Prof. Vibhuti Patel On Sustainable Development Goals and The Urban World (July-Sep, 2017)
Prof. Vibhuti Patel On Sustainable Development Goals and The Urban World (July-Sep, 2017)
Prof. Vibhuti Patel On Sustainable Development Goals and The Urban World (July-Sep, 2017)
Editorial Board-
Ashish Deosthali
Director General, AIILSG
Ms. Utkarsha Kavadi
Director, RCUES of AIILSG, Mumbai
w Mr. V. Vijaykumar
Sr. Advisor, AIILSG, Pune.
The Urban World - Quarterly Publication of Regional Centre for Urban and
Environmental Studies of All India Institute of Local Self Government, Mumbai
For Contact
Ms. Utkarsha Kavadi
Regional Centre for Urban & Environmental Studies of
All India Institute of Local Self-Government
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Published by -
Shri Ashish Deosthali,
All India Institute of Local Self-Government,
M. N. Roy Human Development Campus, Plot No.6, ‘F’ Block,
Opp. Government Colony Bldg. No. 326, TPS Road No.12, (BKC)
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The opinions expressed in the articles / presentations herein are those of the
authors. They do not reflect the opinions of the Regional Centre for Urban and
Environmental Studies, All India Institute of Local Self Government, Mumbai,
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India or Publisher.
l Editorial
For Contact
Ms. Utkarsha Kavadi
Regional Centre for Urban & Environmental Studies of
All India Institute of Local Self-Government
M. N. Roy Human Development Campus, Plot No.6, ‘F’ Block,
Opp. Government Colony Bldg. No. 326, TPS Road No.12, (BKC)
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051, India
Tel : 0091-22-26571713 / 2657 17 14 / 61805600
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and package them in environment friendly ways-ideally suitable for reuse. Eateries could serve in
reusable rather than throw away paper plates. Appliance makers/resellers must be made
responsible to take back and arrange to recycle packaging-cardboard, corrugated sheets and
plastic. Large retailers, superstores, etc. could provide large collection bins/silos near the store
where people could deposit packaging like cardboard, plastic and others. These locations could
become spots for recyclers to access material for recycling-material which would otherwise end
up in landfills. In India there is a history and tradition of reuse and recycle. But we need an
organized program which will work to reducing waste and recovering value. This needs to be
instilled as a virtue through widespread awareness campaigns by urban local bodies and be
mandated by law where required. ULBs can also help develop and encourage the recycling
ecosystem with technology and other inputs. We need to do all this and more or else we will soon
need another planet just to dump our waste.
In this issue of Urban World, we carry a paper on recent changes in the legal framework of
waste management.
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 5:
Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs- SDG 5 that aims to achieve gender equality and
2015-2030) are a derivative of the Millennium empower all women and girls. All 17 SDGs and
Development Goals (2000-2015), which spells out 169 Targets, are mandated a special focus on
the following values: freedom, equality, solidarity, gender and challenges discrimination against
tolerance, respect for nature, and shared women by focusing on school education, ensuring
responsibility. They are a clarion call of 189 that more women become literate, guaranteeing
governments, on behalf of their citizens, to free our more voice and representation in public policy and
fellow men, women and children from the abject decision making-political participation, providing
and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty, improved job prospects- 36 % Work Participation
to which more than a billion of them are currently Rate, food and nutrition security, support to women
subjected. farmers.
The SDGs are benchmarks of development Indian Women and SDGs
progress based on such fundamental values as The SDGs explicitly acknowledge that gender
freedom, equity and human rights and peace and -- what a given society believes about the
security. SDGs can be achieved if all actors work appropriate roles and activities of men and women,
together- heads of the nation states, civil society and the behaviours that result from these beliefs --
organizations, international financial institutions, can have a major impact on development, helping
global trade bodies and the UN system and do their to promote it in some cases while seriously
part. Poor countries have pledged to govern better, retarding it in others. SDG 5 (out of 8) is calling for
and invest in their people through health care and an end to disparities between boys and girls at all
education. Rich countries must stick to their pledge levels of education. There is general agreement that
to support the poor countries through aid, debt education is vital to development, and ensuring that
relief, and fairer and just trade. Only if there is girls as well as boys have full opportunities for
commitment on the part of the rich as well as poor schooling will help improve lives in countless
countries to fulfil these promises all the SDGs ways.
could be achieved and distributive justice, gender
justice and social justice can be achieved. Child Sex Ratio:
Gender concerns in SDGs: Mid-decade census has revealed further decline
in the child sex ratio in several parts of India. In the
As per World Economic Forum India stands at urban centers, deficit of girls has been enhancing
a 114 amongst 142 countries in terms of Gender due to pre-birth elimination. In spite of demand of
Gap Index. All goals are expected to mainstream
law enforcement personnel often go a long way to action on it. Under the scheme for giving grants to
change such attitudes. Beyond training programs, States for setting up driving schools, preference is
the establishment of female-staffed police stations given to proposals for driving school for women.
has been effective in making them more accessible Similarly, 'Beti Padhao, Beti Bachao' scheme was
to women. For the women who have experienced announced with the goal of improving efficiency in
violence, a range of medical, psychological, legal, delivery services for women. Proposal submitted
educational, and other support services is by different ministries, local self-government
necessary. To prevent violence, improving bodies and state governments under these schemes
women's education levels and economic are gathering dust and funds have remained largely
opportunities has been found to be a protective unutilized.
factor. The interventions noted above to improve Water
women's economic opportunities thus become
even more important. Ultimately, however, the The audit report of Comptroller and Auditor
threshold of acceptability of violence against General of India (CAG) on Accelerated Rural
women needs to be shifted upwards. To do that Water Supply (ARWS) has made a shocking
requires a massive media and public education revelation that despite recurrent bouts of water
campaign. borne diseases across the country, all states are
ignoring drinking water quality. Most of the State
National Mission for Empowerment of Women governments did not conduct water quality tests
(NMEW): during 2008-09. Poor urban, rural, tribal women's
The Gender Budget Statement has increased major survival struggle revolves around safe
NMEW's allocation to 50 crores which is double as drinking water. Leaving supply of safe drinking
compared to previous year. The budget has not water to private players has enhanced hardship of
taken serious consideration with respect to violence common women.
against women that has escalated many fold. While Budgetary Allocation for Water Supply &
schemes to combat trafficking and empowering Sanitation that affects women's life greatly as
adolescent girls have received increased funds, the consumers, and unpaid and partially paid-workers
schemes meant for implementation of PCPNDT does not mention facilities for women. This has
act, the Protection of Women from Domestic perpetuated 'unproductive female workload of
Violence Act have not received much allocation. fetching water from long distance' avers Indira
Corpus of Rs. 3000 crores under Nirbhaya Fund has Rajaram. She demands, “water-sheds in the
largely remained unutilized. On March 8, 2016, the country need to be contoured on the Geographical
Union Budget 2015-16 had allocated Rs. 653 for Information systems (GIS) platform. Using space
Scheme for Safety of Women in Public Road technology for mapping of aquifers, a five year plan
Transport with an objective to ensure safety of needs to be drawn up for creating sustainable water
women and girl child in public transport by sources within reasonable reach of rural
monitoring location of public road transport habitation.” (Rajaram, 2007).
vehicles to provide immediate assistance in
minimum response time to the victims in distress. Energy Expenditure of Women
The proposed scheme under the “Nirbhaya Fund” Reproductive work and domestic duties
envisages setting up of a National Emergency demand major time and energy of women. In the
Response System with a control room under the rural and tribal areas, collection of fuel, fodder,
overall control of Ministry of Home Affairs, which water, looking after the livestock, kitchen
will receive alerts from distressed women and take gardening demand great deal of time and energy
health, crops and livestock: infrastructure finance Fund, Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries
for roads, power, market, telecom etc. and Programme and funds of Department of
investment in human development; agriculture and Agricultural Research and Education. These
business development services including development oriented activities where massive
productivity enhancement, local value addition, financial allocation is made need to specify women's
alternate market linkages etc. and institutional component, at least 30% of the total budgetary
development services (forming and strengthening allocation within the overall financial provision.
various producers' organisations, such as SHGs, Reservation of seats for girls must be ensured for
water user associations, forest protection Skill Development institutes and Model Schools for
committees, credit and commodity cooperatives, which sizable allocation is made in the budget.
empowering Panchayats through capacity building Women's Rights Education
and knowledge centers etc.). A network of capacity
building institutions should be set up to strengthen No efforts are made by the State or professional
and develop SHGs to undertake the various bodies for employers' education about basic human
functions into which they are expanding, including rights of women workers. Supreme Court directive
Training of Trainers (ToT), and to nurture and as per Vishakha Judgment concerning safety of
mentor them during the process. Milk cooperative women at workplace is still not implemented by
must be run and managed by women. The local most of the private sector employers and media
authorities should facilitate meeting of SHGs of barons.
women with the bank managers, lead bank officers Utilisation of Financial Allocation for Pro
and National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Women Schemes
Development (NABARD) officers. There should
Only 3-4 states are taking advantage of
be reservation of 10% of authorized shopping areas
financial allocation for Swadhar, working women's
for SHGs of women. Women's SHGs with
hostel, short stay homes for women in difficult
primitive accumulation of capital should charge
circumstances and UJJAWALA: A Comprehensive
2% or below 2% rate of interest. The SHGs that
Scheme for Prevention of trafficking and Rescue,
manage to acquire Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar
Rehabilitation and Re-integration of Victims of
Yojana (SGSY) loans should reduce the rate of
Trafficking and Commercial Sexual Exploitation.
interest to 1.5%. Female headed households
What are the bottlenecks? Implementation of
(single, divorced, deserted and widows) should get
crèche scheme is far from satisfactory.
special consideration while granting loans.
It is encouraging to note that the proposal to
Women's Component Plan (WCP)
reserve 50% seats for women in PRIs was cleared by
Gender audit of Scheduled Caste Plan (SCP), the cabinet on 27-8-09. But Fund flow to PRIs has
Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) and financial allocation of not been streamlined even after separate budgetary
Ministry of Minority Affairs is urgently required. So allocation for PRIs made in the current budget. How
far only proclamations are made by the state many states have provided women's component in
governments but except for Kerala, none of the Panchayat funds? Is it utilized judiciously for
States have implemented WCP in all development women's practical and strategic needs?
oriented schemes and programmes. For example, in
All State governments must be made to work
the Union Budget, 2009-10, there is Need to
towards fulfillment of longstanding demands of the
Emphasize Women's Component in mega schemes
women's groups that provisions be made in the
on education, health, MGNREGS, Bharat Nirman,
composite programmes under education, health
AIDS Control Programme, Skill Development
No progress is made in providing audit of land and • Skill training centres for women and tailor
housing rights of women by any ministry- Urban made courses
Development, Rural Development, Tribal • Safe, efficient and cheap public Transport-bus,
Development, Panchayati Raj institutions (PRIs) train, metro
and Urban Local Self Government bodies.
• Water- Safe drinking water in the community
Minority Women centres
After consistent highlighting of the findings of • Waste Management- Technological upgradation-
Rajendra Sachar Committee Report, 2007 on Occupational health & safety of recycling
deplorable socio-economic status of majority of workers/rag pickers
Muslims in India, special budgetary allocation for
• Proper electrification in the communities
socially excluded minority communities is made.
In sub-plan for minorities where allocation of • Multipurpose Community centres, half way
Rs. 513 crore is made in Budget Estimates, no homes for elderly and mentally disturbed
specific allocations are made for minority women women
and women headed households by Ministry of Conclusion
Minority Affairs. Inadequate allocation for crucial
schemes affecting survival struggles of women Overall, the Convention to Eliminate All Forms of
such as Rajiv Gandhi National Creche Scheme for Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
provides a useful international mechanism to hold Gender, Time Use and Poverty in the Global
countries accountable for meeting SDG 5. The South, edited by Rania Antonopoulos and
SDG campaign offers an opportunity to attend to Indira Hiraway, U.K.: Palgrave Publishers.
the unfinished business of development by
4. Labour File (2010) In Defense of the Rights of
fulfilling the promises made by world leaders to
Domestic Workers, A bi-monthly Journal of
reduce poverty, end hunger, improve health and
Labour and Economic Affairs, Vol. 8, No. 1-3,
eliminate illiteracy. Gender inequality fuels many
of these ubiquitous challenges and is exacerbated
by them. Conversely, gender equality and the 5. Mishra, Yamini and Bhumika Jhamb (2009)
empowerment of women can secure the future of “An Assessment of UPA-I through a Gender
women themselves, their households, and the Budgeting Lens”, Mumbai: Economic and
communities in which they live. Political Weekly, Vol. XLIV No. 35, pp. 61-68.
Reference: 6. Patel, Vibhuti (2009)
1. CBGA (2009) The Economic Crisis from a
Feminist Perspective”, Delhi: Budget Track, A Nations Development Fund for Women
Publication by Centre for Budget and (UNIFEM) and The Commonwealth
Governance Accountability, Vol. 6, Track 2 & Secretariat.
3, April. 7. Patel, Vibhuti (ed.) (2010) Girls and girlhoods
2. Chakraborty, Lekha (2008) “Invisibility of at the Threshold o Youth and Gender, The
Women's work in Budgeting”, Delhi: Labour Women Press, B. R. Publications, Delhi.
File, Vol. 6, Nos-2 & 3, March-June, pp. 15-18. 8. Shiva, Vandana. Earth Democracy: Justice,
3. Hiraway, Indira (2009) “Understanding Sustainability, and Peace. London: South End
Poverty: Insights Emerging from the Time Use Press, 2005.
of the Poor” in Unpaid Work and the Economy:
Ankit Patel,
Assistant Professor, Saraswati College of Social Work, Moriyana, Gujarat.
Hajira Hub of Large Scale Industries The deprivation was more pronounced in the case
Hajira, located in Choriyasi taluka on the west of weaker sections such as marginal farmer,
coast of Arabian Sea at the distance of 20 km from agriculture labourers, fishermen and women.
the historical Surat city, proved ideal industrial In the above context, in Hajira, the author
location. Surat was considered a major trading included mainly of the socially and educationally
centre since the British time. Hajira formed a part of backward castes (SEBC, identified by the Baxi
Hajira Area Development Authorityiii (HADA) commission appointed by the state government in
region, where many large scale industries have 1972, Other Backward Castes (OBCs), as per the
came up in this area after the discovery of natural Mandal Commission appointed by Central
gas at Bombay High. Between 1981 to 2001, it has Government in 1980, and the Scheduled Tribes
witnessed phenomenal growth in terms of large (ST) categories.
scale industries such as National Thermal Power Table 1 indicates that, SFs of Hajira village
Corporation Limited, Larsen and Toubro, Reliance, belong to Koli community (61 percent) followed by
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, Indian the Machhis (23 percent), Ahir (4 percent), Halpati
Oil Corporation, Liquid Petroleum Gas Terminal, (8 percent) and the rest were others. Koli Patel,
KRIBHCO, ESSAR Steel and Power and Gujarat Machhis and Ahir caste belongs to 'Baxi
Industrial Development Corporation, etc. Two Punch'.Majority of the SFs having education
Special Economic Zones (SEZ), namely ESSAR between 8th to 12th standard. 63 percent SFs earn less
Power SEZ for Gems & Jewelry and ESSAR Hajira than rupees 10,000 per year. Around 63% SFs has
SEZ have started working in the HADA region. only one earning member in family.
It represents nearly a third of the industrial The village census carried out by the author,
investment in Gujarat and a tenth of its economic shows that of total 427(4 respondent have not
output. It is estimated that total capital investment responded, hence excluded) families of Hajira as
of over Rs. 500,000 million of investment by 2025. many as 77 percentage families were found
The large scale industrialisation has also resulted in landless. Those who own land, 17 percent families
acquisition of land in a big way. Lobo Lancy and owned land between 1 to 3 acres of land. Only
Shahikumar (2009) noted that total 5,267 hectares around 6 percent families owned land more than 3
of land of 18 villages of HADA which includes to 7 acres of land. The land owned pattern also
village Hajira acquired for the industries. suggests that majority of them were marginal
Weaker Section in Hajira farmers and majority of them were poor.
those engaged in trade, commerce, business, As mentioned above total 5,267 hectares of land of
transport, banking, mining, construction, political 18 villages were taken for industrial purposes . Due
or social work, priest, entertainments, artists, etc. to acquisition of the land not only the farmers but
Majority (73 percent) of the marginal workers also inter-connected groups such as share-
engaged as agriculture labourers. Similar trend was croppers, landless labourers, animal husbandry,
found by the author in the surveyiv. It is evident from fishermen, etc. affected directly or indirectly
the data that the casualisation of economic manner.
activities has increased in the village. Usually, the industries offer' Cash for land'. The
INDUSTRIALISATION: ITS IMPACT ON assumption behind this was that with cash the
WEAKER SECTION affected family will purchase land at elsewhere. In
The author found that the condition of farmers reality, only a few families have purchased land. In
and inter-connected groups such as share-croppers, majority of the cases the farmers who lost their land
landless labourers, animal rears, etc. has have spent compensation money in unproductive
deteriorated significantly in Hajira. manner (Table 2).
Landless has increased Table 2 indicates that majority have used the
compensation money by way of fulfillment of
It is found that, Out of total 40 land owning SFs, social ceremony such as marriage, death, child
85 percent (34 SFs) lost their revenue land. Out of birth, etc. 50 percent SFs used compensation to
the total families who lost their land, 53 percent construct new house. Only around 10 percent SFs
have become completely landless, whereas 47 have used their compensation money in purchasing
percent have either turned small or the marginal the new land, that too partially.
farmers as they have lost 'partial' land. Majority of
the farmers have lost land between 1 to 6 acres.
40 32.3
30 26.4
20 15 14.7
10 2.9 2.9
Yes No Less 1 to 3 3.1 to 6 More Total Partial Before 1981- 1986- Post
than than 6 1980 1985 1995 1995
SFs Land lost Quantity of land lost (In Acer) Extent of lost Year
Oxe 0
Chart 2 indicates that the numbers of SFs reporting Condition of the Agricultural Labourers
rearing the live-stock have reduced considerably. Worsened
The decrease is found in all types of live stocks Prior to industrialisation, agriculture labour
including Cows, Buffalo; Ox, Calf, Goat and work was one of the primary occupations of the
Poultry. An old man reported “Earlier the milk was people of Hajira particularly of landless Halpatis.
going to Sumul dairy (located in Surat city) from All the farmers reveled that they stopped calling
the village, now the milk is coming to village from agricultural labourers due to the land lost and
Sumul dairy, thanks to industrialisation”. workdays in agricultural activities have decreased
Supplementary sources of income for the farmers to a large extent (Table3). Due to the acquisition of
have reduced considerably. This has resulted in land the labourers have become victims of this
reduction of Household (HH) economic status. development, though indirectly.
Table 3: Changes Observed by the Agricultural labour in matter related to their work after
industrialisation in Hajira
advance money. Similar, was the case of Many people of Hajira faced displacement forcibly
fishermen.xiii This traditional arrangement has and that too without the adequate support from the
dismantled due to the industrialisation. industries as well as the government, and hence
they were forced to resettle of their own. Most of
The loss of land has resulted in many social and
the affected families were unable to regain their
cultural manifestations for the people of Hajira. The
earlier economic status that they were enjoying
agricultural labourers, fisher-folk and the farmers
prior to the industrialisation as many of the
have lost their credit worthiness resulting in serious
industries lack proper R&R policy and the
repercussions. Michael Cerneaconsidered it as the
programs. Industries initiated only 'ad-hoc'
foundation of the whole life of people living in rural
programmes without the participation of the people
areas. It is not just a source of earning but is also a
at the grass root level, Therefore most of the
source of prestige, power, status, and recognition
programmes mostly remained on paper. Even after
which are key factors in the village life.
passing of 20 to 25 years of their displacement,
Impoverishment and Marginalization many people of Hajira are still struggling hard for
Many of the families of Haplatis and some accommodating themselves successfully in the
families of the fishermen and few families of the new situation.
Kolis were unable even to have two meals a day. Another reason in majority of the cases, it was
Their condition has become pathetic as the so happened that the cash compensation proved
creditworthiness has gone. The items like milk, inadequate to rejuvenate the lost sources of
vegetables, fish, edible oil etc. that they were able livelihood. All the industries located at Hajira and
to consume before the arrival of the industries have nearby areas have followed the policy of 'Cash for
gone out of their reach in the post-industrial phase. xv
land' and not the 'Land for Land'. 82 percent
Theirfamilies suffer from high levels of mal- xvi
farmers and only four fishermen of the SFs have
nutrition. More than a dozen of cases in village received cash compensation. The cash
HADA area in which men have died at the early age compensation paid to the farmers found extremely
by rendering the family in a destitute condition. low. Due to that many farmers were unable to
It was observed that few local people have purchase land elsewhere. `Cash for the Land' policy
developed the state of helplessness in absence of has utterly failed at the grass root level. Similarly,
proper redress and grievances mechanism. During the dependent population on agriculture such as
the field work, the author comes across the people agricultural labourers, the livestock rears, artisans,
who were in a desperate condition. They could not and other occupational categories did not receive
see any hope against these mighty powers. 'If any single paisa by way of compensation. It has created
people can make injustice one can approach to the severe repercussions in the life of the local people.
government, as the government is ones' guardian Besides, it was found that those who received
but, when the government itself does injustice to compensation used money unproductively.
one, whom to complain?'. Michael Cernea and Hari Mohan Mathur (2008)
Reasons for Impoverishment/ Marginalization have observed that the policy of 'Cash for Land' has
miserably failed in order to restore the status of
The main reasons for the devastation of PAFs livelihood of the affected population at
of Hajira were thatthe industries have initiated the resettlement site. World Bank document
some of the programs but they were not found (2004:158) also noted that also noted that
adequate to cater the aspirations and to solve the compensation for expropriated assets is often not
problems of various strata. (Patel Ankit, 2014). enough to restore livelihood and standard of living,
ii The category of resettlement has a definitely the fishermen have also lost their source of
more process-related character than income. It has also resulted in worsening the
displacement. The term “resettlement” used condition of the people of Hajira.
here in the context of relocation based usually vii This study was carried-out for Shell India
accompanied by adequate support to the cost limited, engaged in Port development Project
of the depletion of former resources. Thus it is at Hajira.
viii Akash (2000:1) observed five main economic
iii It was constituted in 1985 under Gujarat Town activities carried out by women in these areas
Planning and Area Development Act of 1963 1) Growing vegetables and selling them (28
for planned industrial development of area percent) 2) Animal husbandry- Selling milk (25
under its jurisdiction. Nine villages Hajira, percent) 3) Agriculture labor 4) Fishing (5
Sunvali, Rajgari, Mora, Bhatali, Dmaka, percent) and 5) Working as maidservant in
Vansva, Kavas and Limla spread over 86 sq. industrial townships (5 percent). Other
km. come under HADA's jurisdiction. HADA activities include selling knitted items, working
region comprises 14.5 percent area of as midwife, school teacher, running a retail
Choryasi taluka of Surat district and 17.2 shop etc.
percent of the total rural area of the taluka. The
ix Akash Acharya (2000) found that in day-to-day
land is mainly saline and marshy. The terrain is
life women is more burden than men in terms of
undulating, with chain of sand dunes and
long work hours but lot of the work they do
drifting sands, making agriculture less
never gets recognised.
x The condition, especially of women becomes
iv Out of total 431 family of entire village the
pathetic as they only remained the bread
livelihood pattern of Hajira reveals that
winner of the family though scrap collection
around 30 percent families of were depending
activity and working as “maid servant” in the
upon the agricultural and related activities, 39 township.
percent engaged in jobs and the rest 31 percent
were found engaged in varieties of activities xi After complication of authors' field work, one
such as scrap collection work, driving, lari- woman had died as she was burnt by the iron
galla (petty shop), business, tailoring work, part, which was very hot. Some of the
rental income, compounder, maid servant, chemicals are dangerous to their health.
artisan work etc. Moreover, they have to stretch out the scrap
and hence during their work much dust goes in
v The land was used for various purposes; such their body through breathing.
as for erection of plants, construction of roads,
railway, warehouses, townships, ancillary xii The method of attached labor is very much
units, etc. The lands were acquired through popular in South Gujarat, in which a labor,
diverse methods; by acquisition, purchase, generally takes advance money from his master
grabbing, encroachment, etc. on a day of Akhatrij, i.e. beginning of the new
year of the peasant castes and bind by the
vi It is to be noted that, the village common land verbal agreement that he would served as
was used by the people of Hajira as a labour throughout the year, with a fix price and
customary rights since generations. The sea two meals a day and tea and snacks. In between
strip land was used by the fishermen as fishing he would not left his master, no famer will allow
ground, but due to the arrival of port in Hajira, him to do labour work elsewhere; one's agreed.
New Additions to the Legal Framework of Waste Management
Fazalahmed B. Khan
Advisor, (Urban & Legal Services),
All India Institute of Local Self-Government.
Cleanliness and sanitation of the cities and Existing rules prior to 2016
towns is one of the core functions of municipalities, One of the core functions of a municipality is to
which they have been performing since their maintain cleanliness and sanitation in cities and
inception in the 17th century. However, the last two towns. Municipalities in India have been
decades form a significant phase when this discharging this function since their inception, and
customary function mandated for the local have been adopting various methods and
authorities was elevated into a legal framework and technologies for the disposal of the wastes and
brought on scientific lines, inter alia, for better sewage with mixed successes and failures,
management and to minimize adverse effect on the including the fact that they have been dumping
environment and safety to the handlers of the waste. wastes and garbage on the inhabitable places on the
These rules provide for a systematic management outskirts of the cities. This was happening in all the
of respectively categorized wastes, which include cities and towns. One such happening was that
their handling, collection, segregation, hygienic when the garbage thrown by the Bangalore
storage, treatment, processing and recycling where Municipal Corporation reached a village on the
needed, transportation and disposal in a safe and outskirts of the city near the village of a lady. She
secured manner. Various authorities including the had scientific training and a social bent of mind.
Central Government, State Governments, She did not complain to the authority concerned
Municipalities, Pollution Control Boards, are against the nuisance, but began to study the
mandated to perform specific functions. problem and visited various cities for observation.
Responsibilities are cast on generators of the Name of Mrs. Almitra Patel will always be
wastes, including the owners and occupiers where associated in being instrumental in bringing about
wastes are generated for segregation and storage. systematic disposal, rather management of solid
Being statutory rules made under the provisions of waste, because of exceptional initiative of filing
the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, they carry PIL in the Supreme Court against open dumping of
the binding force of law. The year 2016 assumes municipal solid waste. The PIL was heard at length
significance, when this was the year when new and finally, judgment in the PIL resulted in the
rules for management of various types of wastes Government of India passing statutory rules in the
were launched and the existing rules were form of Solid Waste Management (Management
revamped. Here is a brief review of the launching and Handling) Rules, 2000 under the
of new rules and revision of existing rules in the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
year 2016.
ii) The Department of the State Government BIO-MEDICAL WASTE MANAGEMENT
concerned with land matters shall have to RULES, 2016
provide suitable sites for setting up storage, Bio-medical waste is generated on a large scale
processing and recycling facilities for C&D in a host of health care institutions like hospitals,
waste within one and a half year from the dispensaries, pathological laboratories, etc. which
notification of these rules. requires a strict regulatory framework for the
iii) The Department dealing with Town and segregation, processing, treatment and disposal of
Country Planning shall incorporate the site in these bio-medical wastes in a secure manner to
the approved land use plan so that there is no avoid its impact on the environment. With these
disturbance to the processing facility on long- objectives the Bio-Medical Waste (Management
term basis. and Handling) Rules were made in 1998 and
iv) The Departments of the State Government revised in 2000, 2003 and 2011. The existing rules
shall be required to utilize 10-20% materials were further revised in 2016. The words “and
made from C&D waste in Government handling” have been omitted as handling is an
contracts. aspect of management.
Regional Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies, Mumbai
Advisory Committee
w Ms. Manisha Mhaiskar, IAS Principal Secretary, Urban Development, Govt. of Ex-Officio
Maharashtra, Mumbai. Chairperson
w Mr. Sanjay Kumar, IAS Joint Secretary (DAY-NULM), Ministry of Housing and Member
Urban Affairs, Government of India, New Delhi.
w Mr. Mukesh Puri, IAS Principal Secretary, Urban Development and Urban Member
Housing Dept., Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar.
w Mr. Mukesh Sharma, IAS Addl. Chief Secretary, Urban Development and Member
Housing Dept., Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
w Mr. Sanjib Kumar Gohain Baruah, IAS Secretary, Urban Development, Govt. of Assam, Dispur, Member
w Mr. Lok Ranjan, IAS Principal Secretary, Urban Development, Govt. of Member
Tripura, Agartala, Tripura.
w Dr. T. Chatterjee, IAS (Retd) Director, Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), Member
Indraprashta Estate, New Delhi.
w Dr. (Mrs.) Sudha Mohan Professor & Head, Department of Civics Member
and Politics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai.
w Ms. Utkarsha Kavadi Director, Regional Centre for Urban and Member-Secretary
Environmental Studies, All India Institute of Local
Self-Government, Mumbai.