Journal Review
Journal Review
Journal Review
Nutrition-Focused Physical
Mabel Wu, Queens College Dietetic Intern 2017-2018
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) and American Society for
Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN)
Collaborated to standardize the diagnosis of malnutrition
Six Characteristics
Reduced Energy Intake
Weight Loss
Muscle Mass Loss
Body Fat Loss
Fluid Accumulation
Functional Status
Nutrition Focused Physical Exam
A necessary component of a
comprehensive assessment to determine
a patient’s nutritional status.
Helps verify physical changes to the body
Dietitians are uniquely qualified to complete
the exam
Exam techniques Using Inspection/
Palpation -Nails
Exam techniques Using Inspection/
Palpation – Muscle/Fat
Inspection: observe for texture,
size, and note of symmetry and
posture (Using just clinical
observation is subjective)
Clavicle Bone • Upright with erect back Males: Bone not visible Males: Bone visible Protruding, prominent
Region • Avoid hunching forward or bone
slouching Females: bone visible but Females: Bone with
Pectoralis major • Avoid back resting against not prominent some protrusion
anything, as medically and
physically appropriate
Shoulder Acromion Sitting or standing, arms down Rounded, curves at Acromion process Shoulder appears square.
Bone Region at side shoulder/neck slightly protrude, Sharp angles. Bones
shoulders develop some prominent. Acromion
angles protrusion very prominent
Scapular Bone And While sitting or standing, hands Bones not prominent, no Mild depressions, bones Prominent bones with
Upper Back Region extended straight out, push significant depressions may show slightly definitive angles,
against solid object depressions easily visible
between ribs, scapula,
spine, shoulders
Physical Assessment: Fat and Muscle Stores
ICU patients
May not be hemodynamically stable
May express they are in too much pain for an assessment
Commonly present with multiple lines and tubes
Outpatient setting (ex. Dialysis Center, Oncology)
Public areas for nutrition counseling
Many patients may be considered high risk
Fischer M, Jevenn A, Hipskind P. Evaluation of Muscle and Fat Loss as
Diagnostic Criteria for Malnutrition. Nutrition in Clinical Practice.
2015;30(2):239-248. doi:10.1177/0884533615573053.