.S. - Jan - Apnl
CSA - 38,592 . 1 m:­
cs Oblong I Ovo1d
LA 4 4 8 . 6 cm7
Sl 29.43
No. C l Coesolpm•o pulchernmo (L) Swartz.
Fom - Cesolpinoceoe.
C.N White gold mohur; Kon - Kempukenjigo;
Mar - Sonkosuro; Tom - Vodonoroyono;
Tel - Sonkesulo, Votonoroyono
HT 4m
GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds, cuttings.
EID Evergreen.
F l o . S. ­ Throughout the year.
CSA - 6 3 9 . 3 2 m2

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

cs Spreading.
LA 2 4 6 . 4 em·
Sl 29.09

No. C2 Collistemon cifrinus (Curtis} stopf.

Fom - Myrtoceoe
C . N. - Bottle brush, scarlet bottle brush.
HA Small tree
GR Slow growing
R By seeds, cuttings
EID Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ Throughout the year esp. April.
CSA - 45,99 7 . 2 m1
��i<;� . '. --.
LA 2 1 4 0 1 cm1
Sl 1 2.7..49

No . C3 Colophyll u m inophyilum L�no

Fam - Clusioceoe

C.N. - Alexandrian laurel,
Beng and Hin - Sultonochompo;
Guj - Udi; Kon - Honne; Mol - Punnoi;
Mar - Surongi; Oriyo - Poonong,
Sons - Punnogoh; Tom - Punnai, Punnagam;
Tel - Ponnochettu.
HA Tree
HT 1 8m
GR Slow growmg
R By seeds.
E D Evergreen

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Flo.S. - Dec - Jon.
CSA - 2 1 , 4 2 6 . 3 m1
CS Round spreading
LA 1 30 . 5 1 cm1
Sl 28.43

N o . C4 Calotropis gigantea R . Br (Linn)

Fam - Asclep1odaceoe
C.N. - Gigantic swallow wort Beng - Akond;
Mar - Rui; Mal - Erukku; Tom - Erukkam;
Tel - Pedda1illeedu
HA Shrub
HT 5m
GR Qu1ck growing
R By seeds, cuttings
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S - Feb - J ulv
CSA - 4 7 . 5 m•
cs Oblortg Rou11d
No. CS Colotropis prc:kera (R.Br) Ait.
Fam - Asclepiadaceae.
C.N. - Swallow wor1; Hin - Akada, Mar - Mandare, Rui;
Oriya - Orkho; Sans - Alkarka; Tam - Velleruku;
Tel - Chinnajilleedu.
HA Shru b
HT 6m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, cutting
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ December

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

CSA - 8 7 . 7 m2
cs Oblong I Round
LA 50.06 cm2
Sl 1 0. 3 2

No. C6 Carissa spmarum Linn.

Fam - Apocynaceae
C.N. - Hin - Karaunda; Mar - Korwand; Oriya - Anka;
Tam - chiru; Tel - Kalivi; Kashmir - Garunda;
Punjab - Jonglikarunda
HA Shrub
HT 3m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, root suekers.
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ Mar - May
cs Round

No. C7 Cassia fistula Linn

Fam - Caesalpinaceae.

C.N. - Golden showers, Indian laburnum; Beng and
Hin, Jammu - Amaltas; Guj, Mar - Garmalo,
Bahwo; Kan - Arogena; Mal - Svarnaviram;
Oriya - Sunari;Punjob - Alash; Son - Saraphala;
Tam - Arakkuvadam;
Te1 - Reelochettu, VKoolaponna
HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, suckers
E/D Deciduou�

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Flo.S. ­ March - May
CSA - 2957 1 l m1
cs Round
LA 1 30 . 5 1 cm7
Sl 20.4

No. C8 Cassia jovonico Linn.

Fam - Caesolpinoceoe.
HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Quick growtng
R Through seeds.
E/D Deciduous
F l o . S. - May - June
cs Round

No. C9 Cassia pum�la Lomk.

Fam - Coesalp= naceae
C . N. · Yeliov.. Cassia; Mar - Sormal; Tel - Nallojilugo;
Ken - Nelotogache.

HA Tree
HT 1 0- 1 2 m

GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/0 Evergreen
1 3, 2 7 3 . 7 m1
cs Round
LA 1 1 8 . 4 7 cm1
Sl 1 9 . 84

No. C l 0 Cassia renigera Wal l ex. Be nth.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Fom - Coesalpinaceae
C.N. - Pink Cassia
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Deciduous .
Flo.S. - May - June
9,432 m2
cs Round I spreading
LA 1 1 5 . 2 cm2
Sl 1 7. 2 1

No. C 1 1 Cassia siamea lomk.

Fom Coesalpinoceae.
C.N. · Iron wood tree; Beng - Minjri; Guj - K01s;d;
Ken · Hiretangod, Mar - Kossod, Tom - Monjo­
Konnai; Tel - Seematongeedu.
HA Tree

HT 1 0- 1 2m
GR Fast growing
R By seeds.
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. · Aug - May.
3927.36 m2
cs Oblong
lA 1 38.32 cm7
Sl 21 2

No. C 1 2 Casu anna equisetifolia L i n n .

Fam · Casuarinaceae

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C.N. ·
Australian or Whistling pme; Beng - J a u ;
Guj and H i n · J o n g l i saru; Kan - Chabaku;
Mol - Chavukku; Mar - Suru; Tam - Savukku;
Tel - Saravi Sarugudu.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo S. .
Feb - Apri l , Sept - Oct
cs Oblong

No C 1 3 Ceiba pentandra ( l i n n) Gaertn.

Fam -
C.N. - Kapok
HA Tree
HT 1 5m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds

1 00
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - March - July
CSA - 3 1 26.98 m'
cs Oblong
LA 1 3 5.07 cm2
Sl 1 8. 2 1

No. C 1 4 Celtis australis linn

Fam - Ulmaceae.
C N. - European Nettle tree; Assam - Mohita;
Cachar - Bonridu; Kashmir - Brimij, Khosi -
Dieng - soh - thong - chi; Punjab - Batkar.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, stump - planting.
E/D Deciduous

No. C 1 5 Citrus aurantium Linn

Fam - Rutaceae
C.N. - Beng - Nebu; H - Limu - Niba, Khatta;
Mal - Karna; Tel - Mollikanarangi; Tam - Narattai
HA Tree
GR Quick growing
R By cutting, Grafting
E/D Evergreen
F l o . S. - Sept - Nov
CSA - 494.9 m1
cs Round I Oblong
LA 20.23 cm2
Sl 35.81

1 01
No. C 1 6 Citrus limon (linn) Burm
Fom - Rutoceoe
C.N. - lime of Indio. (limbu.); Beng - Bora nebu, Gore
nebu; Hin - Bora nimbu. Pohori nimbu;
Sons - Malo nimbu; Tom - Periyo; Yel umichoi;
Tel - Bijopurom.
HA Shrub
HT 3m
GR Slow growing
R By cutting, Grafting
EID Evergreen

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Flo.S. - Nov - Jon
CSA - 5 8 3 . 7 2 m2
cs Oblong
LA 1 8. 5 5cm1
Sl 32 5 .

No. C 1 7 Clerodendrum inerme (linn) Goertn.

Fom - Verbenoceoe
C.N - Beng - Bonjoi, Hin - Vonjoi; Kon - Kundoli;
Mol - Cheruch i n no, Mar - Vanojoi; Kodumendi;
Tom - Pinorichongon-guppi; Tel - Etiplsh i n i ka .
HA Shrub
HT 5m
GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds, cutting
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Nov - Jan.
CSA - 7 2 3 . 43 m2
cs Round
LA 4 2 . 3 4 cm1
Sl 1 8.02

No. C l 8 Clerodendrum infortunotum Linn {auct), Wight.
Fom - Verbenoceoe
C.N. - Hin and Beng - Shant, Son - Bhontoko;
Tom -Perugilai ; Tel - Gurrapukattiyaku;
/lial - Peruku.
HA Shrub
HT 3-4m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cutting
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Oct - Jan

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

CSA - 854 m7
cs Round
LA 4 7 . 9 cm1
Sl 1 9 .07

No. C 1 9 Cocos nucifera Linn

Fam - Arecaceae
C.N. - Coconut tree; Beng - Dab, Nankel;
Hin -Noriyal; Mol - Narikelam; Mar - Naral;
Sans - Narikela; Ta m - Tenkai; Tel - Norikelamu.
HA Tree
HT 1 0- 1 5m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ Throughout the year
CSA - 1 09 , 3 4 7 . 4 m1
cs Round
LA 1 6 35 cm1 per leaflet
Sl 9.31

l Q3
No. C20 Cordia dichotoma Forst
Fam - Cordiaceae
C.N. - Seb estan fruit tree. Beng - Bahubara;
Gu1- Bargunda; Hin - Chota - losora;
Kan - Chikka challe; Mal - Cheruviri;
Tam - Naruvili; Tel - Chinn - anakkeru.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growmg after 1 st yr.
R By seeds, stem cutting
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ March - April

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

cs Round I Oblong

No. C 2 1 Coria ria nepalensis Wall

Fom - Coriaceae
C.N. - Mussorie berry tree; Hin - Masuri;
Kashmir - Solei
HA Shrub
HT 5m
GR Qu1ck growmg
R By seeds.
E/D Deciduous
cs Round

No. C 2 2 Corylus colurna Lmn

Fam - Betulaecae
C.N. - Tu rkish Hazel, Hin- Sharol i; Kash mir - Virin;
Kumaun - Bhotia, badam; Punjab - Thangi
S/T s
HA Tree

1 04
HT 1 0m

GR Quick growmg
R By seeds
E/0 Deciduous

No 0 1 Dolbergio lotifol10 Roxb.

Fom - Foboceoe.
C.N. - Block wood, I ndian Rose wood. Beng - Sitsol;
Guj, Hin and Mar - S h i shom; Kon - Bite;
Mol and Tom - ltti; Oriyo - Sisuo;
Tel - lrugudu, cittegi.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 20m

GR Quick growtng
R By seeds, stem, root cuttings.
E/0 Semideciduous
Flo.S. - August - Sept
CSA - 2 1 ,723.2 m1

cs Round
LA 1 8 7 . 9 cm7
Sl 1 0. 1 2

No. 02 Dolbergio stsoo Roxb.

Fom Foboceoe.
C.N. - Sissoo; Beng, Mar. Oriyo and Assam - Sissu,
Guj - Sisom; Hin - Shishom; Kon - Agoru;
Mol -l ruvi l; Tom - Sissuitti; Tel - Errosissoo;
Punjab - Tali.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Moderate dunng 1 st yr. and rapid afterwords.

R By seeds, Root and Stem cuttings.
E/0 Evergreen
Flo S. - March - April - June
CSA - 5,848.5 m2
CSA - Round
LA 1 90.84 cm7
Sl 1 8. 7 2

No. 03 Delonix regia (Bojer) Rofin.

Fom - Coesolpinoceoe.
C.N. - Flomeboyont, Flometree, Gul mohur;
Tom - Moyorum; Tel - Seemosontkesulo.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 1 5m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cuttings
EID Deciduous
Flo.S. - April! - June
CSA - 44,209.23 m2
cs Spreading I Flat topped.
LA 358.32 cm2
Sl 1 4.38

No. 04 Oendrocolomus strictus Nees

Fom - Pooceoe
C.N. - Solid Bamboo; Beng - Koroil; Guj - Nokorvons;
Hin - Bonskobon; Kon - Kiribid1ru;
Mol & Tom - Kolmungil; Mar - Bhoriyel;
Oriyo - Soliobonso; Son - Vonsho;
Tel - Soodhoronopuveduru.
HA Shrub I toll perennial gross.

HT 1 2m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, stem, rhizome cutting, layering
E/D Deciduous

No. D5 Derris indica (La m . ) Bennett.

Fam - Fabaceae.
C.N. - Pongam - Oil Tree, Koronj, Indian Beech;
Assam - Karchow; Beng, Guj, Hin, Kumoun,
Mar & Punjab - Karanjo; Kan - Honge;
Mal - Pungu . Oriya - Karanjo;
Tam - Ponga, Pongam;

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Tel - Gaanugachettu, Pung uchettu.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ April - June
CSA - 6,2 78. 1 m2
cs Round
LA 79.6cm1
Sl 25.20

N o . D6 Diospyros melonoxylon Roxb.

Fam - Ebenaceae.
C.N. - Ebony, Coromandel Ebony - Pers i m mon.
Beng - Kend; Gu1 - Tamro g ;
Hm and Mar - Tendu; Kon - Abanasi;
Mal - Kan; Oriyo - Kendu; Tom - Karo1;
Tel - Tumki.

1 07
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds, root suckers.
EID Deciduous
Flo.S. - Feb - April
cs Oblong
LA 1 6 7 . 7 8 cm1
Sl 1 7 .89

N o . D7 Dryptes roxburghii (Wall)

Fom - Euphorbioceoe.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C.N. - Putronjivo. So ns, H i n and Beng - Putronjivo;
Pun - Jiyoputro; Kon - Putrojivo;

Mol - Pongolom; Tom - Korupoli; Tel - Kudurujivi
HA Tree
HT 1 5m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds
EID Evergreen
Flo S - Mar - May
CSA - 3445.32 m'
cs Rou nd
LA 1 44 . 3 7 cm2
Sl 1 9 81

No. D8 Durante repens L

Fom -
HA Shrub
HT 3m

1 08
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Throughout the year
CSA - 60.47 m"
cs Spreading
LA 6 2 . 7 em'
Sl 2 1 .5

No. E 1 Emblico officinolis Goertn.

Fom · Euphorbioceoe.
C.N. - Gooseberry, Emblic myrobolon.
Beng and Hin - Amlo; Guj - Amoli;

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Kon - Amoloko, nelli; Mol and Tom - Nelli;
Mar - Awo lo; Son - Amoloko;
Tel - Amolokomo, rootousiriko
HA Tree
GR Ou1ck growmg
R By seeds, cutting. Budding, inorching.
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. ­ June - July also m Feb, Mar - May.
CSA - 1 7 , 3 8 1 . 2 m2
cs Oblong
LA 1 40.64 cm1
Sl 1 1 .62

N o . E2 Embryoptens peregn no Goertn.

Fom - Ebenoceoe.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m

1 09
GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds
E/D Deciduous
Flo S - Mar - May
CSA - 28,609 . 1 m2
cs Spreading
LA 84.07 em�.,
Sl 1 2 .84

No. E3 Erythrina variegate Linn

Fam - Fabaceae.
C.N I ndian coral tree; Beng - Polito mandar;
Guj - Bangoro; Hin - Dadap; Kan - Horivana

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Mal and Tam - Kalyanamurkku;
Mar - Mondor, Pangara;
San - Mandara; Tel - Baadita, Moduga.
HA Tree
HT 1 Om
GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds, stem cuttings
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - Feb - May
CSA - 22,903.7 m2
cs Oblong
LA 1 6 8.94 cm2
Sl 3 1 .76

No. E4 EucalyQtus citnodora Hook.

Fam - Myrtaceae
C.N. - Lemon scented g u m
HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Feb - April. Oct - Dec.
CSA - 52,447.63 mi
cs Conical
LA 4 8 . 3 7 cm1
Sl 1 2 .0

No. E5 Eucal�12tus h�brid

Fam -

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C.N. - Mysore g u m
HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Feb. - Apri l . , Oct. - Dec.
CSA - 50,04 7 . 3 3 m?
cs Conical
LA 50.37 cm2
Sl 1 2. 9 1

No. E6 Exbucklandia 12opulnea (R. Br) R.W. B r.

Fam - Hamameltdaceae
C.N. - Beng - Biph; Khasi - Oieng - doh; Trade - Pipli.

HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds

E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ Nov. - Dec.
cs Round

No. F l Ficus benghalensis Linn

Fam - Moroceoe
C.N. - Banyan Tree Beng - Bar; G u 1 - Vod;
Hm - Barged, Kon - Ala; Mol - Ala, Votom;
Mar - Vod; Sons - Bohupodo; Tom - A I ;
Tel - Peddomorn
HA Tree

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HT 20m
GR Quick growing
R By cutting seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - April - June
CSA - 2,36,493.67 m·.,
cs Spreadi n g
LA 1 1 9 . 1 0 cm2
Sl 2 1 .72

No. F 2 Ficus benjomina Linn

Fom - Moroceoe
C.N. - Assam - Chilubor; Beng - Pokur; Mar - Pirnpri;
Tom - Putroruvi
HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, cuttmg
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Sept - Nov

CSA - 87,326. 1 2 m7
cs Spreading
LA 2 9 . 2 7 cm7
Sl 1 8.62

No F3 Ficus elastica Roxb

Fam - Moraceae
C . N. - Indian Rubber tree
HA Tree (Epiphytic)
HT 1 2m
GR Quick growmg

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

R By cut1i ng
E/D Evergreen
6028 . 1 8 m2
cs Spreading I Round
LA 94.20 cm2
Sl 1 9 .43

N o . F4 Ficus gi bbosa Blume

Fom - Moroceoe
C.N. - Mar - Dotir; Garhwol - C h o nchri;
Sons - Udumbber; Tom - lrodgom;
Tel - Tello - borin1ko, Orissa - Korotosoni
HA Tree
HT 1 Om ...

GR Ou1ck grow1ng
R By cuttings, seeds
E D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ April - May
CSA - 2 2 3 , 4 5 . 4 m'
cs Spreading

LA 40. 1 cm2
Sl 1 9.81

No. FS F 1<.us glomerate Roxb

Fam - Mora eae
C.N. - Beng - Dumur; Hin - Gular; Kan, Mal,
Tam - Athi; Mar - Umbar; Oriya - Dimra;
Tel - Atti, medichettu.
HA Tree
HT 1 5m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds. cutting

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. ­ Aug - Oct, D�c - Feb
CSA - 2 , 1 8,769.8 m2
cs Spreading
LA 4 7 . 2 8 cm2
Sl 1 3.58

N o . F6 Ficus hispida ( L . ) F.
Fam - Moraceae
C.N. - Kala - umbar, Beng - Kakdumur;
Assam - Khoskadumar; Hin - Konea du mber;
Punjab - Rumbal; Sans - Kakadumbura;
Tam and Mal - Peyatti; Tel - Vettiyati.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, cuttings
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - April - July

1 14
CSA - 46942.02 m2
cs Spreading
LA 45.23 cm2
Sl 1 7. 2 1

No. F 7 Ficus religiose linn

Fam - Moraceae
C.N. - Peepal tree; Beng and San - Ashthwa; ·
Guj - Pipro; Hin - Pipol; Kon - Arali Ashwatho;
Mar - Pimpala; Tom - Arasu; Tel - Ashavathamu,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Grows slow in early stages later grows fast
R Through seeds, cutting.
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ Jon. - May.
CSA - 1 ,44,868 7 m2
cs Round/Oblong.
LA 1 1 4. 1 5 cm2
Sl 1 8.70

N o . F8 Ficus semicordata Buch Ham.

Fam - Moroceae
C . N. - Beng - Jagya Dumur; H i n - Jahephali;
Kan - Gargaso; Mol - Perina; Mar - Porodumer;
Tom - Torodi; Tel - Bommamorri.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growmg.
R Through seeds.

1 15
E/0 Evergreen.
Flo.S. - Throughout the year.
CSA - 52,809 . 6 1 m2
cs Round
LA 8 4 . 50 cm2
Sl 1 7.38

No. F9 F icus virens Ait

Fom - Moroceoe
C.N. - Hin and Punjab - Pilkhon; Ben - Poker;
Mol - Peper, Mar - Pip � i ; Sons - Ploksho;
Tom - Kurugu; Tel - Bodiju

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Grows slowly i n early stages later grows fast
R By seeds, cutting
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. - Jon - May
CSA - 1 ,9 7 , 8 3 8 . 2 m2
cs Oblong
LA 4 3 . 3 cm2
Sl 1 5. 9 1

No. G l Gorcinio indica Chosis.

Fom - Guttiferoceoe
C.N. - Hin and Mar - Kokom; Mol - Punompuli;
Tom - Murgol
HA Tree
HT 8m
GR Slow growing ( 1 st yr) .
R Through seeds

E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Nov - Feb
CSA - 2 1 0.748 m2
cs Oblong
LA 8 2 . 1 cm2
Sl 2 2 . 03

No. G2 Garcinia talbotii Roizada.

Fom - Guttiferaceae
HA Tree
HT 7m

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

GR Slow growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Nov.
CSA - 1 93.02 m2
cs Round
LA 7 8 . 9 cm2
Sl 21 7

No. G3 Garden.:: 1asminoides Eills.

Fom - Rubioceoe
C.N. - Sans - Anont. Gandharoj. To m - Karinga
HA Tree
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, stem cutting
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. - April - Aug extended upto Sept.
265.87 m1
cs Oblong

LA 57 . 5 1 cm2
Sl 1 9. 2 1

No . G4 Go rde n10 resi nifero Roth

Fom - Rubioceoe
C.N. - Hin and Ma r - Dik om ali; Son s - Jon
tuk o;
Tom - Tik kom olli ; Tel - Eru bik ki
HA Tree
HT 5m
GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds, cutting

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

EID Deciduous
Flo.S . - Mar - June
5 7 2 . 3 6 m1
cs Oblong
LA 6 1 . 1 7 cm2
Sl 1 9. 7 3

No . G5 Gli rici dio sep�um (Jo cq) Kun th ex

Wa lp.
Fom - Fob oce oe
C.N. - Mother - of - cocoa, Mexican l i lac.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds and Iorge cutting
E D Deciduous
Flo .S - Jon - March
CSA - 1 34 1 2 . 6 m2
cs Oblong I Round
LA 1 36 . 4 6 cm 2
Sl 1 2.79

No. G6 Gr�vi ll�g robustg A. cunn
Fam - Proteaceaf .
C.N. - Silvery or silky oak, Tam - Savukkamaram
HA Tree
HT 20m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Feb - April
cs Obk>ng

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

No. G7 Gr�wia elastica Royle.
Fam -
C.N. - Beng - Dhamni; Hin and Punjab - Dhaman;
Oriya - ,'v\irgi chore; Mal - Satachi;
Mar - Dhaman; Tam - Tarra; Tel - Charachi;
Sans - Dharmana.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/0 Deciduous
Flo.S. - May - Aug
cs Round

No. G8 Grewia subinegvolis .OC.

Fom - Tiliaceae.
C.N. - Beng, Guj Hin, Mar and P u n j ab . Phalsa;
Kan - Bhutfiyodippe; Oriyo - Phorasoko!i;
Tam- Poliso; Tel - l�ollotano.

HA Shrub.
HT 7m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Apr - June
cs Round

No. G 9 Guozmo ulmifolio Lamk.

Fom - Sterculioceoe
C.N. - Son, Tom, Tel and Mol - Rudroksho,
Hin - Rudroki, Beng - Rudrokyo;

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Mar - Rudroksh.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Mar - August.
30279.8 m2
cs Round I Spreading
LA 85. 2 1 cm2
Sl 1 3.31

No. H l Hamelia patens Jocq.

Fam - Rubiaceae
C.N - Scarlet bush
HA Shrub
HT 3m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cutti ngs

1 20
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Od - Jon
CSA - 824 .06 m1
cs Round
LA 4 7 . 2 cm1
Sl 1 9.07

N o . H2 Heterophrogmo roxburghii DC.

Fom - Bignonioceoe
C.N. - Mar, Guj, M.P. - Worros; Kon - Bechodi;
Tel - Borukoligottu.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 1 8m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. - Feb - April
CSA - 1 552 1 7. 7 m2
cs Round I Oblong
LA 3 4 . 7 · cm1
Sl 1 4.2

No. H3 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn

Fom - Molvoceoe
C.N. - Josud. Chinese H1biscus; Sons and Beng - Jobo;
Hin - Josum; Mar - Josovondo;
Tom - Sopottuppu; Tel - Dosonomu.
HA Shrub
HT 3m
GR Quick growmg
R By cutting
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. - Throughout the year
CSA - 6 1 . 4 7 m7
cs Round I Oblong
LA 4 4 . 7 cm1
Sl 23.32

No. H4 Hippoph a e rhamnoides Linn

Fam - Elaeagnaceae
C.N. - Common seabuckthorn;
Ladakh and H . P. - Sirma;
Punjab - Kalabisa, Serma; U.P. - Chuma.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seed, stem cutti ngs, suckers
E/0 Deciduous
Flo.S. - Mar - May

N o HS Holoptel10 integrifolio. (Roxb) DC.

Fom - Ulmaceae
C.N. - Indian Elm. Kanju; Guj - Khonjho; Hin and
Kumaun - Kon j u ; Kan - Thovosai; Mol - Avol;
Oriya - Dauronja; San s - Chirobilva;
Tom - Ayal; Tel - Thapass; M . P - Karanjolom;
Pun1ab - Rejoin. Mar - Papdi
HA Tree
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, stem cutting
E/0 Dec1duous
Flo.S. - Feb - Aprd

' 22
29443.5 m'1
cs Oblong
LA 67.30 cm1
Sl 3 1 .03

No. 11 lxoro orboreo Roxb

Fom - Rubioceoe
HA Tree
HT 6m
GR Qu1ck growing
R By cut1ing

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. - Throughout the year
CSA - 57 .04 m

cs Oblong to spreading
LA 54.2 em

Sl 1 7 .3

No. 1 2 �oro chinensis

Fern -
HA Shrub
HT 6m
GR Quick growing
R By cut1ing
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. - March
cs Oblong

N o . 13 lxoro coccinea L
Fom - Rubiaceoe
C.N. Beng and Hin - Rangan. Mar - Pendgul;

1 23
So ns - Bo nd huk o; Tom - Vedj
i ; Tel - Ko ron om ,
Toc hi; Mo l - Tec hi
HA Tree
HT 6m
GR Quick growmg
R B y cutting
EID Evergreen
Flo .S. ­ Throughout the year
CSA - 1 83 . 2 6 m2
cs Oblong
LA 6 9 . 70 cm2

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

2 3 . 30

No. 14 lxo ro ros eo

Fom -
HA Tree
HT 6m
GR Quick gro wm g
R By cutting
E/D Evergreen
Flo .S. ·
More or less thr ou gh ou t the yr.
29 6.0 3 m2
cs Oblong
LA 6 2 . 2 1 cm 2
Sl 20.30

No. 15 lxo ro un du lota

Fom - Ru bio ce oe
HA Tree
HT 6m

1 24
GR Quick growing
R By cutting
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - March - April
cs Oblong

No. J 1 Jacgranda mimQsa�fQi ia D.Don.

Fam - Caesalpinaceae
C.N. - Nil - gulmohur
HA Tree
HT 1 0m

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - March - April
CSA - 7 1 4 8 . 5 4 m2
cs Round
LA 46.4 cm2
Sl 1 9 .0

No. J 2 J uniperus communis

Farn - Pinaceae
C.N. Common 1 u n 1 per; Beng - Havasha;
Hin - Aaraar; Mar - Hosha; Kumaun - Chichia;
Punjab and Kashmir - Betor.
S/T s
HA Shrub
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ March - April
cs Round I Oblong

1 25
No. K l Kigelia africana Lamk
Fam - Bignoniaceae
C.N . - Sausage tree
HA Smal l tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
EID Evergreen
Flo.S. - Mar - June
58432 . 2 1 m2
cs Round I Oblong

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

LA 2 6 7 . 6 cm2
Sl 1 2 .. 90

No. L1 Lagerstroemia parviflora Roxb

Fam - Lythraceae
C . N. - Beng and Hin -
Phurush; Mar - Dhayti;
Tam - Tindiyam; Tel - Chinagoranta.
HA Tall tree
HT 20m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
EID Deciduous
Flo.S. - June
6 7 0 5 1 .42 m2
cs Round I Oblong
LA 84. 1 2 cm2
Sl 1 7 01

No. L2 Lagerstroem ia spec1osa (Linn)

Fam - Lyth roceae

1 26
C . N. - Queen crape Myrtle. Beng and Hin - Punjab
Jorool; Kon - Holedosovolo; Mol - Monimoruthu;
Mar -Toman; Oriyo - Potoli; Tom - Kodoli;
Tel - Vorogoogu.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ April - June
CSA - 72569.31 m2

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

cs Oblong
LA 8 7 . 6 2 cm2
Sl 1 3 .9

N o . L3 Lantana comoro Linn.

Fom - Verbenoceoe
C.N. Lantana, Wildsoge; Kon - Notohugide;
Mol - Arippu; Mar - Ghoneri, Chodurong;
Tom - Unniched; Tel - Puulikompo;
M.P. - Roimuniyo.
HA Shrub
HT 3m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cutting
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Throughout the year
CSA 3 2 4 . 58 m2
cs Spreading
LA 48.69 cm2
Sl 12.13

1 27
No. L4 Lawsoni a ine rm is Lin n
Fa m - Lythraceae
C.N. - Hen na; Ben g - Me hed i; Gu j - Me
di; H i n , Ma r
and Pun jab - Me hnd i; Ken - Mo
yilo nch i,go ran ta;
Ma l - Ma ilan chi ; Or iya - Ben jat,
Sans - Mendika; Tam - Marithondi;
Tel - Gorinta; Kashmir -Mohuz.
HA Shrub
HT 5m
GR Quick growing
R By seed and cutting

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ April - J u l y
CSA - 7 1 .85 m2
cs Round
LA 7 7 . 8 cm 2
Sl 1 7. 0

No. M l Madhuca butyr acea Ma cb

Fam -
C N. -
The Ind ian bu tte r - Tree; Be ng
- Go ph ol;
Hin - Ph ulw aro , Ch iur o
HA Tree
HT 1 5m
GR Quick growing
R By se ed s
B/D De cid uo us
Flo.S. - Ju ne - Ju ly
cs Spreading

No. M2 Modhuco longifolio (Koen)
Fom - Sopotoceoe
C.N. - The Butter tree; Beng Hin and Mar - Mohwo,
Guj - Mohudo; Kon - Hippe; Mol - llupu,
Poonom; Oriyo - Mohulo; Tom - lllupei;
Tel - lppo.
HA Tree
HT 15m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds
E/0 Deciduous

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Flo.S. ­ Feb - April
CSA - 30,463.7 m1
cs Round I Oblong
LA 86.96 cm2
Sl 22. 1 8

No. M3 Mollotus philippensis (lour) Muell, Arg.

Fom - Euphorbioceoe
C.N. - · Hin and Bengal - Kamala, Kamila,
Assam - Puddum; Mol - Tovitu, Mar - Kamala,
Shendri; Tom - Kamala; Tel - Sinduri;
Sons - Rechonoko.
HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. - Nov - Jon
CSA - 30497 . 8 m2
cs Oblong I Round

1 29
LA 5 8 . 3 cm1
Sl 1 9 .0

No. M4 Mommeo sungo (Buch - Hom. ex Roxb.)

Fam - Gutfifer aceae
C.N. - Hin and Beng - Nagkesar; Kan - Surungi;
Mar - Suringi; Mal - Surompunno;
Tom - Surobunn01; Tel - Surampunnogomu;
Sans - Punnag.
HA Tree
HT 1 8m

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

GR Quick growmg
R By seeds
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - Feb - Mar
CSA - 2 7,865 . 1 m1
cs Spreading
LA 46 83 cm2
Sl 20. 1

No. MS Mangifera indica Linn

Fam - Anacardiaceae
C.N. - The mongo tree, Beng and Hin - Am;
Guj - Amr ; Kan - Maovu; Mal - Aamram,
moavu; Mar - Ambo; Tam - Maanga, Maavu;
Tel - Moamtdichettu, Maavi.
HA Tree
HT 1 5m
GR Quick growing after 1 st year
R By seeds, transplanting, grafting. budding, a 1 r
lalyering, root cutting and marcotting.

1 30
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. - South India - Jan - Mar;
North India - Feb. - Apr.
69,004.67 m2
cs Round I Oblong
LA 85.27 cm1
Sl 30.77

No. M6 Melaleuca leucadendron Linn

Fam - Myrtaceae
C.N. - Cajaput tree; Beng, Hin Mar - Ca japutte,
Tam - Kaiyappudai

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
GR Quick growtng
R By seeds, cuttings
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ Sept - Nov
CSA - 2 1 ,435.38 m2
cs Oblong
LA 83.57 cm2
Sl 1 8 .67

No. M7 Melia azadirach Linn

Fam - Meliaceae
C.N. - The Persian lilac, Beng - Mahanim;
Guj - Bakamlimbodo; Hin - Bakain;
Kan - Arebvu, Hutchuburi; Mal - Karin, Vembu;
Mar - Pejn; Tam - Mala1vembu,
Tel - Turakaveepa, Vernveepa.
HA Tree
HT 20m

GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, stem, root, cutting, root sucker.
E!D Evergreen
Flo S. ­ March - May
CSA - 38964 . 1 6 m1
cs Oblong
LA 8 3 . 7 9 cm7
Sl {23 5 3 2 3 . 5 3

No. M8 Milletro peguensis Air

Fam -

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. - Aug. - Oct.
CSA - 42 3 1 1 . 52 m1
cs Round/oblong
LA 1 6 7 . 2 em'
Sl 1 2 .2

No M9 Millingfonia hortensis L.f.

Fam -
C.N. -
Indian cork - tree, Buch.
HA Tree
HT 1 Orn
GR Qurck growing
R By seeds, cutting
E/D Evergreen
Flo S - Ocr. - Dec.

1 32
CSA 2 2 4 39 . 1 7m2
CS Oblong I Round
LA 1 39.2 cm7
Sl 1 8. 1 1

No. M 1 0 Mimusops eleng1 Linn

Fam - Sapotaceae
C 1\4 Bakul ; Hin and Beng - Bakul; Mar - Borsati;
Sans - Bakulo; Punjab - Maulsari;
Tam - Magilam; Tel - Vakulamu.
HA Tree

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds
EID Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ Jan. - Mar.
CSA - 1 3 ,385.2 m2
cs Oblong I Round
LA 1 05 . 1 1 cm2
Sl 22.31

No. M 1 1 Mimusops hexandra Roxb.

Fam -
C.N. - Beng - Khirkhejur; Hin - Khirni; Mar - Raj a n ;
Sans - Rajadan1; Mals, Tam, and Tel - Palo.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By cutting
E/D Evergreen
Flo S - Sept. - Nov.

1 33
CSA - 4063. 1 m2
cs Oblong I Round
LA 8 9 . 3 2 cm2
Sl 20.4

No. M 1 2 Mon ngo oleifero Lomk.

Fom - Monngoceoe
C N - Drumstick tree, Horse Radish tree Beng, H i n ,
Oriyo, Assam a n d Pun1ob - Sojino; G u 1 - Midha
sorogovo; Kon - Nugge; Mol - Moringo;
Mar - Shevgo; Sons - Shobhonjono;
To m - Murugo1, Tel - Mulogo.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cutti ng
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. ­ Jon. - Apr.
CSA - 23450. 1 m2
cs Oblong
LA 1 4 730 cm2
Sl 28.2

No. M 1 3 Morus alba Linn.

Fom - Moroceoe.
C . N. . Tuti . Mulberry - Beng, H i n , Mar - Kashmir and
Punrob - Tut. Guj - Shetur; Kon - Hipnerle;
Oriyo - Tuto; Tom - Mosukette;
Tel - Reshmechettu, PippoliponducheHu.
HA Tree
HT 8m

1 34
GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds, cut11ng, grafting, budding
E/0 Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ Feb. - June.
CSA - 1 04 7.62 m1
cs Oblong
LA 285.3 cm1
Sl 1 7.4

No. M 1 4 Murroya paniculoto Linn

Fam - Rutoceoe.
C.N. Beng - Kamim; Hin - Marchula; M.P. and

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Guj - Chulo 1 uti; Kon - Pendry,
Tam - Simoikkonji; Tel - Nogagolunga.
HA Shrub
HT 5m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cutting
E/D Evergreen
Flo.S. ­ June. - Oct.
CSA - 1 3 5 4 . 6 1 m2
cs Round
LA 3 5 . 3cm1
Sl 10.31

No. N l Nerium md1cum Mill.

Fam - Apocynaceoe
C.N. - Pmk oleander; Hin and Punjab - Kaner;
Beng - Korobi; Mol - Korovirom; Mar - Konhera:
Tom, Te1 - Korovirom
HA Shrub

1 35
GR Quick grow1ng
R By cutting
EID Evergreen
Flo.S. - Throughout the year
5747.63 m1
cs Oblong I Round
LA 3 2 . 62 cm2
Sl 1 5. 7

No. N2 Nyctanthus arbor-tristis Linn

Fam - Oleaceae

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C.N. - H i n , Beng and Punjab - H arsin g h a r;
Guj - Harsingara; Mar - Parijatak;
Mal - Mannapu; San - Sephalika;
Tam - Pavala - malligai; Tel - Sepali.
HA Shrub
HT 5m
GR Quick growtng
R By seeds, cuHing
EID Deciduous
Flo.S. - More or less throughout the year
CSA - 546.3 m2
cs Oblong I Round
LA 88 . 1 cm2
Sl 1 4 . 73

No. 0 1 Ouginia oojeinensis (Roxb). Hochr.

Fom - Fabaceae
C.N. - Beng - Ttnts; Guj - Tonoch; Hin - Sandon;
Kan - Kari - Honne; Mal - Molavonno;
Mar - Kalaphulos; Ortyo - Banjan;

1 36
Ta rn - Nanvengai; Tel - Tellamoduga;
M P - Tinsa; Bthar - Ruta; Trade - Sandon.
HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds. Root cutting
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - Feb. - March

No. P l Peltophorum pterocarpum (DC) Backer.

Fam - Caesalpinaceae.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C N. - Copper pod tree.
HA Tall tree
GR Qu . ck growing
R By seeds.
E/D - Evergreen.
Flo S . - May - Sept
CSA - 2 3 1 04 5 3 m 1
cs Oblong/Round.
LA 370.7 cm7
Sl 1 6.68

N o . P2 Phoenix sylvestri s (L) Roxb.

Fom - Arecaceae.
C.N. - The Wi l d datepalm; Beng & H i n - Khaj ur.
Gu - Kharak; Kan - lchalu: Mar S'1 ndi:
Oriya - Khajuri; Tam - lcham, Tel - Peddaetta.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Slow growing

1 37
R By seeds.
E/0 - Evergreen.
Flo. S - Jon. - Feb.
CSA - 546. 1 m?
cs Round.
LA 4 1 1 . 32 cm7
Sl 1 2 .4

No. P3 Phyllonthus ocidus (L)

Fom - Euphorb1oceoe.
C.N. - Country gooseberry; Beng - Horiphol, Noori;
Hin - H o rforouri; Gu,., M.P. - Horporowori;

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Tom - Kodoloi; Tel - Sonogolu; Sons - Chonoko.
S/T - T
HA Tree
HT 8 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, Cutting, Budding.
E/0 -
Flo.S.- Feb. - May.
CSA - 5 6 4 7 . 5 m7
cs Oblong.
LA 543.03 cm1
Sl 1 1 . 78

No. P4 Pmus khosiono

Fom - Pinoceoe.
C.N. - Khosipine.
SIT - s

HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds.

1 38
EID - Evergreen.
Flo S.­ May - June, Sept. - Oct.
CS Round.

No. PS Pinus roxburghii

Fom - Pinoceoe.
C.N - Hin - Chilgozo; N.W. H . P. - Chiri.
HA Tree
HT 1 0m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

EIO Evergreen.
Flo S. - May - June, Sept - Oct
cs Round.

N o . P6 Pinus wollichiono A. B.Jockson

Fom - Pinoceoe.
C.N. - Chir pine.
HA Tree
HT 1 2m
GR Slow growing
R By seeds.
EIO Evergreen.
F l o . S. - May - June, Sept. - Oct.
cs Round.

No. P7 Pithecellobtum dude (Roxb. Benth

Fam - Mimosaceae.
C.N. Manila tamari nd, Madras thorn;
Beng - Dekhoni babu l , Hin - Vilayoti m i l i ;
Jungle jalebt; Kon - Kottampult;

1 39
Mol - Koruk kopuli ; Mar - Viloyo ti chmot ·
To m - Kodukk oopuli; Tel - Seemo chinto.
HA Tree
HT 8 m
GR Ourck growing
R By seeds, Branch cutti ng.
E!D Evergreen.
F l o S. ­ Jon - Feb.
CSA - 2 5 6 4 . 75 m2
cs Oblong.
LA 1 82 . 6 cm7

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Sl 1 1 . 78

N o . P8 Poinciana pulcherr imo Linn (R. Groh.)

Fom - Coesolpinoceoe.
C.N. - Beng - Krishnochuro; H i n - Guleturo;
Guj - Sondheshoro; Mar. - Shonkosur; Sonse
& Tel - Rotnogondhi; Mol - Settimondorom;
Tom - Moyurom, Tel - Rotnogondhi.
HA Shrub
HT 3 m
GR Quick growing
R By cutting.
E/0 Evergreen.
Flo.S. - Oct. - Jon
CSA - 8034 . 6 7 m-z
cs Oblong.
LA 2 1 4 . 0 1 cm1
Sl 1 3.4

No. P9 Polyolthio longifolio (Son n . ) Th
Fom · Anonoceoe.
C N. . Hin & Beng · Devdoru; Guj · Asupolo;
Mar · Ashok; Kon · Putrojrvi; Mol · Ashokom;
Tom · Asogom; Tel · Asokomu.

HA Tree
HT 1 5 or 5 m
GR Quick growing
R Through seeds (fresh).
E/0 · Evergreen.
Flo.S. · April · June.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

CSA · 1 0,976.62 m1 rounded crown.
cs Conical or Rounded
LA 5 5 . 06 cm2
Sl 22.27

No. P 1 0 Populus alba Linn

Fom • Solicoceoe.
C . N. . White poplar; N.W. Himol • Ch itto bognu;
Jongli frost. Kas h m i r · Fros.

HA Tree
HT 15 m
GR Quick growrng
R By seeds, stem, root cutting, root sucker.
E/0 · Deciduous.
cs Oblong.

No. P 1 1 Populus ciliate Wall

Fom · Solicaceae.
C.N . . Himalayan poplar; Beng · Bong rkat;
Jounsar · biaon, piplas, ku maun; Syon ;

N.W.H.P. - Bagnu chelum, tilaunja.
HA Tree
HT 20 m
GR Qu ick gro wrn g
R By see ds, ste m, roof cut tin g, roo t suc ker.
E/0 -
De cid uo us .
cs Ob lon g.

No. P l 2 Populus de lto ide s Ba rlr.

Fom - Salicaceae.
C . N. Ca rol ine po pla r, Eas ter n cot ton
wo od Ne ckl ac e

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

ST s
HA Tree
HT 20 m
GR Quick growrng
R By see ds, ste m, root cu ttin g, roo
t suc ke r.
E/D De cid uo us .
cs Oblong.

No P 1 3 Populus euphrotica Ol ivie r

Fam - Sa lic ac ea e.
C . N. - Ind ian po pla r. Pu nja b &
N. W H . P-B ah an , bh an ;
lad ak h - Ho tun g, ho nd un g
HA Tree
HT 10 m
GR Qu rck gro wrn g
R By se ed s, ste m, root cu ttin
g, root suc ke r.
E/D - De cid uo us .
cs Oblong.

1 42
No. P 1 4 Populus nigra Linn
Fam - Salicaceae.
C N. - Lombardy - poplar; N W.H . P. - Frost.
HA Tree
HT 20 m
GR Quick grow1ng
R By seeds, stem, root cutting, root sucker.
E/D - Deciduous.
cs Conical.

No. P 1 5 Prosopis chilensis (Molina) stuntz.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Fam -
Mimos eo e.
C N. - Mesquite; Guj - Gandaa babul, Pordesi babu l;
Hin - Viloyati k1kkor; Viloyati bobul, Kobuli
HA Tree
HT 10 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, root suckers.
E/D - Evergreen.
Flo.S. - Dec. - April.
7950.68 m2
cs Spreading.
LA 5 1 .05 cm2
Sl 1 9 23

No. P 1 6 Prosop1s cmeroria linn.

Fom - Mimos eoe.
C.N. - Beng & Onyo - Shomi; H i n - Khejri;
Guj - Sam1, Khijodo; Kon - B o n n i ;
Mol - Porarnpu, Tombo; Mar - Shomi;

Tom - Perumboy, Jombu; Tel - Jommichettu.
HA Tree
HT 12 m
GR Qu•ck growing
R By seeds, root suckers.
E D - Evergreen.
Flo.S. ­ Dec. - April.
CSA - 1 3 .430 6 m'
cs Spreading.
LA 5 4 . 2 3 cm2
Sl 1 8. 1

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

No. P 1 7 Prosogis gallido (H & B ex Willd)
Fam - Mimos eo e.
HA Tree
HT 10 m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, root suckers.
E/D - Evergreen.
Flo S. - Dec. - Apri l .
cs Spreading.

No. P 1 8 Prosogis steghoniono Kunth.

Fom - Mimos eo e.
HA Shrub
HT 5 m
GR Qu;ck growing
R By seeds, root suckers.
E/D -
Flo.S. - Dec. - Feb.
cs Spreading.

1 44
No. P 1 9 Prosopis tomorugo FiPhil.
Fom - Mimos eoe.
HA Tree
HT 13 m
GR Quick growrng
R By seeds, root suckers.
EID - Evergreen.
Flo.S. - Dec. - April.
cs Spreading.

No. P20 Psidium guo�ovo Linn.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Fom - Myrtoceoe.
C . N. - Guava tree. Beng - Peyoro;
Hin & Punjab - Amrud; Guj - Perala;
Sons - Monsolo; Tom, Mol - Koyyo;
Tel - Goyyo; Mar - Peru
HA Tree
HT 5 m
GR Quick growing
R By cutting, seeds, Budding, Graftr ng.
EID - Evergreen.
CSA - 9,243 . 1 m1
cs Oblong.
LA 53.66 cm1
Sl 28.38

No. P 2 1 Pter�goto aloto vor. irreguloris (W.W.Sm1th)

Fom - Sterculioceoe
C.N. - Assam - Tulo; Kon - Bekaro, Mol - Porutonti;
Tom - Kodiottondi.

1 45
HA Tree
HT 15 m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, cuttings.
E/D -
Semi deciduous.
Flo.S. - Mar. - April.
CSA - 1 79,320.8 m2
cs Rround/Oblong
LA 1 89 . 4 cm2
Sl 22 .04
cs Rround/Oblong
LA 1 89 . 4 cm2
Sl 2 2 . 04

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

No. Q 1 Quercus palustris
Fam -
C.N. - Oak.
HA Tree
HT 15 m
GR Quick growing
E/0 - Deciduous.
cs Round.

No. Q2 Quercus petraea

Fam -
C.N. -
HA Tree
HT 15 m
GR Quick growrng
E/D Deciduous.
cs Round.

No. Q3 Quercus rubra
Fam -
C.N. - Oak.
HA Tree
HT 15 m
GR Quick growtng
E1D Deciduous.
cs Round.

No. R 1 Ricinus communis linn.

Fam - Euphorbiaceae.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C N. - The castor; Beng - Bheranda; Guj - Diveligo;
Hin & Mar. Erandi; Kan-Haralu; Mal - Avanakku;
Tam - Amanakku; Tel - Aamudamuchettu.
HA Shrub
HT 6 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
EID Evergreen.
Flo.S. - Sept. - Oct.
CSA - 942.56 m2
cs Oblong.
LA 2 4 3 . 5 cm2
Sl 1 5. 7 1

No. S1 Salix alba Linn.


Fam - Salicaceae.
C N. - European willow; White wtllow. Kashmtr - Butvir,
Vivir; H . P. Punjab - Bisbhushan, Modnu,

1 47
HA Tree
HT 20 m
GR Quick growmg
R By stem cuttmg, root cuttin g .
E/D Deciduous.
F l o S. - Mar. - May.
cs Oblong/Round.

No. S2 Salix babylonica Linn.

Fam - Saltcaceae.
C.N. - Weeping willow. Garhwal - Gadhban1s;
Kashmir - Biasa, Guir; Punjab - Bisa;

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Tel - At1uppala1,
HA Tree
HT 10 m
GR Quick grow1ng
R By stem, root cutting, suckers.
E/D Deciduous.
Flo.S. - Mar. - May.
cs Round.

No. S3 Salix caprea Linn.

Fam - Sal1caceae.
C.N. - The sal low, goat willow
Hin & Pun1ab - Bedmushk.
HA Shrub
HT 5 m
GR Quick growmg
R By cutting
E/D Deciduous.

1 46
Flo.S. - Mar. - May.
cs Round/Oblong.

No. 54 Salix fragilis Linn.

Fom - Solicoceoe.
C.N. - Crock or Kashmir willow; H.P. Tilchong.
HA Tree
HT 18 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cutting.
E/D Deciduous.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Flo.S. - Mar. - May.
cs Oblong/Round.

No. 55 Salix tetrospermo Roxb.

Fam - Salicoceae.
C.N Indian willow; Beng - Panijoma; Hin - Bod.
jalmala; Kon - Niravanji; Mal & Tam - Vonji;
Mar - Wal l u n j ; Oriya - Baisi; Tel - Eetipoala;
Assam - Veh; Kashmir - Vir, bin;
Khasi -Jamyneri; M . P. Dhanie; Punjab - Bis, Bain
HA Tree
HT 15 m

GR Quick growrng
R By cutting.
E/D Deciduous.
cs Round.

No. 56 Samaneo samon Jacq.

Fam - M1mos eoe.
C.N. - Rain Tree.

HA Tree
HT 20 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds cuHing.
E/D Evergreen.
Flo .S. - Mar. - J u n e
CSA - 99306 . 2 m7
cs Spreadmg, Round.
LA 2 8 2 . 6 cm2
Sl 1 5 .64

No . S7 Sapi ndu s em arginafus Vah l .

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Fam - Sap ind ace ae.
C N. - Soa pnu t; Ass am - Ha itha gut i; Ben
g - Rith a;
Ma r- Rith a; San s - Phe nila .
HA Tree
HT 10 m
GR Quick growtng
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen.
Flo .S. - Oct. - Dec.
CSA - 43,789.24 m2
cs Oblong/Round.
LA 1 1 0. 6 cm 2
Sl 23.6

No . S8 Sapi u m seb ifer um Rox b

Fam - Eup hor b10 cea e
C.N . - Ma kha n tree. Ch ine se Tal low Tre
HA Tree

1 50
HT 12 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/0 Deciduous.
Flo.S. - June - Aug.
CSA - 24980.3 m1
cs Round.
LA 74.2 cm2
Sl 1 4.2

No. S9 Sora co osaka Roxb. De Wilde.

Fom - Coesolpinoceoe.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C.N. - H i n & Mar - Ashok, Punjab & Beng - Asok;
Mar - Asoko; Sons - Ashoko; Tom - Asogom;
Tel - Asokomu.
HA Tree
HT 5 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen .
Flo.S. - Dec - May.
CSA - 2 2 9 5 . 2 m7
cs Spreading.
LA 6 8 . 8 cm2
Sl 1 7.93

No. S 1 0 Sesbonio grond1floro Pers.

Fom - Foboceoe.
C.N. - Swamp - pea, Agothi; Kon - Agose; Mol- Mothi;
Mar - Hodgo, Agosto; Oriyo - Ogosti;
Tom - Agothi; Tel - Anse - chetto.

HA Tree
HT 10 m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen.
F l o . S. - Sept. - Dec.
4694.87 m·
cs Oblong.
LA 1 30 em"
Sl 20.45

No. S 1 1 Sesbonio sesbon (Linn) Merrill.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Fom - Foboceoe.
C . N. - Common sesbon; Beng & Hin - Jointi;
Guj - Joyoti; Kon - Arisinojeenongtmero;
Mol - Sempo; Mar -Joyanti, Sheworie;
Oriyo - Joyontei; Sons - Joyontiko;
To m - Chittogothi; Tel - Somintho;
Assam - Joyontri; Punjab - Joint.
HA Shrub
HT 6 m
GR Quick growtng
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen.
Flo.S. - Aug. - Dec
CSA - 4 5 6 3 . 7 m'
cs Oblong.
LA 1 1 8 .3 em:
Sl 1 9.2

No. S 1 2 Sesbonio spee�oso Toub.

Fom - Fobaceoe.

1 52
C N Tom - Seemoiogofhi.
HA Shrub
HT 4 m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds.
EID Evergreen.
Flo.S. - Sept. - Dec.
cs Oblong.

No. S 1 3 Soymido febrifuge A. Juss

Fom - Meliaceae.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C.N. - Indian Red wood, Beng & Hindi Mar - Rohan;
Guj - Rohino; Kan - Suoni; Oriya - Sohan;
Tom - Shem; Tel - Sum1, Sonidomoanu.
HA Tree
HT 15 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
EID Deciduous.
Flo.S. - Mar.
CSA - 78325.4 m2
cs Round/Oblong.
LA 4 9 . 7 cm2
Sl 20.3

No. S 1 4 Sgathodeo camgonuloto Beouv.

Fam - Bignoniaceae
C.N. - Indian Tul i p tree
HA Tree
HT 12 m

1 53
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cutting
E/D Evergreen.
Flo.S. - Nov. - Jon.
CSA - 73,250. 1 7 m1
cs Oblong ' Round
LA 89.3 cm2
Sl 2 4 . 84

No. S 1 5 Spondios pi n nota (l. f.)

Fom - Anocordioceoe.
C N - Hin - Bemg & Mar - Amra; Kon - Ambote;

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Son - Amrotoko; Tom - Mobulichi;
Tel - Amrotokomul; Mol - Mopul i .
HA Tree
HT 10 m
Gr Quick growing after 1 st year.
R By seeds.
E/D Deciduous.
Flo.S. - Feb. - Apr.
CSA - 25587 . 3 1 m1
cs Round.
LA 1 30.64 cm2
Sl 22.9

No S 1 6 Sterculia foetido Linn.

Fom - Sterculioceoe.
C.N. - Jongli bodom, Hin & Mar - Jongli bod om;
Kon - Penori; Tom & Mol - Pinori;
Tel - Monjiponoku.
HA Tree

HT 15 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/D Deciduous.
Flo.S. - Mar. - May.
cs Oblong/Round.

No. S 1 7 Sterculia guttoto Roxb.

Fom - Sterculioceoe.
C.N. - Kukur, Golder.
HA Tree

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HT 15 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/D Deciduous.
Flo.S. - Jon. - Feb.
cs Oblong/Round.

No. S 1 8 Str�chnos nux-vom1co Linn

Fam - Loganiaceae.
C.N. -
Beng & Punjab - Kuchila; Hin - Kuchla; Kan-
Kanjira; Mal - Kanniram; Mar - Kajra;
Sans - Visha - mushti; Tam - Etti; Tel - Mushti.
HA Tree
HT 12 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/D Deciduous
Flo.S. - Mar. - Apnl
CSA - 1 06 7 . 4 4 1 m·.,
cs Oblong/Roun d .

1 55
LA 6 7 . 3 7 cm1
Sl 1 2 . 87

No. S 1 9 S�ncorgio glomulifero Sm.

Fom - Myrtoceoe
C.N. - Turpentine tree.
HA Tree
HT 20 m
GR Outck growmg
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen.
cs Ob!ong/Round.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

N o . S20 S�zygium cumini Linn
Fom - Myrtoceoe.
C.N. - Block p l u m ; Beng - Kolojom; G u j - Jombu;
H r n & Punjab - Jomon; Mar - Jombhul;
Kon - Nerole; Mol - Per i n norol; Oriyo - Jomo;
Tom - Neredum; Tel - Neereedu.
HA Tree
HT 20 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cuttings Grafting. Buddtng.
E/D Evergreen.
Flo.S. ­ Mar. - May
CSA - 1 1 2 1 4 3 2 m1
cs Oblong/Spreading.
LA 7 7 . 8 2 cm7
Sl 20.60

1 56
No. T l Tobernaemontono divaricate linn.
Fam - Apocyn oceoe.
C.N. - Beng, Mar, Hin & Sons - Togor, Chondoni;
Tom - Nondiyavottom; Tel - Gondhitogoropu.
HA Shrub
HT 3m
GR Quick growing
R By cutting.
E/D Evergreen.
Flo.S. - Throughout the yea�
CSA - 1 28 . 6 7 m1

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

cs Round.
LA 4 7 . 8 1 cm1
Sl 30.2

No. T2 Tomorindus indica linn.

Fam - Caesapinaceoe.
C.N The Tamar· nd tree; Beng - Anbl i, Tentul ; Guj &
Kon - Amli; Hin - lmlt; Mol - Amlom, Puli;
Mar - Chinch; Oriya - Tentuli;
Tam - Amilam pul; Tel - Chtntachettu;
Assam - Tetu l i ; Punjab - lmbli.
HA Tree.
HT 20 m
GR Quick growtng (Early)
R By seeds.
E/0 Evergreen.
F l o . S. - April - Oct.
CSA - 276839.5 m1
cs Spreading.

1 57
LA 1 28.60 cm2
Sl 1 8.4

No. T3 Tecomo stons Linn.

Fom - Bignonioceoe.
C N. - Kon - Koreneklor; Tom - Sono - Patti;
Tel - Pochogotlo
HA Shrub
HT 5 m
GR Qu1ck growing
R By seeds, cutting.
E/0 Evergreen.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Flo.S. - Feb. - April
CSA - 6 1 .23 m2
cs Oblong.
LA 4 3 . 7 em"
Sl 23.8

No. T4 Tectono grondis Linn.

Fom - Verbenoceoe.
C.N. - "Teak; Beng - Seg u n ; Hin & Mar - Sogwon;
Guj- Sago; Kon - Tego; Mol & Tom - Thekku;
Oriyo - Singuru; Tel - Adoviteeku, Peddoteek;
Assam - Chingjogu.
20 m J
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/0 Deciduous.
Flo.S. - June - Sept.
CSA - 1 02 72 . 1 4 mi

1 58
CS Oblong/Round
LA 790.37 m7
Sl 23.48

No. T5 Termino l io oloto Heyne ex Roth.

Fom - Combretoceoe.
C.N. - Laurel; Beng - Ason; Guj - Sodor; H i n - Ason,
S01n, Soj; Kon - Sododo; Mar - Ain;
Oriyo - Sohoju; Tom - Korromordo,
Tel - Nollomoddi.
HA Tree

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HT 20 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cutting.
E/0 Deciduous.
Flo.S. - May - J u ly.
cs Oblong/Round.

No. T6 Terminolio oquno (Roxb) Wight & Arn.

Fom - Combretoceoe.
C.N. - Arjun, Arjhon; Beng - G u j - Sododo; H i n &
Punjab - Arjuno; Kon - Moddi; Mar - Sodoru,
vellomordo; Oriyo - Arjuno, sohojo;
Tom - Vellomotto; Tel - Yerromoddi;
Assam - Orjun.
HA Tree
HT 15 m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, cutting, o1r layering.
E/D Deciduous.
Flo.S. - April - J uly.

CSA - 7 1 9,992.2 m2
cs Oblong/Round
LA 60 06 cm2
Sl 24.57

No. T7 Terminolio belle nco Goertn) Roxb

Fom - Combretoceoe.
C.N. - Belleric myrobolon; Beng Bhoiroh; Hin - Bohero;
Mol & Tom - Toni; Mar - Behedo,
Oriyo - Bhoro, Tel - Thondrokooyo.
HA Tree
HT 15 m

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

GR Quick growing
R By seeds, cutti ngs.
E/D Deciduous.
Flo S. - April - May.
828 1 3 . 9 m1
cs Oblong/Round
LA 6 3 . 2 0 cm2
Sl 1 9 .06

No. T8 Terminolio cotoppo Linn.

Fom - Combretoceoe.
C.N. -
The Indian Almond tree; Beng - Bodom;
Hin - Deshi bodom; Mol - Adomorrom;
Tom - Notvodom; Tel - Boodomuchettu, '/edam.
HA Tree
HT 10 m
GR Qu1ck growmg
R By seeds.
E/D Deciduous.

1 60
Flo S. - Oct . - Nov.
94367.4 m'
cs Conical
LA 6 2 . 0 1 cm7
Sl 20.9

No. T9 Terminolio chebulo Retz.

Fom - Combretoceoe.
C.N. - Chebulic myrobolon; Beng - Horitoki;
Guj - Horde; Hin - Horro; Mar - Hirdo;
Oriyo - Horidro; Tom - Kodukkoi;
Tel - Korokkooyo; Assam - Silikho; Punjab - Hor

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HA Tree
HT 15 m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds.
EID Deciduous.
Flo.S. - Mar.- Oct.
CSA - 82,3 1 4. 1 6 m'
cs RoundiOblon"g .
LA 6 0 . 60 cm1
Sl 1 9 .06

No. T1 0 Thespesio populneo1des (Roxb) Kestel.

Fom - Molvoceoe.
C . N. - Umbrella tree, Indian Tul i p tree, Beng - Dumbla,

porespipol; Guj - Poorsopeepolo;

Hin & Punjab - Porospipol; Kon - Hoovorase;
Mol - Poovorosu; Mar - Bhendi;
Oriyo - Gunjousto; Sons - Gordhobhonda;
Tom - Chelonthi; Tel - Gongoroovichettu.

HA Tree
HT 10 m
GR Quick growmg
R By seeds, cuHings.
E/D Evergreen.
Flo S. - Throughout the year.
34,635.32 m1
cs Round
LA 1 84 . 3 9 cm2
Sl 29.81

No. T 1 1 Thevetio geruvtona (Pers. ) Merril l .

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Fam · Apocynoceae.
C N. - Yellow oleoner; Beng - Koklophul, Holdi korubi;
Guj & Hin - Pile kaner; Kon - Kodukasi;
Mol - Monjaareli; Mar - Pivolo konhera; Bitti
Oriyo - Konyorphul; Tom - Pochoiyolori;
Tel - Pochogonneru.
HA Shrub
HT 6m
GR Qu ick growmg
R By seeds, cuHing.
E/0 Evergreen.
2 1 , 7 7 5 . 2 2 m1
cs Round I Oblong.
LA 1 1 08 cm1
Sl 27.8

No. T 1 2 Thujo occidentalts Linn.

Fom - Cupressaceae.
C.N. - American Arborvitae, White cedar.

1 62
HA Tree
HT 15 m
GR Quick growtng
R By cutting.
E/0 Evergreen.
cs Conical

No. T 1 3 Thu1a plicate D. Don.

Fam - Cupressaceaee.
C.N. -
Giant arborvitae, Western red cedar.
HA Tree

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

HT 20 m
GR Quick growing
R By cutting.
E/D Evergreen.
cs Conical

No. T l 4 Trema orientalis Blume

Fam - Ulmaceae.
C.N. - Charcoal tree. Indian nettle tree. Beng - Chikan;
Guj & Mar - Gol; Hin - Gio; Kan - Gorklu;
Mal - Ama; Oriya - Kharkas; Tam - Ambaratthi ;
Tel - Bundamuru;
HA Tree
HT 6 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds, stumps.
E/0 Evergreen.
Flo.S. - Throughout the year.
CSA - 42 ,5734 . 1 m1
cs Round/Oblong.

1 63
LA 65.7 cm2
Sl 27.30

No. V l U l m u s wallichiana Planch

Fam - U lmaceae.
C.N. - Hin - Mored pabuna; Kashmir - Brari;
Kumoun - Moral; Punjab - Kai n .
HA Tree
HT 15 m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

E/D Evergreen.
cs Round

No. Z 1 Ziz�ghus mouritiono Vor. Fruticoso

Fom .
C.N. .
Indian jujube; Beng & H i n - Ber; Guj - Bordi;
Kon - Elonji; Mol & Tom - Elentha;
Mar - Bero, bor; Oriyo - Bodori;
Son - Korokandhy; Tel - Reegu.
HA Tree
HT 10 m
GR Quick growing (Early)
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen.
Flo.S. - April - Oct.
2638. 1 7 m2
cs Round
LA 24 .08 cm2
Sl 1 2.4

1 64
No. Z2 Zizyphus oenoplia Mill
Fam - Rhomnoceoe.
C.N. - Jackal jujube; Beng - Siakul; Hin - Mokai;
Kon - Borige; Mal - Kottaval l i ;
Oriyo - Kantokolli; Tam - Ambulam;
Tel - Banko paragi.
HA Straggler shrub.
HT S m
GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Flo.S. ­ April - June.
cs Round

No. Z3 Z i zyphus rugosa lomk.

Fom - Rhamnaceoe.
C.N . - Hin - Suran; Mar - Turon - Torni,
Kan - Mahigotte; Mal - Malantuto l i ;
Tam - Kattilandai; Tel - Pinduporighomu.
HA Straggler shrub.
HT 5 m
GR Quick growi ng
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen.
Flo.S - Dec. - Feb.
cs Round

No. Z4 Zi zyphus xylopyra Willd.

Fom - Rhamnaceae.
C.N. - Hin - Kat - ber; Kan - Mullukare;
Mar - Koddntegot1; Oriyo - Goteoboro,

� 65
Kantobohul; Tam - Kottei ; Tel - Gotte.
HA Straggler shrub.
HT 4 m

GR Quick growing
R By seeds.
E/D Evergreen.
Flo.S. ­ April - June.
cs Round

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

1 66

Zonewise recommendation of plant s p ecies for constitution of

Green Belt :

Note for the use of Appendix C

For listing plant species for cultivation in on oreo of concern, please follow the

following steps.

1 . Place the o reo (os per District) of your concern in subzone and zone, after
referring to Appendix A.

2 . Refer to Appendix C of corresponding zone (Cz) and subzone (1 . 1 , 1 1 . 3 , V.2

etc . ) .
3 . List the alphabets and numbers under zone a n d subzone (e.g. C z V.2 - A 1 ,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

2 , 3 , 4, 5 etc.; B - 1 , 2 , 3, 4 etc.; C - 2, 3 , 4 , . . . . . 1 2 etc.)seporotely o n


4. Decipher the above numbers from Appendix B. (e.g. A - 1 - Abutilon indicum,

A - 2 - Acacia ouriculiformis etc.; B - 1 - Boloniks roxburghii, B - 2 -

Bombuso orundinocia, etc.; C - 2 - Callistemon citrinus, C - 3 - Calophyl l u m

inophyllum, C - 4 - Calotropis giganteo etc . ..... and so o n .
Completion o f the exercise will mean that your list of plants for cultivation

in the a rea of concern is ready. Detailed information, useful for agronomic

and other aspects, is available in Appendix B.

Cz I. Western Himalayan Region

Cz 1 . 1 A . 3,4,7,9- 1 1 , 1 3, 1 6, 1 7 , 1 9 , 2 2 - 2 6 , 2 8 - 3 5, 4 1 , 4 4 ;

B - 6- 1 2 , 1 6; C - 1 4 , 2 1 ,22; 0 - 1 ; E - 4-6; F

- 1 -4 ; 7-9; G - 6-8; H - 4 ; I - 1 , 2 ; J - 2 ; L

- 3,4; M - 1 , 8; N - 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 4-6, 1 0

- 1 4 ; Q - 1 - 3 · S - 1 - �,8, 1 5 , T - 1 -3 , 6 , 7,9,

1 2, 1 3 ; u - 1 ; z - 1

1 67
Cz 1 . 2 - A - 3,4,7,9- 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 6 , 1 7 , 1 9,22-26,28-35,39, 4 1 ,

4 4 ; B - 4,6- 1 7 ; C - 2 - 5 , 1 4 , 1 8 ,2 1 , 2 2 ; D - 1 , 4 ;

E - 1 ,4-6,8; F - 1 - 4,8. G - 4;6-8; H - 3 , 4 ;

I - 1 - 3,5; J - 2; L - 3 , 4 ; M - 1 , 3,8, 1 2 , 1 4;

N - 1 , 2 , 0 - 1 ; P - 4 - 6 , 1 0 - 1 4 , 1 6 ,2 1 ; Q - 1 - 3,

S - 1 - 5, 7 - 1 0, 1 4 , 1 5 ; T - 1 - 3 , 6 , 7 , 9 , 1 2 , 1 3 ; U - 1 ;

z - 1

Cz 1.3 - A - 3,4 , 7 , 9 - 1 1 , 1 3, 1 6, 1 7 , 1 9,22-26,28-35,39, 4 1 ,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

4 4 , B - 4, 6- 1 7 ; C - 2-5,9, 1 1 , 1 4 , 1 8 , 2 1 , 2 2 , 0 -

1 , 4,5; E - 1 ,2,4-6; F - 1 - 4,8; G - 3,4,6-8;

H - 3,4; I - 1 - 3,5; J - 2; L - 1 , 4 ; M - 1 ,

3,8, 1 2 - 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 , 0 - 1 ; P - 4 - 1 6; Q - 1 -

3; S - 2 - 5 , 7 - 1 0, 1 4 , 1 5 ; T - 1 - 3,6,7,9, 1 2 , 1 3 ; U

- 1 ; z - 1 , 3,4

Cz 1 . 4 A - 1 - 4 , 7 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 6 , 1 7 , 1 9 , 2 2 - 2 6 , 2 8 - 3 2 ,34 -

36,39,4 1 , 44; B - 4,6- 1 7 ; C - 2-8, 9 , 1 4 , 1 8 ,2 1 ,

22; 0 - 1 ,4,5; E - 1 , 2,4-6; F - 1 - 4,8: G -

3-4,6-8; H - 3 ,4 ; 1 - l - 5 ; J - 2 ; K - 1 ; L -

1 - 4; M - 1 , 3,5,8, 1 2 - 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1 ; P -

4 - 1 6 ,· Q - 1 - 3 I- S - 1 - 5 I 7 - 1 0 I 1 4 I 1 5 · T - I 1-

3,6,7,9, 1 2 - 1 4; u - 1 ; z - 1

1 68
C z I I . Eastern Himamlayan Region

Cz 1 1 . 1 A - 1 ,3,4, 7 , 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 6 , 1 7 , 1 9,22-26,28-36,

39-4 1 ; 8 - 1 ,4 , 6 - 1 7; c - 2 - 5 , 7 - 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 6, 1 8,

20-22; D - 1 , 2 , 4 ,5 , 6 ; E - 1 , 2 , 4-6; F - 1 -4;

8; G - 6-8; H - 3, 4 ; I - 1 -3 , 5; J - 2 ; L -

1 - 3; M - 1 , 3,8,9, 1 2 - 1 4 ; N - 1 -2 ; 0 - 1 ; P -

4 - 6 , 1 0 - 1 4 ; Q - 1 -3; R - 1 ; S - 1 - 5, 1 - 1 0, 1 5;

T - 1 -3, 5 - 7 , 9 , 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 4 ; U - 1; Z - 1

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C z 11.2 A - 1 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 8 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 3, 1 4, 1 6-26,28-36, 39-44;

8 - 1 -4,6- 1 7 ; C - 2 - 9 , 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 6, 1 8 - 2 2 , D - 1-

6 I 8I· E - 1 -6 · F - 1 - 8 · G - 3 I 4 I 6 - 8 · H -

I - 2 , 3 5; J - 1 ,2 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 1 -3 , 5 , 8,

9, 1 2 - 1 4; N - 1 ,2; 0 - 1 ; P - 4 - 6 , 1 0 - 1 4 , 1 6,

2 1 ; Q - 1 -2; S - 2 - 5 , 7 - 1 0 , 1 5,20; T - 1 - 3, 5-

7 1 1 , 1 3 I 1 4 ; u - 1 ; z. - 1

Cz 1 1 .3 - A - 1 ,3 , 4 , 7 , 8, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 6 - 2 6 , 2 8 , 2 9 , 3 2 - 3 6 ,

3 9 - 4 4 ; 8 - 1 -4 , 6 - 1 7; c - 2 - 9, 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 6, 1 8- 2 2 ;

D - 1 -8; E - 1 -6; F - 1 -8 G - 3,4,6-8; H -

3,4; I - 2,3,5; J - 1 , 2; L - l -4 ; M - 1 - 3,5,

8,9, 1 2 - 1 4 , N - 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 4 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 6,2 1 ;

Q - l -3 R - I S 2 - 5 , 7 - 1 0 , 1 5,20; T - 1 -3,

5-7, 1 1 , 1 3, 1 4; u - 1 ; z - 1

Cz 1 1 .4 A - 1 , 3-5,7,8, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3, 1 4 , 1 6- 2 6 , 2 8 - 4 4 ; 8 - 1 -

4, 6 - 1 7 ; c - 2-9, 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 6 , 1 8-20; 0 - 1 - 5,8;

E · 1 -6; F - 1 - 8; G - 3-4,6-8; H - 2 - 4 ; I -

1 - 3,5; J - 1 ,2 , K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 1 -3 ,5,8,9,

1 2 - 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 2,4- 1 6,20,2 1 ; Q -

1 - 3; R - 1 ; S - l - 5, 7 - 1 0 , 1 5,2 0; T - 1 -3,5-

7,9 , 1 3, 1 4 ; u - 1 ; z - 1

Cz 1 1 . 5 A - 1 , 3,5,7,8, 1 0 - 1 4 , 1 6-26,28,29, 3 1 - 4 4 ; B - 1 -

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

4, 6- 1 7; c - 1 -9 , 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 6, 1 8-20, 0 - 1 -8;

E - 1 -6; F - 1 -8 ; G - 3,4,6-8; H - 2 - 4 ; I -

1 -5; J - 1 , 2; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4; M - 1 -3,5,8,9,

1 2 - 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 2,4- 1 6,20,2 1 : Q -

1 - 3; R - 1 ; S - 1 -5 , 7 - 1 0, 1 5,20; T - 1 -9 , 1 2,

14; u - l; z - 1

1 70
Cz I l l . lower Gangetic Plains

(West Bengal)

Cz 1 1 1 . 1 - A - 1 ,3-5,7 ,8, 1 0- 1 4 , 1 8-20,22,24-26,28-33 36-

4 4 ; B - 1 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 6; C - 1 -9, 1 1 - 1 3 , 1 5-20, D -

1 -4 , 7 ; E - 1 -6; F - 1 -8; G - 1 , 2 -4,6-8; H -

3,4; I - 2-5; J - 1 ,2 ; K - 1 ; l - 1 -4 ; M - 2 ,

3,5,6,8,9, 1 1 - 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 ,2 , 4 -

1 6,20,2 1 ; Q - 1 - 3 ; R - 1 ; S - 1 - 1 3 , 1 5 -20; T

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

- 1 -3,6,7,9, 1 1 - 1 4 ; z - 1 ,3 , 4 .

C z 1 1 1.2 - A - 1 ,3-5,7,8, 1 0- 1 4, 1 8-20,22,24-26,28-33,36-

4 4 ; B - 1 - 1 0, 1 2- 1 6 ; C - 1 -9, 1 1 - 1 3 , 1 5-20, D -

1 -5,7; E - 1 -6; F - 1 -8 G - 1 , 2-4,6-8; H -

1 , 3,4; I - 2 - 5 ; J - 1 , 2, K - 1 ; l - 1 - 4 ; M -

2,315,6,8,9, 1 1 - 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 , 2 , 4 -

1 6,20,2 1 ; Q - 1 - 3; R - 1 ; S - 1 - 1 3 , 1 5-20; T

- 1 -3,5-7,9- 1 4 ; z - 1 , 3 , 4 .

Cz 1 1 1.3 - A - 1 ,3-5, 7,8, 1 0- 1 4 , 1 8-20,22,24-26,28-33,36-

44; B - 1 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 7 ; C - 1 - 9 , 1 1 -20, D -

1 -5 , 7 ; E - 1 - 6; F - 1 - 8; G - 1 -4 , 6 - 8 ; H -

1 , 3,4; I - 2-5; J - 1 , 2; K - 1 ; l - 1 - 4; M -

2,3,5,6,8,9, 1 1 - 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 ,2 , 4 -

1 6 ,20,2 1 ; Q - 1 - 3; R - l ; S - 1 - 1 3 , 1 5-20; T

- 1 - 1 4 ; u - 1 ; z - 1 , 3,4

1 71
Cz 1 1 1 . 4 - A - 1 , 3-5,7,8, 1 0 - 1 4, 1 8-20,24-33,36-4 1 ; B - 1 -

1 0 , 1 2 - 1 6 ; C - 1 - 8 , 1 1 - 1 3 , 1 5-20; D - 1 - 5 , 7 ; E -

1 -6; F - 1 - 6 ; G - 1 , 2-4,6-8; H - 1 ,3,4; I -

2-5· J - 1 ; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4; M - 2,3,5,6,8,

9, 1 1 - 1 4; N - 1 ,2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 , 2 , 4 - 1 6,20,2 1 ;

Q - 1 - 3 ; R - 1 ; S - 1 - 1 3 , 1 5-20: T - 1 - 7 , 9 - 1 4;

z - 4.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

1 72
Cz IV. Middle Gangetic p l a i n s .

Cz IV.l A - 1 , 3 , 4 , 7 , 1 0 - 1 5 , 1 8,20,22,24-26,28-33,36-

4 2 , 4 4 ; B - 1 -4 , 6 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 6; C - 2 - 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6 , 1 8 -

20; D - 1 - 5 , 7 ; E - 1 -5 ; F - 1 -3,5- 7 ,9; G -

3,4,6-9; H - 1 -4 ; I - 2,3,5; J - 1 K - 1;

L - 1 -4 ; M - 2,3,5,6,8,9, 1 1 - 1 4 , N - 1 ,2 ; 0 -

1; P - 1 ,2 , 7 - 9 , 1 2 - 1 6,20,2 1 R -1; S - 1-

1 5 ,20; T - 1 -4,6,7,9- 1 2 , 1 4 Z - 1 ,3 , 4 .

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Cz IV.2 A - 1 , 3,4, 7 , 1 0 - 1 5 , 1 8-20,2 1 , 2 4 -26,28-30,32,

33,36-44; 8 - 1 -4 , 6 - 1 0 , 1 2 - 1 7 ; c - 2 - 1 3 , 1 5-20;

D - 1 - 8; E - 1 -3,5; F - 1 - 7,9 G - 3,4,6-9; H

- 1 -4 ; 1 - 2 - 5 ; J - 1 ; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M -

2,3,5,6,8,9, 1 1 - 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 , 0 - 1 ; P - 1 , 2 , 5 -

9 , 1 2 - 1 6,20, 21; R - 1 ; S 1 - 1 5,20; T - 1-

4 ,6 , 7 , 9 - 1 2 , 1 4 ; z - 1 , 3,4 .

1 73
, ,

Cz V. Upper Gangetic Plains

(Uttar Pradesh)

Cz V.l A - 1 - 5 , 7 , 1 0- 1 5, 1 8,20-22,24-33,36-4 1 , 4 4 ; B -

1 -4 , 6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 5, 1 7 ; C - 2 - 1 6 , 1 8 - 2 0 ; D - 1-

4 , 6 - 7 ; E - 2 - 5 ; F - 1 - 3 , 5 - 7 9; G - 3 , 4 , 6 - 9 ; H

- 2 - 4 ; 1 - 1 -5 ; J - 1 , 2 ; K - l ; L - 1 - 4 ; M -

2,3,5,8- 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 - 3, 5 , 7 -9,

1 2 - 1 6, 1 9 - 2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 1 - 1 7 , 20; T - 1 -3,6,

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

7,9- 1 2 , 1 4 ; z - 1 ,3 , 4 .

Cz V.2 - A - 1 -5 , 7 1 0 - 1 5, 1 8,20-22,24-33,36-44; 8 - 1 -4 ,

6 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 5 . 1 7 ; C - 2 - 1 2 , 1 5 , 1 6 , 1 8-20· D - 1-

5,7,8; E - 2 - 5 ; F - 1 - 3,5,7,9; G - 3 , 4 , 6 - 9 ; H

- 1 - 4 ; I - 1 - 5 , J - 1 , 2; K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M -

2,3,5,8- 1 4 , N - 1 ,2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 - 3 , 5 , 7 - 9 , 1 2 -

1 6, 1 9 - 2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 1 - 1 7 20, T - 1 - 3 , 6 , 7 ,9-

1 2, 1 4; z - 1 ,3,4.

Cz V.3 - A - 1 - 5 , 7 , 1 0 - 1 5 , 1 8,20-22 2 4 - 2 6 28-33,36-44;

B - 1 , 3,4,6- 1 0 , 1 2 - 1 5 , 1 7 ; C - 2 - 1 2 , 1 5 , 1 6 , 1 8-20;

D - 1 - 5,7,8; E - 2-5; F - l - 3, 5 - 7 ,9; G -

3,4,6-9; H - l - 4; I - l -5 ; J - 1 , 2 ; L - 1 -4 ;

M - 2,3,5,8- 1 4 ; N - l ,2; 0 -1; P - l-

3,5,7,9, 1 2 - 1 6 , 1 9- 2 1 ; R · 1 ; S - 1 - 1 5,20; T

1 - 4,6,9- 1 2 , 1 4 ; z - 1 , 3,4.

1 74
Cz VI. Trans Gangetic Plains

Cz Vl.l - A - 1 -5 , 7 ,8, 1 0- 1 5, 1 8,20,22,24-27,29-32,36-42,

4 4 ; B - 1 - 4,6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 5 , 1 7 ; C - 2 - 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6 , 1 8,

20; D - 1 -8 ; E - 1 - 5; F - 1 - 3, 5-7,9; G - 3-

4,6-9; H - 1 - 4 ; I - 1 , 3,4; J - 2 , K - 1 ; L -

1 -4 , M - 2,5,8- 1 4; N - 1 , 2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1-

1 6, 1 8-2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 1 - 1 3 , 1 5 ,20; T - 1-

3,6,7,9, 1 1 , 1 4; u - 1 ; z - 1 ,3, 4.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Cz Vl.2 - A - 1 - 5,7,8, 1 0- 1 5, 1 8,20,22,24-26,29-32,36-4 2 ,

4 4 ; B - 1 - 4 , 6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 5, 1 7 ; C -2 - 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6, 1 8,

20; D - 1 - 6,8; E - 1 -5; F - 1 - 3,5-9; G - 3-

4 , 6 - 9; H - 1 - 4; I - 1 - 3,5; J - 2 ; K - 1 ; L -

1 -4 ; M - 2,3,5, 8 - 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1-

3,7,9 , 1 2 , 1 5- 1 7, 1 9 ; R - 1 ; S - 1 - 1 3 , 1 5 ,20; T

- 1 -3 ,6,7,9 - 1 2 , 1 4; u - 1 ; z - 1 - 4 .

Cz VI.J - A - 1 - 5,7,8, 1 0 - 1 5 , 1 8,20,22,24,26,29-32,3 6 - 4 2 ,

44; B - 1 , 3,4,6 - 1 0, 1 3 - 1 4, 1 7; C 2-

1 3 , 1 5, 1 6, 1 8,20; D - 2-8; E - 3,5; F - 1 - 3,5-

7,9; G - 3,4,6-9; H - 1 - 4; I - 1 - 5; J - 2; K -

1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 2,5,8- 1 4 , N - 1 ,2 , 0 - 1 ; P -

1 - 3,7-9, 1 2 , 1 5 - 1 7 , 1 9-2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 1 - 1 3,20;

T - 1 -4, 6,9- 1 1 , 1 4 ; U - 1 ; Z - 1 - 4 .

1 75
Cz VII. Ea ste rn Pla te au a
n d Hi lls .

Cz Vll.l - A . 1 , 3,4 ,6, 7, 1 0. 1 5,

1 8.2 2,2 5,2 7,2 9.3 2,3 6.4 4; B

- 1 ,3, 4,6 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 6; c
- 2 · 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6, 1 8-2 0;

D · 2- 8; E - 2- 5; F
- 1 · 7 , 9 ; G - 3, 4, 6,
8, 9; H -

1 ·3, 5; I - 1 · 5; J 2; K
· 1 ; L - 1 ·4; M ·2-
5,9 . 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2; 0 · 1 ; P -
1 -3 ,5, 7-9 ; 1 2 , 1 3 ,

1 5 , 1 6, 1 9· 2 1 ; R - 1 ; S
· 5 - 1 8,2 0; T - 1 - 7,9
. 1 2;
1 4 ; z - 1 . 4.

Cz Vll.2 -

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

A - 1 ,3, 4,7 , 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3· 1 5 , 1 8-
22 ,25 ,27 ,29 -32 ,36 -
4 4 ; B . 1 - 4, 6- 1 0, 1 2
- 1 6; C · 2 - 1 1 , 1 3, 1 5 , 1 6, 1 8 -

20; D - 2- 8; E - 1 · 5; F - 1 - 7,9
; G · 3, 4, 6, 8,

9; H - 1 ·3, 5; I - 1 ·5
; J · 2; K - 1 ; L -
1 -4 ;
M - 2,3 ,5,9 . 1 4 ; N . 1 , 2 ;
0 - 1; P . 1 · 3,5 ,7,
9; 1 2, 1 3 , 1 5, 1 6,2 0,2 1
; R - 1 ; S - 5 - 1 8,2 0;
T -

1 - 7,9 , 1 1 , 1 4; z . 1 -4

Cz Vl1.3 - A - 1 ,3 5 , 7 , 1 0- 1 5, 1 8-
20 ,22 ,25 ,27 , 29 -32 ,
36 -
44 ; B · 1 -4 ,6 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 6 ; C
· 2- 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6,

1 8-2 0; D - 2-8 ; E - 1 -5; F -

1 - 7,9 ; G -

3,4 ,6, 8,9 ; H · 1 -3, 5; I - 1 - 5; J - 2 ;

K . 1;
L - 1 -4 ; M - 2,3
,5 ,9 - 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1; P -
1 , 2,5 ,7- 9; 1 2 - 1 5 , 1 6 ,20
,2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,6 ,9,
1 3 - 1 6 , 1 8, 20 ; T - 1
-7, 9- 1 2 , 1 4; Z - 1 ·4

- 1 76
Cz Vll.4 - A - 1 1 3-5,71 1 0- 1.5 1 1 8-20,22125127, 2 9 - 3 2 , 36-

44; 8 - 1 - 416- 1 01 1 2 - 1 6; c - 2 - 1 1 1 1 31 1 51 1 61

1 8-20; D - 2-8; E - 1 - 5; F - 1 - 7,9; G -

3 1 4 1 61819; H - 1 -315; I - 1 - 5; J - 2; K - 1;

L - 1 -4 ; M - 2,315191 1 1 - 1 4 ; N - 1 1 2 ; 0 - 1; P

- 1 - 3,5,7-9; 1 21 1 51 1 612012 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 516,9-

1 61 1 8-20; T - 1 - 7 � 9 - 1 2 1 1 4 ; Z - 1 -4 .

Cz VII.S - A - 1 13 - 5 1 7 1 1 0- 1 5, 1 8-20122125-2 7 1 2 9 - 3 2 1 36-

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

44 ; B - 1 - 4 I6 - 1 0 I 1 2 - 1 6 i c - 2 - 1 1 1 1 3 1 5 1.1 6 I

1 8-20; D - 2-8; E - 1 - 5; F - 1 - 719; G -

31416,8,9; H - 2-5; I - 1 - 315; J - 2; K - 1;

L - 1 -4 ; M - 2,3,5,9, 1 0 - 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1; P

- 1 , 3,7,9; 1 2 , 1 5, 1 6,20,2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,61 1 3-

1 5 , 1 8-20; T · - 1 - 7,9- 1 2 , 1 4 ; Z - 1 - 4 .

1 77
Cz VIII. Centra' Plateau a n d H i l l s .

Cz V l l l . l - A - 1 - 4,7 , 1 0 - 1 5, 1 8,2 0,2

2,2 4-2 7, 29- 32, 36-44;

B - 1 - 4,6 - 1 0, 1 3 - 1 7 ; C - 2 - 9, 1 1 , 1 3, 1 5, 1 6, 1 8 -

2 0 · D - 2-8 ; E - 2-5 ; F -
1 - 7,9 ; G -3, 5,9 ; H

- 1 -3 , 5; I - 1 - 5; J - 2 ; K
- 1 ; L - 1 -4; M -

2 , 3 , 5 9 - 1 4; N - 1 , 2, 0
- 1 ; P - 1 -3,5 ,7- 9, 1 4 -

1 6 , 1 9 -2 1 ; R -1; S - 5,6 ,8- 1 3,2 0; T - 1-

3,6 ,9, 1 0, 1 2 , 1 4 ; z - 1 - 4.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Cz V I J 1 . 2 - A - 1 -4, 7, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 4,
1 8 20 ,22 ,24 ,25 ,27 ,29 -44
B - 1 - � , 6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 7 , C - 2 - 9, 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6, 1 8 -

20; D - 2-8 ; E -2- 5; F - 1 - 7

,9 G - 3-9 ; H -

1 -3,5 ; I - 1 - 5; J - 2; K - 1 ; L -
1 - 4; M -

2,3 ,5,9 - 1 4f N - 1 , 2 ; 0 -
1 ; P - 1 -3 , 5 , 7-9 , 1 4 -

1 6 , 1 9 -2 1 ; R -1; S - 5,6 ,8- 1 3,2 0; T - 1-

3,6 ,9, 1 0, 1 2 , 1 4 ; z - 1 ,3,4.

Cz V l l 1 . 3 - A - 1 , 3,4 ,8, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 8 , 2

32,36-44; B - 2-4 ,6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 6 , C

- 2- 1 1 , 1 3,

1 5, 1 6, 1 8 -20 D -2- 8; E - 1 , 3 - 5 ; F
- 1 ,7,9; G -

3 - 6 8,9 ; H - 1 - 3,5 ; I - 1
-5; J - 2; K - 1 ; L

- 1 - 4 ; M - 2,3 ,5,9 - 1 1 N - 1 , 2, 0 - 1 ; P -
3 ,5 ,7, 9, 1 4 - 1 6, 1 9- 2 1 ; R -
1 S - 5 - 1 5,2 0; T - 1 -

4 , 6 , 7 , 9, 1 1 , 1 4 ; z - 1 , 3 , 4 .

1 78
Cz V l l l .4 - A - 1 ,3,4,8, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 8,20,22,25,27,29-

32,36-44; B - 1 -4 , 6 - 1 0, 1 2 , 1 4 - 1 7 ; C - 2- 1 1 , 1 3,

1 5 , 1 6 , 1 8-20; 0 - 2 - 8 ; E - 1 , 3-5, F - 1 , 7,9 · G

- 3-6,8,9; H - 1 - 3,5; I - 1 - 5; J - 2 ; K - 1;

L - 1 - 4; M - 2,3,5,9- 1 4; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 - 1; P -

1 -3,5,7,9, 1 4 , 1 6, 1 9- 2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5 - 1 3,20; T

- 1 - 4,6,7,9, 1 1 , 1 4 ; z - 1 ,3 , 4 .

Cz VIII. 5 - A - 1 , 3 , 4 , 8 , 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3, 1 4, 1 8,20,22,25,27,29-

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

32,36- 44; B - 1 -4,6- 1 0, 1 2 , 1 4- 1 7; C - 2-

1 1 , 1 3, 1 5 , 1 6 , 1 8-20; 0 - 2 -8; E - 1 -5; F - 1 -7,9;

G - 3-6,8,9; H - 1 - 3,5; I - 1 - 5; J - 2; K -

1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 2-5,9- 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2; 0 - 1 ; P -

1 -3,5,7,9, 1 6, 1 9-2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5 , 6 , 8 - 1 3,20; T -

1 - 3,6,9, 1 0, 1 2 , 1 4 ; z - 1 , 3,4.

Cz V l l l .6 - A - 1 , 3,4,8, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3, 1 4 , 1 8,20,22,25,27,29-

32,36-44; B - 1 ,3,4,6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 7 ; C - 2-

1 1 , 1 3, 1 5 , 1 6 , 1 8 -20; 0 -2-8; E - 1 - 5; F - 1 - 7 , 9 ;

G - 3-6,8,9; H - 1 - 3,5; I - 1 - 3,5; J - 2 · K -

1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M - 2, 3,5,9 - 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 0 - 1;

P - 1 - 3,7,9, 1 4- 1 6 , 1 9 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,6,8-

1 3,20; T - 1 - 3,6,9, 1 0, 1 2 , 1 4 ; Z - 1 ,3 , 4 .

Cz Vl l 1 . 7 - A - 1 ,3,4,8, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3, 1 4 , 1 8,20,22,25,27,29,32,

36-44; B - 1 ,3 , 4 , 6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 7 ; C - 2- 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 5 ,

1 79
1 6I 1 8- 2 0I· D - 2 - 8 · E - 1
I - 5 I· F - 1 - 7 I 9 · G -
I 3-6 I
8; H - 1 -5 ; I - 1 - 5; J
- 2; K - 1 ; L - 1 ,4 ;
M - 2,3 ,5, 9 - 1 4 ; N -
1 , 2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 -3 , 5
9, 1 4 - 1 6, 1 9,2 0; R - 1 ;
S - 5,6 , 8 - 1 3,2 0; T
- 1

- 3,6 ,9, 1 0, 1 2, 1 4; z
- 1 ,3 , 4 .

A - 1 - 4,7 ,8 , 1 0, 1 1 , 1
3- 1 5, 1 8, 20 ,22 ,25 ,29 ,32 ,3 6-

4 4 ; B - 1 , 3,4 ,6 - 1 0,
1 2 - 1 7; C - 2 - 1 1 , 1 3, 1 5, 1 6,

1 8 -2 0; D -2 -8 ; E - 1 -
5; F - 1 -7 ,9 ; G -
3- 6, 8;
H - 1 - 3,5 ;

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

I - 1 -5 ; J - 2; K - 1 ; L -
1 ,4 ;
M - 2 , 5 , 9- 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 ;
0 - 1; P - 1 -3,5,7-

9, 1 4 - 1 6, 1 9- 2 1 ; R -
1 ; S - 5,6 ,8 - 1 3 , 1 8,2
0; T -
1 -4, 6,7 ,9, 1 2, 1 4; z -
1 -4 .

Cz Vll1.9 - A - 1 - 5,8 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1
3 - 1 5, 20 ,22 ,25 ,29 ,3 0, 32 , 36 -
44; B - 1 ,3, 6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 6 , 1
7; C - 1-11,
1 3, 1 5, 1 6, 1 8-2 0; D -
2 - 7; E - 1 - 5; F -
1 - 7,9 ;
G - 3-6 ,8; H - 1
- 3,5 ; I - l -5; J - 2 ;
K - l;
L - 1 -4 ; M - 2, 5, 9-
1 4; N - 1 ,2; 0 -
l; P -
1 -3 ,5, 7,9 , 1 5 , 1 6, 1 9-2 1 ; R - 1; S - 5,6 ,8-
1 3, 1 8,2 0; T - 1 -4 ,6
,7, 9, 1 0- 1 2, 1 4 ; Z - 2,3 ,4.

Cz Vl l l . l 0 - A - 1 -5 ,8 , 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3- 1 5
, 20 ,2 2, 25 ,2 9, 30 ,3 2, 36 -
4 4 ; 8 - 2, 3, 6 - 1 0, 1
2 - 1 4, 1 6, 1 7; c - 2 - 1 0, 1 3 , 1
1 6 , 1 8- 2 0I· D - 2 - 7 · E
- 1 - 5 I· F - 1 - 7 9 · G
I I - 3-

6,8; H - 1 -3 . � : I - 1 -5; J - 2 : K - 1 ; L - 1 -

4; M - 2,5. 9- 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1-

3,5,7,9, 1 5, 1 6, 1 9- 2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,6,8- 1 3,20;

T - 1 -4,6,7,9 - 1 2, 1 4 ; Z - 1 ,3,4.

Cz Vlll . l l - A - 1 -5,7,8, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3- 1 5, 1 8,20,22,25,29,30,32,

36 -38,40-44; B - 1 ,3,6- 1 0. 1 2 - 1 4, 1 6, 1 7; C -

2 ,4 , 6 - 1 0 I 1 5 I 1 8-20·I D - 2 - 7I· E - 1 -5 I· F - 1-

7,9; G - 3-6,8; H - 1 -3,5; I - 1 - 5 ; J - 2 ; K

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

- 1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 2,5,9, 1 1 - 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 ; 0 -

1; P - 1 ,2,5,7,9, 1 4- 1 6, 1 9-2 1 ; R - 1 ; S -

5,6,8- 1 3 ,20; T - 1 -4,6, 9 - 1 2, 1 4; Z - 2,3,4.

Cz Vl l l . 1 2 - A - 1 -5,8, 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 3- 1 5 , 1 8,20,22,25,27,29,30,

32, 36-44; B - 1 - 3,6- 1 0, 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 6 , 1 7 ; C -

2,4,6-8, 1 3 - 1 5 , 1 8,20; D - 2,3,5-7; . E - 1 - 5; F

- 1 -7,9; G - 3-6,8; H - 1 - 3,5; I - 3,5; J -

2; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M - 2,3,5,9- 1 2 , 1 4 ; N -

1 , 2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 - 3, 5,7,9, 1 4 - 1 6, 1 9-20; R -

1 ; S - 5 - 1 3,20; T - 1 -4 , 6,9, 1 1 , 1 4 ; Z - 1 -4 .

Cz V l l l . 1 3 - A 1 -5,7, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5, 1 8,20,22,25,29,30,

32,36-44; B - 1 -3,6- 1 0, 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 6, 1 7 ; C

2,4,6-8, 1 3, 1 8,20; D - 2,3,5-7; E - l -5; F -

l -7; G - 3-6, 8; H - 1 -3,5; I - 3,5; J - 2 ; K

- 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M - 2,9, 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 -

1 ; P - 1 -3 , 7 , 9 , 1 4 , 1 5 , 1 9 - 2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5 , 6 , 8 -

1 3,20; T - 1 -4 , 6 , 9 , 1 1 , 1 4 ; Z - 1 -4 .

Cz V l l l . 1 4 - A - 1 -5 , 7 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5,20,22,25,29,30,32,36-

38, 4 1 ,44; 8 - 1 ,3 , 6 - 1 0, 1 3 , 1 4 , 1 6; c - 2,4,6-

8, 1 3, 1 8 ,20; D - 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 ; E - 1 -5 ; F - 1 - 7 ; G

- 3 - 6 , 8 ; H - 1 -3 , 5 ; I - 3,5; J . 2; K - 1 ; L

- 1 -4 ; M - 2,5,8 , 1 0- 1 2 , 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2; 0 - 1 ; P

- 1 -3,7,9, 1 4 - 1 6 , 1 9 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,6,8-

1 3 ,20; T 1 -4 , 6 , 9, 1 1 , 1 4; Z - 1 -4 .

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (


Cz IX Western Plateau an d H ills .

C z IX. 1 - A - 1 -3,7 , 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5 , 1 8-20,22,25,27,29-32,

36-44, 8 . 1 - 4,6- 1 0, 1 2- 1 7 ; c . 1 - 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6, 1 8 -

20; D - 2- 8; E - 1 -5; F - 1 - 7,9; G - 1 , 3-9;

H - 1 -3,5; I - 1 - 5; J - 2 ; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4;

M - 2-6,9 - 1 4; N - 1 , 2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 -3,5,7-9,

1 4 - 1 6, 1 9 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5 - 1 5 , 1 8,20; T - 1-

4,6,7,9, 1 1 , 1 2, 1 4 ; z - 1 - 4.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Cz I X . 2 - A - 1 -3,7 , 1 0- 1 5, 1 8-22,25,27,29-44, 8 - 1 -4,6 - 1 0,

1 2 - 1 7; C - 1 - 1 3 , 1 5, 1 6, 1 8-20; D - 2-8; E - 1-

5; F - 1 -7,9; G - 3-8; H - 1 - 3,5; I - 1 - 5; J

- 2 ; K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4; M - 2-5,9- 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2; 0

- 1 ; P - 1 - 3,5,7,9, 1 4 - 1 6, 1 9 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5 -

20; T - 1 -4,6,7,9- 1 2 , 1 4; Z - 1 - 4 .

Cz IX. 3 - A - 1 -5,7, 1 0- 1 5, 1 8-20,22,25,2 7, 2 9 - 3 2 , 3 6 - 4 4 ,

8 - 1 -4,6- 1 0 , 1 2 - 1 7 ; C - 1 - 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6 , 1 8 -20; D -

2-8; E - 1 -5; F - 1 - 7,9; G - 3-9; H - 1 - 3,5;

I - 1 -5; J - 2; K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4; M - 2- 6,9 - 1 4 ;

N - 1 ,2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 - 3,5,7-9, 1 4 - 1 6, 1 9-2 1 ; R

- 1 ; S - 5 - 1 7 , 20; T - 1 -4,6,7,9 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 4 ; Z

- 1 -4.

1 83
Cz IX. 4 - A - 1 - 3 , 7 , 1 0 - 1 5 , 1 8-22,25,27,29-32,36-44, B -

2-4,6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 7 ; C - 1 - 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6, 1 8-20; D - 2-

8 , E - 1 - 5 ; F - 1 - 7,9; G - 3-9; H - 2 5 ; I - -

1 - 5; J - 2 ; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M - 2,5, 9 - 1 4 ; N -

1 , 2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 - 3,5,7,9, 1 4 , 1 6, 1 9 - 2 1 ; R - 1 ;

S - 5,6,8- 1 7 , 20; T - 1 - 4,6,7,9- 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 4 ; Z -

1 -4 .

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Cz X. Southern Plateau a n d Hills Region.

Cz X. 1 - A - 1 -3,6-8, 1 0 - 1 5, 1 9 - 2 2 , 2 5 , 2 7 -33,36-44, B -

1 - 4,6- 1 0 , 1 2 - 1 7 ; C - 1 - 1 1 , 1 3, 1 5-20; D - 2 - 8;

E - 1 -5; F - 1 - 7,9; G - 3-9; H - 1 -3,5; I -

1 ,3 - 5 ; J - 2 ; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M - 2-5,9- 1 4 ; N

- 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 -3,5,7-9, 1 4 - 1 6 , 1 9- 2 1 ; R -

1 ; S - 5,6,9-20; T - 1 - 7 ,9, 1 1 , 1 2, 1 4; Z - 1 -4 .

Cz X . 2 - A - 1 - 3,6-8, 1 0- 1 5, 1 9-22,25-44, B - 1 - 4,6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 7 ;

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

C - 1 - 1 1 , 1 3, 1 5, 1 6 , 1 8-20; D - 2-8; E - 1 -5; F

- 1 - 7 ,9 ; G - 3-9; H - 1 - 3,5; I - 3-5; J - 2;

K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 2-5,9 - 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1 ;

P - 1 - 3 , 5 , 7 - 9, 1 4 - 1 6 , 1 9 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,6,9-

2 0 ; T - 1 - 7,9 , 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 4; Z - 1 -4 .

Cz X. 3 - A - 1 - 3,6,8, 1 0 - 1 5 , 1 8 - 2 2 , 2 5 - 3 2 , 3 6 - 4 4 , B - 1 -

4 , 6 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 7 ; C - 1 - 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6 , 1 8-20; D - 2 -

8; E - 1 - 5; F - 1 - 7,9; G - 3-6,8,9; H - 1-

3,5; I - 3-5; J - 2; K - 1 ; L - l - 4; M - 2-

5 , 9- 1 4 ; N 1 ,2 · 0 - 1 ; P - 1 -3 , 5 , 7 - 9 , 1 4 -

1 6, 1 9 -2 1 ; R - l, S - 5, 6,9-20; T - 1-

6,9, 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 4 ; z - 1 -4 .

Cz X. 4 - A - 1 - 3 , 6- 1 5 , 1 8 - 2 2 , 2 5 , 2 7 - 3 3 , 3 6 - 4 4 , B - l - --i ,6 - 1 0 ,

1 2 - 1 7 ; C - l - 1 1 , 1 3, 1 5 , 1 6, 1 8-20; D - 2-8; E -

l -5; F - l - 7,9; G - 3-6,8,9; H - 2,3,5; I -

1 ,3-5; J - 2; K - 1 ; L - l - 4; M - 2 - 5 , 9 - 1 4; N

- 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1 ; IP - 1 -3,5,7-9, 1 4 - 1 6, 1 9- 2 1 ; R -

1 ; S - 5, 6,9-20; T - 1 -6,9, 1 1 , 1 4 ; Z - 1 - 4 .

Cz X. 5 - A - 1 -3 , 6 - 1 5 , 1 8-22,25,2 7,28,30-32,36-40, B -

1 -4,6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 6; C - 1 - 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 5, 1 6, 1 8-20; D -

2-8; E - 1 - 5 ; F - 1 - 7 , 9 ; G - 3-6,8,9; H -

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

2,3,5; I - 3-5; J - 2; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M - 2 -

5,9- 1 4; N - 1 , 2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 -3,5,7,9, 1 4 -

1 6, 1 9 - 2 1 ; R - 1; S - 5-20; T - 1 - 6 , 9 , 1 1 , 1 4 ; Z

- 1 -4 .

Cz X. 6 - A - 1 -3,6-8, 1 0- 1 5 , 1 9-22,25,27-33,36-44, B -

1 - 4,6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 7 ; C - 1 - 1 1 , 1 3 , 1 5 , 1 6 , 1 8-20; D -

2-8; E - 1 - 5 ; F - 1 - 7,9; G - 3-6,8,9; H - 1-

3,5; I - 1 - 5; J - 2; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M - 2-

5,9- 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 ,. 0 - 1 ; P - 1 -3,5,7,9, 1 4 -

1 6 , 1 9 - 2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5-20; T - 1 - 7 , 9, 1 1 , 1 4 ; Z

- 1 -4 .

Cz XI. East Coast Plains a n d Hills Region.

C z XI. 1 - A - 1 - 3,6-8, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3, 1 4 , 1 8 , 1 9-22,25-32,36-44,

8 - 1 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 6 ; C - 1 - 20; 0 - 1 - 8; E - 1 -5; F

- 1 -7,9; G - 1 - 6,8,9; H - 1 - 3,5; I - 3-5; J -

2; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M - 2-6,9- 1 4 ; N - 1 ; 0 -

1; P - 1 -3,5,7-9, 1 4, 1 6, 1 9-2 1 ; R - 1; S -

5,6,8-20; T - 1 -3 , 5 - 1 2, 1 4 ; Z - 1 -4 .

Cz X I . 2 - A - 1 , 3,6-8, 1 0- 1 5, 1 8-22,25-32,36-44, 8 - 1-

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

1 0 , 1 2- 1 7; C - 2-20; 0 - 1 - 8; E - 1 - 5; F . - 1 -

7,9; G - 1 - 6,8,9; H - 1 -3,5; I - 1 , 3-5; J -

2; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M - 2-6,9- 1 4 ; N - 1 ; 0 -

1; P - 1 - 3,5,7-9, 1 4 , 1 6 , 1 9- 2 1 ; R - 1; S -

5,6,8-20; T - 1 - 3,5- 1 2, 1 4 ; Z - 1 - 4 .

Cz X I . 3 - A - 1 - 3,6-8, 1 0- 1 5 , 1 8-22,25-32,36-44, 8 - 1-

1 0, 1 2 - 1 7 ; C - 1 - 20; D - 1 -8; E - 1 - 5; F -1-

7,9; G - 1 - 6,8,9; H - 1 -3,5; I - 1 ,3-5; J -

2; K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 2-6,9 - 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2: 0 -

1 ; P - 1 - 3,7-9 , 1 4 - 1 6 , 1 9 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,6,8-

20; T - 1 - 3, 5- 1 2 , 1 4 ; Z - 1 -4 .

Cz X I . 4 - A - 1 -3,6- 1 5, 1 8 - 2 2 ,25,27-32, 3 6 -4 4 , 8 - 1 - 1 0,

1 2 - 1 7; C - 1 -20; 0 - 1 - 8; E - 1 , 3-5; F - 1-

7,9; G - 1 - 6,8,9; H - 1 -3,5; I - 3-5; J - 2;

1 87
K - 1 ; l - 1 - 4 ; M - 2 - 6 ,9 - 1 4 ; N - 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1 ;

P - 1 - 3 , 7 - 9, 1 4 - 1 6, 1 9 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,6,8-20;

T - 1 -3,5- 1 2 , 1 4; Z - 1 -4 .

Cz X I . 5 - A - 1 - 3 ,6 - 1 5, 1 8 - 2 2 , 2 5 , 2 7 , 3 2 , 3 6 - 4 4 , 8 - 1 - 1 0, 1 2,

1 4 - 1 7 ; C - 1 -20; D - 1 - 8; E - 1 -5 ; F - 1 -7 , 9 ;

G - 1 -6,8,9; H . 1 - 3 , 5 ; I - 1 ,3- 5; J - 2 ; K -

1 ; l - 1 - 4 ; M - 2-6,9- 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 - 1 ; P -

1 - 3,7-9, 1 4 - 1 6, 1 9 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5-20; T -1-

3,5-9, 1 1 , 1 4 ; z - 1 - 4 .

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Cz X I . 6 - A - 1 - 3 , 6 - 1 5 , 1 8-22,25,2 7 - 3 2 3 6 - 4 4 , 8 - 1 - 1 0,

1 2 - 1 4 , 1 6 , 1 7 ; C - 1 - 20; D - 1 - 8; E - l -5; F -

1 - 7,9; G - 1 - 6,8,9; H - 1 - 3,5; I - 3 - 5 ; J -

2 ; K - 1 ; l - 1 -4 ; M - 2 - 6 , 9 - 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 -

1 ; P - 1 - 3 , 7 - 9 , 1 4 - 1 6 , 1 9 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5-20;

T - 1 -3 ,5 - 1 2 , 1 4 ; Z - 1 -4 .

1 88
Cz XII. West Coast Plains an d Ghat Region.

Cz X I I . 1 - A - 1 , 3 , 4 , 6 - 8 , 1 0 - 1 5 , 1 8-22,25,27-33,36-44, B -

1 - 1 0, 1 2- 1 7 ; C - 1 -20; D - 1 -8; E - 1 -5 ; F -

1 - 7,9; G - 1 -6,8; H - 2,3,5; I - 1 ,3-5; J -

2; K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4; M - 2-6,9- 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 -

1 ; P - 1 - 3,5, 7 - 9 , 1 4 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5-15,17-

20; T - 1 -4, 1 1 , 1 2 , 1 4; Z - 1 - 4 .

Cz X I I . 2 - A - 1 ,3,4,6- 1 5, 1 8-22,25,27-33,36-44, B - 1-

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

1 0, 1 2- 1 7; C - 1 - 20; D - 1 -8; E - 1 -3,5; F -

1 - 7,9; G - 1 - 6,8; H - 2,3,5; I - 1 , 3-5; J -

2; K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 2-6,9- 1 4 ; N - 1 ; 0 -

1; P - 1 -3,5,7-9, 1 4 - 2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,6,8-

1 3, 1 5-20; T - 1 - 1 1 , 1 4 ; Z - 1 - 4 .

Cz XII. 3 - A - 1 ,3,4,6-8,1 0- 1 5, 1 8 - 2 2 , 2 5 , 2 7 - 3 3 , 3 6 - 4 4 , B -

1 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 7; C - 1 - 20; D - 1 - 8; E - 1 -5 ; F -

1 - 7,9; G - 1 - 6,8; H - 1 -3,5; I - l - 5 ; J - 2;

K - 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M - 2-6,9 - 1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 - 1 ;

P - 1 -3,5, 7 - 9, 1 4 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,8-20; T -

1 - 1 1 , 1 4; z - 1 -4 .

Cz X I I . 4 - A - 1 ,3,4,6- 1 5, 1 8- 22,25,2 7-33,36-44, B - 1-

1 0, 1 2 - 1 7; C - 1 - 20; D - 1 -8 ; E - 1 - 5 ; F - 1 -

7,9; G - 1 - 6,8; H - 2,3,5; I - 1 -5; J - 2 ; K

1 89
- l ; L - l -4 ; M - 2-6,9- 1 4; N - 1 , 2 ; 0 - 1 ; P

- 1 -3 , 5 , 7 - 9, 1 4 - 2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5-20; T - 1 -9 ,

1 1 , 1 2 , 1 4 ; z - 1 -4 .

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (


'\ 88

Cz XIII. Gujarat Plains and Hill Region.

Cz X l l l . l - A - 1 -6 , 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5, 1 8,20,22,25,27,29-32,36-

4�, B - 1 -4 , 6 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 7; C - 2-20 ; D - 2 -8 ;

E - 1 -5; F - 1 - 7 ,9; G - 3-9; H - 1 -3 , 5 ; I -

1 ,3-5; J - 2 ; K - 1 ; L - l - 4; M - 2,3,5,6,9-

1 4 ; N - 1 ; 0 - 1 , P - 1 - 3,5,7-9, 1 4 - 2 1 ; R - 1 ;

S - 5,6 8- 1 4 , 1 7 - 2 0 , T - 1 -4,6 - 1 2 , 1 4 ; Z - 1 -4.

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

'Cz X l l l . 2 - A - 1 - 6, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5, 1 8,20,2 2 , 2 5 , 2 7 , 2 9 - 3 2 , 3 6 -

4 4 , B - 1 -4 , 6 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 7; C - 2 - 1 8; D - 2 - 8 ;

E - 1 - 5 ; F - 1 - 7,9; G - 3-5,9; H - 1 -3,5; I -

1 , 3- 5 ; J - 2 ; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4; M - 2,3,5,6,9-

1 4; N - 1 ; 0 - 1; p . 1 - 3 , 5 I 7 - 9 I 1 4-2 1 ; R - 1 ;

S - 5 , 6 . 8- 1 4 , 1 6 , 1 7,20; T - 1 -4 , 6- 1 2 , 1 4; Z -

1 -4.

C z X l l l .3 - A - 1 - 6, 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5 , 1 8,20,22,25,27,29-32,36-

4 4 , B - 2-4,6- 1 0 , 1 2- 1 4 , 1 7 ; C - 2-20 ; D - 2-8;

E - 1, 3-6,8,9; F - 1 - 7,9; G - 3-9; H -

2,3,5; I - 3 - 5 ; J - 2 ; K - 1 ; L - 1 -4 ; M -

2,3,5,6,9 - 1 4 ; N - 1 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 -3,5,7-9, 1 4-

2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 5,6. 8 - 1 4 , 1 6 , 1 7,20 ; T - 1 -4 , 6 -

1 2, 1 4 ; Z - 1 -4 .

Cz X l l 1 .4 - A - 1 - 6 , 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5,20, 2 2 , 2 5 , 2 7 , 2 9 - 3 2 , 3 6 - 4 4 ,

B - 1 , 6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 7 ; C - 2 - 2 0 ; D - 2 - 8 ; E -

1 - 5 ; F - 1 - 7,9; G - 3-9; H - 1 -3,5; I - 1 ,3 -

5 ; J - 2; K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 2,3,5,6,9 - 1 4 ; N

- 1 I2I· 0 - 1 I· P - 1 -3 I 5 I 7 -9 I 1 4 -2 1 I· R - 1 I· S -

5,6,9- 1 3 , 1 5 - 1 7,20; T - 1 - 4,6,8, 1 2 , 1 4 ; Z -

1 -4.

Cz X I I I . S - A - 1 - 6 , 1 0 , 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5, 1 8,20, 2 2 , 2 5 , 2 7 , 2 9 - 3 2 ,36-

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

44, B - 1 , 6 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 7; C - 2-20; D - 2-8; E

- 1 -5, F - 1 - 7 ,9; G - 3-9; H - 1 , 3,5; I -

1 ,3 - 5 ; J - 2 ; K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 2,3,5,6,9-

1 4; N - 1 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 -3,5,7-9, 1 4 - 2 1 ; R - 1;

S - 5,6,9 - 1 3, 1 5 - 1 7 , 20; T - 1 -4 , 6 , 8 - 1 2 , 1 4 ; Z

- 1 -4 .

Cz X l l l . 6 - A - 1 -6 , 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5 , 1 8,20, 2 2 , 2 5 , 2 7 - 3 2 , 3 6 - 4 4 ,

B - 1 -3 , 6 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 7 ; C - 2 - 2 0 ; D - 2 - 8; E -

1 -5; F - 1 - 7,9, G - 3 - 5 , 9 ; H - 1 - 3,5; I -

1 , 3-5; J - 2; K - 1 ; L - 1 - 4 ; M - 2,3,5,6,9-

1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 - 3 , 5 , 7 - 9 , 1 4 -2 1 ; R -

1; S - 5,6,9- 1 3, 1 5-20; T - 1 - 4 , 6 - 1 2 , 1 4 ; Z -

1 -4.

Cz X 1 1 1 . 7 - A - 1 , 3 - 7 , 1 0, 1 1 , 1 3 - 1 5 , 1 8,20 , 2 2 , 2 5 , 2 7 - 3 2 , 3 6 -

44, B - 1 , 2 , 6 - 1 0, 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 6, 1 7 ; C - 2 - 2 0 ; D -

2-8; E - l - 5; F - l - 7,9; G - 3-9; H - 1 - 3; I

- 3-5; J - 2; K - 1 ; l - l - 4 ; � - 2,3,5,6,9-

1 4 ; N - 1 ,2 ; 0 - 1 ; P - l - 3,5,7-9, 1 4 - 2 1 ; R -

1 ; S - 5,6,9- 1 3, 1 5 - 1 7,20; T - l -4 , 6 - 1 2, 1 4; Z

- 1 -4 .

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Cz XIV. Western Dry Region

Cz XIV. - A

4 1 ,44; 8 - 1 - 3,6- 1 0, 1 2 - 1 4 , 1 7 ; c - 2- 5, 1 3, 1 8;

D - 2,5,8; E - 2 - 5 ; F - 1 -7,9; G - 3,4,9 ; H -

2-5; I - 3,5; L - 3,4; M - 2,5, 1 4 ; N - 1 I 0 -

1; P - 2 , 7 , 9, 1 5 -2 1 ; R - 1 ; S - 6,8, 1 0 -

1 2 , 1 5,20; T - 1 - 4,6,9, 1 4; Z - 1 - 4 .

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

• n"
Cz XV. The island Region.

(Andaman, Nicobar And Lakshadwee�)

Cz XV. - A - 1 -3 , 5 - 7 , 9- 1 3, 1 8-20,22,24,25,27,30-32,37-

44, B - 1 - 1 0, 1 2- 1 7; C - 1 - 20; D - 1 -8; E - 1 -

6; F - 1 - 7,9; G - 1 - 9; H - 1 -3,5; I - 1 -5; J

-14; N -
- 2 ; K - 1 ; L - 1 ,4 ; M - 1 -3,5 ,6,8

1; R - 1, S -
1 , 2; 0 - 1 ; P - 1 - 3,5- 9 , 1 2 , 1 5-2

- 1 -4 .
1 ,5,6 ,8, 1 5 - 1 8,2 0; T - 1 - 1 4 Z

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (



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(Berlin). 44 296-302.

Yunus M and K.J. Ahmad (1 979). LJse of epidermal tra1ts of plants tn pollution monitoring
Proc of Nat Sem on Env1ron Pollut. and Its Control. A Status Review. National
Productivtty Council. Bombay.
Yunus, M and K J Ahmed (1 980). Effect of air pollution on leaf epidermis of Psidium
guava L. Indian J Air. Pollut Contr 3 : 62-67

Yunus. M. and KJ Ahmad (1981) Changes i n cuticular and eptdermal features of

Calotropis procera 1Ascl. eptadaceae) due to a1r pollution. J. Bioi. 1 0 (2 and 3) 275-282.

Yusuf. M. and L.N. Vyas 1 982). Efect of cement dust pollution on some se ected plant
species growtng around uda1pur cement works Bajaj Nagar. Udaipur. Presented at the All
India Seminar on Air pollut1on Apr; 1 982. ndore.

Zeevart, A.J. (1 976 Some effects of fumigating plants for short periods with N02.
Envtron. Pollut. 1 1 : 97- 108.

Some of the Important Literature in the subject referred

I n addttion to the Reference Ltst, the following were offerred extensively as sources of

ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

Atr Pollution and Plants: A State-of-The-Art-Report. Ed. Subramanyam G V D.N. Rao
C K Varshney and D K Btswas: Mintstry of Envtron. and Forests, Govt of India. 1985 pp
1 93.

Effects of Air Pollutants on Plants Ed. T.A. Mansf1eld. Society for Expenmental Series 1
Cambridge Univ. Press. 1 976.

Flora of Eastern Karnataka. Vol. I. II by N P Singh. Mittal Publ Delhi, 1988 pp 794.

Flora of Coibatore. M. Chandrabose and N.C Natr, Publ. Bishan Stngh Mahaendral Pal
Stngh Oehradun. 1 988 pp 398.

Flora of the Prestdency of Bombay by Theordore Cooke Vol I . I I . I l l . pp. 1 -649. Publ. by
BSI. Calcutta 1901 , 1 902, 1 903.

Glossary of Indian Medictnal Plants . R N Chopra. S.L. Nayar: I 0 Chopra. CSIR New
Delht 1 956 pp. 329.

Indian Medicinal Plants. Vol. I , II by K.R. Kirt.kar, B.D. Basu, Published by Sudhindra Nath
Basu, 1 9 1 8 pp. 1 4 1 9.

Name changes tn Flowering Plants of ndia and adjacent regions. SSR Bennet; Triseas
Publishers, Dehradu, 1 987 pp 772.

Presepectives in Botanical Museums with Reference to lnd1a V.S. Agarwal; Today and
Tommorrows Publ. New De '11 1 983.

Trees for Drylands Ed. By Drake Hock ng Publ. by Mohan Primalani Oxford IBH New
ENVIS Centre, CPCB (

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