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Corporate Safety Policy

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FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 i



1.0 Corporate Construction Safety Program

 Corporate Management Policy
 Corporate Safety Responsibility
 Superintendent Safety Responsibility
 Superintendent/Foreman Responsibility
 Employee Responsibility

2.0 Disciplinary Policy Procedures

 Employee Disciplinary Action Form

3.0 New Employee Training

 New Employee Safety Orientation Checklist

4.0 Competent Person Designation

 Competent Person Memorandum
 OSHA Competent Person

5.0 Accident Investigation

6.0 Recordkeeping (OSHA 300 Log)

7.0 Toolbox Meetings

 Jobsite Safety Meeting Report

8.0 Superintendents/Foreman Self Inspections

 Daily Jobsite Safety Checklist

9.0 Drug and Alcohol Policies

10.0 Hazards Specific Policies - Attached

 Power Tools
 Electrical Safety
 Fall Protection
 Residential Fall Protection
 Scaffolds
 Ladders/Stairways
 Trenching/Excavation
 Cranes/Rigging
 Fire Protection/Evacuation

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 ii

 Material Handling
 Respiratory Protection
 Lead
 Occupational Health
 Hazard Communication
Attachments - Tool Box Safety Talks.

11.0 Incident Investigation Forms

 Supervisor’s Investigation & Report of Incident
 Accident Report

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 iii



The personal safety and health of each employee of our organization is

of primary importance. We believe that our employees are our most
important assets and that their safety at the worksite is our greatest
responsibility. The prevention of occupationally induced injuries and
illnesses is of such consequence that it will be given precedence over
operating productivity whenever necessary. Management will provide
all mechanical and physical facilities required for the personal safety
and health of each of its employees.

To be successful, such a program must embody the proper attitude

toward injury and illness prevention on the part of corporate
management, supervisors, and employees. It also requires
cooperation in all safety and health matters, not only between
corporate management, supervisor and employees, but also between
each employee and their fellow workers.

Our concern for safety and health of all human beings is daily, even
hourly. We expect every person who conducts the affairs of our
company, no matter in what capacity they function, to accept this
concern and its responsibility. Employees are expected to use the
safety equipment provided. Rules of conduct and rules of safety and
health must be observed. Safety equipment cannot be abused or

Cooperation between our employees and management in the

observance of this policy will ensure safe-working conditions, will help
result in accident-free performance and will work to our mutual
advantage. It will also assist in reducing workers' compensation costs
(direct costs) and reduce jobsite down time, material loss and
regulatory agency fines (indirect costs).

Management has the authority to procure the necessary resources to

execute the objectives of our company's safety and health program.
We will hold managers, supervisors and employees accountable for
meeting their responsibilities so that essential tasks will be performed.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 1

Corporate Management Safety Responsibilities

1. Eliminate potential hazards by providing appropriate safeguards,

personal protective equipment and safe work tasks.

2. Provide necessary personal protective equipment and enforce its use

and care.

3. Provide effective training, which is required by the "standards", as a

minimum for the employees.

4. Become familiar and comply with applicable OSHA standards (29 CFR
1910, General Industry, and 1926, Construction) and make copies of
medical records as well as all safety and health programs available for
employees to review.

5. Review, consider for approval, and execute appropriate action on

safety policies developed by safety committees or safety director.

6. Ensure a high level of productivity and safety performance and hold

project management staff accountable.

7. Assign an individual(s) [competent person] the authority for the

implementation of the safety program at each worksite.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 2

Safety Director Responsibilities

1. Monitor supervisory management and employee activity to ensure that

the corporate programs are carried out in a timely manner.

2. Shall coordinate safety information between projects/shops to assure

that all projects will benefit from each other's efforts.

3. Coordinate all safety activities including jobsite inspections, and

distribution of safety materials. Perform jobsite inspections
periodically and follow up corrective actions.

4. Maintain all accident records and complete all required OSHA forms.

5. Analyze accident records and show trends.

6. Promote safety education on all levels.

7. Periodically review safety rules and standards with employees to

confirm that the company is meeting its goals and objectives.

8. Review with supervisors how to handle emergency procedures at each

jobsite location.

9. Confirm that all required signs are posted, and bulletin boards are
maintained in clear and legible condition.

10. Confirm employer is enforcing compliance with all applicable federal,

state, and local regulations.

11. Provide a regular report to upper management on the results of the

safety program.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 3

Superintendent/Foreman Responsibilities

1. Know safety rules and work practices that apply to the work you
supervise. Take action to confirm that all employees in your charge
understand the safety rules that apply to them. Always take
immediate action to correct safety rule violations. Unsafe acts or
procedures cannot be tolerated.

2. Prevent bad work habits from developing. You are responsible to make
daily observations of employees to ensure that they perform their work
safely, and continue this observation regularly once safe working
habits are established.

3. Take action to correct or control hazardous conditions within your work

areas. If it is beyond your control, remove the employee until the
condition is safe. Eliminate unsafe conditions and prevent an accident.

4. Encourage workers to report unsafe conditions or procedures. Listen to

your workers and don't take their safety complaints lightly. No job
should proceed when a question of safety remains unanswered. Seek
advice from your project manager when necessary.

5. Set a good example. Demonstrate safety in your own work habits and
personal conduct. Always wear personal protective equipment in areas
where personal protective equipment is required.

6. Train your employees on the proper safety procedures to follow,

including the use of additional safeguards such as machine guards and
personal protective equipment.

7. Investigate and analyze every accident, however slight, that occurs to

any of your employees. Control the causes of minor incidents to help
avoid future crippling accidents.

8. Complete and file a report on each and every incident and accident
that occurs at your jobsite. If you have question or require reporting
forms, contact your project manager.

9. Conduct weekly safety toolbox meetings.

10. Make safety suggestions.

11. Serve on safety committee, if requested.

12. Take an active part and participate in safety meetings.

13. Non-compliance of these rules as well as other federal and/or state

laws or regulations may be legal violations subject to civil and/or
criminal penalties.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 4

Employee Responsibilities

1. Whenever you are involved in an accident that results in personal

injury or property damage, no matter how slight, the accident must be
reported to your supervisor or other management personnel prior to
the end of the work shift. Get first aid promptly.

2. Report any condition or practice you think might cause injury and/or
damage to equipment immediately to your supervisor.

3. Do not operate any equipment, which, in your opinion, is not in a safe

condition. Report immediately the condition that you believe is unsafe
to your foreman.

4. All prescribed safety equipment and personal protective equipment

must be used when required and must be maintained in good working
condition. It is your personal responsibility to use such equipment.
The use of required personal protective equipment is a non-negotiable

5. Obey all safety rules, government regulations, signs, markings, and

instructions. Be particularly familiar with the rules and regulations that
apply directly to you in the area in which you work. If you don't know,
as your foreman.

6. When lifting, use the approved lifting technique, i.e. bend your knees,
grasp load firmly, keep load close to you, and then raise the load
keeping your back as straight as possible. Always get help with heavy
or awkward loads.

7. Do not engage in horseplay; avoid distracting others; be courteous to

fellow workers.

8. Always use the right tools and equipment for the job. Use them safely
and only when authorized. If you are not familiar with the safe way to
use a particular tool or piece of equipment, ask your supervisor. When
using your own tools on the job site, make sure all guards, ground pins,
etc., are in place.

9. Good housekeeping must always be practiced. Return all tools,

equipment, materials, etc., to their proper places when you are
finished with them. Keep floors clean and passageways clear. Poor
housekeeping wastes time, energy, and material, and often results in

10. The use of drugs and/or intoxicating beverages on the jobsite is

forbidden. Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs when on the
jobsite is inexcusable. Immediate discharge for being under the
influence and/or using drugs or alcohol may be instituted.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 5

11. Additional appropriate disciplinary action will be taken for the following

a. Fighting - no matter what the cause.

b. Insubordinate conduct or refusal to follow directions.
c. False statement, such as injury claims.
d. Other inappropriate behavior including, but not limited to, failure
to obey safety rules.

12. Loose clothing and jewelry cannot be worn when operating machinery
and equipment.

13. Proper work shoes shall be worn at all jobsites. Open toed shoes and
sneakers will not be permitted to be worn at any jobsite. If you are
observed wearing open toed shoes or sneakers, you will not be
permitted to work until you return with proper footwear.

14. Do not handle chemicals unless you have been trained in the safe
handling procedure.

15. Hardhats and eye protection shall be worn at all times.

16. Read, understand and follow the guidelines set forth in the material
safety data sheets (MSDS) pertaining to your work.

17. Compliance with safety and health rules and regulations is a condition
of employment.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 6

I have read the above policies and understand that cooperation
between employees and management will ensure safe-working conditions,
will help result in injury free performance and will work to our mutual

Corporate Management

as of: by:

____________________________________ ____________________________________

Safety Director

as of: by:

____________________________________ ____________________________________


as of: by:

____________________________________ ____________________________________


as of: by:

____________________________________ ____________________________________

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 7


All employees are expected to comply with jobsite rules and

regulations, and to follow established operating procedures set forth by
this company. Violations will not be tolerated and
superintendent/foreman will be held accountable for the conduct of
their employees.

Superintendents and foremen are required to take action when a

violation is observed. Immediate action to control or eliminate a
hazard is required.

In the event a violation is observed, the following procedures have

been established to place an employee on notice.

Notice* Action

First Offense A written warning addressed to the employee

and a copy placed in the employee's file referencing
the violation and warning, including date and time.

Second Offense A written warning addressed to the employee with

reference to the violation including date and time of
the occurrence. A copy of this warning will be given
to the employee, the union shop steward, and
another copy will be placed in the employee's file.

Third Offense A written warning similar to the second notice

will be prepared and distributed in the same manner.
This warning will be followed by a meeting with the
employee, union shop steward, foreman and/or
project manager and senior management to
determine whether the employee will be suspended
without pay or terminated depending upon the
nature of the violation.

Fourth Offense Termination.

* Within any consecutive 12 month period.

* This policy is in effect unless there is a policy in our
labor/management agreement.

The above procedure has been prepared so that there is no question

about how violations of rules, regulations, and procedures will be
handled by management and so that employees will know what to
expect if they do not comply with the established rules, regulations,
and procedures. Management knowledge of unsafe behavior and lack
or appropriate documented discipline may be a violation of federal,
state laws and regulations.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 8


All new employees will be trained by a member of the management

staff prior to starting work. The "New Employee Safety Orientation
Checklist" shall be used by trainers (managers, superintendents,
foremen, safety directors) as a reminder of the items that must be
reviewed with the employee. All items must be initialed or identified
as not applicable. The checklist must be signed by the employee and
the management representative after the orientation is complete.

This form will be given to the project manager or home office and kept
in the employee's personnel file.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 9

New Employee Safety Orientation Checklist

Instructions To Management: Initial each item as you discuss it with the

employees. This checklist must be completed before the employee starts

Item Completed

1. Employee received Company Safety Program


2. Review:

· Safety and Health Policy

· Employee General Safety and Health Rules
· Disciplinary Policy and Procedures

3. Instruct:

· How to report unsafe conditions

· What to do in the event of an injury on the job
· State when and where safety tool box meetings are
· Hardhats, work boots, safety glasses/goggles mandatory
(Personal protective equipment is not negotiable)
· Explain Fire Evacuation/Emergency Plan
· Proper lifting techniques and importance of back fitness
· Review OSHA Hazard Communication Policy and
provide training

4. Other (Please List)


I acknowledge that information on the above subjects was furnished to me

during my orientation and that I understand this information

Employee Signature Management Signature

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 10


Date Date


FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 11


It is the responsibility of top management to appoint an individual as a

competent person who is capable of identifying existing and
predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which
are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has
authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.

There is the possibility that more than one competent person may be
necessary, depending on the range of hazards on the project, the size
of the project, and the distance between operations on a project.

Competent Person List

1926.20 General safety and health provisions

1926.32 Definitions
1926.53 Ionizing radiation
1926.62 Lead
1926.101 Hearing protection
1926.103 Respiratory protection
1926.251 Rigging equipment for material handling
1926.354 Welding, cutting, and heating in way of preservative
1926.404 Wiring design and protection
1926.451 Scaffolding
1926.502 Definitions applicable to fall protection
1926.550 Cranes and derricks
1926.650 Scope, application, and definitions applicable to
1926.651 General requirements
1926.652 Requirements for protective systems
1926 Subpart P App A Soil classification
1926 Subpart P App B Sloping and benching
1926.705 Requirements for lift-slab operations
1926.752 Bolting, riveting, fitting-up, and plumbing-up
1926.800 Underground construction
1926.803 Compressed air
1926.850 Preparatory operations - demolition
1926.859 Mechanical demolition
1926.900 Blasting and use of explosives
1926.1053 Ladders
1926.1060 Training requirements - stairways & ladders
1926.1101 Asbestos
1926.1127 Cadmium

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 12


Each superintendent and foreman will make a documented report of

every incident, even those without injury, within twenty-four (24) hours
of the occurrence. Reports are to be completed as soon as possible to
avoid changes in physical conditions and witness reports. Note: Any
accident that causes a fatality or three or more employees to be
hospitalized must be reported to OSHA within eight hours of the

Accident reports highlight problem areas. Through the use of good

reports, accident patterns can be detected and resources directed
toward prevention. Accident reports make excellent training tools. The
cause and effect of accidents can be reviewed at safety meetings.

Superintendents and foremen will be trained in accident investigation


- Accident investigation is a management function that must be

executed at the superintendent/foreman level.

- All accidents/incidents must be investigated regardless of the

extent of the injury or damage.

- Employees will never be allowed to fill out their own accident

investigation report.

- Focus must be fact finding not fault finding.

- Superintendents and foremen must identify the unsafe act or

unsafe condition.

- Superintendents and foremen should provide recommendations

for corrective action, bring it to top management's attention and
assure that it is acted upon.

- Superintendent/foreman will be provided with an accident

investigation kit, which must remain on site.

The forms at the end of this document will assist with incident

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 13


Records must be maintained and kept up to date by the

superintendent at each jobsite and/or home office. If there is no
superintendent, then this responsibility lies with the foreman. These
records must be available for review at all times. The following records
must be maintained.

1. Supervisor's Investigation and Record of Incident

2. OSHA LOG (form 300) http://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping/RKforms.html
3. Self Inspections
4. Log of Tool Box Talks (include names and signatures of
employees present)
5. Equipment Preventive Maintenance
6. Hazard Communication Compliance Plan
7. Material Safety Data Sheets
8. Chemical Inventory List
9. Minutes of Safety Committee Meetings
10. OSHA Training Requirements Records
11. OSHA Poster Explaining Employee Rights
12. Accident Forms - Medical Records
13. Corporate Safety Program
14. Emergency Phone Number List

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 14


Tool box talks of 5 to 10 minutes must be held by superintendents

and/or foreman each week. Employees never receive too much
training, and therefore our company relies upon jobsite management
to provide ongoing and continuous employee training.

The subject to each training talk should be chosen to relate to the type
of work that is being performed.

Some examples include:

· The use of safety glasses when using circular saws, grinders,

table saws, radial arm saws, jack hammers, power actuated
tools, etc.

· The proper set up and use of ladders.

· Hard hats and why they are necessary.

· A discussion of a recent accident and its cause(s).

· A discussion of an old accident.

· A discussion of disciplinary procedures for failure to comply with

safety policies

A log of Tool Box Talks must be kept in accordance with the form that
follows. One copy should be kept by jobsite management and the
other kept on the file in the home office by jobsite location.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 15

Jobsite Safety Meeting Report

Job Location:

Meeting Date: ___________________________ Number of Employees Present


Names of Subcontractors Present: _________________________________________


Others Present: ___________________________________________________________

Topics Discussed:

Remember - An employee will better understand and retain a safety

message if you both show and tell the person. Lead by Example.

__________________________________________ _______________________ _________

Signature Position Date

In attendance at this meeting were:

_______________________________________ ____________________________________
_______________________________________ ____________________________________
_______________________________________ ____________________________________
_______________________________________ ____________________________________
_______________________________________ ____________________________________
_______________________________________ ____________________________________
cc: Main Office - Original

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 16


It is our policy to reduce and eliminate hazard exposures that can lead
to employee injury or property damage. Self-inspection is one way to
provide a safe workplace for our employees.

Superintendents and foremen are required to make daily visual

inspections of their work areas and to test all equipment safety devices
prior to the start of the work shift. Corrective action must be provided
immediately if any hazards exist rear if any safety devices are not
functioning properly. If the equipment can not be repaired before
being used so that it is safe to use, then it must be removed from

Superintendents (or other assigned management representatives) are

required to complete a weekly inspection of the work site using the
"General Inspection Form" furnished by our company. All work areas
including office areas will be inspected using this form. If any
hazardous conditions are noted, corrective action must be taken. If the
corrective action is beyond our authority and/or capability, keep all
employees away from the hazardous condition until it is corrected or
controlled. Notify the project manager in writing to request corrective
action. Superintendents are expected to follow up on reported hazards
to make sure they have been eliminated or controlled.

All completed forms, signed and dated by the superintendent where

indicated must be turned into the home office on or before the last
work day of each week.

Lack of appropriate inspections as well as falsification of inspection

forms is a violation of company procedure and may be a civil and/or
criminal violation of federal and/or state laws and/or regulations.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 17


Job Location:_____________________Job #:___________________ A =

Signed By:_______________________________________________ U =
Date: ________________ Performed by:_______________________ NA = Not

I understand that falsification of this document may be a violation of federal,

state and local laws.

The completed form should be turned into the home office by the end of
each week.

Description Status Date



1. Jobsite Safety & Health Poster Displayed

2. OSHA Log Maintained
3. Emergency Phone List Posted


1. All Employees Received Hazard Identification

2. All Employees Trained In HazCom
3. All Employees Trained In Appropriate Fire
Fighting Response
4. All Employees Trained in Evacuation
5. Lockout/Tagout Procedures For Appropriate
6. Confined Space Training For Appropriate
7. Stairway And Ladder Training
8. Fall Protection Training
9. Equipment Operator Training
10. Hazard Specific Training (LEAD ,


1. Held Weekly
2. Signed By All In Attendance
3. Cover Topics Pertaining To Your Job

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 18

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 19
Description Status Date


1. Written Program On Site

2. Chemical Inventory List Posted
3. MSDS Sheets On File
4. All Drums & Containers Labeled
5. Employees Trained


1. GFCI In Place
2. Electric Cords Inspected - No Splices In Cord
3. Electric Power Tools Inspected


1. Hard Hats
2. Work Area Protection, Signage, and
Reflective Vests Working Near Traffic
3. Eye Protection - Chipping, Burning, Conc.
4. Ear Protection
5. Personal Flotation Devices & Life Rings
Working Near Water
6. Gloves Used
7. Proper Work Shoes (No Sneakers or Open Toe


1. Tool Casings In Safe Condition

2. Wiring For All Power Tools In Safe Condition
3. Electric Tools Grounded (Unless Double Insulated)
4. Extension Cords Grounded And In Safe Condition
5. Hands Tools In Safe Condition
6. Tools Stored In Designated Location
7. Ladders Free Of Cracks & Damage

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 20

Description Status Date


1. Air Monitoring
2. Power Ventilation
3. Stand By/Rescue Trained Person
4. Equipment & Electrical Lockout/Tagout


1. Sheeting Or Proper Sloping Over 5 Feet

2. Ladder Every 25 Feet
3. Utility Company Notified If Necessary
4. Air Monitored In Trench
5. Excavated Material Stored Min. 2 Feet From


1. Top, Midrail & Toe boards

2. Mudsills
3. Supported On Solid Base
4. Cross Bracing Properly Installed
5. Fully Planked & Proper Overlay


1. Extended 36 Inches Above Landing

2. Secured - Tied Off
3. Solid Rungs - No Cracks In Rungs
4. Proper Angle - 1/4 Working Length Of Ladder
5. Provided At Breaks In Elevations 19" Or More


1. Fire Extinguisher In Cab

2. Boom Angle Indicators Working Properly
3. Load Capacity Charts In Cab
4. Instructions & Warnings Posted
5. Annual Inspections On Site
6. Hand Signal Chart In Visible View Of Rigger
7. 2 Feet Radius Barricade Around Swing Radius
Of Crane

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 21

Description Status Date


1. Point Of Operation Guards In Place

2. Pulley Belt Assemblies Guarded
3. Gear Assemblies Guarded
4. Shafts Guarded
5. Are There Any Oil Leaks
6. Two Hand Controls Working Properly
7. Is Electric Wiring In Safe Condition
8. Lockout Policy & Tag Procedures Used


1. Oxygen & Acetylene Welding Equipment

Equipped With Flash Arrestors
2. Compressed Gas Cylinders Secured Upright
& Capped When In Storage
3. Cylinders Mounted On A Card Or Secured In
An Upright Position
4. Is Oxygen Separated From Flammables And
Combustibles By At Least 20' Or A 5' High
Non-Combustible Wall When Stored
5. Gas Hoses And Gauges In Safe Condition
6. Proper Eye Protection Available And Used


1. Extinguishers Charged And Accessible

2. If Available, Standpipes, Hoses, Sprinkler
And Valves In Safe Condition And Accessible
3. Stairs Clear And In Safe Condition
4. Hollow Pan Stairways Filled
5. Exits And Exit Paths Clearly Marked
6. Flammables Properly Stored (Gasoline, Paint
Solvents, Acetylene, Propane Tanks, Etc.)
7. Evacuation Plan As Required By OSHA

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 22

Description Status Date


1. Aisles, Stairs & Floor Free Of Obstructions

2. Materials Supplies Stored And Piled In
Designated Areas
3. Regular Removal Of Trash & Debris
4. Are All Work Areas Lighted
5. Work Areas Neat & Orderly


1. Perimeter Protection
2. Top, Midrail & Toe board, Nets &/Or Static Lines
3. Full Arrest Systems (Harness) On All Employees
Exposed To Falls
4. Floor Openings Properly Protected


1. Carts In Safe Condition

2. Cart Wheels Free & Rolling Smoothly
3. Hoist Opening Equipped With Removable
4. Hoist Cables & Hooks Inspected
5. Materials Secured Stacked
6. Employees Trained &/Or Certified To Operate


1. Respirators selected on the basis of hazards

(specific substance and concentration) to which
the worker is exposed.
2. Exposure assessment performed to ensure
maximum use concentration of a respirator is
not exceeded.
3. Employees instructed and trained in proper use
of respirators.
4. Respirators regularly cleaned and disinfected.
5. Respirators stored in a clean and sanitary
6. Respirators inspected during cleaning for worn
or deteriorated parts.
7. Determine if employees are physically able to
perform the work and use the respiratory
equipment. Determined by a physician.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 23

It is very important to understand that you are responsible for all "items" and
sections of 29 CFR 1926.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 24


Policy Statement

Any employee caught possessing or using drugs or coming to work

under the influence of drugs will be discharged with prejudice or
severely disciplined.

Any employee who uses drugs on the job or works under the influence
of drugs endangers himself/herself and other workers. This company
will not tolerate drug use on the job.

Drug use is the direct cause of thousands of deaths every year. Drug
use causes permanent brain damage and birth defects and usually
leads to addiction. Intravenous drug use transmits AIDS, which is
incurable and invariably fatal, as well as other serious diseases.

Possession of drugs, no matter how small an amount, is a crime,

punishable by incarceration. Sales of drugs or possession of a
significant quantity of drugs is a felony.

FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 25


To further ensure the safety of our employees and ensure compliance

with specific requirements that may be mandated under local, state or
federal regulations, FSR Contracting Inc. has attached the following
safety and health plans, designed to address specific hazards in the
workplace. These plans will be updated periodically as indicated by
law and changes in the operation:








FSR Contracting Inc. 2007 26

# of Days Lost: ____________________________
Date Report Received by Safety Manager __________________________
OSHA LOG #__________________________
Date forwarded to HR __________________________________________
OSHA notified? (fatality, 3 hospitalizations):_____
C-2 Completed________________________________________________
Lovell Notified _______________________________________________
Lovell Safety Management Co., LLC; 125 Maiden Lane, NYC 10038
To Be Completed at Accident Scene
Instructions for Accident Diagram Driver Veh. #2 _________________________________
Driver’s Name ______________________________________
Fill dotted lines to correspond with road at accident site. Address______________________________________
Plate Number _______________________________________ Show position of all vehicles, pedestrians etc. as follows:
Driver’s License No. ____________________________
1. STOP at the scene as quickly as possible. Other vehicle(s) numbered
successively. A. Name ______________ Address ______________
2. Protect the scene. Use warning devices. Get help from Pedestrian Traffic Signal
bystanders. Turn off all engines. No smoking. Guard against Traffic Sign [ ] (indicate type) B. Name ______________ Address ______________
fire. Check for fuel or cargo leaks.
3. Assist injured persons. Don’t move them unless absolutely
necessary. Summon ambulance if needed. A. Name ___________________________________

4. Get help. Use near by phone or send reliable passerby. Address _____________________________________
Notify terminal, police and insurance company as instructed.
Give location and nature of accident accurately. VEHICLE:

5. Identify yourself and company. Show license, registration Make & Model _________________________________
and insurance card on request.
Tag # and
6. BE COURTEOUS. Make no statement about accident State_______________________________________
except to police or company and insurance company
representative. Insurance Co. ______________Policy #_____________

7. Fill out and check all applicable information on this form INJURIES:
Name& Injury_________________________________
Where taken__________________________________
Date ________________Time_________AM_____ PM______
Insurance Co. ______________Policy #____________
In ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________
(City or Town) (County) (State)
Driver Veh. #3 ________________________________
(Street or Highway) Your Veh. (#1) ________________ Address_____________________________________
At_________________________________________________ Direction of Travel:
(Street Address or Intersection) Driver’s License No. ___________________________
Other (#2) ______________________
Distance and Direction from:_____________________________ OTHER OCCUPANTS:
Not at Intersection Bridge-Overpass
Open Country Business-Shopping Street Intersection Underpass A. Name ______________ Address _____________
Residential Manufacturing-Industrial Drive or Alley Private property
Crosswalk Other off-street B. Name ______________ Address _____________
Open (Describe)__________________________________
Traffic Control OWNER (IF NOT THE DRIVER):
__________________________________________________ Stop Sign
Light A. Name ___________________________________
Yield Other: _____________
Address _____________________________________
__________________________________________________ G. PROPERTY DAMAGE VEHICLE:
D. PEDESTRIAN ACTION Describe damage to other vehicle: _________________ Make & Model ________________________________

DESCRIBE ___________________________________ _____________________________________________ Tag #

_____________________________________________ and State_________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Insurance Co. ______________Policy #____________

Injured?______________________________________ Describe damage to your vehicle: _________________ INJURIES:

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Name& Injury_________________________________
_____________________________________________ Where taken__________________________________
Cargo Damage: _______________________________ Insurance Co. ______________Policy #____________
Persons seeing the accident will be of service to our driver by
giving their names and addresses. _____________________________________________

Other Property Damage:_________________________
ADDRESS ____________________ Phone__________
ADDRESS ____________________ Phone__________
License number and descriptions of first vehicles at scene.
At what distance did you How fast were you
_____________________________________________ first see danger? _____Ft. going? ______MPH

Investigating What was your speed How far did your at

Officer(s) Name_________________________ impace? _____MPH vehicle go after
Badge___________________ Dept._______________
Describe in your own words the circumstances of the
Police Report# ________________________________ accident:
Badge___________________ Dept._______________
Citation: You______________ Other_______________
NOTE: This report should be handwritten at scene.
Citation: You______________ Other_______________ Turned into Branch, signed and sent to Fleet
Management within 24 hours.

F. ROADWAY CONDITIONS AND CONTROLS Driver________________________________________

Not Divided Divided Limited Access
No. of Lanes 2 3 4 5 6 _______________________ _____________________________________________

Weather ____________ Condition of road

Time _______________ Dry Ice
Wet Muddy
Snow Oily
Traffic Smooth


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