Implementation of Ultracapacitor Based Stop Start System Using Micro Hybrid Technology in Three Wheeler

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International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications

ISSN: 2456-9992

Implementation Of Ultracapacitor Based Stop-Start

System Using Micro-Hybrid Technology In Three-
Md. Arman Arefin
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology, Rajshahi, 6204, Bangladesh
[email protected]

Abstract: Implementation of automatic Start/stop (SS) technology in a traveler vehicle is a financially savvy approach to enhance fuel
economy (FE) and decrease outflows without influencing consumer acknowledgment. In urban ranges, where a great part of the vehicle
driving time is spent sitting at stop lights or in traffic, the engine can be closed down when the vehicle is halted to spare fuel. The engine is
rapidly and discreetly restarted as the driver requests torque for quickening. This working technique is regularly used in full hybrid electric
vehicles that have intense electric systems; however, is ending up more well known in micro-hybrid vehicles that utilizes customary
starter/battery configurations. In this paper the system has implemented in a Three-Wheeler where the regenerative braking and Stop-Start
system of the Micro Hybrid system is operated by Ultracapacitor along with Traditional battery. The feasibility analysis of the vehicle is
also discussed in this paper.

Keywords: Micro-hybrid; Ultracapacitor; Three-Wheeler; Fuel Economy; Environment Friendly Vehicle.

1. Introduction: should be charged and discharged at low electric power

A Micro Hybrid vehicle what's known as a "Start-Stop levels to avoid unwanted aging. More producers are
system" where a regenerative braking mechanism stops picking ultracapacitors to control start-stop applications,
the burning engine when the vehicle pulls a stop and again particularly when quick restarts are required, and for
restarts it when the driver accelerates. This is the simplest keeping up the auto's supply voltage. The voltage can be
type of Hybrid system where a battery is used for the diminished altogether in light of the fact that regular
Start-Stop and regenerative braking system. In this paper restarts tend to deplete the battery. With their high power
an Ultracapacitor is proposed along with density, ultracapacitors can guarantee energy is conveyed
Battery.Ultracapacitors offers instantaneous power bursts rapidly, considering autos to restart immediately without a
during periods of peak power demand. Ultracapacitors can pause in vehicle operation.Figure-1 shows an
store and release energy with high electric power very ultracapacitor which is used in Micro-Hybrid system.
quickly and effectively in comparison to batteries, which Table-1 shows characteristics difference of ultracapacitor,
are better suitable for store large amounts of energy, but electrostatic capacitor and battery.

Device name Discharge time(s) Charge time Specific Specific Efficiency Serve life
(s) energy(KW/kg) power(W/kg) (%)

Ultracapacitor 1-30 1-30 1-10 1000-2000 0.9-0.95 >10000

Electrostatic capacitor 10-6-10-3 10-6-10-3 <.01 >10000 1.0 unlimited

Battery (0.3-3)hr (1-5)hr 20-100 50-200 0.7-.085 500-2000

Table.1: Characteristics of ultracapacitor, electrostatic capacitor and battery [1]

2. Ultracapacitors in Hybrid Three-Wheeled

Ultracapacitors essentially enhance control administration
in hybrid electric vehicles. In addition, ultracapacitors
diminish outflows,enhance fuel-proficiency and electrical
drive abilities. Utilizing ultracapacitors permits the HEV
to recover and reuse braking energy. Contrasted with
ordinary diesel engines the decrease of fuel utilization is
evaluated to be higher than half. Decrease in particulate
discharges is 90% or considerably more, and in addition
the diminishment of nitrogen oxide outflows by
approximately 50%. [2]
Figure-1:Ultracapacitor/battery hybrid. (Maxwell

Volume 1 Issue 4, Oct 2017 68
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992
3.1 Cost analysis:
12V Starter Battery price (typically used in Micro hybrid
system) 60USD. A typical Micro Hybrid in a three
wheeler requires 3 to 4 time replacement in total lifetime
of a three-wheeler. Total lifetime of a three-wheeler
approximately 15 to 20 years. If a ultracapacitor is
installed in the system then battery life extends more than
double [5] Cost of installment of an ultracapacitor is
approximately 130 USD. So, in a typical vehicle in a
whole lifetime 3 times battery replacement cost =180
USD IF an Ultracapacitor is installed then it requires 1
time battery replacement in total lifetime. So, total cost of
1 time battery replacement and ultracapacitor installation=
190 USD which is approximately equal to 3 times battery
replacement cost. So, the installation of ultracapacitor
doesn’t require extra cost. The below Results shows how
ultracapacitor extends battery life (start-stop test results)
1. New European drive cycle at 23oC : Battery alone-
Figure-2: Micro-Hybrid system architecture failed after 44000 starts Battery+ultracapacitor – Ran for
(ultracapacitor+start-stop+regenerative braking) 120000 starts
2. Japanese charge acceptance Test at 23oC: Battery alone-
The systems contrast by the power necessity for the Failed after 981 starts Battery+ultracapacitor-Ran for
energy storage system. Here the battery is exposed in 9553 starts.
general. On the off chance that these pinnacles are secured 3. Modified new European drive cycle at -18oc: Battery
by an optional power source, the battery can be down- alone – Failed after 1 start-stop cycle Battery +
sized and its lifetime emphatically be expanded, in this ultracapacitor- Failed after 4500 start-stop cycle
manner lessening cost. The ultracapacitor innovation
protects the battery, as it enables the battery to deal with 4. Feasibility analysis for using ultra
the energy necessities while the capacitors handle the high
power prerequisites. Figure-2 shows Micro-Hybrid system
capacitor based micro hybridized three-
architecture. Hybrid energy storage system [3, 4] in view wheeler in Bangladesh:
of Ultracapacitors is normal for quick charge and release
speed, fast response to fluctuant stack current. At the point 4.1 Cost analysis & payback time:
when stack vacillates, Ultracapacitors will bear the greater Micro hybrid system installment cost approximately 300
part of load current, so the present move through battery is to 400 USD [7] Autorickshaw (three-WHEELER) runs at
little, under this condition, not only does energy consumed 30 Km/h & per day runtime 4 hours (estimated) in
on resistance of battery is diminished, yet additionally Bangladesh. Fuel consumption 30 km/l. 1 liter diesel costs
expands battery service life. IF the output power is the 100 taka = 1.23 USD. For 4 hour runtime costs = 4.92
same, contrasted with battery alone, hybrid energy storage USD. For using Start-Stop system Fuel economy gains in
system can diminish the equipped capacity of battery the range of 5 to 10 percent [7]. (Taking, 6%), so per day
storage system alone. amount of fuel saved =.24 liter .which costs
approximately .2952 USD. So, payback time = micro
hybrid system installment cost/per day saving= 1186 days
=3.24 years.

Figure-3: Current of battery, Ultracapacitor and load [5]

3. Feasibility analysis for using

Ultracapacitor with battery in Micro-hybrid
Figure-4: Payback time depending on installment cost

Volume 1 Issue 4, Oct 2017 69
International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications
ISSN: 2456-9992
4.2 Environmental impact: References:
Assuming that the autorickshaw runs approximately 120 [1] Burke, Andrew. "Ultracapacitors: why, how, and
km/day with a fuel consumption of 30 km/l.Then the fuel where is the technology." Journal of power sources
consumption is 4 liter per,the corresponding CO 2 91.1 (2000): 37-50.
emission = 4 l/day. 2.5 kg/l= 10 kg per day. The system
would save 6% fuel (estimated).So, per day fuel saving [2] Jürgen Auer, Ultracapacitors - Powering the Shift to
.24 liter. In Dhaka city the number of autorickshaw is Hybrid Electric Vehicles, 01 September 2006,
approximately, total amount of fuel saving in
Dhaka city would be =1200 liter/day and the the-shift-to-hybrid-electric-vehicles/
corresponding CO2 emission will reduce by= 3000 kg/day
CO2 reduction cost in Asian market = 29.5 [3] Dougal, Roger A., Shengyi Liu, and Ralph E. White.
USD/, per day will be saved = 88.5 USD and "Power and life extension of battery-ultracapacitor
annually it would 32,302.5 USD. hybrids." IEEE Transactions on components and
packaging technologies 25.1 (2002): 120-131.

[4] Gao, Lijun, Roger A. Dougal, and Shengyi Liu.

"Power enhancement of an actively controlled
battery/ultracapacitor hybrid." IEEE transactions on
power electronics 20.1 (2005): 236-243.

[5] Yang, Xiao Bin, et al. "Review on Application of

Hybrid Energy Storage Based on Ultracapacitor."
Applied Mechanics and Materials. Vol. 341. Trans
Tech Publications, 2013.

[6] Anthony Kongats, Supercapacitors for Micro-Hybrid

Automotive Applications, 18th April 2013(CAP-XX
Figure-5: CO2 emission rate in terms of year.
5. Advantage of proposed mechanism: TECHNOLOGY FOR INCREASING FUEL
1. Fuel consumption is decreased by up to 5% to 10% in EFFICIENCY, Volume- 1, Issue- 6, Dec-2013,
city driving.
2. CO2 emissions are decreased by up to 5% to 10% in 17-139054446620-26.pdf
city driving; nearly the same as the pickup from
efficiency. [8] Tech_Tuesdays_india_wordpress_automotive_techno
3. Within 350 milliseconds the engine restarts inside in logy_bl og/2010
complete silence.
4. Wipe out engines commotion and vibrations when the
vehicle is at a transitory Standstill, which speaks to
Author Profile:
35% of city driving time.
Md. Arman Arefin is currently studying
5. Execution cost is not high (for the most part in go
$300-$400) Mechanical Engineering at Rajshahi
6. The engine restarts automatically [8]. University of Engineering &
Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
6. Conclusion:
More than 50% cars from 2013 are using start-stop
technology of micro hybrid system. If an ultracapacitor is
used along with battery in micro hybrid system and it is
used in three-wheelers then it will not only reduce fuel
consumption but also CO2 emission in huge amount. In
Asian cities like Bangladesh, India, Japan etc. millions of
autorickshaw runs on the road per day. If all the
autorickshaw are taken under this system then a huge
amount of money can be saved. All the mentioned
advantage is provided by the system without
compromising vehicle efficiency and consumers comfort.

Wish to take this opportunity to express my heartiest
gratitude to Maxwell technologies for providing necessary
information and data.

Volume 1 Issue 4, Oct 2017 70

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