Aleph-Bet The Letter Zayin
Aleph-Bet The Letter Zayin
Aleph-Bet The Letter Zayin
Aleph-Bet “Zayin” z
o Seven is the word “sheba“ ibs which means:
o “sheba“ comes from the root word “shaba“ ibs
which means:
o OATH, SWEAR - POS - Covenant
o TO CURSE – Neg – Non-Covenant
➢ Those inside the Covenant (oath) will be protected and saved
but those outside the Covenant, will receive the Judgement of
YHVH (to curse)
Aleph-Bet “Zayin” z
o “Zayin” z represents the letter “Z”
o The meaning of the letter Zayin is "sword" or "sharp
weapon", associated with the word "lezayen,"
meaning "to be armed“.
o The root meaning of “Zayin” is connected to
food. “Mazon" מזוןmeaning "food" and “hazana"
הזנהmeaning "nourishment", share the same root
as Zayin.
o The root word for bread “lechem” is “lachham,”
which means weapon.
Aleph-Bet “Zayin” z
o “Zayin” z consists of a “vav” v with a “crown”, also
known as a “crowned vav”.
o Last time we saw Y’shua as the “Anointed Vav”
representing the Branch. Here He is “crowned” as a King
with a “Sword.” Rev 19 depicts Y’shua with a Sword
preceding from His mouth.
Rev 19:15 Coming out of His mouth is a sharp sword
with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them
with an iron scepter." He treads the winepress of the fury
of the wrath of YHVH Tsevaot.
➢ The Sword is the Word and Judgement of YHVH in His mouth
when He will come as Judge.
Number 7 & “Zayin” z
Zayin - 7th letter of Aleph-Bet
7 – Number of Completion and
Spiritual Perfection
• All music that is created is based on 7 basic notes
• If light is passed through a prism then it splits into 7 colors
• There are 7 basic crystal systems in minerals.
• There are 7 levels in the periodic table.
Number 7 & “Zayin” z
Zayin - 7th letter of Aleph-Bet
7 – Number of Completion and
Spiritual Perfection
• Life operates in a cycle of 7.
• Every 7 years changes occur in our body.
• There are 7 bones in our face, neck and ankle.
• There are 7 holes in our head.
Number 7 & “Zayin” z
Zayin - 7th letter of Aleph-Bet
7 – Number of Completion and
Spiritual Perfection
• Creation was completed on the 7th Day, the day of rest
• Number seven is most sacred to the Hebrews.
• 7 represents a perfect world which is crowned by heaven.
• There are 7 major Festivals
Number 7 & “Zayin” z
Zayin - 7th letter of Aleph-Bet
7 – Number of Completion and
Spiritual Perfection
• YHVH’s Spirit consists of 7 attributes – Isa 11:2
• 7 = 3 + 4: Covenant (3) + Work of Messiah (4)
• The Work of Messiah will be Complete at the fulfilment
of the 7th Festival.
• The High Priest sprinkled blood on the mercy seat 7
times on Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
Number 7 & “Zayin” z
Zayin - 7th letter of Aleph-Bet
7 – Number of Completion and
Spiritual Perfection
• There are 7 churches, 7 stars, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 vials.
• Everything will be completed at the 7th Vial of the 7th
Trumpet and the 7th Seal.
• The world was perfect on the 7th day at Creation.
• The world will be perfect after the 7th bowl (sheba), after
Judgment (shaba)
Gematria of “Zayin” 7
Negative Meanings
➢ The measuring the House of YHVH is associated with “beenah”, and His
“measure” is based on His Commandments (Wisdom and Understanding).
Gematria “Zayin” ]yz
50 +10 + 7
YHVH “hanah”
➢When we receive the Anointing (yod), we can then BEHOLD YHVH!
Aleph-Bet “Zayin” ]yz
“Zayin” on the Menorah Pattern
] y z
• “Zayin” on RIGHT (Spiritual – Goal).
• “Zayin” is known as a “Crowned Vav” and consists
of “shin” s on top of the “Vav” v
v z
(As discussed previously in the Teaching on the Letter “Dalet” – “Three Doors”)
From “Vav” v to “Zayin” z
x t h
z ] v
Gen 8:13 And it came to pass in the six hundred and first year, in
the first month, the first day of the month, that the waters were
dried up from the earth; and Noah removed the covering of the ark
and looked, and indeed the surface of the ground was dry.
The Sword - “Charab” brx
o 600 years – 1st year (new year for this cycle)
o 1st Month (new year for that 1st year
o 1st Day of the 1st Month (Nissan 1 – start of Biblical New Year
Gen 8:14 And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of
the month, the earth was dried.
o 2nd Month of that 1st year
o 27th Day of the 2nd Month (In “Counting the Omer” period.
o Passover was on 14th day of 1st Month – this is just prior to
The Sword - “Charab” brx
Gen 8:14 And in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of
the month, the earth was dried.
o DAY 40 – The same Day of Y’shua’s Ascension to His Father
o Now the Earth was Dry and the Raven ”orabe” no longer fly to and for (Gen 8:7)
o RAVEN “orabe” brvi “owr” – SKIN + “bet” b HOUSE
o SKIN “owr” rvi is associated with nakedness and sin – FALLEN STATE
o LIGHT“Ore” rva - Associated with the GLORY that covered ADAM in the Garden
o Man was made perfect after “DAY 40” after Y’shua Ascended to the Father to
enable HIS SPIRIT “yod” and “Shin” to RESTORE His GLORY back to ADAM