Is 16098 2 2013
Is 16098 2 2013
Is 16098 2 2013
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Indian Standard
© BIS 2013
NEW DELHI 110002
This Indian Standard (Part 2) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized by the
Plastic Piping Systems Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
This standard on structured wall plastic piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage has
been published in two parts. The other part in the series is:
Part 1 Pipes and fittings with smooth external surface, Type A
In the formulation of this standard considerable assistance has been derived from ISO 21138-1 and 3 : 2007
‘Plastic piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage—Structured-wall piping systems
of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE): Part 1 Material
specifications and performance criteria for pipes, fittings and system and Part 3 Pipe and fittings with non-
smooth external surface, Type B’. However, only corrugated wall construction pipes and fittings of polyethylene
have been included as other type of pipes are not being manufactured in India at present. The test for low
temperature installation performance — Impact resistance (staircase method) at –10° C has not been included
due to the Indian climatic conditions. Provisions for adding calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or talc to the virgin PE
material has not been considered as this practice is not prevailing in India.
Piping systems conforming to this standard is resistant to corrosion by water with wide range of pH values, such
as domestic waste water, surface water and ground water. If piping system conforming to this standard is to be
used for chemically contaminated waste waters such as industrial discharges, chemical and temperature resistance
must be taken into account. Guidance on the chemical resistance of PVC-U and PE materials is given in
IS/ISO 10358 ‘Plastics pipes and fittings—Combined chemical-resistance classification table’ (under preparation).
General guidance regarding laying and jointing including storage and handling for polyethylene pipes has been
provided in IS 7634 (Part 2) : 1975 ‘Code of practice for plastic pipe work for potable water supplies: Part 2
Laying and jointing of polyethylene pipes’. However, some additional requirements for these pipes have been
given at Annex A. There is no Indian Standard for the laying and jointing of PP pipes at present. PE and PP pipes
belong to the same polyolefin’s family. As such, IS 7634 (Part 2) may be used for PP pipes also.
Guidelines on structural design of thermoplastics pipelines have been provided in Annex B of the standard for
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
Indian Standard
1 SCOPE IS No. Title
(Part 6) : 2004 Stress relief test
This standard (Part 2) specifies requirements for pipes
(Part 8) Resistance to internal hydrostatic
and fittings with non-smooth external and smooth
internal surface based on PE structured wall piping
(Sec 1) : 2004 Resistance to internal hydrostatic
system for non-pressure underground drainage and
pressure at constant hydrostatic
pressure (first revision)
It is applicable to PE or PP structured wall-pipes and (Sec 2) : 2004 Leak-tightness of elastomeric sealing
fittings with or without integral sockets and with ring type socket joints under positive
elastomeric sealing ring joints as well as welded or fused internal pressure and with angular
joints. This standard covers the pipes and fittings sizes defection (first revision)
from 75 mm to 1 200 mm nominal inside diameter. (Sec 3) : 2004 Leak-tightness of elastomeric sealing
ring type socket joints under negative
1 These pipes, fittings and the system can be used for highway internal pressure and with angular
drainage and surface water. defection (first revision)
2 Other thermoplastic materials can be added via an addendum. (Part 9) : 2004 Resistance to external blows (impact
resistance) at 0°C (round-the-clock
2 REFERENCES method)
The following standards contain provisions which 13360 Plastics — Methods of test:
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of (Part 2) Sampling and preparation of test
this standard. At the time of publication, the editions specimens,
indicated were valid. All standards are subject to (Sec 1) : 1992 Compression moulding test
revision and parties to agreements based on this specimens of thermoplastics
standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility materials
of applying the most recent editions of the standards (Sec 3) : 2000 Injection moulding of test specimens
of thermoplastic materials —
indicated below:
General principles and moulding of
IS No. Title multipurpose and bar test specimens
2530 : 1963 Methods of test for polyethylene 16098 (Part 1) : Structured-wall plastics piping
molding materials and polyethylene 2013 systems for non-pressure drainage
compounds and sewerage — Specification: Part 1
3400 Methods of test for vulcanized rubber: Pipes and fittings with smooth
(Part 2) : 2003 Part 2 Rubber, vulcanized or external surface, Type A
thermoplastic — Determination of
hardness (hardness between 10 3 TERMINOLOGY
IRHD and 100 IRHD) (third For the purpose of this standard, the following
revision) definitions shall apply.
4905 : 1968 Methods for random sampling
3.1 Nominal Size (DN) — The numerical designation
5382 : 1985 Specification for rubber sealing rings
for the size of a pipe, other than a pipe designated by
for gas mains, water mains and
thread size, which is a convenient round number
sewers (first revision)
approximately equal to the manufacturing dimension,
7328 : 1992 High density polyethylene materials
in millimetre.
for moulding and extrusion —
Specification (first revision) 3.2 Nominal Outside Diameter (dn) — The specified
12235 Thermoplastics pipes and fittings — outside diameter assigned to the nominal size, in
Methods of test: millimetre.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
3.3 Outside Diameter at Any Point (de) — The value 3.16 Construction Height (ec) — Radial distance
of the measurement of the outside diameter of a pipe between the top of ribs or corrugation or in the case of
through its cross-section at any point of the pipe, Type A and Type B pipes and fittings, between the
rounded off to the next higher 0.1 mm. outside surface of wall and inside surface of wall.
3.4 Mean Outside Diameter (dem) — The quotient of 3.17 Minimum Length of a Spigot (l 1, Min ) —
the outer circumference of a pipe and 3.142 (π) in any Minimum permitted value for the length of a spigot of
cross-section, rounded off to the next higher 0.1 mm. a pipe or fitting.
3.5 Minimum Mean Outside Diameter (dem, Min) — 3.18 Tolerance — The permitted variation of the
The minimum value of the mean outside diameter as specified value of a quantity, expressed as the difference
specified for a given nominal size. between the permitted maximum and the permitted
minimum value.
3.6 Maximum Mean Outside Diameter (dem, Max) —
The maximum value of the mean outside diameter as 3.19 Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) — A
specified for a given nominal size. numerical designation of a pipe series, which is a
convenient round number approximately equal to the
3.7 Inside Diameter of a Socket (ds) — The value of
ratio of the minimum mean outside diameter, dem, Min
the measurement of the inside diameter of the socket
and the minimum wall thickness at any point, eMin
at any point in any cross-section of the socket.
3.8 Mean Inside Diameter of a Socket (dsm) — The dem, Min
arithmetical mean of four measurements taken at 45º dM in
to each other, of the inside diameter of the socket in
3.20 Nominal Ring Stiffness (SN) — A numerical
the same cross-section of the socket.
designation, which is a convenient round number, of
3.9 Out-of-Roundness (Ovality) — The difference the ring stiffness in kN/m2, indicating the minimum
between the measured maximum and the measured required ring stiffness of a pipe or fitting.
minimum outside diameter in the same cross-section
of the pipe. 3.21 Structured Wall Pipes — Pipes which have an
optimized design with regard to material usage to
3.10 Nominal Wall Thickness (ea) — A numerical achieve the physical, mechanical and performance
designation of the wall thickness of a component which requirements of this standard.
is a convenient round number, approximately equal to
the manufacturing dimension, in millimetre. 3.22 Ring Flexibility — Ability of a pipe to resist
diametric deflection without loss of structural integrity.
3.11 Wall Thickness at Any Point (e) — The value of 3.23 Virgin Material — Material in such form as
the measurement of wall thickness at any point around granules or powder that has not been subjected to use
the circumference of a pipe, rounded off to the next or processing other than that required for its
higher 0.1 mm. manufacture and to which no reprocessable or
3.12 Minimum Wall Thickness at Any Point (eMin) recyclable materials have been added.
— The minimum value for the wall thickness at any
3.24 Double Wall Corrugated (DWC) — Structured
point around the circumference of a pipe, rounded off
wall pipes with hollow annular profiled outer surface
to the next higher 0.1 mm.
and a smooth inner surface.
3.13 Maximum Wall Thickness at Any Point (eMax)
3.25 Own Rework Material — Material prepared
— The maximum value for the wall thickness at any
from rejected, unused pipes or the fittings, including
point round the circumference of a pipe, rounded off
to the next higher 0.1 mm. trimmings from the production of pipes or fittings that
will be reprocessed in a manufacturer’s plant by a
3.14 Mean Wall Thickness (em) — The arithmetic process such as extrusion or injection moulding and
mean of at least four measurements regularly spaced for which the complete formulation is known.
around the circumference and in the same cross-
section of a pipe, including the measured minimum 3.26 Tests
and measured maximum values of the wall thickness
3.26.1 Type Tests
in that cross-section, rounded off to the next higher
0.1 mm. Tests carried out whenever a change is made in the
composition or in the size/series in order to establish
3.15 Maximum Mean Wall Thickness (em, Max) —
the suitability and the performance capability of the
The maximum value for the mean wall thickness
pipes and fittings.
around the circumference of a component, as specified.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
NOTE — The figures are schematic sketches only to indicate the relevant dimensions. They do not necessarily represent
the manufactured components.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
intended to have jointing dimensions as pipes and/or a) de ≤ 500 : de/33, but not less than 4.2 mm.
fittings according to this standard shall comply with b) de > 500 : 15.2 mm.
the outside diameters and tolerances as specified by
NOTE — The values shall be calculated to the second
the manufacturer. However, the guidelines for pipes, decimal place and rounded to the next higher 0.1mm.
spigots and fittings not intended to have jointing
dimensions as pipes and/or fittings according to this Sockets heat formed on the pipes
standard, the tolerance of the outside diameter of pipes When a socket is heat formed on a pipe segment the
and spigots, fittings shall be: following is permitted.
dem, Min ≤ 0.994 × de
For joints with the sealing ring positioned on the pipe,
dem, Max ≥1.003 × de a reduction of the wall thickness e4 and e5, as applicable,
to 75 percent. The manufacturer shall specify the
where reference value for the wall thickness.
de = nominal size of outside diameter as specified Structured wall designed sockets with stiffness
by the manufacturer of a DN-ID designated ≥ 4 kN/m2
pipe. The results are to be rounded to the For structured-wall designed sockets, the wall thickness
next higher 0.1 mm.
e 4 and e 5 as applicable, shall comply with the
6.3.4 Diameters and Jointing Dimensions of Sockets requirements given in Table 5.
and Spigots Other sockets with stiffness < 4 kN/m2 Joints with the elastomeric sealing ring
The thickness of the inner wall of the socket shall be
positioned in the socket of pipes or fittings
at least 1.5 × e4, as specified in Table 5.
For these pipes, the requirement regarding the socket Injection moulded fittings
and spigot dimension, AMin specified in Table 2 applies.
The minimum wall thickness in the body of injection
In the case where other nominal sizes other than those
moulded fittings, e4 Min, for DN/ID ≤ 300 mm shall be
specified in Table 2 are selected, the requirements
2.0 mm. For larger sizes, it shall conform to the
regarding the socket dimension AMin shall be linearly
requirements for e4 Min as specified in Table 5.
interpolated between the adjacent values specified in
Table 2. The minimum mean inside diameter of socket, The construction height of the body wall, e c for
Di, Min shall be equal to de, Max. injection moulded fittings up to 200 mm actual outside
6.3.5 Wall Thickness diameter of pipes in the DN-ID series shall be at least
as specified for eMin as below: Wall thickness of sockets and joint design
requirements Nominal Size eMin
DN/ID mm General
75 4.0
In addition to the minimum required wall thickness of 100 4.8
sockets and spigots as specified below, their ring 125 5.8
stiffness, when determined in accordance with Table 10 135 6.2
shall conform to the following equation: 150 7.0
Ssocket + Sspigot ≥ SN pipes 170 7.7
For the test it is permitted to use cut-off straight socket In the case of ID series fittings, the calculations shall
and spigot parts even if they do not conform to the be based on the actual diameter of the corresponding
length requirements specified in Annex C of IS 16098 pipes.
(Part 1). The jointing design including socket and spigot Spigot dimensions, shall conform to
When the spigot has the same design as the pipe, the Fabricated fittings
wall thickness requirements for the corresponding pipe The wall thickness of the body of fittings fabricated
dimension and construction shall apply. from pipes shall conform to the requirements of the
In the case of a solid plain spigot design, the wall corresponding pipes. Wall thickness reduction due to
thickness, e shall conform to values given below: the process is permitted provided the requirements in
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
Table 12 are satisfied. The jointing design including NOTE — Preferred nominal angles, α, are 15°, 22.5°,
30° and 45°.
socket and spigot dimensions, shall conform to Rotational moulded fittings b) Couplers (see Fig. 5).
c) Reducers (see Fig. 6).
The minimum wall thickness in the body of rotational
d) Branches and reducing branches, swept and
moulded fitting, e4 Min shall be 1.25 times the values
unswept entry (see Fig. 7).
specified for the injection moulded fittings, rounded
to the next higher 0.1 mm. NOTE — Preferred nominal angles, α, are 45° and
between 87.5° and 90°.
If a rotational moulded fitting has a solid plain spigot
e) Plugs (see Fig. 8).
and/or socket, the minimum required wall thickness
e1, e2 and e3 as applicable shall be 1.25 times the values NOTES
derived from 6.3.5. 1 Figures 3 to 8 are for reference only and do not necessarily
represent manufactured components.
The socket and spigot dimensions shall comply 2 The design lengths (s) (Z lengths) of the fittings shall be
with declared by the manufacturer.
3 The minimum length, L1 of the spigots shall be such that it
6.4 Types of Fittings passes the ring seal by at least 10 mm.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
be smooth and plain. Both layers shall be free from 7.3 When tested in accordance with the test method
any visual defects such as cracks, blisters, foreign specified in Table 8 and Table 9 using the indicated
inclusions and any other visual irregularities which may parameters, the fitting shall have physical
cause harm to its construction integrities. The inner characteristics conforming to the requirements as given
surface may reflect slight shallow undulations. in Table 8 and Table 9.
For the wall thickness, e, the maximum measured wall thickness of the pipe excluding ec shall be taken.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
not firmly fixed in position, the housing for the ring NOTE — A test report or conformity certificate may be obtained
shall be so designed as to minimize the possibility of from the manufacturer of the sealing ring for conformity to IS
the ring being dislodged during insertion of the pipe
(or spigot or fitting) to complete the joint. 9 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS
Elastomeric sealing rings shall be in accordance with When tested in accordance with the test methods
one of the type (Type 1 to Type 6) of IS 5382. The specified in Table 12, using the indicated parameters,
manufacturer should specify the type of sealing ring the joints and the system shall have characteristics
(namely Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6) that is being offered. conforming to the requirements given in Table 12.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
10 SAMPLING, FREQUENCY OF TESTS AND guidance and use of random number tables, IS 4905
CRITERIA FOR CONFORMITY may be referred. In the absence of a random number
table, the procedure given in Table 19 may be adopted.
10.1 Acceptance Test
10.3.2 Starting from any pipe in the lot, count them as
10.1.1 Acceptance tests are carried out on sample 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, up to r and so on where r is the integral
selected from a lot (see 10.3.1) for the purpose of part of N/n, N being the number of pipes in the lot and
acceptance of the lot in accordance with Table 13 (for n is the number of pipes in the sample. Every rth pipe
pipes) and Table 14 (for fittings). so counted shall be drawn so as to constitute the
required sample size.
10.2 Type Test
The number of pipes given for the first sample in col 4
10.2.1 Type tests are intended to prove the suitability of Table 19 shall be examined for dimensional and
and performance of a new technique or a new size of a visual requirements. A pipe failing to satisfy any of
pipe. Type testing shall be in accordance with Tables 15 these requirements shall be considered as defective.
to 18, as applicable. All tests are required to be carried The lot shall be deemed to have satisfied these
out either in an in-house laboratory or at an authorized requirements, if the number of detectives found in the
third party laboratory. first sample are less than or equal to the corresponding
acceptance number given in col 6 of Table 19. The lot
10.3 Sampling
shall be deemed not to have met these requirements, if
10.3.1 Lot the number of detectives found in the first sample is
greater than or equal to the corresponding rejection
All pipes of the same size, same grade and
numbers given in col 7 of Table 19.
manufactured essentially under similar conditions shall
constitute a lot. These pipes shall be selected at random If, however, the number of detectives found in the first
from the lot and in order to ensure the randomness of sample lies between the corresponding acceptance and
selection, a random number table shall be used. For rejection numbers given in col 6 and col 7 of Table 19,
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
Table 13 Acceptance Tests for Pipes Table 16 Type Test for PE Fittings
(Clause 10.1.1) (Clause 10.2.1)
Sl Description of Test Requirement, Sample Size Sl Tests Requirement, Sample Size
No. Ref to Clause No. Ref to Clause
(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Visual appearance, finish 7.1 and 7.1.1 See Table 19 i) Thermal stability 5.1 See Table 11
and colour (Oxidation induction test)
ii) Dimensions 6.3 See Table 19 ii) Water tightness test 9.0 See Table 11
iii) Melt flow rate 5.1 See Table 20 iii) Flexibility 8.2.1 See Table 11
iv) Base density 5.1 See Table 20
v) Ring stiffness 8.1.1 See Table 20
vi) Ring flexibility 8.1.2 See Table 20 Table 17 Type Test for PP Pipes
vii) Impact test 8.1.1 See Table 20
viii) Resistance to heating, oven test 7.2 See Table 20
(Clause 10.2.1)
Sl Tests Requirement, Sample Size
Table 14 Acceptance Tests for Fittings No. Ref to Clause
(Clause 10.1.1) (1) (2) (3) (4)
i) Resistance to internal 5.1 See Table 20
Sl Description of Test Requirement, Sample Size
hydrostatic pressure for 165 h
No. Ref to Clause
at 4.2 MPa
(1) (2) (3) (4)
ii) Resistance to internal 5.1 See Table 20
i) Visual appearance, finish 7.1 and 7.1.1 See Table 19 hydrostatic pressure for 1 000 h
and colour at 2.5 MPa
ii) Dimensions 6.3 See Table 19 iii) Creep ratio 8.1.1 See Table 20
iii) Ring stiffness 8.2.1 See Table 20 iv) Thermal stability 5.1 See Table 20
iv) Impact test 8.2.2 See Table 20 (Oxidation induction test)1)
v) Effect of heating 7.3 See Table 20 v) Water tightness test 9.0 See Table 20
vi) Tightness of elastomeric ring 9.0 See Table 20
seal joint
Table 15 Type Test for PE Pipes vii) Resistance to combined 9.0 See Table 20
(Clause 10.2.1) temperature cycling and
external loading
Sl Tests Requirement, Sample Size
No. Ref to Clause 1)
The requirement is only valid for pipes intended to be jointed in
(1) (2) (3) (4) field by fusing or welding.
i) Resistance to internal 5.1 See Table 20
hydrostatic pressure for 165 h
at 4 MPa Table 18 Type Test for PP Fittings
ii) Resistance to internal 5.1 See Table 20 (Clause 10.2.1)
hydrostatic pressure for 1 000 h
at 2.8 MPa Sl Tests Requirement, Sample Size
iii) Creep ratio 8.1.1 See Table 20 No. Ref to Clause
iv) Thermal stability 5.1 See Table 20 (1) (2) (3) (4)
(Oxidation induction test) i) Thermal stability 5.1 See Table 20
v) Water tightness test 9.0 See Table 20 (Oxidation induction test)1)
vi) Tightness of elastomeric ring 9.0 See Table 20 ii) Water tightness test 9.0 See Table 20
seal joint iii) Flexibility 8.2.1 See Table 20
vii) Resistance to combined 9.0 See Table 20
temperature cycling and 1)
The requirement is only valid for pipes intended to be jointed in
external loading field by fusing or welding.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
the second sample of the size given in col 4 of Table 11.2 Minimum Required Marking
19 shall be taken and examined for these requirements.
11.2.1 Pipes
The lot shall be considered to have satisfied these,
requirements, if the number of detectives found in the Each pipes shall be marked at intervals of maximum
cumulative sample is less than or equal to the 3 m, at least once per pipe, with the following
corresponding acceptance number given in col 6 of information:
Table 19; otherwise not.
a) Manufacturer’s name/Trade-mark;
10.4 Conformance b) Diameter series, nominal size;
c) Stiffness class;
The lot having satisfied dimensional and visual
requirements shall be tested for other requirements with d) Material; and
the sample size selected as per Table 20 from the lot. e) Lot number/batch number containing
If the first sample drawn fails the tests, re-sampling information regarding period of manufacture.
should be done from the lot which has satisfied the 11.2.2 Fittings
dimensional and visual requirements. The lot shall be
Each fitting shall be marked with the following
considered to have met the requirements of these tests,
if none of these samples tested fails.
a) Manufacturer’s name/Trade-mark;
Table 20 Scale of Sampling for Tests Other than b) Diameter series, nominal size;
Visual and Dimensional Requirements c) Nominal angle;
Sl No. of Pipes Sample Size for Sample Size for d) Stiffness class;
No. in Lot Sizes Less than or Sizes Greater than
Equal to 500 mm ID 500 mm ID e) Material; and
(1) (2) (3) (4) f) Lot number/batch number containing
i) Up to 1 000 2 1 information regarding period of manufacture.
ii) 1 001 to 3 000 3 2
iii) 3 001 and above 4 3 11.3 BIS Certification Marking
Each pipe or fittings may also be marked with the
Standard Mark.
11.1 General 11.3.1 The use of the Standard mark is governed by
Marking shall be labelled, printed or formed directly the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards Act,
on the pipe or fitting, in such a way that after storage, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder.
weathering and handling the legibility shall be The details of conditions under which the licence for
maintained. Marking shall not initiate cracks or other the use of the Standard Mark may be granted to
types of defects which adversely influence the manufacturers or producers may be obtained from the
performance of the pipes or the fitting. Bureau of Indian Standards.
The arrangement of loading the pipes in a telescopic Following recommendations shall be followed while
manner is advised, that is, smaller diameters inserted handling the pipes:
into the next higher sizes of pipes up to the height of
2.5 m in a truck. While loading the pipes into the truck, a) Pipes shall be smoothly lowered to the ground.
care should be taken that the spigot/coupler end should b) Pipes should not be dragged against the
be arranged alternatively in the corresponding layer ground to avoid the damages to the coupler/
so as to avoid the damage to the coupling/socket-end. pipes.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
c) 900 mm and larger diameter pipes are carried A-4 CONSTRUCTION METHODS
with slings at two points spaced
approximately at 3 m apart. A-4.1 Trench Preparation
d) For smaller diameters (450 mm to 900 mm, A-4.1.1 Dimensions
both exclusive) one lift point shall be
sufficient. The width of a sewer trench depends on the soil
condition, type of side protection and the working
e) For diameters smaller than or equal to
space required at the bottom of trench for smooth
450 mm, manual labour can be used.
installations. Increase in width over required minimum
f) Loading boom or fork lift should not be used would unduly increase the load on pipe and cost of
directly on or inside pipe. road restoration. Considering all above factors, the
A-3 PIPE STORAGE AT SITE minimum trench width is specified as per Table 21.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
Table 21 Minimum Trench Widths sudden accumulation of water in the trench. The
(Clause A-4.1.1) diameter wise minimum cover necessary to counteract
All dimensions in millimetres. the buoyant forces is given in Table 22.
Sl No. Pipe Diameter Trench Width For exceptional cases of higher level of ground water,
(1) (2) (3) additional anchoring at equal intervals would be
i) 75 to 200 0.6 necessary.
ii) 250 0.7
iii) 300 0.8 Table 22 Required Minimum Cover to
iv) 400 0.9
v) 600 1.2 Prevent Floatation
vi) 800 1.3 Sl No. Nominal Diameter Minimum Cover
vii) 900 1.6 mm mm
viii) 1 000 1.8 (1) (2) (3)
ix) 1 200 2.0
i) 75 65
ii) 100 77
Excavated spoils shall not be deposited in the near iii) 150 102
iv) 200 127
proximity to prevent the collapse of side of the trenches. v) 250 178
The sides of the trench shall, however, be supported vi) 300 368
by shoring (where necessary) to ensure proper and vii) 400 505
speedy excavations and concurrently ensuring viii) 600 711
ix) 900 1 067
necessary protections to contiguous structures. x) 1 050 1 219
In the event, the presence of ground water is likely to xi) 1 200 1 372
cause instability in soil conditions, a well point system NOTE — Computation is based on the pipes being completely
may be adopted for lowering of ground water table empty, water table at the ground surface, solid density of
below the requisite trench bed level. If excavation is 2 083 kg/m3 and a soil friction angle appropriate for most sand/
gravel mixtures. The average of the inside and outside diameters
made deeper than necessary the same shall be filled
was used to determine solid and water displacement.
and compacted.
A- Shoring/mild steel sheet piling A- Bedding
The protective shoring works shall be strong enough a) Normally, even for the maximum combined
to prevent caving in of trench walls or subsidence of loading (wheel load + backfill), any form of
contagious areas adjacent to trench. cement concrete structural bedding would not
be necessary.
For wider and deeper trenches, a system of wall plates
(wales) and struts of heavy timber section is commonly b) For maintenance of sewer slopes the initial
used as per the requisite structural design. backfill envelop with sand or gravel (as
computed through structural design of buried
In non-cohesive soils with high ground water table, flexible conduit) over a single BFS would be
continuous interlocking mild steel sheet piling may be sufficient.
necessary to prevent excessive soil movements due to c) In the event, anchorage becomes imperative the
ground water percolation. Such sheet piling shall transverse concrete anchorage blocks spaced
extend 1.5 m below the trench bottom unless the lower at suitable interval shall also act as chairs for
soil strata are adequately cohesive. defining and maintaining the sewer slopes.
A- Underground services A- Parallel pipe installation
The underground public and private utility services For cross drainage under roads, often parallel pipe
exposed due to the excavation shall be effectively installations become necessary. In such cases allowance
supported under the guidance of the owners of such for adequate spaces between pipes are imperative. The
services. proposed configuration of such system is depicted in
A- Dewatering Fig. 11.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
The material for backfill envelop shall be as per the backfill envelope shall be constructed as per design
structural design of flexible buried conduit. It can be around pipe. Voids must be eliminated by knifing under
the same material that were removed in the course of and around pipe or by some other technique and
excavation or it can be fine sand/course sand/gravel compacted with necessary watering, either by hand
depending on the over burden and superimposed load, rammers or compactors to a possible maximum level
but it should be the concrete which invariably induces of proctor density.
undesired rigidity in the system.
Backfilling shall start only after ensuring the water
The remaining portion of backfilling shall be the tightness test of joints for the concerned sewer
materials that were removed in the course of segments. However, partial filling may be done keeping
excavation. These materials shall consist of clean earth the joints open.
and shall be free from large clod or stone above 75 mm,
Precautions shall be taken against floatation as per the
ashes, refuse and other injurious materials.
specified methodology and the minimum required
After completion of laying of pipes, etc, first the cover.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
X — ring stiffiness, in kN/m2 Y — pipe deflection, in percent
I — “well” compaction II — “moderate” compaction
III — “non-” compaction (not recommended)
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
(Tables 1 and 3)
C-1 This Annex specifies for measuring the oxidation or temperature results are often used to select optimum resin
formulations. Volatile antioxidants or differences in activation
induction time in oxygen at a specified temperature of
energies of oxidation reactions may generate poor oxidation
polyolefin materials for or from pipes or fittings. induction time or temperature results, even though the
antioxidants may perform adequately at the intended
It may be used for assessing the thermal stability of temperature of use of the finished product.
either raw materials or finished products.
C-2.2 Oxidation Induction Time (Isothermal OIT)
C-1.1 Oxidation Induction Time (Isothermal OIT)
The specimen and a reference material are heated at a
Relative measure of a stabilized material’s resistance
constant rate in an inert gaseous environment (a flow
to oxidative decomposition, determined by the
of nitrogen). When the specified temperature has been
calorimetric measurement of the time interval to the
reached, the atmosphere is changed to oxygen or air
onset of exothermic oxidation of the material at a
maintained at the same flow rate. The specimen is then
specified temperature in an oxygen or air atmosphere,
held at constant temperature until the oxidative reaction
under atmospheric pressure.
is displayed on the thermal curve. The isothermal OIT
NOTE — It is expressed in minutes (min). is the time interval between the initiation of oxygen or
air flow and the onset of the oxidative reaction. The
C-1.2 Oxidation Induction Temperature (Dynamic
onset of oxidation is indicated by an abrupt increase
in the specimen’s evolved heat and may be observed
Relative measure of a stabilized material’s resistance by a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The
to oxidative decomposition, determined by the isothermal OIT is determined in accordance
calorimetric measurement of the temperature of the with C-7.6.1.
onset of exothermic oxidation of the material when
subjected to a specified heating rate in an oxygen or C-2.3 Oxidation Induction Temperature (Dynamic
air atmosphere, under atmospheric pressure. OIT)
NOTE — It is expressed in degrees Celsius (ºC). The specimen and a reference material are heated at a
constant rate in oxygen or air atmosphere until the
C-2 PRINCIPLE oxidative reaction is displayed on the thermal curve.
C-2.1 General The dynamic OIT is the temperature of the onset of
the oxidative reaction. The onset of oxidation is
The time for which, or the temperature up to which, an indicated by an abrupt increase in the specimen’s
antioxidant stabilizer system present in a test specimen evolved heat and may be observed by a differential
inhibits oxidation is measured while the specimen is scanning calorimeter (DSC). The dynamic OIT is
held isothermally at a specified temperature or heated determined in accordance with C-7.6.2.
at a constant rate in an oxygen or air atmosphere. The
oxidation induction time or temperature is an C-3 APPARATUS AND MATERIALS
assessment of the level (or degree) of stabilization of
the material tested. Higher test temperatures will result C-3.1 General
in shorter oxidation induction times; faster heating rates Clause C-3.5 to C-3.8 shall be followed as applicable
will result in higher oxidation induction temperatures. (C-3.7 and C-3.8 are required only for oxidation
The oxidation induction time and temperature are also induction time measurements).
dependent on the surface area of the specimen available
for oxidation. It should be noted that tests carried out C-3.2 DSC Instrument — The DSC instrument shall
in pure oxygen will result in a lower oxidation induction be able to achieve a maximum temperature of at least
time or temperature than tests performed under normal 500°C. For oxidation induction time measurements, it
atmospheric-air conditions. shall be capable of maintaining an isothermal stability
NOTE — The oxidation induction time or temperature can be
of ± 0.3°C at the test temperature over the duration of
indicative of the effective antioxidant level present in the test the test, typically 60 min.
specimen. Caution should be exercized in data interpretation,
however, since oxidation reaction kinetics are a function of For high-precision measurements, an isothermal
temperature and the inherent properties of the additives stability of ± 0.1°C is recommended.
contained in the sample. For example, oxidation induction time
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
C-3.3 Crucibles — Specimens shall be placed in open residual stresses or lack of contact between specimen and
crucible can affect test precision adversely.
or closed ventilated crucible that allows unperturbed
contact with the surrounding atmosphere. Preferably, If measurements of the OIT profile across the specimen
crucibles should be made of aluminum. Crucibles made thickness are required, specimens of significantly lower
of different materials may be used by agreement thickness than 650 µm may need to be used. This shall
between the interested parties. be noted in the test report.
NOTE — The composition of the crucible material can influence
the oxidation induction time temperature test result significantly
C-4.2 Specimens from Compression-Moulded Plates
(that is, including any associated catalytic effects). The type of Following IS 13360 (Part 2/Sec 1), the test sample shall
containment system used depends on the intended application
of the material being tested. Polyolefins used in the wire and be compression-moulded into sheet of thickness
cable industry typically require copper or aluminum crucibles complying with A-4.1 to yield consistent specimen
whereas, for polyolefins used in geomembrane and vapour- morphology and thickness. Alternatively, a specimen
barrier film applications, only aluminum crucibles are used. of suitable thickness can be cut from a thicker
C-3.4 Flowmeter — For gas flow calibration, a flow compression-moulded plate. Unless otherwise
rate measuring device such as a rotameter or soap-film specified, heating at the moulding temperature shall
flowmeter shall be used together with a flow adjusting be limited to 5 min. Preferably, a borehole cutter should
value. Mass flow controlling devices shall be calibrated be used to punch out from the plate a disc of diameter
against a positive displacement device. just less than the inner diameter of the sample crucible.
Specimen discs shall be small enough to lay flat in the
C-3.5 Oxygen — The oxygen used shall be of 99.55 crucible and shall not be stacked to increase mass.
percent ultra high purity grade (extra dry) or better.
NOTE — Specimen mass will vary depending on disc/diameter.
WARNING — The use of pressurized gas require safe and For a typical diameter of 5.5 mm, specimen discs cut from
proper handling. Furthermore, oxygen is a strong oxidizer that sheet will have a mass of approximately 12 mg to 17 mg,
accelerates combustion vigorously. Keep oil and grease away depending on the density of the material.
from equipment using or containing oxygen.
C-3.6 Air — The pressurized air used shall be dry and C-4.3 Specimen from Injection-Moulded Plates or
free of oil and grease. Melt Flow Extrudates
C-3.7 Nitrogen — The nitrogen used shall be of 99.99 Specimens may also be obtained from injection-
percent ultra high purity grade (extra dry) or better. moulded samples of thickness complying with C-4.1,
for example prepared in accordance with IS 13360
C-3.8 Gas-Selector Switch and Regulators — The (Part 2/Sec 3). Preferably, a bore-hole cutter should be
DSC apparatus used for oxidation induction time used to punch out a disc of diameter just less than the
measurements needs to be switched between nitrogen inner diameter of the sample crucible.
and oxygen or air. The distance between the gas
switching point and the instrument cell should Specimen can also be cut from melt flow indexer
preferably be kept as short as possible, with a dead extrudates. In this case, the specimen shall be cut
time of less than 1 min, to minimize the switching perpendicular to the extrudate length. A visual
volume. Accordingly, for a flow rate of 50 ml/min, the inspection of the specimen shall be performed to ensure
dead volume would have to be less than 50 ml. that it is free of voids. Preferably, a microtome should
be used to cut specimens to a constant thickness of
NOTE — Increased precision can be obtained, if the dead time
is known. One possible means of determining dead time is to 650 ± 100 µm.
carry out a test using a non-stabilized material which will
oxidize immediately in the presence of oxygen. The induction C-4.4 Specimen from Finished Parts
time from the test will provide a correction for subsequent OIT
determination. Examples of such parts are pipes and fittings. Disc-
shaped pieces shall be cut from the finished part in
C-4 TEST SPECIMENS accordance with the referring standard so as to obtain
specimens of thickness 650 ± 100 µm.
C-4.1 General
Specimens shall have a constant thickness of 650 ± The following procedure is recommended to prepare
100 µm and parallel surfaces shall be flat and shall not specimens from thick walled finished part, obtain a
show any burrs or scars. cross-section of the wall by using a core drill directed
racially through the wall, where the diameter of the
NOTE — Depending on the material and its process history, core is less than the inner diameter of the sample
dimensions and service conditions, the methods of samples
and specimen preparation may be crucial to the consistency of crucible. Take care not to over heat the specimen during
the results and their significance. In addition, the surface to the cutting operation. Cut discs of specified thickness
volume ratio of the test specimen, poor specimen uniformity,
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
from the core, preferably by using a microtome. If of indium lies within 156.6 ± 0.3°C and that of tin lies
surface effects are of prime interest, cut discs from the within 231.9 ± 0.3°C.
inner and outer surfaces and test them with the original
The following melting profiles shall be used if the
surface facing upward. If the characteristics of the base
calibration procedure does not provide heating rate
material are desired, cut a middle-section disc by
removing the outer and inner surfaces.
a) Indium : ambient to 145°C at 10°C/min,
NOTE — Specimen mass will vary depending on disc/diameter.
For a typical diameter of 5.5 mm, specimen discs cut from 145°C to 165oC at 1°C/min
pipes or fittings will have a mass of approximately 12 mg to b) Tin : ambient to 220°C at 10°C/min,
17 mg, depending on the density of the material. 220°C to 240oC at 1°C/min
C-5 TEST CONDITIONS AND SPECIMEN C-6.2 Oxidation Induction Temperature (Dynamic
A short length completed duct (approximately 300 mm) The instrument shall be calibrated in accordance with
placed in an oven at temperature of 68 ± 1°C for 8 h. the procedure described in C-7.1, using nitrogen or
The sample shall then be allowed to cool at room air as purge gas.
temperatures for at least 16 h. The sample shall be clean
and dry. The sample shall then be tested. C-7 PROCEDURE
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
C-7.5 Sensitivity Adjustment Once the equilibrium time has expired the gas shall be
changed to oxygen or air at a flow rate identical to the
The instrument sensitivity shall be adjusted so that the
rate used for nitrogen. The changeover point to oxygen
difference in vertical height on the stopped change
air flow shall be marked as the zero time of the test.
curve becomes 50 percent or more of the full scale of
the recording device. Computer-controlled instruments The isothermal operation shall be continued until at
do not need this adjustment. least 2 min have elapsed after the steepest point of the
exotherm has been displayed (see Fig. 13).
C-7.6 Performance of Measurement Alternatively, the test may be terminated, if time
C-7.6.1 Oxidation Induction Time (Isothermal OIT) requirements specified or agreed between the interested
parties have been met.
Load specimen and reference crucibles at ambient
temperature. Pre-purge the instrument with nitrogen Upon completion of the test, the gas selector should
for 5 min prior to beginning the heating cycle. be switched back to nitrogen and the instrument cooled
down to ambient temperature. If additional testing is
Programmed heating of the specimen under nitrogen being conducted, cooling the instrument cell below
flow shall be started from ambient temperature and 60°C should be sufficient.
continued to the test temperature at a rate of 20°C/min.
Preferably, isothermal test temperatures shall be chosen The number of tests to be carried out on each sample
to full 10°C values and changed only in steps of full shall be established by agreement between the
10°C. Other test temperatures may be used as per interested parties. Preferably, specimens should be
agreement between the interested parties. Particularly, tested in duplicate, and the arithmetic means as well
specimen yielding oxidation induction times of less as the lower and upper values reported.
than 10 min should be released at a lower temperature. NOTE — Oxidative induction time is a complex function of
Specimens yielding oxidation induction times of temperature and the additives in the polymer. Therefore,
greater than 60 min should be retested at a higher extrapolation or comparison of date obtained at different
temperatures is not valid unless justified by experimental results.
C-7.6.2 Oxidation Induction Temperature (Dynamic
When the set temperature has been reached,
programmed heating shall be discontinued and the
specimen shall be equilibrated for 3 min at the set The instrument shall be pre-purged with the purge gas
temperature. to be used for measuring, that is oxygen or air, for
5 min with the specimen and reference crucibles loaded
The recorder shall be turned on.
a — exothermic X — time
Y — heat flow rate t1 — changeover to oxygen or air (time zero)
t2 — onset of oxidation t3 — intercept point determined by tangent method
t4 — time to oxidation peak (oxidation induction time)
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
at ambient temperature prior to beginning the heating extrapolated to intercept the extended baseline (see
cycle. Fig. 13 or 14). The intercept point representing the
oxidation induction time or temperature shall be
Programmed heating of the specimen under oxygen or
measured to a resolution of three significant figures.
air flow shall be started at ambient temperature and
continued to a temperature at least 30°C above the The tangent method described above is the preferred
steepest point on the exotherm (see Fig. 14). Preferred means of determining the intercept point, but the
heating rates are 10°C/min and 20°C/min. alternatively, selection of the appropriate tangent to the exotherm
the test may be terminated, if temperature requirements may be difficult, if the exothermic peak has a leading
stated in the product specification or as agreed between edge. Exothermic peaks with leading edges may occur,
the interested parties have been met. if the oxidation reaction is slow. If the selection of the
appropriate slope to be used for the tangent method is
Upon completion of the test, the instrument should be
not obvious, an offset method may be used. A second
cooled down to ambient temperature. If additional
testing is being conducted cooling the instrument cell baseline shall be drawn parallel to the first baseline at
below 60°C should be sufficient. a threshold distance of 0.05 W/g (see Fig. 15 or 16)
from the first baseline (see next paragraph). The
The number of tests to be carried out on each sample intersection of this second line with the exotherm signal
shall be established by agreement between the is defined as the onset of oxidation.
interested parties. Preferably, specimens should be
tested in duplicate, and the arithmetic mean as well as Thermograms having leading edges can also be due
the lower and upper values reported. to poor specimen preparation, that is specimens being
of varying thickness, not being flat or having burrs
C-8 EXPRESSION OF RESULTS or scars. Thus, before applying the threshold method
The data shall be plotted with the heat flow rate on the described for evaluation of results, it is recommended
y-axis and time or temperature, as applicable, on the that the scan be repeated, making sure that all
x-axis. In the case of manual evaluation the x-axis specimen requirements described in C-5 are properly
should be expanded as much as possible to facilitate met, to confirm the leading edge shape of the
analysis. thermogram.
The recorded baseline shall be extended well beyond Other procedures or other values for the threshold
the onset of the oxidative reaction exortherm. The distance from the baseline may be used by agreement
steepest linear slope of this exotherm shall be between the interested parties.
a — exothermic X — temperature
Y — heat Flow Rate T1 — melting temperature of polymer
T2 — onset of oxidation T3 — intercept point determined by tangent
T4 — temperature of oxidation peak (Oxidation induction tempture)
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
a — exothermic X — time
Y — heat flow rate t1 — changeover to oxygen or air (time zero)
t2 — onset of oxidation t3 — intercept point determined by offset
t4 — time of oxidation peak (Oxidation induction time)
a — exothermic X — temperature
Y — heat flow rate T1 — melting temperature of polymer
T2 — onset of oxidation T3 — intercept point determined by offset
T4 — temperature of oxidation peak (Oxidation induction temperature)
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
(Tables 8 and 9)
D-1 This Annex specifies two methods for assessing Unless otherwise specified, the test parameters shall
the effects of heating on injection — moulded be in accordance with Table 26.
thermoplastics pipe fittings — Method A, using an air
oven, and method B, using a liquid bath. In case of D-4 METHOD A
disagreement, Method A is the reference method.
D-4.1 Apparatus
This Annex is applicable to cement welded fittings as
D-4.1.1 Air-Circulating Oven, Thermostatically
well as to flanged fittings and fittings incorporating
Controlled, equipped with a thermostat so that the
elastomeric seals and to fittings consisting of the
temperature of the working zone can be maintained at
assembly of several moulded parts (for example union
the prescribed test temperature throughout the test and
connectors). It is applicable to both pressure and non-
of sufficient heating capacity to enable the test
pressure fittings.
temperature to be regained within 15 min of insertion
D-2 PRINCIPLE of the test pieces.
Complete mouldings are subjected to an elevated D-4.1.2 Thermometer, Graduated in 0.5°C or a type
temperature in an air-circulating oven or a liquid bath ‘T’ thermocouple with a resolution of 0.1°C and an
for a given period of time, depending upon the wall accuracy of at least ± 0.8°C.
thickness of the fitting and the material being moulded.
D-4.2 Test Pieces
The surfaces of the moulding are examined before and
D- 4.2.1 Preparation
after heating and any cracks, blisters, delaminations
or opening of fusion lines are measured and expressed After removing any runners, take the complete molding
as a percentage of the wall thickness. as test piece. If the fitting incorporates an elastomeric
sealing ring, remove the ring before testing. In the case
D-3 TEST PARAMETERS of fittings assembled from more than one element,
The following test parameters as given below shall separate the components and then test, out of contact
apply for the material used in manufacture of the with each other.
fittings: D-4.2.2 Number
a) Test temperature, T (see D-4.1.1 and D-4.3); At least three pieces shall be tested.
b) Number of test pieces (see D-4.2.2);
c) Heating time, t (see D-4.3.3); D-4.3 Procedure
d) Test method to be used and the test liquid (for D-4.3.1 Set the oven temperature (see D-4.1.1) at the
Method B, only); and test temperature of T ± 2°C in accordance with
e) The acceptable limits for the occurrence or Table 26.
dimensions of any cracks or other features D-4.3.2 Put the test pieces in the oven and arrange them
found (see D-4.3.6). so that they are standing on one side of their sockets
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
wherever possible, avoiding contact with another test D-4.3.6 Examine each test piece for and record any
piece or the sides of the oven. surface changes, such as cracks, delaminations and
weld-line openings as well as changes inside the wall,
D-4.3.3 Leave the test pieces in the oven until the oven
such as blisters and in the gating area. Determine the
returns to the test temperature of T ± 2°C and for a
extent of such defects in the gating area as a percentage
further period, t, dependent on the mean wall thickness,
of the wall thickness as follows:
em, of the thickest part of the test piece(s) in accordance
with Table 26. a) For spruce-gated mouldings (see Fig. 17)
around the injection point(s) within a radius,
D-4.3.4 Remove the test pieces from the oven, taking
R = 0.3dn with a maximum value of 50 mm.
care not to deform or damage them.
b) For ring-or-diaphragm-gated mouldings (see
D-4.3.5 Cut the test pieces with a sharp knife or razor Fig. 17) within a length, L = 0.3dn of the
blade while they are still hot, to enable the dimensions cylindrical portion of the gating area. In the
of cracks, blisters, delaminations and weld line case of cracks running through the whole wall
openings, if any, to be measured as required. Allow thickness of the gating area, determine also
the test pieces and/or parts to cool in air until they can the length of the crack.
be handled without deformation. c) For mouldings containing fusion lines,
The following number of cuts should be made: determine the widest and deepest part(s) of
any open part of the fusion line.
a) For cylindrical components of dn ≤ 160 mm,
d) For all other parts of the moulding beyond
not less than two cuts equally spaced around
the gating area, examine the surface for any
the periphery of the mouth of each socket or
change such as cracks, blisters and
spigot of the component.
delaminations of the wall.
b) For cylindrical components of dn > 160 mm,
e) For all other parts of the moulding beyond
not less than four cuts equally spaced around
the gating area, examine the surface for any
the periphery of the mouth of each socket or
change such as cracks, blisters and
spigot of the component.
delamination of the wall.
NOTE — For dn, see Fig. 17.
17C Ring-Gate
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
(Table 11)
E-1 This Annex specifies a method for testing the d) If appropriate, the moment (M = F . L) or displacement to
mechanical strength or flexibility of fabricated be applied (see E-6).
thermoplastics fitting intended to be used in non- E-3 APPARATUS
pressure applications.
E-3.1 Anchorage(s), capable of holding the body of
E-2 PRINCIPLE the fabricated fitting rigid during the test. The
anchorages shall not deform the fitting.
An assembly of a fabricated fitting and the relevant
number of adjacent pipe(s) and anchorages (see Fig. E-3.2 Equipment capable of applying a force that will
18 and Fig. 19) is subjected to a moment at the critical result in moment in the critical point (see E-6). The
point. The critical point is where structural damage is direction of the force can be clockwise or anti-
most likely to start when increasing the moment. Either clockwise, provided that tensile stresses are applied to
a specified moment, M, or a specified displacement, the critical point.
A, becomes the determining factor, whichever is
E-3.3 Equipment capable of determining the length, L
reached first.
of the arm to the critical point (see Fig. 18 and Fig. 19).
NOTE — It is assumed that the following test parameters are When the displacement, A, is the determining factor,
set: the arm, L, as shown in Fig. 18 and Fig. 19, shall be 1
a) Sampling procedure and the number of test pieces 200 ± 10 mm.
(see E-4.2);
b) Conditioning temperature, if other than 27 ± 5°C (see E-5); E-3.4 Force and/or displacement measurement
c) Conditioning time, if other than 21 days (see E-5); and instruments, capable of determining the force applied
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
A — discharge B — fixing
C — example of critical point
and/or the displacement of the end of the arm to which by the manufacturer, plus the specified displacement.
the force is applied, as applicable (see E-4 and Table 27). In this case, however, a mechanical arrangement where
If a socket is designed to take up an angular deflection, the arm is fixed to the socket is preferred.
β the total displacement shall be the sum of the E-3.5 If necessary, additional means to ensure the
displacement given by the design angles β as declared tightness of the joint (see E-4).
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
E-4 TEST PIECE mechanical arrangement (see E-4.1) and fix it (see
Fig. 18 or Fig. 19). If possible, fill the assembly with
E-4.1 Preparation
water or air pressure.
The test piece shall comprise of an assembly of the
fabricated fitting, with a pipe of ring stiffness class for Apply the necessary force in 1 s to 20 s to obtain the
which the fitting is designed and fixing as appropriate. specified moment at the critical point or the specified
displacement as given in Table 27. Maintain the force
In the case where a fitting is designed for both solid wall or the displacement applied for 15 min. while
and structured-wall pipes, a solid wall pipe shall be used. monitoring for and recording any signs of splitting,
If the limiting factor is the moment, M the pipe may be cracking, separation and/or leakage. The inspection
replaced by a mechanical arrangement that ensures that may be performed after the relaxing of force or
the required moment is applied. displacement, and if necessary also after removal from
If the limiting factor is the displacement, A the pipe the anchorage, by applying water or air pressure or
may be replaced by a mechanical arrangement of vacuum. Record any leakage at the fabricated joint as
longitudinal rigidity not less than that of the specified a failure.
pipe. In case of dispute the specified pipe shall be used.
E-6.2 Mechanical Jointed Fabricated Fittings
Where a joint between a pipe and a fabricated fitting is
made, the manufacturer’s instructions shall be followed Carry out the following procedure at 27 ± 2°C.
except that additional means may be used to ensure Assemble the fitting with the pipe or mechanical
the tightness of the joint during the test. arrangement (see E-4.1) and fix it (see Fig. 18 or
Fig. 19). Fill the assembly with water until the level is
E-5 CONDITIONING between 200 mm and 300 mm above the critical point.
Samples shall be stored at room temperature of 27 ± Apply the necessary force in 1 s to 20 s to obtain the
2°C for at least 21 days before testing. specified moment at the critical point or the specified
displacement as given in Table 27. Maintain the force
or the displacement applied for 15 min while
E-6.1 Non-mechanical jointed fabricated fittings monitoring for and recording any signs of splitting,
(cemented or fused) carry out the following procedure cracking, separation and/or leakage. Record any
at 27 ± 2°C. Assemble the fitting with the pipe or leakage at the fabricated joint as a failure.
(Table 12)
F-1 This Annex specifies test method for water- F-3 APPARATUS
tightness of,
F-3.1 End-Sealing Devices, having a size and using a
a) joints of piping system for non-pressure sealing method both appropriate to the type of joint
applications; and under test. The devices shall be restrained in a manner
b) fabricated products made from more than one that does not exert longitudinal forces on the joint
piece for non-pressure applications. assembly and that prevents the devices or the assembly
under test from separating under pressure. The weight
F-2 PRINCIPLE of the devices shall not be allowed to influence the
A test assembly comprising either a fabricated product angular deflection to be applied (see F-5.2).
or an assembly of pipes and or fittings is subjected to a F-3.2 Hydrostatic Pressure Source, connected to one
given internal hydrostatic pressure for a given period end of at least one end sealing device, capable of
during which the leak tightness of the fabricated applying the required pressure gradually and evenly
product or the joint is verified by inspection. in accordance with F-5.4 and then of keeping it
NOTE — It is assumed that the following test parameters are set: constant to within +-21 percent for the duration of the
a) Sampling procedure (see F-4.1); and test required (see F-5).
b) Number of test pieces (see F-4.2).
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
F-4 TEST PIECES F-5.2 Mount the test piece in the apparatus. If the joint
to be tested permits angular deflection, arrange the test
F-4.1 Preparation assembly so that the joint(s) under test is (are) subject
to the (their) maximum angular deflection, as declared
The test piece shall comprise fabricated fitting or an
for the joint by manufacturer, for the axes of the
assembly of (a) pipe section(s) (with or without socket)
components thus joined.
and/or fitting(s) including at least one joint of the type
under test (see Fig. 20). F-5.3 When testing in accordance with F-5.4 and F-5.5
monitor the test piece for and record any evidence of
To assist air removal the test piece may be inclined at
an angle up to 12°.
F-5.4 Introduce water into the test piece, while bleeding
The assembly of the joint(s) shall be carried out in
off all air and apply the hydrostatic pressure as follows:
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
a) Accelerated procedure for fabricated products
The assembly shall comprise the combination of the
by applying hydrostatic pressure of 0.5 bar
smallest available spigot end and the largest available
(50 kPa) and maintain it for at least 1 min.
socket or socket groove diameter within the applicable
tolerance(s). b) Assemblies of pipes and/or fittings which are
not fabricated by raising the hydrostatic
The relevant diameters of the selected spigot(s) and pressure smoothly over a period of not greater
socket(s) shall be measured and recorded. than 15 min to 0.5 bar (50 kPa) and maintain
that pressure for at least 15 min.
F-4.2 Number
F-5.5 De-pressurize, drain and dismantle the test piece.
The number of test pieces shall be three.
Inspect for and record any changes in the appearance
of the components tested.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
(Table 12)
G-1 This Annex specifies two methods for testing pipes deformation of the test piece as indicated by vertical
and fittings or joints for plastics piping systems deflection or internal diametric compression is measured.
intended for use in underground drainage and sewerage
For sizes having a mean outside diameter
systems for their resistance to deformation and leakage
dem < 190 mm, hot and cold water is passed though the
when subjected to sustained external loading in
test piece and air may be blown through the test piece
conjunction with the passage of hot water.
during the interval between stages (Method A).
Method A involves temperature cycling by passing hot
For pipes with a mean outside diameter 190 < dem <
water and cold water alternately and is applicable to
510 mm, a constant flow of hot water is passed though
pipes and associated fittings having a mean outside
the test piece (Method B).
diameter dem ≤ 190 mm.
Vertical deflection of the test piece is measured; the
Method B involves passing hot water only, except at
test piece is checked at the end of the test for cracking,
intervals specified for measurement of internal
for local deflection in the bottom of the main channel
deflection and is applicable to pipes and associated
and for leakage at the joints.
fittings having a mean outside diameter 190 mm < dem
≤ 510 mm. NOTE — It is assumed that the following parameters are set:
a) If appropriate, the limits of the temperature of the water
G-2 PRINCIPLE flowing out (see G-6.2.2);
b) If appropriate, the duration of the flow (see G-6.2.2);
A test piece shall comprise of a pipe or an assembly of and
pipe(s), placed on a 100 mm gravel bed and covered c) The percentage x, of di for the calculation of the diameter
with gravel to 600 mm above the crown of the pipe, of the hard ball, in accordance with G-6.3.3.
confined by a box of specified dimension. Depending
on the nominal size of the largest pipe or joint under test, G-3 APPARATUS
a constant vertical load is applied via the gravel and either G-3.1 Gravel-Filled Box, to accommodate a test as
a specified number of cycles of hot and cold water or shown in Fig. 21, 22 and 23 with dimensions depending
just hot water is passed through the test piece. The upon the size of the test piece as given in Table 28 and
with a horizontal base.
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
Table 28 Box Dimensions The box shall be constructed such that it can
(Clause G-3.1) accommodate a total height of gravel of 600 mm above
All dimensions in millimetres. the crown of the pipe.
Sl Mean Outside Inside Box Width Minimum The gravel shall be classified in accordance with
No. Diameter Length of Box Table 29, shall have a surface texture in accordance
Pipe/Fitting with Table 30, with granular composition within the
dem L1 L2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
range shown in Fig. 23 and shall conform to the
requirements of Table 31.
i) Method A
≤ 190 700 ± 20 1 200 The gravel shall be washed natural material comprising
ii) Method B hard, durable and clean particles. It shall be dry during
a) 190 < dem ≤ 205 800 ± 20 1 300
the preparation and completion of the test.
b) 205 < dem ≤ 255 900 ± 20 1 500
c) 255 < dem ≤ 320 10000 ± 20 1 500 G-3.2 Compressive Loading Equipment, capable of
d) 320 < dem ≤ 410 10300 ± 20 1 500 applying the force, F (see G-6.1.7) by means of
e) 410 < dem ≤ 510 10600 ± 20 1 500 hydraulic or pneumatic equipment acting through a
450 ± 5 mm × 300 ± 5 mm plate of steel at least 25 mm
The inside walls of the box shall be vertical ± 3 mm thick or of any other material of an equivalent stiffness,
and shall have an inside smooth surface such as of which shall be positioned horizontally. The 450 mm
plywood or flat sheet. dimension shall be positioned parallel to the long wall
The box shall be constructed and reinforced such that, of the box as shown in Figs. 21, 22 and 24. The force
when under load, it shall not deflect by more than shall be applied such that the initial applicable load is
3.0 mm at any point. applied between 1 min and 2 min and maintained to
within ±1kN.
The pipeline shall pass through the walls of the box
via holes sealed in such a way as to impose minimal Fixed points shall be established above each of the four
restrain on the assembly (see G-5), such as by flexible corners of the loading plate to act as datum points to
closed cell sponge collars. The test assembly of the measure the sinking of the plate into the gravel after
pipe or pipes and fittings shall be placed with a fall of application of the final load (see G-6.1.7).
between 1:100 and 1:75 to the horizontal base so that G-3.3 Hot and Cold Water and Air Delivery
in the case of Method A conditions, alternate discharges Systems, capable of providing the following:
of hot and cold water or in the case of Method B, water
at a constant temperature can be passed through the a) Hot water at the specified flow and
assembly while it is subject to a constant force acting temperature, T1, see G-6.2.1 or G-6.2.2 along
through the gravel. the invert of the test assembly for the
applicable period (see G-6.2.1 or G-6.2.2);
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
means of a socket plug. If necessary, add gravel so G-6.2 Exposure to Hot Water
that the test piece rests on an even base and/or remove
G-6.2.1 Method A (Temperature Cycling for Pipes/
gravel to just fit any socket.
Fittings with a Mean Outside Diameter dem < 190 mm)
G-6.1.4 Attach a temperature sensor (F) to the crown of
the test piece, where applicable in the valley between two G- Procedure
stiffening ribs, inside the box adjacent to the water inlet, Subject the assembly to a minimum of 2 500 cycles in
within 100 mm and 150 mm from the inside of the box. accordance with G-, provided that within the
For Method A, place a temperature sensor in the inlet first 20 cycles and for all subsequent cycles, the
of the hot water stream. temperature of the crown of the pipe recorded by the
sensor F is above 30°C on the hot cycle and is below
For Method B, place a temperature sensor in the outlet 30°C on the cold cycle. If necessary, this may be
side of the hot water flow outside of the box structure. achieved by controlling the outlet ventilation.
G-6.1.5 Fill box in the following stages: If during the test the water temperature drops below
a)using gravel conforming to Table 31, fill the 83°C or the load drops below the minimum required
box to within 100 mm to 150 mm above the for a number of cycles, then an equal number of cycles
crown of the pipe, minimizing voids below shall be added to the test.
the pipe and ensuring that it is fully supported If during the test the water temperature increase above
and compacted. 87°C or the load rises above that specified, the test
b) Thereafter, fill the box with two may be discontinued at the discretion of the
approximately equal layers, each compacted manufacturer.
in turn, to achieve a total depth of gravel cover
of between 600 mm and 650 mm over the G- Cycle procedure
crown of the assembly. Use the following cycle schedule, where cooling may
G-6.1.6 Measure and record the vertical inside diameter be supplemented by an air flow or air blast at any time
or a convenient vertical diameter reference d1, of the during the cycle so as to achieve the requirement
test piece at the centre of loading plate. of G-6.2.1 for the temperatures measured by sensor F:
G-6.1.7 Apply the load as follows: a) Pass 35 ± 3 litre of water at 85 ± 2°C, measure
a) Lower the rigid plate to the surface of the at the point of inlet to the assembly by the
gravel and within 2 min apply an initial load sensor G1 over a period of 90 s to 95 s;
of 5 ± 0.5 kN. Note the level of the face of the b) Rest and drain for a period of 60 s to 90 s;
load plate, by measurement using the four c) Pass at least 30 litre of water of between 5°C
corners as datum points (see F-3.2). and 22°C via a spurge pipe positioned within
b) Depending on the size of the test assembly, the bore of the assembly and having holes on
apply the test force (see Table 32). its upper part to direct the flow over the pipe
c) If the plate sinks more than 20 mm at any crown. The flow, together if necessary with
datum point, remove the load plate. In case an optical air flow or air blast through the test
of dispute empty the box and refill it in assembly shall be sufficient to reduce the
accordance with G-6.1.5, otherwise add to crown temperature to below 30°C as recorded
level and re-compact the top layer of gravel by sensor F. The cooling discharge shall be
to re-establish a total depth of gravel cover of introduced through a pipe of suitably small
between 600 mm over the crown of the pipe. diameter positioned in the bore within the
Restart the test by commencing at the assembly and having perforations along its
procedure given in G-6.1.6. upper part so that the water is direct over the
upper 120° sector;
Table 32 Test Loads d) Drain the assembly for a period sufficient to
(Clause G-6.1.7)
allow the assembly to be emptied; and
Sl No. Mean Outside Load, F e) Return to E-
Diameter, Dem
Mm kN G-6.2.2 Method B (Constant Hot Water for Pipes/
(1) (2) (3) Fittings with a Mean Outside Diameter, dem > 190 mm)
i) ≤ 255 50 ± 2
ii) 255 < dem ≤ 410 55 ± 2 Pass water at a temperature, T1, of 50 ± 2°C constantly
iii) 410 < dem ≤ 510 60 ± 2 through the test piece. The temperature of the water,
IS 16098 (Part 2) : 2013
T2, measured at the outlet sensor G2, shall be 50 ± 2°C. longitudinal axis of the test piece and the
NOTE — Surface temperature is not measured.
convex part of the gauge turned in the
direction of the perimeter along the test piece
Unless otherwise specified in the referring standard, which was subjected to water flow.
maintain the flow for 192 h. c) Drain, recover and dismantle the test piece
The hot water temperature may be recorded at G2, and inspect the test piece components for any
continuously during the test. damage visible without magnification. In
weld line zones, if any opening is visible,
G-6.3 Assessment break it open and measure the greatest depth
G-6.3.1 Assessment of Initial Deflection and Leak of the crack in the fracture surface induced
Tightness by the exposure to hot water. Record the
observations and the crack depth(s), as
Before removing the force, the loading plate and applicable.
unless G-6.3.3 applies, proceed as follows:
G-6.3.3 Alternative Deflection Measurement
a) Locate, measure and record the vertical inside
diameter, d2, or the reference dimension at the Alternatively, items G-6.3.1(a), G-6.3.2(a) and
position at which d1, was measured. G-6.3.2(b) may be replaced by the following procedure.
b) Seal the pipe ends, fill the assembly with water Determine whether the test piece assembly is capable
at a temperature of 17 ± 5°C and after a of passing a hard ball having a diameter D B in
conditioning period of 15 min apply a accordance with the following equation:
hydrostatic pressure of 0.35 bar for a period DB = (d1 – x)
of 15 min whilst monitoring the pressure, and
during which the pressure shall not fall below where
0.3 bar. x = percentage of d1; and
The vertical deflection may be measured continually d1 = measured vertical inside diameter prior to
during the test. loading and exposure to hot water
(see F-6.1.3), in mm.
G- 6.3.2 Control of Deflection, Weld Line and Cracks
After the leak tightness test and within 24h after G-7 CALCULATION AND EXPRESSION OF
removal of the load and, unless G-6.3.3 applies, RESULTS
measure the local deflection in the test piece as follows: Calculate the deformation, λ, as the percentage change
a) Measure the evenness of the bottom of the in inside diameter, using the following equation:
test piece from the outside in the direction of d1 - d2
the longitudinal axis, by placing the straight ë= .100
edge against the bottom of the test piece,
without contacting any raised structural where
features of the test piece and measuring the
greatest gap between the straight edge and the d1 = measured vertical inside diameter prior to
bottom of the test piece. loading and exposure to hot water
(see G-6.1.4); and
b) Measure deviations in the bending radius of
the test piece by using a gauge not less than d2 = the measured vertical inside diameter after
2 mm thick in the shape of a cylinder with loading and exposure to hot water at the
the axis of the gauge aligned with the position at which d 1 was measured
(see G-6.3.1).
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to connected matters in the country.
BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
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Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.
Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc No.: CED 50 (7795).