Organic Linseed (Tisi) Farming

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Indian Farming 68(01): 55–58; January 2018

Organic linseed (Tisi) farming:

a step towards doubling farmers’ income
S.K. Singh1, Manibhushan2 and Ajay Kumar3
ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna (Bihar) 800 014

Rainfed organic cultivation of Linseed crop Raw organic produce (Linseed) and SGS- National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP)
variety T397 in farmer’s field (Ranchi district, in FabIndia, Patliputra

A MONG the oilseed crops raised

during rabi, linseed is next in
importance to rapeseed-mustard in
FabIndia's three categories of food
Green logo: Products displaying our
to 47% of oil. On a very small scale,
the seed is directly used for edible
purposes. About 20% of the total oil
area as well as in production. In green logo are ‘Fully Certified’ produced is used at farmers’ level,
technical oil production, it ranks first Organic All process, from growing to and the rest 80% oil goes to
in the country. preparing to packing have been done industries in various forms, such as
Organic products in India is still a according to National and boiled oil, borated oil, eposidized oil,
small niche market hence; at present International Standards, verified by aluminated oil, urethane oil,
there is not a sufficient number of accredited agencies. isomerized oil etc. The oil is rich
producers to meet the growing Blue logo: Products displaying our (> 66%) in linolenic acid, and is a
demand in the cities. Coupled with Blue logo are ‘ in conversion’. This perfect drying oil. Hence it is utilized
inadequate transport infrastructure, means that the farmer is using purely in the manufacture of paints, oil
lack of storage facilities and high organic techniques, and has cloth, varnish, pad-ink, printed ink,
losses, this brings up the cost of registered and is complying with set linoleum etc.
organic produce. At the same time, standards, farmland must be The oil-cake is a good feed for
many organic farmers do not have managed organically for about 3 milch cattle and poultries and hence
access to organic markets and are years before it can be fully certified. priced 50% higher than rapeseed-
forced to sell their produce in Yellow logo: Products displaying mustard cake. It is good in taste and
conventional outlets, losing out on our Blue logo are ‘ Natural’. This contains 36% protein, 85% of which
the premium. category contain products produced is digestible. It is also used as organic
With recent development of super by small farmers who use purely manure. It contains about 5% N,
markets in several cities of India and organic technique, but who have 1.4% P2O5 and 1.8% K2O.
few showrooms of Organic India, decided to not yet register for Linseed is globally cultivated for
Ecofarms, FabIndia and Navdanya certification also includes some its fibres and is called flax. Fibres are
etc. the marketing of processed processed food, which do not contain used for the manufacture of linen.
organic produce got accelerated. synthetic preservatives, colours, The stem yields fibre of good quality
However, it is not sufficient for large flavours or additives. having high strength and durability.
chunk of raw organic produce of Every part of the linseed plant is The weather resistant fibre is lustrous
India. utilized commercially, either directly and blends well with wool, silk,
or after processing. Seed contains 33 cotton etc. Strong twines, canvas,

Indian Farming
January 2018
suitings, shirtings and various 08) to 3.03 lakh
indispensable products for defence ha during 2013-
purposes are manufactured from it. 14. However,
Woody matter and short fibres may the productivity
be used as raw pulp for making paper of linseed has
of quality comparable with that of increased from
currency notes. The rough and strong 413 kg/ha to
linseed fibre can effectively be used 462 kg/ha
for low-cost roofing tiles based on during the same
convertible polymers and for fibre- period. The
reinforced plastic (FRP). state wise area,
production and
Climatic requirements productivity of
Linseed is a cool season crop. The linseed during
temperature during the vegetative 2011-14 (3
development of the crop should be years) is given
moderate or cool. Temperature above in Table 1.
32 o C accompanied with drought Linseed can
during the flowering stage reduces be raised in
the seed yield, oil content in seed and almost all types District-wise promising technologies for rainfed linseed based production
also the quality of the oil. Moderate of soils, where system in India (2005).
temperatures (21o-26oC) are ideal. At sufficient
the flowering, frost is very harmful to moisture is available, but it also does Seed and sowing
the crop. better on heavier soils having greater Linseed seeds are scientifically
The crop is well suited to tracts of water-retention capacity. It is also sown as discussed here.
low rainfall and is generally raised tolerant to wide range of soil pH Seed rate, seed treatment, time of
where the average annual rainfall (5.0-7.0). However, it grows best on sowing and spacing: A seed rate of 25-
ranges from 45 to 75 cm. well drained loam to clay loam soils 30 kg/ha is usually followed and
rich in humus. In Madhya Pradesh sown by broadcast or by drilling in
Soils and its preparation and Maharashtra, linseed is largely rows at row spacing of 25 to 30 cm.
Linseed can be profitably raised in raised on black cotton soils having The seed requirement is more in
places where the other crops may fail. high clay and lime content. It is also bold-seeded varieties and in utera
Hence, it is often grown on marginal raised on light alluvial soils of Uttar cropping system. Treat the seeds with
and sub-marginal rainfed soils as pure Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Trichoderma @ 4 g/kg seed before
crop, mixed crop, intercrop and paira Bengal. sowing. This ensures a good stand by
or utera crop. Land should be ploughed 2-3 protecting seedlings against seed-
times followed by 2-3 harrowings to borne diseases. An inter-row spacing
National scenario bring a fine tilth. To conserve of 20-30 cm and intra-row spacing of
Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, moisture, it is advisable to create a 7-10 cm are ideal. The time of
Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, soil mulch with the help of a hoe sowing varies from early October to
Maharashtra, Nagaland, Odisha, after each good shower. Utera mid-November in different states.
Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal are cropped linseed needs no land Rainfed crop requires early sowing.
the major linseed growing states. preparation, as it is broadcast in Early sowing also helps the crop to
Area under linseed cultivation has standing rice crop. escape from powdery mildew, rust
declined from 4.68 lakh ha (2007- and pod fly menaces.

Table 1. Statewise area, production and yield of linseed during 2011-2014

States Area (lakh ha) Production (lakh tonnes) Yield (kg/ha)

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Asom 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.04 571 571 571
Bihar 0.23 0.24 0.2 0.2 0.21 0.17 870 875 850
Chhattisgarh 0.39 0.31 0.26 0.14 0.09 0.11 359 290 423
Jharkhand 0.24 0.25 0.26 0.13 0.16 0.15 542 640 577
Karnataka 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 222 286 333
Madhya Pradesh 1.2 1.1 1.02 0.57 0.53 0.53 475 518 520
Maharashtra 0.31 0.26 0.31 0.08 0.08 0.08 258 346 258
Odisha 0.25 0.25 0.23 0.12 0.11 0.11 480 480 478
Uttar Pradesh 0.31 0.3 0.26 0.14 0.12 0.12 452 452 462
West Bengal 0.04 0.04 0.1 0.02 0.02 0.02 500 500 200
All India 3.23 2.97 2.87 1.53 1.5 1.43 474 505 498

Indian Farming
January 2018
Depth of seeding: Depending upon (3 and 6 weeks of sowing) has been The intercropping systems suitable for
the soil moisture, the seed should be found most eco-friendly, efficient different states are listed below.
placed 2-3 cm below the soil. and economical. Cropping Row States
However, shallow sowing is always system ratio
advantageous, if there is adequate Cropping systems
Linseed + 2-3:1 West Bengal, Bihar,
moisture in the soil. Linseed is a component of various chickpea Jharkhand, Bundel-
Varieties: The linseed varieties sequential and intercropping systems. khand region of
recommended for different states are Higher monetary returns can be Uttar Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh,
given Table 2. realized, if linseed is grown as a pure
crop instead of a mixed or intercrop. Maharashtra,
Nutrient management It is usually grown in rotation with Karnataka
Linseed crop is generally grown rice, hybrid maize, sorghum, pearl Linseed + 2-3:1 West Bengal,
without manuring. However, under millet, soybean, groundnut, cowpea wheat Maharashtra,
rainfed situations best crop is raised etc. Karnataka, Uttar
with use of organic source i.e., Piara or utera cropping: This
Linseed + 3:1 Karnataka Bundel-
application of 2.5 tonnes of vermi- system has been in practice for sunflower khand region of
compost /ha at the final field efficient use of residual moisture in Linseed + Uttar Pradesh
preparation. But in irrigated rice fields, where tillage is a problem. potato
situations, total amount of vermi- About 25% of the linseed area (0.5
compost is divided in two equal parts million ha) is under utera cropping. Improved varieties should be
i.e., @ 1.25 tonne as basal and the The area under linseed is increasing raised for the purpose of more
remaining 1.25 tonne is applied with with the decline in khesari productivity and good quality oil.
the first irrigation 35 days after (Lathyurus) cultivation. In this Heavy textured soils with good
sowing. practice, linseed is broadcast in the water-retention capacity are ideal for
standing rice fields, when the rice this system. Manual weeding should
Water management crop is between flowering and dough be given once or twice.Crack system
Linseed is a crop of rainfed areas stages. Linseed is allowed to of sowing is a new method, which
(> 90%). However, it responds well complete its life-cycle under moisture can be followed in areas where
to irrigation. Branching, flowering stress, with inadequate nutrients and sufficient water is available. In this
and capsule formation stages are plant-protection measures, resulting method 5 cm deep cracks are allowed
critical for irrigation. Two irrigations in poor yields. To raise the yield to develop in the field, when the rice
are sufficient to obtain good yields. levels, the package of practices should crop is at the boot-leaf or panicle
First irrigation should be applied 30 be adopted (Table 3). formation stage and the field is
to 40 days after sowing and the
second just before flowering.
Table 2. Linseed varieties recommended for different states in India
However, 3 irrigations (35, 55 and
75 days after sowing) have proved States Varieties
effective. Madhya Pradesh Jawahar-1, Jawahar-17, Jawahar-18, Jawahar-552, Jawahar-7,
Jawahar linseed-9, Jawahar-23, T-397, Sheetal, Pusa-2, Padmini
(LMH-62), Kiran (RLC-6), Parvati (LMH-16-5)
Weed control
This crop is usually dwarf statured, Uttar Pradesh BAU-204-1, Garima (LHCK-39), Gaurav, Hira, Jawahar-23,
Jeevan (DLP-21), T-397, Swetha (LHCK-131), Subhara (LHCK-
and therefore suffers severe 21), Shekhar (LCK-9313), Mukta, Sheetal, RL-993, Padmini,
competition by weeds. Initial 3-6 Neelum, Meera (RL-933), Shikha (LCK-8528), Laxmi-27, Rashmi
weeks after sowing is critical period (LCK-9216), Parvati
of crop-weed competition. The Bihar and Jharkhand BAU-204-1, Gaurav, Jeevan, T-397, Swetha, Subhara, Sekhar,
uncontrolled weeds can reduce yields RL-993, Shikha, Rashmi, RL-914
by 25 to 40%. The losses are more in Odisha Jawahar-23, Sheetal, Pusa-2, Padmini, Kiran
rainfed and utera cropping systems West Bengal BAU-204-1, Gaurav, Jeevan, Swetha, Subhara, Sekhar, Neela,
primarily due to competition for RL-993, Meera, Shikha, Rashmi

moisture followed by nutrients. Asom Gaurav, Jeevan, T-397, Swetha, Subhara, Sekhar, RL-993,
Meera, Shikha, Rashmi
The important weeds of linseed
Maharashtra C-429, Jawahar-23, S-36, Jagadamba (RLC-4), NL-97, Sheetal,
include Anagallis arvensis, Vicia Pusa-2, Kiran
hirsuta, Fumaria parviflora, Melilotus Rajasthan Jawahar-23, Triveni, T-397, Surabhi, Sheetal, RL-993, Pusas-3,
spp., Chenopodium album, Phalaris Pusa-2, Padmini, Meera, Kiran, LC-54, Rashmi
minor etc. The crop is parasitized by Punjab Jeevan, Surabhi (KL-1), Pusa-3, LC-185, LC-54, Sheela (LCK-
Cuscuta sp. leading to heavy losses of 9211), K2
yield. Haryana Jeevan, Surabhi, Pusa-3, Pusa-2, LC-54, Sheela, K2
In line sown linseed crop, power Himachal Pradesh Janaki, Himalini, Jeevan, Surabhi, Pusa-3, Pusa-2, LC-185, LC-
weeder (covering 22 cm width of 54, Sheela, K2
land between rows) when used twice Karnataka Jawahar-23, Sheetal, Pusa-2, Kiran

Indian Farming
January 2018
Table 3. Economics of organically grown linseed per hectare place depending on the climate, soil,
Particulars Quantity Rate (`/unit) Amount (`) technology and variety. A well
managed crop may yield 1.5 to 2.0
Land preparation (Cris-cross ploughing) Twice 2,500 5000
tonne of seeds/ha.In linseed oil to
Seed 30 kg 70 2100
seeds crushed is 33% while cake to
Vermi-compost 2.5 t 6,000 15000
Sowing by seed drill - 8,000 8000
seeds crushed is 67%.
Trichoderma fungicide 150 g 200/100 g 300 SUMMARY
Irrigation 3 2,000 6000
Weeding by power weeder 2 times 2,000 4000 Linseed is nutritionally rich and
Labour for sowing, weeding, harvesting and 25 250 6250 have many health benefits for organic
threshing production. It can be grown in
Total cost of production 46650 marginal lands under different agro-
Linseed grain yield 490 kg 500 245000 climatic conditions of India with
Benefit : Cost ratio 5.25 assured harvest. It is short duration,
drought resistant, easy for cultivation
with limited external inputs, fewer
irrigated. After keeping the water leaves become dry, capsule turns pests and diseases and long storability
standing for 5-7 days, the normal brown and the seed becomes shiny. of grains without store pests damage
practice of utera is followed. This After harvesting, bundle the plants are unique qualities and hence can be
method has been found to give and leave them on threshing floor for a step forward for doubling the
50-100% more yields and has no 4 to 5 days for drying. Threshing is income of farmers in india.
adverse effect on rice yields. done by beating the plant with sticks
or trampling by bullocks. 1&3
Principal Scientist and 2Scientist, ICAR
Harvesting and threshing Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna-
The crop takes about 130 to 150 Yields 800 014 Corresponding author's e mail:
days to mature. At maturity, the The crop yield varies from place to [email protected]

Double pig farmers income through artificial insemination in Nagaland

To fulfill the deficiency and disseminating the improved germplasm of pig, ICAR Research Complex for North-
Eastern Hills Region, Nagaland Centre initiated the production of quality germplasm of Gunghroo and Hampshire
cross under Mega Seed Project on Pig in collaboration with NRC on Pig, Rani, Guwahati in 2009-2010 funded by
ICAR, New Delhi with the objectives of introducing quality pig germplasm with superior genetic merit and production
potential, facilitating two extra per farrowing, production of 1,000 quality piglets for covering about 200 farm families/
annum and capacity building in the centre to produce above number of quality piglets. Since inception of the project,
total 4,473 numbers of improved piglets were supplied to 1,048 beneficiaries from Nagaland, Asom, Meghalaya,
Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur.
In 2013-14, artificial insemination was standardized and introduce for the first time in Nagaland under the same
project. ICAR North-Eastern Hills Region, Nagaland is the only centre providing Artificial Insemination (AI) technology
to Nagaland and adjoining areas of Asom. In the farmers’ field, one natural mating cost a farmer ` 1,500 to 2,000/
- or one piglet in exchange in addition to the transportation cost of the female pig. ICAR Nagaland Centre is providing
two Artificial Insemination kits @ ` 150/- per pig. The major factor which makes the farmer to adopt Artificial
Insemination is cheap, ready availability and easy to do i.e. a farmer can do themselves. In our efforts to disseminate
Artificial Insemination in Nagaland to improve upon pig production status, 29 on farm training was conducted for
farmers, veterinary officers, NGOs, SHGs, KVKs, VFAs etc. As a result, several farmers became AI entrepreneur and
doing it in farmer’s field regularly.
Vitsongonou Nakhro, aged 45, a lady farmer and part-time business woman from Jotsoma village, Science College
colony, Kohima was rearing pigs in the traditional way. She attended a three days training at ICAR Jharnapani on
artificial insemination in pig and thereby she learned the scientific management of piggery including rearing of
improved breeds, feeding, proper heat detection, castration, artificial insemination and pig manure utilization. After
the training she started doing artificial insemination with liquid boar semen from ICARNEH, Nagaland Centre,
Medziphema in her own sows and thereafter for other farmers. Artificial insemination is now more popular than
natural service in Jotsoma and neighbouring villages. ICARNEH, Nagaland Centre has provided her with a breeding
unit of five Gunghroo and Hampshire cross piglets. She has sold 120 improved breed piglets of her own sows born
by artificial insemination and also expanded her breeding farm. Within the three years following the training, she has
carried out 282 artificial inseminations in Jotsoma and neighbouring village with farrowing rate of 86.35 % and
average litter size of 9.83 being farrowed. By doing single successful , artificial insemination, she is earning ` 1,000
to 1,500/- and farmers are ready to pay this amount in expectation of getting good quality piglets in large litter size.
With a total farrowing of 2,400 piglets, Vitsongonou Nakhro has succesfully established the advantages of doing,
artificial insemination in Jotsoma village and also proven that women can lead from the front even in unexplored
spaces such as piggery development in Nagaland which is still a long way behind other states. This is an
encouragement to both the scientific community as well as the farmers in general and another example in
empowerment of women.

Indian Farming
January 2018

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