IOT Based Parking System
IOT Based Parking System
IOT Based Parking System
Vol. V, No. II, April 2018
Abstract— In order to address these problems associated with If user wants any space he can select that space and reserve it
parking, smart parking systems aiming to satisfy the involved for limited time. If he cannot make their in that time then that
parties (e.g., parking service providers and drivers) have been space will be available to others. If he again requests for same
developed. Based on the observation that parking space place by sending message then time will be extended. The
reservation can help drivers to reduce the search time
proposed system uses GPS network and Google maps for
dramatically, we propose a reservation-based solution, built on
advanced sensing and mobile communication technology, with finding the available space. If the driver have the up-to-date
the objectives to alleviate the parking contention, balance the knowledge about the traffic situation like information about
benefits between parking service providers and drivers, the free parking place near the destination area it would be
coordinate among service providers, differentiate the needs of then great benefit.
individual drivers, and reduce the amount of traffic searching for
parking as well. To achieve the design goals, a powerful tool to II. PROBLEM STATEMENT
model the behaviour of both service providers and drivers is Finding a vacant parking space in a congested area or a large
parking lot, specially, in peak hours, is always time consuming
Keywords: IOT, Cloud, Parking, Location, Client-Server, and frustrating to drivers. It is common for drivers to keep
Smartphone. circling a parking lot and look for a vacant parking space. To
I. INTRODUCTION minimize hassle and inconvenience to the drivers, many
parking guidance systems have been developed over the past
Finding a vacant parking space in a congested area or a large decade, where the system provides accurate, real-time car park
parking lot, specially, in peak hours, is always time consuming space availability to the drivers looking for parking spaces and
and frustrating to drivers. It is common for drivers to keep then guides them to the available spaces by dynamically
circling a parking lot and look for a vacant parking space. To updated guide signs. The current parking guidance systems
minimize hassle and inconvenience to the drivers, many obtain the availability of parking spaces using the GPS
parking guidance systems have been developed over the past enabled network using Android application after getting the
decade, where the system provides accurate, real-time car park users request.
space availability to the drivers looking for parking spaces and The user will have the application through which he can
then guides them to the available spaces by dynamically send request to server main application. After that he can see
updated guide signs. The current parking guidance systems the available spaces for parking his vehicles. If user want any
obtain the availability of parking spaces using the GPS space he can select that space and reserve it for limited time. If
enabled network using Android application after getting the he cannot make their in that time then that space will be
users request. available to others. If he again requests for same place by
The user will have the application through which he can sending message then time will be extended. The proposed
send request to server main application. After that he can see system uses GPS network and Google maps for finding the
the available spaces for parking his vehicles. available space. If the driver have the up-to-date knowledge
about the traffic situation like information about the free
Manuscript received on April, 2018. parking place near the destination area it would be then great
Sourabh Kale, Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science &
Engineering, BSCOER, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra,
Dinesh Kharkari, Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science &
A. A Navigation and Reservation Based Smart Parking
Engineering, BSCOER, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, Platform Using Genetic Optimization for Smart Cities:
India. With the development of technology, smart devices are
Rohit Kamate, Research Scholar, Department of Computer Science & becoming more common in everyday life. The development of
Engineering, BSCOER, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, devices that can connect to the Internet and transmit data has
India. been a source of inspiration for smart city designs. The
Prof. A. D. Gujar, Professor, Department of Computer Science & common problem in our cities is the difficulty of finding free
Engineering, BSCOER, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, parking slots. The parking problem causes traffic to congest
India. and people who go to work are looking for a place. In this