Pressure Tests
Pressure Tests
Pressure Tests
ASME B31.1-2007
137.2.3 Restraint or Isolation of Expansion Joints.
Expansion joints shall be provided with temporary
restraint if required for the additional pressure load
under test, or they shall be isolated during the system
137.2.4 Isolation of Equipment and Piping Not Subjected
to Pressure Test. Equipment that is not to be
subjected to the pressure test shall be either disconnected
from the system or isolated by a blank or similar means.
Valves may be used for this purpose provided that valve
closure is suitable for the proposed test pressure. Owner
shall be aware of the limitations of pressure and temperature
for each valve subject to test conditions and as
further described in para. 107.1(C). Isolated equipment
and piping must be vented.
137.2.5 Treatment of Flanged Joints Containing
Blanks. Flanged joints at which blanks are inserted to
blank off other equipment during the test need not be
tested after removal of the blank provided the requirements
of para. 137.7.1 are subsequently performed.
137.2.6 Precautions Against Test Medium Expansion.
If a pressure test is to be maintained for a period
of time during which the test medium in the system is
subject to thermal expansion, precautions shall be taken
to avoid excessive pressure. A pressure relief device set
at 11⁄3 times the test pressure is recommended during
the pressure test, provided the requirements of paras.
137.1.4, 137.4.5, and 137.5.5 are not exceeded.
137.3 Requirements for Specific Piping Systems
137.3.1 Boiler External Piping. Boiler external piping
[see para. 100.1.2(A)] shall be hydrostatically tested
in accordance with PG-99 of Section I of the ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code. The test shall be conducted
in the presence of the Authorized Inspector.
137.3.2 Nonboiler External Piping. All nonboiler
external piping shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance
with para. 137.4. As an alternative, when specified
by the owner, the piping may be leak tested in accordance
with para. 137.5, 137.6, or 137.7. Lines open to
the atmosphere, such as vents or drains downstream of
the last shutoff valve, need not be tested.
137.4 Hydrostatic Testing
137.4.1 Material. When permitted by the Material
Specification, a system hydrostatic test may be performed
in lieu of the hydrostatic test required by the
material specifications for material used in the piping
subassembly or system provided the minimum test pressure
required for the piping system is met.
137.4.2 Provision of Air Vents at High Points. Vents
shall be provided at all high points of the piping system
in the position in which the test is to be conducted to
purge air pockets while the component or system is
filling. Venting during the filling of the system may be
provided by the loosening of flanges having a minimum
of four bolts or by the use of equipment vents.
137.4.3 Test Medium. Water shall normally be used
as the test medium unless otherwise specified by the
Owner. Test water shall be clean and shall be of such
quality as to minimize corrosion of the materials in the
piping system. Further recommended precautions on
the quality of test water used for hydrotesting of austenitic
(300 series) and ferritic (400 series) stainless steels
are contained in Appendix IV, para. IV-3.4.
137.4.4 Check of Test Equipment Before Applying
Pressure. The test equipment shall be examined before
pressure is applied to ensure that it is tightly connected.
All low-pressure filling lines and all other items not
subject to the test pressure shall be disconnected or isolated
by valves or other suitable means.
137.4.5 Required Hydrostatic Test Pressure. The
hydrostatic test pressure at any point in the piping system
shall not be less than 1.5 times the design pressure,
but shall not exceed the maximum allowable test pressure
of any nonisolated components, such as vessels,
pumps, or valves, nor shall it exceed the limits imposed
by para. 102.3.3(B). The pressure shall be continuously
maintained for a minimum time of 10 minutes and may
then be reduced to the design pressure and held for such
time as may be necessary to conduct the examinations
for leakage. Examinations for leakage shall be made of
all joints and connections. The piping system, exclusive
of possible localized instances at pump or valve packing,
shall show no visual evidence of weeping or leaking.