Social Studies Region Projects
Social Studies Region Projects
Social Studies Region Projects
Our class will be completing five projects in social studies. We will do one project for each of the
regions we are studying. The students must choose a type of project for each region, and they have to
complete ALL five types by the time we finish the five regions. This way, there will be a variety of
projects for each region, adding to the interest and creativity of our class. You may work on the
projects at any time, but they are due on the dates listed below. We will start with the Northeast
region. ALL students will complete the Landforms & Resources map project for the Northeast region.
Students will be given two (2) class days per region to work on their projects.
Requirements Create a Create a poster Research a person Choose one state Bring in items
poster or size map the from history from from the region. from the culture
brochure to region. Include the region. Type a Create a booklet or in the region.
advertise a the landforms, summary of poster with the For example,
place people natural resources his/her life important facts bring a sample of
like to visit in as well as the achievements. and information a regional food,
that region. major industries Then, create a from the state. You pictures from a
For example: of the regions. Be short paragraph may include such regional
you could do a sure to include a that you can things as the state celebration along
national park, title, map key, present as if you flag, capital, bird with related
historical scale and were that person. etc. Then, create items to local
museum, or compass rose. Bonus points an 8 by 10 map of resources. You
famous tourist Include your dressing up in the state with may dress in
location. references. costume of your major landforms costume. Include
Include your person. Include and cities. Include your references.
references. your references. your references.
Write in this row
which region you
plan to complete
this project. Have
your parent sign
and return.