Analysis of Buckling Strength of Inner Windings
Analysis of Buckling Strength of Inner Windings
Analysis of Buckling Strength of Inner Windings
Abstract—The buckling of conductors of inner windings in relation to the span of the spacers. In the forced buckling mode,
transformers is one of the major causes of their failures. It can considerable stiffness is provided by the inner support struc-
occur when a large magnitude of radial short-circuit electromag- ture to the winding, and the conductor buckles between adjacent
netic force acts on them. In this paper, initially, mechanical strains
developed during winding processes and due to radial short-cir- axial-supporting spacers are all along the circumference [6]–[9].
cuit forces have been determined. The two mechanical strains viz. The supports can be considered as hinges, and the problem do-
the short-circuit induced strain and the winding process-induced main is considered as a uniformly compressed circular arch with
strain are algebraically added to obtain their resulting strain. hinged ends [6], [7], [10]–[12].
The stress corresponding to the resulting strain has been deter- During the winding process, an appreciable strain is devel-
mined by using the Ramberg–Osgood stress-strain relation. The
critical buckling stress has been calculated and compared with oped in conductors. This is due to the applied bending mo-
the resulting stress. The analytically obtained result of the strain ment on the conductors during the process. The process-induced
induced in the winding conductor during its winding process has strain was not included in the analysis reported in the previous
been verified using the finite-element method. A case study has literature.
been described in which the factor of safety against the buckling In this paper, the aforementioned strain has been taken into
strength is determined.
account along with the short-circuit-induced strain to determine
Index Terms—Buckling, short-circuit force, strain, stress, the resulting stress in the winding conductors.
transformers. This paper reports the buckling analysis of a winding sector
between two axial-supporting spacers; the sector is considered
as a circular arch with hinged boundary conditions. The second
section elaborates in brief the governing buckling theory. The
procedure for taking into account the process-induced strain is
P OWER transformers should have sufficient mechanical described in Section III. The corresponding stress calculation
strength to withstand short-circuit forces. Due to growing is explained in the subsequent section. Finally, an FEM-based
generating capacities and interconnections in power systems, study is given, which verifies the analytical results.
the short-circuit duty of transformers becomes severe. A large
amount of current flows in their windings during short-circuit II. BUCKLING ANALYSIS OF AN INNER WINDING
events. The interaction of the circumferential component of the As discussed in Section I, the buckling of an inner winding of
short-circuit current density with the axial component of the a transformer can be analyzed by considering a winding sector
leakage flux density produces the radial component of the force between two axial-supporting spacers as a circular arch with
density. For midheight conductors of an inner winding, the force hinged boundary conditions. The critical buckling load for
density decreases from its outer surface to inner surface. this problem is given by [6], [7], [10]–[12]
The effect of radial forces on an outer winding is to produce
tensile hoop stresses in its conductors, and they produce com- (1)
pressive hoop stresses in an inner winding which must be ad-
equately supported to avoid its failure [1], [2]. Inner windings where
generally fail due to a buckling phenomenon [3]–[5]. Buckling
failures are of two types, viz. free buckling and forced buck- tangent modulus of elasticity (in N/m );
ling. The free buckling mode is considered as an unsupported
type of failure, that is, there are no constraints present at the mean radius of the conductor (in meters);
inner surface of the winding, which implies that the clearance is the number of axial-supporting spacers;
between the axial-supporting spacers and the winding is appre-
ciable. Also, the portion of conductor buckle does not have any area moment of inertia (in m ).
The constants and are the radial thickness and the axial
Manuscript received January 01, 2013; revised April 11, 2013; accepted June height of the inner winding conductor, respectively, in meters.
10, 2013. Paper no. TPWRD-00001-2013. The critical pressure can be obtained by dividing (1) by
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Insti- the axial height of the conductor and by substituting the values
tute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai-400076, India (e-mail: amitbakshi@ee.; [email protected]). of and . Therefore, the expression of is given by
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2013.2272102
Fig. 1. (a) Conductor section without bending moment [13]. (b) Conductor
with a bending moment due to the winding process [13].
In this paper, the Newton–Raphson method has been used to
determine the value of for the given values of parameters in
(5) which is a nonlinear equation. The length is the arc of a circle with radius , the angle
The next section gives a methodology to compute the strain subtended by the arc , and its length is given by
induced in a conductor during its winding process.
where and are the stress and strain values in the conductor,
and , and are the empirical constants having values of
0.0006755 and 74.53 MPa, and 12.6, respectively.
An algorithm is given below to determine the critical buck- Fig. 2. Magnetic vector potential plot.
ling stress.
ANSYS-EMAG software has been used for electromagnetic
analysis. It is assumed that the ampere-turns of the LV and HV
windings are balanced, and the core has a high value of perme-
1) Compute the magnitude of the maximum value of the
strain induced in the conductor during the winding
The vector Poisson’s equation given in (12) is solved in terms
process by using (9).
of the magnetic vector potential to determine the radial elec-
2) Compute the hoop stress induced in the conductor
tromagnetic short-circuit forces
under the action of radial short-circuit forces by using
(10). (12)
3) Compute the short-circuit strain corresponding to
by using the Ramberg–Osgood stress-strain relation where and are the magnetic permeability and the current
given in (11). density vector, respectively. Dirichlet boundary conditions are
4) Add the two strains, that is, the strain due to the applied on the outer core boundaries. Fig. 2 shows the magnetic
winding process (obtained from step-1) and the strain vector potential plot. In each finite element, the radial compo-
due to the short circuit force (obtained from step-3), to nent of the force is calculated by
obtain the resultant strain.
5) Corresponding to the resultant strain, compute the distance from the axis of symmetry
resultant stress from the relation given in (11). In this (13)
step, and in (11) are the resultant strain (obtained
from step-4) and the resultant stress, respectively. In where is the circumferential component of the current den-
this paper, the Newton–Raphson method has been used sity, is the axial component of the magnetic flux density,
to determine the stress as explained in Section V. and is the area of an th finite element. Average pressure
6) Calculate the critical buckling stress from (5). can be calculated by summing all of the radial forces in each fi-
7) Calculate the factor of safety against buckling. nite element as given by (13) in the bottom-level conductor and
dividing the sum by the outer surface area of the conductor
A 200-MVA, single-phase 21-kV generator trans-
former has been analyzed under a worst-case short-circuit con- where and are the outer radius and the height of the con-
dition. The low-voltage (LV) winding of the transformer is split ductor having values of 766.5 mm and 16.5 mm, respectively.
into two parts, that is, top and bottom, and the high-voltage (HV) The conductor radial thickness and the mean radius are 54.5
winding has a center-line lead arrangement. Further, each LV mm and 739.25 mm, respectively. From the analysis, the values
part is split into two layers with end-on arrangement. The LV of the numerator of (14) and are 135090.5 N and 1.7 MPa,
winding is built with an epoxy-bonded continuously transposed respectively.
cable (CTC) conductor. The analysis has been performed on a Fig. 3 shows the distribution of strain induced in the winding
bottom-level conductor in the first layer of the LV top winding conductor, during the winding process, along the radial direction
(close to the core). calculated by using the winding data and (9). Here, the winding
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.
Fig. 3. Strain distribution in the winding conductor. The computed value of the resultant stress is 80.76
MPa. The value of the critical buckling stress computed by
solving (5) using the Newton–Raphson method is 117.45 MPa.
The LV winding is built with an epoxy-bonded CTC conductor
and, therefore, the full radial depth of the winding ( 54.5
mm) is taken in (5). Also, a large number ( 96 in (5)) of
axial-supporting spacers are provided. These are the two reasons
for obtaining a high value of the stress. If the conductor is not
epoxy bonded, then only the radial depth of one strip should be
substituted in the expression.
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be defined as
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Amit Bakshi received the B.E. degree in electrical
engineering from the Kurukshetra University, Ku-
rukshetra, Haryana, India, in 2006 and the M.Tech.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT degree in advanced power system and control from
the National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, H.P.,
India, in 2008.
The authors would like to thank M/S Crompton Greaves Ltd. Currently, he is a Research Scholar in the Depart-
(India), for providing the transformer data used in this paper, ment of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of
and giving fellowship to the author (A. Bakshi) for carrying out Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India, working in
the area of short-circuit strength analysis of power
the research work. transformers.