Tensile and Fracture Properties of Epoxy Resin Filled With Flyash Particles
Tensile and Fracture Properties of Epoxy Resin Filled With Flyash Particles
Tensile and Fracture Properties of Epoxy Resin Filled With Flyash Particles
The ultimate tensile strength, modulus of elasticity and fracture properties of epoxy resin filled
with flyash particles have been evaluated by the tensile test. The tensile strength of epoxy
resin filled with flyash particles decreases the fracture properties and the modulus of elasticity
increases with increasing percentage of flyash. It is advisable to use flyash when the void
formation cannot be controlled effectively.
T j 1
aO --
1 I. 50
u- " 64 sO-
Figure 1 (a) Geometry of Tensile test specimen. (b) Geometry of fracture specimen, a is the crack length, L length, t thickness and w width.
relatively low. If a particulate filler is added to these been studied and the results reported here are very
brittle resins, the particles inhibit crack growth. As the promising.
volume fraction of filler is varied, the fracture energy
increases until at some critical volume fraction it 2. Experimentation
begins to decrease again. Broutman and Sahu [8] used 2.1. Flyash
glass beads of average diameter 30 #m in an epoxide The flyash collected by the mechanical precipitator in
resin to show such a variation. Hammond and Quayle the Obra Thermal Power Station, Mirzapur, India,
[9] studied glass beads of two different average sizes in was used. It was sieved to obtain flyash mesh size
a polyester resin. Lange and Radford [10] showed the (105#m). Generally, flyash contains the different
effect of particle size on the maximum toughness using chemical constituents i.e. silicon oxide, aluminium
alumina trihydrate in epoxide. Broutman and Sahu [8] oxide, calcium oxide, iron oxide and magnesium
have also reported that fracture energy was influenced oxide. The density of flyash is 3.385 gcm -3.
by the degree of interfacial bonding between par-
ticulate phase and matrix. Lange [11] has reported the 2.2. Epoxy resin
fracture energy behaviour of the silicon nitride-silicon Epoxy resin contains the epoxide group, which is a
carbide composite system. For brittle particles the three-membered oxide ring. The resin can be regarded
Lange model explains the initial increase in fracture as a compound which contains, on average, more than
energy with increasing volume fraction.
In the present research program, the tensile and
fracture properties of flyash-filled epoxy resin have
70 ~'E 4.2
'E 60
LU /
m /J/
-~ 40
~0 t / "~
2.6 - ""
4 8 12 16 20 O0 4 8 12 16 20
Flyash (vol %) Flyosh (vo[ ~
Figure 2 Variation of tensile strength of flyash-filled particulate Figure 3 Variation of modulus of elasticity of flyash-fil]ed par-
composite with percentage of flyash by volume. The full curve is ticulate composite with percentage of flyash by volume. ( Ishai
arm = am(1 -- 1.3Vr~ relation, - - - Cohen-Ishai relation, 9 experimental value).