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F and FC Gate Valves Operation and Maintenance Manual @ CAMERON c1083@ CAMERON Al the information contained in this manual is the exclusive property of Cooper ‘Cameron Corporation, Cameron Division. Any reproduction or use of the calculations, drawings, photographs, procedures or instructions, either expressed or implied, is {forbidden without the written permission of Cameron or its authorized agent. Initial Release At October 1994 Revsion By February 1996 Copyright © 1998 all rights reserved by Cooper Cameron Corporation, Cameron Division@ CAMERON CONTENTS Preface eee teens 5 |. Periodic Maintenance «2... eee ee 7 A. Lubrication 6 eee eee 7 B. Lubrication Chart... eee ee 7 C. Body Cavity Lubrication 6... eee 8 D. Thrust Bearing Lubrication... 2... eee 9 I Troubleshooting ©... eee 9 Ill. Bonnet Grease Fitting Replacement... 0... ee eee ee . 10 A. Valves 5000 psi WP and Below .... beeen eee eee 10 B. Valves 10,000 psiWP and Above .... 2... eee +. 10 IV. Stem Shear Pin and Thrust Bearing Replacement ........ veces 4 ‘A, Remove the Thrust Bearings... 0... eee " B. Install the New Thrust Bearings ©... eee ee 12 V. Stem Packing Replacement with Pressure inthe Valve... ........ vee 12 ‘A. Remove the Stem Packing... 26... eee eee ee 12 B. Install the New Packing. ©... 2. eee ee 15 VI. Gate and Seat Replacement... 2... eee 16 A. Gate and Seat Disassembly - Manual Valve... 2... eee eee 16 B. Gate and Seat Assembly -Manual Valve... 00.0... 00.02 e eee 17 ©. Gate and Seat Disassembly - Valves with Hydraulic Actuators .......... 19 D. Gate and Seat Assembly - Valves with Hydraulic Actuators... 2.2... 20 Illustrations and Parts Lists@ CAMERON PREFACE ‘This manual supersedes Cameron publication $D1520. ‘The procedures included in this book are to be performed in conjunction with the requirements. and recommendations outlined in API Specifications. Any repairs to the equipment covered by this book should be done by an authorized Cameron service representative. Cameron will not be responsible for loss or expense resulting from any failure of equipment or any damage to any property or injury or death to any person resulting in whole or in part from repairs performed by other than authorized Cameron personnel. Such unauthorized repairs shall also serve to terminate any contractual or other warranty, if any, on the equipment and may also result in the ‘equipment no longer meeting applicable requirements. Filo copies of this manual are maintained. Revisions and/or additions will be made as deemed necessary by Cameron. The drawings in this book are not drawn to scale, but the dimensions are accurate. SD numbers on drawings and photographs are for artwork identification only. Refer to ‘component part numbers in all communications concerning this equipment. Direct any questions concerning the information in this manual to the Valve Engineering Department. Direct requests for additional copies of this manual to the Technical Publications Department. Cameron P.O. Box 1212 Houston, Texas 77251-1212 Ph: 719/939-2211 Fax: 719/939-2620@ CAMERON F AND FC VALVE MAINTENANCE |, PERIODIC MAINTENANCE A. Lubrication 1, Recommended body cavity lubricant a. For normal operation, use Cameron standard valve grease, which is not affected by water or temperatures ranging from -20° to +250°F, b. For continuous service below 0°F, use one of the two available low temperature greases. ¢. For COz injection or very high CO2 production, use diesel-resistant grease. 4. For continuous service above 180°F, use one of the two available high temperature greases, e. Part numbers for ordering grease as well as selection guidelines are given in the Lubrication Selection Chart. 2. Recommended thrust bearing lubricant a. For normal operation use Cameron standard valve lubricant, which is not affected by water or temperatures ranging from -20° to +250°F. b. For continuous service below 0°F, use one of the two available low temperature greases. B. Lubrication Chart | Lubricant Volume | Lubricant Weight | Approximate Follower Bore Size | Pressure | “Required (cu in) (ib) Plate Travel (in) (in) | Rating 7 | | Fo F FC F FC Fassne | oan | 17 50 07 | 20 03 ow 2416 Al | 18 53 07 at 03 oy zens |to1000) 25 | a | 10 | a4 | o« | 98 296 | 15,000 | 36 5 | 15 | 54 o7 Es 3-1/8 | To 10,000/ 34 3 | 14 | 53 os | 33 31 | 15000 | 87 | 200 | 23 | 80 1.0 eS 4-18 | Tos000 52 | 270 | 21 | 108 09 et ei | 000 | 6s | as | 26 | ine | ta | 48 sve | 5000 | a5 | 455 | 34 | 182 15 oy 5-1/8 | 10,000 135 | s20 | 55 | 208 23 ao | 618 ar 175 | @50 | 70 260 | 30 | 4 3tiag | 63 AD] 738 - 315 : ao L7ne All - 1035, - 4nd :Lubrication Selection Chart Service Operational Quantities (By Part Number) Service Temperature | Properties | Available on a Standard Order Basis ] | goog | | 6 (3s | € € | | le) 5 3 2 2 | B| jas) 3 | «| a] | 8 | igisl/Ziz) ¢ & | ¢ 2 2 \s\Blgig) g | 2 | 2 3 | | jas/s/8) 2 | 2 | 2 | & | 8 | | -20°F to 250°F | T . |_ Standart | (2eteatre) E|P | | 7onv4o | 700867 | 7o0se| roses | 7osro -50°F to 250°F | | | tow |aPEIB see | P| | | root | roosrs | roosre | rooers | 7oosrs Temperature | 759% to 250°F | | | | (Bee EE ge fe | ri1027 |r1s027-|7110072|7110272|711027-4 t moter eo Diesel | O° to 360% | resistant | (4etCto 1770) | & ||| G | 719897 |719897-1 719897-2|719897-9|719807-4 t - | | 0°F 10.450°F | ign (IBtCwnae) ©] P/F P| r7 | nee | rocco | ones | reese Temperature | a5eF to 500°F ts — 4 (retaseere ||P | FP) 710196 [701941 rrore42|71010¢9| 7101044 E- Excellent (Recommended) |G Good (Recommended) C. Body Cavity Lubrication 1. Normal Operating Conditions Cameron lubricates gate valves on assembly. Lubricate the body cavity after the valve has been in service one month. If the valve is removed from service, lubricate the body cavity before returning it to the line. a. Remove the grease fitting cap located on the bonnet flange OD. b. Using either a bucket type gun, P/N 19873-03, or hand-held type, PIN 19873-01, connect the grease gun coupler to the grease fitting. P. F - Fair (Not recommended) oor (Not Recommended) * Available in 20 b pail only —_ c. Pump the appropriate amount of lubricant into the body cavity. See Part |, Paragraph B. 2. Unusual Temporary Operating Conditions If it becomes necessary to cement through, acidize through, or subject the valve to any other unusual service: a. Lubricate the valve body cavity before itis put into operation.b. Flush the valve with appropriate neutralizing fluid after it is removed from service. ¢. Operate the valve with fresh water or appropriate neutralizing fluid in the line. 4d. Lubricate the valve body cavity, D. Thrust Bearing Lubrication Lubricate the thrust bearings as otten as required to ensure smooth valve operation. 1. Using a hand-held grease gun, P/N 19873-01, connect the grease gun fitting to the hydraulic grease fittings with a hydraulic coupler. 2. Pump lubricant into the fittings until clean grease appears at the bleed port on the opposite side of the bearing cap. Il. TROUBLESHOOTING Problem | Gate and seat assembly is Fluid leaks past the gate and | worn. seat assembly. Replace the gate and seat assembly. | landvee icrotbackea on Baekofthe hardwheo 1 turn, valve | | Fluid leaks around the valve | stem packing is worn Replace the stem packing, | | Bamet seat ings wom Replace the bonnet seal ring. | Fluid leaks at the bonnet | Loose bonnet nuts. Relighten the bonnet bots. flange. Bonnet or body ring groove is | Return the valve to Cameron damaged. | for repair. Fluid leaks from the bonnet | Check valve inside the grease | | grease iting. L ting is wom. | Replace the gronse fting, | Thrust bearings have lost| Lubricate the thrust bearings. lubricant. | Replace the thrust bearings. Handwheel is hard to tum. Thrust bearings are corroded. | Lubricate the gate and stem Gate and stem threads have | through the bonnet grease lost lubricant. - fiting Handwheel tums without opening or closing the valve, ‘Stem shear pin is sheared. | Replace the stem shear pin.@ CAMERON lll, BONNET GREASE FITTING REPLACEMENT 1. A. Valves 5000 psi WP and Below [i bamewrpa Grease itn Backseat the valve. =). | cap Pressure» Pressure a. Close the valve fully. Prose, Pres b. Loosen the bearing cap = four complete turns using a 24" pipe wrench. Grease Fiting Body oo 2. 3. 4, c. Tum the handwheel clockwi@é*{fHe eiBeniy EERO; BAR the gate firmly contacts the bottom of the cavity, and the stem moves outward contacting the internal backseat shoulder. d. Bump the handwheel in the closing direction. Test the effectiveness of the backseat. a. Remove the grease fitting cap. . Trip the ball in the grease fitting check valve by inserting a 1/8" diameter by 3/4" long pin into the run of the fitting, ©. Replace the cap slowly unti the ball in the fitting is unseated and the pressure trapped by the backseating process is released. d. If pressure escapes quickly, then stops, the backseat is effective. Proceed to step 3. e. If pressure continues to escape, the backseat is ineffective. 1) Backseat the valve again. Repeat steps 1 and 2. 2) If the backseat continues to be ineffective, contact a Cameron representative. Remove the grease fitting from the valve bonnet. Install a new grease fitting. B. Valves 10,000 psi WP and Above Note: These valves have a “buried” check valve beneath the bonnet grease fitting. 1 2. 3. Remove the grease fitting cap. Trip the ball in the grease fitting check valve by inserting a 1/8" diameter by 9/4" long pin into the run of the fitting. Replace the cap slowly until the ball in the fitting is unseated. If the trapped pressure escapes quickly, then stops, the “buried” check valve is holding pressure. a. Remove the grease fitting. 10b. Install a new grease fitting. 5. If pressure continues to escape, the “buried” check valve is leaking. a. Backseat the valve. 1) Close the valve fully. 2) Loosen the bearing cap four complete turns using a 24" pipe wrench. 3) Tum the handwheel clockwise (the closing direction) until the gate firmly contacts the bottom of the cavity, and the stem moves outward contacting the internal backseat shoulder. 4) Bump the handwheel in the closing direction. b. Tighten the grease fitting cap to unseat the ball in the grease fitting check valve and release the trapped pressure, ¢. Remove the grease fitting 4d. Replace the “buried” check valve. 1) Remove the defective check valve using an Allen wrench. 2) Install a new check valve. e. Install a new grease fitting. IV. STEM SHEAR PIN AND THRUST BEARING REPLACEMENT The stem thrust bearings can be replaced while the valve is under pressure in the line. ‘A. Remove the Thrust Bearings 1. Loosen the bearing cap using a 24” pipe wrench. After two or three tums, the cap will rotate freely by hand. Caution: If the cap does not rotate freely after three tums, the packing gland may be moving outward with the bearing cap. Do not remove the cap. Tighten the cap and contact a Cameron representative. 2. Ifthe bearing cap rotates freely, remove the cap from the bonnet. 3. Using a punch, drive the stem shear pin from the stem adapter, ensuring that the adapter is not damaged. Remove the adapter from the stem. Remove both sets of bearings and bearing races from the stem adapter. Discard any pitted, cracked, or damaged bearings or races. NOs Discard the stem adapter if either bearing surface on the adapter shoulder is damaged. "@ CAMERON B. Install the New Thrust Bearings 1. Remove the new bearings from the protective packaging. Pack the bearings with grease. Place each bearing between a pair of carefully cleaned races. Carefully clean the stem adapter. Install one set of bearings and races over the bottom of the adapter, and one set over the top of the adapter. Note: The adapter O-ring may be removed temporarily to allow the installation of the top bearing and race assembly. 6. Insert the stem adapter over the end of the stem, and align the pin hole in the adapter with the hole in the stem. ae eN 7. Using a punch, drive in the stem pin and ensure that the pin does not protrude over the OD of the adapter shoulder. Caution: Do not strike the bearings, races, or stem adapter with the punch or hammer. 8. Replace the stem adapter O-ring if necessary. 9. Inspect the bearing cap to ensure that an extra race, held by grease tension, is not retained inside. 10. Clean the bearing cap and lubricate the threads. 11. Install the cap using a 24" wrench. 12. Rotate the stem adapter counterclockwise to ensure that the gate is off the bottom of the body. This will confirm that the stem backseating shoulder is not contacting the bonnet shoulder. 1. Inject grease through the bearing cap grease fittings until excess grease passes through the bleed port. V. STEM PACKING REPLACEMENT WITH PRESSURE IN THE VALVE ‘A. Remove the Stem Packing 1. Backseat the valve. a. Close the valve fully. b. Loosen the bearing cap four complete tums using a 24" pipe wrench. c. Tum the handwheel clockwise (the closing direction) until the gate firmly contacts the bottom of the cavity, and the stem moves outward contacting the internal backseat shoulder. d. Bump the handwheel in the closing direction.@ CAMERON 2. Test the effectiveness of the backseat. a. Valves 5000 psi WP and below. 1) Remove the bonnet grease fitting cap. 2) Trip the ball in the grease fitting check valve by inserting a 1/8" diameter by 3/4” long pin into the run of the fitting. 3) Replace the cap slowly until the ball in the fitting is unseated and the pressure trapped by the backseating process is released. 4) If pressure escapes quickly, then stops, the backseat is effective. Proceed to step 3. 5) If pressure continues to escape, the backseat is ineffective. a) Backseat the valve again. Repeat steps 1 and 2. b) If the backseat continues to be ineffective, contact a Cameron representative. b. Valves 10,000 psi WP and above. Note: These valves have a “buried” check valve beneath the bonnet grease fitting. 1) Remove the bonnet grease fitting cap. 2) Trip the ball in the grease fitting check valve by inserting a 1/8" diameter by 3/4" long pin into the run of the fitting. 3) Replace the cap slowly until the ball in the fitting is unseated and any trapped pressure is released. 4) If pressure escapes quickly, then stops, the “buried” check valve is holding pressure. Proceed to step 6). 5) If pressure continues to escape, the “buried” check valve is leaking and the backseat is ineffective. Backseat the valve again. Repeat steps 1 and 2. 6) Remove the grease fiting. 7) Remove the protective collar from the check valve unseating tool, P/N 20013-03 0” 2013-02. 8) Install the unseating tool in the bonnet grease fitting preparation. 9) Slowly tum the unseating tool clockwise until the ball in the “buried” check valve is unseated and the pressure trapped by the backseating process is released. 10) If pressure escapes quickly, then stops, the backseat is effective. Proceed to step 14). 13@ CAMERON 11) Ifo pressure escapes, the “buried” check valve is defective. Proceed to step 14). 12) If pressure continues to escape, the backseat is ineffective. Repeat steps 1 and 2. 18) If the backseat continues to be ineffective, contact a Cameron representative. 14) Remove the check valve unseating tool. 15) If the “buried” check valve is defective, replace it using an Allen wrench. 16) Reinstall the grease fitting. 3. Remove the handwheel and the bearing cap. > Remove the cap from the bonnet. a Using a punch, drive the stem shear pin from the stem adapter,ensuring that the adapter is not damaged, Remove the adapter from the stem. Remove both sets of bearings and bearing races from the stem adapter. Using a 24" pipe wrench, loosen the packing gland. Ensure that the threads on the bonnet neck OD are not damaged. Remove the packing gland. BSG BND Remove the stem packing. a. Use packing sleeve P/N 21168 for 1* stem size and P/N 23842 for 1-1/4" stem size. 1) Thread the packing sleeve into the bonnet packing gland preparation until the sleeve bottoms out. 2) Using a grease gun attached to the bonnet grease fitting, pump the packing out into the recessed area of the packing sleeve. 3) Remove the sleeve from the bonnet. b. Ifa packing sleeve is not available, remove the stem packing by one of the following methods: 1) Pump packing out with grease until grease by-passes or packing refuses to extract further. 2) Pull the packing out with a corkscrew. Caution: Do not damage the stem or packing bore. 4B. Install the New Packing 1. Clean the grease from the stuffing box bore so that a hydraulic lock will not prevent the installation of new packing. 2. Inspect the stuffing box to ensure that the bore is clean and free of pits or scars. 8. Inspect the stem to ensure that the surface is free of burrs and pits. 4. Apply a light coat of grease to the stem, the stuffing box bore, and the ID and OD of the stem packing. 5. Install the new packing over the end of the stem so that the rounded Teflon nose of the packing faces the pressure. 6. Using the packing gland as a pushing tool, push the packing into the stuffing box. 7. Remove the packing gland and lubricate the stem OD. 8. Install the packing gland with a 24" pipe wrench. Apply approximately 200 ft-lb of torque, ensuring that the bonnet threads are not damaged. 9. Inspect the bearings and bearing races on the stem adapter for pits, scores, or cracks. Replace if damaged. 10. Pack the bearings with grease. 11. Place each bearing between a pair of carefully cleaned races. 12. Carefully clean the stem adapter. 13. Install one set of bearings and races over the bottom of the adapter, and one set over the top of the adapter. Note: The adapter O-ring may be removed temporarily to allow the installation of the top bearing and race assembly. 14. Insert the stem adapter over the end of the stem, and align the pin hole in the adapter with the hole in the stem. 15. Using a punch, drive in the stem pin and ensure that the pin does not protrude over the OD of the adapter shoulder. Caution: Do not strike the bearings, races, or stem adapter with the punch or hammer. 16. Replace the stem adapter O-ring if necessary. 17. Inspect the bearing cap to ensure that an extra race, held by grease tension, is not retained inside. 18. Clean the bearing cap and lubricate the threads. 19. Install the cap using a 24" wrench. 1520. 21. 22. Rotate the stem adapter counterclockwise to ensure that the gate is off the bottom of the body. This will confirm that the stem backseating shoulder is not contacting the bonnet shoulder. Inject grease through the bearing cap grease fittings until the excess grease passes through the bleed port. Lubricate the body cavity according to Part I. VI. GATE AND SEAT REPLACEMENT A. Gate and Seat Disassembly - Manual Valve Refer to Paragraph C for gate and seat disassembly for valves with hydraulic actuators. 1. 2. 3. 10. " 12. 13. Isolate the valve from the line pressure. Release the cavity pressure. Fully open the valve to ensure that the stem is completely within the gate neck. . Remove the bonnet nuts. . Turn the handwheel clockwise to raise the bonnet from the body. Continue handwhee! rotation until the face of the bonnet clears the body to provide access to the holes in the top end of the retainer plates. . Insert a pin approximately 3/8" in diameter by 3/4" long in each of the four holes located near the bonnet face end of the retainer plates. . Place two bonnet nuts as spacers on each side of the body cavity between the bonnet and the body faces. . Tum the handwheel counterclcckwise until the retainer plates are pulled out against the bonnet. . If the ports of the seat ring are not exposed, repeat step 7, stacking additional nuts as spacers. Support the bonnet and turn the handwheel clockwise until the stem completely backs out of the gate. Remove the bonnet assembly. Pull the gate and seat assembly from the body. On FC valves only, remove the body bushings and guides. a. Use one of the following methods to remove the body bushings if they stick. 1) Pry out the bushings with a screwdriver. 2) Use the special body bushing puller to remove the bushing. 16@ CAMERON a) Select the puller according to the following chart: Bore Size (in.) Pressure Rating Part Number 119/16" 0 3+ 2000 to 20,000 610353-01 2000 to 10,000 01 b) Lubricate the puller thoroughly. ©) Place the puller against the face of the body bushing with the guide plate in the bushing bore. d) Tum the puller screw clockwise to engage the teeth in the groove on the outside diameter of the bushing. e) Ensure that all four teeth are engaged in the groove. f) Tum the screw clockwise until the bushing is loose. @) Remove the bushing and puller. 14, Flush the body cavity thoroughly with a suitable solvent and wipe clean with a rag. B. Gate and Seat Assembly - Manual Valve Refer to Paragraph D for gate and seat assembly for valves with hydraulic actuators. 1. Inspect all gate and seat assembly parts for damage. a. Ensure that the retainer plates are not bent, twisted, or distorted at the seal ring opening. Solid material should not be built up on the ends. Ensure that the seal rings are not damaged. . Ensure that the seat rings do not have cuts or other damage. . Ensure that the gate does not have cuts or other damage. On FC valves only, ensure that the body bushing seal rings, the body bushings, and guides are not damaged. pao 2, Replace any damaged parts. 3. Ensure that the body cavity is free of all foreign matter such as solid particles, grit, trash, etc. 4. Clean the body cavity with a suitable cleaning solvent. 5. Lubricate the body cavity and the gate and seat assembly parts on all sides. 76. On FC valves only a. Lubricate the body bushing seal rings and body bushings. b. Install the body bushings, with seal rings, into the body cavity. . Ensure that the body bushing seal rings are installed against the valve body. d. Install the guides into the body cavity. 7. Assemble the gate and seat assembly parts. 8. Slide the gate and seat assembly into the body according to the following guidelines: a. Do not pinch the seat-to-body seals, or apply heavy impact loads to. the parts. Only light impacting on the gate or retainer plates can be tolerated. b. Most valves require effort, gently applied, to force the gate and seat assembly into the cavity. While pushing the gate and seat assembly into the body cavity, ensure that the top edge of the gate extends slightly farther into the cavity than the top edge of the retainer plates. lf retainer plate leads the gate into the cavity, pounding the retainer plate can break the seat ring. eee Acceptable Unacceptable ‘Slide the Gate and Seat Assembly into the Body (S0-4261) ¢. On valves 10,000 psi WP and above, the retainer plates, when installed, must not protrude above the bonnet face. On valves 5000 psi WP and below, the retainer plates may protrude by as much as 1/64". Do not attempt to drive the retainer plates further into the body once they have reached bottom. 9. Push the gate all the way to the bottom and hand pack the remaining space with grease. 10. Remove the seal ring from the bonnet groove. 18@ CAMERON 11. 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. Clean the grooves and/or seating area of the body and bonnet. Apply a very thin film of grease to the seal ring and groove. Install the new seal ring in the bonnet groove. Install the bonnet over the body studs. a. On valves 5000 psi WP and below, rotate the bonnet so that the bonnet locating pins in the body align with the pin holes in the bonnet. b. On valves 10,000 psi WP and above, rotate the bonnet until the grease fitting is 90° from the gate bore. Tum the handwheel counterclockwise to thread the stem into the gate and pull the bonnet down over the studs. Hand tighten the bonnet nuts. Ensure that the gate is not on the bottom of the cavity. Evenly tighten the bonnet nuts. Note: The raised bonnet face on valves 10,000 psi and above will fully contact the body face when the bonnet nuts are tight. C. Gate and Seat Disassembly - Valves with Hydraulic Actuators 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. Caution: Do Bleed off the pressure in the valve body. Apply 250 to 300 psi (17.3 to 20.7 Bars) actuator pressure to the OPEN port, opening the valve. Reduce the actuator pressure to zero. Remove the hydraulic lines from the valve. Disassemble the actuator. a. Remove the handwheel from valves with manual locking screws. b. Remove the set screws from the adjusting nut. c. Using a pipe wrench, turn the adjusting nut counterclockwise, with the locking screw intact, and remove it from the actuator. d. Using a box wrench, remove the nuts from the cylinder head studs. e. Remove the cylinder head and the studs. f. Remove the cylinder from the actuator. not damage the inside cylinder surface. g. If the valve is equipped with a manual locking screw, unscrew the set screw and remove the certering pin from the gate stem. h. Remove the lock nut by turing it counterclockwise. 19@ CAMERON i. Remove the piston by turning it counterclockwise. j. Remove the packing gland and stem packing. 6. Remove the bonnet nuts and the bonnet. 7. Push the gate into the body to expose the pulling pin holes in the retainer plates. 8, Insert a pin approximately 3/8" diameter by 3/4" long in each of the four holes located near the bonnet ace end of the retainer plates. 9. Pull straight up on the gate stem to remove the gate and seat assembly from the valve. 10. On FC valves only, remove the body bushings and guides. a. Use one of the following methods to remove the body bushings if they stick. 1) Pry out the bushings with a screwdriver. 2) Use the special body bushing puller to remove the bushing. a) Select the puller according to the following chart: Bore Size Numi 1-196" 03-178" [2000020000 _|610950-01 16 06-96" 20000 10,000 (610964.01 b) Lubricate the puller thoroughly. ) Place the puller against the face of the body bushing with the guide plate in the bushing bore. d) Tum the puller screw clockwise to engage the teeth in the groove on the outside diameter of the bushing. e) Ensure that all four teeth are engaged in the groove. 1) Tum the screw clockwise until the bushing is loose. 9) Remove the bushing and puller. 11. Flush the body cavity thoroughly with a suitable solvent and wipe clean with a rag. D. Gate and Seat Assembly - Valves with Hydraulic Actuators 1. Inspect all gate and seat assembly parts for damage. a. Ensure that the retainer plates are not bent, twisted, or distorted at the seal ring opening. Solid material should not be built up on the ends. 20@ CAMERON b. Ensure that the seal rings are not damaged. c. Ensure that the seat rings do not have cuts or other damage. d. Ensure that the gate does not have cuts or other damage. e. On FC valves only, ensure that the body bushing seal rings, the body bushings, and guides are not damaged. 2. Replace any damaged parts. a. Install the gate onto the lower stem. 1) Align the hole in the lower gate neck with the hole in the lower ‘stem. 2) Insert the pin into the hole to hold the stem in place. b. Install the replacement gate onto the gate stem by turing the gate counterclockwise until it stops on the stem shoulder. c. Tum the gate 1/8 turn clockwise. 3. Ensure that the body cavity is free of all foreign matter such as solid particles, grit, trash, etc. 4. Clean the body cavity with a suitable cleaning solvent. 5. Lubricate the body cavity and the gate and seat assembly parts on all sides, 6. On FC valves only a. Lubricate the body bushing seal rings and body bushings. b. Install the body bushings, with seal rings, into the body cavity. c. Ensure that the body bushing seal rings are installed against the valve body. 4d. Install the guides into the body cavity. 7. Assemble the gate and seat assembly parts. 8. Slide the gate and seat assembly with the stems attached into the body according to the following guidelines: a. Do not pinch the seat-to-body seals, or apply heavy impact loads to the parts. Only light impacting on the gate or retainer plates can be tolerated. at10. 11. 12, 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. b. Most valves require effort, gently applied, to force the gate and seat assembly into the cavity. While pushing the gate and seat assembly into the body cavity, ensure that the top edge of the gate extends slightly farther into the cavity than the top edge of the retainer plates. If a retainer plate leads the gate into the cavity, pounding the retainer plate can break the seat ring. c. On valves 10,000 psi WP and above, the retainer plates, when installed, must not protrude above the bonnet face. On valves 5000 psi WP and below, the retainer plates may protrude by as much as 1/64". Do not attempt to drive the retainer plates further into the body once they have reached bottom. Keep the gate stem from turning, and tap the gate with a rubber hammer until the lower stem backseats. Remove the seal ring gasket from the bonnet groove, Clean the seal ring grooves and/or seating area of the body and bonnet. Apply a very thin film of grease to the seal ring and groove. Install the new seal ring in the bonnet groove. . Install the bonnet over the body studs. a. On valves 5000 psi WP and below, rotate the bonnet so that the bonnet locating pins in the body align with the pin holes in the bonnet. b. On valves 10,000 psi WP and above, rotate the bonnet until the grease fitting is 90° from the gate bore. Install the stem packing gland and the stem packing so that the round Teflon nose of the packing faces the pressure, Install the bonnet nuts. Assemble the actuator. a. Keep the gate stem from turning, and install the piston onto the gate stem by turning clockwise until the piston stops. b. Continue turning the piston clockwise to pull the gate off the backseat shoulder. c. If the gate stem position changed during installation: 1) Remove the piston, and tum the gate stem counterclockwise until it stops on the gate. 2) Tum the gate stem clockwise 1/8 turn, 3) Repeat steps 17 a andb. 22@ CAMERON d. Keep the piston and gate stem from turning, and install the lock nut onto the piston hand-tight. e. Attach the centering pin to the gate stem with the set screw. f. Install the cylinder studs into the bonnet lower cylinder head, with one thread of the studs flush or below the bottom of the cylinder head. g. Install the O-rings onto the adjusting nut. h. With the CLOSE port up, slide the cylinder over the piston. i. Install the upper cylinder head over the studs. |. Install the nuts onto the cylinder head. 18. Install the adjusting nut and align the gate and seat assembly. a. Valves with manual locking screws 1) Install the adjusting nut into the cylinder head by rotating it two tums clockwise. 2) Install the adjusting nut set screws. Do not tighten the set screws at this time. 3) Tum the locking screw 1/4 turn counterclockwise to ensure it is backed off. 4) Connect hydraulic lines to the actuator. 5) Apply 300 psi hydraulic pressure (20.7 Bars) to the OPEN port until the piston moves out and stops. Caution: Do not apply more than 300 psi (20.7 Bars). 6) Maintain the pressure and turn the locking screw clockwise into the cylinder head until it contacts the piston. 7) Reduce the pressure to zero. 8) Continue to tum the locking screw clockwise until the gate bore is aligned with the body bore. 9) Tum the locking screw 1/4 turn counterclockwise to ensure that it is backed off. 10) Tum the adjusting nut clockwise until it contacts the piston. 11) Tighten the set screws to lock the adjusting nut in place. b. Valves without manual locking screws 1) Install the adjusting nut into the cylinder head by rotating it clockwise until it stops. 2) Install the adjusting nut set screws. Do not tighten the set screws at this time. 23,@ CAMERON 3) Connect hydraulic lines to the actuator. 4) Apply 300 psi hydraulic pressure (20.7 Bars) to the OPEN port until the piston moves out and stops. Caution: Do not apply more than 300 psi (20.7 Bars). 5) Ensure that the gate bore is aligned with the body bore. 6) If the bores are aligned, proceed to step 8). 7) Ifthe bores are not aligned: a) Reduce the pressure to zero. b) Tum the adjusting nut 1/4 turn counterclockwise. ¢) Reapply 300 psi hydraulic pressure (20.7 Bars) to the OPEN port. d) Ensure that the gate bore is aligned with the body bore. €) Ifthe bores are aligned, proceed to step 8). f) Ifthe bores are not aligned, repeat steps 7 a) through d). 8) Tighten the set screws to lock the adjusting nut in place. 24DRATNBY REVISION @ MARTIN TIEDT M SK-11526-03 CAMERON = axe ese PAGE 1 OF 1 a @) NAA BONNET i | | gig ——® o—tt *————— owe. PIN DOWEL PIN —_ ®&—f A @ eZ @® ante a searassy.REVISION DRAIN MARTIN TIEDT A SK-11526-04 C CAMERON [one bi PAGE 1 OF 1 29 JUNE 93. OS 8 ES@ CAMERON DRAWN BY MARTIN TIEDT REVISION = At 29 JUNE 93 SK-11526-05 PAGE 1 OF 1 iS | t © CADCAMERON PRAWN irtin Tiedt PATE 25 gune 93 aL ‘SK-11525-02 Page 1 of 36 INDEX REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST FOR TYPE "F", & "FC" MANUAL GATE VALVES (VALVES MFG PRIOR TO API 6A 15TH ED) st: ZR & WORKING PRESSURE 3-13/1 2-13/11 3-13/11 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-1/16 2-a/is 2-1/16 2-9/16 2-9/16 2-9/16 2-9/16 2-9/16 2-9/16 3-1/8 3-2/8 3-1/8 3-1/16 3-1/16 31/16 4-1/8 4-1/8 4-1/8 42/16 4-1/16 5-1/8 5-1/8 5-1/8 5-1/8 6-1/8 6-1/8 6-1/8 6-3/8 6-3/8 6-3/8 6 20,000 6 15,000 6 20,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 10,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 PAGE # 2 an 12 13 14 1s 16 a7 18 19 20 2. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 DRAWING SK-11526-03 SK-11526-03 SK-11526-04 SK-11526-03 ‘SK-11526-05 SK-11526-03 SK-11526-04 SK-11526-03 SK-11526-03CAMERON Martin Tiedt PAT Sune 93 a $K-11525-02 Page 2 of 36 [st2e: 1-13/16 10,000 Pst WP. (CVALVES MFG PRIOR TO APL A 15TH ED ) REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST FOR TYPE "F*, & "FCH MANUAL GATE VALVES TEMP RANGE: -20 TO 250 DEG F pores: 41. ITEM MUNBERS LISTED MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED. 2. STEM PACKING LISTED IS VARIPAK UPGRADE. RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS. 1” GATE VALVE OLY. Tem TEN COMPONENT GPA REGULAR oT FOL SST SR FULL SST SPER SEE WA ore 4 1) BEARING CAP 4 19106-01 19106-01 9106-01 19106-01 25 "2 GREASE FITTING 2 5929-05 5729-05 5929-05 5929-05, "3 BEARING RACE 9108-01 5108-01 1908-01 19108-01 4 *6 peaRING 2 5951-09 5951-09 5951-09 5951-09 3 +5 ror RING 1 Tozeut-36-01 — TORE4-34-01 TOR6LE-B4-01 70266-3401 "6 ror RING 1 7025-22-21 7OR6S-22-21 02645-2221 702645-22-21 7 STEN ;ONPTER 1 650501-01 650501-01 630301-01 630301-01 6 *8 vowel PN aii 2isie-1 zisi2-14 2isi2-t6 9 PACKING GLAND 1 W4OUS-O1-01-11 14014S-01-01-11 M40T4S-01-01—11—140143-01-01-11 "10 BACK-UP RING 4 691889-01 1889-01 9189-01 e51889-01 " 11 PACKING 1 160232-10-01-03 140252-10-01-05 140252-10-01-08 140252-10-01-08 10 we ws@m 8 12955-13-1012985-15-10 2555-15-10 2955-15-10, 13 suse 8 610820-25 61082025, 610820-25 610820-25 916 GREASE FITTING 1 5929-25 5929-25 5929-55 5929-55, 6 15 CHECK VALVE 1 9776-01 9776-01 678627-01-99—678627-01-99 % 16 asker rer cv 4 140170-01-01-06 140170-01-01-06 140170-01-01-06 140170-01-01-04 nor av 140800-01-01-04 140800-01-01-04 140800-01-01-06 140800-01-01-06 17 stew 1 140150-01-26-01 140150-01-26-01 140150-01-0-01 140150-01-26-0110,11,16 sis cate & sear 1 2133-17-08 A1SSAI7-04 —2IBSIT-16 —21585-17-36 6 ASSEMBLY les19 sooy susnins 2 6530695-02 630698-02 650693-02 5069-02 16,20 fer20 SEAL RING = 2 ur19-23 sani9-23 1ari9-23 su7i9-23 6 je 21 cate ue 2 4ehe-01 4656-01 4646-01 4eu6-01 6 22 wanoweeL 1 19987-01 1937-01 19957-01 19987-01@ CAMERON Martin Tiedt m PB Sune 93 $K-11525-02 Page 3 of 36 lsize: 1-13/16 15,000 Pst w. REPLACENENT PARTS LIST FOR TYPE "—", & WECM MANUAL GATE VALVES (CALVES MFG PRIOR TO API 6A 1STH ED > TEMP RANGE: -20 To 250 0EG F 41, ITEM NUNGERS LISTED MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED. 2. STEM PACKING LISTED IS VARIPAK UPGRADE. RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS. "FO GATE VALVE ONLY. Tea ak — a a vA ware 1 seme car 4 veros-0t ——wtaeot ott moses 2 esse rire 2 simmons sass soos ss ame nce 6 smoot tae-or apron woot se meme sme soot sean 3 ss rons 4 Tons 34-0) TOLL H-O1 TRL SOTA 01 soa as-22-21 ronms-2a-2) alse at rets-2021 7 ster sovwrer 1 oomor-er somo) amorous st ou wt aang niet ates ataee | 9 PACKING GLAND 1 140143-01-01-11 1460143-01-01-11 140143-01-01-11140143-01-01-11 a0 mec ans coven-os—eoameo1—enect tap) specs {ee 10-01-05 NOR NO01-08 HORI TO-OI-03 MORRRHO-O-0S 0 wean 8 fess 1740 mBSHT-10tamssre1o—tasser-10 8 moan 8 soea-se ator arose tar fe crease rire 1 soaps seas es sass ts 15 eee ane vyms0 tea arner-we eran ete cncer sre ov Mot0-01-01-04 NUOr7O-01-01-06 uBKO-01-01-4 WorT-O1-01-06 es Mooteorotoe Mawo-o} ates tem0.o}at- | Noslnt to 7 sre 1 MOST-0-2501 HOHSOOT2691 HOISOGTSE- HOTT-OI-26-01 0,116 je one tsar assis aRBHT-ob assaT-WsIBITS6 6 toa fee ooo ausine 2 ssuss-c2 sure cerca esussue 6,20 foo seaRNG 2 ure2 urea treasures ar ore ane usis0 ate) cee eae 22 wows, 1 woret—wwsr-onssrat vert heres:Martin Tiedt ” 8" Sun 95 @ CAMERON 9-11525-02 Page 6 of 36 (size: 1-13/16 20,000 Pst W.P. [REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST FOR TYPE WF", & "FCM MANUAL GATE VALVES (CVALVES MFG PRIOR TO API 6A 15TH ED) ‘TEMP RANGE: -20 To 250 DEG F 1, ITEM NUMBERS LISTED MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED, 1. STEN PACKING LISTED IS VARIPAK UPGRADE. COMMENDED SPARE PARTS. "0 GATE VALVE ONLY. m0 TTS Goa wrk RES a CaF oR TLL BY SPR HE WA wore 1 1 seanine ca 9106-01 06-01 9106-01 9106-01 2s s2 cxease FittinG. 2 929-05 5929-05 929-05 5929-05 = peraina mace 4 9100-01 soio8-01pt08-01 to108-01 ‘ 4 searing 2 sat-o9 1-09 5931-09 5931-09 3 ss torre 1 TORi-Si-O1—TOREAL-5-01—7O26AL-36-01—ToR6LA- 34-01 “6 ora 4 Toases-22-21 7026-22-21 70R64S-20-21 —ToR6AS-22-21 7 stem soapren 1 es0so1-01—esasoro1——_asts01-oF sot ‘ “0 cove PIN zien aerate ateraete nrera-ne 9 proxine cate HONs-OF-01-11 TOUS-OF-O1-I MeOTE-ON-OT-tt—14ot-oF-0F-11 sto ekoc-ur nine crissy erin-o1——_erttan-o1 enseas-01 " fen PACKING 1 140232-10-01-03 140232-10-01-03 140232-10-01-03 140232-10-01-03 10 wise 8 1O9S5-17-10—aaSSI710taNSS-A7-10——_tas8S-17-10 1s ssa 8 erowet-se cents onat-38 sronat-38 ste caeaSE suvtING 1 29-25 29-25 smap-55 sm9-55 1 15 cite VALVE 971601197601 arncaT-04-99—ertsaT-ot-g tk ste caseer 1 1HOT70-02-01-06 160176-02-01-06 16O17O-02-01-06 140170-02-01-06 7 ster 1 9205-32 ees- 32 NONSO-O1-42-01 N4OISO-O1-42-0110,11,16 iste care a sear aisstr4o | zisssarsrmssrar BSI seeoatr 19. soov ausuine 2 sce escns-ce extern esuess-02 16,20 fee sealing 2 wee umes trv-as ris-25 ‘6 lez care cure Mensou auto 4ou6-01 1s 2 owe, 1 95705 terest 1987-08 hores:REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST FOR TYPE", & "FCM MANUAL GATE VALVES (CALVES MFG PREGR TO API GA ISTH ED ISIZE: 2-1/1 2,000 St W. TEMP RANGE: -20 To 250 DEG F mm TER COWPONENT GP REGULAR sr FL eT SER TIL SS SER SE rt 1 BEARING CAP 1 (20158-01 20158-01 2058-01 20158-01 20158-01 25 42° GREASE FITTING 2 5929-05 5929-05 5929-05, 5929-05 5929-05 #3 BEARING RACE 2161-01 20161-01 2or6t-o1 2061-01 20161-01 4 4 weARING 2 5951-16 5951-16 5951-16 5981-16 951-16 3 %5 '0r RING 1 TO264b-35-61— TORAL-3B-61—TORBLA-BB-61 7264-35-61 ——T0D6AA-33-61 %6 '0F RING 1 TO2665-21-81— 7OR6S-21-81 7OR6L5-21-81 702645-21-81 _702645-21-81 7 STEM ADAPTER —1——<630805-01 650503-01 680503-01 650503-01 650505-01 ‘ "8 poe PIN 1 atBIa-t8 21e12-18 aisi2-18 21e12-18 2iet2-18 9 PACKING GLAND 1 140160-01-01-11 140140-01-01-11 140160-01-01-11 140140-01-01-11 140140-01-01-11 10 BACK-UP RING wn NA wn wa wa tt paciine 4 140175-01-02-03 140178-01-02-05 160175-01-02-03 160175-01-02-03 140173-01-02-08, 12 murs cH) 8 12955-10-10 12955-10-10—12955-10-10—12955-10-10 1295-10-10 13 srwsce7) 8 «610816-01 10816-01 610816-01 610816-01 610816-01 fe16 GREASE FITTING 1 5529-25 5929-25 5929-25 5929-55 5929-55 15° CHECK VALVE wn wa zy wn wn 16 casker 1 160171-01-02-04 14O171-01-01-06 140171-01-01-04 140171-01-01-04 140171-01-01-06 17 ste 1 10155-01-01-01 140155-01-02-01 140155-01-02-01 140155-01-05-01 140155-01-02-01 11,16 18 GATE & staT 1 21353-02-0121355-02-02 1555-02-15 21355-02-13 —21353-02-36 6 ASSEMBLY Jeri9. Boor susiinc = 2 ——_—650691-01 630691-01 630691-01 .550691-01 650691-01 16,20 f#20 seal Ring = 2 rtp. 25 ari9-23 uuns-25 uri9-28 sari9-28 6 \# 21 care curve = 2 ssustt-01 es4gtt-01 eouatt-o1 69481101 esustt-01 6 22 wanowweeL 11952201 19522-01 1952-01 19522-01 19522-01 ore: {TEM NUMBERS LISTED MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED. RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS. SFC GATE VALVE ONLY.@ CAMERON Martin Tiedt m [PB Sun 93 $K-11525-02 Page 6 of 36 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST FOR TYPE "FE", & WECM MANUAL GATE VALVES ‘CALVES MFG PRIOR TO FPL 6A 15TH ED ) 1, ITEM MUMBERS LISTED MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED. 1 = RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS. 1 = FO GATE VALVE ONLY. [sizes 2-1/16 3,000 Psi w.P. TEMP RANGE: -20 TO 250 DEG TRIM ITEM COMPONENT GPA REGULAR ST Fait Ser SPER FOL SST SPER SEE ore 4 1 BEARING CAP 1 20158-01 2058-01 20158-01 20158-01 2018-01 25 22 GREASE FITTING 2 5929-05 5929-08 5929-05 5929-05 5929-05, *3 BEARING RACE 4 = 2061-01 20161-01 2016-01 20161-01 2or6t-o1 ‘ +6 Beans 2 set-t4 5931-16 5951-16 5551-16 s931-16 3 *5'0r RING 1 TOR644-FS-61—7OR6L-3F-61 —TORKL-BS-61—TORELE-3B-61——7OZ6K6-33-61, 6 '0F RING 1 7aR645-21-81 7OREKS-21-81—7OR6K5-21-81— 7026KS-21-81——702645-21-81 7 STEN ADAPTER 1———630303-01 5005-01 650505-01 650803-01 650308-01 6 8 DEL PIN 1 te12-18 21812-18 2812-18 2181218 21812-18 9 PACKING GLAND 1 160140-01-01-11 140140-01-01-11 140T4H-01-01-11. 140140-01-01-11140140-01-01-11 10° BACK-UP RING wa wa wa wa wa et1 Paccans 1 160175-01-02-05 140173-01-02-08 160175-01-02-03 140175-01-02-03 140173-01-02-03 12 WITS CH) 8 —12955-07-10 1295-07-10 12555-07-10 ——TapSS-07-10 ——_12955-07-10 1B sts 7) 8 t0atT-42 610817-12 e10817-12 e108t7-12 e10817-12 [16 GREASE FITTING <1 5929-25 3929-25 5929-25 5929-55 5929-55, 15. cick VALVE wa wn wa wa wn |s16 asker 1 160171-01-02-06 140171-01-01-06 16OT7I-01-01-06 140171-01-01-04 © 140171-01-01-06, a7 ste 1 140155-01-01-01 140155-01-02-01 140155-01-02-01 140155-01-05-01 140155-01-02-01 11,16 *18 GATE & SEAT 1 21353-0201 21355-02-02 2855-02-15 21585-02-13—_21353-00-36 6 ASSEMBLY les19 coy susHins 2 © 630691-01 630691-01 «53c691-01 630691-01 630691-01 16,20 ler2o sea enc = 2 aTt9-25, uaris-28 sari9-25 tari9-23 uarig-23 6 We at GATE Guive = 2811-01 esustt-01 e94et1-01 9481-01 e5ustt-o1 6 22 wavoWHEEL 1 t9987-01 19557-01 19937-01 19987-01 19987-01 hores:@ CAMERON Martin Tiedt ” PR Sun 93 $K-11525-02 Page 7 of 36 REPLACENENT PARTS LIST FOR TYPE "F" & FCH HAMUAL GATE VALVES VALVES MFG PRIOR TO APL 6A ISTH ED > # = FC GATE VALVE ONLY size: 2-1/16 5,000 st W.P. TEMP RANGE: -20 TO 250 DEG Tem TEN COMPONENT GPA REGULAR = FOL SS SER FULL SST SUPER SEE Nore 4 1 BEARING CAP 1 19106-01 19106-01 19106-01 19106-01 19106-01 28 "2 GREASE FITTING 2 5929-05, 5929-05 5929-05 5929-05 5929-05 *3° BEARING RACE = 1908-01 9108-01 9108-01 19108-01 19108-01 4 6 peaRING 2 5951-09 5931-09 5931-09 5931-09 5951-09 3 | #5 or pine 1 T02646-34-01 7O2644-B4-01 702644-B4-01 TOZ6L4-B4-01 ——702644-36-01 | s610r eine 1 702665-22-21 7O2645-22-21 7026452221 7O26L5-22-21 _702645-22-21 | 7 srensowren 1 ostsor-1 ‘630301-01 650301-01 630501-01 .630301-01 ‘ a aiet2-16 21812-16 2iet2-16 aieta-16 9 PACKING GLAND 1 140163-01-01-11 140143-01-01-11 140165-O1-01-11 T40145-O1-01-11 140143-01-01-11 10 BACK-UP RING Wa ra Wa Na a it pacine 1 14017S-01-02-05 140175-01-02-05 140173-01-02-08 160175-01-02-08140175-01-02-08, 12 ws cai 8 12955-12-10 1295-12-10 1955-12-10 2955-12-10 2955-12-10 13 srwsce7) 8 (at0ate-12 st08te-12 610818-12 e10818-12 610818-12 16 GREASE FITTING <1 5929-25, 5929-25 5929-25 5929-55 5929-55 15- CHECK VALVE NA Wa A Na wa 16 casker 1 MON71-01-02-04 160171-01-01-06 140171-01-01-06 140171-01-01-04 160171-01-01-04 17 stew 1 140150-01-04-01 140150-01-26-01 140150-01-26-01 140150-01-30-01 140150-01-26-01 11,16 18 GATE & SEAT 1 21353-02-01—21353-02-02 —21353-02-15 21355-02-15 21353-02-34 16 ASSENBLY \#*19 Booy susHING §— 2 © 30601-01 630691-01 650691-01 630691-01 0691-01 16,20 [#20 seat RING 2 arises sari9-23 eri9-23 saris-23 sari9-23 6 le 21 cave cure §=— 2 ut9-01 694811-01 escant-o1 sustt-o1 9u8t1-01 6 22 MaNOHEEL 1 t9987-01 19987-01 19987-01 19987-01 19987-01 1. ITEM NUMBERS LISTED MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED. % = RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS.[rein ede " sxse5-02 C CAMERON ian os “ pase 8 of 36 REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST FOR TYPE "F" & "FCH MAMUAL GATE VALVES ‘CALVES MFG PRIOR TO FPL 6A 15TH ED ) Istze: 2-1716 10,000 pst WP. Ten? RANGE: -20 70 250 0E6 F vam TER COWONERT pA RESTA FT Ta ST aR Ta SRE WA Noe 1 1 BEARING chet 1106-01 19106-01 ‘9106-01 1106-01 25 12 crease Firing 2 909-05 5929-05 5929-05 5929-05 +3) neanine Race 4 ‘9108-01 1108-01 st08-01 s9t08-01 ‘ 6 eantne 2 sest-09 sest-o7 951-09 5951-09 5 “5 rorame 1 TOR6LA- 34-01 TOR6UE-BK- 01 TORBL-S4-01——_7ORKKK-34-01 “ vorame 1 TaR8i5- 22-21 ToRss- 22-21 TORekS-2e-21 TORS -22-21 7 STEM ponereR 1 ésos01-01—ests0r-o1—_as030t-o1 650301-01 6 + pow pm arera-16 aiara-t6 2812-14 zer2-14 | 9 proxtne ata 1 NOUS-OF-O1-11 uONEOF-oTHNT 4ONES-O1-01-11140168-01-01-11 10 ROKR RING 1 e91ee9-01——eoea9-01 ascot e51089-01 " 11 pacxtns 1 oas2-t0-01-05 T4orse-10-01-05 140252-10-01-05 1402S2-10-01-03 10 2 wise 8 1955-1510 RNSSIS-1O 12055-1510 tess 15-10 1s stus@7y 8 r0e20-28——ce20-28 a 8z0-28 r0820-28 14 ovens Frrtine 1 sve9-25 29-25 909-55 909-55 1% 15 cox VALVE 1 sr76-01 oreo a6A7-01-99—erecar-O1-99 6 cascer 1 YeOt7O-02-01-0% 140170-02-01-04 140170-62-01-06 140170-02-01-06 17 stew 1 O1S0-01-26-01 14OISO-01-26-01 140150-01-30-01 140150-01-26-0110,11,16 be care sear 21853-02-05—RISHH-OR-OS aI ONSET ASSEnGLY #19 oor ausumns 2 650691-01—esaunt-o1——_s6nt-ot estept-01 16,20 reo semaine 2 uris-25 tare. sari9-25 erie-28 6 21 care ue 2 souatt-o1—emubtteor—aatatt-ot o51911-01 6 2 owe, 1 s9ss7-08 1957-05 1957-05 1957-05 hires: 1. TTEM MUNBERS LISTED WAY ALSO BE REQUIRED. 2. STEM PACKING LISTED IS VARIPAK UPGRADE. "= RECCOMENDED SPARE PARTS. = MFC" GATE VALVE ONLY.werein ede sx-1525-02 ‘ C CAMERON Pins “ vase 9 of 56 [REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST FOR TYPE "F" & FC MANUAL GATE VALVES (CVALVES MFG PRICR TO APL 6A ISTH ED > SIZE: 2-1/16 15,000 Pst W.P. TEMP RANGE: -20 To 250 DEG F 9 PACKING GLAND 1 MWON4S-O1-01-11 140143-01-01-11 140148-01-01-11 1. ITEW NUMBERS LISTED MAY ALSO BE REQUIRED. 2. STEN PACKING LISTED IS VARIPAK UPGRADE. RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS. "FOR "FCM GATE VALVE ONLY. Trim TEN COMPONENT GPR REGULAR wT FL SST SUPER POLL S87 SUPER SEE N/A nore 1 1 BEARING CAP 4 19106-01 19106-01 9106-01 ‘9106-01 28 2 GREASE FITTING 2 5929-05, 5929-05 5929-05, 5929-05 "3 BEARING RACE 19108-01 19108-01 19108-01 9108-01 4 6 peaRING 2 5951-09 5951-09 5951-09 5951-09 3 95 '0F RING 1 702664-34-01 TORBLG-B4-O1702644-54-01 T0D6LA-B4-01 *6 0" RING 1 Toaek5-22-21— 70R645-22-21 702645-22-21 —702645-22-21 7 stem soaPreR 1 630301-01 650501-01 630301-01 .650801-01 ‘ *8 poe. 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[sizes 2-9/16 2,000 si w.P. ‘TEWP RANGE: -20 TO 250 DEG F MH TEN CONPONENT GPA REGULAR oT Fa SST SPER FULL SST SPER SEE ore 4 1 BEARING cAP 1 20158-01 20158-01 20158-01 20158-01 20158-01 25 *2 GREASE FITTING 2 5929-05 5929-05, 5929-05 5929-05 5929-05 "3 BEARING RACE 42016101 2061-01 0161-01 2061-01 2061-01 4 6 eaRING 2 sestenm 951-16 5931-16 s95t-16 s951-16 3 *5 0" RING 1 TOz644-55-61 — 70R644-33-61 7026-35-61 702646-35-61 —70D644-33-61 *6 10" RING 1 To26e5-21-81 702665-21-81 702645-21-81 702645-21-81_700645-21-81 7 STEN AORPTER 1 ——630505-01 630308-01 630303-01 630308-01 630505-01 6 *8 poet PIN 1 2tBta-18 aisi2-18 2isie-t8 2ie12-18 2iet2-18, 9 PACKING GLAND 1 160T40-01-01-11 1401K0-01-01-11 140T4C-01-01-11 1401K0-01-01-11140140-01-01-11 10 BAOK-UP RING wa Wa Wn NR wR 11 prcxIne 1 M40175-01-02-05 160175-01-02-08 160173-01-02-05 140175-01-02-03 140173-01-02-03 12 MUTS (2H) B_—*2955-07-10 2955-07-10 12955-07-10 2955-07-10 1295-07-10 13 sts (67) 8 t0817-10 610817-10 610817-10 610817-10 610817-10 let4 GREASE FITTING <1 S929-25 5929-25 5529-25 5929-55 5929-55 15. cioK VALVE wm ry ay wa Na [16 asker 1 140171-02-02-04 160171-02-01-06 160171-02-01-04 140171-02-01-04 | 140171-02-01-04 17 ste 1 140155-02-01-01 140155-02-02-01 140155-02-02-01 140155-02-03-01 140155-02-02-01 11,16 18 GATE & SEAT 1 —21353-25-0321355-25-06 —21555-25-07 21353-25-16. —21385-25-52 6 ASSEMBLY j#*19 sooy susuiNG §— 2 © 6S0597-01 630597-01 630897-01 650597-01 630597-01 16,20 yer20 searing = 2719-33 ari9-33 16719-35 1679-33 sari9-33 6 21 GATE cuIDE = 2 255061-01 235041-01 255061-01 235061-01 235061-01 6 22 wavowee. 1 9522-01 19522-01 19522-01 19522-01 19522-01 ores: ECOHMENDED SPARE PARTS. 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RECOMENDED SPARE PARTS. wom CATE VALVE OLY
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