Big Data Analytics

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Big Data Analytics

Tools and Technology for Effective Planning

Chapman & Hall/CRC
Big Data Series

Sanjay Ranka


This series aims to present new research and applications in Big Data, along with the computa-
tional tools and techniques currently in development. The inclusion of concrete examples and
applications is highly encouraged. The scope of the series includes, but is not limited to, titles in the
areas of social networks, sensor networks, data-centric computing, astronomy, genomics, medical
data analytics, large-scale e-commerce, and other relevant topics that may be proposed by poten-
tial contributors.

Matthias Dehmer and Frank Emmert-Streib
Matthias Dehmer, Frank Emmert-Streib, Stefan Pickl, and Andreas Holzinger
Vivek Kale
Kuan-Ching Li, Hai Jiang, Laurence T. Yang, and Alfredo Cuzzocrea
Kuan-Ching Li, Hai Jiang, and Albert Y. Zomaya
Arun K. Somani and Ganesh Chandra Deka
My T. Thai, Weili Wu, and Hui Xiong
Chao Wang
Shui Yu, Xiaodong Lin, Jelena Mišić, and Xuemin (Sherman) Shen
Big Data Analytics
Tools and Technology for Effective Planning

Edited by
Arun K. Somani
Ganesh Chandra Deka
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742

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Library of Congress Cataloging‑in‑Publication Data

Names: Somani, Arun K., author. | Deka, Ganesh Chandra, 1969- author.
Title: Big data analytics : tools and technology for effective planning / [edited by] Arun K. Somani, Ganesh
Chandra Deka.
Description: Boca Raton : CRC Press, [2018] | Series: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press big data series | Includes
bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017016514| ISBN 9781138032392 (hardcover : acid-free paper) | ISBN 9781315391250
(ebook) | ISBN 9781315391243 (ebook) | ISBN 9781315391236 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Big data.
Classification: LCC QA76.9.B45 B548 2018 | DDC 005.7--dc23
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Preface............................................................................................................................................. vii
About the Editors............................................................................................................................ix

1. Challenges in Big Data........................................................................................................... 1

Pothireddy Venkata Lakshmi Narayana Rao, Pothireddy Siva Abhilash, and PS Pavan Kumar

2. Challenges in Big Data Analytics...................................................................................... 37

Balamurugan Balusamy, Vegesna Tarun Sai Varma, and Sohil Sri Mani Yeshwanth Grandhi

3. Big Data Reference Model................................................................................................... 55

Kevin Berwind, Andrei Voronov, Matthias Schneider, Marco Bornschlegl, Felix Engel,
Michael Kaufmann, and Matthias Hemmje

4. A Survey of Tools for Big Data Analytics......................................................................... 75

K. G. Srinivasa, Zeeshan Ahmad, Nabeel Siddiqui, and Abhishek Kumar

5. Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics...................................... 93

Mayank Mishra, Pratik Mishra, and Arun K. Somani

6. Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics................................................................ 117

Mydhili K. Nair, Arjun Rao, and Mipsa Patel

7. Deep Learning for Engineering Big Data Analytics.................................................... 151

Kin Gwn Lore, Daniel Stoecklein, Michael Davies, Baskar Ganapathysubramanian,
and Soumik Sarkar

8. A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems......... 167

Jacqueline Cope, Leandros A. Maglaras, Francois Siewe, Feng Chen, and Helge Janicke

9. Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software

Foundation Tools................................................................................................................. 195
Gouri Ginde, Rahul Aedula, Snehanshu Saha, Archana Mathur, Sudeepa Roy Dey,
Gambhire Swati Sampatrao, and BS Daya Sagar

10. Storing and Analyzing Streaming Data: A Big Data Challenge............................... 229
Devang Swami, Sampa Sahoo, and Bibhudatta Sahoo

11. Big Data Cluster Analysis: A Study of Existing Techniques and Future
Directions.............................................................................................................................. 247
Piyush Lakhawat and Arun K. Somani

12. Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics.................................................. 267

Adil Omari, Juan José Choquehuanca Zevallos, and Roberto Díaz Morales

vi Contents

13. Enhanced Feature Mining and Classifier Models to Predict Customer Churn
for an e-Retailer................................................................................................................... 293
Karthik B. Subramanya and Arun K. Somani

14. Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities

within Knowledge Graphs................................................................................................ 311
Mahmoud Elbattah, Mohamed Roushdy, Mostafa Aref, and Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem

15. Big Data Analytics for Connected Intelligence with the Internet of Things......... 335
Mohammad Samadi Gharajeh

16. Big Data-Driven Value Chains and Digital Platforms: From Value
Co-creation to Monetization............................................................................................. 355
Roberto Moro Visconti, Alberto Larocca, and Michele Marconi

17. Distant and Close Reading of Dutch Drug Debates in Historical

Newspapers: Possibilities and Challenges of Big Data Analysis in Historical
Public Debate Research...................................................................................................... 373
Berrie van der Molen and Toine Pieters

Index.............................................................................................................................................. 391

Three central questions concerning Big Data are how to classify Big Data, what are the
best methods for managing Big Data, and how to accurately analyze Big Data. Although
various methods exist to answer these questions, no single or globally accepted methodol-
ogy is recognized to perform satisfactorily on all data and can be accepted since Big Data
Analytics tools have to deal with the large variety and large scale of data sets. For example,
some of the use cases of Big Data Analytics tools include real-time intelligence, data dis-
covery, and business reporting. These all present a different challenge.
This edited volume, titled Big Data Analytics: Tools and Technology for Effective Planning,
deliberates upon these various aspects of Big Data Analytics for effective planning. We
start with Big Data challenges and a reference model, and then dwell into data mining,
algorithms, and storage methods. This is followed by various technical facets of Big Data
analytics and some application areas.
Chapter 1 and 2 discuss Big Data challenges. Chapter 3 presents the Big Data reference
model. Chapter 4 covers Big Data analytic tools.
Chapters 5 to 9 focus on the various advanced Big Data mining technologies and
Big Data storage is an important and very interesting topic for researchers. Hence, we
have included a chapter on Big Data storage technology (Chapter 10).
Chapters 11 to 14 consider the various technical facets of Big Data analytics such as non-
linear feature extraction, enhanced feature mining, classifier models to predict customer
churn for an e-retailer, and large-scale entity clustering on knowledge graphs for topic
discovery and exploration.
In the Big Data world, driven by the Internet of Things (IoT), a majority of the data is gen-
erated by IoT devices. Chapter 15 and Chapter 16 discuss two application areas: connected
intelligence and traffic analysis, respectively. Finally, Chapter 17 is about the possibilities
and challenges of Big Data analysis in humanities research.
We are confident that the book will be a valuable addition to the growing knowledge
base, and will be impactful and useful in providing information on Big Data analytics
tools and technology for effective planning. As Big Data becomes more intrusive and per-
vasive, there will be increasing interest in this domain. It is our hope that this book will
not only showcase the current state of art and practice but also set the agenda for future
directions in the Big Data analytics domain.

About the Editors

Arun K. Somani is currently serving as associate dean for research for the College of
Engineering and Anson Marston Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at Iowa State University. Somani’s research interests are in the areas of
dependable and high-performance system design, algorithms, and architecture; wave-
length-division multiplexing-based optical networking; and image-based navigation tech-
niques. He has published more than 300 technical papers, several book chapters, and one
book, and has supervised more than 70 MS and more than 35 PhD students. His research
has been supported by several projects funded by the industry, the National Science
Foundation (NSF), and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). He
was the lead designer of an antisubmarine warfare system for the Indian navy, a Meshkin
fault-tolerant computer system architecture for the Boeing Company, a Proteus multicom-
puter cluster-based system for the Coastal Navy, and a HIMAP design tool for the Boeing
Commercial Company. He was awarded the Distinguished Engineer member grade of
the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) in 2006, and elected Fellow of IEEE in
1999 for his contributions to “theory and applications of computer networks.” He was also
elected as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
in 2012.

Ganesh Chandra Deka is currently deputy director of Training at Directorate General

of Training, Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Government of India,
New Delhi, India. His research interests include e-governance, Big Data analytics, NoSQL
databases, and vocational education and training. He has authored two books on cloud
computing published by LAP Lambert (Germany). He has also coauthored four text-
books on computer science, published by Moni Manik Prakashan (India). So far he has
edited seven books (four for IGI Global, three for CRC Press) on Big Data, NoSQL, and
cloud computing, and authored seven book chapters. He has published eight research
papers in various reputed journals (two for IEEE, one for Elsevier). He was also guest
editor of three special issues of reputed indexed international journals. He has published
nearly 50 research papers for various IEEE conferences, and organized 8 IEEE International
Conferences as technical chair in India. He is a member of the editorial board and reviewer
for various journals and international conferences. He is a member of IEEE, the Institution
of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India; and associate member of the
Institution of Engineers, India.


Pothireddy Siva Abhilash Jacqueline Cope

Southern New Hampshire University School of Computer Science and
Manchester, New Hampshire Informatics De Montfort University
Leicester, United Kingdom
Rahul Aedula
PESIT Bangalore South Campus Michael Davies
Bangalore, India Department of Computer Science
Iowa State University
Zeeshan Ahmad Ames, Iowa
SAP Labs India Pvt Ltd
Bengaluru, India Sudeepa Roy Dey
PESIT Bangalore South Campus
Mostafa Aref Bangalore, India
Faculty of Computer and Information
Sciences Mahmoud Elbattah
Ain Shams University College of Engineering and Informatics
Cairo, Egypt National University of Ireland
Galway, Ireland
Balamurugan Balusamy
School of Information Technology Felix Engel
Vellore Institute of Technology Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India Science
University of Hagen
Kevin Berwind Hagen, Germany
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Science Baskar Ganapathysubramanian
University of Hagen Department of Computer Science
Hagen, Germany Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
Marco Bornschlegl
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Mohammad Samadi Gharajeh
Science Young Researchers and Elite Club
University of Hagen Tabriz Branch
Hagen, Germany Islamic Azad University
Tabriz, Iran
Feng Chen
School of Computer Science and Informatics Gouri Ginde
De Montfort University PESIT Bangalore South Campus
Leicester, United Kingdom Bangalore, India

xii Contributors

Matthias Hemmje Michele Marconi

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Department of Life and Environmental
Science Sciences
University of Hagen Università Politecnica delle Marche
Hagen, Germany Ancona, Italy

Helge Janicke Archana Mathur

School of Computer Science and PESIT Bangalore South Campus
Informatics Bangalore, India
De Montfort University
Leicester, United Kingdom Mayank Mishra
Department of Electrical and Computer
Michael Kaufmann Engineering
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences Iowa State University
and Arts School of Information Ames, Iowa
Zug-Rotkreuz, Switzerland Pratik Mishra
Department of Electrical and Computer
Abhishek Kumar Engineering
JP Morgan Iowa State University
Bengaluru, India Ames, Iowa

PS Pavan Kumar Roberto Díaz Morales

Sri Paladugu Parvathidevi Engineering University Carlos III (UC3M)
College and Technology Madrid, Spain
Andhra Pradesh, India
Mydhili K. Nair
Piyush Lakhawat Department of Information Science and
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Iowa State University Bangalore, India
Ames, Iowa
Adil Omari
Alberto Larocca Department of Computer Science
Head of R&D Cosmo Ltd. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Accra, Ghana Madrid, Spain

Kin Gwn Lore Mipsa Patel

Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Computer Science and
Iowa State University Engineering
Ames, Iowa M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Bangalore, India
Leandros A. Maglaras
School of Computer Science and Toine Pieters
Informatics Descartes Centre for the History and
De Montfort University Philosophy of the Sciences and the Arts
Leicester, United Kingdom Freudenthal Institute
Utrecht University
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Contributors xiii

Arjun Rao Soumik Sarkar

Department of Information Science and Department of Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Iowa State University
M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology Ames, Iowa
Bangalore, India
Matthias Schneider
Pothireddy Venkata Lakshmi Narayana Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Rao Science
Kampala International University University of Hagen
Kampala, Uganda Hagen, Germany

Mohamed Roushdy Francois Siewe

Faculty of Computer and Information School of Computer Science and
Sciences Informatics
Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt De Montfort University
Leicester, United Kingdom
BS Daya Sagar
Indian Statistical Institute Nabeel Siddiqui
Bangalore, India Sr. Developer SAP LABS INDIA PVT LTD
Snehanshu Saha
PESIT Bangalore South Campus Arun K. Somani
Bangalore, India Department of Electrical and Computer
Bibhudatta Sahoo Iowa State University
Department of Computer Science and Ames, Iowa
National Institute of Technology Rourkela K. G. Srinivasa
Rourkela, Odisha, India Department of Information Technology
CBP Government Engineering College
Sampa Sahoo New Delhi, India
Department of Computer Science and
Engineering Daniel Stoecklein
National Institute of Technology Rourkela Department of Mechanical Engineering
Rourkela, Odisha, India Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem
Faculty of Computer and Information Karthik B. Subramanya
Department of Electrical and Computer
Ain Shams University Cairo, Egypt
Iowa State University
Ames, Iowa
Gambhire Swati Sampatrao
PESIT Bangalore South Campus
Devang Swami
Bangalore, India
Department of Computer Science and
National Institute of Technology Rourkela
Rourkela, Odisha, India
xiv Contributors

Berrie van der Molen Andrei Voronov

Descartes Centre for the History and Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Philosophy of the Sciences and the Arts Science
Freudenthal Institute University of Hagen
Utrecht University Hagen, Germany
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Sohil Sri Mani Yeshwanth Grandhi
Vegesna Tarun Sai Varma School of Information Technology
School of Information Technology Vellore Institute of Technology
Vellore Institute of Technology Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India
Juan José Choquehuanca Zevallos
Roberto Moro Visconti University Carlos III (UC3M)
Department of Business Administration Madrid, Spain
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Coure
Milan, Italy
Challenges in Big Data

Pothireddy Venkata Lakshmi Narayana Rao,

Pothireddy Siva Abhilash, and PS Pavan Kumar

Goals and Challenges of Analyzing Big Data......................................................................... 2
Paradigm Shifts...........................................................................................................................3
Organization of This Paper........................................................................................................4
Algorithms for Big Data Analytics........................................................................................... 4
k-Means.................................................................................................................................... 4
Classification Algorithms: k-NN..........................................................................................5
Application of Big Data: A Case Study.................................................................................... 5
Economics and Finance.........................................................................................................5
Other Applications.................................................................................................................6
Salient Features of Big Data............................................................................................................ 7
Noise Accumulation...................................................................................................................8
Spurious Correlation................................................................................................................... 9
Coincidental Endogeneity........................................................................................................ 11
Impact on Statistical Thinking................................................................................................. 13
Independence Screening.......................................................................................................... 15
Dealing with Incidental Endogeneity.................................................................................... 16
Impact on Computing Infrastructure..................................................................................... 17
Literature Review........................................................................................................................... 19
MapReduce................................................................................................................................ 19
Cloud Computing.....................................................................................................................22
Impact on Computational Methods.......................................................................................22
First-Order Methods for Non-Smooth Optimization........................................................... 23
Dimension Reduction and Random Projection.................................................................... 24
Future Perspectives and Conclusion........................................................................................... 27
Existing Methods....................................................................................................................... 27
Proposed Methods......................................................................................................................... 29
Probabilistic Graphical Modeling........................................................................................... 29
Mining Twitter Data: From Content to Connections........................................................... 29
Late Work: Location-Specific Tweet Detection and Topic Summarization
in Twitter............................................................................................................................... 29
Tending to Big Data Challenges in Genome Sequencing and RNA Interaction
Single-Cell Genome Sequencing........................................................................................ 30

2 Big Data Analytics

RNA Structure and RNA–RNA Association Expectation............................................... 30

Identifying Qualitative Changes in Living Systems............................................................ 31
Acknowledgments......................................................................................................................... 31
References....................................................................................................................................... 31
Additional References for Researchers and Advanced Readers for Further Reading.........34
Key Terminology and Definitions...............................................................................................34

Enormous data guarantee new levels of investigative disclosure and financial quality.
What is new about Big Data and how they vary from the conventional little or medium-
scale information? This paper outlines the open doors and difficulties brought by Big Data,
with accentuation on the recognized elements of Big Data and measurable and computa-
tional technique and in addition registering engineering to manage them.

We are entering the time of Big Data, a term that alludes to the blast of data now accessible.
Such a Big Data development is driven by the way that gigantic measures of h­ igh-dimensional
or unstructured information are consistently delivered and are presented in a much less
“­luxurious” format than they used to be. For instance, in genomics we have seen an enor-
mous drop in costs for sequencing of an entire genome [1]. This is likewise valid in many
different scientific areas, for example, online network examination, biomedical imaging,
high-recurrence money transactions, investigation of reconnaissance recordings, and retail
deals. The current pattern for these vast amounts of information to be delivered and stored in
an inexpensive manner is likely to keep up or even quicken in the future [2]. This pattern will
have a profound effect on science, designing, and business. For instance, logical advances are
turning out to be increasingly information driven, and specialists will increasingly consider
themselves customers of information. The monstrous measures of high-dimensional infor-
mation convey both open doors and new difficulties to information examination. Substantial
measurable investigations for Big Data handling are turning out to be progressively essential.

Goals and Challenges of Analyzing Big Data

What are the purposes of violation depressed Big Data? As per Fan and Lu [3], two principal
objectives of high-dimensional information investigation are to create powerful strategies that
can precisely anticipate the future perceptions and in the meantime gain ­understanding into
the relationship between the elements and reactions for experimental purposes. In addition,
because of the extensive specimen size, Big Data offers an ascent to two more objectives: to
comprehend heterogeneity and shared traits across various subpopulations.
At the end of the day, Big Data gives guarantees for:

1. Investigating the shrouded structures of every subpopulation of the information,

which is generally not possible and may even be dealt with as “exceptions” when
the specimen size is small; and
2. Extricating imperative regular elements across numerous subpopulations not-
withstanding the expansive individual varieties of data.
Challenges in Big Data 3

What are the difficulties of investigating Big Data? Big Data is portrayed by high dimen-
sionality and substantial specimen size. These two elements raise three one-of-a-kind

1. High dimensionality brings clamor gathering, spurious relationships, and coinci-

dental homogeneity;
2. High dimensionality consolidated with vast specimen size brings additional con-
siderations, for example, regarding substantial computational expense and algo-
rithmic flimsiness;
3. The gigantic examples in Big Data are regularly totaled from various sources at
various times, utilizing distinctive advances. This creates issues regarding hetero-
geneity, trial varieties, and factual predispositions and obliges us to employ more
versatile and hardy methodologies.

Paradigm Shifts
To handle the troubles of Big Data, we require new quantifiable derivation and computa-
tional techniques. As an example, various standard systems that perform well for moderate
test sizes don’t scale to enormous amounts of data. Basically, various truthful methodolo-
gies that perform well for low-dimensional data are going up against basic troubles in
separating high-dimensional data. To plot effective, truthful strategies for exploring and
anticipating Big Data, we need to address Big Data issues, for instance, heterogeneity, hul-
labaloo gathering, spurious connections, and fortuitous endogeneity, despite changing the
quantifiable precision and computational profitability.
With respect to exactness, estimation diminishment, and variable determination are crit-
ical parts in exploring high-dimensional data. We will address these disturbing, building
issues. As a case in point, in a high-dimensional portrayal, Fan and Fan [4] and Pittelkow
and Ghosh [5] reported that a standard course of action using all parts plays out no bet-
ter than any subjective guess, due to racket gathering. This induces new regularization
methods [6–10] and without question calls for self-sufficiency screening [11–13]. In addi-
tion, high dimensionality presents spurious connections between responses and arbitrary
covariates, which may incite wrong truthful reasoning and false exploratory conclusions
[14]. High dimensionality also give rise to adventitious endogeneity, a wonder that various
irregular covariates may obviously be connected with the remaining tumults. The endoge-
neity makes true inclinations and causes model determination inconsistency that can lead
to wrong trial exposures [15,16]. In any case, most true techniques rely upon suspicious
exogenous suppositions that can’t be endorsed by data (see our discussion of unplanned
endogeneity region, below) [17]).
New quantifiable frameworks in light of these issues are basically required. As for effi-
ciency, Big Data convinces the headway of new computational base and data stockpiling
procedures. Streamlining is consistently a mechanical assembly, not a target, for Big Data
examination. Such a perspective change has provoked colossal advances on upgrades of
speedy configurations that are versatile to handle huge data amounts with high dimen-
sionality. This fabricates cross-mediations for different fields, including bits of knowledge,
change, and applied mathematics. As a case in point, Donoho and Elad [18] showed that
the nondeterministic polynomial–time hard (NP-hard) best subset backslide can be recast
as an L1-standard rebuffed smallest-squares issue, which can be comprehended within a
point procedure.
4 Big Data Analytics

Elective figurings to animate this L1-standard rebuffed smallest-squares issues, for

instance, least edge backslide [19], edge incline dive [20], coordinate drop [21,22], and itera-
tive shrinkage-thresholding computations [23,24], are proposed. Other than limitless scale
upgrade counts, Big Data in a like manner stirs the progression of majorization–minimization
computations [25–27], “extensive-scale screening and little-scale streamlining” framework
[28], parallel figuring strategies [29–31], and evaluated estimations that are versatile to tre-
mendous sample sizes.

Organization of This Paper

The next section focuses on analytics to handle the increases in Big Data [32] and outlines
the issue from the perspectives of science, urban planning, and social science. The salient
features of the Big Data portion of this chaper clear up some unique segments of Big Data
and their consequences for quantifiable conclusions. Quantifiable strategies that handle
these Big Data issues are discussed in the section on impact on truthful considering [33].
The impact on enrolling base section gives an outline on a flexible figuring base for Big
Data stockpiling and taking care of it. The section on the impact on computational meth-
ods covers the computational pieces of Big Data and introduces some recent advances.
Finally, we present our conclusions and anticipated future directions.

Algorithms for Big Data Analytics

What does it do? k-Means implies k bunches from a group of articles arranged so that the
individuals from a gathering are more comparable. It is a prevalent bunch examination
system for investigating a data set. What is bunch investigation? Bunch investigation is a
group of calculations intended to shape gatherings such that the gathered individual data
are more comparative versus nonbunch individuals. Bunches and gatherings are synony-
mous in the realm of group examination. Is there a case for this? Certainly, assuming we
have a data set of patients. In group examination, these are called perceptions. We know
different things about every patient, like age, heartbeat, pulse, VO2(max), cholesterol, and
so forth [34]. This is a vector speaking to the patient.
You can essentially think about a vector as a rundown of numbers we consider about
the patient. This rundown can likewise be deciphered as directions in multidimensional
space. Heartbeat can be one measurement, pulse another measurement, etc.
You may ponder, given this arrangement of vectors, how would we group together
patients that have comparable age, beat, circulation strains, and so on? We need to know
the best part.
k-implies determines what number of bunches you need. k-implies can deal with the
rest. How does k-implies deal with the rest? k-implies has heaps of varieties to enhance for
specific sorts of information. At an abnormal state, they all accomplish something like this:

1. k-implies picks foci in multidimensional space to speak to each of the k groups.

These are called centroids.
2. Every patient will be nearest to one of these k centroids. They ideally will not all be
nearest to the same one, so they can shape a group around their closest centroid.
3. What we have then are k bunches, and every patient is considered an individual
from a group.
Challenges in Big Data 5

4. k-implies then finds the inside for each of the k groups in light of its bunch indi-
viduals (correct, utilizing the patient vectors).
5. This focus turns into the new centroid for the bunch.
6. Since the centroid is in a better place now, patients may now be nearer to different
centroids. At the end of the day, they may change bunch enrollment.
7. Steps 2 to 6 are rehashed until the centroids change no more and the bunch enroll-
ments balance out. This is called meeting.

Is it safe to say whether this is managed or unsupervised? It depends, yet most would
group the k-implies as unsupervised. Other than determining the quantity of groups,
k-signifies “takes in” the bunches all alone with no data about which group a percep-
tion has a place. k-means can be semidirected. Why use k-implies? I don’t think many
researchers will have an issue with this [35]. The key offering purpose of k-means is its
straightforwardness. Its straightforwardness means it is for the most part quicker and
more proficient than other calculations, particularly over huge data sets. It shows signs of
k-means can be utilized to prebunch an enormous data set after a more costly group
investigation on the subgroups. k-means can likewise be utilized to quickly “play” with k
and investigate whether there are disregarded examples or connections in the data set. It’s
not all smooth cruising.
Two key shortcomings of k-means are its vulnerability to anomalies and its vulnerabil-
ity to the underlying decision of centroids. One last thing to remember is that k-means
are intended to work on ceaseless information; one will have to run a few iterations to
motivate it to chip away at discrete information [36]. Where is it utilized? A huge amount
of executions for k-implies grouping are accessible online, through the programs Apache
Mahout, Julia, R, SciPy, Weka, MATLAB, and SAS.
If decision trees and clustering do not impress you, you are going to love the next

Classification Algorithms: k-NN

The k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier is a standout among the most surely under-
stood techniques in information mining, on account of its viability and effortlessness.
Nonetheless, it does not have the versatility to oversee enormous data sets. The funda-
mental issues found for managing vast scales of information are runtimes and memory

Application of Big Data: A Case Study

Economics and Finance
Over the previous decade, more undertakings accepted the data-driven approach
to management that was more centered around organizations, decreasing risks and
improving execution. The undertakings are executing specific data examination tasks
to accumulate, store, regulate, and separate tremendous data sets to the extent of
sources to perceive key business bits of learning that can be handled to support better
essential initiatives. As a case in point, available cash-related data sources join stock
costs, coin, and subordinate trades, trade records, high-repeat trades, unstructured
6 Big Data Analytics

news and compositions, clients’ sureness, and business sentiments secured in Web
system administration and the Web, among others. Separating these immense data
sets helps to measure a firm’s perils and, furthermore, methodical threats. It requires
specialists who are familiar with advanced real frameworks in a portfolio organiza-
tion system, securities heading, prohibitive trading, cash-related directing, and peril
organization [37].
Inspecting a limitless leading body of financial and budgetary data is trying. As a
case in point, a basic contraption in inspecting the joint advancement of the macroeco-
nomics time game plan, the standard vector autoregressive (VAR) consolidates nearly 10
variables, given the way that the amount of parameters creates quadratic partners with
the degree of the model. In any case, nowadays econometricians need to examine multi-
variate time plans with more than numerous variables. Merging all information into the
VAR model will achieve great overfitting and unpleasant conjecture execution. One plan
is to rely on upon sparsity suppositions, under which new quantifiable gadgets have
been made [38,39]. Another important topic is portfolio upgrade and threat organization
[40,41]. Regarding this issue, assessing the covariance and opposite covariance systems
of the benefits of the points of interest in the portfolio are a crucial part, except that we
have 1,000 stocks to be supervised. There are 500 covariance parameters to be surveyed
[42]. Despite the likelihood that we could evaluate each individual parameter definitely,
the cumulated screw up of the whole grid estimation can be broadly under system mea-
sures. This requires new quantifiable procedures. It could not be any more self-evident,
for occurrence [43–49], on evaluating immense covariance systems and their regressive

Other Applications
Big Data has different diverse applications. Taking casual group data examination for
an exampl, huge measures of social gathering information are being made by Twitter,
Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. These data reveal different individuals’ qualities and
have been mishandled in various fields. In a like manner, Web systems administration
and internet contain a massive measure of information on customer preferences and con-
fidences [50], driving money-related perspectives markers, business cycles, political dis-
positions, and the financial and social states of an overall population. It is predicted that
the casual group data will continue to impact and be abused for some new applications. A
couple of other new applications that are getting the opportunity to be possible in the Big
Data era include the following:

1. Personalized organizations. With more individual data accumulated, business

endeavors can give tweaked organizations information regarding individual
preferences. As a case in point, Target (a retailing association in the United
States) can expect a customer’s needs by looking at that person’s accumulated
trade records.
2. Internet security. Right when a framework-based strike happens, undeniable data
on framework development may allow us to gainfully recognize the source and
centers of the ambush.
3. Personalized medicine. Additional satisfaction-associated limits, for example, indi-
vidual subnuclear qualities, human activities, human affinities, and environmental
Challenges in Big Data 7

components, are as of now available. Using these bits of information, it is possible

to dissect an individual’s disease [51] and select individualized drugs.
4. Digital humanities. Nowadays, various records are being digitized. For example,
Google has checked countless and recognized about every word in every one of all
published books. This produces an enormous amount of data and engages subjects
in the humanities, for instance, mapping the transportation structure in ancient
Rome, envisioning the money-related relationships in Chinese history, a focus on
how typical vernaculars are created after some time, or separating unquestionable

Salient Features of Big Data

Big Data makes segments stand out that are not shared by the routine data sets. These
components stance basic troubles to data examination and goad the progression of new
true systems. Not at all like standard data sets, where the example size is customarily
greater than the estimation, Big Data is depicted by a colossal illustration size and high
dimensionality. To begin with, we discuss here the impact of boundless size on perception
heterogeneity: from one perspective [52], tremendous example size grants us to uncover cov-
ered plans associated with little subpopulations and feeble shared characteristic over the
whole mass of data. Of course, showing the trademark heterogeneity of Big Data requires
more progressed quantifiable strategies. In addition, we discuss a couple of exceptional
miracles associated with high dimensionality, including disturbance accumulation, spu-
rious relationship, and circumstantial endogeneity. These fascinating components make
traditional quantifiable methodologies off base. Shockingly, most high-dimensional quan-
tifiable frameworks address simple fuss-accumulating and spurious association issues,
but not unplanned endogeneity. They rely on upon erogeneity suspicions that consistently
cannot be endorsed by assembled data, due to unplanned endogeneity.

Big Data is routinely created through conglomeration from various data sources contrast-
ing with different subpopulations. Each subpopulation may show some wonderful parts
not shared by others [53]. In built-up settings where the example size is small or moder-
ate, data centers from small subpopulations are generally delegated exemptions, and it
is hard to proficiently show them on account of lacking observations. In any case, in the
Big Data time frame, the significant case size engages us to better understand hetero-
geneity, uncovering knowledge toward concentrates, for instance, researching the rela-
tionship between certain covariates (e.g., qualities or single-nucleotide polymorphisms
[SNPs]) and unprecedented results (e.g., unprecedented contaminations or illnesses in
little masses) and understanding why certain medications (e.g., chemotherapy) provide
an advantage to a subpopulation and harm another subpopulation. To better demonstrate
this point, we exhibit this with a mix model for the people:

λ1 p1 ( y ; θ1(x)) +  ⋅ + λm pm ( y ; θm(x))

8 Big Data Analytics

where λj ≥ 0 addresses the degree of jth subpublic, p j y; θ j (x) is the likelihood movement of
the response of jth submass accepted that the covariates x with θ j (x) as the parameter vec-
tor. Eventually, various subpopulations are every so often viewed, i.e., λj is small. Exactly
when the case size n is moderate, nλj can be small, making it infeasible that it affects the
covariate-subordinate parameters θ j (x) in light of the nonattendance of information. In
any case, in light of the fact that Big Data is portrayed by a considerable illustration size,
n, the example size nλj for the jth subpopulation can be unobtrusively broad, paying little
respect to the likelihood that λj is small [54]. This enables us to more absolutely understand
about the subpopulation parameters θ j (·). Essentially, the purpose of inclination brought
by Big Data is to understand the heterogeneity of subpopulations, for instance, the upsides
of certain modified treatments, which are infeasible when the sample size is small or
Big Data also allows us to reveal slight shared qualities across whole masses, due to tre-
mendous illustration sizes. As a case in point, the benefit for the heart of one refreshment
of red wine each night can be difficult to estimate without an incomprehensible case size.
Basically, prosperity risks to presentation of certain normal components must be more con-
vincingly surveyed when the illustration sizes are adequately broad [55]. More than the previ-
ously expressed central focuses, the heterogeneity of Big Data in a like manner brings basic
challenges to quantifiable derivation. Reasoning the mix model in the above equation for
gigantic data sets requires utilization of quantifiable and computational procedures. With
low-power estimations, standard frameworks, for instance, the expectation–maximization
computation for constrained mix models can be associated. In high-power estimations,
nevertheless, we need to purposely regularize the evaluation method to refrain from over-
fitting or upheaval of the total data set and to devise extraordinary computations.

Noise Accumulation
Looking at Big Data obliges us to in the meantime gauge or test various parameters.
Estimation errors accumulate (noise accumulation) when a decision or gauge standard
depends upon innumerable parameters. The effect of such noise is especially genuine in
high-power estimations and may even order the honest-to-goodness signs. It is normally
dealt with by the sparsity suspicion [2]. Take a high-dimensional plan for an event [56]. A poor
gathering is a result of the nearness of various weak segments that do not add to the
diminishing of request errors [4]. For delineation, we consider a gathering issue where the
data are from two classes:

X1, … , Xn ~ Nd (µ1, Id) and Y1, … , Yn ~ Nd (µ 2 , Id)

This groups another recognition Z ∈ Rd into either the first or the modest. To diagram
the impact of commotion conglomeration in this portrayal, we used n = 100 and then d =
1,000. We set μ1 to 0 and μ2 to remain insufficient, i.e., simply the underlying 10 areas of μ2
were nonzero with a value 3 and the dissimilar units were 0. Figure 1.1 plots the underly-
ing two first sections by using the fundamental m = 2, 40, or 200 components and the whole
1,000 components. As shown in these plots, when m = 2, we obtain high discriminative
power. Regardless, the discriminative power ends up being low when m is excessively
broad, in light of noise accumulation. The underlying 10 highlights add to groupings, and
the remaining components do not. In this way, when m is >10, the procedure does not
receive any additional banners, yet the hoard uproars: the greater the m, the more the total
Challenges in Big Data 9

Composed of t samples
Map Reduce
TS Setup()
1 2 … k
1 2 … k 1
2 CDreducer
2 …
TR1 … t
t Initially all distances are+infinitive
Reduce() While maps running
1 2 … k
1 1 2 … k
2 1
TR2 … 2 CDreducer
TR t …
1 2 … k
2 Majority voting
TRM … Pred1 Pred2 Predt

Flowchart of the proposed MR-kNN algorithm.

tumult increases, which separates the course of action system with dimensionality. For
m = 40, the gathered signs reimburse the assembled tumult, so that the underlying two
fundamental fragments still have awesome discriminative power. At whatever point
m  =  200, the amassed confusion surpasses the sign increases. The above examination
rouses the utilization of lacking models and variable decision to beat the effect of noice
accumulating. Case in point, in the game plan model [2], instead of using every one of the
segments, we could pick a subset of components which fulfill the best banner-to-confusion
extent [57]. Such a meager model gives more improved gathering execution. By the day’s
end, variable decision plays a crucial part in overcoming clatter, gathering all together and
backslide conjecture. In any case, variable willpower in tall approximations is trying a
straight result of spurious association, incidental endogeneity, heterogeneity, and estima-
tion botches.

Spurious Correlation
High dimensionality in a like manner brings spurious association, implying the way that
various uncorrelated unpredictable variables may have high example connections in high
estimations. A spurious relationship may achieve false legitimate revelations and wrong
quantifiable inductions [58]. Consider the issue of evaluating the coefficient vector β of an
immediate model:

y = Xβ + Var() = σ 2 Id[x1, … , xn ]T
10 Big Data Analytics

∈Rn×d addresses the design cross-section, ∈Rn addresses a free self-assertive noise vector,
and Id is the d × d character matrix. To adjust to the tumult gathering issue, when the esti-
mation d is like or greater than the case size n, it is renowned to acknowledge that selective
somewhat number of variables add to the response, i.e., β is a lacking vector. Under this
sparsity assumption, variable decision can be directed to keep up a key separation from
clatter accumulating, improve the execution of figure, and redesign the interpretability of
the model with closefisted demonstration. In high approximations, notwithstanding for a
perfect as clear as (3), variable determination is attempting a result of the proximity of spu-
rious association. In particular, Ref. [11] exhibited that, when the dimensionality is high,
the imperative variables can be especially compared with a couple of spurious variables
which are deductively unimportant [59]. We consider an essential case to demonstrate this
wonder. Let x1,..., xn be without n impression of a d-dimensional Gaussian unpredictable
vector X = (X1,..., Xd)T ∼Nd (0, Id). We again and again copy the data with n = 60 and d =
800 and 6,400 for 1,000 times. Figure 1.2 exhibits the observational transport of the most
compelling incomparable case relationship coefficient between the essential variable with
the staying ones described as follows:

r = max j ≥ 2 Corr X1, X j

Where Corr (X1, Xj) is the example relationship amongst the variables X1 and Xj. We
comprehend that the best aggregate illustration association gets the chance to be higher
as dimensionality additions. Additionally, we can enlist the most compelling aggregate
different relationship amongst X1 and straight mixes of a couple of pointless spurious

R = max S = 4 max{βj} 4 j = 1 Corr( X1, j ∈S βj X j)

This equation plots the definite scattering of the most great incomparable illustration
association coefficient between X1 and j ∈ SβjXj, where S is any size four subset of {2,..., d}
and βj is the scarcest squares backslide coefficient of Xj while backsliding X1 on {Xj}j ∈ S.
Afresh, we see that in spite of the way that X1 is totally free of X2,..., Xd, the association

Uml diagrams

Use case diagram:


Insert data

Edit data

Status search
Admin Cluster search
Search categories


Data Mining with Big Data.
Challenges in Big Data 11

amongst X1 and the closest direct blend of any four variables of {Xj}j = 1 to X1 can be high.
We imply [14] about more theoretical results on depicting the solicitations of r.
The spurious association has basic impact on variable decision and may provoke false
exploratory exposures. Let XS = (X j) j∈S be the sub-discretionary vector recorded by S
and let S be the picked set that has the higher spurious association with X1. For example,
when n = 60 and d = 6,400, we see that X1 is in every way that really matters unclear
from X S for a set S with |S| = 4. If X1 addresses the expression level of a quality that
is accountable for a disease, we can’t remember it from the other four qualities in S that
have an equivalent judicious power, notwithstanding the way that they are deductively
Other than variable decision, spurious association may in like manner incite wrong
quantifiable finding. We illuminate this by considering again the same straight model as
in (3). Here we might need to assess the standard bumble σ of the remaining, which is
prominently highlighted in quantifiable deductions of backslide coefficients, model deter-
mination, honesty of-fit test and immaterial backslide. Allow S to be an arrangement of
chose flexible and P S be the figure matrix on the segment space of X S. The standard wait-
ing change estimator, in perspective of the picked variables, is

σ2 = yT (In − PS)y n −|S|.

The ideal is right. All things considered, the situation is absolutely particular when the
variables are picked in light of data. In particular, Ref. [14] showed that when there are
various spurious variables, σ2 is really considered little, which drives further to wrong
verifiable inductions including model determination or vitality tests, and false consistent
revelations, for instance, finding inaccurately qualities for nuclear instruments. They also
propose a refitted cross-acknowledgment methodology to contrast the issue.

Coincidental Endogeneity
Coincidental endogeneity is another unpretentious issue raised by high dimensionality. In
a relapse setting Y = dj = 1 βj X j + ε, the term “endogeneity” implies that a few indicators
{Xj} connect with the lingering commotion ε. The ordinary inadequate model expect is

Y = j βj X j + ε , and E (εX j) = 0 for j = 1, … , d,

with a little set S = {j: βj = 0}. The exogenous supposition in (7) that the leftover clamor ε is
uncorrelated with every one of the indicators is essential for legitimacy of most existing
measurable systems, including variable choice consistency. In spite of the fact that this
suspicion looks honest, it is anything but difficult to be damaged in high measurements, as
some of variables {Xj} are of course related to ε, making most high-dimensional strategies
factually invalid. To clarify the endogeneity issue in more detail, assume that obscure to
us, the reaction Y is identified with three covariates as takes after:

Y = X1 + X 2 + X 3 + ε , with Eε X j = 0, for j = 1, 2 , 3.

In the information-gathering stage, we don’t have the foggiest idea about the genuine
model, and in this way gather however many covariates that are conceivably identified
12 Big Data Analytics

with Y as could be allowed, as we would like to incorporate all individuals in S in (7). By

the way, some of those Xjs (for j = 1, 2, 3) may be associated with the remaining clamor ε.
This negates the exogenous demonstrating suspicion in (7). Indeed, the more covariates
that are gathered or measured, the harder it is to fulfill this suspicion. Dissimilar to spuri-
ous connections, coincidental endogeneity alludes to the honest-to-goodness presence of
relationships between variables inadvertently, both because of high dimensionality.
The previous is practically equivalent to discovering that two persons resemble each; how-
ever, they have no hereditary connection. The latter is like finding an associate, as you both
are effortlessly happening in a major city. All the more by and large, endogeneity happens as
a consequence of choice predispositions, estimation blunders, and excluded variables. These
marvels emerge much of the time in the investigation of Big Data, essentially because of two
reasons: With the advantage of new high-throughput estimation methods, researchers can
and tend to gather whatever amount mechanisms as could be predictable below the condi-
tions. This in like manner expands the likelihood that some of them may be associated with
the lingering clamor, by the way. Big Data is generally amassed from numerous sources with
possibly diverse information-creating plans. This builds the likelihood of determination incli-
nation and estimation mistakes, which additionally cause potential accidental endogeneity.
Whether coincidental endogeneity shows up in genuine datasets and by what method
might we test it by and by? We consider a genomics study in which 148 microarray tests are
downloaded from the GEO database and Array Express. These specimens are made under
the Affymetrix HGU1 [60] a stage for human subjects with prostate malignancy. The acquired
data set contains 22,283 tests, comparing 12,719 qualities. In this case, we are keen on the qual-
ity named discoid in area receptor family, part 1 (abridged as DDR1). DDR1 encodes receptor
tyrosine kinases, which assume an imperative part in the correspondence of cells with their
microenvironment. DDR1 is known not exceedingly with prostate tumors, and we wish to
study its relationship with different qualities in patients with prostate malignancy. We took
the quality articulations of DDR1 as the reaction variable Y and the outflows of all the remain-
ing 12,718 qualities as pointers. The leftward panel of Figure 1.3 shows the investigational
circulation of the connections between the reaction and individual indicators.

m=2 m = 40
6 6
4 4

2 2

0 0
−2 0 2 4 −4 −2 0 2
(a) m = 200 (b) m = 1000

0.0 0

−2.5 −5

−5.0 −10
−6 −4 −2 0 2 4 −5 0 5 10
(c) (d)

Scatter plots for projection of the observed data (n = 100 from each class) on to the first two principal compo-
nents of the best m-dimensional selected feature space. A projected data with the filled circle indicates the first
and the filled triangle indicates the second class.
Challenges in Big Data 13

To show the presence of endogeneity, we fit an L1-punished minimum squares relapse

(Lasso) on the information, and the punishment is naturally chosen by means of 10-fold
cross-acceptance (37 qualities are chosen). Whether refit a standard slightest-squares
relapse on the chose model to ascertain the leftover vector. In the right board of Figure
1.3, we plot the exact conveyance of the relationships between the indicators and the
residuals. We see the remaining commotion is very closely associated with numerous
indicators. To ensure these connections are not absolutely brought about by a spurious
relationship, we present an invalid dispersion of the spurious connections by arbitrarily
permuting the requests of columns in the outline grid, such that the indicators are in
reality free of the lingering commotion. By looking at the two disseminations, we see
that the dispersion of connections among indicators and lingering clamor on the crude
information has a heavier tail than that on the permuted information. This outcome
gives stark confirmation of endogeneity in the information. The above talk demonstrates
that coincidental endogeneity is prone to happen in Big Data. The issue of managing
endogenous variables is not surely new in high-dimensional measurements. What is the
result of this endogeneity? Ref. [16] demonstrated that endogeneity causes irregularity
in model choice. Specifically, they gave intensive investigation to delineate the effect of
endogeneity on high-dimensional factual induction and proposed elective strategies to
lead direct relapse with consistency ensured under weaker conditions. See likewise the
accompanying segment.

Impact on Statistical Thinking

As discussed in the previous section, huge specimen size and high dimensionality bring
heterogeneity, clamor collection, spurious connection, and accidental endogeneity. These
elements of Big Data make customary measurable techniques invalid. In this segment,
we present new factual strategies that can deal with these difficulties. To handle the com-
motion-gathering issue, we accept that the model parameter β as in (3) is meager. The
traditional model determination hypothesis proposes to pick a parameter vector β that
minimizes the negative punished semiprobability:

− QL (β) + λ0

where QL(β) is the semiprobability of β and · 0 speaks to the L0 pseudostandard (i.e., the
quantity of nonzero sections in a vector). Here, λ > 0 is a regularization parameter that
controls the predisposition difference tradeoff. The answer for the streamlining issue in
(8) has decent factual properties. Nonetheless, it is basically combinatorics improvement
and does not scale to expansive scale issues. The estimator in (8) can be stretched out to a
more broad structure

n (β) + d j = 1 P λ , γ (βj)

where the term n (β) processes the heavens of the appropriateness of the perfect with limit

β and dj = 1 P λ , γ (βj)

is a sparsity-actuating punishment that empowers sparsity, in which λ is again the tun-

ing parameter that controls the predisposition difference tradeoff and γ is a conceivable
14 Big Data Analytics

calibrate parameter which controls the level of concavity of the punishment capacity [8].
Famous decisions of the punishment capacity Pλ, γ (·) incorporate the hard-­thresholding
punishment, softthresholding punishment [6], easily cut pardon deviation (SCAD) [8]
and mini-max concavity punishment (MCP) [10]. Figure 1.4 envisions these punishment
capacities for λ = 1. We see that all punishment capacities are collapsed sunken, yet the
softthresholding (L1-) punishment is additionally raised. The parameter γ in SCAD and
MCP controls the level of concavity. From Figure 1.4, we see that a littler estimation of γ
results in more inward punishments. At the point when γ gets to be bigger, SCAD and
MCP focalize to the delicate thresholding punishment. MCP is a speculation of the hard-
thresholding punishment which relates to y = 1.
In what manner might we pick among these punishment capacities? In applications, we
prescribe to utilize either SCAD or MCP thresholding, since they join the benefits of both
hard- and delicate-thresholding administrators. Numerous effective calculations have
been proposed for taking care of the enhancement issue in (9) with the above four pun-
ishments (see the section on “Effect on processing infrastructure”). The punished semi-
probability estimator (9) is somewhat strange. A firmly related technique is the sparsest
arrangement in the high certainty set, presented in the late book section in Ref. [17], which
has a much better measurable instinct. It is for the most part a material rule that isolates
the information, data, and the sparsity supposition. Assume that the information data are
abridged by the capacity n (β) in (9). This can be a probability, semiprobability, or misfor-
tune capacity. The underlying parameter vector β0 more often than not fulfills (β0) = 0,
where (·) is the angle vector of the normal misfortune capacity (β) = E n (β). In this manner,
a characteristic certainty set for β0 is

Cn = {β ∈ Rd: n (β) ∞ ≤ γn },

Dimension Dimension
d = 800 d = 800
d = 6400 d = 6400

10 10


5 5

0 0

0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Maximum absolute correlation Maximum absolute correlation

Illustration of spurious correlation. (Left) Distribution of the Maximum absolute sample correlation coefficients
between X1 and {Xi}j ≠ 1. (Right) Distribution of the maximum absolute sample correlation between X1 and
the closest linear projections of any four members of {Xj}i ≠ 1 to X1. Here the dimension d is 800 and 6400, the
sample size n is 60. The result is based on 1,000 situations.
Challenges in Big Data 15

anywhere ·∞ is the L∞ standard of a direction and γ n is selected, so that we have sureness

equal to at least 1 − δn, specifically:

P(β0 ∈Cn ) = P{ n (β0) ∞ ≤ γn } ≥ 1 − δn

The certainty set Cn is called the high-certainty set subsequent to δn → 0. In principle,

we can take any standard in developing the high-certainty set. We decide on the L∞ stan-
dard, as it creates a curved certainty set Cn when n(·) is raised. The high-certainty set is an
outline of the data we have for the parameter vector β0. It is not useful in high-dimensional
space. Take, for instance, the straight model (3) with the quadratic misfortune n (β) = y − Xβ
22. The high-certainty set is then

Cn = {β ∈ Rd: XT ( y − Xβ) ∞ ≤ γn }

where we take γn ≥ XTε ∞, so that δn = 0. On the off chance that furthermore β0 is thought
to be inadequate, then a characteristic arrangement is the convergence of these two bits of
data, to be specific, finding the sparsest arrangement in the high-certainty set:

min β ∈Cn β1 = min n (β) ∞ ≤ γn β1.

This is a raised enhancement issue when (·) is arched. For the direct model with the qua-
dratic misfortune, it diminishes to the Dantzig selector [9].
There are numerous adaptabilities in characterizing the sparsest arrangement in the
high-certainty set. Most importantly, we have a decision of the misfortune capacity
n(·). We can respect n (β) = 0 as the estimation conditions and characterize specifi-
cally the high-certainty set (10) from the estimation conditions. Furthermore, we have
numerous approaches to quantify the sparsity. For instance, we can utilize a weighted
L1 standard to quantify the sparsity of β in (12). By appropriate decisions of assessing
conditions in (10) and measure of sparsity in (12), the creators of [17] demonstrated that
numerous helpful techniques can be viewed as the sparsest arrangement in the high
certainty set.
For instance, CLIME for evaluating inadequate exactness grid in both the Gaussian
realistic model and the direct programming discriminant principle for meager high-­
dimensional arrangement is the sparsest arrangement in the high-certainty set. At last, the
thought is relevant to the issues with estimation mistakes or even endogeneity. For this
situation, the high-certainty set will be characterized as needs be to oblige the estimation
blunders or endogeneity.

Independence Screening
An effective variable screening technique based on marginal screening has been pro-
posed by the authors of Ref. [11]. They aimed at handling ultrahigh-dimensional data
for which the aforementioned penalized quasilikelihood estimators become computa-
tionally infeasible. For such cases, the authors of Ref. [11] proposed to first use marginal
regression to screen variables, reducing the original large-scale problem to a moder-
ate-scale statistical problem, so that more sophisticated methods for variable selec-
tion could be applied. The proposed method, named sure independence screening, is
16 Big Data Analytics

computationally very attractive. It has been shown to possess a sure screening prop-
erty and to have some theoretical advantages over Lasso [13]. There are two main ideas
of sure independent screening: (i) it uses the marginal contribution of a covariate to
probe its importance in the joint model; (ii)  instead of selecting the most important
variables, it aims at removing variables that are not important. For example, assuming
each covariate has been standardized, we denote βM j the estimated regression coef-
ficient in a univariate regression model. The set of covariates that survive the marginal
screening is defined as

S = { j:|βM j|≥ δ}

for a given edge δ. One can likewise gauge the significance of a covariate Xj by utilizing
its abnormality diminishment. For the slightest-squares issue, both techniques lessen to
the positioning significance of indicators by utilizing the extents of their minimal connec-
tions with the reaction Y. Ref. [11] gave conditions under which beyond any doubt screen-
ing property can be set up and false error rates are controlled. Since the computational
multifaceted nature of beyond any doubt screening scales directly with the issue mea-
sure, the possibility of beyond any doubt screening is extremely viable in the emotional
lessening of the computational weight of Big Data investigations. It has been shown in
different setting.
Autonomous screening has never inspected the multivariate impact of variables on the
reaction variable, nor has it utilized the covariance grid of variables. An expansion of this
is to utilize multivariate screening, which looks at the commitments of little gatherings of
variables together. This permits us to analyze the collaboration of little gatherings of vari-
ables to the reaction variable. Be that as it may, the bivariate screening as of now includes
O(d2) submodels, which can be restrictive in the calculation. Another conceivable expan-
sion is to create restrictive screening systems, which rank variables as per their contingent
commitments given an arrangement of variables.

Dealing with Incidental Endogeneity

Big Data is inclined to accidental endogeneity that makes the most prevalent regular-
ization techniques invalid. Its needs are essential to create strategies that can deal with
endogeneity in high measurements. In particular, let us consider the high-dimensional
straight-relapse model (7). Ref. [16] demonstrated that for any punished estimators to be
variable determination reliable, an essential condition is:

E(εX j) = 0 for j = 1, … , d.

As examined in the section on “Notable principles of Big Data,” the disorder in (14) is
excessively prohibitive for true applications. Letting S = {j: βj = 0} be the arrangement of
critical variables, with nonvanishing parts in β, a more practical model presumption ought
to be:

E(ε|{ X j} j ∈S) = E Y − j ∈S βj X j|{ X j} j ∈S = 0.

Challenges in Big Data 17

800 800 Data

Raw data
Permuted data

600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0
−0.5 0.0 0.5 −0.3 −0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2
Correlation Correlation

Illustration of incidental endogeneity on a microarray gene expression data. Left panel. The distribution of the
sample correlation Corr (Xj, Y) j = 1,….12718). Right panel. The distribution of the sample correlation Corr (Xj, €).
Here € represents the residual noise after the Lasso fit. We provide the distributors of the sample correlations
using both the raw data and permuted data.

In Ref. [16], the authors considered a significantly weaker variant of equation (15), called
the overdistinguishing proof condition. For example:

EεX j = 0 and EεX 2 j = 0 for j ∈ S.

Under condition of equation (16), Ref. [16] demonstrated that the traditional punished
minimum-squares strategies, for example, Lasso, SCAD, and MCP, are no steadier. Rather,
the authors presented the centered summed-up strategies for minutes (FGMMs) by using
the overrecognizable proof conditions and demonstrated that the FGMM reliably chose the
arrangement of variables S. We have not delved into the specialized points of interest here;
however, we can delineate this by an illustration.
We keep on exploring the quality expression information in the section on “Accidental
endogeneity.” We again regard quality DDR1 as a reaction and different qualities as
indicators, and we apply the FGMM rather than Lasso. By cross-acceptance, the FGMM
chooses 18 qualities. The left board of Figure 1.5 demonstrates the appropriation of the
example, connections between the qualities Xj(j = 1,..., 12718), and the residuals ε after the
FGMM fit. Here, we find that numerous connections are nonzero; however, it does not
make a difference, since we require just (16). To check (16), the right board of Figure 1.5
demonstrates the conveyance of the example relationships between the 18 chosen quali-
ties (and their squares) and the residuals. The example influences amid the selected
qualities and residuals are zero, and the example relationships Amongst the shaped
covariates and residuals are slight. In this way, the demonstrating suspicion is reliable
to our model diagnostics.

Impact on Computing Infrastructure

The huge example size of Big Data on a very basic level difficulties the conventional regis-
tering base. In numerous applications, we have to investigate web scale information con-
taining billions or even trillions of information focuses, which even makes a straight go of
18 Big Data Analytics

the entire dataset unreasonably expensive. Furthermore, such information could be excep-
tionally dynamic and infeasible to be put away in a concentrated database.
The major way to deal with store and process such information is to partition and win.
The thought is to parcel a vast issue into more tractable and autonomous sub issues. Every
sub issue is handled in parallel by various preparing units. Middle of the road results
from every individual laborer are then joined to yield the last yield. In little scale, such
gap and-vanquish worldview can be executed either by multi-center figuring or lattice
registering. In any case, in substantial scale, it postures crucial difficulties in figuring
framework. For instance, when a large number of PCs are associated with scale out to
expansive registering errands, it is entirely likely a few PCs may kick the bucket amid
the figuring. Furthermore, given a vast registering assignment, we need to appropriate it
equally to numerous PCs and make the workload adjusted. Outlining substantial scale,
highly versatile and shortcoming tolerant registering frameworks is to a great degree
testing and inspires the result of new and solid figuring base that backings enormously
parallel information stockpiling and preparing. In this segment, we take Hadoop as a
case to present fundamental programming and programming foundation for Big Data
Hadoop is a Java-based programming structure for circulating information administra-
tion and preparing. It contains an arrangement of open source libraries for conveyed pro-
cessing utilizing the Map Reduce programming model and its own dispersed document
framework called HDFS. Hadoop consequently encourages adaptability and takes con-
siderations of recognizing and taking care of disappointments. Center Hadoop has two
key segments: Core Hadoop = Hadoop conveyed record framework (HDFS)+MapReduce
HDFS is a self-mending, high-data transmission, grouped capacity document framework,
and MapReduce is a circulated programming model created by Google.
We dash with clarifying HDFS and MapReduce in the accompanying two subsections.
Other than these two key parts, a common Hadoop discharge contains numerous dif-
ferent segments. For instance, as appears in Figure 1.6, Cloudera’s open-source Hadoop

3.0 3.0
2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
−3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
u u
(a) Hard-thresholding penalty (b) Soft-thresholding penalty
5 Y = 2.01 3.0 Y = 1.01
Y = 2.3 Y = 1.7
4 Y = 2.7 2.5 Y=3
Y = 200 Y = 100

1 0.5
0 0.0
−4 −2 0 2 4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
u u
(c) SCAD penalty (d) MCP penalty

Visualization of the penalty functions. λ = 1. For SCAD and MCP. Different values of γ are chosen as shown in
Challenges in Big Data 19

circulation additionally incorporates HBase, Hive, Pig, Oozie, Flume and Sqoop. More
insights about these additional parts are given in the online Cloudera specialized records.
In the wake of presenting the Hadoop, we additionally quickly clarify the ideas of distrib-
uted computing in the “Distributed computing” area.
Hadoop dispersed document framework HDFS is a conveyed record framework intended
to have and give high-throughput access to extensive datasets which are needlessly put
away over various machines. Specifically, it guarantees Big Data’s strength to disappoint-
ment and high accessibility to parallel applications.
As an inspiring application, assume we have an extensive information document con-
taining billions of records, and we need to question this record as often as possible. On
the off chance that numerous questions are submitted at the same time (e.g., the Google
internet searcher), the typical document framework is not reasonable because of the I/O
limit. HDFS tackles this issue by separating a huge document into little pieces and store
them in various machines.
Every machine is known as a Data Node. Not at all like most piece organized document
frameworks which use square size in HDFS is 64 MB, which permits HDFS to decrease the
measure of metadata stockpiling required per record. Moreover, HDFS takes into consid-
eration quick spilling peruses of information by keeping a lot of information successively
laid out on the hard plate. The principle tradeoff of this choice is that HDFS anticipates that
the information will be perused consecutively (rather than being perused in an arbitrary
access design).
The data in HDFS can be accessed via a “write once and read many” approach. The
metadata structures (e.g., the file names and directories) are allowed to be simultaneously
modified by many clients. It is important that this meta information is always synchro-
nized and stored reliably. All the metadata is maintained by a single machine, called the
Name Node. Because of the relatively low amount of metadata per file (it only tracks file
names, permissions and the locations of each block of each file), all such information can
be stored in the main memory of the Name Node machine, allowing fast access to the
metadata. An illustration of the whole HDFS architecture is provided in Figure 1.7.
To access or manipulate a data file, a client contacts the Name Node and retrieves a list
of locations for the blocks that comprise the file. These locations identify the Data Nodes
which hold each block. Clients then read file data directly from the Data Node servers, pos-
sibly in parallel. The Name Node is not directly involved in this bulk data transfer, keeping
its working load to a minimum. HDFS has a built in redundancy and replication feature
which secures that any failure of individual machines can be recovered without any loss
of data (e.g., each Data Node has three copies by default). The HDFS automatically balances
its load whenever a new Data Node is added to the cluster. We also need to safely store the
Name Node information by creating multiple redundant systems, which allows the impor-
tant metadata of the file system be recovered even if the Name Node itself crashes.

Literature Review
The information in HDFS can be gotten to through a “compose once and read numer-
ous” methodology. The metadata structures (e.g., the record names and registries) are
20 Big Data Analytics

permitted to be at the same time changed by numerous customers. It is imperative that

this Metadata is constantly synchronized and put away dependably. All the metadata
is kept up by a solitary machine, called the Name Node. On account of the moderately low
measure of metadata per record (it just tracks document names, consents and the areas of
every piece of every document), all such data can be put away in the principle memory of
the Name Node machine, permitting quick access to the metadata. A representation of the
entire HDFS engineering is given in Figure 1.7.
To get to or control an information document, a customer contacts the Name Node and
recovers a rundown of the areas for the hinders that involve the record. These areas rec-
ognize the Data Nodes which hold every piece. Customers then read record information
specifically from the Data Node servers, perhaps in parallel.
The Name Node is not specifically included in this mass information exchange, keeping
its working burden to a base. HDFS has a built-in excess and replication highlight which
secures that any disappointment of individual machines can be recouped with no loss of
information (e.g., every Data Node has three duplicates naturally).
The HDFS naturally adjusts its heap at whatever point another Data Node is added to
the bunch. We likewise need to securely store the Name Node data by making different
excess frameworks, which permits the vital metadata of the record framework be recuper-
ated regardless of the possibility that the Name Node itself crashes.
MapReduce is a programming model for preparing expansive datasets in a parallel
design. We utilize a case to clarify how MapReduce functions. Assume we are given an
image succession (e.g., “ATGCCAATCGATGGGACTCC”), and the undertaking is to com-
pose a project that tallies the quantity of every image. The most straightforward thought is
to peruse an image, include it into a hash table with key as the image and set quality to its
number of events. On the off chance that the image is not in the hash table yet, then include
the image as another key to the hash and set the comparing worth to 1.


1000 15




0 0
−0.4 −0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 −0.2 −0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2
Correlation Correlation

Diagnostics of the modeling assumptions of the FGMM on a micro arry gene expression data. Left Panel:
Distribution of the sample correlations Corr(Xj, ε)(j = 1,……12,718). Right Panel: Distribution of the sample correla-
tions Corr(Xj, ε) and Corr(X2 j, ε) for only 18 selected genes. Here ε represents the residual noise after the FGMM fit.
Challenges in Big Data 21

In the event that the image is as of now in the hash table, then expand the worth by 1. This
project keeps running in a serial style and the time unpredictability scales straightly with
the length of the image grouping.
Everything looks straightforward as such. Be that as it may, envision if rather than a
basic grouping, we have to include the quantity of images the entire genomes of numerous
organic subjects. Serial preparing of such an enormous measure of data is tedious.
In this way, the inquiry is by what method we would be able to utilize parallel preparing
units speed up the calculation.
The option of Chart Decrease is defined in Figure 1.8. We at first split the first succession
into a few records (e.g., two records in this case). We further split every document into a
few subsequences (e.g., two subsequences for this situation) and “guide” the quantity of
every image in every subsequence. The yields of the mapper are (vital, esteem)-sets. We
then assemble all yield set of the mappers with the same key. At long last, we utilize a
“lessen” capacity to join the qualities for every key. This gives the wanted yield:

# A = 5 , # T = 4 , # G = 5 , # C = 6.

The HadoopMapReduce contains three phases, which are recorded as takes after.
In the first place stage: mapping. The main phase of a MapReduce system is called map-
ping. At this stage, a rundown of information components is given to a “mapper” capacity
to be changed into (key, value)-sets. For instance, in the above image numbering issue, the
mapper work just changes every image in the pair (image, 1). The mapper capacity does
not change the info information, but rather just returns another yield list. Middle of the
road stages: rearranging and sorting. After the mapping organize, the system trades the
middle of the road yields from the mapping stage to various “reducers.” This procedure
is called rearranging. An alternate subset of the halfway key space is doled out to each
decrease hub. These subsets (known asc ”segments”) are the inputs to the following less-
ening step. Every guide errand may send (key, esteem)-sets to any segment. All set with
the same key are constantly gathered together on the same reducer paying little respect to
which mappers they are originating from. Every reducer may handle a few arrangements
of sets with various keys. For this situation, distinctive keys on a solitary hub are naturally
sorted before they are encouraged into the following lessening step.
Last stage: lessening. In the last decreasing stage, an occasion of a client gave code is
called for every key in the allotment relegated to a reducer. The inputs are a key and an

Cloudera’s distribution for Hadoop

UI framework Hue SDK Hue SDK

Workflow Oozip Scheduling Oozip Metadata Hive

Languages, compilers hive Fast
Flume, Sqoop Hbase

Coordination ZooKeeper

An illustration of Cloudera’s open source Hadoop distribution.
22 Big Data Analytics

HDFS client Name Node Secondary Name Node

Metadata operations

Datanodes: replications and load balancing

An illustration of the HDFS architecture.

iterator over every one of the qualities connected with the key. These qualities returned
by the iterator could be in an unclear request. Specifically, we have one yield document for
every executed lessen undertaking. The HadoopMapReduce expands on the HDFS and
acquires all the adaptations to non-critical failure properties of HDFS. When all is said in
done, Hadoop is sent on huge scale groups. One illustration appeared in Figure 1.9.

Cloud Computing
Circulated processing upsets current figuring perspective. It grants everything—from
hardware resources, programming establishment to datasets—to be passed on to data
specialists as an organization wherever and at whatever point required. Figure 1.10 plots
differing building portions of dispersed registering. The most striking segment of circu-
lated processing is its flexibility and ability to scale here and there, which makes it sensible
for securing and taking care of Big Data.

Impact on Computational Methods

Big Data are massive and very higher dimensional, which pose significant challenges on
computing and paradigm shifts on large-scale optimization [29]. On the one hand, the
direct application of penalized quasi-likelihood estimators for high dimensional data
requires us to solve very large scale optimization problems. Optimization with a large
amount of variables is not only expensive, but also suffers from slow numerical rates
of convergence and instability. Such a large-scale optimization is generally regarded
as a mean, not the goal of Big Data analysis. Scalable implementations of large scale
non smooth optimization procedures are crucially needed. On the other hand, the mas-
sive sample size of Big Data, which can be in the order of millions or even billions as
in genomics, Neuro informatics, marketing, and online social media, also gives rise to
Challenges in Big Data 23

Sort and shuffle Map (key, value)-splitting

Input files ATGCC ATGGG


(A, 1) (A, 1) (A, 1) (A, 1)

(T, 1) (A, 1) (T, 1) (C, 1)
(G, 1) (T, 1) (G, 1) (T, 1)
(C, 1) (C, 1) (G, 1) (C, 1)
(C, 1) (G, 1) (G, 1) (C, 1)

(A, 1) (T, 1) (G, 1) (C, 1)

(A, 1) (T, 1) (G, 1) (C, 1)
(A, 1) (T, 1) (G, 1) (C, 1)
Reduce (key, value)-pairs

(A, 1) (T, 1) (G, 1) (C, 1)

(A, 1) (G, 1) (C, 1)
(C, 1)

(A, 5) (T, 4) (G, 5) (C, 6)

Final output (A, 5) (T, 4) (G, 5) (C, 6)

An illustration of the MapReduce paradigm for the symbol counting task. Mappers are applied to every ele-
ment of the input sequences and emit intermediate (key, value) pairs. Reducers are applied to all values asso-
ciated with the same key. Between map and reduce stages are some intermediate steps involving distributed
sorting and grouping.

intensive computation on data management and queries. Parallel computing, random-

ized algorithms, approximate algorithms and simplified implementations should be
In this manner, the versatility of measurable strategies to both high dimensionality
and expansive specimen size ought to be genuinely considered in the advancement of
factual methodology. In this segment, we clarify some new advance on creating com-
putational techniques that are adaptable to Big Data. To adjust the factual exactness
and computational effectiveness, a few punished estimators, for example, Lasso, SCAD,
and MCP have been depicted in the “Effect on measurable considering” segment. We
will present versatile first-arrange calculations for illuminating these estimators in the
“Primary request strategies for non smooth advancement” area. We additionally take
note of that the volumes of present day datasets are blasting and it is frequently com-
putationally infeasible to specifically make surmising taking into account the crude
information. Appropriately, to adequately handle Big Data in both measurable and
computational points of view, measurement lessening as a critical information pre-
preparing step is pushed and misused in numerous applications. We will clarify some
viable measurement decrease strategies in the “Measurement diminishment and arbi-
trary projection.”

First-Order Methods for Non-Smooth Optimization

In this subset, our current a insufficient primary-position advancement calculations for
explaining the punished semi probability estimators in (9). For most misfortune capacities
24 Big Data Analytics

n(·), this advancement issue has no shut structure arrangement. Iterative methodolo-
gies are expected to understand it. At the point when the punishment capacity Pλ, γ (·)
is raised (e.g., the L1-punishment), so is the target capacity in (9) when n(·) is arched. As
needs be, advanced raised enhancement calculations can be connected. The most broadly
utilized raised advancement calculation is slope drop, which finds an answer arrange-
ment joining to the ideal β by figuring the inclination of the target capacity at every point.
Notwithstanding, ascertaining the slope can be exceptionally tedious when the dimen-
sionality is high.
This can be seen as a unique instance of the angle plunge calculation. Rather than upgrad-
ing along the heading of the full angle, it just computes the inclination course along one
direction at every time. An excellent element of this is despite the fact that the entire stream-
lining issue does not have a shut structure arrangement, there exist basic shut structure
answers for all the univariate sub issues. The direction drop is computationally simple and
has comparable numerical merging properties as inclination plunge. Elective first-arrange
calculations to organize drop have additionally been proposed and generally utilized,
bringing about an iterative therapist age thresholding calculations [23,24]. Before the direc-
tion plunge calculation, Ref. [19] proposed the slightest edge relapse (LARS) calculation
to the L1-punished minimum squares issue. At the point when the punishment capacity
Pλ, γ (·) is nonconvex (e.g., SCAD and MCP), the target capacity in (9) are no more curved.
Numerous calculations have been proposed to take care of this improvement issue.
For instance, Ref. [8] proposed a nearby quadratic guess (LQA) calculation for streamlin-
ing non sunken punished probability. Their thought is to estimate the punishment term
piece by piece utilizing a quadratic capacity, which can be thought as a raised unwinding
(majorization) to the non curved item work. With the quadratic estimate, a shut structure,
arrangement can be gotten. This thought is further enhanced by utilizing a straight rather
than a quadratic capacity to surmise the punishment term and prompts the neighborhood
direct estimation (LLA) calculation [27]. All the more particularly, given current appraisal.
β (k) = (β (k) 1,..., β (k) d)T at the kth iteration for problem (9), by Taylor’s expansion,

Pλ , γ (βj) ≈ Pλ , γ β (k) j + P λ , γβ (k) j|βj|−|β (k) j|.

Thus, at the (k+1)th iteration, we solve min βj (n (β) + d j = 1 wk, j|βj|) is arched, so that
a curved solver can be utilized. Ref. [47] recommended utilizing starting qualities β(0) =
0, which relates to the unweighted L1 punishment. In the event that one further approxi-
mates the integrity of-fit measure n (β) in (18) by a quadratic capacity through the Taylor
development, then the LARS calculation [19] and way insightful direction drop calculation
can be utilized.

Dimension Reduction and Random Projection

By coordinating factual investigation with computational calculations, they gave unequiv-
ocal measurable and computational rates of meeting of any neighborhood arrangement
acquired by the calculation. Computationally, the rough regularization way, taking after
calculation achieves a worldwide geometric rate of merging for ascertaining the full regu-
larization way, which is speediest conceivable among all first-arrange calculations as far
as cycle unpredictability. Measurably, they demonstrate that any nearby arrangement got
by the calculation accomplishes the prophet properties with the ideal rates of union. The
thought of contemplating factual properties in view of computational calculations, which
Challenges in Big Data 25

consolidate both computational and measurable investigation, speaks to an intriguing

future bearing for Big Data.
We present a few measurements (information) lessening techniques in this segment. Why
do we require a measurement decrease? Give us a chance to consider a dataset spoke to as an
n × d genuine quality network D, which encodes data about n perceptions of d variables. In
the Big Data time, it is by and large computationally obstinate to specifically make induction
on the crude information framework. In this manner, an essential information preprocess-
ing technique is to lead measurement decrease which finds a packed representation of D that
is of lower measurements, however protects however much data in D as could reasonably be
expected. Chief segment investigation (PCA) is the most surely understood measurements
diminishment technique. It goes for anticipating the information onto a low-dimensional
orthogonal subspace that catches, however much of the information variety as could be
expected. Observationally, it computes the main eigenvectors of the specimen covariance
lattice to shape a subspace Uk ∈ Rd × k. We then venture the n × d information grid D to
this straight subspace to acquire an n × k information framework D Uk. This system is ideal
among all the direct projection techniques in minimizing the squared blunder presented
by the projection. Notwithstanding, leading the Eigen space disintegration on the specimen
covariance network is computational testing when both n and d are expansive. The compu-
tational many-sided quality of PCA is O(d2n + d3), which is infeasible for extensive datasets.
To handle the computational test raised by huge and high-dimensional datasets, we
have to create strategies that safeguard the information structure, however much as could
reasonably be expected and is computational productive for taking care of high dimen-
sionality. Irregular projection (RP) is an effective measurement lessening system for this
reason, and is firmly identified with the commended thought of pack detecting. All the more
particularly, RP goes for finding a k-dimensional subspace of D, such that the separations
between all sets of information focuses are roughly safeguarded. It accomplishes this
objective by anticipating the first information D onto a k-dimensional subspace utilizing
a RP network with unit section standards. All the more particularly, let R ∈ Rd × k be an
irregular framework with all the section Euclidean standards equivalent to 1. We lessen
the dimensionality of D from d to k by ascertaining lattice increase This strategy is excep-
tionally basic and the computational many-sided quality of the RP system is of request
O(ndk), which scales just directly with the issue size.

D R = DR.

Hypothetical defenses of RP depend on two results. This legitimizes the RP when R is

undoubtedly a projection network. Be that as it may, upholding R to be orthogonal requires
the Gram–Schmidt calculation, which is computationally costly. Truth be told, any limited
number of high-dimensional arbitrary vectors are verging on orthogonal to each other.
This outcome ensures that RTR can be adequately near the personality network. To outline
the helpfulness of RP, we utilize the quality expression information in the “Accidental endoge-
neity” area to analyze the execution of PCA and RP in protecting the relative separations
between pairwise information focuses. We extricate the main 100,500 and 2,500 qualities
with the most noteworthy minimal standard deviations, and after that apply PCA and RP
to diminish the dimensionality of the crude information to a little number k. Figure 1.11
demonstrates the middle blunders out there between individuals over all sets of informa-
tion vectors. We see that, when dimensionality builds, RPs have increasingly favorable
circumstances over PCA in safeguarding the separations between test sets.
26 Big Data Analytics

A typical Hadoop cluster.

One thing to note is that RP is not the “ideal” system for conventional little scale issues. As
needs be, the fame of this measurement decrease methodology shows another comprehen-
sion of Big Data. To adjust the measurable precision and computational many-sided quality,
the imperfect methodology in little or medium-scale issues can be “ideal” in substantial
scale. Also, the hypothesis of RP relies on upon the high dimensionality highlight of Big
Data. This can be seen as a gift of dimensionality. Other than PCA and RP, there are numer-
ous other measurement decrease techniques, including inactive semantic indexing (LSI),
discrete cosine change, and CUR decay. These techniques have been generally utilized as a
part of examining vast content and picture datasets (Figures 1.12 and 1.13).

Computing server

App server

Cloud computing

An illustration of cloud computing paradigm.
Challenges in Big Data 27

Method Method Method
RP 0.3 RP RP

0.10 0.4
Median error

Median error

Median error

0.05 0.2

0.00 0.0
25 50 75 100 100 200 300 400 500 250 500 750 1000
k k k

Plots of the median errors in preserving the distances between pairs of data points versus the reduced dimen-
sion k in large-scale microarray data. Here RP stands for the Random Projection and PCA stands for the prin-
cipal component analysis.

Future Perspectives and Conclusion

This chapter talks about factual and computational parts of Big Data examination. We
specifically review a few remarkable elements brought by Big Data and talk about a few
arrangements. Other than the test of enormous example size and high dimensionality,
there are a few other vital components of Big Data worth equivalent consideration. These

1. Complex information challenge: because of the way that Big Data is all in all
totaled from various sources, they at some point show substantial tail practices
with nontrivial tail reliance.
2. Noisy information challenge: Big Data for the most part contain different sorts of
estimation blunders, exceptions what’s more, missing qualities.
3. Dependent information challenge: in different sorts of cutting edge information,
for example, money related time arrangement, fMRI, and time course microarray
information, the specimens are reliant with generally powerless signs.

Existing Methods

Meeting the requirement for pace. In today’s hypercompetitive business environment,

organizations not just need to discover and break down the significant informa-
tion they require, they should discover it rapidly. Perception helps associations
perform investigations and settle on choices a great deal all the more quickly, yet
the test is experiencing the sheer volumes of information and getting to the level
of point of interest required, all at a fast. The test just develops as the level of
granularity increments. One conceivable arrangement is equipment. A few mer-
chants are utilizing expanded memory and effective parallel preparing to crunch
substantial volumes of information greatly rapidly. Another technique is plac-
ing information in-memory yet utilizing a network registering approach, where
28 Big Data Analytics

numerous machines are utilized to tackle an issue. Both methodologies permit

associations to investigate immense information volumes and addition business
bits of knowledge in close constant.
Understanding the information. It takes a great deal of comprehension to get infor-
mation fit as a fiddle so you can utilize representation as a feature of informa-
tion examination. For instance, if the information originates from the online
networking content, you have to know who the client is in a general sense—for
example, a client utilizing a specific arrangement of items—and comprehend
what it is you’re attempting to envision out of the information. Without some
kind of setting, perception devices are liable to be of less esteem of the client.
One answer for this test is to have the best possible area ability set up. Ensure
the general population breaking down the information have a profound com-
prehension of where the information originates from, what group of onlookers
will devour the information and how that gathering of people will translate the
Addressing information quality. Even in the event that you can discover and dissect
information rapidly and place it in the best possible connection for the group
of onlookers that will expand the data, the estimation of information for basic
leadership purposes will be imperiled if the information is not exact or oppor-
tune. This is a test with any information investigation, yet while considering the
volumes of data required in enormous information ventures, it turns out to be
much more purported. Once more, information representation will just turn out
to be a significant device if the information quality is guaranteed. To address this
issue, organizations need an information administration or a data administra-
tion process set up to guarantee the information is spotless. It’s generally best to
have a proactive technique to address information quality issues so issues won’t
emerge later.
Displaying significant results plotting that focuses on a diagram for examination gets to
be troublesome when managing greatly a lot of data or an assortment of classes of
data. For instance, envision you have 10 billion columns of retail SKU information
that you’re attempting to think about. The client attempting to view 10 b ­ illion plots
on the screen will experience serious difficulties such a large number of informa-
tion focuses. One approach to determine this is to bunch information into a more
elevated amount view where littler gatherings of information get to be obvious.
By gathering the information together, or “binning,” you can all the more success-
fully imagine the information.
Dealing with exceptions. The graphical representations of information made conceiv-
able by perception can convey patterns and anomalies much quicker than tables
containing numbers and content. Clients can without much of a stretch spot issues
that need consideration essentially by looking at an outline. Exceptions normally
speak to around 1 to 5 percent of information; however when you’re working with
huge measures of information, survey 1 to 5 percent of the information is some-
what troublesome.
How would you speak to those focuses without getting into plotting issues?
Conceivable arrangements are to expel the anomalies from the information (and
in this manner from the graph) or to make a different outline for the exceptions.
You can likewise canister the outcomes to both perspective the circulation of
Challenges in Big Data 29

information and see the anomalies. While exceptions may not be illustrative of
the information, they may likewise uncover already inconspicuous and possibly
profitable bits of knowledge.

Proposed Methods
Probabilistic Graphical Modeling
This subsidized cut and try is roughly creating probabilistic models to pity complex areas
by the whole of a doom of instability. This includes the climbing the corporate ladder
of strategies and calculations for random sample, surmising and science utilizing proba-
bilistic graphical models, e.g., Bayesian systems and Markov systems. Created strategies
are installed to many certifiable issues, for lesson, heterogeneous flea in ear coordination,
imbalanced taste learning, and immense information learning.

Mining Twitter Data: From Content to Connections

Microblogging has in a new york minute developed as the figure of civic cooperation.
In provocation of the case that untold sites savor Friend Feed, Daily bistro, and Tumblr
act as a witness microblogging, Twitter is the practically supported microblogging stage.
With 500 million enlisted clients, preferably than 400 million tweets are posted each day.
Twitter’s thing to the sweet ongoing story to a wide spot of clients makes it a potential
frame of reference for dispersing determining data.
About Our Twitter Database and frame of reference at WSU: We stash spilling flea in
the ear from the Twitter’s firehose API. This gives us from one end to the other 10% of the
complete Twitter information. We get during 5 GB of impression and completely 19 million
tweets separately day. Since our reference is amazingly “enormous previously growing,”
we have fashioned up a broad took databank that can pound parallel inquiries on the API.
Our recipe is sealed to significantly trim the assess time for a whale of a whisper prepar-
ing. We have outlined our frame of reference to pull out of the fire and break sweeping a
wide be vies of word from the Twitter information, for lesson, re-tweet course of action,
Follower and companions route, Twitter Lists, Geo-area based insights, Topic demonstrat-
ing on Tweets, thus on.

Late Work: Location-Specific Tweet Detection and Topic Summarization in Twitter

We off the rack up a late structure to get and drop the iron curtain tweets that are contrasting
to a dead set on Geographical area. Our dressy weighting schedule called Location Centric
Word Co-event (LCWC) utilizes the kernel of the tweets and the route data of the “twitters”
to get wise to tweets that are that a way particular. Utilizing our methodology, the points
that are distinctive to a dead set on orientation of high on the hog are compressed and exhib-
ited to the end-clients. In our hit or miss, we hinge on that (a) outstrip drifting tweets from
an that a way is down to last cent descriptors of trending particular tweets, (b) positioning
the tweets in catch a glimpse of of clients’ Geo-area can’t meet face to face out the that a
way specificity of the tweets, and (c) the clients’ position data assumes an imperative case in
an election the area particular attributes of the tweets. Little-vigorous Assessment-founded
30 Big Data Analytics

Ghostly Gathering for Enormous Data Analytics Unearthly bunching is a surely implied
chart theoretic methodology of discovering sensible groupings in an if dataset. These days,
computerized flea in the ear is amassed at a speedier than any presage in late memory has-
ten in antithetical fields, for the lesson, the Web, training, dwelling, biomedicine, and true
detecting. It is not awesome for a dataset to hinder countless specimens and/or highlights.
Unearthly grouping for the roughly part pester be infeasible for investigating these full
information. In this suspect, we represent a Stumpy-vigorous Estimate-created Haunted
(LAS) bunching for full information investigation. By coordinating low-rank grid approxi-
mations, i.e., the approximations to the propensity lattice and its subspace, and in debut
those for the Laplacian became lost in and the Laplacian subspace, LAS increases awesome
computational and spatial capacity for preparing tremendous information. Moreover, we
court different like a bat out of hell examining procedures to proficiently grant information
tests. From a hypothetical answer of notice, we numerically prove the honest to god truth of
LAS, and try the experiment of its chance blunder, and computational multifaceted nature.

Tending to Big Data Challenges in Genome Sequencing

and RNA Interaction Prediction
Single-Cell Genome Sequencing
Tremendous climbing the corporate ladder towards far and wide DNA sequencing is
shortly brought a radical nifty domain of energizing applications inside advance, a well
known of which is genomic analysis at single-cell determination. Single-cell genome
sequencing holds incredible sponsor for disparate territories of discipline, including bio-
degradable science, being a cluster of uncultivable innate microscopic organisms mended
from the human bulk to the seas, and malignancy phylogenetic. The Algorithmic Biology
Lab (ABL) has created two single-cell genome bevies devices, Velvet-SC and HyDA, that
cut back procedure terabyte cheerful DNA sequencing impression sets. We don’t request
that Big Data, notwithstanding that an amount scientists may search for pot of gold of a
well known as DNA sequencing information exist enormous. Huge Data challenges fall
into place when we require to conclude a concrete illustration that repeatedly contains
millions and forthwith and too billions of hit cells. Our key extra sensory foresight is
the monotony in a concrete illustration, the agnate number of cells is Biological imitates.
Financed by NSF ABI, our cluster takes an opportunity at compressive detecting calcula-
tions to meet every such of the genomes in an example by the whole of the insignificant
sequencing asking price and computational exertion. The contrast of information can get
ahead a pair of petabytes.

RNA Structure and RNA–RNA Association Expectation

RNA has hinged on another key kind of thing in the exploration work subsequent to
bewildering disclosures of ex cathedra components of non-coding RNAs in the gone to
meet maker 90’s. The rhyme or reason of those disclosures was spotted when the Nobel
prize was given in 2006 to Andrew Fire and Craig Mello for their telling of the RNA
interference­—gene silencing by double-stranded RNA. The ABL creates an RNA optional
practice and RNA-RNA communication anticipates calculations. In opposition of the cir-
cumstance that the info reference sets are RNA arrangements which are not delighted, our
O(n^6) running­-time and O(n^4)-recollection calculations prefer to conclude a few hun-
dred gigabytes of hallucination space for tiny RNA groupings. Accordingly, the mediator
Challenges in Big Data 31

taste that is created individually calculation, overall the that away from status whisper to
definite plan or benefit data, postures Big Data challenges. Case in involve, gadget learning
calculations and mining rusting pathways from a well known go-between information
sets charge profound computational traps, e.g., topology-safeguarding dimensionality
diminishment, to make up tractable on today’s machines.

Identifying Qualitative Changes in Living Systems

Right in a New York minute, promptly recognition of abstract maladies is suited simply
at the heels of the physiological qualities of the phenotype available. Case in connect, on
assets and liability of the big c, when the malignancy is as of shortly present. Subjective
changes down pat at the genomic directly can retrieve the habit of abstract maladies
stately onset. Rather than recognizing the consistency of the big c, we undertake to find
out the deride from the had the appearance of state. The immense impression knock the
chip off one shoulder here originates from the additional has a passion for to consider
and ceaselessly put under a microscope the analogy levels of 30,000 qualities and in a
superior way than 100,000 proteins around numerous has a head start focuses, prompt-
ing a big information blast. Results in a few exemplar life forms utilizing reenacted and
trustworthy information runs it up a flagpole that our campaign can beeline distinguish
interims when the impulsive framework (i.e., cell) changes starting by all of one mental
spot before on to the next. To the outstanding of our fantasy, this potential the finest
apparatus agile to unravel, utilizing high-throughput transcriptome information and
fading away pathways, a minority in anticipate when a framework perfectly changes its
state subjectively.

We thankfully recognize Dr. Emre Barut for his kind help in preparing Figure 1.5. We also
thank the partner manager and officials for their accommodating remarks.

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34 Big Data Analytics

Additional References for Researchers

and Advanced Readers for Further Reading
McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), (2011). Big Data: The next frontier for innovation, competition, and
productivity. McKinsey & Company.
Roberto V. Zicari, (2012). Managing Big Data. An interview with David Gorbet ODBMS Industry
Roberto V. Zicari, (2011). On Big Data: Interview with Dr. Werner Vogels, CTO and VP of
ODBMS Industry Watch.​-with​
Roberto V. Zicari, (2011). On Big Data: Interview with ShilpaLawande, VP of Engineering at Vertica.​
Roberto Zicari, (2012). “Big Data for Good,” Roger Barca, Laura Haas, Alon Halevy, Paul Miller,
Roberto V. Zicari. ODBMS Industry Watch, June 5, 2012.​
Roberto V. Zicari, (2012). On Big Data Analytics: Interview with Florian Waas.​
Roberto V. Zicari, (2012). Next generation Hadoop—interview with John Schroeder. ODBMS
Industry Watch, September 7, 2012.​
Erich Grädel, Alon Halevy, and Michael J. Carey, (2012). Michael J. Carey, EDBT keynote 2012, Berlin.
Jürgen Fitschen and Anshu Jain, (2012). [9] Marc Geall, “Big Data Myth”, Deutsche Bank Report 2012.
Roberto V. Zicari, (2012). On Big Data, Analytics and Hadoop. Interview with Daniel Abadi. ODBMS
Industry Watch, December 5, 2012.​
Roberto V. Zicari, (2012). Hadoop and NoSQL: Interview with J. Chris Anderson. ODBMS Industry
Watch, September 19, 2012.​
Roberto V. Zicari, (2011). Analytics at eBay. An interview with Tom Fastner. ODBMS Industry Watch,
October 6, 2011.​
Roberto V. Zicari, (2012). [13] Interview with Mike Stonebraker. ODBMS Industry Watch, May 2,

Key Terminology and Definitions

ACE: Analytics Center of Excellence.
AER: Accelerated External Reporting.
Alerts: notifications to one or more end users that occur when a computed value is outside
a prespecified range.
AQ: Analytics quotient.
B2B: Business-to-business.
B2C: Business-to-consumer.
Challenges in Big Data 35

BI: Business intelligence.

Big Data: the term that refers to data that have one or more of the following dimensions,
known as the four Vs: volume, variety, velocity, and veracity.
Business intelligence: the practice of reporting what has happened, analyzing contribut-
ing data to determine why it happened, and monitoring new data to determine
what is happening now.
Challenges in Big Data Analytics

Balamurugan Balusamy, Vegesna Tarun Sai Varma,

and Sohil Sri Mani Yeshwanth Grandhi

Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 38
Data Challenges.............................................................................................................................. 39
Storing the Data......................................................................................................................... 39
Velocity of the Data................................................................................................................... 40
Data Variety................................................................................................................................ 40
Computational Power.............................................................................................................. 41
Understanding the Data........................................................................................................... 41
Data Quality............................................................................................................................... 41
Data Visualization..................................................................................................................... 41
Management Challenges...............................................................................................................42
Talent Management...................................................................................................................42
Decision Making........................................................................................................................43
Company Culture......................................................................................................................43
Process Challenges.........................................................................................................................44
Introduction to Hadoop................................................................................................................44
Why Not a Data Warehouse for Big Data?............................................................................44
What Is Hadoop?....................................................................................................................... 45
How Does Hadoop Tackle Big Data Challenges?................................................................. 45
Storage Problem.................................................................................................................... 45
Various Data Formats.......................................................................................................... 45
Processing the Sheer Volume of Data................................................................................ 46
Cost Issues............................................................................................................................. 46
Capturing the Data............................................................................................................... 46
Durability Problem............................................................................................................... 46
Scalability Issues................................................................................................................... 46
Issues in Analyzing Big Data................................................................................................... 46
HDFS...................................................................................................................................... 47
Architecture........................................................................................................................... 47
MapReduce............................................................................................................................ 48
Hadoop: Pros and Cons................................................................................................................ 49
Other Big Data-Related Projects................................................................................................... 50
Data Formats.............................................................................................................................. 50
Apache Avro.......................................................................................................................... 50
Apache Parquet..................................................................................................................... 51

38 Big Data Analytics

Data Ingestion............................................................................................................................ 51
Apache Flume....................................................................................................................... 51
Apache Sqoop....................................................................................................................... 52
Data Processing......................................................................................................................... 52
Apache Pig............................................................................................................................. 52
Apache Hive.......................................................................................................................... 52
Apache Crunch..................................................................................................................... 52
Apache Spark........................................................................................................................ 52
Storage........................................................................................................................................ 53
HBase...................................................................................................................................... 53
Coordination.............................................................................................................................. 53
ZooKeeper............................................................................................................................. 53
References....................................................................................................................................... 53

Over the past few decades, the use of computing systems has increased exponentially.
Today, even complex structures like bridges and railway tracks have systems embed-
ded within them to indicate, for example, wear and tear, and these systems can pro-
duce terabytes of data every day (Zikopoulos and Eaton 2011). Today, we often hear the
phrase “Data is the new oil”. Data is a natural resource that is growing bigger. But, like
any other resource, data is difficult to extract. The term “Big Data” is a misnomer, as it
indicates that Big Data stands for huge data sets. However, there are many huge data
sets that are not Big Data. Generally, Big Data is big where it needs to be distributed
across several machines and it cannot be processed manually. Big Data is about deriv-
ing new insights from previously untouched data and integrating those insights into
business operations, processes, and applications. However, everything that benefits
us poses us with challenges. Most people mistake challenges for the characteristics of
Big Data (volume, variety, velocity, and veracity, also known as the Four Vs). But the
Four Vs are a tiny subset of the challenges posed by Big Data. As an example, let us
attempt to have a better understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the Big
Data domain.
Here, we consider the video rental service stores from the early 2000s. The shopkeep-
ers of these stores used to track and keep a record of the videos that were often rented
and those which were not. Analyzing these records, the shopkeeper could know the stock
availability. The factors that could affect the sales of the rental services were the store
locality, price of the products, and customer satisfaction, which could be improved by
observing how the competitors handled the same elements. Since the emergence of online
rental services, however, the understanding of customers has evolved to another level.
Online rental services can not only track consumer watch history and their preferences
but also can track activities like watch duration, the number of replays of a video, device
on which the video was watched, location where the video was played, how the reviews
affected the users, and the number of people who navigated to the site or application
through advertisements. Similar to analyses done by shopkeepers from traditional stores,
online rental services developed algorithms to predict a customer’s video queue, which
would be recommended to them based on various factors as given above. This is one of the
major reasons why the advent of online rental services like Netflix led to the bankruptcy
of many traditional rental services.
Challenges in Big Data Analytics 39

The companies born digital, like Netflix, Google, and Amazon, have accomplished
things for which business executives from a decade ago could only dream. This is a small
example of the impact of the emergence of Big Data analytics. In addition, there have been
enormous impacts on manufacturing, telecommunication, and pharmaceutical companies
and government agencies. Manufacturers are using Big Data to determine optimum main-
tenance cycles to replace component parts before they fail, thus increasing customer sat-
isfaction. Telecommunication companies are using Big Data to monetize communication
traffic data. Pharmaceuticals are using Big Data to accelerate drug discovery and provide
more personalized medicines to individuals. Government agencies are using Big Data for
protection against cyber attacks. This is one of the many reasons why all traditional com-
panies are trying to move online.
As we can understand from the example mentioned above, Big Data analytics can pro-
vide us with far more insights than traditional analytics. Hence, we can make better pre­
dictions and smarter decisions than before and make Big Data a management revolution.
The challenges in becoming a Big Data-enabled organization can be quite enormous,
but the benefits it provides far outweigh the challenges. Some of the important ones are
complexity of coding, difficulty in deployment, and rapid improvement in technology.
Construction of an optimum code to transform an unstructured and semistructured
format into an understandable format can be a laborious task. Deployment is the next
milestone. According to Informatica, more than half of the constructed codes never get
deployed because of various compatibility issues and hindrances. Rapid improvements in
technology are leading to many optimized solutions. Companies should always stay alert
and be sure to adopt these optimized solutions.

Data Challenges
When working with Big Data, a data analyst is faced with many questions, such as, “How
can we store these data?” or “How do we draw insights from these data?” or “How do we
present these insights to business executives?” These questions present us with challenges
that can be classified as data challenges. Data challenges and characteristics of Big Data
(the Four Vs of Big Data) are considered the same. They may be inextricably intertwined,
but one can differentiate them in several respects, which we explore in this section. Also,
we list some key data challenges.

Storing the Data

Storing data can closely be associated with the volume of Big Data. According to IBM,
2.5 quintillion bytes of data are generated every day (Lu et al. 2014). By 2018, it is expected
that 50,000 gigabytes of data will be generated per second. This sheer volume of data is
generated from two main sources, which can be classified as internal and external data
sources. Internal data sources are mainly comprised by transactions, log data, and emails.
External data sources include social media, audio, photos, and videos. Most of the orga-
nizations focus on analyzing internal data to extract exact insights, whereas fewer orga-
nizations also focus on analyzing external data, which can include social networks like
Twitter or Facebook. This insights can reveal valuable insights that can change the pace
of an entire organization. In the present day, we store almost everything: environmental
40 Big Data Analytics

data, financial data, medical data, surveillance data, and the list goes on and on (Zicari
2014). Every organization is now facing massive volumes of data. There is an essential
need to capture, process, store, and analyze these huge data sets. This cannot be done
using conventional database systems. Thus, organizations and enterprises must use the
right technology to analyze the sheer volume of data in order to attain a perfect under-
standing of one’s business, customers, and services. As we require new storage mediums
with higher input/output speeds and storage capacities to meet the volume and velocity
requirements of Big Data, several new data storage and capture techniques, like direct-
attached storage (DAS), network-attached storage (NAS), and storage area networks
(SAN), have been introduced. However, these systems had many limitations and draw-
backs when they were implemented in large-scale distributed systems. Later, techniques
for data access optimization techniques, including data replication, migration, distribu-
tion, and access parallelism, were designed, and data access platforms, such as CASTOR,
dCache, GPFS, and Scalla/Xrootd, were employed for scalability and low-latency, high-
bandwidth access. Many companies preferred cloud storage to traditional storage, which
helped them in decreasing costs, but on the other side, cloud storage also led to data
security problems.

Velocity of the Data

Any event that generates digital data contributes to the ever-growing velocity of Big Data.
The rate at which these events take place can be termed the velocity. Presently, the data are
being generated at an increasingly massive rate, and thus the difficulties in collecting and
processing these data are increasing. The speed at which the data are stored and analyzed
has a stunning impact on the respective enterprise or organization. Even a minute dif-
ference of a few microseconds in analyzing and processing data may adversely affect an
organization and lead to a major loss. The organization should be able to identify the most
efficient solution to handle the data in order to reserve its place in the market. Any small
delay in identifying insights changes the entire pace and position of an organization in a
business sector. Thus, the actual efficiency lies in handling the sheer volume and variety
of “data in motion” rather than “data at rest.” For example, GPS data are refreshed in real
time, via satellite communication, etc.

Data Variety
The sheer volume of big data is mainly constituted by three categories: structured, semi­
structured, and unstructured data. Structured data can easily be processed using tradi-
tional methods that are based on relational databases. This type of data constitutes
around 5% of total digital data. The structured data that do not conform with the
formal structures of traditional data models can be considered semistructured data.
Semistructured data also constitute about 5% of total data. Some the examples include
XML, JSON, etc. The remaining whopping 90% is occupied by unstructured data, which
are difficult to process in comparison to structured data. These include sensor data, log
data, data generated by social media, etc. Traditional analytic methods cannot handle
these various categories of data at one time. Big Data technologies are efficient enough
to handle the combination of both structured and unstructured data. Any organization’s
growth largely depends upon its ability to handle, process, and extract insights from the
various forms of data available to it.
Challenges in Big Data Analytics 41

Computational Power
Most data-driven companies or organizations find sheer volumes of data whose rate is
increasing every second. Accessing these data at high speeds requires large computa-
tional power, which can be implemented in many ways. The first approach is to improve
the hardware. There has been a huge shift in technologies, like replacement of hard disk
drives with solid-state drives for increased random access speeds. Because there has been
very few improvements in clock speeds in the past decade, a few companies use power-
ful parallel processing to increase their data-processing speed exponentially, while some
other companies use a grid computing approach. All these approaches allow organiza-
tions to explore huge data volumes and gain business insights in near-real time.

Understanding the Data

To draw insights from data, one must understand various aspects of the data, like the
sources, its genuineness, etc. For example, if the obtained data are from navigation sys-
tems, the analyst must know some details about the user, e.g., the user is a construction
worker traveling to the work site, and so you must understand what insights you need
from the particular data. Without any context, it is less likely that the analyst will be able
to draw valid insights. Most data-driven companies hire a domain analyst for this issue,
so that the analyst can understand the data sources, target audience, and how the audience
perceives the information.

Data Quality
Data quality is closely related to data veracity. Before analyzing any data, one has to
ensure that the data are refined. Data veracity or quality defines the trustworthiness,
authenticity, and integrity of the data (Demchenko et al. 2013). The main focus of every
provider of decision-supporting technologies is for their data to be accurate. According to
IBM, one in three business leaders don’t trust the information they use to make their deci-
sions, because the increasing volume of data makes it difficult for providers to achieve the
intended accuracy. Security infrastructure is a key factor in determining the data verac-
ity, since unauthorized access to the data of an organization will cause degradation in
data veracity. Many leaders and business executives focus only on the technical aspects
of Big Data before storing it, but it is always better to have quality data rather than a very
large irrelevant data set, so that better results and conclusions can be drawn. This leads to
questions like “How can one know if the data are relevant?” and “What is the minimum
threshold of data required to perform data analysis?” In order to combat this challenge,
companies need to have a data governance or information management process similar
to quality management teams in other sectors to ensure the quality of the data before any
problems arise.

Data Visualization
Data analysts need to present the insights drawn from the data in an easy-to-understand
format for the managers and business executives. So, the main objective of this challenge
is to represent the knowledge obtained more intuitively and effectively. Most data ana-
lysts use graphs for this purpose. However, Big Data visualization tools mostly have poor
42 Big Data Analytics

performance with regard to functionalities, scalability, and response time. This is one of
many reasons why even large organizations turn to data visualization platforms for their
visualization. LinkedIn, a business and employment-oriented social networking service,
generates a lot of log data. In order to visualize these data, LinkedIn turned to the data
visualization platform Tableau, which represents the data as intuitive graphs and pictures.
According to Michael Li, Senior Director of Business Analytics at LinkedIn, around 80 to
90% of LinkedIn’s sales team accesses data on the Tableau server, allowing them to get
instant insights.
The availability of new in-memory technology and high-performance analytics that use
data visualization is providing a better way to analyze data more quickly than ever. To
tackle these challenges effectively, several big data technologies and techniques have been
developed and many more are still under development.

Management Challenges
Today, many companies and businesses are Big Data enabled. Therefore, for a company
to stand at the top of its business chain, it should be able to obtain the most benefits from
Big Data analytics, which can only be possible when a company is able to manage change
effectively. The five areas listed below are particularly important for that process.

A Big Data analysis system can help in erasing most but not all uncertainity on any issue,
and hence, there is a need for vision and human insights. For a company to make the most
of being Big Data enabled, it must not only have better data than its competitors, but also
better leaders who can draw better insights to help the company move forward. Most
good leaders have spotted a great opportunity with Big Data analytics and can understand
how the market is evolving, think creatively and propose truly novel offerings, articulate
a compelling vision, persuade people to embrace it and work hard to realize it, and deal
effectively with customers, employees, stockholders, and other stakeholders (McAfee et al.
2012). One of the reasons behind the success of a company or an organization will always
be its leaders, who do all the above-mentioned actions while helping the company adapt
to the Big Data era.

Talent Management
A sudden increase in competition among companies around the data analytics sector has
given birth to the profession of data scientist. A data scientist is a high-ranking professional
with the training and curiosity to make discoveries in the world of Big Data (Davenport
and Patil 2012). The enthusiasm for big data focuses on technologies that make taming
it possible, including Hadoop and related open source tools, cloud computing, and
data visualization. While these technologies are important, people with the right skill
set who can put these technologies to good use are equally as important. Since a large
number of data scientists have already been hired by startups and well-established corpora-
tions, there is a shortage and hence demand for data scientists in a few sectors. The challenges
for managers in talent management include learning how to identify talent, attracting it to
Challenges in Big Data Analytics 43

their enterprise, and making it productive. A data scientist can be thought of as an amal-
gamation of a data hacker, analyst, communicator, and trusted advisor. Perhaps the most
regarded skills of a data scientist are statistics knowledge (most of which is not taught in
a regular statistics course) and knowledge of methods for cleaning and organizing large
data sets.

The technologies available to handle Big Data have greatly increased and improved over
the years. Most of these technologies are not very expensive, and much of them are open
source. Hadoop, one of the most commonly used frameworks, combines commodity hard-
ware with open source software. Data scientists often fashion their own tools and even
conduct academic-style research. Yahoo’s data scientists made huge contributions in devel-
oping Hadoop. Facebook’s data team created Hive for programming Hadoop projects.
Many other data scientists, at companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Walmart,
eBay, LinkedIn, and Twitter, have added to and refined the Hadoop toolkit. Many IT com-
panies have as their sole focus Big Data technologies, and hence this part is generally over-
focused. Although overattention to technology is not advisable, it remains to a necessary
component of a Big Data strategy.

Decision Making
As mentioned in the Leadership section above, Big Data analytics can eliminate most but
not all uncertainties to help make predictions. For example, consider an oil and gas com-
pany. By incorporating and analyzing historic yield information or geological information,
the system can create a far more accurate picture of the likely outcome of any given well
or mine. With the ability to predict both quality and quantity of output, the commodities
business is in a better position to decide with which producers they will deal, how to find
an appropriate buyer, enter into advanced agreements, and negotiate better pricing, as
well as employing optimized logistics planning (Schwartz and Clore 2015). This infor-
mation may help in making decisions, but it too can have uncertainties which couldn’t
have been predicted by analyzing historical data. Therefore, an effective organization puts
information and the relevant decision rights in the same location. In the Big Data era, infor-
mation is created and transferred, and expertise is not where it used to be. An artful leader
will create an organization flexible enough to maximize the necessary cross-functional
cooperation (McAfee et al. 2012). In addition, a reliance on only data insights to make deci-
sions is not advised. Instead, a blend of both data insights and human insights is required.

Company Culture
One of the biggest aspects of Big Data analytics is how it supports decision making. When
data are scarce, expensive to obtain, or are not documented in digital form, managers
tend to make decisions on the basis of their experience, observations, and intuition. For
a company to be truly data-driven, executives need to override their own intuition when
the data don’t agree with it. The new role of executives in a data-driven company is to
challenge the authenticity of the data, its sources, and the results. Also, executives must
not spice up reports with lots of data that support their intuition. The HiPPO (the highest-
paid person’s opinion) system must be fully abolished within a data-driven company. The
executives must embrace these facts or should be replaced by those who do.
44 Big Data Analytics

There are additional challenges, like privacy and security concerns, that have become
more significant by the day since the emergence of Big Data. Many people protest against
Big Data analytics, as they believe in it being unethical for breaching the privacy of people.
Privacy advocates believe that engineers can develop new techniques for data analytics
that can minimize the costs to privacy.

Process Challenges
Even after significant exploration and complex decision processes by experienced data
scientists, capturing the right analysis model is an extremely difficult task. Success can-
not be guaranteed even after considerable amount of analysis on huge data sets. Failure
of Google Flu is one such example. Google Flu was designed to provide real-time moni-
toring of flu cases around the world. The fact that people with the flu will probably go
online to find out about treatments, symptoms, and other related information was exploited
by Google to track such behavior, hoping to predict flu outbreaks faster than traditional
health authorities. According to Google, there exists a close relationship between the num-
ber of people searching for flu-related topics and the number of people with flu symptoms.
The comparison between these query counts with the traditional flu surveillance systems
revealed that these search queries tended to be most popular exactly when flu season was
happening. With the help of these query counts, Google Flu estimates how flu is circulating
in different countries. But just a few months after announcing Google Flu, the world was
hit by the 2009 swine flu pandemic, caused by H1N1 virus, which it couldn’t track (Salzberg
2014). So, failures when dealing with Big Data analytics are quite common, as even minute
flaws can change the whole game. The major process challenges include the following:

• Capturing the data from different internal and external data sources;
• Transforming the captured data into an analyzable form;
• Deriving and understanding the insights and visualizing them; and
• Usage of the new insights to serve the desired purpose.

Even after overcoming all these challenges, no one can ensure fulfillment of the desired
goal. It depends upon numerous factors that include accuracy of analysis, the degree of its
importance, and the impact on people and organizations.

Introduction to Hadoop
Why Not a Data Warehouse for Big Data?
Before proceeding to our discussion of Hadoop, it is important to know that Hadoop and
data warehouses serve different purposes. Both of them have different business intelli-
gence (BI) strategies and tools. The basic difference between the classic BI and the Big Data
BI tools is associated with the requirement aspect. In the case of classic BI, there is a clarity
Challenges in Big Data Analytics 45

of needs and requirements (Ronquillo 2014). Big Data BI tends to capture everything and
lacks this requirement for clarity. A data warehouse is only associated with structured
data, while Big Data incudes all data.

What Is Hadoop?
Hadoop is an open source project of Apache Foundation. It is a framework written in Java
that was developed by Doug Cutting, who named it after his son’s toy elephant. This is
one of the most effective and famous solutions to handle massive quantities of data, which
can be structured, unstructured, or semistructured, using commodity hardware. Hadoop
makes use of Google’s MapReduce technology as its foundation. Many have a misconcep-
tion that Hadoop is a replacement for relational database systems. Structured data act like
basic support and building blocks for most of companies and enterprises. This is because
structured data are easier to handle and process than unstructured and semistructured
data. Hadoop is not a replacement for the traditional relational database system, as it is not
suitable for online transaction processing workloads, where data are randomly accessed
on structured data. In such cases, relational database systems can be quite handy. Hadoop
is known for its parallel processing power, which offers great performance potential.

How Does Hadoop Tackle Big Data Challenges?

There are three key trends that are changing the way the entire industry stores and uses
data (Olson 2010). These trends are:

1. Instead of having a large and centralized single server to accomplish the tasks,
most organizations are now relying on commodity hardware, i.e., there has been
a shift to scalable, elastic computing infrastructures.
2. Because of proliferating data at various IT giants, organizations, and enterprises,
there has been an eventual rise in the complexity of data in various formats.
3. Combinations of two or more data sets may reveal valuable insights that may not
have been revealed by a single data set alone.

These trends make Hadoop a major platform for data-driven companies. We’ve seen
many challenges in Big Data analytics. Now, let us understand how Hadoop can help us
overcome these challenges.

Storage Problem
As Hadoop is designed to run on a cluster of machines, desired storage and computational
power can be achieved by adding or removing nodes for a Hadoop cluster. This reduces
the need to depend on powerful and expensive hardware, as Hadoop relies on commodity
hardware. This solves the problem of storage in most cases.

Various Data Formats

We’ve seen that data can be structured, semistructured, or unstructured. Hadoop doesn’t
enforce any schema on the data being stored. It can handle any arbitrary text. Hadoop can
even digest binary data with a great ease.
46 Big Data Analytics

Processing the Sheer Volume of Data

Traditional methods of data processing involve separate clusters for storage and process-
ing. This strategy involves rapid movement of data between the two categories of clusters.
However, this approach can’t be used to handle Big Data. Hadoop clusters are able to man-
age both storage and processing of data. So, the rapid movement of data is reduced in the
system, thus improving the throughput and performance.

Cost Issues
Storing Big Data in traditional storage can be very expensive. As Hadoop is built around
commodity hardware, it can provide desirable storage at a reasonable cost.

Capturing the Data

In response to this challenge, many enterprises are now able to capture and store all the
data that are generated every day. The surplus availability of updated data allows complex
analysis, which in turn can provide us with desired valuable insights.

Durability Problem
As the volume of data stored increases every day, companies generally purge old data.
With Hadoop, it is possible to store the data for a considerable amount of time. Historical
data can be a key factor while analyzing data.

Scalability Issues
Along with distributed storage, Hadoop also provides distributed processing. Handling
large volumes of data now becomes an easy task. Hadoop can crunch a massive volume
of data in parallel.

Issues in Analyzing Big Data

Hadoop provides us with rich analytics. There are various tools, like Pig and Hive, that
make the task of analyzing Big Data an easy one. BI tools can be used for complex analysis
to extract the hidden insights.
Before we proceed to components of Hadoop, let us review its basic terminology.

• Node: A node simply means a computer. This is generally a nonenterprise com-

modity hardware that contains data.
• Rack: A rack is a collection of 30 to 40 nodes that are physically stored close to
each other and are all connected to the same network switch. Network bandwidth
between two nodes on the same rack is greater than bandwidth between two
nodes on different racks.
• Cluster: A collection of racks can be termed a cluster.

The two main components of Hadoop are HDFS and MapReduce. By using these com-
ponents, Hadoop users have the potential to overcome the challenges posed by Big Data
analytics. Let us discuss each component.
Challenges in Big Data Analytics 47

HDFS (Hadoop distributed file system) is designed to run on commodity hardware. The
differences from other distributed file systems are significant. Before proceeding to the
architecture, let us focus on the assumptions and core architectural goals associated with
HDFS (Borthakur 2008).

Detection of faults
An HDFS instance may be associated with numerous server machines, each
storing part of the file system’s data. Since there are huge numbers of components,
each component has a nontrivial probability of failure, implying that some com-
ponent of HDFS is always nonfunctional. Detection of such faults and failures
followed by automatic recovery is a core architectural goal of HDFS.
Streaming data access
Applications that run across HDFS need streaming data access to their data
sets. HDFS is designed for batch processing rather than interactive use. The prior-
ity is given to throughput of data access over low latency of data access.
Large data sets
HDFS is designed to support large data sets. A typical file in HDFS is gigabytes
to terabytes in size. HDFS should provide high data bandwidth to support hun-
dreds of nodes in a single cluster.
Simple coherency model
HDFS applications need a write-once/read-many access model for files. This
assumption minimizes data coherency (consistency) issues and enables high-
throughput data access.
Moving computation
The computation requested by an application is very efficient if it is executed
near the data on which it operates. Instead of migrating the data to where the
application is running, migrating the computation minimizes network conges-
tion, and overall throughput of the system is maximized. HDFS provides the
required interfaces to the applications to achieve the same.
HDFS supports easy portability from one platform to another.

HDFS has a master–slave architecture. It is mainly comprised of name and data nodes.
These nodes are pieces of software designed to run on commodity machines. An HDFS
cluster contains a single name node, a master server that manages file system name space
and regulates access to files by clients. Name node acts as a repository for all HDFS meta-
data. Generally, there is a dedicated machine that only runs the name node software.
There can be numerous data nodes (generally one per node in a cluster) which manage
storage attached to the nodes that they run on. HDFS allows the data to be stored in files.
These files are further split into blocks, and these blocks are stored in a set of data nodes.
From Figure 2.1, we can see that the name node is responsible for mapping of these blocks
to data nodes. We can also infer that data nodes are responsible for serving read and write
48 Big Data Analytics

Metadata Namenode (Name, replicas, etc.)
ops /home/foo/data, 3, etc.

Client Block
Datanodes Datanodes


Write Write

Rack 1 Rack 2

HDFS architecture.

requests from clients. Data nodes also perform block creation, deletion, and replication
upon the instruction of name node.
HDFS is designed to tolerate a high component failure rate through replication of data.
HDFS software can detect and compensate any hardware-related issues, such as disk or
server failures. As files are further decomposed into blocks, each block is written in multiple
servers (generally three servers). This type of replication ensures performance and fault toler-
ance in most cases. Since the data are replicated, any loss of data in a server can be recovered.
A given block can be read from several servers, thus leading to increased system throughput.
HDFS is best suited to work with large files. The larger the file, the less time Hadoop spends
seeking the next data location on the disk. Seek steps are generally costly operations that are
useful when there is a need to analyze or read a subset of a given data set. Since Hadoop
is designed to handle the sheer volume of data sets, the number of seeks is reduced to a
minimum by using large files. Hadoop is based on sequential data access rather than random
access, as sequential access involves fewer seeks. HDFS also ensures data availability by con-
tinually monitoring the servers in a cluster and the blocks they manage. When a block is read,
its check-sum is verified, and in case of damage, it can easily be restored from its replicas.

MapReduce is a framework that is designed to process parallelizable problems across huge
data sets by making use of parallel data-processing techniques that typically involve large
numbers of nodes. The term MapReduce refers to two separate and distinct tasks that
Hadoop programs perform. From Figure 2.2, we can infer that the Map job takes a set of
data and converts it into another set of data where individual elements are broken down
into tuples (key/value pairs). This is followed by the Shuffle operation. This operation
involves the transfer of data from Map tasks to the nodes, where Reduce tasks will run.
Output of Map job is given as input to the Reduce job, where the tuples are broken down to
even smaller sets of tuples. As implied by the term MapReduce, Reduce job is always per-
formed after Map job. Map and Reduce jobs run in parallel with each other. Map Reduce
also excels at exhaustive processing (Olson 2010). If an algorithm requires examination
of each and every single record in a file in order to obtain a result, MapReduce is the best
Challenges in Big Data Analytics 49

Input data

Map Map Map Map


Reduce Reduce


MapReduce process.

choice. The key advantage of MapReduce is that it can process petabytes of data in a rea-
sonable time to answer a question. A user may have to wait for some minutes or hours, but
is finally provided with answers to all those questions that would’ve been impossible to
answer without MapReduce.
As we’ve briefly seen MapReduce, let us understand its execution. The MapReduce pro-
gram executes in three stages, namely, Map stage, Shuffle stage, and Reduce stage.

Map stage
The goal of this stage is to process input data. Generally, input data are in
the form of a file or directory which resides in HDFS. When the input is passed
to the Map function, several small chunks of data are produced as the result of
Reduce stage
The Reduce stage is a combination of the Shuffle stage and Reduce stage. Here,
the output of the Map function is further processed to create a new set of output.
The new output will then be stored in HDFS.

Hadoop: Pros and Cons

Talking of Hadoop, there are numerous perks that one should know. Some of the impor-
tant perks are:

• Hadoop is an open source framework

• Its ability to schedule numerous jobs in smaller chunks
• Support for replication and failure recovery without human intervention in most cases
• One can construct MapReduce programs that allow exploratory analysis of data as
per the requirements of an organization or enterprise.
50 Big Data Analytics

Although Hadoop has proven to be an efficient solution against many challenges posed
by Big Data analytics, it has got a few drawbacks. It is not suitable under the following

• To process transactions due to the lack of random access

• When work cannot be parallelized
• To process huge sets of small files
• To perform intensive calculation with limited data

Other Big Data-Related Projects

Hadoop and HDFS are not restricted to MapReduce. In this section, we give a brief over-
view of the technologies which use Hadoop and HDFS as the base. Here, we divided the
most prominent Hadoop-related frameworks and classified them based on their applica-
tions (Figure 2.3).

Data Formats
Apache Avro
Apache Avro is a language-neutral data serialization system which was created by Doug
Cutting (the creator of Hadoop) to address the considerable drawback associated with
Hadoop: its lack of language portability. Avro provides rich data structures; a compact,
fast, binary data format; a container file, to store persistent data; a remote procedure call
(RPC); and simple integration with dynamic languages. Having a single data format that
can be processed by several languages, like C, C++, Java, and PHP, makes it very easy
to share data sets with an increasingly larger targeted audience. Unlike other systems

Data formats Data ingestion

Avro Parquet Flume Sqoop

Data processing

Pig Hive Crunch Spark

Storage Coordination

Hbase ZooKeeper

Categories of Big Data projects.
Challenges in Big Data Analytics 51

that provide similar functionality, such as Thrift, Protocol Buffers, etc., Avro provides the

Dynamic Typing
Avro does not require code to be generated. A schema is always provided with
the data which permits full processing of that data without code generation, static
data types, etc.
Untagged data
Since the schema is provided with the data, considerably less type information
is encoded with the data, resulting in smaller serialization size.
No manually assigned field ID
With every schema change, both the old and new schema are always present
when processing data, so differences may be resolved symbolically, using field

Avro relies on schemas. As data are read in Avro, the schema used when writing it is
always present. This permits each datum to be written with no per-value overheads, mak-
ing serialization both fast and small. Avro schemas are usually written in JSON, and data
are generally encoded in binary format.

Apache Parquet
Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format known for its ability to store data with a
deeply nested structure in true columnar fashion, and it was created to make the advan-
tages of compressed, efficient columnar data representation available to any project in the
Hadoop ecosystem. Parquet uses the record shredding and assembly algorithm described
in the Dremel paper. Columnar formats allow greater efficiency in terms of both file size
and query performance. Since the data are in a columnar format, with the values from one
column are stored next to each other, the encoding and compression become very efficient.
File sizes are usually smaller than row-oriented equivalents due to the same reason (White
2012). Parquet allows for reading nested fields independent of other fields, resulting in a
significant improvement in performance.

Data Ingestion
Apache Flume
Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating,
and moving large amounts of log data. Generally, it is assumed that data are already in
HDFS or can be copied there in bulk at once. But many systems don’t meet these assump-
tions. These systems often produce streams of real-time data that one would like to ana-
lyze, store, and aggregate using Hadoop, for which Apache Flume is an ideal solution.
Flume allows ingestion of massive volume of event-based data into Hadoop. The usual
destination is HDFS. Flume has a simple and flexible architecture based on streaming data
flows. It is robust and fault tolerant with tunable reliability mechanisms and many failover
and recovery mechanisms. It uses a simple extensible data model that allows for online
analytic application.
52 Big Data Analytics

Apache Sqoop
There is often a need to access the data in storage repositories outside of HDFS for which
MapReduce programs need to use external APIs. In any organization, valuable data are
stored in structured format, making use of relational database management systems. One
can use Apache Sqoop to import data from a relational database management system
(RDBMS), such as MySQL or Oracle or a mainframe, into the HDFS, transform the data
in Hadoop MapReduce, and then export the data back into an RDBMS. Sqoop automates
most of this process, relying on the database to describe the schema for the data to be
imported. Sqoop uses MapReduce to import and export the data, which provides parallel
operation as well as fault tolerance.

Data Processing
Apache Pig
Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language
for expressing data analysis programs, coupled with an infrastructure for evaluating these
programs. The main property of Pig programs is that their structure is compliant for sub-
stantial parallelization, which in turn enables them to handle huge data sets. These data
structures allow application of powerful transformations of the data. Pig allows the pro-
grammer to concentrate on the data as the program takes care of the execution procedure.
It also provides the user with optimization opportunities and extensibility.

Apache Hive
Hive is a framework that grew from a need to manage and learn from the massive vol-
umes of data that Facebook was producing every day (White 2012). Apache Hadoop is a
data warehouse platform that provides reading, writing, and managing of large data sets
in distributed storage using SQL. Hive has made it possible for analysts to run queries
on huge volumes of Facebook data stored in HDFS. Today, Hive is used by numerous
enterprises as a general-purpose data-processing platform. It comes with (built-in) Apache
Parquet and Apache ORC.

Apache Crunch
Apache Crunch is a set of APIs which are modeled after FlumeJava (a library that Google
uses for building data pipelines on top of their own implementation of MapReduce) and is
used to simplify the process of creating data pipelines on top of Hadoop. The main perks
over plain MapReduce are its focus on programmer-friendly Java types, richer sets of data
transformation operations, and multistage pipelines.

Apache Spark
Apache Spark is a fast and general-purpose cluster computing framework for large-scale
data processing. It was originally developed at the University of California, Berkeley’s
AMPLab but was later donated to Apache. Instead of using MapReduce as an execution
engine, it has its own distributed runtime for executing work on cluster (White 2012). It has
an ability to hold large data sets in memory between jobs. Spark’s processing model best
suits iterative algorithms and interactive analysis.
Challenges in Big Data Analytics 53

Apache Hbase is an open source, distributed, versioned, nonrelational database modeled
after Google’s Bigtable for HDFS; it allows real-time read/write random access to very
large data sets. It has the capacity to host very large tables on clusters made from commod-
ity hardware.

ZooKeeper was created as Hadoop’s answer to developing and maintaining an open
source server which could enable a highly reliable distributed coordination service. It can
be defined as a centralized service for maintaining configuration information, namely,
providing distributed synchronization and providing group services. These services are
implemented by ZooKeeper so that the applications do not need to implement them on
their own.
Hadoop has many more applications, including Apache Mahout for Machine Learning
and Apache Storm, Flink, and Spark to complement real-time distributed systems. As of
2009, application areas of Hadoop included log data analysis, marketing analysis, machine
learning, sophisticated data mining, image processing, processing of XML messages, web
crawling, text processing, general archiving of data, etc.

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Big Data Reference Model

Kevin Berwind, Andrei Voronov, Matthias Schneider, Marco Bornschlegl,

Felix Engel, Michael Kaufmann, and Matthias Hemmje

Introduction into Big Data Management Reference Model..................................................... 56
Information Visualization Based on the IVIS4BigData Reference Model.............................. 57
Interaction with Visual Data Views........................................................................................ 57
Interaction with the Visualization Pipeline and Its Transformation Mappings............... 58
Introduction to the IVIS4BigData Reference Model................................................................. 58
Introduction to Big Data Process Management Based on the CRISP4BigData
Reference Model............................................................................................................................. 60
The CRISP4BigData Reference Model.................................................................................... 60
Data Collection, Management, and Curation................................................................... 61
Interaction and Perception....................................................................................................... 66
Deployment, Collaboration, and Visualization................................................................ 66
Data Enrichment................................................................................................................... 66
Insight and Effectuation........................................................................................................... 67
Potentialities and Continuous Product and Service Improvement.............................. 67
Data Enrichment................................................................................................................... 67
Knowledge-Based Support...................................................................................................... 67
Knowledge Generation and Management........................................................................ 67
Retention and Archiving..................................................................................................... 68
Preparatory Operations for Evaluation of the CRISP4BigData Reference Model
within a Cloud-Based Hadoop Ecosystem................................................................................. 69
Architecture Instantiation........................................................................................................ 69
Use Case 1: MetaMap Annotation of Biomedical Publications via Hadoop.................... 69
Use Case 2: Emotion Recognition in Video Frames with Hadoop..................................... 69
Hadoop Cluster Installation in the EGI Federated Cloud................................................... 70
MetaMap Annotation Results.................................................................................................. 71
Conclusions and Outlook............................................................................................................. 72
References....................................................................................................................................... 72
Key Terminology and Definitions............................................................................................... 73

56 Big Data Analytics

Introduction into Big Data Management Reference Model

Big Data entails new dimensions in the volume, velocity, and variety of data available to
an organization. To create value from Big Data, intelligent data management is needed. Big
Data management (BDM) is the process of value creation using Big Data. Business enter-
prises are forced to adapt and to implement Big Data strategies, even though they do not
always know where to start. To address this issue, a BDM reference model can provide a
frame of orientation to initiate new Big Data projects.
The reference model BDMcube (Figure 3.1) is proposed to manage Big Data by optimizing
the “aspects of data integration, data analytics, data interaction, and data effectuation as
well as the successful management of the emergent knowledge in this process, which can
be called data intelligence” (Kaufmann 2016).
The offered BDMcube model shifts from an epistemic view of a cognitive system to a
management view in a layer-based reference model. Kaufmann (2016) reported that the
offered model “can be seen as a metamodel, where specific BDM models for a company
or research process represent specific instances implementing certain aspects of the
five layers.” BDMcube is a metamodel, or a model of models. It can be substantiated by
deriving specific BDM models from it. Thus, it can be used for the classification and
enhancement of existing BDM strategies, and it can provide a frame of reference, a
creativity tool, and a project management tool to create, derive, or track new Big Data
BDMcube is based on five layers that serve as a frame of reference for the implementation,
operation, and optimization of BDM (Kaufmann 2016). Each of the five layers is described
in detail here.

• Data Integration defines the collection and combination of data from different
sources into a single platform. The layer handles the involved database systems
and the interfaces among all data sources with special attention to the system scal-
ability and the common characteristics of Big Data, like the volume, velocity, and
variety of data (sources).

Data effectuation
Data intelligence

Data interaction

Data analytics

Data integration

A knowledge-based Big Data management meta-model (BDMcube). Source: Kaufman M., Towards a Reference
Model for Big Data Management, 2016.
Big Data Reference Model 57

• Data Analytics describes the transformation of raw data into information via
involvement of analytical processes and tools. Therefore, Big Data and analytical
and machine learning systems have to operate within a scalable, parallel comput-
ing architecture.
• Data Interaction is a layer which deals with analytical requirements of users and
the results of the data analysis in order to create new organizational knowledge.
Furthermore, Kaufmann (2016) reported that “it is important to note that data
analysis results are in fact nothing but more data unless users interact with them.”
• Data Effectuation describes the usage of data analytics results to create added
values to products, services, and the operation of organizations.
• Data Intelligence defines the task of knowledge management and knowledge
engineering over the whole data life cycle, in order to deal with the ability of the
organization to acquire new knowledge and skills. Furthermore, the layer offers a
cross-functional, knowledge-driven approach to operate with the knowledge assets
which are deployed, distributed, and utilized over all layers of Big Data management.

The following two models provide specific instances of BDMcube utilization in the areas
of data visualization and data mining. Each of these models reflects the five aspects of
BDMcube in its respective domain of application.

Information Visualization Based on the IVIS4BigData Reference Model

Interaction with Visual Data Views
Big Data analysis is based on different perspectives and intentions. To support manage-
ment functions in their ability to make sustainable decisions, Big Data analysis specialists
fill the gaps between Big Data analysis results for consumers and Big Data technologies.
Thus, these specialists need to understand their consumers’ and customers’ intentions as
well as having strong technology skills, but they are not the same as developers, because
they focus more on potential impacts on the business (Upadhyay and Grant 2013).
Deduced from these perspectives and intentions, there are different use cases and related
user stereotypes that can be identified for performing Big Data analyses collaboratively
within an organization. Users with the highest contextual level, e.g., managers of differ-
ent hierarchy levels of such organizations, need to interact with visual analysis results for
their decision-making processes. On the other hand, users with low contextual levels, like
system owners or administrators, need to interact directly with data sources, data streams,
or data tables for operating, customizing, or manipulating the systems. Nevertheless, user
stereotypes with lower contextual levels are interested in visualization techniques as well,
in case these techniques are focused on their lower contextual levels.
Finally, there are user stereotype perspectives in the middle of the excesses, represent-
ing the connection between user stereotypes with low or high contextual levels. Given
the consequences of these various perspectives and contextual levels, it is important to
provide the different user stereotypes with a context-aware system for their individual use
cases: “The ‘right’ information, at the ‘right’ time, in the ‘right’ place, in the ‘right’ way, to
the ‘right’ person” (Fischer 2012). One could add to this quotation “with the right compe-
tences,” or perhaps “with the right user empowerment.”
58 Big Data Analytics

Data Visual form

Raw Data Visual
data tables structures
Data Visual View
transformations mappings transformations

Human interaction

IVIS reference model. Source: Modified from Card SK et al. 1999. Readings in Information Visualization: Using
Vision To Think, 1999.

Interaction with the Visualization Pipeline and Its Transformation Mappings

Information visualization (IVIS) has emerged “from research in human-computer ­interaction,
computer science, graphics, visual design, psychology, and business methods” (Cook et al.
2006). Nevertheless, IVIS can also be viewed as a result of the quest for interchanging ideas
and information between humans, keeping with Rainer Kuhlen’s work (2004), because of
the absence of a direct interchange. The most precise and common definition of IVIS as “the
use of computer-supported, interactive, visual representations of abstract data to amplify
cognition” stems from the work of Card et al. (Kuhlen 2004). To simplify the discussion
about information visualization systems and to compare and contrast them, Card et al. (as
reported by Kuhlen 2004) defined a reference model, illustrated in Figure 3.2, for mapping
data to visual forms for human perception.
In this model, arrows lead from raw data to visual data presentation of the raw data
within a cognitive, efficient, IVIS based on a visual structure and its rendering of a view
that is easy for humans to perceive and interact with. The arrows in this model indicate
a series of data transformations, whereas each arrow might indicate multiple chained
transformations. Moreover, additional arrows from the human at the right into the trans-
formations themselves indicate the adjustment of these transformations by user-operated
controls supporting the human–computer interaction (Kuhlen 2004). Data transformations
map raw data, such as text data, processing information (database tables, emails, feeds,
and sensor data into data tables) which define the data with relational descriptions and
extended metadata (Beath et al. 2012, Freiknecht 2014). Visual mappings transform data
tables into visual structures that combine spatial substrates, marks, and graphical prop-
erties. Finally, the capability to view transformations creates views of the visual struc-
tures by specifying graphical parameters, such as position, scaling, and clipping (Kuhlen
2004). As Kuhlen (2004) summarized this issue, “Although raw data can be visualized
directly, data tables are an important step when the data are abstract, without a direct
spatial component.” Therefore, Card et al. (1999) defined the mapping of a data table to a
visual structure, i.e., a visual mapping, as the core of a reference model, as it translates the
mathematical relations within data tables to graphical properties within visual structures.

Introduction to the IVIS4BigData Reference Model

The hybrid refined and extended IVIS4BigData reference model (Figure 3.3), an adaptation of
the IVIS reference model (Figure 3.2), in combination with Kaufmann’s BDM reference model
Big Data Reference Model 59

Data collection, Interaction and perception

management and curation

Insight and
Data source 1
Data Data Visual User
Data source 2 collection structures Visual structures Views stereotypes
Data View
transformations mappings transformations
Data source n
Data collection Data structure Visual structure View
view view view configurator
User User User User
stereotype stereotype stereotype stereotype
Knowledge-based support empowerment

Storage cloud Compute cloud Service cloud

infrastructure infrastructure infrastructure

IVIS4BigData reference model.

(Figure 3.1), covers the new conditions of the present situation with advanced visual interface
opportunities for perceiving, managing, and interpreting Big Data analysis results to support
insights. Integrated into the underlying reference model for BDM, which illustrates different
stages of BDM, the adaptation of the IVIS reference model represents the interactive part of the
BDM life cycle.
According to Card et al. (1999), arrows which indicate a series of (multiple) data trans-
formations lead from raw data to data presentation to humans. However, instead of
collecting raw data from a single data source, multiple data sources can be connected,
integrated by means of mediator architectures, and in this way globally managed in data
collections inside the data collection, management, and curation layer. The first transfor-
mation, which is located in the analytics layer of the underlying BDM model, maps the
data from the connected data sources into data structures, which represent the first stage
in the interaction and perception layer. The generic term “data structures” also includes
the use of modern Big Data storage technologies (e.g., NoSQL, RDBMS, HDFS), instead of
using only data tables with relational schemata. The following steps are visual mappings,
which transform data tables into visual structures, and view transformations, which cre-
ate views of the visual structures by specifying graphical parameters such as position,
scaling, and clipping; these steps do not differ from the original IVIS reference model. As
a consequence, interacting only with analysis results leads not to added value for the opti-
mization of research results or business objectives, for example. Furthermore, no process
steps are currently located within the insight and effectuation layer, because added values
from this layer are generated instead from knowledge, which is a “function of a particular
perspective” (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995) and is generated within this layer by combining
the analysis results with existing knowledge.
The major adaptations are located between the cross-functional knowledge-based sup-
port layer and the corresponding layers above. As a consequence, from the various per-
spectives and contextual levels of Big Data analysis and management user stereotypes,
additional arrows lead from the human users on the right to multiple views. These arrows
illustrate the interactions between user stereotypes with single-process stages and the
adjustments of the respective transformations by user-operated controls to provide the
right information, at the right time, in the right place, in the right way to the right person
60 Big Data Analytics

(Fischer 2012), within a context-aware and user-empowering system for individual use
cases. Finally, circulation around all whole layers clarifies that IVIS4BigData is not solely a
one-time process, because the results can be used as the input for a new process circulation.

Introduction to Big Data Process Management Based

on the CRISP4BigData Reference Model
The CRISP4BigData Reference Model
The CRISP4BigData reference model (Berwind et al. 2017) is based on Kaufman’s refer-
ence model for BDM (Kaufman 2016) and Bornschlegl et al.’s (2016) IVIS4BigData reference
model. IVIS4BigData was evaluated during an AVI 2016 workshop in Bari. The overall
scope and goal of the workshop were to achieve a road map that could support accelera-
tion in research, education, and training activities by means of transforming, enriching,
and deploying advanced visual user interfaces for managing and using eScience infra-
structures in virtual research environments (VREs). In this way, the research, education
and training road map pave the way towards establishing an infrastructure for a visual
user interface tool suite supporting VRE platforms that can host Big Data analysis and
corresponding research activities sharing distributed research resources (i.e., data, tools,
and services) by adopting common existing open standards for access, analysis, and visu-
alization. Thereby, this research helps realize a ubiquitous collaborative workspace for
researchers which is able to facilitate the research process and potential Big Data analysis
applications (Bornschlegl et al. 2016).
CRISP4BigData is an enhancement of the classical cross-industry standard process for
data mining (CRISP-DM), which was developed by the CRISP-DM Consortium (compris-
ing DaimlerChrysler [later Daimler-Benz], SPSS [later ISL], NCR Systems Engineering
Copenhagen, and OHRA Verzekeringen en Bank Groep B.V.) with the target of handling
the complexity of data-mining projects (Chapman et al. 2000).
The CRISP4BigData reference model (Figure 3.4) is based on Kaufmann’s five sec-
tions of Big Data management, which includes (i) data collection, management, and
curation, (ii)  analytics, (iii) interaction and perception, (iv) insight and effectuation, and
(v) ­k nowledge-based support, along with the standard four-layer methodology of the
CRISP-DM model. The CRISP4BigData methodology (based on CRISP-DM methodology)
describes the hierarchical process model, consisting of a set of tasks disposed to the four
layers: phase, generic task, specialized task, and process instance.
Within each of these layers are a number of phases (e.g., business understanding, data
understanding, data preparation) analogous to the standard description of the original
CRISP-DM model, but it is now enhanced by some new phases (e.g., data enrichment,
retention, and archiving).
Each of these phases consists of second-level generic tasks. The layer is called generic
because it is deliberately general enough to cover all conceivable use cases. The third layer,
the specialized task layer, describes how actions, located in the generic tasks, should be
processed and how they should differ in different situations. That means, the specialized
task layer, for example, handles the way data should be processed, “cleaning numeric val-
ues versus cleaning categorical values, [and] whether the problem type [calls for] cluster-
ing or predictive modeling” (Chapman et al. 2000).
Big Data Reference Model 61

Data collection, Analytics Interaction and perception Insight and effectuation

management and curation

Business understanding Modelling

Data understanding Analysis Deployment, Potentialities and

collaboration, continuous product and
visualization service improvement

Data preparation Evaluation

Data enrichment Data enrichment Data enrichment Data enrichment

Knowledge-based support
Knowledge generation
Retention and archiving and management

CRISP4BigData reference model, version 1.0. Source: Berwind, K et al. 2016 Collaborative European Research
Conference, 2017.

The fourth layer, the process instance, is a set of records of running actions, decisions,
and results of the actual Big Data analysis. The process instance layer is “organized accord-
ing to the tasks defined at the higher levels, but represents what actually happened in a particular
engagement, rather than what happens in general” (Chapman et al. 2000).

Data Collection, Management, and Curation

The data collection, management, and curation phase is equivalent to the phase of the
same name in Bornschlegl et al.’s IVIS4BigData reference model and the data integration
phase of the Big Data Management reference model. The phase defines the collection and
combination of data from different sources into a single platform. The layer handles the
involved database systems and the interfaces to all data sources with special care to the
system scalability and the common characteristics of Big Data, like volume, velocity, and
the variety of data (sources).
The different subset of phases, i.e., business understanding, data understanding, data
preparation, and data enrichment, are described in detail here. Some of the subordinate
phases are equal to the phases named in CRISP-DM.

Business understanding
The phase business understanding describes the aims of the project to generate
a valid project plan for coordination purposes. It is relevant to formulate an exact
description of the problem and ensure an adequate task definition. A targeted
implementation of purposed analytical methods could generate added value. This
contains in parallel the reconcilement analytical processes, relating to the orga-
nizational structures and processes of the company. While considering existing
62 Big Data Analytics

Business Understanding: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Business Understanding Task Outputs
Determine business objectives Background, business objectives, business success criteria
Assess initial situation Inventory of resources, requirements, assumptions and constraints, risks
and contingencies, terminology, costs and benefits
Analyze infrastructure and data Infrastructure (hardware and software) report, data structure report
Determine analysis goals Analysis goals, criteria for analysis success
Produce project plan Project plan, initial assessment tools and techniques

parameters, the key parameter of the analytical project should be defined. The
following generic tasks have to be processed (Table 3.1):
• Determination of business objectives
• Assess the initial situation
• Infrastructure and data structure analysis
• Determine analysis goals
• Produce project plan
Within the scope of the analysis of the situation, first the problem is described
from an economic point of view and should then be analyzed. Based on this
first analysis step, a task definition is derived. Thereby, the parameters that con-
tribute to the achievement of objectives of the project should be recognized and
explored. Likewise, it is necessary to list hardware and software resources, finan-
cial resources, and the available personnel and their different qualifications. In
another subphase, all possible risks should be described, along with all possible
solutions for the listed risks. From the economic aim and the analysis of the situ-
ation, some analytical aims should be formulated. In another subphase, different
types of analytical methods will be assigned to corresponding tasks and success
metrics can be formulated, which are reflected in the evaluation of the results of
the analysis.
During complex analytical projects, it can be meaningful, based on economic
and technical aims, to generate a project plan. The underlying project plan sup-
ports the timing coordination of the processes and tasks. Furthermore, within
each phase of the analysis, the resources, restrictions, inputs and outputs, and
time scales allocated have to be determined. In addition, at the beginning of the
project, cost-effectiveness considerations are necessary, accompanied by an assess-
ment of the application possibilities, considering restrictions of human, technical,
and financial resources.
Data understanding
The data understanding phase focuses on the collection of the project-relevant
internal and external data. The aim of this phase is a better understanding of the
underlying data, which will be used during the analysis process. First, insights
into the data or database might emerge during the first collection of data. This
phase utilizes ad hoc insights through a supporting technique of visualizations or
via a method of descriptive statistics.
Big Data Reference Model 63

The following generic tasks (Table 3.2) deal with the quantity and quality of the
available data, and under some circumstances such tasks should be performed a
number of times.
A return to the previous phase is always possible; this is especially important
if the results of the data understanding phase endanger the whole project. The
focus of this phase is the selection and collection of data from different sources
and databases. Therefore, it is useful to use so-called metadata, which offer infor-
mation about the volume or the format of the available data. With an already-
prepared database, the data warehouse is the first choice of data sources.
Data preparation
The data preparation phase aims to describe the preparation of the data which
should be used for the analysis. The phase includes the following generic tasks
(Table 3.3): define the data set, select data for analysis, enrich data, clean data,
construct data, integrate data, and format data. All generic tasks have the aim to
change, delete, filter, or reduce the data in order to obtain a high-quality data set
for the analysis.
Based on the equivalent aspects of the CRISP4BigData data preparation phase
and the CRISP-DM data preparation phase, we can estimate that 80% of resources
(time, technology, and personnel) used in the whole CRISP4BigData process are
committed to the CRISP4BigData data preparation phase (cf. Gabriel et al. 2011).
Furthermore, Gabriel et al. described several additional tasks (e.g., data cleansing
and transformation) that should be included within the generic tasks (or in addi-
tion to generic tasks).
• Data cleansing: This phase describes all provisions with the aim of high-
quality data, which is very important for the applicability of the analysis (and

Data Understanding: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Data Understanding Task Output(s)
Collect initial data Initial data collection report
Look up reusable data Reusable analysis report, reusable data report,
reusable process information report
Describe data Data description report
Explore data Data exploration report
Verify data quality Data quality report

Data Preparation: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Data Preparation Task Output(s)
Define data set Data set description
Select data Rationale for inclusion or exclusion
Enrich data Data enrichment report
Clean data Data cleaning report
Construct data Derived attributes, generated records
Integrate data Merged data
Format data Reformatted data
64 Big Data Analytics

Data Enrichment: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Data Enrichment Task Output(s)
Collect process information Process information report
Select process information Process information description
Data enrichment Analysis data, process information, skill recognition, and expert finder

techniques) and interpretability of the analysis results. This task extends,

for example, to data merging, the multiplicative or additive linking of
• Transformation: It is the aim of the transformation phase to change the data
into a data format that is usable within the Big Data applications and frame-
works. This step also contains formatting of the data into a usable data type
and domain. This phase distinguishes alphabetical, alphanumerical, and
numerical data types (cf. Gabriel et al. 2011).
Data enrichment
Data enrichment describes “the process of augmenting existing data with
newer attributes that offer a tremendous improvement in getting analytical
insights from it. Data enrichment often includes engineering the attributes to
add additional data fields sourced from external data sources or derived from
existing attributes” (Pasupuleti and Purra 2015). In this context, data enrichment
is used for the collection and selection of all appreciable process information to
reuse the analysis process and analysis results in a new iteration or a new analy-
sis process. In addition, during this phase, information about the analysis stake-
holder (e.g., analysts, data scientists, users, requesters) are collected to get insights
about, for example, who is using the analysis (process), who is an expert in a
needed domain, and which resources (e.g., analysis, diagrams, and algorithms)
are reusable (Table 3.4).


The modeling phase describes the design of a Big Data analysis model which
matches the requirements and business objectives with the aim of a high signifi-
cance of the analysis. Within this phase, suitable frameworks, libraries, and algo-
rithms will be selected to analyze the underlying data set based on the business
Attention should be paid, in some circumstances, that “not all tools and tech-
niques are applicable to each and every task. For certain problems, only some tech-
niques are appropriate … “Political requirements” and other constraints further
limit the choices available to the data … engineer. It may be that only one tool or
technique is available to solve the problem at hand—and that the tool may not be
absolutely the best, from a technical standpoinit” (Chapman et al. 2000).
It is also necessary to define a suitable test design which contains a procedure
to validate the model’s quality. The test design should also contain a plan for the
Big Data Reference Model 65

training, testing, and evaluation of the model. Further, it must be decided how
the available data set should be divided into a training data set, test data set, and
evaluation test set (Table 3.5).
This phase describes the assessment of the analysis (model and analysis results);
therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the analysis is matching the success crite-
ria. Further, it is necessary to validate the analysis based on the test design and the
business objectives concerning validity and accuracy.
Within this phase the following activities should be processed to obtain a suit-
able and meaningful model, analysis, and results (cf. Chapman et al. 2000):
• Evaluate and test the results with respect to evaluation criteria and according
to a test strategy
• Compare the evaluation results and interpretation to select the best model and
model parameter
• Check the plausibility of model in the context of the business objectives
• Check the model, analysis, and results against the available knowledge base to
see if the discovered information is useful
• Check why certain frameworks, libraries, and algorithms and certain param-
eter settings lead to good or bad results (Table 3.6)
The evaluation phase describes the comprehensive assessment of the project
progression, with the main focus on the assessment of the analysis results and the
assessment of the whole CRISP4BigData process (cf. Gabriel et al. 2011) (Table 3.7).

Modeling: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Modeling Task Output(s)
Select modeling technique Modeling technique, modeling assumptions
Generate test design Test design
Build model Parameter settings, models, model description

Analysis: Generic Task and Outputs
Analysis Task Outputs
Assess model Model assessment, revised parameter settings

Evaluation: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Evaluation Task Output(s)
Evaluate results Assessment of analysis results, approved models
Review process Review of process
Determine next steps List of possible actions, decision
66 Big Data Analytics

Data Enrichment: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Data Enrichment Task Output(s)
Collect process information Collect process information report
Select process information Process information description
Data enrichment Analysis data, process information, skill recognition, and expert finder

Within the evaluation phase the analysis process and analysis results must be
verified by the following criteria: significance, novelty, usefulness, accuracy, gen-
erality, and comprehensibility (Chapman et al. 2000, Gabriel et al. 2011). Further, all
results must match the requirements and project aims (Gabriel et al. 2011). Following
this, the CRISP4BigData process and data model should be audited concerning the
process quality to reveal weak points and to design and implement improvements.
Furthermore, the process should include the model test in a software test
environment based on real use cases (or real applications) (Chapman et al. 2000).
Finally, “depending on the results of the assessment and the process review, the
project team decides how to proceed … to finish this project and move on to
deployment” (Chapman et al. 2000).
Data enrichment
The data enrichment phase is equal to the previously named subordinate data
enrichment phase within the data collection, management, and curation phase
(Table 3.8).

Interaction and Perception

Deployment, Collaboration, and Visualization
The deployment, collaboration, and visualization phase describes how the CRISP4BigData
process and the process analysis should be used. The following points are exam-
ples of information that should be described in detail and implemented within this phase:

• Durability of the process, analysis, and visualizations

• Grant access privileges for collaboration and access to results and visualizations
• Planning of sustainable monitoring and maintenance for the analysis process
• Presentation of final report and final project presentation
• Implementation of a service and service-level management

This phase also contains the creation of all needed documents (e.g., operational docu-
ments, interface designs, service-level management documents, mapping designs, etc.)
(Table 3.9).

Data Enrichment
This data enrichment phase is equivalent to the above-described subordinate data enrich-
ment phase within the data collection, management, and curation phase. It entails the fol-
lowing tasks and outputs (Table 3.10).
Big Data Reference Model 67

Interaction and Perception: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Deployment, Collaboration,
and Visualization Task Outputs
Plan deployment Analysis deployment plan, visualization deployment plan,
collaboration deployment plan
Monitoring and maintenance Monitoring and maintenance plan
Produce final report Final report, final presentation
Review Project Experience documentation, lessons learned summary

TABLE 3.10
Data Enrichment: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Data Enrichment Task Output(s)
Collect process information Collect process information report
Select process information Process information description
Data enrichment Analysis data, process information, skill recognition

Insight and Effectuation

Potentialities and Continuous Product and Service Improvement
The phase for potentialities and continuous product and service improvement entails the
application of the analysis data to accomplish added value for products and services, as
well as to optimize the organization and organizational processes (Table 3.11). According
to the Big Data Management Reference model, the creation of added value is based on an
efficiency increase in production and distribution (Kaufmann 2016), the optimization of
machine operations (Kaufmann 2016), and improvement of the CRM (Kaufmann 2016).

Data Enrichment
This third data enrichment phase is also equal to the above-described subordinate data
enrichment phase within the data collection, management, and curation phase (Table 3.12).

Knowledge-Based Support
Knowledge Generation and Management
The knowledge generation and management phase entails the handling of the collected
(process) information, collected information about the experts and users, and the created

TABLE 3.11
Potentialities and Continuous Product and Service Improvement: Generic
Tasks and Outputs
Potentialities and Continuous Product
and Service Improvement Task Output(s)
Apply analysis Potentialities report, improvement report
Review project Review project report
68 Big Data Analytics

TABLE 3.12
Data Enrichment: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Data Enrichment Task Output(s)
Collect process information Collect process information report
Select process information Process information description
Data enrichment Analysis data, process information, skill recognition

TABLE 3.13
Knowledge Generation and Management: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Knowledge Generation and Management Task Output
Collect useful results and insights Knowledge tank
Find experts Expert tank

insights and ensuing fields of application, with the aim to collect these artifacts (Table 3.13).
These artifacts can be connected in a meaningful way to create a knowledge tank (knowl-
edge base) and an expert tank, both of which can be applied for all steps of the data life
cycle (Kaufman 2016).

Retention and Archiving

The retention and archiving phase entails the retention and archiving of the collected data,
information, and results during the whole CRISP4BigData process. This phase contains
the following Generic Tasks and Outputs (Table 3.14).
The collected data can then be classified according to the Hortonworks (2016) classifica-
tion model, as follows:

• Hot: Used for both storage and computing. Data that are being used for processing
stay in this category.
• Warm: Partially hot and partially cold. When a block is warm, the first replica is
stored on disk and the remaining replicas are stored in an archive.
• Cold: Used only for storage, with limited computing. Data that are no longer being
used, or data that need to be archived, are moved from hot storage to cold storage.
When a block is cold, all replicas are stored in the archive.

All the collected, archived, and classified data can be used as “new” databases for a new
iteration of the CRISP4BigData process.

TABLE 3.14
Retention and Archiving: Generic Tasks and Outputs
Retention and Archiving Task Output
Collect data Collected data set
Select data Selected data set
Classify data Classified data set
Archive data Archived data set
Maintain data archiving and retention Maintenance and life cycle plan
Big Data Reference Model 69

Preparatory Operations for Evaluation of the CRISP4BigData

Reference Model within a Cloud-Based Hadoop Ecosystem
The offered CRISP4BigData Reference Model, which supports scientists and research facil-
ities to maintain and manage their research resources, is currently evaluated in a proof-
of-concept implementation. The implementation is based on the conceptual architecture
for a VRE infrastructure called the Virtual Environment for Research Interdisciplinary
Exchange (unpublished article of Bornschlegl), for which the goal is to handle the whole
analytical process, managing (automatically) all the needed information, analytical mod-
els, algorithms, library knowledge resources, and infrastructure resources to obtain new
insights and optimize products and services.
Matthias Schneider (2017) provided in his thesis, as a preparatory operation, a prototypi-
cal implementation for executing analytic Big Data workflows using selected components
based on a Cloud-based Hadoop ecosystem within the EGI Federated Cloud (Voronov
2017). The selection of components was based on requirements for engineering VRE.
Its overall architecture is presented below, followed by two diverse domain-specific use
cases implemented in this environment. The use cases are connected to the EU cofounded
SenseCare project, which “aims to provide a new effective computing platform based on
an information and knowledge ecosystem providing software services applied to the care
of people with dementia” (Engel et. al 2016).

Architecture Instantiation
The instantiation of the conceptual architecture for a VRE infrastructure as introduced
above and the component selection is illustrated in Figure 3.5.
Apache Ambari is used as an overall Hadoop cluster management tool, and it is extendable
via use of Ambari Management Packs for service deployment. Hue is a user-friendly interface
that allows the analyst to model work flows and access the HDFS. These actions are executed
by Oozie using MapReduce or Spark operating on YARN, with files stored in HDFS or HBase
tables. Sqoop can be used for data management, and Sentry can be used for authorization.

Use Case 1: MetaMap Annotation of Biomedical Publications via Hadoop

As a part of the SenseCare Project, information retrieval for medical research data, sup-
ported by algorithms for natural language processing, was evaluated. One approach would
be to use MetaMap, a tool developed at the U.S. National Library of Medicine to facilitate
text analysis on biomedical texts, in order to extract medical terms from a comprehensive
database of a vast volume of medical publications. In order to process this Big Data using
Hadoop, the MetaMap server was embedded into an Ambari Management Pack to distrib-
ute it on the nodes of the Hadoop cluster. Using MapReduce as the execution framework,
a map method was developed to perform the actual processing of the input files from the
database, which yielded the extracted medical terms as result, while a reducer method
filtered duplicates of these terms before writing them into the distributed file system.

Use Case 2: Emotion Recognition in Video Frames with Hadoop

While Hadoop is often used for textual processing, Use Case 2 evaluated the processing of
binary data. Here, video data was evaluated, with the goal of recognizing emotions from
70 Big Data Analytics

Application layer

Hue - Hadoop user environment UI

Ambari UI
Workflow HDFS data
management browser
User management Cluster provisioning

Research resource layer

Oozie Ambari MetaMap
Workflow execution Cluster Ambari management pack
engine management
Service layer

Oozie Ambari

MapReduce Spark MetaMap recognition
Sentry - authorization

Task execution Task execution MapReduce

task MapReduce
engine engine
Infrastructure layer

Hadoop cluster framework

YARN - Resource manager Sqoop - I/O Hbase

Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS) - storage

Color legend: Domain-specific use cases Hadoop ecosystem Optional libraries

Instantiation of the conceptual architecture for a VRE infrastructure using Hadoop components and two
domain-specific use cases. Source: Schneider, M., Master’s thesis, University of Hagen, Germany, 2017.

facial expressions, via computer vision algorithms. To avoid handling of multiple video
formats in Hadoop, the video files were preprocessed and partial frames were extracted
to images. These images were stored in a special container format that allowed divi-
sion into chunks when stored in HDFS, in order to achieve distributed processing using
MapReduce. The actual processing was realized via a mapper method called OpenCV,
a library of extracted facial landmarks, among other computer vision functions. Facial
landmarks are distinctive spots in the human face, e.g., the corner of one’s mouth, or the
position of the nose or the eyes. Emotions are derived from the relative positions of these
facial landmarks. In subsequent tasks, these results can be rated and analyzed.

Hadoop Cluster Installation in the EGI Federated Cloud

A cluster installation using fixed hardware is rigid in terms of its resource utilization.
Therefore, Cloud computing approaches are gaining in popularity, because they allow
a more balanced usage of hardware resources through virtualization. Especially when
instantiating VREs, a cloud environment is advantageous, as it allows maximum flexibil-
ity concerning computational and storage resources. In order to gather experience with a
Cloud environment for the Hadoop VRE introduced above, the EGI Federated Cloud was
evaluated in Andrei Voronov’s thesis (Voronov 2017).
Big Data Reference Model 71

Local cloud installation virtual machine

EGI Fedcloud Installation

clients bash scripts
Scientist Administrator


University of Hagen server Cloud virtual machine 1 Cloud virtual machine 2..n

Hue Ambari server Ambari agent

User interface Cluster management Cluster installer
DB MetaMap server Mpack
Local file storage Hadoop slave instance
(HDP 2.5)
Ambari agent
MetaMap server Mpack Cluster installer HDFS, YARN, MapReduce,
Spark, Oozie
MetaMap MapReduce
Hadoop master instance
(HDP 2.5) MetaMap server

HDFS, YARN, MapReduce,

Spark, Oozie

MetaMap server

Hadoop cluster installation in the EGI Federated Cloud, showing the deployment of MetaMap using Ambari
Management packs. Source: Schneider, M., Master’s thesis, University of Hagen, Germany, 2017.

The European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) provides services for bringing computing infra-
structure to scientists and research institutions in Europe. As a part of these services, the
Federated Cloud unifies formerly heterogeneous computational infrastructure and there-
fore allows global usage of temporarily underused IT infrastructure for other scientists in
Europe (Fernández-del-Castillo et al. 2015).
Figure 3.6 gives an overview of the EGI Federated Cloud architecture developed for the
MetaMap annotation Use Case introduced above. For this purpose, a fixed server at the
University of Hagen was used to host the Hue user interface together with local file storage
for the research resources to be permanently available. The cluster in the Cloud is seen as
an infrastructure component within the VRE, and therefore a loose coupling is achieved.
The registration, configuration, and installation of the virtual machines are achieved using
installation scripts, which allow easy generation of an EGI Federated Cloud cluster with
the needed resources and preinstalled Ambari. The following section details some practi-
cal experience gained during the utilization of the EGI Federated Cloud cluster.

MetaMap Annotation Results

As a first benchmark, the annotation process for biomedical publications using MetaMap
(Use Case 1) was executed in a local cluster with two nodes and compared to the execu-
tion in a cluster within the EGI CESNET-MetaCloud, a provider of EGI, with five nodes.
One thousand biomedical full-text publications were processed in the local cluster within
six hours, while the EGI Federated Cloud needed as long as 15 hours for the same tasks.
72 Big Data Analytics

A  remarkable result was that the execution times in the EGI Federated Cloud varied mas-
sively (13 to 16 hours), while the execution time on the local cluster remained quite con-
stant. This illustrates the shared character of the Cloud environment provided by the EGI.
During the evaluation phase and multiple executions of this long-lasting batch-oriented
process, no down time occurred. Thus, even with no guaranteed resources and varying
computational power, the EGI Federated Cloud seems to be a reliable service.

Conclusions and Outlook

This chapter has described the issues and challenges companies have to deal with during
the whole data and information life cycle to extract important information and knowledge
to generate insights regarding their own opportunities. The aim is to improve services and
products and to expose new advantages opposite those of their competitors. Therefore, this
chapter offered a conceptual modeling and implementation of a Cloud-based Hadoop eco-
system within the EGI Federated Cloud, based on a VRE architecture. Further, this chapter
described two research-relevant use cases that included use of the MetaMap Annotation
for biomedical publications and emotion recognition in video frames with Hadoop.
In addition, the chapter showed some new methodologies, the Big Data Management
reference model and IVIS4BigData and CRISP4BigData models, for handling the whole
analysis process from raw data to visual views and to deal with analysis processes and
projects, beginning with a business understanding the role of archiving and retention. On
a final note, we described how new technologies and services based on Cloud computing
could support the analysis of data without an owner-operated data center.

Beath C, Becerra-Fernandez I, Ross J, Short J. 2012. Finding value in the information explosion. MIT
Sloan Management Review.­information​
Berwind K, Bornschlegl M, Kaufman M, Hemmje M. 2017. Towards a cross industry standard pro-
cess to support Big Data applications in virtual research environments. Collaborative European
Research Conference 2016.​
Bornschlegl MX, Berwind K, Kaufmann M, Hemmje M. 2016. Towards a reference model for
advanced visual interfaces supporting Big Data analysis in virtual research environments,
pp. 78–81. Proceedings on the International Conference on Internet Computing. World Congress in
Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Applied Computing.
Card SK, Mackinlay JD, Shneiderman B. 1999. Readings in Information Visualization: Using Vision To
Think. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.
Chapman P, Clinton J, Kerber R, Khabaza T, Reinartz T, Shearer C, Wirth R. 2000. CRISP-DM 1.0:
Step-by-Step Data Mining Guide.​
Engel F et al. 2016. SenseCare: Towards an experimental platform for home-based, visualisation of
emotional states of people with dementia. Advanced Visual Interfaces. New York: ACM.
Big Data Reference Model 73

Fernández-del-Castillo E, Scardaci D, García AL. 2015. The EGI Federated Cloud e-infrastructure.
Procedia Computer Science 68:196–205.
Fischer G. 2012. Context-aware systems: The “right” information, at the “right” time, in the “right”
place, in the “right” way, to the “right” person, pp. 287–294. Proceedings of the International
Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. New York: ACM.
Freiknecht J. 2014. Big Data in der Praxis. Lösungen mit Hadoop, HBase und Hive; Daten speichern,
aufbereiten, visualisieren. Munich, Germany: Hanser.
Gabriel R, Gluchowski P, Pastwa A. 2011. Data Warehouse and Data Mining. Herdecke University.
Witten, Germany: W3L GmbH.
Hortonworks. 2016. Storage policies: Hot, warm, and cold.​
Documents/HDP2/HDP 2.3.2/bk_hdfs_admin_tools/content/storage_policies_hot_warm_cold​
Kaufmann M. 2016. Towards a Reference Model for Big Data Management. Research report, Faculty of
Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Hagen, Hagen, Germany.
Kuhlen R. 2004. Informationsethik: Umgang mit Wissen und Information in elektronischen
Räumen. UTB 2454 Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft. Konstanz: UVK-Verl.-Ges.
Nonaka I, Takeuchi H. 1995. The Knowledge-Creating Company: How Japanese Companies Create the
Dynamics of Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Pasupuleti P, Purra SB. 2015. Data Lake Development with Big Data. Birmingham: Packt Publishing.
Schneider M. 2017. Workflow management for Big Data applications within the Apache Hadoop
ecosystem based on virtual research environments. Master’s thesis. Faculty of Mathematics
and Computer Science, University of Hagen, Hagen, Germany.
Upadhyay S, Grant R. 2013. 5 data scientists who became CEOs and are leading thriving ­companies.​
Voronov A. 2017. Eine cloud-basierte Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Hadoop Ecosystems
und Ecosystems Portal auf Grundlage des Modells für Virtual Research Environments und
IVIS4BigData Referenz modells. Master’s thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer
Science, University of Hagen, Hagen, Germany.

Key Terminology and Definitions

Big Data Management Reference Model: the Big Data Management Reference Model of
Kaufmann (2016) describes Big Data management as a process for the manage-
ment of data streams of high volumes, at rapid velocities, high heterogeneity,
and uncertainty of integrity. The reference model demonstrates, furthermore,
that the techniques for the administration and management of Big Data are
not merely for research purposes but also achieve added value in real world
CRISP4BigData Reference Model: the CRISP4BigData Reference Model is a phase-based
process model which deals with the analysis process from an initial business
understanding to retention and archiving of data, information, and knowledge.
The reference model is based on Kaufmann’s Big Data Management reference
model, Bornschlegel’s IVIS4BigData reference model, and the Cross-Industry
Standard Process for Data Mining.
Data Analytics: Data Analytics is the process of filtering, querying, indexing, cleaning,
transforming, and modeling data with the objective of finding useful information
to support decision making.
74 Big Data Analytics

Data Insight and Effectuation: Data Insight and Effectuation is a process for dealing with
the results of an analysis to add value to a product or service to get a better or a
more suitable result.
Data Integration and Collection: Data Integration and Collection describes the process of
integrating all needed data sources and collecting the data from those sources to
generate a data set for further analysis.
Data Interaction and Perception: Data Interaction and Perception describes how human
decision makers get in touch with the first results of their requested analysis to
manipulate, correct, and share them with other (human) decision makers.
Data Management and Curation: Data Management and Curation describes a set of
methodical and organizational processes and procedures to deal with data as a
resource, analogous to the data life cycle to operate with the data to gain maxi-
mum added value across all business processes.
Data Warehousing: Data Insight and Effectuation is a process for dealing with the results
of an analysis to add value to a product or service to obtain a better or more suit-
able result.
Hadoop Ecosystem: the Hadoop Ecosystem is based on several software components, like
HDFS, Hive, HBase, and Storm, and is designed to deal with a large volume of
(real-time) data. There are also some other components, like the Web-based note-
book Apache Zeppelin, to analyze, visualize, and interact with data.
Information Visualization Reference Model: the Information Visualization Reference
Model describes the transformation from raw data to a visual form of the data as
a mapping and transformation process over several processing steps. Data trans-
formations map raw data, such as text data, processing information, (database)
tables, e-mails, feeds, and sensor data (Beath et al. 2012, Freiknecht 2014) into data
tables, which define the data with relational descriptions and extended metadata.
The data tables, which are based on mathematical relations, are used to transform
the raw data into a relation or set of relations to structure them and make it easier
to map the data into visual structures.
IVIS4BigData Reference Model: the hybrid IVIS4BigData Reference Model is based
on the IVIS reference model and Kaufmann’s Big Data Management Reference
Model. It was created to cover new use cases and requirements in current situa-
tions with advanced visual interface opportunities for perceiving, managing, and
interpreting Big Data.
Knowledge-Based Support: Knowledge-Based Support describes some additional cross-
departmental functions of knowledge-based processes and technologies which
consequently support the data-based paradigm and allow optimization of the
advantage of Big Data.
A Survey of Tools for Big Data Analytics

K. G. Srinivasa, Zeeshan Ahmad, Nabeel Siddiqui, and Abhishek Kumar

Survey on Commonly Used Big Data Tools............................................................................... 76
Potential Growth Versus Commitment for Big Data Analytics Options............................... 78
Potential Growth....................................................................................................................... 78
Commitment......................................................................................................................... 78
Balance of Commitment and Potential Growth............................................................... 78
Trends for Big Data Analytics Options....................................................................................... 78
Group 1: Strong to Moderate Commitment, Strong Potential Growth............................. 78
Advanced Analytics............................................................................................................. 79
Visualization.......................................................................................................................... 79
Real Time...............................................................................................................................80
In-Memory Databases..........................................................................................................80
Unstructured Data................................................................................................................80
Group 2: Moderate Commitment, Good Potential Growth................................................ 81
Group 3: Weak Commitment, Good Growth........................................................................ 81
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)......................................................................... 82
MapReduce............................................................................................................................ 82
Complex Event Processing (CEP)...................................................................................... 82
SQL......................................................................................................................................... 82
Clouds in TDWI Technology Surveys....................................................................................83
Group 4: Strong Commitment, Flat or Declining Growth...................................................83
Understanding Internet of Things Data......................................................................................84
Challenges for Big Data Analytics Tools.....................................................................................84
Tools for Using Big Data............................................................................................................... 85
Jaspersoft BI Suite...................................................................................................................... 86
Benefits................................................................................................................................... 86
Pentaho Business Analytics..................................................................................................... 87
Karmasphere Studio and Analyst........................................................................................... 87
Direct Access to Big Data for Analysis.............................................................................. 87
Operationalization of the Results....................................................................................... 88
Flexibility and Independence............................................................................................. 88
Talend Open Studio.................................................................................................................. 88
Skytree Server............................................................................................................................ 89
Tableau Desktop and Server.................................................................................................... 89

76 Big Data Analytics

Splice Machine...........................................................................................................................90
Cost-Effective Scaling and Performance with Commodity Hardware......................... 91
Real-Time Updates with Transactional Integrity............................................................. 91
Conclusions..................................................................................................................................... 91
References....................................................................................................................................... 92

There are various options which can be selected for our Big Data analytics program.
These options include vendor tool types and tool features, user’s techniques and meth-
odologies, and team or organizational structures. The list cover a lot of items which are
complex and which we may not have considered seriously. Irrespective of what project
stage you’re in within Big Data analytics, knowing what options are available is foun-
dational to making good decisions about approaches to take and software or hardware
products to evaluate.
To accumulate all these problems, the TDWI organization conducted a survey of the
pros and cons of options for Big Data analytics (Figure 4.1). The listed options include the
latest innovations, like Clouds, MapReduce, and complex event processing, which were
present during the past few years but are now being adopted worldwide. The list presents
a catalog of available options for Big Data analytics, and responses to the survey questions
indicate what combinations of analytic functions, platforms, and tools users are employ-
ing today in terms of usability and complexity. With the help of these available data, proj-
ect planning can be done efficiently and we can deduce priorities based on the challenges
The technology and technical terms used in this book chapter are explained wherever
they appear or in the Key Terminology and Definitions section at the end of the chapter.
In addition to the references cited in our text, we have provided additional references fol-
lowing the References section for advance or further reading, for the benefit of advanced

Survey on Commonly Used Big Data Tools

Figure 4.1 portrays a slightly different view of option usage, as indicated by the pairs of
bars on the right side of the figure. Per-option differences between responses for “Using
Today” and “Using in Three Years” was calculated based on the potential growth bars;
this delta tells us how much the usage of a Big Data analytics option will increase or
decrease. An option’s commitment value is the percentage of survey respondents who
are committed to using that option, whether today, in three years, or both. Note that none
of the values in Figure 4.1 comes to 100%, which indicates that no option will be used by
all survey respondents in all time frames. In this chapter, we focus on learning about Big
Data analytics best practices, from identifying business goals to selecting the best Big Data
analytics tools for your organization’s needs (Wayer 2012).
A Survey of Tools for Big Data Analytics 77

What kinds of techniques and tool types is your organization using for advanced analytics and Big Data, both
today and in three years? (Checking nothing on a row means you have no plans for that technique or tool.)
Using today Commitment
Using in three years Potential growth
Advanced data visualization 20% 58%
47% 27%
In-memory database 9% 32%
26% 17%
Real-time reports or dashboards 19% 47%
36% 16%
Text mining 14% 36%
30% 16%
Advanced analytics (e.g., mining, predictive) 38% 70%
53% 16%
Visual discovery 9% 29%
24% 15%
Predictive analytics 30% 55%
43% 14%
Private cloud 9% 27%
22% 12%
Complex event processing (CEP) 5% 20%
16% 11%
Data mining scoring 22% 44%
33% 11%
Hadoop 7% 22%
18% 11%
In-database analytics 19% 40%
29% 10%
Accelerator (hardware or software based) 12% 30%
22% 10%
Closed loop; analytic output is input to op apps 10% 26%
20% 10%
MapReduce 7% 21%
17% 10%
In-line analytics 5% 17%
13% 8%
Data warehouse appliance 19% 37%
27% 7%
No-SQL or non-indexed DBMS 4% 14%
12% 7%
Column-oriented storage engine 12% 26%
19% 7%
Public cloud 4% 14%
11% 7%
Software as a service (SaaS) 9% 21%
16% 6%
Sandboxes for analytics 18% 32%
24% 6%
Extreme SQL 8% 17%
12% 4%
Mixed workloads in a data warehouse 11% 21%
15% 4%
Analytics processed within the EDW 30% 49%
32% 2%
DBMS purpose-built for data warehousing 22% 32%
21% −1%
Analytic databases outside the EDW 30% 48%
28% −2%
Statistical analysis 38% 53%
35% −3%
Central enterprise data warehouse (EDW) 39% 56%
33% −6%
Data marts for analytics 46% 65%
38% −9%
DBMS designed for transaction processing 20% 24%
10% −10%
OLAP tools 38% 45%
23% −14%
Hand-coded SQL 35% 39%
16% −19%

Common Big Data tool options usage. The data are based on responses from a total of 325 possible respondents.
The chart was sorted based on potential growth values (gray bars). (Modified from Russom, P., TDWI Best
Practices Report, Fourth Quarter, 2011, 2011.)
78 Big Data Analytics

Potential Growth Versus Commitment for Big Data Analytics Options

Potential Growth
The potential growth chart subtracts tools in use now from those anticipated to be in
use in three years, and the delta provides a rough indicator for the growth or decline of
usage of options for Big Data analytics over the next three years. The charted numbers are
positive or negative. Note that a positive number indicates growth and that growth can
be good or strong. A negative number indicates that the use of an option may decline or
remain flat instead of increasing.

The numbers in the commitment column represent the percentages of survey respondents
(based on a total of approximately 325 respondents) who selected “Using Today” and/or
“Using in Three Years” during the survey process. The measure of commitment here is
cumulative, in that the commitment may be realized today, in the near future, or both. A
survey respondent could leave it unchecked if they had no plans for the option.

Balance of Commitment and Potential Growth

To get a complete picture, it’s imperative to look at the metrics for both commitment and
growth. For instance, some features or techniques may have significant growth rates but
only within a weakly committed segment of the user community (Clouds, SaaS, or No-SQL
databases). They are strongly committed through common use today (analytic data marts,
online analytic processing [OLAP] tools) but they could have low growth rates. Options
which are seen with the greatest activity in the near future will most likely be those with
high ratings for both growth and commitment. To visualize the balance of commitment
and growth, Figure 4.2 includes the potential growth and commitment numbers from
Figure 4.1 on opposing axes of the single chart. Big Data analytics options are plotted as
growing or declining usage (x axis) and narrow or broad commitment (y axis).

Trends for Big Data Analytics Options

In Figures 4.1 and 4.2, we showed that most Big Data analytics options will experience
some level of growth in the near future. The figures also indicate which options will grow
the most, as well as those that will stagnate or decline. In particular, four groups of options
stand out based on combinations of growth and commitment (Figure 4.2, groups that are
circled, numbered, or labeled). The groups are reflective of trends in advanced analytics
and Big Data (Rusom 2011, Wayer 2012).

Group 1: Strong to Moderate Commitment, Strong Potential Growth

The highest-probability options for changing best practices in Big Data analytics are those
with higher potential growth (as validated by the survey results) with moderate or strong
A Survey of Tools for Big Data Analytics 79


1. Strong-to-moderate
4. Strong commitment, Advanced
commitment, strong
flat or declining growth analytics
potential growth
Data marts
for analytics

2. Moderate Advanced data

Central commitment, visualization
good potential Predictive
growth analytics

OLAP tools Analytic in EDW Data dashboards
databases mining


Hand-coded SQL analytics

Data warehouse Text mining
DBMS built In-memory
for DW Analytic database
sandboxes Private
cloud Visual
Columnar discovery
DBMS built DBMS Closed loop

for OLTP Mixed MapReduce

workloads SaaS Hadoop
Extreme CEP
Inline analytics

Public cloud

3. Weak commitment,
good potential growth

−25% Declining −12.5% Flat 0% Good 12.5% Strong +25%

Potential growth

Option for Big Data analytics, based on a plot of potential growth versus commitment. Plots are approximate,
based on values from Figure 4.1. (Adopted from Russom, P., Big Data Analytics, TDWI Best Practices Report Fourth
Quarter, 2011, 2011.)

organizational commitment. Group 1 adheres to both of these requirements, including

tool types and techniques that TDWI has been adopting aggressively during recent years.
Furthermore, today’s strongest trends in business intelligence (BI), data warehousing and
analytics, are apparent in Group 1 and are summarized in the next five subsections.

Advanced Analytics
Advanced analytics can be a collection of techniques and tool types, including tools for pre-
dictive analytics, data mining, statistical analysis, complex SQL, data visualization, artificial
intelligence, natural language processing, and database methods that support analytics. The
highest commitment among all the mentioned options for Big Data analytics is for advanced
analytics (Figure 4.2, upper right corner). The options which are most nearly related to
advanced analytics are predictive analytics, data mining, and statistical analysis in terms of
commitment. Corporate commitment cannot be denied in the field of advanced analytics, as
it will no doubt increase the growth area for users and for customers in years to come.

Advanced data visualization (ADV) projects the strongest potential among all the options
for Big Data analytics. ADV can be seen as a natural fit for Big Data analytics. ADV can be
80 Big Data Analytics

scaled to represent millions to thousands of data points, unlike the usual standard pie, bar,
or line charts. ADV can handle varied data types and then present analytic data structures
that aren’t easily flattened onto a computer screen. Many of the ADV tools and functions
present today are compatible with all the leading data sources, so a business analyst can
explore data widely in search of just the right analytic data set in real time. ADV tools
available today have evolved into easy-to-use and self-service tools, so that people can
use them comprehensively. Alternatively, TDWI has seen many corporations adopt ADV
and visual discovery, as both stand-alone analytic tools and general purpose BI platforms,
on both departmental and enterprise levels (KarmaSphere Solution Brief 2011, JasperSoft
Quick Start Guide 2017).

Real Time
Operational BI is a business practice that measures and monitors the performance of busi-
ness operations frequently. It is enabled by BI technologies, especially dashboard-style
reports. Although the definition of “frequently” varies, most operational BI implementa-
tions fetch data in real time (or close to it) to refresh real-time management dashboards
(which are poised for growth [Figure 4.2]). Users’ aggressive adoption of operational BI in
recent years has (among other things) pushed BI technologies into real-time operation, as
seen in management dashboards. As users evolve operational BI to be more analytic (i.e.,
not merely reports based on metrics), analytics are likewise being pushed into real time.
Visualization and advanced analytics are poised for aggressive adoption. Real time is the
strongest BI trend, yet it hasn’t hit Big Data analytics much, as yet.
Rates of growth and commitment identified four groups of options for Big Data analyt-
ics. The third V in the three Vs of Big Data stands for velocity. As numerous examples in
this chapter show, there are many real-world applications for analytics available today for
streaming Big Data, plus more applications are coming. However, real-time analytic appli-
cations are still new, and they ae utilized today by relatively few organizations. Perhaps
this explains why real-time and streaming data did not fare well in the use survey. Even
so, given that real-time applications are the strongest trend in BI today, these will no doubt
transform analytics soon, just as they have transformed reporting.

In-Memory Databases
One of the optimal ways to get a real-time, quicker response from a database is to fetch
the information in the server memory, hence eliminating disk I/O and speed challenges.
For several years now, TDWI has seen consistent adoption of in-memory databases among
its members and other organizations. An in-memory database can serve many purposes,
but in BI they usually support real-time dashboards for operational BI, and the database
usually stores metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs), and sometimes OLAP cubes.
Similar growth is observed among users in the adoption of in-memory databases for
advanced analytics; this is trending, as accessing data is faster than traditional approaches.
Leading vendors now offer data warehouse appliances with flash memory or solid-state
drives, to which in-memory databases will soon move.

Unstructured Data
We all subscribe insincerely to the fact that there’s valuable, actionable information in
natural language text and other unstructured data. In spite of this, organizations haven’t
A Survey of Tools for Big Data Analytics 81

taken advantage of this information until recently. Tools for text mining and text analyt-
ics have slowly gained usage, because they can find facts about key business entities in
text and turn those facts into usable, structured data. The data resulting from this can
be applied to customer sentiment analyses and it can churn out many applications. For
example, many insurance companies use text analytics to parse the mountains of text that
result from the claims process, turn the text into structured records, then add that data to
the samples studied via data mining or statistical tools for risk, fraud, and actuarial analy-
ses (Russom 2011).

Group 2: Moderate Commitment, Good Potential Growth

Group 2 is dominated by different types of analytic database platforms. The recent inno-
vations that have been carried by vendor firms have provided more options for analytic
database platforms, including dedicated analytic DBMSs, data warehouse appliances,
columnar data stores, and sandboxes, in addition to older options. Owing to user adop-
tion, the newer analytic database platforms have achieved moderate commitment and
good potential growth. Most of the user organizations going through a new analytics pro-
gram (or a revamp of an established one) have experienced one issue which is a determin-
ing factor: Can the current or planned enterprise data warehouse (EDW) handle Big Data
and advanced analytics without degrading performance of other workloads for reporting
and OLAP? A simpler question could be: How can our EDW perform and scale with con-
current mixed workloads? The answer to this question will help us determine whether the
analytic data are managed and operated on the EDW properly or in a separate platform
(which is usually integrated with the EDW). For a complete list and discussion of vendor
analytic database platforms, view the TDWI Webinar “Data Warehouse Appliances: An
Update on the State of the Art,” online at
EDWs can handle advanced analytic workloads, showing that in-database analytics
has become very common. Yet, performance of host analytics on an EDW is not preferred
by everyone. That’s because the management of Big Data and the processing workloads
of advanced analytics make stringent demands of server resources, such that (depend-
ing on the EDW platform that has been assembled) they can rob server resources from
other data warehouse workloads, resulting in report refreshes and slow queries. Some BI
professionals prefer to isolate analytic workloads and Big Data on platforms outside the
EDW separately to avoid performance degradation due to mixed workloads. If the per-
formance is kept aside, separate analytic database platforms make sense when analytics
is funded or controlled by a department instead of the EDW sponsor. Some moderate
demand has been observed for analytic database platforms that can be seen as perma-
nent fixtures in data warehouse programs, although more than two-thirds of organiza-
tions tend toward analytics on a central EDW. The movement started in early 2003, when
the first data warehouse appliances were coming into light. After this movement came
new vendor-built databases with columnar data stores, which inherently accelerated
column-oriented analytic queries for faster searches. Most recently, vendors have car-
ried out analytic platforms by using distributed file systems, MapReduce, and No-SQL

Group 3: Weak Commitment, Good Growth

Group 3 shows weak commitment, as they are relatively new. Potential growth is good
within committed organizations, and we can expect these options to be in more use soon.
82 Big Data Analytics

Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

In the current scenario, interest in the HDFS is extremely high (Figure 4.2), although it
is rarely adopted (hence, the figure shows weak commitment). Interest is high with the
advent of Big Data, which is diverse in terms of data types. Complex data types that we
normally associate with Big Data originate in files, examples being Web logs and XML
documents. It is quite troublesome to transform these files into standard forms via a tradi-
tional database management system (DBMS). Also, data transformation could potentially
lose the data details and anomalies that fuel some forms of analytics. Some users would
prefer to simply copy files into a file system without preparing the data much, as long as
the Big Data strewn across a million or more files is accessible for analytics.

MapReduce is a new analytic option and hence it is attracting more interest today, similar
to Hadoop. The two are similar in principle, as MapReduce makes a distributed file sys-
tem like HDFS addressable through analytic logic. For example, in MapReduce, a user is
required to define a data operation, such as a query or analysis, and the platform “maps”
the operation across all relevant nodes for distributed parallel processing and data collec-
tion. Mapping and analytic processing span multiple distributed files, despite diverse data
types. MapReduce works well in a database management system with a relational store,
as in the Aster Data database. Analytics for Big Data are possible due to the distributed
processing of MapReduce.

Complex Event Processing (CEP)

This option is relatively new, compared to others, yet it is experiencing rapid adoption. For
example, a recent TDWI report discovered that 20% of survey respondents had incorpo-
rated some form of event processing into their data integration solutions; that is significant
given the newness of this practice. Although it is not required, CEP often operates in a
real-time scenario, and so its adoption is driven partially by the real-time trend. CEP can
also be used in association with analytics, which is another driver. CEP technologies are
evolving to handle streaming Big Data.

Trends in BI sometimes cancel out each other. That’s currently the case with SQL, as some
organizations have deepened their use of SQL while others have done the opposite. On
one hand, many organizations rely heavily on SQL as the best go-to approach for advanced
analytics. The reason for this is that BI professionals know SQL, and it is quite compat-
ible with every system. An experienced BI professional can create complex SQL programs
(depicted as “Extreme SQL” in Figure 4.2), and these work in accordance with Big Data
that’s SQL addressable. Extreme SQL is typically applied to highly detailed source data,
still in its original schema (or lightly transformed). The SQL is “extreme” because it creates
multidimensional structures and other complex data models on the fly, without remodel-
ing and transforming the data ahead of time. On the other hand is the small innovative
and rare group of No-SQL enthusiasts. This is feasible when the majority of data types are
not rational and converting them to tabular structures would not make sense. No-SQL
databases also tend to appeal to application developers, who don’t have the BI profes-
sional’s attachment to SQL.
A Survey of Tools for Big Data Analytics 83

Clouds in TDWI Technology Surveys

Clouds in the TDWI technology survey showed that BI professionals prefer private clouds
over public ones, especially for BI, DW, and analytic purposes. This helps explain why the
public Cloud has the weakest commitment (Figure 4.2). The preference is given to private
clouds, mostly due to the importance of data security and governance. Even so, some orga-
nizations experiment with analytic tools and databases on a public cloud and then move
the information onto a private cloud once they decide analytics is mission critical. In a
related scenario, software-as-a-service (SaaS) doesn’t necessarily require a cloud, but most
SaaS-based analytic applications or analytic database platforms are on a tightly secured
public cloud.

Group 4: Strong Commitment, Flat or Declining Growth

Group 4 includes essential options, such as centralized EDWs, data marts for analytics,
hand-coded SQL, OLAP tools, and DBMSs built for OLTP. In fact, these are some of the
most common options in use today for BI, analytics, and data warehousing. Why does the
survey show them in decline, if these are so popular? There are mainly two reasons for

• Users are maintaining mature investments while shifting new investments

to more modern options. For instance, many organizations with a BI program
have developed solutions for OLAP, but the current trend is to implement forms of
advanced analytics, which are new to many organizations. OLAP won’t go away.
In fact, OLAP is the most common form of analytics in today’s world, and it will
remain so for the coming years. No doubt that users’ spending for OLAP will
grow, albeit modestly compared to other analytic options. Databases designed for
online transaction processing (OLTP) are in a similar situation. As we saw in the
discussion of Group 2, many users have come to the conclusion that their organi-
zation would be better served by an analytic database platform built specifically
for data analytics and warehousing. They will shift new investments to databases
purpose-built for data analytics or warehousing while maintaining their invest-
ments in older relational databases (designed for OLTP, although also used for
• Users are correcting problems with their designs or best practices. Data marts
are more problematic than ever due to recent requirements for data sharing and
compliance. Although data marts regularly host analytic data sets, they are typi-
cally on older platforms that include an SMP hardware architecture and an OLTP
database. Whether to get a better analytic database platform or to rein in prolifer-
ated marts, many user organizations are aggressively decommissioning analytic
data marts. The natural option on which to base analytics is hand-coded SQL.
The catch is that hand coding tends to be anticollaborative and nonproductive.
Because SQL (as the leading language for data) is supported by almost every tool
and platform in IT, and is in skill sets of most data management professionals, it
cannot go away. In fact, analytics is driving up the use of hand-coded SQL. Most
organizations should consider tools that generate SQL based on analytic applica-
tions developed in a user-friendly GUI, instead of hand-coding SQL. This needs
to happen to make analytic tools more palatable to business people and mildly
technical personnel as well as to make developers more productive.
84 Big Data Analytics

Understanding Internet of Things Data

To get maximum business value from Big Data analytics efforts, users should look to
incorporate a mix of structured and unstructured information; they should think of it
as wide data, not merely Big Data. Big Data is a bit of a misnomer. Certainly, the volume
of information coming from the Web, modern call centers, and other data sources can be
enormous. But the main benefit of all that data isn’t in the size. It’s not even in the business
insights you can get by analyzing individual data sets in search of interesting patterns
and relationships. To get true BI from Big Data analytics applications, user organizations
and BI and analytics vendors alike must focus on integrating and analyzing a broad mix
of information, in short, wide data.
Future business success lies in ensuring that the data in both Big Data streams and
mainstream enterprise systems can be analyzed in a coherent and coordinated fash-
ion. Numerous vendors are working on one possible means of doing so, including the

• Products that provide SQL access to Hadoop repositories and NoSQL databases
• The direction they are taking matters, particularly with SQL-on-Hadoop technol-
ogies, because far more people know SQL than know Hadoop.

Hadoop is a powerful technology for managing large amounts of unstructured data,

but it’s not so great for quickly running analytics applications, especially ones combining
structured and unstructured data. Conversely, SQL has a long and successful history of
enabling heterogeneous data sources to be accessed with almost identical calls. And the
business analysts who do most of the work to provide analytics to business managers and
the CxO suite typically are well versed in using SQL.
In addition, most users want evolutionary advances in technology, not revolutionary
ones. That means intelligently incorporating the latest technologies into existing IT ecosys-
tems to gain new business value as quickly and as smoothly as possible. The result: infor-
mation from Hadoop clusters, NoSQL systems, and other new data sources gets joined
with data from relational databases and data warehouses to build a more complete picture
of customers, market trends, and business operations. For example, customer sentiment
data that can be gleaned from social networks and the Web is potentially valuable, but
its full potential won’t be realized if it’s compartmentalized away from data on customer
leads and other marketing information.

Challenges for Big Data Analytics Tools

One of the major Big Data challenges is what information to use, and what not to use.
Businesses looking to get real value out of Big Data, while avoiding overwhelming their
systems, need to be selective about what they analyze.
RichRelevance Inc. faces one of the prototypical Big Data challenges: lots of data and
not a lot of time to analyze it. For example, the marketing analytics services provider runs
an online recommendation engine for Target, Sears, Neiman Marcus, Kohl’s, and other
A Survey of Tools for Big Data Analytics 85

retailers. Its predictive models, running on a Hadoop cluster, must be able to deliver prod-
uct recommendations to shoppers in 40 to 60 milliseconds, which is not a simple task for
a company that has two petabytes of customer and product data in its systems, a total that
grows as retailers update and expand their online product catalogs. “We go through a lot
of data,” said Marc Hayem, vice president in charge of RichRelevance’s service-oriented
architecture platform.
It would be easy to drown in all that data. Hayem said that managing it smartly is criti-
cal, both to ensure that the recommendations the San Francisco company generates are
relevant to shoppers and to avoid spending too much time (and processing resources)
analyzing unimportant data. The approach it adopted involves whittling down the data
being analyzed to the essential elements needed to quickly produce recommendations for
The full range of the historical data that RichRelevance stores on customers of its cli-
ents is used to define customer profiles, which help enable the recommendation engine
to match up shoppers and products. But when the analytical algorithms in the predic-
tive models are deciding in real time what specific products to recommend, they look at
data on just four factors: the recent browsing history of shoppers, their demographic data,
the products availability on a retailer’s website, and special promotions currently being
offered by the retailer. “With those four elements, we can decide what to do,” Hayem said,
adding that data on things such as past purchases, how much customers typically spend,
and other retailers where they also shop isn’t important at that point in the process.
In the age of Big Data, it is important to know what information is needed in analytics
applications and what information isn’t; this has never been more important, or in many
cases, more difficult. The sinking cost of data storage and the rise of the Hadoop data lake
concept are making it more feasible for organizations to stash huge amounts of structured,
unstructured, and semistructured data collected from both internal systems and external
sources. But getting the questions wrong regareing what to use, what to hold onto for the
future, and what to jettison wrong can have both immediate and long-term consequences.
Even if a particular data set may seem unimportant now, it could have uses down the
line. On the other hand, cluttering up Hadoop systems, data warehouses, and other reposi-
tories with useless data could pose unnecessary costs and make it hard to find the true
gems of information amid all the clutter. And not thinking carefully, and intelligently,
about the data that needs to be analyzed for particular applications could make it harder
to get real business benefits from Big Data analytics programs.

Tools for Using Big Data

As the scale of Big Data is very large, it is more complicated. The data are mostly expanded
over a number of servers, and the work of compiling the data is computed among them.
This work was usually assigned to the database software in the past, which used its inno-
vative JOIN mechanism to compile tables, then add up the columns before handing off the
rectangle of data to the reporting software that would validate it. This task is harder than
it seems, as database programmers can tell you about the instances where complex JOIN
commands that would hang up their database for hours as it tried to produce an urgent
86 Big Data Analytics

Now, the scenario is completely different. Hadoop is a go-to tool for organizing the
racks and racks of servers, and NoSQL databases are popular tools for storing data on
these racks. These mechanisms can be way more powerful and efficient than the old single
machine, but they are far from being as refined as the old database servers. Although SQL
may be complicated, writing the JOIN query for the SQL databases was often much sim-
pler than collecting information from lots of machines and compiling it into one coherent
solution, which is quite cumbersome to maintain. Hadoop jobs are written in Java, and
they require another level of sophistication. The tools for using Big Data are just beginning
to package this distributed computing power in a way that’s a bit easier to use.
NoSQL data stores are being used with many Big Data tools. These are more flexible than
traditional relational databases, but the flexibility isn’t as much of a deviation from the past
as Hadoop. NoSQL queries are simpler to use as it discourages the complexities provided
by SQL queries. The main concern is that software needs to anticipate the possibility that
there should not be redundancy and not every row will have some data for every column.
Here are some of the top tools used for using Big Data, according to TechTarget.

Jaspersoft BI Suite
Jaspersoft features include the following:

• Capabilities
• Reporting
• Dashboards
• Analysis
• Data integration
• BI platform

Jaspersoft’s BI provides key features that benefit both business and IT and look forward to
enabling self-BI for their organization. Key features of the BI platform include the following
(JasperSoft Quick start Guide 2017):

• Full-featured analytics, reporting, and dashboards that are easy to use

• Application can be embedded by flexible Web-based architecture
• Subscription model that enables more users at substantially reduced cost

The core of the Jaspersoft BISoftware suite is the JasperReports server. The end-to-end
BI suite delivers shared services that include a repository for storing and structuring your
resources, multiple levels of security, distribution of information, a semantic layer that
greatly simplifies creating reports, a report scheduler, and many more features.
The Jaspersoft package is one of the open source leaders for producing reports from
database columns. This innovative software, which is up and running at many organiza-
tions, turns SQL tables into PDFs, which can be scrutinized at meetings. The company is
soaring on the Big Data train, which means adding a software layer to connect the places
where Big Data gets stored to its report-generating software. The JasperReports server
now offers software to suck up data from many of the major storage platforms, including
A Survey of Tools for Big Data Analytics 87

Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis, CouchDB, Riak, and Neo4j. Hadoop is also well-represented,
with JasperReports providing a Hive connector to reach inside of HBase.
This effort feels like it is still starting up; the tools are not fully integrated, and many
pages of the documentation wiki are blank. For example, the visual query designer doesn’t
work yet with Cassandra’s CQL. You have to type these queries out by hand.
The Jaspersoft’s server will boil information down to interactive tables and graphs, once
you get the data from these sources. The reports can be reasonably sophisticated interac-
tive tools which let you drill down into various corners. You can ask for more and more
details if you need them (Splice Machine App overview 2016).
This is a well-developed corner of the software world, and Jaspersoft is expanding by
making it easier to use these sophisticated reports with newer sources of data. Jaspersoft is
not offering mainly new ways to look at the data, it just offers more sophisticated ways to
access data stored in new locations. I found this unexpectedly useful. The aggregation of
data was enough to make basic sense of when someone was going to the website and who
was going there (Nunns 2015, JasperSoft 2017).

Pentaho Business Analytics

Pentaho is yet another software platform that began as a report-generating engine. Just
like JasperSoft, it branched into Big Data by absorbing information from the new sources
while making it easier to access. You can hook up Pentaho’s tool to many of the most
popular NoSQL databases, such as Cassandra and MongoDB. You can drag and drop the
columns into views and reports as if the information came from SQL databases, once the
databases are connected.
Pentaho also provides software for drawing HBase data and HDFS file data from
Hadoop clusters. The graphical programming interface, known as either Kettle or Pentaho
Data Integration, is again one of the more intriguing tools. It has a bunch of built-in mod-
ules that can be dragged and dropped onto a picture and then connected to them. You
can write your code and send it out to execute on the cluster, as Pentaho has thoroughly
integrated Hadoop and the other sources into this (Nunns 2015, TechTarget).

Karmasphere Studio and Analyst

Many of the Big Data tools did not begin as reporting tools. For instance, Karmasphere
Studio is a set of plug-ins built on top of Eclipse. It is a specialized IDE that makes it easier
to create and run Hadoop jobs.
Karmasphere delivers the Big Data workspace for data professionals that want to take
advantage of the opportunity to mine and analyze mobile, sensor, Web, and social media
data in Hadoop and bring new value to their business. They provide a graphical environ-
ment on Cloudera’s distribution that includes Apache Hadoop (CDH), in which you can
navigate through Big Data of any variety and spot patterns and trends in order to influ-
ence the strategies of a business. They provide the ability to integrate the insights into
reoccurring business processes, once something meaningful is discovered.

Direct Access to Big Data for Analysis

Karmasphere Analyst enables data analysts immediate entry to structured and unstruc-
tured data on Cloudera CDH, through SQL and other familiar languages, so that you can
make ad hoc queries, interact with the results, and run iterations, without the aid of IT.
88 Big Data Analytics

Operationalization of the Results

Karmasphere Studio enables developers with a support analytic backup team a graphi-
cal environment in which to develop custom algorithms for them and systematize the
creation of meaningful data sets they find and feed them into business processes and

Flexibility and Independence

The Karmasphere Analytics engine is the foundation for all Karmasphere products. It pro-
vides easy access to Hadoop in data center and Cloud environments, transparency across
Hadoop environments, prebuilt heuristics and algorithms, familiar language support, and
collaboration facilities.
A rare feeling of joy is felt when you configure a Hadoop job with this developer tool.
There are any number of stages in the life of a Hadoop job, and Karmasphere’s tools
walk you through each step, showing the fractional results along the way. The debuggers
have always made it possible for us to peer into the mechanism as it does its work, but
Karmasphere Studio does something a bit better: the tools display the state of the test data
at each step, as you set up the workflow. You see what the temporary data will look like as
it is cut apart, analyzed, and then reduced.
Karmasphere Analyst is yet another tool which Karmasphere distributes; it is designed
to simplify the process of working through all of the data in a Hadoop cluster. It comes
with many useful building blocks for programming a good Hadoop job, like subroutines
for uncompressing zipped log files. Then, it strings them together and parameterizes the
Hive calls to produce a table of output for perusing (Russom 2011).

Talend Open Studio

While mostly invisible to users of BI platforms, ETL processes retrieve data from all opera-
tional systems and preprocess it for analysis and reporting tools (Figure 4.3).
Talend’s program has the following features:

• Packaged applications (ERP, CRM, etc.), databases, mainframes, files, Web ser-
vices, etc., to address the growing disparity of sources.
• Data warehouses, data marts, and OLAP applications, for analysis, reporting,
dashboarding, scorecarding, and so on.

Talend Open Studio offers nearly comprehensive connectivity. (Adopted from Talend, Talend Open Studio for
Data Integration User Guide 6.2.1, 2016.)
A Survey of Tools for Big Data Analytics 89

• Built-in advanced components for ETL, including string manipulations, slowly

changing dimensions, automatic lookup handling, bulk loads support, and so on.
Most connectors addressing each of the above needs are detailed in the Talend
Open Studio Components Reference Guide 6.2.1 (2016).

Talend also offers an Eclipse-based IDE for stringing together data processing jobs with
Hadoop. Its tools are designed to help with data management, data integration, and data
quality, all with subroutines tuned to these jobs (Wayer 2012).
One of the features supported by Talend Studio is that it allows you to build up your jobs
by dragging and dropping little icons onto a canvas. Talend’s component will fetch the RSS
and add proxies if necessary if you want to get an RSS feed. There are many components
for accumulating information and many more for doing things like a “fuzzy match.” Then,
you can generate the output results.
After you get a feel for what the components actually do and don’t do, stringing together
blocks visually can be simple. This became easier to figure out when I started looking at
the source code being assembled behind the canvas. Talend lets you see this, and I think
it’s an ideal compromise. Visual programming may seem like a lofty goal, but I’ve found
that the icons can never represent the mechanisms with enough detail to make it possible
to understand what’s going on. I need the source code.
Talend also maintains a collection of open source extensions which make it easier to
work with a company’s products. These are known collectively as TalendForge. Most of
the tools seem to be filters or libraries that link Talend’s software to other major products,
such as SugarCRM and You can simplify the integration by bringing the
information from these systems into your own projects.

Skytree Server
Skytree delivers a bundle that performs many of the more advanced machine learning
algorithms. These commands are required for typing the correct command in command
line interface (CLI).
Skytree is concentrated mainly on the logic used, rather than the shiny graphical
user interface. The Skytree server uses an implementation that the company claims
can be 10,000 times faster than other packages and is optimized to run a number of
classic machine learning algorithms on your data using this implementation. It looks
for clusters of mathematically similar items while searching through your data, then
inverts this information to identify outliers that may be opportunities, problems, or
both. The algorithms can search through vast quantities of data looking for the entries
that are a bit out of the ordinary, and they can be more precise than humans. This may
be a fraudulent claim, or designed for a particularly good customer who will spend
and spend.
The proprietary and the free version of the software offer the same algorithms, but the
free version is limited to data sets of 100,000 rows. This should be sufficient to establish
whether the software is a good match to your organization’s needs.

Tableau Desktop and Server

Tableau Desktop is a data visualization tool that makes it easier to look at your data in new
ways and then apply actions to it and look at it in a different way. You can even combine
the data with other data sets and examine it in yet another way. The tool is optimized to
90 Big Data Analytics

give you all the columns for the data and let you mix them before stuffing it into one of the
many graphical templates or visualizations that are provided.
Tableau Software started implementation of Hadoop several versions ago, and now you
can treat Hadoop “just like you would with any data connection.” Tableau tries its best
to cache as much information in memory to allow the tool to be interactive while relying
upon Hive to structure the queries. Tableau wants to offer an interactive mechanism so
that you can slice and dice your data again and again, while many of the other reporting
tools are built on a tradition of generating reports offline. Some of the latency of a Hadoop
cluster can be dealt with by help of caching. The software is well-polished and aestheti-
cally pleasing.

Splunk is quite different from the other available Big Data tools. It is not exactly a collec-
tion of AI routines or a report-generating tool, although it achieves much of that along the
way. It creates an index of your data as if your data were a block of text or a book. Though
we all know that databases also build indices, the approach that Splunk uses is much
closer to a text search process.
This indexing is surprisingly flexible. Splunk makes sense of log files while coming
already tuned to a particular application, and it collects them easily. It is also sold in a num-
ber of different solution packages, including one for detecting Web attacks and another for
monitoring a Microsoft Exchange server. The index helps associate the data in these and
several other common server-side scenarios.
Splunk searches around in the index while reading the text strings. You might type in
the URLs of important articles or an IP address. Splunk finds these URLs and packages
them into a timeline built around the time stamps it discovers in the data. All other fields
are associated, and you can click around to drill deeper and deeper into the data set. While
it seems like a simple process, it is quite powerful if you are looking for the right kind of
indicator in your data feed. If you know the right text string, Splunk will help you track it.
Log files are a great application for it.
A new Splunk tool which is currently in private beta testing, Shep, promises bidirec-
tional integration between Splunk and Hadoop, allowing you to query Splunk data from
Hadoop and exchange data between the systems.

Splice Machine
Splice Machine is a real-time SQL-on-Hadoop database which can help you to derive real-
time actionable insights, which is a clear benefit for those who are aiming for quick devel-
opment. This tool offers the ability to utilize standard SQL and can scale on commodity
hardware; this is a tool for developers that have found that MySQL and Oracle can’t scale
to their desired limits (Wayer 2012). It can scale from gigabytes to petabytes and is SQL 99
compliant with the standard ANSI SQL. As well as support for .NET, Java, and Python, it
also offers support for files written in JavaScript or AngularJS.
Splice Machine with MapR is uniquely qualified to power data-driven businesses that
can harness real-time insights to take better actions and leapfrog their competition with
these major benefits:
A Survey of Tools for Big Data Analytics 91

Cost-Effective Scaling and Performance with Commodity Hardware

Splice Machine with the help of commodity servers can scale to dozens of petabytes. It also
parallelizes queries in a share-nothing architecture. In comparison to traditional RDMSs
like Oracle and IBM DB2, this architecture enables Splice Machine to deliver compelling
results, which are given below:

• 5- to 10-fold increase in query speed

• 75% reduction in TCO
• 10 to 20 times better price for performance

Real-Time Updates with Transactional Integrity

Database transactions make sure that real-time updates can be reliably executed without
corruption or data loss. Transactions also enable zero-downtime updates or ETL to data
warehouses, as data can be updated while reports simultaneously show a consistent view
of the data.
Splice Machine provides across all rows and tables, full ACID (atomicity, consistency, iso-
lation, and durability) transactions. It uses multiple version concurrency control (MVCC)
with lockless snapshot isolation that does not change records; instead, it creates a new
version. Each transaction can use different versions of each record to create its own snap-
shot of the database. Transactions can execute concurrently without any locking with each
transaction having its own snapshot. This avoids troublesome deadlock conditions and
leads to very high throughput.

After walking through these products, we can conclude that Big Data is much bigger than
any single buzzword. It is not really reasonable to compare products that attempt com-
plicated mathematical operations with those that largely build tables. Nor it is right to
compare tools that attempt to manage larger stacks spread out over multiple machines
in clustered frameworks like Hadoop with those simpler tools that work with generic
The targets are moving, making the matter worse. Some of the more enticing new com-
panies still are not sharing their software. Mysterious Platfora has a button you can click
to stay informed, while another enigmatic startup, Continuity, just says, “We’re still in
stealth, heads down and coding hard.” They’re surely not going to be the last new entrants
in this area.
The Pentaho and Jaspersoft tools simply produce nice lists of the top entries, but this was
all that was needed. Knowing the top domains in the log file was enough. The other algo-
rithms are harder to apply with any consistency, although they are intellectually interest-
ing. The data set didn’t seem to lend itself to these analyses, although they can flag clusters
92 Big Data Analytics

or do fuzzy matching. It was very difficult to figure out any applications for the data that
didn’t seem contrived.
Others will probably feel differently. The clustering algorithms, such as helping people
find similar products in online stores, are used heavily in diverse applications. In order to
identify potential security issues, others use outlier detection algorithm threats. The soft-
ware is the least of the challenges, although these all bear investigation.

Baesens B. 2014. Analytics in a Big Data World: The Essential Guide to Data Science and Its Applications.
Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Cloudera. 2011. KarmaSphere Solution Brief. Cloudera Inc.
Foreman JW. Data Smart: Using Data Science to Transform Information into Insight.
Mappr Technologies. 2016. Splice Machine App Overview. Mappr Technologies, Inc.
Nunns J. 2015. 10 of the most popular Big Data tools for developers. Computer Business Review.
Russom P. 2011. Big Data Analytics. TDWI Best Practices Report, Fourth Quarter, 2011. The Data
Warehousing Institute.
Talend. 2016. Talend Open Studio for Data Integration User Guide, 6.2.1. Talend Inc.
TechTarget. Guide to Big Data Analytics: Tools, Trends, and Best Practices. TechTarget.
TIBCO Software. 2017. JasperSoft Quick Start Guide. TIBCO Software Inc.
Wayer P. 2012. 7 Top Tools for Taming Big Data. IDG Communications, Inc.
Understanding the Data Science
behind Business Analytics

Mayank Mishra, Pratik Mishra, and Arun K. Somani

Introduction.................................................................................................................................... 94
Types of Big Data Analytics.......................................................................................................... 95
Descriptive Analytics................................................................................................................ 95
Diagnostic Analytics................................................................................................................. 95
Predictive Analytics.................................................................................................................. 95
Prescriptive Analytics............................................................................................................... 96
Analytics Use Case: Customer Churn Prevention.................................................................... 97
Descriptive Analytics................................................................................................................ 98
Application of Descriptive Analytics in Customer Churn Prevention......................... 99
Techniques Used for Descriptive Analytics...................................................................... 99
Diagnostic Analytics............................................................................................................... 102
Predictive Analytics................................................................................................................ 103
Techniques Used for Predictive Analytics...................................................................... 103
Machine Learning Techniques............................................................................................... 106
Artificial Neural Networks............................................................................................... 106
Supervised Learning.......................................................................................................... 106
Artificial Neural Network Structure and Training........................................................ 106
Back-Propagation Weight Adjustment Scheme............................................................. 106
Prescriptive Analytics............................................................................................................. 107
Application of Prescriptive Analytics in the Customer Churn Prevention
Use Case.............................................................................................................................. 107
Prescriptive Analytics Techniques................................................................................... 109
Big Data Analytics Architecture................................................................................................. 109
Tools Used for Big Data Analytics........................................................................................ 110
IBM InfoSphere................................................................................................................... 111
IBM SPSS.............................................................................................................................. 111
Apache Mahout.................................................................................................................. 111
Azure Machine Learning Studio...................................................................................... 111
Halo...................................................................................................................................... 111
Tableau................................................................................................................................. 111
SAP Infinite Insight............................................................................................................ 112
@Risk.................................................................................................................................... 112
Oracle Advanced Analytics............................................................................................... 112
TIBCO SpotFire................................................................................................................... 112
R............................................................................................................................................ 112

94 Big Data Analytics

Wolfram Mathematica....................................................................................................... 113

Future Directions and Technologies.......................................................................................... 113
From Batch Processing to Real-Time Analytics.................................................................. 113
In-Memory Big Data Processing........................................................................................... 113
Prescriptive Analytics............................................................................................................. 113
Conclusions................................................................................................................................... 114
References..................................................................................................................................... 114
Online Sources............................................................................................................................. 115

Big Data analytics has become the engine for business analytics today. Companies are
using Big Data to analyze their business processes, formulate future business strategies
and, extensively, employ it for decision making. Companies such as Amazon and Netflix
use Big Data analytics to understand behavioral patterns and choices of customers, in
order to tune their offerings for the individual. Credit card companies use Big Data ana-
lytics to estimate the risk of losing a customer; they analyze a customer’s spending and
paying patterns and use such insights to change potential offerings in hopes of retaining
that customer.
Big Data analytics has also been very successfully employed in scientific fields as well.
For example, experiments at the Large Hadron Collider generate a tremendous amount
of data, 30 petabytes per year ( Such huge
amounts of data require processing in order to determine the behavior of subatomic par-
ticles. A lot of the generated data is processed using Big Data analytics tools (Warmbein
Upcoming fields, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) (Gubbi et al. 2013), which envi-
sions connecting a large number of smart devices from everyday use to the internet, are
expected to exponentially increase the amount of data generated in the future. Some
approximations put the increase at more than 10 times the current volume in the next
four years. For example, Marr (2015) in Forbes approximated the accumulated data to grow
from close to 4 zetabytes in 2016 to more than 40 zetabytes in 2020.
Almost every person in today’s world has had some interaction with Big Data analytics.
Receiving personalized advertisements both online and in print is a result of analytics,
which companies perform on their gathered customer purchasing behavior data. Similarly,
movie suggestions for online video stores also have their roots in Big Data analytics. Social
media platforms are the biggest users of Big Data analytics. From friend suggestions on
Facebook to targeted news feeds, thse are all enabled by Big Data analytics.
Such a pervasive and impactful field is still a black box for a majority of people. The aim
of this chapter is to present different types of analytics constituting Big Data analytics and
their application areas. We also present techniques and tools which drive such analytics
and make them useful.
Big Data analytics (Zikopoulos et al. 2011, Chen et al. 2012) involves processing and ana-
lyzing huge amounts of data to gain insights for decision making. Analytics can be broadly
divided into four categories, as illustrated in Figure 5.1.
Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics 95

en as

W pen
pp t h


hy ed
ha ha

ic e

it ?

D nal
yt iv

ia yt
al pt

g n ic
an scri

os s

Big Data

Pr ana

y t ve
es lyt

al cti
cr i c

an edi
ip s
W be


en ht
ha do

pp ig
t s ne

ha at m

ho ?



Different types of Big Data.

Types of Big Data Analytics

Descriptive Analytics
Descriptive analysis deals with the question “What has happened?” This form of analytics
mainly deals with understanding the gathered data. It involves the use of tools and algo-
rithms to understand the internal structure of the Big Data and find categorical or temporal
patterns or trends in it. For example, the sales data gathered by a retail chain reflect the buy-
ing patterns of different categories of customers. Students, housewives, or small business
owners all have different buying patterns, which can be found when overall sales data are
analyzed. Moreover, a sudden spurt in sales of a category of items, say notebooks, can also
be identified and be made available for analysis with other tools (Zikopoulos et al. 2011).

Diagnostic Analytics
Once the internal structure of data is identified, the next task is to seek reasons behind
such a structure. For example, if sales data show a spurt in sales of notebooks, then seeking
the reason behind such an increase falls in the domain of diagnostic analytics (Borne 2017).

Predictive Analytics
Given the current trends in data identified by the descriptive analytics tools, what might
happen in the future is a crucial question. Businesses can fail if they are not able to tune to
the future requirements of their customers. Predictive analytics tools provide insights into
the possible future scenarios. For example, predicting the future rate of customer churn
on the basis of sales patterns, complaints, and refund requests made by customers provide
useful information (Soltanpoor and Sellis 2016).
96 Big Data Analytics

Prescriptive Analytics
Today’s businesses not only want to predict the future but also want to be best prepared
for it. Prescriptive analytics tools provide a “what if” kind of analysis capability. What are
the different options available to business management and which among them is the best
suited, given the predictions and other constraints? These questions fall under the domain
of prescriptive analytics. For example, prescriptive analytics can be employed to provide a
directed and personalized advertisement to customers to help in reducing customer churn
(Soltanpoor and Sellis 2016, Borne 2017).
Figure 5.2 shows a relative comparison of different types of analytics. In terms of complex-
ity of the algorithms and techniques involved, descriptive analytics are the simplest. The
most complex is prescriptive analytics, as there is automation of decision making involved.
Moreover, prescriptive analytics encompasses all other analytics in one or the other form.
Prescriptive analytics also has the most impact on decision making, as it helps to identify
the best course of action for the future. Prescriptive analytics is more of an optimization
strategy. We present a detailed discussion about prescriptive analytics later in the chapter.
Table 5.1 summarizes the very important differences in the natures of different analytics
types. Descriptive and diagnostic analytics concentrate on the past and answer questions
like, “what has happened” and “why did that happen.” On the other hand, predictive and
prescriptive analytics concentrate on the future and answer questions like “what can hap-
pen” and “what should we do.”


iz a













Comparison of different Big Data analytics approaches.

Application Domains of Different Types of Big Data Analytics
Analytics Type Forward Looking Backward Looking
Descriptive ✓
Diagnostic ✓
Predictive ✓
Prescriptive ✓
Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics 97

Software analytics tools do not confine their functionalities to a specific analytics task.
More often, the tools are capable of performing more than one kind of analytics, as we
discuss below. The available tools have a wide variety in terms of kinds of businesses they
can model, kinds of data they can process, and even the kinds of outputs they produce.
Earlier, the tools were complex and companies were forced to hire data scientists to utilize
them. Recently, there has been a shift in this approach, and many easy-to-use tools have
appeared in the market. Using these tools, any person can perform a reasonable amount of
analytics. We will discuss specific tools later in the chapter.

Analytics Use Case: Customer Churn Prevention

To enable readers to understand the real world uses of Big Data analytics, we present a use case
where Big Data analytics is employed to prevent customer churn. We now discuss why cus-
tomer churn is a problem and why companies are forced to use Big Data analytics to prevent it.
Today, due to e-commerce retail space, customers are not confined by choices, loca-
tion, availability, or more importantly, competitive pricing. This makes the customer base
highly volatile and difficult to retain. E-retailers like Amazon, Flipkart, E-bay, and their
physical counterparts like Walmart, Target, etc., face a real and challenging problem in
the form of loss of customers, which is also known as customer churn. Customer churn is
detrimental for a business due to stiff competition, and the retailers go to great lengths to
retain customers and avoid their migration to other competitors.
Identifying the customers who are likely to leave is a herculean task in itself. This is
because the size of a business. where there are tens of millions of transactions a week,
hundreds of thousands of items on sale at any point in time, millions of active customers,
and millions of pieces of data regarding feedback and complaints. Companies utilize and
employ Big Data analytics to handle these issues and analyze such large amounts of data
to predict and/or diagnose the problem(s).
Customer churn prevention is the process of maintaining existing customers using
methods like increasing product inventory based on current trends, personalized loyalty
programs, and promotions, as well as identifying dissatisfaction among customers.
The business objective in our case is to retain the customers who are more likely to leave.
One of the methods which we are going to discuss is to send them personalized coupons
for targeted items. However, to achieve this objective, we must analyze the following.

• Why are customers at risk of going away? Why have customers left?
• What type of inventory items are liked by customers who have left or who are at
risk of leaving?
• What items would customers like to buy together (basket analysis)?

The above-mentioned analysis is required to decide what type of coupons the customer
is more likely to accept. The coupons, however, should ensure customer satisfaction along
with no loss of the business. We will present the analytics behind the customer churn pre-
vention with examples throughout the chapter.
The rest of the chapter is organized as follows: we discuss different analytics and the under-
lying mathematical tools and schemes employed by them. We also employ the solution of the
customer churn use case. Some software tools which perform the described analytics task are
98 Big Data Analytics

presented. The goal of this chapter is to present the underlying techniques of analytics to read-
ers so that they can make an informed decision about the kind of tools required for their data.

Descriptive Analytics
Descriptive analytics is the first analytics stage; it makes raw collected data interpretable
by humans. Retailers like Walmart, Amazon, e-Bay, and Flipkart collect different customer-
related data into their data repositories. The data are sourced from social networks, IoT
devices, click streams, search engines, customer call logs, transactions, etc. Collected data
can be structured, semistructured, or unstructured, as shown in Figure 5.3.
Structured data refers to data which have been organized using rules (e.g., relational
databases). Unstructured data consist of images and audio-video streams. Between these
two extremes lie semistructured data, where chunks of unstructured data are organized.
Examples of semistructured data include XML files, emails etc. Collected data are cleansed
and categorized into customer transaction logs, customer reviews, feedback, etc., by using
tools like Sqoop and Flume.
Descriptive analytics tools then process the collected raw data and provide insights, as
shown in Figure 5.4. The insights range from the internal structure of data, like categories
or events which occurred, to a mere summary, like average profit per item sold.

Structured Semistructured Unstructured

data data data

Relation databases, XML, Audio/video streams,

spreadsheets, email, pictures,
enterprise web pages wiki

Increasing effort in analytics related processing

Different types of gathered data.

Quantified Insights Internal

relations structure
in data Summary of data

Descriptive analytics

Structured, semistructured, unstructured

Descriptive analytics functioning.
Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics 99

Application of Descriptive Analytics in Customer Churn Prevention

Descriptive analytics techniques can help in identifying the segment of customers at maxi-
mum risk of leaving. Descriptive analytics techniques can categorize customers according
to their recent buying patterns. For example, Table 5.2 shows a simple example of custom-
ers and the weekly money spent by them for the past four weeks. Although simple, the
table shows how the raw data are processed and summarized by descriptive analytics
tools. In the real world, there will be millions of customers and the data will span many
more dimensions, including time spent in deciding, coupons applied, etc. Even creating
such a simple table requires tools like MapReduce when the data size is big.
Table 5.2 shows that customers 7 and 8 drastically reduced their spending at this particu-
lar store over the course of four weeks. These customers are high-risk customers and are
probably going to leave or have already left. The table also shows the category of customers
which allows risk of churn but can become high-risk customers if preventive steps are not
There can be other tables created, e.g., one for refunds requested, listing customers who
have returned items and are expecting refunds.

Q. When to use descriptive analytics?

A. When an aggregate level of understanding of what is going on in a business is required.
Descriptive analytics is also used to describe or summarize various characteristics of a business.

Techniques Used for Descriptive Analytics

Clustering (Davidson and Ravi 2005, Balcan et al. 2014) refers to the process by which the
data points are grouped together in such a way that two data points lying in the same clus-
ter are more similar to each other than the data points in a different cluster. In Table 5.2,
customers 7 and 8 both were categorized in a high-risk cluster. This is because they showed
a similar pattern of diminished spending.
Clustering can be of many types, depending on the definition of similarity or affin-
ity between two points. A common affinity measure is a Cartesian distance between the
points. Two points which are closer to each other are considered more similar to each other
than two far points. The clusters can thus be defined by the threshold on the distance
between the points.

Customer Buying Patterns over a Month’s Duration
Churn Risk Week 1 Sales Week 4 Sales
Assessment Category Customer ID (Oldest) Week 2 Sales Week 3 Sales (Latest)
No Risk 1 120 145 110 136
2 50 65 67 52
3 590 500 450 650
Low Risk 4 20 25 10 5
5 70 55 45 40
6 135 145 120 70
High Risk 7 400 220 20 0
8 320 45 0 0
100 Big Data Analytics

Clustering is an iterative process, where smaller clusters are merged into bigger ones at
every step, as shown in Figure 5.5 below. An example of hierarchical clustering is shown
in the figure.
At the beginning, each data point is a cluster of its own. Depending on the interpoint
distances, clusters are formed. In the next and later rounds, the clusters are merged with
each other, depending on the distances between clusters. As clusters can contain more
than one point, a representative point is chosen to calculate distances with other clusters.
One such representative point is considered the centroid of the cluster.
Clustering algorithms merge the clusters until the distance between any two clusters is
not close enough to be merged, as shown in Figure 5.6. The distance criteria are crucial for
the quality and quantity of resultant clusters. Consider an example where a supermarket
wants to find different categories of customer categories. Each cluster represents a cat-
egory. The unchecked merging of clusters will result in only a single big cluster consisting
of all the customers. Similarly, the higher threshold on distance will result in too many
fine-grained categories, such as high school student, college student, graduate student, etc.
Thus, a proper distance threshold is necessary for meaningful and useful clustering.
Another approach for clustering is shown in Figure 5.7. This approach is the inverse of
the previous approach. Clustering starts with considering all the points in a single clus-
ter. Instead of merging clusters whose distance is below a threshold, the cluster, which is
unstable, is divided into smaller, more stable clusters. The definition of instability is crucial
to achieving meaningful clustering. An example where such clustering can be employed is

Input data points

Every data point as a cluster Point clusters merged to form Small clusters merged to form
in itself multipoint clusters bigger clusters

Hierarchical cluster formation by successive merging.

50 Representative
50 points 60

30 Cluster

Merging of two clusters.
Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics 101

Input data

All data points as a single Big cluster divides into smaller Further cluster division into
cluster clusters more tightly packed clusters

Cluster splitting.

in customer churn. Once the customers who have already left are identified, the reasons for
their leaving can be found by categorizing them by geographical region, credit scores, etc.

Decision Tree-Based Classification

Classification is the process of assigning an object to one or more predefined categories.
Classification is employed for many problems, like email spam detection, categorizing
credit card customers as high risk or low risk, and many more. In this section, we will
present one of the classification techniques, called decision trees (​
Decision trees refer to a well-designed series of questions which are asked with regard
to the input object to be classified. Figure 5.8 shows one such decision tree, an example of
classifying light passenger vehicles. When a new vehicle is seen, the category to which it
belongs can be determined by using the decision tree. It can be seen that the design of the
decision tree utilizes historical data. In the tree, the historical data are from characteristics
of vehicles that are already available.

Cargo bed

Yes No

Truck Two doors

No Yes

Trunk Coupe

No Yes

Number of
seating rows

3 2

Minivan Hatchback

Decision tree for vehicle classification.
102 Big Data Analytics

Diagnostic Analytics
Diagnostic analytics focuses on the reasons behind the observed patterns that are derived
from descriptive analytics. For example, descriptive analytics can point out that the sale
of an item has shot up or suddenly decreased at a supermarket, and then the diagnostic
analytics tools can provide reasons behind such an observation.
Diagnostic analytics focuses on causal relationships and sequences embedded in the
data. It helps answer questions like “Why?”.
For example, in the customer churn prevention use case, the diagnostic analytic tools can
be used to find the probable reason behind the high-churn-risk customers. As mentioned
above, descriptive analytics tools summarize the feedback and complaint logs and the
refund requests by customers. Table 5.3 lists the number of complaints, refund requests,
and price match requests, generated by the descriptive analytics.
Diagnostic analytics tools correlate the information between Tables 5.2 and 5.3 to answer
why customers 7 and 8 are at a higher risk of leaving. For example, customer 7 may be
someone who is unhappy with his or her complaints and refund requests not being han-
dled. The diagnostic tool will not give a result for each and every customer. The results
will be more like “Customers with a higher percentage of unresolved complaints are at
high churn risk.” Customer 8, however, seems to be a different case. Observing such a high
number of price match requests, it is highly probable that customer 8 has found another
store which has lower prices for products than the current store. In the case of customer 7,
urgent resolution of the pending complaints and refund cases can decrease the chances
of their leaving. However, in the case of customer 8, providing promotional discounts and
coupons on products in which they may be interested could be a good strategy for reten-
tion. The key constraint which should still be ensured is the profitability of business. Thus,
finding coupons which may satisfy customer 8 and yet do not result in a loss for the store
is a challenge for the store.
For ease of understanding, the table is oversimplified with customer IDs. In reality, such
information regarding pending complaints and price match requests will also be in the
form of clusters. To find the probable reason behind high-churn-risk customers, an inter-
section between clusters in Table 5.2 and the clusters of complaints, refund requests, price
match requests will be found.
Thus, the answer to “why is there customer churn?” could vary from bad delivery ser-
vice, the quality of products sold to customers who prefer quality over price, migration to
a competitor based on price or service, etc.

Q. When to use diagnostic analytics?

A. When the reason behind a certain observed phenomenon or characteristic needs to be determined.

Customer Complaints, Refund Requests, and Price Match Requests for the Use Case
Number of Complaints Number of Refund Requests Number of Price Match
Customer ID (Number Resolved) (Number Resolved) Requests
… … … …
5 1(1) 0 1(1)
6 0 0 0
7 3(0) 2(0) 0
8 0 2(1) 5(4)
Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics 103

Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics uses the outcomes of descriptive and diagnostic analytics to create a
model for the future. In other words, analyzing the what and why gives insights to prepare
a model for questions like “What is possible in the future?” For example, when diagnostic
analysis specifies a correlation between large customer churn and unresolved complaints,
the predictive analytics can model this relation to approximate the future customer churn
rate on the basis of the fraction of unresolved complaints. Such a model is shown in Figure
5.9. The red curve in the figure specifies the relation between customer churn rate (y axis)
and unresolved complaints (x axis).
Predictive analytics are also utilized by businesses to estimate different kinds of risks,
finding the next best offers for customers, etc. Use of predictive analytics helps businesses
forecast future scenarios. For example, promotion offers and targeted discount coupons
can be mailed to customers to avoid a scenario of customer churn when the unresolved
complaint rate is high; this seems to be a good strategy to avoid customer churn. However,
questions like “Is this the best possible strategy or do we have other options?” and “Will
this strategy effectively reduce risk of customer churn?” and “Will it still be profitable for
business?” are some of the questions which predictive analytics cannot answer.
We need a more powerful tool, which can prescribe potential options and also predict
the future impacts of the potential options. We discuss prescriptive analytics, a more capa-
ble analytics approach than predictive analytics, in the next section.

Q. When to use predictive analytics?

A. When something about the future needs to be predicted or some missing information needs to be

Techniques Used for Predictive Analytics

Linear Regression Techniques
Linear regression ( is a technique used
to analyze the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable.
In the context of retail business, the independent variable can be the discount offered on a
certain item, and the dependent variable can be the corresponding increase in sales. When

Predicted customer churn

Customer churn rate
(per 100)

Unresolved complaint rate

(per 100)

Predicting customer churn rate.
104 Big Data Analytics

Dependent variable “Y”

Dependent variable “Y”

Dependent variable “Y”

Input points
.X+ Predicted value
o de Prediction
ea rm
Model Lin
generation M : Slope
C : Y-intercept
: Error Input value

Independent variable “X” Independent variable “X” Independent variable “X”

Linear regression steps.

discounts are greater, the more the sales go up. However, it is necessary to capture the
exact relationship between the discount and the sales to make estimates.
The relationship between sales, the dependent variable, and the discount, the indepen-
dent variable, is modeled as a linear equation. Historical data are then analyzed and plotted
on a graph, as shown in Figure 5.10. Next, a straight line, which closely follows the plotted
points, is drawn. The key is to estimate the slope of the linear curve, which in turn gives a
relationship between the dependent and independent variables. The goal is to maximize
the accuracy of prediction and thus minimize the error.

Mathematical Explanation of Linear Regression

The slope of the linear curve is estimated as follows.
Given historical data, consisting of pairs of independent and dependent variables,
{(x1, y1), (x2, y2),…,(xn, yn)}
x + x2 + … + xn
Let, x = 1 i.e., (for the mean of an independent variable) and

y1 + y 2 + … + y n
y= i.e., (for the mean of a dependent variable)

The slope of the line denoted by M can be approximated:

∑ {(x − x)(y − y )}
i i
∑ {(x − x) }

Thus, the equation of the line approximating the relation between x and y is given as

y = M ⋅ x + c.

To predict the outcome value of a new input, e.g., xnew, we put this new value in place
of x:ynew = M.xnew + C.
Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics 105

Time Series Models

Time series (Hamilton 1994), as the name suggests, is the arrangement of data points in
temporal order. Generally, the time difference between the successive data points is the
same. Examples of time series are stock market index levels (generated each day), the
number of items sold each day in a supermarket, etc. Time series analysis has been exten-
sively used for forecasting.
Time series analysis consists of methods to extract meaningful characteristics of data,
like increasing or decreasing trends with time. The trend in the data is the key to predict-
ing the future values of data. It is analogous to the slope of the line described for linear
regression. In Figure 5.11 the data shows a decreasing trend.
A simple way of calculating the trend is by taking moving averages. There are various
ways of calculating moving averages. We describe two of them below.

• A centered moving average (Hunter 1986) is focused on the width of a moving

average window. If the width is taken to be 3, then the value of the centered mov-
ing average at time stamp tk is equal to the average of values at time stamps tk−1,
tk, tk+1.
• Exponential smoothing (Hunter 1986) entails giving equal weights to observed val-
ues at all time stamps, with recent values given more weight, while calculating
the weighted average. Consider the example where vk, vk−1, vk−2, …, v0 denotes the
observed values at times tk, tk−1, tk−2, …,t0. Using exponential smoothing, the current
smoothened value Lkt time tk can be calculated as follows.

Lk = α .Vk + (1 − α) .Lk −1 (5.1)

Where α, known as the smoothing constant, has a value between 0 and 1. When α
approaches 1, it means that more weight is give to recent values; when α approaches
0, it means that more weight is given to older values. This fact is also evident from
equation 5.1.
Lk−1 is derived in a similar fashion, as Lk i.e., Lk−1 = α .Vk−1 + (1 − α) .Lk−2
Thus, the actual value of Lk, i.e., the expanded form of equation 5.1, is given as:

Lk = α .Vk + α.(1 − α) .Vk −1 + α.(1 − α)2 .Vk − 2 + α.(1 − α)3 .Vk − 3 + … + α.(1 − α)k .V0

c data s
et wit
h dim
n g tren

Time instances

Time series with diminishing trend.
106 Big Data Analytics

Machine Learning Techniques

Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial neural networks (Yegnanarayana 2009) is a modeling technique which is employed
when the exact relation between input and output is not known. Before neural networks
become usable for predictions (Zhang et al. 1998), they require training or learning to estab-
lish input and output relations. There are three ways to train a neural network: (a) supervised
learning (Caruana and Niculescu-Mizil 2006, Alpaydin 2015); (b) unsupervised learning
(Hastie et al. 2009); and (c) reinforcement learning (Sutton and Barto 1998). Of these three, only
supervised learning is suitable to train a neural network for generating future predictions.

Supervised Learning
In supervised learning, the input–output relationship is established by observing a data
set which has already been labeled. The data set used for training consists of examples
which have the pairs of an input and the desired output. The input–output function is thus
inferred by observing such examples.

Artificial Neural Network Structure and Training

Artificial neural networks are organized as layers of interconnected nodes, as shown
in Figure 5.12. Each node contains an activation function. The interconnections are
weighted. While training, the inputs and outputs are applied to the input layer and the
output layer, respectively. The effect of applying training data is that the weights on the
interconnect are adjusted, which modifies the behavior of the neural network (Karayiannis
and Venetsanopoulos 2013).

Back-Propagation Weight Adjustment Scheme

One such weight adjustment method is called back-propagation (Werbos 1974, Rumelhart
et al. 1985;

Training data set

{I1, O1}, {I2, O2}, ... , {In, Ok}
where Ik: kth input and Ok: kth output Inew

In I2 I1

Input Adjusted
Sequence of layer weights
of inputs and After training


On O2 O1 Onew
Training artificial neural network Trained artificial neural network

Training and using an artificial neural network.
Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics 107

Suppose, while training an artificial neural network, that an output of Opred is predicted.
The expected output is Oexp. The error, E, is calculated as follows:

E = Opred − Oexp

The scheme adjusts weights such that E2 is minimized. To achieve this, the current weight
between any two neurons, say N1 and N1 which is denoted by W12current is updated using delta
rules as shown below.

∂E 2
W12new = W12current − µ ,

∂E 2
where μ is the learning rate parameter and is the sensitivity of E2 of weight W12,
which actually denotes the direction toward which the adjustment should be made.

Prescriptive Analytics
Prescriptive analytics (Song et al. 2013, Gröger et al. 2014) is relatively new and complex,
compared to other analytics approaches. The aim of prescriptive analytics is to give advice
on possible outcomes. Prescriptive analytics tries to approximate an effect or possible out-
come of a future decision even before the decision has been made. It provides a “What if”
kind of analytics capability.
Prescriptive analytics helps to determine the best solution among a variety of choices,
given the known parameters, and suggests options for how to take advantage of a future
opportunity or mitigate a future risk. It can also illustrate the implications of each decision
to improve decision making. Examples of prescriptive analytics for customer retention
include next-best action and next-best offer analyses.
Prescriptive analytics internally employs all other analytic techniques to provide rec-
ommendationsas, as shown in Figure 5.13. Prescriptive analytics employs a simulation–
optimization–validation iterative cycle for fine-tuning future predictions.

Q. When to use prescriptive analytics?

A. Use prescriptive analytics when advice is needed regarding what action to take for the best results.

Application of Prescriptive Analytics in the Customer Churn Prevention Use Case

If a customer leaves, then they are of no value to a business. However, preventing a cus-
tomer who is about to leave is much more critical for the business. We need schemes which
can not only predict customer churn, but also suggest preventive measures to keep it from
happening. Prescriptive analytics is such a scheme. Prescriptive analytics is much more
powerful than predictive analytics.
Using prescriptive analytics, the business can explore different options available to it to pre-
vent customer churn. Prescriptive analytics will provide inputs similar to the ones mentioned
in Figure 5.14. (Note that the figure is used for the understanding of readers and uses hypo-
thetical data. Real world tools have various ways of suggesting the options and best choices.)
108 Big Data Analytics

Reasons for
best outcome

Diagnostic analytics Validation

outcome User

Best outcome Optimization


Outcome Outcome Outcome

1 2 3

Predictive analytics

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Future course options Simulation

Descriptive analytics

Prescriptive analytics

Prescriptive analytics working.

Targeted coupons
Reduced customer churn

60 Resolving complaints
Region R and refund requests

Store-wide discounts


20 40 60
Total reduction in profit
(in percent)

Prescriptive analytics suggestions.

Prescriptive analytics suggests three options: targeted coupons, resolving complaints

and refund requests. and store-wide discounts. The x axis of the graph in Figure 5.14
shows the reduction in profits, and the y axis shows the percentage of high-risk custom-
ers who are retained. It can be seen that storewide discounts are not an effective way of
retaining customers, as they result in a large reduction of profit but retain few customers.
Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics 109

The best option suggested by prescriptive analytics is to be in Region R, which amounts

to resolving complaints and handling refund requests. This is because the number of cus-
tomers retained is close to 60% at this point, with only a 30% reduction in profit.

Prescriptive Analytics Techniques

Techniques employed for prescriptive analytics span domains like image processing,
machine learning, signal processing, applied statistics, etc. In the earlier parts of this chap-
ter, we explained some machine learning techniques, like clustering and neural networks.
We also discussed linear regression and time series analysis. All of these techniques can
play a role in the larger context of prescriptive analytics.

Big Data Analytics Architecture

Figure 5.15 shows the overall Big Data analytics framework. MapReduce and Spark provide
the large data processing capabilities for different types of analytics. For example, descriptive
analytics uses MapReduce to filter and summarize a large amount of data. Similarly, predictive
analytics techniques employ MapReduce to process data from data warehouses.
Before a data analytics process begins, the relevant data are collected from a variety of
sources (stage 1). The sources generally depend on the kind of business that is employing
the analytics. For e-retailers, the most important data sources are the transaction and cus-
tomer logs. Similarly, for an electrical service company, the most important source of data
will be IoT devices and the smart meters at customer premises.
analytics (4)
Geographical (1) Finding causal
and Data data relationships,
local conditions collection correlations.
Customer Descriptive Predictive
logs analytics (3) analytics
Raw data Data
IoT Data lake Data
Summarized data
inputs (repository) warehouse Predictions
Tools used (5)
(2) Sqoop, Kafka, Predicting
Transaction Data cleaning, Flume.
customers at
logs aggregating, Feedback to
risk of leaving,
shaping, update data
Social network buying pattern,
filtering, opportunities, etc.
data of summarizing.
customers Machine learning
data mining
Provide recommendations for (6) using tools like
future and find best options among Mahout.
Simulation–optimization–validation cycle
them based on decision variables using other three analytics
and rules.
Tools like SpotFire, Tableau are used. Prescriptive analytics

Big Data analytics architecture.
110 Big Data Analytics

Raw data are collected in a repository known as a data lake. The raw data are then pro-
cessed by using descriptive analytics tools and techniques to filter and summarize them
(stage 2). Descriptive analytics makes the data usable for humans and other analytics tools.
The processed and summarized data are stored in a data warehouse (stage 3).
Diagnostic analytics uses the processed data that have been stored in a data warehouse
and derives causal relationships and correlations inherent in the data (stage 4). These find-
ings are stored back in the data warehouse to be used for predictive and prescriptive analytics.
Predictive analytics utilizes the summarized and cleaned data stored in the data warehouse
along with the correlations and causal relationships provided by the diagnostic analytics.
It then provides predictions and future estimations, which are again stored back in the
data warehouse (stage 5).
Prescriptive analytics internally employs all other analytic techniques to provide recom-
mendations. It employs an iterative approach, where the predictions are tuned and opti-
mized. This iterative approach is termed a simulation–optimization–validation loop and
is shown as a cycle in stage 6. Predictive analytics also provide feedback and update data
in the data warehouse in the course of fine-tuning the predictions. In the next section, we
present some of the tools which employ these analytics in detail.

Tools Used for Big Data Analytics

There are many tools available for performing Big Data analytics. Generally, the tools are
not confined to a single type of analytics. There are some special-purpose and business-
and data-specific tools too; however, discussion of such tools is beyond the scope of this
chapter. Here, we present a list of the most widely used analytics tools. Table 5.4 provides
a list of tools and types of analytics that each tool supports. We also provide a brief discus-
sion about each of the mentioned tools.

Tools of Big Data Analytics
Support for
Analytics Tool Descriptive Diagnostic Predictive Prescriptive
IBM Infosphere ✓
IBM SPSS ✓ ✓ ✓
Apache Mahout ✓
Azure Machine Learning Studio ✓ ✓ ✓
Halo ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Tableau ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
SAP InfiniteInsight ✓
@Risk ✓
Oracle Advanced Analytics ✓ ✓ ✓
TIBCO SpotFire ✓ ✓
R ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mathematica ✓ ✓
Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics 111

IBM InfoSphere
IBM’s InfoSphere ( is a widely used
data integration, warehousing, and information governance tool. It provides enterprise-scale
performance and reliability in bringing diverse data sets together, creating visualizations
and aids in data life cycle management.

IBM’s SPSS software ( is a predictive
analytics program that creates visualizations of statistical reporting and diagnostic analysis to
create predictive models for data mining. It is a powerful tool for model evaluation and automa-
tion of advanced analytics in the Cloud.

Apache Mahout
The Apache Mahout project ( is an open source project for imple-
menting scalable machine learning algorithms among researchers. It employs Apache
Hadoop and the MapReduce processing framework to churn data. The algorithms avail-
able within this project range from clustering and classification to collaborative learning.

Azure Machine Learning Studio

The Azure machine learning studio ( is a Cloud-based
predictive analytics service for building and deploying models from the Azure data lake.
It provides a large repository of state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms with R and
Python support. Azure provides not only tools for predictive model development but also
a fully dedicated platform on which to deploy these models via Web services. Features
such as data collection and management and ready-to-plug-in sample predictive modeling
modules, coupled with support from the Azure storage system, makes the Azure machine
learning studio a one-stop solution for descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive analytics.

Halo is a forecasting tool ( that com-
bines statistical modeling with a business intelligence platform to provide forecasting and
decision­-making capabilities for large data sets. It is automated, customizable, and designed
especially for complete analytics platform, from data cleansing to prescriptive analytics.
Halo specializes in prescriptive analytics modeling.

Tableau (​
_eng_0.pdf) provides real-time data visualization and is employed in different analytics
platform solutions spanning different segments, including business intelligence, Big Data
analytics, sports, health care, and retail. Tableau is designed to facilitate real-time “conversa-
tions” between data across multiple platforms, like relational databases, Cloud data stores,
112 Big Data Analytics

OLAP cubes, spreadsheets, etc. Tableau is a visualization and query tool that can be used in
all stages of Big Data analytics.

SAP Infinite Insight

SAP’s Infinite Insight program (​
-analytics-comparisons-2014/) addresses a definite set of predictive analytics problems.
It harnesses in-database predictive scoring and also comes with R packages to support a
large number of algorithms. Predictive models can be built using specific machine learn-
ing and data mining algorithms. Infinite Insight is restrictive in its approach to its market
focus, and hence cannot be employed for general purpose machine learning or data min-
ing requirements.

@Risk ( provides risk management strategies that com-
bine simulations and genetic algorithms to optimize logs or spreadsheets with uncertain
values. It performs simulations for mathematical computations, tracking and evaluating
different future scenarios for risk analysis. It objectifies probabilities of each such scenario
and forecasts the probabilities of risk associated with each of them. @Risk can be used in
the simulation, optimization, and validation phases of prescriptive analytics.

Oracle Advanced Analytics

The Oracle Advance Analytics platform (​
/­index.html) uses in-database processing to provide data mining, statistical computation,
visualization, and predictive analytics. It supports most of the data mining algorithms
for predictive modeling. Oracle has encompassed the R package for addressing statistical
analysis of data.

TIBCO SpotFire
The TIBCO SpotFire platform (­predictive​
-analytics) is a predictive and prescriptive analytics tool for implementation of data
exploration, discovery, and analytics; the user is aided by interactive visualizations to
gain insights about the data. It integrates R, S+, MATLAB, and SAS statistical tools. It uses
predictive modeling techniques, such as linear and logistic regression, classification, and
regression trees, as well as optimization algorithms for decision-making capabilities.

R, a product of The R Project for Statistical Computing (, is
an open-source statistical computing program that performs data mining and statistical
analysis of large data sets. By design, R is flexible and has achieved a lot of industry focus.
R is integrated with data processing frameworks like MapReduce and Spark. A popular
project, SparkR provides real-time statistical processing of streaming data. SparkR inte-
grates R to also support filtering, aggregation, integration of data, and an MLib library
for machine learning algorithms. Many tools listed here also utilize R as a component for
providing additional capabilities.
Understanding the Data Science behind Business Analytics 113

Wolfram Mathematica
Wolfram’s Mathematca system ( is considered a
computer algebra system, but it also has tools capable of supervised and unsupervised learn-
ing over artificial neural networks for processing images, sounds, and other forms of data.

Future Directions and Technologies

The size of data is growing at a tremendous pace and with that, the need to have better and
more powerful analytical tools is growing too. There have been a lot of recent technologi-
cal advancements which look promising. In this section, we mention some of these new
advancements and future directions which analytics can take.

From Batch Processing to Real-Time Analytics

Most of the implementations of MapReduce and related techniques, like Hadoop, employ
batch processing. This puts a limitation on the data processing as well because, before being
able to process the data, the data must first be collected. The collection process may take
days to weeks and even months. Such a delay is detrimental to business decisions.
For example, consider customer churn. If an e-retailer discovers a high-risk customer
a week after the first signs appear in their data, then there is nothing much to be done.
The customer will have already left by then. Such situations, where decision making is
extremely time sensitive, require real-time or a stream processing paradigm rather than
the batch processing one.
Apache Spark (Shanahan abd Dai 2015) and Apache Storm (Ranjan 2014) provide real-time
distributed data processing capabilities. Both Spark and Storm entail a stream processing
framework, but Spark is a more general-purpose distributed computing framework. Spark
can run over existing Hadoop clusters, and thus it provides easy portability.

In-Memory Big Data Processing

Big Data analytics involve a lot of data movement to and from data repositories and ware-
houses. Such data movement is time-consuming, and most of the time it acts as a bottleneck
in overall processing time. This is because secondary storage is several orders of magnitude
slower than a processor itself.
Apache Ignite (Anthony et al. 2016) is the in-memory implementation of Hadoop libraries.
It provides a much faster processing capability than the Vanilla implementations of Hadoop.

Prescriptive Analytics
Prescriptive analytics (Soltanpoor and Sellis 2016) is still not as widely utilized by compa-
nies as other analytics. This is partly due to the fact that prescriptive analytics is a type of
automation of analytics. Companies and businesses are still skeptical of letting machine
handle business analytics.
Another challenge in employing prescriptive analytics is that the data available are rarely
without gaps. Analysts have adapted to this challenge and often work around the unavail-
able data. However, such data gaps are not suitable for automation-based analytics.
114 Big Data Analytics

Big Data Analytics Use Cases
Customer Next Item
Churn Lifetime Customer Best Risk Sentimental Set
Category Prevention Value Segmentation Action Modeling Analysis Mining
Retail and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Banking ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Telecoms ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Oil and Gas ✓
Life Sciences ✓ ✓
Automotive ✓ ✓ ✓
Healthcare and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Data latency poses another challenge for prescriptive analytics. As automation makes ana-
lytics faster, there is always a requirement of fresh data to provide accurate projections and
future options. With current batch processing-based analytics models, the freshness of data
is often questionable. However, recent developments in real-time and stream processing-
based Big Data processing platforms make predictive analytics possible.

We have described the different forms of Big Data analytics and how they involve descrip-
tive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. We have also presented the mathemat-
ical tools and techniques behind such analytics. Big Data analytics has become an integral
part of business today. Companies are already heavily utilizing it for decision-making pro-
cesses. We have provided a real world use case, customer churn prevention, and explained it
in the context of the different analytics tools involved. The example was a simple one; how-
ever, it provided a clear insight into the processes involved in analytics. Table 5.5 mentions
more such use cases and different fields where Big Data analytics is utilized (Soltanpoor
and Sellis 2016;
Recent advancements in Big Data analytics, as we have described, have opened new
avenues for richer and faster analytics. These improvements are going to have an impact
on businesses all around us, as businesses will be able to perform analytics on much larger
data sets in a much shorter amount of time.

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Online Sources
116 Big Data Analytics
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics

Mydhili K. Nair, Arjun Rao, and Mipsa Patel

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 118
The Power of Business Planning with Precise Predictions.................................................... 118
Predictive Modeling for Effective Business Planning: A Case Study.............................. 118
Effect of Big Data in Predictive Modeling........................................................................... 120
Predictive Modeling.................................................................................................................... 120
Predictive Modeling Process................................................................................................. 121
Selecting and Preparing Data................................................................................................ 122
Fitting a Model........................................................................................................................ 123
Feature Vectors.................................................................................................................... 123
Estimating and Validating the Model.................................................................................. 124
Types of Predictive Models......................................................................................................... 125
Linear and Nonlinear Regression......................................................................................... 126
Types of Regression Algorithms....................................................................................... 126
Decision Trees.......................................................................................................................... 128
Use of Decision Trees in Big Data Predictive Analytics................................................ 128
Inference............................................................................................................................... 129
Random Forests....................................................................................................................... 130
Use of Random Forests for Big Data................................................................................ 130
Support Vector Machines....................................................................................................... 131
Use of Support Vector Machines for Big Data Predictive Analytics........................... 132
Unsupervised Models: Cluster Analysis............................................................................. 132
Cluster Analysis.................................................................................................................. 133
Algorithms for Cluster Analysis...................................................................................... 133
Use of Cluster Analysis for Big Data Predictions.......................................................... 134
Inference............................................................................................................................... 137
Measuring Accuracy of Predictive Models.............................................................................. 137
Target Shuffling....................................................................................................................... 137
Lift Charts................................................................................................................................. 138
ROC Curves............................................................................................................................. 140
Bootstrap Sampling................................................................................................................. 142
Tools and Techniques Used for Predictive Modeling and Analytics.................................... 143
Data Mining Using CRISP-DM Technique.......................................................................... 143
CRISP-DM Tool................................................................................................................... 144
Predictive Analytics Using R Open-Source Tool................................................................ 144
Research Trends and Conclusion............................................................................................... 147
References..................................................................................................................................... 148

118 Big Data Analytics

This chapter aims to give insight into how Big Data predictive modeling and analytics
can be used for effective planning of businesses. At the outset, we would like to note that
this topic is a very niche upcoming area of research. There are numerous published works
dealing with predictive modeling and analytics techniques, but they do not focus on the
nuances and intricacies associated with Big Data and its four dimensions, namely, volume,
variety, velocity, and veracity. Therefore, in this chapter, we strived to concentrate on the
Big Data prediction aspects after giving a brief overview of the traditional predictive mod-
eling and analytics techniques. We start the chapter by giving a glimpse to the user, with
case study examples, on how precise predictions based on current and history data can
help in effective business planning. After this brief introduction, we explain the predictive
modeling process starting with the preprocessing step of selecting and preparing the data,
followed by fitting a mathematical model to this prepared data and ending with estimat-
ing and validating the predictive model. Then in the next section we describe the various
types of predictive models, starting with models for supervised learning, namely, linear
and nonlinear regression, decision trees, random forests, and support vector machines.
We end the section with cluster analysis, the only unsupervised learning predictive model
covered in this chapter. Then we deal with measuring the accuracy of predictive models
through target shuffling, lift charts, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves, and
bootstrap sampling. Then we focus on the tools and techniques of predictive modeling
and analytics. We cover the CRISP-DM technique here, which is used for data mining.
We also describe implementation of predictive analytics using R, an open-source tool, by
taking a sample case-study application. We wind up the chapter by giving insight into the
research trends and upcoming initiatives by industry giants in this cutting-edge realm of

The Power of Business Planning with Precise Predictions

Elon Musk, the cofounder of PayPal, Tesla Motors, and creator of space foundation SpaceX
said, “I’ve actually made a prediction that within 30 years a majority of new cars made
in the United States will be electric. And I don’t mean hybrid, I mean fully electric”
(“Extended Interview” 2008). An engineer and innovator like Elon Musk did not say this
out of the blue, but after pain-staking business data analytics and predictive modeling that
helped him make this informed prediction. Companies like Netflix, Amazon, and Google
have utilized predictive analytics for a number of years to predict consumer behavior and
better target recommendations or advertisements.

Predictive Modeling for Effective Business Planning: A Case Study

Predictive modeling and analytics are being used by various companies to widen their
customer base and to sell more products. It is also used in healthcare, customer relation-
ship management, actuarial science, and many more fields. In this section, we take one
such field where predictive models are used and examine the features that the model has
and how it maximizes the results obtained.
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 119

In the field of e-commerce, millions of customers visit the site, but only a few of them buy
products. Hence, retailers are using predictive modeling and analytics to make smarter
decisions about the customer focus, marketing strategy, promotions, and so on, hence
maximizing profit.
The model developed by companies focuses on improving the following:

• Targeting the right segment of customers—Retailers aim at developing a model

that will target fewer customers but obtain better results during promotions. The
model is created based on the user’s browsing history, past purchases, demo-
graphics, and so forth. If the user looked up or purchased similar products in the
past, he or she is more likely to be interested in them in the future. Also, regular
visitors to the website are more likely to buy products from there.
• Personalized recommendations—Recommendations play an important role in
attracting customers. One particular retailer called Stitch Fix has a unique sales
model that asks users to take a style survey and then recommends clothes based
on those choices.
• Optimal pricing—The price of a product is related to the number of customers
buying the product, and the profit made by the company. Predictive models for
pricing looks at customer interest, historical product pricing, competitor pricing,
and so forth. A study shows that predictive pricing can deliver an additional net
profit of about 20%.
• Predictive search—Companies focus on developing predictive models to opti-
mize the search suggestions, as the search bar is the primary method in which the
user interacts with the website. The predictive search model is based on the search
history, products the user clicks on, purchase history, and so on. The model can
anticipate what the user is looking for by typing just a couple of letters.
• Customer segmentation—Customers having similar characteristics are grouped
together by using predictive modeling and analytics. This can help in targeting
marketing of products.

Stitch Fix is a startup in the online retail sector. What makes the company stand out from
other online retail companies is its unique sales model of delivering five highly curated
pieces of clothing to its clients’ homes monthly. Clients pay a $20 styling fee to get their set
of five products, and if they decide to purchase any of the five items they received in their
shipment, that $20 goes toward the purchase. Additionally, if a client buys all five items in
their shipment, they receive a 25% discount off the entire purchase.
Each customer of Stitch Fix takes an extensive “Style Profile,” which is a questionnaire
about the customer’s body type, height, weight, color preferences, zip code (to determine
the type of weather), style preferences, and price range, among other topics. The customer
is also asked to rate images of clothing to determine their style choices.
The gathered data is evaluated by data scientists and styling experts. The company has
developed algorithms and predictive models that use a customer’s data to evaluate how
likely he or she is to keep a certain item based on parameters like style choices and occupa-
tion. Based on the results of the model, five most suited products are chosen and shipped
to the customer. Each customer receives a personalized recommendation of products,
reducing the number of choices to choose from, which can be a huge advantage. The com-
pany also uses the feedback provided and the products returned to better the algorithm
and hence make more relevant recommendations to the customer the next time.
120 Big Data Analytics

Stitch Fix does not provide exclusive clothes or fast shipping. But why it is such a huge
hit in the market is because it is more relevant to the customers. The predictive models
reduce complexity through relevant curation. With personalized recommendations and
fewer, more relevant choices, customers are more likely to buy the products. Stitch Fix has
thus utilized the power of predictive modeling and become a huge success in the e-retail
E-commerce is just one example where predictive modeling and analytics are used.
Actuarial science, movie recommendations, and the banking sector are among the numer-
ous applications. Each predictive model that is developed and tested is a step toward effec-
tive planning.

Effect of Big Data in Predictive Modeling

Big Data as cited in various research publications has four dimensions: volume, variety,
veracity, and velocity. It is inherently voluminous, by being distributed across geographical
regions, and has an exceedingly fast velocity of growth. Its type is varied in nature, with
disparate forms such as structured, semistructured, and unstructured, available in a vari-
ety of formats such as documents, videos, audios, images, e-mails, and social-­networking
feeds. Due to this variety of sources of Big Data, as well as its velocity of growth and its
veracity, the quality is unreliable and differs tremendously. This makes the task of creating
an accurate and effective model for Big Data analytics, specifically predictive analytics, an
uphill task indeed.

Predictive Modeling
Predictive modeling is the use of statistical or machine learning algorithms to make pre-
dictions about future or unknown outcomes based on historically collected data. Although
predictive modeling techniques have been researched under the purview of data min-
ing for several years, they have become increasingly prominent in real-world scenarios
in recent times, impacting every facet of our lives. The nature of problems being solved
or approached by using predictive modeling processes, range across a wide spectrum of
fields from healthcare to climatology.
Exponential growth and adoption of e-commerce platforms, smarter devices, devel-
opment of Internet of Things, and so on have led to tremendous amounts of data being
generated every second. Collecting and processing such vast amounts of data and draw-
ing meaningful insights from them are the objectives of predictive modeling of Big Data.
Storage is a fundamental aspect when dealing with data on such scales, and it is now gener-
ally solved by using distributed databases and storage clusters. Bringing this data together
and applying complex mathematical algorithms on it requires out-of-the-box thinking and
innovative approaches. Techniques like MapReduce and harnessing the power of cloud
computing have greatly helped in Big Data analytics.
In the following sections, we will briefly touch upon general stages of any predictive
modeling task, and the nature of input and output of these said stages. Although each
stage is in logical order of precedence, with direct flow of output from one stage to the
next, the way any particular stage is to be interpreted and thus implemented greatly var-
ies depending upon the problem being tackled. For example, the kinds of models used for
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 121

something like weather data or market segmentation cannot be used for something like
text classification or sentiment analysis of customer feedback data. As this chapter focuses
on predictive modeling, we shall go over a few popular techniques for developing predic-
tive models and their use cases for Big Data applications.

Predictive Modeling Process

For any given problem that requires the use of historical data of decision variables to pre-
dict the outcome when a new value for these decision variables is encountered, a predic-
tive modeling approach is convenient. The process of predictive modeling starts by clearly
understanding the objectives of the problem. Some of the questions we must ask at this
juncture are

• What values do we have and what values do we need?

• What would be the kind of data available in this case for using a computer algo-
rithm to raw insights?
• What are the kinds of insights we can get from using certain kinds of data?
• What algorithms are we going to use for processing data?

These questions are answered in various stages of the predictive modeling process. We
shall discuss each step of the process in general, and then provide an example of that
particular stage for a real-world use case. The actual implementations of each step using
a particular framework or tool are discussed toward the end of the chapter. The general
outline for a predictive modeling process begins with determination of the objectives, as
stated earlier, following which is the data collection and preprocessing stage. Once pre-
pared training data is available, a suitable model is selected that can be considered the best
fit for the kind of data being used. The model is then trained on the large data set, and the
results of the trained model are in essence parameters in the algorithm that ensure that
the chosen mathematical model can accurately (at least to a large extent) map the input
values to their outputs. The resulting model can be tested on a test data set for accuracy
and validation, based on which the model is either revised or a superior model can be
selected to improve the accuracy, or if the accuracy is reasonably good, it is used in produc-
tion environments to analyze new data and gain insights for effective planning. Figure 6.1
illustrates the process from a high-level perspective.

Raw data and
data cleaning

Validation model

Predictive modeling process.
122 Big Data Analytics

Selecting and Preparing Data

To begin with, we shall discuss the nature of data, in particular in the Big Data context. We
would like to establish that the way we deal with Big Data requires additional processing
steps than when the size of the data set is manageable. The primary source of any predic-
tive modeling process is the data. Data here can be from multiple sources like sensors, cus-
tomer click streams, Twitter data streams, and stock market statistics, depending on the
nature of the problem being attempted. It is often the case that the obtained data is either
inconsistent with the format expected by the model or is not clean. When we say data is
not clean, it essentially means that there are records in the data set that are either corrupt
(invalid in format or value) or missing fields. When we consider huge quantities of data,
incorrect data can lead to wrong model outputs and effectively bad business decisions,
which could lead to massive losses for companies that rely heavily on Big Data analysis.
Some of the issues that arise with Big Data and potential reasons for inconsistencies are
summarized as follows:

• Incomplete data validation—When we consider large amounts of data, in data-

bases, especially when the data being collected is from outside the organization,
there is a good chance that the data is not completely validated. For example, it
could have data type inconsistencies or different formats for similar data (e.g., date
formats could be inconsistent).
• Multiple data sources—When collecting data from different vendors or sources
such as sensors, it can so happen that each source provides data in their own for-
mat. This is particularly common when dealing with data from different websites.
For example, one website may supply data in a format like CSVs, whereas another
may supply data as XML records.
• Contain superfluous information—Sometimes when dealing with large data sets,
there can be superfluous information in the data, such as personal names or
addresses that may not be useful for the modeling task at hand. Hence, such fields
will need to be removed before the data can be used.
• Linguistic inconsistencies—When dealing with problems that use data from social
media, a lot of users are bilingual in their posts or end up using unconventional
vocabulary such as short forms like “ur” or emoticons. Such kinds of inconsisten-
cies can severely affect the performance of predictive models.

Although this is not an exhaustive list of problems that can arise with data, it is illus-
trative of the need to perform data cleaning operations before the model training stage.
Moving ahead with the discussion of preparing data, once the raw data is in a consistent
format that can be used by a model, the question of handling Big Data still remains unad-
dressed. The general nature of Big Data is that it is stored across distributed databases and
is so large in volume that it does not fit on a single machine. Predictive analysis uses math-
ematical computations that are generally probabilistic in nature and require a lot of mem-
ory to process. The difficulty with Big Data analytics is due to the demands on memory
and processing capabilities. Thus it is important to address the optimization strategies to
be considered when using predictive analysis techniques on Big Data, and look into tech-
niques to process large amounts of data in limited memory scenarios. Although the exact
discussions on handling big data is out of the scope of this chapter, we can highlight that
technologies like Hadoop and Apache Mahout are considered some of the leading solu-
tions that help in parallel processing. This involves writing machine-learning algorithms
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 123

using a MapReduce paradigm in a manner that exploits Hadoop’s distributed file system
to handle Big Data. Alternatively, we can process the data set in batches, using manage-
able chunks of data in each iteration of the algorithm. This approach is much simpler than
using MapReduce tasks, but the efficiency is reduced as it is time consuming and requires
a large number of iterations to successfully process the entire data set.
When dealing with model fitting and prediction to evaluate the efficiency of the model,
we need a certain amount of data for testing and validation. The general practice is to split
the original data set into two distinct sets: the training set and the testing set. The ratio
of samples in training versus test data is generally skewed toward training sets, as we
require more historical data to fine-tune the parameters of a model than we need to test its
accuracy. In the next section we discuss selection of models and using the preprocessed
data for training a chosen model.

Fitting a Model
The logical step that follows data collection and processing is to fit a mathematical model
that would map certain decision variables or features of a sample to some output perfor-
mance or value that has a direct relation to the features being considered. For example, con-
sider an online retailer that has data about customer purchases, value of purchase orders,
shopping cart lists, ratios across product categories in shopping carts, time of purchase
(such as during discounts or during certain seasons). This data will act as features for the
retailer to segment its customer base into clusters of buyers whose purchase patterns are
aligned. Using such a segmented customer base, the retailer can then take decisions to
offer discounts or promotions targeted at specific segments of buyers to maximize chances
of converting shopping carts to purchase orders. Here it must be noted that although vari-
ables like products in a shopping cart may seem like nonnumeric data, which may not
lend themselves to a direct mathematical translation, it is always possible to associate such
variables to numeric values.

Feature Vectors
When dealing with machine learning algorithms, we often need to represent objects of
interest in numerical forms. By objects we mean real-world entities that are being modeled
in the algorithm and involved in the decision-making process for predictive algorithms. In
this context, we term such a representation as a feature vector. A feature vector in essence
is a N-dimensional vector of numerical properties (measurable properties are called fea-
tures). We illustrate the concept of a feature vector through the following example.
Consider the scenario of a retailer having six different product categories, with each cat-
egory associated with a value, say 0 through 5. We can then model a user’s shopping cart
data as an array containing product quantities, with array indices mapping to a category.
So a customer buying one product each in categories 2 and 3 and four products in category
5 can be represented by the array [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 4]. So this would be the kind of feature vec-
tors that is trained on an algorithm and is aimed at making certain predictions given a
new user’s shopping cart that is converted into a similar feature vector. The following is
illustrated in the diagram in Figure 6.2.
Feature extraction is an important phase, as the quality of the features directly translate
to the quality of a model’s results. Once feature extraction is complete, a suitable math-
ematical model can be used to fit the training data set. The model is trained on the train-
ing set, and this generally implies that the algorithm on each successive iteration reads
124 Big Data Analytics

Sports Automotive
and and
outdoors industrial
#: 0 #: 1 #0: 0
#1: 0
Home Books #2: 1
#3: 1 Predictive
garden and and
#4: 0 model
tools audible
#: 2 #: 3 #5: 4

Health and A mathematical model that takes feature vectors

grocery for training
#: 4
#: 5
Feature vector describing a shopping cart

Categories and their array indices

Converting from textual data to numeric feature vectors.

a training sample and adjusts certain parameters to better match its output to the given
output in the training set. This is the case with a class of algorithms called supervised
learning algorithms dealing with data sets that have well-marked inputs and outputs.
Some well-known supervised learning algorithms are regression algorithms (linear or
logistic), support vector machines, decision trees, and random forests. Problems such as
market segmentation are classified under the set of problems that are generally solved by
what are called unsupervised learning algorithms or models, where the model is used to
identify clusters or segments. In the case of unsupervised models, we will be providing
extracted features from a data set as input and the model on each successive iteration iden-
tifies sample points that can come under a group or cluster, using algorithms like k-means.
Thus the right model depends on the nature of the problem and the data set being used.
In the upcoming section “Types of Predictive Models” we discuss a few different types of
models and their merits, aimed at helping readers get an overview of the possible choices
for model selection.

Estimating and Validating the Model

Once a model is selected and the training data set is used to train the model, the test
data set is used to evaluate its performance. There are various methods that are used for
model evaluation, including ROC curves, lift charts, and bootstrap sampling, which are
discussed later. When the training stage is complete, we no longer depend on the training
data set, and the trained model alone is sufficient for making predictions on new sam-
ples. This is because the trained model summarizes all the relationships between features
and labels. At the same time, training models also make certain assumptions about data,
regarding distribution of data, linearity of continuous variables, nature of effects of vari-
ables and correlations, and so on. Thus to ensure maximum accuracy of the trained model,
it must be validated.
In a study by Steyerberg et al. (2001a), logistic regression models were developed to pre-
dict mortality of patients 30 days after undergoing surgical treatments for acute myocar-
dial infraction. This is a binary classification problem that was evaluated by splitting the
data set into train and test sets. The data set used for training the model was a subset of
data collected during a large randomized trial of over 785 patients. The remaining data is
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 125

provided for validation. Various evaluation techniques such as ROC curves and goodness-
of-fit statistics were used in the validation stage.
As discussed by Steyerberg et al. (2001b), we can classify the nature of validation of a
model based on the data set used for validation as apparent, internal, or external valida-
tion. They are discussed further next:

• Apparent validation—The apparent performance of a model is the result of valida-

tion using the same data set that was used to train the model. This is an obvious
result that is generally better than validation on any other data set, even if the test
set is from the same source population as the training set. However, this kind
of validation is still necessary to ensure the model is developed correctly and is
working with at least a baseline performance. Apparent validation is the simplest
form of validation in terms of computational requirements and results in optimis-
tic performance, as the same data set is used for defining the model, as well as
determining performance.
• Internal validation—This type of validation is performed on the source popula-
tion of the training data. Generally, an approach called the split-sample approach
is used for internal validation, wherein the available data set is split into two parts:
one for model development and the other for validation. Hence, the model is eval-
uated on independent data samples, which are not present in the training set,
albeit similar in nature as they originate from the same root population. Internal
validation is more difficult to perform than apparent validation. It generally gives
an honest estimate of actual performance for a population that is similar to the
training set. It is akin to an upper limit on the obtainable performance when using
an external data set, as in the case of cross-validation techniques. Examples of
­internal validation techniques include bootstrap sampling and cross-validation.
• External validation—This is a more generalized form of validation that uses an
independent validation population that is different from the population used for
training or internal validation, but semantically related to it. It represents new
samples that could arise in production settings for the model. External validation
is dependent on the nature of available data sets for validation. The data set must
ideally have similar features and output labels in order to be used for validation;
otherwise some form of transformation must be applied to make it suitable for
testing. Examples of external validation techniques include temporal validation,
spatial validation, and fully external validation.

Types of Predictive Models

Now that we have discussed the process that is generally applicable to most predictive
modeling scenarios, we are in a position to dive into the heart of predictive modeling,
that is, the model itself. The task of identifying the right modeling technique is highly
data dependent. Feature extraction operations for a given data set generally influence the
type of model used for training. In this section we shall discuss a few popular modeling
techniques that are to serve as an overview for the available options. They are by no means
an exhaustive list of methods for predictive modeling; however, they are demonstrative of
126 Big Data Analytics

the variety of choices available to data scientists. We can broadly classify techniques under
two categories: statistical modeling (such as linear regression and logistic regression) and
machine learning techniques (such as support vector machines and neural networks). The
difference between the two is in the amount of human involvement and the size of data
being analyzed. The aim of the following sections is to illustrate the differences between
different techniques and the kinds of problems they are best suited for. Much of the work
by James et al. (2013) demonstrates the different techniques for statistical learning algo-
rithms and their respective strengths and weaknesses in great detail. These algorithms are
at the heart of predictive modeling processes.

Linear and Nonlinear Regression

Regression in statistics is a measure of the relation between the mean value of one variable
(output) and corresponding values of other variables (input). In the domain of predictive
modeling, regression analysis is a method that obtains a relationship between indepen-
dent variables called the predictors and a target variable whose value depends on the
predictors. They generally solve problems that have cause-effect relationships or are used
for forecasting events in a context given some determining factors.
In general, regression models not only help in identifying the associated output values
for a given input, but they also help in measuring the degree of dependence of the out-
put on different input parameters. They help determine the best set of input parameters
that need to be optimized or given focus in order to get the desired output. For example,
consider predicting the value of a house in the real-estate domain. Input variables in this
case include number of rooms, year of construction, features of the neighborhood such
as distance to nearest public transportation utility, and so on. However, to determine the
price of the house, some features are more important than others such as number of rooms
or carpet area of the house. Hence when a real-estate agent is deciding on what particular
house to pitch to his customer, he would naturally focus on those variables that are more
lucrative or important to a customer in making a decision. Similarly, in data science, when
regression analysis is the chosen technique, we tend to focus on those input parameters
that strongly influence the direction of output rather than include all the variables leading
to more computationally intensive processes.
There are many different techniques that come under the umbrella of regression analy-
sis. They are generally classified according to the shape of the line of regression, which
is a mathematical function relating the input variables to the output variable. The most
common of the techniques and also one of the simplest regression techniques is linear

Types of Regression Algorithms

Figure 6.3 illustrates an overall perspective about the different types of regression algo-
rithms that can be applied to Big Data. These are well-known algorithms available in lit-
erature. Descriptions of each of these algorithms are beyond the scope of this chapter.
However, we do present details regarding linear and nonlinear regression algorithms
here. Generally linear regression is considered one of the most basic of predictive models
and is often considered too simple for most tasks. However, the real power of linear regres-
sion is seen when used in conjunction with neural networks, and deep neural networks in
the domain of deep learning, which once again is beyond the scope of this chapter and is
left for interested readers to research further.
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 127

Linear regression

Logistic regression Polynomial regression

Regression algorithms

Lasso regression
Ridge regression

Stepwise regression

Types of regression algorithms.

Linear Regression
Linear regression is used to find the best straight line fit (called the line of regression) that
establishes the relationship between a dependent variable (Y) and one or more indepen-
dent variables (X) that influence the value of the dependent variable.
The line of regression is generally represented by the following equation:

Y = mX + c

In this equation, Y represents the output variable, X represents the input variable, m is a
weight that is applied to the input variable, and c is the intercept of the line. Generally,
m and c are determined by the method of least squares, which is a popular technique in
statistics that aim to minimize the sum of squares of the difference between the expected
output and the output predicted by the line of regression. It can be summarized by the
following equation:

∑ [Y(i) − (m ∗ x(i) + c)] 2

where i varies from 1 to N (being the number of data points). The data that is used in linear
regression is generally of the form (x,y), where x is the input and y is the output corre-
sponding to that input. This is the case when we are dealing with simple linear regression
in just two dimensions. However, the technique is extensible to a higher number of input
variables wherein we will have a higher dimensional vector as X and similarly a vector for
Y. However, the equations and the method of least squares remains the same.
Computationally, to determine the values of m and c, a technique known as gradient
descent (Ng 2000) is used. Gradient descent is an algorithm that aims to minimize a cost
function by successively iterating over the data set and varying the parameters of the line
of regression. The cost function takes (m, c) as the input and returns an error associated
with the fit of the line to the data points. The aim of the gradient descent algorithm is to
find the optimal values of m and c to fit the given data points. Although the mathematics
behind the algorithm are fairly straightforward, involving the derivate of the error func-
tion with respect to m and c, we leave it as an exercise for interested readers.
128 Big Data Analytics

Nonlinear Regression
Another popular technique when dealing with binary classification problems where the
output of the predicted model is 0 or a 1, that is, a two-class classification problem, we can
use the nonlinear regression technique known as logistic regression. It does not require
that a linear relationship exists between dependent and independent variables. This tech-
nique is particularly powerful when using Big Data, as the large sample sizes ensure better
maximum likelihood estimates that determine what class a given data point belongs to.
Logistic regression generally relies on the sigmoid function, which is used to calculate the
cost for gradient descent. Once again the details of the technique and the mathematics are
more involved and beyond the scope of this chapter.
Although regression techniques are powerful and are often considered the base for
any data analytics task, they are limited to smaller data sets where the relation between
input variables is not very complicated. However, this is seldom the case when dealing
with present-day predictive modeling problems where the data set is huge, and comput-
ing regression parameters is simply not efficient given the time-intensive nature of these
algorithms. This leads to the widespread development and adoption of machine learning
algorithms, which harness the power of computation to enable superior predictive model-
ing results by processing large amounts of training samples.

Decision Trees
In this section we discuss decision trees, a tree-based classifier, to set the foundation for
the next section covering random forests, a specialized tree-based classifier. Decision trees
(Kass 1980; Safavian and Langrebe 1991; Salzberg 1994) are also referred to as classifica-
tions trees or regression trees. The classification tree models are ordered in such a way that
the root node and the internal nodes (called split nodes) have attribute test conditions that
are used to classify records having different characteristics. The branches between nodes
represent combinations of features that lead to the classifications. The leaf nodes represent
the final class labels.
The tree-based classifier algorithm uses a divide-and-conquer approach to build the
classifier model. After the classifier model is built, it can easily predict the class label of the
data set freshly presented to it. For example, a decision tree classifier model can be used
to predict if a new patient is prone to have a chronic kidney disease (CKD) by extracting
the attributes of the patient such as the age, count of red blood cells, white blood cells, pus
cells, levels of sodium, potassium, albumin, and sugar. The leaf nodes of this classification
tree model would predict the class of a given data set by using predictor functions such as
majority class or naive Bayes classifier. In this example, the leaf node could have two class-
labels, CKD and NCKD, with N negating the possibility of having CKD.

Use of Decision Trees in Big Data Predictive Analytics

In the present context of Big Data, the traditional decision tree has to be modified to a dis-
tributed decision tree that aims to

• Parallelize the training process

• Perform the training process in a distributed environment

In this section we aim to give a glimpse of the various techniques used by research-
ers to apply decision trees in Big Data predictive analytics. The study of Big Data predictive
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 129

analytics is closely linked with distributed machine learning frameworks, which

should inherently be capable of handling large magnitudes of data in the order of tera-
bytes or petabytes. Mahout (Apache Software Foundation n.d.) is a distributed machine
learning framework deployed over Hadoop. It has built-in algorithms for pattern min-
ing, classification, clustering, and recommendation. MLBase (Kraska et al. 2013), a
component of Berkeley Data Analytics Stack, hides the complexity of the underlying
distributed computation by giving a set of high-level operators to implement a scal-
able machine learning algorithm. There are many more distributed machine learning
frameworks, a discussion of which is beyond the scope of this chapter. We, however,
point to the work of Gillick, Faria, and DeNero (2006) in which the authors give a tax-
onomy of machine learning algorithms and catalog them based on their data process-
ing patterns.
Panda, Herbach, Basu, and Bayardo (2009) were among the pioneers in developing clas-
sifier tree models for large data sets. They developed a framework called PLANET, which
transforms steps in the learning process of the decision tree into MapReduce jobs that are
executed in parallel. The work of Ye, Chow, Chen, and Zheng (2009) chronicles methods
to distribute and parallelize gradient boosted decision trees (GBDT). GBDT is a commonly
used technique to teach a classifier model to predict values by combining weak learners
to a single strong learner in an iterative mode. This work discusses two techniques of Big
Data partitioning:

• Horizontal—Here the data set was partitioned horizontally with all attributes
appearing in each horizontal partition. The GBDT created is converted to a
MapReduce model. The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is used for com-
munication between nodes spread across machines in the distributed environ-
ment. To split a node of the classifier decision tree, HDFS has to write out multiple
files for communicating between the nodes, as it currently does not have built-in
support for internode communication.
• Vertical—Here Message Passing Interface (MPI) was used with Hadoop stream-
ing. The data set was partitioned vertically based on its comma-separated attribute
values. Thus, each machine operates on a subset of the attribute space and has
only sufficient information to compute the best local split. The best gain among
this subset of features is computed, and this information is sent to all machines
using an MPI broadcast. Each machine then determines the global best split by
aggregating the local splits from each machine and determining which split cor-
responds to the cut point that maximizes gain.

This work by Ye et al. (2009) gives a very important result. It proved that vertical partition
helps reduce the communication overhead of computing a tree node. The time taken to
train a GBDT was less than halved from 20 seconds to 9 seconds for their training data
set comprising 1.2 million samples and 520 numeric features associated with it. This is
a significant contribution to the researcher community as the idea is to build as quickly
as possible; a distributed decision tree classifier model for the big training data set is to
ensure that the model is ready to predict at any point in time. When the actual testing data
arrives, the model should be able to accurately predict the class the data belongs to based
on this previously processed training data.
130 Big Data Analytics

Random Forests
In the preceding section, we discussed decision trees as a technique for predictive model-
ing. Random forests (see Genuer et al. 2015) are in essence the next step to decision trees.
The technique is a combination of aggregation and bootstrapping, along with decision
trees. It is a versatile learning algorithm that can be used to solve problems in regression
analysis, as well as two or multiclass classification. They work by parallel construction of
decision trees with extensive resampling. Hence, they are a natural solution to handling
large continuous data streams, which is primarily what we deal with when we talk about
Big Data. Apache Mahout is a learning framework that works using Apache Hadoop and
HDFS, which has been effectively used for implementing predictive modeling algorithms
using random forests for Big Data.
The details of the exact working of random forests is beyond the scope of this chapter,
but we shall summarize their working and their primary advantages in the Big Data con-
text as follows.
Random forest is derived from the classification and regression tree model, commonly
known as CART (see Timofeev 2004). The algorithm takes a bootstrapping approach and
builds multiple CART models with different samples from the original population. For
instance, if the original sample had 10,000 observations, with 100 variables, the random
forest model builds a random sample with 1,000 observations and 10 randomly chosen
variables to build the initial decision tree. This process is repeated a number of times to
cover a majority of the population, in order to make a final prediction on each observation.
From each decision tree model, the predicted outputs are used to obtain a mean output
that acts as the final prediction of the random forest.
By combining multiple decision trees, random forests give far superior accuracy when
compared to a single CART model or regression models. Their strength, though lies, in
dealing with massive data sets with large number of variables and samples.

Use of Random Forests for Big Data

In Genuer (2015), experiments conducted on massive data sets involving millions of obser-
vations of real-world airline data showed that random forests lead to reduced computa-
tional time with high accuracy. The experiments were aimed at predicting whether a flight
would arrive on time, using as features metrics such as distance, time of day, and time of
departure. The experiments involved three different implementations of random forests
for evaluating their use and effectiveness on Big Data. The performance of these algorithms
in terms of computational effort and accuracy were compared with that of the standard
random forest implementation, wherein the training was done sequentially with 100 trees.
The three methods studied are summarized as follows:

• A sampling approach that used a subset of the original data set that was assumed
to be representative in nature of the entire data set for training a forest
• Bag of little bootstrap method (Kleiner et al. 2014) for training a parallel random forest
• A MapReduce-based decomposition technique for training a random forest

The result of the experiments leads to the conclusion that scalability of random forests in
particular when implemented using parallel programming techniques is one of its stron-
gest selling points for predictive analytics of Big Data, as the methods reduce computational
time with no loss in accuracy over sequential or traditional random forest approaches.
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 131

Support Vector Machines

Having discussed statistical modeling techniques, we now introduce a very popular mod-
eling algorithm that comes under the class of supervised learning algorithms and is very
popular in the domain of Big Data and machine learning, that is, support vector machines
(Cortes and Vapnik 1995) or popularly known as SVMs. The strength of SVMs is in solv-
ing the problem of supervised binary classification. We briefly discussed the application
of logistic regression to solve this problem. However, SVMs are considered to be far more
superior techniques to solve binary classification.
The mathematics of SVMs is more involved than any regression technique discussed so
far, and hence we shall try and discuss working of SVMs from a higher level perspective
abstracting the complex mathematical derivations behind it.
SVMs primarily train a model that assigns categories to unseen values of the decision
variable (independent variable). This is done by creating a linear partition on the feature
space into the two binary categories. The partition is done using what is called a separat-
ing hyperplane, which is constructed in a high-dimensional vector space. The algorithm
tries to classify the input by creating a feature space, which is a finite dimensional vector
space, where each dimension is a feature of a particular object. For example, in classify-
ing a particular customer feedback from a large data set of feedback collected by some
retailer, as either positive or negative, a feature can be the prevalence of some character-
istic word that is either considered positive or negative. Figure 6.4 illustrates the creation
of a hyperplane.
The hyperplane constructed by the SVM is considered optimal when it provides a maxi-
mum distance to the nearest training samples (called the support vectors). This can be
interpreted as the SVM’s classification is optimal if the points are well separated by the
constructed hyperplane, thus making the distinction between the two classes clearer.
Thus SVMs are also called maximum margin classifiers.
It does happen that the feature space overlaps and is not linearly separable. When this
occurs, the original feature space is mapped to a higher dimensional space, in which the
separation of the two classes is more distinct. This is particularly the main reason for using

Category A
Support vectors
Category B

Hyperplane with maximum margin (dotted lines).
132 Big Data Analytics

SVMs. The principal advantage of SVMs is their efficiency in handling high-­dimensional

data (such as textual data for sentiment analysis), and their versatility as they can be
applied to a wide range of classification problems even when the class separation is not
­linear. One of the primary disadvantages of SVMs though is that they are ­nonprobabilistic.
Thus effectiveness measurement of the classification is a concern when using SVMs.

Use of Support Vector Machines for Big Data Predictive Analytics

An interesting feature of SVMs is their application to Big Data using MapReduce (see Kiran
et al. 2013). MapReduce is a popular parallel programming paradigm that can be used to
implement a parallel SVM that can split the large training data set (Big Data) in to chunks
that get mapped on to individual support vectors that are local to the space created by the
corresponding data chunk. These output support vectors are used in the reduce phase to
obtain the global weight vector by combining individual support vectors. The final global
weight vector is then used to obtain the parameters of the model. Apache’s Hadoop and
HDFS can be used to implement a parallel SVM when the data set involved is huge. The
process is illustrated in Figure 6.5.

Unsupervised Models: Cluster Analysis

The unsupervised classification model is a subdivision of machine learning that aims
to find natural groupings, or clusters, in multidimensional data based on measured or
observed resemblances among the input data sets, in this context “Big Data Sets” (Boinee,
Angelis, and Foresti 2006). In the Big Data Sets context, one of the best examples of unsu-
pervised classification that can be cited here to explain the use of cluster analysis is the
work of Greene et al. (2014). Their source of the Big Data Set was The Cancer Genome Atlas
(2012) and The Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (The ENCODE Project Consortium 2012).
They addressed the task of discovering molecular subtypes causing different types of can-
cers. Their experimental result chronicled the molecular subtypes of serous and endo-
meteroid ovarian cancer, which was divided into two different clusters. This was done
based on measured differences between the various features extracted out of this data
set, namely, somatic mutations, mRNA, and miRNA expressions. Thus, in unsupervised


task Reduce task
Dataset computes global
weight vector


SVM Trained model

Parallel SVMs

Parallel SVM algorithm.
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 133

machine learning mode the learner algorithm is used to group the data set into clusters.
These clusters are then examined by different cluster analysis techniques. A point to note
here is that some specific unsupervised learning algorithms like self-organizing maps
(SOMs) can be used for cluster visualization and data exploration. However, these are
outside the scope of this chapter.

Cluster Analysis
The analysis of a cluster in the Big Data context begins with a large number of objects.
Each object has many attributes (dimensions). Cluster analysis algorithms try to derive
similarity among these objects based on these attributes. Related attributes are assigned
into clusters so that attributes in the same cluster are similar in some sense. The aim is to
derive patterns (clusters, anomalies, correlations, etc.) that depict the fundamental rela-
tions between the patterns in the data in human-understandable terms.

Algorithms for Cluster Analysis

Figure 6.6 illustrates an overall perspective about the different types of cluster analysis
algorithms that can be applied to Big Data. These are well-known algorithms available
in study materials. Descriptions of each of these algorithms are beyond the scope of this
chapter. However, in the following we give a brief summary of the k-means algorithm
because this appears to be the most popular among researchers who have used this as a
base algorithm for predictive analytics of Big Data.
Lloyd’s algorithm, commonly referred to as the k-means algorithm, is used to solve the
k-means clustering problem. It works as depicted next:

• Step 1—First, decide the number of clusters, k.

• Step 2—Initialize the center of the clusters. μi = some value, i = 1, …, k
• Step 3—Attribute the closest cluster to each data point.

ci = { j : d( x j , µ i ) ≤ d( x j , µ l ), l ≠ i, j = 1, … , n}

Grid-based algorithms
algorithms Clustering
K-means K-modes
K-midoids PAM
STING Optigrid
algorithms Model-based
Hierarchy-based algorithms

Taxonomy of cluster analysis algorithms.
134 Big Data Analytics

• Step 4—Set the position of each cluster to the mean of all data points belonging to
that cluster.

µi =
ci ∑ j∈ci
x j , ∀i

• Step 5—Repeat steps 3 and 4 until convergence.

Use of Cluster Analysis for Big Data Predictions

Clustering is generally used in data analytics as a preprocessing step for a variety of
machine learning tasks. Some researchers are of the opinion that classification, a super-
vised machine learning approach with the end results known a priori, are a better fit for
predictive analysis compared to clustering (Ahmad, Ismail, and Aziz 2015; Janecek and
Gansterer 2009). While this may be true, in the realm of Big Data, it is highly impossible to
be able to know in advance the classification bucket to which the input data set would fall
under, making unsupervised learning and therefore clustering a natural preprocessing
In this section we examine how clustering can be used to obtain additional information
about the data to get better prediction accuracy. Applying clustering for improving the
prediction accuracy in the Big Data context is a very niche area of research and therefore
there is a dearth of research publications with quantifiable analytical results. We hereby
examine the work of Trivedi, Pardos, and Heffernan (2011), who try to find answers to the
following two pertinent questions:

1. Can the prediction accuracy be improved by the fresh information obtained by

combining the predictions received by changing the clustering parameters in the
2. Can the idea of clustering as a surefire way of improving predictions be formalized?

The basic idea is to use a predictor algorithm in combination with a clustering algorithm
such as k-means. Trivedi et al. (2011) run k-means at different scales on a number of data
sets. For each scale, the predictor algorithm is trained. This will produce k sets of predic-
tions. These predictions are then pooled together by a naïve ensemble to obtain the final
The approach of Trivedi et al. (2011) is fairly straightforward, consisting of two stages, as
illustrated in Figure 6.7 and Figure 6.8, respectively. A succinct summary of the approach
is given next:

Stage 1 (refer to Figure 6.7)

• Cluster the data set into k clusters using an algorithm such as k-means.
• Train each cluster by using predictive algorithms such as linear, stepwise lin-
ear, logistic regression, or random forests. The points inside each cluster are
used as the training data set.
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 135

Available input

Clustering done Training dataset

by k-means

Step-wise Step-wise
Linear Logistic Logistic Random Linear
linear linear
regression regression regression regression regression forests regression

Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster Cluster

model model model model model model model

Prediction model (PMk)

Stage 1: Create a prediction model (PMk) for the entire data set.

Available input

Training dataset

Predictive Predictive Predictive Predictive Predictive Predictive Predictive

model 1 model 2 model 3 model 4 model 5 model 6 model 7

Naive ensemble

Final prediction

Stage 2: Using ensemble learning on different PMs to make the final prediction.
136 Big Data Analytics

• The output is a set of cluster models for each of the k clusters.

• All the cluster models are combined to form a prediction model, represented
in Figure 6.7 as PMk, with the subscript indicating that there are k cluster mod-
els in it.
Stage 2 (refer to Figure 6.8)
• k is used as a free parameter to repeat the process described in stage 1, so that
multiple prediction models (PMs) are generated for each iteration. A brief over-
view of how to use k as a free parameter is given next.
• Each of these prediction models will make a prediction on the test set. These
predictions can then be grouped together by a naïve ensemble in order to
obtain the final prediction.

Using k in k-Means as a Free Parameter

Multiple prediction models can be obtained by using k, the number of clusters, as a free
parameter. This means k can be made to change over a scale or range of values, namely 1
to k, so that for each iteration a prediction model is obtained. As depicted in Figure 6.8, if
there are seven clusters created by running k-means on a data set, there would be seven
prediction models. They will be PM1 (predictor trained on the entire data set), PM2 (pre-
dictor trained on two clusters), and PM3 (predictor trained on three clusters) up to PM7
(predictor trained on all the seven clusters).
The k prediction models, in this case PM1 to PM7, are then engaged to make a set of k
distinct predictions on the test data set. The prediction model employs three steps in order
to make the predictions from the test data set. They are

1. Take the test data set points and spot the cluster to which they fit in.
2. Correlate the identified cluster with the cluster model associated with it. A point
to note here is that the cluster models in different prediction models are different,
as the prediction algorithm used is different, as shown in Figure 6.8.
3. Utilize this cluster model selected in order to formulate the prediction for that
data point. Again, it should be noted that a predictive model (PMi) generated dur-
ing some iteration of choosing k as a free parameter may or may not yield a higher
level of accuracy compared to PM1 generated for the entire data set.

Reason for Two Stages to Make the Final Prediction

The work described here by Trivedi et al. (2011) did not stop at stage 1, but used two
stages to make the final prediction after cluster analysis. The novelty of stage 2 is the use
of a supervised method called “ensemble learning,” in this case a naïve Bayes ensemble,
on similar lines as proposed by Nikolić, Knežević, Ivančević, and Luković (2014). As indi-
cated in Dietterich (2000), ensemble learning is a supervised learning method to col-
late predictions so that the generalization error of the final collated predictor is smaller
when compared with that of each of the individual predictors. The inherent reason for
the lesser error is that it injects diversity in each predictor. In the model represented in
Figure 6.8, the diversity is caused by different predictive algorithms for creating the
cluster models.
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 137

The results obtained by Trivedi et al. (2011) gave an affirmative answer to both the preced-
ing questions put forth at the start of the section explaining the use of clustering for Big
Data predictive analytics. It was observed that the prediction accuracy improved substan-
tially and provided results better than a random forests predictor. It is, therefore, inferred
that it is worth formalizing clustering as a surefire way of improving the predictive accu-
racy, as clustering exploits the structure in the multidimensional data and compresses it.

Measuring Accuracy of Predictive Models

In the previous sections, we explained the predictive modeling process for Big Data and
the different types of predictive models that can be used to suit business needs. These
predictive models can help businesses advance a great deal in terms of better decisions,
cost reduction, customer segmentation, and so much more. However, developing a predic-
tive model is a challenging task. Bad data sets, misunderstood relationships between data,
and so on can lead to bad business decisions. It is worthless to have a model that does not
provide value to the organization using it.
In such a scenario, it is imperative that the effectiveness of the predictive model be mea-
sured before it can be put into actual use. Tests that determine the accuracy of the predic-
tive model need to be run on it. In the following sections, we go through four such tests:
target shuffling, lift charts, bootstrap sampling (Garment 2014) and ROC curves to evalu-
ate a predictive model. Although in the following sections we apply these four techniques
to very small data sets for demonstration purposes, they can be easily extended to evaluate
models created using Big Data.

Target Shuffling
We consider a sample scenario where a study shows that customers who are taller are
more likely to buy products from online shopping portals. However, intuitively, we realize
that there is no real relation between the two factors. Such relationships between variables
are called spurious relationships, where the relation is merely a coincidence. If the com-
pany assumes this relationship to be true and creates a model to target customers who are
taller to increase sales, the results obtained might be low. This can lead to unnecessary
wastage of time, effort, and resources without giving significant results.
In predictive modeling, when many variables are used to determine the output of a
model, there is a high probability of relationships between certain groups of variables
being a spurious one. Target shuffling (Elder 2014) is a technique that can be used to fix
this issue. It evaluates a predictive model by determining whether the input and output
variables are actually related to each other or the relationship is merely coincidental.
In target shuffling, the values of the output variable are randomly shuffled with respect
to the input variables to remove any possible relations. The model is then applied to this set
of shuffled values and the most apparent relationships are noted. This process is repeated
multiple times, randomly shuffling the output variable each time. A graph is plotted for
the most apparent relationships. If the distribution value for the original result is high,
138 Big Data Analytics

then there is an actual relationship between the variables. Otherwise, the relationship is
just a coincidence.
Let’s take an example to simplify the understanding of the process of target shuffling.
We collect personal details such as name, height, and age of customers who visit an
e-­shopping website. We will determine whether the height of the customer and the points
given to him based on factors like past transactions and clicking patterns are actually
related to each other.
Now we randomly shuffle the data so that the relationship between the heights and the
points obtained is broken. After comparing the data, some new relationships might come
up, for example, younger people are more likely to buy products online. These new rela-
tionships can also be true or false positives.
Let us say that out of 100 simulations or random shuffling, our original relationship (that
taller customers are more likely to buy online products) performed better than the other
results in just 20 of the cases. This means that the confidence level obtained is just 20%,
which is not high enough to consider the relationship as true.
Target shuffling makes sense to a decision maker. Rather than giving complex equations
and statistics, it gives an estimate of how likely or unlikely it is that the results obtained
are by chance in a way that common people can understand. Target shuffling is also very
easy to use, as it only requires randomly shuffling the data and running the predictive
model on the new data.

Lift Charts
Lift charts are popular metrics in predictive modeling. They are used to calculate the
performance of a predictive model by plotting the results obtained with and without the
application of the predictive model. The results obtained by the predictive model are com-
pared against random results.
Let’s say an e-retail company wants to recommend products to customers. Each recom-
mendation has a certain cost associated with it in terms of the time and resources used
(Vuk and Curk 2006). Hence, the company needs to maximize the number of products
sold, while minimizing the number of recommendations made.
Without a predictive model, we assume that out of 1,000 recommendations made to 1,000
customers, 100 are accepted and hence those many products sold. This means that by tar-
geting 1,000 customers, the company sells 100 products. This implies a success ratio of 10%.
Therefore, at each step, 10% of the recommended products are sold.
The company would like to develop a predictive model that can give the same success
ratio by making fewer recommendations. Assuming the company has such a model, we
must evaluate how much better the model is compared to having no model.
Table 6.1 gives us data about the number of recommendations made and the correspond-
ing products sold. Using these values, we calculate the percentage of recommendations,
the percentage of success, and the lift.
From Table 6.1, we observe that the best results are obtained by targeting the first set
of 100 customers out of which 38 are likely to buy a product. Hence, recommendations
can be made only to the first few groups of customers. This example is on a small scale;
however, the same metric can be used in evaluating models that target a larger number of
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 139

Data Set for Number of Products Sold
Made Products Sold % Recommendations % Success Lift
100 38 10 38 3.8
200 63 20 63 3.15
300 78 30 78 2.6
400 86 40 86 2.15
500 91 50 91 1.82
600 95 60 95 1.58
700 98 70 98 1.4
800 98 80 98 1.225
900 99 90 99 1.1
1000 100 100 100 1

A graph (Figure 6.9) of the percentage of products sold versus the percentage of recom-
mendations made is plotted for both cases: without and with using a predictive model.
For each entry in Table 6.1, the ratio between the percentage of success by using a model
and the percentage of success without a model is calculated. These values are called the
lifts. For example, the first group has a lift of 3.8, which means that for this set of custom-
ers, the results obtained with the predictive model are 3.8 times better than the results
obtained without any model. The lift values are plotted on a graph to obtain the lift chart
in Figure 6.10.
From the lift chart, we know how much better the model will perform at each step com-
pared to having no model. Hence, the company can target customers who are likely to give
the best results. The company can also determine how effective their model is from the
lift values.

80 cur v
% Products sold

40 Ba
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% Recommendations made

The baseline represents the positive responses without any model. The lift curve represents the positive
responses with a predictive model.
140 Big Data Analytics





10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Lift Base
% Recommendations

Lift chart.

ROC Curves
A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (Fawcett 2006) is a common method to
graphically represent the performance of classification models. It is a plot of the true posi-
tive rate against the false positive rate for different cutoff values that determine which
output class the test case belongs to. The area under an ROC curve (AUC) (Bradley 1996)
measures the accuracy of the test model. The greater the area, the higher the possibility
of making a true positive classification. An area of 1 signifies a perfect model, whereas an
area of 0.5 signifies a worthless model.
ROC curves can be very useful in effective planning, as they give information about
how many correct classifications are made by the predictive model. If the accuracy is low,
then the predictive model used to obtain results should be changed.
Let us consider the example of predicting whether a visitor on an e-commerce website
will buy a product (Sismeiro and Bucklin 2004). A false positive occurs when it is predicted
that the visitor will buy the product, but he actually does not. A false negative occurs when
the prediction states that the visitor will not buy a product, but he actually does (Table 6.2).
True positive and true negative can similarly be defined on the example set.
Taking a sample set of values, we will plot an ROC curve for evaluating the correctness
of a predictive model that determines whether a visitor will get converted to a customer.

Outcomes of a Test
Test Present n Absent n Total
Positive True Positive (TP) a False Positive c a+c
Negative False Negative b True Negative d b+d
(FN) (TN)
Total a+b c+d
True positive rate = a/(a + b)
False positive rate = c/(c + d)
Source: MedCalc,” ROC curve analysis,”
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 141

Each visitor is given points based on his past purchase history, time spent viewing the
product, and so on. Based on a threshold value, he is classified as a customer or not a
Table 6.3 shows the points out of 100 received by a visitor, and whether he bought a prod-
uct or not for 15 visitors.
Table 6.4 calculates the true positive rate and the false positive rate for different thresh-
old values.

True positive if points ≥ Threshold and converted = Yes

True negative if points < Threshold and converted = No
False positive if points ≥ Threshold and converted = No
False negative if points < Threshold and converted = Yes
Sample Data Set for Drawing a ROC
Points Converted to a Customer
12 No
23 No
45 No
50 No
61 No
76 No
85 No
56 Yes
67 Yes
72 Yes
78 Yes
86 Yes
89 Yes
91 Yes
95 Yes

True Positive and False Positive Rates
Threshold TP (a) FN (b) FP (c) TN (d) TPR FPR
12 8 0 7 0 1 1
23 8 0 6 1 1 0.857
45 8 0 5 2 1 0.714
50 8 0 4 3 1 0.571
56 8 0 3 4 1 0.428
61 7 1 3 4 0.875 0.428
67 7 1 2 5 0.875 0.285
76 5 3 2 5 0.625 0.285
85 4 4 1 6 0.5 0.143
91 2 6 0 7 0.25 0
95 1 7 0 7 0.125 0
142 Big Data Analytics

−0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

ROC curve for data in Table 1.4.

The ROC curve given in Figure 6.11 is a plot of the true positive rate against the false
positive rate for the given data. The company can thus focus on visitors who are more
likely to get converted to customers, making efficient use of resources.
A perfect predictive model would give an ROC curve that passes through the upper left
corner, resulting in a 100% true positive rate and a 0% false positive rate. Using the area
under an ROC curve, the people intending to use the model can test the accuracy of their
model. If the area is less, it is better to discard the model and develop a new one because it
will not give significant results.

Bootstrap Sampling
The concept of bootstrap was first invented by Bradley Efron (1979). Bootstrap sampling
or bootstrapping refers to random sampling with replacement, that is, an element of the
sample space can be picked more than once in creating a sample. This is especially use-
ful when the size of the available data is not as large as required. The idea behind this
technique is that by repeatedly picking samples from the same set of data, we can make
estimates about the entire population of data.
Bootstrap sampling is different from cross-validation in the sense that in cross-­validation,
the data is divided into k subsets. k – 1 subsets are used for training the model, whereas
one subset is used to test the model. This process is repeated k times, each time taking a
different subset to test the model. As shown in Figure 6.12, in bootstrap sampling, we take
random samples of data each time to train and test the model. The bootstrap data set is the
same size as the original data set. It is also a more thorough procedure because many more
subsamples can be created using this technique.
Bootstrap sampling is the preferred technique for internal validation. Fan and Wang
(1996), through multiple simulations, found that the bootstrap technique is less biased and
provides more consistent results than the various cross-validation techniques.
The data is divided into three subsets: training, testing, and validation. The model is built
on the training data, and then tested on the testing data. If the model does not work well with
this data, changes are made and the model is tested again. Continuous testing using the testing
data can lead to overfitting. Hence, after testing, the model is evaluated on the validation data.
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 143


Random sample of size n

Random sample of size n
with replacement

Bootstrap Bootstrap Bootstrap

sample 1 sample 2 sample n

Sampling of data in bootstrap technique.

Consider the problem of determining whether a visitor will revisit an e-retail website
within the next few days of the previous visit. If we have two models that do this, boot-
strap sampling can help in finding out which model will win. We get an insight into how
much better the model that wins is when used on real data. It also tells us how the accu-
racy of the model is bounded.

Tools and Techniques Used for Predictive Modeling and Analytics

Predictive analytics is a sought-after field in the market today. It is being applied every-
where to use past data to make accurate decisions about the future. Thus, many open-
source and proprietary tools have been developed for predictive analytics and modeling.
Tools like R, Weka, RapidMiner, Octave, and IBM SPSS are frequently used by data ana-
lysts. However, with each of these tools, it is a challenge to develop models when there is a
large amount of data due to the excessive memory and computation speed required.

Data Mining Using CRISP-DM Technique

CRISP-DM, the Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining, is a structured approach
for planning a data mining project. It is a compilation of the most common data mining
approaches that experts use. It consists of the following six major phases, as mentioned by
Shearer (2000). We will approach each phase with respect to an e-commerce company
and the models employed by it to improve its business.

1. Business understanding—This phase focuses on setting the objectives and require-

ments of the data mining project. An e-retailer might want to attract more cus-
tomers, increase the profit achieved by selling online products, or retain current
customers by predicting when they might move to a competitor. The company
should clearly set the goals they want to achieve and create a business model for it.
2. Data understanding—This phase includes collecting relevant data and identifying
patterns, problems etc. in the data. On an online shopping portal, data can be gath-
ered about the visitor’s clicking patterns, products viewed, past transaction history,
etc. Using this data, relationships between the various variables are figured out.
144 Big Data Analytics

3. Data preparation—This phase focuses on cleaning and preparing the final data
set that will be used in the predictive model task. Unnecessary data that is not
relevant to the aim of the project might be collected. Such data is removed from
the data set. Advanced techniques are also developed to predict missing data.
4. Modeling—For each problem or project, multiple predictive modeling techniques
can be implemented, for example, regression, support vector machines, neural
networks, or decision trees. All plausible techniques are applied and results are
compiled for each technique. For example, to predict the probability of a user’s
return to the e-commerce website in the near future, a logistic regression model
could be used based on criteria such as the number of visits to the page and the
last visit to the page.
5. Evaluation—In this phase, evaluation of the effectiveness of the predictive model
is done using the techniques mentioned in the previous section as well as other
available techniques. The model is also evaluated based on whether it satisfies the
business goals set up in the first phase and the degree to which they are satisfied.
The model that performs the best is usually chosen for implementation.
6. Deployment—This phase includes implementation of the predictive model, produc-
ing final reports, and project reviews. Monitoring and maintenance of the model are
important issues if the model is integrated in the day-to-day business of the company.

The CRISP-DM tool is an extension of the standard IBM SPSS Modeler. It allows the user to
develop a predictive model by following the aforementioned phases of data mining.

Predictive Analytics Using R Open-Source Tool

R is a programming language widely used by statisticians and data analysts. It contains a
large number of built-in libraries and packages that make data analytics and production of
good quality graphics very easy.
The amount of data available is increasing day by day. Conducting predictive analytics
and modeling on Big Data can be a cumbersome process. Running a predictive model
involves complex mathematical computation. The data needed to train the model also
needs to be stored in memory. When the amount of data becomes larger, the computa-
tional speed and the amount of storage required also increase.
Therefore, while developing any predictive model, we face two challenges (Gondaliya 2014):

• Optimizing predictive model computation for Big Data with limited computation
• Processing a large amount of data with limited memory

To solve these two problems, a combination of R and MySQL can be used. The data set is
divided into chunks and the model is fitted to each chunk of data. The entire data can be
stored in a SQL database, which can then be queried to obtain a limited set of data in each
iteration. This is repeated until all the data in the database is processed by the predictive
model. Changes also need to be made to the predictive modeling algorithm (implemented
in R) because only a part of the data is used each time, rather than the entire data set.
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 145

Using R, we will implement the algorithm of gradient descent with linear regression.
Gradient descent is an iterative optimization algorithm to find the local minimum of a
In linear regression, we need to minimize the error function to obtain the best fit for the
The linear regression fit can be given by hθ(x) = θ0 + θ1x and the error function takes the
values (θ0, θ1) to return the least squares error value based on how well the line fits the data.
Error function is given by

J (θ0 , θ1 ) =
2m ∑ (h (x θ
) − y ( i ) )2

Gradient descent is used to minimize this error function by predicting values of θ 0 and
θ1 that will give the least error. The algorithm for gradient descent is as follows:

while not converged :

for all j :

tmp j := θ j − α J (θ0 , θ1 )
∂θ j
[θ0 θ1 ] := [tmp0 tmp1 ]

The data set taken for this example (Table 6.5) has random data in which y is a function of
x. x and y can be replaced by anything, for example, the area of a house and its cost, or age
of a person and probability of health issues.
The code snippet shown in Figure 6.13 returns the following value of theta:

[1,] 3.0073306
[2,] 0.9712704

This implies that the gradient descent algorithm arrived at a local minimum for the exam-
ple data set when the values of θ 0 and θ1 are 3.0073306 and 0.9712704, respectively.
The first plot (Figure 6.14) shows the regression line that is obtained using lm(), a built-in
R function to fit a line to the data. The second plot (Figure 6.15) shows the regression line
obtained using the gradient descent algorithm. We notice that the slope and the intercept
of both the fitted lines are almost the same.
Figure 6.16 shows how the cost function decreases with an increase in the number of
iterations and then becomes constant after certain number of iterations.
Few Rows of Sample Data Set
for Gradient Descent
x y
–4 –2
0.8 2.4
2 3
146 Big Data Analytics

Snippet of gradient descent algorithm.

Linear regression




−4 −2 0 2 4

Regression line using lm().

In the example, we implemented the gradient descent algorithm on the data to calculate
the most optimal values of the coefficients for a linear regression fit. This process can be
applied to any data set that requires the calculation of parameters to minimize a function.
The data was not divided into chunks, as discussed in the beginning of the section,
because of a small sample data set. However, when working with large data sets, it is a
good method to train the model with chunks of the data and hence deal with low computa-
tion speed, using a simple tool like R.
Big Data Predictive Modeling and Analytics 147

Gradient descent




−4 −2 0 2 4

Regression line using gradient descent.

Cost function


0 200 400 600 800 1000


Effect on cost function with increase in iterations.

Research Trends and Conclusion

The idea of using Big Data for predictive analytics is fairly new and has gained momen-
tum in the past few years. Most companies today have yet to start adopting processes that
enable predictive analytics from business data in effective ways. It is generally seen that
companies are either in the early stages of adoption or have started investing a fair amount
of resources in this direction but have yet to achieve 100% efficiency in terms of relying on
predictive analytics. Few companies can confidently admit to being power users of predic-
tive analytics on Big Data. This trend is primarily due to some of the following factors:

• Specialist requirement—The number of available experts in the field is not enough

to meet the demand as of now, and predictive modeling on Big Data is a fairly
involved and complex task that most engineers in existing companies are not
148 Big Data Analytics

trained to handle. Data cleaning, preprocessing, and feature engineering are

inherently tasks that require a specialist and cannot be directly automated.
• Resource requirement—Handling Big Data and predictive analytics from a
resource perspective is demanding, in terms of both skilled workforce as well as
capable hardware. Investments in dedicated hardware or in cloud-based solutions
are still expensive and need to be examined carefully to make maximum utiliza-
tion of resources.
• Financial requirement—Many small- or medium-sized enterprises may simply
not have enough funds to invest in dedicated data analytics teams and provide
them with adequate resources to get tangible results.

Thus the adoption of Big Data Analytics is still in its early stages in most companies, espe-
cially in the case of companies in emerging markets. As a result, the research scope is still
fairly vast in this field. Although a lot of research has been done in the domain of mathemat-
ics for the development of mathematical models, similar research work in implementing
these models in software is still in its growing stages. Advances in software are beginning
to reduce the barrier for entry to newcomers in the field of Big Data and predictive analyt-
ics, via introduction of graphical interfaces for designing predictive workflows, like in IBM’s
SPSS Modeler. Hence there is a large scope for new researchers to pursue this field actively.
Lately a lot of companies are directing their attention to predictive analytics in cloud-based
environments. This is the go-to solution for a majority of small- and medium-sized enterprises,
as it allows them to reap the benefits of Big Data and predictive analytics while not having to
worry about investments in infrastructure and maintenance, as they are handled by third-
party cloud service providers. All the big players in the cloud computing space like Google,
Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM offer a range of solutions targeting different levels of custom-
ers for predictive analytics and Big Data. These services come with a pay-per-use model that
allows clients to pay for only the resources they use, thus allowing companies to easily incor-
porate Big Data analytics as part of their business practices and thus make better decisions.
To conclude, the models and techniques presented in this chapter are only demonstra-
tive of the available options for data scientists to consider and are by no means exhaustive.
The domain of predictive modeling is very large and warrants entire books to its discus-
sion. However, within the purview of this chapter, it is hoped that the reader is able to get a
fair overview of the entire process from a high-level perspective and some internal details
regarding different types of predictive models and available validation techniques. This
chapter was intended to serve as an introduction to predictive modeling with Big Data,
hopefully empowering users to consider this approach to augment their business process
and hence enable effective planning.

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Deep Learning for Engineering Big Data Analytics

Kin Gwn Lore, Daniel Stoecklein, Michael Davies,

Baskar Ganapathysubramanian, and Soumik Sarkar

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 151
Overview of Deep Learning as a Hierarchical Feature Extractor......................................... 152
Flow Physics for Inertial Flow Sculpting.................................................................................. 153
Problem Definition.................................................................................................................. 153
Design Challenges and the State of the Art......................................................................... 154
Broad Implications.................................................................................................................. 154
Micropillar Sequence Design Using Deep Learning............................................................... 154
Deep CNNs for Pillar Sequence Design............................................................................... 154
Action Sequence Learning for Flow Sculpting................................................................... 156
Representative Training Data Generation................................................................................ 159
Summary, Conclusions, and Research Directions................................................................... 162
References..................................................................................................................................... 162

Most problems in engineering can be recast in the framework of inverse/design problems.
The goal of inverse/design problems is to identify conditions, including the initial condi-
tions, boundary conditions, or property and coefficient distribution conditions, that result
in a desired behavior of the engineered system. Examples of these are everywhere in the
engineering world. With the current focus on sustainable manufacturing, a good example
is in the identification of tailored processing conditions that result in electronic devices
with high-performance metrics. In most electronics manufacturing, it has been shown that
various processing conditions can critically impact device properties, and the identifica-
tion of optimal processing conditions is a key problem from financial and sustainability
standpoints [1–5]. Another example is in identification of useful designs for biomedical
diagnostic platforms [6,7]. In this chapter, we discuss how much rapid design iterations
that result in a desired flow transformation (one that provides mixing for a rapid reaction,
flow separation for disease diagnostics, etc.) are required. In both of these cases, consider-
able effort has been expended to construct excellent “forward” models of the engineer-
ing problem, i.e., models that map the set of input conditions, boundary conditions, and
property distributions to the output quantity of interest ( : input → property ). The design
problem, however, calls for the reverse mapping (G = F −1 : property → input) for a desired
value of the output for a set of inputs.

152 Big Data Analytics

Traditionally, the inverse/design problem has been solved by reformulating it as an opti-

mization problem. That is, the forward model,  , is solved multiple times within an opti-
mization frameworks to identify those input conditions that minimize a cost function,
with the minima representing the desired input values. Both gradient-based and meta-
heuristic optimization methods can be used for solving these optimization problems.
This approach, however, becomes more and more difficult to deploy as the complexity
of the engineered systems increases and the design space becomes combinatorally large.
Additionally, there is no robust or efficient way to assimilate the large amount of data that
has been collected into the optimization framework.
It is in this context that Big Data analytics, especially deep learning approaches, provide
a natural approach to construct fast surrogate models of the forward model and to learn
the inverse mapping, as well as to extract insights via salient (hierarchical) feature extrac-
tion. The use of deep learning approaches for engineering design and optimization is
a transformative approach that integrates the availability of forward models, with large
data sets to create platforms that provide near-real-time design exploration of very com-
plex engineering systems. In this chapter, we illustrate the application of deep learning
for engineering design via a specific application involving the rapid design exploration of
microfluidic platforms for biomedical lab-on-chip applications.

Overview of Deep Learning as a Hierarchical Feature Extractor

Deep learning is a set of machine learning algorithms that aim to learn multiple levels
of abstraction from data in a hierarchical manner. In other words, the algorithms oper-
ate on high-dimensional data that arrive with a high volume, velocity, variety, verac-
ity, and value, in order to generate low-dimensional, simpler representations that ease
a decision-making process. Many domains, such as engineering, involve extensive
collection and maintenance of large volumes of raw data for analysis and interpreta-
tion. As a data-driven approach, deep learning therefore has become an increasingly
attractive option to enable automatic feature extraction without tedious handcrafting
of features.
Deep learning has extensively been used in image processing due to its ability to learn
a hierarchy of visual concepts. For example, the concept of a person’s face can be repre-
sented in terms of simpler concepts, such as corners that are further defined by edges.
Therefore, deep learning is of great interest for computer vision scientists to solve vari-
ous problems ranging from object recognition and detection [8–14] to image generation
and quality enhancement [15–18]. Apart from computer vision applications, deep learn-
ing has had a game-changing impact on speech processing [19–22] as well as on natural
language processing [23–27]. With the advent of GPU computing, deep learning methods
are also increasingly adopted by the engineering community to handle problems in com-
plex dynamical systems. In particular, it is gaining rapid popularity in robotics [28–32],
prognostics and health monitoring [33–35], engineering design [36–38], cyber-agricultural
systems [39,40], and medical diagnostic systems [41–43].
In the context of engineering applications of deep learning, the primary technical chal-
lenges involve formulating the problem as a machine learning problem along with incor-
poration of appropriate domain knowledge. While characterizing the entire training data
space is often intractable in traditional machine learning problems, engineering data sets,
Deep Learning for Engineering Big Data Analytics 153

on the other hand, however large and high-dimensional they may be, can be well param-
eterized. Therefore, generating representative training data also becomes a key aspect in
this context. This chapter illustrates a systematic deep learning approach to a thermomi-
crofluidic device design problem as a case study in solving engineering problems by using
deep learning.

Flow Physics for Inertial Flow Sculpting

Problem Definition
We begin the discussion on microfluidic device design by introducing a recently devel-
oped method of fluid flow manipulation called flow sculpting. Flow sculpting uses
sequences of bluff-body structures (pillars) in a microchannel to passively sculpt iner-
tially flowing fluid (where 1 < Re < 100 [Re is the Reynolds number; Re = UDH/ν, with
fluid velocity U, viscosity ν, and channel hydraulic diameter DH]). Specifically, fluid flow-
ing in the inertial regimen past a pillar shows broken fore–aft symmetry in the pillar-
induced deformation, which laterally displaces the cross-sectional shape of the fluid in
some way, depending on the channel and pillar geometry and the fluid flow conditions
[44]. By arranging pillars in a sequence within a microchannel, the fluid will experi-
ence individual deformations from each pillar, resulting in an overall net deformation
at the end of the sequence (Figure 7.1). With sufficient spacing between each pillar in a
sequence, the deformation from one pillar will saturate before the flow reaches the next
pillar. Therefore, the deformation caused by a single pillar can be viewed as an indepen-
dent operation on the fluid flow shape, enabling a library of precomputed deformations
to predict the sculpted flow shape for a given pillar sequence. Work by Stoecklein et al.
[45] demonstrated this forward model with a user-guided manual design in a freely
available utility, uFlow (, to create a wide vari-
ety of useful flow shapes.

z z
y y

(a) (b) (c)

Illustration of inertial flow-sculpting devices for three pillar sequences. In each device, the same inlet flow pat-
tern (a) (shown in a cross-sectional view) is passed through a different pillar sequence (b) (shown as a top-down
view), which creates a distinct fluid flow shape at the device outlet (c).
154 Big Data Analytics

Design Challenges and the State of the Art

Microfluidic device design via trial and error is tedious, and it requires user intuition
with the design space. Choosing from many sizes and locations for individual pillars, in
addition to their sequential arrangement in a microchannel, produces an enormous com-
binatorial space of fluid flow transformations. It has also been shown that the space is
multimodal, with many micropillar sequences creating similar fluid flow shapes, making
design optimization nontrivial. Thus, manual design of micropillar sequences is generally
impractical for most of its intended users, including researchers developing applications in
fields such as advanced manufacturing, biology, biosensing, health care, pharmaceuticals,
and chemistry [46–48]. This drives the need for an automated solution to the inverse prob-
lem: designing a micropillar sequence that produces a desired fluid flow shape.
To date, two automated approaches have been described in the published literature: heu-
ristic optimization via genetic algorithms (GAs) [49–50] and deep learning via trained con-
volutional neural networks (CNN) [51]. While the GA approach capably optimizes existing
microfluidic devices and has explored novel flow shapes, there exist a few drawbacks to its
use. GAs require well-crafted cost functions that are specific to the goals of the user. The
GA approach also entails a stochastic method, with no guarantee of finding good optima
when using a finite number of searches. For flow sculpting, this leads to an excessive run
time (as much as 2 h), which makes swift design iterations difficult [50]. On the other hand,
the application of deep learning, as described by Lore et al. [51] allows design with an
extremely quick time-to-result of approximately 1 sec, but still lacks in accuracy, similarly
to GA [51]. This disparity between speed and accuracy for deep learning approaches moti-
vates the continued development for flow sculpting, in the hope that the gap can be closed.

Broad Implications
Since its formulation in 2013, flow sculpting by use of pillar sequences has been applied to
problems in biological and advanced manufacturing fields. For example, polymer precur-
sors can create shaped microfibers and particles [52–55], and a pillar sequence can shift fluid
streams away from cells in a flow [56]. Although novel in their application, these use cases uti-
lize simple micropillar sequence designs (e.g., forming an encapsulating stream, or shifting
fluid to one side of a microchannel). More complex fluid flow shapes could lead to powerful
new technologies in the aforementioned fields, for example, fabricated microparticles could
be designed for optimal packing efficiency or to focus with a directed orientation to specific
locations within a microchannel for improved on-chip cytometry [57]. Porous hydrogel could
be designed to reduce wound healing time [58] or to study cell growth and chemotaxis [59].
These are perhaps more obvious applications of flow sculpting, but as more disciplines and
industries are exposed to the technique, new possibilities are expected to abound.

Micropillar Sequence Design Using Deep Learning

Deep CNNs for Pillar Sequence Design
One way for sequence prediction with a given flow shape that is generated from an np
pillar sequence is to perform a simultaneous multiclass classification (SMC) using a deep
Deep Learning for Engineering Big Data Analytics 155

CNN [51]. The CNN, depicted in Figure 7.1, extracts geometrical features from the flow
shapes and simultaneously predicts the class for each of the np pillars to form a sequence
of indices from which the positions and diameters for each pillar are retrieved. Essentially,
instead of solving a single classification problem, as has been typically done with CNNs,
the proposed CNN is designed to solve a multiclass, multilabel problem involving np pil-
lars (i.e., n labels) and nc classes for each pillar. Note that it is also possible to approach
the problem as a regression problem, where the regressed values are the positions and
diameters of each individual pillars. However, discretion of the design space reduces the
design space into a finite set (albeit large) and is sufficient to aid designers in obtaining a
viable design.
The number of possible pillar configurations (hence the size of the search space) increases
exponentially with the number of pillars. With a constant training set size with increas-
ing sequence length, the ratio of training samples versus the number of all possible pil-
lar sequences shrinks very quickly. Figure 7.2b shows the capability of the deep learning
framework under the curse-of-dimensionality challenge. While the coverage of the design
space reduces exponentially, the pixel match rate, a similarity measure between the recon-
structed flow shape and the target flow shape, only degrades linearly. Figure 7.3a shows
the best flow shape reconstructed for pillar sequences with lengths of 5 to 10, given a target
The pure CNN framework is not without drawbacks. Simpler shapes typically achieve
high similarity by favoring shorter sequences, as shown in Figure 7.2b. However, if it were
forced to predict a long sequence for a simple shape, or conversely, forced to predict a
short sequence for a complex flow shape, the performance of the framework would be
severely degraded. The output sequence length is constrained because a new model needs
to be trained specifically to generate a sequence with a different length. Furthermore, the
sequence which deforms the flow into a target flow shape is predicted in a joint man-
ner and does not provide sufficient insight on the interplay between pillars causing the

Generated flow shapes from predicted pillar sequences

using deep learning methods (CNN-SMC)
0 100 Target 5 pillars 6 pillars 7 pillars 8 pillars 9 pillars 10 pillars
Logarithm of training size ratio

−5 80
Mean PMR (%)

−10 60
−15 40
−20 20
−25 0
4 6 8 10
Number of pillars PMR 94.52% 95.88% 68.60% 67.21% 60.79% 86.21%

(a) (b)

(a) Variation of the average PMR and training size ratio (ratio of the number of training samples to the number
of all possible pillar sequences on a logarithmic scale) with an increasing number of pillars in the sequence.
PMR suffers only a gradual drop with increasing ratio, showing the generalizing capability of a deep learn-
ing framework. (b) Flow shapes reconstructed by CNN-SMC from the predicted fixed-length pillar sequences.
Using the given example, one would consider using a 5-pillar sequence instead of the 6-pillar sequence to
exchange accuracy for cost savings in manufacturing an additional pillar.
156 Big Data Analytics

Fully connected
output layer
(shared weights among
Feature maps
C1 S2 # of pillar classification
100 × 92 × 4
Input Feature maps S1 Feature maps problems) Pillar
1 × 200 × 24 40 × 190 × 14 Feature maps 100 × 46 × 2 sequence
40 × 95 × 7

11 × 11 2×2 4×4
Convolution Maxpooling Convolution Fully connected hidden
layer (500 units)

CNN with the SMC problem formulation. A classification problem is solved for each pillar in the sequence.

deformation. While it may produce satisfactory sequences which regenerate the desired
shape, it is unclear how the successive pillars interact with one another. Therefore, we
present an alternative sequential pillar prediction approach.

Action Sequence Learning for Flow Sculpting

It is important to learn the transformation function given the parameters (position and
diameter) of the pillars. Using a deep learning architecture (proposed in reference 60), the
intermediate shape between two images can be predicted and a sequence of causal actions
contributing to desired shape transformation is learned. This architecture can be easily
implemented in various engineering applications, such as:

• Learning to transform the belief space for robotic path planning. A robot may be
chasing a mobile target while maintaining a posterior (that is transformed into a
visual representation analogous to the flow shape) corresponding to the location
of the target. If we would like to specifically maximize posteriorly in a certain
region, the corresponding problem would be, “What is the best course of action to
take by the robot in succession?”
• Learning the material processing pathways to obtain the desired microstructures.
In materials processing, processing the materials, by altering the properties in suc-
cession, will alter the morphology (microstructures) of the material. The equiv-
alent inverse problem would be, “If we want the material to achieve a specific
morphology, what are the processing steps that should be taken?”
• Learning a sequence of manufacturing steps in additive manufacturing, with fast
design being the main advantage.

To predict the sequence of pillars that results in the desired flow shape, we introduce
the notion of transformation learning. Figure 7.4 shows the learning approach via supply
of juxtaposed flow shapes, one before deformation and one after, into a CNN-based APN
that extracts relevant features and predicts the class of the pillar causing the deformation.
However, this formulation only works well for simpler target shapes. For more complex
Deep Learning for Engineering Big Data Analytics 157

ii. Padding
i. Pre- iii. Deformed
Predeformed deformed
sequence, f(s1):
s1 = 10, 15, 23, 14 31
based APN
Deformed flow Label s2
(class) Convolutional
sequence, f(s1 ⊕ s2): Input pair neural network
s1 ⊕ s2 = 10, 15, 23, 14, 31 showing (CNN)-based APN
Training images
100px × (12+5+12)px

(a) Training data generation for the CNN-based APN (b) Predicting a pillar given two flow shapes

The APN addresses the question, “Given a pair of pre- and postdeformed shapes, what is the identity of the pillar
causing the deformation?” (a) Supervised learning scheme. ⊕ marks the concatenation operator. (b) Prediction
of a pillar index given two flow shapes as input.

flow shapes characterized by many sharp angles, jagged edges, islands, swirls, or curls,
the transformation path may be highly nonlinear; the current shape may never converge
to the final desired shape. Furthermore, the training data cover a vanishingly small frac-
tion of the design space, with coverage shrinking exponentially as the sequence length
increases (i.e., an np sequence will result in nc p different combinations), so it is necessary to
learn the transformations in a meaningful way. To help alleviate this issue, we introduce
Intermediate transformation networks (ITNs).
The ITN in Figure 7.5 attempts to construct a flow shape that bridges between two flow
shapes in the nonlinear transformation path. We used a deep autoencoder to extract hier-
archical features from the desired final shape as a pretraining procedure, then fine-tuned
the model to approximate the bridging shape, or waypoint. The ITN evaluates the peri-
metric complexity C [61] of the target flow shape and generates a number of waypoints,
depending on the computed complexity. Hence, we can have a smoother transformation
pathway by setting these waypoints as temporary targets for pillar predictions. By com-
bining both APN and ITN, we form a framework (Figure 7.6).

Binary thresholding

f(s1) f(s1⊕s2) f(s1⊕s2⊕s3) ITN

Base Midpoint Incremented
s1= [30, 32, 20, 22] f(s1)⊕f(s1⊕s2⊕s3) f(s1⊕s2) Input Prediction
s1⊕s2= [30, 32, 20, 22, 14, 26, 9, 1, 4] Input pair Training target
s1⊕s2⊕s3= [30, 32, 20, 22, 14, 26, 9, 1, 4, 5, 1, 28, 23, 7]

(a) Training data generation for the ITN (b) Training scheme for the ITN (c) Prediction of intermediate

The ITN addresses the question, “Given two flow shapes, what is the possible shape that lies in the middle of
the nonlinear deformation pathway?” (a) The undeformed, bridging, and deformed shape, respectively. (b) The
shapes are appropriately used for supervised learning of the ITN. (c) Prediction of the intermediate bridging
shape, given two flow shapes.
158 Big Data Analytics

Undeformed shape Final shape

Target flow
Problem: What is the sequence to achieve the target shape?


waypoints via ITN
as temporary Temporary targets


images from

Final predicted
(30, 32, 20, 22, 14, 26, 9, 1, 4, 5, 1, 28, 23, 7, 1, 28, 30, 28, 21, 30, 28)

A higher-level overview of the framework, illustrated with a complex flow shape. The sequence can be postpro-
cessed to remove redundant pillars that do not considerably deform the flow shape.

In all experiments, the target flow shape is generated from a random sequence to evaluate the
model. In Figure 7.7, it is clear that by using the bridging shape as a temporary target, the pre-
diction performance greatly improves. A comparison is performed on all previously discussed
methods in Figure 7.7. A clear advantage of using APN and ITN together is that the model does
not need to be retrained for variable sequence lengths, unlike the CNN+SMC model, where the
number of pillars in the output sequence is constrained. This method is highly scalable and
has enormous room for extension into sculpting highly complex flow shapes.
Target shape APN only (no bridging) APN+ITN (with bridging)
Best reconstructed

(i) Target shape Bridging shape Target shape


Two examples of sequence prediction on test shapes with C < 8.0 using (i) APN only, without bridging and
(ii) APN+ITN with one waypoint. By predicting a bridging shape, the resulting predicted sequence is able to
reconstruct flow shapes that are more similar to the target shape. Each frame shows the deformation on the flow
shape with each additional predicted pillar added into the sequence.
Deep Learning for Engineering Big Data Analytics 159

Representative Training Data Generation

Appropriate selection of training data and an understanding of what constitutes “good”
training remain open challenges in modern applications of machine learning [62].
However, unlike traditional problems in machine learning, e.g., image classification or
speech and handwriting translation, where training data attempt to sample an unbounded
and highly variable space, the domain of flow sculpting is finite (though extremely large).
Furthermore, the space of sculpted flows presents a natural metric (i.e., binary images
with sculpted flow and coflow) that enables efficient characterization of the data space.
This offers a unique opportunity to explore how domain knowledge and the choice of
sampling can influence high-level decision making in a deep learning model. Similar
critical scientific optimization problems, such as robotic path planning, material process-
ing, or design for manufacturing, can benefit from the insight on intelligent sampling
gained here.
We speculate that an impediment to performance in deep learning techniques for
design in flow sculpting is the many-to-one design space. (While our focus is clearly on
the flow sculpting problem in this chapter, the issues raised would tend to appear in most
inverse problems.) That is, there may be many solutions (pillar sequences) that produce a
desired fluid flow shape. Consider the set of all possible pillar sequences s i as the space S,
and their corresponding fluid flow shapes oi as the space O, with a forward model f that
maps a specific realization s∈ S to o∈O, i.e., f: S → O. A deep neural network attempts
to construct an approximation to g = f −1, with the inverse function g mapping g: O → S.
During training, a deep neural network that has been shown a pillar sequence and fluid
flow shape pair (s 1,o 1) may be trained on another flow shape, o 2, that is extremely similar
to o 1 and thus occupies the same space in O. However, the pillar sequence s 2 that pro-
duces o 2 could be entirely different from s1, and therefore very far apart in S. Hence, the
many-to-one mapping, f: S → O, could make effective training quite difficult. We explore
a sampling method for choosing training data, known as high-dimensional model repre-
sentation (HDMR) [63].
Intuitively, an effective tool for design in fluid flow sculpting should have good cover-
age of the space O. However, knowledge of this space is difficult to come by, as the com-
binatorial possibilities are immense (for a pillar sequence size ns, the number of possible
combinations nc = A ns, with A usually around 32). Additionally, the inlet fluid flow design,
which dictates fluid flow shape as much as a pillar sequence, is entirely arbitrary, depend-
ing on the number of channels joining at the microchannel inlet and their respective flow
rates. However, the current implementation of deep learning for the flow sculpting prob-
lem holds the inlet design constant and trains for pillar sequences of fixed length. Thus,
while an ideal training set has completely uniform coverage of O, and despite the speed
of the forward model, generating and making practical use of such a set for each length of
pillar sequence and inlet configuration is computationally infeasible. And, as previously
mentioned, the toolset in flow sculpting will likely grow to include curved channels,
symmetry-breaking half-pillars and steps, and multifluid optimization [60]. Therefore,
intelligent sampling on the space S is still a priority. Previous methods of sampling
attempted uniform coverage of O via uniform sampling of S, through uniform-­random
and quasirandom Sobol sampling of ns dimensional spaces in S for pillar sequences of
length ns [51].
160 Big Data Analytics

Here, we apply a technique for multivariate representation, HDMR. In HDMR, a high-

dimensional input variable x = (x1, x2, …, xn) with a model output x is expressed as a finite
hierarchical expansion:

h( x) = h0 + ∑ h (x ) + ∑ h (x , x )
i i
1≤ i < j ≤ n
ij i j

+ ∑ h (x , x , x ) +  + ∑
ijk i j k (
hi1i2…il xi1 , xi2 , … , xil )
1≤ i < j < k ≤ n 1≤ i1 << il ≤ n

+ h12…n ( x1 , x2 , … , xn )

Where the lth-order component functions hi1i2…il (xi1, xi2, …, xil) give outputs of h evalu-
ated for contributions by l-order sampling of x. That is, h0 is a scalar value as the mean
response to h(x), hi(xi) represents each variable xi independently (holding all other variables
constant), and so on. h12…n(x1, x2, …, xn) contains residual contributions for permutations of
all variables xn. In many cases, a high-dimensional system can be well described using up
to second-order terms [65]:

h( x) ≈ h0 + ∑ h (x ) + ∑ h (x , x )
i i
1≤ i < j ≤ n
ij i j

We use this expression to hierarchically sample S, choosing k points along each chosen
dimension of x such that we limit the training set size to be comparable to the pseudoran-
dom and quasirandom sampling used by Lore et al. [51], which is 150,000 (s, o) ∈ (S,O). The
pseudorandom, uniformly distributed sampling is accomplished via mt19937ar Mersenne
twister in MATLAB [66], while the quasirandom sampling was accomplished via Sobol
sequences [67], which seek to maximally separate the sampled points in a deterministic
manner to prevent clustering or gaps. We neglect the mean response term in the HDMR
expansion, as there is no effective mean pillar. Since the first- and second-order terms
sample a limited number of points in each dimension (choosing 1 of 32 pillar configura-
tions at each point), there is a choice as to what pillars will be chosen as constant for the
rest of the sequence. We desire statistical metrics on the use of HDMR for a fixed k, so we
randomly pick k points in the ith dimension.
For each pillar sequence that is predicted during testing, we use the forward model to
create a corresponding flow shape o and then compare that to the target image ot from the
testing set (Figure 7.8). Thus, while the classification error during training is based on label

C1 = 8.2427 C2 = 9.2144 C3 = 8.0268 C4 = 8.6141

Four sample test shapes with reconstructed flow shapes generated from sequences predicted using different
methods. From left to right, the first subcolumn is the desired flow shape (ground truth). The second subcolumn
is the flow shape reconstructed from the predicted sequence using CNN+SMC; the third with APN, the fourth
with a variant of APN (using depth-concatenated inputs) [56], and the fifth with APN+ITN. C denotes the peri-
metric complexity of the test shapes, which have values of >8.0.
Deep Learning for Engineering Big Data Analytics 161

error (that is, correct prediction of the pillar sequence), we judge model performance on
whether the trained neural network effectively solves the inverse problem. The metric for
performance is a per-pixel norm, the pixel match rate (PMR). (The PMR can vary from 0
(no pixels in common between prediction and target) to 1.0 (a perfect match), but a thresh-
old for a successful result is up to the microfluidic practitioner. For example, if the goal is to
simply displace bulk fluid without care for the overall shape, a PMR greater than 0.8 may
be suitable. However, if the user requires fine details in the prediction to match the target,
a PMR of 0.9 and above is an appropriate threshold.) More generally, a PMR of 0.85 is a
good result, which is defined for a target image ot and a predicted image ô as:

ot − oˆ
PMR = 1 − 1


In testing, we observe an increased capacity for performance with HDMR sampling

compared to random and quasirandom sampling of training data [9]. In considering the
methods of sampling at equal training set size (Figure 7.9a), HDMR sampling improves the
high-end of CNN-SMC performance with a more favorably skewed distribution of PMR
values in testing. The use of HDMR sampling also allows for larger data sets to meaning-
fully contribute to more effective training, unlike random sampling, which shows wors-
ening performance with larger data sets (Figure 7.10b). This trend is if special interest for
engineering problems such as flow sculpting, where significant computational effort is
embedded in a lightweight utility. For deep learning in particular, where the end user
runtime is extremely low, an increase in training set size can improve accuracy without

Target (test) fluid Simultaneous multiclass Predicted pillar sequence

flow shape convolutional neural network (CNN-SMC)
(24, 24, 24, 24, 7, 23, 7)

Predicted sequence flow shape

(forward model)


Target (test) fluid flow shape Predicted sequence flow shape Experimentally validated
(input to CNN-SMC) (forward model) simulation (uFlow software)

PMR: 90.85

PMR: 91.69


(a) Process of testing the trained CNN, whereby a target fluid flow shape is the input for the tool and a predicted
pillar sequence is the output. The pillar sequence is then used with the forward model, which creates a corre-
sponding fluid flow shape. This shape is compared to the target fluid flow shape by using the PMR. (b) Several
examples of target flow shape, predicted sequence flow shape (with PMR), and a flow shape from the experi-
mentally validated software uFlow, derived from the same predicted sequence flow shape.
162 Big Data Analytics

RNG sampling 0.84
Sobol sampling 0.82
HDMR sampling

Median PMR

1 0.78
0.5 0.74
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 50 100 150 200 250 50 100 150 200 250
PMR Training set size (× 1000)
(a) (b)

(a) Performance of HDMR, quasirandom (Sobol), and pseudorandom (RNG) sampling of 150,000 fluid flow
shapes for training data. The median PMR value shifts by 2.5% from 0.79 (RNG/Sobol) to 0.81 (HDMR).
(b) Training size study of HDMR vs. pseudorandom sampling of training data. Note that in both panels a and
b, intelligent sampling raises the ceiling of performance and shifts the PMR distribution in a positive direction.

being detrimental to utility runtime. In this work, we have seen that intelligent sampling
can motivate the use of larger training data to great effect.

Summary, Conclusions, and Research Directions

This chapter discussed a case study of solving an engineering design problem by using deep
neural networks. In this age of Big Data, a large variety of engineering problems are gener-
ating large volumes of data that can be leveraged to significantly improve state-of-the-art
designs, operation, and performance monitoring of such systems. In particular, we showed
that microfluidic device design can be dramatically expedited via a deep convolutional neu-
ral network. To generate more complex flow shapes, a sequential approach was shown that
enabled causal shape transformation. Such a method has a potentially high impact on the
innovation of manufacturing processes, material sciences, biomedical applications, decision
planning, and many other arenas. We also note that generating a properly representative
training data set is critical for the data-driven learning of engineering systems. In this regard,
it may be very expensive to generate data (especially labeled data) from real-life engineer-
ing systems. Other than appropriate sampling of the data space, incorporation of domain
knowledge in problem formulation, model learning, inference, and interpretation of decisions
remains one of the most difficult challenges in data-driven modeling of engineering systems.

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A Framework for Minimizing Data
Leakage from Nonproduction Systems

Jacqueline Cope, Leandros A. Maglaras, Francois Siewe, Feng Chen, and Helge Janicke

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 168
Nonproduction Environments................................................................................................... 168
Legal, Business, and Human Factors................................................................................... 168
Existing Frameworks, Solutions, Products, and Guidelines............................................. 170
Limitations............................................................................................................................... 171
Research for Framework Development.................................................................................... 172
Research the Use and Protection of Data in Nonproduction Systems............................ 172
Freedom of Information: An Organizational View............................................................ 172
Questionnaire: Opinion.......................................................................................................... 173
Simplified Business Model..................................................................................................... 182
Six Stages of the Framework, Detailing from Organization to Compliance.................. 182
Know the Legal and Regulatory Standard..................................................................... 183
Know the Business Data.................................................................................................... 183
Know the System................................................................................................................ 184
Know the Environment..................................................................................................... 184
Data Treatment and Protection......................................................................................... 184
Demonstrate Knowledge................................................................................................... 185
Tabletop Case Study.................................................................................................................... 186
Hypothetical Case Study Scenario........................................................................................ 186
Discussions Using the Simplified Business Model and Framework............................... 187
Know the Legal and Regulatory Standards.................................................................... 187
Know the Business Data.................................................................................................... 187
Know the System................................................................................................................ 188
Know the Environment..................................................................................................... 188
Data Treatment and Protection......................................................................................... 189
Demonstrate Knowledge................................................................................................... 190
Summary of the Impact of the Framework on the Case Study........................................ 190
Conclusions................................................................................................................................... 191
Glossary......................................................................................................................................... 191
References..................................................................................................................................... 192

168 Big Data Analytics

Organizations copy tens of millions of sensitive customer and consumer data to nonpro-
duction environments and very few companies do anything to protect this data, even
when sharing with outsourcers and third parties (Oracle Corporation 2013). Corporate
business systems have for many years become centralized in the pursuit of improved
efficiency and cost savings. The support of these systems is affected by legal, business,
and human factors. Existing frameworks and guidelines are reviewed for their benefits
and limitations. Original research has been undertaken for both an organization’s use
of data and an individual’s opinions on data usage and protection. The proposed model
and framework describes the integration of and interaction between elements affect-
ing an organization. A hypothetical case study has been devised and performed as a
tabletop exercise to ascertain the practical use of the framework. In this book chapter we
review the factors affecting nonproduction systems and propose a simplified business
model and framework to understand the practical application. The technology/technical
terms used in the book chapter are explained wherever they appear or in the “Glossary”

Nonproduction Environments
Nonproduction environments may be used within the software development life cycle
(SDLC) during maintenance and testing. Data within nonproduction environments are
subject to data protection laws, business requirements, and human factors. Several frame-
works and sets of guidelines exist, and review different aspects of the SDLC. These,
however, do not consider minimizing data leakage from nonproduction environments
holistically within the legal, business, or human context. The following sections thor-
oughly describe these aspects.

Legal, Business, and Human Factors

Data is a business asset (Mohanty et al. 2013). The business should know where its assets
are and how they are being used. In this respect, data is no different from any other asset;
it has value, not only to the individual and the organization but also to those with unlaw-
ful intentions. This section provides an overview of the legal and business reasons for
protecting data, and introduces the complexity of legal and industry standards, with some
dependencies on the nationality of the organization, the business sector of the organiza-
tion, the country in which the data resides, and ongoing legal challenges. The impact of
the human factor is investigated with a brief analysis of the types of threat from employees
and other insiders.
There is currently no global legal standard for protecting data. The legal requirements
differ between the United States and the European Union (EU), and additionally between
individual EU countries. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is expected
to bring consistent regulation and improved data protection within the EU (European
Union Court of Justice 2015). The United States has a similar legal organization with
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 169

a number of national data security and privacy laws, which are subject to additional
state law. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces regulation (DLA Piper 2016).
The current U.K. legislation is the Data Protection Act 1988 (DPA), which enacts the EU
Data Protection Directive, formally known as Directive 95/46/EC (Reouse 2008), and is
expected to change to incorporate GDPR. Privacy Shield, the EU–US information shar-
ing agreement was introduced in February 2016 (European Commission 2016) to support
transatlantic commerce.
Organizations dealing with financial transactions by credit or debit card are recom-
mended to comply with the global industry standard guidance of the Payment Card
Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC), founded to improve financial transaction
security, prevent the theft of payment card data, and avoid security breaches (PCI Security
Standards Council n.d.). PCI DSS v3.1 is a framework for data security, risk reduction, and
incident response (PCI 2015). There are standards for software, hardware vendors, and
resellers in the Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA DSS) (PCI 2014). Business
reasons for protecting data are based on the risk and impact of loss. Data breaches may
lead to a direct financial loss to the business, disruption (U.K. Department for Business,
Innovation and Skills 2015b), consequential financial costs (Stempel and Bose 2015), fines
(European Union Court of Justice 2015; Information Commissioner’s Office [ICO] 2015),
criminal prosecutions (ICO n.d.), and loss of market position through loss of intellectual
property or loss of reputation (Fiveash 2015). The impact on the customer, patient, or data
subject may be distress, financial loss, or identity theft (Verizon 2014).
Business requirements are greater than that covered legally. Business confidential
information can cover intellectual property, new product details, purchase or sales
details, and analytics in data warehouses. In addition to legal, regulatory and business
reasons for protecting data, human factors also affect data security. Staff-related data
breaches rose in 2015 (U.K. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills 2015a), with
half of the worst breaches being caused by inadvertent human error. Deliberate misuse
of a system contributes to the number and size of data breaches. There is no indication
of whether the source of the data breach was from production or nonproduction envi-
ronments or unstructured data; however, a data breach from whatever source is still a
data breach. The number of health care data breaches resulting from insider theft almost
doubled (Symantec 2015), with unintentional breaches as the most common. In the 2016
report, health care remained at the top. Fewer companies declined to publish details of
breaches unless legally required, leading to an increase in breaches where the full extent
was not revealed (Symantec 2016).
Hurran (2014) categorizes the insider actions as following.

• Nonmalicious and unintentional—A substantial part of the problem. Employees

have no intention of doing wrong, but process failure such as in recruitment or
training leads to mistakes such as being socially engineered. If blame has to be
attributed, it is the fault of the organization not the employee.
• Nonmalicious and intentional—A bigger problem, often caused by employees cir-
cumventing processes in place, such as copying data or sharing passwords, attrib-
uting the fault to the organization as a business process failure.
• Malicious and intentional—Can occur because factors within an organization
enable the action to take place. If the factors had been addressed, the risk of the
event would have been lowered.
170 Big Data Analytics

Silowash et al. (2012) outlines a number of U.S.-based case studies to develop best prac-
tices relevant to an organization. The following are particularly relevant to the protection
of production data in a nonproduction environment:

• Consider threats from insiders and business partners, protecting information both
from internal and external threats
• Know the types of data that are processed, devices used to process and/or store
data and their geographical locations
• Prevention of unauthorized data exfiltration is also applicable to nonproduction
data if it has not been de-identified

The Software Engineering Institute’s (Carnegie Mellon University 2013) unintentional

insider threat concurs with Hurran’s intentional and unintentional nonmalicious insiders,
with accidental disclosure examples given as sensitive information being mishandled or
sent to the wrong party. In the case of nonproduction environments, live examples may be
unintentionally sent out or recorded in quality assurance (QA) documents, issue logs, and
test scripts.
Evans et al. (2016) questions the effectiveness and suitability of existing assurance meth-
ods and the treatment of sensitive data being a compliance exercise rather than an ethical

Existing Frameworks, Solutions, Products, and Guidelines

The identification and analysis of frameworks and guidelines is done with the intention
of finding an adaptable practical solution for the selection and preparation of a nonpro-
duction environment, which reduces the possibility of data leakage, while providing
a fit-for-purpose implementation. Existing proprietary and vendor independent frame-
works and guidelines have provided commentary from different viewpoints looking for
specific points applicable to nonproduction environments. The conclusion drawn is that
the most practical points of each form an adaptable solution for an organization to select
and prepare a suitable nonproduction environment. Free and/or open-source products and
guidelines were researched. Some, however, were suitable for small organizations only or
have not been maintained.
Data classification is the starting point for each of the frameworks, with data identi-
fication as the first step (National Institute of Standards and Technology [NIST] 2010;
Oracle Corporation 2013). Without identification, classification cannot take place. Consider
whether all the data identified is required for business purposes. If it is not required, then
it should not be collected. Minimizing the collection of sensitive data reduces the data to
be protected.
The classification process includes understanding which legal requirements and indus-
try standards apply to which business areas. Initially it would appear straightforward
to align the business area with the requirements, for example, health care information is
covered by Caldicott principles. Taking a holistic approach to the business may uncover
unexpected complexity; for example, provisions of adult social care services may involve
Caldicott principles for adult social care data, PCI DSS for the payments made by credit
and debit card, and also be subject to DPA. Therefore, it does not necessarily appear
beneficial to separate business areas by function when applying legal and regulatory
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 171

The classification of individual data items without the context will not provide suffi-
cient information. For example, a postcode is publicly available information used to iden-
tify one or more addresses, and is used for delivery, satellite navigation, and a factor in
the calculation of some charges such as home insurance. However, when combined with
other information, such as age and gender, it may identify an individual. The initial data
classification may take into account the context in which the data is held and also any
newer data considerations, for example, fitness data trackers will give a person’s location,
route, and times and could be used to establish a travel pattern. Smart heating controllers
such as Hive learn heating patterns and the data could be used to identify when proper-
ties are empty. Other information such as images and video should be considered. Data
classification schemes or policy, for example, the NIST PII Confidentiality Impact Levels
(NIST 2010) of low, medium, or high to indicate a level of harm resulting from leaked data;
or Informatica’s (2011) public, internal, and confidential; or London School of Economics’s
(2013) extended version of public, internal, restricted, and confidential to describe the data
will be of benefit to align the use of data in a nonproduction environment with the organi-
zation’s information security standards.
Following classification of data, an analysis of the nonproduction system requirements
is the next area for consideration. Understanding the use of the nonproduction system is a
key factor in achieving a balance of security and usability. It is likely that different instances
of a system will have different requirements (Oracle Corporation 2013). For example, a live
support system may require a full data set with de-identification of particularly sensitive
data, but an interface development system will fulfill requirements by using a subset of
data with all sensitive data de-identified, or even containing a representative synthesized
test data set. If the level of de-identification is light, then further protection such as access
control and audit procedures are required. Once the nonproduction system requirements
have been assessed, the specific techniques for de-identification can be investigated.
The Open Data Center Alliance’s (2013) levels of de-identification appear useful. Each
nonproduction system requirement would be categorized as follows.

• Synthesized or generated data, where no original data is required, may be used for
unit testing, or training databases.
• Anonymization, the application of de-identification techniques following optional
• Pseudonymization, the application of tokenization techniques with optional subsetting.
• No de-identification, where alternative methods of protection are required.

Data treatment requirements refer to the techniques available and to investigating the
products appropriate for the architecture of the system. Capgemini (2015) and Securosis
(2012) offer advice on principles that the data resulting from de-identification techniques
should balance usability and security. The de-identification, where possible, should be man-
aged, nonreversible, and repeatable, resulting in data that is representative of the source
data, with integrity maintained. In the cases where light or no de-identification takes place,
supplementary security and documentary evidence for audit purposes are required.

The term de-identified has been used as the generic term because other terminology, such
as de-identified (U.K. Department of Health 2013), anonymization (U.K. Department of
172 Big Data Analytics

Health 2013), data sanitizing (NIST 2010), masking (Muralidhar and Sarathy 2006), obfus-
cation (NIST 2010), obscured (NIST 2010), and pseudonymization (U.K. Department of
Health 2013), is used to describe both different and multiple techniques and, at times,
becomes confusing (Duncan and Stokes 2009). De-identification techniques such as adding
noise (Wilson and Rosen 2003), shuffling and swapping (National Institute of Statistical
Sciences [NISS] n.d.), and permutation (Cormode and Srivastava 2009) have limited use
because of the amount of original data remaining. Techniques including gibberish genera-
tion, nulling out (Raghunathan 2013), redaction, and suppression (Sweeney 2002) remove
sensitive data, but reduce data quality by producing unrealistic data sets, so may suit free text
fields such as memos and notes. Generated or synthetic data (Machanavajjhala et al. 2008) is
realistic-looking data that contains no original data, limiting potential disclosure, but is
time-consuming to construct.
The proposed framework demonstrates a practical way to evaluate the legal, business,
and system constraints on a nonproduction environment. There is a balance to be found
between the security of sensitive data, and the requirements of developers and support
personnel and the organization’s business principles. There is also a balance to be found
between data de-identification and other protection methods such as access controls. The
framework also allows for the provision of evidence to demonstrate compliance.

Research for Framework Development

This research project investigates the prevalence of the use of production data in nonpro-
duction systems; the reasons for using production data; the alternatives to or treatment of
production data; methods for assessing the risk; and the frameworks available to guide
an organization to an appropriate choice of protection for the nonproduction system data.

Research the Use and Protection of Data in Nonproduction Systems

In order to conduct our research, requests were made under the Freedom of Information
Act (FOIA) to obtain an organizational view of data protection. A questionnaire was used
to obtain the individual professional’s view. The former is helping the qualitative analysis
but since it is a rather small sample, the latter research method, the questionnaires, was
used in order to be able to perform quantitative analysis.

Freedom of Information: An Organizational View

FOIA requests were made to ten public bodies that by the nature of their business were
expected to hold some sensitive information as part of the research into the organizations’
stance on the prevalence of using production data in nonproduction environments and the
desensitization, if any, of that data. It is acknowledged that such a small sample cannot be
used to extrapolate expectations or to make any deductions from the results. The results from
a convenience sample (Walliman 2011) may indicate whether a larger study would be benefi-
cial. Of the organizations responding, there was an even split between those that copied pro-
duction environments and those that did not. This provided some information to support the
idea that organizations were using copies of production data but would benefit from a greater
number of FOI requests over a wider range of public bodies. This is represented in Figure 8.1.
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 173

De-identification used

No response 1 1
Withheld 1
Copied to Withheld Some None
Data in
production Limited access used
only 4


Withheld Yes

FOI requests.

In conclusion, the sample size is too small to be anything other than a pilot exercise,
but it highlights that some organizations copy production data to nonproduction environ-
ments, with some de-identifying sensitive data and others relying upon user access restric-
tions to protect the data.

Questionnaire: Opinion
The questionnaire was undertaken to collect the opinions and experiences of professional
people with access to potentially sensitive data especially in nonproduction environments
(Hoffer 2013). Respondents within business areas such as user acceptance testers, and in
information technology (IT) roles including applications, database, hardware, and network
potentially have valuable experience that informs their opinions. A target of 50 responses
is considered small for qualitative research (Malhotra 2016) but is an appropriate conve-
nience sample (Walliman 2011) for initial research before developing a process for further
research. There are polarized opinions about the appropriate use of data within develop-
ment and test systems (Fanadka 2015; Howard 2013), this survey provides a selection of
current opinion, with the benefit of additional details of the reasoning behind the choices
and ways of addressing concerns. It is acknowledged that results may be skewed within a
comparatively small sample by respondents working in the same area, such as operational
support. Nine questions were formulated to gauge opinion.
Question 1 ascertains the areas of the software development life cycle (SDLC) in which
the respondent is involved. The categories suggested and the percentage of responses for
each is in Figure 8.2. The category of other included architecture, assurance, configura-
tion, consultancy, data administration, data migration, project management, and systems
administration. The respondent’s role is a possible indicator of a relationship between their
role and their opinion. For example, a support analyst may perceive a need for live data
across all environments because their work is resolving live issues, whereas a developer
may only require generated data because they have to meet the application specifications.
This can only be treated as speculation because of the small size of the convenience sample
(Boulmetis and Dutwin 2014).
174 Big Data Analytics

User 6%
8% Analysis
Training 12%


Question 1: Role within SDLC.

Analysis of the respondents working in multiple roles showed that 33% of respondents
performed a single role, with the remaining performing multiple roles (Figure 8.3). The
most common combination of multiple roles was within development, test, and support.
The performance of multiple roles could indicate that good practice of separation of duties
(Zurko and Simon 2011) may not necessarily be applied within the software development
life cycle. However, this cannot be taken as anything more than an indication for an area
of further research because this is a comparatively small sample with broad interpretative
Question 2 indicates types of sensitive data available to the respondent. The respon-
dents may select multiple options from the list of No sensitive data; Personally iden-
tifiable information (PII); Financial; Health; Intellectual property (IP); Trade secrets;
Vulnerable people; or select Other and include a description. The category of Vulnerable
People covers information that becomes more sensitive because of the data subject rather
than the data itself and includes both adults (U.K. Department of Health n.d.) and chil-
dren (Her Majesty’s Government 2015). Figure 8.4 shows the range of sensitive data identi-
fied by the respondents. The category of Other contained only Government classification
(Cabinet Office 2014). An interesting point is the low number of respondents with no access
to sensitive data.

5+ roles
4 roles 1 role
19% 33%

3 roles
2 roles

Question 1: Respondents in multiple roles.
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 175

Other None
1% 2%

Trade secrets people
8% 12%

9% Financial

Question 2: Use of sensitive data types.

Question 3 finds the environments to which respondents have access, and is expected to
indicate any additional data exposure from nonproduction systems. A single option was
selected from Production only; Nonproduction only; Both production and nonproduction
environments with the same rights; Both production and nonproduction with different
rights; and Other, which must be specified. The assumption has been made that where
respondents have access to production and nonproduction environments with differing
rights, the nonproduction rights will be the same or greater than their production rights.
Figure 8.5 shows the access to environments, with over half of the respondents having
access to data through the nonproduction environment. Those respondents selecting the
option of Other had access rights defined by each task or contract.
Question 4 aims to find the respondents access levels. When considering data leakage, it
is not just whether data can be altered that increases the risk, but also the visibility of data.
The responses of Other described access as depending on the task or contract. Figure 8.6
shows the respondents’ access levels.
Question 5 looks at the de-identification used. The respondent may select multiple
options from the list of Complete copy of production data; Copy of production data

Production only
only Both production
17% and nonproduction with
the same rights
Both production
and nonproduction with
different rights

Question 3: Access to environments.
176 Big Data Analytics

Reporting 4% Database
13% 18%

View only
8% System
17% Superuser

Question 4: Access levels.

with some sensitive data de-identified; Copy of production data with all sensitive data
de-identified; Generated data containing no real data; and Other defining a description.
Figure 8.7 shows the usage of generated data and levels of de-identification. Those cat-
egorized as other include subsets of production data, hybrid versions including pro-
duction data (with and without desensitized data) combined with generated data, and
different de-identification depending on the task or contract. The progression through
phases of SDLC using different data sets is also mentioned.
Question 6 seeks to understand the respondent’s knowledge of data de-identification
methods using free text that was classified and fed into Wordle (Feinberg 2014). The
responses are presented giving greater prominence to frequently used words, showing
that masking is the most commonly mentioned technique (Figure 8.8), and SQL is most
popular of tools and software (Figure 8.9).
Question 7 checks for an understanding of terminology. The results in Figure 8.10 show that
masking is the most used and recognized technique, supported by the unprompted request
for techniques in question 6. There appears to be a reasonable understanding of a number of
common de-identification techniques. It would be interesting if a larger survey was available
to cross-reference the use of techniques with the levels of de-identification in question 5 to
see if knowledge of techniques had any correlation with the level of de-identification used,


Generated data Complete copy of

22% production data

All sensitive data

de-identified Some sensitive
18% data de-identified

Question 5: Levels of de-identification used in nonproduction environment.
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 177

Question 6: De-identification techniques.

Question 6: De-identification tools and software.

% of respondents

20% Not recognized
10% No response
















e r




Question 7: Understanding techniques.
178 Big Data Analytics

then to further consider if the respondent’s knowledge had any impact on the quality of
de-identification. The outcome of this could lead to a further study to consider whether an
improved understanding of techniques, through awareness and education, would lead to
increased or improved levels of de-identification in nonproduction environments.
Question 8 is a four-part question to find the perceived benefits and drawbacks of using
live and de-identified data. Themes were extracted from the free text format, and cat-
egorized (Walliman 2011). The respondent’s opinions on the benefits of using live data
(Figure 8.11) showed that the major benefit perceived was that issues could be replicated.
Inspecting the raw data showed comments related to issues in production environment
being replicated in a test environment, as well as issues found in a test environment such
as user acceptance testing (UAT) also being replicated in a development environment. The
disadvantages (Figure 8.12) were an increased risk of sensitive data being exposed, fol-
lowed by unacceptable access, and extra security required for sensitive data.
The benefits of de-identification were the reduced risk of sensitive data exposure, fol-
lowed by improved data security, and fewer issues with third parties (Figure 8.13).
Respondents’ opinions on the disadvantages of using de-identified data (Figure 8.14) were
the inability to replicate issues, followed by unrealistic, unrecognizable, or unfamiliar
data, and reduced test data quality.

Makes testing
Improved testing easier
quality 15%
Ability to replicate
issues Improved
26% commissioning
Realistic test data 11%
Saves time

Question 8a: Benefits of using live data.

Increased data
Increased risk of 6%
sensitive data
exposure/incident Increased data
42% storage

Extra security access to Reduced test data
required for sensitive data quality
sensitive data 23% 6%
3rd party access

Question 8b: Disadvantages of using live data.
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 179

Improved Fewer additional

compliance security controls
5% required
Reduced risk of
data Saved time testing
exposure/incident 5%

Improved data Improved test

security quality
24% 5%
Fewer third-party
access issues
Reduction in
potential fraud

Question 8c: Benefits of using data de-identification.

Increased data
8% Issues with de-
15% Unable to
Unrealistic/ replicate issues
unrecognizable/ 28%
unfamiliar data
Reduced test data

Testing becomes
more difficult

Question 8d: Disadvantages of using data de-identification.

The benefits of using live data (Figure 8.11) and disadvantages of using data de-identification
(Figure 8.14) showed similarity in some indicating a similar perceived benefit and oppos-
ing disadvantage responses (see Table 8.1). When comparing the responses, four catego-
ries showed similar sizes of response. For example, 22% of responses identified live data
improving test data quality and 20% showed de-identification as reducing test data quality.

Comparison of Benefits of Live Data and Disadvantages of De-Identification
8a. Benefits of Using Live 8d. Disadvantages of Using Data
Data De-Identification
Improved testing quality 22% Reduced test data quality 20%
Makes testing easier 15% Testing becomes more difficult 8%
Realistic test data 24% Unrealistic/unrecognizable/unfamiliar data 21%
Ability to replicate issues 26% Unable to replicate issues 28%
180 Big Data Analytics

The individual responses in the raw data showed some respondents identified both the
benefit and disadvantage, but others had identified either one or the other. This area would
benefit from more in-depth scrutiny.
A similar comparison between responses to disadvantages of using live data (Figure 8.12)
and benefits of using data de-identification (Figure 8.13) again shows similarities in some
responses (see Table 8.2). This highlighted issues of test data requirements, risk of data expo-
sure, third-party data access, and de-identification techniques as requiring consideration
when using live or de-identified data.
Question 9 analyzes respondents’ concerns in using data in nonproduction environ-
ments and possible solutions. Ten areas of concern are shown in Figure 8.15 with data
security incidents and compliance being the most prominent. Data security incident
responses include examples of deliberate misuse of data such as theft; unintentional data
loss, including misdirected test invoices and copies of sensitive data in test scripts; applica-
tion demonstrations using real data; and a misconfiguration resulting in a production web
front end being connected to test backend database. Regulatory and compliance concerns
include DPA, PCI, and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Additional concerns of poorly
managed environments, burden of trust placed on staff, poor security practice, testing
strategies, and staff training may be seen as contributing factors to data security incidents
and compliance concerns. An interesting point is that both a loss of realistic test data and
insufficient de-identification are equally mentioned, as opinions expressed earlier (see
Table 8.1). Solutions suggested (Figure 8.16) were to desensitize data, enforce policy, and

Comparison of Disadvantages of Using Live Data and Benefits of Using Data
8c. Benefits of Using
8b. Disadvantages of Using Live Data De-Identification
Increased risk of data exposure 42% Reduced risk of data exposure 45%
Third-party access issues 4% Fewer third-party access issues 12%
Extra security required for sensitive data 15%
Unacceptable access to sensitive data 23% Improved data security 24%

Data security incidents

Regulatory/compliance concerns
Poorly managed environments
Burden of trust placed on staff
Poor security practice
Poor testing strategies
Access to offsite data
Loss of realistic test data
Insufficient de-identification
Poor staff training

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
% Responses

Question 9a: Concerns over nonproduction environments.
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 181

Desensitize data

Policy enforcement

Secure domain for data

Vet staff

Use suitable test strategies

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
% Responses

Question 9b: Suggested solutions to concerns over nonproduction environments.

adhere to guidelines; provide a secure domain for sensitive data; vet staff; and use suitable
test strategies. These results may be interpreted as there is a place for de-identification, but
that which cannot conveniently be de-identified should be protected in a secure domain,
and subject to suitable policy and guidance.
Some suggested solutions appear to contradict previous areas of the survey. Desensi­
tizing data is supported by the benefits identified (see Figure 8.13) but also has perceived
disadvantages (see Figure 8.14). The most common disadvantage identified is the inability
to replicate issues (28%). Replication difficulties are anticipated between production and
production support environments, and between a UAT environment using production
data and previous test environments using de-identified data.
In conclusion, there may be a case for a production support environment to use a copy
of production data to assist the replication of issues before attempted resolution; however,
the environment should be secured to the same level as the production environment. This
leads to the primary use of the nonproduction environment being an influence on data
treatment. It may provide justification for copying production data and using production-
level security controls. It also indicates that nonproduction environments have different
purposes and require different levels of de-identification or protection. The roles of the
respondents may affect the perception of advantages and disadvantages. The mixture of
roles may predispose the respondent’s perception of data requirements. For example, if the
respondent fulfills roles of production support and development testing, they may con-
sider that the same production support environment is required for both roles. However,
analyzing the requirements of each role may lead to a different decision for each nonpro-
duction environment. Production support can be argued to require a copy of production
data, but development testing does not require the same level of sensitive data especially
when test plans are scripted in advance. It also highlights a possible deficiency in testing
behavior, of whether the tests are covering a number of scenarios or simply not failing.
The suggestion of policy enforcement is interesting because it could imply that policies are
made and either not communicated or not followed up causing a possible disconnection
between policy, procedure, and actual practice.
The results may only be used as an indication and a possible basis for further research.
The sample size and propagation is insufficient to draw anything other than tenuous
suggestions rather than conclusions. The overall view suggested that de-identification
182 Big Data Analytics

reduced the risk of data exposure and data incidents by reducing access to sensitive data.
However, it highlighted possible disadvantages in replicating production support issues
and providing recognizable test data. It has also highlighted possible conflicts of interest
in the reduction of quality in an attempt to complete tasks quickly, sometimes confus-
ing the requirements of speed with economy and the different attitudes toward testing.

Simplified Business Model

The simplified business model (Cope et al. forthcoming) shows the integration of legal
and regulatory requirements, human interactions, business requirements, business sys-
tems, and nonproduction environments (Figure 8.17). Business systems are simplified as
comprising data, software, and infrastructure to support administrative and commercial
purposes. Human interaction occurs with each area.
Nonproduction environments may be perceived as separate from the business systems,
but remains subject to the same legal and regulatory requirements. Environments serve
different purposes, requiring a practical aid to identify influencing factors and to guide
the decision makers through a process of providing nonproduction environments with
adequate security (NIST 2013).

Six Stages of the Framework, Detailing from Organization to Compliance

The framework describes a process flow from the legal and regulatory requirements to
data treatment and protection; gained through understanding the organization’s busi-
ness, the production system, the purpose, and requirements of the nonproduction envi-
ronment. Each stage builds on earlier stages of the process and provides appropriate
feedback with demonstrable knowledge provided by governance, compliance, audit,
policy, and procedure. Figure 8.18 (Cope et al. forthcoming) shows the framework dia-
grammatically. This framework is not prescriptive and ideally would be used in the order
described, but allows the position and knowledge required to be assessed from any stage
before moving on.

Legal and regulatory requirements

Business systems
Business systems nonproduction environments
production environments
Human interaction

Human interaction

Data Data

Treatment and
Application Application
Technical Technical
infrastructure infrastructure

Simplified business model showing the interaction of elements affecting the organization.
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 183

Political/ Know the legal and Demonstrate

geographical area regulatory standards knowledge
Data protection act PCI DSS
Caldicott principle ISO 27000

Organization Know the business data

Data identification Risk analysis
Minimize collection Data classification


Business system Know the system

Data discovery Technical infrastructure
Software application System clarification document
Human interaction

environment Know the environment

Environment purpose Technical infrastructure

Users’ requirements System classification document
Human interaction

Data treatment and protection

Software, tools, and techniques
Data treatment: set up, maintenance, and schedule
Alternative protection to data treatment

Framework for minimizing data leakage from nonproduction systems.

Know the Legal and Regulatory Standard

Knowledge of legal and regulatory standards relating to the business is necessary, specifi-
cally those relating to the use, transmission, and storage of data across business, political,
and geographical areas.

Know the Business Data

Organization-level risk assessments are required to consider threats to data security from
insiders and business partners as well as outsiders (Silowash et al. 2012). The information
management function may advise on details of information management, governance, or
policy relating to specific privacy aspects. Business data should be identified and described
using business terminology and a suitable classification scheme. Know what is held, for
what purpose, where, and its classification (Hutchinson and Warren 2001). Sensitive
data should be identified because it is only possible to effectively protect what is known
(NIST 2010). The collection and retention of data without sound business reason should
be challenged. Regular scheduled reviews of data retention policy and conformity to that
policy with the planned removal of unnecessary sensitive information lowers the risk of
data leakage. Retention schedules that meet legal requirements, industry practice, sector
specific needs, and business requirements should be communicated to data controllers.
184 Big Data Analytics

The documentation should include the sensitivity rating, applicable law or regulation, and
the reasons for the benefit of future compliance checks or when dealing with regulatory
or legal changes.

Know the System

Organizations use a number of business systems, which may be hosted internally, cloud
based, outsourced, or a combination. The responsibility for data held must be known,
whether it is complete responsibility for systems hosted internally, shared responsibil-
ity for cloud security, or assurance from third-party suppliers. Knowing the system is
about the data that the business actually holds within its systems as compared with the
organizational-level knowledge of what it expects to hold. Differences between expected
data and data actually held should be analyzed and, if necessary, fed back to the earlier
stage. System-level data may be cataloged against the business use. A holistic approach to
data identification and classification is recommended because data at a system level may
not be considered sensitive, but becomes sensitive when combined with data from another

Know the Environment

Environments, in addition to the production environment, may be required for develop-
ment, support, and maintenance, and may be controlled by the business area, another
business area such as IT, or an external organization. The environment’s purpose and
the users’ needs must be understood. The software application, technical infrastructure,
or human interactions may differ from those of the production system, necessitating an
investigation of how the data should differ from the production system to maintain the
required level of protection (Graham et al. 2008). The nonproduction environment users’
needs and data security needs should be the basis for the nonproduction system. Cost,
ease of use, and data security may conflict because of the perceptions of need rather than
the actual need.
It is expected that the data owner has responsibility for its use, following consultation
with those responsible for nonproduction environment users to give the best compro-
mise in the conflicting triangle of security, usability, and cost (Sherwood et al. 2015).
The agreed format of each environment with reasons should be documented for future
reference. The output of this process is the environment classification document that
describes the system, and the requirements for the data in this environment and its
expected use. Further detail of the degree of de-identification required may also be

Data Treatment and Protection

Neither data treatment nor protection can be considered an easy option. There is no simple
one-size-fits-all solution. The level of data treatment and protection should be agreed
before defining the method. Generated data should not require further treatment or
additional protection, but requires assurances that it contains no real data. “As-live” data
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 185

Act Plan

Check Do


requires “as-live” protection. The treatment and protection must be documented to meet
compliance standards. Plan–do–check–act (PDCA) (Deming 1982) may be used to define
the process (Figure 8.19).

• Plan—Identify and analyze the problem. Use the requirements in the system
classification document during the “know the environment” stage, and ensure
it meets the security needs and the needs of the users. Keep de-identification to a
minimum; do not de- identify data unless classified as sensitive. Identify tools and
techniques to meet the requirements of the environment.
• Do—Develop and test potential solutions. Consider data subsetting, generate a
series of potential solutions, and perform a pilot exercise of the best solution.
• Check—Measure the effectiveness of the proposed solution, and improve as neces-
sary. Check that de-identification provides the expected results. If the de-identified
data is suitable to be passed on to the environment users, then it is possible to pro­
gress to the act stage, otherwise the do and check phases may be performed until a
satisfactory outcome is found.
• Act—Implement the de-identification routine, include automation for maximum
efficiency. The de-identification process should be repeatable.

As the quantity of sensitive data increases or the sensitivity of data increases in the non-
production environment, the need for additional security from the application software,
infrastructure, or control over human factors also increases.

Demonstrate Knowledge
Assurance expects to give confidence that intended security controls are effective (NIST
2013), but confirmation that controls have been applied correctly or as intended is also
required (Evans et al. 2016). Demonstrate knowledge explicitly provides that assur-
ance at each stage of the process, which may be tailored to each organization’s specific
186 Big Data Analytics

Tabletop Case Study

The tabletop case study is used as a worked example to demonstrate how the use of the
simplified business model and framework for minimizing data leakage from nonproduc-
tion Systems will practically aid discussion, the collection of information required, and
the decision-making process regarding the use of data and protection of nonproduction
environments. It also validates the stages proposed in the framework.

Hypothetical Case Study Scenario

The subject of the hypothetical scenario is a large U.K.-based service sector organization
employing in the region of 4,000 staff members across the business, having 30,000 ser-
vice users and a turnover of £150 million. The organization is consolidating its business
systems and moving to enterprise resource planning (ERP) to manage service delivery of
sales, purchasing, central accounting functions, human resource management, and pay-
roll functions. The consolidation has also been taken as an opportunity to rationalize the
contents and use of nonproduction environments.
The postimplementation nonproduction environments initially identified are

• A training environment, for scheduled in-person training sessions for each of the
functional areas as they are implemented, and eventually for ongoing staff training
• A production support environment, to be used for the replication and possible
resolution of live issues
• Development, test, and user acceptance environments to be used for the release of

The details for the case study are that the organization has documented the legal and
regulatory requirements as applicable to its existing systems. In summary the Data
Protection Act is the legal basis for privacy. The organization accepts a minimal number
of card payments using a third-party provider, which reduces the requirement for PCI
DSS compliance. However, the ERP implementation will improve the ability to accept card
payment, and PCI DSS compliance will be a future requirement and should be considered
at this point. All data is currently held in data centers within the United Kingdom, and no
change is expected.
Information security policies exist for both public and internal publication, and are the
responsibility of the organization’s information security function. The data categorization
in use is based upon the popular (Cabinet Office 2014) classification of confidential, inter-
nal, and public, with the confidential category subdivided as business confidential and
personal confidential.

• Public—Information that is publicly available and does not contain either person-
ally identifiable or commercially sensitive information. No impact in the event of
data loss.
• Internal—Personal information that is not considered to be sensitive under DPA
and contains no financial information. Inappropriate disclosure could result in
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 187

personal distress. Commercial information that is not considered commercially

sensitive but may have minor adverse impact on the business.
• Personal confidential—Sensitive personal information, as defined by DPA, is per-
sonal information associated with financial data such as account numbers. Loss
of data likely to cause significant distress, harm, or adverse financial impact on
individuals or organizations.
• Business confidential—Intellectual property and financial information, the loss of
which would have a major impact on the commercial viability of the organization.

The data has been classified within the existing systems, and classification and data
retention will be reviewed with the procurement and implementation of ERP.
The current systems are separate software applications, residing on the organization’s
own on-site servers, with no direct access available outside of the organization. Access is
controlled using a combination of network and application access; single sign on is not
used. ERP will be hosted on a multitenant cloud provided and managed by a third party,
to be confirmed during the procurement process. Nonproduction environments, with the
exception of production support, expect to be hosted on the organization’s own servers,
but the decision will be confirmed when the transition is complete.

Discussions Using the Simplified Business Model and Framework

The tabletop exercise discussions review and possibly challenge decisions made in the
scenario, and consider the treatment and protection of the nonproduction environments.
This is a reflection of the process expected to take place within an organization, and would
highlight gaps in knowledge and challenge assumptions made.

Know the Legal and Regulatory Standards

Using the framework, “know the legal and regulatory standards” is partially covered by
the current adherence to DPA, but must take account of GDPR and demonstrate compli-
ance to meet the accountability principle (ICO 2016) and the compliance aspect of “dem-
onstrate knowledge.” The organization’s security policy has been devised within the
information security role, and is communicated throughout the organization by regular
mandatory online training sessions, and by inclusion within the normal working practice.

Know the Business Data

GDPR prioritizes the data retention policy, and requires evidence of data-retention reviews.
This may be accomplished using scheduled regular reviews of data retention policies and
evidence of conformity. Consider how long data should be held, assessing legal, regula-
tory, and business requirements. Verifiable records of affirmative consent of data subjects’
information being held are required under GDPR (ICO 2016). The classification of exist-
ing data has been devised and agreed between the information security function and
the corporate finance function. The data classification will be extended to include current
manually administered data that will be included in ERP, such as absence recording and
workforce and service user diversity records.
188 Big Data Analytics

Know the System

In this case, the production system is an organization’s ERP covering sales, purchasing,
central accounting functions, human resource management, and payroll functions. This is
a wide remit, and may be better approached looking at the systems’ modules and identify-
ing core data, and module-specific data. A system classification highlights system areas
applicable to the data classification in “know the business.” For example, DPA defines sen-
sitive personal data as relating to a person’s ethnic origin, political opinions, religious
belief, trade union membership, physical or mental health, sexual life, and criminal or
alleged behavior (Data Protection Act 1998) because it could be used in a discriminatory
way and so should be treated with greater care. This information, including ethnicity,
religion, disability, and sexuality, are part of employee equality monitoring, and union
subscriptions are taken as payroll deductions, and so should be recorded in the system
classification and additionally in data classification using the “personal confidential” clas-
sification. The system classification should be communicated to relevant employees and
sufficient training given.
Human interaction covers access to the data using either the software application or
through the technical infrastructure. Controls on user access include applying least privi-
lege for application access, which complements separation of duties to minimize both
inadvertent error and deliberate or malicious misuse. Concerning the technical infra-
structure, GDPR Article 26 is expected to affect the regulation of cloud provision requir-
ing the client to ensure the cloud provider meets the processing and security requirements
(Voss 2013).

Know the Environment

Business systems require development, support, and maintenance throughout the soft-
ware development life cycle. Nonproduction environment requirements may be affected
by users’ perceptions based on job role. For example, a developer performing production
support perceives a need for a live data set during development because he “knows the
data” rather than using a generated data set based on good data analysis. The environ-
ments discussed in the tabletop exercise are for training, production support, develop-
ment, test, and user acceptance testing.
The requirements of the training environment were dealt with first. In-person train-
ing sessions were a requirement in the scenario, but both the in-person and e-learning
training provisions were considered in the tabletop exercise. It was decided that no real
personal or sensitive information should be used. Data sets should contain standard con-
figuration items and realistic-looking information to be reloaded as required. For example,
payroll training sessions required the departmental structure of posts, grades, and cost
codes along with standard payments and deductions be available, but employee-related
data should be created to meet the particular needs of the training, and to allow the train-
ers to become familiar with the data sets. In-person training data sets could also form the
basis of e-learning provision to provide continuity. The training data would be available to
trainees during in-person supervised sessions and to any employee as e-learning, so care
must be taken to ensure the personal or sensitive data is realistic but unconnected to real
data. As some nonproduction environments are to be hosted on-site, a process for refresh-
ing the environments is required. The issues raised included the technical aspects of the
separation of application software, configuration and data, and the secure transportation
of sensitive data between sites.
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 189

The production support environment was considered next, as it was thought to be at the
opposite end of the spectrum from the training environment. It differs by being hosted on
the multitenant cloud environment rather than on the organization’s own servers. The pur-
pose of the production support environment is to allow support analysts to re­create and,
where possible, provide solutions without using the production environment. Discussions
centered on the persons having access to the environment, the data required, and how
access to that data should be managed. Access to both the environment and the roles
within the environment should be limited. Support analysts should be the only employees
who would have greater access to the sensitive data in the support environment using both
the application and interrogating the database using other software tools. It was consid-
ered that de-identification of the most sensitive or potentially high profile data would be
appropriate. Particularly sensitive information, such as equality monitoring information,
health-related data, and financial details such as bank accounts, should be de-identified.
E-mail addresses were thought to be potentially high profile because of the risk of uninten-
tionally sending documentation from the production support environment.
Access to the multitenant environment was also considered, and assurances were
required from the cloud provider that security of the nonproduction environment would
be as stringent as that of the production environment. This area was considered to be
poorly understood and needed expert assistance. The term “cloud supply chain” (Lindner
2010) describes the supply chain of cloud services. The provenance of cloud storage was
discussed, and concerns raised about business continuity and data leakage risks. It was
acknowledged that this area required further understanding.
Development, test, and user acceptance environments were considered. The environ-
ments are hosted on the organization’s servers, so it would also be administered by the
organization’s technical staff. They would be accessible to a range of analysts, developers,
and testers including third party and contract staff. The discussion of usability versus
security followed, showing a similar set of ideas to those highlighted in the research ques-
tionnaire. Time to construct test cases was considered an overhead, but possibly more
efficient when viewed in the longer term. The perception of usability appeared to be the
greatest hurdle with assurances being required that any generated or de-identified data
would be suitably representative of the live data. In a hypothetical scenario it was agreed
that generated or de-identified data would be the most appropriate, but with the caveat
that there would be occasions where developers and testers may be unable to recreate suit-
able data to replicate production support issues. The basis of the software development
life cycle was discussed, and agreed that different ways of working would impact the use
of the development environments. The traditional progress of development, test, and UAT
was considered to be too slow for some development schedules. More agile methodologies
(Griffiths and Griffiths 2016) would require a more dynamic data set. It was agreed that
whatever methodology was used, continuity between the data sets would be required.

Data Treatment and Protection

The definition between the stages of “know the environment” and “data treatment and
protection” became blurred at times, with questions being raised over how the data treat-
ment was to be performed and the range of software tools and services available. The
constraints of both the software and cloud providers were broached, and must be resolved
before purchase and implementation of any de-identification products. Concerns over the
de-identification process included assurance that sufficient de-identification had taken
place, whether data transfer from the cloud to internal server was secure, and whether
190 Big Data Analytics

de-identification should be performed on the cloud or internal server. Creating and

uploading generated data was not an issue, as the ERP software included a “bulk upload”
facility; however, there was little knowledge of application programming interfaces (APIs),
so methods for de-identification needed more investigation. Concerns were expressed that
using third-party products or services would invalidate vendor support. The future main-
tenance of any data generation and/or de-identification was also considered. Upgrades
or patching cycles would require data generation and de-identification routines to be
checked and the impact of any changes addressed. The knowledge of existing in-house
systems was much greater than that of the ERP software, leading to lower confidence in
the stability of de-identified data sets.
Maintaining integrity between interfaced systems needed further investigation. Using
development, test, and UAT as standalone environments was not considered to be detri-
mental to productivity, but using de-identification for two or more connected systems,
where interfaces relied on common details such as National Insurance number to match
records and details, caused some concern.

Demonstrate Knowledge
To meet GDPR Article 5(2), a data retention policy and review schedule is required with
details of how it is applied to the business data. Evidence of the data retention reviews and
data archiving or removal that has taken place in “know the system” should be recorded.
Document the data used and protection afforded to non-production environments, includ-
ing justification for using as-live data. GDPR also requires organizations with over 250
employees to maintain additional internal records of processing activities, including veri-
fiable records of affirmative consent from data subjects (ICO 2016).

Summary of the Impact of the Framework on the Case Study

The case study, as a hypothetical scenario, demonstrated that protecting sensitive data is
not an easy or straightforward task. The simplified business model allowed the require-
ments to be visualized, which enabled requirements to be discussed more thoroughly,
and concepts needing further explanation to be noted for follow up. It encouraged any
assumptions made to be stated and challenged as necessary. Using the framework showed
the significance of information policy for direction, and the importance of communication
and understanding between business areas to support decision making. Larger and more
complex organizations require good communication channels between the support areas,
such as legal, information security, policy, IT, and business, to be able to work together
rather than as separate entities.
There are areas during a transition, as described in the case study, where decisions are
made because of a lack of information or understanding, or due to the speed and degree
of change, and should be revisited and confirmed. The documented basis for the decisions
allows those decisions to be either validated or improved as required. The interdependency
of data, infrastructure, and human interaction emerged where the change in infrastructure
led to a change in the user base, and to a possible need for the data change or protection.
Overall the perception of the simplified business model and framework was seen as use-
ful to focus on the requirements of each stage, and the interaction between those stages.
Concerns were raised about the time taken, and the possible costs of data treatment and
protection. This could be countered with the understanding of the personal, business and
financial impact of the loss or leakage of data.
A Framework for Minimizing Data Leakage from Nonproduction Systems 191

Data loss and data leakage continues, with high-profile cases regularly reaching the news.
Legal requirements are expected to change with the introduction of GDPR; responsibility
for data security and demonstration of compliance will be required. Data classification
according to risk of loss is not new and is the basis for many existing information secu-
rity policies. However, the ability for organizations to collect, store, and retain increasing
amounts of data may be leading to what could be perceived as an overwhelming admin-
istrative burden of data classification and protection. The practice of reusing production
data in nonproduction environments was the subject of a small research exercise. FOI
requests provided an organizational response, and the questionnaire provided a sample
of employee opinion.
The sample sizes were small and would benefit from further work to increase the sample
size, which may change the statistical outcomes discovered. The FOI research showed that
half of the organizations that provided a response, copied production data to their non-
production environments, and half of those relied on access restriction to protect the data.
The questionnaire showed over a third of responses with access to a complete copy of pro-
duction data, and a similar number with access to production data with some or all sensi-
tive data de-identified. Practical reasons for using production data were put forward in
the responses to the questionnaire, highlighting the need for treatment and protection of
nonproduction environments to be assessed on their primary use rather than as a whole.
Human factors affect data security, with several high-profile data breaches being attrib-
uted to inadvertent human error. Exposing sensitive data in nonproduction environments
increases the risk of data breach simply by the additional availability. The questionnaire
showed some examples of potentially sensitive data from nonproduction environments
being recorded in documents available to a wider audience.
It is possible that the role performed by an employee leads to a perceived need for a cer-
tain type of data, and that a combination of roles such as support and development leads
to a perceived need for using one data set for all roles. Having access to sensitive data on a
regular basis may lead to an increased risk of data leakage due to the action of employees
circumventing procedures in an attempt to get the job done.
The simplified business model shows that elements affecting an organization are then
translated into the framework for minimizing data leakage from nonproduction systems.
The framework allows the five stages to be considered both independently and in conjunc-
tion with other stages. Using the sixth stage of “demonstrate knowledge” is a check that
compliance can be evidenced effectively.

data leakage: unauthorized transfer of personal and/or sensitive data from a computer,
system, or data center to the outside world.
nonproduction environment: any system, hardware or software combination that is not
the production environment.
production environment: also known as a live or operational environment.
192 Big Data Analytics

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Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis
Using Apache Software Foundation Tools

Gouri Ginde, Rahul Aedula, Snehanshu Saha, Archana Mathur,

Sudeepa Roy Dey, Gambhire Swati Sampatrao, and BS Daya Sagar

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 196
Data Acquisition........................................................................................................................... 198
Freely Available Sources of Data Sets................................................................................... 199
Data Collection through Application Programming Interfaces....................................... 199
Web Scraping........................................................................................................................... 199
Create the Scraping Template........................................................................................... 200
Explore Site Navigation..................................................................................................... 200
Automate Navigation and Extraction............................................................................. 200
Web Crawling.......................................................................................................................... 200
Data Preprocessing and Cleanup............................................................................................... 201
Need for Hadoop MapReduce and Other Languages for Big Data Preprocessing....... 202
When to Choose Hadoop over Python or R................................................................... 202
Comparison of Hadoop MapReduce, Python, and R................................................... 203
Cleansing Methods and Routines......................................................................................... 204
Loading Data from Flat Files............................................................................................ 205
Merging and Joining Data Sets......................................................................................... 206
Query the Data.................................................................................................................... 208
Data Analysis................................................................................................................................ 208
Big Data Analysis Using Apache Foundation Tools.......................................................... 209
Various Language Support via Apache Hadoop........................................................... 209
Apache Spark for Big Data Analytics.............................................................................. 210
Case Study: Dimensionality Reduction Using Apache Spark, an Illustrative Example
from Scientometric Big Data....................................................................................................... 211
Why SVD? The Solution May Be the Problem.................................................................... 212
Need for SVD...................................................................................................................... 213
Relationship between Singular Values and the Input Matrix...................................... 214
SVD Using Hadoop Streaming with Numpy................................................................. 215
Complexity of Using MapReduce......................................................................................... 216
SVD Using Apache Mahout................................................................................................... 216
Generating Sequence Files for Mahout........................................................................... 217
Lanczo’s Algorithm............................................................................................................ 217
Reading the Mahout-Generated Vectors......................................................................... 218
SVD Using Apache Spark...................................................................................................... 218

196 Big Data Analytics

Data Analysis through Visualization.................................................................................... 220

Why Big Data Visualization Is Challenging and Different from Traditional
Data Visualization.............................................................................................................. 220
Appendix 1.................................................................................................................................... 224
Spark Implementation and Configuration.......................................................................... 224
Building Apache Spark Using Maven............................................................................. 224
Setting Up Maven’s Memory Usage..................................................................................... 224
Required Cluster Configurations for Spark........................................................................ 226
Key Terminology and Definitions............................................................................................. 227

Challenges in Big Data analysis include data inconsistency, incompleteness, scalability,
timeliness, and data security. The fundamental challenge is the existing computer archi-
tecture. For several decades, the latency gap between multicore CPUs and mechanical
hard disks has increased each year, making the challenges of data-intensive computing
harder to overcome (Hey et al. 2009). A systematic and general approach to these problems
with a scalable architecture is required. Most of the Big Data is unstructured or of a com-
plex structure, which is hard to represent in rows and columns. A good candidate for a
large design space can efficiently solve the Big Data problem in different disciplines. This
chapter highlights two specific objectives:

1. To introduce an efficient model, termed singular value decomposition (SVD), for

complex computer experiments arising from Big Data which can be used across
different scientific disciplines; and
2. To introduce optimization techniques and tools for handling Big Data problems.

Modern data-mining applications (Leskovec et al. 2011), often called Big Data analyses,
require us to manage and analyze immense amounts of data quickly. Some examples
work with “irregular” structures, and efficient solutions have been proposed using crowd-
sourcing (Agarwal et al. 2016a,b). However, many of these applications are endowed with
extremely regular data, and there is ample opportunity to exploit parallelism. Here are a
few examples:

• The ranking of Web pages by importance, which involves an iterated matrix-vector

multiplication where the dimension is many billions.
• Searches in “friends” networks at social networking sites, which involve graphs
with hundreds of millions of nodes and many billions of edges.
• The search for life on planets outside the solar System, which involves data ana-
lytics on massive data volumes generated from next-generation telescopes (Bora
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 197

To deal with such applications, a new software stack has evolved. These programming
systems are designed to inherit their parallelism not from a supercomputer, but from “com-
puting clusters,” which are defined as large collections of commodity hardware, including
conventional processors (computer nodes) connected by ethernet cables or inexpensive
switches. The software stack begins with a new form of a file system, called a distributed
file system, which features much larger units than the disk blocks in a conventional oper-
ating system. Distributed file systems also provide replication of data or redundancy, to
protect against the frequent media failures that occur when data are distributed over thou-
sands of low-cost computer nodes. On top of these file systems, many different higher-level
programming systems have been developed. Central to the new software stack system
is a programming system called MapReduce. Implementations of MapReduce and many
other projects from Apache Software Foundation (ASF) provide path-breaking software
programs for data-intensive problem solving. ASF projects enable large-scale data opera-
tions using computing clusters efficiently in a manner that is tolerant of hardware failures
during the computation.
Apache has been a powerful contributor to the open source ecosystem. ASF has been
home to numerous important open source software projects from its inception in 1999
(Web API 2017), as an all-volunteer international foundation with more than 350 lead-
ing open source projects, including the Apache HTTP server, the world’s most popular
Web server software. Through the ASF meritocratic process, known as The Apache Way,
more than 620 individual members and 5,500 committee members successfully collabo-
rate to develop freely available enterprise-grade software that benefits millions of users
worldwide; thousands of software solutions are distributed under the Apache license,
and the community actively participates in ASF mailing lists, mentoring initiatives, and
ApacheCon, the foundation’s official user conference, training, and exposition. The ASF
is a U.S. 501(c)(3) charitable organization, funded by individual donations and corporate
sponsors, including Alibaba Cloud Computing, ARM, Bloomberg, Budget Direct, Cerner,
Cloudera, Comcast, Confluent, Facebook, Google, Hortonworks, Hewlett-Packard, Huawei,
IBM, InMotion Hosting, iSigma, LeaseWeb, Microsoft, OPDi, PhoenixNAP, Pivotal, Private
Internet Access, Produban, Red Hat, Serenata Flowers, WANdisco, and Yahoo. There are
currently 300+ open source initiatives at the ASF. Of these initiatives, 225 projects use Java.
Thirty-six are Big Data-related projects, and 12 are Cloud-related projects. The success
story of ASF ranges from Geronimo and Tomcat to Hadoop, the distributed computing
system that now serves as a lynchpin of the Big Data realm.
The Hadoop project is all the rage these days and is synonymous with Big Data, in which
enterprises and Web properties sift through reams of data to reveal insights about custom-
ers and users. Hadoop provides an operating system for distributed computing. “If you
want to run computations on hundreds of thousands of computers instead of just on one,
Hadoop lets you do that,” says Doug Cutting, a primary contributor to Hadoop for several
years. Hadoop originated from the Nutch Web software project in 2006. Companies like
Cloudera and HortonWorks are building businesses around Hadoop.
This chapter provides a description of basic methods of Big Data gathering, cura-
tion, and analysis with an example. Figure 9.1 shows the overall flow of the chapter.
We discuss the data acquisition methods and various methodologies of data gathering,
and we explore the data-curing and preprocessing methods in the Big Data paradigm.
Finally, the last section will focus on data analysis. We will briefly introduce data visu-
alization and Apache Foundation projects which may help in processing and repre-
senting Big Data.
198 Big Data Analytics

Structured and unstructured data

Web pages Social network Research data Text/blogs

Data acquisition
Data sets API Scraping Crawling

Data cleanup and preprocessing

Python Pandas MapReduce

Data analysis
Machine learning Data
algorithms visualization

Apache spark Python/R

Overall flow of the chapter.

Data Acquisition
For any data-related project, the critical step is to chart the blueprint of the expected
end result and the stages of reaching those goals through a data tunnel. Data accumula-
tion is the first milestone in that direction. Data collection (Shukla 2014) is arguably as
important as the data analysis step to extrapolate results and form valid claims which
may be generalized. It is a scientific pursuit; therefore, great care must be taken to ensure
unbiased and representative sampling. There isn’t much to analyze without data, and
the data collection step demands careful observation of the techniques laid out to build
a formidable corpus. There are various ways to harness data once the problem to be
solved has been decided. Information can be described as structured, unstructured, or
sometimes a mix of the two, i.e., semistructured. In a very general sense, structured
data are anything that can be parsed by an algorithm. Common examples include JSON,
CSV, and XML. Provided any structured data, we may design a piece of code to dissect
the underlying format and easily produce useful results. As mining structured data is a
deterministic process, it allows us to automate the parsing. This, in effect, lets us gather
more input to feed to data analysis algorithms. Unstructured data comprise everything
else and are defined in a specified manner. Written languages such as English are often
regarded as unstructured because of the difficulty in parsing a data model out of a
natural sentence. In our search for good data, we often find a mix of structured and
unstructured text. This is called semistructured text. This recipe will primarily focus
on obtaining structured and semistructured data from the following sources. However,
this list is not at all exhaustive.
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 199

Freely Available Sources of Data Sets

There are a number of nonprofit or nongovernmental organizations, government websites,
and other places which host data sets available for download for free. Some examples are
the following websites.

• provides scholarly article data sets that

are mined from authentic websites, such as those of ACM, IEEE, Springer, etc., and
organized and fed into scientific computing exercises.
•, the Amazon public data sets on AWS, provide
a centralized repository of public data sets that can be seamlessly integrated into
AWS Cloud-based applications. AWS hosts the public data sets at no charge for
the community, and like all AWS services, users pay only for the computing and
storage they use for their own applications.
•, Kaggle releases data sets and provides a plat-
form for predictive modeling and analytics competitions. On this website, com-
panies and researchers post their data in the form of data sets that are available
for free to all statisticians and data miners from all over the world to compete and
produce the best models.
•, this is a World Bank data repository which is the
source of data regarding poverty and world development. It is a free source that
enables open access to data about development in countries around the globe.

Data Collection through Application Programming Interfaces

Many governments collect a lot of data, and some are now offering access to these data.
The interfaces through which these data are typically made accessible are Web appli-
cation programming interfaces (APIs). Web APIs allow access to data, such as budget,
public works, crime, legal, and other agency data, by any developer in a convenient
manner. The United States is one of the pioneers in allowing government data be open
for public use through the portal, the central site for U.S. Government data
(Wang et al. 2015). Following are a few more examples of websites that provide API-
based data access.


Web Scraping
Web scraping is a website-specific data acquisition method, where a program is written to
read the website’s HTML page and decode the HTML tags of a web page to extract the data
of interest. Web scraping represents a very superficial mode of web crawling, and the data
source can be anything for the scraping task.
200 Big Data Analytics

Create scraping

Explore site navigation

Automate navigation and extraction

Extracted data

Web scraping for data acquisition from the Google Scholar website.

Figure 9.2 demonstrates the essential components of the web-scraping methodology

(Ginde et al. 2015, 2016). DOM parsing is the philosophy which assists the system with
retrieving element content created by client-side scripts by utilizing undeniable Web pro-
gram controls, for example, the Internet Explorer browser or the Mozilla browser control.
These programs control similar parsed Web pages into a DOM tree, in light of which pro-
gram can recover parts of the pages.

Create the Scraping Template

Inspect Element is a developer’s tool that allows views of the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
that is currently on a Web page. One may right click and select “inspect element” on practi-
cally every Web page. This will pull up the developers console to view the HTML and CSS
of the Web page.

Explore Site Navigation

In order to explore and understand the website’s navigation for dynamic URL formulation
and data extraction, the Beautiful Soup parser library package developed in Python can be
used. The Beautiful Soup parser is also called an elixir, and Tonic is the screen-scraper’s
friend. It uses a pluggable XML or HTML parser to analyze a possibly invalid document
into a tree representation. It also provides methods and pythonic idioms that make it easy
to navigate, search, and modify the parse tree.

Automate Navigation and Extraction

Python is a scripting language which is easy to learn and equipped with powerful pro-
gramming interfaces. Python interpreter library is freely available in source and binary
forms for all major platforms.

Web Crawling
The internet is the only data source for Web crawling, and this task is similar to what
Google performs. Web crawling is essentially what search engines do. It’s all about viewing
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 201

a page as a whole and indexing it. When a bot crawls a website, it goes through every page
and every link, to the last line of the website, looking for any information. Web crawling
is mostly harmless. Crawling usually refers to dealing with large data sets where one
develops crawlers (or bots) which crawl to the deepest of a Web page. Nutch crawler is one
such open source crawler which is widely used. One can use one or a combination of vari-
ous data accumulation methods to gather useful data. These accumulated data need to be
tidied up for any further processing, which necessitates data preprocessing and cleanup.

Data Preprocessing and Cleanup

Data can be structured, unstructured, or semistructured. Structured database manage-
ment is accomplished in two stages. In the first stage, data are stored in a schema-based
manner; this storage is known as a relational database. The stored data are queried via
query-based data retrieval in the second stage. In order to manage large-scale structured
data sets, data warehouses and data marts are widely used approaches. A data mart han-
dles data that belong to a unit or operation of an organization. Conversely, a data ware-
house is not limited to a particular department; it represents the database of a complete
organization. Unstructured data are generally nonrelational. NoSQL databases are widely
used in storing massive-scale unstructured data. NoSQL databases focus on the scalability
of data storage with high performance. They are also schemaless, which enables applica-
tions to quickly modify the structure of data without any need to write operation queries
on multiple tables, as opposed to relational schema-based databases.
Irrespective of the type of data, preprocessing of the data is necessary before they are
stored. Data in the raw form, called raw data, might not always be lucid for interpreta-
tion. It is not always possible to directly start analyzing data in its native construct. Data
curation and preprocessing are aimed at data discovery and retrieval, data quality assur-
ance, value addition, reuse, and preservation over time (Chen and Zhang 2014). Raw data
may contain a lot of inconsistencies, duplicate entries, and redundancies. Data preprocess-
ing and cleanup is performed to eliminate all of these and make the data more palpable
for analysis and transformation. Data preparation is not just a first step; it also must be
repeated many times over the course of analysis as new problems come to light or new
data are collected. It is an iterative process. In case of ready data sets, there might be incon-
sistencies, such as incomplete fields or parameter values or special characters, etc. In the
case of scraped data sets, the data might be in pure text format, a comma-separated values
format, or JSON format. Such data might contain just long strings, which need further text
processing, computation of parameters based on the various numerical values, a mere sort-
ing of the data, or all of these, to extract the meaningful information for further analysis.
Preprocessing steps might vary from one data set to another data set. The complexity
of any such data preprocessing operation increases with an added volume of raw data.
Generally, massive-scale data in the crude form are voluminous and can be very messy to
work with. It is essential to use the right kind of data tools to perform such preprocessing
operations on a massive scale. The most challenging of these problems is the magnitude
of the data. Most conventional methods use a higher specification system to contain all of
the data in a single computing system. The drawback with this approach is the exponential
increase in cost and complexity. Alternatively, we can resort to cluster computation, which
provides a foolproof solution for massive-scale computations. Cluster-based frameworks,
202 Big Data Analytics

like Apache Hadoop MapReduce, are the next biggest step to achieve such high efficiency.
The use of clusters significantly improves the ease of processing voluminous data, reduces
the overhead of preprocessing on a single system, and instead utilizes a collective set of
machines to perform cleanup in a comparatively short time. Voluminous tasks are divided
into several smaller tasks, which are then assigned to machines of the cluster to produce
the collective final output at the end. Python and R are the other preferred tools used to
perform cleanup. These tools don’t have a significant use of clusters for load reduction,
but their use of in-memory computation and an eclectic collection of libraries makes them
very favorable to handle the data at a reasonable velocity. Tools like Apache Spark try
to integrate scalability and in-memory computation features into a single framework to
maximize efficiency. Appendix 1 of this chapter provides additional information related
to Apache Spark’s architecture.
The next concern is the removal of noise in the data. Noise removal refers to the deletion
of any unwanted part of the data to prepare the data set for further analysis and decision
making. Almost all languages discussed in this chapter are capable of performing data
preprocessing tasks.

Need for Hadoop MapReduce and Other Languages for Big Data Preprocessing
Data in the raw form do not provide any value. As shown in Figure 9.3, raw data need to
be processed and transformed into a readable structure which can be further processed.
Accomplishing this by using some algorithms to draw inferences is a daunting task.
Preparing a volume of data to run through algorithms is the most time-consuming task of
the complete data processing tunnel. For preprocessing tasks, we can use batch processing
frameworks and languages to ease the work.

When to Choose Hadoop over Python or R

Data processing methods need close scrutiny of various aspects, such as the size of
the data, size of RAM, language of choice, etc. If a data set ranges in the few gigabytes

Raw data

JSON CSV/table

Processed data

Transformation from raw data to processed data.
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 203

(GB; medium scale) with a RAM size 4 or 8 GB, preference should be given to use of
scripting languages, such as R and Python. Moreover, if these data are structured, i.e.,
in CSV format, tabular format, or any format that can be converted to CSV, then R,
Python, or even Java can be agreeably used. For advanced data analytics of medium-
scale data, one can use Python’s machine-learning library, Scikit-learn, or R. For data
visualization, online tools such as Tableu and Plotly can give quick visual results for
medium-scale data.
Conversely, when data are unstructured and range from a few hundred GBs to tera-
bytes, hexabytes, or a few petabytes, a distributed computing methodology, such as
Hadoop MapReduce or PIG can be used, as this volume of data cannot be contained in
standard RAM size for processing. Hadoop uses a distributed computing methodology
with a clustered and fault-tolerant storage mechanism. This provides a robust solution for
the batch mode of data processing. It is important to understand the advantages and dis-
advantages of various languages for efficient processing of medium-scale and massive-
scale data.

Comparison of Hadoop MapReduce, Python, and R

Hadoop MapReduce is a programming mechanism which is used for batch processing
of large data sets, where the data are split into blocks and distributed to all the available
nodes for parallel computation. This has proven to be an effective model in solving the Big
Data problem, because of its ability to utilize the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
The Hadoop file system is a distributed file system which stores data in data nodes that are
scattered across a cluster. The metadata are maintained by the name node, which is also
a master node. To increase fault tolerance, a single data block is replicated three times by
default. This feature provides robust fault tolerance, as data loss is immediately handled
by one of the replicas. MapReduce splits the tasks into mapper and reducer functions. The
mapper first maps all the similar elements of the data set and sends the results to a tem-
porary data file; the reducer reads from this file and performs the computations on these
separated data sets. This use of parallelization makes Hadoop MapReduce more effective
than most other tools in terms of how the data are handled and also shows efficiency on
large volumes of data.
Python is a general purpose programming language created for easy readability.
Python’s biggest strength lies in its eclectic collection of libraries to perform various tasks,
such as data extraction, text processing, and machine learning algorithms. It is a widely
supported programming language today. In the context of data analysis, Python provides
a lot of built-in packages and frameworks, such as Pandas, Scipy, Scikit-learn, and Numpy.
These make data preprocessing and analysis an easy task, but scalability poses a serious
issue. Python’s performance for large batch processing doesn’t make it a favorable tool.
Since most of the analysis tasks and computations take place in-memory, its performance
drastically degrades data compared to a distributed system, when data are massively
R language was designed from a statistical point of view. Its primary focus is to bolster
mathematical modeling and to help create analytical prototypes. R provides a less convo-
luted route to access many machine learning and mathematical functions. However, from
the data analysis and data processing prospective, R is comparatively slow in performance
versus its rival Python and also the aforementioned Apache Hadoop. The use of a cluster
to achieve parallelization in Hadoop and the faster in-memory computation of Python
make them much more dominant for such data-related tasks.
204 Big Data Analytics

Cleansing Methods and Routines

Data cleansing is a highly iterative process which completely depends on the type of data
at hand. In this section, we focus on text data, which is in the JSON structure. We will first
provide the generic cleansing operations on a test data set and then provide an example of
a Hadoop MapReduce-based solution for the same data set. This exercise will help readers
understand how the data cleansing prototype, developed for a small data set, scales up for
batch processing of voluminous data.
Table 9.1 shows sample data scraped using Web-scraping methodology. This sample con-
tains the affiliations of the authors of the various scholastic articles which belong to a jour-
nal. Some authors have multiple affiliations. The data cleansing on this data set involves
the following operations:

• Elimination of extra spaces, such as tab, newline, etc.

• Strip or truncate the unwanted characters suffixed and postfixed, such as #, ;, etc.
• Encode the text using UTF-8 encoder just to be careful about the unicode charac-
ters, if any.
• Process the affiliation string (the address string) and disintegrate into university
and country names. All these operations can be performed iteratively or in a sin-
gle iteration. Table 9.2 shows the output after processing.

Sample Data Obtained Using Web-Scraping Methodology
Author: Beth A. Reid
Affiliation: Institute of Space Sciences (CSIC-IEEC), UAB, Barcelona 08193, Spain

Author: Daniel J. Eisenstein

Affiliation: Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, 933 N. Cherry Ave., Tucson, AZ 85121, USA

Author: David N. Spergel

Affiliation: Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA

Author: Ramin A. Skibba

Affiliation: Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Knigstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany

Output of Content of Table 9.1 after Processing
Author: Beth A. Reid
University: Institute of Space Sciences
Country: Spain

Author: Daniel J. Eisenstein

University: University of Arizona
Country: USA

Author: David N. Spergel

University: Princeton University
Country: USA

Author: Ramin A. Skibba

Institute: Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy
Country: Germany
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 205

Sample MapReduce Pseudo Code for Massive Scale Processing
map(String key, String value)
//key: Journal name
//value: Journal contents; All the article’s authors and affiliation information
for each sentence S in value
EmitIntermediate(key, S)

reduce(String key, String values):

//key: some random number
//values: Author or Affiliation information
if values contain ‘Author’ :
result += TextOperation(values);
result += TextOperation and UniversityInfo(v);

Cleansing operations like these can be easily translated into MapReduce jobs or PIG
scripts. The operations explained above are mutually exclusive operations; hence, mas-
sively scaled data can be easily run through these algorithms in batches.
Table 9.3 is the MapReduce pseudo code to get the above output for massive scale data.
Note that in-depth source code, instructions to load the data to HDFS, and aggregation
commands to demonstrate the final output are beyond the scope of this chapter. These can
be looked up easily in the book, Hadoop: The Definitive Guide by Tom White.
When data are in the form of flat files or compressed files or in different formats, one has
to give more effort to bring the data into a format or structure that can be understood by
a programming and/or scripting language for further processing. Next, we elaborate on
these challenges and the solutions offered by contenders of Big Data processing.

Loading Data from Flat Files

Loading data with these respective tools differs significantly, as Hadoop and Python inter-
pret and analyze data in different ways. As mentioned earlier, Hadoop uses a cluster-based
approach, and Python uses an in-memory approach to process data. The corresponding
input formats are accordingly tailored to suit the processing methodology.
Hadoop in Java provides various categories of input format for structured data. It can
process the data or files only when they are mounted on the HDFS. HDFS is a specialized
system designed to exploit cluster computing. Hadoop can process only flat files as of now.
Apache POI and HSSF Java libraries can be used to read and write to Excel files. JDHF5
can be used to read and write to HDF5 format files. Official Hadoop supports for Excel and
HDF5 are yet to be provided.
Reading and writing to a database by using Hadoop MapReduce can be tedious and
cumbersome. Data warehousing also becomes difficult due to similar problems. Solutions
for these probelms are to use Apache community-developed Sqoop and Hive. Sqoop is a
tool built for Hadoop and is used to transfer contents from a traditional relational database
(RDBMS), such as MySQL (Oracle) to a NoSQL-type database, such as HBase, Hive, etc.
Sqoop works by spawning tasks on multiple data nodes to download various portions of
the data in parallel. Each piece of data is replicated to ensure reliability and fault tolerance
for parallel processing on a cluster. This can be easily accomplished by specifying a JDBC
connection between RDBMS.
206 Big Data Analytics

Sqoop Commands to Import Data from RDBMS
sqoop import-all-tables \
-m 1 \
--connect jdbc:mysql://quickstart:3306/mydata_db \
--username=ABC \
--password=ABC123 \
--compression-codec=snappy \
--as-parquetfile \
--warehouse-dir=/user/hive/warehouse \

The Sqoop import command can be used to read data from an RDBMS and an export
command to transfer data from Hadoop to an RDBMS. The parallel execution feature of
Sqoop boosts the processing performance when a database is voluminous. For example,
Table 9.4 shows the commands to import data from an RDBMS:
To export data, we would use the corresponding export command. This helps to inte-
grate the data into a SQL-free format.
Python, on the other hand, is built from an eclectic collection of libraries, so it has a lot of
native support for almost all the data formats. Depending on the type of operation, one can
use a wide variety of ways to load the different formats of data. For example, if Numpy is
used for matrix manipulations, then the built-in commands, like loadtxt(), can be utilized to
load the flat files. If a library like Pandas is used, the file can be read using pd.read_csv ().
Similarly, to write corresponding save operations, savetxt () and to_csv () can be used. For
data formats like Excel files and HDF5, Python provides a number of libraries, such as xlrd,
openpyxl for Excel, and h5py for HDF5.
Loading data from databases can be done using the MYSQLdb API. It supports a wide
variety of databases, such as MySQL, Oracle, and Sybase. This API can be used to run que-
ries and extract the required data if necessary. Python also provides other libraries, such
as pymysql and oursql, to perform similar tasks.

Merging and Joining Data Sets

Merging data refers to concatenation of the two different data sets composed of either the
same or different structures. It is generally done to eliminate redundancy and to effec-
tively store similar data in one data set. The methods of merging data sets vary based on
the type and structure of the data. Hadoop stores all data in the HDFS, so the data can be
accessed and manipulated by various Apache Foundation software, such as Hive and Pig.
Data sets can be directly modified by using the Hadoop built-in framework MapReduce.
However, performing such tasks can be tedious and convoluted when MapReduce alone
is used. Hive is integrated with SQL and helps in simplifying this task, because SQL not
only makes it easy to use but also utilizes MapReduce in the background, thus making it
much more efficient. In order to reap the benefits of Hive and MapReduce, data should be
voluminous and the number of nodes in the cluster should be proportional to handle the
massive data efficiently. So, usage of Hive to perform merging and joining of data sets is
the ideal choice.
This can be done by using the UNION ALL command, a simplified syntax to join two
tables from the Hive warehouse into one single resultant table, as shown in Table 9.5.
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 207

The UNION ALL Command To Merge Data Sets
select_statement // Select condition 1 from the first table
select_statement // Select condition 2 from the second table
) unionResult

The command spawns a set of MapReduce tasks in the background which collectively
query the data, gather the necessary result, and join the end result into one single table.
The command can also utilize various other clauses, like order by, sort by, cluster by,
etc. These clauses will refine the results and aid quality merge by reducing any type of
redundancy. Figure 9.4 shows one such sample-merging operation.
Python can also achieve the same results by using its abundant libraries. If data merging
is to be done at the database level, then MySQLdb can be used. The query is similar to a
Hive query, where UNION query can be made using the previously mentioned API and
then the tables can be merged and updated. To perform even more intricate operations,
join commands like inner join, left join, and right outer join can also be utilized, which will
yield more refined results.
Pandas, a Python package, uses a different merging technique. The data are stored in
files and, based on requirements, data are retrieved into memory and required actions are
performed. Interestingly, data are not stored in a conventional database but rather within
the files themselves. The data are retrieved subsequently into memory, and required anal-
ysis tasks are performed.
For example, in Pandas, let us assume that there are two data frames which are similar
to the tables in Figure 9.4. The instructions from Table 9.6 have be executed to merge these
two tables.
Pandas has been the leading package used in Python for data analysis because of its ease
of use and its flexibility in handling the data. Although not suitable for large voluminous
data, Python utilizes its in-memory capacity for analyzing data with high efficiency, mak-
ing Python suitable to handle small- or mid-sized data sets.


X0 Y0 Z0 X2 Y2 Z2

X1 Y1 Z1 X3 Y3 Z3

X0 Y0 Z0
X1 Y1 Z1
X2 Y2 Z2
X3 Y3 Z3

Sample-merging operation.
208 Big Data Analytics

Pandas Code Snippet to Merge Data Frames
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'X': ['x0', 'x1'],
'Y': ['Y0', 'Y1'],
'Z': ['Z0', 'Z1']}
index=[0, 1, 2])
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'X': ['x2', 'x3'],
'Y': ['Y2', 'Y3'],
'Z': ['Z2', 'Z3']}
index= [0, 1, 2])
merge1 = [df1, df2]
result = pd.concat(merge1)

Query the Data

Querying data usually refers to extraction of results, which are computed based on several
operations on the data set. Generally, querying the data operations range from displaying
information to making charts for visualization. Python and Hadoop operate very similarly
in terms of implementation when display of information is concerned. Hadoop’s output is
stored in a directory of HDFS and it can be shifted to the local file system when required.
Hadoop can utilize Hive’s service for a better-quality query result. Hive. as mentioned ear-
lier, typically works in the same fashion as a standard database, so the query results can be
obtained just by running the Select command in Hive. One can specify the parameters and
the required query conditions (such as Where, Order by Cluster by) and can obtain a result
appropriately. Other queries include insertion and deletion of records from a database, and
they too can be executed by using the appropriate commands. like Insert, etc. Hive is usually
preferred when handling data in Hadoop because it maintains data in a readable format.
Other tools, such as PIG, can also be used to achieve these results. In juxtaposition, Python
can query from databases similarly by utilizing the MYSQLdb API and furnish the same
results. It is important to note that query capabilities of Python are highly dependent on the
memory at its disposal. Functions such as fetchall () yield good results to retrieve the data
present in rows. Similarly, one can interact with the database with other queries as well. For
example, insertion and updating the database also can be done by first using the regular SQL
query and executing the API query function. However, when using packages like Pandas
in Python, we can improvise a number of ways to query the data. Similarly, for an insert
operation, Pandas has a pd.DataFrame.insert () function, which helps in inserting a certain
value to a specified position. Similarly, for all other operation it has its respective functions.
Depending on the choice of package, there are different functions for different query opera-
tions. Nevertheless, Python provides versatility compared to Hadoop, because it is tightly cou-
pled with the data, rendering some flexibility for easier manipulations compared to Hadoop.
Selecting one of the various methods or a combination of methods provides a near-perfect
solution for efficient preprocessing, which paves the crucial foundation for a solid analysis.

Data Analysis
Once data are accumulated and cured to a desired level, we may proceed to perform
analysis, which is the most interesting stage of the complete process. Data analysis refers
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 209

to the meticulous examination of data to determine any useful results or changes. The
analysis process on the data could be operations such as estimation, reductions, etc. Each
process trying to extract a specific result can help in making informed decisions and give
other important inferences of significant value concurrently. The tools which perform data
analysis have to keep up with the variety and volume of the data. The quality of the results
of analysis depends on the type of methods used and the effective use of the tools. These
various analysis operations could be as simple as counting occurrences to as intensive as
machine learning algorithms, such as regression and forest ensemble (Mitchell 1997). The
characteristic to efficiently obtain results within the given finite resources makes it the
superior form of data analysis. It is said that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data are created every
day, and most of the data generated are subjected to different forms of analysis. It is abso-
lutely imperative to optimize the resource consumption while analyzing such heavy loads
of data of so much variety and velocity. But the ultimate goal is to obtain results which give
us a decision theoretic advantage over another scenario. Apache Foundation projects have
consistently evolved on this front and have shown promising results so far.

Big Data Analysis Using Apache Foundation Tools

Big Data analysis using machine learning is often misunderstood in a convoluted sense.
It simply refers to the use of various algorithms that make prudent choices to ensure a
more accurate result. The nature of the data at hand and the expected results from data
analytics are the primary driving factors for selection of a machine learning algorithm.
The structure of data can be explained using factors such as format, variance in the data,
accuracy, and volume. Also, it is important to find out if the data are linearly separable.
For example, if the expected result is to effectively store a large matrix, then one would
prefer using dimensionality reduction, such as principal component analysis (PCA), and
the knowledge discovery paradigm, such as singular value decomposition.
Machine learning is slowly taking over the data analysis platform as data, when exam-
ined for results, are no longer dependent on the old, trivial ways for solutions. The present
state of data is much more complex, which not only refers to the volume but also the finer
details that it contains. It is imperative to use more refined algorithms to not only analyze
the current state of data but also have a prudent approach to the upcoming data. This gives
an edge over traditional analysis methods and boosts the effort in the search for the ideal
estimation methods to give the best results.

Various Language Support via Apache Hadoop

Hadoop MapReduce is conventionally written in Java. This has forced data analysts, who
are trying to use Hadoop, to learn Java. However, in order to eliminate this inconvenience,
Apache developers introduced Hadoop streaming, a feature of Apache Hadoop which
supports MapReduce code in any language, provided that the language has a model to
handle standard input (stdin) and standard output (stdout). This support allows use of
an array of scripting languages, such as Python, Scala, etc., to perform MapReduce tasks.
The biggest advantage of Hadoop streaming is not just the eclectic languages, which can
be used, but also the libraries and packages that are associated with them. For example,
Python is filled with diverse libraries, such as Numpy and Scipy, etc., which can be used
along with MapReduce to give better choices in terms of the task execution. Reading from
different formats, which are not supported by Hadoop, is also temporarily solved as one
can use the corresponding libraries of those languages to extract from those formats.
210 Big Data Analytics

Although this results in a proportional increase in time with the increase in the data size,
it presents a temporary fix for the problem.

Apache Spark for Big Data Analytics

Apache Spark is the latest addition to the cluster computation family (Ryza et al. 2015,
Apache Spark™—Lightning-fast cluster computing n.d.). It not only claims lightning-fast
computation but also shows prudent promise in efficient RAM utilization compared to
any other previously discussed frameworks. Apache Spark originated at the UC Berkeley
AMPLab. It is an open source framework. Spark combines an engine for distributing pro-
grams across clusters of machines with an elegant model for writing programs atop it.
Spark has been contributed to the Apache Software Foundation, which is arguably the
first open source software that makes distributed programming truly accessible to data
scientists. Spark (Ryza et al. 2015, Spark 2015) maintains MapReduce linear scalability and
fault tolerance but extends it in three important ways.

1. Unlike MapReduce, which writes intermediate results to the distributed file sys-
tem, Spark can pass them directly to the next step in the pipeline, i.e., Spark’s
engine can execute a more general directed acyclic graph of operators, rather than
relying on a rigid map-then-reduce format.
2. It supplements this ability with rich transformations that empower developers
to express computations all the more actually. It has a solid engineer center and
streamlined API that can speak to complex pipelines in a couple of lines of code.
3. Spark extends MapReduce with in-memory processing. This ability opens up use
cases that distributed processing engines could not previously approach. Spark is
well suited for algorithms that require multiple passes over a data set, such as pro-
foundly iterative or linear algorithms, as well as interactive applications that require
scanning of large in-memory data sets in order to quickly respond to user queries.

Hence, machine learning algorithms that make multiple passes over their training set
can cache it in memory. Data scientists can keep data set in memory while exploring and
getting a feel for it; they can run queries and easily cache transformed versions of it with-
out suffering a trip to disk. Spark supports a variety of tools that already exist in the
Hadoop ecosystem. It can read and write data in all of the data formats supported by
MapReduce. This allows Spark to interact with the formats commonly used to store data
on Hadoop, such as Avro and Parquet (and good old CSV). It can also read from and write
to NoSQL databases, like HBase and Cassandra.

Spark programming model
As shown in the Figure 9.5, Spark programming starts with a data set which
resides in some form of distributed and persistent storage, like HDFS (Maniyam
2015). A typical Spark program consists of the following steps:
• Specify the transformations on the provided data
• Call the functions to generate outputs and return the results to the local mem-
ory or persistent storage
• Execute the local operations on the results generated by distributed comput-
ing; based on these results, the next set of actions are determined.
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 211

Hadoop MapReduce
Map Reduce Map Reduce



Compute 1 Cached Compute 2

HDFS or S3

Comparison of Hadoop and Spark data-processing pipelines. Source: White, T., Hadoop: The Definitive Guide,
3rd ed., 2012.

Understanding Spark means understanding the intersection between the two

sets of abstractions of the framework: storage and execution. Spark pairs these
abstractions in an elegant way that essentially allows any intermediate step in a
data processing pipeline to be cached in memory for later use.
Resilient distributed data set
Spark uses a resilient distributed data set (RDD) to achieve full performance
efficiency. An RDD is nothing but partitioned data, a chunk of data which is fault
tolerant, easily parallelizable, and immutable. Apache Spark has been the leading
software to perform much more efficiently in juxtaposition with the other soft-
ware that were mentioned above. Its use of the RDD makes very high utilization
of RAM and the cache, such that it is able to tackle Big Data with a much more
efficient approach. The fast access of the data stored in the cache and the use of
RDD in coalition with the involvement of a cluster makes this the most relevant
Big Data framework for data analysis. In addition, Apache Spark has a collection of
a wide variety of machine learning algorithms which take advantage of the RDD
mechanism and the cluster to provide better results than with any other tool in
this genre.

Case Study: Dimensionality Reduction Using Apache Spark,

an Illustrative Example from Scientometric Big Data
Scientometrics is the study of measuring and analyzing science, technology, and innova-
tion. It is a method for differentiating quality from quantity. Scientometrics deals with
the measurement of the impacts of journals and institutes, understanding of scientific
citations, mapping of scientific fields, and production of indicators for use in policy and
management contexts. The implosion of journals and conference proceedings in the
212 Big Data Analytics

science and technology domain, coupled with the insistence of different rating agencies
and academic institutions for use of journal metrics for evaluation of scholarly contribu-
tions, present a Big Data accumulation and analysis problem. The motivation of this proj-
ect proposal originated from the paradox that the research community faces today, which is
“need versus greed.” The otherwise-noble insight to build and maintain citation-based
indices and to endorse all scientists and researchers who have made major contributions
in the advancement of research and development, attributed in impact factors, is being
abused of late. The H-index, another highly known metric, is often misused and manipu-
lated by the research community through practices like extensive self-citation, copious
citation, and at the journal level, coercive citation, is no longer beyond doubt. There have
been instances of misuse, where Editors-in-Chief of two high-impact factor journals were
found to be publishing extensively not only in their own journals but also in each other’s
journals. The journals continue to demonstrate such a practice, undermining the dignity
and integrity of the structure of scholarly publications. Another notable trend, followed
opportunistically by editors of low-ranked journals, is to persuade authors to cite their
journal articles with the ulterior motive of pushing impact factors. If one journal coerces
authors to improve its rank, others gravitate to this action, and it becomes a trend that
contaminates the whole publication process.
One possible solution could be penalizing the usage of self-citations, which might
reduce, if not deter, the coercive motivation. Although a journal’s prestige is reflected in
its impact factor, the overall framework of measuring prestige and for that matter a jour-
nal’s internationality demands a clear understanding and usage of deep-rooted param-
eters. Chooosing a set of smart indicators and, alternatively, defining new and unbiased
ones is inevitable for measuring internationality. There exist several vague and unreli-
able indicators for the term internationality, and these are based on attributes such as like
ISSN number, editorial board members, reviewers, authors, editors, publishers, and other
associated entities within the publishing community. Authors refute such definitions and
claim that internationality should be defined as a quantifiable metric, a measure of inter-
national spread and influence which is devoid of any kind of misuse or manipulation. It
must remain unbiased towards the origin of the journal, author, or article and must cali-
brate journals on the basis of the quality of research output they publish. This case study
intends to build and validate such models.

Why SVD? The Solution May Be the Problem

A section of academia is not very pleased with the use of scientometric indicators as the
primary yardstick for faculty evaluations. There are theories that discredit the entire meth-
odology, and they blame the “Publish or Perish” doctrine. The authors have been to dis-
courses where Eugene Garfield, the father of Impact Factors, has been criticized, unfairly
and relentlessly. There is some element of truth in the claims that the evaluation scheme is
not fair; however, the premise that the field of scientometric analysis should not be taken
seriously is a bit far-fetched. Scientometric indicators have become tools for survival and
a weapon to attain glory. It is not the metric or the study of metrics; rather, it is a survival
instinct and human greed that are responsible for importing uncertainty. So, incremen-
tal improvements and sophisticated modeling and evaluation methods are required in
scientometric analysis, not the extremist recommendation of ignoring it altogether. The
solutions presented by several scholastic investigations have proposed new metrics, such
as NLIQ (a nonlocal influence quotient), OCQ (other citation quotient), internationality,
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 213

cognizant citations, copious citations, diversity score, NGCR (nongenealogy citation score),
NGCN (nongenealogy citation network), etc. (Ginde et al. 2015, 2016, Ginde 2016). However,
given the huge corpus of articles published in several issues of a journal, published over a
period of years, it is a daunting task of rating the articles. The task of scholarly value char-
acterization by using a single metric is therefore a pragmatic way to address the issue of
identifying article impact rather than exploring and computing several different metrics.
SVD could thus turn out to be an effective way of achieving such a goal. After mining
the massively scaled scholarly data via the Web-scraping methodology, we constructed a
matrix where the rows represented the number of articles in a journal, published over a
period of years and columns represented the different metrics proposed by experts and
agencies wthin scientometrics. Clearly, the matrix is rectangular and computaion of eigen-
values, reliable indicators of the characteristics of an information matrix, is not possible.
This justifies the motivation for exploiting SVD. This is a classic Big Data problem, with
scientometric implications.

Need for SVD

The huge rectangular matrix, which represents the complete scholarly data set gathered
using Web scraping, is the source of this case study. We have described the SVD method for
visualization and representation of article data sets using a smaller number of variables.
SVD also yields detection of patterns in an article information matrix. Since the matrix
is humongous, we performed exploratory research and evaluated SVD computations by
using MapReduce, Apache Mahout, and Apache Spark. Dimensionality reduction played
a significant role in helping us ascertain results of analysis for this voluminous data set.
The propensity to employ such methods is evident, because of the phenomenal growth of
data and the velocity at which it is generated. Dimensionality reduction, such as singular
value decomposition and PCA, solve such Big Data problems by means of extracting more
prominent features and obtaining a better representational version of the data. The repre-
sentative data set tends to be much smaller for storage and significantly easier to handle
for further analysis. These dimensionality reduction methods are often found in the tools
for handling large data sets, and are used to performing rigorous data analyses. These
tools include Apache Mahout, Hadoop, Spark, R, and Python, to name a few. The ease of
employing these tools is directly dependent on the performance of each one of these tools
to compute, assess, and store the results efficiently, with optimal use of resources. SVD is
a convoluted dimensionality reduction technique. It requires multiple steps that need to
be performed in order to extract singular values and the following right and left singular
vectors. Therefore, the capacity of a Big Data tool to perform such computations efficiently
is a necessity.
SVD is a very useful tool, and it is used for almost every scientific discipline. For example,
it can be used for efficiently simulating high-dimensional partial differential equations by
taking all the data generated from the simulations, reducing the data dimensionality by
throwing away some of the singular values, and then simulating the lower-dimensional
system. SVD gives us an optimal low-rank representation. This fact guarantees that a pre-
viously explained sort of simulation preserves most of the details in a system, because
getting rid of the extra modes (singular values) in the system is guaranteed to get rid of
the least important modes. With a little variation, SVD is used everywhere from physics to
machine learning for dimensionality reduction. In fact, the algorithm commonly known
as PCA, for instance, is just a simple application of the singular value decomposition.
214 Big Data Analytics

Relationship between Singular Values and the Input Matrix

The singular value decomposition (Kalman 1996, Golub and Van Loan 2012) takes an m × n
matrix and returns three matrices that approximately equal it when multiplied together.

A ≈ U DV T

1. U is an m × k matrix whose columns form an orthonormal basis for the articles

2. D is a k × k diagonal matrix, each of whose entries correspond to the strength of
one of the concepts. The values on the diagonal of D are called the singular values.
3. V is a k × n matrix whose columns form an orthonormal basis for the features
parameters space.

The m-dimensional vectors making up the columns of U are called left singular vectors,
whereas the n-dimensional vectors making up the columns of V are called right singular
vectors. The set of left and set of right singular vectors are orthonormal (that is, both orthog-
onal and normal). Normality means that each singular vector is of unit length (length 1).
A set of vectors is said to be orthogonal if any pair of vectors in the set is orthogonal; recall
that vectors are orthogonal if and only if their product (equivalent to cosine) is 0.
For large matrices, usually we don’t need the complete factorization but only the top
singular values and associated singular vectors. This can save storage, and denoise and
recover the low-rank structure of the matrix.
Suppose D = diag{σ1, σ2, …, σn}; by convention, it is assumed that σ1 ≥ σ2 ≥ σ3 ≥ σn ≥ 0. The
values σ1, σ2, σ3, and σn are called the singular values of A. In other words, singular values are
unique to a particular column in A, and they can be used to associate a relation, even if they
are not arranged in descending order they can be used to obtain the A matrix back. This trans-
formation itself doesn’t solve dimensionality reduction; to completely be able to reduce dimen-
sions, we must be able to decide the least significant singular values of the Σ matrix. Here, least
significant values most often refer to the lowest values of the Σ matrix and then these equate
to 0. In doing, so we retain the most prominent values and discard the least significant values
that form the original matrix. When we put back the decomposed matrix to derive a new
matrix, it will have reduced dimensions. To demonstrate this, we could assume the following:

 σ1 0 … 0 
 
Σ= 0 σ2 …  
 0 0  0 
 0 0 … σn 
 

So, on removing p least significant values or the lowest values of the singular values and
equating them to 0, we have Σ′:

 σ1 0 … 0 
 
0 σ2 … 
Σ′ =  
 0 0 σ(n − p) 0 
 
 0 0 … 0 

Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 215

Now, on recomposing the matrix using the newly formed Σ′, we obtain a dimensionality
reduced matrix. So,

U Σ′ VT = A′

where A’ is the dimensional reduced matrix which has an order lesser than m × n ideally.
In this manner, we can observe how SVD achieves dimensionality reduction and how we
can manually set the least significant values or the lowest values of the Singular Values.
For example, less values of p are used to ensure minimal information loss for a more
precise and reduced matrix. Higher values of p are needed for a resultant matrix with
relatively higher information loss and a greater degree of dimensionality reduced matrix,
depending upon the use case.

SVD Using Hadoop Streaming with Numpy

The aforementioned use of various languages in Hadoop is termed Hadoop streaming.
This feature showcases the flexibility of using different languages to achieve certain
tasks more effectively. It uses API such that it interacts with the Unix standard streams
as input and output, hence making it very suitable for large text batch processing
(White 2012). First, in a MapReduce job the input is passed to the mapper as a standard
input file. Hence, using the Numpy loadtxt function, we get the initialized array, which
is fed to HDFS when the program is initialized. Next, we use a self-improvised method
to pass the values from the mapper and reducer. Conventionally, Reduce works in a
shuffle-and-sort fashion in order to segregate the data and process it line by line. Since
we are using an array, sorting this could prove fatal, as the values of the matrix get
interchanged. Thus, after the array is read from standard input, we initialize the key
to 1.
For every row, the first column element is the key.

Key = key + 1

We fill the entire first column with the key values. Sorting the array doesn’t change
the orders of the original values. This provides an extra row of an arbitrary key value for
solving the sort problem on MapReduce with arrays. Newly keyed values are sent to the
reducer through standard output. Next, matrix sorting is stopped to enable the reducer to
directly work on the dense matrix. Just like the mapper, the reducer also reads input from
the standard input file written by the mapper. The reducer has essentially only one task
before it starts to compute the singular values, which is to first dekey the array passed by
the mapper, as it initially has a column of key elements in the first column. This is done
in the first nested loop, where x[i][j] = a[i][j + 1]. Next, we shift the actual array within the
key values to a new array which is going to be used for computing the values of the SVD.
API provided by the Numpy library is used to compute the individual matrices of the
SVD. The reason for using Numpy is its speed and accuracy in matrix manipulations. The
corresponding data sets can be easily imported for other ML algorithms, as Numpy exten-
sively supports ML on data sets. After finding the singular values, we observe that the
following singular values appear in a single row and it does not retain its diagonal matrix
form. However, since we need the singular values in their original form, we will transfer
all the values to the diagonals of another arbitrary matrix so as to associate the following
216 Big Data Analytics

relationship later with the input matrix. We now print the following individual matrices of
the singular valued decomposition: A = U Σ VT.

Complexity of Using MapReduce

The following equations represent complexity of the mapper and reducer functions used
for these computations. These complexity polynomials are derived from the code snippets
sourced from github. The gist of the mapper and reducer codes outlines a few operations,
such as reading the values line by line, keying the array, and then performing the SVD
with the reducer.
For mapper: 6n2 + 14n + 9
For reducer: 7n2 + 9n + 12 + A(n)
A(n) is the complexity polynomial of Numpy SVD function.
The following MapReduce operations take place sequentially, because the reduce func-
tion cannot start until we have the complete dense matrix. This implies that we have to
wait for the mapper to pass the complete matrix to the reducer. The complexity will be the
summation of the mapper and reducer results. Calculations yield n ≥ 23.
By definition, f (n) ≤ c * O(n2) and 13n2 + 23n ∈ O(n2) + A(n).
As mentioned above, A(n) is the complexity polynomial of the Numpy SVD function.
Figure 9.6 shows the complexity plot of these two functions. The results show that using
MapReduce alongside Python might be easy, but the complexity of performing this task is
not ideal. We note that after a certain cardinality of dimensions, this method is known to
fail for much larger matrices (Ding et al. 2011).

SVD Using Apache Mahout

Apache Mahout is an open source project that is primarily used in producing scalable
machine learning algorithms and also to perform complex matrix operations given a large

Inequality plot:




n (13n + 23)

−10 10 20 30 14 n2

Complexity plot.
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 217

data set (Owen 2012). Apache Mahout depends heavily on the use of HDFS and the Hadoop
ecosystem in general, as its main focus is on performing intensive distributed machine
learning on commodity hardware. This is considered an advantage, as most other tool
kits require highly configured hardware to perform similar operations. Mahout allows for
these computations in a distributed environment. It enables performance of such tasks in
spite of the greater complexity of the computations involving Big Data. The next section
showcases the performance and accuracy of Apache Mahout’s singular value decomposi-
tion function over a voluminous data set.

Generating Sequence Files for Mahout

Apache Mahout requires a very specific type of input in order to process any operation.
Apache Mahout utilizes sequence files. A sequence file is essentially a binary file which
contains data in a key–value pair formation. Usually, Hadoop uses sequence files as a part
of its intermediate operations in MapReduce, which occurs during the shuffle and sort
operation of the MapReduce phase. However, for our requirements we needed to associate
the sequence files into vectors so as to run it through Mahout. The primary reason for this
approach was that a vectorized sequence file can be easily parallelized within the Hadoop
ecosystem. This can be performed using code snippet, as shown in Table 9.7, in Java.
Further processing completely relies on this sequence file. The writer code in Table 9.7
accepts any text file and converts it into a sequence file accordingly. The code in Table 9.8 is
used to convert sequence file format into a vectored state for further computations.

Lanczo’s Algorithm
Lanczo’s algorithm has a neat design to extract eigenvalue decomposition of a matrix. This
algorithm also tries to achieve parallelization in order to utilize Hadoop to its best poten-
tial. To understand this algorithm better, let us look at the necessary computations and
transformations that are required to perform SVD using Lanczo’s algorithm. In this case,
to extract singular vectors, they are essentially taken from the eigenvectors of XT * X, where
X is the matrix which has to be decomposed (Wilkinson and Wilkinson 1965). This opera-
tion utilizes a seed vector (v) which is obtained from the cardinality equal to that of the
number of columns that are found in the matrix. The seed vector is repeatedly multiplied
with X to obtain v’=X times (v). Syntactically, we use “times (v)” instead of just multiplying
it v times, because this ensures that Mahout runs the whole operation in a single iteration
or pass, hence maintaining efficiency, and then after that the previous v” part is removed

Source Code to Generate Sequence Files
Writer matrixWriter = new SequenceFile.Writer(fs, configuration, new
IntWritable.class, VectorWritable.class);

Code to Convert Sequence File to Vector Format
IntWritable key = new IntWritable();
VectorWritable value = new VectorWritable();
218 Big Data Analytics

(here, X is assumed to be symmetric). If the matrix is not symmetric, then the following
seed vector is multiplied with the product of X * XT. After a certain number of iterations, let
us assume it to be k. Thus, there is now a formation of a new auxiliary matrix of the order
k × k. This matrix provides the best estimation of the singular values that are needed for
the extraction. Most times, the estimated values are very near to the expected values, but
there is a small chance that the following singular values might not be the same. Therefore,
to ensure better accuracy, the largest singular values around 3k and the smallest singular
values are maintained; the rest are usually discarded for practical purposes. A given spec-
trum is maintained to ensure accuracy.

Reading the Mahout-Generated Vectors

On running the Mahout job using CLI, we obtain our results in a vector format. The small
snippet of code in Table 9.9, which was written in Java, can be used to help us convert these
vector files into a readable format. Similar to writing a file, we have to also read a file; this
can be done using the code in Table 9.9.
The code in Table 9.10 refers to the Hadoop sequence file reader, use of which ensures
that the configuration is met. We then used the vector package to perform read operations
on the so-called given sequence file. This can be done using the code in Table 9.10.
And we then place the values into a temporary matrix and print it back into a text file for
readable format. This is pretty much the inverse of the writer function. Upon running the
Java program to convert these sequence files back to text files, we then get the orthonormal
matrix V from the SVD, which can be used for further applications.

SVD Using Apache Spark

MLlib is Spark’s scalable machine learning library and consists of common learning algo-
rithms and utilities, including classification, regression, clustering, collaborative filtering,
and dimensionality reduction, as well as underlying optimization primitives (Meng et al.
2016). The Spark machine learning library is the primary source of packages for all the
machine learning algorithms. Here, we utilized the spark.mllib.linalg package for the pur-
pose of computing SVD and any other linear algebra operations. We also utilized spark.
mllib.linalg.distributed.RowMatrix. This is one of the most efficient ways to perform oper-
ations on large, dense, or sparse matrices that use distributed row matrices. This utilizes
the RDD element in Spark to perform faster operations on matrices. MLlib has other pack-
ages as well, such as regression, recommendation, etc., but we used only the linalg pack-
age for demonstration of the working principle. The MLlib library, as mentioned before,

Code to Convert a Vector File into Readable Format
Reader matrixReader = new SequenceFile.Reader(fs, new Path(fileName),

TABLE 9.10
Sequence File Reader
Vector vector = value.get();
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 219

was built on Spark, so that it can use the Spark RDD framework more efficiently, but more
importantly we can take advantage of the parallelization potential offered by Spark.
We utilize the distributed matrix component of Spark to meet this objective. A distrib-
uted matrix has both row and column indices. It is stored in a distributed manner in one
or multiple RDDs. This is an effective tool to handle large scale matrix operations in an
in-memory approach of computation. There are four categories of distributed matrices
provided by Spark, but we emphasize only the row matrix. To demonstrate SVD or any
eigenvalue decomposition, the best implementation can be done only by using row matrix.
A row matrix is a row-oriented matrix. The indices are labeled for each row of the matrix.
Each row is maintained inside an RDD as a local vector, hence making the row matrix a
collective set of local vectors. However, the column size is kept as small as possible to
ensure better efficiency while storing the matrix in an RDD. As shown in the code snippet
in Table 9.11, we can determine the singular values and the right singular vectors from
the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors of the matrix XTX, where X is the input matrix. The
left singular vectors, on the other hand, are calculated if specifically requested by the user
by setting the parameter as true. Depending on the size of n and k, we can calculate the
eigenvalues and vectors, respectively. If n is <100 or if k is >n/2, then we can calculate the
following values of greatest and smallest eigenvalues locally, or else we can use ARPACK
to compute these values in a more distributive manner and compute the following results
on the driver.
Execution of the Scala code in the Spark Scala shell can provide different computation
times for different sizes of the matrices. Figure 9.7 shows how well Spark maintains its scal-
ability over different sizes of data. The Spark Scala code utilizes the complete potential of
the distributed row matrix synchronously with the use of RDD to provide a much more effi-
cient use of resources involved in computation. Following is a simple code for the SVD com-
putation in Apache Spark, along with the starting and completion time for the operation.

TABLE 9.11
Simple Code for SVD Computation in Apache Spark
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Matrix
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.RowMatrix
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.SingularValueDecomposition
import java.util.Calendar
// Load and parse the data file.
val rows = sc.textFile(“file:///home/cloudera/test.txt”).map { line =>
val values = line.split(‘ ‘).map(_.toDouble)
//Show Starting Time
val mat = new RowMatrix(rows)
val currentHour = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR)
val currentMinute = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE)
// Compute SVD
val svd = mat.computeSVD(mat.numCols().toInt, computeU = true)
//Show Ending Time
val currentHour = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.HOUR)
val currentMinute = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MINUTE)
220 Big Data Analytics

Time taken to compute SVD in minutes 50
10 11 12 13 14 15
Size of square dense matrix in thousands

Time versus size of matrix for SVD, determined using Apache Spark.

Of the three tests, Apache Sparks wins with flying colors and proves to be the best solu-
tion for Big Data analytics based on problem solving among all the Apache Foundation
Projects for machine learning-based analysis.

Data Analysis through Visualization

Data visualization can be termed as a form of data analysis. It provides the visual repre-
sentation of patterns in data (Ginde 2016). Effective visualization can help to understand
and relate to the data, communicate and represent data intuitively to others. As author,
data journalist and information designer David McCandless said in his TED talk: “By
visualizing information, we turn it into a landscape that you can explore with your eyes, a
sort of information map. And when you’re lost in information, an information map is kind
of useful.”
Data visualization can be as trivial as a simple table, elaborate as a map of geographic data
depicting an additional layer in Google Earth or complex as a representation of Facebook’s
social relationships data. Visualization can be applied to qualitative as well as quantitative
data. Visualization has turned into an inexorably well-known methodology as the vol-
ume and complexity of information available to research scholars has increased. Also, the
visual forms of representation have become more credible in scholarly communication. As
a result, increasingly more tools are available to support data visualization. High impact
visualization is like a picture speaking a thousand words. Selecting good visual technique
to display the data holds key to a good impact. Fancy bubble charts, Time domain based
motion graphs are possible now because of the languages such as python and R.

Why Big Data Visualization Is Challenging and Different

from Traditional Data Visualization
Visualization approaches are used to create tables, diagrams, images, and other intuitive
display ways to represent data. Big Data visualization is not as easy as traditional small
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 221

data sets visualization. The extension of traditional visualization approaches have already
been emerged, but far from good enough. As Wang (Wang, Wang, and Alexander 2015)
says, Visualization can be thought of as the “front end” of Big Data. Traditional data visu-
alization tools are often inadequate to handle Big Data, scalability and dynamics are two
major challenges in visual analytics of it. In large-scale data visualization, many research-
ers use feature extraction and geometric modeling to greatly reduce data size before actual
data rendering. Choosing proper data representation is also very important when visual-
izing Big Data (Wang et al. 2015). There is plenty of visual analytics solutions available
online. SAS Visual analytics, Plotly and Tableau are the most popular. Tableau is a business
intelligence (BI) software tool that supports interactive and visual analysis of data. It has
an in-memory data engine to accelerate visualization. Tableau has three main products
to process large-scale data sets, including Tableau Desktop, Tableau Server, and Tableau
Public. Tableau Desktop is free for students and academicians. It embeds Hadoop infra-
structure and uses Hive to structure queries and cache information for in-memory ana-
lytics. Caching helps reduce the latency of a Hadoop cluster. Therefore, it can provide an
interactive mechanism between users and Big Data applications (Wang et al. 2015). Plotly
is built with 100% web technology. This makes our Plotly is Free for hosting public data
(like Tableau Public). It is an online analytics and data visualization tool which provides
online graphing, analytics and statistics tools for individuals and collaboration, as well
as scientific graphing libraries for Python, R, MATLAB, Perl, Julia, Arduino, and REST.
However, all these visualization tools lack advanced visual analytics capabilities. Hence,
scripting languages such as R and Python need to be used to provide adept visualizations
utilizing the complex data sets. Following are a few visualizations for the scholarly articles
data set, acquired through web scraping and cured using various data cleansing opera-
tions in Plotly.
Figure 9.8 shows one such graph, which plots over 40 journals and 4,000 thousand arti-
cles spanning over the last 30 years.
Figure 9.9 shows the visualization of the total citations versus total articles, where each
bubble size corresponds to the journal’s internationality score.

Citation count vs. year

Citation count




1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
Citation count

Simple bar chart of citation count versus year.
222 Big Data Analytics

Total citation count vs total article count with internationality score


Total article count 400




0 5k 10k 15k 20k 25k 30k

Total citation count

Bubble chart with multiple dimensions.

This era of Big Data, which is the next frontier for innovation, competition, and productiv-
ity, has begun a new scientific revolution. This revolution is here to stay for a very long
time. Fortunately, we will witness the upcoming technological leapfrogging. Today’s
Big Data problem will become a small data set problem in the near future, due to steady
growth in technology and improved computer architecture. The gap the computation and
performance is steadily decreasing. Any Big Data problem has to be solved in various
stages. First is data accumulation. There are four basic methods of data accumulation, and
the toughest ones are Web scraping and Web crawling. Second is data curation. This stage
is the most time-consuming and most crucial stage of Big Data problem solving. Data cur-
ing can be done using various languages and methodologies based on the requirements.
Python, R, and Apache Foundation Project’s Hive and PIG are the most preferred language
and platforms for this. We have explained how a simple Python cleansing operation can
be scaled to the MapReduce program with legible and apt adaptations in source code. The
third stage is data analysis. This stage provides solutions and answers to all the complex
questions. The answers are acquired using desired machine learning algorithms on the
cured data. Data visualization, which is also a form of effective data analysis, can be used
based on the project requirements. Tableau is a most widely used solution of data visual-
ization so far. As a case study, we elaborated on architectural changes of Apache Spark,
such as RDD, which boost the overall performance of Spark in Big Data computations.
Apache Foundation projects are the place to find solution for all the Big Data relation com-
putational solutions.
It should not be lost in translation that the role of computing in Big Data is beyond stor-
age and high performance. Rich discovery from data is imperative and extremely use-
ful. With advances in technologies in the past decade, the amount of data generated and
recorded has grown enormously in every field of science. This extraordinary amount of
data provides unprecedented opportunities for data-driven decision making and knowl-
edge discovery. However, the task of analyzing such large-scale data sets poses significant
challenges and calls for innovative analytical and statistical methods specifically designed
for faster speed and higher efficiency. In this chapter, we have elaborated on a few methods
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 223

and tools used to tackle the Big Data problem for complex computer modeling, analysis,
and discovery of knowledge.
While developing methodologies for Big Data and exploiting the existing ones for dis-
covery of knowledge, we foresee a number of applied research problems to be addressed
in the next decade or so. These include (1) the problem of sustainable computing in data
centers (e.g., those provided by Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and IBM) and particularly a
host of small- and medium-scale players; (2) the problem of flood forecasting based on
complex computer modeling and Big Data methods; (3) prediction of pest infestations in
agriculture, so as to measure reductions in crop quality or quantity; (4) identification of the
optimal number of control factors and parameters in the context of designing products
in the industry, with applications in the pharmaceutical industry, nanoengineering, and
bioplastic production; and (5) use of methods like SVD to identify single-valued and most
critical aspects from multidimensional and voluminous data.

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Manyika J, Chui M, Brown B, Bughin J, Dobbs R, Roxburgh C, Byers AH. 2011. Big Data: The next
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Appendix 1
Spark Implementation and Configuration
We have already discussed the architecture and features of Apache Spark. Let us now in detail
see the practical implementation of Spark on a cluster, along with its respective configuration.

Building Apache Spark Using Maven

As we mentioned in the main text, building Apache Spark is very crucial and using a pre-
built version of Spark is not advised for our purpose. This is mainly because the prebuilt
version of Spark doesn’t come with the necessary BLAS and ARPACK libraries, which are
required. This causes Spark’s MLlib library to use a built-in F2J implementation of most
of the machine learning algorithms, and this can seriously affect the performance of the
task at hand as we deal with Big Data. Building from source also ensures that it perfectly
integrates Scala with Spark. First, download the Spark source code from the Spark official
website and extract the tar file.
Apache Maven
The Maven-based build is the build of reference for Apache Spark. Building Spark using
Maven requires Maven 3.3.9 or newer and Java 7+.

Setting Up Maven’s Memory Usage

You’ll need to configure Maven to use more memory than usual by setting MAVEN_OPTS:

export MAVEN_OPTS=”-Xmx2g -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=512m”.

To add the BLAS AND ARPACK dependencies, OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS

library. First, install the openblas library to your system using the following command:

sudo apt-get install libopenblas-dev.

Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 225

This will install the Fortran libraries for the basic linear algebra subprograms pack-
ages which are required for the best performance of some of the machine learning algo-
rithms which will be used, such as eigenvalue decomposition, etc. ARPACK, the ARnoldi
PACKage, is a numerical software library written in Fortran 77 for solving large-scale
eigenvalue problems. This can be done by including a few of the dependencies to the pom
file in the respective mllib and mllib-local directories. The following snippets of code are
to be added to the dependencies in those pom files.


<artifactId>arpak combined all</artifactId>



These dependencies ensure that while building it extracts the necessary libraries from
the sources specified. This will ensure that we won’t get implementation errors when
Spark is trying to run the SVD operation on Big Data and also keeps the performance
optimal. Now navigate to the Spark folder and follow the build instructions given below.

Building Spark using Maven or sbt is preferred because it gives you the additional custom-
ization options which can help you choose specific libraries and packages that can be used
for any specific task, by changing and adding those specific dependencies to the pom file.
Spark comes with an easy default build for Maven; we could also use sbt to get the same
results to help in building it. This will automatically set up the required environment, such
as the Scala version and more elements that Spark utilizes. You can build Spark using the
following command:

/build/mvn -Pyarn -Phadoop-2.7 -Dhadoop.version=2.7.0 -DskipTests clean


This should be executed in the Spark directory wherever it was extracted.

226 Big Data Analytics

Required Cluster Configurations for Spark

Let us now discuss the configuration of the cluster for the Spark job using the Spark shell.
We first have to set the required options to the Scala shell to give the cluster settings in
order for it to run. Let’s first discuss the hardware settings of each of the working parts but
also let’s see the required changes to make in the configuration file before running.
NO T E : Due to hardware limitations, we are using a 48-Gb server so that all the worker
nodes will be launched on the server itself in a cluster mode. First, make sure that there is
a copy of each of the given files:

slaves.template to slaves to
spark-defaults.conf.template to spark-defaults.conf
Now, add the following lines to the following corresponding files:
In slaves add #. A Spark worker will be started on each of the machines
listed below.
In, add
In spark-default.conf add
spark.master spark://master:7077

NO T E : We are assuming the named IP address of the system to be the maste. Please do
change the name if you’re using any other name in the/etc/hosts file for your respective IP
address accordingly Starting your cluster.
In our demonstration case of hardware constraints, we are using only one system to
launch all our worker nodes and master node alike, so we will be using the following


In case you have other workers in other slave computers, then make sure you start them
from other computers by using the following command:

/<sparkdirectory>/sbin/ <master-IPaddress>

Then, check master:8080 in any Web browser to see if your worker nodes have success-
fully started.
For the code used, check it out on GitHub (​
Big Data Acquisition, Preparation, and Analysis Using Apache Software Foundation Tools 227

Key Terminology and Definitions

Apache Software Foundation Projects: Apache provides support for the Apache commu-
nity of open source software projects. There are over 140 different Apache proj-
ect communities that provide free software for the public benefit. About 35 open
source Apache projects are dedicated to Big Data, including, Hadoop, Spark, Pig,
Mahout, Hive, Sqoop, Storm, etc.
CLUSTER BY: this is a Hive command used as CLUSTER BY x which ensures that each
of the N reducers get nonoverlapping ranges. Then, it sorts those ranges at the
CSV: comma-separated values (CSV) is a file format primarily used in storing data in a
tabular format. Each line of a CSV file indicates an entry in the record, and the dif-
ferent fields of the record are separated by using delimited values in this specific
format, which is a comma.
Data Analysis: this is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data
with the goal of discovering useful information, suggesting conclusions, and sup-
porting decision making.
Data Cleansing: this is the process of detecting and correcting (or removing) corrupt or
inaccurate records from a record set, table, or database.
Data Collection and Acquisition: data collection is the process of gathering and measur-
ing information on targeted variables in an established systematic fashion, which
then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes. Data col-
lection is a primary component of research and is common to all fields of study,
including the physical and social sciences, humanities, and business.
Data Visualization: this is a general term that describes any effort to help people under-
stand the significance of data by placing it in a visual context. Patterns, trends,
and correlations that might go undetected in text-based data can be exposed and
recognized more easily with data visualization software.
HDF5: hierarchical data format (HDF) is a file format extensively used in storing data
which involve metadata. Most of these formats are popularly used in instrumenta-
tion data storage.
Hive: Hive is a tool provided by the Apache Foundation which can be used in the Hadoop
environment. This tool allows important elements such as data warehousing and
SQL to act synchronously with Hadoop MapReduce.
HSSF: this is an API provided by the Apache POI project. This provides the pure imple-
mentation of Java regarding Excel sheets. It provides functions to create, modify,
write, and read into Excel documents.
JHDF5: also known as HDF5 for Java, this is a package which provides a high-level inter-
face that works over other packages and includes functionality and support mech-
anisms for handling and manipulating the HDF5 file format.
JSON: Java Script Object Notation (JSON) is a data interchange format. It is extensively
used for denoting data with various fields and it is very easy to work with, as there
are many packages and API which support it.
Machine Learning: this is a type of artificial intelligence that provides computers with the
ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Machine learning focuses
on the development of computer programs that can teach themselves to grow and
change when exposed to new data.
228 Big Data Analytics

Mahout: Mahout is a tool provided by the Apache Software Foundation which integrates
machine learning and its relevant algorithms to work in a Hadoop environment.
It tries to utilize the potential of the distributed computation of a Hadoop cluster.
MySQLdb: this is a package which provides APIs in Python to communicate with the
MYSQL database. We can perform various database manipulations with this tool,
such as querying and inserting records, etc.
NoSQL: traditionally termed non-SQL, this tool is used to associate a data-storing mech-
anism that holds data without involving tables and other relational database
NUMPY: this is a package or library provided by Python and includes several matrix and
array manipulation functions, which make it much simpler to use. It is widely
used by the data science community for high-end matrix operations.
ORDER BY: this is a Hive command which is derived from SQL; it basically performs data
sorting in ascending or descending order. In Hive, it guarantees the total ordering
of data.
Pandas: this is a high-performance library provided by Python for easy-to-use functions
which help in data analysis and data structuring.
PCA: principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical method used to obtain a number
of uncorrelated data sets. The main purpose of PCA is to identify maximum vari-
ance by using a smaller number of prominent components to represent it.
POI: this is an Apache project which was developed for the primary purpose of modify-
ing Microsoft Office files. It provides a set of functions and APIs which can inter-
act with various different file formats for modifications, including HSSF, which is
used to handle Excel files in Java.
RDD: resilient distributed data (RDD) sets can be defined as data structures widely used
in Spark. The main characteristics are its fault tolerance; it can be parallelized eas-
ily, and it is an immutable collection of objects.
Scikit-Learn: this is a machine learning library made for Python and was built using
NUMPY, SCIPY, and MATPLOTLIB. It favors easy implementation of machine
learning algorithms, such as classification, regression, and dimensionality reduc-
tion, without any cumbersome code.
Spark: Apache Spark is an open source project built as a framework for data process-
ing, specifically, for Big Data. It was designed in a manner to enhance clustering
capabilities to perform more complex algorithms much faster and with greater
resource efficiency than other frameworks.
Sqoop: Sqoop is a tool created by the Apache Software Foundation. Its main purpose is to
transfer data from a relational database to a NoSQL database. It is effectively used
in the Hadoop ecosystem to transfer data from MYSQL and other such databases
to Hive and PIG.
UNION ALL: this is a command used in Hive that can combine all results of select state-
ments into one result.
Storing and Analyzing Streaming Data:
A Big Data Challenge

Devang Swami, Sampa Sahoo, and Bibhudatta Sahoo

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 230
Streaming Algorithms................................................................................................................. 230
Modeling Data Pipeline Problems............................................................................................. 232
Vanilla Model........................................................................................................................... 232
Sliding Window Model.......................................................................................................... 233
Turnstile Model........................................................................................................................234
Cash Register Model...............................................................................................................234
Probablistic Data Structures and Algorithms.......................................................................... 235
Bloom Filter.............................................................................................................................. 235
Count-Min Sketch................................................................................................................... 236
HyperLogLog........................................................................................................................... 237
T Digest..................................................................................................................................... 237
Filtered Space Saving.............................................................................................................. 237
Suitability of Data Models for Storing Stream Data............................................................... 238
Key Value Stores Model......................................................................................................... 239
Document Stores Model......................................................................................................... 239
Wide-Column Stores Model.................................................................................................. 240
Other Models........................................................................................................................... 240
Challenges and Open Research Problems................................................................................ 240
Industrial Challenges.............................................................................................................. 240
Open Research Problems....................................................................................................... 242
Conclusions................................................................................................................................... 243
References..................................................................................................................................... 243
Further Readings......................................................................................................................... 245

230 Big Data Analytics

The availability of distributed computing and storage systems has made Big Data processing
a reality. The term Big Data refers to data which cannot be processed by a traditional system,
owing to the limited amount of resources available from traditional systems. Of the many prob-
lems encountered and solved by Big Data systems, a set of problems classified under stream-
ing data has brought unparalleled challenges and opportunities for industries and research
institutes. “Streaming data” (or data pipelines) as we use the term refers to a long sequence of
unbounded data that arrives continuously at varying rates for a very long duration. Although
stream processing had its origins in the 1970s, most of the work in this field has been done
in the last decade. Applications such as IoT, WSN, RAN, and GSM systems (3G and 4G LTE
technologies) and others have allowed use of stream processing for Big Data environments,
owing to the velocity and variety of data processing possible, as well as the quality of service
(QoS) demanded by such applications. Moreover, these data pipelines also generate massive
amounts of data over periodic intervals, making them candidates for the Big Data domain.
Systems for big data processing may be available on premises, but extending such sys-
tems or modifying an existing architecture for stream processing may be a very costly
solution, owing to the requirements of skilled administrators and developers, as well as the
costly hardware and software solutions. Hence, a majority of research work now focuses on
bringing stream processing on a scale-out architecture, such as the Cloud, to take advan-
tage of scalability and utility computing. Examples of current streaming service providers
include Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure. To deploy the stream processing services over
these platforms, modification of existing algorithms to the divide and conquer (DAC) para-
digm is required to be able to process them on the multiple systems (discussed below).
Although many resources are available on Cloud systems for data pipelines, the poten-
tially long sequences of unbounded data make it necessary for architects and designers
to develop and use algorithms that make very few loops over the data and use much less
space than the input size of the stream. Hence, the terms one-pass algorithms and sub-
linear space algorithms are designated for stream processing algorithms that achieve the
goals of processing the stream by reading the data only once and storing only a portion of
the streaming data in the main memory, respectively.
In the next section, we introduce the basics of distributed systems and the challenges
that streaming data brings for processing in a distributed environment. In subsequent
sections, we explore more deeply the mathematical models for streaming data. Thereafter,
we provide a brief discussion on probabilistic data structures, along with a computational
model that has been utilized. We then focus on data models for storage of streaming data
classified as cold data on secondary storage devices. Finally, we provide a brief note on
industrial and research challenges that streaming problems bring.

Streaming Algorithms
There are two alternatives for designing an algorithm (Sanders 2014):

1. Design data structures and storage first, then design an efficient algorithm; or
2. Design an algorithm first, then design a good data structure or storage
Storing and Analyzing Streaming Data 231

It is intuitive that an intelligent storage structure needs a brilliant process for extract-
ing and processing data. Consider the case of using a B+ tree for creating an index on an
important column for some data stored on the hard disk drive. This data structure would
require an intelligent algorithm that understands the query and utilizes indexes wherever
possible to reduce overall time consumption. However, the choices of data structures and
models depend highly on the level of memory hierarchy.
Most work on data pipelines has focused on the processing of the latest data, which
resides in the main memory. Now, technologies such as MapReduce (on Apache Hadoop)
cannot be used, since MapReduce will be able to process the data only if it is stored on
an Hadoop distributed file system. Thus, an algorithm’s inherent dependency on storage
structures is explained. In addition, once a storage structure is devised to store data, it
limits the type of operations as well as the number of concurrent operations that may be
carried out on the data. For example, you cannot carry out range queries on data stored
by using a hash-based index. Thus, both the storage structure as well as algorithms are
important, and a choice of one of them limits the choices available for the other. Usually,
design of systems is an iterative process wherein at each iteration we edit either the algo-
rithm or the storage structure to arrive at the best solution.
A major problem when it comes to designing most streaming data systems is that a large
portion of data is on secondary storage, while the latest piece of data would always be in the
main memory. Both of these are at different levels of the memory hierarchy, as shown in
Figure 10.1. Now, the size of streaming data is such that storing a complete stream in the main
memory is not feasible. Hence, an algorithm that fits the stated problem is required to process
ad hoc query requests by the operator. The best way of dealing with algorithms today lies in
converting algorithms from different paradigms, such as greedy or dynamic programming
and others, to a DAC approach, thus exploring parallelism and enabling higher latency for
operations. However, data have to be brought into the main memory for processing. If algo-
rithms in the DAC paradigm are modified to execute on multiple systems and still maintain

Main memory
Real-time data, in-memory analytics.

Secondary storage
Operational or archival data, external memory algorithms
technologies: HDD (comparatively lower latency), flash
(comparitively higher latency).

Tertiary storage
Use mechanical machines to change hard-disk and flash
drives as per query. Typical latency of 3−5 seconds.
Currently, not used in any application due to high response

Memory hierarchy.
232 Big Data Analytics

consistency in results, then the problem is solved. Only two types of conceptual data struc-
tures are available in the literature for maintaining consistency, namely, Semaphores and
Monitors. Although, initially designed for use in interprocess communication, these can also
be modified for use in distributed environments. Another design problem that may be uti-
lized to solve the concurrency problem in stream processing is the Drinking Philosopher
problem, which is a modification of the Dining Philosopher problem. A Drinking Philosopher
problem addresses the demand by using shared resources and is mostly used for modeling
and solving problems in distributed systems. With a Drinking Philosopher problem, a set of
bottles are available that provide the drink, and philosophers can use a bottle to get a drink
one at a time (Chandy and Misra 1984). Herein, the bottles are resources, i.e., data for stream-
ing applications and multiple systems (or philosophers) may require a piece of data from the
stream. There may be multiple bottles and, hence, multiple philosophers may be able to use
them at the same time. The problem is to design a method such that no philosopher remains
thirsty forever. The conflict resolution devised should be such that one process be favored
against another and that it guarantee fairness (the same process should not be favored every
time) (Chandy and Misra 1984). The above discussion clearly suggests that distributed stream
processing involves solving mutual exclusion, concurrency, and synchronization problems.

Modeling Data Pipeline Problems

Development of a solution to big data streaming problems begins with modeling the
requirements of the application into one of the available streaming models or by propos-
ing a new streaming model. Most streaming models available in the literature are based
on one or more of the following three factors:

1. One pass over the data

2. Unbounded data
3. Fast processing time per element

The first characteristic, one pass over the data, simply means that data are processed only
once, so that the system can complete in the time frame required. One pass over data may
be easily achieved for aggregate operations, like Min, Max, Average, Sum, and others, while
problems such as sorting are very difficult to achieve by only one pass over the data. Some
literature has also used the term fast processing group of algorithms for these one-pass
algorithms. The fast processing of data property may also allow some randomness, since
most applications of this branch require approximate answers rather than accurate results.
A streaming model is a computational model that represents how data would be orga-
nized (in the main memory) and processed. From the perspective of design, there are four
streaming models, namely, the Vanilla, Sliding Window, Turnstile, and Cash Register
models; these are of prime importance and cover most application domains in this field
(Babcock et al. 2002b, Che-Qing et al. 2004).

Vanilla Model
Vanilla, is the simplest model and is based on the assumption that a data stream A is com-
posed of discrete units called tokens {A1, A2, A3, …, Am}; where each element Ai is drawn
Storing and Analyzing Streaming Data 233

from the universe U[n] = {1, 2, 3, …, n} and both m and n are very large and represent the
stream length and universe size, respectively. The main aim of this model is to process a
stream in much less space, s, of main memory in a short time, usually the deadline for task
completion. Based on the deadline of a task, a designer may estimate the number of tokens
that can be processed during that interval, which can give an approximate size of the main
memory s required for processing. This model allows estimation of main memory, CPU
clock rate, and network bandwidth, which can be used as system requirements during the
deployment phase. As we mentioned above, the main objective in stream processing is to
process the data in a very small space. However, both m and n are very large. Hence, s must
be sublinear in both of these parameters. The space complexity of s can be represented by
Equation 10.1.

s = O[min(m, n)] (10.1)

However, an optimal algorithm would always take a constant number of tokens and
constant number of counters to determine the length of the stream; hence, it would be
able to achieve a constant space complexity, as shown in Equation 10.2. Until now, most
works have been able to achieve space complexity as shown in Equation 10.3. Equation 10.3
denotes that an algorithm makes p passes over the data. If p = 1, then Equation 10.3 and
Equation 10.2 would be the same.

s = O[log(m) + log( n )] (10.2)

s = polylog[min(m, n )] (10.3)

This model has been widely used for aggregate operations in various industries. Any
algorithm in this model can be easily converted into a DAC paradigm by using concepts
such as semaphores and monitors for concurrency, making it a candidate for Big Data

Sliding Window Model

The Sliding Window model computes operations on a set of instances, as opposed to a
single instance as with the Vanilla model. The advantage of using Sliding Window in
video surveillance is that it can be used for motion detection. Most industrial applications
find only an excerpt of the data pipeline to be useful at any given time, and hence these
applications find the Sliding Window model a candidate solution. The Window model
for streaming applications can be categorized based on the following three parameters
(Babcock et al. 2002b):

1. Direction of Movement: Based on the direction of movement there are three pos-
sible scenarios: If both the endpoints are fixed it is known as a fixed window. If
window has one sliding point and a fixed point it is called a landmark window
and for both the points being sliding, we call it a sliding window.
2. Physical versus Logical: Physical or time-based windows use a time interval as a
parameter, while logical or frequency-based windows uses counts of an object in
234 Big Data Analytics

the window as a parameter. The choice of physical versus logical is always appli-
cation specific; however, physical is preferred when designers want to limit the
amount of main memory available to the program. Logical Sliding Window algo-
rithms use dynamic memory allocation and are prone to segmentation fault if a
sufficient amount of main memory is not provided.
3. Update Interval: A window that processes as soon as a new data item arrives is
called eager reevaluation, while one which waits for a batch of new items is called
lazy reevaluation or jumping window. Babcock et al. (2002b) also argued that the
result of a window with a larger update interval than the window size would cre-
ate a series of nonoverlapping tumbling windows.

Turnstile Model
The Turnstile model of data streams uses a vector presented as a long sequence of positive
and negative integer updates to its coordinates. The vector X is always said to be in the fol-
lowing range: {−m, −m + 1, …, m − 1, m}n, where m > 2n. Updates for this model follow the
types of equations in Equation 10.4 or Equation 10.5, were ei is the ith standard unit vector.

X = X + ei (10.4)

X = X − ei (10.5)

The objective of this model is to make a single pass over the data by using limited mem-
ory to compute functions of X, such as the frequency moments, the number of distinct
elements, the empirical entropy, the heavy hitters, treatment of x as a matrix, and various
quantities in numerical linear algebra, such as a low rank approximation (Leavitt 2010).
This model was for Count-Min sketch data structure used for aggregating data streams.

Cash Register Model

The Cash Register model is a modification of the Turnstile model wherein only positive
updates are allowed (Muthukrishnan 2005). It is used for signal rendering. Another model,
namely, the aggregate model, is also used for signal rendering and has a small difference
in that it aggregates the value instead of updating a single value. For the purpose of this
chapter, we have focused only on the Cash Register model, since the Unordered Cash
Register model is the most general model and poses more challenges in data processing.
The items that arrive over time in the Unordered Cash Register model are domain values
in no particular order, and the function is represented by implicitly aggregating the num-
ber of items with a particular domain value (Gilbert et al. 2001). Real-life examples of this
model include telephone calls. The Cash Register model allows updates of the form <i, c>,
where c is a positive integer and i denotes the ith element. A special case for the Cash
Register model is when c = 1. The Cash Register model becomes very complicated and dif-
ficult when it comes to modeling graph problems, such as shortest path and connectivity.
The Misra-Gries algorithm for finding repeated elements also utilizes the Cash Register
model. Misra-Gries is a comparison-based algorithm and has achieved time complexity
of O [n × log(n)], which is the best case for any comparison-based algorithm. However, it
Storing and Analyzing Streaming Data 235

requires extra space proportional to k, where k is a parameter used for governing the qual-
ity of the solution. The algorithm stores stream tokens and their counter in an array. At the
end of each pass, if the element exists in the list, the counter is increased incrementally. If
not, then the element is added to the array list and the counter is set to 1. Also, the Misra-
Gries algorithm is a deterministic algorithm used in stream processing, while most of the
other data structures and algorithms are probabilistic in nature and do not give accurate

Probablistic Data Structures and Algorithms

Once we have decided on a computation model fit for an application, it becomes increas-
ingly necessary to design an efficient data structure and data model for the same to pro-
duce a solution that is optimal for real world application. In this section, we focus on data
structures only.
Use of deterministic data structures, like hash tables and hash sets, is quite common for
most applications with frequent items and unique items. While almost all deterministic
data structures require loading completely in main memory, this cannot be achieved for
Big Data applications. This is where another class, namely, probabilistic data structures,
comes into play. Probabilistic data structures usually use hash functions to randomize
and compactly present the data. However, one must note that use of these data structures
should be encouraged given that application may result in approximate results rather than
precise answers. As stated earlier, most probabilistic data structures use hash functions to
randomize the data; collisions are unavoidable keeping the size of hash constant. There are
three benefits of using probabilistic data structures:

1. Requires a very small amount of main memory in comparison with deterministic

data structures
2. Easily made parallel
3. Have a constant query time

Most probabilistic data structures allow type 1 errors (false positives) but not type 2
errors (false negatives). Examples of probabilistic data structures include Bloom Filter,
Count-Min Sketch, T-Digest, HyperLogLog, and Filtered Space Saving (FSS).

Bloom Filter
Bloom Filter is one of the simplest probabilistic data structures; it was discovered in 1998
(Fan et al. 2000). It is used to determine whether an element exists in the input data with a
high degree of likelihood. Bloom Filter is basically an m-bit array which is initialized to 0
and has k different hash functions. The elements to be compared are fed to all the k hash
functions, which yields k different positions of the bit to be changed from 0 to 1 (Figure
10.2, after using k hash functions on elements A and B, we changed bits 0, 3, 4, 5, and 7 to 1).
The input data were then fed to k hash functions, which yielded k positions, and we
verified that all the k positions were 1 (Figure 10.2, compare positions for input data I after
getting k positions from the set of hash functions.). If all positions are a 1, then Bloom
236 Big Data Analytics


1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1

Probabilistic data structures: Bloom filters.

Filter returns that element might be in the set, or else the element is definitely not in the
set. From Figure 10.2, it is also clear that type 1 error is possible, because input I checks for
positions 0, 3, and 7, which are not covered by elements A and B, but then all three bits were
changed by both of them to 1. Thus, false positives are possible in Bloom Filter results but
a false negative is not, since if an element has been in the list then it must have flipped the
bits. There are two major disadvantages of Bloom Filter:

1. We can add an element into the set for comparison, but we cannot remove an
added element from the comparison set
2. The rate of false-positive errors increases with the number of elements used for the

Bloom Filter can be replaced by the Mirsa-Gries algorithm if the user needs 100% accu-
rate results. Then, cost of storage space, which is relatively high for use of the Mirsa-Gries,
algorithm, cannot be ignored. Hence, a tradeoff must be designed before choosing a par-
ticular solution. Akamai Technologies uses Bloom Filter for their content delivery network
and Cloud services to prevent one-hit wonders (i.e., data objects that users request just
once), which helped in utilizing cache memory properly (Maggs and Ramesh 2015).

Count-Min Sketch
Count-Min Sketch is an extension of Bloom Filter that records the frequency of occurrence
of an element apart from checking the existence of an element in the list. It was invented in
2003. Count-Min Sketch is also quite space optimized and uses a two-dimensional array
for storing information. Although it uses hash function, it is different from hash table in
the sense that it uses sublinear space for storing the details. However, it may produce over-
counting, since collisions are possible. It finds applications in summarizing data streams
like points, ranges, and inner product queries, approximately. The Count Sketch algorithm
from which Count-Min sketch was devised was based on the Turnstile Model, while the
Count-Min sketch algorithm is based on the Cash Register model. Either Count-Min sketch
Storing and Analyzing Streaming Data 237

can have only positive updates, and a value of 1 specifically for counting frequency. Thus,
Count-Min sketch uses the special case of the Cash Register model, where c = 1.

The HyperLogLog data structure and algorithm are used for cardinality estimation prob-
lems. It only supports adding elements and estimating the cardinality. HyperLogLog is
very much similar to Bloom Filter but uses much less memory space than Bloom Filter
and does not support membership check, like Bloom Filter does. HyperLogLog works by
subdividing its input stream of added elements and storing the maximum number of lead-
ing zeros that have been observed within each subdivision. Since elements are uniformly
hashed before checking for the number of leading zeros, the general idea is that the greater
the number of leading zeros observed, the higher the probability that many unique ele-
ments have been added. It is used mostly for finding unique elements and for continuous
views over streaming data. PipelineDB’s HyperLogLog implementation has a margin of
error of only about 0.81%. The performance of HyperLogLog decreases in the presence of
large variances, since hash functions will use only fixed lengths of data to create buckets.
If the variance is high, few buckets will get very few values from the stream and other
buckets will face many collisions. Thus, HyperLogLog should be discouraged if data tend
to have a very high range of variance.

T Digest
T Digest finds its usage in measuring rank statistics such as quantiles and medians by
using a fixed amount of storage space. This space efficiency comes at the cost of marginal
errors, making T Digest a candidate for streaming problems. T Digest is essentially an
adaptive histogram that intelligently adjusts its buckets and frequencies as more elements
are added to it. T Digest begins with initializing m empty centroids, each of which contains
a mean and a count. As a new element arrives, it is checked for distance from the mean
value of the centroid. If it is close enough, then the count of the centroid is increased incre-
mentally and the mean is updated based on the weight. Weight is a term introduced in this
algorithm to control the accuracy of quantiles. Open source implementation of T Digest is
already being used with modifications in Apache Mahout and stream-lib projects.

Filtered Space Saving

The Filtered Space Saving (FSS) data structure and algorithm are used for finding the
most frequent items. Now, maintaining a list of all items occurring in the list is not feasible
for streaming data; hence, FSS uses a hash function for computation, just like Count-Min
Sketch. However, it differs by putting constraints on what items are kept for comparison.
Either FSS would remove an element from the list of comparison at any time when it does
not fulfill a given criteria, e.g., likelihood of occurrence of a specific item is below a thresh-
old. FSS, like Count-Min Sketch, is also based on a Turnstile model and uses the concept of
filtering atop a space-saving algorithm. The FSS mechanism is to hash an incoming value
into buckets, where each bucket has a collection of values already added. If the incom-
ing element already exists in a given bucket, its frequency is incremented. If the element
doesn’t exist, it will be added as long as certain properties are met.
238 Big Data Analytics

Suitability of Data Models for Storing Stream Data

Streaming data needs to be stored on some persistent device so as to be able to retrieve it
after a long duration or after turning off the system. Storing the streaming data on second-
ary storage devices is in itself a challenge, since latency of random reads is very low for
spinning disks and an efficient organization is required. A data model is an abstract model
providing a view of how data would be organized on a secondary storage device. A major
limitation of traditional data models (relational) has been that it entails no predefined
notion of time (unless a time stamp has been explicitly defined), predefined schema, an
inability to handle data partitions, and costly join operations. Hence, choice of a data
model should be done wisely. Data streams differ from conventional data sources in the
following ways (Babcock et al. 2002a):

1. Data arrives online

2. System has no control over the order in which data elements arrive to be processed
3. Streaming data are potentially unbounded in size
4. Once processed, a data element may be discarded or archived

Emerging systems such as sensor networks, internet traffic management systems, Web
usage logs, internet-based auctions, and others, have demanded support for streaming
data storage. The major plot in streaming data is that initially when produced it is utilized
the most (referred to as hot data), but as time increases the usage decreases exponentially
(referred to as cold data), as shown in Figure 10.3.
Initially, when data are produced, they are consumed repeatedly many times, but as
time passes consumption decreases and data become archival. A simple example is be
that of stock exchange data of a company, which by virtue of production are of a stream-
ing nature. Initially, they are utilized by many customers, and then their usage decreases
gradually and is only used for aggregation of weekly or monthly or bimonthly trends.
Such trends require a storage structure that gives access to hot data at a very high latency
in comparison to cold data. The traditional relational data model fails to provide such ser-
vices, as the normalization process destroys preaggregation and prejoins and encourages

Hot data

Cold data


Data usage versus time.
Storing and Analyzing Streaming Data 239

costly operation, like joins. NEWSQL (Grolinger et al. 2013) is an exception in this case.
Preaggregation and prejoin design techniques use a reasonable design for storing intra-
day, intraweek, or intramonth data. Such a design facilitates deriving the best from cold
data in only a few rows, allowing archiving of cold data in a very early stage and thus
reducing the overall size of operational data. The same cannot be done in a relational
model, because normalization, especially the third normal form, of the normalization pro-
cess in a relational database design does not allow decomposition, and if queries require
frequent join operations then such an archive could be very costly. Prejoining the data
doubtlessly increases data duplication, but it has many advantages. Above all, streaming
data once stored is largely not updated but only read; hence, data duplication is affordable.
From the literature, it was found that streaming data storage requires data models with
the following properties to address the above-mentioned needs and fulfil the voids of the
relational model:

1. Implicit or explicit support of a time stamp (Babcock et al. 2002b)

2. Allow time-based or sequence-based query operations (Chandrasekaran and
Franklin 2002)
3. Queries should be allowed to run continuously over a period of time, incremen-
tally (Chandrasekaran and Franklin 2002)
4. Support for shared execution of multiple queries (Khalilian et al. 2016)
5. Scalability over large and unstructured data (Khalilian et al. 2016)

There are more than 10 data models available on the market for Big Data applications, of
which the following models are of great interest for streaming data storage:

Key Value Stores Model

The key value stores model is the simplest data model and includes a key and its corre-
sponding value. For streaming applications, the key could be a time stamp and the value
could be an object or a variable of the object. It should be used only if the schema remain
constant for a long duration and operations involved are simple (Chandra 2015). Key value
stores are very good at handling large data volumes. Tokyo Cabinet and Tokyo Tyrant
are examples of key value stores. Another example is Flare, but this supports only mem-
cached protocols (Chandra 2015). It is best suited to applications that require processing of
a constant stream with a small number of reads and writes.

Document Stores Model

In the document stores model, if schema of the stream change very frequently, then the docu-
ment data model is a candidate solution because of its flexibility to handle schema varia-
tion easily. It has an advantage in supporting complex operations, which the key value stores
model lacks. It uses a JSON-like structure as the physical data model. Document stores usu-
ally find themselves in the CA part of the famous CAP theorem (Chandra 2015). (The CAP
theorem: In the presence of a network partition [P], one has to choose between consistency [C]
and availability [A].) Databases which have an implemented document model are MongoDB,
Cloudant, Cache, BaseX, CouchDB, and others. Of these, MongoDB is more successful and has
been used widely in IoT systems, financial logs, system logs, social networks, and regulatory
reporting systems. However, it requires the use of a time stamp explicitly while storing data.
240 Big Data Analytics

Wide-Column Stores Model

The wide-column stores model, also known as the column-family model, is a data model
that allows a dynamic number of rows or columns or both. It can also be realized as a two-
dimensional key-value pair. Most wide-column stores utilize the concept of block chains
and are thus mostly applied for write-intensive workloads (Abramova and Bernardino
2013). Column-family databases are candidates for streaming problems, since they have
overcome the deficiency of document databases by introducing an implicit time stamp
for every data row. Databases which have implemented this data model include Apache
Cassandra, Apache HBase, Google Big Table, Sqrrl, and others (Chandra 2015). Use cases of
this data model include social networks, IoT, monitoring systems, and more. Also, Apache
Cassandra has a built-in support for streaming queries based on a sliding window model
in its CQL/STREAM, allowing both physical and logical sliding windows. It also has sup-
port for custom or user-defined operations on streams. Above all, support for massive
write loads and MapReduce are like extra cheese on the burger for a developer.

Other Models
Many novel models also support stream processing, like Redis (Leavitt 2010), a database
which uses a data structure with the concept of key-value pairs and finds its application
in click tracking. Click tracking deals with storing location of a user who visited a page
or used a service. Another exploratory model-gaining pace is NEWSQL (Grolinger et al.
2013), which improves the relational data model for Big Data and also finds its application
in data pipelining. PipelineDB is another database solution which has been developed
only to cater to the needs of streaming applications. It utilizes a window model and pro-
vides SQL query language for operations, making it one of the very few of its type. Most of
the queries in PipelineDB are processed using probabilistic data structures and approxi-
mate algorithms (; hence, if you require an
accurate solution, then PipelineDB may not be a candidate solution for your application. A
unique feature of PipelineDB is Continuous Joins. However, CROSS-JOIN and FULL-JOIN
are not supported as of the writing of this chapter.
The Holy Grail of research interest in stream processing is Apache Spark (a framework
for real-time data analytics that sits on top of the Hadoop distributed file system), a propri-
etary solution. However, the required skilled developers and administrators have moved
a fraction of customers to using SQLStream, which is a better choice since it is a complete
enterprise platform for streaming analytics that can be deployed quickly without a large
development effort (Wayne 2014). While Spark and other open source frameworks like
Storm may be free, they require a lot of development talent and time.

Challenges and Open Research Problems

Industrial Challenges
1. Beating the CAP Theorem
The CAP theorem states that, “Consistency and high availability cannot be
guaranteed in presence of large number of partitions” (Brewer 2012).
Storing and Analyzing Streaming Data 241

2. Lambda Architecture
Lambda architecture relies on the concept of using two different systems to
process data, combine results from these systems, and produce results. Lambda
architecture was developed to beat the famous CAP theorem. It finds applica-
tion in stream data processing. It is a data processing architecture that pro-
cesses persistent data by using batch processing programming models (e.g.,
MapReduce), and real-time processing models. Then, a glue code is used to
combine results from both of the systems and is presented to the users. Lambda
architecture consists of three layers, namely, the batch layer, stream layer, and
serving layer.
a. Batch layer
The batch layer processes persistent data stored on secondary storage
devices, such as hard disk drives, flash drives, and others. One of the candi-
date solutions, namely, Apache Hadoop, has become a de facto tool for batch
processing, as this software provides high scalability and distributed data
storage with redundant copies of each datum for fault tolerance. Output
is usually stored in databases and then combined later with the output of
speed layers. ElephantDB and Cloudera Impala are candidate databases for
storing output of batch layers. ElephantDB is a database solution which
specializes in exporting key-value pair data from Hadoop (​
b. Speed layer
The speed layer focuses on processing real-time or online data. This layer
sacrifices throughput as it aims to minimize latency by providing real-time
views into the most recent data. The main task of this layer is to process the
data when it resides in main memory and fill the gap introduced by the lag of
the batch-processing layer in storing the most recent data.
c. Service layer
The service layer uses the results from the above layers and combines them
before producing output to the user. It uses views of data already processed
and combines different views to produce output of a user query. This layer
implements the glue code necessary to combine results from both the batch
and speed layers.
The Netflix Suro project and the advertisement data warehouse processing
system of Yahoo loosely use the Lambda architecture. Disadvantages of Lambda
architecture include writing a single code twice (once for the batch layer and the
other for the speed layer), transformation logic implementation, and writing a glue
code for combining results. Finally, management of two different systems is very
3. Kappa Architecture
Kappa architecture is a simplification of Lambda architecture. It overcomes the
limitation of maintaining a glue code in Lambda architecture, which produces the
same results in more than one distributed system. Overall, running and maintain-
ing two different distributed systems is costly and complex. Kappa architecture
overcomes this limitation by adopting a strategy of using append-only immutable
(write-only) data stores. Note that Kappa architecture is an extension of Lambda
242 Big Data Analytics

architecture and not its replacement. As of the writing of this chapter, Kappa
architecture is still in the initial phase. However, most efforts have concentrated
on the tools for stream processing systems (e.g., Apache Samza, Apache Storm,
Amazon Kinesis, Apache Spark, and others) and log stores (e.g., Apache Kafka and
DistributedLog). Kappa architecture also has three layers:
a. Log data stores are used in Kappa architecture to store results of batch jobs by
the job ID and output. Apache Kafka and DistirbutedLog are candidate stores
for this layer.
b. Streaming computation systems process data from log data stores and produce
the result.
c. Serving layer stores are responsible for optimized responses to queries.
4. BDAS Architecture
BDAS (Berkeley Data Analytics Stack) architecture is an open source soft-
ware stack which has integrated software components developed by AMPLab
at the University of California, Berkeley, for Big Data analytics. This group has
also released a RESTful Web service for sending tasks to human workers, such as
Amazon Mechanical Turk.
5. SQL or SQL-like query languages for stream processing
The popularity and simplicity of SQL has attracted many customers. There are
many works, such as AQuery, Aurora, CQL/STREAM, StreaQuel/TelegraphCQ,
Tribeca, Spark SQL, HiveQL, SQLstream, PipelineDB Streaming SQL, and others
that are already providing SQL or SQL-like language for processing streaming
data. Most of these require only minor changes in codes so that software can be
compatible with them. Oracle Big Data SQL, Azure, and Amazon are players in
this field; they provide these facilities that are using probabilistic data with struc-
tures, as discussed elsewhere in this chapter.
6. Giascope
Giascope is a distributed network monitoring architecture and one of the only
of its type. It proposes pushing some of the query operations near the source (e.g.
7. Feasibility study, design, and implementation of Cross-joins
Feasibility study, design, and implementation of Cross-joins and Full-joins for
the Continuous Join feature on PipelineDB (​
.html) and other database solutions.

Open Research Problems

1. In-memory joins for streaming queries is a requirement for many sliding window
2. Distributed optimization strategies aim at decreasing communication costs by
reordering query operators, so that results remain the same. (Note that decreas-
ing communication cost of data flying between systems is also studied under the
paradigm termed “small data aside Big Data.”)
3. Exploring the space of materialized views over infinite streams under the resource
constraints (Chandrasekaran and Franklin 2002).
Storing and Analyzing Streaming Data 243

4. Determining lower bounds of storage space required by algorithms using the

Turnstile model is also a huge challenge and includes complex terms owing to the
nature of the model. Use of communication complexity to find the lower bounds
in space for the Turnstile model is one of the candidate methods (Li et al. 2014).
5. Replacing distributed systems with multicore servers with a very large main
memory for streaming data. “With the advent of multi-core servers that today can
pack upwards of 48 cores in a single CPU, the traditional SMP approach is worth
a second look for processing big data analytics jobs” (Wayne 2011). For instance,
DataRush by Pervasive Software uses multiple core and performs better than the
Hadoop program for data of sizes between 500 GB and 10 TB; above this limit,
Hadoop outperforms the DataRush program. In addition, an octa-core system will
definitely consume less energy than four dual-core systems. Commercial systems
with more than 50 cores are available on the market. Multithreaded implemen-
tation models, such as OpenMP, OpenACC, and others, may be utilized for the
processing of streams on multiple cores.
6. Adaptive query implementations. Can we design a querying system that will
change a query algorithm based on the schema of the stream that arrived recently
or that can figure out which algorithm to use from a set of algorithms of the same

In conclusion, it can be said that streaming data storage and processing is a Big Data
challenge, as it fits all the three Vs of Big Data: volume, velocity, and variety. Streaming
problems are more challenging in a distributed environment, owing to the requirement
of synchronization between different stream data distributed among the nodes for many
applications. We have already listed computation models, data structures, and data mod-
els that have been created as solutions for these problems. It is conclusive that the nature
of streaming application is a predominant factor in determining the type of model at the
levels of processing, main memory, and secondary storage devices. Market scenarios indi-
cate two major requirements: (i) to provide tools that enable users to harness the best from
streaming data by using SQL or SQL-like programming languages, and (ii) to solve the
famous CAP theorem by using Lambda and Kappa architectures. Beating the CAP theo-
rem is the most significant research challenge, and such work will revolutionize the field
of streaming data.

Abramova V, Bernardino J. 2013. NoSQL databases: MongoDB vs Cassandra, pp. 14–22. Proceedings of
the International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering. New York: Association
for Computing Machinery.
Aggarwal CC. 2007. Data Streams: Models and Algorithms. New York: Springer Science & Business Media.
244 Big Data Analytics

Babcock B, Babu S, Datar M, Motwani R, Widom J. 2002a. Models and Issues in Data Stream Systems.
New York: Association for Computing Machinery.
Babcock B, Datar M, Motwani R. 2002b. Sampling from a moving window over streaming data.
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. Philadelphia,
PA: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
Bockermann C. 2015. Mining Big Data streams for multiple concepts. Ph.D. dissertation. Technischen
Universitat Dortmund an der Fakultat fur Informatik, Dortmund, Germany.
Brewer E. 2012. Pushing the CAP: Strategies for consistency and availability. Computer 45:23–29.
Chandra DG. 2015. BASE analysis of NoSQL database. Future Generation Computer Systems 52:13–21.
Chandrasekaran S, Franklin MJ. 2002. Streaming queries over streaming data, pp. 203–214.
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases. Very Large Data Bases
Chandy KM, Misra J. 1984. The Drinking Philosophers problem. ACM Transactions on Programming
Languages and Systems 6(4):632–646.
Che-Qing J, Wei-Ning Q, Ao-Ying Z. 2004. Analysis and management of streaming data: A survey.
Journal of Software.
Dmitry N. 2015. On big data stream processing. International Journal of Open Information Technologies
Fan L, Cao P, Almeida J, Broder AZ. 2000. Summary cache: A scalable wide-area web cache sharing
protocol. IEEE ACM Transactions on Networking 281–293.
Gartner. 2016. Gartner Survey Report 2016.
Gibbons PB, Tirthapura S. 2002. Distributed streams algorithms for Sliding Windows. Proceedings
of the Fourteenth Annual ACM symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures. New York:
Association for Computing Machinery.
Gilbert AC, Kotidis Y, Muthukrishnan S, Strauss M. 2001. Surfing wavelets on streams: One-pass
summaries for approximate aggregate queries. VLDB 79–88.
Golab L, Ozsu MT. 2003. Issues in data stream management. ACM Sigmod Record.
Grolinger K, Higashino WA, Tiwari A, Capretz MA. 2013. Data management in Cloud environ-
ments: NoSQL and NewSQL data stores. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances Systems and
Khalilian M, Sul N, Norwati M. 2016. Data stream clustering by divide and conquer approach based
on vector model. Journal of Big Data.
Leavitt N. 2010. Will NoSQL databases live up to their promise? Computer 12–14.
Li Y, Huy LN, David PW. 2014. Turnstile streaming algorithms might as well be linear sketches.
Proceedings of the 46th annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing. New York: Association
for Computing Machinery.
Maggs BM, Ramesh KS. 2015. Algorithmic nuggets in content delivery. ACM SIGCOMM Computer
Communication Review 52–66.
Misra J, Gries D. 1982. Finding repeated elements. Science of Computer Programming 143–152.
Morales D, Bifet G, Khan A, Gam L. 2016. IoT Big Data stream mining, pp. 2119–2120. Proceedings of
the 22nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. New
York: Association for Computing Machinery.
Muthukrishnan S. 2005. Data streams: Algorithms and applications. Foundations and Trends in
Theoretical Computer Science 117–236.
Samet H. 2006. Foundations of Multidimensional and Metric Data Structures. Burlington, MA: Morgan
Sanders P. 2014. Algorithm engineering for Big Data. GI Jahrestagung.
Schulte HC, Dustdar SS, Lecue F. 2015. Elastic stream processing for distributed environments. IEEE
Internet Computing 54–59.
Wayne E. 2011. The Next Wave in Big Data Analytics: Exploiting Multi-core Chips and SMP Machines.
Wayne E. 2014. SQLstream Bets on the Internet of Things.​
Storing and Analyzing Streaming Data 245

Further Readings
A comprehensive list of works on streaming problems can be found on the git repository: https://
For the repository of Kappa architecture, see
Pantos R, May W. 2016. HTTP live streaming, see​
Big Data Cluster Analysis: A Study of Existing
Techniques and Future Directions

Piyush Lakhawat and Arun K. Somani

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 248
Overview of Cluster Analysis.................................................................................................... 248
An Illustrative Example......................................................................................................... 249
Similarity.............................................................................................................................. 250
Termination......................................................................................................................... 250
Types of Clustering Techniques................................................................................................. 251
Hierarchical Clustering.......................................................................................................... 251
Overview............................................................................................................................. 251
Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering............................................................................... 252
Divisive Clustering................................................................................................................. 252
ROCK Clustering Technique................................................................................................. 253
Expected Effects of the Three Vs on the ROCK Clustering Technique....................... 253
Density-Based Clustering.......................................................................................................254
DBSCAN Clustering Technique............................................................................................ 255
Expected Effects of the Three Vs on the DBSCAN Clustering Technique................. 255
Partitioning-Based Clustering............................................................................................... 256
Overview............................................................................................................................. 256
k-Means Clustering Technique.............................................................................................. 256
Expected Effects of 3 Vs on the k-Means Clustering Technique.................................. 257
Grid-Based Clustering............................................................................................................ 258
Overview............................................................................................................................. 258
CLIQUE Clustering Technique......................................................................................... 258
Expected Effects of the Three Vs on the CLIQUE Clustering Technique................... 259
Miscellaneous Clustering Techniques.................................................................................. 259
Future Directions for Big Data Cluster Analysis Research.................................................... 260
Distributed Techniques........................................................................................................... 260
Density-Based Distributed Clustering............................................................................ 260
Graph Partitioning-Based Clustering.............................................................................. 261
MapReduce-Based k-Means-Type Clustering................................................................ 261
Robust Techniques.................................................................................................................. 261
Clustering Engines.................................................................................................................. 262
Conclusions................................................................................................................................... 263
References..................................................................................................................................... 263
Key Terminology and Definitions............................................................................................. 264

248 Big Data Analytics

Cluster analysis (clustering) is a fundamental problem in an unsupervised machine learn-
ing domain. It has a huge range of applications in various fields, including bioinformatics,
gene sequencing, market basket research, medicine, social network analysis, and recom-
mender systems. The main idea in clustering is to arrange similar data objects from a
given data set in clusters (groups). Clusters usually represent some type of real world enti-
ties or a meaningful abstraction. The knowledge of the abstraction acts as a stepping stone
to further analysis and is therefore a fundamental requirement for data analysis problems.
With the growing capabilities in data collection, transmission, storage, and computing,
there has been a steady increase in cluster analysis-based research.
The realm of Big Data has affected almost all machine learning techniques. The existing data
mining techniques have had to adapt to the three primary facets of Big Data: volume, veloc-
ity, and variety (Laney 2001). These are referred to as the three Vs of Big Data, and they are
depicted in Figure 11.1. Volume refers to the big size of data being collected every day and used
for analysis. Velocity refers to the continuous data collection pipelines active in various fields.
Variety refers to the heterogeneous nature of data, ranging from text, image, numerical, etc., in
unstructured, semistructured, and structured forms. The ways in which these three Vs affect
any machine learning technique can be very different based on the technique’s functioning.
In this chapter, we first provide an overview of cluster analysis along with a broad cate-
gorization of clustering techniques. Following this, we discuss each category of clustering
techniques along with a detailed study of one prominent method in each category. While
studying these techniques, we also focus on aspects which are likely to be affected by the
three Vs of Big Data. Finally, we discuss important future directions for Big Data cluster
analysis and research and provide our perspective on them.

Overview of Cluster Analysis

Any data considered for cluster analysis are implicitly expected to contain a set of clusters.
A cluster can be imagined as a group of data objects which are similar to each other based
on a specified criterion. Individual clusters are expected to possess different qualities

3 Vs

Volume Velocity Variety

E.g.: The particle collider at E.g.: Walmart manages E.g.: Presence of numerous data
CERN produces around more than 1 million type like text, numerical,
30 petabytes of data annually transactions every hour unstructured, multimedia, etc.

The three primary Vs of Big Data.
Big Data Cluster Analysis 249

b, d, e, d, h, i b, d, e, g
g b, d, e,
i i a, e, f d, g
h, c, a, e, f h, ,
d, a, b
, d, ,c a, e, f
a, b e, f, i e, f, g
d, g d, g
e, f, g e, f, g
i a, d, f, i

, d,

, f,
e, i, f e, f, i
a, f

a, d
a, b, c,

Visualization of clustering.

(usually judged by a specific metric) that distinguish them from one another. Such a
scheme of clusters is found in many real-life applications, and knowledge of such schemes
helps directly or indirectly when extracting useful information from the data. The varied
nature of data and the types of similarity desired in clusters have led to the development of
various clustering techniques. The eventual goal always is to obtain a suitable condensed
representation of the data. Figure 11.2 gives a visual illustration of the clustering process.
The clusters obtained from the given data are sometimes the desired final information.
For example, with a clustering analysis of bioinformatics data, researchers are able to iden-
tify useful associations among many data sets. Such information helps in designing future
experiments. On other occasions, the knowledge of clusters can help quickly associate a
new object to a cluster type and make a corresponding decision for it. For example, based
on a customer’s shopping basket, an online retailer can immediately try to predict which
type of a customer he or she is (i.e., they are most similar to which cluster) and recommend
suitable products. Attributes like the type of data (numerical, categorical, multimedia, etc.),
the expected properties of the data (correlation, skewness, mean, etc.), size, and speed of
the data all play important roles in deciding the type of cluster analysis to be performed.
We use a small example scenario to explain the intuition behind the clustering problem.

An Illustrative Example
Let us consider a log kept of all items bought by each customer from an online retail store.
Table 11.1 is an illustration of one such log of a short period on the store’s database.
By observing the contents of Table 11.1 we notice that customers 2, 3, and 4 bought
similar items and customers 5 and 6 bought similar items that were different from those

TABLE 11.1
Illustration of Transactions during Five Minutes at a Retail Store Website
Customer ID Time of Purchase Items Bought
1 3:00 PM Printing paper, printer cartridge
2 3:02 PM Detergent, cooking oil, bread, a novel “abc”
3 3:02 PM Coffee beans, sugar, bread, a novel “abc”
4 3:03 PM Bread, coffee beans, soap
5 3:03 PM T-shirt, shorts, socks
6 3:05 PM T-shirt, shoes
250 Big Data Analytics

for customers 2, 3, and 4. Items bought by customer 1 were not similar to any other
customer. This observation points to an attribute of the data set that there are types of
customers who buy similar items. But how should we formally analyze and report such
an attribute? This is one of the primary questions that needs to be answered by cluster
Let us try to identify the important factors behind developing such a cluster analysis
technique. First, we need to identify a metric to compare the similarities of various cus-
tomers. Let us use the number of common items bought by two customers as a metric
in this case. So, based on this metric, we can state that customer 2 and customer 3 have
two common items and therefore are more similar than customer 5 and customer 6,
who only had one common item. Second, we also need to identify a metric of similarity
for clusters (groups of customers in the example). A possible metric could be the ratio
of the number of common items between the two clusters versus the mean sizes of the
two clusters.

If we consider a cluster of {customer 2, customer 3} and a singleton cluster of {customer 4},
then the similarity between them would be 2/1.5, or 1.3. Note that the definitions of simi-
larity for clusters of customers and single customers become equivalent for singleton clus-
ters. This can be a flawed similarity metric, because once the cluster sizes become varied,
the effects of averaging will distort the similarity values. However, for the sake of simplic-
ity, let us continue with this definition. We also need a clustering criterion based on this
definition on similarity. In each incremental step, we can merge a pair of clusters with the
highest similarity. This idea is actually the skeleton of an important class of clustering
techniques called hierarchical agglomerative clustering.

One final step that we now need to perform is a criterion to terminate the clustering pro-
cess. A simple way in this case can be a predefined number of clusters to be obtained
before stopping. Many existing clustering techniques do follow such a criterion. However,
the state-of-the-art techniques try to identify such a criterion based on the data set and
how the clustering process is proceeding. That is, whether the formation of new clusters is
yielding new information or is oversimplifying the data set. In this example, let us assume
that we find three clusters and terminate the process.
Following the clustering technique steps identified above, we first merge customers 2
and 3 or 3 and 4 into a cluster. Following that, we form a cluster of customers 2, 3, and 4.
Next, we form a cluster of customers 5 and 6. At this point, we have formed three clus-
ters: {customer 1}, {customer 2, customer 3, customer 4}, and {customer 5, customer 6}. We
can name them clusters A, B, and C, respectively. This gives us a formal way to analyze
and report any clusters present in a data set of the type present in Table 11.1. A more
sophisticated version of such a process leads to the development of various cluster analysis
techniques. The knowledge of clusters in any data set acts as a final or intermediate step
in further analysis for various scientific and business applications. For example, in our
illustrative example, assume a new customer 7 adds the following to her cart: bread, coffee
beans, and sugar. Then, we can immediately associate this customer with cluster B and
suggest the novel “abc” item for her to buy. With this understanding, let us now discuss a
broad categorization of clustering techniques.
Big Data Cluster Analysis 251

Types of Clustering Techniques

Clustering techniques are developed and chosen based on the prior understanding of the data.
Since these belong to the unsupervised machine learning category, making a right choice of
clustering technique is very important. Based on the wide variety of data types, many cor-
responding clustering techniques have been developed, as depicted in Figure 11.3. Most of
the clustering techniques can be categorized based on the cluster-building methodology. The
four broad categorizations (Berkhin 2006) are: hierarchical clustering, density-based cluster-
ing, partitioning-based clustering, and grid-based clustering. There are few other techniques
which do not fall under any of the above categories; these can be categorized under a fifth cate-
gory, termed miscellaneous clustering techniques. In the following sections, we briefly discuss
all of these techniques and provide one specific example from each category in more detail.

Hierarchical Clustering
As the name suggests, these techniques follow a hierarchy (ranking) criterion to perform
the clustering. This ranking is typically based on some metric of similarity among clusters,
and a top-down or bottom-up approach is used based on the choice of clustering.
The top-down and the bottom-up hierarchical clustering approaches are also commonly
known as divisive and agglomerative hierarchical clustering, respectively. Figure 11.4 aids
in visualizing the two types of hierarchical clustering. The key benefits of hierarchical
clustering are:

1. Ability to define data-specific merging and dividing criterion, making it widely

2. Option to achieve cluster structures of various shapes and sizes based on the ter-
mination criterion

However, the same reasons can also lead to inaccurate clusters sometimes due to:

• Lack of knowledge of how the merging and dividing criterion will influence the
clustering process
• Not knowing the best level at which to stop the clustering, as this can cause infor-
mation loss as well


Hierarchical Density-based Partitioning Grid-based Miscellaneous

E.g.: Rock E.g.: DBSCAN E.g.: k-means E.g.: CLIQUE E.g.: Constraint
clustering clustering technique based

Categorization of clustering types.
252 Big Data Analytics

Agglomerative hierarchical clustering

Divisive hierarchical clustering

Two types of hierarchical clustering.

A key concept in hierarchical clustering is a dendrogram. It is a tree type structure made

of clusters based on the hierarchical relationships among them. Since it is a tree type struc-
ture, there is a natural concept of child, sibling, and parent. Children of a cluster divide
the data into subclusters. Therefore, it is very convenient with hierarchical clustering to
achieve any desired level of coarseness or fineness. As shown in Figure 11.4, bottom–up
clustering starts by defining each data point as a single cluster and keeps merging clusters
based on similarity. Top-down clustering follows the exact opposite criterion by defining
the entire data set as a single cluster and dividing it into subclusters based on dissimilarity.
Both the processes continue until a termination criterion (frequently, a requested number
[k] of clusters) is achieved.

Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering

For agglomerative hierarchical clustering, there can be numerous choices for merging
techniques with different pros and cons among them based on complexity, convergence,
speed, etc. A popular choice is to calculate the average distance between all possible pairs
of data points in the two clusters to be used as the final distance between them. Other
techniques recommend using the difference between some version of the mean of the data
in the two clusters to evaluate their distance. Techniques like using the shortest distance
between any two data points for use as the cluster distances are not recommended, as
these lead to big clusters getting bigger over time. In case of large clusters, it is not uncom-
mon to use variety of sampling techniques to reduce the computational complexity while
still achieving reasonable accuracy.

Divisive Clustering
As shown in Figure 11.4, divisive clustering techniques are initiated with the entire data set
defined as a single cluster. The final goal is to achieve a dendrogram of desired qualities with
all leaf nodes as the final set of clusters. In certain situations, divisive clustering can be favored
over agglomerative clustering, especially when clusters of varying granularity are expected
or more than one type of clustering criterion is required. Due to it being a type of hierarchical
Big Data Cluster Analysis 253

clustering, there is an option of evaluating the clusters formed at each step. Therefore, if it is
expected that the current data arrangement already consists of fewer clusters, then divisive
clustering can save a lot of computation by partitioning those clusters in just one step.
A suitable similarity (or dissimilarity) index is very important in all hierarchical cluster-
ing techniques. The reason for this is that these indexes drive the entire clustering process,
and therefore inaccuracy in them will propagate throughout the whole analysis. Therefore,
the state-of-the-art techniques of this category justify their choice of such a metric very
succinctly; and this step should be followed by verifying the validity of the clusters found
in applicable data sets. Such metrics are also required to have good scalability, because of
their repeated usage in their respective clustering algorithm and the possibility of large
clusters in the data. Let us now study in further detail one of the most popular hierarchical
clustering techniques, called ROCK clustering.

ROCK Clustering Technique

For an algorithm-specific understanding of the hierarchical clustering technique, we shall
analyze the popular ROCK clustering algorithm (Guha et al. 2000). The main strength of
this algorithm is that it provides very intuitive clustering logic for categorical data. Ideas
like using averages or other numerical operations are not applicable to categorical data. To
overcome this, ROCK clustering entails production of a similarity graph, with links con-
necting objects based on similarities among them. The core concept is that the higher the
number of links between objects, the greater the implied similarity. Such a methodology
allows an application to numerical, Boolean, and categorical data or their combinations.
Zaïane et al. (2002) mentioned that since this algorithm uses global parameters, it inhibits
the clustering process to generate naturally present clusters of uneven sizes.
The idea of links is very important in this clustering technique. The authors define a
link(a,b) to be the number of common neighbors to a and b. Therefore, higher values of
link(a,b) lead to a higher chance for a and b to be in the same cluster. The objective is for
each cluster to have its highest possible degree of connectivity. Hence, the sum of link(a,b)
for the data point pairs (a,b) should be maximized for each cluster as well minimized for
each pair (a,b) from different clusters. This rationale led the authors to include the follow-
ing criterion function for k clusters, which they try to maximize:

El = ∑ n * ∑ link
( a , b)
a ,bCi
1+ 2 f ( θ )

They defined f(θ) as a function which depends on the data and the clusters of interest.
The function f(θ) is designed to have the following property: each data point in cluster Ci
should have approximately nif (θ) neighbors. Besides ensuring strong connectivity, f(θ) also
allows clusters to be unique. Guha et al. (2000) explained this in further detail: with the
goal of maximizing this function, the ROCK algorithm follows an agglomerative approach
to incrementally merge clusters until a predefined number of clusters is achieved.

Expected Effects of the Three Vs on the ROCK Clustering Technique

The computation of links is one of the more expensive steps in the ROCK technique, achiev-
ing a complexity of O(n2.37) with matrix multiplication techniques. However, this is not the
254 Big Data Analytics

biggest challenge among the three Vs of Big Data, as there is potential to achieve distributed
versions of this technique. Overall algorithmic complexity is described by Guha and Shim
(2000) to be O[n2 + nmmma + n2 log(n)] in the worst case, where ma is the average number of
neighbors and mm is the maximum number of neighbors at a point. Since this overall nature
of the algorithms is agglomerative in nature, many steps in the algorithm can be distributed.
The velocity of data can be a bottleneck if it is above a certain limit, but we believe the
biggest challenge to adopting ROCK clustering (and most other hierarchical clustering tech-
niques) would be due to the variety of data. The link-based connectivity definitions will be
too simplistic for rich variety and unstructured data sets. The knowledge of the number of
clusters that need to be formed will also be almost impossible to obtain a priori in most cases.
Therefore, in future versions of such algorithms, it is imperative to develop clustering prog-
ress monitoring techniques, so that each cluster analysis can be tailored for specific data sets.

Density-Based Clustering
If we interpret a data set as a density distribution in some Euclidean space, then the con-
nected components of such a space can be interpreted as the clusters present in the data
set. The central idea in density-based clustering is to do such mapping as accurately as
possible and then through iterative steps it improves the connectivity strength of clusters.
Every density-based clustering algorithm starts with the strongly connected parts of the
data set as individual clusters and then keeps expanding these clusters by searching for
points which enhance the density function. A combination of two reasons makes this cat-
egory of techniques unique. First, the initial cluster assignment captures the global picture
of the data set and ensures that the analysis doesn’t strongly deviate from that. The sec-
ond reason is that the iterations to improve the connectivity capture the local information
related to each cluster and therefore improve the overall accuracy. This allows the density-
based techniques to detect clusters of varied shapes and sizes along with the freedom to
rearrange data in any order necessary.
The clusters eventually found are dense sections from the data set, after information has
been filtered out, leaving behind sparse sections. There is a risk in these techniques that
sometimes two dense sections will be fused together due to inaccurate parameter settings.
Such oversimplifications need to be avoided. Figure 11.5 visually illustrates this drawback.

Initial Dense regions Dense regions Oversimplification:

dataset identified expanding significantly different
regions merged

Potential drawbacks of density-based clustering.
Big Data Cluster Analysis 255

Due to a lack of visual interpretation of data density in some cases, visualization can be
challenging for density-based clustering. It is not uncommon to find clusters of seemingly
arbitrary shapes.
The implicit assumption in density-based clustering is that the outliers and noise in
the data don’t have enough density to significantly affect other clusters or form a clus-
ter themselves. Therefore, at the end of density clustering, any section of data which is
declared sparse should be assumed not useful in the clustering analysis (Aggarwal and
Reddy 2013). Key ideas to focus on when working with a density-based algorithm are den-
sity estimations and the definition of connectivity.
Next, we study and present details of one of the most popular density-based algorithms,
called DBSCAN.

DBSCAN Clustering Technique

DBSCAN (Ester et al. 1996) builds up the clusters by finding densely connected data points
in a data set. Its starts by finding any “core point.” A data point is called a core point if it
has more than a minimum number of data points near it. By “near it,” we imply that the
distance metric of the algorithm should be less than a predefined value (usually referred
to as Eps). The minimum number of points required to call a data point a core point are
referred to as MinPts. Any point which is in the range of Eps for a given point is said to
be directly reachable from that point. While any point which can be reached by hopping
on successive directly reachable points is called a reachable point. Therefore, points not
reachable from any other data point are considered sparse and ignored from the analysis.
DBSCAN starts with an arbitrary point and checks all other points in its surrounding
“Eps” space. If no point is found, then this point is ignored and some other arbitrary point
is selected. If a point(s) is found in the Eps space, then points in their Eps are searched
for. This goes on until each point in the cluster has no other reachable point from it. Once
this is done, another arbitrary point from outside this cluster is selected and the process is
repeated. The algorithm terminates when each point either belongs to some cluster or is a
completely isolated point (not reachable from anywhere).
It should be noted that even though the initial core point selection is arbitrary, every
point in its associated cluster will eventually be found. And the same cluster would have
been found even if any other point in that cluster had been the initial selection in the
process. However, this is true when the value of Eps and MinPts are fixed. The accurate
estimation of these two parameters has always been a challenge when using the DBSCAN

Expected Effects of the Three Vs on the DBSCAN Clustering Technique

While the DBSCAN algorithm has many strong points, it still needs to adapt to the nature
of Big Data. In its native form, DBSCAN requires an entire data set to perform clustering.
This approach is infeasible, even for moderate-sized data sets in today’s times. However,
to cater to the large volume, parallel versions of DBSCAN have already been proposed
(Januzaj et al. 2004).
While the big volume of the data is a problem, another problem is the velocity of the
data. This translates into a need for faster approximate versions of the algorithm. Certain
sampling-based versions of DBSCAN have been introduced (Borah and Bhattacharyya
2004). The goal of these techniques is to obtain a near-accurate cluster structure while not
having to process the entire data set.
256 Big Data Analytics

The variety aspect of Big Data is also an important factor, and addressing that in a
density-based algorithm like DBSCAN can be especially challenging. The key challenge
comes with suitable definitions for connectivity and density functions.

Partitioning-Based Clustering
As the name suggests, partitioning-based clustering relies on achieving the final clusters
through successive partitioning and refinement steps. There is always either a clustering
quality measurement criterion or an indicator function which decides the conclusion of
the algorithm. The intrinsic benefit of partitioning-based clustering methods is that they
can exploit any existing data partitioning, in which the data are provided, and start build-
ing up the clusters from there. Some other techniques, like hierarchical clustering, will
always start the clustering process from the same state irrespective of the formatting of
data provided. The design of partitioning-based algorithms also facilitates generation of
distributed and parallel solutions.
The idea of iteratively improving the search space has been very effective in v ­ arious
domains, like linear programming (Luenberger 1973) or advanced sorting techniques
(Mehlhorn 2013), to name a few. Therefore, it is not surprising that it yields strong results in clus-
ter analysis as well. Classical partitioning techniques, like the k-means algorithm, is still highly
used and is very effective for a variety of applications. A disadvantage of that type of cluster-
ing is that getting a rough idea of cluster structure can be difficult for the initial iterations.

k-Means Clustering Technique

If we were to develop a list of the most-used clustering algorithms, most would agree that
the k-means algorithm deserves a place on that list. The simple yet powerful clustering
logic of this technique along with its applicability to most numerical data applications are
the reasons for it.
The key idea in k-means clustering is to identify the “k” means from the data set that are
representative of most data points around them, while each of these k-means is sufficiently
different from each other. The choice of a suitable number k is a challenge, and there are
ways to estimate the best k for a given data set in order to avoid overfitting. The main func-
tion to be minimized in this technique is the distance between the mean (also referred to
as a centroid) and the points associated with each mean. Vector-based distance, like the
following, is a common distance function used.

∑∑ x − C
Obj. Func. = i j
j= 1 xiC j

In the above function, k represents the number of clusters, Cj represents the mean, and
xi represents a point associated with that mean. Such an objective function is applicable
when data are numerical in nature and also each data point has the same dimensions.
For other cases, like categorical data, techniques with similar logic have been developed
(Huang 1998) which use the mode as the central idea instead of the mean.
Big Data Cluster Analysis 257

s ba ean
n m
tio st
arti eare
P n

Until Individual
convergence cluster means

Initial k-means
dataset identified

Data point Ig
Global k-means
pa nore
Cluster mean ns

Key concepts of k-means clustering.

The basic version of the k-means algorithm (Hartigan and Wong 1979) initializes the
clustering process by defining the first set of k-means and then assigning the points to each
mean based on minimizing the total distances as per the objective function. This assign-
ment is called partitioning the data. Following this step, new means (centroids) are com-
puted for each data partition individually. These individual means from each partition are
now considered the new k-means and are used to create new partitions based on minimiz-
ing the objective function. This process is ideally repeated until the new partitions are not
changing. That is, all the k-means coincide with the individual partition means. Figure 11.6
provides a visualization of k-means clustering.
Finally, the initialization of the clusters also has an effect on the clustering performance.
Milligan (1981) suggested the use of a dendrogram (via hierarchical agglomerative clus-
tering) to identify the initial cluster assignment, while Hartigan and Wong (1979) used
the nearest-neighbor density to develop an initial clustering. A random sampling-based
approach is described by Bradley and Fayyad (1998).

Expected Effects of 3 Vs on the k-Means Clustering Technique

k-means will probably continue to be one of the more popular clustering techniques in
the times of Big Data. Many variants of the k-means technique have been developed over
time. Because the core premise of the technique is simple and effective, various types of
numerical data respond well to this analysis. Since there is scope for both parallelization
and addition of machine learning components to the k-means technique, it will continue to
be effective in terms of handling the volume and velocity components of Big Data.
However, further sophistication is needed in terms of handling the variety aspects of
Big Data (e.g., images, texts, etc.). Combination of other machine learning techniques (or
even some other clustering techniques) with k-means to achieve more versatility in terms
of data interpretation will be required.
258 Big Data Analytics

Grid-Based Clustering
It can be argued that most grid-based clustering techniques can be classified as density,
partitioning, or hierarchical clustering techniques, or at least be called a combination of
them. However, a true classification of a clustering technique should be based on its core
clustering strategy. The key concept in grid-based clustering is that of projecting the data
set (or more specifically the data space) to a more appropriate space which can be easier
to manipulate and identify the clusters within. This makes grid-based clustering unique
and separates it into its own category of techniques. High-dimensional data sets found in
current applications make this type of clustering especially relevant.
Reducing the computation complexity is one of the main goals of using grid-based tech-
niques. Once data are transformed into the desired grid space, the rest of the process is
to find clusters by using the grids. The grids can have attributes like means or densities
associated with them. The success of grid-based clustering techniques depends upon the
accuracy of such transformations in capturing the essential data attributes required for
clustering. Let us now discuss in further detail the popular grid-based CLIQUE clustering

CLIQUE Clustering Technique

Agrawal et al. (1998) proposed the CLIQUE clustering algorithm. It is a grid-based clus-
tering algorithm which uses the concept of data density to locate clusters. Like all grid
clustering techniques, the goal is to find clusters in the subspace of high-dimensional data
sets. A strong feature of CLIQUE clustering is that it presents the final cluster description
as a disjunctive normal form expression. This is the minimal description of the clustering
aids in understanding and interpretability of the cluster structure.
Agrawal et al. (1998) claimed that it is important to use a subset of real dimensions
of data instead of creating new dimensions by mathematical operations, the reasoning
being that real dimensions represent some factual information while created dimension
might be difficult to interpret. Since this is a density-based clustering approach, a cluster
is interpreted as a region with data points present in high density compared to other
regions. Therefore, the CLIQUE clustering algorithm proceeds to identify simplifying
transformations of a data set which make high-density areas either visible or easier to
The CLIQUE algorithm transformation begins with mapping its data set points onto
the units of the grid structure. A data point will be mapped onto a particular unit (grid)
if the value of all the dimensions of the data point lie within the specified range of this
unit. Once the transformation process (also called taking projections step) is over, all the
units are observed and the units with more than a certain number of data points in them
are considered dense. The remaining units are ignored. Different choices of dimensions
to transform will result in different projections of the data set. The goal is to find the most
suitable projection for clustering.
Algorithmically, the clustering process can be divided into three components: identify-
ing the subspaces (a bottom-up technique is used to achieve this), identifying clusters in
the subspaces (a graphical representation is used followed by a depth-first search), and
finally generation of a minimum description of clusters. Agrawal et al. (1998) showed
that an optimal solution is NP hard and developed a greedy approach to achieve these
Big Data Cluster Analysis 259

Expected Effects of the Three Vs on the CLIQUE Clustering Technique

While the worst-case behavior of the subspace discovery process has been shown to be
exponential in the highest dimension, in most practical cases it can be controlled by pre-
defining the number of passes over the data set. This criterion will need to be studied in
further detail, given the increasing variety in data sets in recent times.
One strength of the CLIQUE clustering technique is that once the subspaces are iden-
tified, the cluster discovery and the minimum description generation can be done in a
distributed fashion. This helps subdue the effects of the volume and velocity aspects of
the data.
Overall, such grid-based techniques have the important feature of simplifying a com-
plex data set. This makes such techniques very promising as we look ahead. We expect
aspects of these techniques to be present in most future Big Data clustering techniques.

Miscellaneous Clustering Techniques

Certain clustering techniques do not fit in any of the above categories. Often these tech-
niques are an amalgamation of a clustering technique and other application-specific
technique. Berkhin (2006) discussed these in much detail. In this section we provide an
overview of these methods.
In recent years, a new class of clustering has emerged from a practical point of view; it is
called constraint-based clustering (Tung et al. 2001). The need for constraint-based cluster-
ing is understandable, as it is hard to imagine any real world applications without specific
constraints associated with them. While traditional clustering techniques typically aim to
maximize (or minimize) certain clustering criterion, constraint-based clustering tries to do
the same, along with maintaining the specified constraints for validity. If constraint-based
clustering was an optimization problem, then traditional clustering would be a problem
of just maximizing the objective function. Tung et al. (2001) specified a few ways in which
constraints are imposed in clustering algorithms: a constraint on certain objects to be clus-
tered together, a constraint on objects not to be clustered together, bounds on certain algo-
rithm parameters, specific constraints on individual clusters, etc.
There have been certain modifications to the partitioning clustering methods as well.
For example, supervised learning techniques are used to train classifiers specific to clus-
tering decisions (Liu et al. 2000). These classifiers then influence the future decisions for
partitioning. Swarm optimization techniques have also been used in conjunction with
k-means clustering to accelerate the centroid discovery process (Van der Merwe and
Engelbrecht 2003).
Recent works have also used evolutionary techniques in clustering algorithms. The
SINICC (simulation of near-optima for internal clustering criteria) (Brown and Huntley
1992) algorithm uses simulated annealing in a framework of partitioning-based cluster-
ing. Genetic algorithms are also being applied for cluster analysis. The GGA (genetically
guided algorithm) (Hall et al. 1999) applies fuzzy and hard means logic in finding the
k-means clustering. Those authors found that the use of genetic algorithms especially
helped in the initialization aspect of k-means clustering.
Our discussion here is far from an exhaustive discussion of clustering techniques, i.e.,
merging with other data mining techniques to provide improved application-specific
results. However, we have shed light on such a need in data mining research. With the
data being richer and more detailed in the future (increased variety), the need for multiple
data mining techniques in combination is going to increase.
260 Big Data Analytics

Future Directions for Big Data Cluster Analysis Research

An understanding of the effects of the nature of Big Data on existing powerful clustering
techniques helps in adapting to the new developments. However, it is also very important
to understand the qualities that are desirable for future clustering algorithms which will
seamlessly fit in the Big Data realm. In this section, we discuss three future directions for
Big Data cluster analysis research. Independent as well as a collaborative pursuit in these
areas will be required to manage the three Vs of Big Data.

Distributed Techniques
With data being collected globally and stored in geographically distributed data centers,
the need for distributed clustering techniques will be inevitable. Clustering by nature
is not a distributed operation, so innovative techniques are required to bridge that gap.
According to Aggarwal and Reddy (2013), the general framework for all distributed clus-
tering techniques can be described using the following four steps.

1 Divide and distribute the data

2. Local clusters are found at each node
3. Global clusters are found by gathering all the distributed information
4. Cluster refinement takes place in each of the local nodes, based on the knowledge
of global clusters

While distributed techniques have the benefits of parallel performance speedup and
distributed memory utilization, the communication costs have to be managed. Especially
in recent times with the data sets being massive, moving data from one node to another
can be very expensive. Therefore, a key challenge for distributed clustering algorithms is
to find data representations for local clusters which require the least memory bandwidth
for communication while still maintaining a high degree of useful information. Data space
projections used in grid-based clustering techniques can be used here towards this end.
Network architects will also need to keep the demand for such applications in consider-
ation when designing the next generation of data center networks.
Figure 11.7 depicts a distributed clustering flow of data in such a class of algorithms. In
the following, we discuss further details of three recent distributed clustering algorithms:
DBDC (a density-based distributed clustering technique), ParMETIS (a graph partitioning-
based clustering technique), and PKMeans (a MapReduce-based k-means-type clustering
technique). Aggarwal and Reddy (2013) described these and addtional algorithms in fur-
ther detail.

Density-Based Distributed Clustering

DBDC, as the name suggests, uses density-based clustering (more specifically, the
DBSCAN algorithm) as its key concept (Januzaj et al. 2004). This turns out to be a good
choice, because data densities are naturally good for superimposition. Therefore, obtain-
ing the global clustering is very straightforward. Another benefit of using density-based
clustering in a distributed framework is that it allows for very sparse local clustering (and
hence lower communication costs) by slight parameter adjustments when needed.
Big Data Cluster Analysis 261


Data distribution

Local clusters

Cluster Final
refinement clusters

Distributed clustering flow.

Graph Partitioning-Based Clustering

Permits are built as a distributed version of the graph partitioning METIS algorith (Karypis
and Kumar 1998, 1999). METIS is one of the popular graph partitioning algorithms. Graph
partitioning aims to divide the nodes of a graph into subgraphs with nearly equal sums
of node weights, while minimizing the sums of edge weights of boundary edges. METIS
achieves this by first using matching techniques to gather strongly connected nodes in
groups, followed by partitioning these groups into k subgraphs. This is followed by some
final refinements. ParMETIS (Karypis and Kumar 1999) performs the matching techniques
in a distributed fashion and then incrementally achieves a global matching, which is then
transmitted to every node. The refinements are then done locally for ParMETIS.

MapReduce-Based k-Means-Type Clustering

PKMeans (Zhao et al. 2009) is a MapReduce-based version of the popular k-means algo-
rithm. Parallel performance is achieved by dividing the two steps of k-means between the
mapper and the reducer part. The first step of k-means clustering (partitioning), where each
data point needs to be associated with the mean, is done by the mapper. The second itera-
tive step, where the individual cluster means are computed, is done by the reducer. Since
k-means is a partitioning-based clustering, it gels well with the MapReduce framework.

Robust Techniques
More data also means more noise. Therefore, future clustering techniques will need to be
more adept in dealing with noisy and inaccurate data. While the need for robustness in clus-
tering techniques has already been identified, it has become more relevant in the times of
Big Data. The lack of robustness in one of the most famous clustering algorithms, k-means,
led to the development of its variant, called trimmed k-means (Cuesta-Albertos et al. 1997).
García-Escudero et al. established that the k-means method has a breakdown point of 0.
262 Big Data Analytics

This implies a single outlier data element placed randomly far away can completely disturb
the k-means clustering (Garcia-Escudero and Gordaliza 1999, García-Escudero et al. 2010).
Trimming is a useful concept to achieve robustness. A simple trimmed mean cuts out
a particular ratio of the largest and the smallest observations before finding the mean of
the data. However, for used in clustering, we cannot simply trim data from the top and
bottom. A self-trimming method, like the following, should allow less useful parts of data
(outliers) to be removed so that they do not influence the clustering (Garcia-Escudero and
Gordaliza 1999, García-Escudero et al. 2010):

∑ j = 1… k X − m
min min min
arg Y m1 , … , mk i j
X iY

This is a double minimization problem to find k centers {m1, …, mk}. The range of Y will
be a subset of the entire sample {X1, …, Xn}. Such conditions add robustness for finding
k-means clusters and make it is less susceptible to extreme outliers.
Similar robustness while using the knowledge of data distributions and the ideas from
sampling theory will need to be adopted into more clustering techniques in the future.
This will ensure the maximum extraction of useful information from data while minimiz-
ing the effects of outliers.

Clustering Engines
Fundamental machine learning tasks like clustering can be generalized, and there can be
generic techniques which cluster a variety of data. A sizeable amount of being heterogene-
ity in nature calls for development of such clustering engines.
While this research area is in a relatively nascent state, there have been certain interesting
contributions. Ferragina and Gulli (2004) investigates the Web snippet hierarchical clustering
problem from a software-based perspective and developed an algorithmic solution. They drew
snippets from 16 different Web engines and built clusters on the fly without any knowledge
of any predefined clusters. They labeled the clusters based on sentence structures and con-
tent, while using two knowledge bases built during preprocessing for selecting sentences and
assigning clusters. Their technique arranges clusters into a hierarchy and then allocates them
to appropriate nodes based on relevant sentences in them. Their technique also allows over-
lapping of clusters across various levels of the hierarchy in order to be flexible in assignments.
Carpineto et al. (2009) provided a detailed discussion on Web clustering engines. They
claimed that clustering engines successfully overcome many of the challenges of present-
day search engines by generating clusters of search results as an extra feature. They strongly
emphasized that clustering engines are complementary to search engines. They mentioned
that benefits like subtopic search of a group of search results and fast information summariza-
tion make clustering engines highly useful. With the huge variety of data available through
Web searches these days, any tool which helps in arranging and visualizing this information
does seem very useful. The views presented by Carpineto et al. (2009) reenforced our belief
that, moving forward in the Big Data age, clustering engines will play an important role in the
Big Data Cluster Analysis 263

We have presented the needs, the processes currently utilized for analysis, and future
directions for cluster analysis. We discussed the intuition behind clustering methods and
the various types of cluster analysis techniques based on their clustering criterion. We
analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of various clustering techniques and discussed in
detail one popular technique in each category. We also discussed the possible effects of the
three Vs of Big Data on each of these techniques. We also described a few additional clus-
tering techniques which do not fall into any particular category. Finally, three important
future research directions for cluster analysis in the Big Data age were discussed, namely,
distributed clustering, robust clustering techniques, and clustering engines.

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264 Big Data Analytics

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Statistical Society C Applied Statistics 28(1):100–108.
Huang Z. 1998. Extensions to the k-means algorithm for clustering large data sets with categorical
values. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 2(3):283–304.
Januzaj E, Kriegel HP, Pfeifle M. 2004. DBDC: Density based distributed clustering, pp. 88–105.
International Conference on Extending Database Technology. Berlin: Springer.
Karypis G, Kumar V. 1998. Multilevel k-way partitioning scheme for irregular graphs. Journal of
Parallel and Distributed Computing 48(1):96–129.
Karypis G, Kumar V. 1999. Parallel multilevel series k-way partitioning scheme for irregular graphs.
Siam Review 41(2):278–300.
Laney D. 2001. 3D data management: Controlling data volume, velocity and variety. META Group
Research Note 6:70.
Liu B, Xia Y, Yu PS. 2000. Clustering through decision tree construction, pp. 20–29. Proceedings of the
Ninth International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. New York: ACM.
Luenberger DG. 1973. Introduction to Linear and Nonlinear Programming, vol 28. Reading, MA:
Mehlhorn K. 2013. Data Structures and Algorithms. 1: Sorting and Searching, vol. 1. Springer Science &
Business Media.
Milligan GW. 1981. A Monte Carlo study of thirty internal criterion measures for cluster analysis.
Psychometrika 46(2):187–199.
Tung AK, Han J, Lakshmanan LV, Ng RT. 2001. Constraint-based clustering in large databases,
pp. 405–419. International Conference on Database Theory. Berlin: Springer.
Van der Merwe DW, Engelbrecht AP. 2003. Data clustering using particle swarm optimization,
pp. 215–220. 2003 IEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation. New York: IEEE.
Zaïane OR, Foss A, Lee CH, Wang W. 2002. On data clustering analysis: Scalability, constraints, and
validation, pp. 28–39. Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Berlin:
Zhao W, Ma H, He Q. 2009. Parallel k-means clustering based on MapReduce, pp. 674–679. IEEE
International Conference on Cloud Computing. Berlin: Springer.

Key Terminology and Definitions

Big Data: it has a moving definition in time. It typically means the amount of data which
requires high-performance machines for analysis.
Cluster Analysis: a class of unsupervised learning problems where the goal is to obtain a
set of clusters (a group of similar objects) for a given data set. The clusters them-
selves are expected to be unique among each other.
Clustering Engines: a relatively new concept. These are software systems which continu-
ously perform incremental cluster analysis on streaming data.
Distributed Clustering: a special class of clustering analysis where data are explicitly
divided into separate chunks, analyzed, and then summarized globally. It is done
to achieve computation speedup and to manage large data sets.
Noisy Data: data which contain inaccuracies with respect to the expected ideal properties
of the data. All real data are expected to be noisy. However, with huge amounts of
data being collected these days, it is even more difficult to understand the nature
of data and, hence, the additional noise.
Big Data Cluster Analysis 265

Three Vs: volume (the generally big size of data), velocity (the fast speed of data arrival),
and variety (the heterogeneous nature of data). These are used to describe the
nature of Big Data as a result of modern data collection, transmission, storage, and
computing capabilities.
Unsupervised Machine Learning: class of machine learning problems where no data
labels are available to supervise the learning process. In contrast, supervised
machine learning entails correct outputs that are known and it can help in guid-
ing the learning process.
Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics

Adil Omari, Juan José Choquehuanca Zevallos, and Roberto Díaz Morales

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 268
Traditional Methods: Feature Extraction with PCA................................................................ 268
Algorithm................................................................................................................................. 268
PCA for Big Data..................................................................................................................... 269
Kernel Methods............................................................................................................................ 270
Problems Associated with Kernel Methods........................................................................ 270
Kernel Functions as New Features....................................................................................... 271
Kernel Properties..................................................................................................................... 272
The Most Common Kernel Functions.................................................................................. 272
Selecting Basis Elements......................................................................................................... 273
Random Sampling.............................................................................................................. 274
k-Means................................................................................................................................ 274
Sparse Greedy Matrix Approximation............................................................................ 275
Example of Semiparametric SVMs....................................................................................... 276
Stochastic Gradient Descent............................................................................................. 277
Iterative Reweighted Least Squares................................................................................. 278
Deep Feature Learning................................................................................................................ 278
Auto-Encoders......................................................................................................................... 279
Measuring Discrepancies in AE....................................................................................... 279
Architecture of AEs............................................................................................................ 280
Regularizing AEs................................................................................................................ 281
Learning............................................................................................................................... 281
Constructing Deep Structures.......................................................................................... 281
Benefits for Big Data........................................................................................................... 281
Probabilistic Models................................................................................................................ 282
Learning............................................................................................................................... 283
Contrastive Divergence.....................................................................................................284
Constructing Deep Structures............................................................................................... 285
Deep Distributed Learning.................................................................................................... 285
Data Parallelism.................................................................................................................. 286
Model Parallelism............................................................................................................... 286
Data and Model Parallelism............................................................................................. 286
Updating Parameters in Large-Scale Networks................................................................. 286
Synchronous Mode............................................................................................................. 287
Asynchronous Mode.......................................................................................................... 287

268 Big Data Analytics

Ensemble Methods....................................................................................................................... 287

Nontrainable Aggregation..................................................................................................... 289
Trainable Aggregation............................................................................................................ 289
References..................................................................................................................................... 290

In recent years, there has been a noticeable incremental increase in the number of avail-
able Big Data infrastructures. This increase has promoted the adaptation of traditional
machine learning techniques in order to be able to address large-scale problems and to
adapt solutions to be launched in distributed environments. These platforms provide scal-
ability, fault tolerance, and highly intuitive programming languages to develop software,
but they need to train algorithms that are efficient in terms of computational time and
communication. For these reasons, linear models are among the most common predictive
modeling techniques in working with Big Data. However, these methods show poor per-
formance when there is a nonlinear relationship between the features and the variables
being predicted. To solve this limitation, one alternative is to extract features based on the
original ones in order to solve problems that are nonlinear in the original feature space. In
this chapter, we explain some feature extraction techniques capable of working in distrib-
uted Big Data platforms.

Traditional Methods: Feature Extraction with PCA

Principal component analysis (PCA) (Jolliffe 2002) is a procedure that highlights similari-
ties and differences in data by transforming the original set of correlated variables into a
new set of uncorrelated variables; these new variables are called principal components.
PCA also allows a reduction in the number of variables and renders the information
less redundant. The other main advantage of PCA is that it can identify patterns in data,
which is difficult with high-dimensional data, where the luxury of graphical representa-
tion is not available. PCA is possibly the most frequently used method for dimensionality

Given the data matrix X ∈  N × D, where each of N rows represents a single sample and
every column a feature, we can follow a sequence of steps to perform a PCA.

1. Subtract the mean. We create a new matrix, X*, by removing the mean from the
original data set from each of D features:

xd*( n) = xd( n) − ∑x (i)

d (12.1)
Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 269

2. After that, we calculate the covariance matrix, C ∈  D× D

1 *T
C= X X * (12.2)

3. Calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix. Since the
covariance matrix is square, we can compute the eigenvectors ν(1), …, ν(D) and
eigenvalues λ(1), …, λ(D) for this matrix. These are very important, as they tell us
useful information about our data.
4. Choose components. The next step is to sort the eigenvectors in descending order,
looking at the value of their corresponding eigenvalue. The eigenvectors with the
highest eigenvalues are the principal components of the data. To reduce the num-
ber of features from D to D′, one simply must choose D′ eigenvectors with higher
eigenvalues and ignore the less significant ones. (We will possibly lose some infor-
mation, but if the eigenvalues are small, we will not lose too much.)
There is a common criterion called the explained variance that is used to choose
the new number of features. With this criterion, we select eigenvectors until the sum
of the eigenvalues represents between 70% and 90% of the total sum of eigenvalues.
5. Create the new data set. Once we have chosen the components (eigenvectors), we
can proceed to transform the original feature space into the new one by multiply-
ing the zero mean training set, X*, by a matrix V that contains in every column
every one of the eigenvectors that we have selected.

X PCA = X *V (12.3)

PCA for Big Data

The formulation is easy to apply when the size of data is limited, and every linear algebra
software package has functions to perform PCA. The main problem comes when we need
to apply PCA to a data set that does not fit into a memory.
When we have too many observations in our data set, the covariance matrix itself can be
located in the memory, and the limitation is in calculation of the covariance matrix when
our data set has been split into smaller data sets, stored into Q workers, in a network:

X (1) ∈  N1 × D , … , X (Q ) ∈ 
NQ × D
and X = ∪X

The most expensive computational cost, in this case, is step 2 of the algorithm (the covari­
ance matrix calculation). This step can be computed using a MapReduce scheme, where
every node computes the product of its data set, and the Transpose and a Master node
receive all the results and the sum of the individual matrices:

N ∑ X*
X *T ( q ) (12.4)

This is the schema that libraries such as Spark MLlib (Meng 2016) use to perform PCA.
270 Big Data Analytics

Kernel Methods
Kernel methods (Scholkopf 2001) are a very popular family of machine learning algo-
rithms. The main reason for their success is their ability to very easily create nonlinear
solutions by transforming the input data space onto a highly dimensional one by using a
kernel function. They have proved their effectiveness in practice through highly competi-
tive results in many different tasks.
As an example of kernel methods, we can consider support vector machines (SVMs)
(Vapnik 2013), which are commonly used in classification problems, or Gaussian processes
(GPs) (Rasmussen 2006), a Bayesian nonparametric algorithm that is very useful in regres-
sion problems.
After training these algorithms, we obtain a model for classification or regression prob-
lems whose associated function to process new data, x, has the following form:

f ( x) = ∑w ( m)
K ( x , c ( m) ) (12.5)
m= 1

Where the set {c (1),…,c (m)} is a set of centroids and the function K is the kernel function
and represents a similarity measure between the two data sets.
The kernel function can model the nonlinearity of a problem, because we can oper-
ate very easily in a high-dimensional space rather than in the original one. We can see
this family of algorithms as instance-based learning, instead of fixing parameters on the
original features. The algorithm learns a representative set of training data and processes
future data using information about the similarity of the new data with the memorized
samples; it learns a set of different weights based on these similarities.

Problems Associated with Kernel Methods

The original formulation of kernel methods has two main limitations that reduce their
practical application in Big Data problems:

• The first one is the run time associated with their training procedure. The original
formulation of the SVM is a quadratic programming problem, and in the case of
GPs we have to solve a least-squares problem of size n (n is the size of the train-
ing set). This means that the cost of the training procedure is on the order O(n3),
resulting in a very long training time and a totally unaffordable task for Big Data
• The second problem is associated with the nonparametric nature of kernel meth-
ods. The complexity of the models is not limited, since the classifier size depends
on the training set size. This means that N can take any value between 1 and n.
The ability to self-adjust their architecture made these methods very popular in
the past, but the resulting classifiers can become very large and could, therefore,
lead to very slow processing of new samples.

Fortunately, new lines of research, such as parallel computing or semiparametric approx-

imations, have emerged to help us cope with these problems.
Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 271

To deal with the excessive classifier size in large-scale problems and to obtain a solution
capable of processing new samples within a reasonable time, semiparametric solutions
are approximations that fix the complexity of the resulting model in advance. Some works
(Schölkopf 1997) have proposed to reduce the machine size a posterior, i.e., they reduce the
classifier size by solving a preimage problem (Kwok 2004) after the SVM training step, to
avoid the calculation of a full SVM. There are several alternatives that we will discuss in
this chapter.
In distributed computing (Díaz-Morales 2011), multiple processing resources work
simultaneously following the principle that problems can be divided into smaller subtasks
that can be solved at the same time. With Big Data clusters, different systems in a network
work independently and communicate results periodically. The scope of Big Data comput-
ing is focused on large-scale problems where a single machine cannot store the full data
set and communication times are negligible compared with the run time of every iteration.

Kernel Functions as New Features

To illustrate the usefulness of kernel functions as new features, we prepared Figure 12.1,
which contains an example of a nonlinear classification task. The left side represents a lin-
ear classifier, which is a line in the original feature space; this method cannot attain good
classification accuracy.
When we replaced the original features with a single new feature, x3, which is a distance
with a point in the original space, we correctly classified all the samples; the new classifier
is nonlinear when we look back at the original feature space (the right side of the figure).
With that idea in mind, the more kernel functions we add to our data set, the more
complex will be the classification functions we can create in the original space. Figure 12.2
shows a classification region in the original space, where we used a linear classifier and
several kernel functions.
Many machine learning algorithms, like SVMs, can be expressed in terms of dot prod-
ucts of samples. To obtain nonlinear solutions, we replace those products by using kernel
functions, so they represent the dot product in another high-dimensional feature space
(Mercer’s theorem).
A kernel function must represent similarity between two samples. Although automatic
kernel selection is possible and has been discussed in the work of Howley (2005), when
using generic kernel functions to obtain good results within a reasonable period of time it

X2 X2

X1 X1

Linear classification versus nonlinear classification.
272 Big Data Analytics



A complex classification task.

is necessary to use the knowledge of a domain expert, because choosing the most appro-
priate kernel depends highly on the problem at hand, and fine-tuning the kernel param-
eters using generic kernel functions can become a tedious task.

Kernel Properties
Usually, it is better to work with positive definite kernels, because that ensures that the
optimization problem will be convex with a unique solution. That means that the ker-
nel matrix of every combination of elements of the data set contains positive semidefinite
and only nonnegative eigenvalues. Kernel functions must be symmetric, continuous, and
preferably have a positive semidefinite Gram matrix. Some kernel functions which are not
strictly positive definite have been shown to perform very well in practice. The sigmoid
kernel is not positive semidefinite for certain values of its parameters. Boughorbel (2005)
showed how some kernel functions that are only conditionally positive definite are better
than traditional kernels in some applications. Another division is scale invariant and scale
variant; this is also an interesting property, because a classifier built using scale-invariant
kernels is not affected by changes in the scale of the data. Kernel functions can be clas-
sified in many different ways: compactly supported, anisotropic stationary, isotropic sta-
tionary, locally stationary, nonstationary, or separable nonstationary.

The Most Common Kernel Functions

The most common kernel functions reported in the literature are as follows:

• Linear kernel. This is the simplest kernel function. It is obtained from the inner
product plus an optional constant. This is still a linear combination of features;
the classifiers obtained with this kernel are still linear, but this can be useful to
perform a dimensionality reduction that replaces the original features space by a
reduced number of linear kernel functions.

K ( x , y) = x T y + c (12.6)

Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 273

• Polynomial kernel. The polynomial kernel is a nonstationary kernel that is well

suited for problems where all the training data have been normalized. Adjustable
parameters are the degree, d, the slope, α, and the constant term, c.

K ( x , y) = (αx T y + c)d (12.7)

• Radial basis function. This function is also called a Gaussian kernel.

x− y

K ( x , y) = e 2σ2 (12.8)

The parameter σ plays a major role in the performance of this function and
should be carefully tuned to the problem at hand. A too-high value will behave
linearly, and the high-dimensional projection will lose its nonlinear power. A too-
low value will be highly sensitive to noise in the training data.
Alternatively, this function can also be implemented as follows:

− γ x− y
K ( x , y) = e (12.9)

• Laplacian kernel. This is similar to the radial basis function, with only L1 norm
and a less sensitive effect from changes in σ.

x− y

K ( x , y) = e σ

• Hyperbolic tangent kernel. This kernel type comes from the artificial neural net-
works field, where the function is often used as activation for neurons.

K ( x , y) = tanh(αx T y + c) (12.11)

An SVM using this kernel function is equivalent to a two-layer, perceptron neu-

ral network. This kernel was quite popular for support vector machines due to
its origin from artificial neural network theory. Despite being only conditionally
positive definite, it has been found to perform well in practice.
There are two adjustable parameters in the sigmoid kernel: the slope α and the
constant c. A more detailed study on sigmoid kernels can be found in the works of
Lin (e.g., Lin 2003).

Selecting Basis Elements

Once we have selected the correct kernel function, we need good criteria to select a good
set of centroids {c (1),…,c (m)}.
274 Big Data Analytics

In Big Data architectures, where data are distributed among different nodes, once the
centroids have been selected we can broadcast them so that they are available on every
computing node, and we can transform our original feature space to a new one composed
by the kernels function {K (x, c (1)),…, K (x, c (m))} or merge the new features with the original
ones by using a map function on the distributed data set. There are several techniques that
can be applied to Big Data problems to select the set of centroids; depending on the num-
ber of centroids we want to obtain, we can choose a different technique.

Random Sampling
A random selection of samples among the training data elements is extremely simple but
also very fast. This method is less accurate than other techniques but is recommended
when we want to obtain a large number of elements. Most of the Big Data frameworks
provide this functionality; for example, Apache Spark implements the functions Take and
Sample on the resilient distributed data sets (RDDs) to sample a random number of data
points or to sample data with a probability from the original data set. The sampling can be
with or without replacement, depending on whether you want to avoid the possibility of
repeating the same data or not.

k-Means is a clustering method of vector quantization that aims to partition n observations
into k clusters, in which each observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean,
serving as a prototype of the cluster.
Given a set of observations {x(1),…, x(N)}, k-means clustering aims to partition the n obser-
vations into k (≤ n) sets, S = {S(1),…, S (K)}, so as to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares
(sum of distance functions of each point in the cluster to the cluster center). In other words,
its objective is to find:

arg min x − µ(k) (12.12)
k = 1 x ∈S( k )

where μ(k) is the mean of points in S(k); this means μ(k) can be used as our basis elements.
This results in a partitioning of the data space into cells. The problem is computationally
difficult (NP-hard); however, there are efficient heuristic algorithms that are commonly
employed, and they converge quickly to a local optimum.
The most common algorithm uses an iterative refinement technique; it is called Lloyd’s
algorithm. The algorithm proceeds by alternating between two steps:

• Assignment step. Assign each observation to the cluster whose mean yields
the least within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS). Since the sum of squares is the
squared Euclidean distance, this is intuitively the “nearest” mean.
• Update step. Calculate the new means, which are the centroids of the observations
in the new clusters.

The algorithm has converged when the assignments no longer change. The algorithm
may converge to a (local) optimum. There is no guarantee that the global optimum will be
found using this algorithm.
Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 275

Assignment step Update step
Partition D1
on D1 on D1


Assignment step Update step

Partition DQ on DQ on DQ

Distributed Big Data k-means.

We can find distributed implementation of k-means in most of the Big Data frameworks,
like Spark MLlib (Meng 2016) and Apache Mahout (Owen 2011). It is easy to adapt the for-
mulation for a distributed environment by using a MapReduce scheme in every iteration
(Figure 12.3).
The set of means {μ(1),…,μ(K)} obtained via k-means will be our set of centroids.

Sparse Greedy Matrix Approximation

The sparse greedy matrix approximation (SGMA) method (Scholkopf 2001, Smola 2001) is
a common unsupervised machine learning technique to approximate the kernel matrix
and, therefore, it is suitable to select the basis elements of semiparametric models. It is a
greedy technique that works by iteratively selecting a group of candidates among the train-
ing set and growing the set of basis with the candidate that obtains the highest decrease
in the approximation error.
As shown by Scholkopf (2001), with a set of basis elements {c (1),…, c (m)}, we can approxi-
mate the kernel functions as a linear combination of other kernels. This approximation
involves an approximation error. When we add a new basis element c(m+1), the error can be
expressed as a function of the previous error:
Err({c (1) , ..., c ( m) }) = Err({c (1) , ..., c ( m) , c ( m+1) }) − η−1 K n,mz − km+1,n (12.13)

Error Decrease


(km+1,n )i = K (c ( m+1) , x ( i ) ) ∀i = 1, … , n
(knc )i = K ( x ( i ) , c ( m+1) ) ∀i = 1, … , m
( m+ 1)
(kmc )i = K (c , x (i)
) ∀i = 1, … , m (12.14)
z=K k c mc

η = 1 − zT kmc
( K nm )ij = K ( x ( i ) , c ( j ) ) ∀i = 1, … , n, ∀j = 1, … , m

276 Big Data Analytics

The last part of the formula is called error decrease (ED), because it measures the error
difference with that of the previous set of basis. The goal of SGMA is to find a good set
of basis elements by making use of the ED information. To do that, in every iteration it
selects a group of new candidates and grows the set of basis elements with the element
that obtains the highest ED.
Modern Big Data platforms provide functionalities to easily sample data from distrib-
uted data sets and to broadcast variables to be used for every worker (with read-only
access). Making use of these features, in every iteration the algorithm takes some candi-
date samples to grow the semiparametric model and shares them among every worker
in the cluster. To obtain the ED of every candidate, the workers in the distributed cluster
calculate the partial error associated with their data set partition. This approach allows us
to evaluate the ED in parallel. This evaluation of the ED does not require communication
between workers until the end. This is a good schema for MapReduce architectures.
The computational cost of evaluating the ED on a candidate element using the whole
data set becomes a critical limiting factor when working with Big Data problems. In order
to be capable of handling large amounts of data, it is possible to use a stochastic version
of the algorithm. Instead of computing the ED exactly, each iteration estimates the ED of
every candidate by using a data subset randomly picked from the full data set. The main
advantage of this approximation is that the amount of time required is independent of
the number of examples in the data set when the number of elements in the data subset
is fixed. This approximation represents a great advantage in terms of run time in experi-
ments; below, we discuss the validity of this approximation and provide empirical results
as a function of the subset size.

Example of Semiparametric SVMs

The primal optimization problem in solving an SVM using kernel functions is the follow-
ing (Cortes 1995):

2 (i)
min w ,b w +C
2 i=1

  n 
ξ( i) = max  0, 1 − y ( i ) 
  ∑
y ( j )α ( j ) K ( x ( j ) , x ( i ) ) + b   , ∀i = 1, … , n (12.15)
 


w= ∑y
α ( i )φ( x ( i ) )

where C is a penalty parameter to trade off the misclassification error, ϕ(·) is a nonlinear
transformation (usually unknown) where inner products can be computed using a ker-
nel function ϕ(x(i))ϕ(x(j)) = K (x(i), x(j)), and α(i) is the Lagrange multiplier associated with
the constraint of the sample x(i). This optimization problem is equivalent to solving an
n-dimensional convex quadratic programming (QP) problem.
The solution of the SVM is nonparametric, and so the size of the classification function
(that is, the number of support vectors) is not predetermined and is modeled based on the
training samples. To keep the complexity and the run time under control, semiparametric
models (Burges 1997) can be adopted.
Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 277

Once the A set of m basis elements {c (1),…, c (m)}is selected using one of the techniques

described in the previous section, w is approximated by w 

a classifier of size m:
( j)
φ(c ( j ) ), giving rise to

f ( x ( i ) ) = β T ki + b
(ki ) j = K ( x ( i ) c ( j ) ), ∀j = 1, … , m

The weights, β, are obtained by solving the following optimization procedure:

min β
1 T
β K Cβ + C ∑ξ (i)


ξ( i ) = max(0, 1 − y ( i ) (β T ki + b)), ∀i = 1, … , n
( K C )i , j = K ( c ( i ) , c ( j ) )

There are two different approaches that are commonly used in Big Data problems to
solve this task: stochastic gradient descent and iterative reweighted least squares.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

Even though stochastic gradient descent (SGD) has been around in the machine learning
community for a long time, it has received a considerable amount of attention just recently
in the context of Big Data learning.
The SGD algorithm updates the parameters θ of the objective function L (θ) as follows:

θ= θ−η (12.19)

where the expectation in the above equation is approximated by evaluating the cost gradi-
ent over the full training set. SGD simply does away with the expectation in the update and
computes the gradient of the parameters using only a single or a few training examples.
Gradient descent algorithms are very easily implemented in distributed Big Data plat-
forms (Rect 2011) because it is possible to use a MapReduce schema (Dean 2008) to imple-
ment them.
When we apply the SGD to the semiparametric SVM formulation, we must take into
account that the hinge function max (0, 1 − y(i) (βT ki + b)) is not differentiable at y(i) (βT ki +
b) = 1. We can use the following expression:

 (i)
if y ( i ) (βT ki + b) ≤ 1
∂ξ( i )  − y ki
= (12.20)
∂β  0 if y ( i ) (βT ki + b) > 1

278 Big Data Analytics

Iterative Reweighted Least Squares

An IRWLS schema has been successfully used to train semiparametric SVMs by rearrang-
ing the cost function (Parrado-Hernández 2003):

min β
1 T
β K Cβ + C ∑a
( e ( i ) )2

(i) (i)
e = y − (βki + b)
 0, y (i) e(i) ≤ 0
a( i ) = C
 y (i) e(i) y (i) e(i) > 0

These procedures can be solved iteratively. The weights (β) are then obtained, consider-
ing that a(i) does not depend on β, and solving a least squares problem. Then, the value of
a(i) is recalculated for every sample by using the new β, and the procedure is repeated until
This procedure can be implemented in parallel for Big Data problems, as described by
Díaz-Morales (2016a, 2016b). When the data set is distributed in a Big Data platform, the
matrices of the least squares problem can be computed in parallel by using a MapReduce

Deep Feature Learning

An important point in Big Data analytics is that in many cases it is desirable to get
an overcomplete set of features that allows attaining higher performance on certain
tasks, and such features cannot be obtained by methods described in previous sections
(Hinton 2007).
Deep learning methods are receiving a lot of attention, given their impressive results in
several tasks, such as image restoration (Xie et al. 2012), classification (Ciregan et al. 2012,
Walid et al. 2014), audio recognition tasks (Dahl et al. 2012), etc.
We can say that deep learning techniques are a pooled set of algorithms that allow
building structures of many hidden layers, with the ability to form complex nonlinear
transformations that can disentangle factors that describe input data (Bengio 2009). Even
more, in many tasks, these methods are capable of being exploited directly from raw data
and allow understanding of the factors that explain variations in the data set.
Recent studies have also investigated the good generative capacities of these methods
(Vincent et al. 2008). If a machine is able to understand variations inside the structure of
data, then it is possible for it to generate new samples from the learned distribution, as well
as to better distinguish among samples of different classes.
Under this scenario, it is important to highlight the impulse that Big Data gives to these
techniques. Mainly, these methods usually suffer from overfitting, since the number of
free parameters is huge. So, having data sets of millions of samples directly helps to reduce
Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 279

this bad effect due to the scarcity of samples. However, a large amount of available data
also imposes other problems (memory, multimodality, a fast-growing number of samples,
etc.). It is undeniable that we could gain benefits from deep learning methods.
Since the introduction of the work on this topic by Hinton (2002), followed by that of
Vincent et al. (2008), several approaches have been introduced to construct such deep mod-
els. In the following sections, we analyze these approaches and explain their usefulness
and the versatility of such methods in Big Data scenarios. Also, we note that these meth-
ods serve as essential building blocks of deep nets that can benefit from parallel and dis-
tributed learning to train large-scale deep models.

An auto-encoder (AE) is a machine that tries to learn features from a given data set with
the primary intention of reconstructing samples by means of reducing a loss function that
measures the difference between the true value and the reconstruction obtained by AE. In
general terms, this equation represents the loss to be minimized during training.

N ∑ l(x ( n)
, xˆ ( n) ) (12.22)
n= 1

where N represents the number of samples and l is any function that measures a discrep-
ancy between a given sample, x(n), and its reconstruction, xˆ ( n) .

Measuring Discrepancies in AE
Regarding the reconstruction error criterion, we can consider different forms that will
depend mostly on the type of data we manage. There exists a wide availability of loss func-
tions. The most common ones are the followings:

• Mean squared error (MSE): This is the most common function to measure the
reconstruction error. The benefit of this measure is that there is no limitation in
the range of values of samples or, more precisely, in the values in any dimension.

l(x ( n) , xˆ ( n) ) = x ( n) − xˆ ( n) (12.23)

• Log likelihood: This is a general setting that can be used to measure discrepancies
among samples and reconstructions. It is first defined as a measure of discrepancy
between distributions. Under certain conditions, values of samples can be consid-
ered probability values, for instance, pixels in a gray scale picture are in the range
of [0; 1] and can be taken to represent the probability that a given pixel is 1, i.e.,
P(xd = 1). In this case, the distribution of all pixels will follow a Bernoulli distribu-
tion that results in Equation 1.24, also known as cross-entropy.

l(x ( n) , xˆ ( n) ) = − ∑ (x log(xˆ ) + (1 − x ) log(1 − xˆ )) (12.24)

d d d d

280 Big Data Analytics

A usual simplification that has shown good results in many applications is the
semi-cross-entropy function, defined as follows:

l(x ( n) , xˆ ( n) ) = − ∑ (x log(xˆ )) (12.25)

d d


Architecture of AEs
Among AEs, we recognize three types of units: sensory or input units (x), hidden units
(h1; possibly distributed across more than one hidden layer [l] and each of them connected
to lower and bottom layers), and output units. In essence, an AE can be divided into two
parts: an encoder function, h = fc (x), and a decoder function, xˆ = fd (h). The encoding layer
performs feature extraction from data and the encoder layer gives an estimate of the data.
The nonlinearity due to the activation functions at the output of each hidden layer pro-
vides the net to obtain complex functions.
Despite the fact that AEs can be formed by several hidden layers, in advance we focus
our discussions on the machines of one hidden layer, given that they have been shown to
be essential when trying to build complex models.
In its most basic setting, an AE is a neural net with one hidden layer (Figure 12.4), and so
under this structure, the label is the sample itself.

h = fc (W T x + b) (12.26)

xˆ = fd (U T h + c) (12.27)

where W and U represent synaptic connections between input x data and hidden variables
h and between the hidden and the output variables xˆ ; b and c are biases. fc and fd are acti-
vation functions (for instance, the hyperbolic tangent or the sigmoid function).

x1 x2 x3 x4

h1 h2 h3

x1 x2 x3 x4

Architecture of an AE with one hidden layer. The encoder is represented by the hidden variable, h = fc(x), and
the decoder, xˆ = fd (h), tries to generate a reconstruction of the input.
Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 281

In early stages, the AE was restricted to only have a number of hidden units less than
the number of characteristics of the data set, because otherwise it will learn just the iden-
tity matrix. By making the number of hidden units limited by the input dimension, the
net compresses the data, avoiding in this way of learning such identity function. Also,
for dimensionality reduction, it can be shown that the effect is the same as performing a
simple PCA operation. These reasons were forgotten until the breakthrough of Vincent
et al. (2008), who introduced the sparse denoising AE (SDA) concept.
Let’s say that we have a corrupted sample x , for instance, obtained by just simply add-
ing additive Gaussian noise; then, an AE should be able to bring that sample to the mani-
fold where data live. In other words, an AE should reconstruct that sample from its noisy
version by taking advantage of the learned features.

Regularizing AEs
The simple procedure that consists of adding noise to the data acts as a Tikhonov regular-
ization (Bishop 1995), allowing inclusion of more hidden units, since the learned function
will be different than the trivial identity function. This overcomplete feature set helps to
better reconstruct a sample.

As stated above, optimization of SDAs needs a corruption procedure, e.g., addition of noise,
applied to the input data and an estimated sample at the output of the net. As when train-
ing neural nets (Bottou 1991), AEs are trained to minimize the loss function L by gradient
descend (GD) and back-propagation (BP) procedures (LeCun et al. 2012).

Constructing Deep Structures

The hidden layer contains a first representation capable of assimilating basic structures in
the data. We can use this first representation of the data and enable classification over this
new set of features. However, as this new representation can offer better performance on
a given task; we can continue to obtain a second and more abstract representation level by
performing the same procedure but contaminating the data with noise in these hidden
representations. The same operation can be repeated several times.
Regarding the contamination-by-noise procedure, one can simply add Gaussian noise
at the input of the AE; however, the kind of noise should be data dependent, and so
we should employ all prior information available in advance. For instance, when input
data are gray-scale images, then a salt-and-pepper noise could be added, or to perform
operations such as rotations, we can zoom in (out), use occlusion, etc. Utilization of such
mechanisms also has the effect of a data augmentation procedure, which also helps to
avoid overfitting.

Benefits for Big Data

Given the amount of available data, the procedure to train SDAs to take a “plunge” at
the data, perform a step (or few steps) of learning (BP), and discard those samples. Then,
take another plunge at the data and perform the same operation. Also, given that neural
networks are unstable machines, we can use such characteristics to play in favor of and
train several AEs in parallel, so that all joint outputs will help in learning different faces of
282 Big Data Analytics

the problem, or even more if different machines are trained with independent distortion
At the same time, we can extract an overcomplete set of features or, on the contrary,
reduce the dimensionality of input data, by simple augmenting or reducing the size of the
hidden layers.

Probabilistic Models
This section presents a kind of probabilistic models, known as energy models, which are
another set of algorithms that have been used to discover features in data and are good
building blocks for constructing deep models. More precisely, we will focus on a subgroup
called Boltzmann machines (Bengio 2009). In these machines, an energy term defines the
interactions among variables. For instance, given a sample x and latent variable h, we
can define the energy function E (x, h, θ), where θ = {a, b, W, C, D} are free parameters to
be learned:

E( x , h , θ) = aT x + bT h + x T Wh + x T Cx + hT Dh (12.28)

This energy function defines a graph where all units from the input data x (visible units)
and latent variable h (hidden units) are connected, as shown in Figure 12.5. Parameters in
W relate relationships among visible and hidden units, parameters in C (D) define relation-
ships among visible (hidden) units, and parameters a and b represent biases.
This kind of configuration is almost intractable and hard to use in training a business
machine. In turns, we can reduce the complexity of this model, making C = 0 and D = 0;
this reduced form is known as RBM (Figure 12.6) and the posterior distribution [h~p(h|x)]
can be interpreted as a representation (or set of extracted features) of the input data.
Equation 12.28 is suitable for applications where the input data are binary (or on a scale
that falls in the [0;1] interval, as in gray-scale images). Also, we can use other energy func-
tions when variables follow, for instance, Gaussian distributions, as shown in Equation
12.29. For this case, the machine is a Gaussian-Gaussian-RBM, or GGRBM. We consider


h1 h3


x2 x3

A fully connected network containing four visible units and three hidden units.
Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 283

h1 h2 h3 h

x1 x2 x3 x4 x

A restricted Boltzmann machine. The graph is undirected, and there are no connections between units belong-
ing to the same layer. (Left) All connections between visible and hidden units. (Right) Simple representation of
the graphical model. θ represents the parameters of the model.

different distributions for input and hidden variables; for example, Equation 12.30 shows
an RBM where the input variable is real Gaussian valued and the hidden variable is a
binomial distribution.

∑ (x 2−σa ) + ∑ (h 2−σb ) + ∑ ∑ σx
2 2
E(x , h) = i i i i i
wij (12.29)
i 2
j 2
i j
i σj

E(x , h) = ∑ i
( x i − a i )2
2σ 2i
+ ∑ b h + ∑ ∑ σx
j j
i j

h j wij (12.30)

The learning of an RBM follows a gradient descent procedure over the maximum-
likelihood (ML), to optimize parameters. We define the likelihood function:

L(χ, θ) =
N ∑ log Z1 e − E ( x ,θ )
n= 1

Learning by gradient descent optimizes parameters following the negative gradient:

∂L(χ, θ)
θτ+1 = θτ − η (12.32)

In general, this procedure leads to

∂L(χ, θ) ∂E( x , θ) ∂E( x , θ)

=− + (12.33)
∂θ ∂θ p0 ( χ ) ∂θ p∞ ( χ , θ )

where 〈 〉p(.) is an expectation over distribution p(.).

284 Big Data Analytics

The difficulties in computing the second term in Equation 12.33 are well known, i.e., the
expectation over the true–unknown model distribution p∞ (χ,θ). A common approach is to
set up a Markov chain that reaches equilibrium. Unfortunately, a Markov chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) simulation has a huge drawback, which is the slowness of its convergence.
In addition, there is not a foolproof method to determine whether equilibrium has been
reached (a sufficient condition, the so-called detailed balance condition). Besides, it pre­
sents large variance in its estimated gradient.

Contrastive Divergence
Contrast divergence (CD), unlike ML learning, minimizes the difference of two Kullback-
Leibler divergences (KL) (Hinton 2002, Carreira-Perpinan and Hinton 2005, Bengio 2009),
as stated in Equation 12.34:

( )
CDk = KL p0 p∞ − KL pk p∞ (12.34) ( )

( ) ∫ p(x) log  pq((xx))  dx, p = p (χ, θ) is the probability density function
where KL p( x) q( x) = k k

obtained by running an MCMC, k steps in advance. A Gibbs sampler is widely used here,
because of its simplicity and good convergence; nevertheless, it is possible to use another
sampling method.
For updating parameters, we can follow a GD procedure to minimize CDk, which
leads to:

∂CDk (χ, θ) ∂E( x , θ) ∂E( x , θ) (12.35)

=− +
∂θ ∂θ p0 ( χ ) ∂θ pk ( χ ,θ )

As said before, Equation 12.35 implies that to obtain expectations over distribution, pk =
pk (χ, θ) can be approximated following the next procedure:

1. Get p0 (h|x, θ)
2. Get a sample h ~ p0 (h|x, θ)
3. For k = 1,2,…
a. Get a sample x ~ pk (x|h, θ)
b. Get a sample h ~ pk (h|x, θ)

Once we are able to perform sampling on an RBM, then the gradients can be easily cal-
culated. Equations 12.36 to 12.38 are gradient updates for the energy function in Equation
12.28, where the parameters are θ = {a, b, W}. Δ represents the change in the parameter.

∂CDk (χ, θ) (12.36)

= xi h j − xi h j
∂wij p0 ( χ ) pk ( χ ,θ )

Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 285

∂CDk (χ, θ)
= xi − xi (12.37)
∂ai p0 ( χ ) pk ( χ ,θ )

∂CDk (χ, θ)
= hj − hj (12.38)
∂b j p0 ( χ ) pk ( χ ,θ )

Constructing Deep Structures

Regarding the construction of complex deep models to obtain higher levels of abstractions,
the simplest way to build such machines is by stacking several layers of more basic (but
usually difficult to train) machines which previously were pretrained in an unsupervised
way (e.g., AEs and RBMs). Then, each layer is added once it has been pretrained.
After successive RBMs have been trained and stacked, we obtain a structure that can
represent highly nonlinear functions (Hinton 2009), and the name for this is a deep belief
net (DBN) (Figure 12.7).
However, we can perform classification tasks by adding a classifier at the top (e.g., an
SVM), and more significant results can be obtained by adding a logistic repressor. This
is because the final structure is similar to a common neural net and can be fine-tuned by
simply running a BP procedure for some steps.

Deep Distributed Learning

Deep structures with several hidden layers can pose millions of free parameters (Ciresan
et al. 2010), and to prevent overfitting we need a large amount of data. This brings more
difficulties when training deep models, since constraints come from two sides: the size of
the model and the size of the data set (Dean et al. 2012). We can consider two strategies to
satisfy both requirements: data parallelism and model parallelism.

hl hl

θl θl

hl−1 hl−1 hl−1

h2 h2 h2

θ2 θ2

h1 h1 h1

θ1 θ1
x x

Graphical model of a deep belief net (left). Parameters of each hidden layer are independently trained in a layer-
wise manner (right).
286 Big Data Analytics

Data Parallelism
In certain applications, we can consider a parallel training approach in case a data set is too
big to be saved in a single machine. In such a case, we divide the data set into several subsets,
 Q 
QX =
 
q =1
X q  , and make replicas of the model for each worker (Figure 12.8). Then, we pro-
ceed to obtain gradient estimates, and once they are obtained, a parameter server uses them
to arrive at a better estimate of true gradients (e.g., by simply averaging gradients coming from
workers) and update the model’s parameters (Agarwal et al. 2011). Then, these new updated
parameters are returned back to each worker to continue with the process until convergence.

Model Parallelism
In cases where a model is so big that it is impossible to fit into the memory for a given
worker, we can split the parameters across multiple workers and parallelize the training
of the model (Figure 12.9). Several problems can arise, because the merge of individual
computations of the pieces of the gradient is not trivial. First of all, all workers should
maintain communication with each other so that all workers have enough information to
adequately obtain gradient updates (Agarwal et al. 2011, Ngiam et al. 2011, Le 2013). This
communication is a bottleneck that restrings the training time.

Data and Model Parallelism

With data and model parallelism, the parameter server not only collects information
related to the gradient but also manages relations between individual workers.

Updating Parameters in Large-Scale Networks

So far, we have analyzed mechanisms to extract highly nonlinear features from data and
strategies to allow training of large-scale networks. In addition, a crucial decision is how
each worker will communicate the gradient information to the server node (for instance, a
step in the SGD). In both data and model parallelism scenarios, we can consider updating

Partition D1 Worker 1

Parameter server

Partition DM Worker M

Data parallelism: the parameter server collects the gradient calculations from each worker and, after an update
parameter step, returns the new parameters to each worker.
Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 287

Gradients 1

Worker 1
Parameters 1
Data D
Parameter server

Gradients M

Worker M
Parameters M

Model parallelism: the server collects pieces of information of gradients from each worker, updates the final
model, and returns to each worker a piece of the model.

the necessary variables using synchronous and asynchronous modes of communication

between workers or workers and servers (Ooi et al. 2015).

Synchronous Mode
In order to update the model parameters, the server node has to wait until all oper-
ations of the workers have been finished. Naturally, this incurs high communication
times because the bandwidth of the bus limits communication between workers and
between workers and servers. Also, there are the need for waiting until the last worker
has finished its calculations and the necessity of queuing gradient information coming
from workers. So, we should be sure that there is enough memory space to save all such

Asynchronous Mode
In asynchronous mode, we can reduce the time for updating parameters based on the
fact that gradients should not be changing dramatically (Zinkevich et al. 2010, Le 2013).
For instance, we can communicate when operations have been finished by a worker, and
a master merges this information to the previous one or drives to update parameters for
each worker whose waits are affected by such changes, i.e., the server does not wait until
all calculations have been completed.

Ensemble Methods
Ensemble methods train multiple learners with the intention of combing their outputs to
solve a problem. One of the most popular families of ensemble methods consist on train-
ing multiple independent learners, with an aggregation layer. Examples of this family are
bagging (bootstrap aggregating) (Breiman 1996), which combines classifiers trained with
288 Big Data Analytics

bootstrap sampling (Efron and Tibshirani 1993) of the original training sets and random
forest (Breiman 2001), which are trees trained with a randomly selected subset of the origi-
nal features (“feature bagging”).
In order to improve the performance of a single machine, we have to train a number
of different diverse learners; to do so, we can appeal to one of the following well-known
techniques to induce diversity.

• Bootstrap sampling: Given a set of N training data, we generate a new training set
for every learner by sampling with replacement from the original set (the same
original samples appear more than once, and some samples are not present).
• Feature bagging: Every learner is trained with a subset of the original features.
• Switching or flipping output: The main idea in switching is to randomly change
the true class of a portion of training data before training every learner.
• Random initialization: In some learning algorithms, we need to initialize some
parameters, like initial weights in neural networks (the nets converge to different
local minima).
• Train learners with different data.

In Big Data scenarios, we dispose of a big volume of data which is distributed on multi-
ple storage and processing units (Figure 12.10). This situation is ideal for combining learn-
ers; we can train a learner in each processing unit with data available in that unit and
consider the output of these learners as features for a new simple learner that represents
the ensemble combination. In this context, diversity guaranteed by the fact that data avail-
able for every learner are different.
Regarding the combination of the learner elements, we can consider two different strate-
gies: nontrainable aggregation and trainable aggregation.


Learner Learner Learner

1 q Q

Data 1 Data q Data Q

Worker 1 Worker q Worker Q

FIGURE 12.10
Ensemble formation in a Big Data scenario. Each worker manages a portion of the data or a subset of features.
Nonlinear Feature Extraction for Big Data Analytics 289

Nontrainable Aggregation
Nontrainable aggregation methods are the most popular and fundamental mechanisms,
because their computational cost is negligible, making them suitable for Big Data prob-
lems. We can look to averaging and majority voting as the most representative aggregation

Trainable Aggregation
In trainable aggregation, we use the learner’s outputs as inputs for a new machine to pro-
duce the ensemble’s output. This type of aggregation provides better results than non-
trainable aggregation, but they are more complicated and computationally expensive to
train. In general, we need to train the aggregation method using all the available data,
but we can overcome this situation by using the same sample selection method as before
(data parallelism). Among all available aggregation methods, we can mention the follow-
ing common approaches:

• Weighted averaging: The combined output is obtained by averaging the outputs

of individual learners with different weights. These weights represent individual
learner importance. In weighted averaging, the combined output is O( x ) ∑ w o (x),
t t

where ot (x) and wt are the output and the weight of the t-th learner, respectively.

The weights are assumed to be constrained by wt ≥ 0 and ∑ w = 1. It is important


to mention that simple averaging is a special case of weighted averaging in which

all weights are equal, wt = 1/T.
• Stacking: This is a procedure that entails use of the output of pretrained learn-
ers (first-level learners) as the input of a new second-level learner or meta-learner
(Wolpert 1992, Breiman 1996, Smyth and Wolpert 1998). The general idea is to train
the first-level learners with the original training data set and then generate a new
data set to train the second-level learners. This generated data set is formed by the
outputs of the first-level learners, which can be regarded as new features. A stack-
ing ensemble can take advantage of heterogeneous learners, i.e., we can use differ-
ent learning algorithms for first-level learners. In the training phase of stacking,
it is recommended to split original data into two portions, one to train first-level
learners and the other to train meta-learners. If we were to use the same data to
train the two levels, there woud be a high risk of overfitting. Even more, in the
Big Data context, the available data allow us to divide data into several partitions.
• Postaggregation: This procedure is similar to stacking but different in the sense
that postaggregation also considers as inputs the original data set, a portion of it,
or a combination of the first-level outputs as special inputs. In the original postag-
gregation formulation, the first-level learner outputs are combined by a nontrain-
able aggregation and used as direct input to a gate-generated functional weight
classifier (GG-FWC) (Omari and Figueiras 2013). Figure 12.11 shows a postaggre-
gation scheme using a GG-FWC as a postaggregator unit that generates weights,
w(x), that depend on each input datum (Omari and Figueiras 2015).
290 Big Data Analytics



wO(x) G

FIGURE 12.11
Postaggregation scheme using a GG-FWC as a postaggregation unit.

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Enhanced Feature Mining and Classifier Models
to Predict Customer Churn for an e-Retailer

Karthik B. Subramanya and Arun K. Somani

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 294
Enterprise Data Pipeline (Hadoop Stack)................................................................................. 295
Stages of the Hadoop Pipeline.............................................................................................. 295
Source................................................................................................................................... 295
Collection............................................................................................................................. 296
Process.................................................................................................................................. 296
Store...................................................................................................................................... 296
Extract.................................................................................................................................. 297
Existing Models for Customer Churn....................................................................................... 297
Customer Churn Model......................................................................................................... 298
Phase 1: Feature Mining.................................................................................................... 298
Phase 2: Data Science Model Building............................................................................ 298
Phase 3: Cross-Validation, Business Action, and Performance Tuning...................... 298
Feature Engineering..................................................................................................................... 299
Feature Mining........................................................................................................................ 299
Demographic Features....................................................................................................... 299
Customer Information....................................................................................................... 299
Customer Sales.................................................................................................................... 299
Product Sales.......................................................................................................................300
Behavioral............................................................................................................................ 301
Experience........................................................................................................................... 301
Feature Selection...................................................................................................................... 301
Baseline Methods.................................................................................................................... 301
Imbalance in Class Label Outputs........................................................................................ 302
F-ANOVA................................................................................................................................. 302
Regularization.......................................................................................................................... 302
Binomial Classifier..................................................................................................................304
Logistic Regression with L1 Norm..................................................................................304
Gradient-Boost Ensemble..................................................................................................304
k-Fold Strategy for Cross-Validation.................................................................................... 306
Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve..........................................................................306

294 Big Data Analytics

Conclusions and Future Work.................................................................................................... 307

Key Terminology and Definitions............................................................................................. 309

e-Commerce (electronic commerce, or EC) include the buying, selling of goods and ser-
vices and the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network. These business
transactions occur business-to-business (B2B), business-to-consumer (B2C), consumer-to-
consumer (C2C), and consumer-to-business (C2B). The terms e-commerce and e-retailer are
often used interchangeably in our chapter. We are primarily interested in e-retail business,
which is a form of e-commerce that allows consumers to directly buy goods or services
from a seller over the internet by using a Web browser or a mobile app. It is projected that
in the year 2017 the online e-retail industry will grow to upwards of $600 billion dollars.
While most of these e-retailers operate on a B2C business model, a B2B model or a combi-
nation of both is also common. Many businesses have migrated from owning a brick-and-
mortar shop alone to include an e-retail business to cater to the needs of the customer and
to keep up with the competition, while others operate only via the e-commerce route.
Customer loyalty is an important driver to many e-retailers, as the cost of acquiring
a new customer is significant in comparison to the cost of retaining one (Farquhar and
Panther 2008). Unlike a brick-and-mortar shopping experience, which involves a look and
feel, location advantage, and human interaction component, among others, the e-retail
business model comes packaged in a single mobile app or website, from the landing page
to exit. Therefore, it is an important priority for these companies to entice the customer
with a great line of products, pricing, attractive offers, recommendations, personalization,
etc., to create a desirable shopping experience. In order to provide the best personalized
shopping experiences, these organizations need to invest in a well-structured data pipe-
line that serves as a backbone of any analytical or data science models, which in turn act as
a foundation for providing a desirable shopping experience for the customer.
Customer churn models are applicable to many industries, like the financial, telecom,
and automobile industries, to name a few (Wei and Chiu 2002, Kumar and Ravi 2008, Xie
et al. 2009). We have developed our own customer churn predictive model for e-commerce
that leverages some of the advantages that a Big Data infrastructure brings to an organiza-
tion. Our work is well tailored to suit the industry model.
The customer churn problem is modeled as a binary classifier problem (Alpaydin 2014),
where the output of the classifier is a Boolean output. A nonzero 1 indicates a possible
churner, and a 0 indicates a loyal customer. This problem is one of the most common
machine-learning problems that has been solved with the help of classifier algorithms. To
solve it, we chose a sample set of customers for our study who were similar to each other
in terms of their size, spending, behavior, demographics, etc. We refer to this sample set as
a given segment of customers.
In order to come up with the best predictors, we have built separate custom classifier
models for every segment of customers.
Feature Mining and Classifier Models to Predict Customer Churn for an e-Retailer 295

Enterprise Data Pipeline (Hadoop Stack)

The adoption of Big Data pipelines and data lakes is becoming increasingly common
across organizations with large customer footprints. The commercial use of Hadoop Stack
started in the early 2000s, driven by a strong desire to leverage data through analytics and
data science. A large number of open source initiatives from the developer community,
organizations, and academicians focused on contributing additional tools and software to
improve the Hadoop Stack have helped immensely. This platform has now matured into
a highly functional Big Data stack that can serve enterprise-scale operations and be fault

Stages of the Hadoop Pipeline

From an e-commerce and retail organizational perspective, different components of
the Hadoop ecosystem can be broadly categorized into four different stages of the data
pipeline, as shown in Figure 13.1. In the interest of promoting open source software, we
restrict our discussion here to a few tools that are fully open source for both commercial
and academic purposes. By no means does this list cover all of the available tools on the

The data sources that contribute to the Big Data pipeline are not essentially part of the
pipeline. It is, however, important to understand what kind of data sources one deals
with, including the nature of the data as defined by its volume, variety, and velocity. For
an e-commerce and retail industry, valuable data sources worthy of harnessing include

Store Extract
Collection Process

Data pipeline for retail e-commerce.
296 Big Data Analytics

transactional data from the point of sale, online and mobile channels, customer data,
customer relationship management systems, clickstream logs, social media data, survey
and marketing campaign data, customer interaction data, etc., to name a few important
ones. The formats of these data vary widely, from unstructured textual data to highly
structured data from relational data stores. Having all of these data from different chan-
nels in a single environment helps an organization have what is popularly referred as
the 360° view of the customer, so that the organization may better understand and serve
its customers.

Collection is the first stage of the Hadoop pipeline. Various tools available in the Hadoop
Stack are used to ingest data in real time, using streaming or through a batch process.
Apache Kafka ( is a popular distributed publish-subscribe mes-
saging system that is commonly used to push data into the pipeline in real time and which
can further be used to support online machine learning applications, like fraud detection,
clustering applications, recommendations, customer identification, etc. Other tools, like
Apache Flume (, are built more specifically for collecting and
aggregating large amounts of nonrelational data from storage servers, server logs, etc.,
and they digest this information for the Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS). Tools like
Apache Sqoop ( are designed to efficiently transfer bulk data
from traditional relational databases into HDFS (Shvachko et al. 2010).

The second stage in the Hadoop pipeline is categorized as the process, where any form
of computation or transformation happens to the data that are flowing through the clus-
ter. Spark streaming ( and Apache Storm (​
.org/) are widely used tools that perform these computations in real time to support appli-
cations downstream before they persist on a disk or are stored in a database. This pro-
cess stage can involve a wide variety of operations, including filtering, aggregation, joins,
normalization, denormalization, changing data format, schema, etc. For use cases that do
not involve real-time processing, we might use batch tools, like MapReduce, Apache Hive
(, Pig Latin (Olston et al. 2008), etc., to perform data transforma-
tion from a staging area before it can permanently persist. These tools are further dis-
cussed in detail below in descriptions of the later stages.

The third stage in the Hadoop pipeline is defined as store, where the data are set to
persist at the disk level (HDFS) or in a database. The biggest advantage of a Hadoop
data lake is that a lake provides a single environment to store a variety of data and, at
the same time, provides fault tolerance. Simultaneously, it is very economical to scale
up the volume compared to legacy systems. The form in which the data finally reside
is mainly decided based on how the data get retrieved by users and applications which
use the data. Efficient data modeling is required to ensure that persisting data fully
serve the end users. Many sharding techniques and different data formats like ORC,
Feature Mining and Classifier Models to Predict Customer Churn for an e-Retailer 297

Paraquet, Avro, etc. are used to ensure good performance for data retrieval, handling
high volumes of data, changing schema, etc. We may also use a distributed No-Sql
database, like HBase, to support highly efficient data fetch and updates for applications
using these data.

The final stage in the Hadoop pipeline is the extract stage, when all of the data that
have persisted through previous stages are made available to the end user applica-
tions, which may range from various visualization software packages, data-querying
tools like Hive and Pig Latin, and machine learning libraries like Spark-MLlib (https://
spark​, Mahout (, and Sci-kit (Pedregosa et al.
2012). The end goal of the data pipeline is to effectively serve business analysts and
data scientists, who can effectively use these data for various applications. This stage
may also involve extraction, transformation, and loading operations performed on
these data, due to the heavy computing power available in the cluster and the results
exported to other systems.

Existing Models for Customer Churn

Customer churn models have previously been well researched and applied in sev-
eral industries. Yu et al. (2011) proposed an enhanced singular vector machine (ESVM)
framework that they claim scaled well over large-scale data and had the ability to handle
nonlinear data effectively. Miguéis et al. (2013) and Camanho and e Cunha (2013) used mul-
tivariate regression splines (MARS) as a classification technique to detect customer churn.
Coussement and den Poel (2009) and Chen et al. (2012) used several user behavioral met-
rics through e-mail sentiment mining and longitudinal behavioral data to aid classifiers to
make accurate predictions for customer churn. The model proposed by Sundarkumar and
Ravi (2015) also used significant qualitative customer behavior data to drive fraud detec-
tion in insurance claims by using a one-class SVM (OCSVM) for classification. Linear and
nonlinear classifiers like SVM, logistic regression, artificial neural networks (ANN), and
tree-based Ensemble classifiers, and their variants are predominant choices of classifiers
used by researchers for predicting customer churn.
We observed a significant gap in the feature mining process in previously published
work. They all failed to effectively represent the e-commerce business model. The
choice of feature set to drive churn prediction is mostly restricted to a list of conven-
tional customer data, which have a huge share of static features along with sales data.
Some of the recent work (Chen et al. 2012) published on customer churn has focused
on behavioral features. The feature set, however, is still narrow and restricted to only a
handful metrics, like recency and frequency factors. They all fall short of capturing the
complete customer behavior footprint for a customer during their life cycle. The reason
for this limitation in the feature mining process can be attributed partly to technology
limitations in data capturing and the rest to the volume of the data with which it is
meant to deal.
298 Big Data Analytics

E-commerce businesses are driven mainly on digital channels, which are centered
around, but not limited to, online website and mobile applications. These channels act as
a single window between the organization and the customer during the entire relation-
ship. The shopping activity or the online interactions, labeled as a browse session, generate
valuable metrics and footprints for customer interactions with the online retailer. The data
on sales generated by these online sessions, categories of products brought, etc., are more
easily contained in volumes that mainly qualify as conventional quantitative features for
our feature matrix. The user click activity, browse path behavior, and overall Web interac-
tion generates several terabytes of data every single day for an e-commerce retailer operat-
ing on a large scale.
These valuable user behavior data were previously ignored by researchers for feature
mining due to the lack of distributed data ingestion, storage, and computing technologies.
These data can now be easily extracted through a feature mining process involving a Big
Data pipeline. The click activity, popularly called clickstream, in conjunction with cus-
tomer sales drive several data products on e-commerce websites under a broader category
of recommendations called user personalization. Our proposed work aims to develop a
generic framework and make it available for organizations and academic communities for
predicting customer churn in an e-commerce business setting by using comprehensive
feature mining approaches.

Customer Churn Model

We have already discussed in detail the data pipeline used by e-commerce to power Big
Data applications. We now briefly discuss how this pipeline supports our customer churn
prediction model. Although we restrict our discussion purely to the customer churn
model, the steps followed below are applicable to any predictive modeling applications.

Phase 1: Feature Mining

This step involves extracting what we perceive is a right feature set for predicting customer
churn. This may involve querying several locations within the data lake, denormalizing
data, and deriving features, etc., so that the information is easily consumed by machine
learning libraries for building the predictor model.

Phase 2: Data Science Model Building

This step focuses on feature engineering related to the feature set and implementation
of the predictor models on the underlying feature set to develop a better model for cus-
tomer churn.

Phase 3: Cross-Validation, Business Action, and Performance Tuning

The final step in processing is to evaluate the accuracy of prediction results and perform
A-versus-B tests between the best-performing models. Once predictions of a model are
implemented by providing preferential treatment to churning customers and results have
been monitored, suitable performance enhancements or tuning may be performed, based
on the results of the treatment acquired back in the data lake (Figure 13.2).
Feature Mining and Classifier Models to Predict Customer Churn for an e-Retailer 299

Phase 2 building/

Data Hand over to

transformation business

Phase 1
Phase 3
Data lake treatment to

Customer churn model life cycle.

Feature Engineering
Feature Mining
A novel contribution of our work is to the systematic definition and mining of an extensive
feature set to enable effective predictions of customer churn. We use a combination of
several unstructured and structured customer data sets to extract several static, categori-
cal and quantitative features, extensively capturing the customer footprint across their
life cycle. This feature set, represented in Table 13.1, may be broadly classified into seven
different categories.

Demographic Features
These features represent customer-specific demographic features that indicate the geo-
graphical location of the customer and the size and type of industry vertical.

Customer Information
These features represent profile information that may contain details like business tier
of the account, type of contract with the e-retailer, number of registered users, number of
billing accounts, number of shipping accounts, etc.

Customer Sales
These features represent aggregates for revenue, buying behavior, and periodicity includ-
ing metrics for the latest trends in buying. These are conventional features that have been
used in the past for building feature matrix.
300 Big Data Analytics

TABLE 13.1
Feature Variables for the Customer Feature Matrix
Category Feature Description
Demographic Customer base size Size of customer base
Features Vertical Type of industry to which customer belongs
Location Billing address of customer
Customer Age Age of customer with the organization
Information Customer tier Business tier in which the customer is enrolled
Registered users Number of registered users enrolled by customer
Customer Sales Annual sales Annual sales to the customer
Year-to-date sales Year-to-date sales to the customer
Spending slope Plot of spending over time
Total returns Total value of goods returned by customer
Total orders Total number of orders placed by customer
Total rebate Total rebates offered to the customer
Year-over-year sales Year-over-year drop or rise in sales
Product Sales Total products Total count of unique products sold
Category 1 sales % wallet spent on category 1 products
Category 2 sales % wallet spent on category 2 products
Category n sales % wallet spent on category n products
Sale Frequency Frequency of orders Avg. frequency at which orders are placed
Frequency of visits Avg. frequency at which user visits site
Days since last visit Number of elapsed days since last visit
Avg. visits/month Avg. number of visits/month/user
Behavioral Data No. of active users Number of active users on the account
Active user ratio Ratio of active/registered users
Avg. page visits Avg. number of page visits in a session
Avg. product views Avg. number of products viewed in a session
Avg. session length Avg. length of sessions by user
Cart/view ratio Ratio of cart addition over product views
Cart/buy ratio Ratio of cart addition over purchases
Avg. abandoned cart value Avg. worth of products abandoned in cart
Abandon/buy ratio Ratio of worth of cart abandoned over purchases
Email click rate Response to email marketing campaigns
Experience Out of stock Number of times user had a product go out of stock
Exit at checkout Number of times user had an issue at checkout
Null results Number of times product search yielded null results

Product Sales
These features aggregate customer buying patterns at the category level for every product,
thus enabling discovery of any specific product categories driving customer churn.

These features look at several conventional and longitudinal features related to customer
shopping behavior and periodicity.
Feature Mining and Classifier Models to Predict Customer Churn for an e-Retailer 301

The behavioral features are extracted from customer interactions with the online channel.
They contain features that indicate how customers spend time on the website, including
their most recent session lengths, cart activities, including instances of cart abandonment,
page navigations, product views, etc. Most of the features captured under behavioral fea-
tures are unconventional features and hence have to be mined from clickstream logs.

These features define customer experience metrics, outlining shopping experiences on the
website, and are also mined from clickstream logs. Some of the features defining user
experiences are the number of instances where a user comes across an out-of-stock product
or has difficulty in checking out a cart and placing an order, etc. The underlying hypoth-
esis in mining these features is that over a period of time, bad shopping experiences may
drive a customer away from a business.

Feature Selection
Feature selection algorithms are used to rank the prominent features influencing customer
churn and to make sure the noisy features without relevance are ignored. We propose
baseline methods for filtering the feature set before using univariate feature selection
methods and regularization.
Feature selection (Kira and Rendell 1992, Guyon and Elisseeff 2003) refers to the process
of selecting a subset of relevant features from a pool of features that are initially available.
This process reduces the number of irrelevant features as input to the model and therefore
reduces the data acquisition and computation cost. Second, it yields more accurate results
and avoids problems of overfitting the model. Feature selection when looked at as a pre-
processing step to machine learning has been very effective in reducing dimensionality
and irrelevant data, thus increasing learning accuracy and improving result comprehen-
sibility. The final goal of feature selection is to have a minimum number of features that is
sufficient to capture all of the trends and variations in the output. It is important to select
the right feature set before implementing an effective algorithm. The important factors to
consider when removing a feature from the feature vector include the noisy nature of the
feature, variance, and correlation among factors. The target of building a feature matrix is
not solely to accumulate a number of features, but also to actually gather features that have
a sizable impact on the outcome of the classifier.

Baseline Methods
Before employing any feature engineering techniques on the feature matrix, imputer meth-
ods are used to account for the missing values and to filter the outlier values from the
distribution. The feature matrix is then normalized to aid faster convergence of classifier
algorithms. If a correlation test shows that there are features that are highly correlated, then
one of the features is removed from the feature set. An example is when there exists a high
correlation among different product categories, because customers often buying from one
of the categories are likely to buy from another related category. At the same time, features
that have no correlations with the output are good candidates to get rid of, since they have
no impact on the output event.
302 Big Data Analytics

Imbalance in Class Label Outputs

An important observation from the data sets is the imbalance in data. On average, about 5
to 10% of customers churn on a year-on-year basis, depending on the segment of customers.
This imbalance in distribution consisting returning and/or nonreturning customers is a good
recipe for learning algorithms to classify a large number of customers under the returning
category and to still attain high overall accuracy. Several works were carried out in the past
(Burez and den Poel 2009) that specifically focused on handling imbalance in the data that
led to skew the predictions of the model. We employed an in-depth cross-validation tech-
nique based on the k-fold, confusion matrix, and receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
curve methods to arrive at the best algorithm to rule out such a bias in our model. Weights
assigned to the feature vectors are inversely proportional to class frequencies in the input
data, as shown in Equation 13.1. Here, nsamples is the total number of samples in the data set,
nclass represents the total possible class outcomes from the output labels, which in our case
is 2. The count of occurrence, Yi, represents the total number of occurrences of samples
belonging to a given class whose weights we are interested in calculating.

Weight of Class Yi = (13.1)
N Classes * Num of Yi

The F-analysis of variance (F-ANOVA) test (Saeys et al. 2007), a univariate feature selection
method applied to continuous distributions, is used to predict how well a given distribu-
tion (X) predicts the class label we are interested in finding. The F value for every feature
matrix is calculated, and features are then ranked according to F score to determine their
effectiveness in predicting customer churn.

F= (13.2)

In Equation 13.2, MSR (the mean square regression) and the MSE (the mean square error)
are critical. While MSR indicates the between-group variability, MSE represents the within-
group variability. The statistical tests that assign feature significance with the independent
variable determine if the between-group variability is higher than the within-group vari-
ability. Figure 13.3 shows how different features impact customer churn by ranking them
based on F-score.

Regularization (Ng 2004) is normally employed to penalize sparse features, especially
when dealing with sparse data and when trying to avoid overfitting. The result of using L1-
norm regularization yields features with nonzero coefficients, indicating that these features
were not penalized. We use coefficients from regularized logistic regression to determine
if the extended set of a feature set we have formulated has a significant impact on the out-
come variable, as shown in Table 13.2. Through the above feature selection tests, important
features affecting customer churn are determined. This step serves as a direct input to the
Feature Mining and Classifier Models to Predict Customer Churn for an e-Retailer 303


Spending_ration YOY

Impact of individual predictor variables
Total_sales on customer outcome

Num_visits F-ANOVA







CAT_2 Feature scoring

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Feature ranking using the F-ANOVA test.

TABLE 13.2
Results of L1 Regularization of Feature Matrix Binomial
Coefficient Feature Variable
0.164 CAT 2
0.345 CAT 5
0.796 CAT 6
–2.066 CAT 12
–1.316 CAT 13
0.098 CAT 16
–1.161 CAT 17

organization to look into individual features to see how each of these can be improved to
reduce the churn rate. The tests also confirm that for some of the nonconventional features
proposed through this work that have been mainly extracted through clickstream logs, lon-
gitudinal behaviors have a significant impact on customer churn. This in turn increases the
efficiency of predictor models (explored in the next section). Some of these features include
the following: total futile sessions, cart abandonment, number of visits to other online chan-
nel, spending slope, ratio of cart items abandoned versus items shopped, etc.
304 Big Data Analytics

Binomial Classifier
A mix of linear, nonlinear, and tree-based ensemble classifiers is employed to evalu-
ate which classifier has the best performance on the data set. The cross-validation tech-
niques determine the best-performing algorithm on the data set. The classifiers discussed
below provide the best efficiency. It comes as no surprise that they are popularly used
in many predictive applications. All classifiers were implemented using the sci-kit Learn
(Pedregosa et al. 2012) Python library, which provides a comprehensive set of both super-
vised and unsupervised algorithms for machine learning. Some of the classifiers used
by earlier researchers for this application included logistic regression, decision trees,
Ensemble methods, Bayesian analysis, SVM, etc. Since our predictor models are all widely
used by researchers, we refrained from getting into the mathematical details of the models
and only discuss the algorithms that returned the best results for the problem. We divided
our data into three splits, training, test, and validation, in a ratio of 6:2:2. This ratio is more
commonly used by researchers after they have empirically determined the best split.

The goal of SVM (Scholkopf and Smola 2001) is to find the optimal separating hyperplane
that maximizes the margin of the training data by dividing the n-dimensional space into
two regions. The methodology can be applied successfully to many linear and nonlinear
classification problems. SVM offers several choices of kernel functions for implementation
to best fit our training data. We used a linear-kernel function with SVM.

Logistic Regression with L1 Norm

Logistic regression (Alpaydin 2014) is a discriminative classifier that learns a direct map
from input x to output y by modeling posterior probability. It uses a logistic function to
model the losses, which in turn are minimized by using a gradient descent. Adding regu-
larization to logistic regression reduces overfitting by removing sparse features from the
feature set. We used L1-norm-regularized logistic regression for this application.

Gradient-Boost Ensemble
Ensemble learning involves a combination of several models to solve a single prediction
problem. It works by generating multiple simpler classifiers which learn and make predic-
tions independently. Those predictions are then combined into a single prediction that
should be as good as or better than the prediction made by any one classifier. The gradi-
ent boosting (Friedman 2001) classifier combines a set of weak learners and delivers an
improved prediction accuracy. The outcome of the model at instance t is weighed based
on the outcome of the previous instant, t–1. Shortcomings in predictions are identified by
negative gradients. At each step, a new tree is fit to negative gradients of the previous tree.

From the confusion matrix shown in Figure 13.4, there are exactly four possible out-
comes from a binomial classifier model. The total number of positive instances in the
Feature Mining and Classifier Models to Predict Customer Churn for an e-Retailer 305

Yes No
t Yes TP FP
a No FN TN

Confusion matrix for a binary classifier.

matrix is T = FP + TP, and the total number of negative instances is F = TN + FN. The
most common evaluation metrics are overall accuracy, the true-positive rate, and the
false-positive rate.

Accuracy =

The true-positive rate (also known as the hit rate, or the precision) is the proportion of
positive instances that a classifier captures.

Precision =

The recall is the ratio of the number of positive instances (TP) over the sum of true posi-
tives (TP) and false negatives (FN).

Recall =

The false-positive rate (also known as the false-alarm rate) is the proportion of negative
instances that a classifier wrongly flagged as positive.

FP rate =

More than the accuracy, we are interested in increasing the TP rate of our classifier. A
customer who is a returning customer but was wrongly classified as nonreturning by
the classifier thus falls into the false-positive quadrant and has a lesser impact than an
abandoning customer wrongly classified as a returning customer, who would fall into
the false-negative quadrant. In the latter case, we would ignore a potential customer who
might abandon the company in the near future.
Table 13.3 shows the accuracy and other indicators for all three classifiers used to predict
customer churn. As is evident from the table, the gradient boost machines (GBM) classi-
fier outperformed SVM to give the highest accuracy and precision after k-fold splitting
and hyperparameter tuning. Running this algorithm on a feature set which has already
undergone feature pruning leads to an incremental gain in efficiency of more than 5%.
The precision score for the GBM model is above 75%, which indicates that we identified
every three of four churning customers from a data set that was highly skewed towards
nonchurning customers. This is a huge leap over results with the earlier models that were
306 Big Data Analytics

TABLE 13.3
Classifier Models with the F-ANOVA Feature Selection
Classifier TN FN FP TP Accuracy Precision Recall
Support vector machines 5520 968 68 259 0.85 0.79 0.211
Gradient boost 6903 590 53 274 0.917 0.838 0.317

built on conventional data sources, as they attained an overall accuracy of 75% with poor
precision scores.

k-Fold Strategy for Cross-Validation

We used 5-fold CV by randomly splitting the training dataset (D) into five mutually exclu-
sive subsets (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5) of approximately equal size. Each classification model
will be trained and tested five times, where each time ‘t’ε {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. It was trained on all
except one fold (D, Dt) and tested on the remaining fold (Dt). The accuracy and AUC mea-
sures were averaged over the particular measures of the five individual test folds which
we shall see in the further section

Receiver Operating Characteristics Curve

When TP rate is plotted as against FP rate, one obtains a receiver operating characteristics
(ROC) graph (Bradley 1997). Each classifier is represented by a point on ROC graph. A per-
fect classifier is represented by point (0, 1) on ROC graph which classifies all positive and
negative instances correctly with 100% TP rate and 0% FP rate. The major goal of churn
prediction is to detect churn. Therefore, a suitable classifier is the one having high TP rate
and low FP rate given that churn is the positive class. Such classifier is located at the upper
left corner of ROC graph.
Figure 13.5 shows the ROC curve for Gradient Boost Classifier with k-fold cross vali-
dation technique. Using k-fold strategy folds for different combination of Test, Training


True positive rate


ROC fold 0 (area = 0.72)

0.4 ROC fold 1 (area = 0.78)
ROC fold 2 (area = 0.83)
ROC fold 3 (area = 0.77)
0.2 ROC fold 4 (area = 0.73)
ROC fold 5 (area = 0.79)

0.0 Mean ROC (area = 0.77)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
False positive rate

ROC curve for gradient boost classifier and F-ANOVA-based feature selection.
Feature Mining and Classifier Models to Predict Customer Churn for an e-Retailer 307



True positive rate


ROC fold 0 (area = 0.71)

0.4 ROC fold 1 (area = 0.79)
ROC fold 2 (area = 0.83)
ROC fold 3 (area = 0.76)
0.2 ROC fold 4 (area = 0.74)
ROC fold 5 (area = 0.78)

0.0 Mean ROC (area = 0.77)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
False positive rate

ROC curve for SVM classifier and F-ANOVA-based feature selection.

has fairly consistent Area under Curve (AUC). The mean ROC as indicated by the plot is
0.77. Once the model is finalized by tuning the hyper-parameters, the area under the ROC
Curve can be used to tweak the threshold probability such that we can tune the classifier
to return the best predictions for a given quadrant in the confusion matrix.
Similarly, Figure 13.6 shows ROC curve for an SVM Classifier with Linear Kernel on
feature set that is an outcome of F-anova test. The probabilistic estimation of classes for
an SVM was made available not until recently by the work proposed in (Platt 1999), called
the Platt scaling to optimize internal variables to produce a probabilistic score. This tweak
in threshold probability identified by TP rate and FP rate populates the graph for the ROC
curve. Similar ROC curves can be plotted for other classifiers used in this work.

Conclusions and Future Work

We have presented a Big Data infrastructure that drives an end-to-end pipeline for pre-
dicting customer churn in an e-commerce organization. We demonstrated through our
results how implicit and longitudinal features obtained through mining of clickstream
and web logs, marketing campaigns, etc., act as significant features, along with con-
ventional data from sales histories. These implicit features establish customer behavior
and experience, and hence they can be used as features to determine customer churn.
Through feature ranking, we showed some of the most influential factors in driving cus-
tomer churn. Through cross-validation techniques, we established that the gradient boost
ensemble classifier, SVM classifier, logistic regression with L1 regularization, are the best
models for prediction customer churn.
There is a broad scope for improving data pipelines, as new tools are constantly added
into the Hadoop Stack. The feature engineering process and the model-building process
could also benefit from exploring other feature selection methods. This activity is continu-
ous and iterative in nature. Improvements to the current classifier results can be brought
308 Big Data Analytics

through further hyperparameter tuning to current best-performing classifiers. Another

important avenue worth exploring for addressing customer churn is the application of
time series analysis. As a business grows and becomes more complex, there are more data
sources, with channels that continuously open up and may hold valuable information.
These data need to be captured and harnessed for this or similar applications. Some of the
recent advances in convolutional neural networks have made available several libraries in
deep learning, including one from Google, called Tensor flow (​
.org/) and Amazon’s Deep Scalable Sparse Tensor Network Engine (​
/amznlabs/amazon-dsstne), that can be used to implement classifiers from existing data

Alpaydin E. 2014. Introduction to Machine Learning. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Bradley AP. 1997. The use of the area under the ROC curve in the evaluation of machine learning
algorithms. Pattern Recognition 30(7):1145–1159.
Burez J, den Poel D. 2009. Handling class imbalance in customer churn prediction. Expert Systems
with Applications 36(3):4626–4636.
Chen Z-Y, Fan Z-P, Sun M. 2012. A hierarchical multiple kernel support vector machine for customer
churn prediction using longitudinal behavioral data. European Journal of Operational Research
Coussement K, den Poel D. 2009. Improving customer attrition prediction by integrating emotions
from client/company interaction emails and evaluating multiple classifiers. Expert Systems
with Applications 36(3):6127–6134.
Farquhar JD, Panther T. 2008. Acquiring and retaining customers in UK banks: An exploratory
study. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 15(1):9–21.
Friedman JH. 2001. Greedy function approximation: A gradient boosting machine. Annals of Statistics
Guyon I, Elisseeff A. 2003. An introduction to variable and feature selection. Journal of Machine
Learning Research 3:1157–1182.
Kira K, Rendell LA. 1992. A practical approach to feature selection, pp. 249–256. Proceedings of the
Ninth International Workshop on Machine Learning. New York: ACM.
Kumar DA, Ravi V. 2008. Predicting credit card customer churn in banks using data mining.
International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 1(1):4–28.
Miguéis VL, Camanho A, e Cunha JF. 2013. Customer attrition in retailing: An application of multi-
variate adaptive regression splines. Expert Systems with Applications 40(16):6225–6232.
Ng AY. 2004. Feature selection, L 1 vs. L 2 regularization, and rotational invariance, p. 78. Proceedings
of the Twenty-First International Conference on Machine Learning. New York: ACM.
Olston C, Reed B, Srivastava U, Kumar R, Tomkins A. 2008. Pig Latin: A not-so-foreign language for
data processing, pp. 1099–1110. Proceedings of the 2008 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on
Management of Data. New York: ACM.
Pedregosa F, Varoquaux G, Gramfort A, Michel V, Thirion B, et al. 2012. Scikit-learn: Machine learn-
ing in Python. Journal of Machine Learning Research 12:2825–2830.
Platt JC. 1999. Probabilistic outputs for support vector machines and comparisons to regularized
likelihood methods, pp. 61–74. Advances in Large Margin Classifiers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Saeys Y, Inza I, Larrañaga P. 2007. A review of feature selection techniques in bioinformatics.
Bioinformatics 23(19):2507–2517.
Feature Mining and Classifier Models to Predict Customer Churn for an e-Retailer 309

Scholkopf B, Smola AJ. 2001. Learning with Kernels: Support Vector Machines, Regularization, Optimization,
and Beyond. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Shvachko K, Kuang H, Radia S, Chansler R. 2010. The Hadoop Distributed File System, pp. 1–10.
IEEE 26th Symposium on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies. New York: IEEE.
Sundarkumar GG, Ravi V. 2015. A novel hybrid undersampling method for mining unbalanced
datasets in banking and insurance. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 37:368–377.
Wei C-P, Chiu I-T. 2002. Turning telecommunications call details to churn prediction: A data mining
approach. Expert Systems with Applications 23(2):103–112.
White T. 2012. Hadoop: The Definitive Guide. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Xie Y, Li X, Ngai EWT, Ying W. 2009. Customer churn prediction using improved balanced random
forests. Expert Systems with Applications 36(3):5445–5449.
Yu X, Guo S, Guo J, Huang X. 2011. An extended support vector machine forecasting framework for
customer churn in e-commerce. Expert Systems with Applications 38(3):1425–1430.

Key Terminology and Definitions

AUC: AUC stands for the area under the curve, a metric that calculates the accuracy of a
given classifier, depending on how large the area under the plot of the TP rate vs
the FP rate is for an ROC graph. The higher the AUC, the better the classifier.
Avro: Apache Avro is a data serialization framework that is schema intensive but neu-
tral to languages. It is mainly used to handle dynamically changing data and
wire communications between different Hadoop nodes and services (​
ETL: the process of extracting data from source systems and bringing them into the data
warehouse is commonly called ETL, which stands for extraction, transformation,
and loading.
Hadoop Data Lake: data lake is a terminology more commonly used across industries
when referring to a Hadoop platform consisting of one or more clusters that store
different types of data, both structured and unstructured, relational, object, JSON,
sensor, logs, etc. The platform is generally used both for providing cheap storage
and also to serve an analytics purpose.
Parquet: Apache Parquet is a columnar storage format available to any project in the
Hadoop ecosystem, regardless of the data processing framework, data model,
or programming language ( It is mostly used when
users know in advance the condition on which the data will be retrieved, thereby
making the scans extremely fast.
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural
Similarities within Knowledge Graphs

Mahmoud Elbattah, Mohamed Roushdy, Mostafa Aref, and Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 312
Background: Big Data and Analytics........................................................................................ 313
Definitions of Big Data........................................................................................................... 313
Characteristics of Big Data..................................................................................................... 314
Gartner’s Three Vs............................................................................................................. 314
IBM’s Four Vs...................................................................................................................... 315
Microsoft’s Six Vs............................................................................................................... 315
Analytics................................................................................................................................... 315
Background: Knowledge Graphs.............................................................................................. 317
Motivation: Entity Clustering in Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs.................................. 318
Data Description...................................................................................................................... 318
Overview.................................................................................................................................. 318
Freebase Data Model.............................................................................................................. 319
Knowledge Representation in Freebase............................................................................... 321
Computing Clusters..................................................................................................................... 321
Data Preprocessing.................................................................................................................. 321
Formulation of the Similarity Metric.................................................................................... 322
Selection of Clustering Algorithm........................................................................................ 323
Clustering Experiments.......................................................................................................... 325
Results and Discussion................................................................................................................ 327
Evaluation of Cluster Quality................................................................................................ 327
Cluster Analysis....................................................................................................................... 328
Future Work: Exploitation of Clusters for Topic Exploration........................................... 329
Related Work............................................................................................................................ 330
Methodology Limitations...................................................................................................... 331
Conclusions................................................................................................................................... 331
References..................................................................................................................................... 332

312 Big Data Analytics

With the ongoing initiatives aimed at publishing data in a linked data format [1] (e.g.,
DBpedia, Freebase, and Wikidata), more and more graph-based representations of knowl-
edge have become available. The graph-based representation turns plain strings into “enti-
ties” that possess attributes, taxonomy, and relationships to other entities. Viewed this
way, linked data can introduce new capabilities and opportunities for exploring data and
revealing interesting connections among entities. However, the enormous volumes of such
knowledge bases raise new challenges as well, and they require an inevitable need for
embracing semisupervised or unsupervised techniques.
In this respect, clustering presents an appropriate method for dealing with immense
amounts of data in an unsupervised manner. Clustering has been defined as the
segmentation of a heterogeneous population into a number of more homogeneous
subgroups [2]. Clustering techniques are widely used for exploratory data analysis,
with applications ranging from statistics, computer science, and biology to the social
sciences and psychology. Different tasks and purposes can be served by clustering,

1. Exploring the underlying structure of data

2. Discovering meaningful patterns
3. Summarizing key characteristics of data

In this chapter, we address entity clustering at scale within one of the largest knowl-
edge bases, Freebase [3]. Initially launched in 2007 by Metaweb Technologies and
acquired by Google in 2010, Freebase was developed to serve as an open and collab-
orative knowledge base [4]. The data in Freebase consist of millions of topics (entities)
and tens of millions of relationships between those topics [5]. Recently, the voluminous
content of Freebase has been transferred to Wikidata, in what has been described as
the “The Great Migration” [6]. The building block of the data model of Freebase is the
so-called knowledge graph [7]. Similar to the long-established semantic networks [8],
a knowledge graph represents knowledge in patterns of interconnected nodes and arcs.
Knowledge graphs have the advantage of being a declarative graph-driven representa-
tion of knowledge.
We approach the clustering task from a graph-based standpoint. In particular, homoge-
neous clusters of entities are segmented based on their graph-based structural similari-
ties. Although we have only endorsed Freebase here, the key idea could be applicable to
similar data repositories, such as DBpedia or Wikidata. Broadly, this chapter attempts to
clarify the benefits on the theoretical and practical aspects. First, we investigate the valid-
ity and applicability of clustering entities based on their structural similarities in knowl-
edge graphs. Second, the computed clusters were employed to gain insights in relation to
the underlying structure of Freebase data. Further, the computed clusters can adequately
serve as a robust basis for the purpose of topic exploration and discovery. From a practical
perspective, we discuss vital issues in relation to scalability while clustering large-scale
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities within Knowledge Graphs 313

Background: Big Data and Analytics

This section serves as a brief introduction to the world of Big Data. We aimed to highlight
the various definitions and characteristics of Big Data. Furthermore, the typical features of
modern data analytics are explained.

Definitions of Big Data

Although the Big Data term has been used ubiquitously over the past years, we could
not find a universally accepted definition. In fact, the notion of Big Data tends to be very
domain dependent, and it can be interpreted quite differently from one context to another.
In this regard, numerous studies (e.g., Refs. [9–12]) endeavored to survey the commonly
used definitions or to articulate a broader definition for Big Data. For the purpose of this
review, we present various definitions that portray Big Data from different perspectives.
Table 14.1 lists the proposed definitions in detail.

TABLE 14.1
Proposed Definitions of Big Data
Proposed Definition Source of Definition
Big Data refers to both large volumes of data with a high level of complexity UK Government [13]
and the analytical methods applied to them, which require more advanced
techniques and technologies in order to derive meaningful information and
insights in real time.
Big Data is the derivation of value from traditional relational database-driven Oracle [14]
business decision making, augmented with new sources of unstructured
Big Data is high-volume, high-velocity, and/or high-variety information Gartner [10]
assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information
processing that enable enhanced insight, decision making, and process
According to Intel, Big Data opportunities emerge in organizations generating Intel [15]
a median of 300 terabytes of data per week. Intel asserts that the most
common data type involved in analytics is business transactions stored in
relational databases (this is consistent with Oracle’s definition), followed by
documents, email, sensor data, blogs, and social media.
Big Data is the term increasingly used to describe the process of applying Microsoft [16]
serious computing power, i.e., the latest in machine learning and artificial
intelligence, to seriously massive and often highly complex sets of
Big Data is data which exceed the capacity or capability of current or National Institute of
conventional methods and systems. Standards and Technology
(NIST) [17]
The high degree of permutations and interactions within a data set is what Method for an Integrated
defines Big Data. Viewed this way, Big Data is not a function of the size of a Knowledge Environment
data set but of its complexity. (MIKE2.0) Project [18]
Big Data refers to data sets whose size is beyond the ability of typical McKinsey Global Institute [19]
database software tools to capture, store, manage, and analyze.
314 Big Data Analytics

In light of the diversity of definitions used to characterize Big Data, we want to empha-
size that there is no absolute definition of Big Data. The understanding of Big Data can
therefore depend largely on context, domain, and computation standards. However,
most studies generally endorse Big Data in terms of its (i) volume, (ii) complexity, and
(iii) technologies.

Characteristics of Big Data

Over the years, many characteristics have been continuously added in order to distinguish
Big Data from other simpler scenarios. Below, we present the main viewpoints developed
for characterizing the dimensions of Big Data. Furthermore, Figure 14.1 visually summa-
rizes the common dimensions of Big Data.

Gartner’s Three Vs
In a white paper [20] published by Gartner, Big Data was characterized as having three
main attributes. Those three attributes were widely regarded as the common dimensions
of Big Data. The three Vs interpretation of Big Data is as follows:

1. Volume: the incoming data stream and cumulative volume of data

2. Velocity: the pace of data used to support interactions and generated by interactions
3. Variety: the variety of incompatible and inconsistent data formats and data

Microsoft’s 6Vs
Gartner’s 3 Vs

Visibility Velocity
Volume 6Vs

Value Variety
Variety Velocity Veracity

Yuri Demchenko’s 5Vs

IBM’s 4Vs •Records/achieved
Volume Velocity
Value •Stream data
•Hypothetical •Real time
•Correlations •Batches
Veracity 4Vs Velocity •Events
•Statistical 5Vs

•Trustworthiness •Structured
•Authenticity •Semi-structured
Variety •Origin •Unstructured
•Accountability •Multi-factors

Various interpretations of Big Data dimensions. (From Wu C et al., arXiv:1601.03115, 2016.)
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities within Knowledge Graphs 315

IBM’s Four Vs
IBM added another attribute or V, for veracity, to Gartner’s three Vs notation. The reason
behind the additional V for the veracity dimension was justified as IBM’s clients started
to face data quality issues while dealing with Big Data problems [21]. Further studies (e.g.,
Ref. [22]) added the value dimension along with the IBM four Vs. IBM defined the four Vs
as follows [23]:

1. Volume: stands for scale of data

2. Velocity: denotes analysis of streaming data
3. Variety: indicates different forms of data
4. Veracity: implies uncertainty of data

Microsoft’s Six Vs
For the purpose of maximizing business value, Microsoft extended Gartner’s three Vs into
six Vs [24]. The six Vs included additional dimensions for variability, veracity, and visibil-
ity. The Microsoft interpretation of Big Data is as follows:

1. Volume: stands for the scale of data

2. Velocity: denotes the analysis of streams of data
3. Variety: indicates different forms of data
4. Veracity: focuses on the trustworthiness of data sources
5. Variability: refers to the complexity of a data set; in comparison with variety, it
means the number of variables in a data set
6. Visibility: emphasizes that there is a need to have a full picture of the data in order
to make informative decisions

Data analytics has become a broad and vibrant domain that includes a diversity of tech-
niques, technologies, systems, practices, methodologies, and applications. Similar to Big
Data, various definitions have been developed in order to describe analytics. Table 14.2

TABLE 14.2
Proposed Definitions of Analytics
Definition of Analytics Reference
The extensive use of data in statistical and quantitative analyses, explanatory and predictive [25]
models, and fact-based management to drive decisions and actions. The analytics may be
input for human decisions or may drive fully automated decisions. Analytics are a subset of
what has come to be called business intelligence.
Delivering the right decision support to the right people at the right time. [26]
The scientific process of transforming data into insights for making better decisions. [27]
316 Big Data Analytics

Technologies Information Decision making

Electrical engineering systems Psychology
Computer science Beahavioural science

intelligence Operational
(machine learning) research

Quantitative methods
Economics (Econometrics)

Taxonomy of disciplines related to the practice of data analytics. (From Mortensen MJ et al., European Journal of
Operational Research 241:583–595, 2015.)

presents some of the common definitions of data analytics. Moreover, Figure 14.2 por-
trays the interdisciplinary nature that can be involved within the practice of analytics.
According to Ref. [28], these disciplines can fit into one or more of the following categories:

• Technological: refers to the various tools used, including hardware, software,

and networks, which together support the efficient processing of large-scale data
• Quantitative: refers to applied quantitative approaches to analyzing data, such as
statistics, machine learning, econometrics, and Operations Research (OR)
• Decision making: represents an inherently interdisciplinary area, including tools,
theories, and practices used to support and understand the decision-making process
(e.g., human–computer interactions, visualization in information systems, problem
structuring methods in Operations Research/Management Science (OR/MS))

Within different industries, the opportunities enabled by Big Data have led to engender
a significant interest in data analytics. Based on the business objectives, data analytics can
be classified into four types:

1. Descriptive analytics: What happened?

2. Diagnostic analytics: Why did it happen?
3. Predictive analytics: What will likely happen?
4. Prescriptive analytics: What should be done?

Figure 14.3 [29] illustrates the full spectrum of data analytics. The figure also shows the
techniques and the degree of sophistication associated with each type of analytics.
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities within Knowledge Graphs 317

Spectrum of analytics

Descriptive Diagnostic Predictive Prescriptive

What happened? Why did it happen? What will happen? What should I do?

• Linear and logistics • Simulation e.g. Monte

• Descriptive statistics • Business intelligence regression Carlo
• Data clustering • Sensitivity analysis • Neural networks • Optimization e.g.
• Business intelligence • Design of experiments • Support vector linear/nonlinear
machines programming
Analytical sophistication
Low High

Spectrum of data analytics. (Modified from Barga R et al., Predictive Analytics with Microsoft Azure Machine
Learning, 2nd ed., 2015.)

Background: Knowledge Graphs

This section provides a basic understanding of knowledge graphs, whereas our study
intensively utilized knowledge graphs extracted from Freebase. In principle, knowledge
graphs belong to the category of semantic networks as a method for representing knowl-
edge in a graph-based manner. The composition of a knowledge graph generally includes
the following:

• Concepts (i.e., entities or topics): A concept is represented as a node in a knowledge

graph. It expresses the existence of a physical or conceptual thing in the real world.
• Predicate (i.e., relationship or connection): A relation between two concepts is
expressed by a labelled arc in the knowledge graph.

Figure 14.4 presents a hypothetical example of a knowledge graph that connects two
entities (i.e., subject and object) with a single predicate.

Subject Object

A simple knowledge graph.
318 Big Data Analytics

In this simple manner, knowledge graphs aim to provide meaning through graph-
based representations (i.e., structures). Knowledge graphs have the capabilities to
express or depict deeper semantic layers by using a minimum relation set. For instance,
Google has succeeded in exploiting the idea of knowledge graphs in order to enhance
search results based on semantic information gathered from a wide variety of sources.
Google also refers to its specific implementation of knowledge as their knowledge
graph [7].

Motivation: Entity Clustering in Large-Scale Knowledge Graphs

Given a knowledge graph denoted as G = (V,E), V is the set of vertices (entities or top-
ics) and E is the set of edges (connections or relations among entities). We address the
problem of computing clusters within the knowledge graph in an unsupervised manner.
Furthermore, we investigate the scalability concern, where large-scale knowledge graphs
exist. Table 14.3 lists the questions of interest in detail.

Data Description
As mentioned earlier, our study used a subset extracted from the knowledge base of
Freebase. Through the following sections, we delineate the specific data model underlying
Freebase. Moreover, the data set used by the study is fully described.

Freebase has been described as a huge collaborative database of cross-linked data [30].
Freebase was initially developed by Metaweb Technologies, before it was acquired by
Google. Freebase has the advantage of including a wide diversity of structured data
imported from various sources, such as Wikipedia, MusicBrainz, and WordNet [31].
Specifically, it is claimed to comprise about 50 million topics (i.e. entities).
The contents of Freebase have been recently been merged with Wikidata to form a
larger knowledge base. The merging process was described by Google as the “The Great
Migration” [6]. However, Freebase data are still freely accessible through a downloadable
dump, publicly available at Ref. [32]. The data dump was archived as a single tab-separated
file of around 250 GB. We used a reduced version of Freebase as described in Ref. [33].
The reduced version contained the basic identifying facts about every topic in Freebase.
Likewise, the data were organized into tab-separated files of around 5 GB.

TABLE 14.3
Questions of Interest
Principal Question Auxiliary Questions
How to partition a knowledge graph into Q1) What is the similarity measure that can be used to cluster
groups so that entities in a group are entities within a large-scale knowledge graph in an
similar and entities in different groups unsupervised manner?
are dissimilar Q2) What is the efficiently scalable algorithm for graph clustering
that can deal with large-scale knowledge graphs?
Q3) How can we precisely measure the quality of computed
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities within Knowledge Graphs 319

Freebase Data Model

In this section, we aim to explain the data model of Freebase, which defines how knowl-
edge is structured and represented. The Freebase data model is generally broken down
into the following components:

• Topic: Freebase contains topics about real-world entities, including people, places,
and things. A topic may refer to a specific concrete object (e.g., Albert Einstein) or
an abstract concept (e.g., Euler’s number {e}, Leadership). Freebase adopted the so-
called entity reconciliation, where a topic might be associated with many names or
acronyms, but each topic should clearly represent one and only one entity or con-
cept. Further, every topic is assigned a globally unique identifier (GUID). Figure
14.5 demonstrates an example where entity reconciliation should be considered.
• Type: A type is an object that is used as a conceptual container of properties that
are most commonly needed for characterizing a particular aspect of information.
In other words, a topic is considered an instance of a type if the topic is associated
with that type. Examples of types are “Book Author,” “Film Actor,” “Location,”
or “Programming Language.” Topics in Freebase can be related to any number
of types. However, Freebase types do not support inheritance [34] as opposed to
object-oriented or RDF modeling approaches. Figure 14.6 demonstrates the imple-
mentation of types in Freebase, with an example of the famous politician Winston
• Property: A property of a topic denotes a “Has a” relationship between the topic
and property value (e.g. London [topic] has a population [property] of ≈8.5 million
[value]). It’s common that a property is represented as a verb or a verbal phrase
(e.g., “Written by” or “Directed by”).
• Domains: Types are grouped into domains that are similar to sections found in a
newspaper (e.g., Arts and Entertainment, Politics). In addition, Freebase includes a
special collection of domain names as “Commons,” which have met certain stan-
dards to be considered well-known topics.


Unversity of California, Los Angeles

University of California, LA

University of California at Los Angeles

Entity (GUID)

University of California of Los Angeles

UC Los Angeles

UC of LA

UC at Los Angeles

Univ. of California LA

Example of how Freebase deals with ambiguity and multiplicities of entities. The “University of California Los
Angeles” can be mentioned in many different ways. Freebase maps all those different representations into a
single entity with a unique ID.
320 Big Data Analytics





Winston Churchill /award/award_winner


Example of the multifaceted nature of entities and how Freebase handles them in a flexible manner. In this
example, Winston Churchill is a type of “Politician,” which belongs to the Government domain, and he is also
typed as a Person, which belongs to a different domain (i.e., People domain). However, Winston Churchill is
also related to other domains, such as Military Commander, Author, Nobel Laureate, and Visual Artist.

• Category: Category is a further bundler of domains into more generic groups.

Specifically, Freebase includes nine categories:
1. Science and Technology
2. Arts and Entertainment
3. Sports
4. Society
5. Products and Services
6. Transportation
7. Special Interests
8. Time and Space
9. Commons

Figure 14.7 summarizes the breakdown of the Freebase data model.

Categories Domains Types Properties

Category Property

Domain Type

Hierarchy of the Freebase schema.
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities within Knowledge Graphs 321

Former CEO
Located in
Born in Isaacson
Germany General Current CEO
relativity Former
Known for managing editor Aspen
Albert institute
Written by
Known for
Special Biography of Einstein:
relativity his life and Time
Biography of universe
Publish date
Similar to Published by
prize in Einstein:
physics a Simon 10th April
biography and 2007

An illustration of knowledge graphs in Freebase. Triplets (subject-predicate-object) are the building blocks
of the graph, where expressive predicates describe relationships among entities, e.g., entities such as “Albert

Knowledge Representation in Freebase

As with the widely used RDF model [35], Freebase data can simply be conceived in terms
of subject-predicate-object triplets that form a knowledge graph. The knowledge graph of
Freebase collectively composes a large-scale directed labeled graph which incorporates
around 125 million entities, 4,000 types, and 7,000 properties [14]. Figure 14.8 illustrates an
example of how knowledge is represented in Freebase.

Computing Clusters
Data Preprocessing
Due to computing limitations, data have to be partitioned in order to extract an experi-
mental data set. The main limitation is imposed by memory rather than space, whereas a
whole knowledge graph should have gone beyond the capabilities of our relatively limited
Cloud computing resources.
The data partitioning process in our study included two procedures in order to reduce
the number of graph nodes and edges to some extent. First, only four categories of entities
were considered. The selected categories were aimed to span cross-disciplinary areas of
knowledge, including Science and technology, society, sports, and time and space. Every
category comprised a set of narrower domains. Table 14.4 lists the domains within each of
the four categories. Second, we only considered the “Is a” predicates within the partitioned
graph in order to reduce the number of graph edges.
322 Big Data Analytics

TABLE 14.4
Domains per Category: Categories Selected to Partition the Freebase Knowledge Graph
Category Included Domains
Science and Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computers, Engineering, Geology, Internet, Medicine,
Technology Meteorology, Physics
Society Awards, Celebrities, Conferences and Conventions, Education, Exhibitions, Government,
Influence, Language, Law, Library, Organization, People, Projects, Religion, Royalty, and
Sports American Football, Baseball, Basketball, Boxing, Cricket, Ice Hockey, Martial Arts, Olympics,
Skiing, Soccer, Sports, Tennis
Time and Space Location, Measurement Unit, Physical Geography, Time, Protected Places, Event

TABLE 14.5
Statistics of the Data Set Used in the Study
Count of Entities Count of Is-A Links
Category (Nodes) (Edges)
Science and Technology 233,291 276,133
Society 1,652,581 2,112,248
Sports 146,875 177,387
Time and Space 688,302 1,487,158
Total 2,721,049 4,052,926

Nevertheless, with graph partitioning, the extracted data set could still qualify as a
large-scale graph due to the massive volume of Freebase data. Specifically, the total num-
ber of entities reached around 2.7 million, and the number of graph edges was more than
4 ­million. The entities are represented as nodes in the knowledge graph, while the “Is a”
links represent edges connecting graph nodes. Table 14.5 presents statistics of the extracted
data set used in the study.

Formulation of the Similarity Metric

Clustering aims at finding groups in a data set based on some natural criterion of similar-
ity [36]. Therefore, the unavoidable substantial step is to clearly determine that natural
criterion of similarity that can account for the resemblance between entities within the
knowledge graph.
Our study embraced the hypothesis that highly connected subgraphs can be as clusters
of entities that share a similar graph-based structure, despite dissimilar predicate connec-
tions that may exist. The desirable properties of a cluster are to be internally well-­connected
and externally less connected. The study hypothesis was based on the following four

Assumption 1. A knowledge graph (G) represents a nonrandom graph of connected knowl-

edge; therefore, (G) can have an inherent community structure [37].
Assumption 2. Given a knowledge graph, the link-based structure of nodes (entities) can
serve as a similarity metric for the purpose of clustering.
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities within Knowledge Graphs 323

Nobel prize in physics Nobel prize in physics

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein
Richard Feynman Richard Feynman
Ted Cruz
Politician Ted Cruz
Princeton University Politician
Donald Rumsfeld Princeton University
Donald Rumsfeld
Eric Schmidt Laurance Rockefeller
Jeff Bezos Eric Schmidt
Laurance Rockefeller Jeff Bezos
Business leader Business leader

(a) (b)

Example of graph-based clustering in a simple knowledge graph. (a) The original knowledge graph, which stretches
over three different domains, including science, politics, and business, where Princeton University is a common
entity in the graph. The entity connections represent different types of relationships (predicates), such as “Affiliated
with,” “Graduated from,” or “Is-a.” However, the edges are considered abstract graph edges. (b) Three well-connected
subgraphs that can be considered clusters of entities that share a structural similarity within the knowledge graphs.

Assumption 3. Given a knowledge graph, nodes (entities) are considered to have a similar
link-based structure, even though their links represent dissimilar predicates or relations.
Assumption 4. Given a knowledge graph, detected communities can represent clusters of
entities with structural similarity.

The first and principal assumption is derived from the premise that a random graph
does not have a community structure [38]. A graph is said to have a community structure
when its nodes can be grouped into sets of nodes, such that each set of nodes is densely
connected internally and less connected externally [37]. Since knowledge graphs are not
randomly constructed, communities can therefore naturally exist. In view of that assump-
tion, the entities in a knowledge graph can be grouped based on the structural similarities,
defined by abstract entity connections. Figure 14.9 presents a simple example of a knowl-
edge graph, highlighting clusters of entities that possess similar connections.

Selection of Clustering Algorithm

From the perspective of Big Data, this section addresses another important question: What
is a efficiently scalable algorithm for graph clustering that can deal with large-scale knowl-
edge graphs? While dealing with large-scale graphs, the clustering algorithm should be
carefully selected. The algorithm should be evaluated not only in terms of clustering qual-
ity, but also in terms of scalability. According to Ref. [39], scalability is a broad concept that
encompasses four types of scalability, as follows:
1. Load scalability
2. Space scalability
3. Space–time scalability
4. Structural scalability. In our case, the main concern was placed for space–time
scalability, meaning that a clustering algorithm should continue to function grace-
fully as the graph size increases by orders of magnitude.
324 Big Data Analytics

In this respect, the study endeavored to review the most recognized methods used for
graph clustering. We took avail of two exhaustive surveys [40,41] in order to facilitate the
review process. Table 14.6 provides a concise overview of the families of graph clustering
algorithms and the principal idea behind them. More importantly, Table 14.7 presents a
comparative analysis of representative graph clustering algorithms in terms of computa-
tional complexity.
In light of that review, it turned out that only very few algorithms struck a balance
between clustering quality and scalability, despite the ample algorithms for graph clus-
tering. In particular, only the Louvain [42] and Infomap [43] algorithms proved to pro-
vide high scalability with respect to computational complexity. Eventually, we decided
to use the Louvain algorithm, since it is obviously the least computationally demanding
algorithm. The Louvain algorithm belongs to the optimization-based algorithms family,
whereas it follows a strategy that seeks graph clusters with maximal modularity.
The Louvain algorithm is based on two steps. First, each node is initially assigned to a
different community, such that there are initially as many communities as there are nodes.
For each node, the algorithm evaluates the gain in modularity if a node is placed in the
community of one of its neighbor nodes. The node is actually moved to another commu-
nity only if there is a gain in modularity (Equation 14.1). This process is iteratively applied

TABLE 14.6
Main Categories of Graph Clustering Algorithms
Category of Algorithms Principal Idea Examples
Hierarchical Divisive Top-down clustering by iteratively splitting clusters, [37,44,45]
Clustering Algorithms removing edges connecting vertices with low
Agglomerative Bottom-up clustering by iteratively merging nodes [46–48]
Algorithms and communities based on similarity
Spectral Clustering Clusters computed using the eigenvalues and [49–52]
eigenvectors of its Laplacian matrix as a measure of
vertex similarity
Optimization-based Clustering Based on the maximization of an objective function, a [42,54–56]
normalized cut [53], and modularity function [44]

TABLE 14.7
Computational Complexity of Graph Clustering Algorithms
Category of Algorithms Algorithm (reference) Computational Complexitya
Hierarchical Clustering Ravasz algorithm [47] O(n2)
Link clustering [57] O(n2)
Girvan-Newman [37] O(n3)
Spectral Clustering Spectral clustering [51] O(n3)
Optimization-based Greedy modularity [58] O(n2)
Clustering Optimized greedy modularity [59] O(nlog2 n)
Louvain [42] O(m)
Infomap [43] O(nlogn)
Source: Adapted from Barabási AL, 2013. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A 371(1987):​
20120375, 2013.
a An uppercase letter O is used in complexity theory and computer science to describe the asymptotic behavior

of function. For example, O(n2) means that the worst-case running time of a function f(n) is O(n2) [60].
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities within Knowledge Graphs 325

to all nodes until no further changes in the community can be performed to increase mod-
ularity [42].

 2  
∑ ∑ ∑ ∑
+ ki ,in  + ki      2
  k  
∆Q =  in
− tot  − in
− tot  − i (14.1)
 2m  2m    2m  2m   2 m  

where Σin is the sum of the weights of the links inside C, Σtot is the sum of the link weights
of all nodes in C, ki is the sum of the weights of the links incident to node i, ki,in is the sum
of the weights of the links from i to nodes in C, and m is the sum of the weights of all the
links in the network.
The second step of the algorithm includes building a new graph whose nodes are the
communities identified during the first step. The weights of the edges connecting the new
nodes are given by the sum of the weights of the edges between nodes in the correspond-
ing two communities [61]. Once the second step is completed, the two steps can be reap-
plied, calling their combination a pass. The number of communities decreases with each
pass. The passes are repeated until there are no more changes in communities and maxi-
mum modularity has been reached.
The Louvain algorithm has the advantage of providing a fair compromise between clus-
tering quality and computational complexity which is essentially linear in the number of
graph edges. The excellent performance of the Louvain algorithm has been widely recog-
nized in the literature [41,59,62,63]. For instance, one study [63] used the Louvain algorithm
in order to efficiently portion very large social network comprising more than 2 million
nodes and 38 million edges.

Clustering Experiments
This section elaborates on the practical aspects of the study. We utilized the iGraph pack-
age [64] within R language. The iGraph package is one of the most widely used tools for
manipulating graphs and analyzing networks. With respect to scalability, the package
is acknowledged for handling large-scale graphs efficiently [64,65]. Equally important,
iGraph supports a broad diversity of community detection algorithms, including the
Louvain algorithm, which we decided to adopted, as explained above.
The knowledge graph was constructed based on the extracted experimental data set.
The graph nodes corresponded to entities, and edges represented the Is-A links. The graph
nodes were labeled with unique identifiers by simply generating autonumber values.
Since the graph of interest comprised millions of nodes and edges, the R script used
for constructing the graph had to be produced in a fully automated manner. A simple
C# program was developed for that purpose. The R-script generator worked by reading
the list of nodes and edges from flat files and then producing the target executable script.
Specifically, the generated R-script was designed as a function doing the following, in

1. Create graph nodes

2. Create graph edges
3. Compute clusters and return them as a data frame object
4. Compute graph modularity
326 Big Data Analytics

The source code of the script generator and the generated R-script are accessible through
our GitHub repository [66].
The code snippet below presents a simplified example of the R-script generated:

g <- graph.empty(directed = FALSE) #Creating an empty undirected graph

g <- g+vertices(“101”,”102”,”103”,”104”,”105”) # Adding 5 nodes in the
graph, where every node has its unique ID
g <- g+vertices(“201”,”202”,”203”,”204”,”205”) # Adding another 5 nodes
to the graph
# Adding edges to the graph, an edge is defined by a pair of nodes as below
g <- g+edges(“101”,”205”,”101”,”103”,”103”,”205”,”205”,”202”,”101”,”202”)
g <- g+edges(“104”,”204”,”105,”104”,”204”,”105”,”104”,”201”,”104”,203”,​
clusters<- #Calling the Louvain algorithm for
community detection
mod <- modularity(clusters) # Computing modularity [37]

On the other hand, a Cloud-based execution was unavoidable, as the graph size should
exceed the memory limits of usual commodity PCs. We used the Azure Machine Learning
system [67] in order to process the large-scale graph. The generated R-script was uploaded
to the Azure Machine Learning studio, which flexibly supports executing R and Python
scripts as well. The whole script was executed in around 40 minutes. This practically dem-
onstrated the outstanding computational efficiency of the Louvain algorithm. Table 14.8
provides a summary of the computed clusters.

TABLE 14.8
Summary of Computed Clusters
Cluster no. Size Sample Entities
1 7,403 Massena Public Library, Iowa City Public Library, Nelson County Public Library
2 7,726 Sekar Language, Parawen Language, Yeskwa Language
3 957,583 Cathal Dunne, Karen Gundersheimer, Thomas Lofaro
4 38,903 Paute River, Vasilievsky Island, Suldenbach, Masaya Volcano
5 320,207 First Industrial (Michigan) Partnership, Heart University, Nova Publications Ltd
6 60,417 Iowa Sports Hall of Fame, Wild Justice, Black Belt Jones
7 122,451 Clarke Abel, Fitzroy Square, Driscoll Bridge
8 7,922 Sulfone, Nickel58, Silver99
9 1,342 British Summer Time, Nativity Fast, World Asthma Day
10 258,159 Lennoxville Massacre, Jose Escuredo, Konstantin Loktev
11 46,140 Peoples Party, Nelson Allen, Eightieth Texas Legislature
12 402 Pound, Point, Megawatt
13 153,853 Parsons College, University of Miyazaki, Oxford Elementary School
14 28 Scalar Boson, Charm Quark, Strong Interaction
15 153,314 Viral Nucleocapsid, Diamond Jubilee, Javan Tiger
16 523,961 Salisbury Heights, Chester,Ranchester
17 44,799 Farrell Spence, Stiff Gins, Manny Manuel
18 15,377 1279 uganda, 5088 tancredi, 25340 segoves
19 1,108 Hurricane Ophelia, Typhoon Olive, Tropical Storm Carrie
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities within Knowledge Graphs 327

Results and Discussion

Evaluation of Cluster Quality
The community detection process identified 19 densely connected clusters of entities within
the knowledge graph. The quality of the computed clusters was measured in terms of modu-
larity and cluster density. Modularity [37] represents a quality measure over the entire graph
clustering, which has become a standard evaluation criterion for graph clustering quality.
The modularity of a cluster is a scalar value that ranges between −1 and 1 and measures
the density of interlinks connecting nodes inside a cluster compared to intralinks connect-
ing communities. The modularity (Q) is calculated as shown in Equation 14.2. The modu-
larity over the 19 clusters of the knowledge graph reached around 0.69, which is considered
relatively high, since the maximum possible value is 1.0 [68].

 Ki K J 
2m ∑  A
i, j
ij −
2m 
 δ(Ci , C j ) (14.2)

where Aij represents the weight of the edge between i and j, K i = ∑A

ij is the sum of the

weights of the edges attached to vertex i, Ci is the community to which vertex i is assigned,

the δ function δ(u, v) is 1 if u = v and is 0 otherwise, and m =

edges in the graph.
2 i, j
Aij is the number of ∑
Furthermore, we evaluated the density of each cluster individually. The density of a
cluster was measured based on induced subgraph density. The graph density was typi-
cally defined as the ratio of the number of edges to the number of vertices of the graph
[69]. In this manner, the density of a cluster was computed as presented in Equation 14.3
below. Figure 14.10 is a histogram of the density distribution within the computed clusters.
Apparently, the density of the clusters can be considered an indication that the clusters
are internally well-connected. Overall, it can be confidently concluded that the computed
graph clusters were of good quality.
Number of clusters


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

Cluster density

FIGURE 14.10
Histogram of the density of clusters computed based on the subgraph density for each cluster.
328 Big Data Analytics

density (C) = (14.3)

Where C represents a subgraph (cluster), E(C) is the subset of edges, and C is the subset
of vertices.

Cluster Analysis
Further observations were drawn by analyzing the structure of clusters. In particular, we
aimed to investigate how entities were organized within the computed clusters in com-
parison to the original Freebase-defined categories. In order to focus the analysis process,
the questions below were endorsed:

1. Do computed clusters relatively blueprint the original grouping of the Freebase

2. Do clusters comprise entities largely relating to a single category?
3. What can be inferred in cases when a cross-category cluster exists?

Generally, it turned out that most of the clusters comprised a subset of entities belonging
mainly to one of the four included categories: (i) Science and Technology, (ii) Society, (iii) Sports,

Computed clusters

0 25 50 75 100
Density %
Science and tech Sports Society Time and space

FIGURE 14.11
Density of entities inside clusters with respect to the original categories. The variety of colors indicates that a
cluster contains entities belonging to different categories of Freebase. We observed that some communities (#7,
10, 13, and 17) represented highly cross-category clusters.
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities within Knowledge Graphs 329

TABLE 14.9
Structure of Computed Clusters with Respect to the Original Freebase Categories
Approximate Density (%) of Categories within Computed Clusters
Cluster no. Science and Tech Sports Society Time and Space Cluster Size
1 0.0 0.0 97.0 3.0 7,403
2 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 7,726
3 0.0 3 97.0 0.0 957,583
4 0.0 0.0 1.0 99.0 38,903
5 0.0 0.0 99.0 0.0 320,207
6 1.0 0.0 98.0 1.0 60,417
7 16.0 0.0 40.0 44.0 122,451
8 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7,922
9 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 1,342
10 0.0 46.0 33.0 21.0 258,159
11 0.0 0.0 98.0 2.0 46,140
12 0.0 0.0 1.0 99.0 402
13 0.0 0.0 87.0 13.0 153,853
14 96.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 28
15 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 153,314
16 0.0 0.0 1.0 99.0 523,961
17 76.0 2.0 22.0 1.0 44,799
18 96.0 0.0 3.0 1.0 15,377
19 97.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 1,108
Note: The gray highlighted rows signify highly cross-category clusters.

and (iv) Time and Space. This suggests that some computed clusters can be conceived as a
form of coherent subcategories within the larger categories, such as the Society category.
On the other hand, a few clusters interestingly featured a pronounced cross-category
structure comprising a mixture of entities relating to different categories. These could
translate into what can be described as “latent” connections among entities. We called
these connections latent because they were not explicitly observed in the basic grouping
defined by the categories of Freebase. Figure 14.11 provides a visual summary of the clus-
ters structure. In addition, Table 14.9 delineates the characteristics of clusters.

Future Work: Exploitation of Clusters for Topic Exploration

The discovered clusters can be effectively employed for the purpose of topic exploration
and discovery. Specifically, the computed clusters can be used along with the defined
grouping of entities provided by Freebase, as explained earlier in this chapter. On one
hand, the Freebase-defined categories represent an explicit grouping of entities, which
is based on a natural classification of entities with obvious similarity of relational attri-
butes (e.g., grouping of persons who are characterized as politicians or actors.). On the
other hand, the computed clusters can be regarded as an implicit grouping of entities that
are considered unobservable relations based on the link-based structure similarity within
knowledge graphs. Figure 14.12 illustrates the incorporation of both of the entity group-
ings, which can be used for further applications (e.g., topic exploration, visualization).
330 Big Data Analytics

Topic exploration applications

(e.g., queries/visualisation)

Combined grouping of entities

Implicit relations Observable relations

Computed clusters of entities Freebase natural grouping

FIGURE 14.12
Utilization of clusters for topic exploration.

Related Work
The problem of finding coherent clusters has been the focus of considerable research effort
in many contexts and across various disciplines. Examples are ranging from machine
learning, data mining, and network science to biology or social sciences. A plethora of
methods were developed to deal with clustering problems. Broadly, data clustering via
two approaches has been endorsed:

Relational Clustering: Data are organized into groups based on a specific
attribute similarity (e.g., euclidean distance). The k-means algorithm is a good
example, and it is one of the most widely used, as reported in the published
Graph-Based Clustering: Data are clustered based on link-based structure sim-
ilarities, in contrast to the vertex similarities in relational clustering. Natural
graph clusters can be computed using community detection algorithms [40,41].

With respect to the scope of the study, we aimed to review studies adopting the graph-
based clustering methods with a focus on knowledge graphs. In Ref. [70], search results
clustering (SRC) was endorsed as they used a representation of texts as graphs of concepts
or topics. The nodes (topics) represented Wikipedia pages identified by means of topic
annotations applied to search results, and the edges denoted the relatedness among topics.
The study proposed an algorithm that used the spectral properties and labels of a topics
graph. Also, a study [71] proposed a graph-based semantic model for representing docu-
ment content. Their method relied on the use of DBpedia for acquiring knowledge about
Large-Scale Entity Clustering Based on Structural Similarities within Knowledge Graphs 331

entities and their semantic relations, and then computing the semantic similarity of docu-
ments. Likewise, Ref. [72] exploited DBpedia for clustering Web search results. Further
recent studies include Refs. [43] and [73].
In view of the related studies, we argue that the literature possibly lacks a number of
issues, to the best of our knowledge. First, the validity of clustering knowledge graphs
based on a graph-based approach needs to be explicitly discussed. In particular, the
assumption that a knowledge graph can have an underlying community structure [37]
should be examined. Subsequently, a following assumption that the link-based struc-
ture of entities can serve as a similarity metric can be considered. Those assumptions
are also discussed. Second, studies generally do not deal with large-scale knowledge
graphs; therefore, the scalability issue was not explicitly addressed. Furthermore, the
Freebase data were not utilized, though they represent a much richer knowledge base
than DBpedia, for example.

Methodology Limitations
The computed clusters should always be considered a suggested grouping of entities,
which is bounded to the data set extracted from the study. In this regard, the following
limitations should be taken into account:

1. Only four categories of Freebase entities were considered

2. Only the Is-A links were included in the graph produced in the study. More accu-
rate and comprehensive clusters could be identified in cases of covering more cat-
egories of entities and including more types of entity connections.

The graph-based representations of knowledge can provide extended opportunities for data
exploration and reinterpretation of existing data. Our study embraced an approach for clus-
tering entities based on structural similarities within a knowledge graph. In this manner, enti-
ties are grouped by matching their linked-based structures rather than relational attributes.
As an exemplar of graph-based knowledge bases, a subset of Freebase data was utilized.
Specifically, the data set was used to construct a large-scale knowledge graph covering four
categories of entities, including Science and Technology, Society, Sports, and Time and Space.
Using the Louvain algorithm for graph clustering, the study suggested 19 clusters of
entities. The computed clusters were examined for good coherence, based on measures
of graph modularity and cluster density. Furthermore, the clusters were claimed to be
interpretable and revealed relationships among entities. On one hand, most clusters repre-
sented homogeneous partitions of entities belonging to a specific category of Freebase. On
the other hand, a few clusters featured a remarkable variety of entities relating to different
categories. Thus, clusters can reveal latent connections among entities that are not explic-
itly observed. For one future research direction, the computed clusters can be utilized as a
basis for topic exploration and discovery applications.
332 Big Data Analytics

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pp. 91–96. Proceedings of the 2013 Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction.
New York: ACM.
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interactive clustering tool for mobile app search results. New York: ACM.
Big Data Analytics for Connected
Intelligence with the Internet of Things

Mohammad Samadi Gharajeh

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 335
Iot Paradigm................................................................................................................................. 336
Main Elements of IoT.............................................................................................................. 337
Popular Applications of IoT.................................................................................................. 338
Security Challenges in the IoT Network.............................................................................. 339
A Brief Description of the Intelligence Definition...................................................................340
A Model of Systematic Intelligence Formation from Natural Intelligence.....................340
Foundations of Human–Computer Interactions................................................................ 341
Intelligent Frameworks in IoT...............................................................................................342
Big Data Analytics for Intelligence in the IoT..........................................................................343
Data Storage and Processing Modules.................................................................................343
The Key Devices of Intelligence in IoT.................................................................................344
The Fundamental Mechanisms for Big Data Analytics.....................................................345
Big Data Analytics Methods for Connected Intelligence with IoT..................................345
Evaluation Results.......................................................................................................................348
Conclusions and Future Work.................................................................................................... 350
References..................................................................................................................................... 350
Key Terminology and Definitions............................................................................................. 352

The growth of Big Data has happened for various reasons, including the increase of stor-
age capacities, increase of processing power, and data availability. Big Data is gathered
from a wide variety of resources, such as social networks, digital images, and sensors. In
addition, Big Data analytics are the strategy of analyzing the huge volumes comprising
Big Data. It enables users to evaluate a large amount of the transmitted data that tradi-
tional systems would be unable to handle. Big Data analytics tools involve some significant
advantages, such as cost savings, competitive advantages, and new business opportuni-
ties. These advantages can be used to increase the connected intelligence with the Internet
of Things (IoT).
In this chapter, I discuss the important features of IoT, including the IoT paradigm, its
main elements, popular applications, and security challenges. In addition, various defini-
tions of the intelligence process are considered. Big Data analytics for intelligence of IoT
are described based on a review of data storage and processing modules, the key devices

336 Big Data Analytics

of intelligence in IoT, the fundamental mechanisms for Big Data analytics, and Big Data
analytics methods for connected intelligence with IoT. Finally, some of the Big Data as
well as Big Data analytics methods to enhance the intelligence level of IoT are evaluated in
terms of different simulations.

Iot Paradigm
Figure 15.1 illustrates an overall view of the IoT paradigm according to the convergence
of different visions (Atzori et al. 2010). It consists of three visions: thing-oriented vision,
internet-oriented vision, and semantics-oriented vision. Thing-oriented vision is com-
posed of two independent categories. The first category contains everyday objects, wire-
less sensors, and actuators, near-field communications (NFC), and wireless identification
and sensing platforms (WISPs). Everyday objects involve the people, animals, and things
which can be managed by IoT tools. Wireless sensors and actuators sense data phenom-
ena (e.g., temperature) to monitor desirable environments. NFC is defined as contactless
communication between smart devices (e.g., smartphones and tablets). WISP is a radiofre-
quency identification (RFID) device that supports sensing and computing operations. The
second category includes RFID (Finkenzeller 2003), unique, universal, ubiquitous identi-
fier (UID), spimes (Sterling 2005), and smart items. RFID uses radio waves to read and also

Everyday RFID
NFC objects
Wireless sensors
and actuators
WISP Smart items

for anything

of Things
Internet-oriented vision
vision Semantic
Smart semantic technologies
Reasoning over data
Internet 0

Semantic execution
Web of Things environments

A schematic of the IoT paradigm regarding the convergence of different visions.
Big Data Analytics for Connected Intelligence with the Internet of Things 337

capture information stored on tags attached to various objects. UID provides numeric or
alphanumeric information about a single entity within the IoT system. spime represents
an invention for modern objects that can be followed via space and time throughout their
lifetime. Smart items are the easiest tools for running any environment into a smart home.
Internet-oriented vision includes IP for Smart Objects (IPSO) (Dunkels and Vasseur 2008),
Internet 0 (Gershenfelo et al. 2004), and the Web of Things (Pfisterer et al. 2011). IPSO indi-
cates an organization promoting the Internet Protocol (IP) in “smart object” communica-
tions. Internet 0 contains a low-speed physical layer that is designed to direct the IP of
various things over desirable areas.
The Web of Things includes a concept and strategy to incorporate information on every-
day physical objects into the Web, completely. Semantic-oriented vision involves semantic
technologies, reasoning over data, and semantic execution environments. Semantic tech-
nologies encode the meanings from data and content files separately in order to enable
machines and people to understand and share various data at the time of execution.
Reasoning over data includes some of the intelligence- and knowledge-based methods to
infer new happenings according to prior experiences. Semantic execution environments
offer some services for discovering, composing, selecting, mediating, and invoking seman-
tic Web services. Two elements (connectivity for anything and communicating things) are
placed in the coverage area between thing-oriented vision and internet-oriented vision,
as well as smart semantic middleware, which participates in the coverage area between
internet-oriented vision and semantic-oriented vision. Connectivity for anything means
that things are connected to each other, and “communicating things” indicates that the
things transmit various messages to other objects throughout the network.

Main Elements of IoT

As shown in Figure 15.2, IoT consists of five main elements: RFID, wireless sensor net-
works (WSNs), addressing schemes, data storage and analytics, and visualization (Tilak
et al. 2002, Buyya et al. 2009, Gubbi et al. 2013). RFID technology is used in the embedded
communication paradigm that activates the design of microchip systems for wireless data
communications. It can, automatically, identify anything that holds an electronic barcode.
RFID tags have various applications in race timing, attendee tracking, materials man-
agement, access control, tool tracking, library systems, etc. WSNs consist of low-energy,

Radio frequency identification (RFID)

Wireless sensor networks (WSNs)

elements Addressing schemes
Data storage and analytics


Overall view of the IoT elements.
338 Big Data Analytics

low-cost, and large-scale wireless sensor nodes. A sensor network incorporates a gateway
that offers wireless connectivity back to the wired world and distributed wireless nodes.
Any node can detect and sense phenomena data (e.g., temperature) in order to transmit the
sensed data to a certain center (e.g., a base station) (Gharajeh 2016, Gharajeh and Alizadeh
2016, Gharajeh and Khanmohammadi 2016). Traffic control, environmental monitoring,
and medical usages are some of the applications which can be designed and implemented
by WSNs. Addressing schemes indicate that anything can be uniquely identified through
the internet. A unique address is assigned for anything to determine the four critical fea-
tures for the IoT network: uniqueness, reliability, persistence, and scalability (Honle et al.
2005, Zorzi et al. 2010). Data storage and analytics are the major requirements in the IoT
environment that should be stored and intelligently used for smart monitoring and actua-
tion. Furthermore, data can be collected by novel fusion algorithms (Aggarwal et al. 2013).
Visualization is required for IoT applications to allow the defined interactions between
users and the environment. It can be provided to users via three-dimensional screens to
give users more information about the network in meaningful ways (Jin et al. 2014).

Popular Applications of IoT

The popular applications of IoT can be grouped into five domains, as illustrated in Figure
15.3: transportation and logistics, health care, smart environments, personal and social,
and futuristic. The transportation and logistics domain involves logistics, assisted driv-
ing, mobile ticketing, environmental monitoring, and augmented maps. It represents that
advanced vehicles (e.g., cars and trains) that are equipped with sensors, actuators, tags, and
processing power to transmit important information to defined centers (e.g., traffic control
sites). The health care domain can be categorized mostly into tracking of objects and people
(e.g., staff and patients), identification and authentication of people, automatic data collection,
and sensing. It indicates that IoT applications can be extended for medical departments (e.g.,

and logistics

Futuristic Healthcare


Personal and Smart

social environments

The five well-known applications of IoT.
Big Data Analytics for Connected Intelligence with the Internet of Things 339

hospitals) to gather operational information on patients and personnel. The smart environ-
ments domain represents the intelligence feature of contained objects that can be employed
to constitute smart offices, industrial plants, etc. It includes comfortable homes and offices,
smart museums and gyms, and industrial plants. The personal and social domain (which
includes social networking, historical queries, losses, and thefts) enables IoT users to interact
with other people in order to build and maintain social relationships. Finally, the futuris-
tic applications domain already have been implemented or can be deployed in a short or
medium period of time via available technologies. Robot taxi, city information models, and
enhanced game rooms are the main applications of this domain (Atzori et al. 2010).

Security Challenges in the IoT Network

Security challenges of IoT are grouped in three categories: data confidentiality, privacy, and
trust. The main issues of each category are shown in Figure 15.4 (Miorandi et al. 2012, Rose
et al. 2015). Data confidentiality indicates a basic issue in IoT scenarios and means that only
authorized entities can access and modify the collected data (Suo et al. 2012). Generally, the
confidentiality indicates that information stored on a system is protected against unintended
or unauthorized access. Identity management systems, data stream access controls, and
­confidentiality-preserving aggregation methods are some applications in this category. The
privacy category specifies the rules for individual users authorized to access the available data
(Coen-Porisini et al. 2010). It is someone’s right to protect their personal matters and relation-
ship secrets. A general privacy model, role-based systems, enforcement mechanisms, and data
governance are some of the considerable issues defined in this category. Trust involves a large
number of different contexts having various meanings. It indicates a complex opinion about
which no agreement exists in the information and computer science environments (Blaze et al.
1996). This category is emerging in various applications, such as object identity management
systems, trust negotiation mechanisms, and negotiation language.

confidentiality Privacy Trust

Including Including Including

identity general privacy object identity
management system, model, role-based management system,
data stream access systems, trust negotiation
control, enforcement mechanisms,
confidentiality- mechanisms, data negotiation
preserving governance, etc. language, etc.
methods, etc.

Graphical representation of security challenges in IoT.
340 Big Data Analytics

A Brief Description of the Intelligence Definition

Intelligence is considered one of the most important topics in all scientific fields.
Furthermore, artificial intelligence is one of the most difficult and significant disciplines
in technology. In the last decades, academic and engineering groups have focused on nat-
ural intelligence and artificial intelligence to facilitate some of the existing engineering
systems (Russell et al. 1995, Korb and Nicholson 2010, Deary et al. 2010, Copeland 2015).
There are three approaches for defining artificial intelligence, via its many different under-
standings. The first approach stems from 1943, and it simulates the structure of the cortex
in the human brain; it is therefore named the structuralism approach (Rumelhart 1990).
The second approach, presented in 1956, simulates the functions of logical thinking in
the human brain and thus is called the functionalism approach (Nilsson 1980). The third
approach is from 1990, and it simulates the behavior of intelligent beings and hence is
denoted the behaviorism approach (Brooks 1991). Artificial intelligence research includes
three major problems: it has had less success in methodology, its limitations regarding
sources of research, and its ignoring of some fundamental issues (Zhong 2010). Here, we
describe a model of systematic intelligence formation from natural intelligence, founda-
tions of human–computer interactions, and intelligent frameworks within IoT.

A Model of Systematic Intelligence Formation from Natural Intelligence

In the last decades, various significant intelligent models have been presented regarding
use of natural intelligence in scientific areas. Figure 15.5 illustrates a model of intelligence
formation from the view of natural intelligence. In general, it consists of six steps: informa-
tion acquisition, information transferring and processing, knowledge extraction, strategy

Information Original information Constraint or Intelligent action Information

acquisition problem execution


Information Strategy
transferring Knowledge transferring



Information Information Knowledge Knowledge Strategy Goal

processing easy to use referring producing

Model of systematic intelligence formation based on natural intelligence.
Big Data Analytics for Connected Intelligence with the Internet of Things 341

(intelligence) production, action generation, and feedback and optimization. Information

acquisition is considered the first step of any intelligent system and is the means of gaining
the necessary information about problems, constraints, and available solutions. The step of
information transferring and processing entails transfer of the information collected in the
acquisition with a fidelity to defined point. This process aids to process the information
for producing an easy-to-use version of the gathered information. In knowledge extraction
involves the corresponding knowledge to be formed based on cognition or other mea-
sures. Strategy (intelligence) production represents the knowledge and information that
must be reformed into strategy under the guidance of the main goal in order to solve the
problem effectively. Action generation focuses on converting the strategy into an action to
solve the problem and achieve the goal. This step is used in the model because the strategy
cannot solve the problem practically. Finally, feedback and optimization return the differ-
ence between the results of the previous step and the goal to the first step. It causes the
information, knowledge, and strategy to be improved gradually (Zhong 2010).

Foundations of Human–Computer Interactions

Human–computer interactions consist of three broad foundations: principles, practice, and
people. Principles are defined as the intellectual theories, models, and empirical investiga-
tions of human–computer interactions. Some of the principles are derived from a number
of related disciplines, and others are considered core knowledge of this interaction. Practice
is the second foundation and provides practical guidance to practitioners in the interaction
design environment. People are the third foundation, as they inspire the interaction field
and perhaps most essentially the interaction community for practitioners, researchers, and
educators (Dix 2016). The main foundations and features of human–computer interaction
are illustrated in Figure 15.6.

Principles Practice People

The most
The intellectual necessary part of
guidance to
theories, the interaction
practitioners in
models, and community for
the interaction
empirical practitioners,
investigations researchers, and

First Second Third

foundation foundation foundation

The main foundations of human–computer interactions.
342 Big Data Analytics

Health, education, and well-being are some of the specific changes and challenges in
human–computer interactions. They look at systems growing together to allow Big Data
techniques to determine the trends for individual advices. For example, in this era learning
analytics have been applied in higher education to estimate the likelihood that students
will provide the learning assistants (Thimbleby 2013). Related to this challenge, many of
the trends end up with strong social challenges for human–computer interactions. This
challenge is very considerable if the applications are deployed through the procedures that
are essential or socially expected as part of “normal” life. These applications are classic
and screen-based information systems that contain many features of eGovernment and
businesses such as Uber and airBnB (Liebowitz and Margolis 2016).

Intelligent Frameworks in IoT

Various intelligence frameworks have been presented in the IoT era by researchers in
recent years. Figure 15.7 illustrates some of the significant intelligent frameworks in IoT:
intelligent fault prediction system, an intelligent robot as a service, intelligent decision–
support systems and smart built environments, and an intelligent resource inquisition
framework. An intelligent fault prediction system for IoT was previously presented by Xu
et al. (2012); the system is based on the investigation of current research on fault predic-
tion. It is applied for main mechanical equipment groups in order to improve the working
efficiency and also intelligent level of fault prediction. This system consists of a four-layer
functional architecture that offers comprehensive condition monitoring, computer intel-
ligent information processing, and reliable information transmission for fault prediction.
Chen and Hu (2013) discussed the architectures, interfaces, and behaviors of intelligent
electromechanical devices connected to Cloud systems. A robot as a service is considered
in a case study to describe the main features of the internet of intelligent things, including
autonomous, mobile, sensing, and action taking.
Extension of the centralized Cloud computing environment into a decentralized system
is the main goal of this work. The work described by Kaklauskas and Gudauskas (2016)
focused on intelligent decision–support systems and issues related to the IoT for smart
built environments. They outlined the general theory, including IoT’s definition, charac-
teristics, and components. Furthermore, they evaluated various examples and applica-
tions of IoT in the built environment. An intelligent resource inquisition framework, called
IRIF-IoT, was presented by Bharti et al. (2017); they outlined the existing challenges via its

1 Intelligent fault prediction system

2 Intelligent robot as a service

frameworks in
IoT 3 Intelligent decision-support systems and smart built environment

4 Intelligent resource inquisition framework

The four considerable intelligent frameworks in IoT.
Big Data Analytics for Connected Intelligence with the Internet of Things 343

three layers, including perception, discovery, and application. It links resources through
the usage of semantic description and ontology as well as accessing information via Web
terminals for users.

Big Data Analytics for Intelligence in the IoT

In the last decade, Big Data analytics generated very great interest worldwide. It includes
processing of high-volume, high-velocity, and/or high-variety information to enable high-
performance decision making, wisdom discovery, and process optimization via new
forms of processing (Beyer and Laney 2012). Big Data is derived from various data sources,
in very large amounts, and often in real time. This considerable trend comes from the vast
diffusion and adoption of social media tools, mobile devices, and the IoT. Since Big Data
analytics and IoT involve a great potential to transform various academic projects and
industries, many scholars and managers have attempted to understand these concepts and
utilize the business benefits through the combination of Big Data analytics and IoT.
The main potential of Big Data analytics and IoT has been assessed in very few experi-
mental studies. However, the behavioral, organizational, and business-related usages of
Big Data analytics for IoT applications have not been addressed completely. The available
frameworks to study the impact of Big Data analytics on IoT issues can be categorized into
four levels: society, industry, organization, and individual (Riggins and Wamba 2015). The
use of Big Data analytics in IoT entails high uncertainty related to privacy and trust; in
addition, the use of Big Data and business analytics in IoT health care applications could
enable primitive containment of health hazards and save extended medical costs. The sub-
sequent subsections discuss various topics related to Big Data analytic and IoT, including
data storage and processing modules, the key devices of intelligence in IoT, the fundamen-
tal mechanisms for Big Data analytics, and Big Data analytics methods for connection to
intelligence within the IoT.

Data Storage and Processing Modules

An architecture for indoor/outdoor chronic patient monitoring and dependent care was
presented by Páez et al. (2014) and it was designed based on Big Data and IoT. It is com-
posed four main elements: a smart mobile device, an interoperability and messaging plat-
form, a website platform, and a module for finding health-related information. The smart
mobile device is used by patients with chronic disease and dependent individuals; it gets
the data from sensors of vital signs and then transmits this information via the mobile
network 3G/HDSPA or internet. The interoperability and messaging platform is designed
to deliver the information to all assigned actors in the system via technological advances
in communication (e.g., mail). The website platform enables both family caregivers and
social workers to find the associated patient information through a desktop computer and/
or from mobile devices. The module for finding health-related information allows users
to use a Web search interface based on natural language medical terms. Figure 15.8 illus-
trates principal components of the data storage and processing modules considered in the
presented architecture. Because the large amounts of data are processed in the systems,
the authors used NoSQL databases (Pokorny 2013) instead of the classical SQL relational
databases on the server side. Moreover, a RIAK database ( was
344 Big Data Analytics

Big data services

User interfaces and web Secure protocol Users
(batch scripts and DDBB
NoSQL) (Physicians, patients, ...)

Private cloud Secure protocol Synchronization Encrypted Biosensors (patients)

(sync server and cloud device data
services) Encryption

Remote modules

Data storage and processing modules of chronic patient monitoring.

used to evaluate the system performance, as this is a scalable, distributed, and open source
key value nonrelational database.

The Key Devices of Intelligence in IoT

Through the use of IoT in our world, the next-generation internet will promote interactions
among objects, humans, and environments. An embedded intelligence about humans, the
environment, and society can be illustrated via the interaction between humans and IoT.
As shown in Figure 15.9, intelligence can be found in IoT via different devices, such as sur-
veillance cameras, smart indoor artifacts, wearable sensors, mobile phones, smart vehicles,
and smart cards. A surveillance camera is the main part of a static sensing infrastructure.
It is an early type of static sensor and is widely used in urban environments (e.g., public
spots in the city). Smart indoor artifacts are used in daily living environments, which can
be improved by inexpensive and tiny sensors (e.g., RFID tags). The simple activities of vari-
ous objects will be detected by using one smart artifact. Wearable sensors are mounted
on different parts of a human’s body to make possible the human-centric sensing system.


Smart indoor
Smart cards
Smart Wearable
vehicles sensors


Some of the popular devices that provide intelligence for the IoT.
Big Data Analytics for Connected Intelligence with the Internet of Things 345

The sensors can sense body information, including human activity, social situations, daily
routines, etc. Mobile phones are used in IoT applications to grant portable and promis-
ing activities to the previous devices. They are equipped with various tiny sensors, such
as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS receivers, accelerometers, cameras, and ambient light. Following
development of mobile phones, smart vehicles and smart cards are used in urban environ-
ments to deploy public transportation systems (Guo et al. 2013).

The Fundamental Mechanisms for Big Data Analytics

Big Data analytics evaluates a large volume of varied data. It considers several new issues
to process the raw data: discovery, iteration, flexible capacity, mining and predicting, and
decision management. Discovery indicates that the obtained different information should
be figured out via a process of exploration stages. Iteration often leads a cycle process
down a path that turns out to be a dead end. Because of the iterative nature in Big Data
analysis, problems will be solved by spending more time and utilizing more resources.
Since it is not clear how the data elements associate with each other, mining and predict-
ing can be applied to discover the existing patterns and relationships and this can yield
the insights that a user seeks. When Big Data analytics are used to drive many operational
decisions, the procedures to automate the implementation of all the defined actions should
be determined carefully. Big Data analysis requirements are categorized into three groups:
minimize data movement, use existing skills, and attend to data security. Minimize data
movement leads to conservation of computing resources (e.g., memory). It makes more
sense to store the high volumes of data in the same place. Although new skills are required
to process new data sources, the existing skill set should be considered and applied by the
services too. Therefore, a combination of training, hiring, and new tools would address
the problems that occurr. Many corporate applications need data security to protect their
gathered data. They apply a reliable set of administration policies and security controls to
define robust data security. Figure 15.10 shows the main fundamental mechanisms for Big
Data analytics (Oracle 2013, Hu et al. 2014).

Big Data Analytics Methods for Connected Intelligence with IoT

This section reviews three methods that use Big Data or Big Data analytics for optimal
intelligence in IoT. These methods apply the combination of Big Data analytics and IoT to
design smart environments (e.g., smart cities). The following statements describe the main
motivations and features of the methods.

New issues Requirements Tools

• Discovery • Discovery tools

• Iteration • Minimize data movement • Business intelligence tools
• Flexible capacity • Use existing skills • In-database analytics
• Mining and predicting • Attend to data security • Hadoop
• Decision management • Decision management

FIGURE 15.10
Graphical representation of the fundamental mechanisms for Big Data analytics.
346 Big Data Analytics

A context-aware dynamic discovery of things (CADDOT) model was presented by Perera

et al. (2014) that used Big Data in smart environments. It discovered sensors deployed in a
specified location, despite their heterogeneity, by using the developed tool SmartLink. This
tool builds a direct communication between the sensor hardware side and Cloud-based IoT
middleware platforms. As shown Figure 15.11, the CADDOT model for configuration of
things in the IoT paradigm consists of eight phases: detect, extract, identify, find, retrieve,
register, reason, and configure. The detect phase indicates that sensors are used to actively
search open wireless access points (e.g., Wi-Fi and Bluetooth). This process is performed to
enable the sensors to be connected without any authorization, because they do not have any
authentication details in this phase. In the extract phase, the SmartLink tool fetches infor-
mation from the sensors detected in the previous phase. In the identify phase, SmartLink
transmits all the information collected from the newly detected sensors toward the Cloud.
Cloud-based IoT middleware discovers the data stores by using the collected information to
identify the complete profile of the source sensors. The find phase is used to seek a match-
ing plug-in (also called drivers) after identifying the sensors with unique identifiers. In the
retrieve phase, SmartLink retrieves the full set of information that can be provided by the
sensors (e.g., schedules and sampling rates). After all the information about a certain sensor
has been obtained, the registration process takes place in the Cloud, in the register phase.
The reason phase is a significant part of the model in the sensor configuration, so that it
offers an efficient sensing strategy. In the configure phase, sensors and Cloud-based IoT
software platforms are configured based on the strategy offered in the reason phase.
A smart e-health gateway was presented by Rahmani et al. (2015); it provided multiple
higher-level services, such as real-time local data processing, local storage, and embed-
ded data mining, via the bridging points. It contained various challenges ubiquitous to
health care systems, including energy efficiency, reliability issues, scalability, etc. The
large deployment of ubiquitous health monitoring systems (especially in clinical environ-
ments) can be offered by a successful implementation of smart e-health gateways. The
system architecture of an IoT-based health monitoring system that can be applied in smart


Extract Find

Detect CADDOT Retrieve

Configure Register


FIGURE 15.11
Eight phases of the CADDOT model for configuration of things in the IoT paradigm.
Big Data Analytics for Connected Intelligence with the Internet of Things 347

• Serial
Medical • SPI
sensor • Bluetooth
network • Wi-Fi
• IEEE 802.15.4

Smart • Data aggregation

IoT-based health
e-health • Filtering
monitoring system
gateway • Dimensionality reduction

• Broadcasting
Back-end • Data warehouse
system • Big data analytic servers
• Web clients

FIGURE 15.12
Main components of the system architecture for an IoT-based health monitoring system.

hospitals involves three components: a medical sensor network, a smart e-health gateway,
and a back-end system. A schematic of this system and its elements are shown in Figure
15.12. The medical sensor network is based on the ubiquitous identification, sensing capa-
bility, communication capacity, biomedical information, and context signals. Its data are
collected from the body or room used for treatment and medical diagnosis. Smart e-health
gateways offer various communication protocols and are the touching points between a
sensor network and the local switch or internet. The back-end system is composed of two
remaining components, a local switch and a Cloud computing platform. It involves broad-
casting, data warehouse, Big Data analytic servers, and Web clients as a graphical user
interface for the final visualization and apprehension process.
A combined IoT-based system for urban planning and building smart cities was pre-
sented by Rathore et al. (2016); they used Big Data analytics to achieve their defined goals.
Their system included various types of sensors, such as smart home sensors, weather and
water sensors, vehicular networking, smart parking sensors, and surveillance objects.
Moreover, the system was composed of a four-tier architecture: a bottom tier 1, intermedi-
ate tier 1, intermediate tier 2, and top tier. Bottom tier 1 is used to control IoT sources, data
generation, and collections. Intermediate tier 1 is applied to manage all types of communi-
cation between sensors, relays, base stations, and the internet. Intermediate tier 2 conducts
data management and processing by using the Hadoop framework. Finally, the top tier is
used to control applications of the data analysis and results. In addition, the system’s imple-
mentation entails various elements, including data generation and collecting, aggrega-
tion, classification, filtration, computing, preprocessing, and decision making. The authors
implemented the system by using Hadoop with Spark, voltDB, and Storm or S4 for real-time
processing of the IoT data to generate the expected responses. The implementation stage
was carried out to establish the defined smart city. Furthermore, the offline historical data
were evaluated on Hadoop by using the MapReduce program to carry out urban planning
for future development. Smart homes, smart parking weather, pollution, and vehicle data
sets are generated by IoT data sets to conduct the analysis and evaluation processes. Main
components and specifications of the proposed system are illustrated in Figure 15.13.
348 Big Data Analytics

Smart home sensors

Bottom tier 1
Weather and water sensors

Intermediate tier 1 Intermediate tier 2 Vehicular networking

Smart parking sensors

Top tier
Surveillance objects

FIGURE 15.13
Elements of urban planning and building of smart cities based on IoT and Big Data analytics.

Evaluation Results
This section evaluates the performance of the IoT- and Big Data analytics-based intelligent
methods presented above. Table 15.1 represents the evaluation results of thje CADDOT
model (Perera et al. 2014), which was evaluated for the time taken to perform the follow-
ing steps: (1) set up the sensor, (2) initiate the connection between the sensor and the
SmartLink tool, (3) initiate communication between the sensor and SmartLink, (4) fetch
sensor identification information, (5) get the complete profile of the sensor, (6) configure
the sampling rate, (7) configure the communication frequency, (8) configure the sensing
schedule, (9) configure the network and authentication details, and (10) connect to the
secure network by using authentication details. The results indicate that the times taken
obtained by the Bluetooth protocol were less than those for the TCP and UDP protocols
in the initial connection, initial communication, and connection to the secure network.

TABLE 15.1
Time Taken for Steps in the CADDOT Model
Time for Step (sec [logarithmic scale])
Step Wi-Fi (TCP) Wi-Fi (UDP) Bluetooth
1 6 6 13
2 8 8 4
3 5 5 3
4 0.3 0.32 0.4
5 0.3 0.32 0.4
6 0.3 0.32 0.4
7 0.3 0.32 0.4
8 0.3 0.32 0.55
9 0.3 0.33 0.55
10 6 6 0
Source: Modified from Perera C et al., Big Data and Internet of Things:
A Roadmap for Smart Environments, pp. 215–241, 2014.
Big Data Analytics for Connected Intelligence with the Internet of Things 349

TABLE 15.2
Comparison of Results for the LZO and LZ4 Algorithms in the Smart e-Health Gateway
Compression Time (msec) Decompression Time (msec)
No. of No. of Analog
Nodes Channels LZO Algorithm LZ4 Algorithm LZO Algorithm LZ4 Algorithm
1 8 18 60 23 40
2 8 20 60 19 50
5 8 23 50 27 60
10 8 30 40 37 40
50 8 30 40 40 40
Source: Modified from Rahmani A-M et al., Proceedings of the 12th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and
Networking Conference, pp. 826–834, 2015.

Furthermore, the times for steps 4 to 9 achieved via UDP and Bluetooth were longer than
those for TCP.
Table 15.2 summarizes results of the LZO and LZ4 algorithms used by the smart e-Health
gateway (Rahmani et al. 2015). The results indicate that the LZO algorithm has a low com-
pression time compared to the LZ4 algorithm in all states of the number of nodes and
number of analog channels. Moreover, decompression times obtained by the LZ4 algo-
rithm were longer than those obtained by the LZO algorithm in most simulation cases. All
of the results demonstrated that the efficiency of the LZO algorithm was better than that
of the LZ4 algorithm, according to the comparison results.
Table 15.3 represents evaluation results related to the system for urban planning and
building smart cities based on IoT and Big Data analytics (Rathore et al. 2016) in terms of
processing time and throughput. The results show that the processing time of the pre-
sented system increased proportionally when data set size increased in the simulation pro-
cess. Furthermore, the system throughput was enhanced by increasing the data set size in
the obtained results. The authors claimed that the performance of their system was better
than other systems according to the comparison results. Moreover, the authors indicated
that the system throughput was also directly proportional to the data set size, because of
the parallel processing nature of the Hadoop system. This is the big achievement of the
presented system: that the system throughput will be enhanced with an increase in data
set size.

TABLE 15.3
Performance Results of the System for Urban Planning and Building Smart Cities Based
on IoT and Big Data Analytics
Data Set Size (MB) Processing Time (msec) Throughput (MBp)
78 28,000 3
150 30,000 5
301 40,000 7
450 60,000 8
1,228.8 130,000 9
1,843.2 180,000 10
3,276.8 230,000 14
5,345.28 280,000 19
Source: Modified from Rathore MM et al., Computer Networks 101:63–80, 2016.
350 Big Data Analytics

Conclusions and Future Work

Big Data analytics is the process of using large data sets for discovering hidden patterns,
market trends, unknown correlations, and other essential business information. In addi-
tion, the IoT consists of the objects which are interconnected to each other via the internet
of computing devices to send and receive data. The combination of Big Data analytics and
the IoT under an intelligence framework can build smart models to facilitate our lives. This
chapter has presented a brief description of the IoT network, including main elements of
IoT, popular applications of IoT, and security challenges in the IoT network. Next we pre-
sented various definitions of the intelligence process. A model of systematic intelligence
formation from natural intelligence was described, foundations of human–computer inter-
actions were considered, and several intelligent frameworks in IoT were fully explained.
We discussed Big Data analytics for intelligence of IoT by review of data storage and pro-
cessing modules, the key devices of intelligence for the IoT, the fundamental mechanisms
for Big Data analytics, and of Big Data analytics methods for connected intelligence with
IoT. Finally, we evaluated the performance of smart methods developed for Big Data ana-
lytics and connected intelligence with IoT.
Big Data analytics can be used in other computer networks similar to the IoT network.
The use of Big Data analytics in Cloud computing (Demirkan and Delen 2013, Khan et al.
2015) and smart grids (Simmhan et al. 2013) should be considered in future work.

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Key Terminology and Definitions

Big Data: Big Data presents a high volume, high velocity, and high variety of information
advantages. High volume means the amount or quantity of data; high velocity
indicates the rate at which data are created; high variety represents the different
types of data. Big Data requires new technologies and techniques to capture, store,
and analyze the data to allow improved decision making into discovery optimiza-
tion. There are many data sources (e.g., customer e-mail) that can be analyzed by
Big Data efficiently. Big Data can be used in Web browsing data to capture various
types of customers’ behaviors.
Intelligence: in all cultures, intelligence means the ability to learn from prior experiences,
solve existing problems, and utilize a knowledge base to adapt to new situations.
The intelligence contains a potential capacity to make some solutions based on
previous experiences based on different characteristics, such as creativity and
interpersonal skills. Furthermore, it involves some mental abilities, which enable
anyone to adapt to, shape, or select one’s environment. Any intelligent system can
deal with people, objects, and symbols via various mental skills. It also acts pur-
posefully, thinks rationally, and deals effectively with the environment.
Internet of Things: the Internet of Things (IoT) enables various devices and systems
to use leveraged data gathered by RFID, sensors, and actuators in physical
Big Data Analytics for Connected Intelligence with the Internet of Things 353

objects. It can offer some potential capabilities to improve efficiency, security,

health, education, and various aspects of daily life. Enterprises will be able to
improve productivity and decision making in manufacturing, retail, agriculture,
and other fields. The device-to-device communications, device-to-Cloud commu-
nications, device-to-gateway model, and back-end data-sharing model are the four
communications models of IoT. Note that IoT needs IPv6 to generate true end-to-
end internet connectivity.
Big Data-Driven Value Chains and Digital
Platforms: From Value Co-creation to Monetization

Roberto Moro Visconti, Alberto Larocca, and Michele Marconi

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 355
Big Data-Driven Value Chains................................................................................................... 356
Creation (Data Capture)......................................................................................................... 358
Storage (Data Warehousing).................................................................................................. 358
Processing (Data Mining and Fusion).................................................................................. 358
Consumption (Sharing).......................................................................................................... 360
Assembling Value via Heterogeneous Data Fusion and Interoperability........................... 361
Intermediating Digital Platforms.......................................................................................... 362
Linking Big Data with Network Theory..............................................................................364
Big Data-Driven Business Planning.......................................................................................... 366
Monetization Strategies............................................................................................................... 368
Conclusions................................................................................................................................... 369
References..................................................................................................................................... 370

Big Data is the term for any gathering of high-volume information sets from multiple
sources; Big Data is so expensive, fast changing, and complex that it can become hard to
process. The processing difficulties cover investigation, catch, duration, inquiry, sharing,
stockpiling, exchange, perception, protection infringement, and quantification of financial
value. The explosive growth of data in almost every industry and business area has been
driven by the rapid development of the Web, the Internet of Things (IoT), and Cloud com-
puting (Jin et al. 2015).
Traffic among different websites fuels the creation of Big Data, with file sharing, stream-
ing media through social networks, interacting devices such as IoT sensors, use of
mobile apps, science data, emails, digitalizers, texts, geometries, sounds, antennas, voice
data, videos, posts, blogs, and other connecting sources through several different devices.
Combinations of different data sources are also relevant, as they add value through data
fusion. A networked domino effect, driven by scalable data systems connected through
digital platforms, spreads information in real time.
Literature about Big Data is also growing and is too wide and heterogeneous to be prop-
erly quoted or even synthesized. Big Data surveys have been included, for instance, in
reports published by Aruna and Anusha (2016), Chen and Zhang (2014), Chen et al. (2014),

356 Big Data Analytics

Khan et al. (2014), and Lugmayr et al. (2016). The definition of Big Data used here was
coined by Ward and Barker in 2013.
Within this framework, many crucial issues for Big Data analytics and their use for effec-
tive business planning are still underinvestigated. In particular, the interaction between value
chains and Big Data, especially if leveraged by networking applications, needs further scrutiny.
In this chapter, we show that:

1. Value chains are the strategic backbone of business modeling and planning.
2. Big Data-driven value chains have an underexploited and misunderstood added
value, especially with data fusion, which combines heterogeneous information
that would otherwise remain uncorrelated and forgotten.
3. Networking digital platforms leverage Big Data-driven value chains, exponen-
tially increasing their potentialities even in terms of value co-creation.
4. Monetization is both the final step of value chains and the key input/output com-
ponent of financial planning. It cashes in on resources that can remunerate stake-
holders and can be reinvested in analytics and technological improvements.

Big Data-Driven Value Chains

Value chains, even in traditional terms and irrespective of either Big Data or networks, are the stra-
tegic backbone of business modeling and planning, as they indicate the targets of corporate goals.
In particular, a Big Data-driven value chain is represented by several consequential
steps, such as data creation, search and capture, storage, querying, analysis, sharing and
transfer, visualization, and customization. Each step, codified by software algorithms,
is part of an incremental and flexible value chain. Every step adds value that has to be
shared among its contributors (providers, intermediating platforms, users, etc.) to value
co-­creation. This chain produces different stages of information that are embedded in tra-
ditional value chains that become Big Data driven.
A Big Data value chain is based on the following strategic steps (synthesized in Figure 16.1):

1. Creation (data capture)

2. Storage (warehousing)
3. Processing (data mining, fusion, and analytics)
4. Consumption (sharing)
5. Monetization

1. Creation 2. Storage 3. Processing 4. Consumption 5. Monetization

(Data capture) (Data warehouse) (Data mining and fusion) (Visualization and sharing) (Business plan)


This Big Data chart follows a consequential value chain approach, and for each step, evidence of big data fea-
tures is given. Sign + , ++ … graduate the importance of these characteristics.
Big Data-Driven Value Chains and Digital Platforms 357

Each step of the value chain is linked to Big Data’s “Five Vs” (volume, velocity, variety,
veracity, and value). What matters most is interactions of the Five Vs, whose impacts along
the value chain change from step to step, as shown in Figure 16.1.
Figure 16.1 shows an impact decrease along the value chain for the early Vs (volume, and
velocity) and a correspondent increase for the last V (value). Variety and veracity acquire
importance with the processing phase, and their impacts are optimized (with data mining
fusion and with data visualization and sharing) and then transferred to maximize value
during monetization.
In particular, larger quantities of data are routinely produced from an increasing num-
ber of sources. At this stage, data value is low because data are unstructured, uncorrelated,
and the stakeholders deemed to capture the data have a low capacity to evaluate their
Data warehousing hardly increases Big Data value, because it is concerned with stor-
ing data regardless of their type (variety with only one +) and validity. Several data-
processing resources are allocated to drastically solve issues on data volume (mining
only the essential data) and variety (fusing several types of data). Although processing
increases Big Data value, its outputs are not yet ready for immediate use.
The fourth stage of the value chain addresses the exchange of Big Data processing out-
puts via adoption of communication (sharing platform) and representation (data visual-
ization) technologies. Here, volume, velocity, and variety are already simplified; however,
the veracity is still partially unsolved. Finally, the last stage of the value chain maximizes
value through a synthesis of the first four Vs.
Therefore, Big Data drives value generation that can be revealed by:

• (Radical) innovation;
• Market expansion (new products or services toward new markets);
• Differentiation and branding (optimization);
• Shortened supply chain and processing speed, thus favoring cost reductions;
• Better forecasting and consequent risk reduction.

Cost reduction is brought about by many factors and in different phases along the prod-
uct and service life cycle, like ofcptimized logistics or just-in-time production, and stock
management. For manufacturing, the IoT can have a tremendous impact on cost reduction,
for example, by lowering maintenance costs for tools and machines, higher product con-
formity, production cycle optimization, etc. Risk reduction is also significantly impacted
by Big Data analysis, as it better defines key elements of business planning, such as pro-
duction processes or sales and marketing strategies.
One milestone for value creation is represented by the challenging step that takes
unstructured and uncorrelated data to hidden causal interpretation of Big Data linkages
detected by data-mining techniques.
Value can also be destroyed by incomplete chains, with either missing steps or insuffi-
cient development. Since the potential for upgrade is theoretically unlimited, value bottle-
necks are ubiquitous and need constant monitoring and fixing.
Pivotal elements of these networks are digital platforms that work as nodes of the net-
work. Below, we discuss the function and importance of digital platforms for value cre-
ation; we also describe further upgrades that occur when Big Data-driven value chains are
linked with other chains through digital networks.
358 Big Data Analytics

Creation (Data Capture)

Creation of Big Data is increasing day by day in volume, velocity, and variety of data
sources. For example, Earth Observation generates terabytes of geolocated images hourly
with increasing spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions (Benediktsson et al. 2013).
Sensor observation services produce more data from the “sensor web” and “citizen sen-
sors” (Goodchild 2007). Social networks, such as Twitter and Facebook, generate Big Data
and are transforming social sciences. Business interactions (e.g., credit card transactions
and online purchases) generate large-volume, high-velocity, and highly unstructured
(variety) data sets.
This exponential increase in volume, velocity, and variety seems limited only by the
technological capacity to capture data automatically, without human involvement. Such
technologies include, but are not limited to, bar codes, radio frequency identification, bio-
metrics, magnetic stripes, optical character recognition, smart cards, and voice recognition
IoT continuously generates data streams on space and time from interconnected devices.
Applications of this can be very different, such as industrial production lines, urban traffic
management, telemedicine, and home automation.
Achieving geographical and chronological localization of Big Data at this early stage
adds value. Captured information can be detected from (i) how data flow in space and in
time, (ii) where storage and computing resources are located, and (iii) detecting proactively
the location of access of users at different places and times. Kozuch et al. (2009) demon-
strated that location-aware applications outperform those with no location-detection capa-
bility by factors of 3 to 11.

Storage (Data Warehousing)

Increasing the volume and velocity of Big Data is a challenge for common computer
storage capacity. Like the large volume of data, which could be decreased by filtering
redundant data, the velocity of Big Data creation and obsolescence require storage sys-
tems able to scale up quickly. New methods based on Cloud technologies allow storing a
large volume of data and enhance Big Data velocity through Cloud computation resources.
Moreover, Cloud technologies guarantee higher security levels against fault and data loss
and have a greater sharing potential. However, Cloud storage introduced a new limita-
tion: a bandwidth capacity bottleneck in relation to the large volume of data. Furthermore,
Cloud storage raises concerns about data security, including the protection of commercial
and financial information and strategic and sensible data, intellectual property, and per-
sonal privacy (Chen and Zhang 2014), thus requiring the development of sophisticated
services for cybersecurity.
Efficient data warehousing should be based on algorithms for data maintenance, security,
accessibility, and veracity control, allowing the maximization of added value at this stage.

Processing (Data Mining and Fusion)

Data processing is strongly linked with all five Vs of Big Data. At the processing stage, data
volume is still large and the velocity of processing is a key factor. Data processing connects
different kinds of data (e.g., pictures, text, video, etc.), resolving the variety of Big Data
(with data fusion and interoperability, as described below); at the same time, it establishes
protocols to confirm data veracity.
Big Data-Driven Value Chains and Digital Platforms 359

Data processing concerns data discovery and integration of heterogeneous data, veracity
assurance, reuse and preservation over time, and capture of value. The NoSQL (Not Only
SQL, like SimpleDB, Google BigTable, Apache Hadoop, MapReduce, MemcacheDB, and
Voldemort) database (Gessert et al. 2016) is a current approach for large and distributed
data management. The main Big Data platforms implement this approach to overcome
the scarce elasticity of the standard relational database management approach. NoSQL
is schema free and enables modifications of the data structure without rewriting tables,
being flexible to store heterogeneous data.
Several scientific methods have been applied to Big Data analysis:

• Statistical methods have been used to explore causal relations and correlations
among Big Data. Reduction algorithms, such as principal component analysis and
other nonlinear techniques, are used to reduce Big Data volumes, minimizing the
loss of information;
• Data mining is a collection of tools (e.g., clustering analysis, classification, regres-
sion, association rule learning) that are able to extract patterns from data;
• Machine learning is a subdomain of artificial intelligence which is aimed at pro-
ducing algorithms that allow computers to develop behaviors based on empirical
data and discovery of knowledge;
• An artificial neural network is a set of techniques applied, for example, in pattern
recognition and image analysis. However, the learning process of this technique
over Big Data is time- and memory-consuming;
• Social network analysis is an emerging technique that has been adopted to study
social relationships and social media. It represents the social system according to
the network theory (see below).

Generally, a combination of two or more of these techniques is used to analyze Big Data.
For example, Walmart uses statistical techniques and machine learning to discover config-
urations among their large amount of transaction data. These configurations help to design
better pricing strategies and advertising campaigns, enhancing their competitiveness.
These techniques present difficulties in managing the volume of Big Data due to huge
workloads requested within limited runtimes. Currently, the strategies are based on
(i) sampling Big Data populations in smaller samples, (ii) developing reduction algorithms
for removing potential irrelevant, redundant, noisy, and misleading data (Zhai et al. 2014),
and (iii) designing parallel and distributed processing approaches by using Cloud com-
puting technologies. One of the aims of these techniques is to determine Big Data veracity.
It has crucial importance for data processing and, although often underreported, it is a
threat, especially when working on unstructured data.
There are two issues related to data veracity:

1. Data validation. Data specialists need to apply best practices to ensure that data
are captured, stored, and replicated correctly. There are some technical solutions
for data validation. However, unstructured data are more challenging to manage
because of their unexpected behavior and changing nature.
2. For unstructured data (e.g., text messages, especially from social networks), there
can be a threat of false information being deliberately shared, as happened with
TripAdvisor when it was realized that many reviews were untrue and had been
written intentionally to damage competitors.
360 Big Data Analytics

Working on a false data set can create irreversible problems for many business aspects.
First, it can seriously damage the reputation of the service or product provider. As a con-
sequence, the trust among community members for the brand can be eroded with signifi-
cant economic and potential legal consequences. Second, working on an incorrect data set
means that the Big Data analysis will probably lead to untrue observations, resulting in
the creation of wrong new data products, marketing and communication strategies, client
profiling, etc.
Data validation has also an impact on operational costs, influencing time-to-market
and human resources costs. Companies wishing to leverage data analytics results
should, therefore, see data auditing as one of the pillars of their Big Data business strat-
egy. Big Data auditing stands out as a new field of action. Metadata are an essential
element to detect the integrity of data provenance and thus to validate Big Data and
their value. A challenging task concerns the development of algorithms that automati-
cally generate metadata to describe Big Data and relevant processes (Oguntimilehin
and Ademola 2014).

Consumption (Sharing)
Data must be visualized, communicated, and shared with stakeholders. At this stage of the
value chain, variety should be processed to be transformed into value. The visualization
of Big Data processing outputs uncovers hidden patterns and reveals unknown correla-
tions to improve the decision-making process (Nasser and Tariq 2015). Consequently, a
new scientific discipline, data visualization, addresses effective knowledge representation.
According to Chen and Zhang (2014), both aesthetic form and functionality are necessary
to convey the knowledge to the widest possible audience.
Big Data sharing is consistent with value co-creation among different stakeholders,
along the value chain, from data creation to monetization. The synthesis produced by
data visualization tools is a key element that transforms the information revealed by Big
Data processing, understood only by specialists scientists, into knowledge accessible to
all stakeholders. Current Big Data visualization tools still have poor performance levels
in terms of scalability and response time. Representation of uncertainty is also complex
and not at all achieved (Yingcai et al. 2012). New data visualization paradigms and frame-
works are strongly claimed by the Big Data community and need the training of profes-
sionals with strong mathematical skills combined with communication and figurative
arts expertise.
A specific application of data visualization is related to the representation of geolocal-
ized information, traditionally achieved using a geographic information system (GIS). For
example, human mobility patterns can be plotted geographically to capture quickly where
people are and in which moment. However, traditional GIS software is unable to properly
visualize Big Data, mainly because the information reported on a map is too dense to be
understood by a map reader and thus be transformed into knowledge. Therefore, tradi-
tional GIS software should be merged with the Big Data processing tools described above
and rethought as data visualization tools.
Big Data consumption, amplified by sharing, typically takes place within IT networks,
such as the Web. Diffusion and usage foster monetization: sharing is a value co-creation
driver, derived from feedback and joint use. Sharing can also be interpreted in terms of
network theory; this is described below.
Big Data-Driven Value Chains and Digital Platforms 361

Assembling Value via Heterogeneous Data Fusion and Interoperability

Data fusion explores complex and evolving relationships among data, resolving conflicts
from a collection of heterogeneous sources, linking different records, and looking for data
veracity. Different sources of uncorrelated and spurious data in different formats (e.g.,
numeric, text, video, audio) are hard to combine but can generate an unexploited added
value. Interoperability concerns information exchange and communication among differ-
ent systems (cross-domain information) through their IT interfaces and is scaled up by Big
Data through data fusion.
Data fusion between different sets of structured and unstructured data creates a new
data set, i.e., a new data product for sale. Analytically, the challenge is to see correlations in
this new data set. The goal of data fusion is to combine relevant information from two or
more data sources into a single source that provides a more accurate description than any
of the individual data sources; this is achieved by capturing the (hidden) commonalities
between several data sets with countless combinations.
Data should be conveniently transformed to become interdisciplinary, computationally
ready, and born-connected. Big Data creation and processing require digital platforms that
can read, write, and exchange information with suitable formats and protocols, a key ele-
ment in system design.
Big Data can generate a competitive advantage with revolutionary data analysis
through increasingly sophisticated algorithms, and can yield incremental value with
excess revenues and cash flows. Data fusion and interoperability of uncorrelated informa-
tion are a major value driver. These added values remunerate the stakeholders that rotate
around the digital platform, with scalable benefits that are transmitted and shared in the
whole network. Applications concern several trendy industries, such as mobile health or
For example, the use of sensor data in the increasingly popular fitness and health mobile
wearable devices creates a stream of heterogeneous data that are conveniently integrated
to reveal the correlation between activities and lifestyle. Singular streams of data have a
value that is multiplied by data fusion. When these data and their analyses are shared on
data-driven social platforms, the value of data fusion is further amplified.
Some new products and services are the result of data fusion. For example, shared econ-
omy (peer-to-peer exchange) platforms, such as AirBnB and Uber, are based on the inte-
gration of location-based data with freely shared customer data. Cloud storage allows data
scalability, and analytical tools predict customer needs and match supply and demand. As
a result, new data products are created, and time to market becomes minimal.
Data fusion, therefore, represents a new business model; firms may have proprietary
data and can marry that data with public data or data from another firm to create a whole
new perspective on customers or markets. People-centered ecosystems and mass col-
laboration platforms are valuable sources for acquiring data for fusion and for sharing
output. From this perspective, variety is the most promising uncharted area in Big Data
(Wienhofen et al. 2015).
Data integration is critical for achieving value from Big Data through integrative data
analysis and cross-domain collaborations (Christen 2014). Dong and Divesh (2015) summa-
rized the data integration challenges of schema mapping, record linkage, and data fusion;
metadata is essential for tracking these mappings to make the integrated data sources
362 Big Data Analytics

“robotically” resolvable and to facilitate large-scale analyses. However, as mentioned

above (in the discussion on veracity of Big Data), efficiently and automatically creating
metadata from Big Data is still a challenge.

Intermediating Digital Platforms

Digital platforms are the virtual marketplace where products and services are exchanged
by buyers and sellers, often through B2B, B2C, or C2C e-commerce transactions. As such,
digital platforms are the virtual places where data are exchanged and collected, thus feed-
ing the high volume of information that will be analyzed with data mining. While hori-
zontal platforms fit all sectors, vertical platforms are specialized and use more customized
Big Data; an example is given by vertical advertising, which segments potential customers
according to their characteristics.
Digital platforms can be:

• Websites (such as e-commerce platforms), where the content is created by the seller
of the product or service; the platform can be offered as a service by a third party
(for example, eBay) or it can be owned by the seller itself (for example, an airline);
• Social networks, where the content is produced by all members of the community
• Mobile Apps, which are rapidly overtaking websites and can cover all functions of
websites and social networks but with the great advantage of real-time geolocal-
ized data;
• Closed digital platforms offered as a marketplace by device producers to app
developers to sell their products (for example, Google Play for Android);
• Intranets, such as closed group company networks;
• Machine networks (IoT), i.e., machines and computers that exchange data auto-
matically without human intervention (for example, industrial robots or smart cit-
ies sensors).

Value chains perform an intermediating function through digital platforms, and they
interact with Big Data-driven supply chains of products and services. Websites and mobile
apps are somehow similar to a traditional marketplace, where supply and demand meet
with a seller presenting a well-defined product to the buyer. As in traditional market-
places, word of mouth plays an important role also in digital platforms; those who can
merge structured data (i.e., product descriptions) with unstructured data, such as reviews
or comments, can facilitate the transaction by providing real-time detailed information to
match supply and demand.
However, the role of an intermediating digital platform is much more than a simple
interface. It acts as a digital business analyst and product broker and:

• Gathers information on the market (accurate, real-time, and on a massive scale);

• Advises buyers on the most suitable products and best offers;
• Advises sellers on market demands;
• Runs targeted (vertical) advertising campaigns;
• Can “guess” potential interest in new products (as discussed below); and
• Has the power to move the market.
Big Data-Driven Value Chains and Digital Platforms 363

All these characteristics can be enhanced by Big Data. Digital platforms can, however,
be impermeable interfaces: transactions between buyers and sellers are mediated by the
digital platform, which in fact is the sole owner of the data being exchanged and the
data products being created. This “ownership” may cause legal issues if it surreptitiously
expropriates the property rights of intermediating entities, with asymmetric monetization
of the proceeds. The input and output on digital platforms are summarized in Table 16.1.
Digital platforms are complex and dynamic interfaces that collect both active and pas-
sive data, as well as external and internal data, and thus they have to be designed accord-
ingly. Key features that digital platforms must achieve are:

• Real-time collection of geolocalized data;

• Correct definitions of parameters. An insightful data analysis requires informa-
tion that describes well the trade dynamics and the buyer’s profile. This means
that IT specialists need to work with market specialists to collect the right data in
the right format;
• Data analysis that is able to highlight trends and create new data products (which
can be sold as a new product or service to existing customers, used to improve
internal operations, or sold to third parties). Data collection without processing
algorithms is valueless (Figure 16.1);
• Sufficient flexibility to identify and then develop potential new data products for
sale; this translates into responsive business plans;
• Capacity to customize offers to a single buyer, leveraging individual information
gathered both actively and passively. Accurate profiling of buyers and identifica-
tion of social circles are also important;
• Real-time matching of supply and demand.

Social networks are specifically interesting for Big Data analysis, because they offer unri-
valed unstructured data from which correlations and trends can emerge. Characteristics
of social network platforms are:

• Great spatial and temporal accuracy, through M-app geolocalization in real time;
• Great potential for vertical marketing, since users share all kinds of information
and companies can customize communication and vertical advertising.

In social networks, some community members have more “pull” than others, i.e., they
are influencers. Pyramidal networks with a central platform, like Facebook, differ from
TABLE 16.1
Input and Output Data for Digital Platforms
Input Output
Product or service (seller) New data product
Personal data (buyer) Pattern, trends, and correlations for sales, marketing
and product development
Spatio-temporal data (buyer) Customized offers
Data collected by sensors (IoT) Customized advertising
Community information (social networks) Community suggestions
Transactional data Operational data
364 Big Data Analytics

peer-to-peer networks, such as WhatsApp. Network analysis can detect the community
leaders, whose heavier nodes have the capacity to create closer links (shorter edges).

Linking Big Data with Network Theory

Value chains based on traditional databases become networked when they are linked to
other chains through value-adding networks. Value chains networks are more resilient
and able to cope with risks of failure, enabling alternatives. Networked value chains
fueled by Big Data stand out as the best value-maximizing option, as illustrated in
Figure 16.2.
Network theory is the study of graphs as a representation of (a)symmetric relations
among discrete objects. A network can be defined as a graph in which nodes and/or edges
(defined below) have attributes (e.g., names). Network theory is a branch of network sci-
ence, an academic field which studies complex networks such as Telecommunications
(TLC) (teachable language comprehender) networks, ICT (information and communica-
tions technology) networks, biological networks, cognitive and semantic networks, and
social networks; network theory considers distinct elements or actors represented by
nodes (or vertices) and the connections between the elements or actors as links (or edges).
Degree, correlations, clustering, and centrality provide information on single nodes,
their immediate surroundings, and their position with respect to the overall network
(Caldarelli and Catanzaro 2012). These features matter even for Big Data, which can be
seen as networked informative nodes. Edging Big Data correlated to nodes disseminates
massive information in real time.
The topology of networks, which is so important for their interpretation, is based on
computing the edge “betweenness” that finds the edges through which most of the short-
est paths pass. Even this characteristic can be referred to Big Data as it is a key informative
nexus between different edges.

Networked value chain


Isolated value chain

Traditional data value chain Big Data-driven value chain

Data input

Interactivity of Big Data-driven value chains is enhanced by massive data inputs that reduce information asym-
metries. (From Visconti, RM, 2017, Public private partnerships, big data networks and mitigation of information
asymmetries, Corporate Ownership & Control 14(4).)
Big Data-Driven Value Chains and Digital Platforms 365

Websites and the internet can be interpreted in terms of network science, represented by
relations among vertices and their connecting edges. Social networks, continuously fueled
by Big Data collection and processing, show the dynamic relationships among social enti-
ties (persons, groups, etc.). Along the value chain, they develop in particular the sharing
phase. Big Data processing of social network contents is quite complicated, since wording
is semantically hard to interpret and classify. The analysis of links within a network is a
subset of network analysis that explores the associations among objects or nodes, such as
Networks are concerned with a disordered pattern of many different interactions, char-
acterized by processing massive amounts of data. Since networks are patterns of interac-
tion and connectedness, they play a fundamental role in any step of progressive value
chains. Even if Big Data has hardly been linked to network theory in the existing litera-
ture, this passage to big network data seems important, since it helps us understand their
intrinsic workings within the value chain described.
Networks are concerned with Big Data at each stage of the value chain. During the cre-
ation (data capture) phase, different data can be considered nodes (vertices) that are col-
lected and then linked in the processing phase. Big Data storage is performed by a network
of repositories in the Cloud. Even during the processing phase, the involved stakeholders
adopt algorithms derived from network theory to explore and solve Big Data complexity.
Big Data consumption takes place through sharing, again linking nodes of users. Finally,
monetization is eased by optimal sharing of information and economic interaction among
Big Data users; networking is, for instance, concerned with the aforementioned B2B, B2C,
and C2C e-commerce applications.
Networks play several roles in Big Data analysis at the same time, behaving as:

• Sharing structures. Edges are the vehicles through which information travels
(social networks, email systems, data exchange, etc.) and are also viewed in physi-
cal terms (e.g., telecom networks);
• Storage tools. Data are stored in database (nodes) clusters, such as HDFS (Hadoop
distributed files system);
• Processing infrastructure. Large data volumes are conveniently processed in
the data clusters where they are stored, making processing faster. Also, shared
computing can perform more efficiently and economically than individual
• New data product. Big Data analysis highlights hidden correlations and trends
that can be described by network theory (for example, identification of a new com-
munity, or a subset of an existing community, by using community detection algo-
rithms); and
• Multiplying economic factor. The value of new data products can grow exponen-
tially if channeled through well-profiled community networks. Also, predictive
analysis of network dynamics can lead to increased profits and risk reduction, cost
reduction, and operational optimization.

Network theory can help identify leaders within digital communities: influencers are
heavier nodes that have the capacity to create stronger and shorter edges, for example,
through more frequent interaction or quantity of data exchanged.
Understanding structural network aspects such as closeness, centrality, or degrees can
be of great of value for marketing and communication strategies. Big Data combined
366 Big Data Analytics

with network theory models can afford detailed profiling of both individual community
members and the communities (and their subsets). Profiling can also include community
dynamics such as causality, clustering, network interconnectivity, network convergence or
splitting, etc.

Big Data-Driven Business Planning

Business modeling with strategic value chains is the core component of effective planning.
This general statement applies also to Big Data-driven and networked value chains, such
as those illustrated in Figure 16.2. Business planning is central for any ­monetization-driven
strategy, since it consists of a numerical formulation of the business plan that embodies
cash flow forecasts.
Many companies are developing new business models specifically designed to create
additional value by extracting, refining, and capitalizing on data (Hartmann et al. 2016).
Big Data represents a powerful, albeit underexploited, source of information for descrip-
tive, prescriptive, and predictive analytics concerned with models for forecasting future
events based on observing past ones. This information needs to be collected, processed,
and made available to users through the value chain described in above. Value-enhancing
business process reengineering and decision making can be fueled by Big Data.
Information and knowledge extracted from Big Data matters for business planning in
many complementary ways: due to its velocity, it allows a mark-to-market update and
refresh of forecasts that flexibly adapt to changing market conditions, whereas data vol-
ume makes estimates more precise and less volatile, reducing the risk of uncertainty and
making massive analysis possible.
Big Data influences predictive analytics and business planning through many comple-
mentary aspects (Jin et al. 2015, Hartmann et al. 2016), such as:

• Uncertainty modeling;
• Probability (statistical) theory (nondeterministic algorithmic theory);
• Signal processing;
• Computer programming;
• Data engineering;
• Pattern recognition and visualization;
• Hypotheses updating and fine-tuning in real time, due to Big Data velocity.

Big Data processing (data mining) is becoming a core input of business planning (for
example, incorporating temporal and geospatial customer activities in the model). Firms
that embed Big Data and aggregate information in their models can gain a competitive
advantage in understanding market trends with scale, precision, and velocity. According
to Muhtaroglu et al. (2013), “Companies which can adapt their businesses well to lever-
age Big Data have significant advantages over those that lag this capability. The need for
exploring new approaches to address the challenges of Big Data forces companies to shape
their business models accordingly.”
Big Data-Driven Value Chains and Digital Platforms 367

Social networks, e-commerce transactions, and other sources are rich data mines that
shed light on the lifestyles, beliefs, outlook, and preferences of geo-tagged customers, up
to the point of inspiring new brands, products, and services.
For business firms, passive data capture provides an opportunity to learn about cus-
tomers and markets to reduce risk in business decisions and to achieve segmentation that
enables customized advertisements and customer offers. Given that each customer is ana-
lyzed precisely, unique and personalized messages can be deployed to them. Firms can
selectively decide who to contact through digital platforms that process Big Data with
precise segmentation and geographically oriented strategies. Passive data capture allows
firms to share data with customers through feedback loops and provide customer-added
convenience. Individuals who use mobile devices and are active on social networks are
highly measurable and should expect even more sensors to become available on smart-
phones and devices such as watches, glasses, and other body sensors (Walker 2015). Data
capture, especially from unaware individuals, can however raise privacy concerns and
prevent previous feedback and value co-creation strategies. As mentioned before, this can
happen through intermediating digital platforms.
Business planning and business model canvas represent a formal statement of business
targets and strategies to reach them, showing in numerical terms the value of these goals.
Big Data strategies are mainly focused on:

1. Performance management, which involves understanding the meaning of Big

Data in company databases using predetermined queries and multidimensional
2. Data exploration that makes heavy use of statistics to experiment and get answers
to new questions. This approach leverages predictive modeling techniques to fore-
see user behavior based on their previous business transactions and preferences.
3. Social analytics (metrics) that measure the vast amount of existing nontrans-
actional data. Much of these data are present on social media platforms. Social
analytics measure three broad categories: awareness, engagement, and word-of-
mouth or reach.

Decision science involves experiments and analysis of nontransactional data, such as

consumer-generated product ideas and product reviews, to improve the decision-making
process. Unlike social analyzers, who focus on social analytics to measure known objec-
tives, decision scientists explore social Big Data as a way to conduct “field research” and
to test hypotheses. Data-driven decision making applies to business planning strategies.
Big Data can optimize:

1. Sales planning and revenue streams. After comparisons of massive data, enter-
prises can optimize their prices, predict consumer behavior, and analyze trends
by segregating the relevant information of the targeted audience.
2. Operations. Enterprises can improve their operational efficiency and satisfaction,
optimize their labor force, cut operational costs, and avoid excessive production.
3. Supply chain (smart logistics). Big Data can foster inventory and logistics optimi-
zation and supplier coordination, shortening the supply chain and making it more
resilient to external shocks.
368 Big Data Analytics

Thus, higher economic and monetary margins are a natural result of these optimization
Use and mining of Big Data heralds a new wave of productivity growth and consumer
impetus (Jin et al. 2015), increasing windows of opportunity as data can be turned into
products with better-aimed marketing, discovering unknown customer needs. Data and
data-driven products can answer economic questions, giving more precise insights about
value, use, risk, utility, characteristics, markets, customer behavior analytics, performance,
policy decisions, etc. Data-driven business models are based on both internal and external
data, and their key activities are represented by data generation and acquisition, processing,
aggregation, analytics, visualization, and distribution, following a pattern consistent with the
value chain. Big Data predictive modeling can be incorporated into business planning, creat-
ing value through appropriate implementation strategies that leverage information value.

Monetization Strategies
Big Data monetization deals with generating and cashing revenues from (un)structured
Big Data sources, capturing created value through business intelligence and analytics.
According to Najjar and Kettinger (2013), “data monetization is when the intangible value
of data is converted into real value, usually by selling it. Data may also be monetized by
converting it into other tangible benefits or by avoiding costs. Three current IT trends are
enabling businesses to achieve the previously elusive goal of data monetization: Big Data,
business intelligence and analytics, and Cloud computing. Potential buyers of an organi-
zation’s data include a direct supplier, an upstream supply chain partner, a data aggrega-
tor, an analytics service provider, or even a competitor.”
While monetization is still an underinvestigated issue, its importance is growing, since it
is the key for proper remuneration of value-adding strategies. Data monetization, accord-
ing to Najjar and Kettinger (2013), requires high technical data capabilities (the hardware,
software, and network capabilities that enable the collection, storage, and retrieval of data)
and high analytical capabilities (the mathematical and business analytical knowledge
needed to exploit the data).
Multiple streams of monetization can occur when different strategies are combined.
Synergistic data fusion driven by multidisciplinary and multicriteria analysis can bring
scalable value. Analysis of monetization strategies is consistent with the aim of this chap-
ter, since it represents the key component, in financial terms, of value co-creation policies.
Strategies for monetizing Big Data (Walker 2015) include:

1. Leveraging data for internal operations, keeping them proprietary (data are a wor-
thy asset to protect).
2. Entering new businesses, even with versioning (product differentiation).
3. Licensing (rent, lease, or temporarily grant) proprietary data exclusively to selected
clients, charging usage or subscription fees.
4. Trading data (even to business partners, for shared benefits).
5. Selling premium data products (to asset owners, other interested parties, etc.) and
leveraging data subscription models (data vending and Big Data as a service avail-
able through digital platforms).
Big Data-Driven Value Chains and Digital Platforms 369

6. Making data (freely) available to many stakeholders.

7. Sharing data with partners.
8. Leveraging data for advertisement opportunities (with selective, vertical
9. Developing new data products and services created from data fusion.

As stated above, all stakeholders take part in value co-creation. Monetization also involves
all participants in the Big Data value chain, even though this could happen in unconven-
tional ways.
In fact, if for companies producing, managing, or using Big Data the monetary reward
can be evident, it is less so for netizens, i.e., the millions of users who create a substantial
part of the data. It is often said that “if you do not pay for a product, you are the product,”
with a negative emphasis on the exploitation of unaware netizens in favor of IT companies.
However, the sharing economy, based on the free exchange of user data, gives back to the
users products that are clearly worthy to them, for example, connectivity with friends and
family (social and emotional value, as well as inexpensive communication), the possibility
to network for professional purposes, access to services that enable them to save time and
money (e.g., car sharing), and information exchange (e.g., to make more informed deci-
sions on some product purchases).
At the same time, by willingly sharing more personal data, users contribute to improve
volume, velocity, variety, and veracity of data, enriching the value chain and eventually
enabling the production of better data products in a sort of self-improving and self-fueling
Big Data cycle. Artificial intelligence and self-learning algorithms can boost this process.
At the individual level, sharing personal data can also contribute to the veracity of a per-
sonal digital profile, which in turn could be useful for some platforms based on endorse-
ment or verification. Use of data for the continuous improvement of internal operations
and interactions with decision makers can bring cost and risk reductions and customer
service improvements. Misunderstood risks, tracked in real time, can be identified and
minimized with Big Data.
Monetization has to include the consideration of data as an asset to exploit to produce
innovation and new data products and services. Monetization strategies have to target the
right stakeholders to charge for data utilization, i.e., vendors and advertisers are typically
more willing to pay than users. Allowing users to access data for free removes a major
obstacle to their participation in data collection and sharing, boosting scalability in digital
platforms. Data can strongly improve decisions, making them more accurate and timely,
thus incorporating an added value that can be monetized.

This chapter has shown that Big Data can be conveniently embedded in traditional value
chains, especially if linked to networking digital platforms. In such cases, scalability is
boosted and value is levered. Monetization represents the last step of integrated value
chains and cashes in resources that can be reinvested in analytics and technological
improvements; it is a key parameter for effective planning. Hence, optimal business mod-
eling and planning should consider Big Data as a worthy asset.
370 Big Data Analytics

As value chains are composed of subsequent steps, it is possible to consider them both
holistically and separately; in the latter case, each step can be combined with other (exter-
nal) chains within flexible value co-creation networks.
Data fusion is among the main value drivers, since it combines heterogeneous informa-
tion that would otherwise remain uncorrelated and unexploited. Finding value in data
sets and leveraging Big Data information within network systems is a challenging option
embedded in most trendy strategies based on improved forecasting, resource optimiza-
tion, and capacity planning.
Challenging opportunities deriving from Big Data analytics involve both academics
and practitioners, jointly engaged in interpreting and designing unprecedented business
models and innovative sectors. These concerns, for example in social media, nurture cus-
tomers via personalized experiences on the Web that also capture all data about users or
members. Without Big Data, these experiennces would simply not exist. Data-intensive
scientific recovery, also known as Big Data problems, is a new scientific paradigm where
Big Data is used in order to test and back new scientific theories (Chen and Zhang 2014).
New research avenues may conveniently address underinvestigated issues, such as:

• Value co-creation between platform intermediaries, data sources, and users;

• Big Data’s influence on long-term sustainability, which is so crucial for effective
business planning;
• The impact of social networks on Big Data, since they represent an impressive,
growing, and complex source of data;
• The impact of Big Data and computational (data) science on data-intensive scien-
tific research and business plan simulations;
• The impact of algorithms on Big Data and other networked value chains, con-
sistent with networks, as digital numbering brings to value measurement and

The last research target seems particularly challenging but also rewarding. Should it
become possible to represent Big Data-driven networked value chains with algorithms, it
would then be feasible to measure and manage value creation and monetization.

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Distant and Close Reading of Dutch
Drug Debates in Historical Newspapers:
Possibilities and Challenges of Big Data Analysis
in Historical Public Debate Research*

Berrie van der Molen and Toine Pieters

Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 373
Big Data and Digital Humanities............................................................................................... 374
Public Debate Research.......................................................................................................... 374
Dutch Historical Newspapers as Big Data............................................................................... 376
Discourse Analysis and Governmentality........................................................................... 376
A Leveled Approach............................................................................................................... 378
Research Demonstration: Public Perception of Amphetamine in Dutch Newspapers........379
Regulation and Public Perception of Amphetamine.......................................................... 386
Modularity and the Cross-Media Challenge........................................................................... 386
Conclusions................................................................................................................................... 388
References..................................................................................................................................... 389

In recent years, large amounts of data with great humanistic and historical relevance have
become available to researchers. Digitized archives of socioculturally relevant material,
such as newspapers, historical records, and material native to the digital sphere (e.g., online
forums and social networking sites), are expanding at a fast rate. It is evident that this mate-
rial can be of vital value to the humanities; in the digital humanities (DH), scholars argue that
Big Data allows scholars in the humanities and history to ask new, different questions (e.g.,
Guldi and Armitage 2014) or predict that tools will answer such new questions eventually
(Scheinfeldt 2010). Nicholson (2013) suggested that history might be in the process of a digital
turn. Big Data is a buzzword and it has been for over a decade. This is also apparent from
the continuing emergence of many projects devoted to developing tools fit for specific data
sets. Unfortunately, tools are often not sustained beyond their initial projects, preventing a
more elaborate network of DH tools (Snelders et al. 2017). The focus on new projects and tools
means that the exploration of new approaches, driven by the profitable urge for the new, takes
priority over sustaining and elaborating on existing methodological approaches character-
ized by the critical engagement and contextual awareness crucial to humanities research.

* We would like to thank Dr. Jasmijn van Gorp (UU) for her fruitful comments.

374 Big Data Analytics

In DH, a clear shift toward interpretation has been apparent since the second digital
humanities manifesto (​
ities-manifesto-20/). Early research on Big Data in DH tended to present digital results as
end results with intrinsic humanistic or historic relevance, but scholars are moving away
from this perspective (Bod 2013, Drucker 2016). We argue that continuity with the humani-
ties methodological tradition can help us formulate what humanities scholars and histo-
rians should hope to gain from DH. We advocate a research approach that combines the
potential of searchable data sets with a critical humanistic perspective. Instead of focusing
on (asking or answering) new questions, we want to benefit from the available DH knowl-
edge and experiences while building sustainable technological solutions for our ongoing
historical research on the topic of public drug debates in the Netherlands.
In this chapter, we work towards such an approach with a twofold aim. First, we under-
line the potential of Big Data for historical public debate research by introducing our
research approach. Second, we demonstrate our approach with research conducted on
public debates in Dutch newspapers between 1945 and 1990 regarding amphetamine. We
combine distant reading techniques (Moretti 2013) with close reading (actual reading) of
the empirical material to analyze public debates focused on amphetamine and their inter-
action with drug regulation in the Netherlands. We underline important directions for the
development of new technologies within DH. This will stimulate productive collaboration
between humanities scholars of different disciplines and computer scientists.
This chapter consists of three parts. In the first part, we describe the relation between
public debate research and DH by drawing on secondary literature and existing work.
In the second part, we outline our own methodological approach and provide a research
demonstration in which we use the text-mining tool Texcavator (​, Finally, we provide
two important challenges (sustainable research infrastructures and cross-media public
debate research) for future research in the field, along with our research ambitions and
intentions for use and development of the text-mining tool AVResearcherXL (​​/avresearcher-xl/).

Big Data and Digital Humanities

Big Data can help scholars get a grasp on historical public debates, and we argue that a
sustainable approach should be based on combining distant reading techniques with close
reading of the historical material.

Public Debate Research

Historical public debate research can benefit from a Big Data approach, because it enables
access to large bodies of significant cultural texts. Computers can be used to search and
analyze Big Data sets; this is is called distant reading (Moretti 2013), in which the proper-
ties of a data set are “read,” generating valuable information. In our research on public
drug debates, we use advanced search and visualization tools to mine relevant digitized
historical data sets, such as newspaper and television archives. This means that the mate-
rial can be researched bottom-up instead of top-down, because of keyword search, which
is of great value for historical research (Nicholson 2013).
Distant and Close Reading of Dutch Drug Debates in Historical Newspapers 375

Text mining may have the capacity to determine “what the significant themes in public
debates within a specific historic time frame actually were” (van Eijnatten et al. 2013).
Distant reading techniques can help us gain insight into a corpus; we can find out where
we should be looking and we can establish better search strategies based on initial results.
From a humanities perspective, or to be more precise, from our historical perspective, it
is imperative to keep an eye on the actual sources. In DH, the call for a more critical and
reflexive stance towards digital methods has been heard for some time (Borgman 2009,
Mahrt and Scharkow 2013). Boyd and Crawford (2012) warned about Big Data’s supposed
objectivity, stating that “interpretation is at the center of data analysis” and thus forces
scholars to take account of the involved methodological processes. Drucker (2016) stressed
that visualization techniques are essentially representations that pass off as presentations,
whereas visualization is a process of remediation and translation. It has been argued that
the adoption of a Big Data approach in a discipline risks blindly reproducing old assump-
tions because of the explicit “new” association with Big Data (Barnes 2013). The adoption of
DH techniques thus forces us to be critical and it presents us with a number of challenges.
In historical research, Zaagsma (2013) described the challenge for historians to use hybrid
approaches integrating traditional and digital methods. Noordegraaf (2016) suggested that
the challenge is to adapt tools and techniques to the needs of humanities scholars, instead
of fearing that Big Data-based techniques may have no place in the inherently complex
analysis of culture. We position ourselves similarly: we use DH techniques to strengthen
our interpretative capacity.
Bod (2012) stressed the importance of critical reflection and interpretation in his coin-
age of the term “humanities 3.0.” In Bod’s view, the humanities are closer to science than
is often assumed: he (re)formulated the humanities as a pattern-seeking discipline (Bod
2015). He argued that the humanities have been concerned with recognizing patterns in
cultural and social domains. Although we agree with his focus on critical reflection, we
adopt a different perspective on the humanities’ essence. The history of science teaches
us that science itself is not a linear, pattern-seeking, independent quest for world descrip-
tion (e.g., Kuhn’s 1962 writings on scientific revolutions [Kuhn 2012]). Instead, what is the
truth in science is often contested, undergoing change and influenced by social processes.
In order to keep that perspective on science and on knowledge in general, we need the
contextual awareness and critical perspective of the humanities. So, instead of attempt-
ing to reformulate the humanities as a science of the arts and culture, we choose to define
humanities by its dependence on critical reflection and contextual awareness based on
expertise. This enables original insights and challenges to existing assumptions.
In the process of using quantitative methods, an important part of DH research, we then
need to keep two related things in mind. First, we need to remain critical of our methods;
we should always be wary of basing qualitative claims on quantitative observations. Van
Eijnatten et al. (2013) wrote that DH is unable “to produce a historical narrative authored
by a craftsman whose evocation of the past depends on individual erudition, scholarship,
insight, talent, and the ability to tell a story.” Leaving this interpretative process to com-
puter processing is dangerous, because it is precisely the ability to reflect that helps us
to observe meaningfully. Patterns or trends found by using distant reading techniques
should not be accepted as evidence-based research results; however, they should support
our interpretive capacity. Second, DH methods should help us to make better informed
interpretations of sociocultural phenomena of the past; we need to draw explicitly on
historical contextual awareness to interpret search results. Digital search results do not
automatically provide relevant answers to the “so what?” research question, but they may
help us to identify and ask more informed and significant research questions (Bron et al.
376 Big Data Analytics

2016). Historical or humanistic expertise enables researchers to refine and reframe ques-
tions; in our case study on public debates regarding amphetamine we are knowledgeable
interpreters of the data, because we understand the sociocultural context of drugs in The
Netherlands and we have knowledge of the legislative drug history of the Netherlands.
Our strategy to benefit responsibly from Big Data’s potential in our historical research
is to consistently combine distant reading techniques with close reading, or actual read-
ing. This ensures that throughout the analysis process, the researcher maximizes critical
awareness of the empirical material. In his review of opportunities and challenges for
digitized newspaper archive analysis, Bingham (2010) insisted that what he called “blunt”
keyword search needs to be combined with analysis of entire newspapers. Walma’s (2015)
research on public perceptions of morphine in Dutch newspapers showed that close read-
ing of search results helped to enrich the understanding of public debates and helped to
formulate user-centered design requirements for text-mining tools. Below, we outline our
strategy, in which we continuously alternate between distant reading and close reading.

Dutch Historical Newspapers as Big Data

For our ongoing historical enquiry into public perceptions of drugs in postwar Netherlands,
we research the approximately 11 million digitized newspaper pages of the Royal Dutch
Library ( With the text-mining tool Texcavator, we seek to trace public
debates in this data set, essentially treating historical newspapers as Big Data.
We want to improve our understanding of the historical interaction between public
debates, policy decision making, and regulation in The Netherlands. Our research on
public drug debates is part of a research project called “The Imperative of Regulation,”
in which the history of Dutch drug regulation is researched from several perspectives.
Of course, public debate is only a single factor that interacts with drug regulation. In the
NWO project, different factors were researched in different subprojects (​.​nwo​
.nl/onderzoek-en-resultaten/onderzoeksprojecten/i/46/13546.html). Our specific aim is
to gain an understanding of the historical role of public perceptions of drugs in relation
to drug regulation. Here, we proceed with a research demonstration of amphetamine
use in order to show the possibilities and historical benefits of our distant/close reading

Discourse Analysis and Governmentality

Our research is interdisciplinary: we seek to combine a historical perspective with theo-
retical and methodological approaches from media studies. Although our interpretation
of the empirical material is informed mainly by the historical knowledge of drugs and
drug regulation in The Netherlands, we have a particular theoretical understanding of the
meaningful relation between the text and its sociocultural context, as is usual in media
Although public debate research is a suitable term for the discussion of particular top-
ics in national media, it does become somewhat problematic in the context of Big Data
research. Debate is not an accurate term for an artificially generated collection of newspa-
per articles that is a result of our distant reading efforts. It would suggest that we accept
the quantitative distant reading process as an interpretive agent. We therefore decided to
Distant and Close Reading of Dutch Drug Debates in Historical Newspapers 377

regard these “debates” (search results) as a means to analyze the “discursive formation”
of drugs at a particular time. Discourse can be understood as the culturally constructed,
historically specific conditions of truth (Foucault 1998). That is to say that, in relation to
our national case study in The Netherlands, at each particular time, a particular cultur-
ally defined truth or understanding of amphetamine use has existed. In the Foucauldian
understanding of discourse, it is intimately related to a specific conception of power. Power
exists everywhere in society where there is interaction between humans, and it is defined
by discursive conditions. Hypothetically, if discourse on a particular drug is overwhelm-
ingly positive (for instance, because it is considered to have enormous medical potential),
there will be public outrage about criminalization of the substance. Should the drug start
to be associated more with criminal activity, for instance in newspapers, criminalization
of the substance would start to look acceptable to a population. Power relations are thus
structured by discursive conditions in this understanding. Perceiving the public percep-
tion of drugs in this way helps us to understand it in relation to regulation. Although, as
we argue in this section, we think discourse analysis is a highly suitable theoretical frame-
work, our methodological approach can be combined with different theoretical frame-
works (depending on the topic and research question).
Discourse analysis can then be used to understand a sociocultural meaning of a particu-
lar topic at a particular time. This is a useful approach to understand the public perception
of a drug, because it attempts to distill from all the different material an overall cultural
conception. It also means that the relevance of the articles is not necessarily related to the
number of relevant words appearing. The aim is to understand this discursive formation
of a particular topic. Small remarks or passing mentions of amphetamine may be just as
informative as grand debates involving amphetamine. This makes it a particularly suitable
framework for our approach that treats digitized newspapers as Big Data: the historical
argument does not depend on individual articles but on the overall understanding of the
time period. The assumption is that reading the subset gives pointers to the discursive
formation of a topic beyond the subset, as every hit reveals a little bit of information about
what could be said about a particular drug at a particular time. The high probability that
we will fail to include all relevant articles due to optical character recognition issues (tech-
nical) or underlying assumptions in the search process (subjective) should not have a sig-
nificant effect on the overall impression of the discursive formation of the topic.
For our perception of the relation between public discourse and regulation, we draw on
the theoretical framework of governmentality as Michel Foucault described it in Security,
Territory, Population (2007). There is no empirical connection between the spheres of public
perception and regulation, which are in themselves difficult to pinpoint. We approach
regulation as governmental actions, as interventions in the milieu: the set of natural and
artificial givens. “The milieu appears as a field of intervention in which … one tries to
affect, precisely, a population” (Foucault 2007). Public debate can be considered an artifi-
cial part of this milieu, with newspapers being elements where traces of the public debate
can be found. If we want to understand the connection between how amphetamine use
is constructed in the public debate and amphetamine regulation, we need to compare the
discursive formation of amphetamine in these two spheres. In this research demonstra-
tion on amphetamine use and regulation, we have drawn on secondary literature for our
understanding of developments in drug regulation (Blom 2015, de Kort 1995). What hap-
pens when amphetamine use moves from a more medical discursive formation to a mostly
criminal discursive formation? Is it possible to find changes in the discursive formation of
amphetamine use preceding regulation, or does the public perception of amphetamine use
change following regulation? (Note that this approach is not concerned with individual
378 Big Data Analytics

agency in the first place, as that would require a stronger focus on specific actors and types
of newspapers. We remain on a more general, national level of discourse.)
Zinberg (1984) influentially stated that a thorough understanding of drugs (use or abuse)
needs to take into account the specific drug (intoxicant), set (associated user[s]), and the
(physical and social) setting at all times. These are elements on which we focus in our
analysis of public debates. How do different associated sets and settings develop in the
public perception of amphetamine use? Before we get to our research demonstration, we
will explicate the methodological steps that constitute our “leveled approach.”

A Leveled Approach
In our explorative historical, leveled approach, we can define three different levels
(Figure  17.1), where we go from distant reading techniques on the macro level to close
reading of the articles on the micro level (Van der Molen et al. 2017). We use this approach
to trace and analyze relevant empirical material in the digitized newspaper data set.
Crucially, we keep navigating between the research levels, thus treating the tools as sign-
posts to indicate the most relevant material in need of close reading. (Combining distant
and close reading is common practice in DH; we emphasize the need to make explicit the
steps between distant and close reading and the continuous navigation between the two
analysis methods.) This also addresses the challenges associated with keyword search
in historical research (Huistra and Mellink 2016): by adapting the query in the research
process based on new information, we minimize the risk of not ending up with the most
relevant subset. The approach works in text-mining tools that offer timeline graphs, word
cloud functionalities, and document viewing. Text-mining tools like Texcavator and
AVResearcherXL, which work on the specific newspaper Delpher data set, both offer these.
The research below was conducted using Texcavator.
On the macro level, we tackle the overall specified period with a drug query. We then
use the timeline visualization functionality to make continuous series of subperiods,
based on word frequency patterns found by looking at the peaks and valleys on the time-
line. Texcavator creates subsets for every year. Here, on what we call the meso level, we


Time line graph

Word clouds
Macro: all results

Meso: subselection

Close reading
Micro: individual results

Schematic overview of the leveled approach.
Distant and Close Reading of Dutch Drug Debates in Historical Newspapers 379

compare the different word clouds. The strongly associated terms in these word clouds
might indicate bursts of attention regarding the drug. We consequently adapt the query
by adding terms from the word clouds (the selection of terms depends both on our find-
ings so far and our informed research interest), singling out results related to particular
topics and in particular time frames. This is what we call the micro level, and on this level
we read the actual articles in order to understand the historical and cultural significance
of the debates. Throughout this process, which we repeat several times in iterative cycles,
we accumulate information, enabling us to formulate informed and enriched research
The quantitative techniques used throughout the analysis process serve to support or
inform our qualitative research. In interpreting the search results, we depend on our his-
torical understanding of the context and the theoretical framework described above.

Research Demonstration: Public Perception of Amphetamine in Dutch Newspapers

With our theoretical and methodological framework, we are now equipped to mine the
newspaper data set with Texcavator. Note that we do not set out with an initial research
question; we start the iterative research process with our topic (amphetamine) and histori-
cal contextual knowledge. Taking these into the empirical material helps us to formulate
informed questions along the way, as will become apparent below. Although this research
demonstration is full of historical observations and qualitative interpretation, it should not
be read as research results. Instead, we hope that describing the steps we take in approach-
ing the empirical material and the moments of interpretation are made explicit. The actual
research process is more iterative than is apparent from our description here. For clar-
ity’s sake, this section reads in one overall direction (from distant to close reading), but
in practice we need to navigate between the two reading types repeatedly to be able to
formulate and answer detailed research questions. Moreover, the figures we have included
in this research demonstration do not function as research results; they merely illustrate
the process.
Amphetamine was discovered in 1887 (de Kort 1995). Originally it was perceived as a
scientifically developed miracle drug, and it was successfully positioned as an antidepres-
sant in the 1940s, but it was also used as a performance enhancer and prescribed as a diet
pill (Rasmussen 2008). De Kort (1995) suggested that the widespread use of amphetamine
among soldiers in World War II possibly played a role in its postwar prevalence in The
Netherlands. In the 1950s, amphetamine was often prescribed by doctors as an antidepres-
sant or as part of weight loss treatment in The Netherlands (de Kort 1995). Its use spread
beyond the medical context, and the substance proved to be addictive, prompting a regu-
latory response (de Kort 1995). In 1968, some types of amphetamine became prescription-
only drugs, and in 1969 further regulation of the sales and the stocking of amphetamines
was enacted under the Wekaminenbesluit (Pieters 2005). In the 1976 modification of the
Dutch Opium Law, a distinction was made between drugs with unacceptable harmfulness
(List I) and less harmful drugs (List II) (Blom 2015). Amphetamine was included on List I,
classified as a hard drug and putting an end to amphetamine use beyond strictly medical
contexts. The amphetamine-type drug methylphenidate is currently the most widespread
treatment form for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (it is marketed under the brand
name Ritalin) (Chan et al. 2016).
We do not have a “so what?” research question yet at this point. As is apparent from our
short introduction to amphetamine, its regulatory framing changed drastically. Our aim is
to understand how the discursive formation of amphetamine changed in Dutch newspapers
380 Big Data Analytics

throughout this time period. We started with distant reading of materials from the relevant
time frame, using Texcavator, hoping to find as many newspaper articles mentioning amphet-
amine as possible. The query that we used included the following terms: am*etami*, wekami*,
benzedri*, perviti*, me*ylam*etami*, isophan, neopharmedri*, preludin*, fencamfamin*, and
actedron*. This query incorporated different spelling variations and brand names that we
know were used during (part of) the period between 1945 and 1990. (The different names
and variations of the terms may have differing connotations in the public sphere. We want
to emphasize that combining them does not mean that we intend to downplay the impor-
tance of these differences; during this stage of our analysis, we actually hoped to find leads
for understanding different parts of the truth construction at different moments in time.)
Entering this query generated a timeline graph, which allowed us to view developments in
coverage of amphetamine in Dutch newspapers (relative to the overall data set) (Figure 17.2).
In Figure 17.3, we have combined the most cooccurring words for every year between
1945 and 1990. Every column represents a year, with the most frequently cooccurring
word listed at the top and decreasing frequencies as the output proceeds to the bottom.
Naturally, we were looking for particular elements because of our historical research inter-
est: we wanted to understand the interaction between regulation and public discourse.
Therefore, we went through these words and assigned different colors to different cat-
egories (see the Figure 17.3 legend). This is an interpretive process: words often have more
than one meaning and could fit in different categories, or they may not fit into the assigned
category sometimes (e.g., staat, meaning both state and stands [as a verb] in Dutch). It does
help to get an impression of the predominant themes of the context of amphetamines in
newspapers. We continued to go back and forth between the macro and meso levels; we
looked at the coverage and obtained a first impression about the meaning of this cover-
age by looking at the developments of the different categories. Already at this stage of the
research, we scanned individual search results in document view, which helps to avoid
confusion while maintaining a sense of the empirical material not based merely on the
distant reading results. Thus, we alternated between distant and close reading.

Texcavator output. The display shows the timeline graph for the amphetamine combined query between 1945
and 1990 and the word cloud for the year 1972.
1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990
doping fabriek vanessa middelen doping eden middelen doping gebruik middelen middelen zweden jaar gebruik drugs jaar amfetamin jaar amfetamin jaar amfetamin amfetamin amfetamin jaar amfetamin jaar jaar jaar jaar jaar
middelen preludin middelen casey schepers twee gebruik middelen middelen drugs zweden jaar zweden amfetamin jaar drugs politie amfetamin jaar amfetamin politie jaar jaar amfetamin politie politie twee amfetamin amfetamin amfetamine
gebruik verslaving ging pillen dolman middel doping jaar amfetamin gebruik jaar nederland pauksch drugs gebruik amfetamin jaar politie jarige twee twee politie twee politie jaar amfetamin amfetamin twee politie politie
pillen britse antwoord doping urine gaan renners gebruik onderzoek jaar drugs drugs justitie jaar amfetamin politie jarige jarige politie jarige jaar jarige politie jarige twee twee middelen doping twee twee
geneesmid tabletten gaan tieners onderzoek eerste stimuleren onderzoek noorlander wekaminen gebruik zweedse amfetamin middelen middelen twee twee twee twee politie jarige twee jarige twee jarige jarige doping gaan drugs werden
nielsen kinderen michael gebruik gebruik stockholm gebruikt dokter doping onderzoek nederland middelen drugs politie twee gebruik drie officier rechtbank middelen drugs doping handel middelen onderzoek cocaïne simpson politie tilburg gebruik
nederlands prof weet opwekkend amphetam gebruik amphetam wekaminen jaar nederland zweedse pauksch politie werden politie mensen zweden maastricht maanden drie gaat middelen middelen kilo zaak drie tour onderzoek jarige gisteren
weet zwangersc dokter gebruikt knwu tijd onderzoek nederlands controle gebruikt politie gebruik nederland twee aangehoud heroïne werden middelen drie gebruik middelen werden rechtbank maanden drugs grote drie verbruggen werden jarige
dosis booy enige suiker gebruikt middelen knwu stimuleren wekaminen grote twee justitie zweedse heroïne handel zweden kilo rechtbank grote amfetamin grote maanden doping drie middelen werden kilometer drie nederland justitie
jaar engeland grote jaar neusdrupp grote pillen staatssecre stoffen marihuana preludine politie amfetamin amfetamin grote middelen officier werden middelen drugs zweden zweden drie heroïne heroïne drugs werden heel gebruik kilo
nieuwe misvorming zeker wedstrijd oostenrijk jaar koopman medische gebruikt amfetamin amfetamin amfetamin grote gebruikt stoffen zweedse doezum gevangenis mensen maanden gebruik handel zweden werden kilo justitie drugs grote fignon nederland
weten medische koffie zeide ronde tabletten jaar amfetamin urine gaan marihuana preludine uitlevering doping verdovend kilo grote maanden arts onderzoek jotie kwam maanden mensen justitie rechtbank gebruik gaat grote middelen
vele preludine terug nooit twee zeer dolman sport verdovend verdovend kilo handel amsterdam middel jarige doping amsterdam billy amfetamin mensen nederland gebruik zaak officier gebruik officier fignon eerste rechtbank drie
medische morfine werkelijk spelers strikwerda komen dokter twee stimuleren zweden hasjiesj twee werden gemaakt heroïne drie maanden drie gebruik eerste gearrestee onderzoek gevangenis rechtbank werden onderzoek gisteren mensen onderzoek eerste
arts vermagerin kleine drie stoffen kwam verboden hormonen aantal twee mensen nederlands middelen drie komen handel gisteren justitie officier nederlands zweedse ging gulden gebruik amsterdam vier ventoux maanden maken gaat
koers jaar dacht grote genomen mensen middel mexico gaan stoffen justitie grote twee mensen amsterdam gaat justitie verdachte vier gevangenis kilo officier werden handel aangehoud aangehoud kwam werden laboratoriu stegeman
mensen twee paar clacton middelen mannen urine heer verslaving handel land land gebruik komen ratten nederland rechtbank gisteren doping zoals onderzoek zaak drugs drugs gaan heroïne politie vier drie onderzoek
geneesmid duitsland juffrouw maakt eerste minister jansen verboden drugs mensen werden amfetamin jarige laboratoriu werden komen middelen drugs zaak gaat officier kilo grote justitie gisteren maanden tijd sport kilo maanden
nederland middelen tijd geval zeer drie grote beugels twee aantal wekaminen smokkel rechtbank eerste hasj amsterdam makkinga heroïne werden cocaïne eerste grote officier hasj doping kilo ronde renners eerste maken
apotheker onderzoek zeer tien zaak buitenland twee commissie prof politie verdovend gaat officier amsterdam hard gaan rijkspolitie heerlen maken apotheken gaan drie kilo grote handel mensen grote justitie amfetamin rechtbank
grote duitse natuurlijk klontje beschuldig zaken werden gaan zoals zeer anno zoals staat maanden pellenaars grote aangehoud handel drugs grote maken aangehoud vrouw verdovend rechtbank gebruik kelly maken middelen keer
rijden gaat zeggen gezonde renners meter arts zaak middel maken grote mensen nederlands grote krijgen werden pauksch gebruik komen boete werden zegt heroïne nederlands aantal middelen cocaïne middelen raad maastricht
amphetam walrus dieet weet ephedrine oorlog bekend gebruikt merckx kinderen stimuleren tijd karl gaan enkele stockholm nederland grote veroordee maken stockholm jaren onderzoek komen vier zaak maanden komen cocaïne genomen
wekaminen misvormde huis komen arts hoofd amfetamin volksgezon sport doping verboden officier land zaak onderzoek maken gevonden verdovend amsterdam komen drie eerste tour nederland grote vijf gaan jarige raadslid drugs
legaal middel jeremy verslaafd efedrine stond drie urine tour stimuleren stoffen jarige zaak zweden vlaeminck tijd gebruik anno tijd verboden maas gulden zoetemelk doping officier amsterdam eerste gebruikt house goed
komen drie wist zaak ebeling sterk politie collard werden amfetamin handel maanden smokkel debackere jaren jarige auto aangehoud inval enkele zoals rechtbank amsterdam maken nederland handel jarige gebruik heroïne cocaïne
markt gebruik gezicht jongens gekomen wereld simpson staat mensen zoals nederlands hard minister weinig maanden staat zweedse kilo bekend land verdovend vijf nooit tien nederlands gisteren genomen staat maanden gulden
renners artsen liep verboden nederlands zoals waarin eerste gevolg middel zoals goed stockholm staat maken hard zaak onderzoek gevangenis eigen arts tijd bosch cocaïne drie gaan renner rechtbank nederlands officier
zeer geneesmid komen hand middel preludine verdovend parijs commissie komen drie duitsland drie renners drie aantal drugs gulden justitie vier land mensen justitie tijd gebruikt gulden heroïne keer gaat nederlands
onderzoek vrouwen ogenblik eiland gaan verslaafden renner laatste medische post aantal maastricht enkele bekend gebruikt komt groningen auto gisteren handel justitie keer heerlen aangehoud enkele miljoen zoals medische mensen zegt
deense babies maken cognac etappe gaat gebruiken knwu tijd zegt bezit staat maastricht maken vier amfetamin gevangenis zweden apotheek goed handel vier bekend vier eerste tijd rechtbank handel doping grote
tien gaan kwam jongbloed rolink water genomen tweede staatssecre hasjiesj misbruik gaan paucksch dalen beslag zegt mensen enkele verdachten rechtbank heroïne sterk gaat aantal leeuwarde gram tweede nieuwe tijd vorig
krijgen verband nodig vallen dijk zien zoals straf drie nieuwe onderzoek komen gisteren zoals amfetamin bijna woning hasj gebruikt apothekers mensen laatste tijd gaat cocaïne enkele onderzoek spelen aangehoud gaan
zeggen aantal ogen handel nooit paar maken controle amsterdam staatssecre karl gevangenis artsen zeker rechtbank gebruikt gemaakt doping vond werden rechtbank aangetroff verboden gisteren pseudo gevonden betrapt tour beek heel
dokter geval ervan onderzoek instituut minuten amsterdam gent gaat narcotica alcohol kalle hoge aantal nederland enkele hoeveelhe verboden handel doping gram auto eerste duitse verslaafden leeuwarde nederland zegt officier mannen
kreeg pillen inderdaad moeilijkhei laten oktober jagger middel komt komt rechtbank regering haag handel officier goed gearrestee fransen controle thurau bijna controle beroep genomen mensen leeuwarde franse nederland jaren verdachten
voorschrijv opwekkend hand geworden verwant onderzoek slaap stablinski vree goed procent drie kwam hard opium eigen vier amsterdam verdachte leeuwarde onzer goed gisteren gaan maken gevangenis verboden bush heerlen zweden
gebruikt medicamen gevolg verklaarde nemen werden komen kruisinga zaak heroïne komen zeer onderzoek nederland utrecht nederlands genomen geëist heroïne naam enige spul veroordee eerste maanden land dood kitty komen vijf
jonge verpleegste recht hoeveelhe plaats britse staat drie bekend amsterdam keer werkgroep lambton genomen eigen gram land veroordee medische zaak heerlen nederland genomen zoals land heerlen etappe verboden gulden enkele
twee gewaarsch benzedrine chicago voorzitter heel stoffen wedstrijd weet landen enkele karl maanden eigen middel gearrestee aangetroff dagen gulden zeer geven donike zoals veroordee rijkspolitie nooit mensen dood handel vier
uitsluitend begon zien injecties wenen minder gaan zoals geval controle amfetamin eerste gaan prof nederlands arts enkele middel kilo aangehoud goed geld maken vaak oosterwold nederland aantal zoals gisteren mensen
laatste ingelheim kamer atleet medisch commanda laatste zaken kruisinga opium veroordee maken zeer enkele bezit vier grondstoff wouter rijkspolitie geëist aantal gram hoger laatste gulden verdachte acht enkele justitie handel
sport laatste volkomen apothekers komen bijna sportcomm medisch nemen renners middel enkele goed gaat ronde gulden laboratoriu woning zoals nederland verboden nederlands keer enkele vijf kwam nederlands komt nieuwe middel
knzb stoffen twee neemt tijd doping stimulantia genomen minder staat heer narcotica pepmiddel boerderij tijd zoals amfetamin kwam leeuwarde gisteren enkele gaat renners amfetamin zegt amerikaans enkele nooit huis carnevale
tijd officier voeten council wielrenner onmiddellij geneesmid renners nederlands enkele eerste werden maken vier genomen jaren onzer genomen boete plaats week justitie jaren beslag nieuwe goed ging tien genomen zoals
gevolgen baby krijgen kwam laboratoriu zweden tijd kwam grote nemen zeer onderzoek wekaminen stimuleren mensen controle maken voorwaard verboden officier verslaggeve gebruikt aangehoud plaats weten genomen dietzen geld gevangenis limburg
genomen justitie helemaal barbiturate renner hele mogelijk werden maigre werden haag mogelijk lord goed hoeveelhei minder onderzoek vier steroiden gaan gulden zoals joop jaren laatste vorig land vijf veroordee aantal
werking bericht bedoel wetsvoorst dokter zaak dosis amsterdam komen amerikaans narcotica limburg raad commissie onzer gevonden opgerold aangetroffe geld staat dagen renners stockholm zaak kwam komen gaat gisteren gebruikt heroïne
onlangs veroorzaak telefoon margate schorsing lang cannabis baan amfetamin hard mogelijk uitlevering laatste pauksch zoals procent gaan inval anabole verdovend vindt komen enkele waarvan gaat zegt vaak week zweden procent
controle gebruikt open purper genoeg mensen jarige land 1969 verdovend eerste justitie hand dokter amfetamin peter opiaten nooit spelers amfetamin goed tijd amsterdam bijna amfetamin amsterdam jaren
ingenomen gaat geven staat plaats beroep volksgezon gesteld gebruikt geneesmid leven enkele enkele mogelijk hoeveelhe noorse komen bezit gebruikt enkele nooit
moeders mensen recept horloge probleem controle gebruikers laboratoriu laboratoriu vier vier keer gaan
waarschuw stond bereiken kwam vorig zaak
Distant and Close Reading of Dutch Drug Debates in Historical Newspapers

recept badkamer keer marihuana aangehouden

nemen jaar koste mogelijk heel
utrecht amphetaminen goed

Detail of our overview of the most frequently cooccurring words per year, displaying 1961–1990. Legend: dark gray shading, criminal; light gray shading, medical;
in bold font, sports; in italic font, other intoxicants; in bold-italic font, governmental.
382 Big Data Analytics

The main initial observation was that the medical terms became less predominant after
1969. From the early 1970s, a rapid increase in criminal/judicial terms was seen, and to the
end of the overall period criminal terms appeared to be used to characterize the debates
the most. This is in line with what we would expect historically: in 1968, amphetamine
regulation began. Moreover, a concentration of governmental terms appears from 1964
until 1977. This is precisely the time frame in which the regulations happened, and this is
therefore also unsurprising.
At this point, we were able to formulate an informed research question about the data set.
We wanted to understand how the discursive formation of amphetamine changed in public
debates, because legislation in the period changed the status of amphetamine from an over-
the-counter drug to a “hard” drug. The assumption would then be that amphetamine had two
distinct medical framings (as a medicine and as a harmful drug), with a transition period. The
question we formulated was “How did the medical component of the discursive formation of
amphetamine change between 1945 and 1990?” The question was based on the assumption
that this medical component (or element of the debate) must have changed over time, but it is
open to any qualitative outcome following further iterative distant and close reading cycles.
Having established a specific question, we adapted our initial query. We added all the
medical terms we found in the word clouds to the original query to narrow the selection of
articles, as follows: +(am*etami*, wekami*, benzedri*, perviti*, me*ylam*etami*, isophan, neo-
pharmedri*, preludin*, fencamfamin*, actedron*) +(dokter*, dokter arts*, arts medisch psychi-
atri*, internist apothe*k* geneesmiddel*, patiënt* medicijn*, medicament*). This query yields
all articles that include (i) at least one of the amphetamine names/variations and (ii) at least
one of the most frequently cooccurring medical terms. The number of results generated
was 1,170 (Figure 17.4). We have thus far attempted to cover as many articles mentioning
amphetamines as possible and, subsequently, we have attempted to reduce this subset to
articles with a medical term. It is certain that we have not found all articles that fit these
criteria, but we do know that we have selected all articles that mention any of the medical
terms occurring in the 50 most frequently used words in each of the years.

Texcavator output. The display shows the timeline graph for the medical amphetamine combined query between
1945 and 1990.
Distant and Close Reading of Dutch Drug Debates in Historical Newspapers 383

We did not want to go directly to a close reading of the 1,170 results at this stage; instead,
we developed a more informed perspective before we decided which results we would
read. The two timeline graphs helped. One shows us the concentrations of amphetamine
debates, and the other shows us the prevalence of amphetamine debates with a medical
term. For both of them, the relative prevalence (the number of results in relation to the
overall number of articles that year) is a guide. We were interested in the role of medical
discourse in the period, taking into consideration the regulatory changes of 1969 and 1976.
We formulated five questions based on a combination of interpretations of the visu-
alization techniques and historical knowledge of drug regulation. The questions are
not results of the quantitative queries; they are questions grounded in our historical
understanding of the time period as a response to the quantitative results we obtained.
Answering the questions demands close reading of the search results. We answered each
of the questions by reading the articles for the respective years (less than 100 for each
of the mentioned years). Most importantly, we considered how we could interpret these
answers as they related to drug regulation: How did the role of the medical discourse in
public debates on amphetamine as a part of the Dutch milieu change in this period? That
is the question that ties together the answers to all of these other questions. We will go
through these questions in chronological order.

What is the meaning of the medical component in the articles in the years 1954 and 1955,
especially considering the strong presence of other drugs (alcohol, opium, and morphine) in
that time period?

The appearance of medical terms here was not surprising, as this was the period where
amphetamine functioned as a more or less innocent over-the-counter drug. The word arts
(doctor) appeared much more often than it did in previous and successive years, which was
interesting. We also saw a relative increase in the number of articles mentioning amphet-
amines compared to the frequencies in previous and subsequent years (Figure 17.2). The
highly frequent appearance of other drugs in the articles was surprising, however, since
there was no immediate reason to believe that amphetamine would be mentioned in other
drug debates. Close reading of the articles showed that the cooccurence with other intoxi-
cants (alcohol, morphine, and opium) was the result of two types of reports. First, there
was an ongoing discussion about a number of court cases in which doctors who were
said to have been driving drunk used the argument that they were under the influence of
Pervitine (the brand name of an amphetamine) as their defense. Second, there were reports
on two medical professionals who stole drugs (morphine or opium) from pharmacies. One
of them, a nurse, was reported to have been an opiate addict, but she was also reported to
have stolen amphetamine. The other, a doctor, was reported to be a morphine addict who
asked the apothecary for Pervitine while stealing morphine from the pharmacy stock.
Both types of reports indicated that amphetamines were in a gray area: they appeared in
the context of sociocultural problems related to other intoxicants, but their reputation did
not yet put them at the heart of addiction debates. Looking at these early cases with a long-
term perspective, however, it is telling that amphetamines were already appearing in close
proximity to regulated intoxicants in public debates. Moreover, although it was not consid-
ered an addictive substance yet, we could in retrospect identify the reports of medical staff
stealing drugs as cases of iatrogenic amphetamine addiction. The discursive formation of
amphetamines at the time did not accommodate this conclusion, naturally. In relation to the
first reports (about the doctors driving under the influence of Pervitine), we also saw public
unrest about existing legislation, with government officials commenting that the situation
384 Big Data Analytics

in which substances endangering road safety needed to be regulated. There was, in that
sense, a call for regulation of amphetamine in as far as it posed a risk to others. Conclusively,
although there was no clear medical distrust of amphetamine at this time, its mention did
appear in close proximity to mentions of other intoxicants as early as the mid-1950s.

What is the meaning of the medical component in the articles in the years 1961 and 1962?
Are there reasons to link this to the apparently sudden appearance of doping-related terms?

Just under a decade passed since the observations of the previous question, but the dis-
cursive formation of amphetamine seems to have changed noticeably in this time period. It
is worth noting that upon close reading, it turned out that one large article appeared with
several duplicates in the result list of the year 1961. This did not affect the interpretation of
the individual articles, but it underlines the importance of going to the source material before
making qualitative claims based on quantitative results. We found a rise of doping-related
terms from this period onward. Upon reading the actual articles, however, we saw that dop-
ing was just one of the reasons why discursive formation regarding amphetamine changed.
One prominent debate is indeed the doping debate, with commentators complaining that in
cycle racing, using one of the “-ines” (including amphetamine) has become the rule rather
than the exception. The use of amphetamine in sports is related to a concern with the origins
and availability of nonmedical amphetamine. In neighboring countries, amphetamine has
become available only by prescription. In the Netherlands, amphetamine can still be bought
at pharmacies, although there is a growing concern about uses that are not medically dictated,
with articles warning about pill addictions and linking use of the drug by young people as
well. On May 4, 1961, the Nederlandse Vereniging van Fabrikanten van Pharmaceutische Producten
even published a letter responding to the unrest about the “pill chaos.” We found several
articles reporting pharmacology Professor Booy’s plea to make amphetamine a prescription-
only drug. For 1962, we also noted several articles about the risks of deformation of children
as a consequence of use of Preludine (another amphetamine brand name) during pregnancy.
Here as well, the pharmaceutical industry did respond in an attempt to rebuke these claims.
Over the course of a few years, public unrest about (different types of) amphetamine
seems to have risen steeply. Concerns about doping in cycle racing were not the only con-
cerns. We also saw that amphetamine was starting to lose its strong connection to medical
use; instead, it was starting to appear as a performance enhancer in sports and as a stimu-
lant used gratuitously by young people. The substance thus appeared in relation to a very
different set and settings than in the 1950s. Although by this time there was an ongoing
discussion about including amphetamine in the Opium Law (de Kort 1995), there was no
legislative change regarding amphetamine until the change to prescription-only drug sta-
tus for several types of amphetamines in 1968 and stricter control on sales and possession
of amphetamines under the Wekaminenbesluit of 1969.

What is the meaning of the attention burst for amphetamine in medical discourse in 1972,
and how can this be understood in the historical context of the regulatory transition?

The articles from 1972 are mostly directly related to the call for amphetamine regulation.
As we observed from the word cloud for the year, there was a large presence of the words
Zweden (Sweden) and Pauksch, the name of an infamous amphetamine smuggler since
1971. Articles feature called for repercussions against the amphetamine trade, as the fear
existed that the Netherlands was turning into an amphetamine trade hub because other
European countries profited from the Netherlands’ different regulatory context; penalties
Distant and Close Reading of Dutch Drug Debates in Historical Newspapers 385

for amphetamine production and trade were much lower in the Netherlands. It is tell-
ing that also in the public debate there was more public unrest about the amphetamine
trade than amphetamine use, which is in line with the Netherlands’ dual-track policy.
Amphetamine appeared mostly in a criminal setting because of this international trade,
meaning that this setting dominated the discursive formation, which could have helped to
make the inclusion of the substance under the Opium Law in 1976 seem a natural decision.

What is the meaning of the medical resurgence in the years 1979 and 1980? How was it
related to the recent regulation in 1976?

In 1979, we see that the discursive formation of amphetamine changed drastically and in
line with what could be expected from our observations under question 2. In an article from
Nieuwsblad van het Noorden from May 28, 1979, a doctor was accused of prescribing een gevaar-
lijke kuur (a dangerous treatment) to 11 patients. The treatment included amphetamine. In
articles that were related to doping, we see that these articles mainly mentioned amphet-
amine in relation to anabolic steroids. Having come under scrutiny at this time period, they
are in contrast with amphetamine use being considered more similar to medication (than the
latter) (e.g., Het Vrije Volk, August 17, 1979). It seems, then, that the medical terms appearing in
conjunction with amphetamine in these years were used to define amphetamine as having
no place in medicine anymore. Amphetamine is now regularly linked to drug addiction; in
doping discussions, the risk of addiction is usually mentioned as the biggest danger related
to the use of amphetamine (along with the danger to others, which is especially interesting
as a development from our observations under Question 1). We also saw several reports of
pharmacy raids in this time period. In 1980, discussions on how to improve the safeguard-
ing of drugs in pharmacies appeared, where amphetamines were usually mentioned in one
breath with opiates, citing increasing drug thefts. A rise in the theft of amphetamine was not
surprising: the substance had been available rather easily at pharmacies until a decade before.
There are still a few traces of the medical reputation (obviously amphetamine did
remain in use in some capacity). A doctor commenting on the unrest regarding doping in
De Volkskrant from September 22, 1979 reminisced that he understood that athletes could
possibly feel that amphetamine doping was not outrageous, considering doctors also pre-
scribed the substance as part of weight loss treatments. Another trace of the medical repu-
tation can be found in relation to doping: in Het Vrije Volk from October 11, 1980, a doctor
commented on the use of anabolic steroids and that, providing amphetamine is adminis-
tered professionally, amphetamine is more innocent than anabolic steroids.
Amphetamine is gradually losing its medical reputation and mentions of it appear
mostly in criminal and doping debates. Amphetamine is generally thought of addictive
and dangerous. There are a few exceptions in which it has been remarked that under the
right medical circumstances use of the substance could be acceptable.

Although medical terms regarding amphetamine seemed to fade from prominence early in
the 1980s, there was one mention of the term “medische” (medical) in 1988. What was the
role of the medical component just over 10 years after regulation, at a time when amphet-
amine debates seemed to be mostly defined in criminal terms?

The articles found in 1988 no longer placed amphetamine in a medical context. There are
some cases of iatrogenic addiction, where pharmacists steal from the stock, and some pass-
ing remarks about amphetamine addicts. The bulk of the articles at this time was again
related to doping discussions. Questions arose concerning the cost of the ever-increasing
386 Big Data Analytics

doping controls, with discussions on whether doping was such a grief misstep. There
was no unrest directly related to amphetamine either; reports on smuggling of amphet-
amine were reported in a matter-of-fact tone. A number of articles reported on the inclu-
sion of ecstasy/XTC (e.g., Nieuwsblad van het Noorden, December 29, 1988), an amphetamine
derivate, on List I in an amendment of the Opium Law. These articles have a similarly nonsen-
sationalizing tone. A report on the inclusion of amphetamine in the kit of alpinists (Limburgsch
Dagblad, April 2, 1988) mentioned that there was, according to the alpinist, no need to be secre-
tive about this part of his outfit, implying it was a legitimate emergency option for alpinists.
Compared to the discursive formation of amphetamine in 1979–1980, we saw that it was
no longer framed as an explicitly dangerous drug. Reports of smuggling and use were
formal but consistently placed the drug in the criminal sphere. The drug appears to be
uncontroversial as an illegal drug by this time, with the medical cooccurring terms no
longer connecting amphetamine to a medical setting. This is a very different discursive
formation compared to the first time periods we analyzed.

Regulation and Public Perception of Amphetamine

In this research demonstration, we showed how our research approach enabled us to
reformulate our research questions between iterative cycles. This process was a result of
distant reading techniques and close reading based on our historical understanding of the
context of the material.
Focusing on the articles featuring medical terms helped us to improve our understand-
ing of the transition in the public perception of amphetamine. Already in the 1950s, men-
tion of amphetamine appeared in close proximity to that of other intoxicants. It was not
connected to addiction debates and remained in the medical setting. This already changed
before its inclusion on List I of hard drugs in 1976: in the early 1960s, it was starting to
be connected to a different set and setting, to younger people and to athletes as possibly
dangerous performance enhancers. Before the end of the 1970s, the general view was that
amphetamine is harmful and addictive unless used under professional medical supervi-
sion. Later, in the 1980s, a decade after regulation, there was hardly any medical fram-
ing in discussions. However, we also noticed that it was no longer framed as particularly
dangerous. Public unrest subsided, once it was more firmly rooted as a controlled illegal
drug. Having developed this improved understanding of the medical components in the
amphetamine debates, we can now ask more precise questions about discussions related
to doping or crime as well as about early signals of yet another shift in the 1990s towards
the medical sphere once again (Pieters 2005). Throughout this research demonstration,
we have hinted at other elements of the discourse (e.g., criminal, legislative). The results
discussed in this demonstration should be understood as part of a more comprehensive
analysis of amphetamine. The criminal and legislative components would need their own
respective research cycles in order to paint the full picture.

Modularity and the Cross-Media Challenge

Looking ahead, we suggest two directions for development in the field of public debate
research. First, we underline the importance of creating a sustainable research environ-
ment; second, we stress the urgent need for solutions to the cross-media challenge for
Distant and Close Reading of Dutch Drug Debates in Historical Newspapers 387

Big Data public debate research. We elaborate on why these are important and state how
we intend to contribute with the development of the text-mining tool AVResearcherXL
(Figure 17.5).
One of the main challenges in DH is to deal with the speed at which technologies change.
Generally, the field is defined by a revolutionary imperative. Research projects attract funding
by emphasizing their original and groundbreaking potential; relevance is often expressed in
terms of leaps forward and change. A result of this eagerness to be at the forefront of tech-
nological possibilities is that such projects often revolve around the implementation of new,
­project-specific tools. Although this means that projects generate powerful tools, it also means
that these tools are often tailored to very specific aims. Often, these tools are not embedded per-
manently in existing research infrastructures, meaning that they are eventually abandoned.
This was one of the main conclusions of the recent congress, Historical Newspapers as Big Data,
held at the Dutch Royal Library (​
-digitale-kranten-verslag-van-het-big-data-congress). Funding for the necessary technological
maintenance and modernization of such tools is difficult to attract and often not even applied
for, since projects focusing on new tools are more likely to attract funding over less revolution-
ary project proposals. This needs to change in order to warrant a sustainable research environ-
ment that continuously builds on previous achievements.
Within the research infrastructure CLARIAH, the decision was made to move to a mod-
ular approach in media studies (​
/media-studies). Instead of thinking in terms of project-specific tools, there has been a
shift to thinking in terms of functionalities as part of an overall research environment,
called Media Suite. We believe that Big Data-fueled public debate research needs to move
in this direction as well. Our intention is to develop the text-mining tool AVResearcherXL
as a component in the CLARIAH Media Suite. AVResearcherXL is a CLARIAH recipe tool
that enables cross-media comparisons of NISV’s iMMix catalogue (radio and television)
and KB’s Delpher (newspapers) by means of word clouds, bar charts, timelines, and result
lists (Huurnink et al. 2013; Van Gorp et al. 2015). The tool was primarily developed to be
a distant reading tool for media researchers, to discern patterns in media representations.
We intend to extend AVResearcherXL’s applicability to research on public debates. Its
embedment in the Media Suite will make it easy to incorporate and combine other distant

Media Suite

recipe tool. Using
distant reading
techniques to
search both
Newspaper Public Audiovisual newspaper and
archive debate archive audiovisual
archives for parts
of the public
debate which can
be read with close

Further processing within Media Suite

Schematic overview of our development intentions for use of the text-mining tool AVResearcherXL within
the CLARIAH Media Suite.
388 Big Data Analytics

reading techniques or data sets, ensuring that new DH strategies can be incorporated in
the distant/close reading research approach.
As historians, our interest in public debate analysis tools goes beyond singular data
sets or media. Research methods and tools need to accommodate that. However, tools are
often developed for one media type or data set. In order to truly understand Dutch pub-
lic debates in the postwar period, television and radio cannot be left out. Television was
introduced in The Netherlands in the early 1950s and reached a mass audience in the 1960s
(Prenger 1993). Since we are at the cutting edge of media studies and cultural history, we
want to maximize the historical potential of this public debate research methodology. In
other words, we need a tool that can accommodate our distant and close reading approach
across media, which is what we intend AVResearcherXL to be.
We have found that a cross-media approach to public debates highlights methodological
differences between textual and audio-visual (AV) data (Van der Molen et al. 2017). This
is not just an issue that relates to historical use of the current AVResearcherXL recipe; it
relates to important concerns about medium specificity and source criticism. In the news-
paper archive, the actual words are “read” in a distant reading approach, but similar dis-
tant reading of AV material is difficult. AV data have specific properties (framing, editing,
mise-en-scene, etc.) that affect the discursive formation of drugs which cannot be read
by means of distant reading. This is a challenge that is further complicated by access and
intellectual property right contexts that differ between data sets.
Both the modular approach and the cross-media approach fit our ambition to develop
a durable public debate research method based on alternating between distant and close
reading. By building a modular environment, new distant reading techniques can be
added to the research infrastructure to create new innovative analysis methods. Focusing
on cross-media functionalities is a necessity in light of the diverse media landscape; if
our current research approach were to be used for recent or contemporary public debate
research, much more extensive cross-media research combinations would be indispens-
able. Our research on postwar drug debates in The Netherlands is also in urgent need of
such functionalities.

Digital humanities methods and tools should reinforce the humanities by allowing
researchers to ask enriched questions and by helping researchers find empirical material
for critical interpretation. We argue that combining distant reading techniques with close
reading of the material in iterative cycles is an expedient strategy to answer this need.
In our research demonstration, we showed that our approach is effective for public
debate analysis that relies on Dutch newspapers as Big Data. We were able to signalize and
interpret changes in the (medical part of the) discursive formation of amphetamine, find-
ing that amphetamine already appeared in close proximity to mentions of other intoxi-
cants in the 1950s, and that it started to be connected to a different set and setting of
young people and athletes as performance enhancers in the early 1960s. By the time it was
fully regulated in 1976, the change in public perception of amphetamine from medicine
to harmful drug had already occurred. Moreover, our demonstration provided leads for
follow-up questions, which we will take up in our ongoing research on drug debates in
the Netherlands.
Distant and Close Reading of Dutch Drug Debates in Historical Newspapers 389

We identified two important challenges in public debate research: there is an urgent

need for both more sustainable research environments and also options for cross-media
analysis. Dealing with these challenges is directly relevant to our drug debate research.
In our intended development of the text-mining tool AVResearcherXL we expect to con-
tribute to overcoming both challenges; the tool will be integrated into the modular Media
Suite of CLARIAH, ensuring sustainability, and it will enable public debate research with
simultaneous mining of textual and AV data sets. By explicating our needs as domain
users and explicating our research approach, we can keep working on creating a method-
ology that utilizes Big Data analysis as an enrichment of interpretative research on histori-
cal public debates.

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A Maven’s memory usage, 224–225

raw data, 201
Advanced data visualization (ADV), 79
relational database, 201
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering, 252
scientometrics, 211
Algorithmic Biology Lab (ABL), 30
semistructured text, 198
Alibaba Cloud Computing, 197
visualization, data analysis through,
Amazon, 97
Amazon Deep Scalable Sparse Tensor Network
web crawling, 200–201
Engine, 308
web scraping, 199–200
ANN, see Artificial neural networks (ANN)
Application programming interfaces (APIs), 199
ARM, 197
Avro, 50
Artificial neural networks (ANN), 106, 297
Crunch, 52
ASF tools, see Apache Software Foundation
Flume, 51
(ASF) tools, Big Data acquisition,
Hbase, 53
preparation, and analysis using
Hive, 52
Azure machine learning studio, 111
HTTP server, 197
Mahout, 111, 216–218
Parquet, 51
Pig, 52
Spark, 52, 218–220 Back-propagation, 106
Sqoop, 52 BI, see Business intelligence (BI)
Apache Software Foundation (ASF) tools, Big Big Data management (BDM), 56
Data acquisition, preparation, and Big Data reference model, 55–74
analysis using, 195–228 architecture instantiation, 69
Apache Foundation tools, Big Data analysis Cloud-based Hadoop ecosystem, evaluation
using, 209–211 of CRISP4BigData reference model
Apache Mahout, 216–218 within, 69–72
Apache Spark, required cluster CRISP4BigData reference model, process
configurations for, 226 management based on, 60–68
Apache Spark, SVD using, 218–220 EGI Federated Cloud, Hadoop cluster
Apache Spark implementation and installation in, 70–71
configuration, 224 generic layer, 60
application programming interfaces, data information visualization based on the
collection through, 199 IVIS4BigData reference model, 57–58
case study, 211–221 IVIS4BigData reference model, 58–60
cleansing methods and routines, 204–208 key terminology and definitions, 73
data acquisition, 198–201 layers, 56–57
data analysis, 208–211 metadata, 63
data preprocessing and cleanup, 201–208 MetaMap annotation results, 71–72
distributed file systems, 197 outlook, 72
freely available sources of data sets, 199 use cases, 69–70
Hadoop MapReduce and other languages Virtual Environment for Research
for Big Data preprocessing, 202–203 Interdisciplinary Exchange, 69
key terminology and definitions, 227–228 Bloomberg, 197
MapReduce, complexity of using, 216 Bloom Filter, 235–236

392 Index

Boltzmann machines, 282 statistical thinking, impact on, 13–15

Bootstrap sampling, 142–143, 288 terminology and definitions, 34–35
Budget Direct, 197 Twitter data, mining of, 29–30
Business analytics, see Data science Challenges in Big Data analytics, 37–54
Business intelligence (BI), 79, 80 coordination, 53
data challenges, 39–42
data formats, 50–51
data ingestion, 51–52
CADDOT model, see Context-aware dynamic data processing, 52
discovery of things (CADDOT) model Hadoop, 44–50
CART model, see Classification and regression management challenges, 42–44
tree (CART) model process challenges, 44
Cash register model, 234–235 storage, 53
CD, see Contrast divergence (CD) Zookeeper, 53
CEP, see Complex event processing (CEP) CLARIAH, 387
Cerner, 197 Classification and regression tree (CART)
Challenges in Big Data, 1–35 model, 130
algorithms for Big Data analytics, 4–5 Clickstream, 298
case study, 5–6 CLIQUE clustering technique, 258–259
centroids, 4 Cloud-based Hadoop ecosystem, 69–72
classification algorithms (k-NN), 5 Cloud computing, 22
cloud computing, 22–23 Cloudera, 197
coincidental endogeneity, 11–13 Cluster analysis, 132–137, 247–265
complex information challenge, 27 agglomerative hierarchical clustering, 252
computing infrastructure, impact on, 17–19 algorithms, 133–134
Data Node, 19 for Big Data predictions, 134–136
dependent information challenge, 27 CLIQUE clustering technique, 258–259
dimension reduction and random projection, clustering engines, 262
24–27 constraint-based clustering, 259
exceptions, 28–29 DBSCAN clustering technique, 255–256
genome sequencing and RNA interaction density-based clustering, 254–255
prediction, 30–31 density-based distributed clustering, 260
goals and challenges of analyzing Big Data, divisive clustering, 252–253
2–3 future research directions, 260–262
heterogeneity, 7–8 graph partitioning-based clustering, 261
incidental endogeneity, 16–17 grid-based clustering, 258
independence screening, 15–16 hierarchical clustering, 251–252
information quality, 28 illustrative example, 249–250
k-means, 4–5 inference, 137
living systems, identifying qualitative key terminology and definitions, 264–265
changes in, 31 k-means clustering technique, 256–257
MapReduce, 19–22 MapReduce-based k-means-type clustering,
Name Node, 19 261
noise accumulation, 8–9 miscellaneous clustering techniques, 259
noisy information challenge, 27 overview, 248–250
non-smooth optimization, first-order partitioning-based clustering, 256
methods for, 23–24 robust techniques, 261–262
overdistinguishing proof condition, 17 ROCK clustering technique, 253–254
paradigm shifts, 3–4 types of clustering techniques, 251–259
perceptions, 4 CNN, see Convolutional neural networks (CNN)
probabilistic graphical modeling, 29 Cold data, 238
salient features of Big Data, 7–19 Column-family model, 240
spurious correlation, 9–11 Comcast, 197
Index 393

Complex event processing (CEP), 82 storage, 39–40

Confluent, 197 understanding the data, 41
Constraint-based clustering, 259 variety, 40
Context-aware dynamic discovery of things velocity, 40
(CADDOT) model, 346 visualization, 41–42
Contrast divergence (CD), 284 Data intelligence, 56
Convolutional neural networks (CNN), 154 Data lake, 110
Count-Min Sketch, 236–237 Data leakage from nonproduction systems,
CRISP4BigData reference model, process framework for minimizing, 167–194
management based on, 60–68 discussions using the simplified business
analytics, 64–66 model and framework, 187–190
data collection, management, and curation, existing frameworks, solutions, products,
61–64 and guidelines, 170–171
data enrichment, 66 framework development, research for,
insight and effectuation, 67 172–185
interaction and perception, 66–67 framework stages, 182–185
knowledge-based support, 67–68 freedom of information, 172–173
retention and archiving, 68 glossary, 191
CRISP-DM (Cross Industry Standard Process hypothetical case study scenario, 186–187
for Data Mining), 143–144 impact of the framework on case study, 190
Customer churn, feature mining and classifier legal, business, and human factors, 168–170
models to predict, 293–309 nonproduction environments, 168–172
clickstream, 298 questionnaire (opinion), 173–182
cross-validation, 304–307 simplified business model, 182
customer churn model, 298 tabletop case study, 186–190
customer information, 299 use and protection of data in nonproduction
customer loyalty, 294 systems, research for, 172
customer sales, 299 Data Node, 19
demographic features, 299 Data partitioning, 257
enterprise data pipeline (Hadoop stack), Data pipeline problems, modeling of, 232–235
295–297 cash register model, 234–235
existing models for customer churn, 297–298 Sliding Window model, 233–234
F-ANOVA test, 302 turnstile model, 234
feature engineering, 299–304 vanilla model, 232–233
feature selection, 301 Data Protection Act 1988 (DPA), 169
future work, 307–308 Data science, 93–116
Hadoop pipeline, stages of, 295–297 analytics use case (customer churn
imbalance in class label outputs, 302 prevention), 97–109
key terminology and definitions, 309 Apache Mahout, 111
k-fold strategy for cross-validation, 306 artificial neural networks, 106
Platt scaling, 307 Azure machine learning studio, 111
product sales, 300 back-propagation weight adjustment
receiver operating characteristics curve, scheme, 106–107
306–307 batch processing to real-time analytics, 113
regularization, 302–303 Big Data analytics architecture, 109–113
user personalization, 298 data lake, 110
decision trees, 101
descriptive analytics, 95, 98–101
diagnostic analytics, 95, 102
DAS, see Direct-attached storage (DAS) future directions and technologies, 113–114
Data challenges, 39–42 Halo, 111
computational power, 41 IBM InfoSphere, 111
quality, 41 IBM SPSS, 111
394 Index

in-memory Big Data processing, 113 E

machine learning techniques, 106–107
Eager reevaluation, 234
Oracle Advanced Analytics, 112
E-bay, 97
predictive analytics, 95, 103–105
ED, see Error decrease (ED)
prescriptive analytics, 96, 107, 113
EDW, see Enterprise data warehouse (EDW)
R (tool), 112
EGI Federated Cloud, see European Grid
@Risk, 112
Infrastructure (EGI) Federated Cloud
SAP Infinite Insight, 112
Energy models, 282
simulation–optimization–validation loop, 110
Engineering, see Deep learning
supervised learning, 106
Enhanced singular vector machine (ESVM), 297
Tableau, 111–112
“Ensemble learning,” 136
TIBCO Spotfire, 112
Enterprise data warehouse (EDW), 81
tools used for Big Data analytics, 110–113
Entity clustering, large-scale, 311–334
types of Big Data analytics, 95–97
analytics, 315–317
Wolfram Mathematica, 113
background (Big Data and analytics), 313–317
DBpedia, 312
background (knowledge graphs), 317–321
DBSCAN clustering technique, 255–256
characteristics of Big Data, 314–315
Decision trees, 101, 128–129
cluster analysis, 328–329
Deep feature learning (feature extraction),
clustering algorithm, selection of, 323–325
clustering experiments, 325–326
auto-encoders, 279–282
computing clusters, 321–326
constructing deep structures, 285
definitions of Big Data, 313–314
deep distributed learning, 285–286
evaluation of cluster quality, 327–328
probabilistic models, 282–285
exploitation of clusters for topic exploration,
updating parameters in large-scale
networks, 286–287
globally unique identifier, 319
Deep learning, 151–165
graph-based clustering, 330
action sequence learning for flow sculpting,
knowledge graph, 312
latent connections, 329
deep CNNs for pillar sequence design,
methodology limitations, 331
relational clustering, 330
flow physics for inertial flow sculpting,
similarity metric, 322–323
Entity reconciliation, 319
as hierarchical feature extractor, 152–153
E-retailer, see Customer churn, feature mining
high-dimensional model representation,
and classifier models to predict
Error decrease (ED), 276
micropillar sequence design using,
ESVM, see Enhanced singular vector machine
representative training data generation,
European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) Federated
Cloud, 70–71
research directions, 162
Density-based clustering, 254–255
Descriptive analytics, 95, 98–101
Detailed balance condition, 284
Diagnostic analytics, 95, 102 Facebook, 197
Digital humanities (DH), 373, see also Historical F-analysis of variance (F-ANOVA) test
public debate research Feature extraction, see Nonlinear feature
Direct-attached storage (DAS), 40 extraction
Distant reading, 374 Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 169
Distributed file systems, 197 FGMM, 17
Divisive clustering, 252–253 Filtered Space Saving (FSS), 237
Document stores model, 239 Fixed window, 233
DPA, see Data Protection Act 1988 (DPA) Flipkart, 97
Index 395

Flow sculpting, 153–154 Hierarchical clustering, 251–252

action sequence learning for, 156–158 High-dimensional model representation
broad implications, 154 (HDMR), 159
design challenges and state of the art, 154 Historical public debate research, 373–390
problem definition, 153 Big Data and digital humanities, 374–376
Four Vs of Big Data, 38 CLARIAH, 387
Freebase, 312, see also Entity clustering, discourse analysis and governmentality,
large-scale 376–378
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 172 distant reading, 374
FSS, see Filtered Space Saving (FSS) Dutch historical newspapers as Big Data,
leveled approach, 378–379
modularity and the cross-media challenge,
Gartner’s three Vs of Big Data, 314 386–388
GAs, see Genetic algorithms (GAs) public debate research, 374–376
Gaussian kernel, 273 research demonstration, 379–386
Gaussian processes (GPs), 270 Hortonworks, 197
GBDT, see Gradient boosted decision trees Hot data, 238
(GBDT) Huawei, 197
GBM, see Gradient boost machines (GBM) Human–computer interactions, 341–342
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 168 HyperLogLog, 237
Genetic algorithms (GAs), 154
Genome sequencing, 30–31
Globally unique identifier (GUID), 319
Google, 18, 197 IBM, 197
Earth, 220 four Vs of Big Data, 315
Tensor flow, 308 InfoSphere, 111
GPs, see Gaussian processes (GPs) SPSS, 111
Gradient boosted decision trees (GBDT), 129 Information quality, 28
Gradient boost machines (GBM), 305 Information visualization (IVIS), 58
Gradient descent, 127 In-memory databases, 80
Graph-based clustering, 330 InMotion Hosting, 197
Grid-based clustering, 258 Internet of Things (IoT), 84, 94
GUID, see Globally unique identifier (GUID) Internet of Things (IoT), connected intelligence
with, 335–353
Big Data analytics, 343–347
connected intelligence with IoT, Big Data
Hadoop, 18, 44–49 analytics methods for, 345–347
architecture, 47–48 context-aware dynamic discovery of things
data warehouses and, 44–45 model, 346
description, 45 data storage and processing modules,
distributed file system (HDFS), 47, 82 343–344
issues in analyzing Big Data, 46–49 evaluation results, 348–349
MapReduce, 48, 202 functionalism approach, 340
pros and cons, 49–50 fundamental mechanisms for Big Data
streaming, 215 analytics, 345
trends, 45–46 future work, 350
Halo, 111 human–computer interactions, 341–342
HDFS, see Hadoop distributed file system intelligence definition, 340–343
HDMR, see High-dimensional model intelligent frameworks, 342–343
representation (HDMR) IoT paradigm, 336–339
Heterogeneity of Big Data, 7–8 key devices of intelligence in IoT, 344–345
Hewlett-Packard, 197 key terminology and definitions, 352–353
396 Index

main elements of IoT, 337–338 LCWC, see Location Centric Word Co-event
natural intelligence, model of systematic (LCWC)
intelligence formation from, 340–341 LeaseWeb, 197
popular applications of IoT, 338–339 Lift charts, 138–139
security challenges, 339 Living systems, identifying qualitative changes
IoT, see Internet of Things (IoT), connected in, 31
intelligence with Lloyd’s algorithm, 274
IRIF-IoT, 342 Location Centric Word Co-event (LCWC), 29
iSigma, 197 Logistic regression, 128
Iterative reweighted least squares (IRWLS), 278
IVIS, see Information visualization (IVIS)
IVIS4BigData reference model, see Big Data
reference model Machine learning techniques, 106–107
artificial neural networks, 106
back-propagation weight adjustment
scheme, 106–107
Jaspersoft BI suite, 86–87 supervised learning, 106
JSON, 198, 201 Management challenges, 42–44
Jumping window, 234 company culture, 43–44
decision making, 43
leadership, 42
talent management, 42–43
Kappa architecture (streaming data), 241–242 technology, 43
Karmasphere studio and analyst, 87–88 MapReduce, 19–22, 216
Kernel methods (feature extraction), 270–278 MARS, see Multivariate regression splines
basic elements, selection of, 273–276 (MARS)
common kernel functions, 272–273 Maximum margin classifiers, 131
kernel functions as new features, 271–272 Mean squared error (MSE), 279
kernel properties, 272 MetaMap annotation, 71–72
problems associated with, 270–271 Metaweb Technologies, 318
Kettle Data Integration, 87 Microsoft, 197
Key value stores model, 239 Microsoft’s six Vs of Big Data, 315
k-means, 4–5 Monetization, see Value chains and digital
algorithm, 133 platforms
clustering technique, 256–257 MSE, see Mean squared error (MSE)
k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) classifier, 5 Multivariate regression splines (MARS), 297
Knowledge graphs, 317–321, see also Entity MusicBrainz, 318
clustering, large-scale
data description, 318
entity clustering, 318
entity reconciliation, 319 Name Node, 19
Freebase data model, 319–320 Near-field communications (NFC), 336
knowledge representation in Freebase, 321 Network-attached storage (NAS), 40
Network theory, linking Big Data with, 364–366
NLIQ, see Nonlocal influence quotient (NLIQ)
Noise accumulation, 8–9
Lambda architecture (streaming data), 241 Nongenealogy citation network (NGCN), 213
Lanczo’s algorithm, 217 Nonlinear feature extraction, 267–292
Landmark window, 233 asynchronous mode, 287
Large-scale entity clustering, see Entity contrastive divergence, 284
clustering, large-scale cross-entropy, 279
Latent connections, 329 deep feature learning, 278–287
Lazy reevaluation, 234 detailed balance condition, 284
Index 397

energy models, 282 external validation, 125

ensemble methods, 287–290 fitting a model, 123–124
explained variance, 269 gradient descent, 127
iterative reweighted least squares, 278 internal validation, 125
kernel methods, 270–278 lift charts, 138–139
model parallelism, 286 linear and nonlinear regression, 126–128
nontrainable aggregation, 289 logistic regression, 128
PCA, feature extraction with, 268–269 maximum margin classifiers, 131
semiparametric SVMs, example of, 276–278 measuring accuracy of predictive models,
sparse greedy matrix approximation, 275–276 137–143
stochastic gradient descent, 277 predictive modeling process, 121
synchronous mode, 287 random forests, 130
trainable aggregation, 289–290 research trends, 147–148
Nonlocal influence quotient (NLIQ), 212 ROC curves, 140–142
Nonproduction systems, data leakage from, R open-source tool, 144–146
see Data leakage from nonproduction selecting and preparing data, 122–123
systems, framework for minimizing spurious relationships, 137
NoSQL databases, 201 supervised learning algorithms, 124
Numpy library, 215 support vector machines, 131–132
target shuffling, 137–138
tools and techniques, 143–146
types of predictive models, 125–137
OCQ, see Other citation quotient (OCQ) types of regression algorithms, 126
One-class SVM (OCSVM), 297 unsupervised learning algorithms, 124
Online analytic processing (OLAP), 78 unsupervised models (cluster analysis),
Online transaction processing (OLTP), 83 132–137
OPDi, 197 Prescriptive analytics, 96–97, 107
Oracle Advanced Analytics, 112 Principal component analysis (PCA), 268
Other citation quotient (OCQ), 212 Private Internet Access, 197
Overdistinguishing proof condition, 17 Probabilistic graphical modeling, 29
Process challenges, 44
Produban, 197
Public debate research, 374–376
Partitioning-based clustering, 256 Python, 207
Payment Card Industry Security Standards
Council (PCI SSC), 169
PCA, see Principal component analysis (PCA)
Pentaho Data Integration, 87 Radiofrequency identification (RFID) device, 336
Pivotal, 197 Random forests, 130
PLANET framework, 129 Raw data, 201
Platt scaling, 307 RDD, see Resilient distributed data set (RDD)
Prediction models (PMs), 136 Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve,
Predictive analytics, 95, 103–105 140, 302, 306
Predictive modeling and analytics, 117–150 Red Hat, 197
apparent validation, 125 Reference model, see Big Data reference model
bootstrap sampling, 142–143 Relational clustering, 330
business planning, 118–120 Relational database, 201
cluster analysis, 133 Remote procedure call (RPC), 50
CRISP-DM, data mining using, 143–144 Resilient distributed data set (RDD), 211, 274
decision trees, 128–129 RFID device, see Radiofrequency identification
“ensemble learning,” 136 (RFID) device
estimating and validating the model, @Risk, 112
124–125 RNA interaction prediction, 30–31
398 Index

ROC curve, see Receiver operating probablistic data structures and algorithms,
characteristic (ROC) curve 235–237
ROCK clustering technique, 253–254 Sliding Window model, 233–234
R open-source tool, 112, 144–146 streaming algorithms, 230–232
RPC, see Remote procedure call (RPC) suitability of data models for storing stream
data, 238–240
T Digest, 237
turnstile model, 234
SAN, see Storage area networks (SAN) vanilla model, 232–233
SAP Infinite Insight, 112 wide-column stores model, 240
Scientometrics, 211 Supervised learning, 106, 124
SDLC, see Software development life cycle Support vector machines (SVMs), 131–132, 270
(SDLC) SVD, see Singular value decomposition (SVD)
Semistructured text, 198
Separating hyperplane, 131
Serenata Flowers, 197
SGD, see Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) Tableau Desktop and server, 89–90, 111–112
SGMA, see Sparse greedy matrix approximation Talend Open Studio, 88–89
(SGMA) Target, 97
Simulation–optimization–validation loop, 110 T Digest, 237
Singular value decomposition (SVD), 196 TDWI technology surveys, Cloud in, 83
Skytree server, 89 Three Vs of Big Data, 248
Sliding Window model, 233–234 TIBCO Spotfire, 112
Software development life cycle (SDLC), 168, 173 Tools for Big Data analytics, 75–92, 110–113
Sparse greedy matrix approximation (SGMA), advanced analytics, 79
275–276 Apache Mahout, 111
Splice Machine, 90–91 Azure machine learning studio, 111
Splunk, 90 balance of commitment and potential
SQL, 82 growth, 78
Stitch Fix, 119 challenges, 84–85
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD), 277 commonly used Big Data tools, 76–77
Storage area networks (SAN), 40 complex event processing, 82
Streaming data, storing and analyzing of, Hadoop distributed file system, 82
229–245 Halo, 111
Bloom Filter, 235–236 IBM InfoSphere, 111
cash register model, 234–235 IBM SPSS, 111
cold data, 238 in-memory databases, 80
column-family model, 240 Internet of Things data, 84
Count-Min Sketch, 236–237 Jaspersoft BI suite, 86–87
data pipeline problems, modeling of, 232–235 Karmasphere studio and analyst, 87–88
document stores model, 239 MapReduce, 82
eager reevaluation, 234 moderate commitment, good potential
Filtered Space Saving, 237 growth, 81
fixed window, 233 online analytic processing, 78
hot data, 238 online transaction processing, 83
HyperLogLog, 237 Oracle Advanced Analytics, 112
industrial challenges, 240–242 Pentaho business analytics, 87
kappa architecture, 241–242 potential growth versus commitment for Big
key value stores model, 239 Data analytics options, 78
lambda architecture, 241 R (tool), 112
landmark window, 233 @Risk, 112
lazy reevaluation, 234 SAP Infinite Insight, 112
open research problems, 242–243 Skytree server, 89
Index 399

Splice Machine, 90–91 intermediating digital platforms, 362–364

Splunk, 90 monetization strategies, 368–369
SQL, 82 network theory, linking Big Data with,
strong commitment, flat or declining 364–366
growth, 83 processing (data mining and fusion),
strong to moderate commitment, strong 358–360
potential growth, 78–81 storage (data warehousing), 358
Tableau Desktop and server, 89, 111 Vanilla model, 232–233
Talend Open Studio, 88–89 Virtual Environment for Research
TDWI technology surveys, Cloud in, 83 Interdisciplinary Exchange, 69
TIBCO Spotfire, 112 Visualization, data analysis through,
trends for Big Data analytics options, 78–83 220–221
unstructured data, 80–81
visualization, 79–80
weak commitment, good growth, 81–82
Wolfram Mathematica, 113 Walmart, 97
Trimmed k-means, 261 WANdisco, 197
Turnstile model, 234 WCSS, see Within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS)
Twitter, 29–30 Web application programming interfaces, 199
Web crawling, 200–201
Web scraping, 199–200
Wide-column stores model, 240
Ubiquitous identifier (UID), 336 Wikidata, 312
Unstructured data, 80–81 Wikipedia, 318
Unsupervised learning algorithms, 124 Wireless identification and sensing platforms
User acceptance testing (UAT), 178 (WISPs), 336
User personalization, 298 Within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS), 274
Wolfram Mathematica, 113
WordNet, 318
Value chains and digital platforms, 355–371
assembling value via heterogeneous data
fusion and interoperability, 361–366 Yahoo, 197
Big Data-driven business planning, 366–368
Big Data-driven value chains, 356–360
consumption (sharing), 360
creation (data capture), 358 Zookeeper, 53

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