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1) Workshop simulation title Acceptable use?
2) Field and/or discipline As a fifth grade teacher students gain the
responsibility of technology in my
classroom. At the beginning of the year
everyone signs an acceptable use policy,
but many forget concepts or simply sign
the paper without a glance. This simulation
could be used at the beginning of the year
to reinforce the ideals for acceptable use in
the classroom and as a digital citizen in
3) Topic of simulation The main topic is digital driver’s license,
technology readiness in terms of digital
4) Environment and characters of The environment for my simulation is a
simulation classroom. Much of the technology use will
be in the classroom at school, although
students are able to take technology home
or may have personal devices at home. The
characters in my simulation will be “past
students” that will be able to relate to
current students and educate them on their
past mistakes and how to learn from their
5) Short summary of the situation The simulation will consist of various
characters posing as past students that
offended an aspect of digital citizenship
while using technology entrusted to them.
They will educate students on their
mistakes and pose questions to participants
about potential dilemma’s or internal
struggles that they may face while using
technology. Students will have the
opportunity to answer questions and learn
about digital citizenship. Based on the
outcomes of those decisions they will learn
about consequences that will follow as a
result of incorrect choices.
6) Target audience My target audience is 4th/5th graders
between the ages of 10-12. Students will
have used technology previously, but will
be gaining more independence and using
technology more often. Students
understand basic computer functions, how
to open an internet browser, type, the
beginnings of social media, and have some
interactions with learning management
7) Big idea for participants upon Upon completion the big idea that students
completion should realize is that all actions have
consequences. What they do with
technology can impact them for years to
come. Technology in school is a privilege,
not a right and with that comes great
8) What are the SMART Learning Upon completion of the simulation students
objectives? will be able to…
1) Justify the importance of following
guidelines of an acceptable use
2) Relate good citizen characteristics
to digital citizenship qualities.
3) Discern between appropriate and
inappropriate use of technology.

SCENE 1: Introduction
Slide 1 VISUAL: A student will be on screen. The
words “Acceptable use?” will be on the
screen behind him.
INTERACTION: The student on screen
will wave to participants welcoming them.
student on screen will introduce himself
and explain his role.
“Hi, my name is Leo. I’m here to talk to
you about acceptable use of technology and
what that really means. Just last year I was
sitting exactly where you are now. Over the
year I learned a lot of things about
technology and acceptable use. If you’re
like me… I signed the acceptable use
policy without reading a single word. I had
to learn from my mistakes the hard way,
but I’m going to help you learn from my
mistakes, so you don’t make the same ones.
Don’t worry, I got your back.”
SLIDE TEXT: Acceptable use?

SCENE 2: Problem 1
Slide 1 VISUAL: Leo, their digital guide will
appear on screen with a disappointed look,
shaking his head, arms crossed to show
INTERACTION: The question: What
should you do when you’ve finished an
online assignment or activity in class?
Students will drag and drop into acceptable
or not acceptable banks.
1) play games when you’re finished
with assigned work
2) ask a teacher what to do when you’
re finished.
3) Talk with neighbors and friends.
4) Surf the internet for memes
5) Talk with a classmate by email so
not to disturb others
6) Read, when given permission


student guide, Leo: This was the first
mistake I made of the year using
technology. Let’s hope you can make a
better decision than I did.
SLIDE TEXT: What should you do when
you’ve finished an online assignment or
activity in class?

BRANCHING: If all selections are not

correctly categorized participants will be
alerted to an error and asked to try again.
RESOLUTION: If students chose
incorrectly they were directed to the
remedial page at which point they will have
an opportunity to revise their decisions and
put them back on track. If they chose
incorrectly they will be sent back through
the path cycle again.
Slide 2 VISUAL: Leo appears on screen with a
INTERACTION: Leo will smile and give
a thumbs up or indicate a job well done.
Good job guys, way to learn from my
mistakes. My teacher wasn’t too happy
with my decision, but I definitely learned
from it the hard way, which I hope you all
will avoid.”
SLIDE TEXT: Way to go!

SCENE 3: Problem 2
Slide 1 VISUAL: Leo, their digital guide will
appear on screen with a sheepish, shy look.
INTERACTION: Students will be asked
to click the “make a decision” button to
move to the question slide.
student guide, Leo: As I told you guys
before, I didn’t read the acceptable use
policy at the beginning of the year. I
learned from my mistake in the last
situation, but that wasn’t the only time I got
in trouble for using technology
inappropriately. I only wanted to check the
time, so I pulled out my cell phone in class.
While I was checking the time I noticed I
had a text, so I answered it. It was my
mom, that was okay, right? Let’s see what
you guys decide in my situation…”
SLIDE TEXT: When is it okay to use
your phone in class?
Slide 3 VISUAL: Leo appears on screen with a
shoulder shrug?
INTERACTION: The question: When is
it okay to use your phone in class?
Students will use a slider to indicate their
selection. The slider will range from never,
sometimes, anytime.
The following texts will appear for them to
consider when making their decision.
1) Parents will contact the office if
they need to communicate with you
during school hours.
2) Only when I’m checking the time
3) Only when I see I got a text from
my parents.
The slider should be at never.
When is it okay to use your phone in class?
SLIDE TEXT: When is it okay to use
your phone in class?
When students answer incorrectly they will
be directed to the “wrong answer” screen
and told the consequences of their actions,
they will then be branched to the “remedial
page” to make the decision again.
When never is selected students will be
directed to the “correct answer screen” and
given details of potential consequences of
the other choices before continuing.
RESOLUTION: If students chose
incorrectly they were directed to the
remedial page at which point they will have
an opportunity to revise their decision and
put them back on track. If they chose
incorrectly they will be sent back through
the path cycle again.

SCENE 4: Problem 3
Slide 1 VISUAL: Leo, their digital guide will
appear on screen a surprised/excited
INTERACTION: Students will be asked
to click the “make a decision” button to
move to the question slide.
student guide, Leo: Wow, you guys are
doing great! Let’s see if you will make the
same mistake that I made with this next
situation! I had to write a paper for my
language arts class, the only problem is I
had no idea what to write. So, I Googled
some ideas and copy, cut and pasted it onto
my paper. What else should I have done?
SLIDE TEXT: When looking at
information online is it okay to copy, cut
and paste it to use for your own use?

Slide 3 VISUAL: Leo appears on screen with a

shoulder shrug?
INTERACTION: The question: When
looking at information online is it okay to
copy, cut and paste it to use for your own
Students will select from four options:
1) Avoid using information on the
internet, it’s usually false anyways.
2) I can use pictures and text from the
Internet, no problem, that’s what its
3) I can use pictures and text from the
Internet as long as I cite where I got
4) Never, someone owns the rights to
those words.
When numbers 1, 2 or 4 are selected
students will be directed to the “wrong
answer” screen and told the consequences
of their decisions.
When number 3 is selected students will be
directed to the “correct answer screen” and
given details of potential consequences of
the other choices.
When looking at information online is it
okay to copy, cut and paste it to use for
your own use?
SLIDE TEXT: When looking at
information online is it okay to copy, cut
and paste it to use for your own use?
When numbers 1, 2 or 4 are selected
students will be directed to the “wrong
answer” screen and told the consequences
of their actions, they will then be branched
to the “remedial page” to make the decision
When number 3 is selected students will be
directed to the “correct answer screen” and
given details of potential consequences of
the other choices before continuing.
RESOLUTION: If students chose
incorrectly (choice 1, 2, or 4) they were
directed to the remedial page at which
point they will have an opportunity to
revise their decision and put them back on
track. If they chose incorrectly they will be
sent back through the path cycle again.

SCENE 5: Problem 4
Slide 1 VISUAL: Leo, their digital guide will
appear on screen with a neutral expression.
A friend, Max, will join him and wave.
INTERACTION: Students will be asked
to click the “make a decision” button to
move to the question slide.
student guide, Leo: For this next problem I
faced, I’ve asked my best friend Max to
join me.
Max: Hi!
Leo: Max and I have been friends for a
long time. We are constantly connected,
talking through text, snapchat and
instagram mostly.
Max: We post online A LOT, or at least we
used to…
Leo: Let’s see what you guys think about
this next situation.
SLIDE TEXT: When on social media,
what kinds of things should you post?

Slide 3 VISUAL: Leo and Max appear on screen

with a quizzical look.
INTERACTION: The question: When on
social media, what kinds of things should
you post?
Match the items to appropriate or not
1) You can post whatever you want;
only your followers and friends see
it anyway.
2) You can post whatever you want as
long as it’s anonymous.
3) Anything posted online can be
deleted if need be, so I can use it to
say whatever I want- like a personal
4) A lot of times anyone on the
Internet can see posts, so you
should carefully consider what you
When on social media, what kinds of
things should you post?
SLIDE TEXT: When on social media,
what kinds of things should you post?
When numbers 1, 2 or 3 are not
appropriate, number 4 is appropriate. If
matched incorrectly they will be notified
that something is wrong and be directed to
the remedial page where they will have a
chance to answer again. If correct, students
will be directed to the “correct answer
screen” and given details of potential
consequences of the other choices before
RESOLUTION: If students chose
incorrectly they were directed to the
remedial page at which point they will have
an opportunity to revise their decision and
put them back on track. If they chose
incorrectly they will be sent back through
the path cycle again.
Q#1 VISUAL: On the slide will be kids on computers in class.
This relates to the question of what to do in class upon

QUESTION: What should you do when you’ve finished

an online assignment or activity in class?
1) Play games when you’re finished with assigned
2) Ask a teacher what to do when you’re finished.
3) Talk with neighbors and friends.
4) Do whatever you want, you’re finished.

When students answer incorrectly, Leo will come on the
screen and shake his head. The feedback that will be
provided is school policy consequences. Playing games or
using technology for unassigned activities will result in a
warning the first time, second offense will be parent
contact documentation and a detention. Talking with
neighbors and friends or simply “doing whatever you want
” will be given a warning and then time off recess followed
by lunch/recess detention for multiple infractions.
ADVANCEMENT OPTIONS: If they are not successful
in the assessment students will be directed back to scene 2
to review Leo’s situation and answer the question again
before continuing the assessment. If students are correct
they will continue to question 2 of the assessment.
Q#2 VISUAL: Student on a cell phone in class. This will relate
to the question and to students.
QUESTION: When is it okay to use your phone in class?
1) Only when I see I got a text from my parents.
2) Never. Parents will contact the office if they
need to communicate with you during school
3) I can use my phone whenever I want it’s my
4) Only when I’m checking the time

When students answer incorrectly, Leo will come on the
screen and shake his head. The feedback that will be
provided is school policy consequences. Using a phone for
any reason during school hours will result in a warning the
first time, second offense phone is confiscated and parent
will contacted to pick up the phone in the office, multiple
infractions result in detentions.
ADVANCEMENT OPTIONS: If students incorrectly
answered the question they will be redirected to scene 3 to
review with Leo before moving on to question 3 of the
assessment. Students who answered correctly will continue
to questions number 3 of the assessment.
Shows someone taking words from one screen and writing
them word for word on the other. It relates to the idea of
copying work to use as your own.
QUESTION: When looking at information online is it
okay to copy, cut and paste it to use for your own use?
1) Avoid using information on the internet, it’s
usually false anyways.
2) I can use pictures and text from the Internet, no
problem, that’s what its purpose.
3) I can use pictures and text from the Internet as
long as I cite where I got them.
4) Never, someone owns the rights to those words.

RESPONSE FEEDBACK: When students answer

incorrectly, Leo will come on the screen and shake his
head. The feedback that will be provided is school policy
consequences. Plagiarism is directly copying someone’s
work word for word or by way of picture, or idea, and
trying to pass it off as your own work without citing the
information and giving credit to the originator. Plagiarism
is an automatic zero on an assignment and parents will be
contacted. This includes cheating or copying off a
ADVANCEMENT OPTIONS: If students incorrectly
answered the question they will be redirected to scene 4 to
review with Leo before moving on to question 4 of the
assessment. Students who answered correctly will continue
to questions number 4 of the assessment.
Q#4 VISUAL: Social media capabilities. Relates to student use
of social media and interactions they may have.
QUESTION: When looking at information online is it
okay to copy, cut and paste it to use for your own use?
1) You can post whatever you want; only your
followers and friends see it anyway.
2) You can post whatever you want as long as it’s
3) A lot of times anyone on the Internet can see
posts, so you should carefully consider what you
4) Anything posted online can be deleted if need be,
so I can use it to say whatever I want- like a
personal diary.

RESPONSE FEEDBACK: When students answer

incorrectly, Leo will come on the screen and shake his
head. Information shared online can never truly be deleted,
consequences can follow you to college and future jobs.
Colleges and job places review social media accounts and
posts for character information. Sharing information can
also lead to identity theft as many sites and platforms are
interconnected. Sharing too information and
communicating with potential strangers is extremely
ADVANCEMENT OPTIONS: If students incorrectly
answered the question they will be redirected to scene 5 to
review with Leo before completion of the assessment.
Students who answered correctly will be told that they
have successfully completed the simulation.

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