Khomskii Physics (2009) PDF
Khomskii Physics (2009) PDF
Khomskii Physics (2009) PDF
Classifying multiferroics: Mechanisms and effects
Daniel Khomskii
II. Physikalisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, Zülpicher Strasse 77, 50937 Köln, Germany
Published March 9, 2009
multiferroic properties of bulk BiFeO3 are fairly weak, materials in which ferroelectricity and magnetism have
but in thin-film form they are greatly enhanced. The sec- different sources and appear largely independently of
ond major experimental development, also in 2003, was one another, though there is some coupling between
the discovery of a novel class of multiferroics, in which them. In these materials, ferroelectricity typically ap-
magnetism and ferroelectricity do not just coexist, but pears at higher temperatures than magnetism, and the
in which magnetism causes ferroelectricity. Tokura and spontaneous polarization P is often rather large (of or-
Kimura discovered this phenomenon in TbMnO3 [10] der 10 − 100 µC/cm2 ). Examples are BiFeO3 (TFE ∼
and Cheong found a similar effect in TbMn2 O5 [11]. 1100K, TN = 643 K, P ∼ 90µC/cm2 ) and YMnO3
Since 2003, these three systems have served as test
grounds (“drosophiles”) for the main physical ideas in (TFE ∼ 914K, TN = 76 K, P ∼ 6µC/cm2 ). The
the field. second group, which we can call type-II multiferroics,
is the relatively recently discovered materials [10, 11],
The realization that these materials have great poten-
in which magnetism causes ferroelectricity, implying a
tial for practical applications has lead to an extremely
strong coupling between the two. However, the po-
rapid development of the field of multiferroics. Appli-
larization in these materials is usually much smaller
cations include the ability to address magnetic mem-
ory electrically (and without currents!), the creation ( 10−2 µC/cm2 ). Many groups are also investigating
of new types of 4-state logic (i.e., with both up and composite multiferroics that consist of known magnets
down polarization and up and down magnetization) and ferroelectrics in the form of multilayers and self-
and magnetoelectric sensors. If there is any doubt about organized nanostructures [16].
the growth of this field, consider that in 2001, Nicola In this article, I will mainly discuss the microscopic
Spaldin organized the first special session on multifer- picture that is at the root of the properties of multifer-
roics at the American Physical Society’s March meet- roics, but for many multiferroics the symmetry consid-
ing. By 2007 there were seven of these sessions, more erations are indispensable, especially for type-II multi-
than double the number of sessions on the previous “hot ferroics. In this field they were mostly developed and
topic”—colossal magnetoresitive manganites. The liter- successfully applied by A. B. Harris, A. Aharony, and
ature now contains special reviews on multiferroics [12– their coworkers, see, for example, Ref. [17], No. 434202.
16], and in particular, a comprehensive discussion of dif- A detailed classification of possible symmetries allow-
ferent aspects of this field can be found in the collection ing for multiferroelectricity and magnetoelectricity is
of short review articles in Ref. [17]. given by H. Schmidt in Ref. [17], No. 434201.
To understand the basic phenomena in the field of
multiferroics, and appreciate the main achievements
and remaining problems in this field, it is necessary Type-I multiferroics
to classify multiferroics by the microscopic mechanism
that determines their properties. The first part of this ar- Type-I multiferroics are “older” and more numerous.
ticle is therefore devoted to this classification. In the sec- These are often good ferroelectrics, and the critical tem-
ond part of the article, we explore theoretical and prac- peratures of the magnetic and ferroelectric transitions
tical ideas that are emerging from the different mecha- can be well above room temperature. Unfortunately,
nisms underlying multiferroic behavior. the coupling between magnetism and ferroelectricity in
these materials is usually rather weak. The materials
challenge for this group of multiferroics is to keep all
their positive features, but enhance this coupling. As
How to combine magnetism and fer- we will see later, the opposite problem exists for type-II
roelectricity: Different types of multi- One can single out several different subclasses of
ferroics type-I multiferroics, depending on the mechanism of
ferroelectricity in them. We will focus on four of the ma-
The microscopic origin of magnetism is basically the jor subclasses, but there are certainly others.
same in all magnets: it is the presence of localized
electrons, mostly in the partially filled d or f shells of
transition-metal or rare-earth ions, which have a cor- Multiferroic perovskites
responding localized spin, or magnetic moment. Ex-
change interactions between the localized moments lead Probably the best-known ferroelectrics are the per-
to magnetic order. The situation with ferroelectrics ovskites like BaTiO3 or Pb(ZrTi)O3 (PZT). There are
is quite different. There are several different micro- many magnetic materials among perovskites [18], and
scopic sources of ferroelectricity, and accordingly one also many ferroelectrics [19]. But comparing these ex-
can have different types of multiferroics. Generally tensive compilations, each containing more than 100
speaking, there are two groups of multiferroics. The pages of tables, demonstrates that there seems to be mu-
first group, called type-I multiferroics, contains those tual exclusion of magnetism and ferroelectricity in per-
DOI: 10.1103/Physics.2.20
c 2009 American Physical Society
Physics 2, 20 (2009)
DOI: 10.1103/Physics.2.20
c 2009 American Physical Society
Physics 2, 20 (2009)
DOI: 10.1103/Physics.2.20
c 2009 American Physical Society
Physics 2, 20 (2009)
Type-II multiferroics with collinear magnetic structures cally shown in Fig. 4. The wall shown in Fig. 4 is called
a Bloch domain wall; in it the magnetization at the wall
The second group of magnetically driven ferro- rotates in the plane of the wall, perpendicular to the di-
electrics are those in which ferroelectricity appears in rection Q from one domain to the other. In the other
collinear magnetic structures—that is all magnetic mo- case, Fig. 4, which is called a Néel domain wall, spins
ments aligned along a particular axis—without the nec- rotate in the plane containing Q. Comparing Fig. 4 and
essary involvement of the spin-orbit interaction. Polar- Fig. 3, one immediately sees that one can consider the
ization can appear in these materials as a consequence of Néel domain wall as a part of a cycloidal spiral. Accord-
exchange striction because the magnetic coupling varies ing to the expressions in Eq. (1) we then should expect
with the atomic positions. The simplest example, found that in such a domain wall the electric polarization will
in Ca3 CoMnO6 [21], coincides with that shown in Fig. form, localized in the wall and directed as shown in Fig.
2. Ca3 CoMnO6 consists of one-dimensional chains of al- 4.
ternating Co2+ and Mn4+ ions. At high temperature the If now we put a system with such a Néel domain wall
distances between the ions along the chain are the same, in the gradient of an electric field, the wall and the elec-
the chain has inversion symmetry, and polarization is tric dipole associated with it will be either pulled toward
absent. Magnetic ordering, however, breaks inversion the region of stronger field or pushed out of it, depend-
symmetry: the spins form a ↑↑↓↓ type magnetic struc- ing on the orientation of a dipole. This effect was re-
ture. Due to an exchange striction the distortion of ferro cently suggested by Dzyaloshinskii [35], but even before
and antiferro bonds (↑↑ and ↑↓) is different, and we end his prediction it was actually discovered and studied ex-
up in the situation of Fig. 2: the material becomes fer- perimentally by a group in Moscow [36]. They did a
roelectric. Theoretical calculations [30] confirm this pic- conceptually very simple experiment: using films of the
ture. well-known insulating ferromagnet with a high transi-
In the case of Ca3 CoMnO6 , exchange striction arises tion temperature, iron garnet (BiLu)3 (FeGa)5 O12 , they
from transition metal ions with a different valence (Co2+ brought a sharpened copper wire to the surface and ap-
and Mn4+ ). One can, however, get the same effect even plied a voltage pulse. Under the influence of the result-
for identical magnetic ions, when one takes into account ing inhomogeneous electric field, the domain walls in
that the exchange in transition metal oxides usually oc- the film, which they visualized magneto-optically, start
curs via intermediate oxygens and depends on both the to move (or rather bend). They concluded that this hap-
distance between the metal ions and the metal-oxygen- pens because of the mechanism described above, and
metal bond angle. In RMnO3 perovskites where R is the authors could even estimate the resulting velocity
a small rare earth, the Mn magnetic order in the basal of a domain wall. This observation, besides confirming
plane is of the type ↑↑↓↓. As proposed by Sergienko, our general understanding, may be potentially very im-
Sen, and Dagotto [31], exchange striction in this case portant, as it could prove to be a means of controlling
can cause the oxygen ions to shift perpendicular to the domain structure, and consequently magnetic memory,
Mn-Mn bonds, which produces a polarization along the by applying a voltage rather than electric currents.
direction of the shift. This effect was observed in [32], Similarly, local electric polarization should appear in
although its value was much less than estimated theo- magnetic vortices, which are also widely studied nowa-
retically [31, 33]. days as a possible route to nonvolatile magnetic mem-
One more mechanism giving ferroelectricity even in ory [37]. To the best of my knowledge nobody yet tried
a collinear magnet is the “electronic” ferroelectricity in to influence such vortices in magnetic insulators by an
frustrated magnets [34]: the polarization of a triangle electric field (without currents).
of spins is proportional to the spin correlation function One more effect can be proposed. Consider an insulat-
S1 (S2 + S3 ) − 2S2 S3 (the numbers denote positions on ing ferromagnet that contains a spin wave (a magnon).
vertices of the triangle), and is nonzero if the latter is The real microscopic picture of a spin wave is the one
nonzero. shown in Fig. 5: the magnon is a spin deviation from
the average magnetization M, with each spin precessing
around M in time and with the phase shifts along the
propagation direction. But from Fig. 5 we see that the
Some spin-offs of the multiferroic instantaneous picture (the snapshot) of a spin wave is a
cone with constant M and with the perpendicular com-
story ponent forming a cycloid. According to Eq. (1), there
should appear in such a spin wave an electric polariza-
The lessons we learned by studying multiferroics, es- tion perpendicular to the magnetization and to the prop-
pecially those of type-II, are very helpful to predict or agation vector. Actually such a polarization was dis-
explain a number of miscellaneous phenomena, some covered for a static conic magnetic structure in CoCr2 O4
of which can be very useful for potential applications. (Ref. [17], No. 434204). Here, if we create a spin wave in
Consider for example the usual domain wall in a ferro- the form of a wave packet, this wave packet will carry
magnet. There are two types of such walls, schemati- with it both magnetization ∆M and an electric dipole
DOI: 10.1103/Physics.2.20
c 2009 American Physical Society
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c 2009 American Physical Society
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sion I and time reversal T: strain is I and T even, P is materials have a bright future.
I odd and T even, M is I even and T odd. There exists
yet the fourth possibility: a quantity which is both I −
and T −odd. It can of course be simply a coexistence of
polarization and magnetism, which we have in all mul-
tiferroics. But there exists also a special quantity with References
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c 2009 American Physical Society