Section 13 - AASHTO LRFD
Section 13 - AASHTO LRFD
Section 13 - AASHTO LRFD
13. RAILINGS Section 13 of the LRFD Specifications addresses the design of railings.
“Railings” is used as a generic term in the specifications. Railings include
traffic safety barriers as well as median barriers, bicycle, and pedestrian
13.1 Materials Reinforced concrete, steel, and timber are all used for railings. The
majority of traffic railings are reinforced concrete. Bridges with timber
decks on low volume secondary roads may have timber railings.
Pedestrian and bicycle railings are typically galvanized steel that has
been painted for aesthetics.
13.2 Design The design of newly constructed bridge railings must conform to the
Requirements requirements of Section 13 of the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications. This specification gives geometric and strength
requirements and also describes crash test levels. FHWA requires all
bridges carrying traffic on the National Highway System (NHS) to be
crash tested in accordance with NCHRP Report 350 Recommended
Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features.
There are six levels of service and testing depending on vehicle size and
speed. A list of crash tested railings is found on the following FHWA Web
Crash testing has shown that during impact vehicles slide along the top of
the railing and parts of the vehicle, especially the boxes on trucks, extend
beyond the face of the railing a considerable distance. The envelope of
the vehicle encroachment beyond the face of railing is known as the zone
of intrusion. Attachments to bridge railings, such as architectural metal
railings or objects just behind the railing (such as light poles), must
address safety concerns presented by this encroachment, which include:
1) Snagging - which can cause the attachment or the vehicle hood to
penetrate the occupant compartment.
2) Spearing – objects, such as a horizontal railing member, penetrating
windshields and injuring occupants.
3) Debris falling onto traffic below.
these three classes are shown in Figure 13.2.2. Railing classes are
further defined in the following sections. Also, refer to Table 13.2.1 for
guidance on standard rail applications.
Figure 13.2.1
Intrusion Zones for TL-4 Barriers
Reproduced from Keller, Sicking, Faller, Polivka & Rhode, Guidelines for Attachments to Bridge
Rails and Median Barriers, (Midwest Roadside Safety Facility, February 26, 2003), page 24.
Figure 13.2.2
TABLE 13.2.1: Standard Rail Applications
Concrete Barrier (Type F, TL-4) TL-4 All Traffic Only 2'-8" tall
5-397.114: Separate End Post w/o W.C.
5-397.115: Integral End Post w/o W.C.
5-397.116: Separate End Post w/ W.C.
5-397.117: Integral End Post w/ W.C.
Concrete Barrier (Type F, TL-5) TL-5 > 40 mph High Protection Area where 3'-6" tall
5-397.122: Integral End Post w/ W.C. Dc > 5° and Speed > 40 mph. (Gives added protection to
5-397.124: Integral End Post w/o W.C. motorists on high speed, high
curvature roadways. Modify
standard to remove sidewalk.)
Concrete Barrier (Type F, TL-5) w/ Sidewalk TL-5 All Between sidewalk and roadway 3'-6" tall
5-397.125: Integral End Post w/ W.C. where the shoulder is < 6'. (The additional height is to protect
5-397.126: Integral End Post w/o W.C. a bicycle rider from falling over the
railing into traffic.)
Concrete Barrier (Type F, TL-5) TL-5 All Bridges with designated bike path 4'-8" tall
5-397.128: Integral End Post w/ W.C. or where glare screen is required.
5-397.129: Integral End Post w/o W.C
Solid Median Barrier (Type F, TL-4) TL-4 All Traffic Only 2'-8" tall
5-397.130: w/ W.C.
Split Median Barrier (Type F, TL-4) TL-4 All Bridges with a longitudinal joint 2'-8" tall
5-397.131: w/ W.C. between roadways. (Usually the (For stage construction, each half of
bridge is very wide or is to be barrier meets TL-4 standard.)
constructed in stages.)
Solid Median Barrier and Glare Screen (Type F, TL-4) TL-4 All Traffic Only 4'-8" tall
5-397.132: w/ W.C.
Split Median Barrier and Glare Screen (Type F, TL-4) TL-4 All Traffic Only 4'-8" tall
5-397.135: w/o W.C.
5-397.136: w/ W.C
Offset Split Median Barrier and Glare Screen (Type F, TL-4 All Use where roadways are at 4'-8" tall
TL-4) different elevations. (Usually on (Separation allows both sides to be
5-397.137: w/ W.C. superelevated bridges.) slipformed.)
TABLE 13.2.1: Standard Rail Applications (cont.)
Concrete Barrier (Type P-2, TL-4) and Structural TL-4 All Traffic Only, where an aesthetic 1'-3" metal railing on 1'-9" parapet
Tube Railing (Type T-1) railing is desired. (Designer must modify detail for
5-397.157: w/ Integral End Post separate end post or no W.C.)
Concrete Barrier (Type P-4, TL-4) TL-4 All Traffic Only 2'-8" tall
5-397.173: Integral End Post w/ W.C.
Concrete Barrier (Type P-1, TL-2) and Wire Fence TL-2 ≤ 40 mph Highway bridges with walks. This 2'-4" parapet and 6' metal rail with
(Design W-1) rail is used on the outside edge of chain link fabric.
5-397.119: Integral End Post walk and meets bicycle and
5-397.120: Separate End Post protective screening requirements.
Concrete Barrier (Type P-1, TL-2) and Metal Railing TL-2 ≤ 40 mph Outside edge of walk on highway 2'-4" parapet with 2'-2" metal rail
for Bikeway (Type M-1) bridges with sidewalks where (Modify for separate end post.)
5-397.154: Integral End Post bicycle traffic on the walk is
expected and protective screening
is not required.
Structural Tube Railing (Design T-2) TL-4 All Attachment to Type F rail for use Top of metal railing 1'-10½" above
5-397.158 where significant bicycle traffic will top of 2'-8" Type F rail (Total height
be using roadway shoulder. of 4'-6"+ meets bicycle standard.)
8' Wire Fence for Pedestrian Walks Ped. & Yes Pedestrian bridges or sidewalks 8' tall chain link fence
5-397.205 Bike separated from roadways by a
traffic barrier.
• Crash testing levels refer to NCHRP Report 350. The structural tube traffic rail (Bridge Details Manual Part II, Fig. 5-397.157) and bicycle rail attachment
to Type F rail (Bridge Details Manual Part II, Fig. 5-397.158) were developed by Minnesota and crash tested through the pooled fund program.
Combination railings with the 2'-4" parapet have been judged to meet crash Test Level 2 (TL-2) by comparison to other crash tested vertical face railings.
• Railing heights are measured to the finished surface (top of wearing course).
• Information on current costs of these railings may be obtained from the Bridge Estimating Unit.
• Combination railings may also be used as bicycle/pedestrian railings. The 2'-4" parapet height permits a wider spacing of spindles (6" openings rather
than the 4" openings required up to 27" above the finished surface).
TABLE 13.2.2: Non-Standard Rail Applications
Cloquet Railing TL-2 ≤ 40 mph Outside edge of walk on highway 2'-2 3/4" metal rail on 2'-4" parapet
Bridge No. 09008 and 09009 bridges with sidewalks where (Sheet is metric.)
bicycle traffic on the walk is
expected and protective screening
is not required.
Concrete Barrier (Type P-3, TL-2) and Ornamental TL-2 ≤ 40 mph Highway bridges with walks. This 3'-9" metal rail on 2'-4" parapet
Metal Railing (Type M-2) rail is used on the outside edge of (Developed by City of Minneapolis
walk and meets bicycle and for use on bridges in their city.)
protective screening requirements.
St. Peter Railing TL-2 ≤ 40 mph Highway bridges with walks. This 4'-6" metal rail on 2'-4" parapet
Bridge No. 27R05 rail is used on the outside edge of (Bridge No. 23022 has a 2'-2"
walk and meets bicycle and height of metal rail for use where
protective screening requirements. protective screening is not needed.)
TH 100 Corridor Standard TL-2 ≤ 40 mph Highway bridges with walks. This 3'-9" metal rail on 2'-4" parapet
Bridge No. 27285 rail is used on the outside edge of
walk and meets bicycle and
protective screening requirements.
TH 212 Corridor Standard TL-2 ≤ 40 mph Highway bridges with walks. This 5'-8' to 9'-2" metal rail on 2'-4"
TH 610 Corridor Standard TL-2 ≤ 40 mph Highway bridges with walks. This 5'-51/2" metal rail on 2'-4" parapet
Ornamental Metal Railing Type DWG rail is used on the outside edge of (Sheet is metric.)
Bridge No. 27222 walk and meets bicycle and
protective screening requirements.
Victoria Street Railing TL-2 ≤ 40 mph Highway bridges with walks. This 5'-8" metal rail on 2'-4" parapet
Bridge No. 62823 rail is used on the outside edge of with chain link fabric
walk and meets bicycle and
protective screening requirements.
TABLE 13.2.2: Non-Standard Rail Applications (cont.)
Gooseberry Falls Suspended Walkway Rail Pedestrian bridges or sidewalks 3'-6" tall (Sheet is metric.)
Bridge No. 38010 Ped. N/A separated from roadways by a
traffic barrier.
St. Peter Rail Pedestrian bridges or sidewalks 4'-6" tall (Sheet is metric.)
Ped. &
Bridge No. 40002 N/A separated from roadways by a
traffic barrier.
• Crash testing levels refer to NCHRP Report 350. Combination railings with the 2'-4" parapet have been judged to meet crash Test Level 2 (TL-2) by
comparison to other crash tested vertical face railings.
• Railing heights are measured to the finished surface (top of wearing course).
• Information on current costs of these railings may be obtained from the Bridge Estimating Unit.
• Combination railings may also be used as pedestrian/ bicycle railings. The 2'-4" parapet height permits a wider spacing of spindles (6" openings rather
than the 4", which is required in the lower 27").
13.2.1 Traffic Traffic railings are designed to contain and safely redirect vehicles.
Railing Requirements based on speed are as follows.
1) High Speed Roadways with a Design Speed > 40 mph
Mn/DOT requires crash testing to Test Level 4 as the minimum
standard for these roadways. Test Level 4 is run with a small car and
a pickup truck at 60 mph and a single unit van truck impacting at 50
mph. This railing will normally be the 32" high Type F barrier (Bridge
Details Manual Part II, Figure 5-397.114-117). Where aesthetic
needs warrant, the tubular traffic railing (Bridge Details Manual Part
II, Figure 5-397.157) is an acceptable alternative that provides an
increased viewing opportunity to drivers crossing the bridge. It
consists of a structural tube and posts mounted to the top of a 1'-9"
high concrete base. Note, however, that the tubular traffic railing has
higher initial and maintenance costs than the Type F barrier. Consult
the Preliminary Bridge Unit for additional acceptable railings.
The zone of intrusion (see Section 13.2 for definition) shall be kept
free of rail attachments or other features unless they have been crash
tested or an analytical evaluation has shown them to be crash worthy.
Exceptions to this policy include noise walls and safety features such
as signs or lights. Note that light poles shall be located behind the
back of the barrier. When noise walls are attached, consider using a
higher Type F barrier to lessen the risk. The zone of intrusion for a
TL-4 railing is shown in Figure 13.2.1.
Normally these railings will be the same as used for higher speeds,
usually the Type F concrete barrier, but with the reduced level
required for crash testing more options are available. Consult the
Preliminary Bridge Unit for additional acceptable railings.
Reproduced from Keller, Sicking, Faller, Polivka & Rhode, Guidelines for Attachments to Bridge
Rails and Median Barriers, (Report dated February 26, 2003), pages 3 and 27.
Reproduced from Keller, Sicking, Faller, Polivka & Rhode, Guidelines for Attachments to Bridge
Rails and Median Barriers, (Report dated February 26, 2003), page 15 and 16. 9" offset at
40 mph judged acceptable based on 12" offset at 45 mph.
13.2.2 Pedestrian/ Pedestrian or bicycle railings are generally located at the outside edge of
Bicycle Railing a bridge sidewalk and are designed to safely contain pedestrians or
bicyclists. AASHTO specifications require pedestrian railings to be at
least 3'-6" in height and bicycle railings to be at least 4'-6" in height.
The height is measured from the top of walkway to top of the highest
horizontal rail component.
13.2.3 Combination railings are dual purpose railings designed to contain both
Combination vehicles and pedestrians or bicycles. These railings are generally located
Railing at the outside edge of a bridge sidewalk. A raised sidewalk is used to
clearly define the walkway area and keep roadway drainage off the
walkway. The sidewalk curb offers some protection to pedestrians from
errant vehicles entering the walkway. There is no other barrier between
the roadway and the sidewalk. Combination railings are applicable for
design speeds of 40 mph and under. Mn/DOT requires crash testing to
Test Level 2 for these railings and the strength and geometrics
requirements for bicycle or pedestrian railings also apply.
barrier for added protection. Metal railings shall not be placed on top of a
traffic railing between a sidewalk and a roadway. Although metal railings
may somewhat increase protection for bicyclists, they are a risk hazard to
13.2.4 Strength of Barrier resistance values have been determined for the standard Mn/DOT
Standard Concrete concrete barriers and are shown in Table They are based on
Barriers using both near and far face reinforcement as tension reinforcement.
These values can be used when analyzing deck overhangs to determine
reinforcement requirements. (See Section 9.2.4J for an overhang
reinforcement design example.)
TABLE Resistance Values for Standard Concrete Barriers
Lc Rw Lc Rw
(ft) (kips) (ft) (kips)
5-397.129: Integral End Post w/o W.C. 9.2 133.6 14.0 131.4
13.2.5 Protective The addition of protective screening to bridge railings is a further Mn/DOT
Screening policy requirement. The practice of adding protective screening is
common nationwide in response to accidents and fatalities that have
occurred due to pedestrians throwing objects from overpasses onto
vehicles below.
The protective screening system will be, preferably, a chain link fence
system or a railing system. The height of the fence or railing shall be
8'-0" above the top of the sidewalk. For sites with special aesthetic
treatments involving ornamental railings a minimum height of 6'-0" will
be allowed. However, it should be recognized that the lower railing
height provides a reduced level of protection. The protective screening
system shall not allow objects 6" or greater in diameter to pass through
the fence or railing.
Railings are included with other aesthetic costs of the bridge. Mn/DOT
participation is limited to 5%, 7% or 15% of the cost of a basic bridge,
depending on the aesthetic level of the bridge.
13.3 Design Two design examples follow. The first illustrates the design procedures
Examples associated with a conventional Type F barrier. The second design
example illustrates the steps undertaken for the design of adhesive
anchors to support a metal railing.
13.3.1 Type F This example illustrates a design check of the vertical reinforcing steel
Barrier Design that ties a standard Mn/DOT Type F barrier to a concrete deck. The
Example geometry of the barrier and the reinforcing bar sizes and types are
illustrated in Bridge Details Part II Fig. 5-397.117. The configuration of
the horizontal reinforcing bars in the railing is assumed fixed. The
spacing of the vertical reinforcing steel is checked to ensure adequate
capacity is provided. The design check uses the method described in
LRFD Article A13.3.1.
A. Design Forces Mn/DOT’s Type F barrier satisfies the geometric height constraint of a
and Dimensions TL-4 barrier and has satisfactorily passed crash testing to such a level.
The design forces and dimensional limits for a TL-4 barrier presented in
[] LRFD Table A13.2-1 are repeated below.
Ft Transverse (kip) 54
FL Longitudinal (kip) 18
FV Vertical/Down (kip) 18
L t and LL (ft) 3.5
L V (ft) 18
He Minimum Height of Horizontal Loads (in) 32
H Minimum Height of Rail (in) 32
The design is based on yield line analysis methods and has three
• Mb – the flexural capacity of the cap beam (if present)
• Mw – the flexural capacity of the railing about its vertical axis
• Mc – the flexural capacity of the railing about a horizontal axis
Yield Line Analysis for Interior Region
Yield Line Analysis for End Region
Figure contains a rail elevation detail that identifies the location
of interior and end regions. The length of end regions and interior
regions is dependent on the relative flexural capacities of the railing ( Mw
and Mc ). The design example uses L ce to represent the length of end
regions and L ci to represent the length of interior yield line mechanisms.
Holding Mw constant, rail sections with larger Mc resistances have
shorter and steeper yield line mechanisms.
B. Barrier Flexural Three section details of a Type F barrier are presented in Figure
Resistance The top section presents typical reinforcement and geometry. The
horizontal reinforcement consists of eight #13 bars. Two #16 bars are
used for the vertical reinforcement. The R1601E bar is anchored in the
deck and projects 10" into the rail. The R1602E bar is a closed stirrup
that laps the R1601E bar.
[CA13.3.1] The bottom detail in Figure identifies the “d” dimension of the
vertical reinforcement at different locations. These values are averaged
to compute Mc .
Determine Mb
The Type F barrier has no additional beam section at its top.
Consequently, the Mb term is equal to zero in the rail resistance
Determine Mw
Using the center detail of Figure the flexural capacity about a
vertical axis is computed. Bars 1, 3, 5, and 7 are assumed effective for
yield lines that produce tension on the inside face of the rail. Bars 2, 4,
6, and 8 are assumed effective for the case where the yield line has
tension on the outside face of the rail.
⎛ a⎞
ϕ Mn = ϕ A s fy ⎜ d − ⎟
⎝ 2⎠
ϕ = 1.0 (for Extreme Event Limit State)
A s = 0.20 in2
fy = 60 ksi
A stotal ⋅ fy 4 ⋅ 0.20 ⋅ 60
a = c β1 = = = 0.42 in
0.85 ⋅ fc′ ⋅ b 0.85 ⋅ 4.0 ⋅ 34
a 0.42
= = 0.21 in
2 2
⎛ ϕ M ⎞ ⎛ 438.8 / 12 ⎞
M =⎜ ni ⎟ =
⎜ ⎟ = 12.92 kip - ft/ft
wi ⎜ H ⎟ ⎝ 2.83 ⎠
⎝ ⎠
⎛ ϕ Mno ⎞ ⎛ 515.6 / 12 ⎞
Mwo = ⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟ = 15.18 kip - ft/ft
⎜ H ⎟ ⎝ 2.83 ⎠
⎝ ⎠
For interior rail regions there is one outside tension yield line and two
inside tension yield lines. Compute the average Mw :
Similar to the interior region, the lever arm is found by subtracting off
one half of the depth of the flexural compression block.
⎛ a⎞
ϕ Mn = ϕ A s fy ⎜ d − ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
ϕ = 1.0 (for Extreme Event Limit State)
A s = 0.20 in2
fy = 60 ksi
A stotal ⋅ fy 0.62 ⋅ 60
a = c β1 = = = 0.32 in
0.85 ⋅ fc′ ⋅ b 0.85 ⋅ 4.0 ⋅ 34
a 0.32
= = 0.16 in
2 2
Capacities ϕ Mn for the end region are listed in the following table.
ϕ Mn for
Bar Developed Lever Arm
Embedded Inside Face
BAR Fraction Bar Area d (in) a
Length (in) d− (in) Tension (k-
Developed A s (in ) 2
Mw is found by averaging the capacity of the rail over the height of the
⎛ ϕ Mn ⎞ ⎛ 327.5 / 12 ⎞
Mwend = ⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟ = 9.6 kip-ft/ft
⎝ H ⎠ ⎝ 2.83 ⎠
Determine Mc
The Type F barrier does not have a uniform thickness. Consequently the
“d” dimension of the vertical reinforcement varies with the vertical
location in the rail. Averaged “d” dimensions are used to compute Mc
separately for the top and bottom sections. Then a weighted average of
the two sections is taken to determine Mc for the entire rail section.
Using “d” dimensions labeled in the bottom detail of Figure, the
average “d” dimensions can be found.
Top 7.97
Mid Top 10.50
Mid Bottom 11.02
Bottom 14.25
A stop ⋅ fy 0.31 ⋅ 60
atop = c β1 = = = 0.46 in
0.85 ⋅ fc′ ⋅ b 0.85 ⋅ 4.0 ⋅ 12.0
⎛ atop ⎞
Mctop = ϕ Mn = ϕ A stop fy ⎜⎜ dtop − ⎟ = 1.0 (0.31)(60) ⋅ ⎛⎜ 9.24 − 0.46 ⎞⎟ ⋅ ⎛⎜ 1 ⎞⎟
⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 12 ⎠
= 14.0 kip-ft/ft
For the bottom portion, the R1601E bars are not fully developed at the
rail/deck interface. Determine bar development fraction:
For a straight #16 bar, the basic development length l db is:
Using modification factors for epoxy coating (1.2) and bar spacing > 6"
with > 3" cover (0.8), the straight bar development length is:
l db = 1.2 (0.8)(1500 ) = 14.40 in
Using modification factors for epoxy coating (1.2) and cover (0.7), the
hooked bar development length is:
l dh = 1.2 (0.7)(11.88) = 9.98 in
5.18 + 4.42
Fdev = = 0.67
The required extension beyond the 90° bend for a standard hook (A or G
dimension) is 10" for a #16 bar. The R1601E bar has an extension of
18". Because of this extra extension and the fact that the 18" extension
will have to pull through the top mat of reinforcement in order for the bar
to fail, assume a higher development fraction Fdev = 0.75 .
⎛ a ⎞
Mcbot = ϕ Mn = ϕ A sbot fy ⎜⎜ dbot − bot ⎟⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠
⎛ 0.34 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
= 1.0 (0.23)(60) ⎜12.64 − ⎟⎜ ⎟ = 14.3 kip-ft/ft
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 12 ⎠
A stop ⋅ fy 0.62 ⋅ 60
atop = c β1 = = = 0.91 in
0.85 ⋅ fc′ ⋅ b 0.85 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 12
⎛ atop ⎞
Mctop = ϕ Mn = ϕ A stop fy ⋅ ⎜⎜ dtop − ⎟ = 1.0 (0.62)(60) ⋅ ⎛⎜ 9.24 − 0.91 ⎞⎟ ⎛⎜ 1 ⎞⎟
⎝ 2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 12 ⎠
= 27.2 kip-ft/ft
A sbot ⋅ fy 0.47 ⋅ 60
abot = c β1 = = = 0.69 in
0.85 ⋅ fc′ ⋅ b 0.85 ⋅ 4 ⋅ 12
⎛ a ⎞ ⎛ 0.69 ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎞
Mcbot = ϕ Mn = ϕ Asbot fy ⋅ ⎜⎜ dbot − bot ⎟⎟ = 1.0 (0.47)(60) ⋅ ⎜12.64 − ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ 12 ⎠
= 28.9 kip-ft/ft
C. Flexural With Mw and Mc computed for an interior and end region, the resistance
Capacity Check of the railing can be computed with the equations in LRFD Article
⎡ 8 ⋅ H ⋅ (Mbint + Mwint ⋅ H) ⎤
Lt ⎛L ⎞
[Eqn A13.3.1-1] L ci = + ⎜⎜ t ⎟⎟ + ⎢ ⎥ = 9.8 ft
2 ⎝2 ⎠ ⎣ Mcint ⎦
⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛⎜ M ⋅L 2 ⎞
[Eqn A13.3.1-2] R wi = ⎜⎜ ⎟ 8 ⋅ Mbint + 8 ⋅ Mwint ⋅ H + cint ci ⎟ = 98.0 kips
2 L ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⋅ ci − L t ⎠⎝ H
which, is greater than the 54 kip extreme event design load.
L ⎛L ⎞ ⎛M + Mwend ⋅ H ⎞
Eqn A13.3.1-4 L ce = t + ⎜⎜ t ⎟⎟ + H ⋅ ⎜⎜ bend ⎟ = 4.2 ft
2 ⎝2 ⎠ ⎝ Mcend ⎠
⎛ 2 ⎞ ⎛⎜ M ⋅L 2 ⎞
[Eqn A13.3.1-3] R we = ⎜⎜ ⎟ Mbend + Mwend ⋅ H + cend ce ⎟ = 81.8 kips
⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ 2 ⋅ L ce − L t ⎠⎝ H
which, is also greater than the required load capacity of 54 kips.
D. Shear Capacity Use shear friction methods to evaluate the shear capacity of the joint
Check between the deck and railing. Assume that Ft and FL occur
[5.8.4] The basic shear capacity equation for a section using shear friction is:
ϕ Vn = ϕ ⋅ [c ⋅ A cv + μ (A vf ⋅ fy + Pc )]
Substitute Vres for ϕ Vn rearranging the remaining terms, and solve for
the required area of reinforcement:
⎛ v ⎞ ⎛ 56.9 ⎞
A =⎜ res ⎟=⎜ ⎟ = 1.58 in2
vfreq ⎜ϕ ⋅μ⋅ f ⎟ ⎝ 1.0 ⋅ 0.60 ⋅ 60 ⎠
⎝ v y ⎠
Check the interior region first. Assuming the #16 bars are at the
maximum spacing of 12" and the L ci dimension is 9.9 feet, 10 bars will
be provided.
At the end region, nine #16 bars are provided in the end 4.2 feet ( L ce ).
Both interior and end regions have adequate shear capacity at the deck
railing interface.
E. Summary When checked in accordance with the procedure shown within this
example, the capacity of the end regions adjacent to the expansion joint
and deflection joints did not meet the required 54 kip load capacity.
Because the neutral axis is located very close to the outside face of the
rail for determination of both Mw and Mc , all of the regions were
reanalyzed to take advantage of the additional capacity provided by the
outside face reinforcement. Therefore, in the second analysis, both the
inside face rail reinforcement and the outside face rail reinforcement were
included in the determination of the rail capacity. The revised values for
the F-rail are:
Interior Region:
With wearing course Without wearing course
L = 10.2 ft L = 9.9 ft
ci ci
R = 122.9 kip R = 124.1 kip
wi wi
End Region:
With wearing course Without wearing course
L ce = 4.6 ft L ce = 4.6 ft
13.3.2 Adhesive The objective of this example is to design adhesive anchors (as an
Anchor Design alternate to the cast-in-place anchorage) to secure a metal railing atop a
Example concrete barrier. The railing under consideration is Mn/DOT 5-397.154
“Metal Railing for Bikeways (Type M-1) and Concrete Parapet (Type P-1)
(with Integral End Post)”. The standard anchorage elements beneath
each vertical post are four cast-in-place 5/8" x 8" anchor bolts. All steel
components for the railing have a yield strength of 36 ksi. The concrete
used for the parapet has a design compressive strength of 4 ksi.
Figure presents the typical railpost detail for the railing. The
maximum distance L between railposts is 10'-0".
A. Design Loads Section 13 of the LRFD Specifications covers bridge railings. Article
13.8.2 lists the loads to consider for the design of rail elements and posts
for pedestrian and bicycle railings. Design railposts to resist
concentrated design live load P LL applied at the height of the top rail
[Eqn 13.8.2-1] P LL = 0.20 + 0.050 ⋅ L = 0.20 + 0.050 ⋅ 10 = 0.70 kips
[Table 3.4.1-1] Using a load factor of 1.75 for live load results in a design horizontal
force of:
Hu = 1.75 ⋅ P LL = 1.75 ⋅ 0.70 = 1.23 kips
Per Figure, the lever arm from top rail to top of concrete is
2.17 feet. The design moment at the bottom of the base plate is:
Mupost = Hu ⋅ d = (1.23) ⋅ (2.17) = 2.66 k-ft = 31.9 kip-in
B. Railpost Design Begin by checking the railpost. It must have adequate capacity to resist
Check the design moment. By inspection, the rail elements provide adequate
bracing to develop the yield moment of the section. Therefore, the
capacity is:
[] Mn = My = Fy ⋅ S
The railpost is a 1/2" x 4" plate loaded about its strong axis.
b ⋅ d2 0.5 ⋅ 42
Spost = = = 1.33 in 3
6 6
C. Base Plate A plan view of the base plate is shown in Figure Assume that
Design Check the critical section occurs at the face of the vertical post (1" from the
edge of the plate on the compression side).
The resisting moment at the face of the column is the capacity of the
plate minus two anchor bolt holes.
Splate =
(bplate − 2 ⋅ dhole ) ⋅ tplate2
(7 − 2 ⋅ 0.9375) ⋅ 0.52 = 0.214 in 3
6 6
Mu 31.9
Tu = = = 3.99 kips/anchor
arm ⋅ N (4.0) ⋅ 2
E. Anchor Rod The anchor rods are assumed to have sufficient embedment to develop
Shear Capacity their shear capacity.
[] Since Fy of the Type A anchor rods is equal to Fy for A307 bolts, use
φ s = 0.65 .
Each anchor rod will be subject to one shear plane. Assume that threads
are included in the shear plane. The area A b of one 5/8" diameter anchor
rod is 0.31 in 2 . Then,
[] R n = 0.38 ⋅ A b ⋅ Fub ⋅ Ns = 0.38 ⋅ 0.31 ⋅ 58 ⋅ 1 = 6.83 kips
F. Concrete Shear The concrete shear capacity is a function of geometry and compressive
Capacity strength. Assume the two anchors on the compression side of the base
plate connection are the critical shear anchors. For calculation of shear
capacity, consider “end effects”, “edge effects”, and “group effects”. For
this example, end effects need to be considered near the expansion joint
and deflection joints in the parapet. Consider group effects based on the
distances between anchors in a group. Widely spaced anchors function
as individual anchors, while more closely spaced anchors have a reduced
For shear, the end effects, edge effects, and group effects are
incorporated in the calculation for the concrete area effective in resisting
shear. See Figure
Per Mn/DOT policy the center of a railpost can be no closer than 12" to a
deflection joint or an expansion joint end of the parapet. The anchors are
located 2.25 inches away from the center of the railpost. Consequently,
the end distance is dend = 12 − 2.25 = 9.75 in.
[Klingner] The anchor rod edge distance c1 = 4 in. The influence distance for shear
1.5 ⋅ c1 = 1.5 ⋅ 4.0 = 6.0 in < 9.75 in
Two Anchor Shear Interface Area
(From Klingner)
⎛ s ⎞ ⎛ 4.5 ⎞
θ = 2 ⋅ acos ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟⎟ = 2 ⋅ acos ⎜ ⎟ = 111.5°
⎝ 2 ⋅ c1 ⎠ ⎝2 ⋅ 4⎠
⎡ θ ⎤
⎢ π⋅
A v = ⎢π − 2 + sin(θ)⎥ ⋅ c 2 = 49.6 in2
⎥ 1
⎢ 180 ⎥
⎣⎢ ⎦⎥
4 ⋅ 4000
[Klingner] Vc _ interface = 4 ⋅ fc′ = = 0.253 ksi
Vc2 12.54
Vc1 = = = 6.27 kips
2 2
[Klingner] Because the shear demand is less than 20% of the shear capacity, ignore
the interaction effects between shear and tension.
G. Anchor Rod Determine the capacity of the anchor rods. Begin by checking if
Tension Capacity interaction effects need to be considered.
Pu 0.31
[] = = 0.045 ≤ 0.33
Rn 6.83
H. Resistance In the past, adhesive anchors were designed with allowable stress
Factor for Adhesive methods. A typical factor-of-safety (FS) was 4. A similar safety or
Anchor Pullout reliability level will be used for LRFD designs. The load factor for live
loads is 1.75. Choose a resistance factor that when combined with the
load factor for live load will produce a factor near 4.
γ LL γ 1.75
If FS = , then φ a = u = Use φ a = 0.45
φa FS 4
I. Pullout Capacity According to research referenced by Klingner, the best model for tensile
of Adhesive Anchor behavior of adhesive anchors is a simple bond model that assumes a
uniform bond stress over the length of the anchor. Taking into account
end effects, edge effects, and group effects, the factored tensile
resistance φ a Tna is:
φ a ⋅ Tna = φ a ⋅ Tn0 ⋅ ψ c ⋅ ψ e ⋅ ψ g
Group Effect
The reduction in capacity due to group effects is a ratio of the sum of
influence areas for single anchors to that of the group. It is dependent
on the depth of embedment and the spacing between anchors. The
minimum embedment length he min for an adhesive anchor is 6 ⋅ danchor :
hemin = 6 ⋅ danchor = 6 ⋅ 0.625 = 3.75 in
[Klingner] The critical spacing between anchors, s o , where group effects disappear
s o = 1.75 ⋅ he = 7.0 in
The actual spacing between anchors ( s1 dimension) is 4.5 inches.
Therefore, use a group effect reduction in capacity.
Figure shows the influence area for anchors with an embedment
of 4".
The influence area of two anchors with s1 equal to 4.5 inches is:
A n2 = s0 ⋅ (s 0 + s1 ) = 7.0 ⋅ (7.0 + 4.5) = 80.5 in 2
A n2 80.5
ψg = = = 0.84
2 ⋅ A0 2 ⋅ 48
⎛ 12.3 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ + 0.5 = 3.63
⎝ 2 ⋅ π ⋅ 0.625 ⎠
At the job site, anchors are subjected to a proof load test. The proof load
will be the smaller of:
A limit based on yielding the steel rod:
2 2 2
⋅ (A b ⋅ Fy ) = ⋅ (0.31 ⋅ 36 ) = ⋅ (11.16 ) = 7.4 kips
3 3 3
J. Summary An adhesive anchor detail with the following properties has adequate
capacity to support the Type M-1 railing: The anchor rods shall be 5/8"
diameter, Mn/DOT 3385 Type A anchor rods with a 4" minimum
embedment. The adhesive shall have a minimum ultimate pull-out
strength of 12.3 kips. The proof load for field testing shall be 6.2 kips.
K. Adhesive The design of adhesive anchors for traffic rails is different than the design
Anchor Design for of adhesive anchors for pedestrian rails shown above. A traffic rail
Traffic Rails requires reinforcement or anchor rods to withstand a vehicle crash load
under the Extreme Event II limit state. For a metal rail on parapet
system or a concrete barrier where the design is based on successful
crash testing along with a yield line analysis, design the adhesive to
develop the strength of the reinforcement bar or anchor rod.
The Extreme Event II limit state has a load factor of 1.0 for the vehicle
crash load. Using the procedure in Article 13.3.2H of this manual to
determine a resistance factor results in the following:
γ 1.0
φ a = CT = = 0.25 (This value seems very low.)
FS 4
γ CT 1.0
φ = = = 0.60 (Use φa = 0.60 for traffic rail only.)
a FS 1.66
A rail reconstruction project requires the use of #16 bars @ 12" spacing
to anchor a new F-rail to an existing deck with adhesive anchors.
Tu = A s ⋅ Fy = 0.31 ⋅ 60 = 18.6 kips
φ a ⋅ Tna = φ a ⋅ Tn0 ⋅ ψ c ⋅ ψ e ⋅ ψ g ≥ Tu
⎛ 31.0 ⎞
=⎜ ⎟ + 0.5 = 6.82 in Say 7" min. embedment
⎝ 2 .5 ⋅ π ⋅ 0 .625 ⎠